#Original is trash
princessdreamie · 11 months
DBH new ending part 4
When the weekend was over and the kiddos got to their respective schools, c and na got a huge group of studens swarming around them. C was pretty much used to it, as son of a very successful business man he had his fair share of fans and nosy reporters. Especially when he became a teenager. But na was not really as comfortable as he was. She was ok with her group of friends but now she cant even make it to her own table as the other kids push closer. Mi came to her rescue and ran with her to the teachers break room. In normal circumstances they would have been caught But luckily the teachers has a meeting somewhere else. mi asked her friend if she was ok but soon realized that her question was unnecessary. Na's face was pale and her hand felt cold. It was only then she knew that she needed to get her drops.
To her unpleasant surprise she couldnt find her friend's bag anywhere on her. She figured out herself when their classmates were swarming around Na, she must have had lost her bag somehow. Which was a real problem bc she had to keep a strict schedule for her day. Someone who would have met mi for the 1st time, she would come off as irresponsible or even crazy. But those who knew her best could count on her for anything if there was trouble on the rise. Thats why she was trying to find the fastes solution to help her friend. Mi couldnt ask her friend since she had only the strength to stand in her spot. mi texted her other pals to find her drops asap. Le and t recieved her messages and they got to work. The mob was already disbanded after they couldn't find na. le found her bag but the little bottle leaked out A lot of the liquid. As the little girl tells her other friend per text, the only thing she could think of was to call someone. Na was already sitting on a chair, bearly keeping awake.
Mi took her watch and opened up her contacts. She decided to use the last call she used, which coincidentally C's phone number.
C was sitting on his desk playing some games on his phone b4 his school subject was about to begin. But as he got a call from his little cousin, he got worried. She normally doesnt use her watch when she is at school. She was a good studend, and they had rules regarding mobile devices in her class. He picked up the call and he was met by a different but worried sounding voice. He recognized that this voice belonged to na's friend, mi. He had met her 3 pals at the party and they seemed like good kids to him. After explaining what happened, c was feeling very uneasy. Lv was in a different class. so telling him about it now will just waste time. Just like asking his superiors. By the time he or lv would get there, na would be already have collapsed. But he then remembered back then when j and k were talking with eachother.
It was way back when lo was picking on her and took her bottle. They thought that the best idea would be to leave one bottle in school if anything happens to her medicine.
C tells mi that and he ordered her to get to the school nurse. Mi was hesistand bc she didnt want to leave her sickly friend alone. Thankfully, to her rescue came in the form of T and Le. They would keep na company while she gets her the bottle. The moment she arrived at the nurse office the grown ups where about to dsimiss her. But the moment she mentioned the bottle they didnt waste anytime and got to the teachers breakroom. when they arrived the poor girl was already slipping into sleep. no matter what the 2 kids did she was not able to hold up her head. The doc dropped some of it on a spoon.
Miss trail came into the room as well, as she noticed that some of her students went missing. She was especially worried as she couldn't find na any where. After asking what had happened, the 3 other kids explained the situation. Miss trail was very dissapointed of her other Kids (Not the other 3, just to be clear) but was glad that na was not getting worse after she took her meds.
we then get some N stuff about her company. The smuggling problem got worse and they still wait for more leads. After a while she got a call from Floyd (Fl for short now). She was worried that he wasnt well but when he tells her baout the incident in bu and na's school she was confused. The director couldn't reach her on her phone some how so they had call his house phons instead. N needed to go to them now b4 they get in trouble. N tells her assistant to cancle her meetings for the day and rushed out of the building. Ct was already waiting at her front door as he got the same call from Fl a few minutes ago.
As they finally arrives at the day care they were met not only by the school staff but also other parents. Some of which were business partners from both, n and ct. These 2 had a bad feeling about it. And yes, they were right. Not only were they informed over the problems in the morning but also some other things they needed to be aware of. Ct understood why they called them for bu but not why they also had to talk about na (It isnt bc he doesnt like na but they normally get called in for their own kids). it was then they showed them footage from the moment na and mi ran away From her classmates. At first the 2 parents didnt know what they had to notice but when the director pointed out in a scene of what bu was doing. As it turns out, bu took advantage of the messy tumult and grabbed something out of a backpack. And not any bag either. He deliberately beelined to his older cousin's to fish out her bottle and, while not really visible, he turned the cab around just a little bit and quickly put it back inside B4 someone saw him.
They then heared everyone else stories where their son was becoming a problem. Their partners were especially furious after they heared form their own kids of bu's bullying. So not only was he endangering their niece but also getting more and more unhinged. N was trying to calm them down but they wouldnt hear any of it. Ct & N were really embarrassed by their words. Ct wanted to counter back many times but n knew thay would make it only worse.
After the parents left in a sour mood, the 4 left were the 2 stantons, miss trail and the director. He had to inform them that everything bu had done was already in his books and if he was to go to another school now or even if he would go to a normal school they were obligated to notify the staff b4 he was getting problematic.
n was trying to tell the man to consider an other way to solve it but in his eyes he had enough of bu's antics. right then j & k came from another room. They got a call way b4 they had and after seeing that they were even trying to stop the director from doing his job, they came to the conclusion that their daughter wasn't safe anymore in this school if their nephew was still allowed to be under the same roof with her.
n again tries to calm her best friend down but j was just to worked up over everything now. Not only was her baby in a bad shape but they got chewed out by the other parents as well just for being related to a brat like their nephew.
k defened his wife as best he could but ultimately had to just sit there and hear what they had to say. After asking where the kids where, they got to know that na was with lv's parents and bu with his 'partner in crime', lo. They even got to know the reason why lo stole her bottle that one time as well. Na's teacher handed them some files and visual proof what their son had been up to. Now both Of them felt extremely guilty.
