buhuiai · 5 months
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Dan and Phil appreciation week: Favorite PINOF
Phil is not on fire 3
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ashleyeveerson · 21 days
CHECK OUT PART 2: https://www.tumblr.com/ashleyeveerson/760707933651746816?source=share
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Phil ALSO comes out! (yeah no i'm not crying what? not them feeling comfortable enough to be themselves yeah). 2019 also brings us the adoption of a fish named Norman (a cutie) AND they also post pictures about their recent trip to Japan [the photo of Phil looking up to Dan behind the camera? yeah i am so normal about it, i swear]. There is hope in the horizon still for a Dan and Phil comeback...
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BAM! A certain virus runs wild and forces everyone to stay at home. Phil continues to upload solo videos which distracted so many of us during these dark times. Dan, however is AWOL and the only pic we have of him is a shitty screenshot of him in glasses and a mask helping Phil rescue an injured pigeon (lockdown was WILD).
Also, my boy Dan post a cryptic tweet that leads to the announcement of a self-help book named YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS NIGHT (because you will <3). Nah but I can't count how many times I've sobbed reading it, just him trying to help out others who have also struggled with mental health... istg i love this man
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Hey so THEY BUY THEIR FOREVER PHOUSE TOGETHER they're gonna kill me one day istg. "Dan and Phil just decided to pay a mortgage together", top 10 sentences that would kill a 2016 phan. They are slaying, they are glowing... also rip Norman the fish you will not be forgotten
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So during 2014 the fates (aka a random youtuber) foretold that Dan and Phil would be married in 2022. Since that clearly didn't happen the meme PHIVORCE united the phandom once more. ALSO Dan is out there shitting on youtube (as he should) and going on his solo tour WE'RE ALL DOOMED! Which i love with all my heart and also Phil being there for him every step of the way... AHHHHHHHH
Anyways a certain video called Dan and Phil finally tell the truth hits the internet and let's just say GOD DAMN. This also starts a wonderful trend amongst Dan and Phil in which they make fun of their audience (we deserve it ngl) and absolutley SHOCK US with new information about bonkers shit from their past [apparently they were offered a threesome MULTIPLE TIMES???]
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It's the end. They've decided to give up their channel "Dan and Phil Games" forever... let's take a moment and silent and mourn with a compilation of Heart eyes Howell
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SIKE! We're back baby and we're better than ever!!! The goodbye video turned out the be an ANNOUNCEMENT of their comeback. They are back, Dil Howlter is here and Phil confesses to having dyed everything green in the house when Dan went on tour bc he missed him (OH GOD). Also, the Halloween baking video introduced us to the icon that is.... *drumroll please*
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SISTER DANIEL, the queen of making everyone reconsider their sexuality... she is the moment, she is an icon and she is serving astronomical levels of cunt at all time [jokes aside, Dan being comfortable enough to do drag in public, fuck they've come so far i'm so proud of them <3].
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And here we are in the future, it's present day and they are queerer and happier than ever. THE PICTURES I CAN'T ISTG. Also Dan's Birthday stream is beyond iconic. First of all my unproblematic kings make it a charity stream to donate to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (using their public influence for good hell yeah)... And how did they raise the money you ask? WELL BY HITTING IS WHERE WE'RE WEAKEST. Sister Daniel makes a spectacular comeback, FATHER PHIL is introduced and Dan even dyes his hair red to be more Good Omens coded... which timeline are we living in again? like how is any of this real?
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Also them drawing the PINOF whiskers on their faces again... they're literally growing old together I'm gonna go sob in a corner. Also the fake apology video bc they have no fashion sense in the Sims 4 is hilarious as fuck. HOW CAN THEY POSSIBLY BE SO MUCH HOTTER ON THEIR THIRTIES EXPLAIN??
anyways the phandom is still speculating wether they're erasing "i love you's" at the end of their text when they show them on videos... guess some things never change. Nah but the vibes are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NOW, they are more open than they've ever been and participate on the phan culture FULLY to the point that they're the ones terrorizing us now.
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QUICK DETOUR TO TALK ABOUT PHIL'S FAMOUS BAD LUCK (and then they wonder why he's always dying in the fanfics). Nah but my poor man has had his fair share of medical problems, the most recent being...
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OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU ANNOUNCE SOMETHING LIKE THAT THIS WAY?? nah like using humor as a coping mechanism and all but do they wanna gives a heart attack?! iconic i fear however
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So yeah the video where they talk about it is WILD (funniest shit about the whole ordeal is that a nurse mistook Dan as Phil's son). Also I saw a tweet speculating about Phil having a hickey like... first of all what is it? 2009? Second of all IT'S MOST LIKELY A POPPED VESSEL FROM LOSING ALL THAT BLOOD YOU KNOW
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They still were able to go on their vacation (aka the rodent boy summer) which gifted us with this iconic pics... ALSO they dropped a new Dan and Phil beats for summer go check out the names of the tracks istg they wanna kill their fans.
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Nothing is sacred anymore, they've infiltrated twtphan, they're actively reposting memes and writing fanfiction about themselves. It's the wild west, everytime you get a notification is like playing Russian Rulet. Cringe is dead and Dan and Phil ARE COMING NEAR YOUR CITY on a tour named "Terrible Influence" where Phil's spent 300€ on silicone. It's a wonderful time to be a phan.
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OKAY SO here's some stuff that didn't make the cut but that i find too hilarious to not mention. In no apparent order: DAN DRESSING UP AS A CATBOY, Dan and Phil playing technicians 1 and 2 on Big Hero 6 and two brothers on the Lion King (wtf was that also they gave the gorilas matching fringes), Dan dressing up as a golden pig (my boy has RANGE) and finally Dan being too embarassed to admit he stalked Phil and telling a reporter he was only asking for "editing tips" if you know what i mean
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Also a short compilation of Dan and Phil losing the idgaf war against eachother THEY ARE SO THOUGHTFUL ABOUT EVERYTHING. Special mention to Daniel's 🧡 when Phil praised "We're all doomed!" and Dan's ranch metaphor to describe their relationship (just go watch the mukkbang video OH LORD)
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SO, in conclusion... Dan and Phil's refusal to belittle their past and instead embrace it as part of their story while actively moving into the future alongside the phandom YEAH THAT SHIT MEANS SOMETHING. They're simultaneously healing our inner child while embracing us as the adults we've become i have many feelings about them
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So what are they?
They're just Dan and Phil.
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rhyrhy462 · 4 years
Sleepover (G.D.)
Pairing: grayson dolan x best friend!reader
Warnings: bad writing, pining, one swear word, semi-sappines, self-indulgent because of the big mouth thing and the snacks
gif by @pinof
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Everyone knew that Grayson Dolan went to bed early. It never failed that he was turning his phone off and putting it on his nightstand at midnight.
His best friend, Y/N, was a night owl. She went to bed at 3 in the morning most of the time.
Grayson and Y/N tried to squeeze in sleepovers whenever they could. These usually happened on Friday nights and consisted of, in no particular order, eating dinner, watching a movie, begging Grayson to take you to a grocery store to buy snacks, listening to music, begging Grayson to get you ice cream, and sleeping.
So just like all the other Friday nights, Y/N knocked on Grayson and Ethan’s door at exactly 6:53pm. She knows it’s a very specific time, but Grayson always has dinner ready by 7:05. So if she gets there at the perfect time, dinner will be ready and Grayson can’t yell at her for getting there too early when she complains about being hungry.
“It’s open, Y/N” Grayson yelled through the door, right as she was turning the knob and pushing the door in.
“I don’t even get a hello? I brought you homemade almond butter and everything!” If there was one thing Grayson loved in this world, it was Y/N’s homemade almond butter. He knew she just got the recipe online, but every time he tried to make it, it just didn’t turn out the right way.
“I’m sorry babe. Come give me a hug” Y/N felt her heart flutter when he called her ‘babe.’ Yeah, they called each other pet names all the time, but he said it so casually, almost as if she was his girl-
“Come gimme a hug.” Grayson pressed again, just as she started walking towards him.
She wrapped her arms around him, just as he wrapped one arm around her, still pushing around vegetables in a pan. “I missed you.”
Y/N and Grayson hadn’t had a sleepover in about a month and a half. They had both been busy. Whenever they did get to see each other, it’d be for an hour or so, but they never got to have fun with each other. “Missed you more.” Grayson replied, right as he was dumping the vegan stir-fry onto their plates.
“Looks good.” She said, as she started putting dishes in the dishwasher. If Y/N hated anything, it was having to do the dishes after she’s gotten comfortable. Lucky for her, Grayson had listened to her and started putting dishes in the dishwasher as he went along instead of having 30 dishes in the sink. She put the five dishes that had been left in the dishwasher, picked up her plate, and looked at Grayson questioningly. She was silently asking him if he was ready to go eat in his room.
“Let’s go.” Was all Grayson had to say to have her following him to his room.
Once they made it to Grayson’s room, Y/N plopped down onto his bed as he picked up the remote from his desk and tossed it to her. Every sleepover they alternated who got to choose what they watched. This time, it was Y/N’s turn. She turned his tv on and went straight to Netflix. Grayson had a feeling he knew what she was gonna pick. She threatened him with it all the time, but she did actually want to rewatch the show.
Grayson groaned as soon as he saw that she was hovering on Big Mouth. “What’s wrong with Big Mouth?” She genuinely wanted to know his answer.
“You’ve seen it at least ten times and you quote the whole show.” Grayson complained. He wasn’t wrong though. Y/N knew Big Mouth like the back of her hand. The reason why she watched it so many times was so she could directly quote the show. She already knew most of the iconic lines, but there were some she was still trying to learn.
“It’s my night to choose, babes. I hate to break it to ya, but I choose Big Mouth.” She said, just as she clicked on Season 1, Episode 2 ‘Everybody Bleeds.’ It was one of her favorite episodes because it was funny, but also because she knew the quotes. It was also the first episode Ladybug appeared in. If Y/N was honest, Ladybug was probably her favorite character. Ladybug was also the only character that she could completely quote.
With food in hand, she got as close to Grayson as humanly possible, just as he was draping a blanket over both of their legs. They ate while they exchanged jokes and talked about how’d they’d been, all while Y/N still managed to quote the best lines from Big Mouth.
They had finished eating a while ago. Now it was 9pm and Y/N wanted snacks. From their cuddled up position, she looked up at him, to see him looking at the screen. She smiled to herself because as much as he hated to admit it, Grayson thought Big Mouth was hilarious. “Gray?” She questioned, because yes, they had had dinner two hours ago, but she was ready for snacks.
He didn’t even have to look at her to know what she wanted. The first thing he did was look at his watch to confirm what time it was. It never failed. Around 9 o’clock, Y/N always wanted snacks. So he untangled himself from her and sat up, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyes darting around the room trying to find something that Y/N is completely unaware of. “Grayson? What are you looking for? Where are you going?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.
“I’m looking for two hoodies. You want to go get snacks don’t you?” Grayson said, realizing that none of his hoodies were anywhere in his room and he’d have to go into his closet.
“You know me so well.” She said, grinning when Grayson came out of his closet, two hoodies in hand, and tossed one to her.
Right after she slipped it on, on top of her shirt, Grayson was asking her, “Ready?”
He didn’t even wait for her response, just started walking towards his bedroom door, to which she followed right behind him, all the way to the Porsche. After they got in the car, he turned to look at her and asked, “Where we goin’?”
“Target.” She responded, as he started backing out of the driveway. Y/N always, always, let Grayson choose the music. Grayson always said the driver got to choose the music, but she never put up a fight with anything he chose. Which is why when Grayson asked her to shuffle his Young Thug playlist, she did it. No questions asked, bobbing her head to the music, even rapping some of it, on their way to Target.
When they got there, Grayson parked in the closest parking space he could find. There were a few cars in the parking lot, but not too many. Even if Grayson hadn’t seen Y/N in a while, he always kept three masks in his car. One for himself, one for Ethan, and one for Y/N. They both put their masks on and started walking toward the entrance.
When they got inside, Y/N was grabbing Grayson’s hand and dragging him all the way to the snacks section. The first thing she grabbed was pretzels, one of her all time favorite snacks, but sometimes she forgets how much she likes them. She went on a search to find Nutella, which in the process, Grayson made a smart comment about it not being vegan. Then she grabbed two bags of Doritos, cool ranch and nacho cheese.
Immediately after she grabbed the Doritos, she thought about ice cream. Grayson was on this stupid health kick getting ready for this match with Logan, that doesn’t even have a date. Because of that, it had become 200 times harder to convince Grayson to get ice cream. He knew that if he was around Y/N when she was eating ice cream, he’d cave. Which is why right now, when he saw that look in Y/N’s eyes, he knew exactly what she wanted.
He didn’t even let her get it out, “No.”
“But I didn’t even-“
“Absolutely not. I’m trying to eat healthy.”
“You don’t have to have any. Just let me get some.” She pleaded.
“Y/N, no. Are you done?”
“Grayson, please?” She begged, giving him that look that she knew would make him say yes.
“Fuckin’ fine. Let’s go” Grayson said, giving in.
So they walked to the ice cream section. Y/N already knew what she was going to get. She picked up two jars of Talenti. She made sure to choose vegan flavors, so she chose Alphonso Mango and Roman Raspberry. Grayson groaned when he realized she chose vegan ice cream. “You want me to have some that bad?”
She just nodded and told him, “I’m ready to check out.”
They walked to self-checkout and put everything down. Grayson always let Y/N scan because it was one of her favorite things to do. She didn’t know why, it just made her happy. When she had scanned everything, she went to pull out her card. “Uh-uh.” This was a conversation they had all the time. Y/N could afford to buy her own snacks, but Grayson just wouldn’t allow it.
“Grayson, at most it’s 25 dollars. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“I invited you over, so I should pay for it.”
“I asked for snacks, so I should pay for it.”
“Let me pay for it this time and then you can pay me back later.” Grayson only suggested that because he knew she never carried cash and he didn’t have cash app.
“Fine, but I get to buy them next time.”
“Ok, fine.” Grayson just shrugged his shoulders.
“Promise.” Y/N said, holding out her pinky.
“I promise.” Grayson said, as he linked their pinkies together rolling his eyes.
The ride back to Grayson’s house was smooth, but it felt long. So long, that Y/N tilted her head back and closed her eyes for what felt like 2 minutes. It actually ended up being a little under 30 because when she was opening her eyes, they were pulling into his driveway.
Grayson didn’t say anything about her falling asleep. Every chance he got, he’d glance over at the sleeping girl beside him. Right now, though, he was running over to open the car door for her and help her out. Every time she fell asleep in the car she was always disoriented for a few minutes after.
When they got back to his bedroom, spoons in hand because they stopped at the kitchen to get napkins and spoons, Grayson dropped the bag in the middle of the bed while Y/N crawled right back in his bed. As Grayson was climbing into bed, Y/N realized that it was a little after 11pm. She knew once Grayson had some ice cream, he’d be out like a light and she’d be up all alone, but she just wanted to live in the moment. Turning Big Mouth back on, they snuggled, both holding ice cream and a blanket thrown over them because Grayson knew Y/N got cold when she ate ice cream, but refused to admit it.
It was closing in on 12am and she saw Grayson trying to keep his eyes open and converse with her about any and everything. “Go to sleep, babe. I can stay up on my own.” She murmured to him as she went to reach for the remote to turn the tv off, so Grayson could sleep well.
Grayson grabbed the remote before she could and sat up a little bit straighter, “Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“Babyyyy.” She said, absolutely oblivious to the fact that he was in love with her and would stay up all night with her if it meant getting to hang out with her.
“I love you, Y/N.” And he meant it with everything he had.
“I love you more, bub.” She responded, as Grayson pulled her even further into his chest.
tagging: @blindedbythelightt​ @333dolans​ @foxglovedolan​
A/N: hi! if you read it, thank you!! this had no business being 2k words, but it’s my longest fic thus far. if you have feedback let me know. if you wanna be tagged, which idk why you would, but if you do lmk. this literally took like 3 hours to write becuase writers block 😭😭😭😭 anyway, this is so self-indulgent i- anyway, love you sm. peace ✌️
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phanlight · 4 years
HELLO this is an extensive list of all my YouTube videos that I had private as i no longer engage with dnp’s content in the way i used to but i’ve had a couple lovely messages asking if i’d ever unlist them so i thought why not here y’all go enjoy the nostalgia overload <333 [[also thank u to whoever messaged me ur support means everything]]
i’ve separated the dnp content from my actual vlogs (older ones r slightly cringe in my eyes but they were still an important part of the channel i guess ey)
i’ve checked all of the links and they seem to be working fine but any problemz hmu
(top = most recent of each category)
• the glitchiest game ever
• 10k subscribers happened (once upon a time LMAO)
• waffle bout youtubers releasing books
• how to speak northern
• ask phanlight 6
• reacting to old videos
• say no to drugs and hairdye
• londoning around london
• remember that time
• 3am thoughts and spontaneous motivation
• writing tipz
• ask phanlight 5
• i made a shitty video while my parents were at sainsbury’s
• the skin fic through 6 layers of google translate
• why ask phanlight is so late oopz
• ask phanlight 3
• the dos and donts of writing fanfiction
• ask phanlight 1
dnp content:
• i nearly died (not) but every time dan says ‘literally’ it gets faster
• dnp sing: all star – smash mouth
• crack!video 9
• every phil video playing at once
• every dan video playing at once
• “can we discuss your brother?” [vyou answer]
• dnp sing: never gonna give you up
• top 13 pinof moments 2009/2014
• dan’s laugh
• top 13 baking moments 2011/2015
• crack!video 8
• dnp bloopers
• crack!video 7
• laugh montage
• dnp presenting the gold & silver awards sitc 2014
• crack!video 6
• dan singing
• phil begging dan to be in his liveshow
• crack!video 6
• crack!video 5
• dnp chris&pj || good time
• crack!video 4
• crack!video 3
• crack!video 2
• crack!video 1 (jfc i made so mANY)
• ‘oddish’ (uncut pinof 2 moment)
• phil montage || 2006/2013
• dan laughing montage
dnp music vids:
• dnp | hall of fame
• phil || the best day
• dnp || sad song
• dan || human
• dnp chris&pj || f.r.i.e.n.d.s
• dnp || immortals
• dnp || all of the stars
• dnp || must have done something right
• dnp || on that day five years ago
• 5 years of dan montage 2009/2014 || you make me smile
• dnp || long live
• dnp || they’ll tear us apart if you give them the chance
• dnp || the light behind your eyes
• dnp || everywhere
• dnp || you and i
• dnp || just one yesterday
• dnp || you make me strong
• dnp || love in a box
• dnp || let it go
• dnp || summer of 98
• dnp || like we used to
• dnp || but i’m addicted
• dnp || sherlock crossover
• dnp || hurricane
• dnp || time bomb
• dnp || oath
• dnp || deer in the headlights
• dnp || best song ever
• dnp || somewhere only we know
• phil || hear me roar
• dnp || iris (sws cover)
• dnp || endlessly
• dnp || boomerang (the summer set)
• dnp || boulevard of broken dreams
• dnp || who am i to say?
