colettte · 8 months
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Posting here because I don't know. Shit art but I'm a fan of peqitw. on twitter
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x-bee-x · 13 days
Take a break and enjoy some Peqi dancing for a minute!
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keirawantstocry · 6 months
that one time tubbo called pac a dilf 😵‍💫
okay wait…
young teacher tubbo and dilf pac comes to collect his son from class…..tubbos got such a crush on him and maybe he asks pac to stay back to talk about richas’s behaviour but it turns into something else….
you've come to the right person (guy who is obsessed with pacbo)
Tubbo wasn't quite sure how he ended up with this job. He had never in any of his years considered being a teacher of any sort. But after he adopted his daughter, he needed a second job. Mechanics weren't paying him enough. Luckily there was a daycare nearby that was hiring. It was a more difficult process than he had expected, much like the adoption. But he got it. 
His daughter stayed with her “other father”. Tom's name was always said in a sigh like that. They were young and stupid and drunk and Tubbo didn't know what he was doing when he signed the stupid paper that Tommy had slid him across the dirty bar table. 
Tommy, and unfortunately Molly, found it hilarious. They both insisted on watching Sunny while he was at work. Thankfully Sunny loved them. Tommy would do her hair in braids. It was something they did when they were younger. Tubbo remembered sitting in fields with Tommy's older cousin braiding his long hair. 
As soon as Tommy saw Sunny's thick 3C curls, he stayed up two nights in a row researching and watching video after video of how to do cornrows and other braids in her hair. 
Molly often sent him videos while he was at work on Sunny prattling on while Tommy listened intently, braiding her hair as best he could. As much as Tubbo joked about divorce and threatened, he was glad to have two people he loved watching his child and caring for them so well. 
He closed his laptop with a sigh, rubbing his eyes. He was the last one there, his co worker had to leave because she had to pick up her own child but they needed someone to watch the singular child whose parents were incredibly late. 
Opening his eyes, Tubbo stared down the young boy in front of him. 
He was a Latino boy, probably around 7 or 8 with an oversized yellow jersey that he wore every single day. He was staring at Tubbo with large brown eyes. It was almost unnerving but he was a cute, decently well mannered child. 
Tubbo remembered the day he joined the daycare. A man with shoulder length brown hair and a singular white streak through it brought him in and explained how the boy had been born without part of his leg but was still very capable of movement with the prosthetic his Pai had made him. 
The owner of the daycare had nodded, assuring the man over and over that his child would be well cared for and that they would make sure the other children didn't say anything nasty as children tended to do. 
Richas, Tubbo remembered, as he continued to stare down the boy. His name was Richas. 
“Hello,” he said. 
The boy grinned. “Ola!” 
Tubbo laughed at his enthusiasm before picking up his phone to attempt to call the boy's parents once again. It rang and rang, like it had three times before click. 
“Holy shit, we are so sorry. Our schedule got all mixed up and we didn't know who was supposed to pick him up today. Fuck!” 
“Hey, hey,” Tubbo said calmly. “It's okay. I'm here with him. Get here whenever you can.” 
The voice on the phone that Tubbo didn't recognize took a few deep breaths. “Sim, sim, of course. Peqi is on his way already. He should be there any minute.” 
Tubbo smiled at Richas who bounced up and down excitedly, trying to climb up the front of the desk to reach the phone. “Sounds good, Mr…?” 
The voice laughed. “Just call me Mike yeah?” 
Richas made the saddest noise possible and Tubbo's heart melted. “Wait, before you go, I think he wants to talk to you.” 
He removed the phone from the side of his ear and carefully handed it to the boy who cradled it with both hands and held it up to his mouth. “OI, PAI.” 
Mike's voice came through quietly. “Oi, Richas. Você está sendo bom?” 
“Sim, sim,” the boy sang happily. “Eu sou bom.” 
“Bom menino. Pai Pac will be there soon okay?” 
“Okay, okay.” 
“Eu te amo.” 
“Eu também te amo.” 
The phone clicked, ending the call and Richas handed it back to Tubbo with a smile. Not even five seconds after the phone was back in his hand, the door slammed open. Standing in the now open doorway was a frazzled and incredibly attractive man. 
Richas ran over, bounding easily into his arms. 
“Richarlyson!” the man cooed, swinging him back and forth in his arms. He met Tubbo's eyes over his son's head. ‘Thank you’ he mouthed. 
Tubbo was almost too stunned to nod but he managed to as Richas's father slowly lowered him to the ground to step over to Tubbo. 
“I have to sign him out, yes?” 
Tubbo nodded, still speechless. He cleared his throat and slid the sign-out sheet across the desk. “Yeah, uh, yeah.” 
The man, Pac, from the signs of his scribbled signature, smiled blindingly at him, his son clinging to his leg. 
Tubbo noticed at that moment that Pac had a near identical prosthetic to his son. “You match,” he said before mentally slapping himself. You don't just fucking point out a man's prosthetic, no fucking wonder you're still married to Tommy. 
But Pac just laughed softly. “We do,” he said softly, rubbing the top of Richas's head. “He is very clearly my son.” 
“Are you his biological father?” Tubbo asked. Holy fucking shit, shut up you fucking idiot. He is so tired of you already, why are you asking so many questions? 
Pac just laughed softly again and the twist in Tubbo's chest felt like falling off a cliff. “Sim, yes, I am. I was the one who gave birth to him.” 
Tubbo stopped himself from asking any questions about that. He knew better than that at least. “That's really cool.” He tried a smile and felt so awkward. 
“Thank you,” Pac said. “And thank you for watching him past time. I know you probably have places to be.” 
Tubbo brushed him off with a wave of his hand. “Oh don't worry about it. My daughter is more than happy to spend more of their time with her ‘other father’.” Out of instinct, he raised his hands and made quotation marks with his hands. 
