#Orgonite Pyramid
thechembow · 2 months
Celebrate 10 years of orgonite with The Chembow!
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We're celebrating our 10th anniversary of making and gifting orgonite! On April 19, 2014, our orgonite journey began with our very first small pyramids made in LA. The results were beyond our wildest imagination, with the sky clearing as soon as the pieces were poured. We began gifting the city, and seeing such clean air and a return of rain, we started gifting throughout California. Ten years later, we've gifted close to 10,000 towerbusters in seven states, with a focus on urban grids. Orgonite gifting has ended the drought in the US west, and brought hope worldwide that we'll end drought forever.
Thank you for your support all these years, for keeping up with our work, spreading the word, and gifting orgonite.
Use coupon code DECADE to enjoy 20% off EVERYTHING storewide this weekend, April 19-21! This is a great chance to start gifting TBs in your community and see the amazing results yourself!
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Check out our site: www.thechembow.com
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orion-sage · 23 days
Orgonite Pyramid Ritual - Full Cleanse and Purification
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First of all: what is a Orgonite Pyramid?
An orgonite pyramid is a type of energy tool that’s made from a mixture of resin, metal shavings, and quartz crystal. The pyramid shape is believed to amplify the effects of the orgonite, promoting a flow of energy that can bring balance to your environment and your body. Orgonite pyramids are based on the concept of orgone energy, which was first introduced by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s. He proposed the existence of a universal life force energy that flows through everything and can be harnessed for healing purposes. These pyramids often include various crystals, metal shavings, and resin to generate a potent energy field. They are said to have numerous benefits, such as promoting well-being, balancing energy fields, and shielding against electromagnetic radiation. The materials used in an orgonite pyramid play a crucial role:
Resin: Represents the solidifying force of nature and provides a sturdy foundation for the pyramid’s energy.
Metal Shavings: Known for their conductive properties, they act as an antenna that channels and amplifies life force energy within the pyramid.
Crystals: Act as energy transmitters that enhance the pyramid’s energy output.
People use orgonite pyramids for various purposes, including to protect against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), balance the energy field, purify the environment, promote good sleep, encourage relaxation, ease stress and anxiety, relieve pain, attract luck, love, and abundance, and improve spiritual awareness.
In this ritual, an Orgonite Pyramid will be used to channel and direct the energy of the Universe and remotely purify an environment (home, work, etc.). This ritual will allow you, for example, to purify a new dwelling from malevolent entities, curses, negative energies.
Click here for a FREE consultation
ATTENTION The orgonites sold on the internet at low prices are often discharged, and therefore, unusable for the purposes of a purification ritual. For this reason I will go personally to buy one of them for your ritual. I will provide you with pictures of every step of the ritual as proof of my work for you.
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orgoneworlds · 10 months
Orgonite Crystals That Attract Money
Orgonite Are Devices That Generate Positive Orgone Energy Which Has A Positive Influence On Our Life. Orgonite Is Made Of Crystals And Gemstones And Other Specific Materials That Vibrate Together To Positively Influence Your Life. Specific Crystals Have The Potential To Attract Money And Wealth In Your Life And Let Us Check Them Out
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abc0303 · 1 year
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The Aquamarine Healing Pyramid is a transformative orgone pyramid that harmonizes energy fields, amplifying positive frequencies and promoting balance. It benefits humans, pets, and plants by converting and strengthening energy bodies, creating a vibrant and nourishing environment.
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orgoneamplifiers · 1 year
Happy 4/20! The beautiful State of Colorado has legalized a few things that are still illegal in most parts of the world.
Colorado is a leader in natural and experimental treatments. With its legalization of medicinal Marijuana in 2000 and the legalization of medicinal psilocybin 🍄 in 2022, Colorado is the perfect place to build and expand our understanding of healing energy. Standing on the shoulders of Wilhelm Reich and many like him, we began this project to continue this journey of understanding.
Featured in this video:
•Green OA-3000
•Yellow OA-3000 with a Citrine upgrade
•Red OA-3000
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spoodesignsde · 12 days
Orgonit-Pyramiden -  Energie bündeln, transformieren
Entdecken Sie die mystischen Kräfte der Orgonitpyramiden! Diese einzigartigen Objekte aus Harz, Metallspänen und Kristallen gleichen die Energie in Ihrem Raum aus und harmonisieren sie. Indem sie negative Energie in positive umwandeln, fördern Orgonitpyramiden die Meditation, verbessern den Schlaf und steigern das allgemeine Wohlbefinden. Platzieren Sie sie in Ihrem Zuhause oder an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz, um die Umgebung zu reinigen und die emotionale und körperliche Gesundheit zu fördern. Nutzen Sie die Kraft der Orgonitpyramiden und verwandeln Sie Ihren Raum in ein Heiligtum positiver Energie.
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peaceffulintentions · 29 days
All you need to know about the heart chakra healing stone
Healing stones and crystals play critical roles in aligning the seven chakras in our body with each other. When chakras are in alignment, orgone energy flows smoothly through them without any hindrances, ensuring better organ functioning, health, and well-being. Each chakra is associated with chakra stones that help heal and align it. At Peacefful Intentions, we are committed to providing the best gemstone chakra healing products. Among the seven chakras, starting from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra, the most prominent is the Heart Chakra. Known as Anahata, the Heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is considered the seat of love and compassion. It represents qualities like better relationships with others, self-love, respect, kindness, sharing, and more. One healing stone associated with the Heart Chakra is Rhodochrosite.