• dan || this song saved my life
• dnp || still into you
• dnp || if eyes could speak
wow i did not realise i made so many videos
maybe i will make more xxx watch dis space
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autumn-in-phandom · 6 years
This is a post about beds, but it is not your traditional bed discourse. I don’t want to talk about the ‘proof’ of who sleeps where. What fascinates me is the history, patterns and symbolic nature of Dan and Phil filming in their bedrooms. Last night while lying in bed trying to sleep I realized that when they lived in their first London apartment Dan actually didn’t sit *on* his bed in his dinof videos, with very few exceptions. The only solo one I can see (from scrolling and clicking on all his currently available vids) is ‘I Can’t Sleep’, which is appropriate. Though ironically he’s not sat on the bed in ‘How to Get Out of Bed’ (I’m not counting him lying in bed for skits, just where he is for the narrative parts), however the latter came much later. ‘I Can’t Sleep’ was only the second video filmed in that bedroom. After they moved he was filming in the lounge while waiting on furniture, including a mattress, heh. But all his other solo videos are either filmed sat in a chair with the bed behind him, sat in a chair with his black desk behind him, sat at the light desk for ISGs, sat in the red chair for story times, filmed in the lounge, filmed in what became the gaming channel room, or if he was traveling, obviously wherever he could at the time.
There are only a few other videos filmed on his bed and those are ones featuring other people. There’s Phil in their Red Nose Blindfolded Makeup Challenge vid (which was the video right before they dropped TABINOF/TATINOF’. Good to appear close perhaps?). ‘The Photo Booth Challenge’ which was a couple years earlier had them both sat on chairs at the end of the bed. No other videos with Phil were set in that room, besides that tiny bit in one of the pinofs where someone asked them to answer the next question in Dan’s room. Of course there aren’t many videos with Phil “as a guest” on Dan’s channel. There are the two AmazingDans, the two ‘Sexy Internet Dating’ vids, ‘Dan and Phil vs Tumblr’, ‘Dan and Phil React to Teens React to Dan and Phil’, the Halloween Baking videos + ‘How to Make British Pancakes’ and the rest are videos during/about their two world tours. That’s it. The only other people who have sat on Dan’s bed in a dinof vid are Tyler Oakley and Connor Franta (you have no idea how much this coincidence delights me). He and Louise are sat in chairs in all of their collabs, perhaps because she’s a classy and married lady. And before the move to London Dan only had a handful of videos sat on his bed in their Manchester flat. Some were sat in front of it, one was standing in front of it and several were filmed out in the lounge. There are only two videos made in his University hall room that are still public and there was at least one video filmed on the bed in Phil’s flat, the rest were in his lounge, but these are all either unlisted or private now. And prior to that? Yeah, it’s hard to get a percentage because of all the purges, but based on what’s there, sitting on a bed for videos was never really Dan’s thing.
Let’s compare that to Phil. Now, I have no idea about the hundreds of old videos that were made private, but the ones from mid 2008 to mid 2010 were filmed sat on the floor in front of his bed, both at University and while living at home. There are only a few where he is sat on it: ‘Philippa’ lol (though his bedspread isn’t on there because it’s not supposed to be a Phil video), ‘Quickfire’ and ‘Cola Bottle Saliva’ and all the short Q&A’s on his side channel and ‘Zebra’ which was a Q&A with his friend Ben, before pinof. There was also a similar vid called AmazingAlex (I think) but it has disappeared. In the first two pinofs they are on the floor most of the time, with only a few questions being asked with just one of them laying/hanging off the bed, never both at the same time and never sitting. When Phil got his first apartment he filmed a of couple videos on his bed, then moved out into the lounge with his bedspread (the triangle one not the square one) covering the couch and Lion perched on top. After Christmas he did away with the bedspread and sat on the floor of the lounge. In his first video in their shared Manchester flat (‘Living With Robert Patterson’) he filmed on the floor in front of his bed and at the beginning of in the following video (‘Gay Alien Babies’) he said that people commented that they were happy about the return of the bed, so he decided he would stay there. Pinof 3 was filmed on his bed for the first time and after that he just stayed there, with very few exceptions. At the end of January 2012 he got the new bedspread (same pattern as his university one) and so it has been until now.
Do I have some deep insightful conclusion after presenting all this info? Not really. Dan never really got into a habit of filming on his bed so it seems that his viewers didn’t get attached to it (though many probably had a fondness for the desaturated version of Phil’s being part of his background. I still think there’s some kind of metaphor/symbolism there). It seems like it was a pretty easy choice for him to give up filming in a bedroom when they moved, aesthetics and privacy being the main reasons. But Phil knew his viewers were attached to his bed, just as they were attached to his fringe and I think he did genuinely want to please us, sacrificing his own personal growth. There were attempts to ditch it when he moved out into the world/became an adult. He was no longer a university student filming on the floor, or in that state of limbo living with his parents. So he tried to be a bit more mature (not sure if that is actually the right word here) and have us hang out in his lounge instead, but once he invited us (and all the ‘guests’ he collaborated with, regardless of their gender or relationship status) back into his “boudoir”, it seems he got stuck. So cheers to him finally moving on!
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overfanaticelise · 6 years
hello i’ve been very behind on everything because christmas but here’s a quick analysis from me on this past christmas weekish
1. pinof bloops// holy shit that happened. i had to rewatch them because i thought i was imagining them. also dan’s dolphin impression is way too good and teasing phil on his laugh?? adorable, killed me, dead.
2. dan visiting the lesters with phil// they’re that cute huh. just out there being cute and seeing their families. dan spent all the way until christmas eve with them and thats just too much for me to handle. also bless cornelia man without her we’d be starving
3. dan and colin// ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME MURDER ME WITH A TRACTOR- i needed those photos. i love colin. i love dan. together? makes my heart shattered. also dan looks so. fucking. cute. ahh
4. phil with his famalam// hello domestic brother content?? didn’t know i needed that so bad. martyn and cornelia?absolute cuties. dan and phil could never measure up.
5. dan with his famalam// okay first of all i am so incredibly proud of dan for growing to even mention his brother and posting with his family around. secondly, colin. just colin. what a cutie. i love how dan’s family got him extremely fancy candles, probably got inspo from phil tskskjss but it’s great truly and once again im so proud of him wow
6. dilmas// dab and evan are dan and phil and you can’t convince me otherwise. what a great ending for dil to get abducted, also, GAY WEDDING I CAN’T WAIT! dan getting jumpscared over drago blinking was v adorable and should be talked about more. the amount of comparisons and flashbacks to their old apartments killed me inside wtf i ididntask. all in all i can’t wait for more sims i love that series
sorry this is all over the place, im just very soft for them rn and im gonna miss them but i can’t wait to see what they come up with next :)
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wine-abt-it · 6 years
My Interactive Introvert Experience *Spoilers* 08/02/18
So, I’m gonna try and articulate it the best I can (I’m still on a high)!
If anyone’s seen my post about our original venue having a fire. Yeah, that happened. So Dan and Phil literally parked their tour bus in the middle of this park in the woods since the arena was outdoors. It was hot but not the worst weather ever, a lot better than it’s been most of the summer in KY.
Me and me friend were in the LONGEST line ever for merch, and the show hadn’t started yet so we went to our seats and there was a lady sitting in mine. She tried to argue it was her seat and me and my friend were honestly scared. Of course this is when Dan and Phil come out, while we’re in mid argument with this lady as she angrily is forced to get up and go to her actual seat by one of the venue workers. So I basically missed their whole opening segment.
Phil had his knees out and that was the first thing I remember them actually saying. It was also weird with it being REALLY bright out when the show started. They’re both so beautiful, even though I wasn’t super close, I was just instantly captivated. 
The simulation was hilarious because for some reason we’re all very innapropriate and cheered when Phil got taken by Satan. And Dan did furry suit body shots off otters and died in the bathroom in his. Everyone in the audience was really excited because they made multiple references to DanAndPhilCrafts. “Did you just cheer for satan, in KENTUCKY?!”
We’re Kentucky Friend Losers with a bunch of Kentucky dollars apparently. Dan and Phil pronounced Louisville a lot better than most people from America. 
I loved the dog selection part. Nipples and Dan’s penis were discussed a lot, nothing unusual. The three things in Dan’s secret box were, “dogs... weird fanfiction (at some point Dan brought up MPREG fics)... rats”. And Dan looked in the box after they said dogs and said, “PATCH?!!” (The dog we picked).
Wholesome Howell had to talk about the good things about emo hair, and “X-rated Lester” made every bad thing end with us getting eaten somehow.
Our audience was 80% for audience participation, with a good bit of extroverts (myself included). Sims was everyone’s favorite serious with PINOF second, baking and crafts were both 8%. 20% of people said they didn’t know Dan and Phil (which they were kinda shocked about). Also it was almost equal us wanting what we want, and us wanting what Dan and Phil want. 
Dan was sacrificed, not surprisingly, and Phil managed to shoot him in the thigh twice. Everyone cheered when Dan stripped, so he went behind the thing to change and our thirsty asses still cheered. 
 THE MOTH THING. (See my last post).
On Dan vs. Phil they got a tied score. And they really liked shocking each other, Phil said “your mum’s a rat” or something like that on Dan or Phil or a rat. Dan really liked shocking him then. 
Everyone’s audience participation answers (Lady Door Noir, Ode to Malapples, The sweet release of death were a few of my favs) were fantastic. Shows how creative we all are. A lot of collectively made fun of Hello Internet and Dan was so cringing at it, but it turned into a great speech about trying for things even if you have the fear of failure. 
I don’t even thing I can put into words the reaction from the audience when Phil’s diss track happened. Like it was an actual concert. And then the II song. I was melting.
I just can’t put into words how great the show was (I tried to summarize above). I am very late to the fandom, I just started watching them last August. Man I would have loved them when I was younger. I was one of the oldest people there besides the parents, I’m 24. I loved hearing people talk about them in the same way I think. Someone in front of me was celebrating their birthday and it was their first day of school, and their mom took them out of school early. It was so sweet seeing some of these parents who were so happy to see their kids happy.
Sorry, back to me. So since I’m super new to all things Dan and Phil, I was afraid I wouldn’t feel like I belong. But everyone was really cool and non judging. I honestly could have stayed there for like 3 more hours, all day even. Dan and Phil pulled me out of some really dark times last year, and it was wonderful feeling all the love but in person. 
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muchdan · 7 years
6 dnp moments that keep me awake at night
psa: i’m not including some iconic moments from the dog vlog or pinof 9 that are still fresh in our minds. i’m rather focusing on forgotten or underappreciated moments i rarely or never see on my dash. i present to you six moments that i can never get out of my head, in no particular order. let’s roll.
(click here for my previous list of moments. you won’t regret it)
1. cat sticker
so in the london ditl back in 2013, they’re browsing on their laptops, gbbo is on tv, and phil is covering his macbook with stickers. after he’s done he points out that dan’s laptop is clean and tries to stick a kitten on it but dan is protesting and covering the clean surface with his hand.
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phil just laughs and sticks the cat on dan’s arm instead. no protest from dan. no reaction. they cut to the next scene.
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later in the video we can see dan with this sticker the whole time: walking around the city, visiting chris, sitting in a cafe. which is where chris finally points it out and dan turns so giggly i swear i can barely function. 
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all of a sudden he’s so smiley. because he likes it. you know that feeling you get when someone you like fixes your hair for you? when someone playfully adjusts your clothes and you don’t change it back because you want to keep it that way or you’ll somehow shake their affection off? even if it messes your whole look, even if it’s a stupid glittery sticker on your arm?? you know??????
2. announcement moose
the first appearance of an announcement moose was accompanied by this epic moment of dan roasting phil. annoyed dan blows into the moose’s butthole to announce that he hates phil and it’s followed by the most “done” expression i’ve ever seen on phil’s face. the moment ends in laughs. “omg i’m hilarious” laugh from dan and the “that wasn’t funny at all but you’re precious” laugh by phil. 
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3. struggling with roller skates
so much to talk about here! brace yourselves, lads. 
first, not many people are around and no one’s watching them except anthony, but dnp are so comfortable around him that they do this very coupley thing, dan trying to help phil with his roller skate like a caring husband. 
second, anthony has been filming them all day, he’s been crossing the boundaries with those instagram stories that dnp can’t edit out or control or approve which makes me think that he knows the rules, he’s allowed to witness and capture these intimate moments. 
third, they are obviously smitten by being filmed, especially dan, his laugh is genuine but still a little bit embarrassed. how silly, he probably thinks. but all three of them are light-headed, they’re having fun, and they don’t really care that much. wow, truly a blessed moment to be allowed to observe.
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4. you living flop/aw spacial awareness
i’m combining these moments into one because they’re so similar to me. dan’s soft natural voice? check. phil adorably failing to do a task and giggling? check. behind the scene moments not meant to be in the video? also check.
in the pancake flipping one, we can hear dan’s breath, his inaudible laughter, so close. the whole vibe is calm, almost sleepy, a short shared moment between two people who’ve filmed so many scenes together. phil could easily film this by himself. the camera is on a tripod, he can flip the pancake, wait a second and then look whether it worked. but dan is in the next room, why not call him to assist? why not ask him to just sit there and make sure that everything is in frame?? (i have a lot of feelings about dnp helping each other film can you tell?)
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here’s another case of dnp’s calm filming routine. in this one, they are filming for dan’s channel and this scene requires more work from phil than from dan himself. dan’s completely neutral voice when phil hits his hand gets me every time. “aw dear. aw spacial awareness. ugh, you buffoon”. he knows phil will be fine. this is a completely different reaction to his “nope nope” when phil risks to seriously hurts himself doing a crab walk in pinof 9.
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5. sitting really close in truth bombs
i get it, the table isn’t long enough. i know, sharing each other’s personal space is nothing new to them (and us). but the sight of dnp being that close in a shot, with dan not just pressed against phil’s shoulder, but sitting just a tiny bit behind him makes my little weak heart skip the beat. their hips are obviously touching under the table. their knees must be bumping against each other. they are safe with their friends. they are excited about the game. and they don’t even need to look at each other more than three times throughout the whole video because they’re already so close.
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also, i want to individually acknowledge the way dan pushes phil’s chair a bit to the left to fit between him and hazel.
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6. you’re gonna have sex
how?? what??? why????? 
i don’t remember dnp ever talking about sex in relation to themselves. (pls enlighten me if you know of such occurrences). they are constantly making sex jokes, discussing kinks (oh that blissful time when phil brought up microphilia). the closest thing to dan mentioning that he orgasms from time to time was the infamous “i’m gonna go and masturbate then cry into a slice of pizza” line. that’s why this moment just blows my mind. 
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like, comment, subscribe if you want more videos i mean posts like this. and tell me of your favorite underappreciated moments. peace out.
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psychocrybabyy · 7 years
Do not leave me, will you?
Dan was lying on the floor, looking at the white spotless ceiling above him and acknowledging the new environment around him. It’s been three months since he moved out of his old apartment. Three months since Phil left. He shivers at the thought. The thought that causes him this biologically inexplicable pain in his as he likes to say, black soul, the realization that hits him once again, that he was now all alone in this new flat. 
He wasn’t ungrateful, the new apartment was quite nice and if he was being honest, a relief, since the old one was too filled with Phil.The video games, the giggles, the pranks, even the rare fights. A single tear slid down his face at the memory, his warm brown eyes wet and filled with pain, sorrow shadowing behind them. He remembers all those beautiful memories he and Phil had made in that old apartment, yet everything was different now. Dan was all alone. He hated being alone. He also hated the lack of hospitality in this apartment, the hospitality only Phil could provide. With Phil, Dan felt safe. With Phil, he had a home. Now, everything seemed to be taking much more effort, seemed even scarier somehow. Getting out of 🛏️ every morning, making YouTube videos. He couldn’t make videos. To say he wasn’t in the mood, would be an understatemnt. He felt as if he wasn’t physically and mentally able to make videos without Phil behind the 📹, giggling at his jokes and supporting him, just by his presence around him. YouTube was Dan’s creative outlet. A place where he could be himself and express his opinions on a variety of subjects without being judged, since his audience 💛 him and appreciated him and he was grateful for his followers. But Phil wasn’t there anymore to help him make videos and Dan felt like his creativity had been ripped out off him, just like all the hapiness in his life. He was lost in the void of his existence and he couldn’t handle it anymore. He was desperate. He couldn’t spend another minute locked in that hellhole of an apartment which now felt like a prison. He had to go out. He gets up, leaves the 🏠 and slams the 🚪 behind him. He begins to run. He runs like he has never run before. He feels the cold air hitting his face as he keeps running through the streets of London in this moody evening. He doesn’t stop running until he reaches a thankfully empty park and collapses on one of the benches. Breathing heavily, he wipes his 😢 and hides his face behind his hands. What had he done? How could he have hurt this amazing human being so bad? He wanted to talk to Phil. Apologize and make things the way they were with him. He wanted his best friend back. But he wasn’t sure if it was the appropriate thing to do. Them fighting and Phil moving out was mostly his fault and he was quite embarassed to try to contact him and what was he gonna say? Suddenly, he realized. It was November, that time of the year when they record everyone’s favorite video, Phil is not on 🔥. They were pretty fun to make and everybody seemed to 💛 them. Was that going to be the year in which they’d break with tradition? No. Despite anything else, this was their legacy. It didn’t have to do with branding or any of those stupid stuff people on the internet always obsess over. It was the first video they made together, the one that started it all. And the end of that era hadn’t come yet. He wipes away one last  tear, and his look of disappointment and ultimate sorrow, is replaced by a look of determination. He pulls his mobile out of his jacket and begins to type a message.
<<Phil. How are you? I’m very sorry for bothering you and you can ignore this message if you want to or tell me to never text you again, but I was wondering what are we going to do about Pinof? I just went on Twitter this evening and people are already asking questions about it and I really had no 💡 what to reply to them since we haven’t told them about you know…You moving out. Do you reckon we should do Pinof 9? Or announce that there won’t be a Pinof this year?>>
He presses send before he has the time to overthink this. There’s nothing wrong with a text, is there? He sighs. Surely Phil wouldn’t mind.
The reply came unexpectedly quickly.
<<Hello Dan, I’m good thank you for asking. How has life been to you lately? I reckon we have to do Pinof, I’m not the one to break with tradition now am I? I feel like we should record it some time next week, probably Friday, how is that for you? You can come over, you know my address. Keep an eye on Twitter, I’ll probably tweet about questions tomorrow.>>
He replies to him saying that he is 🆗 with Friday and with that, their first convrersation after 3 months of having no communication whatsoever, is over.
He’s thinking about pinof questions as he gets up to return to the empty apartment. As he stands out of the 🚪 ready to knock on it, he remembers. He lives alone now. And he has no keys. Fuck. What in the name of God was he thinking, not checking his pockets for keys before leaving? What was he gonna do now? An 💡 crosses his mind. Could he… Could he visit Phil? Would that be too inappropriate? His apartment was not so far from his and he had no 💡 where else he could go. But should he call first? No, he wanted to surprise Phil and judge by the look on his face if he truly was welcome there or Phil would just be too nice to tell him to go away. His walk towards Phil’s place seemed endless as he had not yet made up his mind .When he reaches his 🚪, he feels tremendously anxious and unsure about what he was going to do, but despite that, he still does knock on Phil’s 🚪. After a moment, a bemused Phil opens the 🚪.
