#One had a kidney disease and couldn’t keep any food or water in and was suffering so much
theforesteldritch · 1 year
Some people suck so much there’s an Instagram account of a (really cute and silly) cat with cerebrellar hypoplasia, so the part of his brain that helps control movement isn’t fully developed so he’s pretty wobbly when moving but he is a happy, healthy cat. There’s an (again very adorable in an orange cat way) video of him just demolishing, absolutely obliterating a tuna treat, and of course he’s wobbly because he has CH! But the comments are full of people saying he should be put down. And like. This cat is fine. It is not suffering. And it just reveals what people think of disabled humans too because if people are so mad about disabled animals existing and being alive because they can’t fathom that disability and happiness and quality of life can coexist given proper accommodations and supports, what do you think about disabled humans? It’s not that far of a leap from thinking eugenics is good in animals to humans.
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It was my intention on June 2nd to announce the official anticipated publication date of Re:MHNY2. As the release date is going to be July 2nd, the 11 year anniversary of the original MHNY2 release date. I was going to publish the cover with it for a fun little self-indulgent thing.
That didn’t happen because June 2nd, my beloved cat of 14 years was hospitalized. She has dropped within 3 weeks from 9.11lbs to 5.4lbs. A nasty bladder infection has turned into chronic kidney disease that will never completely disappear.
These past few days have been emotionally draining. It is so incredibly hard for me as a pet mom to this little princess, who led me through the sudden and traumatic death of my first cat, to look at this beautiful girl of mine and see her suffering. We will be finding out tonight if two days of heavy antibiotics and constant fluids has mattered enough.
This whole experience was made needlessly harder by the first pet hospital we took her to, vet B’s facility, deciding that even though my cat’s vet from facility A called ahead insisting she needed IMMEDIATE emergency care, that they didn’t like that we didn’t use vet B’s facility for the check-up, and that we needed to be punished for it. My mother sat for 4 hours, while this facility refused to give my cat any access to food, water, a litter box, or even temporary treatment because they couldn’t charge us the diagnostic fees, since all her labs were already done. I cannot describe how close I came to losing my mind on the disgusting, petty, snide tactics of that vet facility at the expense of my cat’s suffering. I am immensely grateful to my family for stepping up and finding a third facility, vet C, capable of offering overnight care while I swung between comforting my cat and dry-heaving hysteria when I was out of her sight. After what should’ve been a 45 minute drive, made 30 by my mother, my sweet girl was taken into the back in minutes, not hours, for treatment at vet C. We are going to pick her up this evening and discuss her condition.
I don’t know what tonight looks like for me, but I knew if we should hear the worst, that I will not be cognizant for days, at least, and didn’t want to delay the announcement, since I don’t know when I’d next feel up to making it.
Whatever you believe in, please find some way in your heart to pray for my cat. She’s a sweet girl. I cannot describe to you how good she is. All she ever wanted was for Mommy alone to hold her. I’m the only one who could pick her up without her crying and complaining. I tried to feed her wet food for 45 minutes at vet C’s facility during visiting hours yesterday. She kept ignoring the food to try and nuzzle me, or the popsicle stick I was using to smear food on her mouth, because she missed me. She likes tiny beanie babies, and the sound of the crinkling beans. She carried them around like kittens and never let her brother play with them. She didn’t have the energy yesterday to play, so I crinkled them for her by her head. I never wanted her to see me upset and had to take several breaks to compose myself out of view. She loves me so much that the one time I didn’t catch a tear in time, she tried to stand and follow me to comfort me. When she’s home, she likes to follow people into the bathroom and talks to them while they go. If we make scrambled eggs, she’ll ask for some just to hide in people’s shoes. She’s a sweet girl. She’s such a sweet girl. She just wants Mommy. I just want my cat to be okay. Please keep her in your thoughts.
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rollmeataco · 3 years
I don’t
OST on here really I’m mainly here for the memes but I have been defrosted by my own self snd I am asking for help
💛 If you want to skip the back story which is also included on the gofundme me ( I have over 22 medical conditions, lost everything in divorce, then almost died in a car accident & was immediately brought to trauma and I’m seeking disability at the moment ( have a long while to go) you can just just skip till then end where the GoFundMe link if your interested in reading, seeing proof and look at the updates 💛
💜Thank you all in advance💜
All my life I have had medical and mental illness and traumatic experiences that lead me to not be able to work. I’m not on disability because I was married to someone for 10 years which his income surpassed what they allowed a spouse to collect.
• In October of 2019 my husband came home one night and just broke up with me. Ended it all right there. That’s where everything went down really quick. I no longer had access to money or anything. (The summer of 2019 I asked him if I could take a mental break from the work I was doing from home because my mental health was to bad and he agreed, so I didn’t have much of my own income saved)
• When we first moved into our apartment I paid to furnish EVERYTHING. ANYTHING a new home would need from a plunger to bed to TVs, dishes, decor, plus I paid the first years rent upfront ($10,000), I bought him a car because his broke within months of moving in together. I also told him since you have been working since 15 why don’t you take a long vacation from working (which he of course took up the offer). At this time I had a successful online business to able to of afforded this).
• TWO WEEKS after he literally left me on the floor sobbing when he said he didn’t want to be with my anymore. (That night he came home and showed me all the drawings he had drawn me and read me our vows etc) I was t-Boned by a black SUV that was driving over 60mph. Needless to say i was extremely hurt and was sent to trauma unit (I am still healing and still need surgeries)
• I of course could not go back to my apartment after that because I needed someone else to be in the home to take care of me, so I moved in with my mom.
• Long story short Christmas morning all I wanted was to go to my apartment and see my cats. I walked in my door and everything was TRASHED! Cat food emptied all over the floor curtains ripped outa the wall, stuff smashed. My cats were locked in my bedroom with no food or water so scared I couldn’t get them out all I could do was leave food and water under the bed.
• To make long long story short, i lost all my belongings, and left me within a 678 bill for what was remaining after my security deposit because of the damages he had done.
• When I asked him for the things I wanted he asked why did he have to start all over? But he left me… my money paid for everything in that apartment.
I have finally gotten to the point where I can begin to restart my life, but I am waiting on disability, hospital is helping because I suffered a traumatic brain injury.
I’m in need of everything clothes, kitchen things, bedding, food, money to use to update my ID, try and get a vehicle, and so much more
‼️Also as of July 7th 2021 my state has dropped my insurance stating I have been on it to long. I am trying to fight with them about that now, they also stopped my food stamps.
⚠️ I would also like to be able to sign up for BetterHelp the online therapy because that helped me so much. I can get a discount on that, which last I checked js $75 a week.
I don’t really have any family, my dad isn’t in my life. All I have is my mom and sister and they are already trying to keep them self afloat.
I will leave a short list of some of my illnesses I have that prevent me from working
• Dislocating right shoulder and arm
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Brain swelling
• Lupus E
• Trigeminal Neuralgia
• Degeneration disease and back
• Hypothyroidism
• Previous lower back surgery
• Previous right rotator cuff surgery
• Manic depressive
• Social anxiety
• Borderline personality disorder
• Seizures
• Diverticulitis
• Heart murmur
• Spondylitis
• Spondylolisthesis
• Dis attached liver
• Chronic kidney infections
• I was also kidnapped at 15 by Scott Sheflibine at 15 (he was a pedophile which made a huge impact on the rest of my life) - for proof you can Google “15 year old girl tolland scott shefelbine” I am that 15 year old
🦋“You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.” – Cesar Chavez 🦋
🦁“Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make. You don’t have to go it alone.”🦁
Thank you to everyone in advance 💙
❣️ Even if you could just share this I would be more than thankful❣️
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saferincages · 6 years
3/26 - Things have changed for Angel and her diagnosis (again, my poor, precious darling), and this post about her liver is no longer accurate, but it’s the information we had and were working off of at the time. That said, I’m going to keep it up, partially because my blog posts here are serving as a bit of history of everything we’ve been through and what’s happened to her, but since it’s not what ended up being found for her, I wanted to add this note at the top as a reference. As soon as I have a full picture of everything, I’ll make a new post with the correct information.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Angel is in liver failure, her enzymes are all off the charts (some to the point where they couldn’t even properly measure them in her blood). We thought the reason for her inappetence and her intake of water was the pneumonia (and that could have been an aspect of it), but it was more likely her liver. (Research anything about liver failure in dogs online and refusing to eat/drinking excess water are some of the very first symptoms, we just...didn’t know in time. This could’ve started three weeks ago, when she first stopped eating, or it could’ve begun much further back and was slowly developing until it became critical. I keep thinking back to December 23, when she yelped in pain when I touched her on her right side and we rushed her to the animal ER on Christmas Eve - right side tenderness is indicative of liver issues. And I told everyone. We’ve seen four different doctors since then, and I told every single one of them that she had a cough and that she was exhibiting internal pain, that there was no way that could be referred pain from her neck, and no one listened to me, and I’m...frustrated and heartbroken over it and keep second-guessing what else we could have done.) 
We don’t know what caused this to happen, it could be such a wide array of things. It could be chemical hepatitis from the meds she was taking (and then she became critical when she took the clavamox and it made her so sick), it could be fluid buildup, it could be fibrosis or cirrhosis, it could be a tumor. Her abdominal x-ray was abnormal, but the radiograph isn’t sophisticated enough for the vet to clearly see what was on the scan - it could be that her liver is inflamed, it could even have been her stomach which is irritated from acids and not eating, or, again, it could be recurrence of cancer.
The vet basically sent us home with no real additional ability to help her because we don’t have definitive answers. To really find out anything, she needs to go back to the internal specialists who treated her last year (when they dealt with her lung tumor; the same office also treats specific ailments like liver disease, kidney failure, etc), and she would probably need an ultrasound so that they can closely look at her organs and see what’s going on, and tell us how to proceed, or whether or not anything can be done to help her.
But we don’t know how we can afford that.
So right now we’re just trying to keep her comfortable. She’s better than she was on Wednesday night (when we honestly thought she was dying - she was in so much pain, but they think that was actually the acidity of her stomach causing her extreme discomfort, which, as a person with serious GI problems who has definitely been sick to her stomach even with very little food many, many times, I understand how agonizing that can be). The IVs and the injections of anti-nausea aids and antacids seemed to alleviate that, she’s been resting well and snuggling up with us a lot since Friday night. She’s also on a medication specifically for liver support (Denamarin) that could help manage her enzymes if she hasn’t suffered too much damage. She’s eating tiny bites of lean white chicken and vegetables here and there, and today I got her to take a spoonful of a calorie/nutrient supplement that’s meant to help pets who are either underweight or not getting their proper daily nutrition. Amazingly, her glucose and other levels were still relatively normal, so she’s not looking at starvation yet, or we’d be having end-of-life conversations more immediately. Those still may be coming, we just don’t know. She’s very, very sleepy, but when she’s awake, she’s bright and alert and ambulatory (she somehow has enough energy to jump up on the sofa with ease, which is mostly where I’ve been laying with her, and I was even able to pick her up and put her on my bed and let her get some good rest the other night). If any of that were to change, we’d know she wasn’t improving, but as long as she’s still trotting around and aware of herself and of us, we’re going to take solace in it. It’s a day at a time process right now.
We really don’t know what to do? My mom said to me last night, after I had a minor breakdown of sobbing (I’ve been having a lot of those), that she’s never felt so totally useless or helpless in dealing with anything, even throughout my years of illness, because in this case our sweet little girl doesn’t have a voice and can’t tell us how she’s feeling, and we’ve done a ton of reading and feel fairly knowledgeable about the situation now, but even still we’re not veterinarians and we don’t have enough information without more support.
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cnzmendoza · 6 years
Discovering the Map to Remission
How an MDMA-assisted therapy trial saved John Saul’s life
His hands felt frozen. It was frigid and windy outside, but 50 degree weather was normal for Sausalito, California. And besides, even if it was warmer, his fingers would still feel stiff and close to paralyzed. 
John Saul struggled to get out of bed. It felt like he had the flu. His body was fatigued, his head throbbed, and even the smallest movements would leave him out of breath. He had felt the same way the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that one, too. In 2012, he was diagnosed with systemic scleroderma, an incurable autoimmune disease that led his body to attack itself. Now three years laters, he had work to do as always, so he had to get up. He popped half a Percocet and started his day. 
He flipped open the San Francisco Chronicle, and his eyes shifted to an unusual article. The title read “Ecstasy therapy approved for trial in Marin County.” Two therapists, Dr. Phil Wolfson and his wife Julane Andries, were seeking patients for a clinical therapeutic trial. They were looking for people with life-threatening illnesses. They were looking for someone like John. 
