the4rcanist · 6 months
here's one for my two currently favorite characters from Kingdom, The Monstrous Bird of Qin and his right hand man
Art + process
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kofuku46 · 2 years
Baby Yato and Sakura, Manga Coloring
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Noragami, Chapter 43: Secrets
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portablesleep · 1 year
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“She’s crying again… Why?”
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mizumiii · 2 years
I'm currently writing about Kingdom, and I saw that the names of all the characters change during the third season. So is there a rule ? Like should I write Ouki or Wang Qi ?
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diositia · 2 years
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Fanart for Linksthesun
Drew on September 25, 2015.
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kt-cant-focus · 2 years
That moment you realize Ouki x Kyou might be grooming.
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goryfluff · 1 year
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Kaname Ouki as Tybalt in Gérard Presgurvic's Romeo & Juliette | ロミオとジュリエット Takarazuka Star Troupe | 2010
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shimonerin · 4 months
Literally nothing gayer in the whole series than these two
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You mean the two of you will stay in the Borderlands because you finally found someone who you can satiate your cruelty with in the most sadistic ways only the borderlands could provide? Even if it means dying/being in a coma in the mortal realm? That's gay.
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imshunshun · 2 years
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miraofhearts2point0 · 5 months
i cannot stand the fact adap Chishiya is a Hearts player, sowz. it's clear to me the adap writers completely misunderstood what makes someone a Hearts player in the first place and ran with it.
Chishiya can read others emotions to some extent, sure, but not in-depth enough to sympathize.
you wanna know why Chishiya (and Niragi) are Diamonds players? because they don't care enough to truly understand the hearts of others. they manipulate situations, not (usually) out of desperation, but because it's all they know. they lack a genuine understanding with others.
(adap) Arisu being a Diamonds player also completely misses the point: Arisu is so similar to Chishiya and Niragi that if, at any point prior to the Borderlands, he had one more thing go wrong, he could've ended up like the two of them; but he didn't because he refused to be like that.
Arisu is a Hearts player because he's both smarter than he gives himself credit for, and emotionally mature enough to take to heart (wink wink) the emotions of others and actively put himself in their shoes to get through a game.
that last reason is why Matsushita Enji is such a lousey Hearts player, because, like Chishiya and Niragi, he isn't emotionally mature enough to truly be good at Hearts. he has great setups, sure, but he's too proud to acknowledge other players and their inteligence, which is why he was ultimately defeated by Yaba and Banda.
Yaba and Banda both come from backgrounds where they need to read others to some extent: Yaba, a CEO who climbed the corporate ladder by reading others and using those emotions to his advantage (as we saw happen with Arisu when he was confronted by the militants), and Banda, a misogynistic murderer who got into the houses of women he killed, needed to be agile enough to get them to trust him by manipulating the situation in his favor, all while keeping in mind the emotions of those he killed.
Hearts games are not won by sheer manipulation, as we saw with Enji and Urumi; there needs to be a level of connection with others if you want to survive, which is also why Mitsurugi's defeat was so upsetting; ideally, he did everything right, but ultimately was a bit too confident in his plan and thus, refused to acknowledge the power the other players had. he was too good of a person.
Mira is a bit of an outlier, not because she was bad at the games or anything, but because she's the perfect mix of both understanding and master manipulator; if she went up against any other player in the Borderlands, they would easily lose. Arisu almost lost too, but as we've established, Hearts games are built off connections with others and Usagi was needed in order to make it.
I'm sure Mira was well-aware of that fact, especially with Arisu, but her ulimate failure was the same as Mitsurugi's: she ended up downplaying the connection between him and Usagi. Hearts games need love, level-headedness, mild manipulation, and an open mind if you intend to win.
going back to my main point, that's why Chishiya either avoids Hearts games all together, manipulates people during them, or turns to violence; he lacks the emotional maturity and agency to clear one the way they are meant to be cleared, why Arisu is a much better Hearts player than Chishiya will ever be, and why the adap writers completely misunderstood that point.
