captainenjolras · 2 years
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The Gang college era pt. 1
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littleladybaker · 11 months
Spider Sitters
Part of the Spiderman AU I've been working on. The Peters have crafted new identities with Otto and Rosie Octavius and now Peter 3 (AKA Andy Octavius) has agreed to babysit for his theater professor. With his brothers to help, how hard can it be to keep an eye on one blue baby?
Rosie tugged down the front of her sweater as she looked at herself in the mirror. Otto came up behind her, arms winding around her rounding belly.
"Ready, Dearest?" He asked.
"Whenever you are," She kissed his cheek as he let her go.
She grabbed her bag and leaned into the living room on their way to the door.
"Alright, boys. We..."
They both staired at their sons.
"Boys. Whose baby is that?" Otto asked.
Tom bounced the blue baby, "How can you not tell he's Herr Wagner's?"
Andy rolled his eyes and smiled at them, "It's he and his wife's anniversary so I offered to watch Sebastian while they go out tonight."
Otto and Rosie exchanged a look.
"It's fine," Tobey stepped forward, "We can handle him. You guys enjoy the play."
"Yeah," Andy continued, "Seb may look just like his papa but he and Frau Wagner said he hasn't shown signs of any other powers yet. He's just a baby who happens to be blue."
"There's three of us and one of him. We can handle it."
Rosie sighed and nodded, "Alright. But you three call us if you need anything. Alright?"
"Yes, Ma."
Otto nodded and put his hand on the small of Rosie's back. They put on their shoes, into the garage, and in the car. Otto pulled out of the driveway and made their way back to the city.
"Any money that baby will be teleporting before his parents come to pick him up?" Rosie offered.
"Nah," Otto shook his head, "He may look like Kurt but I bet he'll fly like his mother."
"Five dollars?"
"Ten. And I'll buy you that fancy ice cream you've been craving."
"You were going to do that anyway."
Now left alone with the baby, the three spidermen could only stair at him. Sebastian blinked up at them with large gold eyes.
"Why is he so dang cute?" Andy whispered, "Do you think our sister will be this cute?"
"At least this cute," Tom nodded, "Have you seen her parents?"
Sebastian stretched and yawned before pulling his tail into his mouth. They cooed again.
Tobey smiled and rolled his eyes, "Did Herr and Frau Wagner leave any instructions? A schedule or anything?"
"Nope!" Andy popped the 'p', "Just the diaper bag, the assurance that he can't port or fly yet, and the promise to pick him up by 9:00."
He nodded and looked up at the clock, "I'm going to make dinner then. Why don't you two feed him before we eat."
"I got it," Andy stood and went over to the diaper bag.
Both brothers froze and turned back slowly.
"Tom. Please tell me that wasn't what I think it was."
Tom shook his head, "Baby's gone."
They were silent for a moment, just starring at where Sebastain had been. Then, all three started running.
"He can't have gotten far! He's not that big!" Tobey ran into the dining room.
"Andy! You said he couldn't 'port!" Tom flung open the bathroom door.
"His parents said he couldn't!" Andy shouted down the stairs.
"Wait! Guys! Be quiet!" Tom stumbled back into the hall, "Do you hear that?"
The three brothers stopped in the hall to listen. Delighted giggles drifted through the house.
"The garage!"
They scrambled for the door. Tobey flung it open and they were faced with Sebastian giggling, sitting in the middle of the garage. They all sighed.
"I got him," Tobey stepped forward.
"...I don't got him..."
They scrabbled back into the house and split up to better listen for the baby's giggles. The giggling came from deeper in the house.
"Shit!" Tom turned, "Is he in the nursery?"
He dashed down the hall and wrenched open the nursery door. Sebastian lay on his belly on the fuzzy yellow duckling rug in the center of the room.
"I got 'im!" He aimed his web shooters.
"Use your hands!" Andy shoved him from behind, "Rosie will kill us if we get webs all over the nursery."
Tom stumbled and fell, barely managed to grab Sebastian. "I got him."
Sebastian continued to giggle and stuffed his fist into his mouth.
"Oh, you are so da-dang lucky you're cute," He stumbled back to his feet, "You don't think he can take passengers, do you?"
