#Pampa records
stroebe2 · 10 months
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disease · 2 years
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reasonsforhope · 3 days
— Recent giant anteater sightings in Rio Grande do Sul state indicate the species has returned to southern Brazil, where it had been considered extinct for more than a century.
— Experts concluded that the giant anteater ventured across the border from the Iberá Park in northeastern Argentina where a rewilding project has released around 110 individuals back into the habitat.
— The sightings emphasize the importance of rewilding projects, both to restore animal populations in specific regions and help ecosystems farther afield.
— Organizations across Brazil are working to protect and maintain current giant anteater populations, including rallying for safer highways to prevent wildlife-vehicle collisions that cause local extinctions.
Playing back hours of footage from a camera trap set in Espinilho State Park in the south of Brazil in August 2023, Fábio Mazim and his team banked on possible sightings of the maned wolf or the Pantanal deer and had their fingers crossed for a glimpse of a Pampas cat (Leopardus pajeros), one of the most threatened felines in the world.
What they didn’t expect to see was an animal long presumed extinct in the region. To their surprise, the unmistakable long snout and bushy tail of a giant anteater ambled into shot.
"We shouted and cried when we saw it,” the ecologist from the nonprofit Pró-Carnívoros Institute told Mongabay. “It took a few days to grasp the importance of this record. A sighting of a giant anteater was never, ever expected.”
Last seen alive in the southwest of the Rio Grande do Sul state in 1890, the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) has since been spotted 11 times since August 2023, although the scientists are unsure whether it’s the same one or different individuals. However, the sightings confirm one clear fact: The giant anteater is back.
It's a huge win for the environment. Giant anteaters play an important role in their ecosystems, helping to control insect numbers, create watering holes through digging and are prey for big cats such as jaguars and pumas.
The habitat of the giant anteater stretches from Central America toward the south cone of Latin America.
Its conservation status is “vulnerable,” although it is considered extinct in several countries, including El Salvador, Guatemala and Uruguay, as well as specific regions such as the states of Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Santa Catarina and (until now) Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil and the Cordoba and Entre Rios regions in Argentina.
‍In the last six months, the giant anteater was spotted on camera 11 times in the Espinilho State Park in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. It was the first time in 130 years that the species has been seen alive there.
Yet not only is it a triumph for conservationists to see these animals returning to Brazilian biomes, it’s also a surprising mark of success for a rewilding program about 150 kilometers (93 miles) away in neighboring Argentina.
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‍Rewilding Argentina’s biomes
‍Iberá National Park in Corrientes province in northeastern Argentina is a 758,000-hectare (1.9 million-acre) expanse of protected land comprising a part of the Iberá wetlands with its swaths of grasslands, marshes, lagoons and forests. The region was once home to just a handful of giant anteaters after habitat loss, hunting and vehicle collisions decimated the population.
Since 2007, the NGO Rewilding Argentina, an offspring of the nonprofit Tompkins Conservation, has been reintroducing the species back to the area, most individuals being orphaned pups rescued from vehicle collisions or poaching.
So far, they have released 110 giant anteaters back into the wild. Nowadays, several generations inhabit the park, transforming it from “a place of massive defaunation to abundance,” Sebastián Di Martino, director of conservation for Rewilding Argentina, was quoted as saying in an official statement.
The project has been so successful that the giant anteaters appear to be venturing farther afield and moving to new territories beyond national borders, such as Espinilho State Park in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul region...
Experts now hope that a giant anteater population can reestablish itself naturally in Espinilho State Park without the need for human intervention.
“The giant anteater returning to Rio Grande do Sul shows the success of the work done in Argentina and how it’s viable, possible and important to do rewilding and fauna reintroduction projects,” Mazim said. “It is also an indication that the management of conservation units and also the agricultural areas of the ecosystems are working,” he added. “Because if large mammals are coming from one region and settling in another, it is because there is a support capacity for them. It is an indication of the health of the environment.”
-via GoodGoodGood, via May 25, 2024
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irrealisms · 1 year
margay propaganda for the @little-cat-showdown poll:
margays are a small cat similar to the oncilla and the better-known ocelot in appearance and range. they're native to the extremely dense tropical rainforests of central and south america, and they're very, very cute.
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they're the only member of the Leopardus genus still in the little cat showdown-- the oncilla and pampas cat were eliminated in the first round; the kodkod, ocelot, andean mountain cat, and geoffrey's cat were eliminated in the second. Leopardus have fewer chromosomes than other felids and are the oldest genetic branch of American small cats!
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some unique things about margays: - as i understand it, they're the only fully arboreal/tree-dwelling cat! their wrists can rotate a full 360°, making them the only small cat able to climb straight down trees just as easily as they climb up, dangle upside-down, etc. (clouded leopards are the only large cat with this adaptation, and even they spend a lot of time on the ground while hunting) - they're talented mimics and will imitate the distress calls of an infant of their prey species to attract prey while hunting! while there are reports of other American cat species (jaguars and pumas) doing the same, margays are currently the only one we have a confirmed recording of
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i'm also biased towards them bc i'm a margay therian + furry and i'm not used to seeing my species on these kinds of polls, let alone seeing it get so far. but i think, especially with how small this poll is, that we have a real shot of making it to the finals! if you send me proof of voting for margays in the current little cat showdown poll, i'll make a moodboard of your choice or do a traditional headshot doodle of a character of your choice. we're currently losing by 2% of 330 votes--that's just six votes. here's a picture of my fursona as drawn by/commissioned from @esmeraldablazingsky as thanks for reading this, plus a doodle drawn by myself to demonstrate my headshot doodle abilities!
