#Oval turquoise ring
marsjewellery11 · 2 years
The Unique Origin Of Larimar Jewelry
Any individual who possesses Larimar adornments might want to know how the gems is being made. Indeed, it is essential to comprehend that the decoration comes from a stone called Larimar consequently the name Larimar jewellery. Larimar rock is just being tracked down in the Dominican Republic, a country in the Caribbean.
The stone has a blue tinge making it very one of a kind in contrast with different rocks. Dominican Republic is popular for the mining of this uncommon stone.
The sort of gems made from this rock is normally profoundly respected. Most decorations from this rock is typically set in silver however there are additionally different tones. White is viewed as the least in quality. There are additionally green and different decorations that come in red spots. One can thusly buy a grade contingent upon their monetary capacity to do as such.
The decoration comes in various structures going from studs to pendants just to specify however a couple. Gems made from this rock ought to be in capable hands by their proprietors in light of tinge. The stones shading happens because of oxidation. The oxidation happens when normal light strikes the blue variety on the stone when it is on a white surface. This decorations should hence not be put on any white surface.
In the Dominican conservative, the adornments produced using this rock isn't however expensive as they may be in different nations. This is on the grounds that the stones are seen as effectively because of the reality they are privately mined. As a matter of fact, the decoration is hand tailored along the roads of the urban communities of Dominican Republic making them promptly accessible to anybody in the country who is keen on trimmings.
This isn't the situation when the it gets to other country. Whenever they are traded to different nations like the US, Joined Realm, Germany and different nations, they are sold out at extreme costs. Generally just the number of inhabitants in the rich can bear the cost of this sort of adornments abroad.
This is an intriguing sort of rock and consequently decorations made from this rock is likewise respected interesting. The main different rocks that are practically identical to this sort of rock are maybe pearl, gold, and the preferences. It isn't exactly clear on how individuals in the Dominican Republic get to mine the stones, obviously there are guidelines that have been set to guarantee that the stone isn't over taken advantage of to the point that it will become non-existent. The public authority has placed in measures with guarantee the guidelines are complied to.
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abhinavjeweller · 9 months
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Turquoise Ring Women, 925 Silver Turquoise Ring, Stone Ring, Oval Turquoise Gemstone Ring, 925 Silver Turquoise Ring
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jhungajewelry · 1 year
White Howlite Ring, Sterling Silver, Marble Ring, Buffalo Ring, White Turquoise Ring, Boho Ring, Elegant Ring, Vintage Ring, Oval Stone Ring
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sajidhaji · 2 years
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jessicanjpa · 2 months
Party planning with a dash of angst. An excerpt from this 1992 one-shot, Edward POV.
Telepathy had its uses. I was carrying a stack of boxes piled more than a foot above my head as I followed Alice around the living room, but looking through her eyes made it easy enough.
"I still don't understand why we're doing this," I said, mumbling into the cardboard mashed against my face.
Alice plucked another string of lights out of the top box wobbling above me. "Because it's been far too long since this family had a party. Two inches closer, please."
"No, it hasn't. You threw Carlisle that Doctor of the Year thing back in November."
"Exactly! And what better reason to celebrate than our mother's birthday?"
I snorted into the cardboard. "If you haven't noticed, birthdays aren't particularly meaningful around here." I sighed as the world went black again. "Alice, would you please keep your eyes open so I can see?"
"Hold on." The blackness swirled into color as she focused on a new vision. The colors gave way to a frothy swirl of white, polka-dotted by the glaring brightness of electric light. "Tulle!" Alice gasped, jumping off the ladder and landing in the hallway at a run. "Come on, help me find it! I know Rosalie packed it when we moved, it might be in that big trunk with the Christmas garlands..."
I shook my head and set the boxes down. When Alice got like this, it was best to just follow orders and keep your head down. Her visions were going a mile a minute by the time I met her in the attic. Tulle and twinkle lights, deep orange roses clustered in each corner of the ceiling—
"Good luck getting those in February," I put in, only to be shushed.
They'd go perfectly with the wrapping paper, and they must be available somewhere, otherwise I wouldn't have seen it, thank you very much.
"Hold on, what wrapping paper?" I asked. "We're doing presents?"
She rolled her eyes and threw open the nearest steamer trunk. "It's a birthday party, Edward."
"What are you giving her?"
"I've had my eye on this darling pea coat that's just right for her. Emmett's out picking flowers, Rosalie already wrapped hers—oil paints and three new canvases—hmm, maybe the canvases should be from Jasper..."
