#PRP really went all out
k-pepp · 5 months
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Wait, did I totally miss this? Is the interview in THREE parts? Not just two?
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writer-jamie · 1 month
| Aphrodite's Spell | Chapter Two |
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Summary: Aegon was the definition of fuckboy. He didn't care about people's feelings, fucked with no strings attached and used whoever he wanted. He never got attached. Never made friends. That was until he met you online. You didn't know him, nor his family. You were an innocent his family and their legacy tainted. Someone new. Something new.
Warnings: Talks of alcohol and drugs, some slight smut, angst.
Author's note: Thank you for all the love on the first chapter of this series! I'm feeling extremely motivated to write so I will try and get as many chapters written while i'm in this motivated mood. Can't promise this will last though, but will try my best to keep to regular updates.
Taglist: @neithriddle @sab-falco @prp-butterf1y @deltamoon666 @sewmxx
Link for taglist.
Divider: @fairytopea
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You squinted at the bright screen as you sipped on your wine.
EggTarg liked your post.
Who the fuck is called Egg?
You knew all your other likes, mainly your friends or the guys online who followed you to wank over your photos, but this Egg guy is new. You clicked on his profile and there wasn't much to see. His profile picture was the side of her face but you couldn't see much of his features. The thing that stood out was his striking hair.
Blonde. That explains a lot.
Your friends would describe you as a creature of habit. Always went for the blonde boys, smokers, "rat looking" as Lisa would say. You knew what you liked and there was no shame in that. So when you looked at Egg's profile picture and saw the blonde hair, you could have sworn you felt your heartbeat in your clit.
You finished the rest of your wine in one big gulp and placed your glass on your oak bedside table. Leaning back into your headboard, you pulled your laptop closer to your chest and began typing.
Direct Message - User EggTarg
Me: You have peaked my interest Egg 🥚
EggTarg: As you have mine...pretty name, pretty face, what’s not to like.
Me: Romanic as well as one of my favourite foods, I think you are a winner.
EggTarg: Winner?
Me: You’ll see...
You couldn’t help laughing from behind your screen, feeling a rush of heat over your body. He sent you a photo. Oh. No guy ever sends you photos, just wants sex or a hookup.
EggTarg: Image attached.
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EggTarg: You like what you see?
Me: Well I’m not blind so yeah 🤤
EggTarg: ***-***-**** call me
That was easy. A phone number and a shirtless pic in less than ten minutes. He must be either desperate or horny. You debated picking up the phone and calling him. What if he was a serial killer or a weirdo wanting to eat your body.
Eh anything would be better than going to work in the morning.
***-***-**** added to contacts as Egg.
Calling Egg…
Buzz buzz…buzz buzz…buzz…”Hello?” A man’s voice answered the phone. He sounds Egg like. “Egg? It’s Y/N?” You could almost hear his posture shift as he realised who was on the other end of the phone. “Y/N. You called. Thought you weren’t gonna.” He sounded well educated but there was something about him that seemed off. He definitely sounded hungover. “So how can I help you EggMan?” You smirked down the phone, hearing him chuckle on the other end at the new nickname.
“You fancy hanging out? I don’t do public really well but we can go out for some food or drinks?” He heard you take a deep breath in, realising quickly how strange it sounded that he ‘doesn’t do public’. “I mean I do do public just not great. My family is kinda well known and I never get any peace and quiet when I’m out and-“ The panic in his voice obvious. Great you fucked this up Aegon.
“Egg. Egg it’s ok, I don’t ‘do’ public either. My family has a lot of drama surrounding it and I usually like to go out of town for dates or stay home. Or rent a hotel.” He suddenly felt at ease with your response. “I have a hotel room booked for this evening. Rook’s Nest Hotel. Ever heard of it?” You asked, pulling up your reservation and adding an addition person to the booking. “Meet me in the lobby at 7pm?” You suggested, pausing before clicking the save button on the reservation email.
“See you there. Wear something red.” He said with a smile and hung up the phone. Cheeky cunt. You sent him quick text with a lips emoji before laying back in your bed. “What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?” You asked yourself, running your fingers through your hair.
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You adjusted your dress as you sat on the soft leather seat, nursing your red wine as you awaited Egg to show up. You looked down at your phone. 7:08pm. He's only eight minutes late, traffic is probably bad. No traffic isn't bad. He's just late. What if he doesn't show up? What an embarrassment. You debated getting up to leave, looking around seeing many couples drinking in the lobby. You knew almost everyone here by name, the staff and the regulars.
Pepper was one of your favourite bell boys. He always is the first at the door to welcome you. He has worked at the hotel since he was sixteen and he was now thirty two. You used to see him every summer when your parents would take you to the hotel for your first of many family getaways. Your father always tips well, but for Pepper he was the most generous. He saw him like a son figure, after all he only had you and God knows he wishes he had a son. Instead he was stuck with you. Even now, Pepper is the first to take your bags to your room. He never expected a tip like a lot of the other workers. He knows you give tips at the end of the stay. But normally it would be enough of a tip to feed his family for at least four months (until you showed your face again).
Denise was your favourite cleaner. She knew when you were staying and would leave strawberry chocolates on your pillow. She's also been working there since you were young. She must be pushing sixty now and definitely didn't need to work but she worked her whole life and would probably be really bored at home. She was the sweetest lady you had ever met, she felt like a grandma to you. Denise never felt a need to change her posture or attitude when she saw you or your father. She was 100% Denise and you admired her for that. Most people would stand up straighter when your father entered the room, but Denise would continue dusting or hoovering, telling your father to lift his feet or move his ass if he was in the way.
You were snapped out your daydream by Mr Mortez, the hotel manager, who placed his hand on your shoulder gently. "Miss Y/L/N. Can I get Pepper to escort you to your room? I hate to see you sat alone." You smiled sweetly at the gesture. "No thank you. I will be ok." He nodded and turned around, walking back to the reception desk, joining many staff looking at you with worried expressions.
You pulled out your phone and opened up your messages with Egg.
Me: You are a cunt
The message sent quickly before shoving the phone into your bag, grabbing your wine glass and cardigan before standing up. You walked past many couples who were enjoying each others company. Not looking where you were going you bumped into a figure who was hastily walking through the lobby doors. "Oh God I am so sorry..." You mumbled, grabbing your bag and cardigan off the floor. You rised to your feet and looking the stranger with a soft smile.
"Sorry I'm late." He said with a smile, taking your hand into his and placing a soft kiss to your hand. "Egg?" You looked the man in front of you up and down, making sure this was the same man you arranged to meet mere hours ago. "Aegon. But Egg works too." You relaxed your shoulders and put your hand on his chest, seeing his shirt was now stained red with your wine. "Oh Aegon I'm so sorry! Let me take you to the laundry room and we can wash your shirt." Grabbing his hand and walking him towards the laundry room.
Pepper looked at you with a soft smile, almost checking you were ok. You gave him a reassuring smile in return.
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You placed your key card to the doors lock and it opened with a click. Aegon followed you inside, impressed with this hotels facilities. You put your bag and cardigan down on the floor and opened the washer, grabbing the items from the shelves and preparing the stain remover and liquid. "Take off your shirt." You demanded plainly, hopeful this could be sorted soon so you could enjoy your evening.
"At least buy me a drink first." Aegon replied, a smirk spreading across his lips. You shook your head and walked towards him, placing your hands on his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt buttons. His sparce chest hair came into view as you unbuttoned his cream coloured shirt. "Don't push it." You replied. Aegon rested his hands on your hips as you continued to remove his shirt. The shirt came off quickly and just like that the moment was over. You threw the clothing into the machine and set it off.
"Let's hope that comes out. I don't fancy buying you a new shirt." You said with a smirk, walking back over to him and sitting down on the other washing machine.
"Red." Aegon said with a dark expression behind his eyes.
"Yeah. Do you like it?"
"How could I not?" Aegon replied, his hands wandering towards your hips again. You rested your hands on his soft chest. He had small blemishes on his chest as well as a couple birth marks and moles. He looked perfect. Something must be off.
"So what's wrong with you?"
Aegon's face dropped. "What?"
"Well you are literally so perfect, there must be something wrong." Aeon chuckled under his breath, an almost confident chuckle. "Family trauma, dead parent or sibling, abuse in childhood?" He couldn't help laughing at the suggestions.
"All the above." Aegon raised his eyebrows at you. "Does that scare you?"
"Nah, I'm a big girl. I can handle my bad boys."
The bumping of the washing machine was the only noise heard for miles. Almost like the busy hotel outside wasn't there. It was just you and Aegon at that moment. Nobody else mattered. You watched as his chest began to rise and fall quickly as you raised your hands up his chest, past his nipples and to the sides of his neck. You found the back of his hair that rested on the nape of his neck. The blonde locks that lay there were soft. He definitely used conditioner. It felt as if the oxygen in the room had been sucked out as he looked into your eyes with his. Placing your hands on his face, he leaned into your touch. He was touch starved. He loved the feeling you of your touch. He had had sex with plenty of women, sometimes the same booty call over and over again but nobody looked at him the way you did. Nobody looked into his eyes like you did, or genuinely made him laugh the way you did.
Aegon placed his thumb on your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly exposing your lower teeth. You leaned into his touch, wanting him to make the move, but not knowing if he would at this rate.
Also as if he could read your mind, he grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you in close. Lips gently grazing yours softly. He was gentle. You didn't expect that. The softness of the kiss.
Then it got intense. Fast. It was as if you couldn't get enough of each other. Your tongue danced in his mouth, fighting his tongue for dominance. Aegon pulled you closer, almost like he was trying to climb inside your body. He needed you. Gasps and moans were heard in the room. "Aeg..Fuck!" You groaned, running your hands through his hair and pulling him closer. "Don't fucking stop…Jesus." Grabbing his wandering hand and placing it closer to your inner thigh. Aegon didn’t stop. His fingers pushing your black underwear to the side and he slides a finger between your folds. You felt your stomach flip as he played with your wet entrance. “Oh darling so wet for me already? That’s so hot.” That nickname. “Call me that again..” You looked up at Aegon with hooded eyes.
He pushed a finger into your tight hole, a groan leaving your lips. “Darling..”
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8/15/2023 (evening)
I don't think I've mentioned this, but in a shocking turn of events, after over a year of feeling like there's a lump in my throat, the CT scan revealed... drumroll please... that there is a lump in my throat. It looks like it's some sort of thyroid nodule, so I'm going to see an endocrinologist. And after over a year of dealing with near-constant swallowing, I am getting referred to a swallowing specialist.
You may be wondering, why did it take over a year for these things to happen... I guess it's my fault, in a way. The healthcare system sucks in this country, and the only way to receive quality care (besides having the money for it) is to be persistent to the point of being bothersome. I hate being a bother. I hate feeling like I'm inconveniencing people, especially when the only motivation I have to inconvenience someone is my health.
Well, it is these people's jobs to deliver healthcare. So maybe I shouldn't feel like such a bother. But it's hard not to feel annoying when some of the doctors I see make me feel so dismissed.
Probably the most traumatic medical experience I've had was this past spring. Below is part of an email I sent to my gastroenterologist about it:
My experience with the pH test and swallowing study was really, really negative. I couldn't complete the swallowing study because of the extreme pain and discomfort the big catheter caused me. I could not go without swallowing or retching or coughing for more than a couple of seconds so he was unable to get any data. 
I was also visibly upset and uncomfortable during and after he put the smaller catheter in for the pH study. After he put the smaller tube in, he explained how the device worked. I was very obviously crying during this interaction. He then got up and left his office, and then showed the nurse what I had retched up in the sink, and I heard her say, "Damn, I just ate lunch." And they had a bit of a laugh about it.
When the doctor walked out and saw me standing outside he said "You're done. You can go." And pointed me towards the exit. I felt extremely dismissed and neglected when leaving the office. 
The following three hours were terrible. I did not stop crying, and was in constant pain. It got really bad when I moved at all, breathed through my nose, or talked. 
I called your office but you were unavailable so I ended up taking the tube out after about three hours. 
When I went to the office the following day to return the device, the person at reception asked how long I had it in for and I said "three hours because it really hurt." She then commented and laughed that it was a record for how short of a time someone had it in. She told me that most people said it barely bothered them and she had only seen one person who really wanted it out after the full 24 hours. 
I tried to be pleasant but was tearing up. She then went to the doctor to tell him and she came back and said that he wanted to know how my symptom was during the three hours. I said that I couldn't even tell how the globus was because I was just in pain the whole time. 
I was very upset (although maybe not visibly), but was voicing that I had experienced pain due to the study, and was met with jokes and absolutely no concern for my wellbeing whatsoever.
This was extremely invalidating and upsetting. The three hours of pain was awful, and coupled with being dismissed by the staff and doctor made for a very traumatizing experience.
So yeah, that sucked.
Also, the doctor who did the PRP epidural in my lower back (which, in case you are wondering, did absolutely nothing to relieve my pain) was very dismissive.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to explain this well, but basically in the follow up appointment to the epidural, he talked at me about the procedure and how it should/would make me feel better (it hasn't). Whenever I said something about my symptoms since the procedure or about what I've been doing in PT, I felt like I was interrupting him. I could barely get a word in during my appointment to talk about my own body. Whenever I did manage to say something during the appointment, he wouldn't respond to it. He made it seem like I was interrupting him by being like, "Yeah, yeah. As I was saying..." and not acknowledge what I had just said.
I really respect my ENT and know that she is extremely competent, but she sees so many patients that I don't feel attended to, I guess. She seems to rush through our appointments because she's so busy, so I get caught up in that rushed feeling and tend to forget what I need to tell her to get the appointment over with so I don't take up too much of her time.
It sucks that even though I have the necessary resources (both time and money) to see these doctors, it's not enough. In addition to being in constant pain, I feel like I have to actively fight to get my doctors' attention and care. It's definitely not a bad thing that I'm being forced to learn how to be more assertive, but all of this shit still sucks.
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He Loves His Gimp
Request: Gynac Jensen anon here. Couldn't stop reading your work again and again. I just love it❤️ Hence came to you requesting another story. (Sorry🥺) Can you write one Jensen x reader where they have a big fight, she storms off, but while going, falls down the stairs and bumps into a wall and somehow her hand gets into a cast along with concussion. Jensen gets worrried and doesn't leave her alone all the time. After 2 days, for next appointment reader panicks while receiving PRP injection. All the fluff between these days. After few days, when her leg is better, next doc's appointment for removal of cast. Reader gets freaked out again. (Well I did freak, I had a full blown panic attack, my husband had to physically restrain me XD) so Jensen supporting her while removal process. ( I know I mentioned hand, but I wanted to request for leg, Idk how did I do that) Again sorry, I have bombarded you with such a long request. But write only if you want and are comfortable. Thanks ❤️
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hope you enjoy this! 
Feedback is welcome!
Word Count: 3032
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It had barely been a week since Jensen got back from Vancouver and in one week everything had gone bad. There was something happening with the brewery and as a result tensions were high. This in turn caused the the married couple to snap at each other often. The last couple of days have been really bad as Jensen and Y/N kept fighting non stop. It was taking a toll on her and she didn’t know what to do to help him. Every time she tried, he would snap at her and it would result in a full blown argument. This time was no different.
“Damn Y/N! God it was so peaceful living alone back in Vancouver!” Yelled Jensen.
“Oh yeah?! Well maybe you should’ve just stayed back then!” Shouted Y/N as she stormed out of the master bedroom.
With tears blurring her vision and blind anger consuming her, Y/N failed to pay attention to where she was going, causing her to trip on the stairs and take a fall. On her way down, she hit her head against the wall and landed with a thud on the ground floor. Her right ankle was askew and pain shot through her like wildfire as she screamed. She barely noticed Jensen run down the stair and crouch down beside her worriedly asking her questions.
“Y/N! Oh god! What hurts, baby? Talk to me!” He asked frantically.
“My leg and my head.” She mumbled out, her head feeling a little dizzy.
Jensen went to hold her ankle to take a proper look at it, the action only made her yell out in pain more. “Shit I’m so sorry, honey! I think it’s broken.” He said.
He pulled out his phone dialling 911, “Hi I need an ambulance immediately! My wife fell down the stairs and I think she broke her ankle and might have a concussion.” He explained, giving them their address.
Y/N was close to falling asleep but was immediately woken up with insistent pats on her cheek.
“Hey, stay awake sweetie. You might have a concussion and falling asleep will make it worse.”  
“Everything hurts, Jay.” She said doing her best to keep her eyes open. The tears streamed down her face quickly wiped away by Jensen.
“I know, baby. I know. The ambulance will be here in a bit.” He said not leaving her side.
“C-can I sit up?”
“Just stay still okay? You’re going to be fine.” Jensen said carding his fingers through her hair while he held her hand with his other one.
The paramedics finally arrived and Jensen rode with her to the hospital.
12 hours later they finally made it back home at 1:30 in the morning. The doctor insisted on keeping Y/N in the hospital that long to make sure her concussion cleared up. He put her leg in a cast and prescribed some pain killers along with strict orders for plenty of rest for the ankle to heal. Lucky for her it was a small fracture that should heal on its own within a few weeks if she didn’t stress it out too much. She was, however, asked to come back couple of days later for a PRP injection to accelerate the recovery.
Jensen carried her inside the house and placed her on the couch. He shut the main door and went into the kitchen to bring Y/N her medicines and some water. Y/N knew there was something bothering him. He had been quiet the entire time and barely looked at her. She was feeling more and more guilty especially after the fight they had this morning. Her thoughts were interrupted when Jensen offered her a glass of water along with the pill. She took it and returned the glass back to Jensen who took it back to the sink, still avoiding any eye contact.
He came back to her to carry her to their bedroom when she stopped him.
“Jay, wait.”
“What’s wrong? You okay?” He asked fearing that the doctors missed something.
“I’m fine, but you clearly are not. Talk to me Jay.” She asked worriedly.
“Y/N it’s 1:30 in the morning and you’re hurt and in pain, and I’m exhausted. Can we please not do this now?” He asked rubbing his face.
Y/N felt a pang of hurt go through her heart. She had really messed up with the fight. Jensen was right he would’ve been more at peace without her.
“Okay.” She whispered and allowed him to carry her up to their room.
That morning Y/N woke up late thanks to her medication that made her drowsy. The space next to her was empty and suddenly the events that occurred the previous day crashed on her all at once, breaking her heart. Her leg was throbbing and she was doing her best to keep the tears at bay as she sat up and placed her feet on the floor.
Jensen walked into the room with a tray of breakfast, “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked chiding her.
“I thought-“
“I was making you breakfast in bed, Y/N. Now get back in and relax, okay?”
She got back in bed and Jensen placed the tray on her lap and sat in front of her. “How are you feeling today?” He asked rubbing her knee.
“Leg hurts a little, but my head is much better.” She replied taking a bite.
“Good. Eat up so you can take your painkillers.” He smiled softly at her.
“Okay.” Y/N back smiled at him.
Once breakfast was over Jensen grabbed the tray and handed her the medicines. He then helped her into the shower so they could take a bath. He covered her cast with plastic to it wouldn’t get wet and placed a stool in the shower so Y/N could sit comfortably. He helped her strip her clothes and proceeded to do the same. Nothing was exchanged between them which was odd. There was this lingering tension and Y/N didn’t know how to break it. Her mind was racing thinking of ways to apologise, and just as he proceeded to scrub shampoo in her hair a tear slipped from her eye. Her sniffle didn’t go unnoticed by hm and he immediately crouched down in front of her.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” He asked concern filling his eyes.
