#Orbital decompression
Rare Disease Day
I’m a little bit late… I have to say I’m a tad bit late to the party. I didn’t know that yesterday 2-28-23 was Rare Disease Day for I spent the day doing therapy, laundry, and washing my hair. It wasn’t until I went on Facebook about five minutes ago and saw a post from a fellow spoonie that I found out. Rare Disease Day is a big deal for me for I am one of few that was born with a rare…
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raymonddouglasmd · 4 months
Medical Advances in Orbital Decompression Surgery: What Patients Should Know
Orbital Decompression surgery has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, offering new hope and improved outcomes for patients dealing with conditions such as Graves' disease or other orbital disorders. As medical science progresses, it's essential for patients to stay informed about these developments. Here's what individuals considering or undergoing Orbital Decompression Surgery should know about the latest medical advances in the field.
Minimally Invasive Techniques: Recent breakthroughs in orbital decompression surgery have paved the way for minimally invasive procedures. These techniques involve smaller incisions and reduced trauma to surrounding tissues, leading to quicker recovery times and minimized scarring. Patients can explore options that offer the benefits of traditional surgery with a less invasive approach.
Customized Treatment Plans: Advancements in diagnostic imaging and surgical planning have allowed for more personalized treatment plans. Surgeons can now precisely assess the extent of orbital involvement, leading to tailored surgical strategies that address each patient's unique condition. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of the surgery and promotes better long-term outcomes.
Improved Cosmetic Outcomes: Patients seeking orbital decompression for aesthetic reasons, such as eye protrusion, can benefit from improved cosmetic outcomes. Surgeons are now better equipped to achieve harmonious results, restoring a natural appearance to the eyes while addressing the underlying medical concerns. This dual focus on functionality and aesthetics is a significant advancement in the field.
State-of-the-Art Technology: Cutting-edge technologies, such as advanced imaging systems and surgical instruments, have revolutionized Orbital Decompression Surgery. Surgeons can now navigate complex orbital structures with greater precision and accuracy, reducing the risk of complications and improving overall surgical outcomes. Patients can have confidence in the use of state-of-the-art technology during their procedures.
Dr. Raymond Douglas and Orbital Decompression: Dr. Raymond Douglas, a leading oculoplastic and reconstructive surgeon, specializes in orbital decompression surgery. His expertise and commitment to advancements in the field are evident. Patients can find valuable information about the latest techniques and technologies employed by Dr. Douglas to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.
Comprehensive Patient Education: Advancements in patient education have empowered individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Online resources, like Dr. Raymond Douglas's website, provide comprehensive information about orbital decompression surgery, including its benefits, risks, and post-operative care. This transparency allows patients to actively participate in their treatment journey.
In conclusion, the field of orbital decompression surgery has experienced significant medical advances, providing patients with improved options, outcomes, and overall experiences. As technology continues to evolve, individuals considering or undergoing orbital decompression can benefit from staying informed and consulting with experienced professionals like Dr. Raymond Douglas, who are at the forefront of these groundbreaking developments.
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Phone: 310-363-8757
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drsurbhikapadia · 4 months
Thyroid Eye Disease: Expert Treatment and Care by Dr. Surbhi Kapadia
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is a condition that not only affects ocular health but also significantly impacts the quality of life. In Vadodara, Dr. Surbhi Kapadia stands as a beacon of hope for those suffering from TED, offering advanced treatment options and comprehensive care.
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Advanced Treatment Options for Thyroid Eye Disease
Dr. Kapadia employs a multifaceted approach to treating TED, tailored to the severity of each case. Her treatment regimen includes:
Medications: Utilizing corticosteroids and immunosuppressants to manage inflammation and other symptoms.
Innovative Surgical Techniques: For severe TED cases, Dr. Surbhi Kapadia offers surgical options such as orbital decompression, which alleviates pressure on the eye, and eyelid surgery to correct vision-related issues and improve cosmetic appearance.
Living with Thyroid Eye Disease: Insights and Tips
Living with TED involves continuous management. Dr. Kapadia advises:
Regular Monitoring: Keeping track of symptom progression and adjusting treatment plans accordingly.
Lifestyle Modifications: Implementing lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, which is known to exacerbate TED.
Eye Protection: Using sunglasses to protect the eyes from UV rays and environmental irritants.
Frequently Asked Questions About Thyroid Eye Disease Answered
Dr. Kapadia addresses common queries regarding TED, offering clear and concise information:
Diagnosis: Explaining the methods used to diagnose TED, including clinical assessments and imaging techniques.
Treatment Effectiveness: Discussing the success rates of different treatment options and what patients can expect.
Post-Treatment Care: Highlighting the importance of follow-up care post-treatment to ensure the best outcomes.
Dr. Surbhi Kapadia's expertise in treating Thyroid Eye Disease makes her one of the best ophthalmologists in Vadodara for patients seeking specialized eye care. Her dedication to her patient's well-being ensures that they receive not only the best medical treatment but also the support and guidance needed to navigate through the complexities of TED.
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deep-space-netwerk · 4 months
What do you mean by Venus floating cities?
I'm hoping to write a science fiction story about visiting Venus as part of the space race and I would love your input
Alright so the thing with Venus is that we're all very familiar with her horrible hell-death clouds and 900°F surface temperatures. We all understand the surface of Venus is not a fun place for humans to be.
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But, nobody ever talks about the fact that ABOVE the hell-death clouds, Venus is a paradise. The most Earth-like environment we know of in the solar system, beyond Earth itself, is actually in the skies of Venus.