I stood up, nearly bumping my head on one of the rafters. "Why does everybody know about this but me?"
"Because you never come up for air when you're at the piano these days. It's not my fault you're a lazy telepath."
"What should I give her?"
Alice began pulling a length of sheer white cloth out of the trunk. "Ah, here it is!"
"Just tell me, Alice. What am I giving Esme?"
"Jewelry again. Only not that hideous turquoise brooch, if you please."
Jasper came home soon afterward to relieve me from decor duty. I retreated to my room to pick out the jewelry. I wouldn't be able to do this much longer, shelling out Elizabeth Masen's heirlooms to my mother and sisters; there wasn't much left. Besides the turquoise brooch, there was a pearl necklace in need of repair, the oval engagement ring, a bracelet with a little emerald flower charm, a few gaudy rings that would probably never be fashionable again, and a tangled pair of necklaces.
I sat down on my leather couch and carefully began to pick at the knotted necklaces, studiously ignoring the shining diamond heart wedged in the corner of the jewelry box beneath them. It wouldn't do to get wrapped up in that again.
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skyeblue8 · 1 year
𝓐ɳԃ Ɲσɯ ᗯҽ Ԩαʋҽ 𝜏ԋҽ Sɬσ𝜏ԋ Ꮢιɳց... 💤
-> This was arguably one of my more easier headcanons to come up with as a lot of the Ring's aesthetic, and its overall theme is inspired both by my favorite indie character/game, Albert Krueger from Dream Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger.
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-> Some of the inspo for this was also taken from fellow Tumblr user @gravcore and their design of Belphagor (who may be female in my headcanon going from her brief mention in Episode 8, Season 1):
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-> For those who haven't played or seen the game, be sure to refer to that as I'll be referencing a lot of what happens in the game into this Ring.
-> Honestly, something about the main guy being a demonic dream doctor/therapist just works perfectly for Sloth's central themes with medicine and demons. Plus, the world's set in a futuristic-esque scene so it just fits like a glove.
Now, onto the usual world development...
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Sloth's Environment:
✧ Now, contrary to what I just stated above, there were a few minor difficulties in deciding how I wanted to world of the Sloth Ring to be laid out. For starters, I didn't want to reuse the cloud-like atmosphere I used in Lust cause that would just make it less unique to the environment.
✦ To counter this issue, I headcanon that the skyline and general atmosphere in Sloth is always dim and always patterned with stars and large, oval-shaped portals within the sky that look like planets from a far distance. The ground beneath the demons' feet in this Ring is entirely non-existent, being little more than a permanent pitch-black copy of the night sky on Earth.
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✧ The Ring's color scheme will be directly similar to that of DTWAK in the aspect that it will be blue, light blue, hot pink, and magenta. I'd also accept things like light blue, deep blue and turquoise like the picture above as it reminds me of the Aurora Borealis which has its own dream-like feel to it. Despite the general time of day in Hell, it'll almost always resemble night in Sloth.
✦ As for the general layout of the Ring, I wanted to make it a technological dreamscape world with a semi-city-esque environment like some of the Envy and one of my other future Rings. Moreover, I believe Sloth would coincide with the whole deception theme that we've seen in Envy and Lust:
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✧ Again, with reference from @gravcore, Sloth will essentially resemble a rather sleepy, but widespread environment, namely in the residential areas with bright, sparkly wires stringing from the buildings.
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✧ In the notably more city-like areas, however, it'll establish just how heavily advanced in technology the Ring is. The notably tallest structures will be places like hospitals, shopping centers, cell-towers, companies, advanced arcades, and relaxation centers.
✦ Actually, now that I think about it, I'll be keeping the aspect from Vivzie's version of Sloth that the place has various floating islands & buildings in the environment that'll reside atop various microchip-ridden clouds that drift near the floating portals mentioned earlier. (Said portals only lead to various locations within the Ring itself, btw).
✧ I'm aware I gave the floating island idea to Envy as well, but that just goes along with Envy's propensity to steal ideas from other Rings.
✦ Moreover, the Sloth Ring in itself looks like a futuristic paradise where people don't need to move, grow, develop/change for the better, or utilize a great deal of effort in their day-to-day lives. The technology here is by far the most advanced in Hell, and the Ring is often praised for its frequent new developments in the general STEM field/Entertainment field.
✧ In terms of entertainment, it specializes in its constant creation of new apps, video games, phones, laptops, TV's, VR simulations, and all the good stuff people like to indulge in.
