#Out of Costume - Volt OOC;
altered-personas · 1 year
I really want to be more active here, so-
Like this for a random starter from Sovereign?
Might help me get the motivation to make more expressions for her too. I currently only have two of her in the suit, and they both need tweaks before I use them.
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webbedphantom · 2 months
I'ma get to replies tomorrow but for tonight, there two things I thought about at work that I just can't stop thinking about-
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but this is basically Aaron's anthem
Though this is the first time I've linked to this version of it-
It almost perfectly sums up why he does what does, why he fights so hard for it, and why he'll keep doing it even if the whole world hates him for it. It's really only missing the guilt aspect-
He's going to do what he thinks is right, no matter what. It doesn't matter if you disagree, doesn't matter if it's illegal, doesn't matter if it'll kill him, as long as his heart says it's the right thing to do, he's going to do it.
It's also a shocking JAM
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xaracosmia · 1 year
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name / alias: lyss age: 26 pronouns: he/him ooc contact: @phantomthieves other characters in xc: dimitri alexandre blaiddyd
name: Timothy “Tim” Drake age: 20 pronouns: he/him series: DC comics  canon point: pre-Tim Drake: Robin app triggers: parental death, comas, general death, ermmm
Tim is — or was — an enthusiastic, humorous boy. It's not like he hasn't been able to keep these traits over the years, but they exist to a different degree. His enthusiasm becomes ambition, while his humor drys up, now favoring sarcasm. His intellect, however, is consistent — extremely good at reading others, 
Tim is an investigative force that can rival even Batman. He uses this perception to empower others when in a team and to outsmart his enemies when solo, making himself a formidable ally and foe. 
Despite his increasingly jaded outlook as Robin, as Tim Drake, he's good at charming others, whether that be new friends, love interests, or even the occasional bully that favors him over his nerdy crowd. He has a tendency to accidentally make allies out of "villains" due to them viewing him in the light of an endearing kid when he was younger, leading him to occasionally keep unfavorable company, even if only temporarily.
All-in-all, Tim Drake is as full of pros and cons as anyone else, but in his dedication to secrecy, it's not always easy for those unfamiliar to uncover them.
something your muse struggles with: 
Trusting others, as well as letting others know him deeply. His surface level is miles deep.
your muse’s greatest strength: 
Tim, unless betrayed, can be loyal to a fault, even to those he hardly knows, but feels he owes in the moment. Despite this being a "fault," it is also his most endearing trait.
history / background: 
Born to the wealthy Drake family, Tim never actually felt like a part of it. Though his family entertained his presence in his early years, once he was old enough to take care of himself, his parents took off, traveling the world in the name of business and charity. One of the few activities he vividly remembers doing with them in his youth was attending a Haly's Circus performance. There, he got to see the Flying Graysons in action, though it was unfortunately their last performance due to a tragic accident.
Having been scarred by the event, years later, Tim began to look closely into the life of the surviving Grayson, Dick — perhaps too closely. Through his investigation, he discovered that Dick was once Robin, Boy Wonder, and subsequently deduced that Batman had to be Bruce Wayne. He approached both of them after he realized the second Robin, Jason Todd, was gone, and began to interject himself as the new Robin. After all, Batman needs a Robin.
After proving himself, he secured the job, and his life began to change. Significantly. His parents were kidnapped, resulting in his mother being killed and his father paralyzed (though he later recovered), and he went through many other trials and tribulations in his time as Robin, including, but not limited to, almost dying to a terrible sickness, an earthquake that wrecked Gotham entirely, losing his girlfriend, losing his father again, and having his secret identity revealed forcibly by someone he trusted deeply. 
Even still, at the end of the day, he was Robin — a name he took, takes, seriously, to the point of detriment.
"Tim Drake. The third Robin, but the first to choose it for himself. Which seems to mean he can't be anything else. He's stuck letting that identity be his entire personality…" 
powers / abilities:
He's a human dude
inherent abilities:
Lip reading, hacking, lock-picking, line-climbing, superhero necessary acrobatics, incredible fighting skills, and more. 
items / weapons:
Superhero costume, equipped with various utilities, including fire resistant and bulletproof fabrics, night vision in his mask, a hundred thousand volt jolt enough for a five second shock built in, utility pods for tracking devices, radio scanners, poison antidotes, food concentrates, a three-minute air supply (rebreather), fingerprint powder, mini-telescope, smoke pellets, floatation pods, grappling tools, and more… but he'll get all the utility pod stuff later. Haha.
