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unclesamwilson · 7 years
what kind of dumbass person do you have to be to think the most relatable character in star wars is the character who killed han solo????
also “more relatable than darth vader ever was” like rian johnson shouldn’t be allowed to make movies if he can’t find anything relatable in anakin skywalker ... who was afraid to lose people he loved ...
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tchaikovsgay · 7 years
I’m seeing tlj in 27.5 hours and I’m. Scared shitless
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lj-writes · 7 years
Finn stans lowering their expectations and being preemptively pessimistic ahead of the trailer release is the saddest fandom moment I’ve witnessed in a while.
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padawanlost · 7 years
when in star wars going to confirm ewan as obi wan for the film so i can be happy again, tlj has really bummed me out. esp since it was the first star wars movie im getting to see in theaters. why couldnt i have been a fan in 05 (granted i was in 5th grade and like 11 years old) but what id give to see rots in theaters ;~; i swear they better cast ewan though, i mean they wouldnt dare when hes right there. my boys been waiting to come back to star wars, its what he deserves (&hayden pls)
Awww I’msorry your first time watching Star Wars in the big screen was such a disappointment:(((  But trust me, watching ROTS in the theaterswas not a fun experience. There was a lot of tears, despair, heartbreak, tears,embarrassment from all the tears in a crowded theater, secondhand embarrassmentfrom the people sitting next to you… :P
To becompletely honest with you I’m no longer all that excited for the Obi-wan movie. What Iwan from an Obi-wan movie is 2 hours of prequel-positive heartbreaking fun to reminiscenceabout my beloved prequels and Obi-wan Kenobi. Based on Disney dislike for theprequels, what I’ve seen from TFA and everything I’ve heard from the han solomovie and TLJ I’m not sure I’ll ever get that. And the fact Ewan has not beenconfirmed yet is a huge red flag.
Disney seemto be laying all their eggs on the Rian Johnson basket but after all this TLJbacklash maybe things will change. But I’m not putting too much hope on it. Iwant a new story about Obi-wan but I don’t want what we know to be retconnedand I certainly don’t want anyone other than Ewan playing him.
You know, Isaw this post about someone being glad Hayden wasn’t in TLJ and that’s prettymuch how I feel now. At first, I was pissed they gave us Yoda and not Obi-wanand/or Anakin but now I’m glad Hayden is not associated with the movie because I’msure somehow he would’ve ended up being blamed for the movie or for whatever OOCthing force-ghost!Anakin did on screen. If they butchered Luke, a character haddidn’t need to change to please the OT purists, can you imagine what they wouldhave done with Anakin? eh!
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can we please stop shitting all over the last jedi and rian johnson pls and thank you
this film had many faults but it still deserves love bye
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janesbrontes · 7 years
life update
i literally did so shitty on my chem final and now im scared that ill have to retake it I WANNA DIE also the last jedi SUCKED SO BAD AND I WANNA CRY WTF RIAN JOHNSON I STILL DONT KNOW ANY OF MY FINAL GRADES I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY FOR FUCKING GIFTS MY SKIN IS A GOD DAMN MESs please send good vibes my way pls and thank you
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dominatees · 5 years
Directed By Rian Johnson Shirt
Directed By Rian Johnson Shirt
World has to intervene australia cant understand its okay dont panic The Directed By Rian Johnson Shirtbritish royal family are. Sending thoughts and prayers this is a disaster to our planet pls god help us to save the animals. And wildlife its amazing what we can do when we pull together so pleased fundraising. Is finally happening lets make sure what was raised for notre damne looks like pocket…
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