About 30 miles above the surface, the pressure is ~1 atmosphere, and the temperature ranges from 30 - 100°F, which is Happy Human™ standard pressure and temperature.
What's more, a breathable mix of oxygen and nitrogen provides over 60% the lifting power on Venus that helium does on Earth. In other words, a balloon full of human-breathable air would float to the habitable range of Venus's atmosphere. We could float a ship with the very air we breathe.
The other great thing about this is that it avoids one of the big problems with Mars colonization. On Mars, any habitat on the surface full of breathable air is vulnerable to leaks and explosive decompression, a la the Martian.
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Floating on Venus, a balloon full of breathable air doesn't have a significant pressure difference between the inside and the outside. Which means, any leaks or tears would be very slow and manageable. You could fix that shit with duct tape!
Similarly, because the environment outside the balloon is so Earth-like, humans living there wouldn't need any big fancy pressurized suits for extravehicular work. We'd need air to breathe, maybe some heat protection, and protection against the acid rain. That's it. 
Venus also provides the tools to keep us fed! It's atmosphere is made primarily of carbon dioxide, even above the dense horrible clouds. What likes carbon dioxide? Plants from Earth!! Lets grow FOOD on FLOATING PLATFORMS in the SKIES of VENUS.
This whole idea actually came out of a NASA effort exploring potential Venus colonization. The program was called HAVOC - the High Altitude Venus Operational Concept.
It hasn't really gone anywhere, and as far as I know there are no real plans to revisit it. Unfortunately, from a practicality standpoint, Mars is a much more viable target for human colonization. Not only is it better poised for outer solar system exploration, being farther away from the sun, but living on Venus would come with too many complicated contingencies. In the event of a major failure on Venus, you'd need to fly to another base, or fuck off all the way to orbit. I understand why people aren't really in a hurry to live somewhere where landing on the surface means certain death.
But that doesn't mean I won't be forever and always enamored by the skies of Venus. Here's one of the artist concepts to come out of HAVOC.
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I want to be there.
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hazel51 · 1 year
Orbital Decompression Surgery in Mumbai
Orbital Decompression: What is it and what does it entail?
For one reason or another there are eye complications that develop out of the blues and without proper treatment, might cause blindness, either temporary or permanently. Orbital decompression surgery in mumbai procedure that is used by opticians for conditions like thyroid eye disease. It has proven effective at The Esthetic Clinics, India in removal of layers of fat and even bone structures from the eye socket, also known as the orbit, from the eye of patients. Thyroid eye disease often occurs naturally, however, can be caused by conditions like inability to close eyes, experiencing double vision, bulging of the eye balls and even disfigurement cases.
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Before surgery preparation For Orbital Surgery in Mumbai
You have to be ready for the procedure before the day of its execution. Proper research will expose you to real time facts on the procedure, its risks and what it entails. It is the duty of the doctor to guide you through the various precautions to observe before and after the procedure for successful recovery from the procedure. An eye exam must be done by your doctorto determine whether there are any fat deposits or bone extensions in your eye orbit using a CT scan. You are also prepared mentally for the procedure during the diagnosis and testing period for better preparations for the procedure.
How is it done?
The procedure will definitely have to be administered by a certified optician specialist when the patient is under the effect of anaesthesia treatment. To access the caruncle, an incision is made on the upper eyelid. Upon reaching the medial inner corner of your eye, they are supposed to remove part of the bone between the eye and the nose. Any bone forming the outer wall of the socket is also alleviated during the procedure. Through an incision on the lining of the periorbita (thin lining covering the eye), the excess fats can be spread and even removed if the doctor deems it necessary during the procedure.
After surgery
There are painkillers that the doctor offers for pain management besides other disinfectants for the wound you are supposed to clean routinely. Avoid exposure to direct or bright sunlight that can cause harm to the recovery process. You also need to avoid any heavy duty tasks, for instance working out or lifting heavy items. It might help to get a personal assistant or family member to render a helping hand whenever you are incapacitated to handle basic house chores.
Are there any risks involved?
There are definitely a number of risks and challenges you must be open minded to upon getting the procedure. This is normal with most procedures to later on have minor complications during the recuperation window. The list of risks you are vulnerable to include double vision, swollen conjunctiva, eyelid malposition, vision loss, sinus infections, and cases of epiphora, scarring and even damages or injuries to optical nerves. The procedure is, however, safe when done in the right facility like The Esthetic Clinics, Mumbai. Ensure you with best Eyelid Surgeon in Mumbai report any major and minor setbacks in the recovery process to Dr. Debraj Shome should they show potential of slowing down the healing.
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surbhikapadia · 2 years
If you are considering oculoplastic surgery, be sure to consult with an experienced surgeon like Dr. Surbhi Kapadia. She is one of the best oculoplastic surgeon in Gujarat and has years of experience helping patients achieve their desired results.
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comicaurora · 1 year
What other mythological creatures would be fun in space? If the answer is "most of them?", Then limit the scope of the question to what becomes *more* fun in space?
Still "most of them," unfortunately.
Deep in the bowels of a derelict, drifting hulk, so battered with cosmic rays and space debris all sign of its original function have eroded away, something that could have been human roams the labyrinthine halls. Who knows what terrible crime or tragedy spawned it? It is huge, and hungry, and terribly, terribly alone. All anyone knows is that the drifting hulk that screams to the void in a hundred looping distress calls is to be avoided at all costs, for the maze is deadly and its lone prisoner even deadlier.