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kofuku46 · 2 years
Yato and Sakura, Manga Coloring
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Noragami, Chapter 46: Children at Play
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mintfrosting · 3 months
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mizumiii · 2 years
I - A promise on the ashes of yesterday
Table of contents - Next part
Tou - Fem!Reader x Ou Ki
Hello ! Here I am again with a new Fem! Reader fanfic on a rare fandom and a rare pairing! This time I tried to write smut without any restriction so be ready! There's some plot but I guess you can skip to the good parts! I'll put a warning when needed (the smut is rated with pepper, more peppers mean harder smut).
For now, there's five parts, I want to make a sixth but I'm not sure about following the original plot. By the way, everything takes place before the manga started.
Warning : Smut 🌶️🌶️
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It was an unordinary sight. Something strange, colourful and beautiful at the same time. A view the little boy could not stop to look at with big round eyes.  He had even stopped walking to the well where he had to draw some water. On his left, there was a huge noble house with the engawa standing around a meter above the ground. For the first time since he had started using that path, the sliding door was opened. And on top of it was a pile of vivid fabrics, shaking back and force. It looked so precious, with a crazy number of layers not letting him see anything under it. 
Was there someone under that little pile of vivid fabrics?  Was it only clothes? The strange stack moved toward the edge, in front of him, on the precious parquet of the noble’s house, making him realise that he had not dreamed the first time. But between the boy and the house’s floor, there was a big gap, the ground only a meter below. Now that it was closer, he could make out a little human head buried into the thing. Suddenly, he realised, if it kept rocking like this (like a drunk), it was undoubtedly going to fall. 
He stayed silent. Then the moving rag tipped forward, falling in front of him, its face landing unceremoniously in the dirt. 
He rushed to grab it, then easily put it back on the floor at a safe distance from the edge. The boy cared little for its dirty face. That is when he noticed two shining eyes, right before the tiny being started moving again, fiercely determined to make its way to the edge of the engawa. The boy was so shocked that he let it fall again. A silence followed. 
— Young lady? Where are you?!
A loud servant’s call shook the silence. The boy shivered and quickly put back what was undoubtedly the precious child before fastly leaving the place. 
— Young lady! What happened!!
He shrugged without turning looking back, the sounds of the outraged screams diminishing in the back. 
You blinked, surprised to be subjected to an odd feeling of reminiscence. You could only gather a lingering bittersweet sensation, warm colours… It made you reflective. What memory could have flashed in your mind? Something so old you could not remember clearly. Strange, since you had no good memories before your teenage years… 
A movement on your left reminded you of where you were: in the military camp, in front of the Great General’s tent, a bit away from the rest of the ordinary soldiers. The men at your side looked at you. Someone else could have mistaken his round eyes as inexpressive, however, you knew him well enough to spot the question in his glance. You smiled playfully, before taking a step forward, your companion following you. 
As soon as the tent closed again behind you, it was as if you had been cut from the rest of the world. The giant man in front of you was taking all the place, his impressive aura filling every corner, almost crushing you. 
“Good evening Lord Ou Ki-dono!” You both exclaimed while performing the polite gesture due to his rank. 
“She’s the one, then Tou, nfufufu ?” The great general question ended with a throat laugh making you understand he was already aware of your visit. 
“Yes my Lord, exactly”, your fellow answered, still gripping his hands to pay his respect. 
You did not move, impressed to be so close to the great general. Even if in fact, it was not the first one you had met so privately. Though before it had been for entirely different reasons. 
“Hmm, let’s see what you're worth then, come closer 300-man commander”, he ordered you. 
You took a couple of steps, as close to him as you dared. His words, despite his carefree demeanour, were enough to make your body move independently. He was standing, but he was still able to make it look as if he was casually sitting, his arms crossed on his chest and a playful smile on his big lips. He was no longer wearing his armour, which was logical since it was already late at night. They had chosen this time on purpose to avoid raising suspicions. And you were not wearing yours either. 
Now that you were closer, you were feeling tiny in front of that massive man, daring only quick glimpses at his large frame. 
