#Pack Rat Fanart
bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#PowerpuffGirls2016 #PackRat #Thrifta #BootlegToys #TonyaEtic #Toyetic #ToyPoodleToy #MyOc #PackRatFanart #AnimatronicToyOc#MyArt
Thrifta or (Tonya Etic) is a bootleg toy poodle or a life force doll villain.
She was once a hard working human woman at a toy factory until she got fired from her job because the Powerpuff Girls became so popular. No kid just wanted normal toys without the girls faces on the toys.
So the company was going to shut down the factory so it can be rebuilt as a Powerpuff girls toy, clothes, and other products factory.
So she stayed after hours to get her things to leave but she slipped on some Crazy paste (parody of gak) then fell in the machine that made kids toys. So she became a bootleg toy poodle and now she steal or as she says saves toys that are not loved. (It's implied she died then became this and her lifeforce is what remains controlling this form.)
She mostly wants to destroy the Powerpuff girls and defame them. When asked if she wants to rule the world she will say "Nah its been done before." Her plastic body can't be melted easy and the longer a person gets close to her she smells like lead if she really hates a person.
But if she likes a person she will have a fruit or chocolate smell.
She really loves Packrat because he looks so plush like and cute. She will protect him and help him with shiny heists. She doesn't mind getting dirty and soon want's Packrat to be a toy creature like her.
Her body is animatronic like and bullets won't hurt her. She also doesn't have a off switch or can't be over changed. Her weakness is not enough sunlight. She has two other forms besides this one.
It only happens when she gets damaged badly and will retreat to a thrift store toy box then jump in to heal. She also can mold her body type into a human mannequin as a disguise.
She will get offended by dog traits like rover, catch the ball, scratching behind her ears, squeaky toys, and dog treats. She does eat and drink if solar power is reduced. She is half human and half toy bootleg toy. She can detach and retach her head, limbs, ears, and tail.
She also found the Powerpuff girls car without any wheels and is using it for something special. She can also control toys to fight with her. Mostly the most weirdest bootleg toys and normal toys. She hates dank memes and cringes when the Powerpuff girls say or do them.
She even scuffs that the Powerpuff girls are so weak now that they can't even beat a bootleg toy creature fairly. She will work with Silco if he doesn't turn out to be a wimpy villain. Her eyes and symbol both glow. She has sharp block teeth. (Similar to Legos.)
She also has a drone propeller coming out of her back. She uses yoyo balls to fight. She balances and attacks with her Aura ball by kicking or bouncing it. It can also absorb aura powers then she manipulate a anti aura that is metallic purple.
I drew her before Bliss was a thing. And I don't think she has aura powers.
Her human name was Tonya Etic a play on Toyetic.
What she does with the Powerpuff Girls broken toy car without wheels she makes this thing.
The bootleg toy I want the most if it is even real.
Bootleg Car image not mine but link is there.
Photos from Totally Legit Toys - Page 2 - E! Online (eonline.com)
If she had a theme.
A Little Dummy Never Killed Nobody by Arrowing (soundcloud.com)
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delulluart · 10 months
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a little something; idk blame @writingjourney maybe?
actually stayed within the 30 minutes for this sketch, its incredible how much the extra 15 minutes that i gave myself for the last few helped; the no eraser rule is still very annoying
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cascadiiing · 1 year
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Bloodlust, or something like that
(Quinn Redacted Audio)
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angrybatart · 4 months
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:3 No. Not at all.
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thehallwayrat · 2 years
Got bored and made my own version of scotts rat ears <3 for my first time making a proper blockbench model im really happynwith how it turned out!
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cassidy-falls · 5 months
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a drawing I did of Frank Sinatra
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clowndotgay · 1 year
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friend made a joke abt dressing up our toons like we're robbers
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peppermint-whiskers · 2 years
Final smooches! Mal (belongs to @incorrectclonequotes ) and Taz, belonging to Ender uwu I have some bonus that I'll post in a bit
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izzabela · 3 months
In the Mafia's Eyes - Lin Kuei Siblings x GN!reader
in which the deadliest mafia group's leader and two brothers have you in their sight
a/n: i was scrolling through and i laid my eyes on the most beautiful fanart EVER, so i asked permission to use it (as you can see, i got permission) BIG UPS TO @moonbay1cn for letting me use their art (i cropped it to fit my blog formats, if you don't mind)
ships: tomas, bi han, kuai liang x GN!reader
warning[s]: mentions of blood, suggested violence, suggestive, you're delusional
p.s. mafia au! the Lin Kuei are based in the U.S. instead of Arctika/China
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You should have realized who the men you served were. Every single clue and hint was there, pointing you in the right direction, yet you ignored the obvious flags that waved in your brain.