An enchanting woman knocks on the porthole with a broad smile, hair flowing in beautiful curls and mouth moving soundlessly in the boiling vacuum. She seems unaware of the inch-thick tempered plasteel, or perhaps unaware of its necessity for the mortal and the fragile within. As she stares unblinking, whispers begin to crackle over the ship radio, half-parseable snatches in many voices - surnames, stardates, coordinates. The knowledge is so, so tempting.
The astronaut is standing just outside the airlock. The sun is starting to sink behind the lunar horizon, cutting razor-sharp shadows across the silvery dust. He's been standing, patiently, for over four hours. The crew in the lander are huddled as far away from the door as possible, unconacipusly avoiding the astronaut's cold and vacant bunk. They had buried him, after all, three rotations ago, the special kind of dead you only get after decompression-induced exsanguination. And yet here he stands, looking better than ever, a healthy blush in his cheeks clearly visible without that bulky reflective helmet in the way. His eyes catch the setting sun strangely, almost red.
Space is an ocean, they say; the analogy is imperfect, and yet persistent in its poetry. The seafarers of old coasted along the surface of a vast and unknowable deep and called it sailing, and the spacefarers of the new frontier do the same. They speed between the stars or cut through wormhole gates for the occasional shortcut, skimming the three-dimensional surface of the vast four-dimensional space that wormholes can only tentatively pierce, and they are satisfied. But there are strange shadows in the stars, twisting and slow - distortions that ripple out from the hyperdepth and mostly pass without incident, barring the sensitive instruments left screaming in their wake. Nobody has ever seen the four-dimensional leviathans that cast these three-dimensional shadows. At least, nobody who's come back.
They call it a dragon because it flies and it's the scariest thing they've ever seen. It doesn't do it justice. If anything, trying to give it a familiar name only highlights its horrible uncategorizability. It flies, yes - or at least it undulates through atmosphere, seemingly irrelevant to its own mass. It has a golden hoard and breathes poison and fire, or rather the nuclear furnace that boils in its sinuous belly vomits out great gouts of poison fire that leaves stone and flesh as glassy slag and metals fused into radioactive gold. The land all around its lair is blackened and sick, a vile caldera of strange-colored swampland and twisted, fungal trees. In the absolute terror and devastation of its wake, the colonists fall back on old, bad superstitions and offer it a girl…
The sorcerer took out his heart long ago, they say. This is true, but inadequate. His true body is shattered in closely guarded pieces to protect himself from a total death; the form he presents is only a projection of his will onto and through the nanite colony his machinations spawned, a body crafted by the immortal mind and will of one who sacrificed everything to be deathless. His heart is concealed in a small life support capsule in a long-forgotten laboratory in a satellite orbiting the moon of a quarantined colony world; his nervous system wires itself through the vast, organic computer that has taken the place of the planet's core. Backups of backups of backups, redundancies laced through every stolen system. He knows there was a purpose to this, once; a goal to all this sacrifice beyond a simple extension of life. He will never remember who he wanted this for. To be truly deathless, one cannot have a heart.
It's retroviral, they think. No other form of infection could've rewired her cells this fundamentally. It's irreversible without gene therapy, but at least she isn't deteriorating, they say. At least she's holding together while they look for a treatment. She can feel it, though, no matter what the medic says; sub-cellular or not, she can feel it boiling under her skin, sharpening her teeth, burning out from the site of the bite on her arm. And she can feel, with absolute certainty, the planet's two satellites slowly shifting into opposition with the sun, right through the windowless walls of the quarantine pod. She doesn't know what she'll become when the moons are full, but she doesn't speak her suspicions. A part of her - perhaps even a part that's always been there - is very, very eager to find out.
A colony was here once, a long, long time ago. Terraformed and everything, but those were the early days, before they realized you needed a magnetosphere to keep all that air and water from being wicked away by the solar wind. The loss was so gradual it didn't make sense until over a century later, and there wasn't anything they could do for them long-term - wrong kind of core for a polarization op. They did evac, of course, but the priority was low - and it was centuries deep into social development. Everybody on that world had been born there, and some of them didn't want to leave. Way I hear it, some of them insisted on staying - strongly and violently - and the folks in charge eventually got tired of losing troops in a dessicating backwater that was gonna solve itself in less than a century, so they just fudged the paperwork and washed their hands of the whole thing. It's near airless now - stopped being a viable colony world nigh on thirty years back when the last of the ice vanished. But that's not why we steer clear. We don't land there because the locals didn't have the decency to die right, and it can be damn unsettling to catch their shadows sneaking across the sand. They're drawn to ships, you know? Poor bastards still think they can leave.
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amazingspider-z · 8 months
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potentially partially inspired by @wazzappp 's Mantis Blade au in terms of Khaji Da giving Jaime funky little extras (that make him suffer so much) i present the wing portion of the Reachling au!
Inspired by that time he fell from orbit without Khaji Da in issue #36 of the 2006 run.
Basically, my current working theory is that Khaji Da was prepping a bunch of. Ahem. extras that just needed to be triggered to cause the musculoskeletal change just in case, and while it was initializing the reboot they activated the wings along with the forcefield, which. Doing it all at once as they were shutting down definitely hurt like hell, but Jaime did get out of orbit without breaking (almost) every bone in his body so. A win is a win (until he decompresses enough for everything to sink in, anyway).
Like actual beetle wings, they fold up, although Jaime doesn't have elytra unless he is actually suited up, and if Khaji Da lends a hand they can even fold up beneath the skin. They're also the wings he has from this point on as the Blue Beetle, although like the rest of him they end up armored, and have that extra technological oomph.
