#Pandemic Related Stressors
A Vent
Disclaimer: I say all of this with full awareness that there certainly are people that support this blog, follow this blog, and help spread these covid awareness posts, and I'm very thankful and appreciative to you folks for helping me spread the word! (genuinely, it makes me feel seen and like I'm doing something that matters). I'm just taking a minute to vent something I've been feeling overall.
Sometimes I wonder if when I tag posts as "covid" or any variation of a tag with the word "covid" in it, it'll just get wiped out of people's feed because of the possibility of folks blocking the tag because they're tired of hearing about the pandemic, or some similar emotion. It's a thought that genuinely bothers me because it makes me wonder if I'm posting & reblogging things from here to my main in vain. I want to spread the word, but it very often feels like so much of this labor gets ignored by the people that truly need to hear the information I'm sharing.
A lot of (not all but, a significant amount of) my mutuals seem to be ignoring my covid awareness posts. It worries me that they may be intentionally ignoring them, and may even think what I'm sharing is useless and not important.
I can't tell for certain. Digital interactions can be tricky like that. But it's been getting harder and harder to give the benefit of the doubt they simply just missed the posts when it happens so so frequently and especially when most of the posts surrounding the covid related ones routinely get interacted with instead. It's been making me very anxious that these folks I figured I could count on to help me out & be on my side may not truly be on the same page as me. It's been a stressor thinking of how they may not be on the same page as me for a long time because I sound like a big conspiracy theorist to them.
End of vent.
This is okay to reblog, comment on, and like by the way! I'm open to hearing if anyone else has been feeling the same.
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"Narcissism was surprisingly the strongest predictor, and intelligence showed a negative relationship with belief in astrology."
Abstract Belief in astrology is on the rise, although the reasons behind this are unclear. We tested whether individual personality traits could predict such epistemically unfounded beliefs. Data was collected for 264 participants through an anonymous online survey shared on social media. The survey consisted of four instruments: Belief in Astrology (BAI), the Big Five personality traits (IPIP-30), narcissism (SD3) and intelligence (ICAR16-R3D). Data analysis was done with multiple linear regression. Narcissism was surprisingly the strongest predictor, and intelligence showed a negative relationship with belief in astrology. Overall, our novel results suggest that something as innocent as astrology could both attract and possibly reinforce individual differences.
1. Introduction
Astrology is increasing in popularity (Pew Research Center, 2018), despite the lack of scientific support (Allum, 2011). It is not clear why this ancient practice of studying positions and movements of celestial bodies, with the conviction that they influence human behaviour, is going through a revival. However, previous literature suggests that when societies or individuals are under stress or threat, people are more likely to turn to astrology and other epistemically unfounded beliefs (Grech, 2017; Keinan, 1994). Previous research further shows a relationship between personal life crises and belief in astrology (Lillqvist & Lindeman, 1998). Currently we are surrounded by stressors such as climate change and, recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes the topic pertinent. Though embracing astrology might seem innocent, it is nonetheless possible that it facilitates uncritical thinking and favours biases. Further, belief in astrology correlates with belief in multiple other pseudosciences as well as with belief in conspiracy theories (Bensley et al., 2020) which indicates that it might not be all that harmless.
The present study set out to explore individual differences regarding belief in astrology. Although there is no consensus concerning what makes some people more susceptible to pseudoscientific beliefs than others, commonly mentioned factors are personality traits and cognitive biases (Bensley et al., 2020; Bouvet & Bonnefon, 2015; Pennycook et al., 2015).
1.1. Big Five, narcissism, intelligence
The most accepted theory regarding individual differences is the five factors of personality traits (also known as Big Five); openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992). Openness is usually positively associated with belief in the paranormal (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021), as well as apophenia (Blain et al., 2020). Conscientiousness may be the personality trait with the least connection to pseudoscientific beliefs, and weak negative correlations have been reported (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021). Extraversion too has been shown to be related to belief in the paranormal (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980), whereas agreeableness in earlier studies has correlated both positively (Čavojová et al., 2020) and negatively (Swami et al., 2009) with belief in conspiracy theories. At last, neuroticism has been found to correlate positively with paranormal beliefs (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980).
Though the dimensions of the Big Five are valuable when studying individual differences, there are additional so-called dark traits (cf. Kajonius et al., 2015). One dark trait in particular seems relevant in relation to belief in astrology, namely narcissism, due to the self-focused perspective that may be at the core of both phenomena.
In addition to personality traits, intelligence is commonly used in studies of individual differences. Particularly openness has proved to correlate with intelligence measures (DeYoung et al., 2014). In general, intelligence is thought to be negatively related to the acceptance of pseudoscience and paranormal beliefs (Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as with apophenia (Blain et al., 2020).
1.2. Present study
The present study aimed to investigate whether personality traits and intelligence can predict belief in astrology. To the best of our knowledge, no earlier studies have been conducted on narcissism and intelligence regarding belief in astrology.
4. Discussion
The present study aim was to investigate how individual differences relate to belief in astrology. The main result showed that the higher the narcissism, perhaps surprisingly, the higher the belief in astrology. The positive association is possibly due to the self-centred worldview uniting them, though this must be examined in further research. Furthermore, cultural aspects of millennials may emphasize the uniqueness of individuals which might lead to a more egocentric view of the world, and thus relate to narcissistic traits. Further, since astrological predictions and horoscopes tend to be positively framed, this reinforces grandiose feelings and thus might appeal even more to narcissists. Note that narcissistic traits correlated with the belief that astrology is supported by science (Table 1), which leads to a speculation that narcissists may generally be more fact resistant.
Other interesting findings was that the higher the level of intelligence, the lower the belief in astrology (see Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as that agreeable people tend to report believing in astrology more. Seeing how most personality predictors were small in magnitude, this leaves room for many other variables influencing belief in astrology. Speculatively, additional predictors could be cohort-effects, educational levels, occupations, and others.