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chronically-ghosted · 4 months
History of the American Dust Bowl
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The series of intense dust storms, starting in 1930 and affecting the southern plains of the United States, has been called the greatest ecological disaster ever to happen on American soil. Over the next decade, tens-of-thousands of people were forced to leave their homes under apocalyptic conditions: rolling storms that blocked out the sun, wind laced with particles sharp enough to blind, dust filling up and choking the lungs of the young and old. 
Starting with the trade embargo on Russia during World War I, the value of wheat in America and around the world sky-rocketed. The US Government made offers, real estate agents made promises, and an unusual wet season strengthened conviction: come to the prairie, grow wheat for our soldiers – there’s money to be made. 
As large-scale farming expanded on the Prairies, inexperienced farmers or “sodbusters” replaced indigenous grasses with wheat crops. In less than ten years, over one hundred million acres of prairie land – overused by mechanized equipment and exacerbated by a severe drought – lost its topsoil and became an instant target for wind erosion. The country’s financial bedrock had been bled dry and now the land had been wrung out too. 
In April 1945, on a day that became known as Black Sunday, around 4PM, a rapidly moving “black blizzard” hit Kansas. High winds at 100 miles an hour reportedly displaced 300,000 tons of topsoil. The rolling cloud was over 1,000 miles long, and covered 800 miles by the time it dissipated. Drivers were forced to take refuge in their cars, while other residents hunkered down in basements, barns, fire stations and tornado shelters, as well as under beds. 
Folksinger Woody Guthrie, then 22, who sat out the storm at his Pampa, Texas home, recalled that “you couldn’t see your hand before your face.” Inspired by proclamations from some of his companions that the end of the world was at hand, he composed a song titled “So Long, It’s Been Good to Know Yuh.” Guthrie would also write other tunes about Black Sunday, including “Dust Storm Disaster.”
This was by far the worst storm suffered by those in the southern plains (an area reaching from the north of Texas, up the Dakotas and out to Kansas and Oklahoma), and as a result 17 people died, and three suffocated from the dirty wind. As a direct result of American greed and disregard for the natural world, the very skin of the Earth had been ripped up, leaving behind loose, dry soil – abandoned with no concern for conservation and regrowth. All of this, on top of a financial downturn that left over three millions of Americans without jobs, a home, or income. 
For many, the Dust Bowl was the closest they ever got to the end of the world, nature’s apocalypse. Much of the Red Cross relief and FDR’s conservation efforts were focused on regrowing that topsoil and putting thousands of out-of-work farmers back on the land. By working in harmony with the land, the southern prairie was rebuilt, the dust storms died down, and the economy righted itself in the face of a new world war. 
Apocalypse averted.
In 2023, global weather conditions are changing again due to man-made intervention and ecological carelessness. Year after year, heat records are broken and droughts last longer and longer. The earth is adapting to fit rising temperatures and expanding greenhouse gasses. It is evolving, much like a fungus, to meet its needs in a new climate. 
Hopefully, this fic feels as foreign as an AU can, but as familiar as the show’s concern for global warming. There are no blind, clicking zombies in this fic, but there are monsters. 
There are always monsters at the end of the world.
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sunburnacoustic · 11 months
The Inner Symmetry
VISIONS Germany reviews Muse's set at Hurricane Festival in 2001 and interviews the band in issue No. 100, July 2001.
[Note: This article has been translated from German, and my German is nonexistent so I am no help here. Original article archived on archive.org]
Good Morning Beautiful
The summer of '99. A good year in every respect. Great records, great concerts, fine festivals. The Hurricane, for example, was one of those highlights that people talked about for a long time. Motorpsycho, dEUS, Chemical Brothers, Manson, Queens Of The Stone Age, Foo Fighters and dozens of other seal-of-approval gigs. That was nice.
Right in the middle: three young guys with playfulness, pressure and anger in their stomachs, and an album called "Showbiz". As well as half a dozen VISIONS editorial staff, who at eleven in the morning in a shockingly empty circus tent indulged in true emotional rapture. The reason: singer and guitarist Matthew Bellamy, bassist Chris Wolstenholme and drummer Dominique Howard celebrated live on German soil for the first time Songs like "Sunburn", "Muscle Museum" or "Uno" enthralled from the word go with brilliant guitar baths, magical presence and a punch that made the festival breakfast stick in your throat.
So there it was, the new Britrock sensation. Three pimply teenagers in shabby jeans and sneakers, who at first glance looked as if they had won the Sparkasse youth development prize. But they had prepared well, at home in tranquil Devon in rural nowhere in southern England. Had studied the records of Nirvana, Radiohead, Jeff Buckley and the Smashing Pumpkins in the children's room, met several times a week in the rehearsal room for years and worked meticulously on the details until they were really good.
Then, in early '99, they had just that little bit of luck: John Leckie, the production ace for Britain's rockier moments, found them fragrant and took them to the pampas. More precisely: to Cornwall to Sawmill Studios, where, in the middle of the forest and far away from any civilisation, bands like Oasis, Supergrass and the Stone Roses had already put down great albums. And now it would come, the "Showbiz".
In the afternoon of that day on the Hurricane [festival], during an interview in their then-still clearly small camper, three super good-humoured rockers lolled about casually on their couch and gibbered over the small group of girls who openly offered themselves as accompaniment for the afternoon at the concert earlier searched. Man, that's pretty exciting, all of this. Matthew shakes his head: "It's so surreal. Up until a few months ago we were still practicing our fingers sore in the rehearsal room and playing in pubs to a few people who thought we were shit. And now we're rocking here in Germany at one of the biggest festivals and having a lot of fun. Great, and now I'm going to see Placebo."