<<Dan? What are you doing here?>> There’s no malice in his voice, he’s just shocked. At least that’s what Dan hopes as he tries to figure out what exactly he would say.
<<Hi Phil, I’m very sorry, I hope you don’t mind me coming over. I managed to get myself locked out of my apartment and I had nowhere else to go… I’ll call the landlord and ask for a new 🔑 in the morning and be on my way…But if you don’t want me here, you can ask me to leave…>> He looks down to his fingers. He doesn’t even have the courage to look at his former best friend in the eye. What had they become? He thinks to himself.
<<You know, no matter how things will turn out and whatever happens between us, I thought you’d know by now that I’ll always be there for you and you’re always welcome here>> He opens the 🚪 so Dan can get inside his 🏠.
<<So of course you can spend the night.>>
<<Thank you Phil. I really appreciate that…Letting me stay here and not kicking my ass out as you should…>> He sighs. He really is sorry for the way he treated Phil. He shouldn’t have done that. To him, Phil was the brightest ⭐ in the entire galaxy, the most beautiful soul he had ever seen. A deep sadness took  over him, crushing him and shaking him to the core. He looks tortured, like a 👶 who did something wrong, something his mother told him not to and now he regrets doing, he regrets even thinking about it, like it was an awful sin and he had to be forgiven. He breaks into 😢. He can’t hold this waterfall of regret any more, he tried too hard to, but he couldn’t. He has been on the brink of mentally breaking down for 3 months now. Nothing could make him stop thinking about the lack of Phil’s companionship, the feeling of always having someone who genuinely cares about him and is there for him when needed. Dan needed this more than he could understand, more than he was willing to admit to himself. And he did appreciate it. He really did. His mistake was never showing Phil just how much he means to him. Phil on the other ✋, looks at him in horror, unsure of what to do. He has to calm him down, it pains him to 👀 Dan like this, hurt and vulnurable. No matter what Dan said or how much his words  hurt Phil, so much to the point where he had to move out, nothing could make Phil hate Dan. He pulls him into a tight hug, Dan trying to look smaller than he actually is, rests his head on Phil’s shoulder. Phil, as he tries to pat Dan softly on his back, can feel the younger boy’s 😢 streaming down on his own neck and moves his ✋ from Dan’s back to his eyes, wiping away his 😢.
<<It’s 🆗 Danny. Calm down>>
<<No it’s not 🆗 Phil. It never can be 🆗. You’ve spent all these years treating me much better than I deserved and in return, I treated you like 💩, because i’m a stupid arsehole who doesn’t know how to appreciate good people in his life.>>
<<No Dan, really what you said wasn’t nice and I can’t deny the fact that your words hurt me, but really don’t say these stuff about yourself. You are a good person Dan, and I can remember a few times when you were decent towards me.>> He smiles.
<<You don’t understand. I don’t deserve your kidness Phil, I really don’t. But I am very sorry for the pain I caused you. I’m sorry for being a dickhead. I’m sorry for hurting you and not being the best friend you deserve Phil, because you Phil deserve only the nicest people. Only the ones that at least try to make something of themselves by being kind to others, having gentle souls and not spend the entirety of their lives disrespecting others and speaking without thinking twice.>>
Phil is utterly socked. He really doesn’t know how he should react, what to say to calm Dan down. He had forgiven him, hell he couldn’t stand it being 😠 at Dan for too long, no matter what he did show to him, to Phil Dan had already been forgiven.
<<Dan, listen to me. No matter how many times we fight, how 😠 both you and I get at eachother, I can never get too mad at you, can’t stop calling you my best friend. I’m sorry we had to go through this, but we did, and now you’re here and I really don’t have a clue what to say to you, but I forgive you Dan. I forgive us both.>>
Dan looks at Phil, 😢 leaking off of his eyelids and down on his 👕.
<<Why did you leave then, Phil? You promised you wouldn’t, and I know it’s all my fault, and i’m sorry, but why did you leave me when I needed you the most?>>
<<Look, you were so 😠 Dan, you asked me to leave counltess times. You screamed at me and called me names I chose to repress, but you seemed so hurt, I didn’t know what to do, I talked to you, I tried to hug you, to reasure you everything was going to be alright, but you told me you needed time to yourself, and I chose to respect that. I felt so unwanted, like you actually wanted me to leave so desperately. So I did, but looking back to it, I reckon you didn’t truly want me to leave, did you?>>
Dan sighs. Phil is right, he himself basically kicked him out of their apartment.
<<Yeah>> He breathes <<I… I’m so sorry Phil>>
<<No Dan, it was my fault as well. Deep down, I knew even then that you didn’t want me to leave and I hate myself for doing it. I let you down Dan. But i’ll try to make things right Dan. We both will, we have time>>
<<Promise me you’ll never leave me again, will you? I am so lost without you…>>
<<I promise you Danny>>
Despite the seriousness and no matter how deep and emotional their conversation is, Dan can’t help but 😂 at this.
<<Danny? Woah there mister Philip, when did I give you permission to call me Danny ?>>
<<I took it myself.>> He smiles, a huge grin, the only real one that has appeared on his face in an awfully long time <<It suits you>>
<<It does now, doesn’t it? Do I look like a Danny to you mate?>>
<<Ya, you’re one smol Danny boye>> He jokes. <<Isn’t that what the “Phandom” always says?>>
<<Oh dear the Phandom. They do say some weird stuff>>
<<I know, I’m 😨 to go on Tumblr these days>>
<<We got used to it though, didn’t we ?>>
<<Oh yeah, we did. I remember you didn’t always like them, though? I don’t blame you, they have said some 💩>>
<<They have. I mean, I don’t mind them “shipping” us but they go over the top sometimes, kinda disrespectful, you know? And back then, I wasn’t ready for people to know I’m pan, too anxious to talk about it. And what could we do? It wasn’t as if we were dating and being secretive. We weren’t, what could be said to that?Thinking about it, I reckon I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. Maybe we should have told them it was purely platonic.>> was it though? This thought kept messing with him, but for now he tried to ignore it.
<<Yeah, you’re right maybe we should have, I don’t know. There’s not much we can do now, the past is in the past. Let’s just not talk about it again, there’s no point, anymore, they have probably left it behind, and we should too.>>
<<Yes I agree. So, are you sure it’s 🆗 if I stay here tonight ?>>
<<I told you, you’re always welcome here Dan>>
<<Thank you Philly>>
Dan now finally has the time to look around inside Phil’s new apartment and his eyes widen at the sight. Phil’s apartment is huge, white walls and glass everywhere, huge windows from which you can 👀 and admire the entirety of beautiful London. You can even 👀 the London eye and the Big Ben tower. His lounge is nicely decorated with plants, white furniture and anime merchandise. There’s even a 🐟 tank filled with little 🐟, blooping hapilly. Dan moves towards them, eager and curious.
<<Their name’s are Susan,Timmy,Harry and… Dan. I named one after you.>>
<<Thank you Phil. But 🐟? How come you didn’t get hamsters hamster boy?>>
<<Hey, don’t call me that! I dunno, I got some 🐟 to keep me company. They don’t do much, but it’s a nice atmospere, isn’t it? It was pretty lonely here, 🏠 too large for one person. But I couldn’t resist renting it. It has big windows on every wall! You know how much i’ve always wanted to have big windows and a beautiful view>> His 😁 makes Dan’s ❤️ melt. He looks so 🙌 about something so simple like windows. He’s so angelic, like a happy 👶 getting a 🍭.
<<Yeah Phil, I know>> Dan laughs and then continues his quest all around Phil’s 🏠. Suddenly he stops, bewildered. He hears a soft 💩 leaving Phil’s 👄 as he walks into the next room, and stays still.
<<Phil? Is that… is that an actual white grand 🎹?>> He can’t hide the astonishment in his voice.
<<Well, I ordered it a month ago for you and it came just yesterday. I… You know, October still means a lot to me, been wanting to buy you a 🎁 for our “phanniversary”>> He sighs, <<I’ll never say that word again, I’m sorry>>
<< Woah, I mean Phil, thank you so so much, I can’t thank you enough, but really <<Phil, you shouldn’t have. This beautiful 💩 must have cost you a fortune for fuck’s sake!>>
<<No, don’t thank me. I’ve been wanting to buy you one for so long, there just never was enough space for it in our old apartment. And nothing costs too much if it’s for you>>
Dan can’t hold himself. He jumps on Phil and hugs him so tightly he can feel his heartbeat and the warmness of his jumper.
<<This is the single best 🎁 anyone has ever given me.>>
<<I’m so happy you like it! Go on then, play me something>>
<<Phil, you know i’m so bad at it!>>
<<No, you’re not. Play something!>>
He can’t refuse him. He’s far too 🙌 about his present and his fingers so eager to touch the white and black keys shining under the light of Phil’s Totoro lamp on the ceiling. He plays a melody he was certain Phil would enjoy and is right, as Phil looks at him is such awe and can’t help but sing along
<<Link it to the 🌍, link it to yourself>> Phil eyes widen in excitement as Dan continues to play New Born, and before he has even finished playing the song, Phil has already sat next to him, his ✋ on Dan’s shoulder, feeling the muscles of his arm stretch as he hits the last note.
<<It was pretty bad, but I tried. Did you like it?>> He asks, nervous that he didn’t play Phil’s favorite song as nicely as it deserves to be played.
<<Are you joking? I 💛 it>> His 😁 is so bright, it makes Dan’s ❤️ skip a beat.  Phil really is beatiful. It’s not the first time Dan has acknowledged this, but he is so amazingly beautiful. His blue eyes filled with emotion, shining behind his glasses. His 😁, gentle and welcoming, could melt even the coldest person’s ❤️, his black hair, skinny jeans and 🆒 T-shirts. Dan honestly had never seen such beauty. Phil to Dan was perfect, in his own unique way. He shakes his head. What the hell Howell? Isn’t it weird thinking about your best friend that way? His best friend… Phil and he are just friends right? But are they?Is it normal to get this incredibly unnatural feeling of nervousness and God forbid, butterflies in your stomach by the realization of how incredibly adorable your friend is? Dan at least hopes it is. But how could he even pretend? When Phil is his favorite person, the one that never fails to make him 😁? Someone with whom Dan always sees himself with? Always next to him, as friends or otherwise, it’s always Dan and Phil.
Dan suddenly panics. Could he possibly be developing a not so easily ignorable crush on his former flatmate? No that’s not possible. Right?
Then, promptly, Phil stops his wayward thoughts because he gets up and pulls him up with him.
<<I’m really glad you’re here Dan. I really missed you. I missed you manly screaming while we’re playing video games, I missed listenning you playing the 🎹, the banter, I missed waiting for you to wake up…in the noon to watch anime and eat cereal, though you hardly ever had any because I kept stealing yours, I have a problem, 🆗? Don’t judge me! My point is, I was miserasble with you not being here, and I wish we could start over>>
<<I was miserable too Phil. I really was. My mood was always terrible, the existential crisis way more frequent… Anime was not the same without your commentary on it. I was so 😔, I felt so empty all the time you know? The only thing I wanted to do was to call you, tell you how sorry I was and I wouldn’t care if you hung up on me, I just wanted to hear your voice. But I never had the courage to and I’m sorry>>
<<It’s 🆗. You’re here now and that’s all that matters.>> <<Dan…I…>>
He doesn’t answer. He looks deep into Dan’s eyes, grabs his ✋ and pulls him closer, so they lose every sense of personal space. His 👄 are now on Dan’s, his ❤️ pounding in his chest as Dan responds to the 😘, deepening it. Phil’s 👄 are like a prayer, soft and warm, and only then does he realize just how much he wanted to feel those 👄. How much emotion Phil’s 👄 express,  and how deeply 😍 he was with his best friend. Was this really happening? Or was this another one of his dreams? Phil pulls away and smiles at him. It was real.
<<Um…Sorry if this was too inappropriate>>
<<It was Phil. But you have no 💡 how much I 💛 it>> He giggles. He did. Oh how much he did. <<That’s what bros do these days right?>>
<<Yeah, that’s exactly what they do>> He’s 😂 now, a melodic laughter that makes Dan weak.
<<Do not leave me bro, will you?>>
<<No>> He breaths. <<I won’t>>
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succulentsstars · 7 years
Deleted/Unlisted Video notes
So a few months ago, I came across a list of some unlisted and deleted D+P videos and decided that for my own personal interest as well as some others’ perhaps, I might take some notes. Though I initially tried to keep my personal opinion out, I️ eventually gave in So if you’re interested- here it is! Unlisted/Blocked Video Notes Phil- 79 Dan- 36 3 videos a day average 23 a week AT LEAST 2005 38 uses for a cushtie Feb 7 P- 18 D-13 • Never uploaded to YouTube • Mother in kitchen • Hedgehog and lion (not the) on bed • Buffy cutout • Cream corner couch • In childhood home • Unknown ‘girlfriend’ • Dad at computer • W/ four friends. Guy and three girls. • Girl w/ pixie cut • Girl with eyeliner • White Calvin Kline underwear • Girl w/ eyeliner again • Turtle? • Guitar red • Another unknown girl • Another unknown girl • Unknown guy • At some sort of pool? 2006 Awaiting the Tide Feb ?? P-19 D-14 • First vid uploaded? • Beach setting • Black hair/short/spiked • Plays Micheal • Mellisa • Louise • Argue over Phil • Terrible acting • “Sorry girls I’ve chosen Daniel” • Licks horse?kangroo? (Donkey) • Blue walls/living room? • Blue carpet • In Phil’s childhood home living room • April Harper • Victoria Maclean The game- a short horror film set in future March 12 P-19 D-14 • Described in Tatinof • Hair getting longer • In Phil’s uni room • Picture wall • Kill bill above Phil’s bed • Lesbian couple • White Levi’s shirt • Door has bathroom like handle • Rooms numbered • Door to left of entry hall, then switch back staircase • They all come out of this door, maybe this was Phil’s room? • Other door on left between Phil’s door and staircase • Shower labels • Shower room separate from sink (to left) • Downstairs door? • At least three levels • Sink on second level across from stairs to right is shower • Two doors? To right of shower on wall • Three girls and four boys? (Including Phil) • Entry hall has at least two doors on left and at least one on right • Third level- two doors on left • Door across from stairs leads to bath (room) and closet? • First door on left third floor is bedroom • Kitchen is on first floor opens up to other area with lots of doors? Concrete floor • Fiona Sheldon- one of two lesbian couple, dark brown, long dark brown hair, brown eyes? • Pete tannion. Thin glasses, slight under chin beard. Thick eyebrows. Light brunet • Cat Lofthouse. Little bigger, shoulder length mid brunette hair • Rob Davies. Mid brown hair, half bowel ish hair, thick ish glasses • Tessa Blake. Other lesbian. Short dark brunette hair • Andy Day. Played killer. Really spikey hair brunette. • Andy helped Phil write it My first videos Aug 13 P- 19 D-15 • Complication • Someone taking shots? • Kitchen • Four girls in their house living room- big tv, white flap curtains, dark green walls? • Two walking outside by fence • Unidentifiable song • Other room w/ computer in corner • Karrina and Phil • Pool • Mum/ family at Grand Canyon • Australia • Martyn! • More shots • Australia • Kangaroo • Laughing with Ella in house bedroom Kerrina visits my House Sept 21 P- 19 D-15 • In Phil’s childhood home • Orange Jacket • Black hair getting longer • Starts in oranger and yellow striped room with multicoloured bedspread • Fancy glass and wood front door • Grey car out front • Kerrina dirty blonde with over shoulder length hair • Yellow armchairs in living room (2) facing tv • Yellow couch to left, facing wall • Blue pool table behead a chair • Phil can juggle (sorta) • Playing bubble bobble • Phil bossy with game • Jeremy Kile show • Old phone flip phone • Finding ringtone • It’s a lion • HUGE backyard? • Fenced in by orange wall? • FUCKING PALM TREES ON RIGHT • stone walkways in fountain?? • Door covered in pictures • American flag on ceiling • Looking out at backyard from room • Window across from door Strange Dreams (Episodes 1-5) 18 Nov P-19 D-15 • ‘The mystery lion’ • Rapid voices • Almost bald? Guy in glasses/ black winter clothes • Phil has long hair • In green shirt • Steve the giraffe • In Phil’s childhood home • In bedroom • Buffy stickers in door • ‘The journey’ • Phil in hoodie • Room change • ‘Wake up’ • In bathroom • Wooden door • Old camera • Coming up stairs into hall • Into multicoloured bed room • Ian? • ‘Dreaming’ • ‘Man from future’ • Glass room W/ houseplants plants • Me and Anja Test My Camera Dec 27 P-19 D-15 • Phil likely visiting family on Christmas vacation • Filmed Christmas Day • Hair not nit to shoulder • Bw striped shirt+ black jacket • Hold wall • Anja- hair lot like Phil’s- Black, fringed • Window from Pinof! (Crappy church window) • Camel • Definitely in Phil’s house • In hall • Simon the camel • Photo with door to left of window in hall • Pressable screen?!? Omg! • Weather in 1242 haha • “Very welcome...Phil and Anja are going to shout happy Christmas now” “child” omg Phil’s mum calling him child I love her • To Alex • Barking at you? • Bye • Going to play board game now, rapido 2007 Car Journey to Leeds Feb 4 P-20 D-15 • New Year’s Eve • Dark hair, styled shorter • Mark is driving • Dark b hair, bowel ish cut • Raining • Emily is back left- shoulder length straight platinum blonde, somewhat round face • Victoria is back right- wavy brown hair thicker eyebrows. From awaiting the Tide videos • “Hello Philip” • Emily Resolutions “eat less crap do more exercise get with less dickheads” • Mark- “your grandchildren are going to see that Emily” • Phil says Emily and Victoria going to kiss • At midnight • Now! • No • We’ll have you having sex on the back of the ** in no time • Mark roar like a lion • Emily’s going