#Organic Spotify Promotion
thetunesclub · 2 years
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abtjosim · 11 months
Some of my Fiverr order & 5* review from buyers. I'm a professional digital marketing specialist & SEO expert. If you need any service text me.
Thank you 👍👍
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antor889900 · 1 year
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michellelandes7 · 8 months
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I am a professional digital marketer
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justiceamberheard · 6 months
''Who Trolled Amber'' podcast
The highlights of each episode from the podcast. You can listen to it on Spotify, Youtube etc. EPISODE 1.
The outcome of the trial definitely damaged #METOO movement;
There were 80k of anti Amber Heard tweets, more than anti JD tweets even though AH was the one who accused him of abuse;
There's no way it was all organic, they either bought bots or those were real people pretending to be JD's supporters;
According to Jennifer Robinson, one of AH lawyers from the UK trial, Amber'd never wanted to relieve what had happened to her during the relationship;
Jennifer thought it'd be easier to win the US than in the UK;
The information about bots were thrown out way before the trial hence Ron Shnell couldn't talk about in the courtroom; EPISODE 2.
According to Ron Shnell there was a bot campaign against AH but he wasn't 100% sure because the judge struck out that research;
Kathryn Arnold shared that AH wasn't allowed to be a part of Aquaman 2 promotion tour and was banned from posting anything Aquaman related;
KA also said that AH couldn't audition, no one would hire her and that the agents were told not to touch her[AH]; EPISODE 3
The podcast creators asked experts(Kai-Cheng Yang) to check the date that was given by Ron Shnell;
According to the data: many accounts with no followers had tweets with more than 5k retweets/likes; hundreds of identical tweets were posted in one day; many accounts liked 400k tweets; 10k of identical comments were left under AH youtube videos; many accounts change their tune(from right wing Chile politics) and out of nowhere started to post pro JD tweets; half oh the data/accounts/tweets were generated by inauthentic accounts and then the real accounts started to engage with those tweets etc. it all started in November 2020 when JD lost the UK case and was fired from Fantastic Beasts; EPISODE 4
Cameron Herrin case was mentioned, more specifically the sudden interest and pro CH posts on TikTok asking to reduce his sentence and that he is innocent. Most of the accounts that were spreading those posts were from Middle East; EPISODE 5
Some Arabic twitter accounts suddenly started to tweet Pro JD tweets in English during and after the US trial;
The friendship betweet Johnny Depp and prince Mohammed was mentioned(him financing JD directorial movie Modi); EPISODE 6
Adam Waldman worked for Lavrov as a consultant for years(2010-2017);
During the deposition Adam Waldman refused to answer more than 70 questions;
Alexi Mostrous tried contacting ''the internet journalists'' aka TUG and ThatBrianFella but they didn't answer; he also pointed out that the audios that were posted by ThatBrianFella were clearly edited(we know);
Mostrous also tried to call Adam Waldman but he didn't pick up the phone and 25 minutes later posted a tweet:
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“He[Adam Waldman] attacked witnesses, he attacked us (legal team)..unlike anything I have ever seen from a lawyer” said Jennifer Robinson. ''Amber Heard wrote an Op-ed for Washington Post which is a very respected publication and Johnny Depp's name isn't in it. It told to survivors if this can be done to a woman whose actually well-known and well-established person in the industry, it's gonna be even worse for you.'' All-in-All, it's clear as day that Waldman was behind the bot campaign against Amber. We've known that but it's good that a popular podcast researched about it and shed a light on it. Plus it's always great to see JD fans being nervous and panicky.
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aqualogia · 4 months
hi I really like your mb and I'm new here. Do u have any suggestions or tips to make mb? like where did u get the pics and the captions.
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𝓜oodboards: a guide for beginner blogs!
I decided to bring here a small tutorial that can help other blogs that are starting out and still have questions that need clarification, with tips and links that you may need. I wrote this from my point of view of creating moodboards and I tried to be as brief as possible in my explanation, there may be errors in English as I'm not fluent in that language and everything here was translated using Google Translate, any questions you can contact me via asks or by message.
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how do I find pics for moodboards?
Pinterest is where you will find most images for moodboards, so create a Pinterest board just for these images, separating them into subboards for each color or aesthetic to make it easier.
Some blogs leave the link to their Pinterest accounts in pinneds or in the carrd, you can follow them and save the pics they published on the app in your boards, this will influence the Pinterest algorithm so that they recommend more of the type of images you want.
You can also search on Pinterest for the aesthetic and color you want (coquette pink aesthetic, cottagecore aesthetic, y2k, etc.).
how to make moodboards + tips:
Well, it's not such a complicated thing for me. I generally make moodboards with 6 or 9 images, taking inspiration from the moodboards of other blogs that I admire, so I can get an idea of ​​how to make the captions and how to position the photos in a way that matches them.
