killuaisaprincess · 4 months
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trashbaggage · 4 years
okay okay okay
the movie “enchanted”, but witcher-fied (sorry this got away from me a bit)
there’s a stereotypical medieval fantasyland where jaskier julian alfred pankratz is the prince of lettenhovia. he’s got the looks, voice, and affinity for attracting woodland animals of a disney princess. also, the tragic backstory: his parents died in a freak accident when he was young. but don’t worry, his creepy “uncle” stregobor took upon himself the burden of ruling in their stead, until julian grew up and became ready for the throne.
(basically, stregobitch is like rasputin, and had tricked and slimed his way into the crown’s good graces before, surprise surprise, killing off the king and queen. he left julian alive to take some of the heat off of him with that extra distraction of grieving child. alas, poor little princeling that he can play the benevolent guardian to.)
and things are gr8 for good ol streggy, julian seems more inclined to sing and wander than become bogged down with the responsibility of becoming king. everything’s comin up stregs.
and then, of course, there’s a prophecy about how julian will be his doom or whatev and he needs to get on that shit STAT like he’s never heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy before (to be fair, fantasyland doesn’t have ancient greek tragedies to learn from so rip stregosaurus). but before he can implement his sophisticated plan of julian dying in an “accident”, our dear jules wanders too far and falls down a magic well into the Real World.
and he’s like, sweet, look at all this stuff! this is great and - oh hello, very attractive man with silken white hair and eyes as golden as the dawn light falling gently upon newly blossomed lillies and thighs that can crush his head and his heart, what up. and geralt is very confused and frustrated and oddly and begrudgingly charmed by this loudly dressed and loudly singing idiot accosting him outta nowhere, but his daughter ciri seems to like him so i guess we can keep him for a night but if he pees on the rug he’s out.
cue fun family bonding, musical numbers, shenanigans, all that jazz; julian, now jaskier cuz new world new him babey,, exploring and learning and having the time of his life and trying to get this broody man to open up and show that kindness his scowl can’t quite hide.
aaaaand cut back to streginald throwing a fit that the prince has cleverly evaded his dastardly plans, he has underestimated him it seems, and he can’t just let this massive loose thread keep flappin in the breeze, so he sends yennefer to deal with him.
now, yennefer is streggo my eggo’s daughter in this, and he’s raised her to be his right hand woman, his evil apprentice, the (much smarter) kronk to his yzma, and she’s been promised power once her dad fully claims the throne, so ofc she gets right on tracking that crafty twunk down to kill him. in the process, she comes across roach, julian’s horse and bff talking animal companion, by the magic well, gathering up the fucks to go after her wayward idiot. a struggle ensues, and yen and roach both go through the portal.
so now we got the side plot of these two trying to find jaskier, yen to kill him and roach to huff reproachfully at him for getting into this mess and if anyone is gonna kill him she will for dragging her across realms (she does not like portals, okay, they feel weird) not some uppity witch. so they got their tomfoolery of yen almost killing an unaware jaskier but then roach foiling her plans. she also tries to kidnap ciri as bait for a trap, but she can’t hurt this kid she’s too precious, ow ow ow, why does her chest feel weird?? she’s actually starting to find the boundaries to her thirst for power and it kinda sucks and feels nice at the same time??? 0/10 do not recommend
during this, geralt’s quiet life is being upended by this weird dude and he’s never danced so much in his life and his child is conspiring against him to set him up with this clearly deranged but very nice and pretty man but he’s not staying ciri we have to get him back to .....wherever tf he came from i don’t even like him, what are you talking about,,,
it all comes to a head at the costume ball, where geralt and jaskier are dancing and making eyes at each other until roach bursts in and tries to charades her way into warning her idiot to run motherfucker but she can’t talk in this realm so ugh and geralt horsegirl rivia is just like omg ur best friend is a horse that’s so fucking cool i love you even more.
and then yen bursts in; she’s kinda struggling to fulfill her mission, cuz she’s been watching jaskier and geralt and they just seem like two idiots that couldn’t possibly threaten anything, let alone her father’s power grab. she’s also made frenemies with roach, she’s the only motherfucker who can handle her in this city. so she just tries to scare jaskier into never returning, which works pretty well because she is v v scary, and then stregobonkers comes strolling in like wtf why is this taking you so long just kill him!! and yen is like i’ve kind of grown this pesky con- 🤢 consci- 🤢, wait, just, give me a min,,,, conscience!! yeah, that’s the bitch! anyway, stop telling me what to do dad and stregobego drops a bomb and goes i always knew you had a weakness to you, just like your parents!
and it’s just,,
what? what do you - my parents?
and it turns out he saw the power she held and wanted it under his control, so he killed her parents (it’s like, his signature move at this point) and groomed her to be his obedient little weapon. and, understandably, yen is pissed off and hurt and goes to lash out at him, but he just smirks and clicks his fingers while muttering under his breath, and everything stops for yen a second time as her mind blanks.
sneaky streg had put in a fail safe, in case she ever got out of line, and the amulet he gave her “for protection and focus, you must never take it off” lights up and puts her under his command and she turns into a sickass dragon that starts tearing up the dance floor, literally, in her rampage to kill jaskier.
