#Palacký University Olomouc
theodoreangelos · 1 year
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Rector's Office of Palacký University in Olomouc Pracovna rektora Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci Arbeitszimmer des Rektors der Palacký-Universität in Olmütz Bureau du recteur de l'université Palacký à Olomouc Gabinet rektora Uniwersytetu Palackiego w Ołomuńcu Кабинет ректора Университета Палацкого в Оломоуце
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radosestalo · 1 year
drazí olomoučtí rodáci a obyvatelé přilehlého i odlehlého okolí! ráda bych vás všechny pozvala na vernisáž svojí úplně první výstavy, která se bude konat v pondělí 3. dubna v 17:30 v barokní chodbě uměleckého centra univerzity palackého právě v holomóci. bude tam hlína a písek a mech a klacíčky a moje vobrázky. a já. a možnost nahlédnout do mého maličkého skicáčku a zanechat v něm odkaz budoucím generacím a sprostý psaníčka. a bude to skvělý. a možná přijde i kouzelník. tak pokud se budete chtít připojit, bude mi potěšením🌞
dear natives of olmouc and of close and remote surroundings! i’d love to invite you to the opening of my very first solo exhibition, which will take place on monday 3th of april at 17:30 in the baroque corridor of the art centre of palacký university in olomouc. there will be sand and soil and sticks and moss. and my paintings. and me. all vibing. so if you feel called, i’ll be very happy to see you there🌞
ps: you’ll also get a chance to go through my teeny tiny random chaos sketchbook and leave a little note there. or leave it alone. as you please. love u
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hidden-but · 3 months
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Column: has a hole in it
Student of Palacký University Olomouc: vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
Confs, 23rd Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics
The registration for non-presenting audiences is due on 15 May (Monday). Please access the following link. https://forms.gle/h1h78LgM99LsHpAE9 We are grateful that there is no registration fee, thanks to the support from the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2023-C008) and from the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc. We offer special, block rates on hotel accommodations for conference participants. Please indicate in the registration form (i) whether you would like to book t http://dlvr.it/SmPW3L
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
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Born in 1981 in Opava, Czech Republic, Veronika graduated from FFA VUT Brno (MgA. in sculpture) and Palacký University Olomouc (Mgr. in Math and Art). She is a sculptress fully focused on figurative art, referring to classical sculpture and strongly influenced by pop culture. Veronika is inspired by gender themes, body aesthetics and basic human communication.
Czech artist Veronika Psotkova
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redeentremares · 2 years
ruínas históricas e histórias inventadas: imagem e oralidade nos barrocos da memória. (revista esferas, ucb /universidade católica de brasília) https://portalrevistas.ucb.br/index.php/esf/article/view/4622?fbclid=IwAR3bCmHMNYhXos117woH-VvVwfuhm2yfh5sex1sHW2Hl9HYqr_Dia_2wWOE migrant images: aesthetic imagination in experiences of displacement. (general Linguistics at palacký university, olomouc, czec republic) www.sciendo.com/article/10.2478/lf-2021-0011 o corpo nômade como refúgio: entre o bote e a tenda. (livro compós, salvador) www.repositorio.ufba.br/ri/bitstream/ri/26089/1/MobilidadeEspacialidadesAlteridades-EDUFBA-2018.pdf nos terriórios do corpo: práticas e deslocamentos audiovisuais (revista panambi, chile) www.revistas.uv.cl/index.php/Panambi/article/view/1039 body landscapes: moving images and performing narratives (capítulo do livro the idea of place. space and culture. university of alberta, edmonton, canada) https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/sac/22/1 virtualidades urbanas. texto curatorial. catálogo felipe raizer (portugal) https://feliperaizer.art/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/virtualidades-urbanas-catalogo.pdf  cosmovisions and politics in the bauhaus and amerindian bodies (bayreuth university, iwalewa books, alemanha) https://www.iwalewabooks.com/product-page/das-bauhaus-verfehlen-missing-the-bauhaus body lands: image performativity in object and shadow (athens journal of humanities and arts, grecia) https://sciendo.com/issue/LF/4/2?fbclid=IwAR0X4lSrRzvyN50l4BJYXM_FtzTYVHAH2xKzMRzbUnppCbn0hp04kcsPNao mulheres continentais. imagem, lugar e performance na reinvenção de si. (capítulo do livro cinema apesar da imagem/besides the screen, uk/br, patrícia Moran/ed). sereias ou refugiadas: o mal, a beleza e o visível dos desvios de sentido. (revista vazantes, ufc, fortaleza) http://periodicos.ufc.br/vazantes/article/view/32941 cosmologies and body politics in imaging performances from the americas (towson university, cambridge scholars, baltimore, eua) escultura e performance em rastros de presença (revista conceição/conception, instituto de artes unicamp) nas bordas do corpo: deslocar e pertencer (revista latinoamericana de ciencias de la educación, alaic, usp-venezuela) a palavra nômade em escrituras vacantes (revista forma de vida, faculdade de letras da universidade de lisboa, portugal) to belong and to depart: sailing into outer shores of ours (revista estetika: the european journal of aesthetics, university of helsinki, finland)