4.1. Limitations
As with most survey designs, social desirability bias, common method bias, and the use of self-report may be an issue. Another limitation was that we had no control over who participated in the study, thus introducing a potential selection bias. In the same vein, we do not know how much participants know about astrology. Also, since the vast majority were younger women recruited through social media the sample is not generalisable to a broader population. Another possible concern in the present study is the use of short versions of the scales, especially Openness which showed a low internal consistency and did not show expected effects in the regression model. One indication of this is that openness and intelligence did not correlate significantly in the present study (see Table 1). Lastly, most of the reported effects were acknowledgeable small (Gignac & Szodorai, 2016), which leaves room for both type I-errors as well as for the influence of other variables, outside individual differences.
5. Conclusion
Our aim with the present study was to contribute to an increased understanding of individual differences and unfounded epistemic beliefs, such as belief in astrology. The results showed interestingly that narcissism was the strongest predictor of belief in astrology: Even the stars think I am superior.
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lidya-senior-studio · 1 month
Nostalgia: National Geographic
Posted: Aug.24th
Olivia Campbell acknowledges the recent waves of nostalgic content and products post pandemic, and how that is related to coping during social isolation and disconnection. She brings up that being alone is a time to reflect, and when we reflect we think about the past. In a way, the pandemic is a form of liminal space where it was transitioning to something else, something unknown. However, the feeling of uncertainty for the future created that same sense of unease.
Olivia Campbell reassures that nostalgia is where we go back to when feeling uncertain or during major stressors or events. Nostalgia helps us “remember who we were” which in turn “helps with our identity continuity”. Nostalgia, in a way, brings sense and stability to who we are in order to get us through chaotic moments. This can create pleasant feelings and help us when things are changing too quickly so that we are not always on edge. It gives us something to hold onto.
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nicklloydnow · 4 months
“Astrology is increasing in popularity (Pew Research Center, 2018), despite the lack of scientific support (Allum, 2011). It is not clear why this ancient practice of studying positions and movements of celestial bodies, with the conviction that they influence human behaviour, is going through a revival. However, previous literature suggests that when societies or individuals are under stress or threat, people are more likely to turn to astrology and other epistemically unfounded beliefs (Grech, 2017; Keinan, 1994). Previous research further shows a relationship between personal life crises and belief in astrology (Lillqvist & Lindeman, 1998). Currently we are surrounded by stressors such as climate change and, recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes the topic pertinent. Though embracing astrology might seem innocent, it is nonetheless possible that it facilitates uncritical thinking and favours biases. Further, belief in astrology correlates with belief in multiple other pseudosciences as well as with belief in conspiracy theories (Bensley et al., 2020) which indicates that it might not be all that harmless.
The most accepted theory regarding individual differences is the five factors of personality traits (also known as Big Five); openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992). Openness is usually positively associated with belief in the paranormal (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021), as well as apophenia (Blain et al., 2020). Conscientiousness may be the personality trait with the least connection to pseudoscientific beliefs, and weak negative correlations have been reported (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021). Extraversion too has been shown to be related to belief in the paranormal (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980), whereas agreeableness in earlier studies has correlated both positively (Čavojová et al., 2020) and negatively (Swami et al., 2009) with belief in conspiracy theories. At last, neuroticism has been found to correlate positively with paranormal beliefs (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980).
Though the dimensions of the Big Five are valuable when studying individual differences, there are additional so-called dark traits (cf. Kajonius et al., 2015). One dark trait in particular seems relevant in relation to belief in astrology, namely narcissism, due to the self-focused perspective that may be at the core of both phenomena.
In addition to personality traits, intelligence is commonly used in studies of individual differences. Particularly openness has proved to correlate with intelligence measures (DeYoung et al., 2014). In general, intelligence is thought to be negatively related to the acceptance of pseudoscience and paranormal beliefs (Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as with apophenia (Blain et al., 2020).
The present study aim was to investigate how individual differences relate to belief in astrology. The main result showed that the higher the narcissism, perhaps surprisingly, the higher the belief in astrology. The positive association is possibly due to the self-centred worldview uniting them, though this must be examined in further research. Furthermore, cultural aspects of millennials may emphasize the uniqueness of individuals which might lead to a more egocentric view of the world, and thus relate to narcissistic traits. Further, since astrological predictions and horoscopes tend to be positively framed, this reinforces grandiose feelings and thus might appeal even more to narcissists. Note that narcissistic traits correlated with the belief that astrology is supported by science (Table 1), which leads to a speculation that narcissists may generally be more fact resistant.
Other interesting findings was that the higher the level of intelligence, the lower the belief in astrology (see Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as that agreeable people tend to report believing in astrology more. Seeing how most personality predictors were small in magnitude, this leaves room for many other variables influencing belief in astrology. Speculatively, additional predictors could be cohort-effects, educational levels, occupations, and others.
Our aim with the present study was to contribute to an increased understanding of individual differences and unfounded epistemic beliefs, such as belief in astrology. The results showed interestingly that narcissism was the strongest predictor of belief in astrology: Even the stars think I am superior.”
“Cognitive performance is slightly reduced among those with higher levels of celebrity worship, according to a new study published in BMC Psychology.
“Interest in the topic of celebrity worshipers spans almost two decades. From several studies, over that period, research showed a weak to moderate tendency for those who showed the strongest admiration for their favorite celebrity to have lower cognitive skills, using a variety of cognitive measures,” explained study authors Lynn E. McCutcheon, Ágnes Zsila, and Zsolt Demetrovics in a joint statement to PsyPost.
In the study, 1,763 Hungarian adults completed a 30-word vocabulary test and a digit symbol substitution test, a validated assessment of fluid intelligence. The researchers also collected data about the participants’ self-esteem, current family income, material wealth, and highest level of education.
Celebrity worship was measured using a scientific questionnaire known as the Celebrity Attitude Scale. The scale asks participants the extent to which they agree or disagree with statements such as “I often feel compelled to learn the personal habits of my favorite celebrity,” “I am obsessed by details of my favorite celebrity’s life,” and “If I were lucky enough to meet my favorite celebrity, and he/she asked me to do something illegal as a favor I would probably do it.”