to kiss Phil • YESS! • Wait no I’m going to change that • Phil in green tee shirt • They do little kiss • Highest motorway in world • Yesterday is calling me Big Ben strikes 12 Mar 1 P- 20 D-15 • In front of Big Ben on corner of road going towards it and road going past it • In London • It’s 12 • Slightly longer hair • White shirt with black stripes on sleeves • Freind with glasses who looks like mr sersion • Ian? • Maybe Pete Tannion his roommate? Awaiting the Tide 2 Mar 1 P-20 D-15 • Michael- Phil • In yellow diagonal stripe tee • Hair covering neck • Melissa and Louise • Episode two return to the beach • Pans over flower bed • In orange stripe room • Palm tree • Has sunglasses folded in shirt neck • Singing along to perfect day? • Outside house? • In glass greenhouse thing • Tv in there • Redish wood house • No it’s Phil’s fence • Filmed at Phil’s house • Louise has dog grey? Biggish lion, turtle?, and rabbit? Stuffed animals • Wearing old reindeer antlers Phil had on facebook profile • Sitting with Melissa in living room? With dark wooden doors? And green couches and curtains • Hold hands and skip • Fancy place with hill overlook, pillar like fence, Roman • At top of Phil’s yard- upward hill to right • Old lady? His grandma? • Care home?? • Room with yellow bed sheets • Fake gun • In yellow sitting room- not Phil’s house? • “I care about Micheal so much but now he’s with Daniel” lol • Haha terrible acting • To be continued • April Harper • Victoria Maclean- went to Leeds • • Phil’s Video Blog- 18th March 2007 Mar 18 P-20 D-15 • Hair almost brownish? Maybe camera • Green green hoodie • I’m back at home now • Thanks for all the giraffe names • Cuts to pic with Phil and giraffe (at uni) • Prize is amazing • His pet goldfish Nemo- covered in black splotches • Laying in tank • People kept saying it’s going to snow • Just a bit of snowflakes • Have to get on plane on Tuesday • Anxious • Sick of winter weather • Going to Florida • Mother’s Day • 1 year since first vlog • Lol bad editting • Haven’t changed much • Videos too long • Gets animal- lion • Grandma visited- shows her • Welsh in her head- doesn’t know it • V old • Gives thumbs up 10/10 grandma • Martyn visits • In glass room • VC? What it means • It snows!!! • Grandma there next day • Wow pics of subscribers • Have a great waster • • Florida One- Intro and Gatorland Apr 7 P-20 D-15 • Brownish hair • Down to neck • L blue shirt • Arrived in Florida- at house • V white • Shows street • Looks like typical neighborhood but nice and with palm trees • Shows house • Not one in 2017- only one floor • White Mini Cooper??? • Ian has come on holiday with us • Short short brown hair, thin glasses • Lake behind house • Mum and Dad! • At Gatorland • At squirrel paths • The sun is too hot Florida Two- More Gatorland Apr 8 P-20 D-15 • Same day • “Yes!” With Mom • Shows Dad and Mom lots • Steve Jenny Sarah susa • Feeds llama • Ian scared • At show Florida Three- Horror Movie Trailer Apr 8 P-20 D-15 • New day • Phil in Forrest green tee • We’re going exploring • In cap, Gatorland? • Orange yellow sunglasses • With Ian • Only? • Wading through Forrest and falling • ‘The trees have ears’ • “Probably gonna die out here” Florida Four-Old town, hair dye, strange dream Apr 9 P-20 D-15 • Old town is amusement park • Ferris wheel opening shot • Sky dive? • Red truck parade? • Hula dancer • At gift shop • Someone thrown from bull ride • Ride like wimpy kid movie • Rocky on tv • Pointing camera in mirror • Yellow tee with Florida • Baseball cap • Ian walks in- dared to dye his hair blonde • Black and white filter-blogs about dream • Checks himself out in camera hello • In my garden having picnic- room was glowing, ran over my video camera (he’s vlogging with) started to melt ran over- room started shaking big flash of light “oh god I’m going to die” then woke up in strange room got dragged out by man and Phil had red tattoo on arm. Man told him to get in line getting scanned green or red- shooting red people. Phil got green- he’s troop leader, got star. Blackness out window. In lecture room “welcome to new age of humanity” realest dream • Wants to go back • Sounds like Dan lol • Ian is ginger-y • Phil put in text it was ginger • Little giggle Alligator eats raccoon Apr 10 P-20 D-15 • Unlisted • Same yellow shirt? • Brownish long hair • Alligator in our garden- Liam • Jumped out of lake and ripped raccoon in half • Birds watching • In Florida House • Alligator flinging raccoon • Probably unlisted for violence Florida Five- Disney Mouse Ears April 10 P-20 D-15 • First shot in car • Orange tee shirt • Making faces • Drive through Disney gate • “Disney World” • Zooms on Ian • Walking to Epcot with parents and Ian in front of him • Orange shirt says dp haha my emotions • “I’ve put on this orange T-shirt to distract people from Ian’s hair” aww he’s so cute • “Cheers Phil” • The Seas with Nemo and Friends • Caption says ‘worst ride EVER’ aw :( • Ian says his experience is rubbish • In space ride? • ‘We got bored of America’ ‘so we went to Japan’ • Watching drum show • Koi pound • Phil in wizard hat • Ian in bob Marley Mickey ears • Phil in hatter hat • Ian in pirate hat • Phil in... spider hat??? • Mom in Minnie ears and Dad on top hat w/ ears lean in together • Holy cow all these hats • Finally settled on pirate • “We’ve become a family of mice” • “Are you filming?” “Yes” “ask me something” “phil?” “Yes?” “Do a micky Mouse impression • Idk what he says • ‘Oh my god’ • Wearing swim shorts • Attacking elephant statue • Meal of salt • Ian try’s to cut it • Fireworks display • Over lake??? • Showing obscure stuffed toys • Dinner noises in back Florida six- who is right?! April 11 P-20 D-15 • In green striped polo • Tan wall • Sitting in bed? • No hands so must be on tripod • Hi • Me and Ian didn’t agree on a lot of things on holiday- let us know who’s right • Mouths I’m right • This room really echos • What is size of platepus • Phil thinks it’s smaller • Different shirts • Phil green with star • Penguins (emperor) Ian-4 ft Phil-1ft • ‘I saw Davey ***?” ???? • Most haunted real? • Phil thinks fake • Phil likes Ian’s hair- Ian doesn’t • Phil’s shoes • Don’t even bring the shoes up • Ian hates them • “The best shoe ever” • Other than that we’ve got on this holiday • Phil punches Ian The tornado and the Comic Book April 30 P-20 D-15 • Opening shot of tornado white in yard • Just looks like dust • Sunny day • In a car • With Ian • Lol his blonde hair • Him and Ian making animal noise in car • Green and white baseball cap with diamond? • Wow I️ didn’t even notice how light his hair has gotten WOW • Written on paper “Ian is a liar you don’t need a gun to kill him” in all caps • Phil slashs paper across his neck • Denny’s • Orange world pass by • Celebration Ave • Driving • “I️ was the only survivor of the tornado encounter” • Tells Ian he’s supposed to be dead • “Sell my body to strangers on the street to make a living and maybe eat the occasional pigeon” • “This is my final broadcast, goodbye everyone it’s been fun” • 1974-1948-1963 • First bomb has hit New York • “Drive Sebastian DRIVE” @ his Dad Phil’s wilding lol • Rorr • Phil’s Dad says something • Someone’s being arrested lol • Steven Speilburg is on a cloud • “Give me your money or dragon will die” • ‘Dad told me to calm down’ written on screen wow it’s so weird to think of Phil as teen • Boring tv • Bites lip • About maths • Parents talking indisctiily • He gets it wrong and everyone laughs • His mom suggests two times table • I️ love his mom • • Alternative Muse Trailer- MEWS Sept 15 P-20 D-16 • Starts w toys • Narrator? Professional • “Coming soon the amazing new album from MEWS • Meowing Muse songs • Sounds kind Phil • Cuts to Phil and Ian in his bedroom meowing and laughing • Phil’s hair is p black again • Phil laughed • They kept laughing • “C’mon, meow- seriously” • There’s literally Buffy everywhere Phil is the real stalker here • Weird ceiling pattern • At home Christmas Monkey December 23 P-20 D-16 • Four people • Phil- hair black and shoulder length • Ian??? Or Pete • Girl in red with long aburn hair cat??? • Guy with duty blonde buzz cut • Ian in antlers • One word stories about monkey • “And-the-monkey-lived-happily-ever-dead” • Probs in dorm 2008 Coin of Destiny Jan 9 P-20 D-16 • Still stock cabin image with title written • Blonde guy??? • Holding duck • Knock at door • Pete comes in • “Hi Jake, tommy” • At dorm??? • In room ugh light blue walls and pool table and jaws poster • Nvm it’s Phil’s house • Coin- endless fortune or pain • Tosses it • At Phil’s house • Phil and someone??? • Stroking things plus noises • Welcome to year 3000 • Heads • “Lucky child” lol • Other guy on hall floor? • Idk him???? Latino looking • In tan room • Ian saves Jake • At gate of destiny • Blonde girl (don’t know???) • Welcome to the gate of eternal destiny • His hair is so long fml • Guy shows up to kill girl Ian saves her • Ben Dawson as Jake • Emily pepperday as gatekeeper • Mark hesketh • Stephan claxon • Danish Mahmood • Filmed at 3 am aww my B.B. • “I️ love you guys” I️ love you Phil Prague #1- Arrival Jan 13 P-20 D-16 • Opens on empty train platform outside • Three guys (or girl one w/ long hair) • “We’re just waiting for the train everyone’s a bit bored” • One guy is doing this dance thing and jumps into the other’s arms • Hangs down • Starts doing sit ups and makes a kissy noise • Guy hold him pretends to slap his face • Jumpcut to room • Guy w/ black long hair dancing • Steven • Omg Phil’s hair is down to shoulders • Pretty black • Wearing blue hoodie • Room is small • “Got our own bathroom so no sharing with scary men” • Likes painting on wall (rose) • Phil bonded with Andy on the plane • Ian • Little quiz for people at home • Andy or Phil? They are facing back • Andy is one w/ long black hair • Lion hate • Ian reading paradise bar card • Sexy women on it • Private dance, go go dance, lap dance • Whistle • Maybe he’ll visit Tomorrow • Describes day • Phil didn’t like English pub at first • Angie made the lion hat • Steven posed naked with lion hat over his crotch • Shows actual picture • Andys in bed Ian’s asleep • Slow mo jump • Everyone has own twin bed Prague #2- Exploring Jan 13 P-20 D-16 • Opens on town/city • We’re in old town square • Gothic towers • Really big Christmas tree • Astronomical clock • ‘Anticlimax’ in text as clock goes off • Going to top of tower • Phil looks like snape with a tan scarf lol • View from top • Tower has the highest suicide rate in Europe • Phil runs up to camera and says fascinating • Steven sniffing maniquen • Zoo on her head • Wow so pretty • Soldiers • Do a little skip • Harry and Hermione good graphite drawings from ootp • Picture slideshow • Show with clown dude 20 Days Mar 8 P-21 D-16 • Text ‘20 Days’ • Sped up • Math socks • Hair v long and black • Got to write 1000 words in 24 hours • Opens textbook and flops his face into it • At college? • Has hiccups • Someone films him flipping pancake • Shirts keep changing • Feather woman • Going in car wash at night • Hanging upside down • Had little blue haired figure ‘I don’t want to write another 2000 words’ • Matching couple going down stairs • Fiona- brown hair with bangs • And Seth • We’re going shopping together • Ill • W coffee • Lion • Outside in fenced in • Wow 20 Days went by fast • I️ think I️ need to start appreciating each day • What are you doing today? • Maybe..you should.. do something memorable • =] Zac Efron for President April 9 P-21 D-16 • Hello • Sea blue shirt • Weather channel saw his last video • Give us sunshine again • Andrew somethings video • He got jones soda • I’m unidentified place with white • It’s can • Angry • He’s in Florida • New tshirt • Went shopping during rain • Got matchy watch • A lizard climbed the tree outside didn’t film it • Badgeline • Zac efron for president • On button • Sea monkeys Katie sent • Ling ling painted lion • Wow this vid is so cringe lol AmericanPhil April 15 P-21 D-16 • Phil is doing American accent • Watching baseball and drinking Gatorade • Holy cow it sounds so weird • Oh it’s another dude speaking • I️ think? • Totally awesome The sliver button May 3 P-21 D-16 • I️n Florida still • Duvet in background • Shiny button on house plant • Somethings coming • Has scarf on head • Change in dimension • Black white now • 1000s of people all watching • I️ can see your eyes you’re all staring right back at me • Sock puppet • Not again • On flip phone • No orange button • Stop watching video • Fake crying • Selfish people • Sock eats him • Never be able to understand what you’ve just done • Entered vid in competition • *competitiom cancelled Sock perfection May 8 P-21 D-16 • Still in Florida • So excited • Are you ready for something exciting • Shoe sock • He’s so happy omg • Red striped shirt Stuff #3 May 25 P-21 D-16 • Text- ‘there was a folder on my computer called ‘stuff 3’ it contained 15 videos and one song’ • I️ challenged myself to make a montage in 10 minutes • Girl saying hello Philip and something about a flip • Dark blue room with guy in red sweatshirt walking away • Anja roaring • Someone in glassed in pool • Phil’s mum is filming • ‘It’s a video’ • Aw she’s so cute • Looks like pool from 2017 Florida trip with dan • They stay in same house! • Red sweatshirt guy ‘You’re editing this film not me’ • Phil in purple tee in front of bushes • Clip of Phil wearing watch • Family • At his dorm with Christmas tree • Clip of guy? • His giant Backyard • City? • I️ am sat on the floor DANGER! June 20 P-21 D-17 • Essay- got a 53% • Upset • Fiona’s Birthday- video • Ben’s Birthday • Booked place with sauna and stuff- recommends • Messy room- dorm?? • Hair is lots shorter • Slightly lighter? • Sped up footage of party • Shot glasses?!? • Girl and at least three guys • Standing in a kitchen • Singing happy birthday • Two girls- four guys • (5?) • Phil likes house • People playing twister • Swimming pool • Ping pong and pool table • Three people dancing on balcony • Girl squished her boobs • In swimsuit • The happening- thought it was going to be really cool • Didn’t like it too much- awkward • Nobody talks like that • Pops pink balloon with hands • Fake cries • Mom is from north- Dad from down south • Mix of two • *accents • Does north accent Curious Mico Aug 10 P-21 D-17 • Hair getting longer • Blue shirt • Orange and wears a tie question time with Mico • Has red guitar • Real? • I’m his brother’s room at moment • Martyn- sure he’s been in one of my videos before • Pic of martyn skateboarding • Weirdest thing in room- loud koala alarm clock • He has new has • Bell- rang it in shop and got shouted at • At the moment really likes mire cats • And polar bears • Marks cat • Cute laugh • 4 In morning about to go to bed • Look down and he stepping on Mouse • Cats are vicious killers • Superstition bc Mom • Fingernails, shoes • Don’t say “I️ hope you die on your birthday” • Makes weird noises • And it noises people • Footage breaks down • “Rest in peace Mico” Dude, an amazing forest hurricane! Oct 5 P-21 D-17 • Other people • Wearing shirt from profile omg first one I️ recognized • Three people- two guys and girl- all long brown hair • Zebra • “We call a zeebra a zebra” “REALLY?””Yes, you were wrong” • Holy cow the girl looks/sounds kinda like Cat (caterific) • Central Park • Doing story • Umbrella • We’re in New York • In band • John • Space exhibition- which was boring • Snacks- discussing biscuits • Abbry • Nvm two girls • At natures museum • It’s a squirrel pig • Re: The BEST advice Oct 27 P-21 D-17 • Close up on face • Purple shirt • ‘Hi andrew’ • ‘My name’s Phil, I’m from England’ • We say the word like this • SORRY • Growls 2009 AmazingPhil Big Brother Audition Jan 13 P-21 D-17 • At home- in his bedroom • Wearing cat whiskers • Omg • Hi- meow • My name’s Phil I’m a boy and I️ make video diaries on YouTube • Jumpcut to lobster • Bare chested- towel tied around shoulders • I’ll join the gym at university • “And then I’ll be irresistible” • God he’s hot • Christmas vacation • Feels need to tone myself • Used to talking into camera • Likes lions • Like these shoes • Like these boxers- musical note ones (Dan has worn them fml) • Doesn’t want to be put with annoying famous people • “So please pick me” • “And I️ will give you a kiss on the face” SNOW April 29 P-22 D-17 • Snow filter • Animals noises • Red shirt • Just making faces ☠️ April 30 P- 22 D-17 • Purple ish footer • Amazing eyes • I️ can hear a noise • I️ can hear someone coming closer and closer to my room • Filter switches • Puts string in mouth • Screams with beep • Pretends to die Bradley Sept 22 P- 22 D-18 • Been really long time since video • Doing American accent • Get naked • BW shirtless jumpcut • Lessamazingphil everyday • Went to wales • Thought he was was going to get serial killered • They were driving • Moving ball of fluff • With friends • Badger • Never seen badger • Badger through itself in front of car • Killed it • Haunted by badger and ferret • Bought glasses today • Called Seth • Checker shirt change • Actually blind • Bradley gave eyetest • Eyelid rape • American cup • Lol it’s a yellow solo cup • Going back to Florida in April • Parents want to get house there • Used to this face • Twice a year in flordia • Writes “a really freaky woman has moved in” • “Hello, I️ will be here for two weeks” • Writes- ‘she keeps her butter in the cupboard • Moving out on Wednesday • Moving back to Manchester forever • So he’s still at uni rn • Going to become a man • Love you all a lot • Battery died • Lion and lioness • Green grapes Flashing Images Sept 25 P-22 D-19 • Text ‘this video contains flashing imagines’ • Flashing images set to music • Most seemed to be filmed at his home • Guy walking down street • Cards • Calculator • Notebook • Buffy on tv • Inverted colors • Pill • 8 ball • Young Phil? • Screen splits several times • Hands with oilers, hourglass, smashing, knife • All footage is ten years old OHHH (1999) I️ like fire and petrol Nov 5 POST 10/19/09!!! P-22 D-23 • In room at house • Got hit by firework as child • Stupid friend called Katie • Picked up unused fireworks and put them in fire • Afraid of fireworks now • Love smell of bonfires • Weird • Aftershave would wear • Fireworks and scooters direct- shop in his town • Now we can ride the scooter to the fireworks display • Back roll OMG • Got purple face mask in P.O. box • Thanks • House made weird noise • Mattress on side?? • American candy- livesavers • Smell • Mickey Mouse boxers • Medium so rly big • Parents said if you don’t have job by November kicking you into the street • Actually just advised him • Haven’t done • Not sure what he’ll be • Brain