✦ In terms of medical STEM advancements, it's a wide and unashamedly mass producer of various drugs and narcotics unique to Hell that makes the masses happy/content. (Said drugs are referenced to the Joy drugs in "We Happy Few")
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✧ Now, what all these hospitals, drugs, relaxation centers, and various technological devices being massed produced by Belphagor all have in common is that they function more as "Soul Suckers" much like the succubi in Lust. For instance:
★ Hospitals/Drugs = Soul Suckers -> Rather than helping sinners w/ physical or mental illnesses, they actively work to either numb the sinner via Belphagor's special "Happy Pills" or straps them in and allow their condition to worsen so their souls drain away while in the Hospital
☆ Screens = Soul Suckers -> They do the same thing, though with a person's laziness and procrastination that makes them ignore their own needs until they waste away from lack of regulation
★ Relaxation Centers -> You get the jist. They turn too much relaxation and exploit into soul-draining under the guise that you're "getting better" or "de-stressing"
✦ Now, for the sinners who get their souls sucked within any of Belphagor's establishments, they have a relatively decent chance of becoming one her Dream-eaters (DTWAK). It's not a paradise, though, as their minds and bodies are lost and they become devout drones until she "relieves them" of their duties. You'd have to go through some pretty tough shit in order to get actual Healthcare in Hell, well, in Sloth, anyway.
Sloth's Residents:
✧ To keep this from getting too long, here are our Hellborns/Sinners:
-> Dreamcatchers (@gravcore); Cyborg/Normal Candlehead Goat demons (I know that's Bephomet, pls just roll with it) [Hellborns]
-> Dream-eaters, Hell-born/Sinner cross-mutants, anyone else [Typical Sinners]
✦ Nothing much left to say about the residents except that they're fairly lazy due to their environment. Those who are cybernetic are fairly a little more energized and useful to Belphagor moresoe than those who aren't, ironically. For more about the Dreamcatchers, check the link above.
✧ The Sinners here are really anyone who wasn't mentioned as Hellborns, and are also closely associated with either the night or laziness. Their color schemes differ from the Ring and those from it.
✦ The High-class is really made up of whomever has or spreads enough laziness or leisure to affect the rest of Hell (i.e. Vox or highly successful pro-gamers or manufacturer). The "low-class" would essentially be those too lazy and unmotivated to even leave their houses, thus developing a rather sloppy, poor visage; Dream-eaters; and the Dreamcatchers (sry Mx. Creator) as they're seen as pests given how they like to affect dreams and (in my headcanon) feed off the dreams and, in turn, the souls when people are sleeping. No one knows how they keep getting into houses.
-> Also, can anyone please give notes if my headcanons don't make any sense? Please! The feedback is greatly appreciated 😊
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Extravagant Bead Necklace from Neolithic Child’s Grave Reassembled
An elaborate necklace of thousands of beads discovered in a child’s grave in the Neolithic village of Ba’ja, southern Jordan, has been reassembled bead by bead five years after it was unearthed. It is the most elaborate adornment ever found at a Neolithic site, and is a unique testament to the funerary practices of the elite in this prehistoric farming and livestock-raising community.
Located not far from the Nabatean rock-cut city of Petra, Ba’ja was occupied between around 7,400 and 6,800 B.C. It is densely packed with multi-layered stone dwellings that are believed to have been homes and stores for family units. While the deceased were usually buried elsewhere, some of the dead were buried in individual, double or collective graves underneath the structures.
In the summer of 2018, a stone-lined cist grave was found underneath the floor of a stone house. It contained the skeletal remains of a child about eight years old buried in fetal position. While the sex could not be conclusively determined, the shape of the chin suggests the child was female. The archaeological team named her Jamila (meaning “beautiful” in Arabic).
The skeleton was in a very poor state of preservation with bones missing and severely damaged by thousands of years and the heavy weight of the layers above the grave. Excavation revealed concentrations of beads of various materials and sizes mostly grouped around the child’s chest and neck. An astonishing 2,500 beads — flat beads, cylindrical beads, disc beads, tubular shell beads — were ultimately unearthed. Most of them were made of sandstone, but there were also turquoise, shell and amber beads from Lebanon that are the oldest ever discovered.
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The bead concentrations were distributed between two large pendants: a mother-of-pearl ring carved from a large single pearl oyster shell with multiple perforations and a double-perforated oval hematite pendant. The mother-of-pearl is particularly spectacular, and cannot have been local. It was likely an import from the Red Sea more than 700 miles away.