To make it easier, first I create the moodboard and then I look for an icon of a kpop idol that can match the aesthetics and color of the moodboard. The reverse can also be done: first choose an icon and make a moodboard for that image, paying attention to the color palette and tonality (and for some reason, for me it's better to create moodboards in Tumblr's light mode instead of dark mode)
When I finish the moodboard, I add the caption, the hashtags (which will be very important for your post to reach other people) and maybe a divider. You can find these dividers on other blogs or by searching for "dividers" on Tumblr.
If you want to split a photo into two or more images, use this site.
how to create captions:
To make the captions, I use parts of songs that I like or that I found searching on Pinterest for "Spotify song lyrics", but they can also be album or song names, movie names, a phrase you thought, etc. The symbols you will put in the caption can be found on this website or just by searching for "symbols", "kpop symbols", "kaomojis" on tumblr.
If you want to use a different font for the letters, there are these two websites (01 and 02). And to change the color, there are also these two tutorials (01 and 02).
what to do to make your blog "popular":
Add popular hashtags that relate to the content you are posting. If you use almost the same tags as other big blogs, your posts will have more reach. Posting frequently and your account looking nice and organized helps too.
Ask several other popular blogs to promote your account. This was very important for my profile to grow in the number of followers and engagement.
Join the events that some blogs do, as they offer good prizes like reblogs if you win. And remember to have patience, as it often takes a while to get good engagement on Tumblr.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
With 17 versions to buy and 8 versions combined for 160 streams per Spotify account, plus Melon and FLO streams now counting, of course Jungkook’s Seven is charting high and sweeping awards. Firstly because it’s Jungkook of course, and secondly because it’s been given every possible advantage.
My (perhaps controversial) opinions about that are below the cut.
Honestly? I really can’t feel good about any “first” or “most” or “fastest” records achieved by this single—catchy as it is—which wasn’t written or conceived by Jungkook and has nothing much personal or deeply meaningful about it. It’s a fun feel-good summer pop song, for sure, but no more groundbreaking than, say, Bad Decisions (in my opinion… I have no musical expertise.)
But I can’t feel super great about all the records and awards because this many versions immediately restocked and shipped and auto play and promoted to radio and ads and leadership hyping only this while Jungkook says he wants to be the one and only artist to conquer kpop and pop for the next thousand years… it all just doesn’t really sit right with me.
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When compared to the 10 months Jimin forewent sleep, food, and showers to have a hand in every aspect of his first (and deeply personal and symbolic) album, which was never sent to radio or restocked, got split tracks and delayed playlisting and shady articles, plus not one kudos or congratulations from leadership even after he made history for South Korea and stocks soared…
Forgive me, but it all leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It is ruining the song for me.
Some things like culled streams and sales are out of the company’s control. But the things I mentioned above were all possible for Jimin’s Hot 100 #1. Even if every Tannie has total say in their projects' sales and marketing, and everyone was on board with only Jungkook getting the Hybe America "red carpet" treatment, I can’t lie and say the stark difference feels fine. It doesn't, and I confess I leave the headphones in every time Seven comes up in the playlists now.
I’m not jealous. If anything, I have a warped sense of pride that Jimin has done so fantastically well despite so many, many obstacles stacked against him. I love to champion an underdog and I’m glad I never need to doubt his success was organic. I actually feel extra admiration for how humble and hardworking he continues to be—no resting on any laurels for the It Boy. I'm so glad he is my ult-bias.
Listen to me.
I know Jungkook and Jimin are both genuinely good people. I know they are sincerely talented and hard working. I know they truly love each other. I know all members are legitimately happy for each others' success.
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I know what’s important to me may not be important to them, nor what they want for their careers. And even if I feel their company’s making shitty decisions, I know my place as a fan.
So I trust them. And I simply hang in. I hope lessons were learned for smoother, fairer future releases. Because neglecting assets makes zero business sense, and perceived favoritism can erode the group’s bonds and tear ARMY apart. It is, frankly, just plain stupid.
So I may dislike things about their solo era rollouts and I can't bring myself to sugar-coat it; but I mostly try to keep my negative thoughts to myself and find things I CAN celebrate with other fans on an open timeline.
I never want another Tannie to feel anguished and misunderstood the way Hobi did about JitB’s physicals.
Watching Jungkook’s face here on his London live when he talks about people hating him just haunts me. It guts me. I can't stand it. That kid was going through it and I don't believe he has a malicious bone in his body, so it just really upsets me seeing him like that.
There’s so, so much about this company, this industry, this culture that I just don’t understand. But I trust Park Jimin completely. As long as Park Jimin loves and supports his members, God knows, I will too.