The World Is Yours
It's cold, it's winter '99. Despite the technical problems and ten hours on a snow-covered autobahn, Muse really impressed the almost sold-out Cologne Prime Club. Later, Dominic, Matthew and I are sitting in my old Opel, freezing like slugs in the three-star freezer and listening to tapes for a VISIONS blind date. They seem pretty much destroyed - the fact that "Showbiz" was released worldwide, at the same time and with great fanfare now hits mercilessly. You want them, preferably anywhere and immediately. Five club concerts in Europe, then as support for the Foo Fighters and Porno For Pyros through the States, and in between to Southeast Asia, where they already fill the big halls.
That takes its toll. As a jittery, flu-stricken Matthew soberly states, "It's damn hard to maintain a consistently high level when you've got absolutely no downtime. Right now, all I could do was sleep all day." Moderately enthusiastic they fight their way through the 15 songs on my tape, only the new Therapy? can really blow his mind. "My goodness, let's get started," says Dominic happily. "And how well they play to the point. Oh man, we still have to practise a lot."
Pleasure And Pain
Earlier this year in London: visibly relaxed, contentedly grinning faces on the band and label people. The weather is beautiful, the hotel is large and expensive, the lounge is comfortable and the media entourage is international. A relaxed afternoon with fine finger food and a lot of questions. And new sneakers for Matthew.  Unconventionally cut old school sneakers with fashionable puma fur applications in black and bordeaux. He got it from the Japanese delegation because they heard that he likes that sort of thing. That's right - Matthew is overjoyed: "An excellent gift. Because that's how it is with shoes for me: I always only have one pair. I wear it exclusively and for as long as possible. Until I get a new one that I like.
With all due respect, Mr. Bellamy, I blurted out unintentionally, it was about time. Because his previous favourite pair, parked right next to my armchair, a festival-proven biotope of days gone by with the pungent aroma of ammonia and acid, could have a negative effect on sex appeal. "Heehee, finally someone else tells him!" giggles Dominic, who is lounging next to Matthew on the sofa and gnawing the toppings of bite-sized slices of pizza in layers.
Matthew takes it easy, like so many things these days. But they also have every reason to smile: Yesterday, at the first small club gig after a five-month studio break, it literally broke out of them. Pressure and fun in a family package, a superbly balanced balance between brute force and pure beauty, and all with a tightness and precision that very few trios can achieve.
Also, and even more important: The second opus "Origin Of Symmetry" is as good as in the can, and, so they say, turned out really smart. More ideas, more courage, more variation, more studios and more real human bones - the latter used as idiosyncratic sounding percussion instruments. “Yeah, that's about it,” Matthew judges. “We just wanted to trust each other more. We know more, can do more, so we want more.”
According to Matthew, the most important development, which was also unmistakable last night, is the following: “We have found out what it really means to be a three-man band and how we can optimally use these advantages. We've listened to a lot of Jimi Hendrix Experience, Cream, Nirvana, Primus and Police—the best trios in music history—and only focused on what makes them special: dynamics, interaction, precision, filling in empty spaces. I think we're getting that across quite well now.”
His trick: variation. In volume, mood, intensity and instrumentation. The latter especially, because Matthew has learned to play the piano. “I've been really into playing keyboards, Fender Rhodes and piano for a long time, and now I'm composing a lot with them too. I aspire to be at least as good at it as I am at the guitar. That's why we're going to integrate the keys into the concerts in the future. That gives some songs a completely different, completely new vibe.” Also: It also looks good. “I think it's cool: Sitting on the stage behind his piano, singing a ballad and having the blues. Almost a bit like Tom Waits.” A jealous crook,
“There are two sides to Muse – in the songwriting, on stage, in all of our music. They express the two opposite moods I can find myself in when making music. On the one hand you have the happy, light-hearted side that's just looking for a good melody and a well-rounded song. On the other hand, there is this thoughtful, serious, dark, often aggressive element that sometimes breaks out of me and creates wild, unbridled moments. That's what scares me sometimes on stage, because something almost always breaks. It's the borderline between pleasure and pain. You have to learn to deal with that.”
Truly, not an easy chunk. Especially when impressions like those of the past year rain down on you. Shrill situations and people, bad and good surprises, a life with left indicators and headlight flashers. Matthew says: “You're in the middle of Australia, the phone rings and they ask you if you can tour America with the Chili Peppers next week. And a week later you are suddenly in Japan and 20 girls are camping in front of your hotel room. And if you go out and talk to them, they make a big fuss and run away. At the bottom, you hop in the limo, drive to the venue, and then all hell breaks loose.”
That Rockstar Thing, Revisited
Easter in Düsseldorf, two months later. Almost everything is the same as it was a year ago when you were here for the first time: the same place (Philipshalle), the same occasion (Osterrocknacht). But: a different position. If you gave the afternoon heater back then, this year you are the secret main act for many. Also different from last time: the mood. Because it's bad. There are far too many interviews, viva is annoying and they don't feel like signing autographs. And then this ugly backstage room, of all things, the one next to the Stereophonics, who you always thought were stupid.
Especially since their singer Kelly Jones informed readers in detail in an NME interview about how independent and boring Muse were compared to them. And anyway: Matthew is a little snot with bad manners. As proof, a play follows in two acts. Part one consists of a very pissed off Mr. Bellamy, unannounced visits to the cloakroom neighbours, arguments, ugly scenes, and to top it all: red wine stains on your favourite sneakers. The end of the scene: even more bad mood. The evening seems to have passed.