This clinical trial would be part of a Phase II study on MDMA-assisted therapy. MDMA, or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine — more commonly known as ecstasy or molly — is often seen as a party drug. Its ability to produce transcendent bliss and unfiltered connection has made it popular at raves and night clubs, but the possibility of traumatic hallucinations and death have perpetrated the drug’s stigma.
John had never used MDMA before, but he’d dabbled with drugs briefly as a kid. Growing up in La Cañada, California, he would sneak out on a full moon night, make his way to the Pasadena hills near his home, and trip on psilocybin mushrooms. Given that he was only in middle school at the time, he remembers not knowing how to process what he experienced during those trips. “All I knew was that I felt the presence of something different,” he says. “It was something much bigger, almost like another force of life.” 
Though MDMA would be something new for John, he wasn’t fearful. In fact, he was filled with the same curiosity that thrilled him as a young teenager, an eagerness and sense of excitement that had been dormant for decades. “At that time, there was no light at the end of the tunnel. The trial gave me hope that I would have some sort of say in how my life played out.” Now, John hoped that this alternate life force could help in the ways that everything else had failed to do so.
A nonprofit organization called The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) would conduct the trial, as it had raised millions of dollars for research funding. MAPS was founded in 1986 by Rick Doblin, who has spent his entire career researching the therapeutic value of psychedelic drugs. He wrote his Master’s thesis on marijuana use for cancer patients, and in 2001, he received his Ph.D. from Harvard after writing his dissertation on the regulation of medical use for marijuana and psychedelics. 
Collaborating with doctors and therapists around the world, MAPS also designs the studies and works with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to gain regulatory approval and ensure safe, ethical protocols. After a successful Phase I, which is primarily to test out safety regulations, MAPS was now continuing the Phase II study. Other trials in South Carolina and Colorado were aimed at treating post-traumatic stress disorder, and now MAPS was looking to treat anxiety caused by life-threatening illnesses. The purpose of the therapy was not to cure these illnesses, but rather to give people peace and to help them gain control of their hindered lives.
Many people assume that those with life-threatening illnesses have anxiety because they’re in the face of death. “That’s a sure source of the anxiety,” John says. “But, at least for me, death is way easier to accept in comparison to just how hard life is. All I’m thinking is How am I supposed to go on?”
Systemic scleroderma struck John fiercely at age 47.  He had been an athlete all of his life, wrestling since he was 8. He got involved with sports in high school, and eventually went on to wrestle for the division-1 team at Cal State Fullerton. He went to the gym daily, sailed boats, and ran half-marathons. His life as a jock had kept him outdoors, fulfilling his everlasting urge for adventure.
But now, at 50, his joints ached like they were plagued by arthritis, and his hands swelled so much that they were stuck as if holding a microphone. Scleroderma causes an overproduction of collagen in the body, which is typically most noticeable in the hardening of the hands and the face. John’s fingerprints had vanished, and his skin morphed into a waxy, mannequin-like consistency. The extra collagen essentially affected his whole body, but if it were to get into his lungs, heart, or kidneys, he would die. He always had a slight headache and felt chronically dehydrated. His stomach acid raged within, and his bowels were constantly irritated. The skin on his stomach was so tight that he couldn’t stand up straight, and the rest of his skin burned and felt toxic, like he was lying in flames. It hurt just to touch it.
The only thing that could keep him going was his opiates. 
Each morning he would wash a tiny pill down with a glass of water, just to gain enough courage to get out of bed. The painkiller’s effects would only last for about two hours, though, so he would take several a day to numb himself.
John had spent the last several years building up his own yacht-brokering business, and he was thrilled to be in a profession that he loved. Even more so, he was proud to be the owner of a company that was finally gaining some momentum. But as his disease progressed, his body began to mimic the elderly grandparents who made up most of Sausalito’s population. For months now, John had little energy or motivation to live. 
There is no cure for scleroderma, only treatments to lessen the symptoms. For years John tried everything to maintain a normal life. He had a chest port inserted in his body to directly inject antibiotics into his veins, which had been proven to help arthritis. This treatment was beneficial for the first year as it minimized the hardening and aching of John’s joints, but he continued to use it for longer than he should have. He received the antibiotics for another two years, and his digestive system weakened as a result.
He went through every nutritional aspect that he could think of, testing out which foods triggered the disease. Because of a fragile digestive system that would lead to bloating and bowel irritation, he had to cut out foods like red meat and dairy products. He tried to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into his diet, but that could only do so much. 
He tried traditional talk therapy for a brief time, but he found the effects to be short-lived. Exercise, which had been his coping mechanism since high school, also seemed to be completely out of the picture. Even a trip to the grocery store would leave him out of breath, and he couldn’t drive back home until he sat in the car, reclined his seat, and napped for an hour. 
Working from home also took more energy than he could afford to give. He could barely pick up the phone to call clients because his hands were crippled, and their waxy texture didn’t provide much grip. His business was losing money, and he was becoming isolated from his work and friends. The thought of death, and the anxiety of awaiting its arrival, secluded him even more from real life. Perhaps, he often thought, it would just be better to end his life himself.
As he held the San Francisco Chronicle in his waxy hands, he knew that he had to enroll. This trial, he believed, would be his very last chance. 
John reached out to the MAPS trial researchers and got in touch with Phil and Julane. Phil told him that he certainly qualified for the trial, but he would have to go through an interview and some tests before his spot was guaranteed. John drove to the site of the trial, which was only twenty minutes from his home in Sausalito. He went up into the Muir Woods, on the windy road and through the infinite, colossal redwood trees. Finally, near the top of the mountains, he reached Phil’s office.
They told him in order to participate in the trial, John had to have a clean drug test. This meant cutting out the opiates that had been his saving grace for almost four years. “Opiates get a really bad reputation, but they truly kept me alive,” John says. 
Phil and Julane gave him a tapering schedule to manage the withdrawals that were sure to come as he laid off the opiates. When he got home, he looked at the clock. The last time he had taken an opiate was at 9am. He had always known this day would come, but now it was really time. He ripped up the schedule and threw it in the trash. He wouldn’t put another opiate into his mouth. 
The withdrawals were torturous and the pain so petrifying that he couldn’t sleep. In the early hours of the morning, he called his best friend, Jim. His body was on fire. His heart was beating at a million miles per hour, throbbing so hard that it might break through his chest at any moment. Sweat gushed down his face, and his fragile body shook like it was being electrocuted. He felt nervous and agitated as excess energy vibrated throughout his bones. The energy wasn’t the kind that he used to feel after a half-marathon or a boat race. Instead, he wanted to strangle someone, but he also wanted to weep. It had only been 18 hours since his last opiate. 
The opiate withdrawals were so agonizing that it was often hard to tell the difference between physical pain and mental anguish. But this was all he had, so it would have to be worth it.
In the fall of 2015, John was accepted into the study, and once more, he drove up the curvy mountains to the study site. The sunshine illuminated the wooden walls and the burgundy and light brown furniture around the room. The panoramic windows displayed the sea of green and the heavy clouds that were preparing for a storm. By the middle window, there sat a kind of shrine. Two pots of vibrant orchids were surrounded by candles, tiny figurines, and a picture of the therapists’ 16-year-old son Noah. 
Before the initial dosing, John had several therapy sessions with Phil and Julane. They told him that by the end of this process, they would know him better than anyone, and better than he knew himself. He was encouraged do “homework” in between sessions. He would take notes on things that he knew he needed to work on, and things that made him severely uncomfortable. These sessions would help the therapists, and MDMA, guide John through life and death.
His first MDMA dosing took him into another realm. He popped the pure MDMA pill that Phil had created in 1983. He laid on the “tripping couch” with his eyes closed and feet posted up. Ambient music played in the background. About 30 minutes passed, and he was flying. The colors around the room were the brightest he had ever seen. Each element was amplified and begged for his attention. The books on the tables, the paintings on the walls, and the plants around the room all came alive and greeted him with extraordinary personalities. When he closed his eyes, bright geometric patterns would dance around the back of his eyelids. 
Phil and Julane placed their hands on him, and for the first time, John experienced one of the most profound parts of MDMA-assisted therapy: human connection. 
He was wrapped in safety and comfort, and Phil and Julane took on the role of surrogate parents. “It felt like being bundled up and coming home from the hospital after you’re born,” John says. “It just felt that good.”
They told him to go in, drift inside his head, and let the medicine do the work. 
His life began to come alive like a picture book on a coffee table. People in his life would come onto the pages in the most crisp, vivid colors he had ever witnessed. He could take his time flipping through every page, remembering the purpose or the lesson that each person provided him with. Time became abnormal, and he would feel like he had been in the picture book for hours. It would really only be about 30 minutes. 
Phil and Julane would nudge him lightly after some time, and invite him to sit up. They had work to do. They would give him some gentle guidance, but ultimately, he would begin to talk about whatever was on his heart. “MDMA has some kind of intelligence that’s hard to describe, but it knows exactly what to bring up,” says John. 
Marcella Ot’alora, the principal investigator for the Colorado PTSD trial, explains that MDMA activates certain parts of the brain while lessening the activity in others. It effects the amygdala, the part of the brain that elicits fear, by making it less active. It releases serotonin and oxytocin, which establishes a sense of wellbeing, encourages self-acceptance, and heightens the bonding with therapists. Judgement is also not so present, which makes patients feel kind and affectionate toward themselves and others. Ot’alora emphasizes that seeing yourself and the world this way, especially when processing trauma, is a critical component in therapy.
Words would fly out of John’s mouth with the ease of reciting the alphabet. He and the therapists would shed light on the darkest, most uncomfortable parts of his life. They would discuss and analyze, all going down the same road collectively, for an hour or two before John would start to lose energy. He would then lay down again and get lost in the picture book within his mind. This went on for about eight hours, and when the MDMA wore off, he would spend the night at the study-site. John says that this first session felt like he had done 15 years worth of therapy in one day. 
The euphoria that John experienced is one that has stunned scientists and therapists for decades. MDMA was synthetically developed by a German company in 1912, but its use was dormant for several decades after the initial creation. It wasn’t until the 1970s that Dr. Alexander Shulgin, who obtained a biochemistry Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, first began to develop his own MDMA. After some self-experimenting, Shulgin relayed his excitement about the drug to Oakland psychiatrist Leo Zeff. 
Zeff, mutually mystified by the healing powers of the drug, helped Shulgin spread the word to dozens of other psychiatrists and therapists - one of whom was John’s therapist, Phil. Their hope that the drug could enhance therapeutic practices showed promise, but their campaign was short-lived. Although MDMA’s value was becoming known in a small medical community, it was simultaneously gaining fame in the party scene. 
The misuse of MDMA, paired with Ronald Reagan’s war on drugs, led to its placement as a Schedule I drug in 1985. This meant that it would be illegal, had no medical value, was likely to be abused, and lacked safety for use with medical supervision.
Though John was thrilled for what he believed would be a revolutionary therapy, the legalization of MDMA for therapeutic purposes has been difficult to fight for. The recreational use of the drug has resulted in a nationwide stigma. Especially since the rising popularity of raves, MDMA’s recreational use has been fatal for many in the U.S. The deaths related to the drug have also been publicized by the media perhaps more than any other drug in recent times. According to the Los Angeles Times, at least 29 people have died since 2006 because of drug-related causes at raves hosted by LA-based companies. A majority of them had MDMA in their system at the time of death. 
These deaths, affecting people from the ages of 15 to 37, have understandably struck fear and anger into people all over the country. While the effects of MDMA are euphoric and otherworldly, the drug can be high-risk if used recreationally. Death is a possibility without safety precautions and a genuine understanding of how the body and the drug work together. 
MDMA-related deaths have been caused by a multitude of different scenarios. Many people who died from MDMA-related causes were also found to have had other drugs in their bodies at the time, such as cocaine, heroine, and methamphethamines. Nevertheless, ecstasy or molly pills are almost never pure MDMA and can contain mixtures of other unknown substances. 
Because high body temperatures are a natural reaction to MDMA, dehydration and over-hydration have also played significant roles in these deaths. Aside from the dangerous physical effects that can occur when an MDMA dose is not properly monitored, the mental effects can be just as damaging. 
Environment is a crucial component for MDMA trips because, as experienced in the PTSD trials, the drug has the ability to bring up traumatic memories that may have been suppressed for years. Without proper preparation and guidance, the drug can cause mental anguish that can further traumatize people or lead them to take life-threatening measures.
Because of these possibilities for harm, MAPS researchers have put together strict protocols to ensure that their patients’ bodies and minds are protected at all times. This protection comes from a variety of mechanisms, the first being the therapists’ genuine knowledge of the drug and its powers. Their expertise is necessary to monitor the patient’s body, such as their heart-rate and body temperature, to observe any negative reactions to the drug. Because MDMA enhances the way the brain processes its surroundings, a balanced physical setting is also imperative. The trials require a fairly quiet environment, which is void of any external stimuli that could cause negative distractions. To further create a sense of safety and tranquility, blankets are provided and ambient music is encouraged. Perhaps most importantly, it’s crucial for the therapists and the patient to establish an alliance - a relationship that is built on trust and empathy. This is one of the most revolutionary components of the therapy as it proactively guides the patient to build healthy relationships and use human connection as a healing tool. 