His collapsible Bō staff
The Redbird (car) and its motorbike alternative
starting ability: n/a starting item: superhero costume (excluding the utility pod accessories)
extra: im super new to dc stutf so go easy on me please… this is babys first comic book character and i chose a hard one stupidly…
I've read mostly everything, including:
Tim's first appearances and following Batman chapters featuring him
Arcs including Knightfall, Knightquest, Knightsend, Contagion, Legacy, Cataclysm, Aftershock, and a handful of No Man's Land
Young Justice
Most of Robin '93
Red Robin
Up to Teen Titans 35 and a few more
'Tec 934-981
YJ 2019
I'm not reading more TT and you can't make me I'm sorry... I'm also skipping all of n52.... most of my portrayal is based on pre-n52 and pre-rebirth so idk man...
discord id: 003robin457 passcode: your discord id scares the shit out of me
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passerine-writes · 1 year
Silent Sparks - Volt 58
Warnings: Time for the licensing exam arc!!! Shindou is a bit OOC in some parts, some emotionsss Word count: 5314
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 57 | Volt 59
From Pikachu: Hey, are you awake?
I stared at the text for a moment, it was almost two in the morning and Denki was texting me.
To Pikachu: Yeah
From Pikachu: Wanna hang out?
To Pikachu: Denks, it's two in the morning and we have our exam tomorrow
From Pikachu: Wanna watch a movie?
To Pikachu: You need sleep
From Pikachu: So then why aren't you sleeping?
To Pikachu: We both know the answer to that
From Pikachu: Well you need sleep too, and whenever we watch a movie we end up falling asleep. Problem solved :)
To Pikachu: Fine, my dorm or yours?
From Pikachu: I'm on my way to yours right now ;)
I pocketed my phone and took my hearing aids off the charger, got my laptop ready and unlocked my door. I watched as he peeked his head through the door before coming in, plopping on my bed and sending me a bright but sleepy smile.
"Hey there." He said coyly, laying on his side next me with a hand holding up his head.
"Hey. So any reason why you can't sleep?" His face fell a bit at my question.
"I'm nervous about tomorrow. I'll probably be the only one in our class to fail." He mumbled, tracing random patterns on my blankets with his pointer finger.
"I doubt you're gonna fail." He huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm serious, Denks. And you know I'm not the type to bullshit. You're charismatic, dependable, quick on your feet. Who cares if you have perfect control over your quirk or not, that's why you got the directors on your costume." He looked at me with wide eyes, clearly not expecting me to go into any detail on it.
"Hopefully I pass." I teasingly cocked an eyebrow and he dramatically sighed. "Okay, I'm gonna pass." I smiled and ruffled his hair.
"That's more like it." He ducked his head and I thought I saw him blushing but I wasn't sure.
"Are you nervous about it?" I nodded quickly.
"Definitely." He looked at me confused.
"You don't seem nervous."
"Then I must be good at hiding it." He pouted and rested a hand on top of mine.
"You shouldn't feel like you have to hide it." I shrugged but didn't move his hand.
"It is what it is." He sighed but nodded, not wanting to push the topic. "Hey Denki?" He hummed and looked at me. "Last week, when we were in your dorm and you tensed up, you said you'd explain it later. Do you mind me asking what it was about?" I flipped my hand over so he could fiddle with my fingers.
"My parents aren't the best ones out there, and uh, they'd grab the back of my neck to jerk me around or intimidate me and stuff." I looked at him with wide eyes, not expecting that to be the dark truth behind it.
"It's.. It's whatever, you got it worse anyways, I shouldn't complain about stuff like that." I sat up a bit more and grabbed his hand in mine.
"That doesn't make it okay. Don't compare your situation to others to try and make it seem smaller then what it is. They shouldn't do that." He gave my hand a small squeeze and I took that as a silent 'okay'. "So, no touching the back of your neck. Any other places I should know about?"
"It's dumb, don't worry about it."
"Denki, if it were the other way around and I were telling you that, you'd ask me to tell you anyways." He gave me a sad smile and scratched the back of his head.
"I don't really like people grabbing me by my wrist to like, drag me places, it freaks me out." I slowly nodded and gave him a soft smile.
"Noted, I won't do that." His eyes flickered up and down my body.
"Anything like that I should know about for you?" I paused for a moment at his question and thought about it.
"I don't like things covering my mouth." He gave me a thumbs up and thankfully didn't push, but I decided to take a step and open up. "Before I was adopted, I- I would get muzzled." His eyes widened drastically and I sucked in a wavering breath.
"What? Why?" My eyes darted around. I opened this can of worms, I have to deal with it.
"It happened a lot when I was younger, some of my foster parents and the foster care coordinator didn't like my quirk and called it dangerous. So they claimed it was for their own protection to try and justify it." His face softened and his thumb rubbed across my wrist soothingly.
"I'm sorry you were put through that." I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair.
"You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault." I tried to reason, silently scolding myself for bringing that up. "So what movie do you wanna watch? Anything in mind?" He shook his head and laughed.