New York City is insidious: places to be, things to do, dreams to achieve. There's a reason why it's called "the city that doesn't sleep." People are up at all hours of the day and night to do things, and the night was a tad more active than the day. For you, however, the days seemed to blur together. Working at a 24/7 shop isn't rare. What made it rare was that it was a 24/7 tea house/café/eatery.
In the middle of Manhattan.
Upper east side, Manhattan.
In a rundown building that was browner than poop stains and long-deceased rat corpses.
That should have been your first hint.
The building was old, needing constant repairs here and there, yet it was untouched by the most powerful real estate agents, landlords, and other money-grubbing losers that would love to tear the building down to replace it with a painfully sleek and sterile one.
You were grateful for Madame Bo's persistence against this modern era of sad, beige modernness, but were also confused. How did she make so much money to keep them away? And if she had such money, why wouldn't she do the renovations herself? She could easily update the internals and externals of the building if she wanted to.
"Oh dear," she had said, "The charm is in the age of the building."
The second clue to the enigma of the tea house café were the customers.
When you were first hired by Madame Bo, you didn't really notice the patterns of people coming in and out, nor the lackeys that would round the block. Despite how old this building was, it was a popular stop for both the middle class and the privileged snobs residing in the upper east side. Over time, you knew who were regulars and who weren't.
When you worked the day shifts, you made note of four men who would be walking outside the building. On other shifts, they switched it up on you and they were paired with women, posing as couples. However, you knew better than that. Sure, to the untrained eye they would have just been randoms working out, but your gut told you otherwise. They were tall, slightly beefed with muscle, and walked faster than a normal New Yorker- yeah, definitely not normal.
What also peeved you out was the fact you always felt... something on you. You couldn't figure out if it was safety or protection, but what you definitely felt were eyes on you.
It didn't stop there, though.
On the very rare, and desperate, occasions you had a night shift, you kept a mental tab that two people would enter the empty eatery. They would sit on opposite sides of the room, laptops open and untouched. While you didn't judge the work ethics of others, you certainly judged people who had questionable habits of work. Even so, Madame Bo made drinks for them- free of charge!
"My dear," she said to you one fateful night shift, "They do a lot more for us than we know."
The last hint was as obvious as a clown in disguise. Scratch that, it's not even a hint anymore- it's a big red "x marks the spot" on a treasure map. And the "treasure" came in a pack of three hot guys.
Every month since you began working with Madame Bo, three men in luxurious suits and tuxes came to visit the shabby tea house. One of them with gray-colored hair, while the other two matched in black colored hair. You also noted their style of face covering, two of them opting for a face mask while the other remained bare-faced.
Every month without fail, these three men came to visit and sit down for some tea. There were times where they just sat in comfortable silence together, other times they were discussing the mundane in their lives. Most of the time, though, they simply sat together and spoke with Madame Bo, laughing and engaging in hearty conversation.
Every time they spoke with her, you couldn't help but stare at them. Madame Bo and the three mystery men were more different than the poles in a magnetic field, yet they spoke to her with such respect and joy. You thought it was just a rare case of rich people being kind. During a day shift when they visited, you asked Madame Bo for the origins of the three men.
"Oh them? I used to watch them when they were little," she explained to you, Raiden, and Kung Lao, "All three of them are brothers, with Tomas being adopted."
You remembered that you zoned out during the explanation of her ties with them, the only thing you got were their names: Tomas for the ash colored hair, Bi Han to the navy suit, and Kuai Liang in his amber-rust colored suit. As you zoned out, your eyes wandered over to the three.
They were engaged in their own conversation, chuckling quietly as they spoke about their business. While the air within them was pleasant, you felt a bit of fear and excitement. Something about them made you want to straighten up, look presentable, and be on your best behavior. You wanted to give them the best customer service in their lives- actually, maybe more than just "service".