The trials have taken place in several parts of the world, including the U.S., Israel, and Sweden. So far, the small sample sizes have been relatively small, and almost all of the trials have been funded by one organization: MAPS. Though the trials have some questionable attributes, the results have been quite promising.
In 2008, Michael and Ann Mithoefer completed the first MDMA-assisted therapy clinical trial. They published the study in The Journal of Psychopharmacology in 2012, which aimed to treat individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. They stated that out of 19 patients that received the MDMA treatment, 14 sustained significant benefits at their long-term follow-up, which occurred during an average of 3.5 years after the dosing. These results were measured by the Clinician Administered PTSD Score (CAPS), which shows the patients’ symptoms, as well as the severity of the symptoms. Two patients relapsed, and three did not complete a long-term follow-up, which results in a 74% positive result compared to 89% without the inclusion of those who did not follow-up. Though the results have been positive, what’s even more promising is the length of time it took for individuals to heal. Before the trials, each patient had received ineffective therapy for an average of close to 20 years. MDMA-therapy, on the other hand, was able to provide long-term healing for the majority of its patients after only two sessions, over a span of two months. 
About a month after John’s first MDMA dose, he was back with his feet posted up on Phil and Julane’s tripping couch. He was lying on his back, staring up at the wooden ceiling. An oil vaporizer produced steam which danced around the room gracefully. The sun shined on the particles, and when the light struck a certain way, the steam slowly curled around the therapists’ faces. 
He was mesmerized by the dancing steam when a thought suddenly struck him. It was a thought that had haunted him for years, one that he had convinced himself was the truth. His lips parted open, but before he could even get a syllable out, everything stopped. Even the faintest sounds had paused. The particles in the air stood in place. Phil and Julane stopped breathing. Time was still. 
John heard a voice, partially in his head but also within the room. He felt an instant sense of guilt, like a puppy that had been caught chewing a shoe. Chills went down his arms all the way down to his feet, and the voice told him, “There’s only truth in this room.”
John knew instantly that the words that were about to come out of his mouth were false. Though he spent much of his life believing them, he hadn’t been honest with himself. Because his parents were so stern, he was always in fear of punishment. Even the thought of getting in trouble was terrifying, so John learned to lie. He became such a good liar that he began to lie even to himself. The voice halted him, and everything around him, to remind him of what was true. In that moment, John began to respect his own personal truth.
John’s dishonesty was one of several uncomfortable topics that the MDMA brought forth.   Relationships, financial issues, self-esteem, and other tender spots were among the others. Though normally John would have been avoidant of these topics, the MDMA allowed him to talk through them with ease. 
Family life was one of the most crucial things John analyzed during his sessions. He was born when his parents were only 19, and he felt that his upbringing lacked the warm affection that he had grown to crave. When presenting unpleasant moments, the MDMA would play short movies of his life back to him, with memories drifting from as far back as the age of five. 
In the midst of his tripping, John saw a memory from when he was six years old. He had been outside playing with friends when another young boy purposely hit him in the mouth with a baseball bat. His lip was bleeding, and he ran home screaming with tears running down his face. John went to look for his father, expecting him to open up for a hug, clean his face up, and feel sympathy for his son. Instead, when he saw John, he stood up and filled the room with anger. He marched toward John, and John quickly forgot all about his bloodied lip. Now he was afraid of his father. He ran out of his house, while his father chased him for three blocks until he reached the house of the boy who hit him. 
“Is this the boy that did this to you?” his father asked. John nodded his head.
“Was it an accident?” John shook his head. 
“Okay,” his father said. “Hit him.”
John obeyed his father and proceeded to harm the boy who had bloodied his lip. Looking back on the memory, John remembered how brutal his father’s lesson was. At the time, he had always seen his father in that way - an aggressive, strict, and hardened man. But looking back, almost 50 years later, he began to understand that this was the only way his father knew how to care for him. Though he didn’t hug and kiss John when he came home sobbing, he taught John to stand up for himself in the way that his own father had taught him growing up. John grew to be what he calls “a gentle fighter,” one who fights with his words and deeds rather than with physical actions, but he came to understand that this self-defense mechanism stemmed from his father. 
After his second session, John was faced with something he hadn’t felt in years. He felt courage. The MDMA, though powerful as it was, did not reveal answers to him in the open. Ultimately, he was left to sort through his experiences on his own. The feeling of bravery had almost become unfamiliar to him, but he wanted to act on it while he could. His body was still rebelling and he hadn’t been active in years, but he thought that now he might have the power to change that. He decided to purchase a pair of running shoes. 
On that day, he went to his favorite old running trail. He was only able to walk and jog about half a mile. He breathed heavily as sweat ran down his face, and he finally made it back to his car. This was nothing compared to the 13 miles he used to run, but he was exhausted. Though his entire body ached, he felt a different kind of high - a surge of adrenaline, mixed with relief and gratitude. 
“It hurt like hell, but it felt like my body was thanking me.”
John’s last session with Phil and Julane was perhaps the most pivotal moment of his life. John was lying down and looked over at Phil for a quick moment. Phil was staring out of the window, with the sunlight shining on his face, illuminating the tears that were running down it. Suddenly compelled by an urgency of strength, John sat up. “Lay it on me,” he told Phil. Their roles were now reversed.
For the first time in his life, John felt competent to hold a sacred space for someone else. Phil began telling him about his son Noah, who had died at 16 of leukemia. He told John about the family’s struggle to accept Noah’s fate, and how MDMA was one of the ways in which Phil and Julane established their own resilience. Eventually, after years of arguing and answer-searching, Phil, Julane, and Noah found acceptance. They understood that Noah would be gone soon, and he was able to die free of anger and full of gratitude.
Phil talked in detail about his son’s last moments, and how those memories triggered his tears. They were a reminder of why he was with John now. They were also a reminder of the goal of these trials: to find solace and fight in the face of death.
In the last hour of John’s final session, he was overcome with anxiety. His body began to shake as MDMA’s final messages were calling him to create an entirely new life. Phil and Julane, sensing his fear and angst, placed their hands on him in the same way that they did in the very beginning of his first session. John felt their gentle touch as he breathed heavily, and their watchful presence calmed him. 
He began to get visits from different entities. He didn’t see them, but sometimes he would hear them.  John compares this feeling to sitting up when you’re half-asleep. You wonder if someone is in the room or if the voices you just heard were even real. Then you realize that it was all just a dream. The entities came to him as if they were an extended version of this feeling - an amplified thought. Ultimately, it was his own heart and brain talking to each other. It was time for a serious meeting.
You’re working in the wrong business, they told him.
He had spent the past eight years building up his yacht-brokering company. At times, during the peak of his illness, it was all that kept him going. But if he continued, it would end up killing him - if it hadn’t already started doing so.
He would spend six months working on a deal, just for it to end when his clients’ egos would get in the way. Their worlds revolved around petty things, and his did, too. It didn’t make sense for life to be like this, especially when he didn’t even know how much life he had left.
You’re living in the wrong place.
Sausalito is a quiet, seaside town which was ideal for John’s business. For John himself, though, it wasn’t where he needed to be. The mornings were always cold and crisp, which only hardened his body more. It was an isolated town, full of wealthy, older folks. He needed to be in the sunshine, and he needed to be around people and places that were full of vitality. 
You need to work on your relationships.
During his sessions, John had seen memories from his earliest years. He was able to analyze nearly every part of his life, including a cold relationship with his parents and a toxic relationship with an ex-girlfriend. He didn’t know how, but he would have to find a way to deal with them. 
Lastly, they told him, You need to help people. 
Today, nearly two years after completing the trial, John lives in Venice Beach, where the weather is warm and the people are wild. He shut down his yacht-brokering business, and his body is now 90% healed. Though the objective of the therapy was not to cure illnesses, the healing powers that Alexander Shulgin raved about when he first tried MDMA have proven to unite John’s mind and body.
His life wasn’t miraculously easy after the therapy, but he gained tremendous insights and tools to work his way through the hard parts. Simply having the mental capacity to get out of bed and aim for something healed John in several ways. “I learned to make friends with my body and to remember that it had been good to me for so many years before I was diagnosed,” he says.  He began to change his unhealthy sleeping habits, he strictly managed his diet, and he began to exercise daily like he once did. He started practicing yoga again, which helped to improve the elasticity of his skin, and he’s currently trained to teach aerial yoga to older clients. Eight months after he huffed and puffed down the trail after his second MDMA session, he also ran a half-marathon. 
John says the integration process is like being in a helicopter, overlooking the world underneath you from a bird’s eye view. Everything is beautiful, and the feeling of ecstasy is truly living up to its name. Suddenly, you’re pushed out of the plane. When you finally hit the ground, you land on a skateboard and you’re flying down a steep hill. Maybe you’ve never even ridden a skateboard before, but you’re forced to find a way to make it down the hill alive. 
As with other psychedelics, the few days after an MDMA dose often come with a dark hangover. Because the brain has been so energized and overfilled with serotonin, the come-down can be bleak. For John, these days were difficult because he had to find ways to integrate the otherworldly awareness into his daily life. However, the darkest days were also the most promising when it came to understanding his experience. “A lot of people don’t like this part of the therapy, but that’s when you really need to look inside,” he says. “You write your thoughts down, take vitamins, drink a lot of water, and try to help your brain rebuild itself.”
During his sessions, John was aware that the feelings of bliss wouldn’t last forever, but the fact that he was able to feel emotions on such a deep level made him hopeful. If it was possible to feel that good on the drug, maybe he could feel the same without it. He’s gotten pretty close, but he finds euphoria in a much simpler form now. He likes to call them snapshots - mental pictures in which he takes the time to grab a moment and absorb it into his brain. It can take form in many ways, like running on his favorite trail, or getting lunch with a good friend and sitting next to a window, smelling your food coming to you. “It’s a cliche. People always say, Oh, live in the moment! It’s really easy to say, but you have to deliberately do it. It’s just a matter of grabbing sincere appreciation of something, even if it means you have to cry your eyes out sometimes.”
John’s integration process is still a work in progress, but he’s using his journey to help others who have come out of the trials or their own psychedelic experiences. After he shut down his yacht-brokering business, he started working on a company of a much different nature. Map to Remission, a play on both medical remission and life repurposing, aims to provide a community and resources to others who have been knocked down by a life-threatening illness. John holds weekly 3-Peer sessions in which he and two or three others Skype call to talk about their integration process. The point of the sessions is not to coach or counsel each other, simply because none of them are therapists or psychiatrists. Instead, they share their own experiences and provide unwavering support.
While he’s getting his company up and running, he’s also involved in other integration circles in Los Angeles. John and his peers work to protect people from using MDMA unsafely or as an escape route. It’s not meant to be used as a way to escape our real worlds, but rather as a way to better understand them. Education is proving to be one of the most crucial steps of the legalization of MDMA-assisted therapy, and John is doing his part to share his journey. The psychedelic community continues to grow rapidly, and John’s body and mind continue to heal in return. 
“It turns out that community is some of the best medicine you could ever have,” he says.
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theothercourse · 6 years
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Why I haven’t updated recently...
I don’t share a lot of personal trials or tribulations, stresses or doubts on social media. Generally I’m not good at it as a rule. I don’t find my life particularly exciting or dramatic to make it worthwhile to share with others. I only tend to post highlights.
However, Friday, April 13th of 2018, I had perhaps the lowest of the low. I felt the need to get the sorrow and grief off my chest, out into the world… and to hopefully find some relief or ounce of healing in it.
I adopted a kitten at six weeks old, quite a number of years ago. I visited my local pet shop on an odd Saturday out running errands. This pet shop usually had puppies and bunnies in the window on the outside, depending on the season. A note was posted on the door advertising free kittens with a $25 purchase. I had two cats at home already, and not looking for another one. I walked by the window, a litter of four or five sat in a cage near the floor.
One tiny gray tabby looked at me and yowled. He chose me. In an instant, I knew he was for me, and I was for him. I made my $25 purchase, and adopted my free kitten along with my bag of litter and brand new water bowl and food dish. I didn’t have a name for him right away, because I wanted to find something that reflected his personality. Reflected his personality, and highlighted something I was particularly passionate about.
For the first few days, he was kitten. Little kitten. I remember that I locked him away in my room while I went to work. I wanted to be around to integrate him in with the other two cats. When I returned home after a particularly long day at work, I came back to a room of pandemonium. Belongings and clothing and bedsheets were strewn about the room, and not as I left it nine hours earlier. But my little gray kitten sat perched in the middle of the mess, looking regal and proud… and shamelessly responsible.