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longspan · 2 years
Obsah kruhov vsee
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#Obsah kruhov vsee professional
Elżbieta Sałata, Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, PL doc. Zoltán Póor, PhD., Széchenyi István University, HU doc. Jozef Pavelka, PhD., University of Prešov, SK doc. Henryk Noga, Pedagogical University of Cracow, PL prof. Martin Mišút, CSc., University of Economics in Bratislava, SK prof. Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, SK doc. Jiří Kropáč, CSc., Palacký University Olomouc, CZ doc. Krzysztof Kraszewski, Pedagogical University of Cracow, PL doc. Lajos Kis-Tóth, PhD., Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences, Eger, HU prof. Grzegorz Kiedrowicz, Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, PL doc. UP, Pedagogical University of Cracow, PL prof. Miroslav Chráska, Ph.D., Palacký University Olomouc, CZ dr hab. Zoltán Horváth, PhD., Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, HU doc. Waldemar Furmanek, University of Rzeszów, PL prof. Igor Černák, PhD., Catholic University in Ružomberok, SK prof. Pavel Cyrus, CSc., University of Hradec Králové, CZ m. Jana Burgerová, PhD., University of Prešov, SK prof. András Benczúr, DrSc., Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, HU doc. Henryk Bednarczyk, Institute of Sustainable Technologies, Radom, PL prof. em., Palacký University Olomouc, CZ, honorary chairman prof. Veronika Stoffová, CSc., Trnava University in Trnava, SK, chairman prof. The international programme committee of the conference prof. Trnava, 22 nd 23 rd June 2017Ĥ Scientific guarantor of the conference prof. Marek Šmid, PhD., and the dean of Faculty of Education of Trnava University, prof. Peter Plavčan, the rector of Trnava University, prof. Andrej Kiska, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic Mr.
#Obsah kruhov vsee professional
ISBN EANģ Trnava University in Trnava Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Department of Physics, Mathematics and Techniques, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Prešov Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Rzeszów Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences, Eger Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc Pedagogical University of Cracow International Scientific and Professional Conference XXX TH D I D M A T T E C H 2017 organized under the auspices of the president of Slovak Republic, Mr. Supported by KEGA grant 003UMB-4/2017: Implementation of Blended Learning into Preparation of Future Mathematics Teachers. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, in retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The articles did not pass editorial or language correction. Editors and contributors The authors are responsible for the content of the articles. 1 Trnava University in Trnava Faculty of Education New Methods and Technologies in Education and Practice XXX TH DIDMATTECH st part 2017Ģ Editors: prof.
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gennaandjesse · 4 years
SAY OK European TOUR April 2020
In April of 2020 we continue our first tour of the year in support of our album “Say OK,” bringing our music to towns in Germany and Czech Republic! Please do come check out a show and catch up with us…and the new babe! Send your friends, too!
Saturday, 4 April, 2020 Gaildorf, Germany Lieblingsplatz House Concert* Time TBD
Tuesday, 7 April, 2020 Olomouc, Czech Republic Pub Gig - location to be announced Time TBD Thursday, 9 April, 2020 Palacký University, Olomouc Czech Republic Songwriting Class* Time TBD
Saturday, 18 April, 2020 Aachen, Germany Elke House Concert* Time TBD
Friday, 24 April, 2020 Bottrop, Germany Hoischen House Concert* Time TBD Monday, 27 April, 2020 Isernhagen, Germany Kulturtressen Time TBD Tuesday, 28 April, 2020 Harsefeld, Germany Kino Hotel Meyer Time TBD
Thursday, 30 April, 2020 Borstorf, Germany Christine K House Concert* Time TBD
*This is a private event and requires an invitation and RSVP. If you would like to attend this concert, please email Genna & Jesse at [email protected].  