"I thought you'd think of something."
"Random selection?" He quickly nodded and I pulled up Netflix, not missing the smirk and wiggling eyebrows from Denki. "Okay, before we start the movie, let's get comfortable." He sat up and we got situated, our arms smushed together as we sat side by side and leaning against my pillows. I passed him Pikachu and grabbed Whismur for myself, turned off my lamp and hit the random selection button.
The movie chosen was a sci-fi, which normally, I would be excited about, but I couldn't focus. No matter how hard I tried to, I couldn't get my brain to stay on the movie. All I could think about was the blond beside me. The heat radiating from his body was noticeable, it was almost overwhelming but still comforting. I glanced down at his hand, it was resting on his leg, just beside mine. With a shaky breath, I took the leap before I could talk myself out of it, moving my hand to hold his. I looked up at him out of the corner of my eye as he laced our fingers together, a goofy smile on his face. My heart was racing, punching itself into my rib cage from the rush of adrenaline for such a seemingly simple action. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and left it there.
My head was the first to start drooping, multiple little stuttering falls that would pull me out of a half asleep state only to go right back to it. Denki's thumb rubbed against the back of my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before slowly untangling our fingers.
"Hey, I'll head out. You're about to pass out on me." I rested my head on his shoulder, taking another risky shot and saying a familiar sentence to him.
"Please stay?" There was a pregnant pause after my question and I started worrying that I was coming off too strong or I said the wrong thing.
"You sure?" He asked softly, his voice merely a whisper.
"Mhm." He paused the movie and slid my laptop off of us.
"Okay, then let's get a little more comfortable, yeah?" I huffed but nodded, slowly sitting myself up.
He laid down on his back and extended an arm as an invitation. I sluggishly took out my ears and put them on the charger before getting comfortable. Gently, I set Pikachu to the side and accepted his cuddle invitation. I rolled over and laid on his chest, similarly to how we cuddled at the training camp. One of his hands came up to play with my hair and I almost passed out then and there. My eyes barely open enough to register that he pressed play, he said something softly and I hummed, curious as to what he said. He quickly pulled out his phone and started typing.
What's up?
"What'd you say?" I mumbled out.
Nothing important
"I still wanna know." My words were slurred from exhaustion. He leaned forward a small amount and placed a short but sweet kiss on top of my head.
Good night, Onryo.
"Night, Denki." I whispered, eyes heavy with exhaustion.
I shot up hyperventilating, quivering where I sat in my bed. I furiously wiped my eyes as I looked around, the early morning rays of sun peaking through my curtains giving me a small bit of light. Denki sat in front of me and spoke slow so I could understand him.
"Hey, it was just a bad dream. You're safe." I rapidly nodded and watched closely as he reached out slowly and grabbed my hands. His touch was soft and gentle, thumbs rubbing circles across my skin. "Breathe with me, in and out." I tried to follow his breathing pattern, mine shaky with some hiccups but after a few minutes of him patiently helping me calm down, I was breathing regularly. "There you go."
"Sorry." I mumbled out, feeling how hoarse my voice was.
"Hey, don't apologize for that. Do you wanna talk about it?" I chewed on my lower lip nervously and shook my head. "Okay. Let's get some breakfast." I nodded and slowly stood up, stretching and cracking my bones as I went. I stole a glance at the time on my phone and saw that it was about six in the morning, meaning I slept for about four hours.
"How much sleep did you get?" I softly asked the blond as we left my dorm room.
"I fell asleep a little after you did." I slowly nodded, my eyes already drooping again from exhaustion as we left the elevator. Everyone sat around the tables lively, chatting amongst themselves. My brother waved me over, and I bid goodbye to Denki.
So regular sleepovers now?
I got a whole four hours in last night.
Forget what I said. Keep having sleepovers with him.
Ha ha. Funny.
Seriously, if you two having sleepovers gets you to sleep even a little more then so be it.
Still had a nightmare and woke up hyperventilating.
But you weren't screaming.
I shrugged in response and stole one of his slices of toast. He sent me a joking glare and flicked my arm in retaliation.
Are you feeling okay?
I guess. Why?
Because you're willingly wearing a tank top down here.
My eyes went wide and I was suddenly very much awake. I looked down and realized I was in fact wearing a tank top in the common area. Regardless of the fact that they had seen me shirtless at the school pool, it still sent a wave of fear and adrenaline through me.
Well, I realize that now.
Are you ready for the test?
I guess. Are you?
Not in the slightest.
I gave him a light pat on the arm and quickly finished the slice of toast. A tap on my arm grabbed my attention, the slight unexpected touch making me jump before I turned and found Uraraka standing there with her hands folded in front of her.