They thought that bu would behave after they punished him but They were totally oblivious nonetheless.
Cut to lv and c
A few hours b4 n's and ct's arrival. na was put into Grant's car, c and lv were standing aside as they watched their little cousin grimace in her sleepy state. As his dad drove off and Lv started to yell at c for not telling him about what happened, while c just took his shouts like a champ. He learned that showing too much emotion would not help him in most scenarios. And that was one of them. Lv only found out about it bc his mom called him from work. He knew that they couldnt just easily walk out of school but he is related with her by blood and couldnt understand how he was not informed by his childhood friend. C apologized to his step cousin but he had to be quick to tell her friend about the Extra bottle and by the time mi was running to the nurse office the bell rang and he had to stay in class.
Speaking of mi, she and her friends weren't standing too far away from them and were discussing what they could do. T was not good at making plans or solutions but he tries to tell them to wait until their friend was our of the woods. But the girls couldnt just stand still while their friend was in pain. Le them had an idea. When fa posted that one video online, pretty much everyone's faces were visible. Thay included those 3 as well. After they checked their socials, friends requests started to flood in. A few of them were pretty sketchy but the requests they accepted are still actively reacting to their posts and comments. So le made a post with some of the photos she sneakily took from their teacher's folder. Le noticed that every time bu would come over, miss trail would keep a close eye on him and pull out her phone. To other children it might have looked like she was just texting someone but the little girl always found it suspicious. so, when their teacher left them alone for a few minutes, le would go up to her phone b4 is self locked and transfered some of the stuff to her own device.
mi was impressed by her friend's boldness while T was shocked after hearing about it. T wanted to stop them from posting the evidences but he was not getting any response from them. until it was too late. Their posts got published on their socials and it took only a few minutes until they got their first comments. All of which were about na and bu. While the ppl worried about na's health others wrote nasty things about her bby cousin. A few of them, most likely Stanton fan boys & girls, believed it to be fake or just some troll posting until others came forward to dismiss their reactions. Mainly kids from their class and their family members.
Na was still sleeping out in the car and really didn't feel great. Her head was layered in sweat and her hands still felt cold. Grant was driving His niece Towards fl's home but j called him as be was standing at a trafficking light. She asked him to get her to the Ferguson's. His reaction was expected. He was baffled at her request but she was very persistent that her daughter goes to them and not to their father.
He eventually gave up persuading his SIL and drove to the Ferguson villa. s already received an urgent call from her and s was waiting for them with their personal doctor. Grant was astounded by their commitment for na and her health. Se was playing in the living room, so he noticed the commotion at the hall. His nanny brought him to another room so that he wouldn't get in their way.
Back to we were with the rest of the family drama
While k kept arguing with his sister, Ct got a notification from a friend of his about the slander they received at the moment. The siblings stopped their shouting as they as well got to see what was happening. And they sure were shocked. The post from mi and le got so much atrention that the search records were about their children, k's new movie, n and ct and the controversy of how to raise a child to not be like bu.
n finally realized that this is what it must feel like to be a mother of a bad kid. She tried really hard not to admit it but she had too many encounters in the past with other siblings that they had trouble with to ignore it any longer. Ct was staring to feel the same. Miss trail saw those posts and recognized that those were her own files in the pictures. She was going to have a talk to the 2 girls after the whole fiasco is over but now they had to take care of this mess.
K was excited of how much attention his new movie made in that moment buy j barked at him that it wasnt the time or place for his ego boost.
back at the Ferguson's
s & grant (Gr for short) were talking to the doc as he explained to them that it was a very close call for the lil girl. S tnanked him for his work right b4 the man left the building. Ai texed gr asking where he is at. Fl was getting worried over his youngest grand daughter. Feeling a bit guilty, he told her what happened. Fl called him at that moment and demanded that he tells him why he would drivw her to that family and not to hers where she is safe. His voice was so loud that even S heared all Of their conversation. She knew that she shouldnt mingle with othe families problems but na was already close to her as well. And the fact they believed she would be safer with them while bu could be already there, that she could just scoff at. Gr eventually left for work but told s that he would call them later.
After a long time, na was finally waking up and realized that she was not in her school anymore. As she was trying to sit up she felt her hand being held. J was sleeping next to her on a chair while she clutched her daughter's hand. Na shook her mom awake and as the grogginess finally felt the woman's mind she hugged her child tightly.
When the 2 finally went downstairs, they were met by eric-who got to know about everything after he came home, s, se, her dad and n. To her surprise c was not present. But she was glad that n didnt take her son with her as well. Her aunt gretted Na with a friendly smile but she totally ignored her and asked where c was at the moment. That made the usual confident woman very hurt but she understood that she wouldnt automatically be a sunshine around her. Se answered her question that c was doing his home work still. but he eould come down eventually. Na was pretty sure the reason she was feeling uncoordinated had someting to do with but. Otherwise n wouldnt have come here in the first place.
