#Partido Federal
corrupcionenpr · 1 year
Jennifer Granholm: el gobierno estatal no controlará los $1,000 millones para la instalación de paneles solares en Puerto Rico porque a la corrupción no se le puede soltar dinero
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Pues, tenía que venir la Secretaria de Energía Federal a decirles que el camino que proponía Casa Pueblo era El correcto desde el día uno. Y a obligarlos a irse por ahí.
Washington D.C. – La secretaria del Departamento de Energía (DOE, en inglés), Jennifer Granholm, descartó designar a alguna agencia del gobierno estatal la responsabilidad de controlar los $1,000 millones asignados para instalar paneles solares y baterías de almacenamiento en techos de residencias de personas de bajos recursos y/o discapacitados en Puerto Rico.
“El DOE no tiene la intención de seleccionar una agencia estatal para administrar los fondos”, indicó Granholm, al responder el pasado 31 de mayo, una carta del líder de la minoría demócrata en el Comité de Recursos Naturales de la Cámara de Representantes, Raúl Grijalva (Arizona), quien lideró el esfuerzo legislativo en favor de esta asignación.
Granholm dijo que buscará dar énfasis a la “participación local”, lo que puede dar oportunidades a grupos comunitarios, sin fines de lucro e incluso municipios.
Junto a varios colegas demócratas, Grijalva había escrito a Granholm el 6 de abril haciéndole una serie de recomendaciones en torno a la implantación del programa, incluido el evitar dejar el programa en manos de las agencias de los gobiernos de Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos que han estado a cargo de la reconstrucción, dar prioridad a los discapacitados de bajos recursos, a la contratación local y evitar imponerle pagos por el servicio a los beneficios de menos poder económico.
Demócratas y republicanos del Congreso han sido críticos de la celeridad de la Agencia Federal  para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA) en procesar los desembolsos de los fondos asignados a Puerto Rico, principalmente tras el huracán María. Mientras, los demócratas denunciaron el cuatrienio pasado las restricciones impuestas en el acceso a los fondos por parte de FEMA y el Departamento de la Vivienda federal (HUD).
Grijalva afirmó que “una de las principales razones por las que el Departamento de Energía fue designado como la agencia para implementar el programa fue porque los miembros del Congreso y las partes interesadas de Puerto Rico estaban decididas a asegurar que el financiamiento evite las agencias estatales y federales asociadas con retrasos de años que han plagado los esfuerzos de recuperación y modernización”.
“La distribución de los fondos sobre el terreno debe reflejar las lecciones aprendidas”, sostuvo Grijalva, en una misiva que también firmaron los congresistas demócratas boricuas Nydia Velázquez (Nueva York), Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (Nueva York) y Darren Soto (Florida), el senador demócrata Robert Menéndez (Nueva Jersey) y el congresista demócrata Jesús “Chuy” García (Illinois).
Además, Grijalva advirtió que los que viven en edificios con espacio insuficiente en la azotea “no deben quedarse atrás”.
“Las soluciones solares y de almacenamiento a pequeña escala que facilitan la creación de islas de microrredes después de un desastre permitirán el acceso a la resiliencia energética proporcionada por estos fondos”, añadió.
La secretaria Granholm – quien encabeza el equipo federal que tiene a su cargo supervisar la modernización de la red eléctrica de Puerto Rico y su transición hacia un sistema plenamente basado en fuentes renovables-, mencionó a Grijalva que coincide en que las personas de bajos ingresos discapacitadas son las de mayor prioridad.
En ese sentido, le informó que en marzo pasado tuvo una mesa redonda en Puerto Rico con personas discapacitadas, con la ayuda de la organización Movimiento para el Alcance de Vida Independiente (MAVI). “La mesa redonda se centró en comprender las necesidades energéticas únicas de las personas con discapacidades para garantizar que el diseño del programa los aborde adecuadamente”, indicó la secretaria de Energía de Estados Unidos.