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frankkjonestx · 4 years
How Venus flytraps store short-term ‘memories’ of prey
A Venus flytrap’s short-term “memory” can last about 30 seconds. If an insect taps the plant’s sensitive hairs only once, the trap remains still. But if the insect taps again within about half a minute, the carnivorous plant’s leaves snap shut, ensnaring its prey.
How Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula) remember that initial touch has been a mystery. A new study reveals that the plants do so using calcium, researchers report online October 5 in Nature Plants.
Scientists know that some plants have a type of long-term memory, says study coauthor Mitsuyasu Hasebe, a biologist at the National Institute for Basic Biology in Okazaki, Japan. One example is vernalization, whereby plants remember long periods of winter cold as a signal to flower in the spring. But short-term memory is more enigmatic, and “this is the first direct evidence of the involvement of calcium,” Hasebe says.
Even though the carnivorous plant, famous for its jawlike leaves, has no brain or nervous system, it can apparently count to five and distinguish between live prey and things like rain, which could inadvertently trigger its leaves to snap shut, wasting energy (SN: 1/24/16). Previous research suggested that calcium plays a role in this process, but with the help of genetic engineering, Hasebe and colleagues were able to actually see calcium in action.
After a hair inside a Venus flytrap is tapped once, calcium floods the leaves’ cells, which researchers could observe after genetically engineering plants to glow when calcium was present. A second tap, a few seconds after the first, brings more calcium into the cells, brightening the glow and causing the trap to snap shut.
The researchers added genes to the Venus flytraps that produce a protein, which glows green when exposed to calcium. When the team tapped one of the trap’s sensory hairs, the base of that hair began glowing, and then the glow spread through the leaf before beginning to fade. When the researchers touched the hair a second time — or touched a different hair on the leaf — within about 30 seconds, the trap’s leaves lit up even brighter than before, and the plant quickly snapped shut.
The results show that the flytrap’s short-term memory is a waxing and waning of calcium within leaves’ cells, the researchers say. Each time a sensory hair is triggered, it signals the release of calcium. When the calcium concentration reaches a certain level, achieved by that second, faster surge of calcium, the trap closes.
Feed me
These images of a Venus flytrap genetically modified to glow show that calcium levels in the plant’s trap surge and then start to fade after one of its sensory hairs is tapped. A second tap brings even more calcium rushing into cells in the leaves, exceeding a threshold that causes the trap to close, a new study finds.
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H. Suda and M. Hasebe/Japanese National Institute for Basic Biology
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H. Suda and M. Hasebe/Japanese National Institute for Basic Biology
Still, the research doesn’t reveal all of the plant’s secrets. To sense prey, “the flytrap operates a fast electrical network” that can convert a fly or other insect’s movement into small voltage changes that ripple across the plant’s cells, says coauthor Rainer Hedrich, a biophysicist at the University of Würzburg in Germany. Scientists are still unsure how the calcium memory system works in tandem with that electrical network to activate the plant’s snap.
“The close association of calcium and electrical signal is known in ordinary plants, so it was also expected in the Venus flytrap,” says Andrej Pavlovič, a plant physiologist at Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic who wasn’t involved in the study. But the most interesting part of the research was getting the trap to glow, he says. Such genetic transformations are common in frequently studied plants, but more difficult to do in less well-studied predatory plants, so successfully engineering the flytrap’s genes to make the plant glow “is a great leap forward in studies on carnivorous plants.”
