girlwithrituals · 2 days
• list all the things you'd do if you weren't so afraid.
• the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you.
• the people you'd like to weed out of your life.
• all the reasons why you're so amazing!
• things that always makes you laugh.
• the major losses you've survived in your life.
• all the qualities you like the most about yourself.
• things you'd get rid of to make the world a better place.
• the best gifts you've ever been given.
• all the ways you've changed for the better.
• the things you must do before you die.
• how you'd like to change your life for the better.
• your favorite life quotes that inspire you.
• what values you need in your life to have a fulfilling life.
• the things you won't tolerate no matter what.
• any miracles you've seen happen.
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blueteller · 4 hours
Do you know how smart Cale actually is? Like- what extent his intelligence can reach?
That's an interesting question! Let's take a look.
From what I know of IQ scores, anything above 120 puts you in top 10% of the population. So I easily see Kim Rok Soo!Cale belonging in that category; of >120 IQ. However, IQ had always felt a little vague to me. It's nice to have a number to put on a scale and all, but what does it actually mean in reality? Let's try this from a different angle.
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences model of divides talent into eight categories, plus one additional one:
Why not try to measure him up against each one, as no person is actually intelligent in every way and not even a fictional character can excel in all of them (unless they're a Mary Sue or something lol).
Visual and spatial judgment stands for easy reading, writing, puzzles solving, recognizing patterns and analyzing charts well. I think Cale is definitely a pro in this category; he does loves reading and he's fantastic at analyzing data.
Linguistic-verbal is for remember written and spoken information, debates, giving persuasive speeches, ability to explain things and skilled at verbal humor. And while I constantly make fun of Cale for not being able to explain himself, he IS good at using the "glib tongue" and being persuasive, so I think he is very skilled in this category as well.
Logical-mathematical means having excellent problem-solving skills, the ability to come up with abstract ideas and conduct scientific experiments, as well as computing complex issues. Cale is an incredible strategist able to change his plans in an instant, so he is definitely a genius in this field.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence is a fun one, because I think it's the hardest one to judge, considering that he literally changed bodies. It of course stands for sports, dancing, craftmanship, physical coordination, and remembering better by practice rather than learning theory. Cale... does not like that. However, it doesn't mean he's BAD at it. If he was a genius in this field, however, I believe he would like it a bit more. Thus – I suspect he was average. In the past he was forced to exercise for the sake of survival, but once he was given the option of taking it easy, he quit instantly. He is capable, but does not have any particular predisposition for it.
Musical Intelligence drives me nuts, because we literally do not know, and I dearly wish I did. There was not a single mention of it in the whole series. As much as I want to believe in a cool headcanon of KRS being an unrealized musical genius... I think he was probably average or below average in this.
Interpersonal Intelligence stands for communication, conflict-solving, perception and the ability to forge connections with others. And while you might have some doubts about Cale, I say he IS a total pro in this. Those are all leadership skills, and Cale is one HELL of a great leader.
Intrapersonal Intelligence is where Cale is severely lacking. It could be partially due to trauma, but I think at least some of it comes through his natural personality. It stands for introspection, self-reflection, the ability to understand one's motivation and general self-awareness; and that is Cale's biggest weakness, one that might actually cost him his slacker life dream in the end, due to all the misunderstandings he causes.
The last two, Naturalistic and Existential Intelligence types, are also not really Cale's forte. The first is for things like botany, biology, and zoology, paired with enjoyment of camping and hiking – none of which Cale actually does for pleasure, only because he has to. And yeah, farming is in that category too, but it's not like Cale is actually a real farmer just yet. And the second is for stuff like philosophy, considering how current actions influence future outcomes, the ability to see situations from an outside perspective and reflections into the meaning of life and death – and Cale is REALLY not interested in this type of self reflection.
Which leaves Cale with 4 types of intelligence he excels at, 2 which he is REALLY BAD at, 1 where he's below average and 1 he's probably average, with 1 left completely unknown.
Does this make Cale a genius? Pretty much, yes. Does it also make him stupid in very specific ways? VERY MUCH, YES.