heart surgeon • Physic? • Now kiss me • Vet • Tatoo artist (only face whiskers) • Lion tamer • Long tongue • History folder- doodles • Didn’t care for history • The final quack • Apartment red filming in Ireland • Woman at airport made him cry • Lioness is pregnant • ‘But you only licked my chin’ • The were on laptop keyboard • W/ Stephan • Apple computer • Set • Wearing suit w/ purple tie • Fake cuts off head • HICKEY on his left between shoulders and neck • Dan was last with him nov 1 • 5-10 Days ago Dreams of the future Nov 22 P-22 D-18 • Meows • Sorry I️ haven’t been around much • Hair down to ears • Wearing jacket he wore for Halloween • Life has been crazy • Cutest face now • Entered video into contest • Dan’s in the competition • Cut to Pinof • Dan saying ‘should I️ have a sex change’ • After you vote for me pleaseeee could you vote for him as well? • Cleans screen • Double screen • Takes photo • Idk if I️ told you but you look really beautiful today • Talk to past • 2047 • Dino dream • We all sleep in xxx chambers • Robots everywhere • When I️ like something it makes me do this *shirt sparkles* • Blue polo ish shirt btw • Not actually human • Show you inside of my head • Cut to flashing images video • Gives me ability to travel trough time • Red- he’s not who he says he I️s • Colors invert • Music kicks in • Travel into past and warn you • I️ have been on this planet for thousands of years • 2047 • Red shirt (with sharpie streaks) no shirt • He has your soul now • I️ warned you to stop watching • End of our story • Like dreams not all stories have a happy ending • Wraps up glove in Black • Going to return to my mind now • I️ want to wake up • His eye Captain stress relief December 5 P-22 D-18 • Stop motion w/ lion • For giffgaff • Mobile network • 18th time filming • Lion hasn’t been talking to him • Guy in bubble wrap • Captain stress relief • Have a cheeky pop and relax • Popping medley • I️ don’t see this as a job I️ see this as my life • At Phil’s house • So high up • Wearing cat sweatshirt/jacket • Another dude in phils living room Have a bear exam coming up • Mom • I’m so stressed with all this cooking • In kitchen • Giffgaff to hire (V DAY VIDEO- FEB 13- P-23 D-18) My fish died :( Mar 1 P-23 D-18 • Bed made • SAME SHIRT AS VDAY • SAYS ARFF OK YHEN • jackienchan • Dad displayed fish body outside conservatory window • We need to mourn him Phillip • 100,000 subscribers • Self conscious • Clip of HI IAM PHIL WELCUM TO MAH FIRST VIDEO BLOG • shudders • Imagine if you all were in the room with me • We’d probably die • Didn’t know peeps • Karen sent him peeps • Christmas trees • Very sugary • Very nice • 6 1/2/ 7 • He and dan tried making American pancakes • Cut to clip of them • Clip of it snowing • In orange room now • Today’s draw Phil Naked • Him riding a cow in space • Mating call of camel • ‘Hey do you want to head up to the bedroom..’ • Prize time • My soul • Boxers • He and Dan semi finalist • In video contest • Halloween’s mirror self of them OHai Mar 30 P-23 D-18 • Purple graphic tee • Cat whiskers • Close to camera • In bedroom • Haven’t made video here since Christmas • Say hello • Going on boat tomorrow to Isle of Man • Isn’t most exciting place • Buy ds and Pokemon to play • Hasn’t played Pokemon since Pokemon Silver • Asleep and kept hearing door bell in dream • Actual doorbell • Ran downstairs • Was excited for big package • Pokemon platinum • Game is small compared to old box • Can’t play bc no ds • Plays with slinky • Thanks everyone who helped by watching captain stress relief • But DANIEL • (Danisnotonfire) • He’s in Twitter part of contest • Help dan out • Giving away crazy prizes • Yawn • Going to bed at odd times • Doesn’t know how he coped when he went to Australia • Do you like these videos? • I️ will appear in your bedroom BOAT APOCALYPSE Apr 14 P-23 D-18 • In room but sitting at Pinof angle • Back from Isle of Man • Black polo • Hope the Easter bunny was kind • Never want to see white choclate ever again • ‘It’s your favorite’ • Had couple of Easter eggs before going on boat • People suck everywhere • Didn’t throw up • Dana gave him Easter egg • Real bird egg filled with chocolate • Looking at apartments in Manchester • Want to get one with really high skyscraper • Pretend everything is mine • Creepy guy breathing in his ear on bus • Don’t like people breathing in his ear • Got red photo camera • Penguin mating call • Ds arrived • Shows other side of his room • Big lion on chair • Draw Phil Naked • Him on a unicorn • Starts singing always I️ want to be with you • Apartment red • He and Steven • Lion family Swine Flu May 6 P-23 D-18 • V day shirt • Not in room • Feel like you and me should be pillow fighting in slow motion in our underwear • Thatd be hot • Tried to make video outside • Think he’s in Florida • Mosquito down his shirt • In geeze? Bottom corner of Florida • 8 hours to get there • Only eating trail mix • Too sacred to go into sea- idk why I️ developed sea phobia • Snake or alligator • Sea panther lurking • Bought grow your own aquarium • Only thing I️ shop that not shell • Shell jigsaw • Hammock jumpcut • He has swine flu • Guy with green t shirt on plane coughed • It’s been 3 weeks • Got sonic boxers • Fish in house • Pinof 2 • Own tv show on apartment red PRIZES July 8 P-23 D- 18 • Crawling forward on bed • Lion tee shirt • Patch beard • Facial hair grows weirdly • Nvm not lion shirt but black • So this video is about PRIZES • We the Kings day in the life • Announcing winners • Sending postcards to address • Permission to scrape out his eyeballs • Phil I️D.C. About contest • Something exciting in September • Clip on repeat EEE • Only good things can come out of a Moomin box Viewer Mail! Louder! Aug 30 P-23 D- 19 (As I️t is exactly same as listed video, no notes) SUPERNOTE 2010 Oct 4 P-23 D- 19 • Omg Dan is here • In new apartment • On black couch in front of microwave • Dan wearing red sweatpants and has bracelets • Phil in blue polo and black jeans? • Readyness face • Making mouth movements at each other • Big breath in • Dan counts down on fingers • Singing notes • Contest • Dan has v relaxed face • He lasts 42 seconds • Phil lasts 52 • D “holy crap what the fuck, freak” • Dan makes squawk noise • Wave goodbye • Dan starts again and Phil shoved his face • Screams in Phil’s ear • Dan and Phil get down! Oct 30 P-23 D- 19 • Dan fake playing video game • Phil sitting behind him • Dan wearing twilight shirt • Phil in yellow shirt • I️ heard if you say this thing 3 times into a mirror something scary happens • Dan replies sarcastically ‘ooh what is that then?’ • Bleeding llama dance party • No summos ancient Japanese wolf demon • Please it’s Halloween • Phil groans and gets up and goes to bathroom • Starts to say I️t • “Phil no think about this for a moment” • Scary imagines flash • Dan and Phil standing in front of balcony doors • Dan is taller than Phil omg • Stop motion • Dancing • Cycle • Phil eventually puts on wolf mask and mauls dan • Runs to camera • Happy Halloween • End screen 2011 Has WINNERS Mar 5 P-24 D- 19 • Dan and Phil • Terrible sound • In new apartment • Phil in red tee Dan in grey sweater and llama hat • Half full Ribena in back • Co judge: dan... the llama • Emotional piano music • All so good • I️ wish I️ was creative • D- so was I️ • Rachel triops queen and three year old daughter • Dan thinks they’re gross Phil likes them • Bonus chance for Simon • Dan does little swaying dance • Runners up • Dan will make sure Phil contacts people • Salad fingers character • But good • Dan likes text • Girl we met my chemical romance • With pink hair • Dan rolls eyes at Phil giving career advice • Jumpcut after dan plays with balls • 7 evil ex’s- dan is Ramon of flowers??? • Dan rawring at Phil • Dan should be art teacher • Dan says he should be everything teacher • Final fantasy character • Phil grabs Dan’s face when he’s annoyed • Don’t grab my face • ‘Personal bubble’ • Rude • Dan playing with bracelet • Secret unlisted video • Llama head butt • Don’t know how to stop camera Totoro Winners! June 5 P-24 D-19 • Phil wearing purple New York shirt • Dan wearing grey sweater • Terrified dan • Giraffe scared Dan • Not just creativity • Whisk face giraffe • Hard choosing • Goat • Dan scared of giraffes forever • Michael eagle washing machine • All these get small rotor is • Giraffe pocky • Wonder why Phil likes I️t • Hippo ice cream • Phil wants to eat I️t • Mural on side of his house of octo sloth • Dan likes spaghetti panther the best • Sitting on left side of tv • Tv is on • Fair amount of Knick knacks • Unbridge on unicorn • Fair amount of jump cuts • Phil just finished portal • Dan calls for taxi?? • Ultimate winners • Someone calls dan • Hello? Hello? • Jump cut he’s not on phone anymore • Phil loves disturbing • Dan says we a lot • Dan goes to get his taxi • Twerks in camera • Phil says no • Gives rec for vid • Unidentifiable song find I️t Speaking fail Aug 10 P-24 D-20 • He’s going to be doing an official apartment tour on his channel • Over and over • Red button up plaid • In bedroom • Keeps messing up DOG-A-LIKES! Oct 7 P-24 D-20 • Last day before Florida • Dan can’t fit in fride • Heat wave • Dan’s butt after heat wave • What dog is each person • Phil • Dan • Peej • Lion • Charlie • Chris • Idk why I️t made Chris so fat • Phil and Buffy baby • Phil and pikechu baby • Cookies and cream straw • In tv room • Drinks milk • Check out vyou • Clip of Phil eating after camera stopped • Bonus Phil mail 3.5 December 6 P-24 D-20 • In bedroom on side of bed • Lots of stuff • Camera and IMovie lost his footage • Red shirt • Jade sent him letter with draws (and cat whiskers) • Red panda stamps • Phil can’t wink • Wearing shorts • Heart hands • Timothy get downstairs right now • Going to read story in bed tonight • Likes to read before bed • Pocky • Promises he reads all letters • Final fantasy music? • Thank you for the sexy story as well... • Fake eyelashes maybe for philippa PROJECT FOR AWESOME 2011! somewhereto_ Dec 17 P-24 D-20 • Eating out of advent Callander • Sitting in chair in front of tv • Christmas tree up • Sonic shirt • Juggling polar bears • Walking down street • Omg this is where the cuts where he swears come from • Looks like mike from stranger things lol • Helps find people find space to do things • Draw Phil Naked • Snowed today • Dan saying it’s a blizzard harry in background 2012 LETTERZ Jan 25 P-24 D-20 • Sitting on bed longways • New covers • Jacob mask • Wearing blue orange and white bracelets- silly bands? • Wearing tie • Indigo shirt • Jesus stamps • Watching you since 2009 • I️dead to prank dan • Hide alarm clock in his room- that’s a good one • Working on that • I️ went cross eyed for you I️ love you that much • And now even moar • Red curtain • Now In living room • Sitting at breakfast bar • You should visit Canada someday • Likes the name Hope • Cara lee is a cool name • Wearing lion hat • ‘I’m sorry don’t stop watching the video because I️ did that’ • 8 years old viewer • WHOLLY SHIT ITS TIFAS THEME • SHITTTTTYTTT • shirt change • Doesn’t like colored pencils FANK YOU Jan 30 P-25 D-20 • Not at home • At parents house? • Grey plaid shirt • Bday thank you • Had a really nice day • Guinea pig • Mom made him cactus garden • Mapless chocolates • Shaver bc his broke and stubble growing • Didn’t know what to ask for for his bday • Sexy socks • Chocolate tasting club • Dad wrote ‘have a nice birthday or ill eat your liver’ • Spiked himself on cactus • Final destination • Go to bed • Should do updates more • Mysterious news AmazingPhil Next Vlogger May 6 P-25 D-20 • Jacob mask • Kill Bill poster above his bed now • My name’s Phil and I’m known as AmazingPhil on YouTube • From Manchester England • Vlogs, comedy sketches, interactive vid, and lions? • Loves interacting with people all across the world the most • In future wants to keep doing what he’s doing • Get better at editting • More interactive • Life vlogging • Juggles apples • Yeah I️ can’t juggle But what’s the catch!? May 23 P-25 D-20 • In another dudes house? • With Alex Day • London • Says London accent • Offers with price • 5 million will you shave off all body hair forever • Phil would for month or year • That’s mental no • Phil would for a billion • Saturday • Lose laugh or read minds • Phil seems flirty • Draw time • Bored on train Phil wrote these QUESTIONS! and a pickled shark Sept 10 P-25 D-21 • London apartment !!! • Side channel vid • Pinof 4 tomorrow filmed • Need questions • Usually uses formspring • In room? • Shark HO HO HO Dec 25 P-25 D-21 • At parents house • Tan room on couch • Take break from eating to wish happy Christmas • Puts on antler • HIS BEDROOM IS TAN • Not couch bed • Tetris alarm clock • At 6:30 when filming • Or is that his alarm??? • Dog puppet • Radio 1 website • 9 pm • Working on show all of December • Interacting on bb1 twitter • Going to eat and go into food coma • Goodbye guys oh dear • DAN IN RELFEVTIOM OF ALARM on computer • Ewatching? • Or Phil’s background 2013 HAIR MODEL! May 7 P-26 D-21 • Deleted • Finally feeling like summer • Mouse situation • Mouse in our house • Mouse cam • Their tv • Time to get cat • Weird woman • Hand first • Would you like to be a hair model • Different hair styles • Nial mask • Homeless guy saying I️ wonder who would win in a fight between you two • Phil wins • Lemon phone case • Jack Howard is avoiding haircut • Asking phone genie • Who in avengers? • C’mon Thor (Phil is so gay for him) • Black widow twins • Mcr in background • Names all Tom • Knows his middle name • Mum uses full name when he’s in trouble • Why is there a dying rabbit on my bed • I️ May tell u about someday • Interrupt this video for announcement • Danni boi jumps in (literally) • You just broke my bed • Radio Show nominated for award • People’s choice • London edition Ditl if they win • Grandma and dog vote • Phil was wearing pj bottoms while Time 2014 Dan and Phil LICK RACE June 16 P-27 D-23 • Sky shirt • Dan in horn hoodie • Usual spam emails • Hello Phil from Oreo • Lick race • Free double stuff Oreos • Nice angle • No teeth just tongue • Need a dispute to settle • Mail button • Phil is heavy sleeper • Ah domestic • Not answer door from more • But wait there’s more • Loser face decorated • Dan takes hello kitty mug • Dan has powerful younger • Phil sliding I️t over tongue • Dan slow powerful licks • Work out • So good at ice lollies now • Dan wins • Dan draws lick off • Sprays Phil’s hair • Ok I’m to go now • Dan licks camera Welcome! Sep 8 P-27 D-23 • White background • Probs in house • Wearing dan and Phil T-shirt’s • Dan in black and Phil in purple • Dan and Phil • Official worldwide dan and Phil shop • Posters • Llama and lion • Stationary sets • Dans ear 7cm long • Please stop that • Up there somewhere • Newsletter • Thanks for supporting • Phil’s heart hurts • Get that checked out • Should we go make some videos • Or eat • Dan laughs at the end god that was awkward Thank you! Sep 8 P-27 D-23 • Same setting as last • Dan- hello valued customers • If you’re watching this means you bought something • Or someone just sent you link • Phil hugs camera • To late now they just should enjoy the embrace • Go before • Super cringe sPOOPy Nov 5 P-27 D-23 • Darkness and flashing • Flashlight • 1D poster • Close up on Nial • Phil ‘rahhh’ • Sitting on toilet probs The Dan and Phil ADVENT CALENDAR Nov 17 P-27 D-23 • In gaming room • Phil in Jake sweatshirt • Dan in black T-shirt • Hello disciples of the Dan and Phil newsletter • No • We’re calling them that it’s my turn • So much worse than buddies • Didn’t know if we were going to do this if not • Hilarious • Phil wanted to • Bigger than looks on camera • Dan has big head • Had chocolate tasting • Strange moaning noises • Photo booth challenge behind each • Chocking on chocolate • Americans don’t have • Another joint • All get a bit fat together • Yayyy CHRISTMAS MERCH!! Dec 5 P-27 D-23 • In Christmas jumpers worn in dirl • Hello Christmas elves • Missed opportunity to say ho ho hello • Live in same • Follow newsletter • Do I️t • Please • Please • Working for long time • Best thing ever made • Calendar • Don’t spoil I️t • Customized dates • Twiiter plans • Pixal t shirt • Phil likes galaxy coat • Dan likes dinosaur • And Phil’s Pizza tshirt • Dan should put I️t on • Dan says not to look • Don’t want you to see my nipples • Phil covers his eyes • Phil sings sexy music • Dan thinks it’s cool • Dan is smiling to much too fake • Wrapping paper • Gift card • Dan doesn’t trust relatives • Put lot of love • Festive make over • Lots of gaming videos • Ho ho ho Phil closes in on camera Christmas one word story game! Dec 17 P-27 D-23 • Sitting on gaming couch • Dan in Santa hat and earrings and black Santa sweater • Phil in reindeer and purplish patterned sweater • Reindeers don’t say ho ho ho • Ahhh • Greetings and ah • Man named Jerome who killed Santa and wore his skin while visiting children • That was terrible idea HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dec 17 P-27 D-23 • Bonus video • In gaming room • Jellyfish tee • Dan in black • Purple Pokemon pillow • Merry eve • Phil what was your favorite thing of 2014 • Meeting Kylie benoge • Hanging out • Amazing video • Australian slang • Worst thing- • Either being stuck on rollercoaster or squirrel • Dan smiling • Best • Nick jonas hug • Body warmth • Worst • Buying leather t shirt • Regrets • Enjoy hanging out with robots and hover cars in future • Both give thumbs up 2015 ZZZZ Jan 28 P-27 D-23 • In gaming room • Door open • In gaming room • Pikacu pillow and green one • Phil in logos shirt • Dan in black tee • Dan does double peace signs in opening • Phil does single wave • That was weird • Dan and Phil sim buddies • Do something for people who have trouble sleeping • We both stay up too late on the internet • Like miles or owls • Bedtime story game • Ahh • Filter • One night in florist land there was a little squirrel called Herbert. Herbert’s face was swollen bc he licked a bee Herbert is sad bc of his face as he won’t be able to ask Susan to prom remember that faces are not important and dogs are loyal • THAT WAS GOING SOMEWHERE • ALL YOU HAD TO SAYIS WHATS INSIDE COUNTS AND YOU SAID DOGS • Dan is wild • Why are you wearing pyjamas • Bc it’s bedtime • Phil walks away • What a disaster • Sorry Ring Ring Roulette 2! Feb 15 P-28 D-23 • In gaming room at an angle • Phil in gray space shirt • Dan in alien shirt • Hello dan and Phil games sims buddies • Awkward • Need to stop that • Randomly call people using • Using our dan and Phil sim • Mailbox you have called not available • Hello? • Is this mainly? • Starts crying • Oh my fuck • Hi this is Dan and Phil • I’m amazed • How long have you watch vids? • *gargled answer • Dan would win in fight to death • Do you have any pets • Cat called salemgaylord something • Dan likes lazy fat cats • Phil would like a unicorn • Give us best unicorn impression • Lovely to speak to you • Thanks for getting out Dan and Phil sim • This has been amazing thank you • Both wave to phone • Dan mirroring Phil THANKS! Mar 2 P-28 D-23 • In gaming room • Poke ball and crash bandicoot pillow • Phil in owl sweater • Dan in black shirt and grey hoodie • Touching • Hello sim buddies • Wanted to make video to say thank you on sim adventure • Controlling our lives- pic of running • Sneaking things into our tweets • Phil tweet- “some days you just feel like a moist diplodocus. Put on a snazzy outfit, go to the zoo and have a feelsposion over a capybara.” • Finally getting Dan to change his icon • Cat whisker and eclipse shirt • Yep that finally happened • Dan found I️t fun • Dan senses you all strange texts • Won’t randomly call you... for now • Phil summerize this entire thing with one noise • Brleee! • Beautiful ^_^ Mar 12 P-28 D-23 • In gaming room at weird angle • Dan in Eye shirt • Phil in some graphic tee (white) • Hello sim buddies • Night (completely dark) • We’re waiting and we’re ready • Sounded creepy • Randomly dialing • Dan had huge ass smile on his face • Not available • Sh sh • LAUREN • Hello? • Um yes • This is Dan and Phil • Oh hi • Answer I️ wanted to hear • Refreshing for like hours • Do you have any pets • Dog called chip • Cross terrier • Do any tricks • Jump cut • Probably a cat • Nothing more exotic? • Bearded dragon not baby dragon • Impression • Phil does impressions • 11/10 • Hello internet • Phil waves at phone again • Lauren was nice • Asking people to do phone impressions isn’t good etiquette • Phil asks Dan to do impression and he does aww |||RRR||| Apr 1 P-28 D-23 • Even weirder angle in gaming room??? • Dan in skull shirt and Phil in red plaid • Hair is flipped ohhhhh • “Are we not going to call them dan and Phil sim buddies this time?” • Sim friends • Mobile isn’t available • On toilet or something • Man’s voice • Is this Chloe • Not your sim • Man’s voice • Unicorn impressing • Barry • Thanks Barry • That wasn’t Chloe... • Nicole • This is Dan and Phil • I’m just sat down • No just sitting • Have a snake • Bella • Hiss • Since 2010 watched videos • The Pinofs are favourites • Happily sitting • She’s so chill • Hello internet • Phil wants a snake • Didn’t wave • Dan in blue dining room chair DAN AND PHIL SHOP ‘END OF SUMMER/CLASS IS STARTING AGAIN AHHH’ COLLECTION Aug 22 P-28 D-24 • Pixal fade in • Crash and flappy bird pillows • Dan in b tee w pocket lion • Phil in mint green lion pocket • Hot new season • End of summer/class is staring again season • Such a long time • Lllama lion t shirt • Rubbing my boob • Text ‘wow it’s like a little trip to 2011’ • Debuted piece of jewelry • Whiskers necklace • Phil wears I️t • Put I️t over face and look like u have whiskers • How amazing is that • Collabed with spiral backpacks • Pixal and Galaxy • Phil will use galaxy • Worked rly hard • Bye • Pixal fade Dan and Phil Merch EXPLOSION 💥 Nov 18 P-28 D-24 • In gaming room • Dan in fringe sweater • Phil in tour t shirt • Flappy bird and crash pillow • Dan’s voice bad bc tour • Attack on Titan Phil sings • Most merch ever • V busy this year • This guy • Dan does dance • Phil wants explosives makes dan edit • Rolls eyes • Didn’t know it’s coming • 2016 Calender • Work Calander • Strippers • January sailors • So sorry • Phil’s fav aug • Fireman • Police is most suggestive • Photos regret • Sweater is by artist • Black tee • Prodigy and 5 secs of summer • Tours on back • Tour tee • New poster • Next chapter • Advent calander • Good chocolate • Festive morphs • Wait for each day • Thanks to Martyn • Newsletter • Hope you’re having a fab day 2016 New Merch! CALENDERS AND SPACE! Nov 18 P-29 D-25 • Both in galaxy merch • Dan sweater • Phil tee • Gaming • Crash pillow and flappy • Boy do we have a thing for you • Sit down • 2017 calander • At movies • Dan likes marvel January • Phil looks better than Chris • That’s bold • If you worked out.. • Phil jumped for hogwarts • Sorry for sherk July • Stare at us all the time • New galaxy merch • Dan likes design • Dark space • No ugly dan and Phil anywhere • Darker back pack • So many secret flaps • Shame is strong • I️ don’t want your head on my boobs • Crime against Christmas • The big C • Snapchat filter dan and Phil • You sneaky lil shits have I️t don’t deny • Horrifying • All out now • It’s cool if you don’t • Newsletter • First spamming in comments section • B b b B.B. bye • — — — — - Dan — — — 2006 Bower’s Castle Highscore B Dec 28 P-19 D-15 • On Dan’s MySpace • In living room • Yellow walls • Red carpet • On May • Fire place • Big old tv in corner • Starts w him walking on mat • Black socks and some sort of black sweatpants • V blurry • Black shirt • Ddr • Looks shorter • Uh let’s see • Ooh • Six misses only six • High score see 2009 Did you order some sex? Nov 3 P-22 D-18 • Wow link was broken • Same angle as hello internet • Tv with drawers • Shirt or something on top • Body bag still hanging from door • Hey everybody • Excited voice • YouTube actually removed for shocking images • Penis 3 ft long flowing blue • Rectal exams are so saintly • Text ARE YOU SRS • rant • New angle • Hair almost looks black • Sitting • Black long sleeve v neck w/ leaves? • Vloggy break from professional normal videos • Back from Halloween gathering • Met lots of people made friends • Got far too drunk *small laugh* • Looking down • This internet thing is crazy • New angle • White pants • Pulling them down • Blue underwear • Sorry didn’t make this vid yesterday • Tree fell on train tracks and he was standing there for ages • Your free socks are in the mail rn (butterfingers subscribers) • Bc that’s what I️t said- SOCKS • not secks • What kinda pervert would say that • Side note • How do you mail sex to somebody • Knocking on window • In mask and hood • Window door • White • Uh hi ups • Why you at the Back door • Free sex right to this house • BEND OVER • Looks at camera • Clip of him zooming in on screen with text ‘it’s over 5000!!’ • *dies* • Look what you did! • I’m going to get a not shit camera • You piece of crap (camera) • All see my hidious face in high quality *groan* • Follow me on twitter for interesting things I️ did • Woke up • Eating toast • Making orange squash • Kitchen is mess • So having a crap • Red underwear • Tmi • Dailybooth for naked photos • Has princess ketchup and kittens unrest • Stick finger YouTuber eating Google’s ass • Pure and innocent soul • Lazy Belemic • Smile • 10 points if you get that joke • So many jumpcuts • Proper video with tassels and everything • Heart hands I️ PUNCHED A BEAR IN THE FACE P-22 D-18 • Same angle but sitting • Hey guys • White ball by drawers • Joker tshirt • Echoy • Me and Amazing Phil in competition on clipstar.com • Votes money as prize • Amazing subscribers • Vote for me • Says via like vIa • Might not even have weekend job in few weeks • If he wins will buy camera • Committed to YouTube • Yellow carpet • Lexis videos • 90% so my audience is female • Doesn’t matter • I️t doesn’t matter if you’re 12 call me • Wink • Insecure • Radiating masculinity • Get back male audience • Puts on flannel • Manly cracked shirt and ginger facial hair • Man things • Beer out of special beer glass that’s not my dads • Eating raw meat • Biting Deer • Watches the football • Camping other week • Loincloth and pointy stick • Puts on bear costume • I’ll nut ya • Sigh • I️ don’t think this is working • Stick to sarcasm and humiliating myself What did YOU get for Christmas? Dec 25 P-22 D-18 • In room with Christmas blanket • Gradient small tree • Wrapping paper • Waking up • ITS CHRISTMAS AHHH EEEEE • not one of those people who hates Christmas bc I’m rly cool • Love Christmas • Fav day • Divine advent calander • Religious • Glory to god in highest etc • Inflict Christianity on me • Actually potrey Jesus family from Middle East • Not white • You to post video respond • Portal to Christmas memories • B/w jumpcut in muchdash • I️ got a *miidle finger* kill yourself f*ggot • Got- pants, socks • Truffle chocolates • Maltesers ‘so beautiful’ • Indoor fireworks • Evil laugh • Orange M.D. more chocolate? • Movie ‘Australia’??? • Loves I️t • Bailey alcohol • ‘Goodbye liver’ • Lol Christmas jumper • Shit ones • One solution puzzle? • Shirt grey • Book • Plaid pants • Sorry Mom never buy clothes for me • Twilight • Get out • Pretty awesome • Kill Bill- fav movie ever • Money • PHILS TOY • Goddam tonbury! • Hugs camera 2010 hi there Feb 27 P-23 D-18 • Holy fuck he’s in India • Birds in the background • OMGOMGOMG • Red t shirt • Towels over raining • Blue wall • Channel is danisnotintresting • All 8 hundred and something of you you super sneaky detectives • Am in middle of holiday in India • Palm trees and animals • Not horrible winterness I️ left behind • Drum • Hotel-PRESA di GOA • Bedroom- white sheets, dark, posts w curtains • WiFi • People talking in background during WiFi clip • Shirtless filming in mirror • Bathroom lighting is attractive • Breakfast area- outside grass hut roof things and chairs and tables • Swimming pool • Lagoon color surrounded by trees and some pool chairs- empty • Actual hut house things • Stone monkey on roof • Gardener watering plants • Black dog • India’s pretty cool • Nice and hot • Nice to wear shorts again • View from airplane • Back in UK now • Now can make more vids • See you all soon • *kiss* muah Aeroplane Adventures- with danisnotonfire Feb 28 P-23 D-18 • Unlisted but Danni BOI has made I️t unavailable I️t looks like • Ralph Lauren polo • Vlogging in mirror on plane • Hello and welcome to aeroplane bathroom adventures with Dan • Snuck into first class toilets • Lots of stuff • Giant • Airplane toilets scare him • Create black hole in room • Flushing toilet Uncle Ken Apr 14 P-23 D-18 • Note- unlisted for being generally awful but I️ won’t private I️t for archeological reasons (wtf does that mean?!?) • In grey sweater vest thingy • Better quality • Only the yellow wall as background • Just blog for first time- for many reasons • Wants to talk • Looks white • Where is his channel going • Style • Suck at posting regularly • Worst at doing anything • Idea sheet • Has to be five minutes epic • Twilights last • Video everyday in April • Considering I️t doing • Checking websites till dinner • Playing rock band till he goes to sleep • Singing bad romance • Maybe in aug • Going to Portugal with Phil in few days • Expect vid • In Manchester for next week • Mom got log cabin for garden • Outdoor shot • Lots of trees • Path to cabin • Staying at grandparents overnight • Weird shuffling noises outdoor • Door freaking open • Gown standing in doorway • Uncle was watching tv downstairs • Pretends to be sleep • 3 minutes I️t watches him • Rape me in sleep • I️t left after watching grandparents • He • Come upstairs now to uncle • Oh that’s uncle Ken • Relative of yours you haven’t met from up north • Dementia • Comment below • Had nice Easter • Bye bye LETS HAVE A QUICKIE Apr 30 P-23 D-18 • Black tee • Sitting on side of his bed • Waredrobe • Quickie vid • Interactive truth or dare next vid • 2nd channel suggests • Pick most entertaining • Some things that I️ wouldn’t pic • Not doing naked handstand on motorway • Oww... • Chocolate • Birds outside • Returning to dailybooth • Neglected I️t for last three months • Sign up • Fav online community • Phil stuffy ‘prized!’ • LucyX won peace of hair • Won competition for gimp • Shout out Phil for no dance vid • He was lazy • Shot Pinof 2 • Omm nom nom nom • Bloopers • Shut up at helicopters outside E3 2010! L.A. Vlog June 17 P-23 D-19 • In hotel • With Phil • In grey graphic tee • Phil in l blue polo • First few days for trip to La • Phil forgot they went to Disneyland • How could you forget we went to Disneyland • (Day 1) • Clip of coaster • Space mountain was awesome • Met American friends • More friendly than English people • Toy story 3 tournament • Is really good • Phil seems kinda out of I️t • Tron bags • Clip at Disney • Dan ‘tron bagssss’ • Someone legend of Zelda t shirt • Molly • Has tron bag • Blonde • Might wear I️t every day • Phil in purple • Dan in vest and twilights last • Phil is on light bike • World of color thing • Mufasa dies nvm rainbow • Going to make him remember • Segway tour • Venice beach tour • Dan loved I️t • Why don’t you get bike • Cut to shots • With blonde girl and dude • Dan segwayed wo hands • Pj? • Qued waiting for cirque de sol • Weird shoulder pads robes • Jump cut • Crazy • Kinect • Phil got to see press conference • Tonight get to see you story 3 • Best week ever • Funky playing around that wave been doing • Peace sign and three finger • Small world about to have soil ruptured • Phil roars SELF MUTILATION Jul 18 P-23 D-19 • In room on bed? • Grey patterned ish shirt • Worst habit • Suit on door • Cuts to him throwing off leopard print underwear and stabbing his dick • Wearing llama shirt in jumpcut • Leave spot on face alone • Dan has to remove I️t • Tiny red spot on face • I’ll just v subtly • Black screen screaming • *five minutes later* text on screen • Condiments and beef jerky on face • Over jumpcut with joker shirt • Going out tonight don’t want anyone to see • Side eyes • Add so reasons why Dan’s a fail • PO box • Danisnotonfire PO box 3612 Workingham RG40 9JL • England • Ik my subscribers • Don’t actually send me dead babies or underwear • Rawr argblarbleawblrwarblgablrbleweblbll Jul 26 P-23 D-19 • holy fuck Jamaica • ITS THAT ONE CLIP • plays with hair- look- wave- holds nose close eyes- splash underwater- opens eyes briefly while coming up • Wearing earrings Extreme Tubing Fail Aug 1 P-23 D-19 • ITS ANOTHER JAMAICA BLESS • people on tube • So after seeing that do you want to do I️t Phil? • Phil is so soft omg • Yeah • Two others on boat • One looks like driver • About to die • Girl • Dan likes I️t more than Phil • Both fall • Basically me and Phil died • Dan elbowed Phil in face Pelvic Thrusts Aug 12 P-23 D-19 • Danosaurs • L blue t shirt • In bedroom • Quick vloggy vid • Updated on life • Shit at vlogging • Kittens out shit • No scirpt • Just notes • Jamaica was fun • Not live in country with incests • Phil and him have bites everywhere • Everything wants to kill you more than people • To vids v proud of • We spent days editting them • Watch I️t again • Mortal combat scene was funny • Summer in city last weekend • Meet up in field for three days • Like 50 lovely people • Jonny Barum • Gave I️ Love you robot shirt • Intoxicating when gave I️t to him • Also a youtuber • He’s lovely • Charlieisso cool • It’s a hair flip • Phil is moving out • To own flat in Manchester • 14th floor • Looking forward to shooting vids there • Dump all my shit in his house stay there all time and eat his food • Truth or dare next vid • Outside with public • Send in YouTube message do t clutter comments • Fuck a duck • Promised people he would spon • Get featured uk • Spon • He’s made 4 vids without putting them up • This vid has gone but to shoutouts • Pelvic thrusts to make up for I️t • Bunch of perverts • I️ will upload 7 minute videos bc I’m awesome text at the end watch dan talk about a competition you helped him win Oct 5 P-23 D-19 • In bedroom at corner • Wearing grey vest thing and white t shirt • Spent long time editing • Uploading whatever to channel • Don’t expect good things • Invisible friends • Omg the editing • Clip star finalists • Vote for him and Phil • Terrible text • Win prizes for free • One of 30 postcards • Signed worn topman boxers • Steven Phil and His script • Pic chosen in glitter pen • Return to dailybooth • Vid of him and Phil dancing • Better channel layout • Happy dan full of smiles • Happiest Dan in world • See you guys soon University Life Oct 21 P-23 D-19 • In uni halls • Not askaban • On bed • Heart dude • Then Edward • Confusing 3 week’s • Settled • This place is actually beautiful • Joked I️t wold be horrible • Scenic window view • Piping in building • Vintage prison feel • No window kitchen • L shaped lounge • Fridge for 12 people • Exposed brick work • Hard working convicts that built this place • Zooms on someone on computer • Through window • Hello • Creeper text • Rly like room • Bat and gym and shops • Closest halls to lecture • Roll across halls in pjs • Marelyn drew his room across from rape factory • How does smoke say rape • Zoom on papers • Intense parting every night • Earlier this week • Him playing wit hair • Someone knocks on door • Hey what you doing • YouTube thing I️ do • Rightttt ok I’m I’ll leave you to I️t • Dan slaps his face • Forever alone meme • Thumbnail • Lesbian action • Sorry but he did try • Knocks on girls door • V pretty girl- purple nails, brown hair and tanned skin • Lizzie and Ellie upstairs • Indian accent • Wants to speak to girls • What do you want to speak to girls about • Oh I’m just making a video • Girl in grey beanie • Nicer room • Hi are you busy • No • Can you be thumbnail of my vid • Hot girl looks p uncomfortable other looks ok • V attractive • Take of all clothes and make out • Serious? Yes! • What are you filming • I️ tried • Post vid response • Showing uni halls • Aww kitty! • Hello! • What are you trying to say the game? 2011 Dan Mail Jan 16 P-23 D-19 • At uni • Sweatshirt grey • Guys aren’t fans • Periodically make them • Some text • T shirt • Dan is not on fire t shirt • Dead babies and underwear on paper • I️ love you Dan raffe • Drawing • Sticks up drawings on wall • Likes every time of music • Loves moulin rouge • Loves edge cronicals • Fav color gold • Bumto fav drink? • Can’t write back • Will email • Sabrina • PlZ don’t put glitter • Hello kitty • Team Jacob • Make twilight vid • Native American likes • Basketball bracelet • Matt Belemy heart hands • Pokémon drawing • Toy zebra • Unfold letter • Huge letter • Chain cow • Paper crane • Short attention span • Can’t say happy birthday to everyone • Silver candle • Evie • Freddie off skins • Big compliment • Hawaiian Punch mix • Lava • Kiss marks on envelope • He likes native Americans • Dan get the hula hoops off Phil • Condoms • Put butterfly tattoos on face • Earrings • Friend walked in on him in bathroom • Drink not for him • Dramatic music • Tampon with his face and Phil’s face on I️t • Few of them • Disturbed • Scared • Stains • Horror laughs • Beheaded doll • Decorates Wall • Heart hands • Why the hell have you watched • Space background • Shorter in future WORLD’S FASTEST