N stared to apologize to her niece and expressed how guilty she felt after she got to know everything. E was jusy sitting in his chair observing eveyone. Na was not really effected by her useless Apologies. If she wanted to make it up to her she would have punished her son many times in the past or maybe Put him to another school. And she told her that and more. Na wanted to give her opinion to it but na was not done talking and told her that not only bu was being a brat but br as well. The girl tried her best to get along with her but br's entitled attitude about everyone and everything just made her keep her distance. Na defened her daugther, saying that this was not true. Saying that br was a smart and gentle kid. Finally E groant at her. N looked at him with disdain, asking if he had something to say to her. The Ceo started to tell her that she defended br BC she is her daughter. If she would have been someone else's, she would say the opposite. Na was appalled by his accusations. But k gleefully laughs and agreed with him.
It is true that he used to like br when he was still chasing after n but when he finally was having his own child, with the woman he loves more than anything, he looked back where br was not actually the best child to be around at. Like when c was beaten up by her and Fi. Back then he was not really attentive forwards his first born. But as he was getting Closer to c, around the time as s was very far into her pregnancy, he tried to make it up to c since both of them needed to help s with the baby and that required team work.
The 2 exes started quarreling w/ eachother. Their argument was so loud that even c could here it from his study room. The boy decided to take a short break b4 he pick up his work again. He wanted to wait for na to wake up as well but e told him that he needs to finish his home work first. he was expected to have perfect grates in all his subjects, but his worst school subject was art. Things like english, mathematics and sport he was great at. But with art he was basically doomed to fail. He barely gets a above average for music. Which was schocking to his mom since he liked to sing to his little brother with her.
Na was getting fed up with the whole family shouting at each other, thats why she decided to sneak away from the group to find c. Se noticed her going up. He tried to get his parent's Attention but they did not notice his feeble attempts. So he just pouts the whole time as he gave up.
na looked through all the doors hoping to find her step cousin. As she finally found him fast asleep on his notes he had on his desk. Sneaking up to him she glanced at the papers and saw that those were sad attempts of various shapes. The circles were wobblier than she used to mske and the lines on a cube have different distances. Needless to say, she was disappointed at him for doing it half assed. She shook c awake and he greeted her tiredly. C asked he if she was feeling any better. instead Of giving him an answer, she took a pen and drew something on a piece of paper.he still was not fully awake yet, so he was not aware of what she was trying to do. After be rubbed his eyes, he saw a Cute little sheep with glasses standing next to a Sports car the teenager tried to draw and a Speech bubble saying: 'i aaahhm beeeeggging my pardon, but were you even trying'.
c was shocked at first but quickly started to laugh at her silly caricature. it wasn't a good looking sheep but was still full of character. Na wondered why he had problems with drawing things. He was not sure either but he had to make Sure to make good grates. thats why he wanted to file on his shapes first, b4 he gets to objects and landscapes. Na offered him her help. He agreed but only so that the little girl wouldn't feel unappreciated for asking to assist him.
back down with the grown ups
It took everyone a while until everyone noticed that na disappeared. Na blames e for scaring her away. But he knew he better than her in that regard. Na might be quiet but not a scaredy cat. he just blankly tells his ex that she was probably sick of her presence and left to go play some where. S offered j to look for her while she stays with k. S searched for somentime until she noticed her son's study open. As she was walking through the door she was relieved to see her kid and na talking about something random. C noticed his mom straight away and asked if everything was ok. S gave him a quick rundown what is happening and he just inwardly rolled his.
while c still respected n, he was not as childishly infatuated towards her anymore as he grew older. When ever they met outside their homes or being invited to a place, he just kept it friendly between them but nothing more than that. He and little micheal only met a handful of times over the years but had no obligations to interact beyond a hello and good bye.
Fisher still hates him, and br is still not over his comment when she called that one night. He wasn't too bothered with it tho. C felt bad for his outburst but he was not going to take it back either. He held it in long enought and someone had to give her a reality check. Thats what he tells him self that is.
na's watch was setting off her alarm to take her meds and s asked c to help her with it. C led her to the play room for his brother and there they met ll sleeping in a play set kitchen sink. ll was happy seeing the lil girl but c grapped her away from na and tells her to get the bottle k brought with him. Ll saluted like a tiny soldier and ran out to do as she was told. C sat his cousin down on a tiny chair to relax.
After ll came back with the bottle, the teenager took one of the tea set spoons and dropped the liquid into it for her to take. Na thanked him for always looking out for her, even if he doesnt have to. But he just remarks that it was the right thing to do and not to worry about it. Ll was already laying on his on her belly site and tried to crack some jokes to lighten the mood.
ll was many things but a jokester she was not lol. But Se seemed to like her jokes so they didnt want to re program her just yet.
Cut to the stanton mansion
Ct was giving bu a scolding like he had never thought he would have in his life. br was standing on the side line. When she heared her dad shouting at her brother as she came home, the first thing she wanted was ro run up to ct to make him stop. But Ai held her up from it, wanting her to listen to it first. While apprehensive at her aunts suggestion, she gave in to her demands and watched her brother screamed at. As she heared what her dad was scolding him for her face became pale. She was not close to her girl cousin but she never wanted her to have something happen to her like that.
But bu wasnt reacting on it, which concerned the other 2 brothers in the house. maverick (wil be mv for short) got a call from an old friend. He left the room to talk. We will come back later to that but lets stay with the others for a while.
As the scolding continued ai asked br to go back to her room, after noticing the face she made the whole time. Wanting to get her mind out of things, br decided to catch up on social media, but all she was met with were ppl bad mouthing her and her family. Until she eventually came across le's and mi's posts. At first she wanted to make them pay for this situation. If it wouldn't have been for them, they still could have fixed it. As she was about to write a post a chat request came in. Lv wanted to talk to her. In person.