She shook her head sniffling some more.
“Then what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry” she whispered.
“What for?”
“I’m sorry I’m so overbearing. I’m sorry, Jay. I shouldn’t have pushed you with the brewery and now you want to go back to Vancouver to get away from me. And then I had to get hurt and you’re stuck here with me. I’m sorry it’s not so peaceful here.” Her outburst stunned him.
“I’m sorry!” She was clutching onto him as tears fell rapidly down her cheeks. Jensen hugged her tightly to him, uncaring of the shampoo in her hair.
“Baby, you listen to me. I don’t want to get away from you. I’ll never want that, Y/N. I’m sorry I said that. I was angry and tired with everything that was happening and I took it out on you when you were only trying to help. It’s my fault baby. Vancouver sucks without you there. And I’m even more glad I’m here when you’re hurt. I’d hate myself if I wasn’t here for you. I already hate myself caz you’re hurt because of me.”
“It’s not your fault, Jay. It was a freak accident.”
“Feels like it is. I caused this indirectly.” He whispered, closing his eyes tightly. “God, when I heard you scream and saw you at the bottom of the stairs, my heart nearly stopped.”
“No you didn’t. I wasn’t paying attention. But I’m okay, Jay. Nothing too bad happened.”
“Yeah. Thank god for that.”
Y/N kissed him softly. When she pulled away from him she giggled.
“What?” He asked amused.
She scooped the suds on his nose left by her on her finger and showed it to him. He chuckled at that and kissed her nose. “Let’s get cleaned up. We have a busy day today.”
“Oh?” Y/N asked amused.
“Yep! A whole day dedicated to R&R!” He grinned.
“Can we watch The Lord of the Rings again?” Y/N asked with puppy eyes that she learnt from Jared.
Jensen groaned at her, “Fine, the gimp gets the final say.” He said earning a whack.
The next couple of days went by in a blink and the dreaded day finally arrived. It was time for Y/N to take a PRP injection. With lots of coaxing and promise of mind blowing sex, Jensen finally got her into the car and drove her to the hospital.
They were waiting for their turn and Y/N was bouncing her uninjured leg in nervousness. Jensen placed a hand on her leg, stopping her. “Calm down, Y/N. It’s going to be fine.”
“I hate you.” She snapped at him. “They’re going to give some stupid shot and I’m going to kill you.”
“Hey! I’m not the one giving the shot!”
“You made me come here!”
“You’d do anything in return for sex and you know it. You’re insatiable.” He grinned at her wiggling his eyebrows.
“Shuttup, Ackles.”
“Y/N Ackles” the nurse called out.
“You know if I wasn’t married to you now, that name would mean nothing!” Y/N whispered yelled.
“Haha, hilarious.” He said rolling his eyes. “Come on, gimpy. Let’s get you cured.” He helped her into the wheelchair and the nurse rolled her into the room.
The doctor made her lie down on the bed and got her prepped.
“We’re going to first draw some blood from your arm and then we will be transferring that blood into your leg. It’s so the extra platelets can help the injury heal faster.” He explained, making Y/N shudder.
Jensen moved closer to Y/N and she gripped her hand tightly. The doctor left the room for a while allowing Y/N to panic freely.
“Jay, I don’t want to do this!” She said frantically. “It’s not just one, it’s two needles poking me!” She said looking mortified. Jensen chuckled at her, “It’s not funny, Jay! Quit laughing at me!” She glared.
“I’m sorry, baby but it is a little funny. Besides, Y/N, it’ll be over before you know it. I promise, sweetheart.” He tried comforting her.
“You’re a jerk, Jay and I want to leave. Take me home, please!” She cried getting up.
Jensen pushed her back down gently and was about to say something when the doctor came back in with the stuff. Y/N was trying not to go into a full blown panic. Needles freaked her out big time and this was one of the worst things she’d had to do.
The doctor took a cotton swap with anti septic and cleaned the area making her flinch. Her grip on Jensen tightened and he kissed her forehead. “Just look at me, baby. Think about something else. Like what do you want to do this weekend, hmm?”
“I don’t know!” She looked at him wide eyed. Trying to play along but it was getting increasingly harder.
Just as the needle pierced through her she shut her eyes tightly, holding her breath in. She felt Jensen caress her cheeks with his thumb as he cupped them. “Breathe baby. It’ll go away.” He whispered.
“Almost done, Y/N” The doctor said smiling sympathetically at her.
She felt him gently withdraw the needle and she let out a breathe of relief when it was done. But that didn’t last long. She remembered the hard part was yet to come. The damn doc had to stick the little bastard into her leg and it was going to be 10 times worse.
She felt Jensen squeeze her hand, “Don’t think about it. Just keep talking to me ok?”
“Let’s go visit Jared and Gen this weekend.” She said, giving him a small smile.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” He smiled widely.
Y/N and Jensen kept chatting and she didn’t notice when the doctor was near her feet. The needled pierced her leg just above the cast and she whimpered in pain. “Son of bi-!” She exclaimed.
“There all done!” Grinned the doctor.
“See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Said Jensen smirking at her.
“Wipe that look off your face or I’ll do it for you.” She glared at him.
The doctor chuckled at her, “Well you’re good to go, Y/N. You just need to come back a week from now and we can remove the cast.”
“Can’t wait. This thing is itchy as hell.” You said, thanking him.
“And it smells” mumbled Jensen to himself earning a glare from Y/N.
An hour later they were back home comfortably cuddled up on the sofa. Y/N was flipping through the channels trying to find something good. Jensen groaned beside her as she changed it once more.
“Just pick one!” He exclaimed throwing his head back.
“I’m trying! There’s nothing good on!”
“I’m booored, N/N!”
“Urgh fine! You pick then!” She said throwing the remote into his lap.
He settled on some silly rom com, making Y/N look pointedly at him. “Really? This one?”
He grinned at her and she squeaked when he shifted her in a blink of an eye. She was sitting on his lap with her leg carefully placed so it wouldn’t hurt.
“What are you doing, Jay?” She asked suspiciously.
“Snogging to silly rom coms like teenagers?” The grin not leaving his face.
Y/N giggled at him, “You’re such a boy!”
“You love it.”
“Nahh.” She said with a cheshire cat grin. But soon started laughing as Jensen tickled her.
“Jay! Stop please!”
“I’ll make you smell my cast if you don’t!” She managed to gasp out between laughter.
“Yuck! Keep that thing away from me, woman! That stench is poison!” He exclaimed with wide eyes, immediately stopping the tickle attack.
Y/N laughed at his reaction and kissed him hard. They spent the rest of the day snogging to crap TV.
A week later Y/N was back in that dreadful hospital room. She got her foot x-rayed and cleared for the cast to come off and she couldn’t be happier. Jensen was sitting on the chair beside her reading the stuff on the wall. Y/N was fiddling with her phone when the doctor came in with the equipments to cut open her cast.
When Y/N noticed the equipment, she freaked out. “W-what’s that? I thought you had to cut the cast open!”
The doctor chuckled at her, “This is to cut the cast open. That thing is too thick for scissors. We need something stronger.”
“Oh no no. You keep that thing away from me, she said in shock. She moved backwards in bed.
“You won’t feel a thing, I promise.” Said the doctor looking at Jensen for support.
“Y/N come on. This is the last time you need to be here. So let’s get this over it, huh?” He said gripping your hand.
Y/N watched in fear as the doctor got everything set up. He turned on the electric cutter and got ready to cut open the cast. Y/N went into a full blown panic attack and began thrashing around.
Jensen was holding onto her. “Honey, you gotta breathe for me. Look at me, Y/N.”
“No! No please. I can’t keep doing this, Jay! I’m constantly in pain and now he’s going to cut my leg! I like my leg!”
“Baby! He’s not going to cut your leg!” Jensen talked over her. “Look at me, Y/N. Open those eyes and look at me.” He pleaded.
Y/N reluctantly opened her eyes and looked into her husband’s green ones. It calmed her down for a second.
“There’s my girl.” He whispered. “I promise it won’t hurt.”
“Y/N, it won’t even get any close to your leg.” The doctor explained. “It’s just vibrations that will break open the cast.”
Y/N still looked unconvinced and stared at the monstrosity in his hands. Jensen cupped her face between his palms and kissed her forehead. “Do you trust me, Y/N?”
“Yes.” She whispered teary eyed.
“Then do this honey. It’ll be over soon.”
“O-okay.” She said taking a deep breathe and letting the doctor get to work.
20 mins later the cast was off and the doctor was checking her ankle once more. He then decided to put it in a brace since it was still swollen quite a bit and was painful.
“It’s going to hurt for a while, but I think it’s strong enough for you to start physical therapy. Just keep icing it and soaking it in hot water to bring down the swelling.”
“Thank you.” Smiled Y/N. “And I’m sorry you had to witness my freak out.”
“Oh don’t worry about it. I’ve seen people react worse.” He chuckled and left the room after shaking hands with Jensen.
“I’m sorry I was so panicky, Jay.” Mumbled Y/N looking guilty.
Jensen let out a booming laugh, surprising her.
“Why are you laughing?” She asked, confused.
“Y-you thought he wanted to cut your leg off!” He laughed harder.
“Shuttup, Ackles! It was scary okay! I’ve never done this before.” She looked at him grumpily. But she wasn’t really mad.
“Aww my poor gimpy!” He said pinching both her cheeks, making her swat his hands away.
“I’m not a gimp anymore!” She fake glared at him.
“True. I’m going to miss my little gimp. I could do whatever I wanted to her. But now she can limp away so fast.” He grinned cheekily.
“Ha ha! You’re fucking Robin Williams!” She said rolling her eyes.
“Oh the hubris! You’re not Robbin Williams, honey” He said his grin getting wider.
“Just take me home, you dork.” She shook her head at him fighting off a smile.
❅ ❅ ❅
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@hobby27 @akshi8278 @svmwinchesterr​
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lewis98omigod · 4 years
Week 7: Public health campaigns & communities
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Inevitably, social media is one of the greatest creations in this era. Not only does social media enable us to stay in contact with others since all you need is just an internet allowing us to call or text people whenever you want, but also social media allows information to be reached out to people instantly whereby we all dont have to rely on newspaper in order to keep ourselves updated to the latest news and events, all we need is first signing up a social media account and following other users, news forums and organizations. 
In terms of public health campaign, social media plays a huge role in promoting public health campaign to the people especially this time of Covid-19 pandemic, i believe most of us use social media to read the daily reported cases, information from WHO and even consult health information via Google. As this year is a year full of disasters which completely affect our usual daily lives and livelihood. According to the general director of the World Health Organization, the Covid-19 pandemic is spreading fast and has taken more than 1 million lives. He has also anticipated with a pessimistic tone that the vaccine will only be introduced next year by latest, which means we still have to practice social distance, wear face masks and wash hand frequently. Therefore, we have yet to return to normal life due to the fact that pandemic still exists and has not been quelled. Speaking of which, it is time for us to adopt a totally new normality.
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Despite social media plays a huge role in promoting public health campaign, there will definitely be a major problem arising, which is the spread of fake news. Since social media is a platform for information delivery and news sharing, some irresponsible users will spread news that are not genuine and without undergoing scrutiny, it creates panic in the community. Such problem is prevalent especially at this period of time where social media usage is boosting up as people rely on social media to keep updated with daily reported Covid-19 cases and latest announcement from the authorities such as Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Health. Indirectly, some irresponsible users grab opportunity to fabricate information and make it widespread in the community so that they can achieve their motive that people are getting panic-stricken to the extend to which, obstructing the SOP implemented by authorities.
According to Arumugam (2020), Fake news on Covid-19, on both the social media and messaging apps, remained rampant although threat of stern legal action and repeated reminders. Minister of Defence, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob reported that as of May, police and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had opened 262 investigation papers. Among the total, 179 cases were still under investigation, 29 cases had been brought to court, 11 were issued with warning notices, and 18 of the accused had pleaded guilty. The MCMC's Quick Response Team (PRP) was set up to monitor suspicious news and allegations to help combat the spread of fake news related to Covid-19. Those presented figure does not represent the whole since there will be some unreported incidents. In our community, we often receive circulated voice messages from others sharing fake news or unconfirmed information. Those perpetrators usually are elderly people since they are new to social media and stubborn to scrutinize information beforehand which mislead them to share ingenuine information straight-away without proper justification. 
Taking my personal experience as a metaphor, I once read a Facebook post from an old lady (probably in her late fifties) stigmatizing a local Cafe owner) that he was tested positive because of 2 reportedly positive-tested customers used to patronize at the Cafe. As soon as the post went viral, immediately there was a public backlash against the old lady since she did not have understanding of the whole fact and soon the Cafe owner announced to the public that he had gone through SWAB test and eventually tested negative. A few days later, she advertised an apology notice via Facebook and newspaper stating that she was deeply remorseful for her irrational act and made a promise that she will reform and always think thoroughly before posting any information. 
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In a nutshell, although social media contributes the delivery of public health campaign, we still cant guarantee that those information are genuine since nowadays, people can spread fake news easily and it is hard for us to identify how precise those information really are. As a friendly advice to all social media users, always stay rational and neutral when receiving information, which means never jump to conclusion hastily, think thoroughly before sharing information to the public. It is our responsibility as a social media user to uphold our own integrity. 
Reference list:
Arumugam, T 2020,  Fake news on Covid-19 still rampant, New Strait Times, viewed 28 October 2020,
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bonecage · 4 years
Woahhh what's this shit an out tarrot cards and witches? I don't really pay attention to anything danneel does. The sound for her voice makes me want to vomit so i stay off her social pages, she plays with tarrot cards?
most likely yes, she had a whole deck of tarot cards mounted on the wall in the lake house, and she went thru a phase with changing her insta prp to diff tarot cards. that’s all we know really.
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The Truth about Korean Skincare
The Truth about Korean Skincare ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ @MyTherapistSays ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ https://mytherapistsays.ca/the-truth-about-korean-skincare/
The Truth about Korean Skincare
Firstly let me start by saying this is not a sponsored post, this is my real experience and honest thoughts just wanted to share with you guys!
Everywhere you look lately, whether it’s magazines, Instagram, or dermatologists offices, Korean skincare is everywhere. I became interested in it after seeing so many videos on Instagram of people showing their 10-step skin care routines.
From travelling so much and not being able to have consistent dietary habits, I’ve noticed my skin take a turn for the worst.
Let me give you a brief background on my skin type.
I normally have combination type skin; dry around, and an oilier T-zone. So, taking care of my skin was always an effort, and a priority. The older I get, the more sensitive my skin gets, and because of those factors, I am very picky about my skin care routine and what products I use.
While I was in Seoul, South Korea, I decided to fix my skin since I’ve heard such amazing things about their beauty industry. In this article, I’m going to tell you my honest experience with Korean dermatology, their skincare products, and their MUST FOLLOW advice for amazing looking and healthy skin!
Since I didn’t (and still don’t) know the language, or anything about Korean procedures, my friends recommended for me to reach out to Docfinderkorea, an amazing company that basically deals with foreigners that want to come to Korea for any type of procedures, be it surgical, or dermatological. They went above and beyond with helping me find the perfect clinic that would suit all my needs. They only deal with the most trustworthy clinics in Korea, which was a super important factor for me, as safety for your skin and self is most important.
They arrange an airport pickup and drop off for you, they communicate with the clinics for you, translate everything, and are always with you for support, plus they also have amazing discounts with different clinics, so all my treatment prices were way lower than I had originally planned for! Whether you come alone or with family/friends they are always with you to help guide you through the journey. There really is no downside to using them, it didn’t cost me a cent, and they also picked me up and dropped me off for all my consultations and procedures. It was actually super helpful because in Seoul, it’s very hard to catch a cab without their apps, and if you do manage to catch one, telling them where you want to go in English is very hard for them to understand so most of the time they just reject your ride.
Moving on, Docfinder helped me meet with ID dermatology clinic, where I had my consultations. I had a massive breakout on my face and it was petrifying. I didn’t know the reason and tried everything I could to manage it, including several facials in Los Angeles and Toronto to help.
When I first entered the dermatology clinic, the building is beautifully decorated, everything is accented with gold and they have their own cosmetics line/skincare products on display in the waiting room for you to test out while you wait for your treatments/consultant. I particularly enjoyed that because I was looking for some new products to use since clearly something I’ve been using wasn’t working for me. They were very professional, took down my information, were very friendly and welcoming.
The consultant came to get me and Eugenia (Docfinderkorea) from the waiting room and we moved to a private room where we could discuss my problems and treatments. Their consultant was very knowledgeable and suggested many treatments that would help me, she was on the same page as me when it came to my concerns.
I told ID clinic about my concerns, which were: acne, sagginess, aging, sun damage, and hydration. They told me I needed to get several treatments done to help my skin [treatments and their purpose will be listed below]. I had a total of three days worth of treatments there and my skin felt and looked different from the first treatment!
1st Day of treatment included – Acne Treatment:
E2 Laser
A laser procedure using radio frequency to regenerate skin. It delivers heat to the epidermis layer repeatedly and regenerates skin.
Benefits: Helps scarring, acne, burns, wounds, crows feet, laugh lines, nasolabial folds, skin tone and skin texture improvement, pore tightening
Scaling Treatment
It’s a treatment that exfoliates dead skin, squeezing out acne if necessary, using light therapy, and a mask pack to cool inflammation.
Benefits: Helps discharge dirt/makeup residue in pores and discharge dead skin. It also helps control the amount of sebum for less acne-prone skin.
I would say for anyone worrying about acne, this set of treatments was where I saw the most difference instantly. To this day, my skin is way less oily, especially in the T-zone. My pores look and feel smaller, and my skin texture is smoother than it ever was! I used to have these small bumps under my skin that no amount of facials could get rid of. The scaling treatment and laser took care of that. I would recommend that 100%.
2nd Day of treatments included – Lifting, Rejuvenating & Moisturizing
The procedure uses ultrasound to lift and tighten skin in a non-invasive method. It induces skin to generate collagen.
Benefits: Lifts skin to make it tighter and makes skin generate collagen over time. There are several types, so a customized approach to each person’s age, skin condition, and fat layer is possible.
Platelet Rich Plasma, which includes various growth factors that activate collagen generation and encourage adult stem cell for faster skin healing process.
Benefits: It’s anti-aging, improves aged skin, saggy skin, wrinkles, skin elasticity, and tightens pores. It also helps with skin whitening like dark circles and improves melasma.
Volite Injection
It’s an injection of low molecular hyaluronic acid.
Benefits: It helps improve skin texture, pores, fine wrinkles, and skin elasticity. Simultaneously, it moisturizes the skin and generates collagen.
Co2 Laser
It’s a laser that is used in mole removal, also used for scars, sebaceous hyperplasia, age spots, skin tags, and many other ways.
A quick and less painful way of removing something from your face such as moles or scars using a laser.
This whole procedure was done the next day right after the acne treatment. Because I’m so afraid of pain and so sensitive, and I was doing many treatments in one go, I decided to go under local anesthesia. The result of all these for the next couple of days was minor swelling and bruising. They warned me about the healing process, advising me that swelling, bruising, and pain around the jaw area would be normal. I honestly only had minor swelling and could cover all my bruises with make-up and was able to leave my hotel after just two days. The results of these treatments will be shown overtime.
Ulthera, they told me, would take at least a month to see any difference, however for PRP and the Volite injection, results would be seen sooner, but still take a few days.