Even after controlling for demographic and socioeconomic variables, the researchers found that high scores on the Celebrity Attitude Scale were associated with lower performance on the two cognitive ability tests.
“We found a weak tendency for those who showed the strongest admiration for their favorite celebrity to have lower cognitive skills, suggesting that the earlier results were not due just to chance,” the authors of the study said. “Our results also support previous findings showing that excessive behaviors such as celebrity worshiping can possibly impair cognitive functioning, presumably due to the increased focus and energy invested in this behavior that becomes dominant in the individual’s life.”
“Although celebrity admiration seems not to be a strong precursor of poorer cognitive performance, high levels of admiration can be regarded as one contributing factor to lowered performance in tasks requiring cognitive effort, independently from education or age.”
But it is unclear whether celebrity worship is the cause or consequence of reduced cognitive ability. For example, it “may be that individuals with higher levels of cognitive skills are more likely to understand the marketing strategies behind a famous person,” and thus less vulnerable to celebrity worship, the researchers explained. But it is also possible that celebrity worship functions like an addictive behavior and requires cognitive effort to be maintained.”
“Polls certainly indicate a decline in religious affiliation, practice and belief. Just a couple of decades ago, about 95 percent of Americans reported belonging to a religious group. This number is now around 75 percent. And far fewer are actively religious: The percentage of regular churchgoers may be as low as 15 to 20 percent. As for religious belief, the Pew Research Center found that from 2007 to 2014 the percentage of Americans who reported being absolutely confident God exists dropped from 71 percent to 63 percent.
Furthermore, evidence suggests that the religious mind persists even when we lose faith in traditional religious beliefs and institutions. Consider that roughly 30 percent of Americans report they have felt in contact with someone who has died. Nearly 20 percent believe they have been in the presence of a ghost. About one-third of Americans believe that ghosts exist and can interact with and harm humans; around two-thirds hold supernatural or paranormal beliefs of some kind, including beliefs in reincarnation, spiritual energy and psychic powers.
These numbers are much higher than they were in previous decades, when more people reported being highly religious. People who do not frequently attend church are twice as likely to believe in ghosts as those who are regular churchgoers. The less religious people are, the more likely they are to endorse empirically unsupported ideas about U.F.O.s, intelligent aliens monitoring the lives of humans and related conspiracies about a government cover-up of these phenomena.
An emerging body of research supports the thesis that these interests in nontraditional supernatural and paranormal phenomena are driven by the same cognitive processes and motives that inspire religion. For instance, my colleagues and I recently published a series of studies in the journal Motivation and Emotion demonstrating that the link between low religiosity and belief in advanced alien visitors is at least partly explained by the pursuit of meaning. The less religious participants were, we found, the less they perceived their lives as meaningful. This lack of meaning was associated with a desire to find meaning, which in turn was associated with belief in U.F.O.s and alien visitors.
It is important to note that thus far, research indicates only that the need for meaning inspires these types of paranormal beliefs, not that such beliefs actually do a good job of providing meaning. There are reasons to suspect they are poor substitutes for religion: They are not part of a well-established social and institutional support system and they lack a deeper and historically rich philosophy of meaning. Seeking meaning does not always equal finding meaning.”
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theowsomest · 4 months
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Stress Management
Stress in Physics is the force acting in a unit area. This is typically related to the mechanical property of a material.
Just like all materials, us humans also experience stress. Although, the stress we usually undergo is different from the "stress" in physics, both somehow is related as we could consider our struggles being the force acting on us and the are could be related to what aspects of our life. Like struggling in our studies puts pressure on our mental health.
Anyway, enough with the analogies. Stress now becomes a part of our lives as human beings given that our struggles even define our identity. As a student, we stress ourselves with a lot of academic work. According to the World Health Organization, Stress is a normal human response that incentivizes us to address the struggles in our lives.
While a little stress is helpful since it calls your body to be productive, too much stress is harmful to our minds and bodies. That is why, there is a need for us to cope up with our stress.
Stress. (2022, June 17). https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/stress
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To address our stress, we first must identify its roots and start coping up with that. Here are some causes of stress, especially in the current status quo:
COVID-19 Pandemic: while we might consider it over, its aftereffects has huge implications like longing or mourning for the death of loved ones. Some repercussions could be addressed to the academic standstill like the lack of skills from the online setup.
Financial Stress: Economic challenges such as job loss, reduced work hours, financial instability, and debt can be significant sources of stress for many folks. Financial stress can impact various aspects of life, including housing, healthcare, education, and other necessities.
Work-Related Stress: Work-related stressors such as high workload, long working hours, job insecurity, and lack of work-life balance can impact mental health and overall well-being. These stressors can often lead to disinterest in work, distractions, and a lack of motivation.
Racial and Social Justice Issues: Ongoing societal challenges related to racial inequality, discrimination, social justice issues, and systemic racism can cause stress, anxiety, and emotional distress for individuals and communities who are directly affected by these issues.
Family and Relationship Stress: There are many ways our family and personal relationships can impact our levels of stress. Examples of family and relationship stressors are marital problems, caregiving responsibilities, parenting challenges, and conflicts within familial dynamics.
Academic Stress: Students, parents, and educators may experience stress related to academic challenges, such as academic performance pressure, navigating hybrid learning environments, managing homework and assignments, the college entry process, and extra-curricular expectations.
Wenger, J. (2023, September 18). Importance of Stress Management. https://www.claritychi.com/blog/importance-of-stress-management
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Here are some strategies to at the very least minimize our personal stress:
Identifying sources of stress and try to focus on each of them one by one. By acknowledgement of the existing stressors, one can face them to solve them rather than escaping it.