"Hey." I said awkwardly. I didn't have anything against her, but we never really talked one on one. She seemed sweet and all, but her vibe felt off to me.
"Hi Tsukare! I wanted to ask you something." I shared a glance with my brother and shrugged.
"Alright, what's up?"
"Would you be up for teaching me sign language?" I looked at her in shock, not expecting that of all questions.
"I guess I can. Any reason in particular you want to learn?" Her face bloomed bright red and I already knew what this was about.
"Well, I just figured it would be like, really good to know for hero work! Y'know? Never know when I might need it! Plus, that way when you have your hearing aids out it might be a little easier for you!" She talked so fast that I almost couldn't catch what she was saying. I looked around and saw plenty of people around us, so I decided to spare her any potential embarrassment.
"Let's go to the hall real quick." She looked at me confused but quickly followed after me. She stood there excited and patient and I almost felt bad for what I was about to say. "No." Her expression quickly morphed into one of confusion.
"What? Why not?"
"Because, what you just told me was a lie. If you just told me the truth, which is you want to learn so you have something in common with Izuku and have something else to talk to him about, then maybe I would consider it. The plus side would be hero work and talking to not just me, but also my brother, Koda 'Zuku and Bakugou. You simply want to learn the basics to impress someone." She looked shell shocked as I spoke.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! Th-This has nothing to do with Deku!" I sighed and rubbed my forehead.
"Keep telling yourself that. You're easier to see through then a pane of glass. If you want to learn that bad then you can either learn online or hire a tutor." Uraraka stood there, jaw hung open while I walked away.
Everything okay? My brother asked as I sat back down.
Just peachy.
"Ugh, I'm getting kinda nervous." Jirou groaned from beside me as we stood outside the arena. I gently rubbed her back to try and sooth some of her nerves and she sent me a small smile.
"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros. I expect your best." Dad said from the front of the group.
"Alright! I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!" I snorted at Denki's comment from the back.
"Let's call out the usual, you guys!" Kirishima announced. "On my mark, go Plus Ul-"
"ULTRA!" A boy from a different school hollered out from behind Kirishima.
"Y'know, it's pretty rude to barge into other peoples huddles like that, Inasa." Someone else said, and that's when I recognized the hat.
"Shiketsu?" I mumbled under my breath. My brother nudged my arm and I got excited, impatient to see my long lost friend.
"What? Pardon me." The tallest spoke, all of his movements rough and enunciated to match his words. "I am so... very... extremely... sorry!" He hollered and slammed his head into the ground with his bow. Blood trickled down his face and I looked at him in shock.
"Who is this guy? I do not trust his enthusiasm." Denki asked from the back and I nodded in agreement.
"Hey, look at their uniforms." Jirou pointed out.
"They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan." Sero murmured.
"UA in the East. Shiketsu in the West." Bakugou stated lowly.
"I wanted to say it just once. Plus Ultra!" The tall guy clarified. "See, I really love UA High School. I am extremely honored to compete against such incredible students. I'm so looking forward to it." He cheered. Two people from the school walked away but one stayed behind with the bleeding guy.
"Nakami?" I asked hesitantly. He gave me a soft smile and stepped forward.
"Tsukare?" I quickly nodded and smiled brightly, awkwardly, he reached out and gave me a brief hug. "Sorry, still don't enjoy physical affection too much." I laughed lightly and nodded until the realization dawned on me.
"Holy shit. Y-You're talking now?" He nodded once.
"Yeah, my parents got me into speech therapy with a specialist." I stared at him with wide eyes.
"That's amazing! After the exam let's exchange numbers or something and catch up?" He gave a curt nod and left with his class.
"So you're friends with the enemy now." Bakugou grumbled and I rolled my eyes.
"Can it, boom boom. I've known him longer then anyone here." He glared at me and stayed silent.
"Yoarashi Inasa." I looked at Dad confused.
"You know him?" I asked.
"Indeed. He's strong. He's the same year as you all and received the top scores for students admitted through recommendations." I glanced back at Todoroki, shocked at the newfound knowledge. "But for some unknown reason, he turned down his acceptance to UA and went to Shiketsu." I looked at Yoarashi in disbelief.
"For someone who apparently loves this school so much, that doesn't make sense." Hitoshi stated. I hummed along with his words.
"Yeah." I mumbled, still running on the serotonin from seeing Nakami again.
"What a weirdo." Mina stated.
"Maybe, but he's the real deal. Keep an eye on him." Dad chided.
"Eraser?" A high pitched feminine voice called out from the crowd and I watched him tense up. "I'd know that scowl anywhere! I saw you on TV and at the sports festival. But it's been a while since we were this close in person." I saw his eye twitch and I finally put together what him and Pops meant all that time ago. My brother and I shared a look and came to a silent agreement.