Some of the beads were found still aligned in several rows on the left side (the child was positioned on her left side and gravity did the rest) but many were scattered. Repeated patterns and combinations of bead type and color in the surviving rows indicate the beads cannot have been scattered over the body, but it was not clear whether they were originally part of a necklace, a decorated garment, chest piece or something else entirely.
The grave was documented in painstaking detail, and the concentrations and surviving rows made it possible for researchers to reconstruct the original configuration. The entire assemblage was loaned to research laboratories in Germany and France for cleaning, consolidation, restoration and analysis.
The result of the reconstruction is nothing short of spectacular, 12 inches wide at the widest point and 12 inches long at its longest. The most plausible arrangement for all those beads and pendants turned out to be ten rows, seven connected to each side of the mother-of-pearl ring and 3 separated from it.
The reconstructed necklace (with black foam placeholders for the beads that are too fragile to be integrated) is now on display at the Museum of Petra.
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diamondcrownacademy · 9 months
DCA Info Part 65: Dorm Leader 3rd Edition Redesigns (Part 1)
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Much like their Dorm Fairy companions, the girls also got redesigned! The reason being is that Phoenix felt she was making them look to simple. So she chose to once again redesign them, only this time, designing them to cater more to their preferences and personalities, as well as matching the aesthetics of each Disney Princesses' respective movies.
🍎 Evonie Apfel
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Now resembling a soldier, Evonie's hair is now in a wavy low ponytail offering her much more mobility when she's fencing.
Her ensemble now consists of a pale yellow tunic with a sweetheart bodice and gold trim worn underneath a blue vest with gold trim, a pair of red gem buttons on each side of the vest each attached to a pair of gold toggles, red transparent floral printed bishop sleeves, and a small cleavage cutout. For footwear, Evonie wears a pair of black heeled shoes with gold circular buckles and blue cuffs with similar looking buckles, she's also shown wearing red socks.
Evonie accessorizes with a gold circlet with a red diamond jewel, a gold brooch with a red diamond on the center of her vest collar, black gloves worn underneath a pair of blue fingerless gloves with gold trim and a pair of pale yellow lace gloves underneath, a brown belt with a circular buckle and a gold crown ring with a red jewel on her right index finger.
👠 Ella Glaciel
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With a more professional ensemble due to representing her family's brand, Ella wears an ensemble that appears to take inspiration from Cinderella's servant uniform. The shoes were made and gifted to her by her father to serve as a memento of him when she enrolled. Like he's with her in spirit, he's thinking about her, and/or the shoes serve as a reminder of how he cherishes her dearly.
Ella's hair is now a lighter pink shade and she is shown wearing muted blue eyeshadow. The ensemble Ella wears consists of a white puff sleeve top with the sleeves having a silver outline, muted blue cuffs and muted dark blue ruffle. The top is worn underneath a muted pale blue dress with the upper part having the center portion a darker color, and a pair of white gem buttons on each side of the center attached to a pair of silver toggles. At the dress' waist, there is a pocket with the opening of it having muted navy blue trim and silver outline and a circular white gem attached to muted dark blue ribbon. The dress' skirt has a thin silver trim, muted blue trim and muted dark blue ruffle trim. For footwear, Ella wears a pair of muted blue heeled loafers with silver details and dark blue bows alongside white leggings with thin lines.
Ella accessorizes with silver three pointed tiara with a white oval gem worn behind a muted navy blue hair bow, a pair of pearl earrings, a muted navy blue cross tie with a silver brooch with three silver flowers and pale blue gems on the bottom and blue bird wings on each side with a light blue gem with a feather outline in the center, and a silver crown ring with a white jewel on her right index finger.
🐰 Allison Liddel
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Allison's new ensemble was made to be the polar opposite of her twin Maddison, as well as being made for active movement since she's constantly moving. Allison's hair is also a softer color than prior and has turquoise eyeshadow.
The ensemble consists of a white top with puff sleeves that include turquoise and gold cuffs. The top is worn underneath a muted turquoise mismatched jumper with suspenders and gold rectangular buckles and trim. For footwear, Allison sports a pair of black boots with gold rectangular buckles with white leggings.
Allison accessorizes with a black ribbon headband with a crown shaped charm in the center, a gold clock brooch with a turquoise and purple gradient, a pair of black waistbands and most notably a chain on her suspenders with charms shaped like a purple mushroom, a white rose with red paint and an orange cat attached to a a turquoise cookie brooch with the words "EAT ME" in pink and a gold key with card suit shapes and the bit resembling an eaten cookie.