Cut to mv and his call
After he answered the phone he chit chatted with his friend who grew up as a psychologist and was very well respected in his field of expertise. The reason for his call was not just to catch up on his old buddy but to ask him if it would be alright to come over next week. And that bu could be present. Mv was not sure how to respond, so he asked if he could think about it for now. The doc who we will call, Stanley (st), understood his hesitation and granted him this wish.
after coming back to his brother and the rest, molly-who was with her youngest son on the couch, asked if everything was alright. He nodded with a half smile at her. When mo finally turned back mv whispered to his his brother about that he needed to talk with everyone in the dining room when their BiL was done.
After a good hour ct finally finished and told his son to go to his room and not come out until he tells him to. Bu was unaffected by this and just slanders up the stairs. Ct was at his wits end. Not only had he trouble to discipline his son but bc of his actions his work relations got shaken up as well. Gr told everyone to get to the dining room for a meeting. Fl was already sitting at his spot and was waiting them to take their seats.
Mv begins with rhw call he received from St. Fl was appalled by this. He gets agitated that St would just come out asking with something rediculous as if he knew what His son's friend was panning to do. but mv was not sharing his opinion. Mv wanted to wait for n to come back but knowing her she wouldnt agree to it either. But since her position of this situation was not beneficial for anyone involved given that her mother instincs would stand in her way to think clearly, he asked ct for his input. Ct thought for a good minute and dejectedly agrees to meeting him.
Cut back to br in her car
While the her aunts and unlces were taling with eachither, br got to her car and drive to the coordinates lv sent her. After a long drive to the place she was asked to come, br looked around the place. Lv asked her to meet him at a small apartment building. She was confused why lv would want her to come to this place. Until she saw him with a woman walking up to her. At first she thought it was miss trail but looking at her more closely, aside dressing similar to the teacher of her cousins thats where the similarities ended. The woman introduced herself as Cornelia (Co). She explained that her bf told her what happened and was hoping to help. Br asked who this so called bf thought he was that he could just talk about thier affairs as it was normal. Co chuckled telling her that he was very close to E. As he knew what she specializes on, the CEO asked her SO to give her a call. The only man she could think of that was with her uncle most of his, aside keith, was mt. They never really met his girlfriend so it could be true. But br still tells her to mind her own business. Lv asked her to be quiet, amd not cause a scene.
co tells her that she understands her behavior and that she wont take too much time explaining. But her boss, St, called her uncle already over it but she knew that br needed to hear it ouside her environment. Br waited for her to continue as she stood there bored. co tells her that bu needed to do some tests. Nothing too troublesome, just some normal psyche procedures. As soon as she stopped talking, br started to laugh at her (i bet she would do that just bc she is like that for real). telling her to kind her own business and leave her fam alone b4 she goes back to her car and drives off.
Co mumbles to her self that she wished that it was not necessary as they saw her dashing off the grounds. lv thanks her for her help but he already told her that she wouldnt have listened to them anyway. Co doesnt mind but tells him to go back home and that they will meet in a few days again.
Back at the Stanton's
N came home the same moment as her daughter did. N asked why she was out so late br gave a silly excuse and walked in the house. Br didnt want to tell her that she met with Lv and Co yet. Both said goodnight to eqchother and the teenager went into her room. While walking around the house, N heared voices coming from close by and got curious. As she walked into the dining room, she was met with surprised faces. Including that of her husband's. When she asked them what that meeting was about, they filled her in. As expected, n was not happy about this and refused. But was shocked knowing that Ct agreed to it anyway. After a long back and forth she finally caved in but not after a snarky comment about how much time they are going to waste on it.
After a few days
na stayed with the fergs for a while and she couldnt complain. The house staff were nice to her and she got to have some time away from bu. She still had to go to school but bc her cousin got expelled from school for a few days she was more than relieved. Not only na was happy about the news but also the others. Na apologiezed to her classmates for his behavior and for all he did to them. But they never blamed her in the slightest. Na might not be aware of it but even tho she is a quiet kid and not too social, she was by far the most popular in their school. Her friends knew that but they asked the other kids not to tell her for she doesnt like to be the center of attention all to much. And they got to see what they meant last time.
Bu sits at home in a grouchy mood. Lo called him a few times b4 they started school on giving him updates but all of it made him just more angry. He didnt get how he gets punished for a little prank and he told his parents about his grievance. Ct gave him a lecture b4 his mother could 'calmly' explain everything to him. After he listened to his dad he just went up to his room. He blamed na for all of it. And he had enough of this sick girl for a long time and in his mindset it was high time for her to 'get lost'.
Part 5 comes after a while
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vildo · 5 months
gay people never flirt normally it's always gotta be shit like this
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linkeduniverse · 1 year
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There are already characters in town who won't stop to talk to you (like castle town in TP). So of all the dialogue to include for the characters who WILL stop and talk…why specifically say she knows nothing…hmmmmmmmmm?
2. Where the hero of warriors first saw… H e r ...💘 (messing with lighting but I didn't like how muddy the colors ended up)
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girlboyburger · 2 months
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cow's secret revealed! 🛸
fun lil alt design for cow i've been workin on >:03c
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honeyrosepetals · 22 days
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nectarishes · 3 months
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n*tflix teen coming of age series where a side character with two lines of dialogue gets expanded on in a separate novel and becomes one of the most popular ships with the main character. or something
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blueteller · 2 months
You guys ever think about how funny it is that the whole reason why Cale did not have try at all to impersonate the original Cale, was because no one actually knew anything about him, despite the fact that everybody knew about him? On an international scale, even??
