milkteabinniechan · 15 days
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can we talk about the dumbification of han jisung. can he talk about him so horny out of his goddamned mind that he's rutting and grinding into you because it's instinct? because all he can think about is release? he's inside of you and it feels so amazingly good that his hips can't stop. his tongue is out. he is panting and begging like a dog. his eyes are shut tight and he doesn't know where he is, what day it is. his mind has gone completely blank. he just listens to his cock now. and it's crying for orgasm.
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fangswbenefits · 7 months
Okay so.
There is something that so easily tugs at my heartstrings: you being the first thinking creature whose blood Astarion has ever tasted.
You were his first taste of freedom since Cazador never allowed him to feed on anything but rats and flies.
Not just that, but you willingly offered your blood to him.
He calls it a gift.
So, how does one easily get over this bond? How can he?
You see him for what he truly he is, and you accept him. He's never had that until you came along.
So is it any wonder that he falls for you so easily? That you ruined his plan? You were merely a means to an end at first, but quickly won him over against his better judgement.
So, tell me... how can someone move on from this?
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
thigh riding eren with my arms around his neck and my face buried in the crook of it would fix me. I just know it.
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Imagine being a peircer and having Hobie come in for a lip piercing.
And it's right before closing, but you take him anyways cause you figure it'll be quick - plus he already has piercings so he's probably good with stuff like this, it'll be fine
So you get him set up and sit him down, you two are shooting the shit and getting along
But then you have to go through with it, holding his lip gently and trying to keep the needle steady as his brown eyes look up at you - his lidded gaze VERY distracting.
You have to tell him to stop smirking
You lean in closer to get a better look and he puts a hand on your leg to steady you a bit
And even as you do it, he doesn't flinch at all. His eyelids fluttering for as second at the pain as he groans
And then it's over and you're pulling away, handing him a mirror so he can see your work
Hobie smiles, the silver ring gleaming in the light as he checks it out for the first time - complimenting you on your handiwork.
He takes your card on the way out, telling you he'll be back,
Before stopping in the doorway and asking what other piercings you do - and if you have room right now for a Prince Albert appointment
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dick-chugger · 5 months
Our blessed Mää vs. Their filthy Mie
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bloody-soda · 7 months
do not let me into cas at 3 in the morning.
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arturleclerc-archive · 5 months
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something about maxiel and vanilla
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grimmji · 2 months
h... help I'm getting the urge to write shitty hetalia fics again,, by god I haven't felt this way since middle school
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kateeorg · 1 month
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks "Magneto was right" is bullshit? And really dangerous rhetoric to be spreading? I'm not really an X-Men fan, so maybe my opinion is invalid, but... (a venting rant, please ignore unless you are curious, not judgmental)
It's one thing for Magneto to be right within the universe of X-Men -- any X-Men iteration -- which gives a lot of evidence that the humans of that universe WON'T change and WILL see mutants dead before they are accepted.
Fine. Whatever.
But considering how so many see X-Men as a reflection of real world issues... we're really going this route? We're really saying violence and war is the only option?
Because people WILL map this onto real-world issues that they really shouldn't be. But the real world isn't a comic book. The conflicts are not oversimplified, and the "oppressed" and "oppressors" aren't always as clear as people think. More often, there is real hurt on both sides, and multiple facets the news can't capture.
Sometimes, both sides are violent assholes. And they will hold on to their rightness, to their feelings of being the only "oppressed" ones, to justify horrible things.
And who gets caught in the crossfire? We do. Ordinary people just trying to get by.
And the other thing is, violence and extremism makes for a better story, doesn't it? Better comics, better photos, better news readership. Peace... real peace is hard. It doesn't photograph well, like protest does. It needs to constantly be maintained, constant compromises. It doesn't make for a good movie, does it? Not a superhero movie, anyway. Or TV show.
It requires a maturity that most people? Will never reach.
Including the writers.
So screw your "Magneto was right". Maybe I'm wrong. I probably am! I'm probably letting my emotions about real world events get in the way. I don't like conflict or picking sides by nature, even when it's justified, and some will see that as a weakness of my character. Fine.
But I'm sorry, I just ... I refuse to accept that. Because I worry who is going to use that phrase as a rallying cry in the real world. And who will get hurt as a result because someone decided they "deserved" that.
This is also why I'm frankly not excited to bring the X-Men into the MCU. Because where there are X-Men, irrational hatred must follow, and I just... I don't want to see the MCU devolve into that. It will, of course, the die has been cast, but... I'm sad it came to that, because I'm not sure I trust the MCU writers as things stand to get this right.
In a world of superheroes and flying ships, the thing that takes real imagination is to see a world where peace is possible.
I'm not sure I'll ever have the writing chops to do it myself. But I endeavor to try harder than the X-Men writers clearly ever have.
Actually, I think Wonder Woman said it best: "It's not about deserve. It's about what you believe. And I believe in love."
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
I genuinely think Steve would have an Only Fans, Robin would convince him to sell pictures of his feet.
At first it’s just pictures of Steve’s feet, some even out of focus, but then someone comments about them not being sexy enough and Robin takes offense to it. She’s the one taking the pictures and managing the profile (she called it “The King’s feet” and she’s proud of it) and she won’t accept any criticism.
After that she start to take care of the set, checking the lights, using Steve’s phone which has a better camera. And if it could have been considered “normal” at some point, she gets over that level pretty quickly. She’s invested in making costumes, then characters and finally overly complicated dramatic scenes.
Steve is desperate for a break but every time he tries to talk Robin out of it, somehow he ends up holding one of his feet up as she’s drawing a smiley face on his toes.
Steve, to no one’s surprise, has very few subscribers, mostly people who either paid the subscription by mistake or are weirdly into whatever Robin is making.
But the only one who has been subscribed for months, the same one who had critiqued Steve’s feet for not being sexy enough, is a certain E_thebanished, and he never misses any of Robin’s series of weird re-enactments for foot fetishists.
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the-phantom-peach · 11 months
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haha,, can you guess where I’m at in my playthrough? ha
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stinky-ahh-gay · 29 days
Me watching Ty Lee giving Azula tips for flirting: aw, that's sweet
Always me, staring at the screen after Ty Lee "faked" to flirt with Azula as a "training": ... i know what you are... YOU FUCKING LESBIANS
My poor little brother that was watching Atla with me and has to watch me being delusional: *confused side eye*
Still me, laughing at Azula as she fails to actually succeed in the flirting with a guy: YOU CAN'T DO IT BC YOU'RE OBSESSED WITH POWER AND YOU LIKE GIRRRRLLLLSSSSSS
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
let me get these assignments done so I can get back to my true calling (sexualizing that fictional man)
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seungcheorry · 23 days
grief is the strangest thing a human being can experience. the longing, the love, the sadness, the relief, the anger - they all exist within grief, all at the same time.
like, how many times can you cry for the same reason? how many times can you smile because you remembered someone? how many times can you curse at god because you're not him so you can't bring that soul you loved so much back?
how many lifetimes can you love that soul?
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dogepauus · 5 months
diagnosed with a little bit of everything call that DSM no. 5
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max pov of daniel
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