So!! On that note...
We have Jungkook’s birthday to celebrate next week and Taehyung’s album to support the week after that. I’m going to do my best to rest up and gather some good energy for these things!
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And of course, we must congratulate our Jimin, who made history again today, and no matter what, will always set the standard. I just know he's cooking up something else for us with all these weeks of silence, and I cannot wait to go BERSERK for it whenever it drops.
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I’m not really sure I had a point to this post. It’s just that I have been mulling all this over for a long time, and finally felt well enough to sit up long enough to come online and type up my thoughts.
I guess what I mostly wanted to share with my friends here is that it’s okay to feel really disappointed and even enraged at the way some things play out over the (hopefully life-long) careers of BTS members. Don't let folks gaslight you. Call it like you see it. (Maybe keep sensitive things behind a cut or in the DMs--and of course, please change your mind if you get better insight. In the end, only the Tannies really know what's going on with the Tannies.)
But while I’m still side-eyeing the company so hard right now, I’ve decided to love and support the boys as people and artists. I'm trying to believe the best in everyone. I’m still an OT7 Jikooker.
You don’t have to agree with me, and if you need to unfollow, I understand. But I figured I should just tell you guys (especially the new followers) where I am at with all this.
Love, Roo
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teaboot · 1 year
Community-building Tag Game
Tagged by: @anchored-trident
Name: Internet safety 101, kids. Keep 'em guessing. ('Tea' is fine.)
Pronouns: he/him
Where do you call home? Northwest Canada! Nice and grey.
Favorite animal: Honestly I love pretty much all of them but if I had to, like. Cohabitate with one? Cats. God's favourite bastards. Also partial to polyphemus moths, the common brown bat, june beetles, golden moles, the silky tree anteater, poison dart frogs, hawks, chimney swifts, and nautuluses, too.
Cereal of choice: I am. Not a cereal person. Fruit loops?
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Visual. 100%. Everything I do and use is organized by color. I will remember your birthmarks and tattoos and piercings and scars long before I remember your name or anything else about you. I forgot my own name once. It's bad
First pet: A big black cat.
Favorite scent: Oh, this is hard. I have a coconut shampoo that reminds me of my mom, and a white musk and oud perfume that makes me think of Cairo, and a plum/vanilla/white musk lotion that smells like the last week of school before summer vacation. A bottle of my dad's cologne he let me keep for my 16th birthday. Frankincense. Lilacs. Sunscreen. Cedarwood. Pine chips. Pumpkin. Clean laundry. I dont think I can pick just one.
Do you believe in astrology?  Not even a little bit. Sure is fun, tho!
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/Apple Music? Playlists in general? Too many. Couple dozen, probably. One for every occasion.
Sharpies or highlighters? Sharpies. Though I use highlighters more.
A song that makes you cry: Right now? "Dear Fellow Traveller" by Sea Wolf. Also "Cain" by Cousin Marnie.
A song that makes you happy: "Art Hoe" by Call Me Karizma, "Cannibal" by Naethan Apollo, "Wanted To" by Infected Mushroom, and "Daywalker!" By Machine Gun Kelly X CORPSE.
And finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself!
I love to draw and oaint and sculpt and sew, but spend a lot of time at work and have some issues with hypersomnia so it doesn't happen as much as I'd like. Wish I could promote myself better because I miss creating but... I don't know. Maybe I'll make something in the morning.
@anchored-trident thanks for the nom'! ♡ This one was fun :)
Nominations (either because we're mutuals or I find you interesting): @melancholysage @naamahdarling @sternenhimmel-mondnhimmel-mond @mist-the-wannabe-linguist @smlmsworld @mangotarot @genderfuckedpigeon @twofaced-gemini-withnobrush
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lime-bucket · 3 months
More Humanformers Wrestling! AU, please...?
Sure thing!
Humanformers Wrestling!
I figured prowl will be the wrestler whose infamous among his colleagues fr having the highest record of losing partners,but that didnt deterred a group of construction themed fighters to approach him w/ an offer to take over the vacant spot on their team.& against all odds this collab proved a huge success that got prowls name relevant again
Kup is the typical old timer coach,but i think u know that already
Many fighters have their own side projects,like elita 1 owning women-only fitness gyms & optimus keeping a lot of libraries open & sponsoring book gifting programs.
Megatron as well wrote multiple poetry books & thinkpieces,but theyre all under pseudonyms so it wont touch his harsh persona but still a lot of ppl & some his colleagues know its him lmao ,starscream is a fashion model no question asked.
