#PIXIV 2015
fuckyeahteamrocket · 10 months
祝!20周年 | 祠燐
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ポケモン20周年おめでとうございました!悪の組織でお祝いです。 ここまでシリーズが長く続くとは初代をプレイしていた当時は思いもしなかったので非常に感慨深いです。
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mecheyethe3rd · 2 days
まどマギらくがきまとめ - 山田あこ
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Part of a set
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91cmspoilers · 6 months
(OOC: Smiling Izzy is soo cute oMG- 🥺🥺
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(( i have a lot! i never get to use them tho unless im talking about headcanons source for the 2nd to 7th icons))
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engshoujosei · 1 year
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Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
2 volumes
Licensed by Seven Seas
The official manga adaptation of the fan-favorite adventure RPG game!
 The young witch Wadanohara has just returned from a journey across the oceans, searching for a clue to her lost memories. Now that she has come home, along with her familiars Memoca, Dolphi and Fukami, Wadanohara must continue her quest while ensuring the safety of the ocean kingdom she hails from. But a mysterious figure from her past has appeared and demands that she leave her ocean home forever. What dark event transpired in Wadanohara’s past and what does it portend for her future?  
Status in Country of Origin
2 Volumes (Complete)
Animal Characteristics
Atypical Art Style
Based on a Video Game
Childhood Friend/s
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pis-gallery · 2 years
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damazcuz · 3 months
I don't think people responding to the scrambled "uh oh, we got caught" Tumblr AI announcement with "just nightshade and glaze all the art you post guys! it's your own fault if you don't do that small step! It's ok we'll get through this!" are Getting It:
Everything has already been scraped, including the account you haven't been able to access since 2015. Yes even the private, locked sideblogs of all your old art. Did you glaze it? did you nightshade it? in 2015? can you log in and check? no? Opted in.
This also includes any writing, creative or otherwise, posted to Tumblr. Did you nightshade the poetry and fanfiction you posted to Tumblr on your old account in 2018? why not? not a plan-aheader huh? Opted in!
It's opt in by default and by design. People who left Tumblr ages ago will likely not hear about this and won't know to regain account access and opt out. People who have died won't be able to log in and opt out. People who deleted past accounts or sideblogs won't be able to log in and opt out. People whose content is reposted here from Pixiv or other external sources by unrelated third parties won't have any way to say "hey half of that blog is MY stuff. Opt ME out."
Sorry. They just have everything ever put on the site. And you didn't opt out in 2015 when you lost access to your login email, so it's included. This is on purpose because they don't WANT people to be able to opt out, they want people to stay opted in saying "well my art sucks so I'm poisoning the data model 👍" while posting jokes and creative writing, they WANT you to say "well I'm unaffected" and keep posting photos and text and stuff. Midjourney wants that and Tumblr wants to do anything it can to satisfy Midjourney and scrape some cash out of that deal.
I'm sorry because I love this place too, but genuinely the decisions being made here are business decisions being put into place by a company trying to squeeze the last drops of blood out of a stone. Tumblr is not your friend. Staff is not your friend. Automattic is not your friend. The CEO has hopefully PROVEN he is not anyone's friend. This is a business first and a product that they are selling, not to you and me, but to advertisers and partners. Tumblr will ensure that Tumblr users see their ads and supply them data.
Frankly I do not trust this company or this website and I cannot in good faith just believe that they're going to look at my opt out checkbox and say "okay! ^_^ we will remove everything Dama has ever said or done from our AI scrape. we promise to do it!" and then actually do it. They already have the data. They can just claim that whatever is produced through machine learning based in part off of my data is unrelated, came from other sources, etc. I do not have trust in this website. I don't see how anyone could at this point.
I feel like I'm watching a trainwreck from the inside and no one wants to get out of their seats and try hopping off into the safe grassy field. Wait, they say. Let's see if the train just climbs back onto the tracks, they say. The fire and explosions are all part of the process, they say. Eventually people will stop panicking or dying and it'll be a smooth ride, they say. Just look at how bright the horizon is.
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Possible Mia Ikumi Doujin Penname
First off, thanks to @berrychanx who found the initial doujin listing and @kuro93 who I know also looked into this and bought some of her works! Second off, warning for some suggestive doujin covers and other art, although there's nothing truly explicit.