🌹 Briar Auroria
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Briar's new ensemble was made to inline her with Aurora's Briar Rose persona, with the ensemble's color palette being more muted to make her resemble more of a young woman. The sash was gifted to her by Yolanda as a congratulatory gift. As a tribute to her friend, Briar commissioned her uniform to complement the sash. Her golden blonde hair is also slightly darker and she has magenta eyeshadow.
Briar's ensemble consists of a white-pinkish tinted blouse worn underneath a muted brownish purple sweetheart bodice with muted gold trim and a muted mauve pink skirt. For footwear, Briar wears a pair of flat sharp black shoes with gold buckles alongside grayish purple leggings.
Briar accessorizes with a muted gold five pointed tiara, a rectangular gold brooch with a magenta gem embedded inside on her bodice, a muted fuchsia shawl with magenta gems with muted gold tassels on each side, each of which connected by a pale gold chain, a brownish purple sash with brown trim, diamond designs and the gem in the center matching the brooch, and a muted gold crown ring with a magenta jewel on her right index finger.
🐠 Cerule Oceana
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Cerule's ensemble looks more sporty and less cluttered than her previous ensembles. Most notably, Cerule's hair features three ahoges and the rest of her hair is in a twist ponytail as an homage to her mermaid heritage. She also wears purple eyeshadow.
Cerule wears a turquoise sleeveless one piece sailor suit with the center being an off white color, has eight purple gem buttons and silver trimming. For footwear, Cerule sports a pair of turquoise boots with silver soles and transparent turquoise cuffs that resemble mermaid fins.
Cerule accessorizes with a pearl headband with each strap attached to a yellow seashell above her ear with the left one having a silver teardrop brooch with a purple gem embedded inside, a light brown choker attached to a silver hoop charm which is attached to a yellow seashell with three pearls on top, a violet scarf, a pair of pearl bracelets over brown waistbands, a brown belt with a yellow seashell satchel, a turquoise transparent wrap that resembles a mermaid's tail fin and a silver crown ring with a purple jewel on her right index finger.
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dreadfutures · 5 months
my great great grandfather was a silversmith, so I have a few precious pieces from him: a simple silver ring with a single oval piece of red coral that he made specially for me when I was born; a barrel clasp silver necklace with small beads of turquoise, and a single matching bracelet for a child's wrist that obviously no longer fits.
And now I've inherited this amazing work of art. He had always been very close with the Navajo artisans near him, and this is from one of them. I'm going to try to find a stamp on the back and see if I can track down the artist. How cool would it be to be able to get more pieces from the same hands that made this, more than 70 years ago?
I am really happy to be building my coral jewelry collection. It's so unique... I see people wear turquoise a lot, which I love, but almost never coral. Now I have MANY sets of coral earrings and I can't wait to get more pieces. Maybe another bracelet, or a hair piece. :)
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marsjewellery11 · 2 years
Top Advantages of Purchasing Gemstones and Its Jewellery
Gems is one of the most outstanding ways for the people who generally need to remain snazzy with the most recent and the best in the realm of style. Wherever in this world, ladies are wearing adequate assortment of adornments which is either diversely planned, cut or having some verifiable pertinence joined to it. The justification for why human culture is so much connected to the gems pattern is that it is altogether filling such countless needs in our lives. What could be preferable over having a sheen and go overboard of gemstones? Over the course, gemstones jewellery wholesale play had a respectable impact in our way of life. Individuals recount stories and accepted to have a few unique mending abilities. Stargazers and researcher all over the planet have presented different hypotheses, among which the vast majority of them are compensated and perceived all around.
A gemstone is for the most part perceived by the birthstone which is the exceptional stone that aides in mending of your body and soul. Whenever enhanced consistently, turning great times on your way is accepted. Engraved birthstone in only planner adornments could fill both the needs to look popular and smart and getting every one of its mystical spells. These restrictive bits of gems that radiance with splendor will in general develop over the period. What's more, on the off chance that you are a genuine admirer of these bright, perfectly cut valuable stones there is not a really obvious explanation for you to stay away.
However, prior to getting into any buy understanding the designed benefits is significant. These valuable natural stones go far to give that ideal piece of adornments to its pleased proprietors. These crude stones are extricated starting from the earliest stage then, at that point, slice and cleaned to draw out its regular magnificence. A developing fury among all kinds of people has made it one of the most interested and beneficial things of all time. Gemstones studded in any adornments make for staggering and lavish make heads turn. Today, rather than visiting a gem specialist, one can without much of a stretch get a few choices on the web. There is a ton of importance connected to the gemstones separated from looking and making it all the more valuable. Regardless of going through the cutting, cleaning and different medicines, this molded type of stone has never lost its virtue and mysterious charm.