COIN STACKER Feb 23 P-24 D-19 • In uni I️ think • Uni sweatshirt • Long time no see • Had haircut • Likes I️t • Guinness world record tried to get him to break his record • People cried over him cutting hair • He hated his hair • Phil wanted Dan to say he spent previous night asleep on someone’s floor so that’s why he looks like dying monkey • Me Phil Bryony Ed • (Paper lilies and eddplant) • Other non internet people • Omg that hair... • Fastest stack of coins • After ten minutes of practice • Dan’s teem has spit shirts • Phil’s has stripes • Phil’s stack falls • Then Dan’s • He blames everyone in room • Acted humble but I️t wasn’t ok • 38 secs • Phil is confident he can beat him • Dan says Phil is just a jumble of nerves • This is hilarious • Dan’s falls • 31.617 Phil has new record • One good thing has to happen to Phil in his life • Dan was happy for him • Shot to him crying on bed • Compete against roger black • Olympic • Fastest one handed toilet tool • Ik I️ look retardo • Cocky • Katie weasel • His roll failed • Dan disqualified • Final fantasy music sad • Never wipe him again • V sore loser lol • Went home last week • Suitcase full of letters • Falls off chair Dan Mail 2 Mar 3 P-24 D-19 • Uni • On red spinning chair • Necklace thing? • Can’t react • Happy birthday changes camera angle • Happy birthday at this point • Good friend who showed the video • Now he never has to do that again • Never not show a letter • Pink llama • Llama hat • Cool girls always wear them • He can’t bc he’s boy • In vid he will • Dan mobile drawing • How hair is? • Straighten I️t • Dan and Phil in lot of things • Says envelope weirdly • Dancing in underwear in pic • Naked playing xbox drawing • Talented creeper • Has to stop recording every letter • Retarded • Good work my minions- for laying down • Prize for whoever finds how many time he says awesome and incredible • Hello kitty • Silly band (OMG) • Justin Bieber stickers • Guessed Indiana • Looks like brendon urie • Seeing panic in April • I️ pad but didn’t have any spare ones • Kristen Stewart disabled face • Porn • The game • Fussing over camera quality • Teacher thought she’s weird for thinking microwave is onomatopoeia • Will there be Pinof 3 • Kisses from Bulgaria • Bebe from Bulgaria has friend • Summer time or vampire money fav song on album • Ties up hair • Looks like troll • Likes my dimples • Nickname- bear SCREAMMMMM • Placenta fav word • Pandas over koalas • Fav yougurt vanilla • Dogs over cat • Plays piano, drums, ocurina? • Oh dear another box... • Lots of love and blood • Another decapprd doll • Actual placenta ? • Another vid later • Updated wall • In apartment red • Tv episodes • Fiesta music • The game on his door PSYCHO FRENCH TEACHER Apr 22 P-24 D-19 • In dorm • Twilights last shirt • Danacodes • New series • 16 • Gcses • Thought he was good • Doctor brown • New teacher • Not mister- doctor • Woofs and meows • Friend joe • Dog biscuits in drawer • Broken cds • Coffee cups disappear • Dan saw coffee cup • 20 dirty coffee mugs • Everyone looked • Locking people in cupboard • Singing alpha theme song • Translate in French • Csi • Had clothes in drawers • All go home bc dr brown • Runaway teacher • awkward silence • I️ was abused as a child • Vanished • Hilarious teacher • Got C • Sadness • Pom bear massacure was good (last video) • Excited from Easter Dan Mail 3 May 11 P-24 D-19 • I️ love you robot shirt • In dorm • Sunglasses they fall • Conclusion to trilogy • Sorry for being ugly • Other idk • Summer here • Wasp • Guess 13 minutes • Cool names • John and Susan • Star sign is Gemini • Such a strong man • Never throws away • Likes girl band kpop • Another boy yayyy • Not going to small things • Drops camera • Also lovemaking wrist accessories • Danmark • Plays wow • Another boy yes • Card that represents maturity • Where’s free socks? • 2005 on MySpace likes into shakari • I️ must be depressed • Ninja Jew • Tongue tattoos • Does one • Fire • Banana trumpet edit fail • Handlebar mushdash would suit him • Fantasy about you in bed bath fantasy about cutting him open while naked Phil watches tied up • Bra • Playboy perfume • Valentines cards for him and Phil • Would be breaking guidelines if shown • Creepy doll with hair • O_____x • Next dan mail at home bc he’s going home for spring break • Text saying it’s now may 11 and already filmed I️t • Delia Smith Gamer girls are HAWT June 7 P-24 D-19 • At Phil’s place • Graphic tee • Bi annual vlog • Raped and pillaged by vids • Filming at his flat for no reason • Background boring jazz I️t up • Gets pillow • Hair at lion mane • 2nd June finished exams • Woke up in morning of each exam and wrote notes • Don’t-do-don’t deserve to pass • Paying to procrastinate • Good luck! • I️t only gets worse as u get older • Last year in La... • Don’t like Wii U • But u probs don’t care • Do girls like games • Mario with grandma • Guitar hero is good • Question applies to boys too • Going to be 20 • Tramantic • Complete child • Youngest youtuber • Still young and pretty • Vyou • Redesigning website • 5000 unanswered • Going back soon • Video ideas • Would you rather • Him and friend playing • Don’t know you friend will be lol • Phil • PHIL IS WEARING CORNIELA SHIRT I️ THINK • mildly sexual • Ask me ask me ask me! • Byeeee • Totoro dancing • Delia Smith I️ Am Mexican Aug 15 P-24 D-20 • In Phil’s place • In black couch • Time machine • Was in Sicily for two weeks • Zelda? Watercolour shirt • Shorts • Looks black/ Mexican • P offensive • Jumpcut to his room • Clothes everywhere • Filmed two things at Sicily • Snorkelling • Jumpcut • Bright blue trunks • Music • Evil Black Sea urchins • Death balls • Last day at catacombs • Dead bodies • Freaky but awesome • Wall of dead babies • Reading festival • Reading and Leeds • Every year at end of August • Wristbands • Been for last four years • Doche patrol • Thin wrists so they make him look less like Ethiopian orphan • Nice to have color • Pictures • With two guys and girl sitting at knees • Other dude • One guy has purple hair • Tents • Best moments in live • Good camper • Did I️ mention I’m going with Phil • Come stalk me • Looking forward to mcr • Muse is reason he and Phil had to go • Twilights last • 10th anniversary • Origin of symmetry his and Phil’s all time fav album • Highlight • Lost Dan Mail 4 video file • Comment best live bands • Muse, arcade fire, the prodigy, rage against machine, panic • Shorts • Red pants • His and Phil’s new apartment • Gif of him on breakfast bar • Bloopers • Traditionally Aeroplane Adventures 2- with danisnotonfire Sept 15 P-24 D-20 • Saying title • Zoom on face • Had cold which is why he sounds like duck • Chris and pj • Chris won contest • Phil next to Dan • Free seats • Cheese tray and chicken salad • Lemon scented hand towel • Free champagne • Phil laughs • Phil shouted at him for blowing bubbles • *embarrassed Phil wishes I️ didn’t exist • Coffin toilets • Us four are least business class people • There is not enough business in this class • Theo pthetis • From dragons den • On same flight • Phil pointed I️t out • Anticlimax • In robe endscreen • Music EPIC PRANK OFF! Dec 1 P-24 D-20 • In room at new apartment • Bright blue shirt • Wirrow drawing above bed • Blue stripped pillows • Tv in side • Guitar hero stuff • Other side of bed • Video contest • Prank off • From mr wiggly things • Don’t prank pets • Pillow on door and Phil walks in • Phil wearing plaid blue • Do you want a Ribena- yeah please- shoots him- • On laptop • Party popper • Phil in shower • Robert Patterson • Porn on computer • Salt in coffee • Their laughs sound same aw • Dribbled all over himself • Goes to get dan • Washes out mouth • 500 pounds • 5 best get Danisnotonfire tshirt • Powder in Phil’s hair dryer • On same side of bed • I️ hate you • Worst day ever • Making sequel to this called death of Dan If Dan was a Suerhero.. Dec 21 P-24 D-20 • On couch against wall • Party tricks • Flip wrists • Dining room table • Pick up chicks • Hippo noise • Film chronicle shirt video contest • Satrodophone poke song • Polar bears on face • Phil says he isn’t talented • Llamas kill everyone • Famous places • World becomes llama • Calming music at end 2012 Narcoleptic Laptop Feb 3 P-25 D-20 Deleted PRANK WINNERS! Deleted danisnotonfire Next Vlogger! May 6 P- 25 D-20 • Sitting on bed, camera is facing door • Joker t shirt • Bulky computer • Black comforter • Blue, black, and tan ish pillow • My name is dan • Known as Danisnotonfire • Made YouTube account 2006 • Oct 12, 2006 • Was 14 years old (haha same as me!) • And nothing I️ could do about I️t • British from Workingham • Currently lives in Manchester • Tell people stories of horrific experiences to himself • Near death experiences- Jamaica jumping off cliff clip plays • Cut to Manchester uni sweatshirt annoying people in cinemas • Time mum red browsing history • Llama hat in that • Vlogging communicates with people on personal level • When he says he stabbed someone bc no left hand scissors an gets comment ‘FAG’ • User blurred out • Think got wrong one • PaigeeStudd- basically saying I️ feel you • Makes I️t worthwhile • Channel is support group for people who hate peoples • Excited *effects* about next vlogger take vids to next level • Tapes lamp shade to ceiling for lighting • Better vids to laugh at • Danisnotonfire outro SuperNote 2012- THE LLAMARMY Oct 1 P- 25 D-21 • Black screen w/- “we are interrupting the normal Dan broadcasting schedule.” • Woah Dan this isn’t a Thursday • In living room • Eclipse shirt • Thursday still happening • Looks bare- old shelf • Team captain of supernote 2012 • Wearing bracelet? • Ended up winning • 2008 • YouTube community • Longest note out of mouth • You guys if want to join my team • Sexy, sad, manly • Video response • Police car outside • Team name: llamarmy • P big deal • You guys post vid responses, bullying him in comments, edit his face onto giraffes • Sweatpants grey • Longest note, llama hat and danasaur t shirt • And personal note • Others win totoros and wrist bands • Wow old vid • Phil comes in • Wearing grey make videos everyday shirt • Aww Phil looks so cute • Phil’s going to win • High five that hurts • Phil wearing llama hat • Phil lower note • ‘Dan you are so hot’ written below • Dan lasts longer • Underdogs • Get lots of people • Deadline Oct 31 • Danisnotonfire outro • Galaxy end Life’s Unanswerable Questions Oct 12 P-25 D-21 • Collab with Alex day • Wearing multicoloured tee • Sitting in front of fire place • Tetris lights • Hello internet • Unanswerable questions annoy • Found website in comic sans • Erradicate I️t • He likes to share opinions • What came first chicken or egg- egg • Tree would make sound • Bothers him • Ate tounge what would taste like • Tried to fail and succeed what have you done • Dan answers with sandwhich • Color is mirror • I️t has no color • Chameleon • Car at speed of light turn on headlights • Paradox • Can guy names nick have nickname • 4 out of 5 diahrea enjoy I️t? • Marsquakes-no • What is the speed of dark • Why can’t woman put mascara on with mouth closed • Dictionary in dictionary? Yes • What is meaning of life • Sirens • Best way to lose weight- cut self in half • Dan believes in aliens • Aliens aren’t going to look weirder than jellyfish • Bus driver closedoor • Can cry underwater • How old would you be if didn’t know your age • Someone vanished w/o trace how do people know missing • Timmy for a decade • Don’t try to get people to like you for the wrong reasons • Outro • Sexy endscreen dance • More interesting than space endscreen Men vs Women Dec 8 P-25 D-21 • On couch • B/w Brit flag pillow • Camp and grey t shirt • Earrings that are multicoloured • Which sex has is harder • Cat ears • Carrie • Opinions aren’t meant to be taken seriously black screen • Hit I️t rn • Getting kicked in balls or giving birth • Rly hurts • Guys never ask to be kicked in ball again • Squeezing watermelon out of ass • Dan wasn’t aware girls couldn’t lie on front • Nipples are useless • Joy of lactation • Man can’t have multiple orgasms • Sucks • Men get arosed and no one knows • Old ladies read 50 shades • Think grandma • Men can pee standing up and that sucks • Girls can multitask • What is so bad about periods • Don’t get into argument • Don’t ask if I’m Period • Dan had done that • Bleeding out of penis forever • Women live longer • Men don’t understand women have I️t harder • Women win • Debated in comments • Both sexy endscreen 2013 GOOD NEWS EVERYONE Jan 12 P-25 D-21 • In living room • Black long t shirt • So cold • Spicky jumper from topman • Jump in jeans • Repression how hardcore he is while life • Ryan from X factor wearing I️t • Burn I️t? • Mouse in bedroom • Trying to catch I️t humanity • BBC radio 1 • Phil comes next to him • Phil’s been making him not swear • Every Sunday unless they get fired • Watch entire show • 7-9 pm • Phil in blue sweashirt • Schedules • He’s loosey goosy uploading • Shit looking photos need more of • YouTube angry mob • You tubers don’t follow through • Dan Unspecific • Video on school • Never really talked about • Have nice day unless I’m Jamaica then I hate you bc you’re warm • Endscreen zooming on house objects w/ sexy music 2014 Dan and Phil SIM SURPRISE PHONE CALL! Dec 18 P-27 D-23 • In gaming room • Dan in horn hoodie • Phil in purple sh jumper • No pillows in back • Surprise calling random person • Phil is scared • Awkward on phone • Oh my goddd • Person is freaking out • Casey • Was just doing hw • English hw about them • How much she fangirls about them • Did you see photo of dan at bbc in Dino onesie • Not saying I️ hate but that was terrible • Told Phil about cat dying on YouTube • Watching for 2 Years • Collab- so many favs • Fav animal llama • Sorry about Phil • I️ need to tweet about this • That was so funny • Animal impression helps • Maybe next victim 2015 HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DAN AND PHIL TOUR Oct 4 P- 28 D- 24 • Sitting in theatre looking behind chairs • Lots of stuff on stage • Rehearsal space • Dan in eclipse • Phil in constallion lion • 5 days • More tickets • Oct 8- Nov 4 • Danandphilbook.com • Want audience participation • Come hour early • 7 sec, weird kid, isg, crafts • P.O. box videos from back in day • Might not be able to keep I️t • Thinking about people from rest of world • Dan winks • Phil does I️t too to help 2016 HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DAN AND PHIL TOUR! April 19 P-29 D-24 • In dressing room • From 360? • Dan in plain black t • Phil in show attire • Sup-a-de-fiddle • Dried mango • Cool creative ways • Arrive early • 7 sec, • Show box • Weird kid, show examples • Craft examples • No bigger than medium otter • Can’t keep them • Phil said mems • Chow • For now • Was that necessary? HOW TO GET INVOLVED IN #TATINOF Aug 12 P-29 D-25 • In same room • Oh it’s same video lol
11 notes · View notes
2009!Phan (4) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: July 12th, 2024
part one, part two, part three, part five, part six, part seven
All You Did Will Be Undone (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase
Summary: What 2009 phan would have looked like if they were ace and wanted to be in a QPR.
Bear - softnerds
Summary: Dan stays at Phil’s house for the first time and leaves his bear at home. At first he can’t sleep, but he ends up with a very pleasant surprise.
Boys on Fire - pinofsappreciation
Summary: Dan is visiting Phil for the second time ever and a little Buffy viewing session turns into sexy times.
Carry You Over Fire And Water (ao3) - hunterfics
Summary: The one where Dan breaks up with his girlfriend and Phil tries to pick up the pieces.
Catch My Breath - mairieuxes
Summary: When they met, everything was into bliss. And both knew that they were meant to be.
Cherry On Top - adayinthelifeofphan, insertyoutuberquotehere
Summary: Dan and Phil meet for the first time (set in 2009)
Cold, Empty Mattresses and Falling Stars - phanlight
Summary: 2009 au where phil and his family own a campground/cabins in an area that is known for stargazing and phil has lived his entire life there, therefore knowing a lot about stars. dan and his family come from the city to said campground because dan is a nerd and asked to come there for his birthday.
Connected - auroraphilealis
Summary: It’s 2009. Dan and Phil are in a long distance relationship, and while they’ve had more sex than they count on one hand, they’ve never properly done it. Dan’s tired of waiting, but Phil’s not so ready to let them go all the way, so he gives Dan the next best thing.
Creeper - adorkablephil
Summary: Dan and Phil meet for the first time in 2009 and Phil worries that he seems like some sort of creepy internet predator (sort of 3 one-shots that can be read together to form a larger story)
He Makes You Laugh Like I Never Could - bie-lovers
Summary: The beginning of Dan and Phil as experienced by Dan’s girlfriend.
I Swear To You That We Can Make This Last (ao3) - starrywrite
Summary: "And hey sweetie, well I need you here tonight, and I know that you don’t wanna be leaving me. Yeah, you want it, but I can’t help it. I just feel complete when you’re by my side…" - A Day To Remember, If It Means A Lot To You.
Let The Salt Dry (ao3) - hunterfics
Summary: 2009 except Dan is a trans boy.
Lioness - phinalphantasy7
Summary: Phil makes a video that changes his world (later known as PINOF).  You’ve seen the video; here is the story behind it, told by one who was there.
Lost Under The Sun (ao3) - nokomisfics
Summary: It's 2009, and phil asks dan if he's ever been in love.
Our Manchester Days (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: Just a little slice of 2009 Dan and Phil getting together as I like to imagine it. Sweet and fluffy and a little bit sexy, just like our boys.
the beginning of forever (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: that amazing week they spent together in phil's house in 2009.
Train Tickets (ao3) - irphanfic
Summary: Dan wants to go and see Phil up in Manchester but he doesn't have enough money for a train ticket. Maybe a surprise from his mother is all what he needs.
Trust - ineverhadmyinternetphase
Summary: Fiction. Dan convinces his parents to let him go on holiday with the guy he met on the internet.
Tuck You In Every Night On The Phone (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: After their Skype call ends abruptly, Phil calls Dan to say goodnight in their own special fluffy way.
We Built This House on Memories - darling-phil
Summary: A look into Dan and Phil’s relationship over the years from the moment Dan bought his train tickets in 2009 to Phil stealing his cereal in 2016.