But part two follows in no time, less than an hour later: Muse on stage. Professionals in a duel - with the weapons of the musician. Matthew is the grumpy, multi-talented frontman somewhere between languishing singer, maniacal guitarist and serene piano player. The new songs are stunners, today's drive is a very special one, and the Stereophonics playing after them look pretty lame and tired. Muse, the ‘young urban professionals’ of rock music, do what they do best: vomit out emotional apocalypses that have become songs, absorb anger and energy, surf on a sea of ​​intensity, melody and groove.
They play skilfully on the keyboard of the rock 'n' roll premier league, and not only in musical terms, as the rest of the evening proves. We—that is, the industry-standard mix of media representatives accompanying the band—are sitting in the living room booth of their super-luxury bus on the way to the after-show party in a rented hotel suite. The band is upstairs in the living quarters of the rolling amusement hut; not alone, as giggling girls' voices tell us.
Later, in the suite, a motley crowd of roadies, journalists, musicians and label people demand music and alcohol. Matthew, Chris and Dominic are just taking a shower or something, the procurement of drinks is faltering, everyone is waiting, nobody knows why, for whom and in what condition.
But as soon as they are there, the fun trumpets with the aura of successful alternative careerists, things get turbulent. Beautiful girls give them beautiful eyes, complimenting pats on the back from every side, handshakes and a bit of casual socialising. Who would have thought: The insignia of being a star are now excellent for the three inconspicuous boys from the sheltered provincial idyll.
As it's almost getting light outside and my skull is getting darker and darker, I'm standing in front of a monstrous wide-screen TV with Dominic and an absinthe in my hand. My efforts to explain to him that the hotpacks from the Rockpalast broadcast that are just crossing the screen are called Clawfinger, were a very hot sweep in the early 90s and were allowed to replace the main act today, earns a weary shrug of the shoulders. "I've never heard that. Must have been before my time. I was just starting out on Nirvana and grunge at the time.” Young veggies, damn it.
Blood, Sweat & Abbey Road
Three weeks later we meet again, because in the meantime "Origin Of Symmetry" has hit the home CD player. It only needed a few runs to convey the certainty: This record also has it, something special, maybe even more than the debut "Showbiz", which in direct comparison seems downright tame.
The foundation: a handful of fantastic, aggressive rock tunes like "New Born", "Hyper Music" or the first single "Plug In Baby", with killer melodies and beats like slaps in the face. The walls: magical ballads like the suicidal blues "Feeling Good", the heart-rending "Screenager" or the sacred "Megalomania", which comes with church organs. The roof: confused glam rock with tasteful 80s keyboards ("Bliss"), a vocally losing-all-control of Matthew in the pathos anthem "Micro Cuts", or orchestral monumentals in the best prog rock tradition, as in "Space Dementia" or " Citizen Erased". A colossus of diversity, beauty and great songs.
The circumstances of this album production couldn't have been better either: They spent a few months in the four most expensive and best studios in England - including Peter Gabriel's 'Real World' mega complex, Pink Floyd's David Gilmour's studio houseboat and, of course, 'Abbey Road'. “Admittedly, we also had to take a deep breath at the end of the recording when we asked ourselves what the next record should actually be,” says Dominic. “But should we forego such opportunities because of that?”
During the recording sessions, they were again guided for long periods by the skilled production hands of John Leckie, but on four of the heavier songs they also put themselves in the care of another top-class sound carver: Tool producer Dave Bottrill. “I don't think anyone understands us like John, but it was a very important experience,” Matthew recalls. “Dave has a very different approach to a band and their music.” What's the biggest difference between them? “John Leckie is sound, arrangement and feeling. Dave, on the other hand, thrives more on the energy he thrashes into you while recording. It really helps you get the most out of yourself.”
With the finished high-quality recordings, Matthew says, they were drawn back “back home to our living room, now in terms of studio technology.” Namely to Cornwall to the 'Sawmill Studios', whose owners - and this is where we come full circle - meanwhile too is her manager, closest adviser and backup daddy. We are sitting in the bright sun on the terrace of a luxury hotel in Hamburg. As usual, Chris is the friendly, grinning, reserved observer. Dominic, the smug rascal with the dry jokes, asks me the name of the pretty promoter who is taking care of them today. And Matthew, the bright kid with a penchant for hyperactivity, meticulously paints every colour abrasion on his run-down Asian sneakers black again with an Edding.
Despite the stress of everyday touring, they make a vital, tidy impression today. The recipe is simple, explains Matthew. “First: eat better, take care of yourself a little. And secondly: going out a lot, having a few drinks with nice people who were at your concert. In short: lead a social life. If you just hang out at the hotel and lock yourself up, like we did on the last tour, then eventually all ties to normal life will be severed. You'll quickly become a bit ‘meschugge’ [mad?]. That's why we're going out a lot more among people this time. It helps you stay grounded. The only thing that is sometimes clearly neglected is sleep.”
Good keyword: Is there ever help? Surely you get offered at some after-show party, that junk. But no, no power to the drugs - at least the stupid ones. “Everything that is too speedy or too chemical drives me crazy, we don't really need that at all. The greatest feeling is something hallucinogenic, maybe a few mushrooms. But never on tour. At most at home, or rather in the studio if you got stuck musically and need a conceptual overview for a few hours.”