First things first, I want to say that I sat on this information for a little bit considering if it was appropriate to speculate since Ikumi never chose to make this connection publicly. Ultimately I've decided to go through with it since imo the artstyle is instantly recognizable, so it'd come out eventually. I also found some still-up online accounts associated with this penname, and I know that's a thing the fandom has wanted to see for a long time. I'd ask that you please be respectful with this info and keep in mind it is NOT confirmed and that Mia Ikumi has passed away.
I'd also like to make clear that I'm totally uninterested in trying to figure out her birth name or track down any other personal info on her life that she didn't choose to share in doujin, her website, manga notes, interviews, etc. That feels very out of line. Finding other pennames can help us fans catalogue more of her work, but finding her real identity does nothing but violate her privacy.
So that's kind of where I'm at right now. If you feel differently about whether it's right to speculate on Ikumi's doujin works, or if you don't want to see anything even a little suggestive, please turn back now.
We know for sure that Mia Ikumi was a penname, since that was confirmed in ads for Re-Turn when she changed one of the characters.
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征海美亜 *征海未亜よりペンネーム変更されました Ikumi Mia *Ikumi Mia yori penneemu henkou saremashita Mia Ikumi (征海美亜) *[Her] penname was changed/altered/revised from Mia Ikumi (征海未亜)
Prior to her return to Nakayoshi with some TMM anniversary art and then the 2020 Re-Turn short, the last work she published under that name was Koi Cupid, way back in 2005-08.
There's always been speculation as to whether she continued drawing manga under a different penname, but there was never any official word from her once her website went down, since she was not active under that name under any social media or on Pixiv. We also had no idea how her art might have evolved in the years since her last official release, so there was no guarantee we'd recognize any work of hers if we saw it. The first anyone saw of her art post-website was back in 2015 when she drew some art of Ichigo and then Ichigo, Mint, and Lettuce for the 60th anniversary of Nakayoshi.
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https://hikayagami.tumblr.com/post/132481043559/more-nakayoshi-60th-anniversary-mew-mew-art-from https://hikayagami.tumblr.com/post/118704238761/ichigo-momomiya-in-her-cafe-mew-mew-uniform-drawn https://hikayagami.tumblr.com/post/130755109662/new-picture-of-ichigo-minto-retasu-drawn-by
As you can see, this art featured a pretty different art style than she'd had 2 decades back.
(Sidenote: it seems she also did some art for the 55th anniversary, back in 2010, but this is much closer to the dates when she was working under the Mia Ikumi name and has roughly the same art style as OG TMM: https://hikayagami.tumblr.com/post/151430694480/doodles-of-ichigo-and-berry-drawn-by-mia-ikumi )
Obviously, starting in 2019, she then went on to release the two-shot manga TMM 2020 Re-Turn, some miscellaneous promo art (Blu-ray bonus comic, Alice in Wonderland merch, Smewthie fanart, etc.), and finally new covers and bonus comics for most of the rereleased manga volumes before her passing. Between the works she published in the 90s-early 2000s and all of this new art, we have a pretty good sample size of her artstyle over time. So it was only a matter of time before someone stumbled on something familiar looking…
Berrychanx found a listing (https://jp.mercari.com/item/m11046282201 ) for an Idolmaster doujin called Room Fight! created as a collab between 2 doujin circles/artists: Nameless Color (ねーむれすからー) and Komomo+ (こももぷらす), published by Poco Poco in 2014. The seller specifically noted that the style looks very similar to Mia Ikumi's, and it's very hard to argue! The hands especially look the way that Ikumi has always drawn them, and the eyes, facial expressions, and hair shading is pretty much one to one for Re-Turn.
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Nameless Color has some other works, but they aren't in this same artstyle at all. Therefore, the one whose style matches Mia Ikumi's is Komomo+.