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
Invisible String (Part 2)
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(part 2/9)
ship: austin butler x fem!reader
story summary: a summer fling when you were working on the set of the shannara chronicles turned your life upside down with a positive pregnancy test after austin returned to the united states. a pregnancy test, and a daughter that you never told him about. until the elvis biopic found him back in your orbit and forced you to face the music.
chapter summary: trying to process the whirlwind life has become since austin found out about cora is easier said than done, especially with a best friend throwing the word “fate” around.
word count: 1525
authors note: yes i know the shannara chronicles was filmed in new zealand but this is my au and i can do what i want so we’re pretending it was filmed in queensland. covid also doesn’t exist in this story, because i said so, hence the filming schedule being one of my own making.
i live for comments and love talking about my writing, pls feel free to pop me an anon anytime!
May 1st, 2020
“Well I’ll take back what I said about not thinking you working on set would be a big deal.” Leah said, giving you an apologetic smile. Your mom took Cora for the night to give you some space to decompress from everything, or in other words- drink on Leah’s couch marathoning Parks & Rec.
“Yeah, understatement of the year.” You said, peeling at the label on your bottle. “He seemed pretty pissed, and I guess I can’t fault him for that. But when we were talking about Cora and not me he kinda mellowed out.”
You hadn’t actually seen Austin since he left your house the night before, the timing of Baz giving everyone a long weekend off working out perfectly. But you’d sent him a text inviting him over to see Cora when he was free, figuring it couldn’t hurt to transition into some sort of amicable dynamic before you had to orbit around each other at work all day every day.
“My cousin had a baby without telling the father and when he found out he lost his shit, took her to court for almost full custody and everything. Austin doesn’t seem like that type though.” Leah continued, a little too casually for your liking. You didn’t know what you would do if Austin was that type.
“Small blessings.”
Leah nodded, lowering her voice with a look in her eyes that gave you an inkling of the direction the conversation was going in. “But hey, at least him and Vanessa ended things for good, one door closes and another opens.”
She wiggled her eyebrows at you then, and you scoffed.
“Did you not hear me saying he’s pissed at me? I don’t think getting back together is in the cards here.”
“Well not now,” She continued, bumping your shoulder “But you never know. You gotta admit him being back here, a job opening up for you like it did- it all seems orchestrated by fate, doesn’t it?”
You wouldn’t give your best friend the satisfaction of admitting that it had crossed your mind, briefly. So rolling your eyes, you leaned forward to turn up the volume on the TV and effectively cut her off before she could interrogate you any further.
May 2nd, 2020
Cora saw Austin pulling into your driveway before you did, squinting out the window and turning back to you.
“Your frien’s here again?”
Jumping down, she held onto your pant leg as you opened the door, eyeing him curiously.
“This is Austin baby,” You said and gently nudged her out from where she had started to hide behind you. He walked into the house, crouching down onto her level as he shed his sunglasses.
“And I heard you’re Cora, how’s your chin feeling?”
She looked at him quietly for a beat, rocking on her heels. “Mommy gave me a p’incess bandaid and it made it all better.”
“It did?” He said, feigning shock with raised eyebrows. “Do you think the bandaid has magic powers?”
Cora giggled, putting a finger to the Cinderella bandaid over her stitches with a serious nod.
“You know, I think Austin would love to build Legos with you if you asked him,” You said and Cora unpeeled from your side to step closer. Austin looked at her with an expectment smile, and you could see it in his face how much he adored her already, a pang of guilt surging through you.
“Can we play Legos? They’re in my closet, mommy hasta’ use a chair to get ‘em cause she’s small.”
Both you and Austin laughed at that, a welcome break in the tension- even if caused by your daughter calling you short.
“I think I might be able to grab ‘em sweetie, you wanna show me where they are?”
Cora ran off with Austin trailing behind her, and you waited until they rounded the corner to lean against the door and take a breath. The past few days felt weeks and seconds long all at once.
May 15th, 2020
The first visit went well, and did what you’d hoped it would in regards to erasing any awkwardness at work. But you were so busy with your own job that you barely saw Austin for longer than a few minutes anyways. The extent of your hushed conversations were Cora, and planning the pop-ins at your house that were becoming regular.
Almost every time he wasn’t at set until obscenely late he was pulling into your driveway. And with each visit he talked to you a little more- as opposed to the laser focus he’d had on Cora to begin with. You could sense that he was still hurt, but all you wanted was for your daughter now was to have parents that could get along with each other. Somewhat awkward small talk was better progress on that than nothing.
“I see him!” Cora said from where she was standing on the couch by the window, having been waiting there since you told her he was coming over an hour ago. She scrambled down to open the front door as soon as his car pulled to a stop, running outside without shoes on to greet him.
She still didn’t know who he really was, and you hadn’t figured how exactly you were going to tackle that, but Austin didn’t seem in a rush either- nor had he brought it up yet. Until then, Cora seemed more than content to make “mommy’s friend” her best friend, not that you could complain about how fast she’d taken to him.
“Cora Jean!” He crooned as he swung open the car door, scooping her up as she got to him. Holding her on his hip, he reached into the backseat and came back out with two bundles of white flowers, handing one to Cora and carrying the other himself. You realized what he was doing before he got to the door, swallowing thickly.
“Hiya,” He said when he reached you, handing over the other flowers with a soft smile. You could see a faint tint in his cheeks, at least you thought you might’ve- not trying to stare at him for too long.
“Our flowers match mama!”
Cora looked between the two of you excitedly, one arm looped around Austin’s neck as you let them into the house with a quiet “Thank you.” towards him.