Cale: (doing an absolutely terrible job at being trash) Everybody else: That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about Cale Henituse to dispute it
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skylerskyhigh · 1 month
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The twins having a peaceful nap together.
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akakumoeteru · 7 months
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This is the first of two pieces I contributed to 운심월성 (雲心月性), a WX costume anthology hosted by @muse-kr! I drew the Cam Phong New Years standee outfits for this one!
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Participants are uploading their pieces on Twitter now, so please feel free to browse the project account (1031wwx_book) or search the book tag #운심월성 on Twitter!
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Og!cale: I have these sevem products for my skin, these five for my hair and these three for the rest of my body
KRS!Cale: oh I have this one product for all my body and the floor of my house
Og!cale: ...
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youngyoo-apologist · 2 months
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Average OG Cale and Choi Han argument , sparks are flying, who is winning this time?!
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princessdreamie · 1 year
DBH ending part 3
after Seth was born Lolly stepped up as his big sister and while c made sure that most of the requirements were met for his brother, he still asked for advise if their parents had a stressful time. Doesnt mean they were bad parents. But one being a ceo and the other being a bar owner was not easy to handle a baby in their environment. E eventually got along with ll to the point where he even tucks her into bed after the day was done. And even made sure she got to parties if there were kids alllowed. S was secretly happy for it, while she loved se and c the same she didnt want to give birth to another kid. One was enough. Especially after realizing what troubles they can cause at the beginning. S and ll had your typical mother-daughter relationship. They fight sometimes but they make up later on the day. C was liking her just as much. He was hoping for a sister when his mom was expecting but still is happy for a younger sib. So that all works out.
Back to the present XD
when se was starting to get hungry, he let his dad know. And we all know what tha means. Screaming until his belly is satisfied. E was calling for a maid to make some food for him. He was looking for his robot daughter but couldnt find her. He picked up se while he was checking his gps to see where she went. Normally she would jump out from the most unexpected places and await his orders. He was confused of the speed her little tiger icon went on the road but realized soon enough that she was sneaking out again. E was not allowing her to go out without his knowledge after all. After he saw where the tiger face was leading to he calmed down but made sure to remember to give her and Mitchell a scolding. by now she probably made herself known inside, so there was no way his assistant wasnt aware of the little cat girl being in the car. After he got se to stop crying and got him to eat, our fave ceo handed him to the nearest butler to lay him down. He was beaten and still had work to do. Alarm was set for 20 mins to give him a power nap. But he got woken up by his wife instead after 4 missed alarms.
Back in kindergarten
na was sitting with some of her friends, Milly(aka. mi), Tim (I guess just T XD) & Lena (Le). she was the one who came up to them to make friends and they had a good connection very early on. Mi was a wild child, climbing stuff was her favorite thing to do, even if she gave their teachers a heart attack. Tim was shy and had troubles making friends on his first few days in his class b4 he met Na. Le was deaf. She had an incident at an amusement park once at age 2, where the boxes for a show had difficulties and eventually made loud disturbing noise. Her parents were under one of those speakers and tried their best to cover her ears but she still got a lot of damage for her hearing. her hearing could be repaired but she needed to grow older for the operation to be a success.
the 4 kids played with gg and ll for a bit b4 bully and his lackey Loid (aka. lo) messed with them. Fyi, chance's school doesnt allow ai bots after some kids made pranks with them. So that was a new rule they had to follow.
Anyway, they would do that most days, the boys are either getting on their nerves or make fun of them. Na told n about her son's behavior, more than once. But every time bratty jumps in his defense. Saying he just wants to play. But he wasn't. He has been given the title 'baby bully' for a reason afterall. Although she and tim are older than him,the girls are around the same age as bully by a few weeks but this isnt saying much, he still does how he pleases in class. Their homeroom teacher, miss Trail, knew how bad he has gotten and made sure to document everything he and his friend have done in her class.
on their break, ms. Trail went up to na to comfort her, after her cousin got to her with his stupid comments. Her friends played on the slide while she stayed on the side. Gg was with her friends and ll was rebooting for an update. So she was sitting basically alone under the shades. She wasnt feeling well either and now had to wait for her meds to take effect. The teacher asked if she wanted to visit the big kids school. Her eyes lit up at her offer. The school they went to was the same where lv and c went. Their recess starts a few minutes later after they have had. Na put her little tiger friend in her jacket and they started walking to the school. The 2 waited by the gate and Ms. trail asked the little girl how her family was doing. Aside of telling her the usual things with her parents and and her aunts and uncles sometimes, she either talks her about a show she really liked at the moment or her time with the fergusons. The woman noticed pretty quickly that she wasn't very keen on her cousins. With the exception of Michael and levi, she wasnt getting along with n's kids and levis little brother was going to another school. And when asked why he is not with his big brother in the same school, he only answer was "i guess he wanted to be independent from cousin leaf". Her teacher just nodded not understanding the minds of those big wigs.
Thats why her idea to come to this school was so that whenever her little student had a hard time, they would visit her favorite relatives. She interacted with both boys occasionally and her intuition told her that the young ferguson really was looking out for her. Levi cared for her as well, but since his friend had no familiar relation to them other than his stepmom being a Stanton cousin they still treat each other as family. Thats why she had more respect for him than most other siblings she had encountered. As the time goes by Na finally felt her medicine working. Right on time for the big kids to run out. Levi was hanging with his friends while c was playing basketball with a few other kids.