You remembered catching the eyes of Kuai Liang, who briefly looked away from his siblings to catch you staring at them. His gold-black mask covered the bottom half of his face, but the way his eyes wrinkled a bit signaled some sort of smile that lied underneath.
You blushed and turned away, trying to zone back into the conversation with Madame Bo and the other boys you worked with.
"Woah! So like, are they super rich, Madame Bo?" Kung Lao asked innocently.
Madame Bo nodded, stating something about how they own a couple of stores in the upper east side thanks to a family business. You, however, still did not get the memo about who they were until later that day.
This was the answer to your dilemma on who these ferocious and fine men were.
After a night with some of your close friends, you were walking home alone following a sketchy back-path. It was supposed to be a shortcut, provided by the maps app on your phone. However, it died after you forgot to charge it, leaving you wandering the unruly city during its worst. As you walked, you fell into trouble with some sleazy idiots.
You remembered how close they were to you, their alcohol-stained breath and sleazy style of walk. The way they slithered over your shoulder to try and get you to come home with them. Not only were you sober, but willing to fight. You had punched one of them in the nuts to escape, but the grasp of one of the disgusting men was too strong for you.
You remembered four of them surrounding you, and you really thought you'd meet your end in the alley that night. You closed your eyes, but heard gun shots and the sounds of bodies hitting the damp concrete. What once was creepy and dangerous men surrounding you, you found them lying in their own blood, clean shots through the head.
You fell to your knees, threatening to cry, but you saw a familiar color on a suit. Okay, a few familiar colors: gray, navy, and rusty amber. You saw a gloved hand reach out to yours, leading to Bi Han's broad figure. You took it, and he effortlessly brought you to your feet. You noticed his other gloved hand was getting replaced, Kuai Liang replacing the soiled mitten.
Tomas snuck behind you (you didn't even feel him get there) to offer his coat. He gently placed it on your shoulders, his eyes peeking down at your round, doe, startled ones. Despite what happened in front of you, and despite you finally learning who they really were, you weren't afraid.
Each man held something in their eyes that promised you safety, security, and protection. Like a guardian angel, these men made a promise with their eyes to you. A promise saying that no matter where you are, what you're doing, that you'd always be safe.
As the saying goes, "It's in the eyes, chico," and boy they aren't wrong.
It's been a couple of months since that incident, and the games you've played with them and your mind have been infectious. The brother's visits to the café have begun to happen more frequently, they even visit you alone sometimes, which didn't help your brain's delusions.
Every time one of them came to the cafè, you were afraid they would see right through you and into your horny thoughts. Whenever they visited and watched you work, you felt their eyes not leaving you once. It got so bad that you would bring Raiden or Kung Lao to distract you while doing stuff, or simply have Madame Bo make them leave.
Even so, it didn't stop your mind at all.
On the day's Kuai Liang came to the café, his gaze on you was steady and still, like a constant fire during a winter storm. The way he looked at you was full of wanting, desire, and desperation- like he needed you more than oxygen. Your brain imagined that his body was warmer than most, and that he would keep you in a dizzying trance.
Your mind played scenarios in which Kuai Liang would explore every part of you, with no intent of letting you go either. His hands leaving hand-shaped slap marks and bruises, marking every part of you to let the world know that you were his alone to worship. His loyalty to you and your body would leave you overwhelmed, melting under his constant affection and love.
Your mind concluded he'd be a gentleman and a rough lover, and you had to shake the thoughts out before he knew.
When Bi Han came to visit, you didn't have to know it was him at all. While Kuai Liang's presence was warm and welcoming, Bi Han's aura was chill to the bone. Whenever you were working, Bi Han's eyes never left your body. You figured his stares felt more...cold: persistent, chilly, and never-ending. Like a blizzard in the cold tundra of the arctic.
With Bi Han, your mind played vignettes of how he'd take you to bed. He would be rough, not like Kuai Liang. He'd pull your hair, smack your perky behind, and tell you how much of a degenerate you really were- all for him of course. He'd leave hickeys everywhere on your body, a mosaic of pink, purple and red on you to remind you who belonged to who.
Your mind also thinks he'd be great with aftercare. All that rough-housing and such, you needed to calm down and collect yourself. Your brain fills your mind with him putting you in a bath, rubbing your back, shampooing your hair too. He'd whisper "I love you's" in your delusions, peppering each hickey with kisses.
