#Ozi's Anons
ozimul-reacts · 2 years
You're most likely gonna finish Klonoa tonight, so I just want to say that I finally played and beat Klonoa 1 and 2 recently for the first time through this re-release, and the ending of Door to Phantomile is the first time since Undertale (last time before that was Super Paper Mario) that I actually legitimately shed a tear playing a game. The Klonoa games are amazing, but frick Namco for doing that to me. I really wasn't ready lol.
welcome to Klonoa!
cry :)
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ardenssolis · 7 months
@anon said (inbox):
Does thou waltz, sir Pharoah?
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      WALTZ? WASN'T THAT A dance of some kind? ❝For what reason would I want to do such a thing when I can observe others doing it instead?❞ And happily sip a glass of wine while he did so? That seemed a lot better use of his time in his very correct opinion.
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ninjabot215 · 8 months
@ozi-uwu everytime they flood the feed with smut (not that I'm complaining)
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(sauce underneath this break)
Okay, top to bottom, left side then right side
R-MK Kardie Masterploxy teckworks ozoneserpent genuinely no clue (prob anon art tho)
teckworks welwraith null-ghost remanedur knightferret arctavius
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novelelitist · 2 years
Can you write headcanons for a master telling telling the royal servants aka shi, ozy, the gil's ect "what do you bring to the table other than being wealthy? I'm not a gold digger I don't want a sugar daddy (though to be honest the royal servants would be ok with a sugar daddy situation) it takes more than that for me to date you"
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I winced at the lack of irony or self-awareness in this, Anon. Cringe culture may be over, but me cringing is apparently not. Bless your heart for reminding me that there’s still humor beating in my frigid little chasm of a chest. 
While I think many of them would be fine with a sugary relationship (based on my experience and knowledge with both sides of such a relationship), the way this is framed is simply beyond my comprehension.
This fill was available July 8th on Patreon.
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Shi Huang Di: “Oh? We must say, we are a bit shocked. Were you and I to take such a step, would it not affect our Master-Servant relationship? Do you wish us to get serious? Shall we bestow upon you our glory?”
Ozymandias: “You have misunderstood the nature of our relationship, Master. Prostrate yourself until I deem sufficient. Then, maybe, I’ll allow you to prove yourself worthy of my forgiveness.”
Gilgamesh (Archer): “Fuahahaha! Ahahahaha! Excuse yourself before making such absurd demands. Ahaha. Ridiculous. Spoken at your own expense. You’re even dumber than I thought!”
Gilgamesh (Caster): “If you are incapable of assessing a treasure’s value, you are not worthy of holding it. For all you are and wish, Master, you are not the treasure in our Master-Servant contract.”
Arthur Pendragon: “I…beg your pardon?” (He is confused.)
Artoria Pendragon: “I also beg your pardon?” (She is also confused.)
Columbus: “Oh, Master… You’re too sweet to offer whatever-the-hell this new sugar-labor-contract is to me, but I don’t think I’ve heard of it. Let’s talk about this dream of yours over a drink, shall we?”
Ishtar (Archer): “A ‘sugar baby?’ Apologize for suggesting that’s even possible! My wealth is more than an abundance of gemstones and good harvests, you know. It’s you who is lucky to serve me, not the other way around, Master.”
Ishtar (Rider): “Huh?! Have you seen me? If anything, you should be paying me to hang out with you. I’m a luxury few can afford~”
Jason: “Uwah?! The wealth I’ve gathered is but one of my countless redeeming qualities! …Oh, never mind. I lead a rather hopeless life. It’s my willingness to push forward against insurmountable odds that made me a leader and a hero. That should be enough in pursuits of the heart.”
Oberon (Stage 3): “Is your audaciousness meant to impress me? Should I spare words for the absurdity of it? …Go on, then. Pester me again and again. We’ll see if your wishes could ever come to light.” 
Queen of Sheba: “Who do you think I am? You’re my patron first, and a product I’m going to sell someday in the distant future second. There’ll be riches beyond any a sugar cube can imagine. Sorry, I’m not interested in profit-sharing. ☆”
Semiramis: “Mm? Have I misheard you? I cannot imagine the obedient little Master I’ve acquainted myself with suggesting such heinous and disrespectful things. Did you mean this message for another?”