Looking down at the flowers, your mind wandered back to the first time he’d brought you flowers that 2015 summer. You’d been out sick for three days and he made the trip to the store and your apartment with them in spite of knowing he was being photographed. The two of you scrolled through the headlines about him buying flowers for a “mystery girl” together while laying in bed. And the gossip amusing then, when there were no real stakes.
You were distracted by Cora’s antics of the day, dragging both you and Austin into a tea party with her stuffed animals, and didn’t notice that there was a small card in your flowers until after he left for the day.
Sitting down at the kitchen table, you bit on your bottom lip as you opened it.
I’m still trying to process being kept in the dark and missing out on so much of our daughter’s life. But she’s a great kid and I want to do right by her by doing right by her mom. Dinner at mine the next time you’re kid free for the night?
June 1st, 2015
You hadn’t planned on going to the welcome party the producers were throwing together for the cast and crew, not when you didn’t exactly know anyone enough to drink an exuberant amount around them. But a text from another girl on the lighting team asking if you were going convinced you. Which was all good and fine, until she ditched you twenty minutes in to attach herself to a male member of the crew.
You were standing against the wall contemplating leaving, just having finished your drink, when someone’s voice coming towards you pulled your attention.
“Hey! It said, and you didn’t realize who it belonged to in the dark of the club until he got a little closer.” “I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Austin,”
You recognized him then, grown out blonde hair pulled back into a man-bun. Though you thought he pulled it off, that and the halfway undone button up shirt he had on. He was just as cute as he was in the pictures you’d seen, to the extent that you were surprised he was talking to you over some of the other girls orbiting around unoccupied.
“I think it’d be bad if I didn’t know your name when you’re the star of the show,” You quipped back and he grinned,
“You got a name yourself?”
“It’s Y/N, I’m on the light crew.” You said over the music and he gave a little nod as he sipped the drink he was holding. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.”
Well, you hadn’t been expecting that.
He glanced at the party, looking back to you with a raised eyebrow. “You wanna dance?”
At first you thought you heard him wrong, but he reached out a hand and you took it, letting him pull you out onto the dance floor. The two of you fell into a natural rhythm, and when he ducked his head down to kiss you let him do that too, snaking a hand up the side of his neck and as he pulled you closer to him by the hips.
And in the morning when you woke up to the rise and fall of his shirtless chest next to you your breath caught in your throat. The events of the night before came back to you in pieces, and still didn’t feel quite real. He could’ve pulled anyone at the party and pursued you. Some girl from the lighting team.
Not that you were interested in holding him back.
tag list: @chernayawidow @theinvisiblecapricorn @aalishifts @mavericksicybabe @cryingabtab @kittenlittle24 @invisiblee-smoke @mrs-munson-quinn @cevans-winchester @kikilovesdankmemes @oh-austin @chrissie-soula @starcatchxr @butlervol6 @thedeviltohisangel @redhoods-gf @gabrielajimenez @stlover288 @alqvarde @loudwombatmugkid @austinbrainrot @ab4eva @m0ndayagain @marlowmode @kingbouji3 @gardenavenue @yeonimii @eliseinmemphis @blurredcolour @tiddieshakeshownu @fallininlovewithurlove
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sunglassesmish · 27 days
Congrats on your mom’s cataract surgery, it makes such a huge difference, I’ll never forget taking my mom to the zoo right after hers, she was so excited to see colors properly again!
thank you so much for this!! she’s been unable to drive when it even starts to get dark for literally 2 years. it is such a huge burden lifted off her shoulders. i couldn’t be happier for her. she’s had so many different eye surgeries for different reasons (orbital decompression, retinal detachment, and then one from complications with that and another because she had a cyst in her eye)
so we’re hoping this is the last and that her vision improves🤞 i am very glad you shared this about your mom, it gives me hope for mine 🤗
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for leaving a crew mate on a different planet?
For some context; I (M36) am the doctor for a research mission to Mars. My crew mates are Commander L, M, V, J, and W. M, V and J aren't that important for this, but J and W are.
Six "days" (time passes differently on Mars) into our mission, Houston spotted a storm on the satellites, but our commander, L, said we could do surface ops before it hit. I questioned whether this was a good idea, but as Houston had authorised it, she gave the order to go ahead. While they were out, Houston upgraded the rating to 'severe', so their research gathering was put on hold. The storm kept getting worse, however, and eventually L had to make the call to abort the mission.
Visibility was almost zero outside. You have to understand, we could barely see anything. As we struggled towards the MAV, W started talking about how we could shore it up, make tipping less likely. However, before he could finish, a piece of flying debris hit him, and he disappeared into the storm. We couldn't contact him on radio. His decompression alarm went off. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford to search, as the storm was so bad we were struggling to stand upright.
When we got to the MAB, I checked my computer and saw W's suit had sent a biometrics reading of blood pressure and pulse rate being zero. Decompression renders a human unconscious in less than 15 seconds, with death following after. I had good reason to believe W was dead.
L tried to come up with a way to find W's body, but I convinced her it wasn't worth it, as the MAV was about to tip over and we needed to launch before we all died. Looking for W's body would have just wasted valuable time and gotten L killed. By firing the OBS (Orbital Manoeuvring System) we were able to launch successfully, but all of us were devastated at W's death.