That's how they sit there: three smart young men in harmony with themselves, the world and the temptations lurking everywhere. Unaffected, reflected and extremely relaxed wolves of the music genius in the sheep's clothing of young normal people. “That's what life is all about,” says Dominic. “Being able to do exactly what you want to do most, in a relaxed, optimal environment.” “There are still phases where I catch myself thinking that all this is nothing more than is a great dream,” adds Matthew. “And then again there are moments when the full force of this crazy rock lifestyle hits my bones so much that I know: That must be reality.”
This is also reality, and current ones at that: Muse are the paragons of the new generation of boisterous rock emotionalists. The reactions to the album range from positive to overwhelming, the concerts are buzzing and everyone is happy. The fans, because they can indulge in pure Muse enjoyment. The label, because if everything goes well, you can soon earn a lot of money with it. And the band, because they can take all the freedom they want and still be loved fanatically and taken 100% seriously.
Matthew is a bit proud: “What I think is so great is that people really engage with us. Because that proves: We are not hype, everything is solidly developed success. When we try something new or overshoot the mark, nobody says: ‘Let them do it, they're crazy anyway.’ No, people try to understand why we do something. They take us seriously and deal with our ideas. It's a really great feeling to be liked for that, not because you had that one cool #1 hit with that catchy tune.”
Just An Ordinary Night
Their gig in the completely sold-out market hall on the same evening is rather meagre thanks to a terribly miserable sound, terrible scramble and the obvious listlessness of the actors. But today's after-show party in a hip cocktail bar on the Alster is quite solid. A constellation of journos, record bosses, musicians and happily grinning groupies, which is remarkably similar to the Düsseldorf drink, but today decidedly more top-class, basks in the wonderful feeling of being able to be there. And they do their job well, the three main actors. Are charming, funny, constantly surrounded and even concerned about the musical well-being of the guests - Dominic doesn't give up until he can soften the granite block programmed stoically to house by a DJ to let the complete new Weezer record run through.
"Is that a pattern every night when you're on tour?" my gin and tonic-soaked brain asks an equally heavily-counted Matthew as we wait for cabs at dawn. “Yeah, more or less. That's good: we have fun and gain experience. And then you can write songs about it again.” And hey presto, he's already sitting in the taxi with Dominic and a pretty companion. Hopefully he'll keep his shoes on later for the cozy part in the hotel. The one with the cougar pattern, the red wine stain, and the marker pen on the side.
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ladythomasina · 2 years
"I have not seen anything pulled down so quick since I was on the Pampas and had a mare that I was fond of go to grass all in a night. One of those big bats that they call vampires had got at her in the night, and what with his gorge and the vein left open, there wasn't enough blood in her to let her stand up."
fun fact: this is only the second time in the text that the word "vampire" has appeared — and the first time was all the way back on May 5 when Jonathan was recording the local Transylvanian rumors and superstitions.
This is some really excellent narrative control and slow-burn ratcheting up of tension.
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frankloko · 1 year
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María Antonieta Gómez Rodríguez (Tepic, 22 de dezembro de 1950) mais conhecida como María Antonieta de las Nieves, é uma atriz, cantora,dubladora e escritora mexicana, célebre mundialmente por ter interpretado a personagem La Chilindrina (Chiquinha, no Brasil) no seriado mexicano El Chavo del Ocho (Chaves, no Brasil). Em 2021, entrou para o Guinness World Records por ser a atriz que por mais tempo representou uma mesma personagem infantil. Biografia e carreira Maria começou a atuar ainda criança. Aos 11 anos, realizou o seu primeiro trabalho na novela La Leona, na qual era a protagonista. Em 1963 recebeu o prêmio de atriz infantil. Dois anos depois, recebeu novamente o mesmo prêmio. Em 1968 integrou o elenco da série Chespirito, onde permaneceu até outubro de 1973, quando se afastou das gravações devido à sua gravidez. María se casou em 9 de julho de 1971 com o locutor e produtor de televisão Gabriel Fernández, com quem teve um filho: Gabriel, nascido em 30 de setembro de 1973. Maria e Gabriel foram casados por 48 anos, até a morte dele em 2019. Em 1974, foi contratada pela TV Azteca para apresentar o programa Pampa Pipiltzin junto com Julio Lucena, que era exibido de segunda a sexta. Foto: internet info: Wikipedia Colorização: @coresdopassado1 • • • • • #chaves #chavodel8 #chavodelocho #turmadochaves #Chilindrina, #ElChavoDelOcho #RobertoGomezBolanos #ChavoYChilindrina #VecindarioDelChavo #DonRamon #DonRamónYLaChilindrina #Quico #DoñaFlorinda #SeñorBarriga #Ñoño #LaVecindad #ChilindrinaForever #ChilindrinaFans #ChilindrinaSquad #ChilindrinaMemories #ChilindrinaFridays #ChilindrinaCosplay #chavesesuaturma #chavodel8fans #colorização #colorizaçãodigital (em Manaus - Amazons - Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqlq8b-vKGn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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konigstigerr · 2 years
You see a lot of memes about Argentina's economic system.
Is there anything like special about it that makes it bad, or is it just like poor?
unbelievably rich in resources and despite that, or maybe because of that, very susceptible to kleptocracy. it used to be the richest and fastest growing economy in the world a hundred years ago in fact, but willful mismanagement and plunder by the political class made it into a shithole.
in economist simon kuznet's words:
In the 43 years leading up to 1914, GDP had grown at an annual rate of 6%, the fastest recorded in the world. The country was a magnet for European immigrants, who flocked to find work on the fertile pampas, where crops and cattle were propelling Argentina’s expansion. In 1914 half of Buenos Aires’s population was foreign-born.