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Shielding My Wellbeing: A Review of the EMF Defense Pendant (with VSL)
In today's tech-driven world, we're constantly bombarded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted from our devices. While the science on the long-term health effects of EMF exposure is still evolving, I felt a growing concern about its potential impact. That's when I discovered the EMF Defense Pendant (with VSL). This innovative product has become a welcome addition to my daily routine, offering a sense of security and potentially mitigating the effects of EMF exposure.
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Balancing Technology with Wellbeing: I rely heavily on technology for work and communication. However, the constant presence of laptops, smartphones, and Wi-Fi routers raised concerns about potential health implications. The EMF Defense Pendant, with its focus on mitigating EMF radiation, offered a way to embrace technology while potentially safeguarding my well-being. The accompanying VSL (video sales letter) provided a clear explanation of the product's technology and its potential benefits, making me feel informed about my choice.
Stylish Design with Discreet Protection: Let's face it, some protective devices can be bulky and unattractive. Thankfully, the EMF Defense Pendant is both stylish and discreet. It comes in various aesthetically pleasing designs, allowing you to choose one that complements your style. The pendant itself is lightweight and comfortable to wear, making it a seamless addition to your daily outfit. You can wear it with confidence, knowing it's discreetly working in the background.
Improved Focus and Reduced Fatigue: Since incorporating the EMF Defense Pendant into my routine, I've noticed a positive change in how I feel throughout the day. The afternoon fatigue that often plagued me seems to have lessened. I can concentrate better on tasks, and my overall focus has improved. While it's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause, I believe the EMF Defense Pendant may be playing a role in reducing the potential draining effects of EMF exposure, allowing me to feel more energized throughout the day.
Peace of Mind and a Proactive Approach: While the long-term effects of EMF exposure are still being studied, the EMF Defense Pendant offers a proactive approach to potentially mitigating its impact. Wearing the pendant gives me peace of mind, knowing I'm taking a step towards safeguarding my well-being in this increasingly tech-saturated world. It's a small but potentially impactful addition to my daily routine.
Important Considerations and Transparency: It's important to remember that the EMF Defense Pendant is not a guaranteed shield against all EMF radiation. A healthy lifestyle and responsible technology use are still crucial. However, the product's focus on potentially mitigating EMF exposure aligns with my desire to be proactive about my health. Additionally, the company behind the product prioritizes transparency, offering detailed information about the technology and its limitations on their website.
In conclusion, the EMF Defense Pendant (with VSL) has become a valuable companion in my tech-driven life. The stylish design, potential for improved focus and energy, and the peace of mind it offers make it a worthwhile addition to my daily routine. If you're concerned about the potential effects of EMF exposure and are looking for a proactive approach to safeguarding your well-being, the EMF Defense Pendant is definitely worth considering. Remember, a healthy lifestyle and responsible technology use are still essential for optimal health.
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spiritseekr · 8 months
Discover the Transformative Power of Orgone Pyramids at Spirit Seekr
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Enhance Your Space with an Orgone Pyramid - At Spirit Seeker, you can look through our beautiful collection of orgone pyramids. These powerful energy tools can make your surroundings more peaceful and clean. You can start experiencing the life-changing advantages of owning an orgone pyramid as soon as you make the purchase.
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pureandsimple1 · 8 months
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curiouscoven · 10 months
I used to think these were pointless. Oh, me 🫣 I could watch the light glowing through this Orgone pyramid all day.
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thechembow · 7 months
20% off everything at The Chembow!
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Happy Thanksgiving! Black Friday at The Chembow starts today!
Get 20% off your entire order at thechembow.com with coupon code: THANKS23, good from now through Monday, 11/27/23.
If you have not had a chance to try orgonite, now is the time to get it cheap and see for yourself what it can do for your atmosphere and your health. Towerbusters are just $10 each, with bulk discounts on sets.
Thank you all for your support over this past year and for getting us to Denver, CO for our biggest gifting mission yet.
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hacktechmedia · 1 year
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"Carry the positive energy of orgonite with you wherever you go"
Our Services :
* Astrological Guidance On Career
* Marriage
* Love
* Education
* Wealth
* Property
* Health
* As Well As Future Prediction
* Guidance Based On Horoscopes
* Palm Lines
* Numerology Connect With Us : Prince Barve Call : 8691969889 Walk In : Prabhat Center 5th floor office no 512 sector 1A Website : www.divyavidya.com
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abc0303 · 1 year
orgonite Pyramid 
The Aquamarine Healing Pyramid is a powerful orgone pyramid designed to enhance energy fields in our surroundings. It effectively filters and balances these energy fields, promoting a harmonious environment. By converting low-frequency energy into a higher frequency, it supports the strengthening of your energy body. This pyramid's benefits extend to not only humans but also your pets and plants, creating a more beneficial and vibrant atmosphere for all life forms.
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orgoneamplifiers · 1 year
Every now and then a color combination will test our fundamental understanding of color theory. Can you guess the correct color combination?
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spoodesignsde · 3 months
Schmuck aus 925er Sterlingsilber
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Entdecken Sie die zeitlose Eleganz von Schmuck aus 925er Sterlingsilber, gefertigt mit viel Liebe zum Detail. Jedes Stück strahlt Raffinesse und Vielseitigkeit aus, perfekt für jeden Anlass. Von zarten Ohrringen bis hin zu Statement-Halsketten bietet unsere Kollektion für jeden Stilvorlieben etwas. Die Strapazierfähigkeit von Sterlingsilber sorgt für dauerhafte Schönheit, während sein glänzender Glanz jedem Ensemble einen Hauch von Luxus verleiht. Werten Sie Ihren Look mit dem dauerhaften Charme und der unbestreitbaren Anziehungskraft von Schmuck aus 925er Sterlingsilber auf. Weitere Informationen zu wikinger runen silberschmuck.
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