#Open Congress
nicholasbaudelaire · 2 years
Holiday Decorating
Location: Bowden 
Time: Late morning
Nick loved holiday decorations. He loved seeing the different Opulence residents decorations’, their varying belief’s and traditions intermingling and creating a kind of holiday wonderland Nicholas hadn’t even seen represented in TV or films. He was a big kid, and all for it! The problem was... he absolutely hated putting decoration up. The wolf was not a creative sort, and had always hired help to aid with his wardrobe and interior decoration, because he just had no vision. 
Still, this year, since Bellamy had decorated their apartment, he was determined to at least put the festive lights up outside their townhouse turned private doctors surgery. Sure, Bella had picked out the light, and told him where to put them, but he was at least doing it himself. 
The problem was, the wind that morning was particularly ferocious and he had kept losing the wiring to the wind. He was almost finished stringing up lighting, when he lost grip of the plastic thread, and as he lurched forward to snatch it back from the elements, he found that the ladder was no match for his huge swinging weight, and the six foot four, muscled werewolf found himself holding onto nothing but the tail end of some lighting as he fell through the air, aiming for the pathway outside the townhouse. 
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sweetrevengebtq · 2 years
The President signed H.R.700 into law on December 19th, 2022
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ptalene · 2 years
The President signed H.R.700 into law on December 19th, 2022
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clintonpittmansblog · 2 years
The President signed H.R.700 into law on December 19th, 2022
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whataretheyupto · 2 years
The President signed H.R.700 into law on December 19th, 2022
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johnericpearce · 2 years
The President signed H.R.700 into law on December 19th, 2022
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godisarepublican · 3 days
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is being hit with a censure resolution on Tuesday after she referred to some Jewish students as "pro-genocide" during a recent visit to Columbia University.
Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., is introducing the resolution against Omar on Tuesday, a source familiar with his plans told Fox News Digital.
The New York City Ivy League school has been the flashpoint for nationwide demonstrations on college campuses, where students have set up tent encampments to protest their universities' financial ties to pro-Israel companies. 
Omar's daughter was one of more than 100 Columbia students and young adults attending its sister school, Barnard College, who were arrested over their encampment last month.
The progressive "Squad" Democrat visited the demonstration on April 26 in a show of solidarity for the pro-Palestinian protesters.
"I actually met a lot of Jewish students who are in the encampment, and I think it is really unfortunate that people don't care about the fact that all Jewish kids should be kept safe," Omar told Fox 5 New York while there. "We should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students, whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide."
Bacon's resolution text said Omar's "slanderous comments against Jewish students could inflame violence against the Jewish community."
In addition to censuring her for those comments, Bacon's resolution also accused her of having "a long and demonstrated history of hateful rhetoric that plays into the worst antisemitic tropes."
Omar has long been targeted by Republicans for her criticism of Israel. It even got her removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee last February when the GOP won back the majority in the 2022 election.
Bacon told reporters last week, "To generalize, to say that the Jewish students are responsible for this and treat them that way, that is antisemitism, right? It's one thing to protest Israel, but to stretch it over and accost Jewish students is wrong."
"I'm working on a bill right now to call out Omar for what she said. She's talking about pro-genocide or anti-genocide Jewish students…all this talk is all wrong because Jewish Americans are Americans. Quit treating them that way," Bacon said.
Fox News Digital reached out to Omar's office for comment.
A spokesperson for Omar told Axios last week regarding Bacon's comments on preparing a censure resolution, "Attempts to misconstrue her words by drafting this baseless resolution are meant to distract from the ongoing violence and genocide occurring in Gaza and the large antiwar protests happening across our country and around the world."
Escalating tensions at the protests at Columbia and elsewhere have spurred bipartisan criticism amid multiple clashes between students and police, resulting in reports of people on both sides being injured. Jewish students at Columbia and other schools have also reported feeling unsafe on campus.
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teagrammy · 3 months
I'm so tired of seeing takes about U.S. politics from people who lack understanding about how the branches of government, the electoral college, and redistricting work and affect us. Please return to high school Civics, I am begging you.
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comraderosex · 2 years
🍿 🍿 🍿
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maeamian · 2 years
IMO, telling congress to pass legislation that averts a strike by imposing a contract rejected by the majority of union members, even if it is somewhat amended to partially cover the demand workers were threatening to strike over, is not a good idea. Averting a strike is not a natural good, it is only good if it is because the strike was averted due to the agreement of the workers with their contract, not because congress stepped in to enforce mediation. The good thing would be to tell your congresspeople to quit it with the scab shit, if the railroad bosses won't avert a strike by agreeing to a fair deal, there's no reason congress should be stealing the worker's leverage by forcing them to work with a substandard contract, and that's what I think your senator's office needs to hear.
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sweetrevengebtq · 2 years
The President signed H.R.6614 into law on December 19th, 2022
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ptalene · 2 years
The President signed H.R.6614 into law on December 19th, 2022
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clintonpittmansblog · 2 years
The President signed H.R.6614 into law on December 19th, 2022
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whataretheyupto · 2 years
The President signed H.R.6614 into law on December 19th, 2022
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johnericpearce · 2 years
The President signed H.R.6614 into law on December 19th, 2022
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