The country ranked among the ten richest in the world, after the likes of Australia, Britain and the United States, but ahead of France, Germany and Italy. Its income per head was 92% of the average of 16 rich economies. From this vantage point, it looked down its nose at its neighbours: Brazil’s population was less than a quarter as well-off.
It never got better than this. Although Argentina has had periods of robust growth in the past century—not least during the commodity boom of the past ten years—and its people remain wealthier than most Latin Americans, its standing as one of the world’s most vibrant economies is a distant memory (see chart 1). Its income per head is now 43% of those same 16 rich economies; it trails Chile and Uruguay in its own back yard.
The political symptoms of decline are also clear. If Argentina appeared to enjoy stability in the pre-war era, its history since then has been marked by a succession of military coups. The first came in 1930; others followed in 1943, 1955, 1962, 1966 and 1976. The election of 1989 marked the first time in more than 60 years that a civilian president had handed power to an elected successor.
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Day 16, Sunday, June 11: Amarillo, Texas to Pampa to Wheeler to Binger, Oklahoma to Oklahoma City, 444 km.
While I am tempted to take advantage today of Rte 66 to Oklahoma City, the fact is 75% of it mirrors or, in fact, is Interstate 40, so I ask Garmin for an "avoid freeways" route and it comes through. I am in for a spectacular, alternative ride.
I leave Amarillo via US 60 and continue to be amazed by the industriousness of the Texas Panhandle - trains, wind turbines, wind mills, huge farm equipment, irrigation systems, power lines and feed lots. And an increasing scattering of oil derricks.
My first stop is Pampa. A town of 16,867 in the eastern Texas panhandle, its elevation is only 400' lower than Amarillo at 3,668'. It's been a flat but beautiful ride - country roads, interesting scenery, and small towns. Pampa benefitted greatly from the panhandle oil boom in 1916. But it seems to have declined since. The water tower reminded me of Toronto's Stanley Cup record, and the deserted buildings and gas stations reminded me of rust belt towns like Flint, Michigan.
As I ride east from Parma, I pass by my first and only buffalo feed lot. I had to look twice and go back and take a picture.
As I pull into Wheeler, my last town, before reaching the great plains of Oklahoma, I spot Mel's Diner. Perfect, I love this stuff - small towns, small diners, and tons of local flavour. I order bacon, eggs, and coffee. I strike up a conversation with the young family at the next table who have a son and a daughter, my grand childrens' ages. I ask the boy if he has "show and tell" at his school and give him an American dollar and a Canadian loonie to show his class. An old timer at another table comes over to chat and offers me a saddlebag for my motorcycle that he isn't using. I don't need it, but I still love this s**t. At 1,462 pop. and 2,507', I'm still riding flat through Wheeler, but I absolutely love the scenery, the peacefulness, and the long, empty roads.
Thirty miles east of Wheeler, I hit the Great Plains of Oklahoma. As I enter, I start to climb, but it is short-lived, and I soon give it back. Like its name, "the great plains" suggests, it is long and flat. But seemingly more treed, with rich red soil and more gratutitous greenery than Texas. Lots of cattle farms and ranches line my route, and I have to stop, do a double take, and go back for a picture when I spot some long horn cattle in with a field of horses.
An hour short of Oklahoma City and still on on US 152, I hit Binger, Oklahoma. Elev. 1,319 and pop. 672. It is the proud home town of Hall of Fame catcher Johnny Bench.
I gas up in Binger and hit the home stretch to Oklahoma City. To cap off what has been a perfect day, my hotel is full, and I have to find another. Lucky me, I get a better room around the corner at a motel with a pool. At 31°, I know where I'll soon be.
On a final note, it would appear my service call yesterday was a success. The bike ran like a Swiss watch today. If every day was like today, I might not be home until September.
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Amazon fires grip 90% of the area in first two months of 2023
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According to a report issued Monday by the Fire Monitor, an initiative of the Annual Mapping Project of Land Use and Land Cover in Brazil (MapBiomas) in partnership with the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM), the Amazon biome concentrated 90% of its areas with fires, representing 487,000 hectares. In the first two months of 2022, the area totaled 654,000 hectares. In the country's six biomes - Amazonia, Caatinga, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Pampa, and Pantanal - there were fires over 536,000 hectares.
IPAM researcher Vera Arruda explained that the area was 28% smaller than that recorded in the first two months of 2022. Although seasonal rains favor the reduction of fires, “many hectares are burned in a period of more rain,” explained Arruda, who is a member of the team issuing the Fire Monitor.
Another particularity of the season is the high rate of occurrences in Roraima. The survey showed that the fires in the state consumed 259,000 hectares.
“There is a type of vegetation there that is more similar to the Cerrado. It's not just forests, like most of the Amazon,” Arruda went on. In the states of Mato Grosso and Pará, the fire has reached areas of 90,000 and 70,000 hectares, respectively. If combined with Roraima, they account for 79% of the fires detected by the team.
Continue reading.