All of soundwave entrance themes r produced by him & they slap af wich is why he uploads all of his songs to spotify after the constant demand of his fans
Sunstreaker & sideswipe r the most vicious fighters of the new gen, w/ strong stage presense & an array of fighting styles under their belts had made them known as the terror twins.however it seems they had a falling out of sort,wich they both refuse to disclose the reason to the news only declaring theyll gonna go w/ new partners.
Shokwave used to be a wrestler at the peak of his career,but he got into an accident that left him disfigured & unable to fight.so to not end up in the streets,he pulled away from the public eye completely to work as a promoter organizing the events & managing talents,leaving the circumstances around his accident a mystery
& to end on another bad note,grimlocks career was abruptly ended when he got brain damage in the ring,but instead of sufficient support he got dropped out by the company wich sparked an outrage among the audience & fellow wrestlers esp his team "the dinobots",suspecting it was the doing of their elusive executive shockwave.
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solarwynd · 6 months
I honestly think you guys are over thinking it. Maybe it’s because I used to have this mindset so in a way I can understand where they’re coming from. Not denying there’s not a lot of Armys who hate jimins guts but a large chunk of them put him on this pedestal for the other members and think if jimin can do it then so can the rest. It’s about trying to ot7ify everything to them. They made the same posts when Jungkook got that billion but it felt almost unrealistic because Jungkook was the only member at the time who was able to do it and their logic was because he has “GP”. None of this true, he might’ve gained some fans but not nearly enough for him to completely detach from bts’s core fandom. Also how he was able to achieve that billion comes in question, he needed his song merged as well as tons of promotions to get that billion. It’s unrealistic like I said so even with them trying to still ot7ify his moment, they had to also address no other member was getting that much push. They also couldn’t talk about it because again it’s addressing the elephant in the room. Now that jimin got it, it seems more doable to them because he only needed one version and in retrospect his was more organic. There wasn’t any foul play and it was heavily carried by fan support.
Mmm no I don’t think I am. Armys might have made a few similar posts when JK hit 1B but you cannot tell me it was any where near the extent that they’ve been doing it for Jimin today. Most armys barely even let him getting that 1B marinate before trying to shift the attention off of him and planning on breaking his record with TH. Them OT7-ing things after Jimin achieves something is not out of genuine army type behavior. Jimin motivates armys (especially these heavily biased ones) to work harder because they get a sense of overwhelming entitlement after he achieves a milestone.
It’s like a birthday party where a toddler is throwing a tantrum watching the other toddler get a cake despite it not being their birthday. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with also wanting your bias to reach goals but there is so much underlying animosity whenever Jimin reaches his that there’s no denying they feel some type of way about it.
“Also how he was able to achieve that billion comes in question, he needed his song merged as well as tons of promotions to get that billion. It’s unrealistic like I said so even with them trying to still ot7ify his moment, they had to also address no other member was getting that much push. They also couldn’t talk about it because again it’s addressing the elephant in the room.”
I mean I definitely agree with you on this cause before Seven held that record it was Flowers by MC, another song payola-ed out the ass. But LC was still gaining streams at an extremely fast and consistent rate. There’s no way they’re figuring it’s more doable after seeing LC achieve 1B because LC is an anomaly. Yes it did well despite being sabotaged and only having 1 version, but no one is streaming hyung line’s music like that and never have. The highest streamed song between the 4 of them is The Astronaut at 375M and it’s going on 2 years since that was released.
No one had any complaint when JK hit 1B with seven because again he’s the common ground for everybody in that fandom. They held multiple streaming parties for him well before he hit 1B while armys pulled that stunt this morning for Jimin. They would’ve been completely content had jimin taken two more years to reach 1B. There was no sense of urgency and they actively worked against us at every turn. Everytime you look in these daily spotify chart updates QRTS and LC is above newer songs, they’re pissed/shady. The bulk of armys haven’t been genuinely happy for Jimin achieving something since he initially got that #1 on hot100 and even that has obviously soured over time. OT7-ness cannot exist in a space where armys get upset whenever a specific member is doing well.
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thetunesclub · 2 years
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tightjeansjavi · 4 months
okay another pornstar!joel headcanon (I can’t be stopped idc) with pride month on the horizon, I think it’s more than appropriate to highlight just how BIG of an ally Joel is to the queer community 🏳️‍🌈
Miller-Co has a pride float every year for the Austin pride parade
He donates to local queer groups and organizations
He promotes local queer artists/performers on the Miller-Co IG page and his own account
He proudly flies the gay pride flag on his front lawn, and for pride month he lines the walkway and driveway with various pride flags
He features local queer artists on his Spotify podcast
At one of Austin’s gay bars he is known as everyone’s bar dad
There’s a plaque with a photograph of him surrounded by local drag queens and regulars at the bar. ‘Everyone’s favorite bar dad; Joel, Teddy Bear Miller’ is engraved in the plaque.