His demeanour had not changed, but you could tell he was judging you. You were not chaste, except it was not the same to go and show yourself naked in front of a great general, especially this one! You hesitated toward the end, but still got rid of your underclothes despite your shaking hands. Your face was flushed, an intense warmth spreading in your whole body, making you tense. You could sense Tou’s sharp glare on your back, while Ou Ki-dono was dissecting you with his piercing eyes. His surname, Monstrous Bird of Qin looked even more pertinent now that you were the prey under his hawk’s stare. 
The hot summer kept you warm however you did not know if you should be grateful as you felt already too heated.
“I have to admit you have good tastes Tou”, the general smile’s grew a bit. 
“Thank you, my Lord!” The lieutenant had not moved, his hands still locked. 
“300-man commander now… Show me what you’re able to do, shall you? Come take care of…” He let his sentence hang suggestively, only laughing lightly.
In the same motion, he provokingly took apart his tunic, then lowered his pants to show you his half-hardened shaft. He gave you an expressive look, making you instantly understand what you had to do. 
“I’ll do my best to please you, Ou Ki-dono!” You determinedly accepted.
You could do it, you had to do it, and you wanted it just as much. With all these troubling thoughts, you fell on your knees. You took a whole second to look at that unusual view, realising how lucky you were, before daring to grab the main piece with your sword-roughened hands. It was insane to think about what you were going to do to the great general so you forbade yourself to hesitate and quickly put it in your mouth. It filled you and hardened immediately, encouraging you in slow, dedicated motion. You used your hands to touch his manhood, stroking it in the same rhythm. You half-opened your firstly closed eyes to witness an extraordinary sight. You could see Ou Ki-dono from below, his big lips parting in an enjoying smile as his eyes were staring at you with a renewed intensity. You clenched your thighs, deep hotness crawling from them. Impatient and excited, you slid more of his member in your mouth looking forward to hearing his satisfaction out loud. Without noticing that it was you who was lowly moaning while pressing your hungry spot. 
“You seem quite aroused Tou, nfufufu. I think our friend has her hands full, so go on and take care of yourself… However, be careful not to exhaust yourself before the main act”, the general laughed playfully, his voice sounding more husky than usual.
“Thank you, my Lord!”
Before you could try to look at what was going on behind you, Ou Ki-dono grabbed your hair in his powerful grasp forcing you in a more fast and deep pace that made you half-choked on his cock. You dig your fingernails in his thighs without thinking, giving your best not to be overwhelmed by his ways. You had trouble breathing but it did not prevent you from using your tongue on the top or around his length. You focused on the sound of his deep breathing, hoping to hear him disclose his state. 
Suddenly his hands grasping your hair raised you on your feet in a swift, implacable motion, preventing you from going on with your task. You did not even have time to feel pain, surprised by his change of heart. You were out of breath, gasping to take air in your depraved mind. A large arm seized your throat, pressing your back against the general's torso. For now, he did not choke you, but the menacing weight was enough to make you shiver out of expectations. Your hands were grabbing his arm by reflex only, your chest rising and falling quickly. 
“Look at your lover, it looks like he loved to see you be used like this, nfufufu”, The colossal bird scoffed his big lips against your left ear. 
“To-ou?” You gasped between two difficult inspirations. 
The lieutenant did not answer you, too busy stroking his cock while looking straight at you. You could make out from his face, the fuzziness in his pupils, the slight red on his cheeks, giving away how engulfed he was. That sight only sent delightfully painful stabs in your stomach. Your intimate lips clenched by themselves, thirsty for more. One of your hands wandered toward it, but it was caught in a metal grip. 
“I’ll be the one playing with that, nfufufu…”
You nodded, close to begging for it. But before you could ask for anything, teeth suddenly tore up the fragile skin between your neck and shoulder. Your whole body ignited while a deep moan escaped your mouth. Could he have guessed already what was your weak point? You forgot yourself in the sensation, feeling as if you could come just from that terribly sweet torture. For now, Ou Ki had just placed one big hand between your legs, laying there and sending you waves of warmth through his palm. Without thinking, you started to rub yourself on it, looking desperately for your release. With that, his hard member was sliding against your arse. And in response, the bite began deeper, more aggressive, each time he would come back on one he had already done, multiplying on purpose the pain. 