Identify symptoms: physical, mental, emotional, and even social manifestations often occur with stress. Early detection of symptoms incentivizes you to procure professional help
Rest and Self-care: Time for yourself isn't a time wasted. Our energies might be inconsistent. Recharging yourself helps in clearing your mind. Even going to the gym, and enhancing physical health has great effects on one's mental wellbeing.
Social Support: Connecting with others and sharing your thoughts and feelings can help you cope with stress and the symptoms associated with stress. Spending time with supportive friends and family, joining a support group, and seeking professional help from a therapist or a counselor can help you provide perspective and gain insights into your stressors.
Consult a professional: If stress becomes overwhelming and starts to affect your daily functioning or relationships, it wouldn't hurt to seek a therapist. Their expertise might help you how to face your stressors or at the least help you cope.
Wenger, J. (2023, September 18). Importance of Stress Management. https://www.claritychi.com/blog/importance-of-stress-management
Matthews, S. (2018d, October 10). Stress Management Tips for Customer Service Pros | Qminder. Qminder. https://www.qminder.com/blog/customer-service/stress-management-tips/
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psychologywonders · 4 months
Anticipating Climate Change...
As the world grapples with the escalating impacts of climate change, a profound psychological response is emerging. This response, known as Ecological Grief, describes the intense feelings of loss and despair that many experience as they witness the degradation of our environment. The question we must ask ourselves is: Are we prepared to cope with the rapid changes that climate change will bring to our daily lives?
The physical consequences of climate events, (losing your home or breathing in fumes from forest fires) are apparent. There are other ways that Environmental distress can also manifest, like a disruption of identity for those who are culturally, professionally, or personally connected to the impacted environment. Others can be plagued by constant worry about impending ecological disasters.
and for many, ecological grief encompasses all these factors, manifesting as a complex mix of emotions and stressors.
So, are we ready? Are we equipped to deal with this?
There is much to say about the mental health challenges brought on by climate change, which will only worsen as global warming progresses.
I wanna leave you with this thought: perhaps one way to cope with this impending doom is by reflecting on how we managed the last major global event—the pandemic. By examining our strategies and resilience during COVID-19, we can find effective ways to cope with the upcoming changes climate change will bring.
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I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog, and if you’d like to learn more, all the sources mentioned have been linked below.
Ecological grief as a mental health response to climate change-related loss
Violence is a curvilinear function of temperature in dallas: A replication
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petnews2day · 5 months
Thanks to Chewie, Clifton schools want to expand therapy dog program
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/dog-news/thanks-to-chewie-clifton-schools-want-to-expand-therapy-dog-program/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Thanks to Chewie, Clifton schools want to expand therapy dog program
CLIFTON — Puppies and adult dogs positively affect students recovering from pandemic-related issues, social media overload and many other stressors, city school officials say. Last year the district welcomed therapy dog Chewy, a trained goldendoodleto interact with students. Since then, the administration said students who interacted with the lovable dog have greatly benefited from the […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/dog-news/thanks-to-chewie-clifton-schools-want-to-expand-therapy-dog-program/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #DogNews #8216Chewbacca8217, #MarkGengaro, #TherapyDog
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brianwhary · 5 months
Decoding Personal Hygiene Consumer Trends: An In-depth Analysis
Personal hygiene is a fundamental aspect of daily life, encompassing practices and products aimed at maintaining cleanliness, health, and well-being. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve deep into the consumer trends shaping the personal hygiene market, exploring key insights, emerging preferences, and future outlooks.
For more insights on personal hygiene market forecast, download a free report sample
Understanding Personal Hygiene Consumer Trends
Market Overview
The personal hygiene market is vast and diverse, encompassing a wide range of products designed for body care, oral care, skincare, and feminine hygiene. These products play a crucial role in daily hygiene routines and are influenced by factors such as demographics, lifestyle choices, cultural norms, and evolving consumer preferences. The market is characterized by innovation, with manufacturers continually introducing new formulations, technologies, and packaging designs to meet consumer needs and expectations.
Consumer Preferences
Consumer preferences in personal hygiene products are influenced by various factors, including:
Health and Safety Concerns: Increasing awareness of hygiene-related illnesses and pandemics has heightened consumer focus on products that offer efficacy, safety, and protection against germs and bacteria.
Natural and Organic Ingredients: Growing demand for natural and organic personal care products reflects consumer preferences for ingredients perceived as safe, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.
Convenience and Multi-functionality: Busy lifestyles and on-the-go routines drive demand for products that offer convenience, portability, and multitasking capabilities, such as all-in-one cleansers and travel-sized packaging.
Market Analysis
Current Landscape
The personal hygiene market is characterized by a mix of global conglomerates, multinational corporations, and niche brands, each catering to specific consumer segments and needs. Key players in the market include Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, and Colgate-Palmolive, alongside emerging startups and indie brands disrupting traditional norms with innovative offerings.
Market Segmentation
The personal hygiene market can be segmented into several key categories, including:
Body Care: Products such as soaps, shower gels, body washes, and antiperspirants/ deodorants aimed at cleansing, moisturizing, and deodorizing the body.
Oral Care: Toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, and oral hygiene accessories designed for maintaining dental health, fresh breath, and oral hygiene.
Skincare: Facial cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and sunscreens formulated to cleanse, hydrate, and protect the skin from environmental stressors and aging.
Feminine Hygiene: Products such as sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and intimate washes tailored to women's menstrual and vaginal health needs.
Growth Drivers
Several factors are driving growth in the personal hygiene market, including:
Health and Wellness Trends: Increasing consumer focus on health, wellness, and self-care drives demand for personal hygiene products that promote hygiene, well-being, and confidence.
E-commerce and Digital Marketing: The rise of e-commerce platforms and digital marketing channels enables brands to reach consumers directly, offer personalized recommendations, and gather insights to inform product development and marketing strategies.
Innovation and Product Differentiation: Continuous innovation in product formulations, packaging designs, and marketing strategies allows brands to differentiate themselves and capture market share in a crowded landscape.