He wears an ally pin whenever he is in queer occupied spaces so everyone knows that they’re safe with him
He makes sure that everyone from the bar gets home safe. ie: walks couples/friends to their cars, offers to drive them home or buys them an Uber
He’s a stand in therapist when someone needs a shoulder to lean on
“oh, your parents disowned you? I’ll be your dad.”
he does this all selflessly and with the utmost care and love because his momma raised him and Tommy right 🩷
As if we couldn’t love this man anymore, right? 😩🥹
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antor889900 · 1 year
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz love languages: acts of service
a/n: I have so many ideas yet none exist in my head,,that’s not meant to be poetic it just means I struggled with some of these
genre/warnings: I don’t think there’s any, gn reader (should be, pls tell me if there’s anything implying otherwise!!), swearing, guys I promise I know my grammar I just like casual language for my hcs
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-okay these will be short and sweet because I have so many thoughts
-folds your clothes along with his, or washes your laundry with his
-remembers your schedule so he can remind you of important events
-gives you tips if you ever go to the gym together and shares his water with you
-blows on hot food before he gives it to you
-takes photos of things he remembered you talking about when he’s at the store and asks if you want it
-holds your hands in his when it’s cold and rubs them to warm them up!!
-brings you water/snacks if you’re studying/working with little notes on them saying ur doing a good job <3
-brings extra tissues or lip balm or hand sanitizer just in case you need it
-okay this is kinda niche but like clearing out your phone tabs or compter tabs and scolding you if you have a messy layout or smth like that
-texts reminders to you regularly, drink water, eat, take meds, clean your desk when you get home…
-sends you cute gifs to cheer you up
-always checks in with your feelings in his own way “hey u big baby, are you okay? do you need anything?��
-pretends to laugh at the videos you send him because even tho they’re usually kinda lame it’s from you and that makes him smile but he’ll never admit that </3
-organizes any mess you left behind, puts your dishes away or puts your shoes away and then makes fun of u for being “messy”
-wipes away food you got on your face
-begrudgingly lets you have more blanket when you sleep/cuddle together because he doesn’t want to see u cold or uncomfortable :(
-takes your glasses/jewelry off if you fell asleep with them on
-opens jars/wrappers/bags for you
-lifts you into his shoulders at festivals
-because it’s October here’s a lil Halloween inclusion of him holding your hands at haunted houses and yelling at the scare actors for you <3 (also because it’s his way of coping lol)
-turns lights off/closes doors if you forget
-if you’re in the bathroom before bed he fluffs up your pillows so ur all comfy and cozy
-reads messages you got out loud if you’re preoccupied with something else, or alerts you if something seems important
-tells you stupid bedtime stories to help you go back to sleep if you had a nightmare
-begins to buy larger umbrellas so you both can stay dry together
-if you wear makeup he wants to help you by either by blending it or just straight applying it and giggling like a kid because “it’s fun”
-brushes your hair and styles it
-this might be also niche but holding onto your shoulders while you walk rather than your hand because it feels more secure?? also because he feels like he can bring you closer to him
-I never really write idol s/os but the idea of him looking over to you during an awards show to periodically make sure ur okay makes me melt
-feeds you and then pinches ur cheeks while laughing
-usually lets you choose the movie/show you want to watch, same with places to eat (unless you don’t know what to pick, then he’ll help you figure it out)
-runs you weekly bubble baths for you two to relax in
-holds/opens doors for you
-always wants you to relax, back rubs or nights off and doing face masks together
-he applies ur face masks for you :)
-he’s more of a receiver than a giver for this love language, his is mostly mixed with gift gifting
-making you playlists or untitled songs or coded titles so only you can find them on his Spotify :)
-he adjusts ur clothes, I feel like he’s the type of boyfriend to pick lint off of u without being promoted
-he’s a bit messy so he’ll tend to throw things into your drawer so it at least has the appearance of looking neat, he’ll help u organize if that’s what u want tho!! U just need to ask <3
-always checks in on you unprompted tho, makes sure you’re doing well at any hour of the day and whines
-he either spam texts u or shows up at your house with no warning to check up on you
-stands up for u but subtlety (English is not my first language it took me like seven tries to get that right pmg)
-BUT as I was saying, if you want to go to a restaurant but ur too shy to say it in front of the ppl ur hanging out with, he’ll be like “I WANNA GO TO ____” until they relent <3
-kills bugs for you
-teaches you how to bake and if he’s alone, he’ll bake extra treats for you (his fave thing to bake u r cupcakes !! )
-helps you build furniture and never teases u if you don’t get something <333
-if you play online games together he’ll try to always watch your back and fight off enemies for you
-or if you prefer taking the offensive, he’ll simply cheer you on :))
-sends flowers to your workplace/leaves them on your kitchen counter
-stargazes with you or plans out meaningful dates where he treats you
-makes you playlists
-sings you lullabies if you can’t sleep or just wanna hear him
-stays up after you to make sure you went to bed okay
-plugs in your phone for you before bed
-he always listens to your advice or at least takes it into heavy consideration, makes sure you feel heard
-asks if his jokes ever go too far
-“excuse me, they asked for no pickles”
-alway thanks you for acts of services that you do for him, leaves sweet texts or letters expressing his gratitude
-weirdly sweet remarks about how you’re so pretty it’s annoying or “who gave you permission to look so good tonight?”