In light of its temperament, excellence, hardness and the uncommonness of the stone, it is characterized into 3 classes - valuable or semi-valuable, natural or inorganic, and regular or manufactured. This characterization then, at that point, holds various gemstones of various varieties, shapes, and sizes, to which there are numerous restorative and otherworldly advantages are appended.
Prior, it was accepted that wearing gemstone adornments made of various stones in light of various zodiac signs can assist with working on your body, brain, and soul. Furthermore, every gemstones holds some celestial significance that help dispose of antagonism and works to improve the wearer. Yet, presently with the development of the gems business, planners have integrated this into a delightful type of gems which helping individuals as well as making them look engaging. This makes gemstones an extraordinary purchase.
• They make an incredible gift.
• They hold helpful properties.
• They offer incentive for cash.
• Accessible in different styles, plans, and examples.
• Ideal for any event
How could you possibly want anything more? There are a few different advantages, other than this. To find more know your #1 or the most reasonable gemstone and experience the energy.
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cha0s-boyy · 4 months
here have some of the "human ocs i never post about" (some info about them under the cut :3)
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[ID: digital drawings of six human characters in a simple lineless style. 1. a very tall, thin man with very pale skin, straight gray hair, and pale blue eyes. his hair is short on the sides and slightly longer and messy on top, and he has 5'oclock shadow. he has thick eyebrows and a scar on his cheek and nose. he is wearing oval-shaped glasses, and a black priest's cassock with a white collar. he is standing with one hand raised, and has a neutral expression. 2. a tall, broad-shouldered man with tan skin and straight black hair. his hair is medium length and is parted on his right. he is wearing black sunglasses and a black suit. he has a neutral expression. 3. a mid-height, thin person with brown skin, straight black hair, and brown eyes. they have no notable bust. their hair is short and spiky. they are wearing black eye makeup, and have several ear piercings, including dangly cross earrings. they are wearing a black spiked collar, a black off-the-shoulder batwing sweater, a gray rosary worn like a necklace, a black belt with D-rings all around it, black pants with lace-up sides, and black platform boots with buckles on the sides. they have one hand on their hip and have their mouth pushed to one side. 4. a small thin girl with fair skin, straight blond hair, and hazel eyes. her hair is shoulder-length, and is parted in the middle and otherwise unstyled. she has freckles on her cheeks and nose, and her front teeth stick out. she is wearing a brownish backwards baseball cap, an oversized dull green shirt that is half tucked in, a brown belt, oversized brownish pants, and faded red sneakers. she has one fist raised and she is smiling. 5. a tall, stocky woman with fair skin, straight light brown hair, and light brown eyes. she has a small bust. her hair is tied in a pony tail, except for a few strands on her forehead. she is wearing a white shirt with red sleeves, black athletic shorts, and red and turquoise running shoes. she has one hand on her hip and the other arm is raised in a flex, and she is smiling. 6. a short, fat woman with dark tan skin, curled brown hair, and dark brown eyes. she has a moderate bust. her hair is parted on her left, and is straight on top but is styled into fluffy curls farther down, so that her hair looks shoulder-length. she is wearing oversized glasses, gold clips in her hair, a patterned orange tie-front cropped button-up, a darker orange skirt, a belt with a large gold buckle, white knee-high socks, and orange and brown platform heels. she is holding an orange purse in one hand, and she is smiling. /end ID]
ok so these characters are supposed to be in a kind of paranormal horror story but it's kinda turned more into an action-comedy with a mystery background =_= i'll try and bring it back but we'll see
for the characters! we have: father killian, who is the worst priest ever. sucks at christian doctrine but what he IS good at is building illegal and ethically dubious custom weaponry and fighting vampires and demons and werewolves with it. the vatican hates him. agent john smith, who works for the government and that is pretty much his entire personality. he's not married to his work; he IS his work. doesn't consider himself a person but rather an extension of the united states government and its interests. rajani, who is goth and likes to cause problems and be difficult. will NOT just give you a straight answer to the damn question. figure it out. 🖕 darby, who is an 11-year-old tomboy who hangs out in a group of troublemaker boys whose hobbies include kicking cans and owning slingshots. her parents wanted her to be some sort of high-class socialite but they instead got an androgynous delinquent who only wears clothes 3 sizes too big for her. wyn, who is a jock. stereotypically strong but not the brightest. she's got a good heart tho. her full name is wynifred but she goes by wyn because it sounds like win and that is what she likes to do. sherla, who is an amateur sleuth and likes to dress like it's the 1970s. she wants to find The Truth and Proof and all that. her current job is babysitting but ideally she'll make her way into something like investigative journalism. people underestimate her because she's fat and feminine, but she is capable of doing hard work and getting her hands dirty.