141 notes · View notes
92 Questions Tag
tagged by: @court-ships (now @bujo-ie )
LAST: 1. drink: probs water (tbh i dont like water much but you gotta sTaY hyDrATed) 2. phone call: i ran out of credit ages ago and haven’t bothered to recharge it so i haven’t called anybody recently, but mum has called me, so i guess that counts. (actually thinking about it i can’t remember the last time i called someone) 3. text message: to my best bud (cause i was wallowing in the depths of despair for like 3 weeks cause i felt like she was ignoring me so i finally got the courage to text her about it last night :) i think we’re going to be good) 4. song you listened to: K I’M LISTENING TO TEAM BY LORDE RIGHT NOW AND I LOVE IT FOREVER AND ALWAYS  5. time you cried: tbh like last weekend (see point number 3)
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anybod 8. been cheated on: nup, thankfully 9. lost someone special: i have lost relatives but i never really knew them? i have lost quite a few pets tho :/ 10. been depressed: not ‘officialy’ but past couple weeks have been bad (once again, see point 3) 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never been drunk, only ever had small sips of alcohol (i’m way to young)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: ohh so hard i don’t really have a fav, but i guess all blues (with and emphasis on teal) and like nearly all pastel colours.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yeah, but not like super close 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: maybe, but not very much 18. found out someone was talking about you: i don’t know? like this one isn’t very clear 19. met someone who changed you: sort of, i became closer to best bud, who i guess has changed me a bit 20. found out who your friends are: yes, but like also no? one of my few good friends left (for england of all places, but she is coming back), another’s moving schools, and once again see point 3 for other friend 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no lol i don’t even have facebook
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see point 21 23. do you have any pets: YESS SO MANY a dog, two cats, like 8 horses (only one’s mine tho), 3 ducks (one i’ve had since i was like 4), around ten chickens... yeah i kind of live on a farm without all the big herds (also a lot lot smaller than a farm lol). fun fact: we used to have like 7 peacocks, they’re actually the coolest birds to have around. 24. do you want to change your name: no way, i actually quite like mine :) 25. what did you do for your last birthday: pool partay! tbh i went way overboard with the decorations, i spent hours making little paper flowers for everyone (they looked pretty cool, actually) 26. what time did you wake up: probs like 6;30, but stayed half asleep until 8:20 (shhh it’s a sunday i can do what ever i want 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleepinggg (sadly without my radio on bc mum wanted me to ‘try sleeping without music’ mum how i can i i need it ON 28. name something you can’t wait for: DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL #BILLISBACK GET PUMPED!! also PINOF 9 and halloween baking videos from dan and phil, also, any album coming out from any of my favourite artists for the next like 104585 years. ALSO I’M GOING TO MONGOLIA IN LIKE 2 WEEKS HOW DID I FORGET THAT 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like half an hour ago we were running about in the rain putting the horses back in their yards 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: world peace, there are too many people (and animals) that are a victim of unhappiness they will never deserve
31. what are you listening to right now: A WORLD ALONE AKA THAT LORDE SONG THAT I RELATE TO ON AN OTHERWORLDLY LEVEL 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah, there’s one in my grade and he speaks fluent french (at least he did last time i checked which was like 2 years ago) 33. something that is getting on your nerves: tbh like all homework ever, plus this giant self-directed project we’re doing this year, it’s the most stressful thing ever. also, once again see point 3 34. most visited websites: umm i guess youtube, school’s home page, tumblr (although i’m mainly on mobile for that and that’s an app) reddit and ao3 (one my phone)
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. mole/s: nah not really 36. mark/s: nah, but i got beeg stretch marks on the sides of my hips bc i am gROWING FAST 37. childhood dream: i think a vet or zookepper. also i really wanted to publish a book that said ‘new york times bestseller’ on the front bc that’s what all my favs said on them (tbh i still dream of this) 38. hair color: blonde ayyy (but it’s getting darker underneath) 39. long or short hair: i guess medium - long (little below my shoulder blades) 40. do you have a crush on someone: not really i haven’t had one in literal years unless you count that time i sorta thought i had one one on my best friend even though im 98% sure i’m straight 41. what do you like about yourself: my creativity, like i’ve learnt not to say ‘oh i’m horrible at art/writing’ when i’m actually not that bad. also, i’m a total weirdo 42. piercings: confession: i don’t even have my ears pierced yet?? like, i do want them pierced, but i literally can’t be bothered atm lol 43. blood type: idk, although i did get a blood test like last monday, so i should know soon 44. nickname: i don’t really have any (there’s not much you can do with ‘lilly’) although i have one friend who calls me lilpil. 45. relationship status: single and probably staying that way for a while :) 46. zodiac: capricorn (but i don’t bother with zodiacs bc i am NOTHING like a capricorn) 47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite TV Show: OMG I HAVE SO MANY BUT I’M A FRIGGIN HUGE DOCTOR WHO AND SHERLOCK FAN COME SCREAM ABOUT THEM TO ME also if you ship johnlock that’s even better!! 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left hand: right handed 51. surgery: nope 52. hair dyed in different color: never done, probably never going to (i change my mind ALOT) 53. sport: tbh i hate sport but i do horse riding and with school i do sailing and hockey (bc a summer and winter sport is compulsory)  55. vacation: OK LIKE I SAID I’M GOING TO MONGOLIA AND I CAN’T GIVE AWAY TOO MUCH BUT I DID HAVE TO APPLY TO GET IN AND I’M RAZZED 56. pair of trainers: i’m not to particular, i just have shoes for sport (alTHOUGH, i do have an awesome pair of white sneakers with a bit of gold round the back)
57. eating: it’s father’s day and we had a GIANT breakfast and lunch so i don’t know if i’m even having dinner 58. drinking: i could KILL for a milo right now (it’s like, my version of tea or coffee) but parents have stopped buying it because ‘there’s too much sugar’ TIM I DON’T CARE I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT 59. i’m about to: idk i need to practice guitar, work on my bujo (bc i’m super behind), keep writing my fic, and i guess other general stuff 61. waiting for: nothing really, it’s sunday night so i’m sad bc it’s monday tomorrow 62. want: lots of things (who don’t amirite) but one is getting my bedroom walls gyprocked and painted (they’re wood panelling and i hate it) 63. get married: tbh whenever i meet the right person :) 64. career: FILM DIRECTOR YO i know nothing about film but i still really want to do it.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: OMG HUGS HUG ME PLEASE 66. lips or eyes: eyes, literally everybody’s eyes are beautiful, it’s great 67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: older i guess 70. nice arms or nice stomach: nice personality ;) 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive, like me tbh i’m so sensitive raise your voice at me and i will burst into tears  72. hook up or relationship: relationship always 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant, also like me
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: definitely no 75. drank hard liquor: nopeity no 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have ‘em 77. turned someone down: technically yes? there was this new kid at school and he was literally asking every girl out, i was a bit confused. 78. sex on the first date: definitely no  79. broken someone’s heart: sadly i think so (but we’re like best friends no so it’s all good) 80. had your heart broken: no 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes, aforementioned relative i barley knew (still sad tho)  83. fallen for a friend: sortofnotreally
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: yes, at least i try my very hardest 85. miracles: in a way, yes 
86. love at first sight: not really
87. santa claus: when i as like 3, yes 
88. kiss on the first date: maybe?
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: ezri, my smol bean (also person from infamous point 3) fun fact: we’re both pretty sure she’s named after her character from star trek, ezri dax (her parents are giant nerds just like ez and i) 91. eye color: blue/gey with a bit of green 92. favorite movie: ARGHHH I CAN’T PICK I HAVE SOOO MANY, LIKE EVERY ONE BASED OFF BOOKS I LIKE, i really can’t pick, but one that is quite special to me is ‘my house in umbria’, my grandma and i used to watch this together all the time
Ok whoa this took me LITERAL HOURS but now that i’m done i just want to tag anyone who wants to do it! :)
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phanarchy-blog · 8 years
The End of All Things
Description: Phil has something to tell Dan- he’s getting married. How will Dan cope?
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2814
“Dan, I need to talk to you,” Phil said solemnly. The tone in his voice surprised Dan, and if he were being quite honest, scared him.
“Can it wait until after we film PINOF 10?” Dan asked. He was hesitant to have the conversation, whatever it may be. Phil considered his request briefly.
“Yeah, I suppose it could. It may be better this way,” he responded. It was ambiguous, and vague, and it was the worst sort of tease. The kind where you knew it was bad, but you had to know now, or the anxious curiosity would burn at your throat until you found out.
“Well, nevermind,” Dan said. “Now I need to hear it. Shoot.” He braced himself as Phil sat on the sofa, angling himself towards Dan.
“So, you know how I turned 32 this year, and how we’ve been doing this for 10 years now, and we’ve been so caught up in each other and our channels and the tour, we’ve never really had time to date and stuff, right?” Phil was rambling, and Dan had no idea where it was headed.
“Uh huh, go on..”
“Dan, I joined a dating site.” Phil was nearly cringing in anticipation of Dan’s reaction. Dan just laughed.
“What, like you’re on Tinder now?” He chuckled, relief on his face. “I mean, may be a bit risky what with all the Phangirls, but you do you.” He turned away and stood to leave when Phil grabbed at his hand and kept him in place.
“No, it’s not like Tinder. Sit, please.” Phil now covered his face with his free hand, sliding it down while exhaling. He wondered the best way to explain. “It’s not really a normal dating site. It’s more like, a professional matchmaker. For people serious about meeting someone and getting married soon. Dan, they found someone for me.” The seriousness of the situation hit Dan again like a train.
“You’re, you’re getting married?” he asked.
“Probably, yeah. I haven’t met her in person yet, but we’ve chatted, and she’s really nice. I like her.”
“Phil, this sounds like an arranged marriage, doesn’t it? I mean,” panic was setting into his voice now. Panic and some other, undefined feeling that had his breathing shallow and his stomach in knots. “Phil, wouldn’t you rather marry someone you know? Someone you really enjoy spending time with? Someone you love?”
“Well, I sure as hell am not marrying you now, am I?” There was a bitterness to his voice that was entirely foreign to each of them, and their eyes welled as their throats closed.
Adding to all that, Dan was also confused. Why was he feeling so desperate? And what exactly was he desperate for? It’s not as if he and Phil had anything going on. They haven’t been the least bit romantic since- Well, since-
The two had just finished shooting PINOF 1. Well, most of it. They were now laying on the floor next to Phil’s bed, after Phil pounced on Dan. Phil ran his hand through Dan’s thick hair, brushing it off of his face. He leaned down and smiled, that fuckboy smile that occasionally graced his videos and made Dan weak. Phil closed his eyes as he kissed Dan, breathing him in as deeply as possible, tongue gliding over his lips.
Dan pulled back though, as far as he could for someone whose head was against the floor. Phil stopped, looking into his eyes.
“Something wrong?” he asked.
“I just,” Dan started. “It’s just that I don’t think I’m ready for this. I like you, and you’re really turning me on right now..”
“But,” Phil interrupted.
“...but I’ve never felt like this about a guy, and I’m really confused.”
Phil sat upright, knowing that the moment was over. He faced away from Dan so he wouldn’t see the shine in his eyes, threatening to spill over and give him away.
“Phil, I think we should be friends until I figure myself out. Because you’re my best friend already and I really don’t want to hurt you and I don’t want to lose you. Maybe that’s selfish, but-”
“You’re not gonna lose me,” he said quickly. He cleared his throat. “And it doesn’t hurt that much, I’ll be fine. Friends first, right?” Phil smiled at him the best he could. Dan smiled back.
“Friends first.”
“So, what’s her name again? I don’t want to mess it up and come off like a douche.”
“Dan, relax. Sarah will love you.”
He was meeting Phil’s- girlfriend? Betrothed? Fiancée? Ugh. He was meeting Sarah today. Phil had made it official, and now she wanted to meet his Best Man. Dan was honored, of course, to accept the position, but something about it still felt bitter-sweet.
He thought it must be the thought of Phil moving out, leaving Dan alone in the flat. They’d still be friends, no doubt. But Dan knew that Phil and Sarah would probably move to a house on the outskirts of London, and get a dog, and maybe have a baby, and he would be stuck alone. Yeah, that must be it. He feared the loneliness.
Yet, when Sarah entered Starbucks and Phil instantly got up to hug her hello, Dan felt that same undefined sting he felt the day Phil told him about her. His stomach was so tight and all he wanted to do was tear the two apart. He wanted to pull him away. Why?
“Dan, Sarah. Sarah, Dan,” Phil said, snapping Dan out of his day dream.
“It’s so great to meet you!” she said. “I’d say ‘finally’ but truth be told, it’s all happened so quickly!” She was sweet, and had the same innocent glow about her that attracted, no drew, rather, Dan to Phil. Dan reached out to shake her hand.
“It has, hasn’t it?” It came off more snarky than he meant it. Almost judgemental.
“Well, let’s have a seat, you both. Get chatting, I’ll order. Caramel machiatto for Dan, Sarah, what’s your drink?”
“I’ll have a cappuccino, thanks!” When Phil turned away, Sarah spoke to Dan. “Strange he knows your order, but not mine,” she laughed.
“Not really that strange,” Dan quipped. “We’ve been friends for ten years. Flatmates for seven. We know almost all there is to know about each other.”
Sarah leaned in, as if they were close friends, before asking, “Anything you should warn me about him then?” Her eyes sparkled and like that, she was easy to talk to, to be friends with. Sarah was lovely.
“Well, he steals cereal, so you’d better hide it if you want to know you’ll safely have yours in the morning,” he said. “Then again, you both will probably share cereal.”
Phil returned with the drinks and set them all down in front of each of them.
“Pleased to see you’re getting along,” Phil said.
“So, I guess we may as well get on with it and tell you the big news!” Sarah spoke for herself and Phil. It felt wrong to Dan.
“Big news?” he asked.
“We have a date picked out. December 28th!” A date. They had a date picked out. The pang that had been in his chest all morning intensified at the thought of Phil with her, deciding on a date for their wedding. Yet he had to stay cool.
“Next year? That sounds good.”
“No, this year. In 3 weeks,” Phil retorted. He looked at Dan seriously, assessing his reaction.
“3 weeks? Are you kidding me?” Suddenly the walls were closing in on him. His shallow breathing sped up and he thought he may vomit by the knot in his stomach, the pin pricks in his finger tips. He stood up, tugging at his collar in an attempt to let some of that damn sweat evaporate. “I need to go.” Phil stood up as well.
“I’m sorry Phil, Sarah, I need to go, now.” And he bolted out the door, leaving the bell chiming behind him. He ran until he was out of breath, which in truth was not very long, given his history with exercise and his current state of mind. He sank to the pavement as the tears came, for the first time since he’d been told, he cried over Phil’s impending marriage. And now that it was happening, he wondered why he hadn’t cried sooner. Because now, he finally understood.
He loved him. He had always loved him. And now he was marrying someone else.
Two Weeks Until the Wedding
Dan entered the living room to find Phil scribbling in a journal, something he hadn’t done since that failed New Year’s Resolution of 2013.
“What’s that about?” Dan asked him.
“It’s something Sarah does and she told me I should try it. She says it’ll help me sort out my feelings since this is all happening so quickly.”
“Oh,” Dan replied. “Is it working?”
“Yeah, I think so,” he smiled at him softly, in a way that said I know this is hard, be patient, it’ll all work out.
Phil stood up and entered his bedroom, coming out soon after.
“I’m going to the shop. Want anything?”
“Nah, I’m set. Thanks, Phil.”
When the door shut behind him, the emptiness sank in. The flat was not the same without Phil’s shimmer and glow. The air left Dan’s chest and even though he was breathing, it still felt like he was suffocating. Then he thought of the journal, hiding all of Phil’s thoughts on the matter, lurking not 10 meters away from him. He knew he shouldn’t, but a strange void had overtaken him lately and Dan would do anything in his power to end this. He had felt like this before, but not since September, 2009.
He entered Phil’s room, nearly floating, and checked the most obvious place he could think of, Phil’s bedside table drawer. And the journal was in there, of course, since Phil wouldn’t hide it. He was so trusting. Dan flipped through the pages quickly, unsure what he was looking for until he caught a glance of his own name.
Dan is taking it pretty hard, I think. He tries to be positive in front of me, and in front of Sarah, but I can see it in his eyes, even when he smiles and laughs. And if that doesn’t give it away there’s the fact that he literally ran out of Starbucks when we told him when we were getting married.
Wow, I’m getting married to Sarah. It’s so strange how your whole future can change in an instant. There was a time, and it didn’t seem too long ago, that I thought I wouldn’t marry anyone if it wasn’t Dan.
Dan froze, re-reading the line a full six times before he was certain he interpreted it correctly. Phil had wanted to marry him. Or at least, didn’t want to marry anyone else. But, it was all in past tense. He continued-
Of course, Dan has never felt that way and that’s fine, because I have Sarah now. And she’s really amazing. I never thought I could feel excited to get to know someone again. It’s like, well, it’s like falling in love.
Dan snapped the journal shut and the icy, heavy feeling returned to his heart. He nearly threw it back in the drawer when he saw a tiny velvet box. He knew what this meant, it would be a wedding band. Part of him ached at the thought that he hadn’t seen it before. That Phil wouldn’t have shown him the ring he got for Sarah. But maybe he was doing his best not to rub it in his face. Dan shouldn’t have looked.
But inside the tiny box was a silver ring. It had a thick band, and a small black stone in it. It was a men’s ring, must be Phil’s. And it was beautiful. Not really Phil’s style, Dan thought, but then again, how would Sarah even know?
Dan returned to the living room just in time for Phil to come around the corner.
“Malteasers?” Phil said as he tossed the bag in Dan’s lap. Dan sniffed back his tears before answering.
“Thank you.”
One Week Until the Wedding
Dan was walking through the kitchen when the thought occurred to him. It was so sudden, out of the blue. And then he was acting on it, and he hadn’t thought it through at all, really. He just knew it was what he wanted and he was about 99% sure Phil wouldn’t really mind so he went with it.
He stepped up to Phil, who was sitting on the sofa, laptop in lap, mug of coffee in hand. Dan took the mug from him and set it on the table wordlessly.
“Dan?” Phil asked. Dan slid his laptop off his lap and onto the sofa beside him. He grabbed Phil by the hands and stood him up.
Phil looked at him quizzically. Then Dan leaned into him, his face embarrassingly close. He waited a moment, and Phil did not pull back. The heat of his breath so near to him, Dan closed the gap and pressed his lips to Phil’s. In an instant, they were kissing. Phil was kissing him back and Dan wrapped his arm around his waist, curled his fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. Phil grabbed him by the hips gently.
Dan separated them when he felt his jeans getting tighter around his groin. Best to avoid that embarrassment.
“What was that?” Phil asked.
“I just,” Dan hadn’t even thought about how he’d explain it afterwards. “I just wanted to do that. You know, once. If it’s my last chance.”
Their breathing was shallow again, but filled with a new kind of anticipation.
“If it’s your last chance?” Phil repeated.
“Well, not like I can stop the wedding,” Dan replied.
“You can’t stop the wedding?” Phil was confused, and his words weren’t making sense. To him or to Dan. Rather than fight him on it, Dan just nodded and left the room. He wanted to leave the kiss exactly how it was, untainted by explanations of feelings and worries about what is to come. He had kissed Phil for the second, and last, time.
December 28th, 2019
“Phil, I’ve been working on something I want to show you.”
“Dan, what is it? You’re gonna make me late to my own wedding,” he chided, knowing that procrastination and tardiness was an ongoing joke between them.
“You’ll like this, I swear. And I made sure you have time. We’re already dressed and everything.”
Just come in here, he gestured towards his bedroom. Phil entered and Dan followed behind him, sitting down at the piano.
“Aren’t surprise performances usually done at the reception?” Phil laughed.
“I thought you’d prefer this one be more private.”
Dan didn’t wait for his reaction before striking the first few chords. The melody was slow, and beautiful, and full of passion. Phil recognized the song, though he couldn’t identify it until Dan began to sing.
“Whether near or far, I am always yours. Any change in time, we are young again.”
Phil brought his hands to his mouth as Dan continued. His voice was not perfect, and slightly off-key, but his it was every bit as passionate as the piano.
“In these coming years, many things will change, but the way I feel, will remain the same.”
Phil began crying openly.
“Lay us down, we’re in love.” Dan choked up at that line, but he made it through. And as he finished the last notes and let them ring out, Phil grasped him around the neck from behind and sobbed into his neck. Dan stood to face him.
“It’s okay, Phil,” he said. “I just wanted you to know.” But Dan’s acceptance was met with a needy kiss from Phil. He twisted his fingers in Dan’s hair. Dan shuddered against him. It was unexpected and he was left with his confidence shaken. He was prepared to sing his song, make his piece, and let Phil go. But how could he let go of this? He wrapped his best friend, his love, in a tight hug and began crying again himself.
“Don’t go,” Dan said. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I’m not going,” Phil cried. “We’re in love.”
Thanks so much for anyone who reads, likes, or reblogs this! I don’t think it’s well-written but I worked really hard on it and I love the story line! Like this story? Read on to Part 2, When the Day Met the Night!
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