-covers your eyes during scary parts of movies
-unless asked, he always lets you sleep in on weekends but never fails to be a human alarm clock if your digital one isn’t working
-wakes up before you 99% of the time so he can at least start a cup of coffee/breakfast for you
-pesters you into taking care of yourself (laying on top of you until you brush your teeth, tickling you until you relent to drinking water…)
-never breaks pinky promises, and always tells you in advance if there’s a schedule conflict so you don’t have to wait
-if he pays you back for anything he adds a little message “thanks for lunch, love you so much”
-tries new things for you because he trusts you, and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone as well
-asks if you’d like anything before he goes to the grocery store, and always remembers it
-thanks you randomly for being such a good partner or if you did something nice in the past few days
-always gives you a comfortable space to express yourself in, lets you talk and never interrupts you
-makes sure you stay uninterrupted as well, glares down anyone who speaks over u lolol
-makes a special handshake between the two of you
-very playful acts of services but they r still acts of services <3
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louisupdates · 6 months
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The former One Direction will perform in Chile on May 24 at the Bicentenario Stadium in La Florida with his "Faith in the Future" tour. We talked exclusively with the British star who went from being a teenage pop idol to a professional soccer player, and finally to consolidating his own more mature and rocking sound. This is the successful present of the artist who loves to sing as much as he loves to play ball.
Dove Couple
Monday, April 8, 202408:10 am
[Translated from Spanish]
In 2022, Louis Tomlinson stepped on Chile for the first time alone to present his debut album "Walls". A bet that exceeded any expectation, because the madness was such that the British, that the former One Direction filled the Movistar Arena three times.
But that was not all, his fans had prepared a surprise for him that, as he confessed to La Cuarta, gave him "goosebumps." During the chorus of the song "Kill my mind", the young women organized themselves to coordinate the lights of their cell phones, creating a kind of mesmerizing wave, leaving the singer and his team speechless, so much so that the moment was recorded in his documentary "All of Those Voices". Moreover, the photo of one of those concerts was nothing more and nothing less than the poster.
But the music that makes him vibrate so much was not always his first choice in life. In 2013, just when the One Direction world tour that brought them to Chile was announced with two concerts at the National Stadium, Louis signed a contract with the League TwoDoncaster Rovers team, and only in 2017, two years after the group took an indefinite break, he was able to debut as a substitute in a match witnessed by more than five thousand fans.
“It's really an honor to be in the club where I spent most of my childhood," he wrote at the time on his Twitter account. However, the boy's dream stagnated when in 2020 and in the middle of the pandemic, he decided to launch himself as a soloist. All of his former bandmates had done it; it was his time.
Thus Louis - whom we recognize with nostalgia, familiarity, and a psychological interest - became one of the most important artists of his generation, adding milestones such as a billion streams on Spotify, numerous awards and being in the Guinness World Records book for breaking the record for the most watched live broadcast concert of a male soloist.
On the day of the interview with the newspaper, we arrived at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel where the interpreter stayed two days after a successful presentation at Tecate Pa'l Norte 2024 in Mexico, and a promotional step through Brazil. Despite the fatigue, he maintained a good attitude with the press, but mainly with his crowded fans outside the venue, who shouted his name from time to time.
Being in front of a pop idol who has spent half of his life on tour, in conferences and with a handful of iconic songs that marked more than a generation, is truly intimidating, but Louis makes anyone lower their guard because he welcomes you as if he were your friend. Wearing a pair of relaxed jeans, black t-shirt and sneakers in tune, he smiles and greets us in a friendly manner. Although he is surrounded by people who make up his team— overwhelming— but this is his natural environment; and thus begins a dialogue with La Cuarta about his two passions.
Q: Louis, you return to Chile in May after filling three arenas on your last visit, something historic! What will it be like to return with that powerful precedent?