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As far as I can tell, the doujin circle is named Poco Poco, and the artist's penname is Komomo Kozakura (小桜小桃) or later Komomo (小桃) or Komomo+ (written as こももぷらす). There's a lot of variation in which spelling is used across doujin sites, and sometimes Komomo is listed as the circle name rather than Poco Poco, but I'm unsure as to whether this is a change in how presumed-Ikumi branded herself or just a lack of organization in the websites. Also, the Room Fight! doujin is categorized under komomo+ (https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/ZHORE153927) and under Komomo Kozakura (https://ecs.toranoana.jp/tora/ec/item/040030276511/ ), so I’m sure they’re the same person and not just 2 people in the same circle.
Here are the titles I could find under all of these names across various websites in approximate publishing order:
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https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=&search_word=&ck=true&inStock=On&person_id=1051050 https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=&search_word=&ck=true&inStock=On&person_id=2874482 https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=&search_word=&person_id=2864627 https://ecs.toranoana.jp/tora/ec/cot/circle/LUPA2D6P8476d16Qd687/all/
The main fandoms are Idolmaster, Kantai Collection, and Strike Witches. It's immediately obvious how much they look like Ikumi's style, from small details like the faces to larger things like how she tends to pose characters on her covers. They range from 2008-2016, and you can see that earlier works look a little more like her TMM-era art while later stuff is way more Re-Turn.
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So is that all the new info? Do we need to track down and buy these doujin to get any more new info on Mia Ikumi? Well, that’s definitely a thing you can do! But there’s one other avenue.
You see, the title page of Girls Fight! does lead to a now defunct webpage: pocopoco.sblo.jp
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The Wayback Machine has 5 captures for this website: 12/31/08, 2/25/11, 6/3/13, 4/25/16, and 3/14/23. The latest one just shows the same error page not found message as if you try and go to the site now, but the others all have blog entries ranging from 2008 to the end of 2015 (i.e., starting RIGHT after the end of Koi Cupid/Mia Ikumi's professionally published/official manga career).
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https://web.archive.org/web/20090103031628/http://pocopoco.sblo.jp/article/20797588.html https://web.archive.org/web/20160425011557/http://pocopoco.sblo.jp/article/170290508.html
Mostly these posts are either drawings or advertisements for a new book she's selling at a con or online by mail order, so there’s a whole bunch of new art. (Warning: there's nothing outright nsfw, but some of these images are probably the most suggestive ones I link in this post, moreso than even most of the doujin covers. Use your own judgment!) The rest of the posts are personal diary entries.
(Sidenote: I am NOT going to translate this whole blog because there’s a whole bunch of text! I looked through the available pages, and the auto-translated version is fine for getting a basic understanding. If you have questions about a specific post, feel free to ask, though! Right off the bat, the text on the big image at the top of the earlier captures, the one with the green-haired catgirl in a red outfit, is just a paraphrasing of the post where she explains her categories/tags to help you navigate the site https://web.archive.org/web/20090103030651/http://pocopoco.sblo.jp/article/21376253.html )
This website, crucially, also links to Komomo's pixiv account (Username: 小桃/Komomo), which is still up!
(I was logged in when I accessed the page, so it's possible you may need an account to view it. Please do keep in mind this is not an account publicly associated with Ikumi/TMM and that the owner is likely deceased. We don't need to leave random comments and messages.)
The oldest picture is from 2012, when she created it (she posts about this), and the most recent picture is from 2018, so you can really see the artstyle shift here as well. There is no reference to TMM or Mia Ikumi anywhere.
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The blog also links to her NicoNico page (Username: 小桃/Komomo), where she posted a few Vocaloid covers from 5/16/10 to 6/4/11.
She talks about uploading these covers on her blog under her utattemita/”I tried singing” tag: https://web.archive.org/web/20160425011607/http://pocopoco.sblo.jp/category/907578-1.html
So, the art definitely matches with what we know of Mia Ikumi’s art, both from published works and stuff posted online to her official website, ikumimia.chu.jp (Hika posted some of the website art here and here if you aren’t familiar)
(As a tangent, that website seems to have been created at or before 5/7/07 and gone offline sometime between 7/1/10 and 7/27/11, so there was definitely a period where she was working under both identities at once…)
But is there any other info linking Komomo and Mia Ikumi?
The site doesn't give much personal detail about Komomo irl, but it does say she was born in spring, and Mia Ikumi's birthday was March 27th.