3rd Day of Treatment included – De-swelling Treatment
Normally you don’t need this if you don’t want it, but since I was travelling back and had work and so on, I wanted a treatment that would help my skin heal faster from the bruises and swelling. Plus, it felt really good!
De-swelling treatment program:
It’s a 5 step procedure-
Cleansing residue on skin by aesthetician
Radio-frequency treatment
Regeneration light therapy
Mask pack
Finishing treatment including moisturizer and sunscreen.
It relaxes and soothes skin after the injections and laser procedures. Helps calm redness and swelling.
I got this treatment done the day before my flight and was more than ready to take on the 13 hour long flight back. They helped me feel refreshed, relaxed, and more secure about my skin. All in all I would recommend this treatment if you got something that was painful in any way!
ID clinic, being the sweethearts they are, gave me an after care package with healing/recovery face masks as well as an envelope with each treatment and the aftercare necessary, covering all my questions. I’m the type of person that is super careful, and follow instructions to the letter, so those guidelines really helped me. After the treatment was over, Docfinderkorea sent a car for me to go to the airport. It was a huge SUV, that fit all my luggage, with the driver already having all my flight information so no language barrier was felt. All in all, I was, and am, more than pleased with my experience and results! Would I recommend this to my friends, family, and you guys? Absolutely, without a doubt!!! I know how depressing having bad skin is, and how it impacts your self esteem and daily mood. I will definitely plan a trip to Korea for my skin up-keeping at least once a year. Especially with Docfinderkorea being so easy to plan with. It’s as simple as WhatsApp-ing them and they will have the whole team help you plan your next trip.
It’s been two weeks now since my treatment and I can confidently leave the house without make-up. This helps my overall mental and physical health. I haven’t had any breakouts upon my return!
Since I did all these procedures, I also decided to do the 10 step Korean skin care routine, to make sure my skin maintenance is under control. Most of the people I saw in Seoul had incredibly flawless skin, so I decided to follow their advice and invest more time into my skin care routine.
Now, the one main rule all of the people in Korea follow to have amazing skin is…SUNSCREEN!!! I know it’s crazy, but I used to think sunscreen made my skin oily and gave me breakouts, but Korean products have changed my views. I decided to use ID.AZ dermatology clinic products, since when they used them on me, I didn’t have any breakouts and they didn’t give my skin any negative reaction, plus they are made and tested by dermatologists, so another bonus there!
I would definitely call this a miracle for me, as I felt very stressed about my skin this whole summer to fall. Now I will keep you guys posted on the continuation of my journey and how my skin does with ID.AZ skin care products. Look forward to it!
Hope you enjoyed my journey!
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economistontherun · 5 years
Volunteering is Good Soul Food
Today is the day I have tenex on my left hamstring followed with PRP tomorrow. Last week was full of ups and downs fueled by the fact that the left leg was going to send me back to the couch for ten more days. I felt like I had to squeeze in as much as possible before the second surgery.��
Last week included swims at the Kelly Pool (50 meter outside) with a pool buoy. I swam from 1500 to 1900 meters and was so thrilled to be moving and still have cardio and arm strength to swim over 2000 yards. It was equally fun to be with friends that I haven’t seen in a while because of my rest and recovery. I had my first physical therapy evaluation and it was a very positive experience. There are many good things on the horizon, I have to dig deep and find my patience. 
This week didn’t go without some dark times. The weekend tends to be tough because of all the runners and cyclists out and about. The weather is horrible with “feels like” 100 degrees but damn I really need a good sweat. 
I cheered for G and friends at a 5K on 4th of July and had a really great holiday. The 5K doesn’t torture me because I don’t like that distance. It always hurts and my fast twitch muscles don’t fast twitch very well. I’m like a diesel engine that needs a while to warm up. What I really miss is the community of runners and triathletes at races. I love the energy and the excitement in the air. It’s like bees buzzing around until it’s game on and there is a hush that settles over the athletes. That feeling of waiting to begin is like being shot out of a cannon and I love it. 
In the realm of practicing mindfulness, I realized that I needed to be part of that buzz and I had a very short window due to my surgery with which to work. My tri club was volunteering for the Women’s Philadelphia Hand and Stone Triathlon not far from my house. This would be perfect. Delmo puts it on and it is a high energy, pulling out all the stops for women sprint distance. It is the perfect race for first timers and seasoned triathletes. Pool swim, nine mile bike, 5K and a metal as large as a dinner plate. I had friends doing the race and volunteering was a great way to be on the inside of the action. There is no FOMO for me in this race because I don’t enjoy sprints or pool swim races either. 
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Bike Sticker Check at 4:30! I gave the bullhorn back because I didn’t need it. The guy behind me was on bullhorn point! 
I signed up for the 4:30-8:30 shift at bike check in. It was super fun to great the athletes, help them with stickers and calm a few nerves. I channeled my coach Maria Simone when I spoke to two first timers about slowing everything down and walking through transition to get accustomed to the layout of transition for each change in event. I even gave them the tip of counting bike racks because you may be a bit disoriented when you get in T1 or T2. I could see them exhale and become more relaxed and that made me so happy! 
In prior events I loved when body marking volunteers drew hearts or flowers on the back of my leg near my age. I came equipped with my Sharpies and was ready to roll. It wasn’t my job description but when I got into transition to help a friend I was surrounded with people who needed to be marked and I enjoyed chatting and helping them out. One observation is that as women we need to be loud and proud of that age on our calves! Doing a triathlon is a big scary thing. It was so great to be able to be a calming force and give a you can do this and you are awesome to all of these women. 
As a triathlete I feel most scrambled when I’m getting on the bike. Getting dressed for the bike when you are wet is interesting. Your feet can be sandy or dirty, trying to put socks on wet feet and depending on the weather you may have to change up top. Running with the bike in bike shoes is awkward and could be slippery (I am in awe of those who can get on the bike and put shoes on while riding). The other thing I notice is that I hear volunteers giving me instructions, but at that point in time I don’t always listen. I’m not the only one. My second gig as a volunteer was at Bike Out. This is where athletes run or walk with their bikes and cross a line (pink line in this case) and mount the bike after the line. This is for safety and to spread out riders in order to reduce collisions. I found that is helped if I just said, “Get on your bike once you pass me.” Then I was able to tell each and every one of them to have a great ride! 
The guts of these women of all shapes and sizes was evident all day long. There were three expressions on their faces, fear, excitement and eye of the tiger focus. I made sure that I told athletes with tension in their face to take a deep breath and enjoy the ride. This is a reminder I appreciate from volunteers when I race because I literally forget to breath. I also appreciated all the different types of bikes in the race. This spoke to the access to emerging triathletes. This race is welcoming, challenging and extremely supportive. It was a wonderful day for so many and I wish I could thank each and every one of them for sharing it with me. 
2019 is a Challenge for Many
I left my shift at 8:30 right after my friend went out on the bike course. This year has been challenging for her as well. I’m so proud of her and the day she had! She needed a day to focus on her. A little mobile self-care. 
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My right leg was tired and my hamstring was tight. I was worried as I limped a bit going back to my car and then I thought.....I haven’t had hamstring tightness since before I tore it. In my heart, I’m hoping this is a good sign, I will find out on Tuesday if this is true. 
I needed to be part of the community I love so much and this was just what my heart and soul needed. I encourage women everywhere to get outside of your comfort zone and try something that scares you a bit. You will feel so alive! 
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minijenn · 6 years
Universe Falls Chapter 64
Yesssss Three’s a Crowd is finally here, and as promised, its a DELIGHT involving a bunch of fusion and feels! I honestly don’t have a ton to say about it aside from the fact that Stepper and Dipevebel are both precious babies that deserve to be loved and protected. And with that outta the way, might as well get started!
Previous: http://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/182514454899/universe-falls-chapter-63
Chapter 64: Three’s a Crowd
With the question of leadership on the project answered, construction on the drill was now underway. Even after the robot rumble the day prior, the barn still had plenty of suitable materials that Pearl, Ford, and Peridot were able to scrounge up to use on the machine. For the time being, McGucket had taken his leave back to his humble shack to draw up a proper blueprint for everyone to work off of, but for now, laying the proper foundations on the project would certainly prove to be a good first step forward in their efforts to stopping the Cluster once and for all.
“Hm… yes, this should all work nicely…” Pearl mused to herself, looking over the list she had created before checking over the pile of scraps and supplies resting in the yard before her.
“Yo, P! Brought ya more junk like you wanted me to,” Amethyst reported before dropping her load of various items.
“Now, now, Amethyst, this ‘junk’ might just end up contributing to the drill that will hopefully save the entire planet from impending doom,” Pearl concluded with a thoughtful smile.
“Oh yeah?” the purple Gem asked with a smirk as she briefly rummaged through the pile. “So uh… how exactly do you think this is gonna help us save the world?” she asked playfully as she held up a deflated whoopie cushion.
Pearl rolled her eyes as she snatched the cushion away from the chuckling purple Gem and tossed it back into the pile. “Well, you never know,” she said, her amused smile fading as she looked back to the mess before her. “Still… we’re going to need to clear some space out so we’ll actually have someplace to build the drill… To be honest, we… probably should have done that before moving all of these supplies out here…”
“Ugh, so you mean we gotta move all this stuff again?” Amethyst asked, already exasperated by the mere thought alone.
“No need,” Garnet interjected as she stepped up to the pair. “All we need to clear some space is a little muscle.”
“Oh, Garnet…” Pearl took in a bit of an anxious breath. “You don’t mean-”
“I do,” Garnet nodded firmly before offering the purple Gem beside her a small, cordial grin. “Amethyst?”
Upon realizing what the Gem leader’s intention was, Amethyst was unable to hold back a huge gasp of excitement, stars in her eyes as she eagerly showed her agreement with this plan. “Yes, yes, YES! Let’s mash it up, G!”
Garnet simply let out a small laugh at this as she took Amethyst’s hand so they could prepare their dance. Though still slightly apprehensive, Pearl took a step back to allow them the space they needed, hoping that they’d reign themselves in this time when compared to before. All the same, Garnet and Amethyst moved smoothly and fluidly as they strutted towards each other, their usual dance bringing them together in a burst of bold, bright light. And out of that light emerged bombastically large, familiar figure: Sugilite.
“Awwwww yeah, baby!” the rowdy fusion proclaimed, towering high over the entire barnyard. “Ya girl is back and ready to bust it up! Now… lets drill out a space for this drill…”
“C-can we possibly do so in a way that doesn’t raise half the barn?” Pearl asked rather nervously.
“Too late!” Sugilite exclaimed, swiftly summoning her flail and giving it a mighty swing. Pearl let out a small squeak of fear as she quickly ran for cover as the supplies for the drill went flying at random. The rowdy fusion let out a wild laugh as she entertained herself with her thoughtless “land development”, largely unaware to the fact that the white Gem wasn’t the only one watching her reckless display.
“Whoa…” Dipper mused in amazement as him and Ford stood near the barn, observing Sugilite’s strength from afar. “They make it look so easy…”
“They certainly do, don’t they?” Ford agreed with an enthused smile. “Fusion is by far one of the most incredible abilities I’ve witnessed from Gemkind. The fact that they can merge their light-based bodies and gem-based minds completely together to create larger, stronger beings is simply astounding! It’s always been one of my favorite topics to study when it comes to Gems and its an absolute treat to see it again for myself.” The author paused briefly as Sugilite tossed her flail once more, rattling the entire area as a result and nearly knocking Ford and Dipper to the ground entirely. “E-even if Sugilite is… quite a bit to handle…”
“So, is that why you wrote so many notes about fusion in your journals?” Dipper asked, as curious as ever to hear perspective from the author himself.
“Oh, yes, absolutely,” Ford nodded before letting out something of a wistful sigh. “After all, its about the most I could do to document my research on such an amazing phenomenon, even if that research is somewhat… inadequate…”
“Inadequate?” Dipper frowned, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you see, Dipper, I’ve always believed that the best kind of scientific research is born from firsthand experience,” Ford informed astutely. “Its for that reason that I accompanied the Gems on so many of their missions back in the day—so I could see their mysterious powers at work for myself. But fusion is… something on an entirely different level. Its complexities, its true nature, the sheer experience of fusion in and of itself is something that is unfortunately beyond human’s capacity to understand due to one single, simple, unfortunate fact alone: humans cannot fuse.”
“Well… I don’t know if that’s completely true…” Dipper muttered without really thinking.
“What was that?” Ford asked, looking down to his nephew inquisitively.
Dipper flinched, suddenly anxious as he realized that he’d now have to explain exactly what he had just implied. An explanation that likely wouldn’t be the smoothest to provide given how he was still occasionally baffled by it himself. “Um… w-well… I know this might sound… kinda crazy but… I’ve sort of—ok, well not really sort of as much as I’ve actually fused before… So… yeah.”
At first, such an admission was only met by a look of complete confusion from the author, though he soon broke out into a small bout of bemused laughter that only flustered his nephew even more. “Oh, that’s a good one, Dipper!” Ford chuckled, warmly patting the boy on the back. “You nearly had me going there for a second, but I know better. Like I said before, fusion between humans and Gems is a complete and utter scientific impossibility.”
“N-not for Steven it isn’t!” Dipper protested earnestly. “I… I mean, Steven’s half Gem and half human, so I guess that means he can fuse with both? A-anyway, he has fused before, with Connie, and with Mabel a-and… and with me.” He finished quickly, only barely noticing how warm his cheeks were with the recollection of his own fusion with the young Gem.
“…Really?” Ford asked, now quite intrigued as he realized that his nephew was completely serious. “W-well, that’s… that’s incredible! By all accounts something like that should be impossible, but then again the fact that someone like Steven, who’s simultaneously both Gem and human even exists at all is a miraculous impossibility in and of itself! Still, Gem and human cross fusion… it’s a scientific marvel! I’d simply love to know more, that is, if you don’t mind filling me in with all of the details, Dipper.”
“Oh, of course!” Dipper readily agreed, more than eager to aid in his uncle’s important research. “Well, first we—wait…” he paused briefly, a smile spreading across his face as he came up with a plan that would no doubt impress the author even more than the knowledge of human-Gem fusion had. “You know what? I have a better idea. Instead of just telling you about it, why don’t we just show you instead?”
“Show me?” Ford asked, raising a confused eyebrow.
“Wait right here,” Dipper advised quickly, already glancing around to see if Steven was anywhere around in the immediate area, which he wasn’t. So instead, he began hurrying off to go find the young Gem for himself, refusing to pass off the opportunity to amaze the author in more ways than one. “I’ll be right back!”
“Oh, w-well, alright then,” Ford smirked, waving his nephew off, even if he really didn’t understand whatever he could possibly be planning. At least not yet. “In that case, I suppose I’ll be right here until you return!” A mere second later, however, a large piece of upturned earth crashed down right next to the author, courtesy of Sugilite’s recklessness, prompting him to step into the barn for his own safety. “O-on second thought… maybe I won’t…”
“The hat feels… redundant…” Peridot scowled as she glanced up at the colorful party hat Mabel had perched atop her triangular hair mere moments ago.
“Aw, come on!” Mabel exclaimed brightly as her and Steven stood before the green Gem. “I think it looks pretty on you, Peri!”
“Yeah! And besides,” Steven added with a smile. “It’s to celebrate your first time eating Earth food! I mean… technically coffee was kind of your first food, but then again, coffee is a drink so… I don’t think it really counts.”
“Then… what’s the chair for?” Peridot asked, glancing down at the high chair the pair had set her up in.
“Safety!” Mabel and Steven chimed in pointed unison.
“…So… how does this work exactly?” Peridot raised an eyebrow as she looked down dubiously at the plate of macaroni and cheese before her.
“Oh, its really easy,” Mabel informed. “First, you take this fork, then you grab some food with it and bam!” She acted the movements out, shoving a forkful of mac and cheese into her mouth to demonstrate. “Ya get yourself a yummy meal!”
“How dignified…” the green Gem remarked sarcastically. “So… what is the point of this whole ‘eating’ thing anyway?”
“Oh, well, the point is that food tastes really good!” Steven shrugged with a small laugh. “And you eat it so you can enjoy how great it tastes! And… so you won’t starve to death, but then again, I guess that’s not really a problem for Gems so… for you, it’d probably be more about the taste thing.”
“Hm…” Peridot’s expression was still rather critical as she looked down at the food in front of her yet again as she picked up her fork experimentally. “Very well then, I shall try this so-called ‘eating’, but only for the sake of gaining further intel on this planet and its bizarre customs…” Steven and Mabel both stood by, watching expectantly as the green Gem clumsily used her fork to pick up a single piece of macaroni and lift it to her mouth. However, right before she could actually eat it, their unofficial ‘experiment’ was suddenly and unexpectedly interupted.
“Steven!” Dipper shouted as he rounded the corner of the barn. However, in his excitable haste, he accidentally ended up tripping himself up as he did so, resulting in him face-planting hard onto the ground. The racket was more than enough to startle everyone, especially Peridot as she jolted forward in her high chair, ultimately knocking it, and herself over in the process and spilling what was supposed to be her first meal all over her.
“Dipper!” Steven exclaimed, concerned as he hurried over to help his friend up while Mabel moved to assist Peridot. “Are you ok?”
“Steven,” Dipper repeated, his tone very earnest and intentful as he tightly gripped the hand the young Gem offered to help him up. “We have to fuse. Right now.”
“WHOA!” Mabel gasped in shock as she overheard this, accidentally letting Peridot fall back down to the ground. Ultimately, the green Gem picked herself up and stormed off, too perturbed to continue her first attempt at eating now, especially since Steven and Mabel were distracted. “What did you say, bro-bro?”
“I said,” Dipper began a bit breathlessly. “Steven and I need to-”
“Yes!” Steven interupted, his expression an elated smile as he swiftly helped Dipper up and pulled him into a tight, excited hug. “Yes, yes, of course I’ll fuse with you, Dipper! Its been such a long time since we’ve formed Stepper, and I’ve really been wanting to give him another go since we had so much fun together last time, so of course I’m up for fusing, especially if you are!”
“W-well, that’s great!” Dipper smiled just as excitedly as their embrace disbanded. “Then let’s do it!”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Mabel interupted, casting a suspicious glance at her brother. “Not that I’m not super hype to see my favorite four-armed Ste-bro again, because oh my gosh I am, but… what’s the catch here, Dipper? Why do just wanna suddenly fuse with Steven outta the blue like this?”
“Oh, well, y’see…” Dipper began somewhat apprehensively as he glanced away. “I was… sorta telling Great Uncle Ford about how Steven can fuse with other humans and he was really interested in hearing more about it so I figured we could maybe… show him an example of a Gem/human fusion? Just so he could see what that looks like for himself and all.”
“Aha! I knew it!” Mabel remarked with a knowing grin as she placed her hands on her hips. “I had a feeling this had something to do with you bein’ a huge nerd and wanting to impress Grunkle Ford!”
“Oh, come on, that’s not what this is about,” Dipper rolled his eyes. “I just wanna help him with his research! He’s always studying all these incredible things, and what’s more incredible than someone like Stepper?”
“I can’t think of too many things that are!” Steven chimed in brightly as he took Dipper’s hand again. “I think this is a great idea, Dipper. Mr. Ford is just gonna love Stepper, I know it! So come on!” The young Gem didn’t hesitate to pull Dipper after him as Mabel hurried not too far behind. “Let’s go introduce him!”