Future Outlook
The future of the personal hygiene market is characterized by innovation, sustainability, and personalization. Key trends and developments shaping the future of the market include:
Sustainable Packaging and Ingredients: Increasing consumer awareness of environmental issues drives demand for sustainable packaging materials and ingredients sourced ethically and responsibly.
Tech-enabled Personalization: Advances in technology, such as AI, IoT, and data analytics, enable brands to offer personalized product recommendations, customization options, and interactive shopping experiences tailored to individual preferences and needs.
Wellness Integration: The convergence of personal hygiene with wellness and self-care trends leads to the development of products that offer holistic benefits, such as stress relief, relaxation, and mood enhancement.
In conclusion, the personal hygiene market presents significant opportunities for brands and manufacturers to innovate, differentiate, and meet evolving consumer needs and preferences. By understanding key trends, market dynamics, and consumer behaviors, companies can develop products and strategies that resonate with their target audience, driving growth and success in this dynamic and competitive landscape. Embracing trends such as health and wellness, sustainability, and personalization will be crucial for staying ahead and capturing market share in the evolving personal hygiene market.
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Analytical View: Schizophrenia Drugs Market Report
Market Overview –
The schizophrenia market is dynamic, marked by ongoing research into understanding and managing schizophrenia symptoms. Pharmaceutical companies are focusing on developing medications to alleviate symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. As awareness grows and stigma diminishes, there's an increasing emphasis on personalized treatment approaches, driving innovation and growth in the market.
The size of the schizophrenia market was estimated at USD 5.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% between 2023 and 2030, from USD 5.76 billion in 2023 to USD 8.06 billion.
The schizophrenia drugs market addresses pharmaceuticals used in treating schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and impaired social functioning. This market encompasses a variety of medications, including antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and psychosocial therapies, aimed at managing symptoms and improving patients' quality of life.
A significant driver of the schizophrenia drugs market is the high prevalence of schizophrenia worldwide. Factors such as genetic predisposition, neurochemical imbalances, and environmental stressors contribute to the development of this chronic condition, necessitating ongoing treatment and management.
Advancements in pharmacology have led to the development of more effective and better-tolerated antipsychotic medications for schizophrenia. Second-generation antipsychotics, also known as atypical antipsychotics, have largely replaced older, first-generation drugs due to their improved side effect profiles and efficacy in treating both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the schizophrenia drugs market, with disruptions in healthcare services, reduced access to mental health care, and increased stressors exacerbating symptoms for some individuals with schizophrenia. However, telemedicine and remote mental health services have emerged as valuable tools in providing ongoing care and support for patients during the pandemic.
Segmentation –
The global schizophrenia market is segmented on the basis of by diagnosis, by treatment type, and by end user. On the basis of the diagnosis, it is segmented into blood and urine tests, brain imaging, vision testing, and others. On the basis of the treatment type, it is segmented into surgery, radiation therapy, medications, and others. On the basis of the end user, it is segmented into hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, rehabilitation centers and others.
Regional Analysis –
Regional analysis of the schizophrenia drugs market reveals disparities in disease prevalence, treatment guidelines, and healthcare infrastructure across different regions. In developed regions like North America and Europe, where there is a higher incidence of schizophrenia and well-established mental health services, the market for schizophrenia drugs is mature, with a wide range of antipsychotic medications available for both acute and maintenance therapy. Conversely, in developing regions with limited access to psychiatric care and resources, such as parts of Africa and Asia-Pacific, the market for schizophrenia treatment is still evolving, with challenges related to stigma, underdiagnosis, and inadequate treatment options.
Moreover, cultural beliefs and healthcare policies influence treatment-seeking behaviors and medication adherence among schizophrenia patients across different regions. As awareness of mental health disorders increases globally, there is a growing opportunity for market expansion through collaborative efforts to improve access to evidence-based treatments, enhance healthcare infrastructure, and destigmatize mental illness in diverse cultural contexts.
Key Players –
Schizophrenia companies include Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Company/Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Alkermes, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, Pfizer, Vanda Pharmaceuticals, and Allergan/Geodon Ritcher.
Related Reports –
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For more information visit at MarketResearchFuture
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lovehealgrow · 7 months
What is Illness Anxiety Disorder?
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The Covid-19 pandemic has introduced many mental health challenges. The WHO noted that globally, the prevalence of depression and anxiety rose by a massive 25%. Fear and anxiety about the pandemic, isolation, and numerous other factors contributed to this increase, as well as the increase of other types of mental health disorders.
One of these orders that has been heavily exacerbated by the pandemic is illness anxiety disorder. Today, we are going to discuss what this disorder is and what its major symptoms are. Illness anxiety disorder can have major impacts on your well-being, so if these signs sound familiar, it’s a good idea to discuss them with a mental health professional.
What Is Illness Anxiety Disorder?
Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD), formerly known as Hypochondriasis or Hypochondria, is a psychiatric condition characterized by excessive worry about having a serious medical condition despite minimal or no evidence of illness. People with this disorder often misinterpret normal bodily sensations as signs of a severe medical condition, and this leads to persistent fears of being seriously ill. The preoccupation with health concerns can significantly impact daily functioning, leading to distress and impairment in various aspects of life.
People with IAD often engage in “body checking” behaviors, such as frequent medical appointments, extensive online health research, and seeking reassurance from healthcare professionals or loved ones. Despite repeated medical reassurances that there is no serious illness, individuals with IAD remain unconvinced and may continuously shift their focus from one bodily symptom to another. This constant preoccupation can lead to a cycle of anxiety, as the fear of having a severe illness persists, triggering stress and further exacerbating the perceived symptoms.
What Causes Illness Anxiety Disorder?
The exact cause of IAD is not well understood, but a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors may contribute to its development. Individuals with a history of anxiety disorders or a family history of health-related anxiety may be more prone to developing IAD. Additionally, experiences such as a serious illness in childhood or exposure to significant health-related stressors may contribute to the onset of this disorder.