Aunque Grijalva se expresó en contra de que se establezca como requisito alguna aportación de los beneficiarios del programa, por entender que erosionaría los beneficios de esta iniciativa, Granholm reveló que es posible que se exija “una pequeña inversión de los beneficiarios para asegurar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas e impactar a tantas personas como sea posible con los recursos disponibles”.
“Nuestros análisis muestran que incluso un subsidio parcial da como resultado ahorro respecto a las tarifas eléctricas actuales”, agregó.
Granholm no respondió directamente a la propuesta de Grijalva para que el DOE dé prioridad a las contrataciones de compañías puertorriqueñas de la Isla.
La secretaria agradeció que Grijalva propusiera que el programa quedara en manos del DOE y dijo que le tomaba la oferta de contar con él para ayudar a su equipo en esta iniciativa.
Fuente: elnuevodia
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La interna del peronismo más viva que nunca
Las elecciones están muy cerca y el cierre de listas también, sin embargo aún el Frente de Todos (FdT) no logra dar con la unidad esperada. Es por ello que el secretario general local del Sindicato de Empleados de Comercio, Supermercados e Hipermercados, Brian Cardoso, se lanzó en la interna de Compromiso Federal (CF) como referente para atraer a los sectores más desgastados del…
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furious-rogue-stuff · 2 months
Heat Chapter 44: Deserving - Part 1
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I assure you, I did NOT intend for there to be such a long hiatus since the last update! Life got ridiculous for a while. Hopefully this massive chapter makes up for the wait!
Pairing: Javier Peña x OFC | Javi x Querida
Disclaimer: Written in 2nd person narrative, you can safely assume our heroine and love/lust interest is a Latina, written by a Latina. Here's my philosophy on my writing, for further context.
Rating: Mature/Explicit 🔞
Word Count: 26,000+
Summary: While Javier's work spins up, preoccupying him, you try to keep your worries after several perplexing occurrences from towing you down into uncertainty. Can you both keep each other feeling grounded and deserving of the hopes you both care to nurture together?
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of sex, including masturbation and unprotected sex. Mentions of raunchy sexual acts, sickness, longing, stress, and fertility worries. Descriptions of power play, praise kink, and dirty talk. Allusions to jealousy, family strife, foreboding threats, and uncertainty. Some Protective!Javi, Dom! Javi, Bossy!Reader. In the vein of Narcos being a bilingual show, and Javier Peña being fluent, I felt it was apropos to include Spanglish and Spanish throughout.
Heat Masterlist
Previous chapter - Chapter 43: Still
Chapter 44: Deserving - Part 1
Since the 1980s, Puerto Rico had grown into a major gateway to the U.S. for South American drugs. Within the first few years of the early 1990s, though, the small archipelago and U.S. territory functioned as the Caribbean's drug-smuggling hub. The administration in Washington D.C. ranked Puerto Rico and the nearby U.S. Virgin Islands as second to Mexico, in being a corridor for drugs coming into the United States.
With stats like that, and a precarious rise in violence and social ills associated with the drug trade and trafficking on the island, it was no wonder that the federal government had established a larger footprint in the region, encouraged especially by the Partido Nuevo Progresista being the current party in power. The Puerto Rican governor, Pedro Roselló, was a pro-statehood politician who'd been voted into power with lofty promises of curbing the waves of crime and violence, and collaborating with the federal government to get aid and better opportunities for private industry to the island of 3.6 million people.
His Mano Dura initiative was one that will be studied for decades to come. Beginning as a zero-tolerance policy program to combat crime, that some say had the opposite effect when it came to bettering the social standing of the working and poor classes on the island. It included the enactment of policies that increased sentencing periods, reduced rehab-focused initiatives for criminal offenders and promoted aggressive, more proactive – and often invasive – policing tactics. Public safety was touted as the preeminent concern – borne out of the fear and public frustrations across all facets of Puerto Rican society regarding the skyrocketing incidences of carjackings, hold ups, drive-by shootings, and murders fueled by the drug trade.