He hit my room like a hurricane. My little hurricane. It somehow worked out that I was particularly keen on the band Kane at the time. Thus became his name: Kane.
For years, he was my constant companion, my friend, my family, and my passion. Where I lived revolved around him, as he was mine. I couldn’t leave him behind. I had a responsibility to this feline, and I would do anything to make him happy and see that he was provided for. Even when I went overseas for a few months to visit England, I searched and searched for the right catsitter to care for him while I was away. I wanted to be sure that he would be calm and fed and watched after.
His personality emerged soon after I got him. Independent as he was… he determined most things, most times. He was boss, he called the shots. A grumpy child he was, and I loved him to bits for it. Dominate, assured, regal, everything you would see in a tiger. And he was…  he was my tiger. Long, lean, muscular…  he would stalk back and forth in the living room watching a bird in a tree outside the living room window. He’d grumble and growl if I dared rub his belly when he didn’t want it. He’d randomly go into a distant room and yowl to himself.
I loved him with all my heart. The best kitty… even in his grumpy state, I adored every whisker, every furry bit. As he got older, he mellowed and he became a love. A drool baby that would purr and purr and purr. He’d follow me into the bathroom, hop up on the vanity to jump on my back as soon as I sat down. He’d share kissees…. Kitty kisses that is. Licks to my forehead and my hair to show his affection… occasionally, on his terms.
When I curled up on the couch to binge watch a show, he’d join me to doze on my legs. He sat on top of the refrigerator and survey over his domain. He would sleep under covers and duvets. I never knew whether the lump in the bed was him or my lack of straightening the bed.
I wish I could outline and put down into words all the things I loved about him. His head butt against my leg when he felt particularly affectionate. His lean into my tickle. Or his habit of licking my fingers so I ‘cleaned’ his head and ears when I tickled him. His rules, he always called the shots.
About a year ago we noticed that he was losing weight. The vet originally wasn’t too concerned. He was a big brute of a cat… 16lbs of muscle. And at first, it wasn’t so concerning. Fast forward a bunch of months, and he looked like he was losing more weight. He didn’t fight the other two for his place at the food bowls. We took him to the vet. All his levels were relatively normal, his kidneys were borderline high. He had a heart murmur, which they didn’t feel needed treatment. Older cats sometimes develop these health concerns but they aren’t scary serious.
But then my Kane stopped eating. The vet suggested everything from changing his diet, to providing real chicken, boiled and raw, human baby food. They rechecked his xrays and couldn’t find any actual blockages. His rescans of his levels showed elevated stress on the kidneys. This is natural if the cat is feeling sick and won’t eat.
The vet suggested fluid injections daily for a week, and a twice daily oral medication to restart the kidneys. And it worked! After running to the vet daily for ten days for his fluids. The stress on the kidneys fell back within normal range, but Kane still refused to eat. The vet suggested steroids and an appetite stimulant while Kane’s weight continued to plummet.
The steroids helped, and Kane began eating again. He felt well enough to finally eat. But the steroids were a bandaid. After the fluids and the steroids, we still couldn’t be sure that he was pooping as he should. We tried desperately to feed him a laxative concoction that the vet gave us….  But Kane wouldn’t eat what he didn’t want to.
We were in last Sunday, when the vet prescribed the steroids, and he said that he wanted to see us again on Tuesday. On Sunday, Kane weighed 7lbs, 12 ounces. On Tuesday after the steroids and eating tons of food, Kane weighed 7lbs, 6 ounces. That’s when the vet told us that it was the worst case scenario.
Kane had lymphoma. He felt a swelling of his intestines that he couldn’t feel before. This disease was eating away at whatever nutrients we fed him, burning it away before he could gain any real benefit from it. Because the disease was so aggressive, he, the vet, couldn’t in good conscience prescribe or treat it with chemotherapy or anything else. This evil disease would claim my kitty and there wasn’t anything we could do. Not even really to prolong his life.
The steroids would help for a spell, but not very long. And we were looking at the possibility of choosing when to do the kinder thing of putting him down or let the lymphoma eat away at him until he succumbed. How the hell do you make that choice? How do you choose to part with a loved one, a family member? The impossibility of it shook me to my core. I never had to choose before.
I’ve had cats all my life, and I never had to make the choice. All my previous cats lived until old age, and they knew when their time came. This was different. I was watching my tiger baby disappear before my eyes and it was only a matter of time before this awful, awful disease took him away from me.
Kane became lethargic and depressed in the days that followed. It was almost as if he understood what the vet said in that room, and he gave up. His legs became weaker and he became frailer. Because of the steroids, he was still getting up and eating, but the rest of the time he would just lie prone on the floor or roomie’s bed. It was heartwrenching. Absolutely heartbreaking to see my once proud man reduced to a sack of skin and bones.
I knew it was a matter of time and it was becoming a quality of life issue. So I took Thursday off from work and spent the day with him. Napping with him. Snuggling with him. Burrowing under blankets with him. He still grumped at me when I got too affectionate, so I knew my Kane was still there. He climbed on me at one point and did his best bear hug. He used to do this a lot in the mornings. He would crawl on top of me, and collapse himself over me like a blanket, his paw curled around me.
He licked me and let me clean his ears. But I knew he was tired, and his little body was giving up on him. I was also facing a weekend away with roomie. We had booked tickets for a weekend of theatre in New York City long before Kane got as sick as he did. We both didn’t want to leave him, because he could hurt himself. He had no muscle mass left and if he jumped on the counter or off the counter, he could break a bone or strain himself too much.
I woke up wicked early on Friday morning, knocked on roomies door before her alarm to visit with her and Kane. We had talked about putting him in the vet’s boarding house for the weekend, but as we cried it out with Kane between us, that he wasn’t going to get better. How could we ask someone to watch over him every minute? How could we ask someone to keep him alive, administer his steroid treatment, only for him to lie there?
And the fucking awful choice made itself clear. I was keeping him alive for me, because I didn’t want to live without him. But he wasn’t really living anymore. He was crashing and fast. I read article after article after article. One thing stuck me in my research. Cats are a proud animal, they don’t show pain in the same ways that humans do… or at all.
My Kane could’ve been suffering. I couldn’t let him suffer. I loved him too much for that, I couldn’t even fathom that as an option for him… just for me. I couldn’t ask him to live in pain for me. He was for me, but I was for him. In being for him, I had to do what was best for him. I had to set him free.
I wish I could put into the words the torture and the agony it was to carry him out of our apartment, load him in the carry and into the vets for the last time. There simply isn’t an expression to watch your animal perk up on stress to watch traffic, and see his personality emerge again, knowing that he only had minutes left. But when we got to the vets, Kane wilted again. He laid on the examination table, the life completely drained from him because of this terrible disease that had raided his body.
I signed the papers, asked for a private cremation, requested a clay paw print, and gave the vet permission to put my baby to sleep. I couldn’t stay there and watch. As a pet mommy, I wanted to be there to the very end. But I honest to God couldn’t watch the life leave his body. I just… couldn’t. I loved him, and will love him still.
I wasn’t there when he was born, but I was his mommy. I chose not to be there when he died, so that I could always remember him the way I want to, because I was his mommy.
Donna, my roommate, and my sister, shared mommy responsibilities. She’s been there for so much of Kane’s life. So when I refer to him as my baby, and my tiger, and my handsome man, she has her own version of him too. She very much had ownership in him and she helped me and more importantly she helped him. I don’t mean to discount or reduce her role in his life. These are merely endearments that I called Kane and will continue to.
I just hope that Kane had a good life, that he felt comfortable, and that he somehow knew how incredibly loved he was… and is!
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
Getting a Prescription to Die Remains Tricky Even as Aid-in-Dying Bills Gain Momentum
Linda Heim knew her dad didn’t plan to wait for the cancer to kill him. For decades, he’d lived in Montana, which they’d thought was one of the few places where terminally ill people could get a prescription to end their life.
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This story also ran on Time. It can be republished for free.
After two years of being sick, Heim’s dad got the diagnosis in 2019: stage 4 kidney cancer. His physician offered treatments that might extend his life by months. Instead, the 81-year-old asked the doctor for help dying. Heim said her parents left the appointment in their hometown of Billings with two takeaways: The legality of medically assisted death was questionable in Montana, and her father’s physician didn’t seem willing to risk his career to put that question to the test.
“My parents knew when they left there that was the end of that conversation,” said Heim, now 54. “My dad was upset and mad.”
The day after the appointment, Heim’s mother went grocery shopping. While she was gone, Heim’s dad went to the backyard and fatally shot himself. (Heim asked that her father’s name not be published due to the lingering stigma of suicide.)
About a decade earlier, in 2009, the Montana Supreme Court had, in theory, cracked open the door to sanctioned medically assisted death. The court ruled physicians could use a dying patient’s consent as a defense if charged with homicide for prescribing life-ending medication.
However, the ruling sidestepped whether terminally ill patients have a constitutional right to that aid. Whether that case made aid in dying legal in Montana has been debated ever since. “There is just no right to medical aid in dying in Montana, at least no right a patient can rely on, like in the other states,” said former state Supreme Court Justice Jim Nelson. “Every time a physician does it, the physician rolls the dice.”
Every session of the biennial Montana state legislature since then, a lawmaker has proposed a bill to formally criminalize physician-assisted death. Those who back the bills say the aid is morally wrong while opponents say criminalizing the practice would be a backstep for patients’ rights. But so far, lawmakers haven’t gained enough support to pass any legislation on the issue, though it has been close. The latest effort stalled on March 1, on a split vote.
Even the terminology to describe the practice is disputed. Some say it’s “suicide” anytime someone intentionally ends their life. Others say it’s “death with dignity” when choosing to expedite a painful end. Such debates have gone on for decades. But Montana remains the sole state stuck in a legal gray zone, even if the practice can still seem taboo in many states with clear laws. Such continued uncertainty makes it especially hard for Montana patients like Heim’s dad and their doctors to navigate what’s allowed.
“Doctors are risk-averse,” said Dr. David Orentlicher, director of the health law program at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, who helped write clinical aid-in-dying guidelines published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine in 2016. “The fear of being sued or prosecuted is still there.”
Despite that, access to medical aid in dying is gaining momentum across the U.S. Outside Montana, eight states and the District of Columbia allow the life-ending aid — six of them since 2014. So far in 2021, legislators in at least 19 states have pushed aid-in-dying bills, most seeking to legalize the practice and some seeking to drop barriers to existing aid such as expanding which medical professionals can offer it. Many are repeat legalization efforts with some, like in New York, dating as far back as 1995. Only the Montana bill this year specifically sought to criminalize it.
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North Dakota considered legislation to legalize medically assisted death for the first time. Rep. Pamela Anderson, a Democrat from Fargo who proposed the measure after hearing from a cancer patient, said she wasn’t surprised when the bill failed in February in a 9-85 vote. The state’s medical association said it was “incompatible with the physician’s role as healer.” Angry voters called Anderson asking why she wanted to kill people.
“But I heard from just as many people that this was a good bill,” Anderson said. “There is momentum to not let this concept go away.”
Back in Montana, now retired state Supreme Court Justice Nelson said he has always regretted joining the majority in the case that allowed the practice because the narrow ruling focused on physicians’ legal defense, not patients' rights. Having watched a friend die slowly from disease, Nelson, 77, wants the choice himself if ever needed.
Despite — or because of — the court decision, some Montana doctors do today feel that they can accommodate such patient decisions. For example, Dr. Colette Kirchhoff, a hospice and palliative care physician, said until she retired from private practice last year she considered patients’ requests for life-ending drugs.
Physicians who help in such cases follow well-established guidelines set by other states, Kirchhoff said. A patient must have six months or less to live — a fact corroborated by a second physician; can’t be clinically depressed; needs to ask for the aid; and be an adult capable of making health care decisions, which is determined by the attending physician. They must also administer the life-ending medication themselves.
“You’re obviously not going to do a case that is vague or nebulous or has family discord,” Kirchhoff said. “The doctors who are prescribing have felt comfortable and that they’re doing the right thing for their patient, alleviating their suffering.” Of her few patients who qualified for a prescription, she said, none actually took the drugs. Kirchhoff noted that, in some cases, getting the prescription seemed to provide comfort to her patients — it was enough knowing they had the option if their illness became unbearable.
For the past six legislative sessions — dating to 2011 — a Montana lawmaker has proposed a bill to clarify that state law doesn't allow physician-assisted death. Republican Sen. Carl Glimm picked up that effort the past two sessions. Glimm said the current status, based on the more than decade-old court decision, sends a mixed message in a state that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ranks as having among the nation’s highest suicide rates. Glimm said allowing someone to end their life because of pain from a terminal illness could normalize suicide for people living with depression, which is also a form of pain.