��ロフィール 名前小桜小桃です。 一言:春生まれです。 Profile My name is Komomo Kozakura. In a word, I was born in spring.
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There's also a diary entry about her getting a Scottish fold kitten for her mom in 2008 after the family cat passed away 2 years back. We know from the bonus comics in the TMM manga that Mia Ikumi had a Scottish fold.
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スコティッシュフォールドという種類のキャリコなお嬢さん。 A calico lady called a Scottish fold.
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Komomo also says she’s interested in gothic lolita clothing and that she dresses up at events. We know Mia Ikumi also dressed up for events, since that’s in her bio, and she drew her outfits in manga bonus page.
*ゴスロリの部屋* 小桜小桃の趣味のページです。主に持っている服やアイテム、欲しいモノの紹介、ゴスロリに関する事とかも書いていこうと思います。 *Gothic Lolita Room* A page about Komomo Kozakura’s hobby. Mainly I’ll write about clothing items I own, stuff I want, and things related to gothic lolita fashion.
今回のコミケはカゼのため、コスとかせずに防寒重視でいったのですが Because I had a cold at this Comiket, I went without any kind of costume to focus on keeping warm
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Between the art, the timeline of when things were posed vs Ikumi's public career, and the small bits of overlapping info on the artists' lives, I'm very confident that Mia Ikumi and Komomo Kozakura are two pennames for the same artist.
As for why, we can only speculate. I will say it's pretty common for artists to use a different penname for doujin work vs professional work, although some keep it more secret than others. It's especially common if the doujin work is more risque than the professional, which is the case here. I'll also say that almost all of Ikumi's post-TMM works were fairly short. Only One Wish may have been imagined as a one-volume anthology from the start, but it seems like TMM a La Mode and Repure may have been canceled early based on rushed endings with a lack of follow-up on plot points. Comi Digi +, the magazine in which Koi Cupid was published, got discontinued in 2008, presumably ending that series early as well. Ikumi also seems pretty annoyed with her editor in the a La Mode bonus comics, so possibly she was frustrated with baggage of the Mia Ikumi identity and wanted a fresh start.
Possibly she stopped putting out work around 2018 or possibly she started working under another penname. Maybe that was when Nakayoshi got in contact with her to begin planning for ReTurn, Ole/Au Lait, New, the TMM Blu-ray, the manga re-release, etc.
In conclusion, it seems like there are many more works by the artist known as Mia Ikumi than we'd thought previously, plus slightly more of a web presence, although this seems to have ended years before the TMM 20th anniversary renaissance. It's possible there are more accounts under the Komomo/小桃 name or under another penname that might be found in the future.
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chireikiden · 7 months
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Before there was Gensokyo of Humans or Magician Who Loved a Fake, there was Wholly Red, Ashiyama's self-published doujin series. Originally started in 2015 and still ongoing, with 28 chapters at the moment. A running storyline about tengu society, politics, journalism, office drama & comedy, and what it is to be a youkai. Focused near exclusively on the tengu and their own bubble within Gensokyo, with supporting roles for some of their neighbors.
Excited to finally get around to this. The translation's already done, actually, and the plan is to release a chapter twice per month until we catch up, after which point it'll just be "whenever there's an update".
As most of the series was published in book form first and then split into chapters for the Pixiv release used here, chapters vary a lot in length and each book also has its own story arc to an extent.
Also on MangaDex!
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fivefatweeb · 24 days
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I've decided to finally start watching an anime I've been keeping in my watchlist for almost 9 years at this point 😅 It's an anime called Majin Bone that was released back in 2014 (so it's almost 10 yo 😳), but I discovered it during the summer of 2015 after listening to its opening themes.
Unfortunately, though, this anime is pretty obscure (at least here in the West) and when I tried to search for fanfictions of it on ao3 I've found absolutely nothing and the site doesn't even seem to have a section about it in its fandom list 😭 But at least I could find some fanarts of it on pixiv 😌
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tamamita · 11 months
Hey you like Arknights right? Whats your opinion on the controversy of a dev adding their character into the game only to be accused of plagiarizing their own character all the way back from 2015?