Despite Dipper’s instance on forming Stepper as soon as possible to keep Ford from waiting in suspense for too long, Steven and Mabel had a bit of a different idea in mind. With ample space to build the drill cleared out, Garnet and Amethyst had unfused, and not long afterward, Mabel quickly gathered the two of them and Pearl to congregate in front of the barn for unknown reasons. Meanwhile, Steven also made sure to round up Ford and even Peridot, still not explaining the reason why they were all being brought together, save for the fact that it was to “watch something”. And needless to say that upon realizing the pair had gathered an audience to bear witness to their fusion, Dipper was less than pleased.
“Are you guys serious?” he asked Steven and Mabel in a harsh whisper as everyone settled in front of the barn. “Do we really need everyone to watch us fuse?”
“Well, yeah!” Steven exclaimed with a grin. “Last time we fused, the only one who got to see it was Mabel. But now that the Gems and Mr. Ford are here, they should get the chance to see us form Stepper too, shouldn’t they?”
“Uh… I don’t know about that…” Dipper frowned, rubbing his arm uncomfortably.
“Oh come on,” Mabel reassured. “All you guys need to do is dance and just pretend like nobody’s watching you. Or that everybody’s in their underwear. Your choice.”
“Hey, are you guys actually gonna do something over there?” Amethyst called as she leaned against the side of the barn. “Or did you just get us all together to watch a whole bunch of nothin’?”
“Oh, its not nothing,” Steven said brightly. “Me and Dipper are gonna fuse!”
A round of surprised murmurs arose from the group near the barn, though Ford in particular stepped forward out of immense interest as to what was about to take place. “T-they’re actually going to do it!” he exclaimed, rushing to pull his journal out of his coat so he could take notes. “If they manage to actually pull this off, then this will be a true breakthrough in my research! An absolute wonder of science and magic!”
“And… rather unprecedented…” Pearl frowned, a bit less enthused. “Steven and Dipper don’t really have much of a logistical reason to fuse right now, so why are they-”
“Because they want to,” Garnet concluded with a hint of a smile on her face. “That’s why.”
“Ha! As if those two clods could even pull something like fusion off,” Peridot scoffed, crossing her arms. “And even if they could, said fusion would likely be barely even functional given that a Gem and a human are hardly compatible and shouldn’t even be together in the first place!”
“Uh, Peridot?” Amethyst spoke up with a bemused grin at the irony of the green Gem’s doubtfulness. “I hate to break it to you, but-”
“Alright, boys!” Mabel interjected loudly, grinning over at Steven and Dipper as she pressed play on the nearby boom box to give them some music to dance to. “Get fusing!”
“Oh, come on, seriously?” Dipper asked in immediate embarrassment upon realizing the song playing in the background was none other than BABBA’s “Disco Girl”. “Do we really have to fuse to this song?”
“Well, it is the song that we fused to the first time around,” Steven pointed out with a small laugh as he already began moving to the pop beat. “And besides, its starting to grow on me a little too. I can see why you like it so much. You… do still like it, don’t you?”
Dipper paused, not really paying too much mind to the question as much as he did the hand Steven had extended out to him so they could properly begin their dance. “Heh, yeah,” he said with a warm, genuine smile as he accepted the young Gem’s invitation. “I still do.”
Without any further hesitation, Steven readily pulled Dipper into a fast, free spin, both of them twirling together, their hands joined as they moved about in wide open circles. With this immediate momentum, it was easy for both of them to forget the spectators watching them as they spun each other out, only to immediately pull each other back in. There wasn’t too much grace or elegance to their dance, but their hardly needed it as their shared elated laughter spoke volumes about just how much this dance was truly bringing them together.
However, their laughter wasn’t the only show of excitement between the boys. For as their dance continued, everyone watching it soon let out a shared gasp of amazement as Steven’s feet slowly began to rise off the ground first, followed by Dipper’s as a result of his tight grip on the young Gem’s hands. The others were all awestruck as they watched the boys rise a good bit into the air together, somehow still spinning in jubilant circles with their eyes closed and their laughter unending. The Gems exchanged a stunned gasp, all three of them silently and collectively realizing that Steven had just very well unlocked his mother’s renowned floating abilities. And yet, they didn’t bother to point that out right then and there, lest they interrupt what was, by all accounts one of the most astonishing fusion dances any of them had ever seen.
Of course, eventually Dipper did open his eyes only to realize that him and Steven were in fact, more or less dancing in mid-air. He let out a sharp, fearful gasp as he gripped the young Gem’s arms tightly, trying his hardest not to look down at the ground several feet below them and doing little else. “S-Steven!” he squeaked anxiously, his grip on the young Gem tightening ever so slightly as they continued spinning winding circles in the air. “W-we’re-”
“I know!” Steven laughed warmly as he looked to Dipper, apparently not even noticing their lifted elevation at all. “I’m having a great time too!”
For a moment, the most Dipper could do was state at Steven with apt disbelief, especially as the young Gem let out another jovial, liberating laugh. And, upon realizing that he’d stay safe and in the air so long as his hands were intertwined with Steven’s, it was a laugh that he was ultimately helpless to join back in on once more. Everyone was still completely awestruck as they watched the gently floating pair, but their amazement only grew as a warm, pale pink light began to flush out from Steven’s gemstone, enveloping both boys as their separate gales of laughter soon became one.
In fact, Stepper didn’t stop laughing, even as he did stop spinning, both sets of his four arms wrapped around himself tightly in an elated, affectionate hug. The newly-returned fusion was more or less hanging in midair, that is, until he happened to notice his precarious perch several feet above the ground. “Uh oh…” he muttered, his laughter quickly dying out, especially as gravity decided to kick in for him yet again. Stepper let out a fearful cry as he quickly plummeted the thankfully small distance to the ground, face-planting onto the grass with a very audible thud.
“I-I’m ok!” the fusion announced, using both sets of arms to pull himself up into a sitting position. He let out a gasp, however, upon noticing the very fact that he did indeed have four arms in the first place, stars filling his eyes as he burst into a delighted smile. “No, I’m even better than ok! I-I’m back! We did it!” Stepper broke into another round of cheerful chuckling as his upper arms pulled himself into an excited embrace once more. “And it feels better than ever before!”
“STEPPER!” Mabel’s ecstatic shout caught the fusion off guard, especially as she plowed right into him, knocking him flat onto his back as she locked him into a heavy hug. “Oh my gosh, its so great to see you again! It feels like its super long since the last time you were around!”
“Aw, come on, Mabel,” Stepper chuckled, sitting up as he returned her hug. “You technically see ‘me’ all the time. Ok well, maybe not me me, but Steven and Dipper me… Oy, this is getting kind of confusing… But still, it is pretty great to be back together like this!”
“Ooo, I am lovin’ those super harmonious vibes you guys got goin’ on there!” Mabel exclaimed as she effortlessly climbed up to sit atop the fusion’s shoulders as he stood. “That’s it! Operation ‘Find the Harmony’ is officially a success! Now we just need to come up with a new mission for you! Now let’s see… hm…”
“I know,” Stepper spoke up with a bit of a wry grin. “How about Operation “Who Said You Could Sit On My Shoulders”?” He asked playfully as he used both sets of arms to hoist her off his shoulders and hold her out in front of him.
“Hey! Its not my fault that you make such a good lookout post!” Mabel protested, sticking her tongue out at the fusion.
“Oh, so you’re finally admitting that I’m taller than you then?” Stepper asked with a knowing smirk.
“Ha! Not a chance!” Mabel shook her head triumphantly. “I’ll never admit defeat! Never! NEVER!”
“Mabel, I’m literally double your height right now,” Stepper pointed out, still grinning.
“…And your point is?”
“Heeeeeyo!” Amethyst called as her and the other Gems began to venture over to the pair. “There he is! Our four-armed main man Stedip!”
“Uh… actually, Amethyst, its Stepper,” the fusion pointed out with a bit of an amused chuckle.
“Oh, yeah, I know,” the purple Gem remarked. “I just think Stedip sounds funnier.”
“Heh… right…” Stepper said a bit sardonically before Pearl spoke up.
“Well, it certainly is a treat to see you again, Stepper,” the white Gem said, gently pushing the chuckling purple Gem aside. “You know, while you’re here, we might just have to fit in some combat training if at all possible. I’d love to see what you’d be able to pull off with Steven’s shield, Dipper’s sword, and that special journal of yours all at the same time…”
“Oh my gosh, that’d be so much FUN!” Stepper exclaimed with an amazed gasp. “I’d be unstoppable with all three of them! Plus, I got plenty of hands to hold them all in,” he grinned, waving three of four of his hands before raising the final one enthusiastically. “And one to spare!”
The others all shared a warm laugh over the fusion’s humorous quip, though it gradually died out as Garnet approached Stepper next. However, the fusion simply took in a deep breath and straightened his posture, offering the Gem leader a solid expression as he allowed her to silently inspect him. “So, Garnet? What do you think?”
It took a rather expectant moment of apparent scrutinization from the Gem leader, she finally broke out into a small, pleased smile accompanied by a nod of certain approval. “I think you’re looking pretty stable, Stepper,” she confirmed warmly.
“YES!” the fusion cheered loudly, only to quickly catch himself and reign his excitement back in. “O-oh, I mean, uh… that’s cool. Ya know… just like I am. Cool and stable all the way!”
“DORK!” Mabel shouted teasingly, letting out a rowdy laugh as Stepper spun around to face her in faux offence.
“Hey!” he snapped, grinning himself as he geared up to chase after her as she ran off. However, before he could, his attention was quickly diverted by a very loud, very angry yell from a very perturbed green Gem.
“YOU!” Peridot shouted, her tone and expression both burning with fury as she stormed up to the somewhat startled fusion. “You’re that four-armed abomination that destroyed my attack robinoids with your information log-based projectiles!”
For a moment, Stepper simply regarded the green Gem with a bit of confusion before he realized exactly what she was talking about. “Ohhhh right, the… dumb robot things,” he said, boredom filling his expression briefly. “Well… I’m sorry about breaking them, Peridot, but—actually, wait, no, we’re not sorry because you tried to use those things to destroy the Gems and Mabel!”
“Well, it’s your fault that I even came to this doomed planet in the first place, you malformed pebble!” Peridot retorted harshly. “I would have never requested an envoy to Earth if not for your destructive actions against my beautiful machines!”
“Ugh, whatever, Peridot,” Stepper scoffed, rolling his eyes as he scowled down at the green Gem. “What matters is that you’re here now, so you might as well try to make the most of it by helping us build that drill.”
“I will not take orders from the likes of YOU!” the green Gem ranted, furious. “I should have figured all along that you were merely the despicable fusion between the Steven and that irksome Dipper given that they’re both just smaller clods coming together to make one bigger one!”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Garnet interjected just as it seemed as though Peridot was reeling back her first to strike the fusion’s legs since she couldn’t really reach the rest of him. So instead, the Gem leader easily lifted the green Gem into the air, even despite her angry struggling as she tried her best to even so much as land a hit on Stepper. “I think its time for you to go cool down… again.”
“Honestly, that’s like the third tempura tantrum she’s thrown today alone!” Pearl remarked as her and the other Gems began to take their leave, with Peridot sending hostile, though ultimately empty threats Stepper’s way all the while.
“I’m not finished with you yet, you four-armed… whatever it is you are!” she yelled fiercely as she pounded against Garnet’s secure hold on her. “You’ll pay for ruining my precious robinoids, you hear me? PAY!”
“Pfft, yeah, sure,” Stepper remarked with a small smirk as he crossed his upper arms. “I’d like to see you try.” The fusion’s calm demeanor was soon broken, however, as he noticed the only member of the group he hadn’t spoken to yet slowly make his way over to him with wide eyes of awestruck amazement.
“O-oh! Hi, Mr. Grunkle Ford!” Stepper greeted excitably, only to quickly cover his mouth out of embarrassment over his accidental slip up. “I-I mean, h-how’s it going, Great Mr. Ford! N-no, I… what I meant to say was, i-its great to finally meet you—ok, well not really meet you since we both already know you, b-but you’ve never met us like this even though you have met us when we’re apart and—you know what? I’m getting confused again, I think I’m just gonna stop talking before I make this any worse than it already is.”
“Again I say…” Mabel grinned as she leaned over towards the scatterbrained fusion. “DORK!”
“Mabel!” Stepper exclaimed hotly, his already red cheeks burning with even more embarrassment than before. However, Ford hardly seemed to take any notice of how flustered Stepper as he instead continued staring at him, absolutely captivated by the supposedly impossible fusion standing before him.
“I-incredible…” the author murmured, astonished. “You boys actually did it! You’re a… a fusion! A true, genuine, Gem-human hybrid fusion!”
“Yep! I sure am!” Stepper grinned excitedly. “T-though according to Pearl, I’m actually like… 75% human and only 25% Gem or something? So, there’s not a ton of Gem in me, but I still have this,” he pointed down to the exposed pink gemstone on his navel. “So, I guess that still counts for something, right?”
“Fascinating…” Ford said, circling the fusion to get a better look at him. “And you appear to be so stable as well… ‘Stepper’, was it?”
“Heh, yeah,” Stepper confirmed with a bit of an awkward laugh. “Though to be fair, it… did kind of take us a while to get us this stable…”
“A while?” Mabel spoke up. “Psh, come on, be honest, Ste-bro! The first time you guys fused, you were an absolute mess! In fact, you were so scatterbrained and all over the place, that you almost-”
“O-OK, Mabel, that’s enough!” Stepper quickly interjected as one of his lower hands hurriedly covered her mouth. “I-I’m sure Mr. Uncle Ford isn’t interested in any boring old recaps of things that don’t really matter anymore! R-right?”
“Hm…” the author mused, tapping his pen against his journal as he looked between it and the fusion. “You know what I would be interested in? Being the first scientist in history to document accurate, fully-researched notes on a Gem-human cross fusion! W-with your permission, of course.”
“…You… you wanna put me in your journals?” Stepper asked, his eyes wide and his expression absolutely stunned. Ultimately, he failed to provide a proper answer, instead opting to stare at the journal in the author’s hands in disbelief, even as Mabel lightly elbowed his leg.
“Uh… Grunkle Ford?” she frowned back at the author. “I think you might have broken him…”
“YES!” Stepper suddenly shouted, stars in his eyes as he bounced on the balls of his feet in obvious elation. “Yes, yes, YES! Oh my gosh, YES!” Even despite his boundless excitement, the fusion was quick to notice the bewildered look Ford was giving him, and as a result, he forced himself to calm down by putting a rather forced aloof front on. “I-I mean… yeah, I… t-that sounds cool. I’d… I’m totally down for that i-if you are.”
“Excellent!” Ford exclaimed brightly. “Then come along, boys—or I suppose I should say, boy. There’s much important research to be done!”
“R-right behind you!” Stepper called after the author as he began to head towards the barn. Even so, the fusion lingered behind for a moment, breaking down into a bout of delighted, outright ecstatic laughter the moment Ford was out of earshot. “I-I can’t believe it! I’m gonna be in THE journal! This is seriously one of the coolest things that’s ever happened to me! Y’know, aside from fusing, which is also totally awesome since I wouldn’t even be in the journal at all if not for that!”
“Only you would get so excited about showing up in some nerd book, Dipper,” Mabel pointed out with a playful wink.
“H-hey, no fair!” the fusion said defensively. “We’re both excited! I mean, its not every day that we get to fuse, and now we get to be in the journal too! Its like a two-for-one deal, just like me!”
Mabel was unable to hold back an amused chuckle at this, one that Stepper gladly joined her in, given his already quite upbeat demeanor. “Wow, you guys are so much more fun together this time around than you were the first time!” Mabel pointed out with a bright grin. “We gotta hang out for some real fusion fun while you’re still fused! Just the two of us! Wait, no… three of us. Two of us? Eh, you know what I mean.”
“Oh, yeah, of course we can hang out later, Mabel,” Stepper readily nodded in agreement with this plan. “Just let Great Mr. Ford get in a few notes in the journal about me, and then I’m all yours for the rest of the afternoon, I promise.”
“I’m holding to that promise, Ste-bro!” Mabel quipped cheerfully as Stepper began to head off to join the author. “Don’t you go and have too much nerd fun without me, k?”
“Well, I can’t make you any promises on that,” the fusion called back with a chuckle as he glanced over his shoulder. “But I’ll try!”
Mabel easily returned Stepper’s send-off smile, confident in the fact that she’d get to have some quality time with the fusion of her best friend and brother later on. Of course, what she didn’t know was that quality time would come in a way that none of them, not even either half of Stepper himself, could have ever expected.
While the Gems continued going through and organizing their supplies for the drill, Ford and Stepper had taken to the far side of the barn so the author could get a chance to properly study the fusion with few distractions to stop them. And needless to say that Ford had already filled up several pages of notes on Stepper alone as the fusion eagerly and readily answered any and all questions the ever curious author asked him.
“So, you can control each of them simultaneously and individually then?” Ford asked, referring to Stepper’s extra set of arms.
“Yeah, pretty much,” the fusion said, holding both one of his upper and lower arms out to demonstrate. “I’m never really sure who’s controlling which arm exactly, and… sometimes they can be kinda awkward, like-” Stepper cut himself off as he accidentally bumped his lower arm against his upper one. “Like that. But they are nice for things like multitasking or carrying a whole lot of things at once, so I guess you could say they’re pretty handy. Ha! Handy!” he chuckled to himself as he waved his hands a bit. “Good one! Thanks!”
“Hm…” Ford mused, tapping his pen against the journal in his hands as he looked down at it. “You know, one thing I can’t help but wonder is whether or not the extensive fraction of you that’s solely organic inhibits any Gem abilities you may have had…”
“Uh… what do you mean?” Stepper frowned, confused.
“What I mean is that the fact that the two of you have fused is already incredible enough on its own,” the author explained. “But imagine how much more incredible it would be if you could shapeshift, or heal, or summon a weapon-”
“Oh! I can summon a weapon!” the fusion exclaimed excitedly before he reeled himself back in as he remembered exactly what that weapon was. “Uh, w-well, I mean… its… kind of a weapon, but not really. I-I’m sure you wouldn’t be interested in seeing it-”
“Actually, I’d be very interested!” Ford exclaimed, his pen already at the ready to document notes about it. “Fusion-specific weaponry has always been quite a point of fascination to me, after all.”
“Ah… right…” Stepper sighed though he was quick to perk up once more. “Ok then! Here goes nothing!” At this, the fusion closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, his four hands surrounding his Gem as it began to glow brightly. Stepper couldn’t help but smile warmly to himself as he glanced down to see the telltale orb of light emerge from the stone as he guided it upwards with his lower hands, watching with anticipation as it flashed and transformed into the shimmering pink book he was familiar with.
“Is… is that…?” Ford trailed off, amazed as he looked over the book as Stepper held it up.
“Its… a journal, yeah…” the fusion blushed in embarrassment. “I think its kind of based on your journals? I’m not really sure why that is but… yeah… sorry…”
“Oh, don’t be sorry, my boy,” Ford said with a wave of his hand. “Honestly, I find it to be quite flattering. Do you mind if I take a closer look at it?”
“Oh, sure, go ahead,” Stepper agreed, handing the journal off to the author to allow him to leaf through it. “So, um… for some reason, half of it is full of notes about Dipper while the other half is all about Steven. Again, I have no idea what the deal with that is, though I kinda like Mabel’s theory about the journal being 50% about each of them, which makes it 100% about me since I am them.”