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Micah Bell headcanons:
He's only ever seen sleeping after he's gotten drunk so I imagine he has nightmares (aside from the fact he has extreme trust issues and can't let his guard down enough to sleep)
He didn't have a relationship with his mother or she died when he was little or she was abused by her husband. He never mentions her, we don't know anything about her. We know what his view on women is like. I imagine he got it from his father. He definitely wasn't born out of love
He took the majority of his father's wrath. We know firstborn Bells are traditionally named the same, so I believe there was a lot of pressure there
He's actually not all that cynical. He wants to be. All that talk of "nothing matters" is him trying to convince himself
He secretly wants companionship. It's been confirmed that he wanted Dutch to be a part of some sort of family of his. I don't think he's as much of a lone wolf as he wishes he was
He has abandonement issues. His brother left him and made another family and it affected Micah. It's seen in the fact he wrote to Amos as well as his behavior after his brother's answer. After Amos cuts ties with him for good he says "I want tomorrow to mean more than today. I want this whole damn shitshow to have some kinda meanin I haven't understood". He secretly resented his brother for doing what he never could - make a connection. He can only talk to people if he's riling them up
His father definitely forced him to perform his first kill. Probably when he was very young, so he would "toughen up"
In theory, I can see him having a somewhat good relationship. If his partner was tough they would have his respect. Trust would definitely take a while, vulnerability even more so, but I think he would show care in his own way - being posessive and protective, letting them handle his guns and horse (peak trust). We know how much he cares for his belongings. There would probably be passionate, adrenaline-filled sex after action, patching up wounds, cleaning guns together. A "partners in crime" sort of thing
He'd probably like bites and scratches during sex. Marking up his partner as well
He gave into the "hardened outlaw" life because he believes those are the cards he was dealt and the only ones he would ever have. He probably never thought he had a chance to be anything else
He definitely has a phobia of dogs or something similar. He very avidly reacted to Cain every time he got close, he even flinched one time
He genuinely laughed with Javier when they were drunk. He even said "I love you fellas". There was definitely a humane side of him, very deep down
His father never held any pride for him, god forbid praise. He craves hostility because it's the only thing he knows. He purposefully riles people up and laughs off every insult he receives
He obviously held genuine respect and admiration for Dutch. He wasn't just using him or manipulating him or buttering him up for betrayal. I genuinely believe he was looking for a place of his own. He never really showed an authoritative side or desire to lead. He said it himself that he's a survivor. It wasn't ambition, it was just searching for shelter and stability. That's why he ratted - the stability was gone
He died miserable. I could go on and on about his death but the main points are - he calmly accepted getting shot, he shrugged and silently fell to his death. That was not a man who saw a future for himself
I left the most biased headcanon for the end. Not to be the "I can fix him" girl but I genuinely believe a softer side of him could've been drawn out. I believe he could've had a "ride or die" person of his own. Two survivors, watching each other's back, suspicious of others but not each other, enjoying the uncertainty and freedom of life, two loose ends but tied together
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winningismyjob · 2 days
Why aren't you studying right now?
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not me, not you.
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Chappell Roan x Stevie Nicks. 🏳️‍⚧️ The femininomenon and crossover we all need. 🥹🫶
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sophieinwonderland · 23 hours
Really really dumb question: are plural peeps mostly neurodivergent or is it just that I'm mostly in ND circles and servers, half of the time ND focused groups, or both?
Probably a bit of both. 🤷‍♀️
Obviously, a lot of systems have DID or OSDD. Both of which tend to be associated with various other disorders. But also, like, Tumblr itself is more neurodivergent than not, see this poll below:
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So IDK. 🤷‍♀️
It's likely that most plurals have neurodivergences beyond their plurality. But there's also going to be a huge sampling bias depending on your community.