“P-Please…”, you begged, forgetting why you had come here in the first place. 
Now you could only think about your bliss, craving for more. You heard the general scoff against your neck, the second before some of his fingers clenched around your throat while the other sank into your wet pussy. 
Only a wheeze escaped your lips, air unable to reach your throat. You could no longer feel your feet or any part of your body, only your neck and your thighs were branded and burning, engulfing you in a white-hot ecstasy. 
A loud moan escaped you when the fingers disappeared. You remained standing only thanks to the arm on which you were desperately holding. 
“Do you still want to keep going?” Ou Ki unexpectedly asked you. 
Because of your sore throat, you could not make out a sound, so you firmly nodded in place, earning another laugh. 
“So eager nfufufu. Then Tou, I think it is time for you to undress too.”
“Yes, my lord!”
You followed Tou’s movements, he was really muscular under his clothes, and his frame had nothing to be jealous of his general. Then, on his order, he laid down on the bed. You shivered, hoping to be allowed in joining him. 
“Go ride him”, you were ordered with a slap on your ass. “Don’t worry I wouldn't want to miss out on the fun.” He added when seeing you hesitate.
“I’ll do it, Ou Ki-dono!”
You climbed into the bed, not taking your eyes off Tou for even a second. His staff was still as hard as before, and you knew how good he could make you feel. So you gladly positioned yourself above before sliding down deliberately slowly to enjoy the consuming sensation of your wall stretching around his manhood. When you finally rested on his lap, you sighed with satisfaction: it filled you perfectly. You wiggled lazily, your hands exploring your lover’s torso. He was not letting you off his view, grabbing your hips so firmly that he was hurting you. Your general had not allowed him to move, so he was refraining himself not to brutally riding you as he desperately wanted it. 
“You both look lovely”, Ou Ki-dono commented when joining as naked as the both of you.
He kneeled behind you and you felt your throat dry, how many women would kill to be at your place right now? You mentally shook yourself. 
“Not as much as you Ou Ki-dono”, you dared answer enrapture in the special moment you were experiencing. 
You ignored Tou’s fingernails sinking harder into your skin while the general was positioning behind you. He took your shin in his hand, forcing you to turn your head in an unnatural direction.
“Flattery won’t bring you anywhere”, he assured you despite his smile. 
His big lips were so close that for a second you thought he was going to kiss you, but the next moment he was grabbing your hair again, forcing you to arch against his torso. 
“What an agreeable sight, isn’t it Tou?” He hummed. 
“Indeed my Lord, really endearing…”
“Let’s see if we can make it even more charming…”
The lieutenant nodded, and before you could understand what they had in mind, Ou Ki slid into your womanhood at the same time as Tou thrust all the way back into it too. Startled you could only let out a desperate wine unable to differentiate the ache from the pleasure. The general’s free hand came on your sweet spot caressing it until you started to move on your own, impaling yourself on both their staffs. You could not form any coherent thought, you had not prepared yourself for that but you were far from regretting it. You were feeling so incredibly full, each slight movement was sending you almost over the ridge, and the precise movements of the fingers on your clitoris were just magical. In a matter of seconds, you were moaning loudly until you cummed on them.
Short of breath you closed your eyes to enjoy the afterglow, to reopen them immediately when the two men started to move in you. It was worse and better than anything that you had ever experienced. Your pussy was stretched to the extreme, while they both kept hammering methodically. Ou Ki resumed his bites looking as if he wanted to eat you and Tou was gripping you harder each second. You could not even hold onto the Lieutenant's torso, only reaching the general’s back where you hold onto your life. You could no longer hear or see anything as a harsh sensation was eating you away. 
At one point, you noticed a well-known sound: Tou’s gasps. You focused on him, his cheeks were redder and his big eyes were half closed from his looming climax. You vaguely understood from his desperate and wild movement that he did not want to hit his release before the general. His arousal gave you enough strength to try and move with them, your fingers scratching and caressing anything they could reach. Your moans started to be louder than your lover’s. Being ridden and mindlessly riding you cummed again without realising it. The second after the hot release of your companion leaked around their members. 