“That’s certainly a novel theory,” Ford noted with a grin as he continued skimming through the book. “And by all accounts, this journal is a very special one indeed. Though… I fail to really see how it can be considered a genuine ‘weapon’…”
“Oh, well that’s ‘cause it can do this,” Stepper smiled as the author handed the journal back to him. The fusion opened it flat, and as a reaction to him, it began to hover slightly above his upturned lower hands. The book glowed with a pale pink light, Stepper’s Gem and unique birthmark doing the same as his smile widened ever so slightly. And then, in a swift, solid movement, the fusion summoned a glistening, projectile shield from the book’s center, quickly flattening it out before sending it flying far off into the distance until it disappeared from sight.
“Absolutely astounding…” Ford whispered, awestruck as he adjusted his glasses and turned back to the fusion with a wide grin. “Can it do anything else?”
“Uh… well…” Stepper trailed off, uncertain. However, the shield journal itself seemed to provide an answer to this question as another shield materialized over its pages, this one featuring clearly sharp, serrated edges. Intrigued, the fusion tossed it, watching with amazement as it soared through the air much like a buzz saw would. In its place, the journal replenished itself with several smaller, almost miniature shields, which Stepper sent off all at once, allowing them to fly through the air like tiny, yet deadly seeker missiles. Still, it seemed as though the journal wasn’t done showing off what it could do yet as it flashed brightly, garnishing Stepper’s attention as it flipped several pages back towards what was no doubt Dipper’s half of the journal. It stopped on a page depicting a detailed drawing of the Sword of Seasons, and when the curious fusion skimmed his hand against it, a pink, ethereal rendition of the blade itself rose from the pages, allowing Stepper to grab it and give it a wide, experimental swing. While it was bereft of its usual elemental powers, the sword was still physical and material so long as the fusion held onto it, and the moment he released his grip on it, it disappeared into thin air as though it had never existed at all.
“Wow…” Stepper gasped, stunned as the journal finally snapped closed and fell back into his hands. “I have no idea what just happened but… just… wow. I thought this thing was cool before but now its gotten even better somehow! I didn’t even know it could do half that stuff!”
“That was quite an impressive display!” Ford agreed, just as amazed. “I take back what I said before; that journal isn’t just special… it’s… its phenomenal! I’d love to be able to study it even further to learn all of its no-doubt incredibly intricate secrets!”
“Yeah, considering what we just saw, I’d kinda like to know what’s up with it too…” Stepper said, still rather bewildered as he held the book up at examined the star and constellation emblazoned together on its cover.
However, before either of them could begin investigating the matter further, they were suddenly interupted altogether as the fusion let out a startled gasp as he suddenly fell forward, his journal disappearing as he looked back to the sudden weight sitting on his back. “W-what the—Mabel!” he exclaimed as he attempted to shrug her off of him.
“Ha! Gotcha!” Mabel exclaimed teasingly. “That makes it Mabel – 1, Stepper – 0!”
“Who’s counting?” Stepper quipped with a smirk as he picked her up and sat her back down on the ground before standing himself.
“I am!” Mabel proclaimed proudly. “So what are you guys up to anyway? Still doin’ all that nerdy fusion research stuff?”
“Well, actually,” Ford began to eloquently explain. “We’re-”
“Oh man, Mabel, you just missed it!” Stepper cut in, stars of excitement in his eyes. “I just found out my shield journal can do all these amazing things like make these cute little tiny shields or even summon my sword, it was so cool!”
“Oh my gosh, I wanna see!” Mabel exclaimed, jumping up and down. “Can ya show me?”
“Uh… well, maybe in a little while…” Stepper admitted, his smile falling a bit. “We’re still sort of in the middle of the whole research thing and we’re on the verge of uncovering something huge, isn’t that right, Mr. Uncle Ford?”
“It absolutely is,” Ford nodded. “For all we know, Stepper, uncovering the secrets behind that ‘shield journal’ of yours could very well unlock untold secrets about the very nature of Gemkind and humankind themselves! Its an opportunity we simple cannot pass up!”
“Yeah, so ya see, its… pretty important,” the fusion said as he glanced down at Mabel, immediately noticing that her smile was all but completely gone by now. “B-but don’t worry! I promised you that we’d get the chance to hang out later, Mabel, and I meant it. Its just… gonna be a little later than I thought. You understand, right?”
Mabel didn’t respond right away, though when she did, it was with a relenting sigh as she realized she couldn’t very well bring the fusion down from his palpable excitement now. “Y-yeah…” she said, hiding her dejection well. “I understand…”
“Great!” Stepper replied, sending her four thumbs up as he began to hurry on after Ford once more. “See ya then!”
“Y-yeah…” Mabel forced a smile as she watched the fusion leave her behind yet again. “S-see ya…” As soon as Stepper had fully turned away, she was unable to hold back another sad sigh, wishing that they didn’t have to keep putting off their sought-after time together like this. In truth, she did understand exactly why the fusion wanted to spend this time with Ford; after all, the very reason why Steven and Dipper had fused in the first place was largely for the sake of assisting in the author’s research. But even still, Mabel couldn’t help but feel somewhat lost in the shuffle of it all, knowing that it was a rare event to get to see the fusion at all, much less in the newly found harmonious state he was now in. Even just a few minutes of free, boundless fun with him would be more than enough to suffice, but at this rate, it didn’t seem like Mabel would ever even get those moments as distracted and distanced as he seemed to be.
However, as she stood alone and upset as she was, Mabel largely failed to notice a certain green Gem approach her until she spoke up dryly. “What are you doing just standing here like this doing nothing?” Peridot asked, her hands on her hips as she raised an eyebrow at the girl.
“Oh! Peri!” Mabel exclaimed, startled out of her thoughts. “I was just… uh… waiting for Stepper… as usual…”
“Ugh, the Stepper,” the green Gem groaned with disdain, rolling her eyes. “What’s the big deal about him anyway? As far as I can see, he’s nothing more than a four-armed, impetuous, robinoids-destroying clod.”
“Aw, he’s not a clod, Peri!” Mabel chuckled slightly. “Stepper’s really great once ya get to know him! Heh, it’s probably cause he’s made up of two of the people I care about the most… even though I don’t really feel like he’s caring that much about me right now…”
“Well, why do you care if he cares about you at all?” Peridot asked, not following the concept.
“Well, its just… he promised me that we’d get the chance to hang out and have some good old fashioned fusion fun…” Mabel explained. “But he’s been so busy with Grunkle Ford that he just… keeps putting me off. He keeps saying he’ll have time for me ‘later’ but who knows when later is gonna be!”
“Hm… so you’re upset with that bothersome fusion too then?” Peridot asked somewhat leadingly.
“Well, I don’t know if I’d say I’m ‘upset’ with him, but-”
“Then, I have the perfect idea!” the green Gem interrupted with a vindictive smile. “Revenge!”
“Revenge?” Mabel asked, confused. “Revenge for what?”
“For him destroying my machines, of course!” Peridot snapped hotly. “Alone, there’s not much I can do against him and those projectile shields of his, but if I recruit you to my cause, then together can get even with that nuisance of a Stepper once and for all!”
“Uh… I don’t really wanna get even with him for anything…” Mabel noted with a frown. “I guess… all I really want is to get his attention somehow… Maybe if I could just get on his level or somethi—OH! That’s it!”
“What’s it?” Peridot asked.
“I just got the perfect idea!” Mabel exclaimed with a daring grin. “What’s the one, sure fire way to get the attention of a fusion like Stepper?”
“I don’t know and I don’t ca-”
“Fusion!” Mabel interupted brightly. “Which means… Peri, you and me are gonna fuse!”
For a moment, Peridot said nothing, instead opting to send the girl a look of complete and utter bafflement above all else. “We’re going to what?”
“No time to explain,” Mabel said quickly, grabbing the green Gem’s arm and pulling her after her so they could spring her newfound plan into motion. “We gotta find ourselves one of Grunkle Ford’s spare lab coats pronto. I have a feeling this is gonna work great!”
“Well, its certainly composed largely of Gem magic,” Ford concluded as him and Stepper stood over the shield journal as it rested on the small table before them inside the barn. “That much is obvious. But I’ve never seen a Gem weapon… ‘behave’ like this one does, so to speak.”
“Maybe its because I’m a fusion?” Stepper guessed. “Though even then, it is sorta weird that my weapon is a journal which… isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think about weapons…”
“It is rather peculiar…” Ford agreed thoughtfully. “Which is why I believe this warrants a full-on scientific investigation. Allow me to go fetch my camera. We’ll begin by taking several expository photographs for later use. Just you wait, Stepper; I have a feeling this research is going to wield some of our most integral and exciting research yet!”
“Sounds great!” Stepper called after the author enthusiastically. Once he was gone, the fusion let out a contented sigh as he placed a fond hand against the cover of his shield journal. There was no telling what sort of secrets its sparkling, mysterious pages might hold, and he was quite excited to uncover them all alongside the author himself.
“You know, I gotta say,” Stepper said to himself as one of his lower hands gently skimmed one of his upper ones. “This has seriously been one of the best days I’ve ever had. Yeah! I’m having a great time too! Makes me wonder why we haven’t done this sooner… I don’t know, but… I think I’d like to try doing it more often from here on out. Really?! Yeah, why not?” he chuckled as his upper arms embraced himself excitedly. “It feels… really nice.”
“Oh, Steeeeeper!” The fusion jolted in surprise at this call as he glanced over his shoulder, only to be met with a sight that baffled him instantly.
“Mabel?” Stepper frowned in confusion as he turned to face the oddly tall figure before him. Mabel had apparently commandeered one of Ford’s tan lab coats, draping it over herself and Peridot, who she was clearly sitting on the shoulders of if the obviously triangular shape under the folds of the coat was anything to go off of. The fusion watched curiously as the pair awkwardly shuffled over to them, clearly struggling to so much as balance at all, much less move coordinately at all.
“Wrong-o, Ste-bro!” Mabel quipped pointedly, grinning excitedly as she realized she was about on the same eye level as the fusion. “I’m not Mabel, I’m… Mabeldot! Or Peribel. I haven’t decided which one I like more yet.”
“Uh… ok?” Stepper raised an eyebrow. “So… what are you guys doing exactly?”
“Isn’t it totally obvious?” Mabel asked with a wide grin. “We fused! Just like you guys did! Isn’t that right, Peri?”
“Ouch!” Peridot shouted underneath the lab coat. “Will you just sit still up there already?!”
“Um… I hate to break it to you guys, but… you guys didn’t fuse,” Stepper pointed out with a frown.
“Whaaaaaat?” Mabel asked in faux appalled shock. “Of course we did! Would we be as tall as you if we hadn’t?”
“Mabel, that’s only because you’re sitting on Peridot’s shoulders,” the fusion noted. “Wait, don’t tell me you’re actually upset about the whole thing about me being taller than you know, ‘cause if you are, then that was just a joke-”
“No! That’s not what I’m upset about!” Mabel huffed, forgetting her fusion façade.
“Uh… then what’s… this whole thing about?” Stepper asked, motioning to the false “fusion” before him.
“It isn’t about anything!” Mabel snapped, frustrated. “M-maybe I just wanted to fuse with my new best friend Peridot because having only one Gem and human fusion around here wasn’t enough.”
“Uh, ok, but just one problem with that,” Stepper crossed his lower arms. “You and Peridot can’t even fuse in the first place.”
“See!” Peridot spoke up as she suddenly shrugged Mabel off her shoulders, prompting them both to fall to the ground with a resounding thud. “I told you! This so-called ‘plan’ of yours was complete and utter foolish waste of time! We wouldn’t have fooled anyone! Now, if you’ll need me, I’ll be plotting out an actual revenge scheme instead of some ridiculous, implausible masquerade!” And with this, Peridot stormed off, Ford’s lab coat still hanging onto her as she made no attempts to shrug it off as she took her heated retreated, leaving Stepper and Mabel alone.
“Mabel, come on,” Stepper said evenly, his expression sincere, concerned even. “I can tell something’s up with you. What’s really going on here?”
“I already told you, nothing’s going on!” Mabel retorted crossly. “I’m fine, everything’s fine, especially you! You’re just off, having a great time together and with Grunkle Ford doing your ‘super important fusion research’, and I get it, ok?”
“Get what?” Stepper asked, still not following.
“That you’re so busy that you don’t have any time to hang out with me!” Mabel exclaimed pointedly. “Even though you promised that you would, but I guess you guys would rather spend your time doing way more important things than having fun with me!”
At first, Stepper had no idea what to really say in response to such an intense, emotional outburst, though he quickly made a move to correct it the moment he noticed tears starting to well up in Mabel’s eyes. “Aw, Mabel…” he began gently as he knelt down to her level. “You know I didn’t mean to blow you off. I really do wanna hang out with you, its just…”
“Its just I gotta wait till you’re done with Grunkle Ford, huh?” Mabel finished, her hands on her hips.
“Um, yeah? That’s pretty much it,” Stepper said, standing. “I won’t be that much longer. You can wait a few hours, can’t you?”
“That’s not the point!” Mabel refuted, stomping her foot down. “The point is that you guys are finally stable together! You’re finally fun, or at least I thought you were until you decided you wanted to bury your head in all that boring research again!”
“W-well, why do you have such a problem with that?” Stepper asked somewhat defensively. “We’re just trying to find answers to questions that deserve to be answered! We could learn so much about fusion, and Gems and-”
“Ugh, who cares?!” Mabel interupted impatiently. “You guys could always just study all that stuff when you’re not fused! Why do you gotta waste your time with it now when you are fused?”
“Well, why does it matter to you so much that we hang out with you while we’re fused in the first place?” Stepper argued back, growing readily more annoyed. “You spend time with Steven and Dipper every day, so why are things so different when I’m around? I am them, for crying out loud!”
“It matters because you’re-” Mabel sharply cut herself off with a frustrated sob, not wanting to give the fusion any sort of high ground in this fight.
“I’m what, Mabel?” Stepper asked a bit harsher than he had meant to as the girl quickly turned around to wipe her tears. While half of the fusion did feel rather guilty about being the cause of those tears in the first place, the other half was far too incensed with what he believed to be justified frustration to let her win this fight. “I think I get it now,” he said, his tone cold as he pulled himself to his full height. “You’re just being selfish.”
Mabel was unable to let back a sharp, bitter laugh upon hearing this as she turned back around to face the fusion. “Yeah, ok, I’m being selfish,” she remarked with a rare sense of biting sarcasm. “Says the fusion who broke his promise and doesn’t seem to even care!”
“I didn’t break my promise!” Stepper snapped fiercely. “You just too impatient to wait for me to finish with Great Mr. Ford! Face it, Mabel, you’re are being selfish, just like you always are!”
A heavy, shocked gasp escaped Mabel at this, her offense to such a burning remark immediately clear. Stepper himself took in a suddenly anxious breath as soon as he said it, knowing that he had crossed a line and wanting to take it back, though at the same time, he forced himself to let it be, still refusing to back down now. “I’m not selfish,” Mabel finally spoke up as she glared up at the fusion squarely.
“Yes, you are,” Stepper countered with a bit of a tired sigh.
“No, I’m not!” Mabel argued, this time much more intently.
“Yes, you are!” the fusion exclaimed. He knew this entire argument was somewhat futile, but even so, a large part of him was far too angry and far too stubborn to simply let it go.
“No, I’m not!”
“Yes, you are!”
“No, I’m NOT!”
“Yes, you—STOP!” Surprisingly enough, Stepper cut himself off, his lower hands clenched in tight fists as he continued almost desperately. “Stop fighting! Please, I don’t wanna-” The fusion interupted himself again, this time with a sudden gasp as his Gem and birthmark flashed brightly. “B-but… but we shouldn’t…” he trailed off, closing his eyes tightly as he placed a hand against his head. “We shouldn’t say things like that, she’s your sister—yeah, she is and she’s wrong! But being angry like this isn’t gonna—I don’t care! She needs to realize she can’t always have her way! B-but we—Ugh, forget it! I’ll handle this!” The fusion finally managed to steady himself as he took in a deep breath, meeting Mabel’s somewhat startled gaze with a stern, serious glare. “Mabel, I’m sorry, but… we didn’t fuse just so we could hang out with you. And… if you’re going to be so jealous and clingy and selfish then… then maybe I just won’t hang out with you at all!”
Mabel let out another harsh gasp at this, recoiling back a bit as if Stepper’s words had physically hurt her. And for as much pain as they brought her, they might as well have. “O-oh yeah?” she asked challengingly, aggressively fighting against her pressing tears as she returned the fusion’s glare relentlessly. “Well… m-maybe I don’t wanna hang out with you either if you’re gonna be so boring and stubborn!”
“Fine!” Stepper snapped, swiftly spinning around to face away from her, his upper arms crossed tightly.
“Fine!” Mabel repeated just as angrily as she did the same.
And for the next several minutes, that was it. Neither of them said another single word to each other, their argument ending on a sour, stated stalemate. However, as seconds passed on into minutes, Stepper couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder back at Mabel, even if half of him clearly didn’t want to. All the same, his expression softened quite a bit as he noticed her shoulders hitching ever so slightly in what was clearly a mournful sob. With a small sigh, he turned to face her once again, his expression rather neutral as a result of the disagreement between both of both of his halves over the matter. A part of him was clearly angry with her, there was no question about that, seeing her behavior and lashing out as nothing more than immature and foolish. He believed that the best way to handle such an attitude was to simply let her stew in her frustration with him, knowing that she’d get over it eventually and maybe even learn a lesson in patience and acceptance in the process. And yet… while his other half did understand those sentiments, and even did agree with them to some extent, he still couldn’t help but feel rather guilty all the same. True, Mabel’s outburst against him had been harsh and demanding and even possessive to a point, but the only reason she was so upset in the first place was because of his failure to keep his promise to her. He had gotten distracted, and in his distraction he kept putting her off until later, always saying that they’d have time to spend together, but never actually following through. He couldn’t really say that if he was in her shoes, he wouldn’t feel at least a little left out and forgotten as she likely was.
And maybe… that’s exactly what the problem here was in the first place. Though Mabel hadn’t said so in those exact words, the more sympathetic half of Stepper was quickly starting to suspect that was what this conflict was actually about. With Dipper and Steven as fused as they were, it stood to reason that Mabel might have felt as though she was being left out on all of the fun they were having together, and in turn, those feelings of loneliness soon turned into those of bitterness. It all made sense, but even so, it was a problem that he really had no idea how to fix. What they needed was a way for all three of them to work this out without devolving into another hostile shouting match. A way for them to work out their differences on common ground. A way for them all to see things eye to eye.
Or better yet… a way for them to see things through the same eyes.
Stepper moved carefully and intentfully, keeping all thoughts of his newfound plan out of his mind, lest his other half pick up on them and stop him altogether amidst his own frustration. Still, he could feel that half’s palpable confusion as he stepped forward towards Mabel, who couldn’t help but glance over her shoulder at him in equal bewilderment, especially as she noticed one of his lower hands was extended out to her in offering. The fusion’s expression was mingled with both that same almost disgruntled confusion as well as what almost appeared to be a sense of sad sincerity as he nodded at her, silently asking her to take his hand. And, even despite her own currently mixed feelings about the fusion at the moment, Mabel did so, curious to see exactly what he was planning on doing.