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pastsplendors · 2 months
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Navajo MOP and Turquoise Inlay Ring Sterling Mixed Gemstones Size 5 3/4 Long Oval Face Statement Ring by PastSplendors http://dlvr.it/T9YjYB
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heidistreasurechest · 2 months
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microwave-vapor · 10 months
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Zooble's design in my TADC AU (Beyond the Circus Grounds)
A bit of backstory for them(they use they/them in this AU): They were originally a Gloink robot(robots created by "The Ring Master"(Caine) that are in service to protect anyone living in the circus grounds, as well as killing or capturing anyone outside it) who was fixed up by Jax after they spared his life and let him escape. The reason why Zooble had to be fixed is because the other Gloinks destroyed them after finding out they let Jax go.
Zooble has the ability to extend their limbs, use that turquoise oval thing on their chest as a removable throwable weapon (inspired by the disks from the TRON franchise), as well as the large mechanical crab claw to defend themself if anyone gets too close. They are very loyal to Jax and the others and is willing to sacrifice themself to protect any of them if necessary.
I didn't change too much of their design bc I felt like it fit the whole "made up of a bunch of random metal scraps and parts put together to make one robot" idea pretty well. also, they fall apart often/easily
(Side note: I know I was supposed to post a ref sheet for my Pomni design for the same AU, but I was already working on this, so I decided to post it first lol)
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sochicfinds · 4 months
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Large Oval Stone Green Turquoise Ring, Navajo Sterling Silver Rings, Native American Vintage Artisan Jewelry for Women
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no-good-wyfe · 2 years
I’ve been down a rabbit hole wondering about medieval jewelry (and if I can reproduce it despite having no metalworking skills, to which the answer is mostly no) lately & I figured I would share the fruits of my museum collection searches for other medievalists/hobbyists/reenactors/nerds.
Jewelry of the 13th Century Anglo/Francosphere
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Metals: 🟨 gold(tone)
Stones: mostly 🔵 cabochon, rarely 💠 simple cut, some carved 🗿 intaglio or cameo
Stone Colors: warm blues, emerald green, purples, burgundies, reds
Materials: enamel, 💎 gemstones (garnet, Ceylon sapphire, ruby/spinel, emerald) or glass paste imitations, ⚪ semi-precious stones (pearl, lapis, jasper, carnelian, coral, turquoise, porphyry)
Settings: bezel (oval and rectangular); ⚜️ intricate metalwork; more visible and textured metal than modern jewelry; more mixtures of stones and colors than modern tastes
Motifs: ◯ round, ✤ quatrefoil, ✙ cross, ✸ star (even numbers of points), ♣ trefoil, ❦ floral, 🐉 animals, 𝕬 inscription
Formats: brooches, ornamented clothing, rings, pendants, circlets, cuffs (rare)
A detailed look:
Some forms of jewelry that were very popular in the Roman Empire and are again today were just not the thing in the middle European Middle Ages. (Earrings, for example, seem to have barely existed. This is partially at least because ears were covered--by coifs and caps, hair, and (for women) braids or the chin strap and fillet/wimple/gorget.) In fact, a lot of the places we would put jewelry against our skin today were covered.
This left some other options:
Jewelry on Clothing
Okay, these aren’t jewelry, strictly speaking, but they’re metalwork ornaments associated with a person.
Enamel Mitre Medallions
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OA 3437 and OA 3438 Before 1291, Ile de France Louvre, Paris photos (c) Musée du Louvre / Stéphane Maréchalle 2015
Cloisonné and plique enamel over gold and copper, with decorative motifs of trefoils, quatrefoil, and stars in a palette of dark blue and green with accents that may once have been ruby red.
Appliqué Medallion
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# MRR 256 13th c., Limoge Louvre, Paris photo (c) Musée du Louvre 2014
Gilded copper (though most gold is worn off) with quatrefoil champlevé enamel in emerald green, lapis blue, and white or off-white.
Perhaps the most prevalent medieval jewelry item in the Anglo & French regions. These were worn at the shoulder for men and breast for women, often anchoring a cloak, or to close the collar. As the ornate fermail and double-ring brooch suggest, these ran the gamut from practical to incredibly decorative and ornate.