Louis: I feel like my Spanish is coming back! I almost knew what you were asking (laughs). I'm very excited, I feel very lucky to be able to perform in an enclosure of that size in my... well, technically on my second solo tour. I feel very grateful to have that love and passion here. I'm mainly very excited about these shows.
Q: In several of your "Faith In the Future" songs, you talk about nostalgia, changes and the passage of time. Are they topics that you think about frequently or only arise when composing?
Louis: Yes, I would say that I am a little bit of a deep thinker. I think it helps me as a songwriter, but I also think that nostalgia is a great thing to write about. It’s a great topic to feel as a listener and also to write as a songwriter. And I'm also interested in psychology, so anything that makes the brain feel in a certain way, I think it's interesting.
Q: What would the 32-year-old Louis with a successful second album under his arm and a new tour say to the teenager who applied to The X Factor in 2010?
Louis: I would insist that he should do it. I think there is definitely an element, in every young person in that situation, there is something very terrifying that makes you want to start. But I would also tell you, what I have learned the most, to trust your instinct, trust that feeling and be brave to make decisions, the right decisions for yourself.
Q: Among those decisions is to be the last 1D member to make your solo career, and today we are here with "Faith In The Future" that sounds 100% yours. Looking back, how do you see the path has unwinded?
Louis: I feel very comfortable. The mentality I have now feels very different from the one I had when I started this trip as a soloist. I feel very blessed to be able to continue making music. But it's also a very nice feeling and it's something very new for me to feel so comfortable on stage and so comfortable when I'm making the music I want to make. In general, yes, I am very happy.
Q: Louis, I imagine there must be some time in your career when you said, wow, I did it!
Louis: You know, I used to resist that idea, ‘cuz for whatever reason, I don't know, I never wanted to give myself that, I suppose… my brain. But I have, I have started trying to have those moments more for myself. It often happens on the live show. It can be something that fans did together, like some kind of fan project. But also, even when I played the festival just now, in Mexico, that was one of those moments. I was kind of nervous going out there, and the audience was so vast, but people seemed to be having a good time. So yeah, it was great.
Q: Now that you mentioned the fan project, when you came to Chile, your followers prepared one for the song "Kill My Mind" that was beautiful. How did you experience it from the stage?
Louis: I had no idea that was going to happen! I know that fans often do their own little fan projects, in a way of doing something fun for me and something unique at every individual show, but I didn't know what to expect. And to be honest, that— literally gave me goosebumps, it was such an incredible spectacle. And, again, like always at these shows, and especially in Latin America, you’ve not got like ten people giving it a go, everyone in the room is participating! It’s a very euphoric thing for me to see from the stage.
Q: Changing the subject, football is one of your passions, what place does it occupy in your life today?
Louis: I would say that definitely, before I was in the band, nothing came close in my life, football was my IT. Now music is. I absolutely love football, but for me nothing comes close to music. Obviously it's my job, that's important, but as a fan, I'm talking more like a fan, I probably don't watch enough football these days, I'm usually busy, but I catch up with the "highlights" (the most important moments of the game). It's still a big part of my life, especially when they play in England. I'm excited for the next European Championship. We're going to win it!
Q: Of course! [England] is the parents of football. Finally, what makes you happiest today?
Louis: The family, definitely, the family and friends. And specifically in my work world. It's live concerts. That gives me amazing feelings.
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Hi. I hope you don't find this weird. I've never met you before. But your words about kpop and BTS has always brought me comfort and clarity. I've been reading your blog for the last few days looking to see if you will clearly address it. You haven't written about your own view about Jimin's mistreatment and sabotage since it happened. But you have acknowledged it happened. You also reiterate how yoonmin is still in control. I respect you for that. But can you share your own view and feelings about this issue more? Billboard is clearly anti-BTS and hedging their actions by using Bang PD who it seems was interviewed by them long before the Jimin thing happened. You've said this before. You've also said BTS have said they won't play the music game the conventional way. But you haven't said how you feel about it. I want to ask for your genuine opinion.
Hi Anon,
Last night, I was finishing up some work I'd brought forward because of Agust D's tour. Set Me Free Pt 2 was playing on my speakers and I thought how good it would sound on radio. Alone, too. It's a crime that with the kind of music BTS makes, people are deprived of hearing it simply because the middle men of the US music industry refuse to renege on their mandatory cut.