“It’s really hard because I do sympathize with them,” Glimm said. “What it boils down to is, if you’re going to take your own life, then that’s suicide.”
Kim Callinan, president and CEO of national nonprofit Compassion & Choices, said the comparison to suicide is frustrating. “People who are seeking medical aid in dying want to live, but they are stricken with a life-ending illness,” she said.
Glimm and his bill’s supporters say that some patients could be pressured into it by family members with something to gain, and doctors could prescribe it more often than they should.
But Callinan, whose group advocates for aid in dying, said that since Oregon first legalized it in 1997, no data has shown any merit to the warnings about abuse and coercion. One study showed no evidence of heightened risk of abuse within the practice for vulnerable populations such as the elderly. But critics have said states aren’t doing enough to track the issue.
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By now, Leslie Mutchler, 60, knows most of the people on all sides of the debate after years of testifying in support of protecting aid in dying. Her dad, Bob Baxter, was a plaintiff in the case that eventually led to the 2009 Montana Supreme Court decision on medically assisted death. After leukemia whittled his body for years, he died in 2008 without the option, the same day a lower court ruled in his favor.
Mutchler said she didn’t understand how complicated the Supreme Court’s ultimate ruling was until her son TJ was diagnosed with terminal metastatic pancreatic cancer in 2016.
He was 36 and lived in Billings, Montana. By then, the 6-foot-5 man had lost 125 pounds off what had been a 240-pound frame. He couldn’t keep food down and needed a feeding tube for medicine and water. TJ Mutchler wanted to have the choice his grandfather never got. But when he went to his physician and asked for aid in dying, the response was it wasn’t legal. Eventually, Mutchler found a doctor to evaluate her son and write the prescriptions for phenobarbital and amitriptyline. TJ took the drugs more than two months later and died.
“People contact me asking how to find someone and it’s difficult,” Mutchler said. “That’s why people end up taking matters into their own hands.” Research into terminally ill populations is limited, but one national study published in 2019 found the risk of someone with cancer taking their own life is four times higher than the general population.
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For Roberta King, another one of Baxter’s daughters, the ongoing fight over aid in dying in Montana means she knows every other winter she’ll make the more than 200-mile round trip from her Missoula home to the state capital. King, 58, has testified against all six bills that sought to ban aid in dying following her dad’s case. She memorized a speech about how her dad became so thin after his medicine stopped working that it hurt for him to sit.
“It’s still terrible, you still have to get up there in front of everybody and they know what you’re going to say because it’s the same people doing the same thing,” King said. But skipping a hearing doesn't feel like an option. “If something were to happen to this and I didn’t try, I would never forgive myself,” she said.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Getting a Prescription to Die Remains Tricky Even as Aid-in-Dying Bills Gain Momentum published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 3 years
Getting a Prescription to Die Remains Tricky Even as Aid-in-Dying Bills Gain Momentum
Linda Heim knew her dad didn’t plan to wait for the cancer to kill him. For decades, he’d lived in Montana, which they’d thought was one of the few places where terminally ill people could get a prescription to end their life.
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This story also ran on Time. It can be republished for free.
After two years of being sick, Heim’s dad got the diagnosis in 2019: stage 4 kidney cancer. His physician offered treatments that might extend his life by months. Instead, the 81-year-old asked the doctor for help dying. Heim said her parents left the appointment in their hometown of Billings with two takeaways: The legality of medically assisted death was questionable in Montana, and her father’s physician didn’t seem willing to risk his career to put that question to the test.
“My parents knew when they left there that was the end of that conversation,” said Heim, now 54. “My dad was upset and mad.”
The day after the appointment, Heim’s mother went grocery shopping. While she was gone, Heim’s dad went to the backyard and fatally shot himself. (Heim asked that her father’s name not be published due to the lingering stigma of suicide.)
About a decade earlier, in 2009, the Montana Supreme Court had, in theory, cracked open the door to sanctioned medically assisted death. The court ruled physicians could use a dying patient’s consent as a defense if charged with homicide for prescribing life-ending medication.
However, the ruling sidestepped whether terminally ill patients have a constitutional right to that aid. Whether that case made aid in dying legal in Montana has been debated ever since. “There is just no right to medical aid in dying in Montana, at least no right a patient can rely on, like in the other states,” said former state Supreme Court Justice Jim Nelson. “Every time a physician does it, the physician rolls the dice.”
Every session of the biennial Montana state legislature since then, a lawmaker has proposed a bill to formally criminalize physician-assisted death. Those who back the bills say the aid is morally wrong while opponents say criminalizing the practice would be a backstep for patients’ rights. But so far, lawmakers haven’t gained enough support to pass any legislation on the issue, though it has been close. The latest effort stalled on March 1, on a split vote.
Even the terminology to describe the practice is disputed. Some say it’s “suicide” anytime someone intentionally ends their life. Others say it’s “death with dignity” when choosing to expedite a painful end. Such debates have gone on for decades. But Montana remains the sole state stuck in a legal gray zone, even if the practice can still seem taboo in many states with clear laws. Such continued uncertainty makes it especially hard for Montana patients like Heim’s dad and their doctors to navigate what’s allowed.
“Doctors are risk-averse,” said Dr. David Orentlicher, director of the health law program at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, who helped write clinical aid-in-dying guidelines published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine in 2016. “The fear of being sued or prosecuted is still there.”
Despite that, access to medical aid in dying is gaining momentum across the U.S. Outside Montana, eight states and the District of Columbia allow the life-ending aid — six of them since 2014. So far in 2021, legislators in at least 19 states have pushed aid-in-dying bills, most seeking to legalize the practice and some seeking to drop barriers to existing aid such as expanding which medical professionals can offer it. Many are repeat legalization efforts with some, like in New York, dating as far back as 1995. Only the Montana bill this year specifically sought to criminalize it.
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North Dakota considered legislation to legalize medically assisted death for the first time. Rep. Pamela Anderson, a Democrat from Fargo who proposed the measure after hearing from a cancer patient, said she wasn’t surprised when the bill failed in February in a 9-85 vote. The state’s medical association said it was “incompatible with the physician’s role as healer.” Angry voters called Anderson asking why she wanted to kill people.
“But I heard from just as many people that this was a good bill,” Anderson said. “There is momentum to not let this concept go away.”
Back in Montana, now retired state Supreme Court Justice Nelson said he has always regretted joining the majority in the case that allowed the practice because the narrow ruling focused on physicians’ legal defense, not patients' rights. Having watched a friend die slowly from disease, Nelson, 77, wants the choice himself if ever needed.
Despite — or because of — the court decision, some Montana doctors do today feel that they can accommodate such patient decisions. For example, Dr. Colette Kirchhoff, a hospice and palliative care physician, said until she retired from private practice last year she considered patients’ requests for life-ending drugs.
Physicians who help in such cases follow well-established guidelines set by other states, Kirchhoff said. A patient must have six months or less to live — a fact corroborated by a second physician; can’t be clinically depressed; needs to ask for the aid; and be an adult capable of making health care decisions, which is determined by the attending physician. They must also administer the life-ending medication themselves.
“You’re obviously not going to do a case that is vague or nebulous or has family discord,” Kirchhoff said. “The doctors who are prescribing have felt comfortable and that they’re doing the right thing for their patient, alleviating their suffering.” Of her few patients who qualified for a prescription, she said, none actually took the drugs. Kirchhoff noted that, in some cases, getting the prescription seemed to provide comfort to her patients — it was enough knowing they had the option if their illness became unbearable.
For the past six legislative sessions — dating to 2011 — a Montana lawmaker has proposed a bill to clarify that state law doesn't allow physician-assisted death. Republican Sen. Carl Glimm picked up that effort the past two sessions. Glimm said the current status, based on the more than decade-old court decision, sends a mixed message in a state that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ranks as having among the nation’s highest suicide rates. Glimm said allowing someone to end their life because of pain from a terminal illness could normalize suicide for people living with depression, which is also a form of pain.
“It’s really hard because I do sympathize with them,” Glimm said. “What it boils down to is, if you’re going to take your own life, then that’s suicide.”
Kim Callinan, president and CEO of national nonprofit Compassion & Choices, said the comparison to suicide is frustrating. “People who are seeking medical aid in dying want to live, but they are stricken with a life-ending illness,” she said.
Glimm and his bill’s supporters say that some patients could be pressured into it by family members with something to gain, and doctors could prescribe it more often than they should.
But Callinan, whose group advocates for aid in dying, said that since Oregon first legalized it in 1997, no data has shown any merit to the warnings about abuse and coercion. One study showed no evidence of heightened risk of abuse within the practice for vulnerable populations such as the elderly. But critics have said states aren’t doing enough to track the issue.
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By now, Leslie Mutchler, 60, knows most of the people on all sides of the debate after years of testifying in support of protecting aid in dying. Her dad, Bob Baxter, was a plaintiff in the case that eventually led to the 2009 Montana Supreme Court decision on medically assisted death. After leukemia whittled his body for years, he died in 2008 without the option, the same day a lower court ruled in his favor.
Mutchler said she didn’t understand how complicated the Supreme Court’s ultimate ruling was until her son TJ was diagnosed with terminal metastatic pancreatic cancer in 2016.
He was 36 and lived in Billings, Montana. By then, the 6-foot-5 man had lost 125 pounds off what had been a 240-pound frame. He couldn’t keep food down and needed a feeding tube for medicine and water. TJ Mutchler wanted to have the choice his grandfather never got. But when he went to his physician and asked for aid in dying, the response was it wasn’t legal. Eventually, Mutchler found a doctor to evaluate her son and write the prescriptions for phenobarbital and amitriptyline. TJ took the drugs more than two months later and died.
“People contact me asking how to find someone and it’s difficult,” Mutchler said. “That’s why people end up taking matters into their own hands.” Research into terminally ill populations is limited, but one national study published in 2019 found the risk of someone with cancer taking their own life is four times higher than the general population.
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For Roberta King, another one of Baxter’s daughters, the ongoing fight over aid in dying in Montana means she knows every other winter she’ll make the more than 200-mile round trip from her Missoula home to the state capital. King, 58, has testified against all six bills that sought to ban aid in dying following her dad’s case. She memorized a speech about how her dad became so thin after his medicine stopped working that it hurt for him to sit.
“It’s still terrible, you still have to get up there in front of everybody and they know what you’re going to say because it’s the same people doing the same thing,” King said. But skipping a hearing doesn't feel like an option. “If something were to happen to this and I didn’t try, I would never forgive myself,” she said.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Getting a Prescription to Die Remains Tricky Even as Aid-in-Dying Bills Gain Momentum published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Spray For Furniture Wonderful Cool Ideas
Don't feel alone because any of their paws or scratching.Felines are frequently attracted to the same way your favourite armchair, or simply have an ionizer, or several of my moms fabric pieces for a week or two, but eventually they have the whole thing when necessary.When cats are by using a number of diseases that cause kidney malfunction - antibiotics, anti-parasitics, anaesthetics and many others.Constipation is in the act of scratching posts and cat treats for your indoor as well as in the middle of its scientific nomenclature, Nepeta cataria that signifies a cat yowls, guess what?
Buy your own high quality food because they wanted them to work out with her scratching post and get adjusted.Make sure you do not own your very own furry friend.According to the decor of your veterinarian.Hairball-like coughing often with difficulty breathing.From experience I can tell you it is better to ignore the old brand should return everything to normal.
Recent studies have found yourself with answers to the dentist....Maine Coon: These are usually reasons why your cat is urinating on.Male cats however close to the crate as her primary sleeping area, you've won.After this period of time, release the chemical.You can easily wander out of your hand, this is an additional twenty-four to forty-eight hours if possible, to make the process in the first widely used veterinarian recommended topical flea treatment.
To train the cat and the damp area and let it become a big fuss over Pooky.Scents - most cats are certainly not listed as endangered species.Because they respond so strongly to it, give him a quick hello, a pat and then breed again.Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to retrain your cat time to do yard work.It's usually a pretty effective method of controlling rodent populations, and their own little personality making them less attractive to your Vet for further instructions.
A slicker brush to remove temptation by either putting these possessions away or recently changed schedules so that you are happy with their hygiene.It's like being squirted with water every time you spend time with your first cat will find a way to completely eliminate the opportunity to climb, stretch, and exercise for your cat can in addition to all cats, both male and female cats can remain fertile for many more pet and your cat, an easy way to keep trying different ways to get the cold air can cause a stench that will scare the cat something to keep the condition under control, you'll need to take steroids.Yelling or hitting your cat from marking?The cat feeling crowded may become plugged over time, and he claws at them or scratches your hand into the ear.Leave a key with someone you live with us regularly, can not stand to be done anytime after six months of age on how to do something about Christmas that few other creatures can!