"No idea," Andy shrugged and closed the door behind them, "Herr Wagner wasn't taking passengers until he was in the double digits. "
Tom sighed and followed his brothers back into the living room. Andy picked the diaper bag back up and rummage through it for the baby food. Tobey went back to the kitchen to make dinner.
"Alright, Seb. Let's see what Mama and Papa packed you to eat."
Sebastian burbled and wiggled in Tom’s arms. For a moment, the house was mercifully quiet. Sebastian happily flicked his tail while Andy carefully fed him.
“How the heck do his parents keep his fur so clean? It’s like he wants to get food everywhere.”
“Can you imagine how bad diaper changes must be?" Tom wrinkled his nose.
"Don't even joke about that!" A look of horror washed over Andy's face, "I'm kinda just hopping he doesn't poop while we have him."
Tobey chuckled and turned the heat down on the stove. A flash of gold made him stop.
"Guys? What was that?"
"Baby can fly."
He turned slowly to that Sebastian had sprouted fiery wings, just like his mother's. Tom held him at arm's length, doing his best to not touch the wings. Andy leaned back, further terrified.
"Tommy. Do not let go of that baby," He squeeked.
"No kidding!"
Sebastian babbled, tail lashing back and forth. Hesitantly, Tobey went back to cooking. Tom slowly brought Sebastian to his chest and smiled.
"Hey! His wings don't actually burn." He smiled at Andy, "They're just kind of warm."
Tobey watched as his brothers played with Sebastian, feeling his new wings and tickling his feet. Then Andy stood with the dirty spoon and empty jar of pumpkin pure and made his way over to the kitchen.
"I guess his parents weren't kidding about him being an easy baby." He said, "He didn't even fight eating."
"Um. Andy?" Tom turned hesitantly, "I think he's wet."
Sebastian's face scrunched up as he began to whimper.
"Oh no."
Andy dropped the spoon and jar in the sink and dashed over to the diaper bag again.
"I got it! I got it!"
"Well, hurry up!" Tom shouted as one of Sebastian's wings slapped him in the face.
"Just lay him down!" Andy ordered, pulling out a clean diaper and the packet of wet wipes.
They lay the baby on the rug and hurried to get his overalls off. The little outfit no longer felt cute as they struggled to get it off just so they could access his dirty diaper. As soon as the wet diaper was off, Sebastian calmed and hiccupped. His tail twitched again.
"See? That wasn't so bad. Was it, Bud?" Andy smiled as he worked.
Tobey sighed, "Guys? Did you let go of the baby?"
"Yeah..." Tom admited.
"Is there a naked, flying baby teleporting around the house?"
"Yeah..." Andy continued to stare at the place Sebastian had been only seconds before.
Otto held the door for Rosie as they returned to the house at 8:45. She giggled at the sight of the boys. All three Peters were asleep, scattered around the living room. Three empty bowls, stained with alfredo sauce sat on the coffee table. The contents of the diaper bag were spilled over the rug. Andy held Sebastian securely to his chest as he slept in front of table.
"Well, it looks like the boys had fun," Otto whispered.
"How did it go?" Kurt asked before stumbling to a stop, "Oh."
"Mhm," Rosie nodded, "I don't know who tired who out but that is a lot of sleeping boys in our living room."
Kurt grinned and pulled out his phone. He took a picture of the chaos before pocketing the phone and stooping to repack the diaper bag.
"I'll get us out of your hair in just a moment, Doctor und Professor Octavius." He slipped the money in Andy's hand, "Just let me pack up Seb's mess."
"It's no problem, Kurt."
Kurt smiled and carefully eased his son from Andy's arms and rest him gently against his shoulder, "I just hope he wasn't too much trouble for them."
"I don't think he was," Otto shook his head, "We'll ask them when they wake up."
Kurt nodded again and *Bamf!* he was gone.
"I heard the bamf!" Andy shot up, "Where'd he go this time!?"
"He's gone again!?"
Tom and Tobey sat up, looks of horror painted over their faces.
"Again?" Otto lift an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah," Tom looked over the back of the sofa, "Baby can teleport."
"Kurt already came and took him boys," Rosie explained, holding out her hand to Otto, "Pay up."