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goalhofer · 2 years
U.S. Daily High Temperature Records Tied/Broken 5/29/22
Anchorage, Alaska: 74 (previous record 73 2006)
Unincorporated Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska: 70 (previous record 67 2020)
Unincorporated Baca County, Colorado: 98 (previous record 96 2013)
Unincorporated Baca County, Colorado: 99 (previous record 96 2000)
Unincorporated Las Animas County, Colorado: 94 (previous record 91 2000)
Boca Chica Key, Florida: 91 (also 91 2020)
Center Township, Kansas: 102 (previous record 101 2004)
Cheyenne Township, Kansas: 105 (previous record 102 1913)
Cimarron, Kansas: 104 (previous record 100 1934)
Harrison Township, Kansas: 98 (also 98 2006)
Syracuse, Kansas: 101 (previous record 99 1942)
Wallace, Kansas: 100 (also 100 1913)
Unincorporated De Baca County, New Mexico: 95 (also 95 2011)
Unincorporated Eddy County, New Mexico: 103 (also 103 1974)
Unincorporated Eddy County, New Mexico: 104 (also 104 1998)
Unincorporated Hidalgo County, New Mexico: 99 (previous record 98 2020)
Unincorporated Quay County, New Mexico: 101 (previous record 100 2011)
Sumner Lake State Park, New Mexico: 102 (previous record 100 2011)
Unincorporated Union County, New Mexico: 93 (also 93 1974)
Lumberton, North Carolina: 94 (previous record 92 2017)
Unincorporated Beckham County, Oklahoma: 100 (also 100 1985)
Abilene, Texas: 103 (also 103 1985)
Austin, Texas: 98 (previous record 97 2018)
Brownfield, Texas: 104 (previous record 103 2011)
Childress, Texas: 104 (also 104 2012)
Del Rio, Texas: 103 (also 103 2018)
Denver City, Texas: 103 (previous record 100 1998)
Dumas, Texas: 101 (also 101 1974)
Floydada, Texas: 102 (previous record 101 2011)
Ft. Stockton, Texas: 107 (previous record 106 2011)
Friona, Texas: 98 (also 98 1974)
Galveston, Texas: 90 (also 90 1959)
Gruver, Texas: 103 (previous record 102 1974)
Hart, Texas: 104 (previous record 101 2011)
Hondo, Texas: 100 (previous record 99 2011)
Huntsville, Texas: 97 (also 97 2011)
Jayton, Texas: 107 (previous record 106 2011)
Unincorporated Jeff Davis County, Texas: 98 (also 98 2018)
Unincorporated King County, Texas: 109 (also 109 2011)
Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge, Texas: 101 (previous record 100 2011)
Olton, Texas: 100 (also 100 2011)
Pampa, Texas: 102 (previous record 100 1974)
Post, Texas: 107 (previous record 106 2011)
San Antonio, Texas: 99 (previous record 98 1996)
Silverton, Texas: 103 (previous record 102 2011)
Tahoka, Texas: 104 (also 104 2011)
Tulia, Texas: 103 (previous record 101 2011)
Turkey, Texas: 106 (also 106 2011)
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tourguidesindia · 3 months
Top Most Powerful Temples in Kerala
Whether you're planning to visit holy places or simply on a entertainment ride to Kerala, you can’t pass over exploring the temples. These temples are heaps of years old and constructed with ultimate devotion. You can’t assist however be awestruck via witnessing the beauty and the history of those holy abodes of gods. And who knows, a journey to Kerala would possibly as well make you a believer if you aren’t one already.
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Here are some well-known and effective temples in Kerala. Read approximately the history and forte of those temples. Do not forget to pay a go to as well.
1. Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple at Thiruvananthapuram is the richest temple inside the global. The call Thiruvananthapuram approach the land of Lord Anatha since the temple itself is an abode of Lord Anatha.
The temple is a fine combination of Dravidian and Keralian structure. The specific established order date of Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is not confirmed. However, it's miles said that the records of the temple is going returned to across the eighth century or so.
The most important deity of Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is Lord Vishnu, enjoyable on Anathanag, an giant hooded serpent. The temple is so celebrated that every 12 months severa worshippers throughout the globe come here to pay their homage.
You can go to the temple around March and April while the Panguni competition is held. Alpashy pageant draws loads of visitors as nicely as well explore best places in kerala. Go through Thomas Cook India’s Kerala excursion programs to peer which package deal fits your tour plans nice.
2.Chottanikkara Temple
Chottanikkara Temple in Kochi is one of the maximum crucial pilgrimage websites in Kerala. The revered deity in this temple is Goddess Rajarajeswari who's worshipped in three one of a kind avatars. In the morning, she is worshipped as Devi Saraswati, inside the afternoon she is Goddess Laxmi, and finally, she is Devi Durga within the evening.
According to famous belief, the serene surroundings of the Chottanikkara Temple allows to calm a  mind. Every day inside the night, a unique puja is completed to name upon the Goddess. It’s something memorable that you shouldn’t pass over while you are touring the temple.
Also, make sure to visit at some stage in Navratri while the annual pageant of the temple is held. Check out Thomas Cook’s internet site to get the most convenient Kerala tour programs.
3. Guruvayoor Shrikrishna Temple
For Lord Krishna devotees, Guruvayoor Temple is the entirety they are able to wish for. In this temple, Lord Krishna is worshipped as Lord Guruvayoorappan, as a result the name. It has grow to be so big over time that today the temple is called the ‘Dwarka of the South’. The avatar of Lord Krishna right here is product of Patalanjana stone. It is a 4-armed and four ft tall structure.
This temple, placed in Thrissur, has plenty of elephants dwelling at the premises. It is a famous wedding venue and organises rice-feeding ceremonies as nicely.
You can visit the temple around February and March when the yearly Guruvayur festival is held.
4. Ambalapuzha Sree Krishna Temple
Ambalapuzha Sree Krishna Temple is placed in Ambalapuzha in the Alappuzha district of Kerela. It is well-known for having the Unnikrishna (little Krishna) avatar of Lord Krishna as the primary deity. It was mounted among the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. The temple is renowned for its Palpayasam, a candy milk supplying.