How dare they! I hope pixiv user Haimao (a.k.a Lowlight) enacts justice on that thief Lowlight (a.k.a pixiv user Haimao)
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fuckyeahteamrocket · 11 months
ボスズ詰め | サラダ
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アッ!!この沼「深い」ッッボボボボ って感じですごきげんよう
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vocalsynthbdays · 4 months
happy birthday ia(vocaloid 3), vivi(vocaloid 4), merry kohaku(utau), and one(cevio cs) !!! [jan 27]
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(ia and vivi)
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(merry and one)
IA is a japanese synth developed by 1st PLACE Co., Ltd., and released in 2012. ia is voiced by singer-songwriter Lia, and mostly illustrated by Akasaka Aka, who done all her art apart from her ai song art, which was drawn by Simanerikotton. as well as that, ias ai song english box arts artist is unknown. its a render of a 3d model of ia. ias mmd model was created by mqdl. ia was released for vocaloid 3 on 27 jan 2013, and for vocaloid neo on 7 dec 2013. later, on 27 jun 2014 she was released with her IA ROCKS vb for those same engines. she was then released for cevio with her IA Talk vb on 1 march 2017, and her IA ENGLISH C on 29 june 2018. then for cevio ai, with her IA TALK on 12 mar 2021, and her IA AI SONG and IA AI SONG ENGLISH on 27 oct 2021. shes also available on the mobile vocaloid editor and vocaloid keyboard. ia is a part of 1st PLACE Co., Ltd.'s -ARIA ON THE PLANETES- series.
merry kohaku is a japanese synth created and voiced by Shiogama, and released in 2014. merry is illustrated by sweeper_ms and _kiyomizutera_ i think, with kiyomizutera doing the colouring if i am understanding a post on ms's pixiv correctly.
VIVI (aka Vivian Vu) was announced in 2018. she was to be an english synth with a japanese and chinese bank also, but was cancelled due to legal issues surrounding obtaining a development license. she was being developed by VoMelody (vocadb also lists zero-g as a company shes associated with but im not sure in what way. vomelodys vocadb article just says they were developing her). since vivis banks were never released there is no official way to obtain them, but developer copies were leaked to the public in 2021. vivi is illustrated by hieihirai. i dont know who voiced vivi
the following was very kindly written by my friend who knows nothing about vocal synths:
happy birth ONE (オネ) !! 🍮
one is a cevio released by the company 1st PLACE Co., Ltd, and she was released on january 27, 2015. 🌹
one is a 15 year old girl and she has orange hair. she shares a birthday with her older sister, IA. coincidentally, she also shares a name with her voice provider, ONE, who is a singer. an illustrator called „sidu“ created her character design. 🪣
one is apart of the -ARIA ON THE PLANETS- project, which is a series of umm characters. ☘️
she lives on planet ARIA, which is similar to earth, but with „various life forms that resonate and co-exist together, several of whom raised IA and ONE.“ 🧣
inhabitants of planet aria:
チコー or“Neko-san”, or simply “cat”) is a spirit that lives on ARIA. She is the mother figure of IA & ONE, and has been with them all of their lives before coming to Earth with ONE. ^^
They have a „grandfather“ figure named “Chōrō” (“長老”, meaning "elder") or "Choro no ki” (長老抜き, meaning the "eldest tree)".It was mentioned that he taught ONE and IA all that they know. :3
“フェニックス” (also known as “Phoenix”, or simply “Nix“ is a singing teacher and a voice trainer for ONE and IA. ^−☆
there‘s also another inhabitant that lives on ARIA but shes so irrelevant shes not even worth mentioning!!! -_-
im done writing for this b shoutout to this website i literally reworded most things and made it shorter https://cevio.fandom.com/wiki/ONE
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niwanoe · 3 months
今後の活動先については検討中ですが、 現在主に使っているSNSを記載します。よかったらフォローしてください。 X(twitter) : https://twitter.com/nwnyui8 (@nwnyui8) pixiv : https://www.pixiv.net/users/14225771 Bluesky : https://bsky.app/profile/nwnyui8.bsky.social (@nwnyui8)
また、個人サイトでもイラストを更新しています。 Web site : https://niwanoe.com/
2015年から9年という長い間、tumblrで私の作品を見てくださった方々、ありがとうございました 。いつも皆様のフォローやいいね、リポストがとても励みになりました。本当にありがとうございました。
niwano 2024/2/28
About using tumblr
Thank you for always viewing niwano's works. Due to various circumstances, the work has been made private for the time being. Publication date is undecided. I'm considering whether to delete my account.