For him, your mind finalized he'd be the roughest of the three, while also caring for your wellbeing post-sex.
Your brain was working in serious overdrive.
Finally, when Tomas came to visit, you always felt sweet with him around. Not only would he stare at you with such love in his eyes, but he'd engage with others around him.
Like a butterfly, he'd go around and spread joy; however, he loved floating around you the most. You found that talking to him was easier than talking to his brothers, so you talked to him about the basics of who you were. When you tried to bring up that night, he told you that it would stay between you four- a private business transaction.
He'd also ask why you spoke to him more, and not his brothers. He assured you that they wouldn't bite, but you simply said it was out of respect.
And to keep your thoughts at bay.
Despite all of this, you weren't fooled by him at all. The way he looked at you, when people weren't present, was filled with a primal hunger, a desire to have you. He was the predator, and you knew damn well that you were his prey- not able to get away from his trapping gaze. His stares were sharp and clear, like a hunter ready for the kill.
And by the elder gods your mind was ready to be hunted.
You imagined his grip on you being tight, like you'd disappear and he'd never find you again. He would be intentional with tour body, exploring every part of you in more depth and detail than his brothers. His touch would make you feel sensitive, flinching at how feathery and flighty his fingers were as he took every part of you for himself.
He'd kiss you like he'd leave forever- full of longing, desperation, and wanting. Your brain thinks he'd need you more than oxygen, that he would love nothing more than to breath your natural scent in like the necessary element.
If Kuai Liang made you dizzy with heat, and Bi Han made you shiver with his chill, then Tomas would have you writhing under him like a poor animal in heat.
You prayed to the elder gods silently, hoping the men wouldn't see your perverse thoughts as they came by the shop.
Unfortunately, your pleas were ignored.
During their monthly visitation, you saw to the brothers yourself and sat them down, took their order, and made their drinks. Tomas took an Earl Gray with a pastry, Kuai Liang with some matcha, and Bi Han with Oolong tea.
You quickly gave their drinks to them, paired with an even quicker "thanks for waiting" and retreated behind the counter.
You watched them only for a bit, your brain playing new scenarios, but you distracted yourself with chores. Deep into them, you didn't even feel them leave until Raiden and Kung Lao tapped your shoulder, money in the latter's and a note in the former's.
"Looks like our prettiest barista got some tip money," Kung Lao teased, "A crisp twenty dolla bill too!"
You gasped, but who could have gifted you with such a generous tip? Raiden hands you a slip of paper, which answers your question and fills your head with more of them.
"Uhh..." he fidgeted nervously, "I am not sure what this means, but it definitely makes me wonder..." he handed the note to you and you flush the deepest shade of red ever.
It's in the eyes, little barista
once again, big ups to @moonbay1cn for letting me use their beautiful piece of media for this post!
see yall in the next fic ;)
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wizisbored · 3 months
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packing up my flat for the summer and decided to share the Fanart Wardrobe in all its glory before i have to take it down (minus anything that hasnt been publicly posted)
the credits: @an-unprofessional-artist @thetheatergremlin @regentbison @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog
@ragdollrain @eldritch-flame @kawaiiblue18 @rat-soda
@tabooiart @theserpentsnight @boykissermichaelwheeler @cubicle785c
@outer-andromeda @hatchetfieldmoodboards love you all <3
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theosjunkdrawer · 1 year
Hey gang. Who wants some The Unsleeping City fanart ? /tw gore I suppose, its hard to see but its implied
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This moment changed my life
[Image description: a dark background of moving color and darkness, grey buildings far below the subjects. In the foreground, Sophia Bicicleta is falling back in the air as she's pushed by a powerful spell coming from The American Dream in front of her. Sophia is a white woman with big curly black hair in a ponytail, bright red lipstick, a dark long-sleeved shirt that leads into a belt and a dark black miniskirt, black with gold leopard print leggings, and black high heels that are falling off of her. She is also using a spell that shows as glowing green cat paws coming from her hands, along with a glowing green cat tail from behind her. She is looking defiantly at The American Dream despite the fact that the back of her chest has exploded out of her body with incredible force. The American Dream is a basic mannequin looking giant humanoid that has a hand outstretched towards Sophie, power exploding from its finger. Around the Dream are flowing tendrils that match the colors of the American flag. The magic from its finger is glowing with intensity in front of Sophie and behind her as it blows through her body. And finally, leaping off of Sophia's shoulder and towards the hand of The American Dream, is a pack of New York Rats. A small swarm of grey rats leaps as a group to attack The Dream. They are glowing from the spell going through Sophia. Signed KATFISH at the bottom right corner, End Image Description]
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peanutrat20 · 1 year
Welcome, to Babysitters Guide to Turtle Mutants
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About Babysitters Guide
Babysitters Guide to Turtle Mutants is my TMNT fan iteration.