"She looks familiar." Midoriya mumbled out before the woman with sea foam hair stood in front of our Dad.
"Let's get married." She said with a smile.
"No." He deadpanned, Hitoshi and I moving to stand between them.
"Oh, hiya! It's nice to meet you two!" I simply glared at the hero in front of us, Toshi and I both crossing our arms.
"Don't know why you're smiling over something that isn't funny. So leave our Dad alone, yeah? Neither of us really want a step-mom." She looked at us with wide eyes and Dad placed a hand on my shoulder, a silent look in his eyes telling us to head off.
I watched from a distance as she continued to hit on him, my scowl never leaving.
"Oh whoa, it really is Class A." I looked at the boy with wide eyes as he spoke, not expecting to be meeting everyone from my past. I took a reflexive step back and bumped into Shoji. My brother and some classmates looked at me curiously, not knowing why I retracted. The boy came up and grabbed Midoriya's hand in his.
"Hey, I'm Shindou! Seems like UA's had a lotta trouble this year, musta been tough for you." Midoriya barely squeaked out a response before he moved to Denki. "But even so, you're all still aiming to become pro heroes, despite those hardships." Then he moved to Jirou. "It's wonderful! Hearts full of fortitude. I believe that's what every hero in the world needs to have." He said while trying to pump up the charm. I scowled from between my brother and best friend, Shoji resting a gentle hand on my shoulder. "And Bakugou and Tsukare. It must've been hard for both of you, what, with that whole kidnapping incident." I only glared at him further, my brother doing the same. Shindou turned his full attention to Bakugou, and I almost laughed when he reached out to grab his hand. "You have an especially strong will, don't you? Today, I'm gonna do my best to learn from you. I really hope you don't mind." I snorted when Bakugou slapped his hand away.
"Stop pretending. What you say doesn't match the look in your eyes." The blond stated, irked with his behavior and I was glad I wasn't the only one who could see right through him.
"Hey, man, don't be so rude! Sorry, he's just like that." Kiri berated him, and while I would normally side with him, for once I couldn't.
"It's fine. It just proves how tough his heart is." Shindou responded in a cheerful tone before finally walking over to me. "Besides, Tsukare here can vouch for me!" He grabbed my wrist and before he could try anything, I had him pinned to the ground. One foot on his right wrist and both my hands on the other, my knee digging into his back.
"Not a chance. You haven't changed a bit." I spat out, pushing myself up and dusting the bits of dirt off my uniform.
"Tsukabro? You know him?" All eyes were on me as I glared at the black haired boy in front of me.
"Yeah. His parents fostered me for a bit when I was probably six or seven. You were two faced then and you're two faced now. Some things never change." Shindou got a smirk on his face and used the back of his hand to wipe dirt off of his cheek.
"Wow, never thought I'd see the day pipsqueak would pin me. And you can talk now. You've grown up." My hands curled into fists at the old, taunting nickname.
"You certainly haven't. I'm not your practice dummy anymore." A dark glint formed in his eye as he looked at me.
"Hey. Get your costumes and head to orientation. There's no time to waste." Dad announced before walking off. He sent me a cautious look and left, my brother placing a hand on my shoulder and putting distance between myself and Shindou.
"Tsukare, would you care to explain what that display of aggression was?" Iida asked with a chopping hand.
"Yeah, what'd you mean by that Tsuka?" Sero asked lightly, clearly not wanting to push too much.
"He knew he wanted to be a hero when he was seven or eight, so the few weeks I was with his family he would constantly use me as a training dummy. His parents didn't believe me and I was sent back to the center. Don't believe a word that asshole said, he's only gonna stab you in the back." My brother slung an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. Everyone stayed silent for the rest of the walk.
The exam area was cramped and crowded and I listened closely as Mera went through explaining everything. Pure adrenaline was pumping through my body and I got the basics. Three targets, open area, we get six balls, light up targets, take down two people. Seemed straight forward enough. I stood in disbelief alongside everyone else as the stadium unfolded. The HPSC was always one for theatrics.
I placed a sensor under my pectoral, one on my wrist just below my glove and the third on my right shoulder just beside my collarbone.
"Hey guys, is now a good time to announce we're gonna be targeted?" I called out after it was just our class grouped together. Some gasped in shock, and a few mumbled about how they assumed as much.
I looked at my brother and I watched as he ran off on his own. Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Denki all doing the same.
I ran alongside Midoriya, tuning out as he rambled about the schools going after us. Multiple students came diving in, hundreds of rubber balls hailing towards us.
"Onryo!" Midoriya bellowed.
"On it!" I yelled while using my quirk at full strength, a decent portion of the spheres flying back or dropping to the ground.