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boatem-kinhelp · 2 years
feel free to ignore this if we already asked for it and forgot /gen can we also have names and neos for our s9 rendog? with like… royalty, betrayal fear themes… thank you!! - Grim anon
hiii, sure can!! sorry it took a bit to get to "^^ - mod joel
ozy (for ozymandias)
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nixthehomunculus · 2 months
Hey jsyk the art you rb’d tagged as Ozy Worldly — it’s art by a notorious racist. He faked being black, then when he got caught, described blacks people as demons and said it was why he drew horror themed art of them.
(Not meant in like an accusation tumblr anon kind of way more in a genuine warning because I don’t think you vibe w that stuff kind of thing.)
oh god, not an Italian
thanks for telling me, that's so fucking gross
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 4 months
Info: This is kind of (really) a long shot, but here goes.
Post-movie!Watchmen/nu!Trek crossover. Adrian Veidt is the ruler of the free world, and he has to keep the people happy. What do they want? To find Manhattan. When do they want it? Right-fucking-now. So Veidt sets up an institution designed to explore new planets, discover new forms of life, FUCKING FIND THAT FUCKER, and boldly go where no man has gone before. Cue Starfleet. A million billion (few thousand) years later, the Enterprise crew is zooming around space, poking aliens with a stick.
Meanwhile, Manhattan left Earth to create his own utopian planet. Through his experiences on Earth, he has concluded a) humans have fault because they lack self-control, b) humans have fault because they lack strong empathy, c) humans have fault because they are constantly driven by reproduction. And some other stuff. He bamfs around, picks a planet, and creates his own hypothetically perfect life forms: the Vulcans. But Manhattan is a clockmaker God, so he just kind of makes them and then chills on a nearby moon or something while he watches their progress.
Our crew somehow figures out where he is. Cue much rejoicing that the asshole who blew up New York a billion years ago has finally been tracked down and can be subdued with their crazy technology. One minor problem: Spock.
A couple of things, here. Kirk being superpatriotic and self-righteous, for one. Also, a recorded message from Veidt designed to be played in the event of finding Manhattan. Also, giant space battle. Manhattan being like "well fuck this blows" and mind-controlling Spock, who is in part his creation, to sexily distract Kirk would be a massive plus, especially if everyone on the bridge is like "FUCK WE ARE BEING FUCKED" and Kirk is like "excuse me I'm having sex right now." And if you could possibly make a liiitle hint at Ozy/Manhattan I would be a very happy anon indeed. Oh, and the Enterprise's new color scheme: white, purple, and gold. Aww yeah.
Look, I don't know where I come up with this, I just want it. Please. And thank you. (thread)
Fill: 1/1
Author: raihu
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wolrith · 9 months
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holy shit holy shit my first anon hate omg yaaay thank you im so happy im a famous blog now!!!! thanks to @ozi-uwu for making me reach the top!!!!
fr though the fuck prompts these people to do this, i wonder if they understand how funny it is to go around tumblr doing this to people who'll just ss and make fun of em
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moonridge · 9 months
ooc: it’s not too hard to figure out which anons are ozy i think
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ozimul-reacts · 1 year
Have you seen Puss in Boots: The Last Wish?
i want to. i want to so bad. ;-;
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ozimul-reacts · 1 year
Can't believe I haven't been here since last year, lol. In all seriousness, I know I haven't really been around recently (very focused on things in my personal life). But I wanted to say happy new year. Hope you've been well, and hope you have a great 2023.
geez Anon, where you been? :P
Happy New Year! I hope you're doing well, too
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ozimul-reacts · 2 years
I'm glad people love Tomba enough to remix the tunes!
I would genuinely adore a remaster where all the tunes were reorchestrated like this. (Or a remaster at all... but i don't think Tomba is THAT popular :P)
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ozimul-reacts · 2 years
/watch?v=2GBu6gp4tAY Spark plushie.
what a cute plush!
(i still need to play spark 2...)
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ozimul-reacts · 2 years
I come back to say happy streamiversary, happy Halloween and also to send this: /watch?v=7rU3gLp-LaY. (I haven't played this game yet lol. Waiting for the console release).
heyo! happy halloween!
i wish i was streaming this streamiversary but my wrists had other plans lol.
(don't worry, I haven't played Freedom Planet 2 yet either)
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ozimul-reacts · 2 years
oh, yo, this looks like a cool project! i love the low-poly vibes.
I hope it does well!
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