I am currently considering my future activities, but I will list the SNS I currently use mainly. Please follow me if you like.
X(twitter) : https://twitter.com/nwnyui8 (@nwnyui8) pixiv : https://www.pixiv.net/users/14225771 Bluesky : https://bsky.app/profile/nwnyui8.bsky.social (@nwnyui8)
I also update illustrations on my personal website. Web site : https://niwanoe.com/
Thank you to everyone who has watched my work on tumblr for the past 9 years since 2015. Your follows, likes, and reposts are always very encouraging. I'm really thankful to you.
I don't think I will delete this account any time soon, so if you need anything, please contact me via message.
niwano 2024/2/28
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doujin-and-drop · 7 months
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Gyaku Shaun Sai Hanri / Ace Arftorney ENGLISH PATCH (VER. 1.0)
Thank you all who have waited patiently for me to translate this game! It was a lot of fun. Please support Cheshire, who now goes by Oota Manta, for creating this game! (here is his pixiv - MAJOR R-18 WARNING)
For this game to run properly, you MUST either set your computer's locale to Japanese or use a locale emulator.
Below are some translation notes (spoiler warning)
This was my first ever major translation project. Since it spanned the time of almost two years, the quality of the translations may increase as you play through the game. Nonetheless I have gone back and redone a lot of the earlier dialogue with the help of a friend to make it sound more natural in English. If you find any errors or typos, you may leave an ask and I will correct it in a patch update.
In order to keep the spirit of an actual Ace Attorney game, several things were changed. Most notably, the characters names.
稲刈たんぼ (Inekari Tanbo) is Phoenix Wruff. People familiar with the Japanese Ace Attorney names may recognize that this name is nowhere near Naruhodou Ryuuichi. That's simply because this character, as with Edgewurrth, were not actually named after the main characters of the original series. I decided to change this given their clear homage. Inekari Tanbo literally means "harvesting (a) rice paddy".
条框蓮司(レンジ) (Jyoukamachi Renji) is Miles Edgewurrth. To be honest, I don't think there is a pun in his name. At the very least, I had trouble thinking of what it could be. If somebody knows, let me know. The most I can figure is the first kanji in his name can mean "streak", and according to Cheshire, Edgewurrth was supposed to get the white streak of hair, not Abe, but he didn't like how it looked on the former.
萬舞 (Man Mau) is Krystal "Kris" Balle. Her name means "10,000 dances", hence her English name.
濡沼 ウキモ (Nuranuma Ukimo) is Ashley Goodhead. Ukimo doesn't seem to have much significance as a word, although it could be related to 浮き which means to float, as in like, floating in water. I say this because the other parts of Ukimo's name, 濡(Nura)沼(Numa) refer to being wet and to swamps.
If this is true, why the name choice? Well, it's very complicated...
濡 Means a little more than just being wet. It also can mean being wet in the sexual sense. There's also the word 濡れ衣 (Nuraginu) which means to be falsely accused of a crime (literally and archaically "wet clothes"). Both these I would say fit Ukimo, not only because of her story position of being falsely accused, but also, well... just look at her design. It would be naive to claim there's nothing sexual about it.
沼 has some connotations among gaming, interestingly. It can mean being addicted to something (that something being a piece of media, typically) or being "swamped" in a game, i.e being stuck and unable to progress.
Now, this meaning of the word has only come into play somewhat recently. Like, 2015-ish. Which makes it sort of inapplicable, since Gyaku San was created around 2003.
A different slang use of 沼 that was used around this time was 池沼 which means, basically, the r slur... in a way? It's used to make fun of "weird" or "cringe" behavior, typically present in those with mental disability. It's a homophone of 知障, which does mean "mental disability​".