It's been weeks, and we've just gotten word that W is actually alive, and has been living in the HAB and growing potatoes to survive. We're all thrilled, but L feels horrible for leaving him behind. It's not her fault. I was the one who convinced her to stop looking for W's body. I keep wondering if there's something I could have done to save him, some way I could have helped the search, but I know we needed to leave. I couldn't jeopardise the mission and all of our safety for one person who i thought was dead. I just... feel terrible about it, knowing W is down there, and I was the first to write him off as dead.
The others are trying to convince me i didn't do anything wrong, but I'm really not sure. Did I do the right thing? AITA?
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My Graves Disease Journey 2019 ((Repost))
THIS BLOG HAD TO BE RE-WRITTEN SO FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO MAY HAVE READ IT ONCE BEFORE SOME THINGS/WORDS MAY BE DIFFERENT…I TRULY APOLOGIZE, TAKE THE TIME TO READ MY JOURNEY YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT…THIS SURGERY WAS SO-SO WORTH IT!!! My name is Tysie (Ticy) Cherall and I was diagnosed with Graves Disease also known as Thyroid Eye Disease to some. I was diagnosed with this illness in 2007. I have…
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raymonddouglasmd · 5 months
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Orbital Decompression Surgery
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The Pull
It is essential that, when dealing with Danny, you remember Gravity is an incidental, not a constant. His effect isn't measurable because his pull only affects what he manipulates directly.
See, gravity loves Danny, lifting him up in its arms and pulling whatever he wants down into his orbit. It gathers him close to lift whatever it needs to move or spreads him thin to pass through walls. It creates dips where light collects in his hair and gloves till they shine like stars or runs away to leave an inky void in the black of his suit. There is a sense of depth in his pupils as if you might fall in and never break free if you ever got too close, a dateline across his cornea you can’t see past. Sometimes he becomes so thin that light forgets him entirely.
Danny’s effect isn't limited to himself; he can pull you into his orbit; let you in on his altered laws of physics. This is, of course, immensely useful. The problem is that most people are not meant for the kind of pressure he creates, and the only way to avoid the damage caused by instant depressurization is for him to lend some ectoplasm. Over time this can lead to some... Consequences. People become a little dead if they use his powers too many times. Usually, the effects are minor; a new eye flash or teeth that are just a bit too sharp. In severe cases, direct exposure can lead to illnesses like ecto-acne or the starts or a core. Within Amnety, these effects are essentially nonissues since everyone already has such high levels of contamination. Still, he tries to minimize his use of these powers on humans.
Concrete objects are the easiest to manipulate; bats and lead piping answer his pull much easier than air or water. He has learned, however, that the gravitational manipulation of gases can be, well, interesting. By reducing the temperature and increasing the pressure, he can create some truly exception bombs, either by releasing control and allowing the air to explode outward or by continuing the increase, leading to explosive decompression of the surrounding air.
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hypnotisedfireflies · 5 months
(I feel like I have to tell you that though I haven’t been able to keep up with reading the last few weeks I totally think about you and sending good vibes that your magic fingers never stop typing!!)
I have a thought, and I want your thoughts. Tess doesn’t strike me as a self-harming/cutting person. She’s too much about self-preservation. Nor do the Miller’s. Ellie, however, does. In the dorms, especially when Riley left, I would picture someone like Ellie would punish herself in that way. And in Jackson, angry with Joel and feeling like she should have been allowed to martyr herself, I imagine she did it too. Do you think your universe Ellie is like this? Where does she direct her anger and self-loathing? I have gravitated so much into the Tess/Joel orbit that I haven’t delved deep into Ellie’s character. It’s that main character paradox that I have.
(I could be mistaken about your universe Ellie but I wanted to ask! I love how you are able to incorporate the selfish, the nuance, the unreliable narrator. All the things!)
Oh and this is it’s own ask but I want to know about that kid that Joel found in the woods in the alt. storyline that they returned to the cabin. Unless it’s unbelievably tragic in that case … spare me lol gif is included for funsies.
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You're all good, lovely! Totally understand - you have a very busy life and the stories will always be there when you have time and space to read them. <3
That's a really interesting take about Ellie! I haven't really considered it before (Tessjoel brainrot, I hear you..) so I'm thinking on the fly a bit here.
I guess *thinking, thinking* ... sure, it's absolutely plausible. Ellie is toting a lot of unprocessed guilt and trauma around. She definitely didn't have anyone in the dorms to confide in. But later in Jackson she does, and I would like to think that Ellie has lots of opportunities to talk to different people and avoid self-harm.
I've mentioned in a few of my stories that Jackson is very aware of the mental health of its citizens. They have support groups for different demographics throughout any given week, they go around and make house calls when the weather is bad and anniversaries are coming around. They've lost a lot of people who don't know how to cope once they "stop" in Jackson and are hyper aware of looking after each other: mind, body and soul.
Tess and Joel don't go to any of the support groups (Tommy does) and Ellie, to Tess's chagrin, follows their lead and doesn't either. But she gradually builds her own friendships of other people in the township, like Cat and Jesse and Dina. She might not be absolutely open with them, but she can talk to them.
So while I can appreciate the concept that Ellie might be given to behaviours like self-harming, I don't think she does this in Driftersverse. She's keeping busy trying to find a new way to make her life count (which is an up and down struggle, eg You Only Live Twice).
I think she directs her anger into building and maintaining Jackson. She felt like she had something to offer the world and that was taken from her, so she works really hard to try and make up for it. Harder than basically anyone in Jackson. Her guilt for being unable to 'share' her immunity feeds into finding other ways to protect the township. And then later, it all gets poured into Joel...