What is greater special about the temple is the 10 avatars of Shri Krishna described in specific art work. You can take a holy trip in the pond close to the temple. There are bells, drums, and rhythmic chanting sound within the shrine.
If you control to pay a go to during June and July, you may witness the annual boat race competition within the river Pampa.
5. Mannarsala Nagaraja Temple
Mannarasala Nagaraja Temple in Haripad is well-known for having a couple of snakes nesting everywhere in the temple. Nagaraja, the principle deity of this temple, is an avatar of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. Understandably, snakes are everywhere, in living paperwork and as artwork. However, those serpents are harmless, and there is no need on the way to be scared.
People who come to go to the temple, specially pay their respects to snakes.
According to nearby notion, infertile girls regularly get pregnant after worshipping Nagaraja, and they go back to thank him.
Since the temple is located in a wooded area, the ecosystem is peaceful. However, do try to go to within the afternoon to avoid crowds.
6. Attukal Bhagavathy Temple
Located in downtown Thiruvananthapuram, Attukal Bhagavathy Temple is blanketed inside the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘the largest gathering of women in the global’.  The temple is famous for organising the Pongala competition in which a document range of women accumulate at the temple to have a good time.
The principal deity here is Goddess Bhadrakali, an avatar of Devi Parvati. The whole architecture of the temple is a mix of Keralian and Tamilian architectural patterns. Some different deities live here as well, including Lord Shiva, some avatars of Lord Vishnu, Mata Kaali, and Devi Parvati.
You can go to the Attukal Bhagavathy temple at some stage in February and March whilst the Attukal Pongala festival is held. It could be a memorable experience to witness the gathering of round 1.5 million girls.
7.Vadakkunnathan Temple
Vadakkunnathan Temple in Thrissur has been honoured through UNESCO Asia Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation with the ‘Award of Excellence’. You will apprehend why this temple has were given so much reputation even from outside the u . S . Once you are taking a walk across the area.
This centuries-vintage temple is made from stone and wooden, embellished with masses of years antique paintings. These art work describe the memories of Mahabharata. It is stated that that is the first temple built by Parasurama who was an incarnation of Vishnu. Since Lord Shiva is the principle deity of this temple, Shivaratri is located right here with a lot devotion. After explore the explore, visit most popular tourist places in Kerala.
8.Ettumanoor Mahadeva Temple
Ettumanoor Mahadeva Temple is positioned in Ettumanoor, Kottayam. It is assumed that Lord Shiva proficient three Shiva Lingas to the Demon Khara. Khara then carried these lingas to Kerala, and one among them was installed in Ettumanoor. Rumour has it that once Khara mounted the Shivlingas, he became not a demon. He have become a deer and found his vicinity within the shelter of God. This is how the area got its call as ‘Manoor’ means ‘the land of deer’.
The temple has Keralian architecture and contains Dravidian mural paintings. There is a well-known portray of Nataraja within the Gopuram. Idols of different deities such as Ganapathy, Bhagavati, Sastha, and Yakshi are also set up on this temple.
During February and March every year, the Arattu pageant is held. Plenty of devotees go to this temple in the course of that time.
9. Sabarimala Temple
Sabarimala Temple in Pathanamthitta is one of the most appeared temples in Kerala.  The temple, located 3000 ft above sea level, is devoted to Lord Ayappa. It takes lots of attempt to go to Sabarimala Temple on the grounds that transportation is restricted around right here.
This specific shrine is slightly special from others. Unlike most people of temples in India, Sabarimala Temple welcomes people from all religions. The street to the temple is not smooth as you have to walk through a dense woodland to attain the temple. The truth that it's miles best available for just 127 days a 12 months has made it even more unique.
The high-quality time to go to Sabarimala Temple is across the center of November.
10. Vaikom Mahadeva Temple
Vaikom Sree Mahadeva Temple in Kottayam forms a trisome together with Kaduthuruthy Thaliyil Mahadeva Temple and Ettumanor Shiva Temple. Legend has it that whoever plays rituals before ‘Ucha Pooja’, their desires get fulfilled. It is one of the fundamental temples in India committed to Lord Shiva.
The deity of Lord Shiva dates returned to Treta Yuga, which is the start of mankind. It is said that the Shiv linga became mounted by an Asura named Khra. The structure of this temple is unique. The oval-shaped sanctum sanctorum can not be observed in any other temples in Kerala.
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auroradamanha · 6 months
vou parar de falar, que daqui a pouco, eu tô na Record, aparecendo, com o nome, daquele cara, que era, das pampa..
estão falando, que eu sou, das trevas..
querem me prender, como se eu não fosse, um anjo..
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luxetings · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Palladium Unisex's Pampa Hi Organic Ankle Boot.
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jasoncanty01 · 9 months
Researchers have discovered a new species of animal that is a cross between a dog and a fox in Brazil after it was hit by a car.
The animal was first discovered in 2021 after it was struck by a car and staff at a veterinary hospital couldn't figure out what kind of animal they were supposed to be treating.
It had some traits of a dog and others of a fox, leading researchers to take an interest in the animal's origins and embark upon a study to get to the bottom of the matter.
The recently published study concluded that the animal, which experts named a 'graxorra' and a 'dogxim', had a pampas fox for a mother and a domestic dog of unknown breed for a father.
The 'dogxim' is the first recorded example of a fox and a dog being able to have offspring together. ... The eyes even have a slight Catlike Feel to them (which is probably from the fox side). Damn I guess Furries making Dog Fox Hybrid OC's now have evidence in Nature that can possibly happen.
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