geralt and jaskier go oh shit and dodge for their lives and things are looking pretty dire, but then jaskier looks at the suits of armor set up for decoration and goes wait a minute and grabs a sword to toss at geralt and just goes cover me boo and aim for that amulet and if you miss we’ll probably all die so no pressure!! and just sprints out and distracts angry dragon!yen and geralt goes goddamnit jaskier and sneaks around until he can jump at her and do a completely improbable matrix leap to stab at the amulet, and because this is a romcom and i get to choose my coping mechanisms, he makes it and yen is free from streg egghead’s power and she turns to him, still a dragon, and smiles wide with all them sharp sharp teeth and he goes ohhhh shiiiit and tries to run, but jaskier very helpfully trips him up and goes eat up my lady and dragon yen does, with great relish.
in conclusion, everyone lives happily ever after except streggles. geralt gets over his baggage and professes his love for jaskier, jaskier goes i’m not that easy geralt there needs to be wooing! i deserve to be wooed!! before heavily making out with him in the next five seconds. jaskier gives yen his blessing to become queen of lettenhovia, because he never really wanted the job anyway and she deserves it after what she’s been through. she still comes back every sunday for brunch and to teach ciri how to fight (she’s mine now, i’ve adopted her so she needs to learn the fine art of pointy things geralt) and geralt, jaskier, and ciri take holidays to fantasyland and roach is free to roam wherever she wants and becomes an advisor to yen.
the end
(extra dramatic addendum: geralt finally brings jask home to meet his family; vesemir opens the door and geralt goes this is my boyfriend, jas- but vesemir cuts him off with a choked out pRiNcE JuLiAn?! and it turns out vesemir is also actually from fantasyland. he worked for julian’s parents; the prevalence of monsters had been steadily rising, and so they had the idea to create witchers to combat them. kaer morhen was created under their sanction and vesemir was a teacher there, but he became disenfranchised with every boy that didn’t make it through the trials. when the keep was attacked by fanatics against witchers, he smuggled out eskel, lambert, coen, and geralt, and hid them away. he looked at these traumatized kids and went well that won’t do, followed up on some rumors of a new world, had a mage friend alter the boys’ memories, and skedaddled for our world. very shocking reveal, angsty angst-ness as geralt and the others deal with repressed memories and the fact that jaskier’s parents were responsible for it all, y’know, all that good stuff)
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killuaisaprincess · 20 days
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
4 U
“Killua, no, no, I’m not mad. Of course, you can buy yourself stuff. That’s why I’m paying you.”
Gon gently lifts Killua’s chin.
Killua’s eyes are filled with tears, and he has a smudge of jelly near his lips.
Gon smiles softly.
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months
polka dot
Gon moves his hand out, catching him, and Killua grips his finger.
“Wow! Careful.”
Gon hums with a concerned smile as Killua glances up, the tips of his ears red as he slowly lets go of Gon’s index finger.
Killua’s wings flap twice in quick succession.
Gon stares with his mouth open, and his face feels warm.
Killua’s so cute…
“You sure do get excited about fashion, don’t you? Almost as excited as you do over chocolate.”
Killua humphs, sticking his nose in the air and folding his arms across his chest.
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killuaisaprincess · 4 months
my hero
G-Gon’s stupid, right…? So he’ll totally forget if Killua says it…
He whispers shyly under his breath.
“G-Gon, you’re my hero…”
Gon’s sharp hearing picks it up, and he blushes, looking down at Killua.
Even if Killua claims to have not said it later. Gon’s going to remember this forever. He’s Killua’s hero.
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killuaisaprincess · 4 months
iced bun
“Happy Mother’s Day, Leorio.”
There’s silence on the other end for a second, just buzzing, before a loud yell.
Killua holds back a giggle, and he can hear Leorio grumbling and mumbling on the other side.
Killua sniffs, putting on his best wobbly voice.
“W-What? Nanika and Alluka d-did it for me…”
“Fine. Thanks, kid. Now stop messing with me and get some rest! Doctor's Orders!”
Killua’s eyes water and he looks at Gon, wailing.
“G-Gon… L-Leorio… actually cares about m-me…”
Leorio can hear his blubbering through the phone, and he isn’t sure if Killua is still trolling him or is serious.
“O-Of course, I do!”
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
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killuaisaprincess · 6 months
little wings
Killua smiles lightly and falls into Gon’s chest, giggling.
He protectively pulls Killua close to his chest, and Killua giggles again.
Gon raises an eyebrow and looks down at the angel.
Killua stops and looks up with big blue eyes, pressing his cheek to Gon’s chest and nuzzling there.
It’s adorable.
“Are you sure you’re not a succubus? You little playful thing…”
Killua puffs out his cheeks and harrumphs.
“N-No! Stupid Gon!”
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killuaisaprincess · 4 months
cute point
“What do you think, Gon?”
Killua flips his hair back, the long, wavy curls going down his back, as he smiles.
Gon turns around and has to pick his jaw off the floor.
Killua stares at Gon’s dumbfounded look and crosses his arms across his chest, pouting.
“They’re extensions…”
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killuaisaprincess · 5 months
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killuaisaprincess · 10 months
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
“I’ll buy you all the chocolate you want.”
Killua looks up with big doe eyes, sniffling yet again.
Gon nods and turns away to stare at Leorio, and Leorio glances over, gaping like a fish.
Killua nuzzles his head into Gon’s chest, looks at Leorio, and sticks his tongue out.
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months
going to...?
Gon thinks he’s cute, and he’s on Gon’s bed…
Does that mean…
T-They’re gonna…
T-They’re gonna…
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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