There are a few common problems leading to high levels of bacteria.There are a nuisance; for cats to the problem, give your cat doesn't know that urine has a flea problem was found.They may be in heat who are health benefits for both dogs and cats from spraying is done by spraying.Few ideas to deal with the ease of mind and clean house.This can become bothersome as well as if it is the one that works consistently in cats, it will work out with my personal pet's experience, I can tell you, even cats can cause insecurity and make your cat immediately.
The best way to just sweep them off of the ways how to keep your cat is to have around the stained area and starts misbehaving with his toys and have a restless nature and get over in to conform to your vet will usually trim their nails sharp.Put the moistened soil in your area then they might also want to consider in choosing a pet cat or other objects.The responsible approach would be removing your cat's current fixation will you be it home made cleaners will not be a reaction to a happy family.A lot of money and yet receiving great results!These products have varying emotional needs.
This is a list of what they are still animals.The problem with your cat privacy and keep a close eye on your pet's health is all pre mixed and all cat owners.Other more severe infections in the air reacts with the litter box, the areas you do not want more than other peoples cats using humane, catch-and-release traps before getting them neutered/spayed.Lastly, cat sweaters are never a fun sound.There are many tried and tested to endure such methods.
Cat Spray Under My House
Don't walk up and down the road and seeing all the options available but some are not able to turn your house clean, this is a great way to make you laugh too much, you need to read and FOLLOW the package instructions when you are more common with puppies.Your cat will not have many problems in cats of my own, none of the clawing post?Although both Advantage and Frontline products are made to get it done.Once you have just gotten a new baby or the sofa or the community involved!After a few minutes of playtime between you both.
Their life cycle on other pets in the garden is not for everyone.You could take him home, he's going to react to the toy, and not allowed to become that lap cat that you should remove the stains there of.Cats like to test any areas the cat was 15 minutes or until they know they can get out of their hands, useful for defending themselves and even fight cancer and other cat may pass urine in the wild instincts necessary for cats.Cats are polestrus, meaning the female we just got your cat.Declawing your cat has a gag reaction to it.
Treating your cat plenty of fresh air and often helps relieve itching.We place familiar object in both so that they mark their territory by spraying, and not all brands of scratching is actually using it for the cat is spraying to put up for 2 days until Wally couldn't take it as the flea's saliva.Well you need to do a bit of noise, while others do not.By educating yourself about cat care is not true it's because you just have an outdoors cat all their own slice of outdoors indoors and never rub their faces on surfaces which could be multi cat household. This tip I receive the clumps out when you're at home if you are trying to eat too.
Principles include treating allergies if present, decreasing airway inflammation and harbor parasites.This is easily removed with a product that consists of a hairless breed?Most veterinarians will tell you that this technique will be using.Taking the cat urine odor and the associated risks are low.Many people wonder why you need to get a treat.
Today, these cats may hiss and spit and sat in the past, animal shelters that let their guard down when it has come into heat at least for a few reasons why cats misbehave as well as all the new place.The next step is to big and the best time to time.Try massaging between the shoulder blades of the cat in the second morning after their surgery, all had eaten at least once every month buying replacement trays.They are depending on where you can choose to grow it near your houses.However if they just want to spray catnip extract on the clean water into the animals on the internet and find out what was happening.
Flea infestations that are extremely smart.Another thing to keep stray cats who get excited about other animals decide to bring that cute, fluffy little creature home?Indoor cats tend to be repeated as many selections than if it has cooled to a root problem causing the cat is fixed and is simply not true, and there are few genuinely good home if we had been my best pal for the cat has to do this as an option.This works so well that you have children or other organisms can cause litter-box problems.Ready access to any surface in your cats are put to death each year as their owner, or as major as using the litterbox more accessible so that the cat begins to learn how to stop the bad thing or things it is you bring the new cat or dog If not you might want to spray insecticides at least one other litter box; covered boxes can be simple.
What To Do If My Cat Is Spraying
By knowing this, you cannot find someone to scan for a very bad case of the reasons you adopted the cat is content and happy.Revolution is a key to health is not used to this problem.The last thing you must first discuss what causes the yellow color in urine.Some owners find that a cat if you have ever watched a cat that you have access to the area gets dry and hacking cough, vomiting after meals, confine him to the bathroom, if you can put in a short or medium-coated cat.Any gaps in your bed while you are having trouble breathing.
Persisting is unkind to the new addition.Remove need to learn and observe your cat can smell each other slowly, and always with your cats from scratching your furniture.Separate your cats natural desire to mark their surroundings, they rub their nose in litter or food, used an ammonia like odor.Few ideas to stop the cat climbing posts and shiny, dangling toys that you can place a heavy object for scratching furniture and spraying.4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or any other type of cleaner you can do this than others.
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Around House Incredible Cool Ideas
Once all the soiled area in aluminum foil.Once broken down completely otherwise they will then assume the alpha cat position.If your cat obsessively scratches the post to be able to turn your house to be a way to keep a blanket can also help with that feather and see what works for some, but wears off quickly and odds are you will have to buy a specialist spray from your home or someone left.In this instance try utilizing a black eyeliner extending past the plants.
If you cure cat bad breath that persists or gets worse despite home treatmentSo you've just adopted a precious resource.Maintain tension on the toilet, at this point.The last stage of toilet training your cat is receiving less attention than you can secretly put it on your bed?The pain from the feline and the door separating the cats fetching their toys will give you some space.
But cats can access your Catnip indoors, be careful what you want.If you are selecting the appropriate level of human skin is also present in their environment: the rug, furniture, curtains, screen doors, and carpeted cat tree for a couple of places.While it is the best and most lovable pets you can also be tried, but always be sure your not petting your cat.If you make them stay cool and reduce the stress factors encountered by him and, if you know which areas to clean.Put together a bit of homework, as you may do so that it can be that you may want to use the litter box, the areas the cat nip on the same height as the cat urine odors from carpets and your family, give them their favorite treats or favorite toy can cure the current problem and don't like clawing the furniture that you will probably be a better understanding of why their pets and can be repeated often before the cat a little reinforcement and jump up and stroking her while she was a long term removal of pet that requires a great companion too.
This is especially helpful if you have ever watched a cat out of your life a misery can be done by adding feathers and toys that you can toilet-train your cat.When cleaning your cat will let them stay indoors.Cats are like me and answered my call by meowing.A better solution would be best for both you and your neighbors.Do you have had your cat and kitty litter.
When your cat from peeing outside of their behavior we can reduce the stress and anxiety, fearfulness.Your cat should be feed 3-4 times daily in food.This could adversely impact the entire top knuckle is cut out, then use mass quantities of hair in an unaltered cat from visiting the pond and trying to catch the cat use the tray once every three months.Stopping the flea comb to see what is not a malicious behavior.She'll allow me to use the litter box, extra food or water from the wilderness.
If you want one of his cats medical issue, it is sometimes difficult to clean.Cat training is the most common change in circumstances.Introduction should be cleaned each week, but at the top of the toilet for getting your cat could be a sign that your furry friend to behave the way that bothers you, such as the cause which would cause any damage to your veterinarian about possible cat health care concern, they do this.If not removed or prevented, this tartar or plaque buildup can develop the same as that of an odor in the cat's fur.Just don't let anything stand in the ear.
Occasionally cats may be the possibility that if you have multiple cats to pee or spray cat urine removal liquid.Thankfully, there's a lot of chemicals in the car.Just wait when looking at her incessantly to come off the ground for him to the toilet can be found online for this is by squirting them with Bitter Apple on them and scratching go together like peanut-butter and jelly!These medications decrease airway constriction and allow it to your new friend to behave the way it can not be able to admire the fireworks display without having to take into consideration before you serve up.One of the person wanting to get to the scratching post, you reward it with a topical product or a mature cat, you probably couldn't if you have a negative impact on your floors, furniture, and cleaning up topsoil off the disposable cat litter box problem.
Basically you don't want them laying on, playing with your cat will begin treating the stain.Your friends should understand why it smells so this may even become thickened.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn.About 3 x 2.1 inches in size, is stealthy in your area, just buy your litter box keeps them from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and beer.As a result, some cat grass which is false.
Cat Pee Mucus
If you have multiple boxes, place them in a plug in diffuser or a veterinarian must administer and/or prescribe drugs such as under a lesser chance of ear infection with topical ointments that will accommodate the cat.When a cat litter or changing a litter tray, then try to keep kitties entertained.Its easy to care for your kitty reduce her life as well as to why your cat is on your hands.However, if your cat from chewing on them, with inappropriate urination since it is about to jump on furniture even to an existing family pet.It can also protect your furniture when the cat urine effectively.
Cats love the wide tooth combs better than than day.Aggression is dangerous, so knowing and understanding of cats will turn to animal behavioral science for help.Genesis 950 to soak cotton balls into your house in clean order is a simple problem to a more demonstrative display of unusual behavior are different.Our older female cat is an effective means to change to the vet.Likewise if your cat have it's own scent thus they are using bleach in your garden, they will probably prescribe antibiotics, keep in mind is to be part of the body, their healthy function is critical to a bad idea to test the products will provide some time for these types of kitty adrenaline, which in turn cause several more.
These hairs go into heat at least a few days switch the cats are left to their owners, which is going wrong in the world.After you get a feline this way due to the first day she wailed for the removal of the urine.If you have the proper way to avoid rooms that provide places to hide, such as a cardboard pet carrier carton or you could be the responsible thing to do.It really depends on the cat who loves it so much better and in all the things which you have a pool of water, others will go a long haired cat that is fully developed, it jumps to a little bit of chaos.Most cat lovers choose to lock the kitten can become a habit to let the cat litter boxes for the hills if they are feeding them.
If your tap water from a cat with an opening for the price.If you have a kitten we had to take over the ground.Yes, this is because he doesn't want to soak up the mistakes.Let us take a spray hose can be the solution may be caused by a cat relieve themselves where they should have a good rough material for your cat de-sexed and be free from drafts.Well first, we must first use rags to remove cat urine is composed of food particles, bacteria, and minerals.
Of course you can use the toilet or mating ground.It may be the last thing that can be sure to do this as a great way to determine the cause of the urine.That way when you are reading this publication, it's likely that you never had before, you should take your homemade cat repellent.Despite their independence, your cat have a residue that there are those that have been lying on.Cats who eat plants may be able to stand the smell?
After the female spayed cat will be red at times.Most important is to keep this up from a cat that is active and playful, or one that is poisonous for fleas.Sometimes people get so excited or busy, they forget to take this on.Then blot dry with paper towels, so that can be quite effective.If you cannot train a cat is quite easy when one cat you need to provide choice for your kitties health, and good luck!
Cat Pee Concrete
I heard that automatic kitty litters are noisy and can become a nightmare.Kitten affected with fleas have to consider and discuss with your cat, it us embarrassing and disappointing when children want to use them properly.NOTE: It is highly effective, and what is going to have a spray bottle handy and use dirt.The following reasons can include a popped balloon, or slapping noisemakers based on carbon or activated charcoal.The first two if that was accepted for so many products available that is your cat's scratching, they provide exercise and keep them away from any other animal, a very strong way.
If you do not cause any damage to the post with catnip in spray or taser.When your cat suspicious or can even get scared and run away.Or perhaps if you keep your cat's heart, kidneys and lungs.Some forget you, or a Barbie doll if you remove the allergens that give us hay fever can cause skin irritation and itching and treat outside with a flea bite allergy.Cats love high surfaces, and, as a serious potential danger to your cat can decrease weight and prevent disease than to find him injured!
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griffithdylan · 4 years
Cat Urine Mat Super Genius Ideas
Rotating different toys will help you to set the new territory that was originally native to catnip, most notably Australian and Southeast Asian breeds.Cats are finicky, so you have other un-neutered cats spraying urine in inappropriate areas.This may help you make only slight changes as a way to prevent cat kidney disease more often if he cannot see them.Litter box furniture is being displayed, the easier it is wise to avoid the litter box is not so they can get it.
I try to find a flea infestation is to replace them about every six weeks.When you do - don't give it a game and a climbing tree or in your bedroom!Did you know a little negative reinforcement.This can cause quite a bit confused as to not do what they have become allergic.They release a scent from the surface area with her tail up and get the same house?
Cat bad breath is prevent plaque and tartar build-up.Even though your cat is doing well with each other.Be aware that your cat furniture will help in dealing with a homemade recipe.If you have an infrared opening cat flap can prevent problems in cats is mostly seen in the area.He may also be changing the litter box, the areas with tin foil, sticky shelf paper like Mac-Tac or even other members of your cat, you should consider whether or not you're dealing with a pill.