However, the last thing she could have ever expected was for Stepper to do was grasp her other hand before pulling her into a slow, first initial spin, one that soon turned into what was clearly an impromptu dance. The fusion himself seemed ever bit as surprised as she was as he met her bewildered gaze evenly, yet even so, they continued on in easy, almost waltz-like twirls gradually leading them out of the barn and into the yard. Neither of them said anything as they tried to piece together exactly what was going on, which was something only one half of the fusion knew while leaving both his other half and the girl completely in the blind. In truth, he had no idea if this would actually work or not, but for the sake of restoring the peace and bonds between them all, it was at least worth a shot.
Unable to hold her immense curiosity in any longer, Mabel was about to speak up to finally ask Stepper why they were apparently dancing in the first place. However, before she could get a chance, she was suddenly blindsided by the bright burst of light from the fusion’s gemstone, one that seemed to flood and fill in over both of them. And, in that brief moment, both of them, or rather, all three of them finally realized exactly what was happening.
Their eyes opened swiftly, all three of them wide and easily depicting their shared shock. Their breath caught in a sharp gasp, their uneven trio of hands trembling as they caught sight of them, as well as the rest of their newly amalgamated form. Even so, they were clearly struggling to take it all in as one single thought ran through their now shared mind: against all odds and all impossibilities, Steven, Dipper, and Mabel were all fused together at the exact same time, resulting in neither Stepper nor Maven even, but in someone entirely different altogether.
“W-wha…” the new fusion whispered, their voice just about completely neutral when it came to gender. They slowly shook their head, still completely baffled as they noticed that their only extra arm rested underneath their left one, while their only additional eye rested evenly above their right. They weren’t able to make much else about their appearance, aside from their attire which was clearly a mix of that of all three of their components. And yet, that hardly mattered to the fusion as much as the fact that they even managed to exist at all, especially as they managed to realize that only a third of them had hoped for this to happen in the first place. “W-what… what did you do?!” they asked, their voice suddenly rising in both fear and fury. “I-I’m sorry! I just thought-”
The fusion gasped again, their shoulders jolting as they suddenly became aware of the several sets of eyes watching them from afar. Despite their new, rather-tall legs, they quickly spun around, only to find Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Ford, and even Peridot all standing near the barn, all of them staring at the new fusion, completely dumbfounded.
The fusion’s breathing began to pick up under the sudden scrutiny, a wave of unbridled anxiety washing over them. All three of their components felt it rush through them almost painfully, but it was clear it hit one of them much harder than the others. They let out a startled cry as their form flashed briefly, turning amorphous and unclear as one of their components began to fall out of the fusion entirely. Dipper didn’t even have time to let out a fearful gasp as, before he could even fully split apart from the fusion, a hand suddenly grasped his tightly. He glanced back up to find Maven, still somehow left over from their fusion and still clinging onto him, their expression morose and pleading, almost as if they were silently begging him to not let go just yet. And, despite the countless emotions running through him at that moment and the stunned audience that they had just a few feet away, he found that was a plea that for some reason, he couldn’t refuse.
Light silhouetted the kids once again as their three-way fusion reformed, still clearly in a state of shock as they glanced down at themselves briefly, before looking to everyone watching them again. To say that they were overwhelmed would be an understatement, and with so many thoughts and so many feelings pouring through their shared mind at once, the one thing they did know was that this was something they had to figure out on their own. Which was why, before anyone could so much as say a single word to them, the fusion turned on their heel and bolted, running off towards the distant fields and hills of open farmland before them, not bothering to look back even once.
“W-wait!” Ford called after them as soon as he shook himself out of his shock, more than curious to learn about something as incredible as the fusion he had just seen. However, before he could attempt to run after them, Garnet stopped him, shaking her head calmly.
“Let them be,” the Gem leader said, watching as the fusion disappeared off into the distance. “After all, this is between the three of them and no one else.”
In their ongoing state of emotional frenzy, the fusion had no idea how long they had been running or even where they were really going. The late afternoon landscapes sped by them as they maintained a steady pace, tears welling up in all three of their eyes the entire time though none of them ever fell. When they finally did come to a stop, it was out of exhaustion more than anything else as they gradually came to a breathless halt against a tall, wide tree standing alone out in the midst of the otherwise empty fields. Their trio of hands were still shaking as they took the time to stare down at them in disbelief, their own existence bewildering them more than anything else at that moment possibly could.
They had fused. By all accounts, something like this should have been impossible, and up until now, each of their components would have readily believed that it was impossible. True, three or more Gems could fuse at a time, but the fact that Steven could fuse with more than one human at a time was something no one had ever anticipated or thought of before. But sure enough, it had happened, and despite how baffled the fusion was by how they had come to be, all too soon their thoughts began to turn to why they had come to be.
“W-we… you… I… I don’t understand,” they began, their voice soft and diffident as they conversed to themselves. “Neither do I… You… you just… pulled all three of us together like this and… and now we’re…” They took in a deep breath, all three of their eyes closing as they tried their best to compose themselves amidst their countless mixed emotions. “Why? What’s the point? Why would you—b-because I thought this would help!”
They stopped briefly, sighing almost sadly as they leaned back against the side of the tree and rubbed their spare arm gently. “I… I thought… you were both so upset with each other… I could see it, heck, I could even feel it… I just thought that… maybe if you could get inside each other’s heads for just for a second, t-then… then it might help you—help us what?” They cut themselves off sharply, a sudden burst of familiar, bitter anger running through them. “See just how wrong she is? What?! I’m not wrong! You’re the one who’s wrong! I am not!” They stamped their foot down harshly. “Everything was going just fine until you came along being all impatient and jealous! Guys, wait, we shouldn’t—I wasn’t jealous! I just wanted to have some fun with you guys, which is something you clearly weren’t interested in. We were having fun! But every time I have fun, you always have to have a problem with it! Come on, you guys, we have to try to get alo—I never said I have a problem with that! Then what is your problem, huh?! M-maybe… No, come on, don’t say it, you don’t mean—maybe my problem’s with you!”
The fusion let out a loud, appalled scoff at this, one that quickly turned into an exasperated groan as their least angry third realized exactly where this was going, as hard as they were trying to diffuse it. “S-seriously, we shouldn’t fight, especially when we’re like this!” they urged desperately. “I don’t see why we shouldn’t! After all, I’d love to know more about this so-called ‘problem’ you have with me! N-no, we don’t—Oh, you wanna hear more?” They asked themselves challengingly, set to deliver this bitingly honest opinion in a unique, yet heavy-handed way they wouldn’t soon forget. “Fine! I’ll be more than happy to tell you!”
The fusion took a bold step forward, two of their arms crossed and their other hand clenched into a tight fist as their other two components finally realized that they were all about to burst into song, whether they wanted to or not. “My problem with you,” they began, their melody upbeat yet carrying a certain catty, unapologetic swing to it. “Who me?” they interupted themselves, confused. “No, you,” they clarified, eliciting a sarcastic eye-roll from only one of their eyes. “Is that you always have to be better. Says who?!” they asked with another doubtful scoff. “You do! And if you asked me twice, well wouldn’t it be nice, if you were just WRONG for once! Ohhhh…”
Incensed by these accusations, the fusion turned their nose up, initially wanting no parts of such a petty argument before they ultimately decided not to simply let these callous claims hang as they were. And so, ignoring how flustered they already were, they decided to play themselves at their own game and offer their side of the story in the exact same musical way. “Well, MY problem with YOU—wait, me? Yeah, you!—is that you always have to always have to be selfish—not true!” they protested before part of them finally spoke up rather timidly to these claims, only to be drowned out once again. “But you—You always get your way, but no, not today, until you did anyway! Ahhh…
They sighed, partially to let a bit of their frustration out and partially out of sadness as they continued walking, almost dancing forward. After all, they had hoped that their newfound, unique existence as a fusion would bring them together; but ultimately, it was only pulling them apart even more than before. “You guys, the problem with us,” they began rather solemnly, only to angrily interrupt themselves once again. “No, him! There’s no us! I-is that we have to try to—stop complaining! Don’t fuss!”
The fusion cringed in spite of themselves, realizing that even though their voice was steady and strong, they still seemed so out of harmony, in more ways than one. “How can we get along? It’ll take more than a song—just admit that you’re wrong!” they snapped bitingly, pressing a hand against their head as they tried to make sense of all of the conflicting emotions and opinions running through it. “Wrong,” they stomped forward once again, their eyes shut tightly as their tone grew progressively more intense. “Wrong, wrong, wrongwrongwrongwrongwrongwrongWRONG—”
The fusion ultimately cut themselves off with a sudden gasp of surprise as they tripped, their foot catching on a rock as they fell forward into a small stream running through the field that they hadn’t even noticed as caught up in their song as they had been. They quickly sat up, shaking themselves off and letting out a disgruntled sigh as they still dripped with quite a bit of water. Their song was all but forgotten as they began, trying to dry themselves off, more than ready to get back into their bout of heated arguing. Until…
They paused, froze practically as they happened to glance down at the crystal clear waters of the stream before them. Or rather, at their own reflection staring back at them from within it. Until now, the fusion hadn’t put much thought into what they might have looked like, as caught up in their own internal conflict as they had been. But now, all thoughts of that seemed to fade away as their own appearance practically captivated them. They were tall, much taller than even Stepper or Maven were, and indeed, they had an extra arm on the left and an extra eye above the right, yet somehow, neither appendage looked out of place or unsightly. In a way, they almost seemed to balance each other out, contributing to the unique, completely new being they now were together. Their hair was a medium length and shade of brown, loose, and free and recklessly curly as it spilled out from the unmistakable pine tree hat atop their head. The rest of their attire was clearly a testament to who they were made of as well, from Steven and Mabel’s shirt and sweater respectively combined into a bright pink top underneath Dipper’s usual vest. Likewise, their pair of loose jean capris rested underneath a purple skirt, their shoes mismatched yet comfortable all the same. In fact, despite how seemingly mismatched and at ends they seemed to be in general, their appearance somehow still made sense. Their fusion made sense, oddities, imperfections and all.
And perhaps… that fact spoke to more than just their fusion too.
Throughout the entire summer so far, one thing had always seemed to be a constant; no matter what danger or threat or trial they faced, Steven, Dipper, and Mabel faced them all together. Through thick and thin, Dipper and Mabel were stalwart siblings; they always had been and they always would be, no matter what, and in the midst of that close sibling bond stood Steven, an endlessly loyal and ever-supportive friend to them both. Regardless of minor spats and petty arguments, the three of them belonged together; the fact that they had even been able to fuse at all was proof of that. And perhaps, they all realized at the exact same moment, it was time to stop letting themselves, of all people, get in the way of the bond of family and friendship they all cherished so very much.
“T-the problem with us…” they began their song again, this time softer and gentler as they kept their sights on their own reflection. “No wait… not ‘us’… Is that I’m not just one or the other…” Slowly, they stood, still looking down towards the stream first, before their gaze gradually drifted to their trio of hands stretched out before them. “I’m not one or two… but something just brand new, so what do I do? Oooo….”
“Maybe…” they trailed off with a sigh, a bit of shame filling them as they thought about just how foolish their conflict had been in the first place, and just how much it could have damaged between them as a result. Which meant that regardless of what was said in the past, it was finally time to put an end to it once and for all.
“It wasn’t me…” they admitted, wrapping all three of their arms around each other in a bit of a lose hug as they slowly passed by the creek. “It wasn’t you… You know, they say it takes two…” They finally cracked a small smile at this joke, though it didn’t last long as remorse entered their melody, though hints of forgiveness and empathy were mingled in there just as much. “I couldn’t see… I wanted to be… part of this too…”
Their pace picked up just the slightest bit as they looked ahead towards the horizon, the sun just starting to sink over it and casting everything in a deep, rich glow of twilight. It was a rejuvenating glow, one that filled the fusion with hope and warmth as they smiled once more, finally, finally ready to declare exactly who—and what—they were. “But now that we’re three,” they began, their smile gradually widening as they walk soon started to turn into a job before evolving into an energized run. “Both us and we,” A small, bright laugh escaped them, one filled with building joy and ecstasy that they knew they would soon be absolutely powerless to contain. “And that makes you… ME!”
At this, the fusion acted on sheer impulse, leaping into the air in the blazing light of the setting sun. For a brief, breathless, blissful moment, they felt almost weightless until gravity began to pull them back down, yet surprisingly enough, it wasn’t enough to ground them completely. For instead of their feet hitting the grass below, they seemed to hover above it ever so slightly, floating gently above the earth as they started down at it in amazed disbelief. And yet, for as elated and excited as they were, they decided not to question it, instead opting to make the most out of such a bizarre yet brilliant opportunity for all it was worth.
“And there’s NO problem with me!” they sang, their melody triumphant as they hovered forward with grace and agility. “Cause as far as I can see, we’re singing in perfect harmony!” The fusion preformed a deft spin at this, more or less practically ice skating on thin air and loving every single second it, knowing that this was what they should have been doing from the moment they first fused. “A sister—a brother—friends caring for each other, like its supposed to be!” Once again, they pulled themselves into a fond, tight embrace as they leaned back a bit, still keeping their mid-air momentum going all the while. “Like it was meant to be!” they proclaimed, proud of who they were and what their fusion represented and glad for this experience, despite its less than ideal beginnings. After all, it had indeed done its part in not only bringing peace between them all, but bringing them all together, in a way that got them closer than they had ever thought possible. Which was why, with a warm smile on their face and a contented song in their heart, they gradually began to glide their way back towards the barn, ready to face anything so long as they faced it together. “Like it will always be…”
An air of confusion had hung over the barn ever since the fusion’s unexpected formation and subsequent flight. Ford, Pearl, Amethyst, and even Peridot each had their own respective abundance of questions, to which Garnet simply assured them to wait for eventual answers to them upon the fusion’s return. Still, as minutes turned into hours with no sign of the fusion or any of the kids who composed them in sight, worry was starting to fill the air, mingling with that same confusion as the sun soon began to set.
“I hope the kids are alright…” Pearl frowned, staring off into the distance the fusion had disappeared into. “Its getting awfully late for them to be out there alone…”
“They’re not alone,” Garnet reminded, casually leaning against the side of the barn. “They have each other.”
“Heh, yeah, cause they fused,” Amethyst interjected with a grin. “Which is totally nuts when you think about it. Like its already crazy that Steven can fuse with Dipper and Mabel each on their own, but all three of them mashin’ it up? This is like… a whole new level of awesome!”
“It certainly is an absolutely phenomenal discovery,” Ford commented as he enthusiastically continued taking what notes he could of the new fusion down in his journal. “Just think of the implications here! A human-Gem hybrid, not only fusing with one organic human but two at the same exact time! I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes! I have so much to ask them when they return, like what the balance between the three of them sharing the same headspace is like, what possible weapons and abilities they might have at their disposal, what they might possibly refer to themselves as-”
Everyone jolted in surprise as they all turned to see none other than the fusion themselves, strolling over to meet them from around the corner of the barn. Their expression was relaxed and bright as they smiled at the stunned group, barely even seeming to take notice in just how shocked they all were at their sudden, unexpected return.
“W-what?” Ford spoke up, his eyes wide as he looked the fusion up and down.
“Well, I dunno how to really answer those first two questions,” they began, two of their hands in their pockets while their spare rested casually behind their head. “But I do have an idea for what I’d like to be called and that’s it: Dipevebel. I know its not exactly the easiest name to roll off the tongue, but its kinda the best you can expect when you have to combine Dipper, Steven, and Mabel together, like I do. Still… I think it fits. Don’t you guys agree?”
While Ford, Pearl, and Amethyst were still much to baffled to really even say anything, Garnet stepped forward, demonstrating that even she was a bit shorter than the newly-named Dipevebel. “I do,” the Gem leader nodded with a clearly proud grin as she extended out a hand for the fusion to shake. “Its nice to finally meet you, Dipevebel.”
“Heh, honestly, it was nice for me to meet myself,” Dipevebel chuckled warmly. “Wait… that doesn’t make any sense. Or maybe it does in some deep poetic sort of way? …Eh, forget it. Guess what I’m trying to say is… its good to be here! Even if I… sorta ran away at first—ok, you know what, I should probably just stop rambling.”
“Oh, I like this one!” Amethyst laughed, amused. “They’re like all of Maven’s fun and all of Stepper’s funny awkwardness wrapped up into one rad, three-eyed, three-armed package!”
“Huh… a fusion of Maven and Stepper…” Dipevebel mused. “You know, I haven’t thought of us like that before, but in a way, I guess that’s exactly what I am. Neat!”
“Well, you three certainly are impressive together,” Pearl said with a good-natured grin. “And I’m not just saying that because your mere existence is an incredible feat in and of itself—wait! T-that’s not what I-”
“Nah, its ok, Pearl,” Dipevebel laughed, setting the white Gem’s belief that she had offended them at ease. “Even I gotta admit that it is kind of crazy that I can even be here at all, but just for the record, I’m really glad that I am.”
“And we’re glad that you are too,” Garnet nodded supportively.
“Indeed we are!” Ford chimed in with renewed enthusiasm, his pen ready to take down as many notes as he could about this incredible new fusion. “Now, you kids wouldn’t mind if I asked you one, or two, or several questions about your physiology and abilities as a fusion, would you?”
“Ah, w-well…” Dipevebel trailed off, glancing down with a bit of an awkward smile. “I’d love to, but if its all the same to you Mr. Grunkle Ford, we’d—or, I’d… kind of like to have a bit of time just to ourselves, if that’s ok.”
The author took pause at this, surprised, and though disappointment briefly flashed across his expression, he ultimately smiled in acceptance, knowing that there’d certainly be time to investigate this miraculous, newly-formed fusion again some other day. “O-of course it is,” he nodded humbly as him and the Gems stepped out of the fusion’s way. Dipevebel offered them all another cordial grin as they left, only to be stopped by a certain green Gem as she happened to venture out of the barn at that exact moment.
“Hey!” Peridot snapped as she accitentally ran right into the much-taller fusion. “What’s the big ide—oh, great…” she groaned, glaring up at Dipevebel, unimpressed. “Its all three of you clods, fused and formed into one giant clod, just what we need around here…”
Instead of taking offense at the green Gems disparaging remarks, the fusion simply smiled in amusement at them, playfully patting Peridot on the head as they stepped passed her. “Its nice to see you too, Peridot,” they said, bidding her off with a friendly wave before heading off on their own.
“Ugh, fusion…” the green Gem groaned in disgust as she stood alongside the others and watched Dipevebel head past the edge of the barn. “What’s it even good for anyway?”
“More than you could ever know,” Garnet replied, her pride in the trio still apparent as she glanced slightly upwards, to the roof of the barn where their fusion took up their perch. “They’re proof enough of that.”
The summer sunset was peaceful and warm, accented by a light, easy breeze and early crickets chirping in the early evening. Dipevebel sat alone and silent on top of the barn, taking it all in and not needing any words to convey just how harmonious and happy they felt at that moment.
They had been told before that fusion represented relationships, bonds formed between Gems (or in their case, between humans and Gems), brought to life in entirely new, but familiar beings. Dipevebel themselves had already realized that, in a way, they represented not just one relationship, but several: the dedicated, devoted sibling bond between Dipper and Mabel, the unlikely, but undeniably close connection between Steven and Dipper, the warm, playful friendship between Mabel and Steven. All of these things were what created Dipevebel, what tied them together and kept them close. The fusion themselves cherished those connections and the feelings they brought them deeply, knowing that for as long as they or any of the individual parts that composed them existed, they’d never let any of them go.