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discountscholar · 1 day
"i don't know how to start, but i really want to do it." beginnings. they're often tough. through my own experiences and those of friends and strangers, I've recognized this common pattern in quite a few lives that I've touched. we tend to "struggle to start", even if we know/have a vague idea of where we want to get at or what things might look like for us ahead in our journey. so what are some things that can help? these are based on my personal experiences and i hope these add value to you too! WHY do you want to start? it is important to be clear about the reason. reminding ourselves of the same can serve to help us get motivated, maintain a clear vision, and be in touch with our core. WHAT is keeping you from starting? reflecting on what stands in the way is pretty important. if you don't know what your obstacle looks like, it can be quite challenging to know what to do. what are some practical constraints that you have that stand in the way of you finally starting on that project, post, assignment, *insert your specific concern*? Steps make a ladder you don't have to have everything done as soon as you start. acknowledge that it's a process. it will take a specific amount of time, sometimes more and sometimes less. and that it helps to visualize it all in terms of actionable steps leading toward the end goal, rather than just looking at the BIG thing at the end of the finish line.
Good company never hurts add a (consenting) friend to the process! ask them to be your accountability partner. discuss your goals and the process with them. keep updating them as you move forward on your journey. and if it's not too much for them, maybe ask them to check-in on you with questions about your progress from time to time.
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girlwithrituals · 3 days
1. To heal your ancestors.
2. To heal others.
3. To lessen your physical pain.
4. To decrease worry.
5. To walk around with less baggage.
6. To become better at relationships.
7. To experience more life satisfaction.
8. To lessen your lack of presence in your own life.
9. To breathe easier.
10. To give your soul a break.
11. To get what you deserve in life.
12. To feel what inner peace feels like.
13. To break cycles.
14. To honor your community.
15. To reclaim your time.
16. To ensure that your abuser doesn't rob you of peace any longer.
17. To extend your positive energies.
18. To receive good vibes.
19. To internalize affirmations.
20. To extend your life.
21. To manage stress better than before.
22. To love more.
23. To be more honest with yourself.
24. To achieve those goals you've been holding onto.
25. To increase your creativity.
26. To heal your children.
27. To learn about your trauma.
28. To see firsthand how healing works.
29. To see yourself smiling more.
30. To improve your overall functioning.
31. To reclaim your mind, body & soul.
32. To lessen the burden you carry.
33. To hurt less.
34. To turn sadness into joy & light.
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sstargrllll · 3 days
The running does no good when u take yourself wherever you go.
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srisrisriddd · 3 days
Me love thy grace
O Allah God Brahm If thee worship is for Paradise do ban me from your paradise O Allah God Brahm If thee worship is out Of fear of hell do burn me in the hell But if me love for thee is thy worship O Allah God Brahm grace me thy love - Dr Devang H Dattani
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite SriSriSri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
#architecture , #bliss , #TheBlissCity , #philosophy , #mindfulness , #DrDevangHDattani , #nature , #awareness , #InfiniteSriSriSriDDD , #quotes , #life , #art , #zen , #awakening , #quote , #spiritual , #photography , #Video , #meditation , #psychology , #poem , #poetry , #motivation , #inspiration , #quoteoftheday , #love , #words , #thoughts , #joy , #pun , #enlightenment , #health , #mental health , #consciousness , #worship , #god , #landscape , #life , #video , #fear , #Divine , #beloved , #burn , #nirvana , #tantra , #yoga , #ban , #flowers , #photooftheday , #colours , #hell , #panorama , #heaven , #ignorance , #love
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liberatingreality · 12 hours
If you are an approval addict, your behaviour is as easy to control as that of any other junkie. All a manipulator need do is a simple two-step process: Give you what you crave, and then threaten to take it away. Every drug dealer in the world plays this game.
Harriet B. Braiker, Who's Pulling Your Strings? How to Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Regain Control of Your Life
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a-h-mad-hish · 2 days
I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life. They seek position, marriage, reputation, outward success of money, and remain unhappy and neurotic even when they have attained what they were seeking. Such people are usually confined within too narrow a spiritual horizon. Their life has not sufficient content, sufficient meaning. If they are enabled to develop into more spacious personalities, the neurosis generally disappears.
C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
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th1rdt3chnician · 3 months
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who up hating pop psychology
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& i will hold onto hope for you.
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Had an absolute blast running into all these fabulous faces at the Lexington Pride Run! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏃‍♀️ Big love to Frontrunners Lexington for keeping our hearts racing and our spirits lifted. Here’s to making every step count and running toward a future as bold and bright as we all are! 🥹🫶
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