.image-mobile { display: none; } @media (max-width: 400px) { .image-mobile { display: block; } .image-desktop { display: none; } } from Tips By Frank https://www.sciencenews.org/article/how-venus-flytraps-store-short-term-memories-prey
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theodoreangelos · 1 year
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Large meeting room of the Rector's Office of Palacký University in Olomouc, Moravia, Czech Republic Velká zasedací místnost rektorátu Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci Großer Sitzungssaal des Rektorats der Palacký-Universität in Olmütz Grande salle de réunion du rectorat de l'université Palacký à Olomouc Duża sala konferencyjna rektoratu Uniwersytetu Palackiego w Ołomuńcu Большой зал заседаний ректората Университета Палацкого в Оломоуце
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legalizehemp · 4 years
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#phookteraho_sochteraho Cannabis as a medicine Probably the most complex research into the antibacterial and other therapeutic qualities of cannabis was carried out in the 1950s by researchers at Palacký University Olomouc, in today’s Czech Republic, under professors Šantavý and Kabelík. The two experimented with the use of extracts from different parts of the cannabis plant and the conclusions of their research were subsequently published in proceedings from the conference Cannabis as a Medicine [Konopí jako lék], which mention for example successes with applications in dentistry, chronic inflammation of the middle ear and sinuses, and even in the treatment of tuberculosis. These therapeutic effects known to folk medicine were of great value, especially before the discovery of antibiotics. And at present, due to the higher incidence of bacteria resistant to standard therapies, there has been a renaissance in the use of herbal substances with antibacterial effects, as bacteria usually have no resistance to them. #marijuanamovement #marijuanamania #marijuana #medicine #cbd #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #hemp #hempclothing #ganjah #ganjagoddess #legal #legalization #bussiness #benefits https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTYLoinreq/?igshid=d33p1z79f3bx
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years
Calls: 23rd Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics
2nd Call for Papers: *** Abstract submission deadline extended: 31 December 2022 *** The 23rd Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics Theme: Empirical approaches to Korean language and linguistics Location: Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic Date: 28-30 June 2023 The 23rd Biennial Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics (ICKL 2023) is held at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic on 28-30 June 2023. ICKL 2023 is bein http://dlvr.it/Sf1pwq
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redeentremares · 3 years
ruínas históricas e histórias inventadas: imagem e oralidade nos barrocos da memória. (revista esferas, ucb /universidade católica de brasília) https://portalrevistas.ucb.br/index.php/esf/article/view/4622?fbclid=IwAR3bCmHMNYhXos117woH-VvVwfuhm2yfh5sex1sHW2Hl9HYqr_Dia_2wWOE migrant images: aesthetic imagination in experiences of displacement. (general Linguistics at palacký university, olomouc, czec republic) www.sciendo.com/article/10.2478/lf-2021-0011 o corpo nômade como refúgio: entre o bote e a tenda. (livro compós, salvador) www.repositorio.ufba.br/ri/bitstream/ri/26089/1/MobilidadeEspacialidadesAlteridades-EDUFBA-2018.pdf nos terriórios do corpo: práticas e deslocamentos audiovisuais (revista panambi, chile) www.revistas.uv.cl/index.php/Panambi/article/view/1039 body landscapes: moving images and performing narratives (capítulo do livro the idea of place. space and culture. university of alberta, edmonton, canada) https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/sac/22/1 virtualidades urbanas. texto curatorial. catálogo felipe raizer (portugal) https://feliperaizer.art/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/virtualidades-urbanas-catalogo.pdf  cosmovisions and politics in the bauhaus and amerindian bodies (bayreuth university, iwalewa books, alemanha) https://www.iwalewabooks.com/product-page/das-bauhaus-verfehlen-missing-the-bauhaus body lands: image performativity in object and shadow (athens journal of humanities and arts, grecia) https://sciendo.com/issue/LF/4/2?fbclid=IwAR0X4lSrRzvyN50l4BJYXM_FtzTYVHAH2xKzMRzbUnppCbn0hp04kcsPNao mulheres continentais. imagem, lugar e performance na reinvenção de si. (capítulo do livro cinema apesar da imagem/besides the screen, uk/br, patrícia Moran/ed). sereias ou refugiadas: o mal, a beleza e o visível dos desvios de sentido. (revista vazantes, ufc, fortaleza) http://periodicos.ufc.br/vazantes/article/view/32941 cosmologies and body politics in imaging performances from the americas (towson university, cambridge scholars, baltimore, eua) escultura e performance em rastros de presença. (revista conceição/conception, instituto de artes unicamp) nas bordas do corpo: deslocar e pertencer. (revista latinoamericana de ciencias de la educación, venezuela) a palavra nômade em escrituras vacantes. (revista gragoatá, universidade federal fluminense, uff) to belong and to depart: sailing into outer shores of ours (studies of transition states and societies, institute of international social studies, tallin university, estonia)
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gennaandjesse · 3 years
SAY OK European TOUR November 2021
In November of 2021 we continue our first post-pandemic tour in support of our album “Say  OK.” Please do come check out a show and catch up with us…and the sweet babe! Send your friends, too!
November date TBD Olomouc, Czech Republic Blues Bar Garch Time TBD
Thursday, 4 November, 2021 Olomouc, Czech Republic Palacký University Songwriting Lecture, time and location TBD*
Friday, 12 November, 2021 Miskolc, Hungary Tinta Social Sofaconcert* Time and details with RSVP*
*This is a private event and requires an invitation and RSVP. If you would like to attend this concert, please email Genna & Jesse at [email protected].
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