I hope that answers the question? There is so much to unpack with Ellie in this period. She's growing up, she's adjusting to a new life and starting to decompress her old and suspecting Joel and then grappling with what he did and her sexuality and her place in the world - SO MUCH. I hope I can do her justice when I write more of her in this time.
Thank you for asking! BUT WHO IS THE CHILD IN THE WOODS? What is this from?
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novacarinae-fr · 2 years
Sornieth Solar System
Sornieth is the fourth planet in its solar system, though it is the only one of its family of seven that is known to be artificial. Understanding Sornieth’s true nature as a constructed planet, and being able to observe our sister worlds without interference from Sornieth’s atmosphere, has allowed us to gain a much more detailed understanding of our solar system.
For a long time, the four inner planets were the only ones known to dragonkind, due to Sornieth’s unique atmospheric distortion and the strange 25-AU gap between Sornieth and the next furthest planet. It was only when we were able to observe from outside the atmosphere that we were able to assemble a truly accurate picture.
(For ease of reading, I will be using Earth as a reference for measurements. 1 AU = distance between Earth and Sun, about 93 million miles or 150 million km.)
The star of Sornieth’s solar system is a rather ordinary K-type, Population I, main sequence orange dwarf star.
Spectral Type: K2V
Mass: 0.830 solar masses
Radius: 0.785 solar radii
Luminosity: 0.37 solar luminosities
Effective temperature: 5120K
Lifespan: 16 billion years
Age: 10 billion years
Other info / notable details: N/A
The first planet from the Sun, Tlinieth was once a gas giant. However, its extreme proximity to the star stripped away its atmosphere, leaving behind only its metallic core. The planet is currently extremely dense, though it is in the process of decompressing. From Sornieth, the planet is far too close to the sun to be visible, but its transits cause measurable dips in the Sun’s brightness.
Mass: 30 Earth masses
Radius: 8 Earth radii
Orbital radius: 0.025 AU
Orbital eccentricity: 0.008 (nearly perfectly circular)
Year length: 1.58 days
Day length: 1.58 days (tidally locked)
Composition: Rocky
Atmosphere: None
Moons: None
Other: Astronomers knew of the planet’s existence for thousands of years due to its gravitational influence and slight dips in the Sun’s brightness, but were unable to actually observe it due to its proximity to the star until quite recently. Although recently discovered, its name is derived from the ancient Draconic words meaning “burning planet”.
Kirnieth, second planet from the Sun, is a small rocky planet with a highly eccentric orbit; it’s theorized the planet may have started out more circular, and had its orbit disrupted by the migration of Tlinieth through the inner solar system. It lacks an atmosphere, and its dark surface is covered in glowing cracks where gravitational stress and asteroid impacts have taken their toll on the crust, exposing the molten mantle.
Mass: 0.10 Earth masses
Radius: 0.44 Earth radii
Semimajor Axis: 0.37 AU
Orbital eccentricity: 0.21 (high eccentricity)
Year length: 90 days
Day length: 16 days
Composition: Rocky
Atmosphere: Very thin, mostly carbon dioxide
Moons: none
Other: Its name is derived from the ancient Draconic words for “dancing planet”, due to its swift motion through the sky and difficulties in predicting its position in ancient times.
Merakai has, in the past decade, gone from one of the least interesting planets to the most fascinating. The planet is much more within the star’s habitable zone than Sornieth itself- and is the only other world known to support life. Through the lenses of our best telescopes on Sornieth, the planet’s surface has appeared a smooth, hazy, featureless tan. Upon closer inspection, however, we found the othermost layer of the planet to be riddled with tunnels and rooms too small for any dragons much larger than a skydancer, unmistakably artificial and incredibly ancient- older than Sornieth itself. This planet once supported a vast technologically advanced society. The planet-wide underground complex, which is now known as the Labyrinth, seems to have begun as a crude construction at least 5 million years ago, but was rapidly expanded to cover the whole planet and then even more rapidly abandoned over the total course of 1000-1500 years, 1 million years ago. Why the Labyrinth Builders disappeared is still unknown. Although the planet is no longer home to any megafauna, small ‘plants’, ‘animals’, and microbes continue to thrive.
Mass: 1.21 Earth masses
Radius: 1.10 Earth radii
Orbital radius: 0.5 AU
Orbital eccentricity: 0.018 (near-circular)
Year length: 142 days
Day length: 28 hours
Composition: Rocky
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases; slightly thinner than Sornieth. Breathable, but irritates lungs of dragons after prolonged exposure. Beastclans seem to be able to breathe the air indefinitely.
Moons: 13 known small, irregular moons in an impressive ring system
Other: Merakai is the only inner planet whose common name is Beastclan in origin, rather than draconic, though scholars continue to argue about the origins and meaning of the name. It is also the only other currently inhabited planet in the solar system; The Company have been traversing its atmosphere in airships for a few years, and intend to eventually build a permanent base. The Company have also been at the forefront of exploring the Labyrinth and researching those who came before. A few of the researchers believe Merakai was home to the spacefaring common ancestors of many Beastclans long before dragonkind ever existed. A few decades ago, all of us would’ve called this idea madness. Now, we agree it is at least worth a serious investigation.
Sornieth is an extremely recent newcomer to the system, at least on cosmic timescales. The planet is only about 1 million years old, compared to the 10 billion year age of the system. Currently, we believe the planet was constructed from material gathered from the asteroid belt just beyond the planet’s orbit. The planet is hollow, or at least mostly hollow- we don’t know whether the cavity contains air, vacuum, or low-density support structures, but we do know the Rift opening is at the planet’s core, powering all magic on the planet. We are, essentially, living on the outside of a small Dyson sphere.
