darodugo · 2 years
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Breaking show
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lupecifista · 2 years
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i put some color on them
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shinjiprotect · 1 year
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depressopax · 5 months
Being in a relationship with Jesse Pinkman would include...
SFW version only + extra headcanons (Smut version can be found here) Pairing: Jesse x gn!reader Genre: Fluff Warning(s): Breaking bad spoilers!  Mentions of alcohol, drugs and injury Mentions of trauma Words: 1336 Summary: What would dating Jesse Pinkman be like? English is not my first language so please let me know if I make any mistakes so I can evolve as a writer! :)
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He would just LOVE having you around. All the damn time.
For example: When he throws parties in his house, he’ll have you by his side all the time. 
“But Jesse… I need to work!” “Work can wait, babe. I’m having a party!” “But…” “Pleaseeee! It’s not a good party if you’re not around…” “...Fine.”
When he falls in love, he falls hard.
Even if you’ve dated him for a short while, he would express his love for you early on.
He would be very insecure at the beginning of a relationship, so he needs lots of reassurance that he’s doing the right things etc.
He’ll brag about you for everyone, ALL THE TIME.
Jesse: “I’m telling ya! My partner is the best. Skinny Pete and Badger: “...Here we go again.” Walter: “I literally don’t care. We have work to do!”
His love language is touch. Every opportunity he gets, he wants to touch you (with consent ofc) This includes:
- Holding your hand when walking
- When sitting down, he’ll either make sure your legs are touching
- …Or have his hand resting on your thigh. 
- He loves having you sit in his lap, so he can cuddle you and rest his face against your neck. It relaxes him.
Jesse doesn’t mind PDA. He likes showing his you off. He often feels like you are “too good for him”, and therefore wants to brag, because he has such a wonderful (and hot) partner. 
He tends to get awkward when you call him nicknames or show him affection around his friends, since they tease him for being “a simp”.
You like it tho. 
Sometimes you’re extra “lovey-dovey” towards Jesse when his friends are around, just to tease him and watch him blush. 
Since Jesse earns lots of money in the meth business, he would buy you expensive gifts. 
…And make lots of impulsive purchases. 
You try making him stop spending so much money on gifts, but even if he promises to stop, he doesn't… 
He LOVES seeing you wearing his clothes. And if you don’t, he would probably ask you to wear his shirts, when sleeping etc. He just enjoys the sight of it, and for him, it’s the most adorable thing.
His phone would be full of selfies of you and him, but mostly pictures of you. He’s the guy to make you his lockscreen.
The two of you have a playful banter. There’s lot of teasing going on, and you have inside jokes (most of them are mocking Walter together)
He likes playing video games with you. This would be the one of the few times he’s rude. He is very competitive and tends to take games a bit too seriously. 
If he wins the game, he won’t shut up about it. He’ll tease you for it, until you tell him to shut the hell up
…If he loses, tho… He’ll be a baby about it. 
“Impossible! You cheated!” “I’m just better than you, Jesse!” “Yeah, right…” “...Are you mad at me?” “...Maybe”
If you don’t like alcohol and drugs, he would try to not use it in front of you. He would try quitting, but it would be a long journey. He hates seeing you worried for him, and that would be a motivation for him to quit, or at least try.
When cuddling and sleeping - He doesn’t care if he’s the big or little spoon. Whichever you prefer.
Comforting each other. 
Whenever you’re sad or angry, Jesse does everything to cheer you up. He tends to get awkward when someone cries, so he doesn’t know how to react. But he always does his best to cheer you up. 
He would want to introduce you to his friends. He wants everyone to know how amazing you are. 
He also likes the idea of being able to hang out with his friends and his partner at the same time.
But this would also include jealousy and Jesse being overprotective. 
He doesn’t like being the possessive boyfriend type, but if one of his friends tries hitting on you, he'd stare them or “playfully” threaten them. 
If someone flirts with you when he’s around, he either gets really insecure, or will just simply walk up to you and be affectionate (basically his way of saying: “They’re mine, back off bitch”)
This also includes his work. In dangerous situations, he prioritizes your safety before his own. 
…Although you’d probably end up being the one protecting him.
He would probably try keeping the relationship with you a secret, since he’s scared you’ll become a target.
At first, Jesse tried to lie about his career, but him being away for such a long time everyday made you suspicious.
The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was cheating. Afraid of losing you, he decided to tell you the truth.
You were shocked, of course. 
…But most of all, you were concerned. Knowing how dangerous his work is, and how he risks going to jail or getting killed, you got very worried for him.
It would probably lead to arguments, since you both are so concerned for one another. 
Learning he’s too stubborn to quit, you give up the attempts to convince him.
But he would definitely make promises to you, that he will be careful, and not shut you out.
Jesse wants good communication with his partner, and the two of you would always be honest, and never keep secrets from each other. 
In his free-time, he spends a lot of time with you. 
If you guys don’t share the same interests, that’s ok with him.
He tries being a supportive boyfriend, and you’re the one to decide where to go and what to do. 
This includes small, simple things, such as: Food, movies, music and games.
Even if he’s bored, he’ll try to not show it. (...Although he would fall asleep against you when watching your favourite/”boring” movies)
Date nights include going to loud parties and getting wasted, going to a bar or restaurant etc…
But it can also be “calm” dates - watching movies at home and eating snacks or playing video games. 
This man gets beaten up ALOT. He tries hiding it from you (but fails in every way). You are the one that patches him up and cleans his wounds.
At first, he thought it was embarrassing that his partner had to take care of his wounds, but he grew to like it.
Having you tending him feels good.
…And he loves watching your focused face when you clean his wounds and patch him up if needed.
Jesse also enjoys hearing you mutter threats against the person that beat him up. 
He may be protective over you, but you’re also very protective over him. 
His “enemies” are your enemies. 
When moving to Alaska, you would come with him.
He refused at first, since he was scared that something would go wrong.
But it was the opposite. You both got a fresh new start, and under new identities, you guys could finally have a normal life.
He wants to take things slow, but he also wants to marry you one day.
And eventually start a family too, if you want to. He wants to have children with the person he loves, and be able to give them the life he never had.
He would be such a good dad omg
After all the stress and trauma he’s been through, he just wants to “settle down” and live a calm life together with you. 
He would also want pets lol
I see him as a dog person, so he would definitely, with or without your liking, buy a dog. 
(Going out on long walks at winter with the dog <3)
He has lots of trauma, and has moments where he doubts himself and has breakdowns, but having you around helps him alot.
Of course, you are always there to support him and help him through difficult times. 
…Basically: Your relationship would be so pure, dramatic but sweet.
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dystopicbrain · 1 year
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nothing’s perfect
— Breaking Bad (2008)
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wolfraem · 7 months
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tapeworrmart · 2 years
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Guilt and remorse
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seraphicsuicides · 1 year
bitches try to find a comfort character and choose the character that hasnt felt a second of comfort in their life
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sandpiper77art · 1 year
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fishiiarts · 6 months
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Was just accepted to SVA with a scholarship that covers half my tuition! Here’s a Jesse Pinkman sketchbook page to celebrate! Yeah bitch!!!!!!! >:D
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swizzee · 9 months
Happy Birthday Pinkman
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Also this mf is NOT a Virgo
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darodugo · 1 year
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More breaking show
(Breaking Bad x Regular Show)
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389 · 1 year
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livinlavidalalo · 2 years
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nyrovie-ii · 5 months
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disease · 4 months
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