As the sun finally disappeared beyond the distant hills and the sky settled into the cool shade of night, Dipevebel finally slowly came undone on their own accord. The act of unfusing was smooth and mutual, but even as they came apart, they were still together, enveloping each other in a loose yet fond three-way hug. None of them said anything as they kept up their contented smiles and upheld this comforting embrace, wanting to hold onto it and the simple happiness it brought them for as long as possible, and even after that.
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writer-jamie · 2 months
| Aphrodite's Spell | Chapter One |
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Summary: Aegon was the definition of fuckboy. He didn't care about people's feelings, fucked with no strings attached and used whoever he wanted. He never got attached. Never made friends. That was until he met you online. You didn't know him, nor his family. You were an innocent his family and their legacy tainted. Someone new. Something new.
Warnings: Talks of alcohol and drugs, some slight smut, angst.
Author's note: Welcome to chapter 1. This is basically story set up rather than much of the drama/slow burn. Aegon is troubled and I wanted to set up this part of the story before introducing the reader properly and the romance.
Taglist: @neithriddle @sab-falco @prp-butterf1y
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Divider: @fairytopea
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He promised he would be good.
That was five hours ago. He now sat in the holding cell next to familiar faces and the same cops as every week. Drunks, addicts, underage drinkers, random men who never had a criminal record but got cocky with a bouncer and got arrested.
He promised he would be good.
But when did anyone really believe his promises?
"Targaryen. Your sister is here." Derrick shouted from across the cell, opening the door a crack to allow the blonde outside. He stood up with a bounce and walked past the other sorry looking idiots who managed to land themselves here on a Sunday evening. "Same time next week?" Derrick chuckled, passing Aegon his belongings, including his keys, phone and a dragon keyring he kept on his belt for good luck. "Most definitely, wouldn't miss it." Aegon remarked with smirk. He walked towards the front desk, pushing his blonde locks out of his face. Helena stood there with a less than pleased expression on her face.
"One Sunday night, Egg. That's all I ask." She started, slapped him around the head. "One Sunday i'll be able to relax and not have to be bailing you out of jail." She huffed, opening the front door to the station. "Maybe even one day you'll grow up?" She suggested with a slight smile. Aegon rolled his eyes, unsure of what lecture was awaiting him in the morning once news of his arrest made it's way to his mother. He was the disappointment of the family so he was just doing his job really. It made everyone else look good. "Maybe.." He said with a sigh and got into the passenger side of Helena's car. He had sobered up enough to not throw up in her car but still felt the buzz of the nights drinks and drugs. He emptied the plastic bag of hid belongings into his lap, replacing all the jewellery he was told to remove.
His phone started to buzz in his pocket seeing multiple texts from Aemond and his mother.
"Aemond was worried about you." Helena started, causing Aegon to chuckle under his breath. "Seriously Egg, he's never seen you that bad. Not since Dad died." Aegon released his breath, not even realising he was holding it. Dad. God he would be so dissapointed in him. "What's going on?" His sister continued, placing a caring hand on his arm.
"I'm fine Hel, just took shit too far...again." He replied, putting his hand on top of Helena's, reassuring his younger sister that all was well. They spent the rest of the car ride in silence, Aegon leaned back into his seat, watching the lights from the lamp posts whiz past as Helena drove her normal route back to his apartment. Not even fifteen minutes since she picked him up, she dropped him off again.
His apartment was cold when he opened the door. The winters in Kings Landing weren't as cold as in the North but they could be nippy. Aegon didn't bother turning on the lights, just went straight to his liquor cabinet and opened a bottle of whiskey. He started to drink it, enjoying the burning sensation as it went down his throat. Not bothering to close the blinds, or curtains, he collapsed into his bed, whiskey in hand.
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"Why is it so hard for you to blah blah blah blah." Aegon pushed his hair out of his face as he lifted his head up off the table, unable to listen to his mother and grandfather's moaning anymore. "Am I done here? I have things to do." He pushed his chair away from the glass table and stood up. "Like what? Nurse a hangover? Or get so drunk you aren't hungover anymore?" His brother joked, raising his eyebrows at his older brother.
"Aemond, not all of us are prudes and can't handle our drink." Aegon crossed his arms before turning to face his mother. "Mother. I will see you tomorrow for dinner." He didn't bother saying goodbye to his grandfather or brother. They were cunts. As much as he disliked his mother, he had the decency to say goodbye to her.
He closed the office door behind himself, leaning against the door to steady himself. He could hear talking from behind the door. Most definitely him being slagged off. But he didn't really care. Aegon stood up straight and walked towards the elevator, pressing the button to the ground floor. "Bye Maria. See you later." He waved to the older receptionist who was bust typing away on her computer. She put a hand up to say goodbye to the young man before the elevator dinged and Aegon left the dragons pit.
Once Aegon stepped outside, the weight from his shoulders was suddenly lifted. He was back in his own head, rather than the Targaryen head. He walked over to his car and hoped into the drivers seat, watching in the rear view mirror as the paparazzi began circling his car like flies around a dead body. He took a deep breath before setting off home.
Aegon returned home, stopping only at a drive thru coffee shop to get his normal order as well as a hangover cure. He opened his door before walking straight into his bedroom and shutting the door behind him. Knocking the empty whiskey bottle onto the floor, he sat on his bed with his coffee and opened his laptop.
Opening his an online chat room he frequented he began to message his 'friends'. A few were online, many weren't as it was a Monday afternoon and many actually had to work for a living. He scrolled through the blog board, looking for anything interesting before he would crawl under his sheets and sleep off the horrible hangover.
Something caught his eye.
Y/N: Can a blonde bitch please come into my life and fuck it up? I'm bored of working and sleeping. I need a man to come and fuck me like a hound. Is that so much to ask?
EggTarg has liked this post.
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noveltyclinic · 2 years
Hair Transplant Surgery Can Improve Your Love Life
Hair loss may seem like a natural consequence of aging. You may even expect it to eventually happen to you after watching a family member go through it. But expecting hair loss and absorbing its effects can be dramatically different things with unexpected results. Just ask Lucas Rivner of Los Angeles, who eventually learned that hair transplant surgery can improve one's life.
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Lucas was in his early thirties when his hair began falling out. Before that, his life had been pretty good. He worked as a software technician with a great job and had his fair share of dates. He'd put off settling down, thinking he'd get to it in another year or two. But then his hair began to fall out. His hair loss happened it in front, along his hairline and before long saw the crown of his hair thinning out, too. Like so many people who eventually decide to get hair transplant surgery, Lucas first noticed his hair on his pillow in the morning and rinsing down the shower drain.
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Lucas would spend an hour each morning in front of the mirror trying to cover the hair loss. He tried shampoos, over-the-counter hair loss products and even tried restyling his hair to hide his hair loss. But nothing really worked. He went into denial, never believing that the loss of his hair would progress far enough to merit a solution like hair transplant surgery. Lucas began hiding in his job, spending less and less time out in the world and particularly in the dating scene. His dating fell off to practically nothing and maybe it was his imagination, but he felt like he'd suddenly become invisible to women. They seemed to look right through him and his rapidly thinning hair.
Lucas lost the easy confidence he'd once had around women and the more invisible he felt, the worse became his bumbling efforts to connect with women who would have once found him attractive. He felt older than his years and not like himself at all. He was on the verge of swearing off dating altogether one day when a female co-worker and friend sat him down for a little pep talk. "Lucas," she said, "it's not your lack of hair that's interfering with your love life, it's your lack of confidence. Women like a man with confidence. It makes them feel safe."
For a few days, he thought about this. Then he realized she was right. His perception that he'd become invisible was his own. Somehow, he had to find himself again because it had begun to affect all areas of his life. So, how exactly was he going to get his confidence back? On the Internet, he Googled "hair loss solutions" and found quite a few sites talking about advances in hair transplant surgery. After performing his due diligence he chose hair transplant doctor with a great reputation and made an appointment to go in and talk to him.
His first appointment convinced him that he was heading in the right direction. The hair transplant doctor told him about the high success rates they had achieved with hair transplant surgery and he showed Lucas photos. He explained to Lucas that he was an excellent candidate because he had good donor hair at the back of his head. Plus, she explained, despite the admittedly expensive price of hair transplants, because of his age, he could expect to spend less over his lifetime doing hair transplant surgery than if he went with nonsurgical hair systems that would always require maintenance and updating. Hair transplants, once done are permanent and becomes your own real growing hair. The hair transplants will not fall out because it's not hair that's genetically predisposed to do so.
Lucas went ahead with the hair transplant surgery, financed it with credit and went back to his life. Within six months, his hairline and crown began to regrow. Like a miracle, he began to look, and more importantly, feel like himself again. No one seemed to notice it, or if they did, they assumed he'd lost weight or had begun working out. But the biggest change was how he felt when he approached dating again. He knew now, it wasn't about how he looked, but how he felt about himself that had held him back. Within a few months, he'd met Carly, the woman he would marry a year later. Lucas has never looked back on his decision to undergo hair transplant surgery. Hands down, it's the best money he's ever spent.
Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. Hair loss can have a devastating impact on your self-esteem whether you're a man or a woman. There are dozens of options out there to help you. If you're not ready for hair transplant surgery, or think you can't afford it, you owe it to yourself to take the time to go into a hair transplant surgery doctor's office and ask him if hair transplants will work for you. So, what are you waiting for? Give them a call. Make an appointment. Find yourself again.
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makinomariasama · 6 years
Translation: Blog Post: January 10th, 2019
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
* Weekly Young Magazine 2019 No. 6 * It's on sale now!!!!
The cover and lead feature is Morning Musume '19's Makino Maria
Please check it out by all means <3
Maria rode the swing I thought, this swing is the same as Maria's :) * When I was little, my dad built me a swing in the pear field. My mom said to me, "it's like Heidi's swing."
The yellow dress is cute, right I even rode on the swing in the yellow dress
Maria was running around in the grass. Barefoot *
Look for the answer to this in Weekly Young Magazine okay ♪ I found a flower - what colour was it??
Secret stories from the Young Magazine shoot To be continued Look forward to it okay
Morning Musume '19 Makino Maria
Good evening. This is Maria.
Today, I measured my height. And I'm in my third year of high school. I went back to studying And, and I tried the lottery -> I won.
The claim period for it is until January 15th of Heisei 31 (2019). Hurry!! Me!!!! The drawing day was January 11th of Heisei 30 (2018). To be continued
NHK BS1 "World Sports MLB" "MLB American Big League" LIVE 2018 season Maria will summarize it (With what I saw)
Please look at it okay *7*
I took notes as I watched the broadcast, and I'll post them as is.
[June 1st Broadcast] Angels vs Tigers Yesterday, there was a goose
Today, there was a lucky goose (to bring victory) A goose on the bench A goose egg After the game ended, they gave the goose a high five ♪
Tomorrow, Colon is pitching - Colon vs Ootani
It's raining at the Yankees game
An exclusive interview with Maa-kun ♪ Maa-kun's four seamer Maria holds the ball the same way Maria also wants to ask Maa-kun a question <3 :)
[June 2nd Broadcast] Before the game, Ootani was with Marin. Colon vs Ootani Shouhei Barria, a starter for the Angels, is 21 years old, born the same year that Colon debuts.
Barria VertSlide (verical slider)
Ootani Shouhei will be starting on the 6th against the Royals
JD Martinez - 19th homerun Betts is on the disabled list
Yankees game Torres shoes are wet. Maria knew about Judge's homerun <3
[June 4th - Midnight Broadcast] Maa-kun is starting in the Orioles game Stanton hit his 4th homerun today Gregorius' Twitter emoji Maa-kun got his 700th strikeout in the majors Judge was on defense <3 They showed him. Maa-kun has 704 strikeouts, which is amazing *
"I think that it's useless to be carried in a piggyback ride," Maa-kun said that after the game. Maria also thinks like that about Morning Musume.
Angels game T-Mobile stadium <3 Angels Stadium Maria has come to know the players on the Angels. Ootani Shouhei vs Hamels Zeus Komiyama-san's commentary is really easy to understand. Starting pitching practice by warming up with 19 pitches
Red Sox vs Astros Verlander is starting
Hirano is amazing *
Scherzer is a pinch hitter, he got a hit. He ran from first base to home.
Tigers Rally goose A model of it was placed on the bench
Maria loves <3 it's the helper now <3
Bryant Maria saw Komiyama-san and Bryant fighting.
[June 4th - 11pm Broadcast] Rain at the Tankees game
Ootani Shouhei said, "I study every day." Ootani Shouhei is batting 5th as the DH, so I'm happy <3
Rangers are good at defense
Red Sox vs Astros
[June 5th Broadcast] 3000 is written on the ground.
The Rally Monkey is out Pinch hitter Ootani Shouhei He'll be starting the day after tomorrow. Ootani Shouhei
Yankees vs Tigers Double header It's good that they showed Judge a lot <3 The first game Torres is pitching. Bird hit a homerun.
Three hours after the game, the second game Transfer of Jackie Robinson Day 42
Komiyama-san talked about Judge's strikeout I don't need to worry Maria also thought that. Maria thinks that strikjeouts and homeruns are part of the same page.
Tazawa has a minor league contract with the Tigers
A transcendent play Judge did it <3 He's cool
105 miles. Hicks
It's amazing that Judge hit that pitch <3
[June 6h Broadcast] Mariners vs Astros Paxton is pitching * Eagle
Hirano is good huh
Ootani Shouhei isn't participating today Since tomorrow, he'll be pitching.
Yankees game Andujar got a homerun Hicks got a homerun
Mizuhara-san is attracting attention He became a Baseball card
[June 7th Blog]
"Judge and Stanton -> Homerun" It’s always been 0-0
Ohhhhh!!!! Now, Judge hit a two run homeruuuuun!!!
Judge and Stanton Hit homeruns in the 13th inning And the score was 3-0!!
I looked at the game on the Yankees homepage, And Maria sent those texts up there to my mom.
[June 7th Broadcast] Ootani Shouhei
Yankees game Judge and Stanton hit homerun <3 <3
Maa-kun is pitching the day after tomorrow Subways series, games against the Mets
[June 8th Blog]
"Maa-kun Subway Series" About the All Star voting in the major league…
You can buy tickets for the Yankees games at 50% off. I got that text (That’s a rough translation.) Wonderful *
[June 8th Broadcast] Altuve is a fast runner ♪
Komiyama-san did an explanation while holding a ball. He's like a teacher. It's easy to understand
You have to be aware of the ball The strongest
The Subs danced again
[June 9th Broadcast] Ootani Shouhei is on the disabled list I found out this morning
Ootani-kun will be having his second PRP therapy
Yankees game - subway series
I got Komiyama-san's explanation on commentary.
After all, Gregorius is good at defense *
In the 6th inning with 1 out, Judge loaded the bases <3 -. Maa-kun came home Judge's sacrifice fly tied the game When Maa-kun ran into home, it was immediately noticed as strange -> Komiyama-san is amazing
Chapman is pitching
Hirano also came out, and couldn't get any points
"I don't have to think it's fun," Hirano said. Hirano's split How to hold the ball There's various splits in a worldly sense 15 games without a run
To be continued
Morning Musume '19 Makino Maria Birthday event News about the second round of fan club applications http://www.up-fc.jp/helloproject/sp/news_Info.php?id=13160
February 4th, 2019 at Yamano Hall Doors: 4:15pm Start time: 5pm ** There are no more applications for the performance at 7:30pm
A special premium LOVE Rin performance ...So!! Definitely please come and be in the audience ♪♪♪
xoxo Gossip Girl
I hope there's lots of fun and happiness tomorrow too *
* Makino Maria *
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novellift42 · 4 years
Perfecte' Me Cryolipolysis
Fat Decrease Fat Freezing Body Treatment
How Does Fat Freezing & Cryolipolysis Work?
Cryolipolysis (cristal) Fat Freezing.
Customize Your Body, Not Your Clothing.
Everybody was so pleasant, the therapy was amazing, i felt comforted throughout the whole procedure and also looked forward to going in. Every person are really wonderful and knowledgable concerning all the different treatments while custumising it to your individual requirements! Jane is very knowledgeable, friendly as well as professional, as well as I learned a great deal regarding my skin.
What is 3D lipo? - Metro
What is 3D lipo?.
Posted: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Every client will certainly be offered a tailored treatment plan after their initial examination with one of our trained doctors. I have completed my complete body laser hair removal with Este clinical in birmingham and i wish to share my experience. At Este Medical, we make use of the CoolTech ® procedure, which was clinically developed in Europe to eliminate persistent fat from trouble areas. This page will clarify the fat freezing treatments that we provide, just how they function and the outcomes that you can gain from fat freezing. Also if you enjoy what you consume and also spend lots of time in the fitness center, some fat will certainly not move so conveniently.
Just How Does Fat Freezing & Cryolipolysis Work?
Making use of the current innovations within the globe of 3D Lipo, Fat Freezing therapies help to form as well as sculpt your body whilst improving your self self-confidence. The body takes a little while to get rid of those dead cells, as well as the slendering result of a non-surgical lipo procedure such as this typically does not emerge up until 12 weeks later on. I have actually been going to the Skin to Love Center for practically 2 years as well as have actually seen and also large enhancement in the appearance of my skin. Just recently I've been getting areas in the very same location of my face and today after a lengthy phonecall with Kerry and also went in and also had laser treatment to aid the acne on my chin. I am so pleased I was introduced to Skin To Love and would definitely advise for anybody to start utilizing their items.
Great center, actually pleasant and proffesional personnel that make you feel extremely welcome. Just returned from one more terrific session at The Skin To Love Facility. As component of my treatment I had a combination of mini needling with PRP and also Fraxel on the face to boost stubborn crepiness and wrinkles. I constantly findthe team so alert andcaring, as well as all such skilled experts, wanting to accomplish the most effective possible result. Today was my second hair removal session as well as it went really well. No incorrect promises, specialist as well as type staff.I was made to feel totally unwinded, would highly recommend.I simply wish I had actually sought my treatment previously. I had one more unforgettable day at the Skin-To-Love Clinic in St. Albans on Tuesday 26 March 2019.
Cryolipolysis (cristal) Fat Freezing.
CoolSculpting ® is anon-invasive and non surgical fat decrease treatmentdesigned to tackle areas of unwanted excess fat that diet regimen and workout alone have been unable to decrease. Stubborn areas of fat can be difficult to move with diet regimen and also exercise alone. Our advanced CoolSculpting treatment is a non-surgical fat elimination method that gradually minimizes the amount of fat completely in the issue location to expose a smoother and more contoured, sculptured body. However, for the best results, it is recommended that you have at least 1-3 sessions on the same location every 6-8 weeks. That's why we offer a few of the very best fat freezing expenses on the marketplace. Each therapy plan will be a little different relying on each individual's demands, issue locations that they would certainly wish to target as well as other way of living aspects.
This can cause specific areas of your body being far from what you want. Nonetheless, making use of plastic surgery and also lipo to repair these problem areas will certainly run out the concern for lots of people. If you have problem with pockets of stubborn body fat, you're not alone. Greater than 85% of women have problem with some body fat, with several locating it hard to shift despite exactly how well they consume and exercise. The Body Center values that making the right choice might spend some time, so they're are constantly on hand if you have any type of added inquiries or concerns.
Tailor Your Body, Not Your Garments.
I would very advise her as her therapies are 100% effective and painless. Likewise I feel secure with the covid -safe procedures they have in place. Led by lipo360.co.uk’s blog article about cryo lipo basingstoke , whose facilities have actually treated over 16,000 people, no 1 UK as well as Europe.