With all this in mind, I had a very hard time piecing together a name for Ukimo that would feel at home in Ace Attorney. Especially because I don't know the full extent of what Cheshire had in mind when naming her.
Ashley was chosen given that, to me, it is a very "popular teenage girl" name. "Ash" would also make her closely related to "Phoenix". (Get it? LOL). I almost debated on making any use of ウキモちゃん (Ukimo-chan) be "Ash", but decided it would be kind of weird...
Goodhead was chosen for several reasons. It, of course, is a clear sexual pun, but it is also a reference to James Bond, something I feel could encapsulate some of the slang meanings of 沼 (media obsession) while serving to imitate Ace Attorney's love of pop culture references. "Goodhead" could also be taken literally, as in meaning she has a good head on her shoulders, which would refer to her being innocent; the "false accusation" meaning in her name.
It was the best I could do. Orz.
阿部伊知郎 (Abe Ichirou) is Abe Founder. He kept the first part, although his last name became his first name, and his original first name means "The one wise son". However, without the kanji, "ichirou" can mean to fail your college entrance exam. Considering that he lies about going to a prestigious college when he actually went to a average one reminded me of this, so his last name was chosen to hold similar meaning. "Founder", as a noun, can mean someone who establishes something, and typically this is used with positive connotation. However, as a verb, it can mean "failure", which I think is apt and captures this stark contrast meaning.
Many things in the game were changed to better be understood by a Western audience, such as obscure Japanese pop culture references and suchlike. The backwards poster bit was the hardest, but I managed to pull it off. In short, Ashley's - or Ukimo's - poster originally was a reference to an old Japanese song (likely) that had さんさん(san san) written. When read from the back, さ looks like ち(chi). The "look dood" poster said 犬さんぽ in the original, which means "dog stroll". But when read from the back, it looks like 犬ちんぽ which means "dog penis". I did my best with this, haha.
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tinukis · 4 months
sabosan existing on here since at least 2017 is crazy
(it's ask blogs and im lazy to know the lore but all ik is that sabo and sanji have kids while sanji is in extreme denial abt being gay)
i wanna know how far back sabosan goes... like at leasT 2015 or 2016??? (anime timeline) and maybe 2014 (manga timeline) idk im just guessing bc i dont know what year sabo returned so
on pixiv in the sabosan tag (サボサン) the oldest works on there is from 2015. (i mean when u look up サボサン you get this cactus mascot which is p hilarious)
i theorize that sabosan became recognized because of zou/wci. bc thats when we learn about sanji's history. i notice that it seem to be more recognized by a few fans as early as 2016 (when wci started)
so those big brained individuals were onto something then. they saw two blonde characters that shared similar histories and went. "wait a minute. i can cook something with this"
and you know what sanji's good at? taking any ingredients and making something amazing out of it. thats what early sabosan fans did
there are Very Little content of them/i cant read japanese and i just mostly find the cactus mascot, but they were there. at Least as early as sabo's return. and at that time, fans did not receive sanji's past. they just took these guys like barbie dolls and made them kiss... anyway i need them to meet and i want to see the longtime fans react as theyve waited nearly a decade for that very moment
(kinda doubtful but let me dream!!!)
OKAY ANOTHER UPDATE (YES IM TYPING EVERYTHING IN ONE POST) i learned how to search dates on the bird app once more and. im seeing posts from jpn about sabosan !!!
one of my favorite ones:
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the people understanding since 2016... that sanji goes well with ASL brothers :'D
ok found another tweet (and the users are still active !!) and translation seems butchered so im not gonna share but from what i could understand, this other user also likes sanji with ASL... this is amazing. LIKE im aware of the impact acesan had, especially bc of the anime including ace in alabasta (i understand deeply. i mean have you SEEN the way ace acted around sanji⁉️⁉️ lighting his cigarette... smirking at him when sanji turns his back... i know what you are. they Definitely spent an entire night (or more) alone together <3) but for sabo to be included to since this long ago, esp considering the two never met?!?? and the one connection is being royal blood...
again i cannot include everything, esp long posts bc the translation gets butchered but aaahh just ppl talk about the pairing, any potentials about it makes me happy... and gives me hope for the agenda to spread wider lol. what looks like that has been said is that a couple of people really like pairing sanji with multiple characters, esp ASL... and i understand so well. theres just something about sanji being so shippable
there are also fans speaking to other sanji ships fans, and they ask/say "i want to see your sabosan !!" it's great...