One of c's friends told him that his girl cousin was visiting. When he finally saw the 2 on the gate, he waved at them and asked for a 5 minute break. Arriving infront if the girls he chit chat with both of them. Eventually her teacher tells her to tell him what happened today. And he knew from the moment he saw her face that it wasn't good. She looked sad and her eyes fell to the side. He had a feeling that it might have to do with bully. He never liked the kid. As bratty's brother was still young he witnessed his toddler behavior but didnt think much of it at that time. But now he was glad that r was back home with his own teachers his dad had chosen. Even tho he was alone with them, s made sure to let him meet kids his age in the nearby park on his lunch breaks, so that he wouldnt be to isolated.
If he met bully now, they cretainly would get into a fight. his dad made the right choice, he just wished na's parents would have realized it too. Then again, he was glad that she found good friends back there that go with her through thick and thin. He hadn't met them yet but the girl promised to introduce them to him at her birthday party next time. Her bd was coming up and invited her class and some of her other friends. She wished she could uninvite bratty and bully but her family didnt think it was a good idea since they are still her family. She wasnt sure if she feels that way still after knowing them for so long. Bratty threw her tantrums left and right and bully was making everything a nightmare.
The little grouo parted ways after she finally told him about her day, and c wasnt amused to say the least. He made himsrlf a feminder to talk to lv about this. After school, while waiting for the bus (c & lv wanted to drive with the bus for a while so they could keep chatting with their group of friends) c walked up to lv and told him what he heared from Na. Lv heared him out and tells him he will get to the bottom of this. B4 c could go back to his friends, lv asked if gg and ll were with her all the time. C just shrugged his shoulders and tells him that these 2 are never far apart of the kids normally.
Back at the Stanton's mansion
The grown ups had some tea time while they waut gor the kids to come back. N keeps talking about a problem they encountered at work. Some smuggeling i guess, make your own sense of it. Ct was sitting next to her looking at some files while the others give their 2 cents to this topic. The door opened loudly and they don't need to wonder who just came in. N's dad asked his daughter to teach her son manners. But n just retaliates thst he will grow out of it. Bratty was in her room doing homework and noticed the commotion as well. Soon after lv and na came around the corner and he had something to tell them
Flashback b4 this brat rushed inside the door
Na and lv were talking about their homework they have to do today until Bully rushed between lv and na as they walked the way to the door. He didnt even look back to see if they are ok. Lv kept his balance, his girl cousin unfortunately did not. She fell on the hard floor with her butt. she was about to cry from the pain but lv knew how to calm her down. He sang her fave part of chance's song and strocked her hair lightly. Sge still cried some tears but this song made her feel better. Lolly, who was already turned back on after her update, hugged her tightly and tigger looked back at the door, shaking his head.
Back on track.
Lv sat na on k's lap and started to inform them about her day with bully. Ct just tsked and was telling his nephew that the 'ferguson kid' might have Over Exaggerated. But gg & ll could confirmed it. Gg even showed recordings on their ipad. The speakers were on, and hearing the things her baby cousin said today again,made her feel even more upset. N called bu (bully) down to question him. B4 they saw those recordings all of them thought that he couldnt have been that bad. Bu even lied most of the time when he was asked if he was a good kid In school. Or if he played nicely with the other kids. Gg had a bad feeling whenever he answered those questions. And now he knows why. As he lied this Time again, gg replayed the recording, much to na's displeasure. His apology later didn't even feel sincere. Even ct noticed his son's annoyed undertone. N's dad again, tells her to watch his behavior. But br (bratty) heared that her brother got yelled at and came to his side to comfort him. In her opinion it is not his fault that na is so weak that she gets upset everytime someone said something bad to her. K had finally enough. He had to sit there, hearing those terrible things his daughter and as well as her friends had to endure. He was not having it with his niece's attitude. A fight broke out and na ran to her hiding place she found some time ago. It was a little cabinet with a secret hidden floor room. she would just lay there sometimes abd try to calm herself down. She turned on her little light on her watch and called c.
The ferguson parents already heared from their son and try to figure out if they should talk with them. Na might not like to be around ppl but she visited them enough to have a good relationship w/each other with their niece. While discussing it, c's mobile watch started ringing. He excused himself and answered the call after entering another room. c wasnt surprised seeing her with her barely seeing face. She would call him or her friends whenever she was in her hiding spot. Na was telling him what happened at home and ge assured her that he will be there to listen.
Their calls started once a few months ago where she had a crush on a boy in her class. She asked c for advise, even tho he never dated anyone b4. He went out with some, sure but they were obviously just after his family's fame. The boy turned out to be lo, b4 he met bu. At 1st he seemed nice. He played with her home or sometimes read books together. but one day she had to take her drops ver bad. As soon as she got her bottle out of her bag, sum1 snatched it away. And who else would it be but lo proofing himself to bu. Bc apparently being a lackey for the son of the lady of the Stanton family is better than being her friend. A teacher stepped in and lo's and na's parents were called in. And instead of saying that he wasn't alone in this, lo took all the blame so that bu could get out of trouble Scott free. Since then she hid in this place and be surrounded by dim light with sum1 to talk to that has time to hear her out. c tells ber that he will let ll stay with her for tonight and he will come pick the little tiger the next day.