in Babysitters Guide the turtles were mutated with splinters dna basically as soon as they hatched. and with the first two (leo and mikey) they were mutated with a secondary dna as well. leo was mutated with the dna of a inland taipan and mikey a scrub jay. the second two were mutated with the secondary dna later. donnie is mutated with a wolf's dna and splinter escapes the lab they live in before raph can be mutated a second time
when they escaped the lab their ages are as follows leo: 16 mikey: 14 donnie: 6 and raph: 2. the whole reason that splinter takes off with the boys when he does is because the scientists decided that they were going to mutate him and he did not want to be mutated. when they lived in the lab leo and mikey had a really shit life they used leo's venom to create a sedative which they then turned around and used on mikey repeatedly causing mikey to get addicted to it. when they leave splinter disappears for days at a time leaving leo to take care of his younger brothers. a year after the escape leo blows and basically kicks splinter out. for the next two years the boys don't stay in one place longer than two months. until they decide to move to new york. and so they do and leo promised that they wouldn't have to move again.
so once they move to new york leo puts out an add for a babysitter needed. because as much as he loves his brothers sometimes he needs a break but he does not trust mikey to watch donnie and raph. also bonus of if whoever answers ends up being awful donnie is allowed to basically use them as his chew toy. and who answers the add but april. who is suspiciously okay with going to an abandoned warehouse for the job. leo ends up intrigued and lets her stay. and she ends up becoming great friends with leo and helping him work with all the quirks of their chaotic life. she takes donnie to the park so he has the chance to just run and get his zoomies out. she holds raph when he gets scared and leo isn't there. and is just a good someone for leo to lean on. the only turtle that april doesn't immediately bond with is mikey. and she doesn't quite understand but she tries to be there for him anyway.
and she does find out why he acts toward her the way he does three years later. when splinter comes and finds them five years and hundreds of miles away from where he left them, and he had been mutated, into drumroll a rat. splinter comes and tries to convince the boys to come with him. because "he's their father and blah blah blah" but raph doesn't even remember splinter donnie does but just barely. to them leo is their dad. leo is who has raised them for six years. splinter shows up out of nowhere and leo tells mikey to take raph and april and start packing because they had to leave asap. raph is understandably upset and it causes mikey to break as well. this was their home leo had promised it was forever. and here they were having to up and leave again. april watches as mikey breaks and admits to things he hadn't even told leo. and april offers a solution to the whole mess.
What to expect to see with Babysitters Guide
here on tumblr i'll be posting art, reference images, and any small stories that don't fit the main narrative.
anything written will be posted on ao3 (links will be added here as they are posted)
Want to interact with Babysitters Guide?
if you see Babysitters Guide and decide you want to make fanart or whatever else you are 100% welcome to. there is only one rule no t//c3st besides that you can do whatever you want with my iteration as long as you tag me so i can see it.
i will also answer questions sent to my ask box about Babysitters Guide
Other Links:
[nothing to see here... yet]
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mooniostars · 3 years
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painting practice with nadja
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classofthetoptrash · 2 years
An animatic I made of the Rat Pack vs the Three Vs. Charlie suggested they play a game of pool together but of course it turns into a Tom and Jerry episode.
Audio is from the Tom and Jerry episode Cue Ball Cat (1950)
Wilfred belongs to me and @dramokin
Mephisto is mine
The rest belong to Vivziepop
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tropicalpenguin26 · 5 years
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It's the year of the rat after all.
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music00lbumm · 6 years
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I'm gonna be off for awhile cause of grief and stress
I may not come back to Tumblr ever, so just have this shitpost
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