The Covid-19 Pandemic and IAD
In today’s epidemiological landscape, it’s impossible to talk about IAD without talking about Covid-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on mental health worldwide, and one of the notable consequences has been an increase in health-related anxiety and IAD. Several factors associated with the pandemic have contributed to the development or exacerbation of IAD in some people.
Heightened Health Concerns
The constant stream of information about the virus, including its symptoms, transmission, and potential severity, has led to increased health-related concerns. Individuals may have become hyper-aware of their bodily sensations and interpreted them as potential signs of COVID-19, contributing to heightened anxiety.
Uncertainty and Fear of the Unknown
The novel nature of the virus, coupled with uncertainties about its long-term effects and the constantly evolving public health recommendations, has fueled fear and anxiety. The lack of definitive answers and the unpredictable nature of the pandemic have left many individuals feeling vulnerable and preoccupied with their health.
Isolation and Social Distancing
Measures such as lockdowns, social distancing, and isolation have disrupted normal social interactions and support systems. The resultingloneliness and isolation can contribute to heightened anxiety and exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions, including IAD.
Media Exposure
Continuous exposure to pandemic-related news and discussions on various media platforms has the potential to increase anxiety. Sensationalized stories and misinformation can lead individuals to overestimate their risk of contracting the virus or experiencing severe health consequences.
Grief and Loss
The pandemic has brought about widespread loss, including the loss of loved ones, jobs, and a sense of normalcy. Grieving and the associated emotional distress can manifest physically and be misinterpreted as symptoms of a severe illness, contributing to health-related anxiety.
Signs of Illness Anxiety Disorder
If you find yourself constantly preoccupied with concerns about your health, often fearing the worst despite reassurances from medical professionals, you may be experiencing signs of IAD. Here are some indications that this condition might be affecting you:
Excessive Worry about Health
You may find that thoughts about potential illnesses dominate your mind regularly. Even minor bodily sensations or normal variations in health can trigger intense anxiety, leading you to believe that you have a serious medical condition.
Frequent Medical Checkups
If you frequently visit healthcare professionals, seeking reassurance about your health despite receiving negative test results or assurances that you are in good health, it could be a sign of IAD. The need for repeated medical examinations may be driven by an overwhelming fear of undetected illnesses.
Compulsive Health Research
You may spend a significant amount of time researching symptoms, medical conditions, and potential health threats online. This excessive information-seeking can contribute to heightened anxiety and reinforce your fears about having a severe illness.
Constant Body Checking
Engaging in frequent “body checking” behaviors is common in IAD. This may involve closely monitoring your body for any signs of illness, such as checking your pulse, monitoring your temperature, or constantly assessing your physical well-being.
Impact on Daily Life
If your health-related worries interfere with your daily life, relationships, work, or other aspects of functioning, it may be a sign of IAD. The constant preoccupation with health concerns can become overwhelming and impair your ability to enjoy life.
Seeking Reassurance
Constantly seeking reassurance from family, friends, or healthcare providers about your health can be a characteristic behavior. Reassurance seeking is a common coping mechanism, but in the context of IAD, it often provides only temporary relief, with anxiety returning shortly afterward.
If you recognize these signs in yourself and they are significantly impacting your well-being, it’s essential to seek professional help. A mental health professional can assess your symptoms, provide a proper diagnosis, and guide you through effective treatment strategies tailored to address the challenges associated with illness anxiety disorder.
Treating Illness Anxiety Disorder
IAD is usually treated through a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and support. The goal of treatment is to help individuals manage their health-related anxieties, challenge maladaptive thought patterns, and improve their overall well-being. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is one of the primary methods used to treat IAD. It focuses on identifying and challenging irrational thoughts and beliefs related to health concerns. A therapist helps you develop healthier thought patterns, coping mechanisms, and realistic perspectives on your health.
Exposure therapy is also a good approach for IAD. This is a specific type of CBT that involves gradually exposing individuals to situations or thoughts related to their health fears. The goal is to reduce anxiety over time by facing and overcoming the fear of illness in a controlled and supportive environment.
Finally, mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and mindfulness-based stress reduction can help folks with IAD become more aware of their thoughts and sensations without becoming overwhelmed by them. Mindfulness practices promote a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, reducing the impact of health-related anxieties.
If you recognize the symptoms of IAD in your own behavior, there is hope. Reach out to the therapy team at Love Heal Grow. Our therapists are very familiar with CBT and how to teach you about coping skills and mindfulness techniques that will help you overcome the strain of illness anxiety disorder.
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accesscounselling · 10 months
Why Dublin Workplaces Should Promote Mental Health Counselling for Better Employee Wellbeing?
In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, the physical and mental well-being of employees has never been more crucial. While traditional workplace wellness programs often focus on physical health initiatives, addressing mental health concerns is equally essential for fostering a thriving and productive work environment.
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Stress, anxiety, depression—these are not mere buzzwords. They are real issues that Dublin workers grapple with regularly. This is why Dublin companies should consider offering mental health counselling services internally.
The Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Dublin Workplaces
As workplaces become increasing hubs of performance, drive and constant engagement, mental health issues are undeniably becoming more prominent.
According to a 2021 study, 35% of employees reported experiencing mental health challenges in the past year. A closer look at the statistics reveals that:
Anxiety is the most common mental health issue among Dublin employees, affecting 22% of the workforce.
Depression follows closely behind, affecting 17% of employees.
Other significant mental health concerns include stress (15%), burnout (12%), and sleep disorders (10%).
Meanwhile, in a more recent survey, up to 60% of workers at medium to large companies in Ireland reported feeling down or depressed. Stress and fatigue were also challenging for over half of the respondents, with 56% saying they have experienced these feelings due to their work.
Clearly, mental health issues are prevalent in Dublin workplaces, and these have a significant impact on employee well-being and organisational performance.