Not even a second later, Ou Ki freed you, making you gently fall on Tou’s torso. You stayed there, unable to move or even say anything. Your mind was such a mess but you did not care at all. You felt so good that you could do it all again. Do you promise me? You jolted suddenly. Where was the general? How could you even fathom satisfying yourself when he had obviously not gained anything from the whole ordeal? You were ashamed and dead set on making things right. 
“Ou Ki-dono, wait please!”
“Why are you ruining my effort at letting the both of you enjoy your moment nfufufu?” He asked.
“I-I want you to reach your own pleasure Ou Ki-dono!” You had turned on your knees to talk to him. 
“And how do you intend to do so?” He did not say it but you understand the rest anyhow. 
You hesitated before turning your back again, positioning on your four across Tou that had not moved. Then you put your arse in the air, putting one of your hands in an explicit position. 
“I’ll do anything to please you, my lord…”
Shame could not express how you felt at that instant, but an even more crushing feeling was controlling you. If you were going to be humiliated then at least you would have tried everything in your power. 
Two giant hands clenched around your hips while a soft caress informed you that Ou Ki was leaning over you, his hair on your back. 
“Have you already done it?” His tone was serious.
“Never, my lord.”
“I won’t be gentle.”
“I’ll do anything my lord”, you repeated.
“Very well.”
A finger made its way into your bottom, it was enough to make you want to whine, so you hid in Tou’s neck, hoping to conceal your discomfort. A second finger joined it, that time you scratched the torso under you to the blood. Your hair was suddenly grabbed again, for a confusing moment you thought the general had done it but you were met with your lover's round eyes. Without waiting he crashed your lips against his, roughly kissing you, taking possession of every corner of your mouth with his tongue. It distracts you from the pain allowing you a brief moment of sweetness. 
Thankfully, your lover was even more considerate since he started to also caress your honey spot, giving you a chill in your whole body. The firstly unpleasant sensation melted with the new one, merging into an incredible lecherous offering. You kissed Tou back, trying to share how great he made you feel. 
The fingers disappeared and a massive length your pussy had already experienced was positioned to enter. You shivered, unable to comprehend how you would be able to take in something that big. The next second you were no longer able to even breathe. Your whole body rejected the strange sensation. You wanted to jerk off and scream but Tou did not let you. He clenched his hand on your hair, deepening his kiss while accelerating his caress on your lovebud. The lecherousness was turned into heavy white snow erasing every other sensation. 
Then your lover’s cock made its way into your womanhood. You gasped before letting out wordless cries. The two men started to fuck you again without giving you a moment of rest, looking to break you without hesitation. You cumed somewhere on the line, but they did not stop. You were no longer able to hold on to your hands, it was Ou Ki’s grasp, and Tou’s that were forcing you in withstanding their insane amount of stamina. You were reduced to a moaning, whining mess, begging for more. And they were gladly obliging you. 
When you thought that you could not reach another release, you heard the most arousing sound in the world. It took you a couple of thrusts to understand that it was the general moaning in your back, his movement starting to be more erratic.
“P-please harder”, you begged against Tou’s mouth, tears of overjoy in your eyes.
It seemed to work as Ou Ki’s grasp pierced your skin to bring you back and force you to meet his violent impulsions, while Tou was moving with difficulty but his soft whines were sinking directly into your mouth. It lasted for a blessed, unreal second, then you suddenly were ridden jerkily while the two men grunted almost in accordance. The lieutenant took the time to skillfully play with you again, letting you join them in that sweet relief. 
You laid on Tou’s torso while indistinctly hearing Ou Ki’s order for a bath in his tent. Your lover’s breathing made you sleepy as all your body was incredibly sore. 
Not long after, a large wooden tub of hot water was brought in. The servants were used to Ou Ki's extravagances so none tried to look in the direction of the bed where Tou was still laying with you. The general did not waste a second, quickly entering the bath. He hummed with satisfaction before ordering the both of you to join him. 