Pac raised an eyebrow curiously. 
Tubbo flushed. “A, uh, friend of mine. We got drunk married and now my daughter considers him her other father.”
Pac laughed. “No spouse of your own then? One that you're in love with anyway?” 
Tubbo flushed darker. “Ah, no. Just my husband and his girlfriend.” 
“Mmm,” Pac said, leaning over on the desk. “Good to know.” 
Tubbo froze in his spot as Pac's eyes, big and brown just like his son's, stared into his soul. He gulped before clearing his throat. “Yeah, uhmm, yeah.” The heat of his face was nearly unbearable. 
Richas gently smacked his dad on the leg. “Oi, stop that.” 
Pac leaned back, holding his hands up with an innocent expression. “What?? What?” 
The little boy glared at him with no heat. “Pai Mike told you to stop that.” 
“Well, Mikey isn't here right now is he? And he also has no control over my life.” Pac turned back to Tubbo and grabbed the pen again. He motioned towards Tubbo's arm which he held out willingly. 
Quickly the man scribbled a number onto his arm, his grip strong and warm. Tubbo felt dizzy. 
Pac dropped the pen with a smile and a wink before grabbing his son's hand. “Call me yeah?” 
Tubbo stared in disbelief, red as a beet. “...yeah,” he said softly as Pav happily bounded out the door, his son berating him in Portuguese. 
“Tommy,” he said softly when he got home, holding up his arm. “I think I got hit on.”
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packedtazer · 2 months
Come watch a movie with me Peqi - @catboyarg
oh i would love to!! but first... did you block luzu from my comm >:T
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atthebell · 9 months
Do you know why Pac goes by Peqitw on Twitter and twitch? The "Peq" part seems related to "Pac" but I'm curious about what the tw signifies. I was wondering if it was a portuguese acronym, something similar to how FitMC uses MC for minecraft, but I don't speak portuguese so I don't know what tw would stand for 😭 (Except for "Twitch", but the name seems to predate twitch?) I know you watch a lot of different latam streamers so I thought maybe you or your anons might know!
tbh ive always just assumed peqi is a cutesy way of saying pac (which comes, i assume, from both pac's actual last name and from pacman), since it is kind of how people pronounce it in portuguese when they're being affectionate-- mike and cellbit call him pac-y like all the time, and there is a tendency in portuguese to add an -ee sound to the end of things. and tw has i think always been in his username; i have no clue what it refers to, does anyone else happen to know?
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loveillusionme · 7 years
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Igor = chmod -R === pwd
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elimhavadakldisblog · 3 years
Huzura Erdin mi sanırım bunca olan bitene kayitsi kaldın peqi şimdi sana sorarim beni kaybetmeyi nasıl göze aldın ...bile bile susuyor canımı okuyorsun ama yeniden sahlanicam yüreğinden dogacam bunu da asicam düşün nelerden korkup sözlerinde duramadihini ben sana hiç yalan söylemedim inan bana ama senin için çok insana yalannsoyledim... Degermi acaba
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zfanfan · 5 years
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夏天到了,给PEQI换个凉爽的小窝🦔(在 Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWtsQHguVJ/?igshid=18y3haab1746j
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oldpoet56 · 8 years
1800-Year-Old Hebrew Inscriptions Discovered In Galilee Village
1800-Year-Old Hebrew Inscriptions Discovered In Galilee Village
MainAll NewsInside Israel 1800-year-old Hebrew inscriptions discovered in Galilee village 1800-year-old Hebrew inscriptions discovered in Galilee village
Limestone column from Roman period engraved with Hebrew inscriptions discovered in Peqi’in during restoration work on ancient synagogue.
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Yoel Domb, 21/02/17…
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x-bee-x · 3 months
I can't tell you why it's taken me this long. I've seen so many clips and read so many fics, and I've watched other pov's too, but it's been quite a while. It took me a few days, but I finally finished the vods, thank you so much again @fireflyaurora, of Pac before and during plus a video of multiple pov's of the cure of the happy pills. And my goddamn heart. "Reality is the thing that you accept. So I'm accepting this as my reality." "I'm learning that happiness comes with a price." "I'm tired of being that guy. I don't want to be the weakest or saddest anymore. I just want to be happy." I know what it's like, I know it's been like nine months, but it still is just so heartbreaking. Peqi, my sweet boy, the best at hitting fans with all sorts of feels. But it's so good, it's still a genius arc, and everyone involved was incredible.
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elimhavadakldisblog · 3 years
Nasıl bir sürpriz istersen onu hazırlayacağım sana madem adlî yolu seçip benimle piskolojimle oynadın birden çok hesapla bunu odiceksin sakın unutma intaharabsurukledin çocuklarımı Ali koydun suça teşvik ettin de aha neler neler senin le savaşmak yerine senin icin savasabilirdim ama sen değerini kaybetmişsin galiba tedavülden kalktın mi peqi yanlış kadını sevdin galiba he peki ya çocuklar
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iremiuw · 7 years
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x-bee-x · 2 months
There's still hours in the day I'm not late, I just found out and had to say something though, it's Pac's birthday! I am so incredibly grateful to have been introduced to you and your content, you are one of my greatest sources of comfort and you are helping teach me another language and you make me smile until my cheeks hurt and you make me laugh at how expressive you are and you make me cry sometimes with your lore, I'm very happy to exist in this same timeline as you. Happy birthday Peqi
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tembelornitorenk · 7 years
Peqi kanka :')
Adamsın kanka 💩
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGIM8N-PEqY)
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x-bee-x · 5 months
Oh poor Peqi's audio and now the game isn't working but Fit is being so patient
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