Factors Contributing to Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace
Several factors contribute to mental health challenges in Dublin workplaces. Demanding work schedules, workplace conditions, heavy workloads, tight deadlines, high expectations, and work-life imbalance are everyday stressors that can lead to anxiety, depression, and burnout.
Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these challenges, with increased isolation, remote work arrangements, and economic uncertainty taking a toll on employee mental health.
How Employee Mental Health Issues Affect Companies
According to a report, one in five Irish firms have experienced mental health-related issues in the past year. Employee anxiety, depression, and stress have led to a rise in absenteeism (the practice of missing work due to illness) in workplaces, especially post-pandemic. This rise has adversely affected business performance.
Mental health issues have also resulted in presenteeism (working while unwell). While not resulting in absenteeism, presenteeism can also be detrimental to productivity. Employees who work while unwell are less efficient and more likely to make mistakes, leading to decreased output and increased costs.
In severe cases, mental health issues can even lead to employee turnover and long-term disability. In addition, they can be costly for organisations. According to the World Health Organization, presenteeism due to mental health conditions costs employers an estimated €17.2 billion per year.
The prevalence of mental health issues among Dublin employees highlights the urgent need for organisations to prioritise mental health support. The alarming statistic underscores the importance of proactive measures to address these concerns and foster a supportive workplace culture that promotes employee wellbeing.
Unfortunately, 80% of workplaces in Ireland are not providing mental health support to their employees. Moreover, only 1 in 5 companies allocate a budget for internal mental health projects.
Benefits of Mental Health Counselling for Dublin Workplaces
If you own or manage a company, you must recognise that providing mental health support is a need, not just a nice-to-have nowadays. Offering mental health counselling has a range of benefits not just for your employees but also for your organisation.
Counselling in the workplace offers staff a lifeline for coping with hardships, functioning not only as a reactive measure for handling crises but also as a preventive strategy. It can equip employees with tools to manage stress, boost job satisfaction, enhance productivity, and improve resilience. This can lead to better mental well-being, reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, and enhanced overall quality of life.
From an organisational perspective, investing in mental health counselling programs increases productivity. In fact, a study by the World Health Organization found that workplace interventions for mental health can lead to a 25% increase in employee productivity. This is because mentally healthy employees are better able to focus and make sound decisions.
Mental health counselling can also reduce absenteeism. It can help employees manage their mental health and reduce the number of days they take off work due to illness.
In addition to improving productivity and reducing absenteeism, accessible mental health counselling in the workplace can also improve employee engagement. As you know, employee engagement is a measure of an employee’s commitment to their work and their willingness to go the extra mile. When employees feel supported and valued by their employer, they are more likely to be engaged in their work.
Lastly, a supportive workplace culture that prioritises mental health can attract and retain top talent, enhancing the organisation’s reputation and competitive edge.
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Implementing Mental Health Counselling in Dublin Workplaces
So, how can workplaces like yours go about integrating mental health counselling? First and foremost, the process necessitates partnering with licensed counselling professionals in Dublin. In addition, guaranteeing confidentiality, accessibility, and affordability can encourage employees to avail of the counselling services without fear or uncertainty.
When partnering with professional counselling services, choosing mental health counsellors with good reputations is important. They should be experienced in workplace counselling, including handling employees suffering from anxiety, stress and depression. They should also be able to offer confidential services in various formats, such as in-person, online, or by phone.
Managers also play a critical role in addressing mental health concerns within their teams. Ongoing training and support can equip them with the skills to identify signs of mental distress. They can be trained to provide emotional support to employees who are struggling and make referrals to counselling services when appropriate. Ultimately, the right kind of training can help managers comprehend and address mental health issues in their teams, leading to a proactive approach rather than a reactive one.
The Challenges of Incorporating Mental Health Counselling in Dublin Workplaces
Of course, integrating mental health counselling into your workplace isn’t without its challenges. For one, awareness of mental health has certainly grown, but a stigma still exists. This is a significant barrier to addressing mental health concerns in the workplace is the stigma associated with them. It prevents employees from seeking help due to fear of judgment, discrimination, or negative consequences. In fact, according to a survey, 38% of Irish employees wouldn’t disclose a mental health issue to their employer.
Organisations must play a crucial role in dismantling this stigma by fostering an open and supportive workplace culture. This involves encouraging open communication and normalising discussions about mental health challenges, as well as providing resources and support for employees seeking help. Organisations can also implement policies that protect employee confidentiality and prevent discrimination based on mental health status.
Aside from the stigma, resources may pose another hurdle. Small or medium-sized businesses may baulk at the idea of investing in mental health services. But remember, an initial investment can yield substantial ROI in the long run.
In conclusion, workplace mental well-being is no longer a taboo topic or an afterthought. It’s the crux of building healthier, happier, and highly productive workplaces in Dublin. By acknowledging and addressing the mental health issues your employees face, your organisation can take a decisive step towards better health for your employees and improved overall success.
Remember, a happy, healthy employee equals a thriving workplace. Hence, mental health counselling in organisations isn’t just a noble cause, it’s a smart business move that paves the way to a prosperous future.
Are you concerned about the mental health of your employees? Prioritise their well-being by providing access to mental health counselling. Schedule a consultation with our counsellors today to discuss how you can support your employees. Call us on 015240708 or email at [email protected].
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helenceciliaa · 10 months
Healthcare employee resilience
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In the dynamic landscape of healthcare employee resilience, where professionals are often on the front lines, resilience becomes a cornerstone for navigating the myriad challenges they face. Healthcare employees play a pivotal role in providing quality patient care, but the demanding nature of their work can take a toll on their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This article explores the significance of resilience in healthcare employees, emphasizing its role as a vital coping mechanism in the face of adversity.
Understanding Resilience in Healthcare:
Resilience can be defined as the ability to adapt and bounce back in the face of adversity. In the healthcare sector, resilience goes beyond personal strength; it's a professional imperative. Healthcare professionals routinely encounter high-pressure situations, long working hours, and emotionally charged environments. Developing resilience is crucial for maintaining well-being, preventing burnout, and ultimately delivering better patient care.