Garnet & Silver Gilt Animal Ring Brooch; Green and Blue Glass and Gilt Ring Brooch
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Left, # 2003,0703.1 13th century; found in Suffolk, England British Museum, London photo (c) The Trustees of the British Museum
Right, # M.28-1929 13th c., England V&A, London photo © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Cabochon garnets or carbuncles in the gilded silver brooch (L), perhaps once paired with smaller stones in the eyes of metalwork animals that bite the pin bracket. The right brooch, also silver gilt, sports two glass paste emerald and sapphire "gems" in cabochon. It was probably a lover's token; it reads (in Lombardic-lettered French) IOSV ICI ATI VCI or "jo su[i] ici a t[o]i v[o]ici" which I might translate as "I am here with/belonging to you, look!"
Ruby & Sapphire Ring Brooch; Sapphire, Garnet, and Pearl Fermail
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Left, # 6808-1860 1275-1300, England V&A, London photo © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Right, # OA6287 1250-1300, France Louvre, Paris photo (c) Musée du Louvre
Blogs often claim that stones were only polished en cabochon until the 16th century, and that medieval jewelers couldn't cut gemstones. But this 13th-century gold ring brooch (left) pairs table-cut purple rubies with collet-set cabochon sapphires, and may evidence early medieval gem-cutting or reuse of Roman cut stones. The silver gilt fermail, right, includes pearl beads, garnets and sapphires both cut and cabbed, and one glass paste cabochon. Both are intricately textured, with punchwork (L) and floral metalwork, probably cast and then attached (R).
Double Ring Brooch with Sapphire and Glass "Emeralds"
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# M.26-1993 13th c., England V&A, London photo © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
This gold double brooch is so small they think it was for a woman or child. Central sapphire cab is flanked by glass paste "emeralds" in bezel settings and metalwork featuring two animal heads.
Jewelry on the Body
Many are probably familiar with the signet ring, used for pressing into sealing wax, which could be intaglio-carved gemstone or metals. There were also a number of decorative and/or talismanic gemstone rings.
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#M.7-1929 | #M.180-1975 | #OA 11265 1250-1300, England | 1250-1300, Engl/France | 13th c., Engl/France V&A, London | V&A, London | Louvre, France photos L&C © Victoria and Albert Museum, London | R (c) Musée du Louvre
Sapphire in gold is the name of the game when it comes to rings in the thirteenth century; even the purple stones on the left are purple sapphires. (Sapphires were said to aid chastity, purity, and the effectiveness of prayer.) For larger stones, the bezel often has claws added (L); the central ring is an example of a full claw setting that modern viewers might find surprisingly tall. Naturalistic flourishes are added (C & R); these might be pre-cast then attached to the base (R).
We equate pendants with necklaces, but their medieval applications also included wear as badges, from headpieces, and on horse decorations.
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Left, bloodstone jasper cameo in silver setting # MRR 218 1100-1300, France? Louvre, Paris photo (c) Musée du Louvre / Jean Blot 1984
Right, champlevé enamel, gilt copper, and paste "emerald" (harness) pendant # 1976.169 13th c., France Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland photo CC0 Open Access
Statue Jewelry
From here, we get into the really ridiculous stuff; the previous categories could be relatively everyday (as much as ornamentation reserved exclusively for the wealthy can be an everyday thing) but the following examples are astonishing displays not necessarily for wear.
"La Couronne" de Vierge et l'Enfant d'ivoire de la Sainte-Chapelle
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# OA 57 B 1250-1300, France Louvre, Paris photo (c) Musée de Louvre
This was not even a crown for a person, but rather for a painted ivory statue of the Virgin Mary, holding her infant son. (Though circlets, even set with stones, were sometimes worn as part of women's head dress.) It's incredibly ornate gold, set with pearls, garnets and rubies, sapphires, and turquoise (?) en cabochon.
Anneau de Saint-Denis
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# MS 85 BIS 1200-1215, France Louvre, Paris photos (c) Musée du Louvre / Daniel Arnaudet 1990
This astonishing piece, which is ring-sized but now displayed as a cuff on an ivory hand, is made of gold and displays every possible gemstone appearance characteristic of the period. The front piece has a central sapphire and is surrounded by quartz with red backing (mimicking ruby/garnet), amethysts, pearls, and sapphires, some set on yellow backing (mimicking turquoise?). Most are en cabochon on this face, but two are faceted and two intaglio. Were this not enough, the three other 'faces' of the ring are set with gems as well, two cameos (probably sapphire and garnet?) and one amethyst intaglio set in ornate gold filigree.
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