"Well, that certainly explains the mess," Otto pulled out his wallet.
"Oh!" Andy rolled back over, "And he started flying after he ate. The next thing we knew we had a flying, teleporting, naked baby traveling around the house and no one, not even him, could control it!"
Rosie lowered her hand and Otto put his wallet away.
"Do you think we should tell him?" He asked.
"Absolutely not." Tobey shot to his feet, "No. We had to go through this chaos with no warning than so do they."
"Well, at least we know you'll be able to handle watching this one." Rosie smiled, pointing at her belly.
All three spidermen groaned and flopped back down on the sofa.
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ottosbigtop · 1 month
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some guys of mine… in Color…!
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year2000electronics · 2 months
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squidvurd · 3 months
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The moon and the sun 💙💖🤍💖💙
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
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big compilation some of doc ock x rosie fantasy au art bc this story is dear to me
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budynsliwkowy · 6 months
they are so lovely
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heartofhubris · 1 month
Rating: G Warnings: None Fandom: Spider-Man (Movies - Raimi) Relationships: Otto Octavius/Rosalie Octavius/Reader, Otto Octavius/Reader, Rosalie Octavius/Reader Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Accidental Relationship A/N: Holy crap I was supposed to finish this back in may 2022. anyway go love @dethharmonic and reblog his art theyre awesome
I need to take you in real slow - Cause dying on your lips is how I wanna go
You weren’t entirely sure just how everything had fallen together, how your relationship had spiraled with the English professor. She was beautiful, yes, but she was also married to a man who's beauty could match hers. They were both intelligent, intuitive people, well in love from their college days.
It had taken no time at all for Rosie to first invite you to her room for lunch years ago; you were lucky to have found the time. Coffee, lunches, topics of the classics from art and literature, bouncing back and forth between inspirations and temptations of words. Rosie had a tongue to match the words she often read in her own time, words that somehow managed to inspire you. 
The first piece of art you had offered her was nearly garish to those outside of those conversations. Stunningly bright paints splattered and marked, an image that came from those very words that had swirled around your head. It was Rosie’s statements and observations that had really brought the painting to life. The shapes, the arches, the weight of each stroke; each had been inspired by the conversations you’d had. 
She’d put it in her office as soon as it was framed. You hadn’t even realized just where it had gone until the day it had returned, so perfectly framed and set upon the wall. Your footsteps had stopped short, quite unexpectedly in the moment. Her voice had called out to you within seconds of your steps stopping. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Your eyes flashed from the canvas to her. 
“So very.” Those last steps took you to your normal chair, looking up to your coworker. “Is that where it’s been?” 
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gifsofhubris-a · 1 year
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Otto and Rosie
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allseeingportrait · 3 months
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I’ve been secondhand indulging in Raimiverse Dock Ock Frenzy and listening to Griftwood again gave me a vision I couldnt not heed. Ottorosie warriors lets go
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devoutlywished · 2 years
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PETER: he doesn’t seem so bad.
HARRY: not if you’re a genius.
TVTropes: Mother Nature, Father Science / Spider-Man Trilogy (2002-2007) dir. Sam Raimi / Original Spider-Man 2 Screenplay by Michael Chabon (x) / The Spectacular Spider-Man #179 (1976)
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littleladybaker · 2 years
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I made a new insert for my transparent phone case! This time it’s Otto and Rosie being adorable. I modeled her outfit after Donna Murphy’s Into the Woods dress but I added some sparkles with a silver pen. His is kind of just an ‘Alfred Molina in a suit jacket’ look. Hindsight being 2020, I should have given him curly hair as well but I went with a more Spider-Man 2 hairstyle for him.
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ottosbigtop · 3 months
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formatted refs down in time for artfight yayyyy!
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Just three girls who drive around in a broken down old bus and fight other people in the post-apocalypse for fun and money! Theyre fun I promise uou ok.
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year2000electronics · 3 months
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otto and rosie must have been the CUTEST couple in college can you IMAGINE??
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shortycreates · 2 years
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Another throwback from last year! I really loved No Way Home and especially seeing Doc Ock again! I LOVE Alfred Molina. 
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