At Kai' and julie's home
They bought a new home for them selves, a few months prior in her pregnancy, and the house was furnished fo their wishes. Slightly smaller than his dad's place bur still impressive nonetheless. The day b4 kai and his family left in a hurry as they still had their screaming match. Julie was not sure what to do anymore. She knows n was doing her best with her kids but after seeing the footage as proof she didnt know what to believe anymore. Na came out of her hiding spot when her parents called her name. She was secretly happy to leave but made sure to hide her emotions to not make her fam worry. Ll and gg were the only ones who said good bye as they left the house. It was not like her dad to lose his temper, with his family no less. Normally she witnessed ber dad being the butt of the joke but this time he had not pulled any punches.
Kai was still not over it what his sister and the family of hers did today. Ct was trying to calm them down in a half assed way. As if he was not even sure that there was a problem to begin with. As for their kids, they didnt even pretend to be sorry the whole time as they fought. J and k whispered to eachother on the ride home to not wake up their daughter. But ll was still awake. And she was sure enough to record their convo as well to show it to her parents. She thought that these 2 are the least 'brain dead' people she had met today.
Arriving home k brought na to her room and kept arguing with his wife. Not only over his daughter but how his family seemes to have gone off the rails lately after bu was born. There were times that they would visit e & s so they could only be around r. their son was not as arrogant as their other nephew. They didnt want to admit it but they preferred the Ferguson's home over staying with bu. c's parents felt the same way. They preferred to have their little kid stay with them than being with n's son a whole day. They even love having na around them.
On the next day
E came to k's place to pick up ll. E rejected the invitation to have some coffee inside since he was late for work anyway. Na was already talking w her friends about her up coming bd party. T was uncertain bc his parents werent in any of the circles. He got into this daycare bc his dad and the director visited the same sports bar and they got to know each other there. Na didnt care about circles anyhow. If her parents throw a party for her then they have to invite kids she actually likes. None of those business opportunities, like they normally do. Too bad that bu had the same idea as well but at the same day. Originally the Stanton's were thinking of doing his on his actual birthday but he ofc got his way. In the pretends of 'making up with his cousin'. in reality he is just a prick. K was not on board with this plan and decided to make her party at his house. The family fought about it until k and j couldnt take it anymore. Their dad was already mad about the whole fiasco b4 but now he was at his withs end.
As was as na feared. He invited most of her class to his party. And the ones he didnt invite were not close enough to either of them. Fortunately some of them didnt like bu so they gratefully accepted her party invites. The parties were on the weekend so many had time to come. But bu would just have this smug grin on his face when they drove home, thinking she will regret telling on his mom. basically, just some stupid revenge scheme of his.
Na was still bumped for the lack of guests on her list compared to her bby cousin. N felt bad for her, even try to talk about her problems with bu. But na didnt even try to listen, knowing that she wont do a thing about his behavior. Ct tried to reassure his wife that they will get over it eventually.
On the day of the party.
As expected most of her classmates came to bu's place. Even trying to show off in social media. But to their surprise E and his family arrive with some other kids that got bullied from n's kid. It wasnt difficult to check who else got ignored/mistreated by him. Their parents were ecstatic on his offer. and equally mad to know that they were still treated so badly, even after they got wind of bu's behavior. K & J were talking to some of the parents while mi and na played with her dancing game. Na was not really good at dancing. She would lose footing or even step outside the dancing mat. But mi was just loving it. Not only bc she was winning, but her energy was finally put in good use. When mi and the other 2 arrived at first, the wild girl would just jump up on furniture and dangle on the edge. A while later they got another guest at the door.
C and some of his buddies came as well. One certain friend of his was disguised with a baseball cappy and mask. When asked what his deal was, the friend tried his best to use a deeper voice but na recognized him immediately. He was one of her favorite actors in the show se likes to watch. Caught in the open, the guy put his disguise away and many of the girls at the party squeaked in delight. Fabian (Fa) played the best friend of the Heroine and he got as just as many followers/fans as his colleagues do. C was not aware of this bc fa barely talks about his work in the Media circle. But it payed off nonetheless.
Na was on edge. He favorite actor, at her party. She completely forgot about bu and his party and got the best birthday to date. Fa Even blogged about his friend's cousin and her party. The post got way more likes and comments than bu had by a long shot.
At the Stanton's
Bu was mad after seeing the new post from fa. Even his own guests saw it and some left right away to see him. N called her brother asking if it was his work. But he just laughted and tells her to not be too delusional. When she accused k of playing petty he just grinnted his teeth and answered, if it was petty to defend his daughter from a useless brat. And just hung up on her. He never talked to his sister that way, and he had to admit, it felt good.
After an hour their place was in full swing. Some older girls from c's class came to their house as well and started to flirt w him and fa. that didnt sit right with na but T dragged her to her cake. When all of the guests finally sat around her bd cake it got quiet. na made her with and the cheers got wild. Le asked if she had taken her meds yet. J was touched by her friends concern and explained to her that they gave it to he a few hours ago.
After a while the party eventually ended and aside of c & a work friend of k, the family of 3 started to get ready for bed. K's friend talks with him about an upvoming show while j gets some rest on the couch. C offered j to take na to bed, which the woman really appreciated. While the little girl finisehd her tooh brushing routine, c get a call from bratty asking what kind of friend he is. C learned over the years to not let his step cousin have her way, even if he had a little crush on her back in the day. But after bully got into the picture he noticed all the red flags of her and that she was not worth his efforts. He asked her if she really got so entitled to the point that she doenst see how her attitude affected her girl cousin's feelings forwars her and the family. Their bickering kept on going until he tells her how he really feels about her brother and wished he would have been abducted. He regretted saying that as soon as these words left his mout but by then that bitch was crying about how 'Selfish' he has become. (Like, we all know she would react that way, that's why every1 hates that bitch)
Na had her door closed so she couldnt hear everything what they talked about. But from the tone of theur voices she figured it wasnt pleasant.