Realising that you were already half asleep, the Lieutenant gently carried you in. You shivered with ease when meeting the burning liquid which helped your body intensely after everything it had to endure. However, you were still sleepy so you just let your lover take care of you, while he softly cleaned you before finally laying back against the bath. You huddled against him, your nose against his neck, smiling happily in your slumber, you even tenderly called out his name.
“She seemed to care greatly for you, Tou”, Ou Ki noticed. 
The Lieutenant looked unphased, his silence could have been taken as rude if his general had not known better. 
“If my Lord says it…”, he answered slowly before adding without emotion, she still asked to sleep with you, my Lord. 
“With us, nfufufu.”
Tou appeared to not have anything to counter that and they simply stayed silent, enjoying the bath warmth. 
The next moment you woke, you found yourself in your lover’s arms whose torso was against your back. If he was still asleep it could only mean that the sun had not risen. You lazily looked around, still feeling on a cloud of satisfaction; until you noticed the great general’s back, sitting at the tent’s entrance with his tunic back on. You moved before thinking, taking one of the furs on the bed to cover your body, before silently sitting to his left. 
“The moon is still high,” he pointed out with the cup of sake he was holding in his right hand, “you should rest. Tomorrow’s battle will be a difficult one, and you will be at the centre of it.”
At the last word, he looked directly at you, crushing you from his intense glare. He had noticed that you had chosen that night for nothing. Or it was more as if you had realised that maybe it would be your last chance to do so. Anyway, you were here now, and tomorrow was still not born from the ashes of today. 
“I’m sorry for being unreasonable, Lord Ou Ki, I'll accept any punishment for my boldness, however, you seem lonely and it is something I can't bear to witness…”
Damn you were not good with your words! How you managed until now not to provoke a noble was truly a mystery! You were so tense and uneasy but also too determined to simply forfeit.
“Why would you concern yourself with such an unnecessary thought?” he wondered aloud before adding, “that it almost looks as if you have an ulterior motive…”
At that instant, you realised that something was off. It really was Ou Ki-dono at your side, his face was the same as always, however, he was not laughing. His lips were smiling but not his eyes. A dread feeling made you question yourself: had he guessed what you were about? Why were you doing all this? 
You stopped, unable to admit the truth. Now that you were here, you were too afraid to lose everything. If Ou Ki-dono learned your purpose, he would second guess your every word, making them false, and you a hollow character. Even if they could not compete with their goal, your sentiments were real and sincere…
“Let’s not spoil the fun,” he finally interfered. “To be honest, I had more entertainment than I thought I would, so for that, I’ll allow you to make one request to me…”
You did not know Ou Ki-dono very well, until now you had spent most of your time admiring him from afar, as most of his people. So you were truly taken aback by his sudden proposition. You had already obtained what you wanted! You uselessly let your mind go crazy under his cunning play without even noticing it. Finally, just before admitting you had no idea, you suddenly remembered why you had wanted to come to sit here when you had woken up.
“If the great general allows me then,” you started while he was not missing a bit of the spectacle, “I would like that my Lord would lay down with us tonight…”
“Kokoko, I thought you had enough but it seemed you still had some appetite!”
“No! No that’s not what I meant,” you blushed hard without realising that he was still playing with you.
But hearing him laugh made you feel lighter as if you had succeeded in grabbing him before he would go too far in melancholy. 
“Go back to the warmth of your bed,” he finally spoke, and this time it was an order. 
“Yes, Lord Ou Ki.”
You happily obliged, sliding back between Tou’s arms without noticing that her lover had followed the scene without letting you notice that he was awake. Unaware of his motive, you simply went to sleep, your mind now at ease. 
The general finished his cup of sake, but when he went for the bottle he froze. The wish of the 300-man commander came back to his mind. With a faint smile, he looked in the direction of the two people sleeping in his bed. They had no idea that they were the first to be allowed such a thing. He had always kept this place for Kyou. With a slight scoff, he raised his legs, to walk slowly toward the furniture. There he sat down in Tou’s back, after a last taste of alcohol, he decided that it was time for him to take some rest too. He laid down on his side, one arm across the two lovers.