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sabo POP figure from 2016 (aaah i want it so bad...)
and the suit he wears in this figure, it does look like sanji's fit now that the user mentioned it 👀👀
okay i dug a little more and found another sabosan fan! at first i was unsure as they could be talking about another user or a cactus or something. but as it turns out, they are indeed a sabosan fan! they've said things like "i wish sabosan was more popular"/"i wish for sabosan" and this is dated back in 2016! plus one of my favorite posts (translated into deepL as i had a feeling that twt had butchered the translation and...)
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they get it. they got it. as i mentioned earlier, the fans definitely knew what was up when wci happened. THEY WERE COOKING BACK IN 2016!!! which... i believe i should now start digging as early as i can. maybe for zou or dressrosa years!! bc certainly, this pairing was actually talked about during 2016-2017. it was wonderful to see!
oh my goodness... i decided to look from start of 2015 to the end, and so far in late 2015, the same user from the above translation, has been talking about them still! they mentioned sabosan fanworks, and how they read a heartbreaking fic⁉️⁉️ i cant tell you how happy i was to read that. sabosan being a thing and having angst works, even if i can't read them. (never mess with one piece fans, especially if they are fujoshi !! they'll find their ways. im honestly fascinated. i love fandom history if you couldnt tell by this post!)
plus, some fans calling themselves delusional for thinking of this pairing... if only i could be there with you, longtime fan.
and i'll be real here, i dont know of the popularities back then but the comparison of sanji and sabo being nobles are great :] (maybe bc i've just seen ppl being mean to sabo recently 😔)
okay im sure this post is getting wayyy too long so i'll try to wrap up my investigations. bc there are many posts to look through but sabosan being talked about as early as 2015 (as i write this) is just... very joyous news to me ;w;
im sure i will be missing lots of good posts (despite the horrible machine translations) but i am shaking hands with 2015-2017 fans in solidarity... at most 9 years later
!!! GREAT NEWS. 2014 posting!!
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original tweet and deepL translation... dated mid december 2014. nearly a whole decade ago. i swear sabosan will go viral, way more than when zou/wci was in progress. im sure of it
i really cant put into words how im feeling or what im really thinking. just know im happy to find fans from 2014 !!
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⁉️⁉️⁉️ AUGUST 2014 BTW. and im assuming its supposed to be "sabo started with" or something but... the content. sabosan content. 2014. it's out there. SHAKES YOU. THE CRUMBS (also this user is a sabosan fan and i think acesan fan too as i did see mentjons of them... so this just...)
NOW IM CURIOUS WITH HOW MANY POSTS IVE BEEN MISSING⁉️⁉️ yall the agenda must spread farther
ASL/sanji mentioned! august 2014
omg again from the same user
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shaking your hand in spirit (april 2014!!!)
there have been fans of this pairing as early as april 2014!!!! and have been manifesting for their popularity for awhile 😭😭😭 (plus this user is still active! im not sure if theyre still into one piece but... i hope for the longtime/past fans to see it all soon)
i think my investigation into sabosan history ends here after a long post and hours of searching... unless i somehow find something earlier than april 2014, the earliest moment that sabosan was first talked about was in the year 2014. Q2 2014. back when dressrosa was still ongoing. do you know how insane that is? before wci.
i think we can come to a conclusion that sabosan was a concept as early as 2014 was all becaude of acesan. thats the pattern i noticed. ace/acesan was often mentioned. and i believe it's bc not only are ace and sabo brothers, but bc sabo aimed to eat the mera mera no mi. and if sanji were to meet sabo, sanji would be reminded of his late lover, ace. and the angst potential is so real... sanji looking at sabo... just as a replacement for ace? ouch
i know the fans were having a field day when they learned about sanji's blood family :']
side note: there are likely things lost due to users deactivating or whatnot... and i doubt i'd be able to search via wayback machine. and as much as i dont like pinterest for reposting art, there are pieces of the two ive never seen before
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