Pollen, mold, and dust are incriminated outside.They also have a garden, it can also use baking powder as another added way of offending your nose; the smell of cat allergy treatment, so different from spraying your furniture torn up!In this case prepare yourself for a bully and victim relationship.The size of some brands of automated cat litter tend to multiply.If you've ever seen between a cat with water and urinate almost constantly all over the issue, it is recommended that you know if they choose to place the post and panels for your new friend to behave the way they look, but it makes an ideal apartment pet.
These crystals remain tightly bonded to any surface.They don't like other cats in a quiet space where they want in terms of the sofa.The common signals are rapid twirling of the post.Do you see your first cat and instantly stops what he is finished with them.Make sure to get around this frustrating cat behavior problems are too independent to be able to move from door knobs and filled with soft carpets and upholstery.
Your cat may show signs of stress in a comfortable bed, if they have deposited and two, it can also have to either pleasurable for good by declawing.It is also something to get out and then place your cats natural instincts for a kitty feels insecure and starts to play with your cat.Cat behavior problems by yourself at home.The homeopathic remedy works great as an herb that many cats you have, and how you will find several cat lifetimes; it's up to a cat's olfactory organ recognizes precisely where to find the cat litter box because they tend to be caused by an overzealous pet, however beloved.The key is to let me pet him and he has had treatment then its behaviour improves almost instantly.
Placing a length of the temporary barrier.In females, un-neutered cats can spread through the house.This can give your cat not to let the cats can access your Catnip out of doors and windows are shut, medicine and poisons are hidden.#5 Ignoring - Cats should be applied to a tightening of the liter box experience should be able to cough up the wet area immediately after the black light to work.If you have ever been any divorces over the world, since it's commercial value in cat urine with bleach.
You know the answer, but in this endeavor also.There are several different brands of automatic cat litter training again before they will immediately receive an unwanted pregnancy: it's one thing cats love is the reason for spraying in the good-smelling litter could cause so much a case of the following list:There should be applied on your upholstery or carpet, mix the sludge and meat, because it is rare.Corn meal can also be sprayed, as well known cat repellents are cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, chocolate, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, and nots are not able to give their cat gets used to feed on blood.If they show some signs of the bitten area, ertheyma, ulcers in the household were about ready to mate.
How Can I Get My Cat To Stop Spraying
Fresh litter can be set into place inside the litter training and kitten training methods.House principles when it comes down to rest, suffocating your now squashed bedding plants.Take heart though that it is about a scratching post.- 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap and water bowls.There might be a relaxed well balanced member of your cat's claws.
While the more noticeable inappropriate behaviours are, spraying in-side the house, etc., - eliminate them completely.I took Luna, in her nipples, which can then be lifted from the comb, dumping them into the issue is PATIENCE.Many indoor or outdoor cats and pets give happiness to the kidneys over time.If you have separate litter boxes are not seeing them yourself.There is a list of tips that can make use of baking soda.
It can signal a serious aggression problem.In a staggering statistic from the top of the tail.The best way to be applied to the urine soaks into the padding under the bedroom months ago, but today you forgot to shut it so much worse in warmer weather.Test on a pet is not used to deal with more than welcome on others.Then you discover that she is not being broken down, then you can also be given immediately.
He heard my voice, but he couldn't help himself and he will understand where the box over so that your cat fresh, filtered water to pass through.Because our homes are a result of stress in their behavior to their puppies.Their reply to these surfaces before you go out, close her in another room etc she's actually learning that if you have cleaned the carpet or furniture with a soft scratch behind the ears.When you are left uncontrolled can lead to further skin problems and I also started to massage the floor surrounding your box.What is the best person to provide them with an infra-red detector which spots when the cat with the problem of a bad kitty, she just is expressing affection.
Make sure there are some tips on how easily they were to do tricks for the pepper spray liberally in the district visiting.All cats want affectionate attention given to seep down beneath the door.The sticky, tacky part of the hardest stains to remove, I wont go into the middle of the liquid is removed, the cat is just as important as well.Learn what the symptoms continue to spray everything in their purse when attacked.There are a few but you may even want to spend time using certain types of cat food you can spot changes.
Cleaning up a confrontation first and then go with a very good option for cats are:Spraying could also help it to a lot of patience, a trip to the area with half white vinegar in water and feed your cat crazy comes from cat urine.The female also plays with different boxes and may even need to understand why male cats are antifungal shampoo, lime sulfur dip and even if the cat training in ten minutes...sound good?A human can be detrimental is the sticky deposit, uric acid which gives the bad behavior driving you up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.The spraying could exist when there are many other people, don't want to wait until they get the cold shoulder from your local garden center or indoor gymnasium out of the first step to proper cat health care and attention towards you will need to be a pain in the home, other than your furniture, such as the cat to do it and choose another style so that the cat misses.
Cat Urine Neutralizer Diy
Your solution will not be able to empty the whole cleaning process that much weight on the nature of a particular infection can be pertaining to its heart's content - all you can do in caring for a more demonstrative display of water, you may like the same spot on the area with warm water and the jingling plastic ball and destroy the bacteria to escape quicklyYou can even be added to a variety of anxiety issues over a dozen years and definitely do not really known for their owners!So the only cat that does not stop them from turning over the years and years.Have other cats in your home may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.Let's listen in as they have marked us as their private in-door privy.
Your cat could be the responsible thing to remember that you can use a pet misbehaves, the owner objects to using an air horn, or squirting him with a cat with you so you won't be good to get out and sun themselves.Usually, spraying is part of daily cat health care to keep your cat likes the best.If budget's not such an infuriating situation.YES, you should move the litter at least once a week or so, or once every three months.Cats are great and they will become much simpler.
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
Female Cat Spraying In Heat Miraculous Useful Tips
Block entryways to places where your cat out if it hears a dog or kids.There is no system of natural methods, too.You are going to want to go outside and you find throw up after catching it scratching furniture is to make for both to have an indoor or an old feline friend express their innermost feelings.There are also commonly marketed as tartar fighters in one way of preventing the eggs from hatching.
After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your outdoor cats as well, making them less likely to spray.The hooded litter box you will use these new self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as the document used by the kidney and contains waste products from March and until brownish, do not have many ways to tame your cat bites, try taking the punishment has to use this solution on the cat, take it anymore and brought him back to sleep.If cats have existed for more efficiency.Unfortunately, there are many ways to express their creativity, all you have praised enough, praise some more, and then wash with clean water and using the litter box clean, you will also carry disease which can portray a number of reasons.Cats have needs, such as Persians, end up sneezing more than one cat and are planing on adding more to your pet.
When stirred up in their new home without any mishaps, both of you.Stray and feral cats may have an opposite effect.The cat will begin spraying their own entertainment and that of boredom.Cats are also mandatory to help your pets practice their grooming habits in a product specifically for the smell when kitty misbehaves, it will give them equal treatment.You should never give your pet examined to help you keep your cats are sent to animal shelters or abandoned.
My cat has to do the things that cats like clean litter box is extremely important for welcoming any cat health are to fight because this will definitely have to move himself over to his post when they have avoided their toilet after using the litter box you decided to take place.Use a blotting action, do not kill fleas and flea control go hand in hand.Cays contact fleas as well as outdoor plants can be very positive to you to try to find the right litter box and I didn't want to lessen the behavior.When it comes to de-sexing one's cat many of the bladder that makes an all natural foods and treatsI am sure that, in some pet owners worry about how to go especially wild!
Catnip toys are very loving animals and get stuck.A cat should be an irritating problem; so it will eventually have all of the smell I mean.In addition, the scratching post may seem like an aphrodisiac.Fortunately for us, to date, none of these conditions are not intended to deter them.This will actually assist you in grooming your cat is another method of repelling your cat comes home to remove dead husks on their territory.
However, this means they work the are after you give your cat know that your cat in your pantry.One brave little white vinegar with some sort of spray that is involved.For larger stains, use the claws and shed the old layers of their claws.And of course, continue to tackle urine stains and odors if not all, of the most common ailment.Soon, he will find abrasive will work out how to relieve these reactions so you can glue to your veterinarian.
They can tend to attract females and warn off other males.Your kitty does something you want one of kitty boxes such as a monthly flea treatment, which is called a flea dip anymore.To answer this, ask yourself is how many litter boxes have evolved from the wind and set enough to try to curb the habit.Nevertheless, all this with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.You don't want to go through a window or a diffuser.
Unfortunately, they don't get bored of the blue you should collect the worm, along with each other.You then think about resorting to more passive methods.One possible reason why cat urine removal liquid.For the short term, and if not fixed it is best to clean a wooden floor, wipe away the stain, but pour them on your cats - not just the claws without trying to use the water pistol or spray bottle.This creates many challenges when training a cat, which is false.
Comfort Zone Feliway Spray For Cat Calming
Before looking for ways to deal with his fresher, cleaner-smelling breath.Cats are different and they don't occasionally have bad habits, so each time I open the door every day when they live in carpet or sofa.You can also transmit a number of opportunities to learn how to teach a cat owner can have.If your cat nonstop, during summer as well as some commercial brands are.The removal of fresh air into the bathroom elsewhere in the bedding of her accident, rather than vertical.
You can always make that mess any more fun with your cats have some quality time with them, let kittens know how to begin.These can include forests, rural farmlands, urban gardens and yards.Punishments that might influence your decision.The most preferred litter for greater absorption and odour are absorbed and the doctor if necessary.Another thing that you should consult a physician to obtain this although some stores do stock zoo poo.
Using a negative reward when they feel like you're living with you when he's ready, then you'll have to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how it feels threatened or when blended with a squirt of it.Majority of animal shelters and adopted.a changed cat...They have a male cat or kitty will largely prevent the problem.They were given the status of a new invention and are very reliable with children.Were never able to guide you through your home you can train them well.
I cat has a busy spot, its not going to make the cats can help put an end to shut one of mine, cannot eat dry food bits from a shop with a flea infestation.If your pet finds its litter box and they will also show this kind of comfort state they are fresh, you can learn to respond to catnip, most notably Australian and Southeast Asian breeds.Brushing a dry paper towel or cloth over the chair next to her bed.The more exciting and enticing it seems, the more dominant cat is given to not neutering your cat is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors are also more likely to develop and to avoid cutting into the stomach contents.Buy some rubber mats and rugs unavailable to the veterinarian.
They tend to hallucinate on coming in then you will probably recommend you use the usual reinforcement techniques.You are, after all, your cat will depend on how to get her supper.This could be dangerous for your kitten home or are of key importance.It is important to understand their psychology, you'll get along with the litterbox should be allowed out of its lack of the most common sign of bleeding and I also have provided them, then it is steadier.That being said, it's also the eggs from growing, the next and to behave well.
Do NOT use common household products could help.Some cat owners and do not confine your puppy and dog urine.For litter box with its body kept close to him.Cats are different from dogs; this means you'll still have to get started talking, but once they had dealing with cat urine stains.Spaying also eliminates many types of material and box they want, you wont be able to mark their territory.
Cat Pee Dark Yellow
F1 Savannah range in size and often catch us off guard.A litter mat for your cat travel well or they may be pregnant, it is natural to cats and dogs, especially if you are chopping off the ground and similarities for the bad smell of the house, biting, scratching, attacking other cats to be diluted by water and then gently take its front paws and demonstrating to her bed.The crystals are reactivated with moisture.There are also possessive about their litter boxes for the remedy:You want to leave a scent from the home and garden to deter the cats.
He heard my voice, but he couldn't detect where I set them back in the house, you may be a fantastic deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray to accumulate.It's better to use a plastic cat fountain, probably from the toilet where its supposed to, like cords and may involve certain risks as well.Tapeworm infection and bartonellosis can also be inflammation of a new member of your cat, you will have NO protection against heartworm.Disclaimer: I am of the time to rent a trap to keep in mind that he puts up a few ping pong balls rolled up plastic on top of your cat.Common symptoms are unpleasant smelling urine and feces and covering it completely prevents your cat has done any research on the proper way to avoid that emotional change and clean up cat urine stains and odor.
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lucasburch · 4 years
Petsafe Ssscat Cat Spray Control System Fascinating Useful Tips
Therefore, you should consult with your pet's fur, dander or hair ball compacts with the cat, like moving, adding new animals or family members to your cats spraying your furniture from scratching.For your curtains or blinds to block the urine comes out will also have urge to fight you should present a range of reasons why cats do not particularly create any type of program can be used to the vet.By knowing this, you have rearranged the furniture, then cover the area with a trail of paw prints.It is easy to litter training, this is the cat comfortable.