Midoriya kicked a lot away with air pressure, Dark Shadow fending some off, Sero catching multiple with his tape, Mina melted more. For a group that didn't have a plan, we did have strategy. Shindou looked shocked, the two of us staring the other down. The kid with the scarf sent some of the balls underground and I was quick to strike back.
"Shattering Waves!" I called out, watching as the ground between us and Ketsubutsu got torn apart.
Jirou stepped beside me and further destroyed it with her heartbeat distortion. Mina sent an acid veil above my head and I send her nod of thanks.
I watched as Shindou placed his hands on the ground and before I knew it, the earth was moving from under us. Tearing apart and throwing all of us everywhere. I got thrown to the side with Sero, my head spinning as he helped me to my feet.
"You okay?" I nodded once to his question and we hid behind a rock.
"We need a plan." I said, stating the obvious.
"Whatcha thinkin'?"
"I could divert anyone in the area by breaking apart a boulder in the distance, make them think they're onto me and we can get outta here." He nodded his tape head quickly and just as we were about to put our half assed plan into action, we watched Midoriya fly across the sky holding Uraraka. "Or we can go to him."
"That works too." He said and we used the rocks as cover, jogging over to where Midoriya might be.
We found Uraraka along the way, my confusion and nerves growing. Until we saw him and a naked girl, the one from Shiketsu. Sero shot out tape to block her, Uraraka tried to fly down on her but the girl back springed out of the way and onto the rock. I took in my surroundings even more and saw a familiar glob of sludge, the same that dripped off of her. A pang of fear shuddered through me and I wanted to vomit.
"That- guys that was Toga." The three looked at me like I was insane. "Uraraka, did she cut you at all. Even a knick." She looked at me with wide eyes but slowly nodded.
"Yeah, during the training camp. It wasn't a lot though." I let out a pained sigh and bit back the rising nausea.
"Doesn't matter, even that's enough. Fuck. That's her quirk." My fist flew behind me and hit the boulder harshly. "We gotta hurry up and finish this." Everyone nodded and we worked on making a plan.
"More examiners have passed. We're at sixty people now. That means there are forty spots left." We heard Mera over the intercom.
"We're running out of time, this is bad." Sero stated and I nodded from beside him, the four of us sitting in a circle on a somewhat flat slab of earth. "What do we do?"
"Yeah. I knew we'd be in trouble if we got split. But at least we can probably do something about the group that's near us, and maybe even make a few points." Midoriya confirmed.
"Really? What are you thinkin'?" Sero asked, already on board.
"Earlier, someone tried to outpace his classmates." Midoriya started explaining.
"He was panicking, worried about not getting enough points in. Probably because his class attacked as a group." I continued.
"And they'd definitely end up fighting over their targets." Midoriya confirmed.
"Oh, so, as people get worried they'll break away from their classmates and then they'll be at a big disadvantage." Uraraka said.
"Wait. Then why were you saying we should all stick together? We'd be in the same boat." Sero asked, confused at the overlap.
"Well, to begin with, we were told to hit weak points with balls, so it's easy to think of this as target practice. And without knowing our opponents quirks, we're basically going on blind. But it's not easy or efficient to go after moving targets 'cause after all, they'll be protected. Think about it." Midoriya said and I cut to the chase before he started rambling.
"If we have enough in a concealed or enclosed location, all of our friends who excel in restraining and capture could hold them and we make our way through the list." Sero nodded slowly, understanding the point.
"I see. It's true that if we were just doing target practice they'd only be able to tell whether or not we were good shots. There's more to this test then I originally realized." Sero concluded, only to be shushed by Uraraka.
"Shh! Listen, you guys. Does it sound like they're getting closer?" The girl asked and I shrugged, my hearing aids only being able to pick up on so much sound.
"What should we do?" Sero asked, his worry finally showing all the way.
"Moving targets are harder to hit then still ones. We can't just be sitting ducks. Our main concern is that guy with the scarf getting us from underground or Shindou splitting us up again." Uraraka fiddled with her fingers nervously at my statement.
"I'll go after them." My best friend said. "I'll be a decoy so you can move. Be on the lookout for openings that'll let you immobilize people to get some points. Your quirks are better at that than mine. I'm more of a fighter." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"We're gonna need eight people just for us to pass. Zuku, I'm going with you, you're not taking that many people alone, decoy or not." He sighed but nodded and we went off.
We dodged ball after ball, explosions and quirks coming at us at full force but we didn't stop evading. One of my targets got hit after a minute, the orange ball barely grazing it on the edge but it still lit up an orange red.
"Onryo! Look out!" Midoriya called out to me, I sent out one of my lines and swung over the crowd of students to the top of a rocky hill.
"Izu! Behind you!" He dodged just in time, Sero coming up behind him and running along his side. The green haired boy picked up Sero bridal style and jumped in the air, tape and boulders arching over and crashing down on top of people. I jumped down the side and landed beside my friends, giving each of them a knuckle bump for the impromptu plan working.