Mass: 1.87 Earth masses
Radius: 1.6 Earth radii
Orbital radius: 0.94 AU; on the cold outskirts of the star’s habitable zone. The heat that makes liquid water possible at this distance comes from the inside. Our current theory is that, rather than the planet’s distance being a design flaw the Eleven need to divert energy to, Sornieth was created farther away from the Sun intentionally so the gods could use the planet to dissipate excess Rift energy as heat. Perhaps simply building the planet farther away and letting the Rift heat it internally was easier and more efficient than finding a way to limit the flow of energy or cool the core.
Orbital eccentricity: 0.000 (perfectly circular according to our current best measurements)
Year length: 365 days
Day length: 24 hours
Composition: Very dense rocky shell (about 1/10th of total radius); hollow interior. Relatively thin crust over a thin layer of mantle; plate tectonics are extremely slow, with most volcanoes caused by hot spots.
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases
Moons: 2 “twin” moons- the Weaver’s Eye and the Binder’s Eye. They are the same size (0.15 Earth radii, 0.01 Earth masses), perfectly spherical, and have seemingly identical color and composition, though the Binder’s Eye is farther away and appears smaller. They are currently unexplored in any detail due to difficulties presented by force field distortion- like trying to make out writing a mile away through a haze of hot air. It’s unknown whether these moons are natural satellites the planet captured, or constructions like Sornieth itself. There have been some indications of structures on the surface, but we haven’t been able to eliminate the possibility that this is simply due to the unique distortion.
Other: Name is ancient Draconic for “our planet”. One of two planets in our solar system known to harbor life. Why the Eleven built it is unknown. Sornieth is the only planet in the system that can sustain magic, due to the Rift. The Rift itself remains mysterious in origin, but what little we know is this: the Rift is a hole between universes, connecting the center of Sornieth to the core of a star in a parallel universe. The Rift leeches energy from the star, which is what makes magic possible here- energy from ‘nothing’, with the Eleven acting as conduits. However, this has destabilized the star and accelerated its demise. The residents of this parallel universe created the Shade as a weapon of self-defense. We are unable to make the details of our research public for security reasons; for more information on the Rift, Shade, or Riftkind, it is necessary to contact the Vigilance personally.
Void Belt
For thousands of years, the solar system was believed to consist only of the four inner planets, with Sornieth marking its outer edge and nothing but asteroids and comets beyond. It’s understandable that scholars believed this to be the case; the idea of there being a nearly 4-billion-kilometer gap between Sornieth and the next planet would’ve been difficult to take seriously, especially without much visible evidence. The outer planets orbit slowly, and with atmospheric distortion, most of them are invisible to the naked eye and nearly impossible to spot even with a telescope. It wasn’t until we were able to observe our solar system from space that these planets were discovered. The 25-AU gap- which we call the Void Belt- contains several asteroid belts and swarms of comets, but nothing large enough to qualify as a dwarf planet.
Shanieth is a frozen water world, the closest of the recently discovered Outer Planets. Although we have sent a probe to explore it, it will be decades before that probe arrives. Unless we can build something faster, or spare a large amount of resources to send Horizon Seeker, it will be a long time before Shanieth reveals her mysteries.
Mass: 2.3 Earth masses
Radius: 1.3 Earth radii
Orbital radius: 26 AU
Orbital eccentricity: 0.07
Year length: 217.9 years
Day length: 19.4 hours
Composition: Rocky, with thick outer layer of ice/water.
Atmosphere: Thick; nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and carbon dioxide. Greenhouse effect makes the planet somewhat warmer, but not enough to make it habitable for any known macroscopic life.
Moons: None; three very thin rings.
Other: Name is ancient Draconic for “frozen planet”, to accompany Tlinieth. It’s likely the planet’s water layer is not frozen all the way through, but has a several-kilometer-deep ice ‘shell’ with an extremely deep liquid ocean beneath heated by pressure and the planet’s interior. It’s theorized this ocean may sustain some extremely strange alien life, but so far we don’t have conclusive evidence either way.
Xai is a brilliant blue gas giant with a large, beautiful icy ring system, and is the second largest planet.
Mass: 69 Earth masses
Radius: 4.2 Earth radii
Orbital radius: 30 AU
Orbital eccentricity: 0.05
Year length: 270.1 years
Day length: 11 hours
Composition: Gas giant; primarily hydrogen, helium
Moons: 28 known
Other: The name is derived from an ancient Maren sky deity.
Osoba is a small brown dwarf, an object between the largest gas giants and the smallest stars; large enough to fuse deuterium, but not massive enough to fuse hydrogen to helium in their cores like proper stars. It glows a dim magenta, and has a surface temperature of about 600K. It is not visible with the naked eye from Sornieth and is barely visible as an extremely faint magenta object through telescopes. Osoba is younger than the rest of the solar system, which coupled with its highly eccentric orbit suggests this may in fact be a failed star captured by the Sun, rather than something that formed in the solar system. We’ve been unable to explore it in much detail; we plan to send the Horizon Seeker there as a test run of its deep space travel capabilities before we attempt a mission to another star system.
Mass: 9550 Earth masses
Radius: 11.5 Earth radii
Semimajor axis: 60 AU
Orbital eccentricity: 0.25
Year length: 764 years
Day length: uncertain
Composition: Mostly hydrogen, helium
Moons: 34 known, 4 of them large enough that they could be considered dwarf or small planets if they weren’t moons.
Other: Name derived from the ruler of the Serthis underworld.
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