Part 4 coming soon
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vildo · 1 month
I can’t trust those who don’t like TAS
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geosaurus · 1 year
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back-seat forensics
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zharaely · 2 months
On the topic of birthdays...
We don't know the Original Cale Henituse's birthday, but just imagine the Henituse Family celebrating Cale's birthday. And Cale has to awkwardly play along even though he knows it isn't HIS birthday they're celebrating. While the Henituse Family is also awkward because it's been years since they got to celebrate Cale's birthday properly, but they wanted to take the chance this time now that they've gotten closer (except it's too late now). But they notice Cale's discomfort throughout the entire celebration even though he tries to hide it. Things snowball from there.
Or maybe when the day comes, Cale isn't aware that it's his body's birthday. So while everyone else is dropping hints about it being a special day, Cale is just confused about why they're acting so weird. It eventually leads the Henituse Family to misunderstand thinking Cale got so busy during or after the war that he forgot his own birthday.
(After Cale realizes, he'd also send Kim Rok Soo a gift via the God of Death. Fortunately, no churches were harmed after that conversation, but only a god's pride.)
This also works vice versa with the Original Cale Henituse in Kim Rok Soo's body. Maybe the Original Kim Rok Soo wasn't known to celebrate his birthday (with other people, or at all). So Kim Rok Soo doesn't even realize anything weird that day, except the increasing glances sent his way by his team members and other people from the company ("The team leader still went to work today even though it's his birthday…sighs"). Kim Rok Soo only finds out by the end of his shift, when he's about to go home to his niece but is stopped by someone unexpectedly giving him a small gift.
(The next time he meets with Choi Jung Soo, he asks the guy to send his birthday greetings to the man he swapped bodies with, along with a birthday card drawn by his niece. ("I don't know about over there, but I found out it was your birthday here on Earth. Happy Birthday, Cale.")) (Extra: Choi Jung Soo becomes nostalgic after remembering all his shared birthdays with Kim Rok Soo, before remembering all the birthdays Kim Rok Soo spent by himself after their deaths.)
Or, the other characters find out it was Choi Han's birthday (not knowing it's also Cale's birthday). Everyone helps to plan a birthday party, with Cale even giving Choi Han a gift during the celebration ("I wasn't able to give you a gift last time, so…Happy Birthday, Choi Han.").
Once the celebration was over, or maybe when everyone else was too busy to hear or disturb the two of them, Choi Han was the first to greet Cale a happy birthday ("…Happy birthday to you too, Cale-nim. Kim Rok Soo."). Of course, Alberu does not forget to secretly give both his instructor and his dongsaeng gifts as well, aka, "a happy birthday to the two punks who gave me headaches".
((There's also an easy solution to this entire thing: Original Cale Henituse's birthday was ALSO on November 8. Now we have 5 people sharing the same birthday.))
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the-badger-mole · 3 months
Fic Snippet!
“Are you out of your mind?” Zuko rushed across the courtyard and bore down on Aang with an intense, almost palpable fury. “Do you know how badly you could’ve hurt her?”
“I was just…I didn’t mean to-“ Aang stammered.
“Fire is not a toy!” Zuko bellowed at him. He turned to Katara, examining her for injuries. “Are you okay?”
“I’m alright,” she assured him, her voice shaking. “I’m fine.” She was trembling visibly, and there were singe marks on her clothes, but she otherwise seemed unharmed. Zuko turned back to Aang, how was looking down at his feet in shame.
“What were you thinking?” Zuko demanded.
“I don’t know,” Aang mumbled, kicking at the ground. “I was…mad.”
“About what?” Zuko was absolutely bewildered. “What could Katara possibly have done that you thought it was a good idea to do that?”
“Nothing,” Aang admitted sullenly. He didn’t say anything after that. Zuko glowered at him, took a few deep breaths to quell his own anger.
“You’re going to clean this mess up,” he said gesturing to the torn up stones, dirt and cooling lava. “Then you’re going to do 100 fire squats. Then you’re going to work on your forms for an hour. And I don’t want to see so much as a curl of smoke out of you. You’re not responsible enough for fire. Understood?” 
“What? That’s not-“ Aang’s protests died on his lips when he saw Zuko’s expression.  He huffed, kicked at stone, and finally nodded.
“Get started,” Zuko ordered through clenched teeth. He turned back to Katara, who was watching the exchange. She was still shaking a bit. Zuko draped his arm protectively around her back and guided her away. He glanced back once more at Aang, and almost rolled his eyes when he saw the younger boy still moping at the ground. It was hard sometimes to reconcile the awesome might and eminence of the Avatar with the reality of Aang, the child.
“I’ll be back,” he warned Aang. “Have this mess cleaned up. And don’t even think about asking Toph to help.” 
I know canonically, the Lava Fissure Incident takes place while Zuko and Sokka are rescuing Hakoda, but I wanted to have Zuko see and react to it. Personally, I think it was another accidentally accurate depiction of how unready Aang is to be the Avatar. And it is also another incident that the narrative decides not to call Aang out for, so the chances of him growing from it are...well, we all know how things turned out in LoK.
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