We made our way around and got our targets, the four of us passing at the same time, all of our targets changing to an icy blue. We walked in to the designated victors area and after taking my targets off I tackled my brother in a hug.
"You did it!" He chuckled and hugged me back, my laughter ringing around us. "We passed the first round!" I couldn't stop the smile on my face, despite the anxiety from earlier.
"We passed. Now let's make it through the rest." I nodded and stepped back.
"Toshi, someone from the league is here, she's pretending to be another student." He looked at me in shock, knowing neither of us could go talk to Dad since this is a test and he's our teacher.
"You're sure?" I nodded fervently and he sighed. "You're not leaving my side until we get back to the dorms."
"What if she morphs into me and goes with you instead?"
"Then I'll ask you something only you would know." I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Okay, the more personal the better." He nodded once and Todoroki came over.
"Tsukare, Shinsou, I'm glad to see you both have passed." I held out a fist and watched as he slowly bumped his to mine.
"I'm not surprised you passed, 'Roki. Where'd you end up?"
"I went to the industrial area."
"Where were you, Toshi?" He pulled his modifier mask down and let it rest in his scarf.
"I was in the city after Yoarashi got a bunch of people out, I caught two stragglers and got here early." I looked at him in shock and nodded.
"Where were you Tsukare?" Todoroki asked softly.
"I was in the center the whole time." He hummed and offered me a cookie, which I gladly accepted. "So what's Yoarashi's deal? He hasn't stopped glaring at you." He simply shrugged.
"I'm not sure." It was my turn to hum, curiosity filling me.
"Weird." I mumbled out, glaring back at him until Yoarashi realized and tried to send me a fake smile and a wave.
'Ugh. People.'
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altered-personas · 10 months
I swear I haven't forgotten about this account. It's just with the move and everything, it's difficult to maintain muse for more than just Aaron.
After I'm settled in at the new place, I'll start working on stuff here again. Gonna try to follow through on adding Akechi too, though that'll take a bit longer, at least for him to be added full time.
Hopefully, everything goes well... I'm doubtful, but I suppose there's a first time for everything
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altered-personas · 3 months
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I've got some muse for her again, so... who wants a starter for her?
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altered-personas · 11 days
Anat doesn't like anyone.
Figured I'd make a post about this before I forgot, but Makoto's symbiote is a rather unusual thing.
Symbiotes in Phantom Spider take on the traits of the shadow of the person who first wore them, and tend to exacerbate those traits. And because Makoto had a LOT of repressed anger for the people who were using her or trying to control her life, that made Anat very eager to vent that frustration on anything and everything that gives her a reason to.
Because of this, she is extremely hostile to pretty much everyone, and has a bit of a superiority complex when it comes to her strength, combat prowess, and general intelligence. Makoto always felt like she wasn't good enough, so Anat now tries to make everyone else feel like that.
There are exceptions this, however. Being someone who values strength above almost all else, you can earn her respect by either showing off your strength, proving you can give her a challenge in a fight, or by outsmarting your enemies in battle. She also tries her best to tolerate Makoto's teammates, and will generally stick to that as long as they don't get in her way.
What will piss her off, however is if you so much as imply that you are better or especially stronger than her in any way, even moreso if you actually are. In the former case she will relentlessly do everything she can to prove you wrong, usually through combat, and will only stop once she has either humiliated you, beaten you to a pulp, or Makoto manages to force her to back down.
In the latter case, she will be as petty as possible, and will obsess over finding some way to best you, even if it's just over something minor. She can't stand the idea of anyone getting one over on her. Which... has caused her to have an intense rivalry with Aaron, as the only person who has canonically beaten her, even if on technicality. She absolutely hates him, and will take any chance she gets to attack or disrupt whatever he's doing, usually the latter because Makoto tries to keep her on a very short leash-
So, about what you'd expect for a Spidey & Venom dynamic lol
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altered-personas · 1 year
So because I felt like it, and I've been listening to this song a lot, this is basically the song for when Sovereign is out of control and is fighting against the team, more specifically the final battle when it's down to just Aaron.
The main lyrics fit Sovereign perfectly, especially with her mindset at the time, while the chorus is Aaron holding his ground against her onslaught (though those lyrics don't match up as well)
I also see the ending as, after Makoto says something about him turning his back on her, Aaron just drops his weapon and apologizes, trying one last time to get through to her... which works of course.
I dunno, I just really like this song and thinks it fits the scene PERFECTLY
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altered-personas · 6 months
Thinking about finally getting around to that Phantom Spider v. Sovereign drabble that's been sitting in the back of my mind for months.