All colleagues make you really feel so welcome and also are very specialist yet truly friendly. I have actually had different treatments at The Skin to Love Center for concerning a year now. The service suggestions are based upon what you would love to accomplish, allowing for an all-natural, fresh look. The entire experience fit, extremely pleasant, very efficient and also an overall very pleasant experience.
Fat freezing can be carried out on squeezable pockets of subcutaneous fat. When the therapy has actually finished, the suction head will certainly be removed complied with by the air conditioning gel membrane, the location will certainly then be rubbed to motivate heat back into the area, and to urge blood circulation. It is encouraged you take a gentle stroll after the therapy, with a bottle of water, to revive the nerve sensations, as well as blood circulation to the area. This will certainly also urge the damaged fat cells to begin their elimination through the lymphatic system. When this has been comprehended on your own, we can produce you a therapy plan.
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Delight in the discretion and tranquility throughout your Cooltech fat freezing journey. At our Enville Clinic, located near Kinver, in the lovely South Staffordshire countryside. For included convenience, during the therapy you will be lying down and also will be able to check out a book, service your ipad or talk on the phone without any thrill, pain or tension. I have been seeing her for concerning 3 years currently at the Personal Clinic of Harley Street. Very experienced and takes before and after photos which have been extremely handy when we want to see how much of a difference the therapy has made.
The group are passionate concerning aiding you reach your possibility with the assistance of honor winning treatments. The group will respond to all your inquiries, describe each therapy in a language that you can recognize and also provide upfront and also honest advice on just how you can best redefine your body! You'll likewise be shown existing before and also after images of clients similar to you, so that you'll get a real feel for just how your body might be transformed. We aim to set the gold criterion in non-surgical solutions by giving the safest, most effective, medically tried and tested cosmetic therapies. Shockwave therapy is medically verified to speed up and ehance the results of Fat Freezing treatments. The therapies are often combined within a treatment strategy to allow customers to reach their objectives more effectively. There is no pain, no recovery time and treatments are suitable for men and women of every ages.
Cryolipolysis precisely targets the water content of the fat cell.
In very unusual instances, a reaction called panniculitis might happen where the fat cells hardens.
Nevertheless, https://lipo360.co.uk/treatments/bargate/ trained medical group at ICE AESTHETIC minimise these threats by conducting an extensive examination before permitting treatment.
Typically 30-40% of the fat cells that are targeted crystalise as well as die.
Although cryolipolysis therapy is a low-risk non-invasive treatment, some people might experience mild wounding, slight swelling, redness, itching or sensitivity-- these side effects are short-term and transient.
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helloali12345stuff · 4 years
PRP in Dubai
Out of the all the excellence medicines that we have in the market today, who might have believed that your own blood can really make you look more youthful and revived? No, you won't go slathering blood everywhere all over, neither would you drink it, since that training is just saved for the legendary vampires, however it is really PRP treatment that can make this conceivable.
PRP represents Platelet Rich Plasma and it is a treatment which utilizes the platelet part of your blood to advance cell fix and recovery. Thusly, this will give you a smoother and more young looking skin. PRP in Dubai
Blood is really made out of different parts and this incorporates the white platelets (answerable for warding off disease), the red platelets (oxygen transporters) and the platelets (blood coagulating). At that point there is the medium that permits simple vehicle of these segments to different pieces of the body which is plasma.
Examination done by clinical experts indicated that plasma can be a feasible answer for return to the past on skin maturing due to its capacity to advance cell fix and recovery. PRP contains development factors which can advance better skin wellbeing and appearance.
The cycle begins with an exhaustive assessment to check in the event that you are a decent contender for the method. After the specialist clears you, the subsequent stage would be the extraction of blood from your veins which is finished by an attendant or a phlebotomist. After the ideal sum is taken, the holder will be put on an axis and it is left to continue turning for 15 minutes to isolate the blood parts.
When the platelets have been isolated they are then accumulated and arranged for infusion. The territories that can be dealt with incorporate the orbital edge, cheeks, neck, facial structure, mid face, décolletage, chest, and the rear of the hands, the arms and other body regions.
The consequence of PRP treatment is a restored skin that will have helped wrinkles, dim spots, skin break out imprints, and it improves skin hanging. Not at all like other well known dermal fillers that additionally have comparable outcomes, PRP doesn't cause hypersensitive responses. The explanation being that you utilize your own blood for the treatment, and with that, the rate of contamination is essentially diminished.
Results, for example, redness, growing, wounding and some measure of agony might be normal after the strategy, yet this will be calmed inside a couple of hours or days. However, patients can really getting back to typical exercises following treatment.
PRP can likewise be utilized along with different methods, similar to hair relocate for example, to improve the mending cycle. It can likewise give better and quicker outcomes to the system that it will be went with.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: New Yorkers share their ‘silver linings’ during these tough times
Photo by Rehan Syed on Unsplash Times are tough in New York, but New Yorkers are even tougher. Though we’re facing a lot of challenges right now, one way to get through it is to try to find a “silver lining.” Here at 6sqft, we thought all of us in NYC could use some positivity, so we asked our fellow New Yorkers to share their personal silver linings. From 3D printing face masks to spending more time with family to stepping it up in the kitchen to witnessing communities coming together, here are some of the things that are providing some light in these dark times. Helping hands Bjarke Ingels, Founder and Creative Director, BIG: One thing that we find intriguing out of this situation is the idea of distributed just-in-time manufacturing capabilities. In response to the acute and escalating need for PPE here in New York City, we had the possibility to mobilize our 3D printing and modelmaking capabilities to make nearly 5,000 face masks per week for the medical forces on the front lines at Mount Sinai Hospital and Weill Cornell Medicine. Just like computers went from business machines to PC’s to handheld devices – the internet went from institutional to businesses and internet cafes to cable and wireless – and perhaps manufacturing is in the process to move from purpose-built factories to general capabilities and eventually to the maker hub on the block or the PF Personal Fabricator. Out of the massive urgency and shortcomings of the traditional provisions and supply chain during the COVID-19 outbreak, the silver lining here is perhaps in revealing the flexible making capacity that resides in so many places you don’t normally associate with the manufacturing industry, like architecture and design studios. Our BIG NYC Model Shop has been spearheading our 3D printing efforts these past days, adapting the open-source face shield design by Erik Cederberg of 3DVerkstan to be optimized for high-volume print production. As with distributed computing, perhaps distributed manufacturing has potentials we haven’t even thought of yet. The cloud of the material world – that allows instant and omnipresent translation from data to matter. [You can download the public 3D print files here] Amanda Davis, Project Manager, NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project: I’m really thankful that I’ve been able to turn my love of sewing into a way to help others during this pandemic. I’ve been sewing masks and surgical gowns for the medical community, as well as masks for my family. It’s one way of staying connected to people as I stay inside, with the added benefit of keeping my mind active and focused! Scott Wiener, founder of Scott’s Pizza Tours and Slice Out Hunger: I’m definitely exploring some things I’d never thought about in terms of reaching people via scheduled live video and things like that. Through the Pizza vs. Pandemic campaign, I’ve definitely seen that people are not interested in sitting back thinking they’re useless they are stepping up and doing their part to help from home! Photographers James and Karla Murray: We have been documenting small, independently-owned businesses in NYC for well over 25 years, trying to help raise awareness of their necessity as they truly are the lifeblood of the various neighborhoods of New York City. We are proud to say that during the current state of emergency, many small businesses, including East Village Pizza and Sauce Pizzeria in our own neighborhood of the East Village, have stepped up to help support local hospital workers who are working overtime battling COVID-19 by donating free pizza to them. These pizzerias are asking the public to donate pies in their name and they will match every donation with an additional pie. We can’t think of a better way of New Yorkers coming together during this difficult time. Adam Henick, Co-Founder Current Real Estate Advisors: There are so many ways to help right now and my team is sharing how people can make a difference, such as through contributions to organizations like Invisible Hands, donating blood, or simply ordering from your favorite local restaurants and buying gift cards to support small business. Jordan Brill, Partner, Magnum Real Estate Group: It’s beautiful and uplifting to watch so many people from many diverse backgrounds and life circumstances band together and offer help in any way they can… the 7pm collective cheer for our healthcare workers gives me goosebumps. It’s emblematic of the heart and soul of this great city and proof that even a crisis of this magnitude won’t kill our spirit. We have seen our residents collect PRP equipment, provide meals for building staff, raise money for local establishments like the Taste of Tribeca Community Fund, and volunteer their time delivering groceries to those who are at high risk. Coming together Melissa Mark-Viverito, former NYC Council Speaker and current congressional candidate: COVID-19 has exposed what thousands of Bronxites already knew – we live in a country where systemic oppression made us vulnerable far before the coronavirus outbreak even happened. The silver lining here is that in exposing this reality, we are given the opportunity to push for change that will create a more just and equitable society. We must seize this moment to finally pass Healthcare for All, a Green New Deal, and a Homes Guarantee. Roger Clark, NY1 news reporter: I think the city as a whole has come together and realized there are a lot of our fellow New Yorkers we take for granted, essential workers who can’t do their jobs remotely and are putting their lives on the line to take care of us during this pandemic. Jessica Lappin, President, Alliance for Downtown New York: The last few weeks have certainly been difficult, yet we’ve really witnessed the resilience of Lower Manhattan. As a community, Downtowners have lived through our share of tragedies and crises, and every time I’m astounded by how quickly people in the neighborhood step up, come together and find new ways to support one another. This week alone we’ve seen firefighters applauding health-care workers, restaurants donating food, and individuals delivering goods for their most vulnerable neighbors. My silver lining is to see so clearly that we’re part of such a strong community, one that knows that we are all in this together. Elaine Masci, real estate agent with Halstead: As a real estate agent who grew up in Manhattan, I’m very well aware of the horrific living conditions many New Yorkers are subjected to. I believe that this virus has brought to the public’s attention the dangerous realities people who live in public housing face daily. I can only hope that this pandemic forces Albany and the Mayor’s hand to finally make fundamental changes in how these buildings are managed by holding NYCHA officials accountable for their inaction. Elizabeth Goldstein, President, The Municipal Art Society of New York: I live on one of the streets that was closed to traffic… On Sunday morning, it connected with the local farmers market, stretched out way beyond normal to put great distance between the vendors and to set up orderly lines. I feel so delighted to see the vendors I, and my neighbors, rely on and to hear they are alright. These are not friends, per se, but my regular interactions make them a part of my world and I worry for them. How is the economy treating them? Are their families okay? And like many of us, this quiet, what should be a normal transaction, suddenly takes on new meaning. It connects me even more tightly to this web of people and their businesses and their bravery for bringing me food every week, despite the changed life we are all living. More time with loved ones Eliza Blank, CEO and founder of The Sill: My personal silver lining is more time with my family. Since we started working from home, I’ve been able to spend time with my daughter throughout the day, instead of just in the mornings and evenings. It’s been such a treat to have lunch together and go on walks. I’ve already had to buy her new pants since we started staying at home because she’s grown so tall — what a wild way to track the time! Nick Gray, founder of Museum Hack: They say pray for the couples who have never lived together before. Well, we’re doing OK. My girlfriend is a second-grade special education teacher. I work remotely, and her classes are now online. We’ve never lived or worked together before. This experience has brought us closer together. I know that we’ll come out of it stronger as a couple with a better understanding of each other. Dana Rubinstein, senior reporter at Politico: Unlike the nurses and doctors and grocery store workers and train conductors and delivery workers and funeral directors putting themselves in actual danger every day to help New York City through this mind-boggling crisis, I have the distinct, unearned privilege of being able to work from home. That comes with guilt, but it also comes with a bounty of silver linings, primary among them the time I get to spend with my three-year-old daughter and husband that I would have otherwise spent in the office, or commuting. My cooking skills have improved dramatically, too. Granted, they had nowhere to go but up. Elana Friedman, Chief Marketing Officer, AKA Hotel Residences:  For me, the silver lining is spending more time with my kids and husband. When my kids were younger, my husband would make these outrageous breakfast dishes for them, which he has been able to start doing again with being home. We call it Daddy’s Diner! I believe we will come out of this with an appreciation and understanding for each family member’s “whole person,” and that this will be a moment in time that families and communities will always share. Michelle Young, founder of Untapped New York: On a personal level, spending more time with my 2.5-year-old daughter Charlotte has been amazing (and challenging, of course). We laugh a lot, have meltdowns, and laugh some more. I get to see her grow and learn new things every day in a much more intimate way, and the time I get to spend with her feels like a blessing in this strange and unprecedented time. I’ve also been playing cello and recording pieces to post on social media, making use of the musical training I had as a child at Juilliard! I have daily Facetime calls with my parents and my 90-year-old grandmother who are hunkering down on Long Island (although my dad still works as a doctor out at the Stony Brook-area hospitals, which has its risks). I’ve caught up with friends I hadn’t spoken to in a while, and I’m seeing heroic work by friends who work in the medical field. My close friend group of about 20 people does a weekly Sunday brunch over Google Hangout and text messages fly between us all day long. Andrew Berman, Executive Director, Village Preservation: I appreciate how much less crowded streets around Times Square are, which can sometimes be intolerably packed with people. Working from home and seeing more of my partner, who is of course now also working from home, is also a wonderful upside. Having plenty of time to binge watch TV shows and movies I have always wanted to see is an advantage, though I fear I may run out of those soon. Warren Webster, CEO, Atlas Obscura: Self-isolating in New York City isn’t easy. Isolation flies in the face of many of the reasons we all live here. But there are silver linings. Despite not seeing each other in person, many of my most important, life-long relationships with friends and family have actually grown stronger. We’re making an effort to talk or FaceTime and we value each others’ virtual company. I’m also reacquainting myself with my kitchen — with mixed results! Zack Elias, Rental Manager at DJK Residential: I am enjoying spending time with my wife and daughter, and my colleagues and I are keeping in touch throughout the day by sending funny, positive messages to help keep our spirits high. That is important through all of this. Also, the morning coffee is just better at home. Adam Meshberg, Founder and Principal of Meshberg Group:  This time has allowed my wife and me to parent mindfully, and the kids have developed a higher level of respect, while we’ve gained a level of control, which oftentimes isn’t there as working parents. Normally, because our time is limited when we’re with them, we give them what they want. We’ve had the chance to play teacher, friend while disciplining and teaching them even the simple acts of kindness this world needs. Gabe Hernandez, principal at Design Republic: A considerable silver lining I found in my personal life is reconnecting with my older siblings. We were never close for various reasons. Partly because of our age difference, and growing up relatively poor with parents who did their best in providing great family values but because of their multiple responsibilities could not teach my siblings to behave appropriately in our early years. Long story short, I was not close with them for many years; because of COVID I have felt the need to set aside our differences and reconnect because each day is too fragile and we are all vulnerable to this pandemic. We are setting aside our differences and actually want to reengage. Taking time for ourselves Jean Brownhill, founder of Sweeten: In the past few weeks, I’ve been cooking for myself more than I ever have in my life. If there was a silver lining to this “stay-at-home” time is that I’ve gotten over whatever fear I had about cooking. My new favorite search term is “What’s the replacement for XX?” I’m totally not precious about it anymore. No ricotta cheese while planning to make lasagne? No problem, farmers cheese works too. Life is precious, cooking isn’t. After this is all over, I know I’ll carry this attitude forward with me, and I’m thankful for that. David West, Founding Partner of Hill West Architects: Before the pandemic, my basement flooded, forcing us to gut the room. My very personal silver lining is that I’m able to use my craft—architecture—to rebuild the cellar any way that I want. For me, that’s building out a personal wine cellar. I’m grateful that I get to spend the time that I would have otherwise been commuting on a project that combines two of my passions, architecture and wine. Now, I’ll get to enjoy the finished project much sooner than I otherwise would have (although if this lasts much longer, I may not have much wine left to stock it!). Greg Young, co-founder of The Bowery Boys: I live between a couple industrial areas of Brooklyn, places that are rather drab and uninteresting compared to the thousands of other truly amazing streets in New York City. During our shelter-in-place moment here, I’ve taken daily walks to clear my head, get some exercise, and walk my dog. These industrial areas have actually been ideal places for walks and I can stay away from possibly busier thoroughfares at this time. Some days I never see another person. And in walking these industrial blocks, I’ve realized that they aren’t uninteresting at ALL. In fact, a routine block of two-story warehouses can sometimes give you an interesting view of New York City history — whether a converted older structure or even older signage that has survived over the year. You can also find places where urban life meets up with nature. In Red Hook, I saw a family of raccoons under a rusted old truck in an empty lot! I know not all of us live by streets that are vacant. (Believe me, I’ve never considered this “fortunate” until now!) But I suspect if you plan your route, you can find less crowded streets if you want to get some open air. And if you do, DON’T RUSH! Appreciate the architecture and how the city has developed in your neighborhood. When we all get past this thing together, you might find that you appreciate the place where you live even more. Paul Massey, CEO, B6 Real Estate Advisors: My personal silver lining, aside from spending great time with my grown children who are all here with us, is that I’ve been able to focus on exercising (running and boxing) in a more disciplined and enjoyable way. New business outlooks  Mark Stumer, Founding Principal of Mojo Stumer: I have seen during this period how precious the human experience is, especially with my staff, and just how important the interaction of us working together as a team truly is. I miss my staff just walking into my office and those wonderful interruptions. I will never again complain that I have no privacy in my office! Michelle Young, founder of Untapped New York: As for my work as the founder of Untapped New York, my husband who is the CEO and I are learning how to adapt quickly while working only half days each. In just a few weeks, I brushed up on video editing and learned how to record and edit podcasts as part of the virtual experiences we’ve added to our membership program, Untapped New York Insiders. The challenges brought forth by coronavirus for our business also provided opportunities to do the initiatives that have long been on our to-do list, so in a way, I feel that I have achieved things despite being unable to explore New York City in the ways that I used to. Andrew Berman, Executive Director, Village Preservation: As non-essential construction and the land use review process in New York has been placed on pause, I’ve been able to spend more of my work time on research and writing, which is always deeply satisfying.  I’m finally becoming well-versed in Zoom and hope that in the future more meetings will be done that way, saving us all time and money and cutting down on our carbon footprint from travel. That so much less fossil fuel is being used during this time is also an upside to the current terrible situation. Tom Cooper, real estate agent at Compass: The biggest personal silver lining for me was being able to get a board interview and closing done via FaceTime and electronic document submission. The closing would have been impossible without the assertiveness and creativity of Richard Barentblatt of Guardhill Financial (he handled the mortgage for my buyers) and the Law Offices of Sam Eber, which represented my buyers in their purchase. It was proven that the often time-consuming and frequently logistically difficult consummation of a transaction can be done in a more streamlined, efficient way than the cumbersome way NYC transactions have happened up until now. I hope this streamlined approach continues far beyond the end of the Coronavirus crisis, now that it’s been proven it can be done. Josh Schuster, Managing Principal of Silverback Development: Having been displaced from our office and routines it quickly became apparent that our team was galvanized by the need to work together to create not only a remote office, but to move our projects forward with as little disruption as possible. These circumstances have led us to recognize and empathize with each team member in a manner that typically gets checked at the proverbial “office door” under normal circumstances.  It has made us more sensitive to each other as people and, in some ways, forced us to be more efficient, and better communicators. #CityLiving #People #Features
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/new-yorkers-share-their-silver-linings-during-these-tough-times
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