Fifty Fifty is a group with good and extremely marketable songs. Their agency's co-founder stated he intends to make the female BTS, and he said he sold his car to make the dream of Fifty Fifty happen. It all sounds wonderful until you learn the CEO and other co-founder is the COO of Beyond Music - the largest music IP investment firm in Korea. It is bigger than HYBE's department for that. Not only that, the CEO sits on the executive board of Warner Music Korea, a subsidiary of Warner Music Group. He also runs an actors agency that manages several high profile k-drama actors in Korea. Basically, Fifty Fifty has been partnered and owned by some of the biggest entertainment companies not just in Korea, but globally. The group broke out on TikTok with Cupid and enjoyed organic success, much like NewJeans. As a result it was added to several Spotify-curated playlists that run on a proprietary algorithm, and like NewJeans' songs, Cupid climbed up the charts because it's an easy-listening poppy tune. The difference between NewJeans and Fifty Fifty though, is that Warner Group has now adopted formal co-management of Fifty Fifty and Cupid will be officially sent to radio. Warner artists get a stupid amount of radioplay. It's going to be a wonderful thing for Fifty Fifty, and it's very likely that with that sort of support, they get a Billboard Hot 100 #1 win.
There are many times BigHit fucks up with BTS. The issues of insulting subtitles (in Korean) towards Jimin and Yoongi occasionally piss me off; Jimin's stolen mail, the weirdo stalking Jungkook; how inconsistent shipping is (if there's a production bottleneck with a sub-contractor they should quickly change it), are all annoying; it's very possible some members of staff are anti several members because weird shit has been happening since HYBE's massive hiring of ex-Big 3 staff in 2020; and so on. But unfortunately many of those things are to be expected. I too wish Jimin had longer time to promote FACE, but both he and Yoongi had initially planned to release their albums late last year, but neither of them met their deadlines and instead moved it to Spring. The timing for their albums was always going to be close, and I'm sure booking tour venues as well as meeting enlistment deadlines only added to their constraints. I quickly got over my initial annoyance because it's clear both Jimin and Yoongi have accepted it. Plus the bigger problem is the industry's response to BTS.
Because of the sort of group BTS is, they will always have enemies. Their status as the biggest group in the world has only complicated things in many ways, especially when it comes to BigHit publicly and corporately addressing unfair treatment towards them. People already think BTS do not deserve their status and goodluck, do you think those people give a fuck if Billboard and Western music industry is screwing BTS over? No, they don't. And every party in this equation knows that. BTS has also said, since as early as 2017, that if they wanted to become massively successful sooner, they could've done so. Those opportunities came to them. In 2018 when BTS made history with Fake Love on the Billboard Hot 100, they could've signed with an American company like Warner, gotten carried by radio, and you and I would be having a very different discussion right now.
I don't know what the future will hold. Maybe BTS has in fact peaked and when they return after enlistment the world would've moved on to a better, hotter, more marketable artist. Maybe their bodies, interests, and priorities would have changed irreversibly. Maybe...
But I look at a group like BTS, and I don't care about any of that.
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(The boys all signed Yoongi's guitar. It's his solo concert tour debut and they're all with him. He's taking comfort in them all being with him, and sharing some of that comfort with us.)
Anyway, I've rambled. You asked me what my feelings are about the whole thing?
I feel pride. That's what I feel looking at this whole situation. A NCTzen friend asked my opinion about it too, I told her the same thing, and she said this is probably one trait I share with my biases, that's shining through. I feel such a strong sense of pride looking at Jimin, at Yoongi, at BTS. Even if they eventually decide to play the industry's game with their rules, my respect for them won't change. Who they are as people, and as artists, make tolerating the hellscape that is stan environments much more palatable. They make putting up with bullshit from this industry, much more doable.
When I first learned about Jimin's week 2 sales being deleted, I checked US stock exchanges to see if Billboard's parent company was listed. I was prepared to short the stock. The minute I realized it was owned by a private company, and when I saw the owner, I knew we were fucked. I continued donating for the sales though. I'm not American so I couldn't buy, so the donations were the next most direct way to support.
BTS could very well never reach again the heights they reached before enlistment. But I don't care. I've been listening to some of the best music I've ever heard in my life since July 2022. Yoongi in Valentino, Hobi in Louis Vuitton, Joon in Bottega Veneta, Jimin in Dior, Jungkook in Calvin Klein - it's been a feast. Jikook are jikooking harder than ever before like I still haven't gotten over the birthday video JK made for Jimin. Like what the fuck was that?
BTS are some of the most incredible people to ever exist. They say they trust each other and their team. I'm keeping my eyes wide open to assess the situation for myself always, while never losing sight of why I'm here in the first place: to enjoy myself with them and the art they make. I'll try Jungkook's recipes sometime soon, and neither Jimin nor Yoongi's music has left my current rotation. I'm going to see Yoongi soon. With all that's happening in the world, it feels like a priviledge to have the means to enjoy being a fan of BTS. Not many people get to experience this, to not just hear their music but to have this connection with them. If you doubt that just watch the Amygdala music video. With BTS there's a trust that can be felt, and I don't take it for granted.
That's how I feel Anon.
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