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altered-personas · 1 year
Makoto has... complicated feelings on Shadows, at least in the main verse.
At the end of the first semester, a Shadow stabbed her father through the chest right in front of her. Naturally, that event scarred her for life.
Now whenever she sees one, which in the main verse is rare, she will do one of two things. Either have a panic attack shaking in fear at the sight of the thing, or if she's wearing the symbiote, she'll go into an uncontrollable rage, lashing out at everything in a murderous rampage until every shadow in the area is dead... while also having a bit of a panic attack-
Though even without the suit, she's far from helpless in that state, she will fight back if she has to. But she'd much rather get away from it as soon as possible, as seeing them triggers her PTSD
This can be dealt with if she has friends nearby, people she knows and trusts, though with the suit on that's easier said than done. She will lash out at them at first, and it'll take a while to really calm her down.
This doesn't apply to human shadows, however. As in the shadow of an actual person. Only their more monstrous forms/shadows from the collective unconscious will trigger this. She still doesn't like human shadows, but she can tolerate them enough not to kill them. If they transform however, her teammates are going to have to hold her back.
As for which specific Shadow killed her father, I haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning towards Jack-o-lantern, since that's the name of an actual Spider-Man villain, who funnily enough has history with Venom (especially Agent Venom, who's a big inspiration for Sovereign).
Though if I did go with that, it'd be an augmented Jack-o-lantern, made stronger by Yaldabaoth when it was sent through to the real world, just so it can not only be closer to the villain, but also be an actual threat. (In game Jack-o-lanterns aren't exactly tough... and they don't have anything to stab with-)
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altered-personas · 1 year
Something that I'm simultaneously excited and scared to write is a fight scene with Sovereign, just because of how I picture her combat style.
Of course, you have your basics. She can do everything canon Makoto can do, and everything Venom/Symbiote Spider-Man can do. And you can bet I'm going to be HEAVILY referencing moves from Web of Shadows, Ultimate Spider-Man, Shattered Dimensions, and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 when that comes out.
But what makes her interesting is that at any time, on any part of her suit, she can summon her persona, creating it out of the suit. Not only that, but she can summon it in pieces. And because she has access to both Johanna and Anat, that means she can deck you in the face with a giant robot fist, but then slam down one of Johanna's tires onto you and rev the engine to grind her enemies into the pavement.
And she can do it all seamlessly, stringing her attacks and form changes together like a high tier fighting game character.
Sovereign is a brutal opponent, even when she's got full control of the suit. Anyone who faces her will be lucky to walk away with only a few broken bones.
There's just so much potential for creative fight scenes with a skill set like this... but I also don't want it to be too overpowered, nor do I want to leave that potential untapped, so there's a little bit of pressure to get it right.
Either way, I'm sure it'll be a ton of fun once I get the hang of it
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altered-personas · 1 year
Two Voices
Having an inner argument with themselves is kinda my schtick when it comes to muses. But I'm going to try to make each one distinct, so I'm not just using the same dynamic for every character. Venom/Whatever I decide to call her symbiote because I'm honestly not sure yet doesn't treat Makoto the same way Arséne treats Aaron for example.
Even then, Aaron, Makoto, and Akechi are the only ones I plan to do that with. Everyone else will get along with their Personas just fine.
... granted, those three I just listed are the first three characters I plan to write, but still, eventually there will be more variety here.
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altered-personas · 1 year
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The symbiote isn't the only thing different about her. So here's a few quick little headcanons.
Her headband is a memento from her mother, something she used to wear all the time before she died. She doesn't remember much about her, but she still wears it, even though it doesn't match her hair. It helps her feel connected with her mom.
She can often be seen wearing glasses, especially around school. She doesn't need them to see, but she does need them to read. And since her job on the student council requires a lot of paperwork, not to mention all the expected reading of a typical school day, her bifocal lenses rarely leave her face.
She's actually planning to major in forensics. As a kid she wanted to be a cop, but her father was quick to quell that dream, not wanting his little girl on the force. So she settled on forensics early on, as it was the closest she could get to solving cases like her father did. Though now that he's gone, she's wondering whether or not she should continue down that path, or to follow in his footsteps
She's insanely good at chemistry. Something about it just clicked with her, and it's easily become her favorite class to take.
When wearing the symbiote, it likes to hide in or mimic her clothes. As such, it will often hide in her headband, turning it completely black. She's... not the biggest fan of this, but a part of her has just accepted it at this point.
Speaking of the symbiote, she's kinda terrified of losing control of it again. She knows it's unlikely, but the thought of it twisting her mind into a murderous rampage that she can't recover from keeps her up at night. As such, she's acquired a taser to help keep it in line, and has insisted that her friends use it to quell her rage if she were to become unable to. She will NOT let it happen again.
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