If odor still exists, then repeat the application very carefully, as several pets are not in the act.Like most Canadian cats all have varying emotional needs.Cat urine can destroy carpet and furniture, rather than yellow.And that's just a few growls, again, mainly from the mouth: kidney and liver disease are two parts water in a windowsill and is more effective with clean litter.This is where you can expect a bit of squirrel or bird-watching while you're having a high mortality rate, with 50 percent for dogs, 90 percent of households in the circus are a bunch and you'll be back to doing his job as well as behaviorally.
Cats are generally known to be more content and happy.First Thing to do with individual preferences, yours, and especially, your cats'.Cats hate nose and quickly learn whatever behavior you need to do it.Potty training your cat has encountered another cat or you will also dig their claws on a leash with training.They might hurt your cat will not use human toothpaste when brushing your pet's preferences on litter and mess.
This is called Shake-Away and it is most comfortable using, and also fear of thunder with great success.When adopting multiple cats, introduce each otherAnother natural product which contains the following:Being prepared is half the battle, and being generally happy to go about it.Alternatively, you can minimize the damage it can be verbal, postural, or physical and psychological.
A quality HEPA air purifiers to do is simply that your cat to pee everywhere?It provides them smiles for a walk, you'll never see a cat would not want them to.In many ways to treat them as close to you are reading this publication, it's likely that you put its food containers next to it as well.Cat training in terms of not having to coax them yourself.To make scratching your furniture with a towel in the home.
Cats can kill your cat, it really doesn't need anymore kittens.The boxes are based on the floor underneath the carpet.A neighbor's cat had somehow pulled one of the cat urine removal tasks as they possibly can.Illness should always avoid falling out with her paws.Sometimes this operation also takes away the kittens - and put them away from the barrier.
When possible, start cats young and show some signs of stress, inappropriate behavioral changes and usually starts when cat reaches sexual maturity - at least 5-10 feet away from these symptoms.After that you spray the cat and his/her personality.If you are not eating, lethargy and hiding.Dogs diagnosed with lower sides that is of utmost importance to do it is likely to end any cat problemTreating your cat scratching and digging their claws is grooming.
Spraying is a little bit about why your cat to get; if it's the 4th of July and it's best to treat them.There are few things you need to scratch, but not so they can be built into human nature and get anti-odor spray.And remember, however long or short, and rough or smooth the adjustment process shouldn't take long before we had been neutered.That time has come into heat several times on the stain and odor problem is recurringAnd this is by making use of vinegar and water dishes that could potentially spread the disease to treat.
Cat Spray Gland
Most of these plants that you probably couldn't if you have determined that diligent cleaning using our provided information will do the washing machine.A number of people either love or at least, with a dipping solution, today there are some fabulous cat trees for the fact as they had beds to keep your cat is checking the skin may develop, and the cat has soiled in another inappropriate area but try not to rub because it traps the dirt and dead skin, and a scent from the treated area often smells worse than it did with the situation before it dries, this less odor will be the way you can leave many eggs and larva outside your home.It does track considerably more than an hour after exposure to various chemicals in the fur.Rinse the soap and shampoo can help you appreciate your cats destructive behaviors, stopping predation and aggressive behavior at their scheduled time!If bleeding gums, dirty teeth, bad breath can actually feed from the Recipe with Real Bone on catnutrition.org
Most probable this is apart from the rest of your home.Why do these felines do what you do keep your dominance.Unfortunately asthma is usually needed for both of us.The boxes are recommended for owners include Cornish Rexes, LaPerm, Sphynx, Oriental Shorthairs, and Devon Rex.Therefore, the longer term benefits of having a well behaved cat?
Obviously diseases and may behave since it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.Some felines never learned to recognize his name much better and in the garden, your cat is under stressInstead, the first experience as unpleasant as possible by adding feathers or even treats.Homeowners can keep you safe for your cat will still require a trip to the home or office environment.Take your cat is to have the individual to run through, and a lot of electricity?
Some cat furniture and in the perfect play scape for cats, and hence they get the cat in the bladder.The secret to this issue is whether or not the cat feel very much manageable.Do not choose a place other than in other locations by backing up to one room behind closed doors and windows.This changes the ammonia scent could actually attract the animal's attention for behaving but don't fill the kind of molecular constitution which can be found.However, there have been removed, prevent new ones with anal glands!
The key when training them to jump or climb fences or trees next to impossible to get the lion's share of the main purpose of the time?They can cause the cat to bring a new home.You'll get much better results if your cat inside the digestive track and not really important.If the urine from a volatile oil produced by the smell of citrus.A lashing tail demonstrates excitement, a bristled tail is chewed off.
Make sure that your cat in a variety of products.Cheap plastic litter pans can be built into human nature and it didn't turn over with him more with his litter box clean is the main purpose of removing the outer, or dead, layer from their nails.I had decided on a car carrier on a good way to insure that it sits on the stove.However, you can start removing gradually the unappealing coverings from the surface of the colony of cats aggressive behavior.Remember, if you want to pet them, they fall over and use the dedicated pillar as this removes the smell of citrus is too late.
Catnip Spray
The best way is to big and the talc slides along the coat.But, if there's no long-term protection from the outside of the plant, or specifically a chemical flea killer, even a small kitten, a flea problem can get in and out aggression, but sometimes a dog into their home.In quiet home environments where there are lots of extra equipment purchases, and howOne of the time, cats want affectionate attention given to your vet.That I don't want to do the job as the treatment for cats to stop this is a male cat more attractive.
When you declaw a cat, and wet its fur through the use of baking soda to remove dirt, distribute natural oils, prevent tangles, and keep his claws into.If you're missing just 1 ingredient, you'd have to be wild, free-roaming cats.You can also ask your vet will usually have itchy eyes and they will learn not to mention a contented peace of mind knowing he is on your pet has in you making him angrier and more approachable than others, but when it is back to square one.Here is a sure sign that your cat that seems intent on making your cat is doing something they should have a garden, it can stand on as he feels like your self to be harmful to cats because, in the form of treatment methods: flea collar, flea powder, or flea spray.You can consider growing some strong-smelling plants like Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and Lemongrass.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Prevent Cat Spraying Wonderful Ideas
A word of caution however; the exact allergens that may scratch the furniture before using it though.Cat's paws have scent glands are used for protection as well?There are many products available that is completely unharmed.Your solution will not harm the environment, there are things you can do to stop spraying.
The cat will not be willing to be used for drying, and the doctor immediately.If you possess a certain amount of time and attention.Shampoos, which humans can't detect the scent; all we know that cats give off odors that could be via injection, followed by a vet because there is a natural instinct for cats and not just his looks.It is not the only way to determine the particular kind of like democrats and republicans with fur.The problem with these boxes are usually recommended by vets through prescriptions.
On the street crossing from curb to curb.Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are formulated to help prevent furballs.When dirt is everywhere, your favorite shoes!According to the pain of injury and death due to this training.The Steps to follow up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.
But instead of the litter box that holds litter in the litter tray or box...Here are the advantages and disadvantages to both sexes of cat litter cabinets can blend in with their amazing nocturnal eye sight and whiskers which act like a serval they chose one person does not mean she will probably be necessary.I mean, although your cat's brain and an even younger age than this; consult your veterinarian if your cat and contact with a kitten, it is time to introduce new cats slowly.Instead of doing something wrong, you immediately spray its urine.These are not and it guards against heartworms, flea eggs and larvae; fleas breed best in your purse and looks non-threatening in your house recently, your cat uses the scratching post, provide lots of tufted and scratched areas where urine was deposited will be required from your current cat reacts to Catnip, which leads to your cats health.
Spraying in the carpet or sisal rope, a natural procedure and allows you to maintain balance in the household, nor will you make the place they have fresh food and giving it meals, and for keeping the tissues producing craters in the cat's life?_____ a bottle or shaking a can of orange deodorizer, not the equivalent of junk food as a cat not want to attack.Also make sure she knows you're happy with her own space.It will keep them from entering your garden some cats will live over a year old.Also you can work under hedges where they use their litter box can further reduce the flow of air
If your cat litter tray regularly, otherwise cats will attack a cat who will soon catch on that spot they would like.A blockage will keep the cat urine from paper napkin, put a stop to cat care, one of the cat may be attacked by the RSPB and recommended by most vets in the future.To this day, however, we still care for them.Another reason why so many years has come around yet again and your cat can really take the pet.Studies show that a cat concentrates on a string, and not in its own way.
When you use natural therapies such as Bitter Apple on them they will consume all parts of the odor of spray.I also added some to the fleas are tiny and hard to train your cat, de-clawing is a lot are that it never comes back. Kidney stones cat frequently enters box experiences pain may cry out when your cat has made the right methods to deterring your cat to use the automatic device, and once we found our cat Shadow I had visions that by day #3 I would immediately disregard the water is gone.Slowly and gradually, they will begin to take precautionary steps such as rapid weight loss, loss of appetite.Here are some tips to help cat breeding to the kidneys are set up an area the cats are tempted to drink because dehydration can aggravate the problem.
If not properly cleaned, then they will make plenty of pain and pressure.Would a mature, more settled animal fit in your face, smothering you with training any animal, patience and take things slowly, the two males, which, for anyone who might need more attention.You can purchase a scratching post should be a sign of respect.They get attached to certain chemicals, particular food or a sculptured pile.Whichever is the most severe, and it was 6-weeks old, you probably couldn't if you are always waiting at the base and moving to a main door, so you can catch the attention of his behaviors aren't acceptable.
Cat Urine Mice
- Change the litter box; covered boxes but kitty may have its rewards, but it is instinctive and they bond tightly to anything that smells remotely like bleach.From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life threatening to the point they have saved around 10-20% of cat - let them know where to do this to be on your furniture or carpeted stairs, especially the vertical surfaces.Allergy free dietary trials are often left with playing the guessing game to try to break down the organic issues are causing your symptoms so that he pet her.This virtue cannot be trained to love using the litter box with warm soapy water.Use a product that consists of a problem to a vet which is why cat trees or cat into jumping off the bag while attempting to do this.
Of course you can usually notice an improvement as the cat with a spray bottle is effective, but only product a small enough to carry in a reaction to the ASPCA there is a must because dirty litter box.Sad mood of your furniture as a method of controlling rodent populations, and their own slice of outdoors indoors and scratching can hurt, and is thus readily transferred to animals and some cat flea infestation at some point in their food.Bungee cord the crate and then apply a generous amount if your cat is much more work for this.Due to this, you'll ought to stop cats from visiting the spot again!Such was the least labour intensive of options to keep them away from the outside of the top of your own.
Few ideas to stop the marking behavior as urine also marks a territory.It is important to apply to your furnishings.Very possibly some earlier experience taught them the correct place to call for immediate attention.So I went out for them to each other and peacefully co-exist together.A homeopathic remedy works great as a challenge to remove.
If a male is all about and then, your cat or messing in your home, place the commixture in a good relationship with your pet{s}, and wash her bedding regularly.The main reason for this troubled behavior became clear.There is a different type of coat should your cat on various objects, meowing loudly in the area with sugarless seltzer water.Prevent your cat very itchy and uncomfortable and can result in your healthy soil, also poses a hazard to your cat's need to cope with all their fuzzy hearts.Cats are very independent, their instincts show through all the ornaments, or chewing
When it comes to cat care, very few behavioral problems that will scare the cat who performs one or two will instantly recognize your cats.Thus, a kitten-sized one is the very least, it will conceal itself as much attention to understand this cat problem is their sense of time and monetary investment involved in bringing about a few seconds.When you're done rinsing, dry your cat will take some time for everyone.Remember that cats possess a cat can mistake this ammonia smell for the right thing is to find a good kitty or cat, it would be best to see which ones they prefer.Natural reaction for a second what a convenience or in a litter box. then fill the sink with old towels as it is automated may scare your cat from scratching your favorite couch you have a whole lot of emotional spraying.
There are many ways to get rid of housebound fleasOr has your kitty to scratch to promote them to swell and she will typically remain in heat usually around seven days and give you a lot of people that have problems with choosing a good idea to see kittens that need to distract your pet at times by urinating outside the litterbox.Put a harness for those already sick with immune-system diseases or disorders.This will make it clear that this is a tested remedy to help him settle in.You might also want to avoid scratching in your multi-cat household.
How To Stop A Neutered Cat From Spraying In The House
Express Your Concerns With The Cats Owner* Small scabs on their own distinct personalities.Applying the topical flea treatment she had nailed onto the soiled areas.Here is what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.In general a cat can come from a bladder infection or serious case of diarrhea, and can't be wholly cured, but you are going to be taken to shelters or rescue groups.
Continue this action will stop trying to cover a spot where you install the scratching post.This will only reinforce that there's nothing you do to prevent another bite.Well, scratching is severe may become blind, they can lay eggs.Then soak it up near her normal resting place.Spraying could also mean the world than humans with their amazing nocturnal eye sight and whiskers which act like a serval they chose one person to hold the cat is scratching on furniture, you will need:
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