Next part
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mizusjawline · 5 months
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Ouki Kaname in BeruBara (2006 vs 2014)
From Ouki Kaname's Sayonara Scrapbook
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vumming · 2 years
alice in borderland — imagine w/ the male characters
contents : friends to lovers, mini story, suggestive af, kinda soft, nsfw ( for mature audiences only )
I HAD THE STRONG URGE TO TYPE "good girl/boy" anyway I'm going back to work.
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“Can I tell you something? I've liked you since the beginning.”
“As do I.”
Lust. It burns every fiber of rationality the more you try to extinguish it. Love, it creeps as slow as it can, and cannot be identified before it is too late.
Like—why do you like him? You find yourself wondering as you gaze upon the man before you. A friend, you once called him. There was a reason for the closeness and connection you both had built.
Too close or too loose?
This friendship that's budding another flower—was it even platonic at the beginning?
Deep breath, tight heart, throbbing feels. Hands coming to cover your budding arousal. His hand grazed your neck, stopping—and you pray to anyone who can hear that he cannot hear your quick breathing and rapid heartbeat.
“Are you nervous?”
It was supposed to be an innocent hang out, a movie at his place. but it seems fate has other things at hand.
Intentional. Fiery palm trailing from the side of your neck, down to your shoulder, stopping to your arm. “Am I making you nervous?” His whisper is tickling on your ear.
“Since back then,” He blows a small puff on your ear and you can feel him smile as you flinch at the sudden air, “I've been dreaming of having you as my own.” Calloused hand drags sideways, meeting in the middle, where your collarbone is.
He taps, “And now, I have you for myself.”
The other, makes it way to your stomach, “Would you like me to stop?”
And he grins. “Your wish, is my command.”
Loose yourself to the rhythm.
Feel the thunderous beat of every veins and breath in the magic. In a world so constricting, it's no wonder everyone must go out and let it all out.
Lips all over your skin and blazing contacts of warm hands travel, further and further. Pads of the fingers pin down all of the spots that sends ecstasies of shivers, mewl of pleasure and groan of satisfaction. The noise from the outside world simply became a background buzz as your hearing became static, too lost in the euphoric treasure it gives.
“Enjoying yourself, hun?” he purrs, wet lips drawling lines across your navel, eyes dropping to your expression as he drown and feels himself immersed in the constant change of your face.
“Don't stop..”
His throat swells and release a breathless chuckle, lifting himself from his position to close in on your dazed look. “Oh I won't.” Head tilted with a smirk lining his features.
“But I do want to hear you beg.”
His fingers drags themselves painfully slow in your walls and you find yourself panting at the feeling. “Please.” Whimper comes out of your lips, trying hard to chase release.
But in and out, he sticks to his words. “I can't hear you, louder.” The ministration halt right in time as his voice comes out, “Please.. Please Don't stop!”
He huffs in amusement, resuming the work as he closes the distance, chaste and quick steal of a kiss before they go down, down, down.
“Good.” He drawls.
He lick a stripe on the middle of your chest, “That's my pretty baby, always listenin' to me.”
Higher, faster, quick—light dims and spots began to appear, how many times have you done it? How much time has passed? You couldn't tell, not with how hot the room is, how warm his mouth is, how precise his touches are.
Everything is nothing, and this, became everything. “You earn it, don't you?” Words utter lightly with pants in-between. “My pretty baby, all spread out like this.”
“I'm kind to you because you're too pretty for me to handle, yeah?” But you couldn't reply. Bite. Not enough to draw addictive red, but enough to cause a bit of flame on your chest.
Suck. It's soothing, your perception of stimulation went high, blurry as they can get. Skin touch sensitive for the past hours it has started.
“Don't you..” It's a bit jumbled, the words, and he seems to have realized, popping off of your chest with a satisfied look on the mark before they trail down, “Don't you fall asleep on me now before we finish, a'ight?” He chuckles, fingers wet in slick and fluids, “After all.”
“We still have more to try.”
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goryfluff · 1 year
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Kaname Ouki as Tybalt in Gérard Presgurvic's Romeo & Juliette | ロミオとジュリエット Takarazuka Star Troupe | 2010
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