Factors Influencing Healthcare Employee Resilience:
Supportive Work Environment: A positive and supportive workplace culture is foundational to fostering resilience. When healthcare employees feel valued, heard, and supported by their colleagues and superiors, they are better equipped to navigate challenges with a sense of collective strength.
Training and Education: Continuous learning and professional development empower healthcare workers to adapt to evolving situations. Training programs that address stress management, emotional intelligence, and coping strategies contribute to building a resilient workforce.
Mental Health Resources: Access to mental health resources and support services is essential. Providing counseling services, mental health days, and stress management programs demonstrates an organizational commitment to employee well-being.
Team Collaboration: Collaboration and effective communication among healthcare teams can mitigate the impact of stressors. When team members support each other, share experiences, and work cohesively, it enhances overall resilience.
Self-Care Practices: Encouraging self-care practices is vital for healthcare employees. This includes promoting regular breaks, adequate rest, and activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation outside of work hours.
Challenges to Healthcare Employee Resilience:
Workload and Burnout: Excessive workloads and burnout can erode resilience. Healthcare organizations must address workload issues, implement reasonable scheduling practices, and encourage employees to take breaks to prevent burnout.
Emotional Toll: Healthcare professionals often deal with emotionally charged situations, such as patient suffering or loss. Providing emotional support, debriefing sessions, and outlets for expressing emotions are crucial for maintaining resilience.
Pandemic-Related Stress: The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to healthcare workers. Special attention should be given to pandemic-related stressors, with additional resources and support provided as needed.
In the healthcare sector, resilience is not just a personal attribute but a collective endeavor. Organizations must actively cultivate a culture that supports the well-being of their employees. By addressing the challenges faced by healthcare workers and implementing strategies to enhance resilience, healthcare organizations can ensure a workforce that is not only capable of facing adversity but also thriving in the noble mission of providing quality care to patients. The resilience of healthcare employees is a pillar of strength, and its cultivation should be prioritized for the betterment of both individuals and the healthcare system as a whole.
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kayvanh123 · 10 months
Facts about depression in the US
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Prevalence: Depression is widespread, affecting millions of adults in the U.S. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), in 2019, approximately 21 million adults (8.4% of the U.S. population) had at least one major depressive episode in the past year.
Impact on Individuals: Depression can lead to a range of challenges, including impaired functioning in daily life, disruptions in relationships, and increased risk of other health problems. It can also contribute to disability and decrease an individual’s quality of life.
Economic Impact: Depression has economic implications, including lost productivity in the workplace, increased healthcare costs, and the economic burden on families dealing with the condition.
Pandemic Effects: The COVID-19 pandemic has added an additional layer of stressors that could contribute to mental health challenges, including depression. Isolation, economic uncertainties, and health concerns related to the pandemic may exacerbate existing mental health issues.
Access to Mental Health Services: Access to mental health services remains a concern. Many individuals with depression may face barriers to seeking help, including stigma, lack of insurance coverage, and a shortage of mental health professionals, particularly in certain regions.
Telehealth Services: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased adoption of telehealth services, providing new opportunities for individuals to access mental health care remotely. This shift may have both positive and negative implications for mental health services.
Research and Awareness: Ongoing research and awareness campaigns seek to better understand the underlying causes of depression, reduce stigma, and improve access to evidence-based treatments.
Remember, if you need further guidance or support, don’t hesitate to reach out to your mental health professional or contact us for assistance.
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yankeecandleph · 3 years
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8 uplifting home fragrances to enhance your study habits amid COVID-19
The pandemic has significantly impacted the education system, leading to a shift to distance learning. This has affected students' mental health, with some feeling anxious or stressed due to Zoom fatigue and online class-related stressors. To help students stay calm, focused, and motivated, Yankee Candle has compiled eight uplifting flameless home fragrances. These include the Water Garden Concentrated Room Spray, Sage & Citrus Concentrated Room Spray, Lemon Lavender Aroma Oil, All Is Bright Aroma Oil, Homemade Herb Lemonade Easy MeltCup, Beach Escape Easy MeltCup, Color Me Happy Reed Diffuser, and Catching Rays Reed Diffuser. These fragrances aim to help students feel more calm, focused, and motivated, especially as the health crisis continues. Yankee Candle encourages its customers to prioritize their own welfare and those of others, as the health crisis is not going away anytime soon.
Learn More
Shop now via our website >>> https://serenitybliss.com.ph/
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Abstract: This 60-minute webinar will address the current state of mental wellness in the emergency management field. Emergency managers (EM) are responsible for managing crises and disasters, and while their work is essential, it can be stressful and impact their mental health and effectiveness as emergency managers. This study aimed to examine the mental health of professional emergency managers and factors associated with their intent to leave the field before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar will present the latest findings from the recent Journal of Emergency Management Stressors and Mental Health Survey and published paper. The webinar will address general and specific stressors and challenges in our profession. The webinar will explore potential changes in how EMs and related fields manage mental health across their disciplines. The webinar will also address organizational culture and other significant factors that affect the recruitment and retention of emergency managers across the field. Questions will be taken. Please email your concise question and contact information to: [email protected] We will try to cover as many questions as possible and get input fro
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Conference: Verbania.Cladocera.Oct6-12_2024
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Verbania.Cladocera.Oct6-12_2024 > Date: 6 October 2023 at 06:50:22 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Dear colleagues, > > after long disruption by the covid-19 pandemics, we are reviving the > plan to organize the Cladocera XII Conference in Verbania, Italy. This > conference will continue in the tradition of the Symposia on Cladocera. > > The meeting will thus cover a wide range of topics related to the > biology of cladocerans (including our beloved /Daphnia/) as model > organisms, covering their ecology, evolutionary biology, genomics, > interaction with environmental stressors, diversity, biogeography, > systematics, etc. > > The conference website where you find more information is alive at > www.cladocera2024.org
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