For all the militarized tactics, most glaring being the use of the National Guard to infiltrate and police public housing and high-crime neighborhoods throughout the metropolitan municipalities on the island, the murder rate only kept rising.
Javier had poured over the data, and saw how crime had exploded on the island as soon as it became a hub for drug trafficking into the U.S. and Europe. It used to be that robberies and the occasional assault were the worst crimes in most towns on the island. But just the year prior, there were 980 homicides on the island, setting a record – with one of the worst massacres reported occurring in a small town west of San Juan. More than 60 percent of the killings were drug-related. And drug-related violence was only getting more pervasive – indiscriminate of victims or the collateral damage.
Needless to say, Javi was done with the crash course phase of things, and wanted to really wrap his arms around the facts at hand. Sadly, the murder and mayhem had no face – no figurehead to pin the wave of crime on, so he was left to pull at threads in the stats and data to try and find the source. Of course, though, he and Steve had their mandate: stopping the flow of drugs, especially of the 10 to 20 percent that ended up remaining in the island for local consumption, creating a criminal industry that smuggles and stores the product, launders money, operates the retail puntos and foments the violence to prevail over competitors. Well, at least that was Javi's goal, since stopping the all-out flow of drugs into the U.S. was a fool's errand.
Getting the DEA running without being as heavy-handed as the National Guard patrolling known points had been difficult in the past, but he and Steve had come up with different tactics and enforcement plans. Organizing everyone, and getting them the necessary training, and into the field office was their current hurdle, one that kept both agents busy.
Working to get the field office set up, splitting travel to and from the U.S. Virgin Islands, being briefed on joint task force operations, and dealing with federal officials assessing their budgetary requests had been occupying a lot of their time. There just aren't many moments for either of them to concentrate on non-DEA-related things longer than the cursory conversations or plans you and Connie make for dinner hangouts, surface 'how was your day' chats, or simply wanting to be in the moment when intimacy was possible. So, having the intuition to ask 'what is wrong?' wasn't in the cards currently.
You commiserate with Connie about it. Between the two of you, though, you don't feel like you have any concerns – you don't feel neglected or burdened. After all, she's the one juggling a full-time job at the V.A., taking care of Isabel and Olivia, and fitting in time to tend to the house. If anything, you feel pretty centered, compared to how things had been before reconciling with Javier.
It's all perspective, and you are a great sounding board for Connie as much as she's a reassuring voice of reason – and a fount of knowledge for living with a stubborn DEA agent.
Really, you enjoy having someone who understands what it's like to be in love with a tenacious, committed and selfless man who throws himself into his work head first, then thinks about the toll that takes much later. As far as you're concerned, it all is put into perspective. So not telling Javier – or anyone – about the threatening note you'd received via a pink carnation bouquet delivery to your condo building, makes perfect sense to you.
Sure, you'd rushed down and asked the attendant specifics – 'Who delivered it? Did they mention the sender at all? Are you sure it was meant for my apartment?' – and gotten no answers or evidence that would help identify the culprit, let alone a means to track possible suspects, had unnerved you. But you just didn't think it was anything worth mentioning to Javier. You didn't want to alarm him when you weren't really sure it was even meant for you or not. No, it didn't seem credible enough to set off unnecessary stress and panic. So, you didn't.
You'd thrown the flowers out, and stored the card into the drawer of the console in the living room.
When Javier had spent the night at your place the following evening, you'd already shoved it to the back of your mind.
He was none the wiser, and you'd enjoyed relaxing with him in bed after stripping each other of your clothes and making passionate love while the air conditioning kept your warm bodies and the room cool.
He'd been beat from work, so much so he'd practically fallen asleep in mid-sentence about his hectic day.
Things for your department were equally busy the next couple of weeks as well with a major server expansion across departments and agencies occurring in stages, so you held no umbrage at the juggling of free time happening, since you were also focusing on your work projects.
The nights he'd work late, you were content with a quick 'goodnight' call and making plans to have a coffee, or lunch date some time the next day. Whenever you both ended up being at the office after hours, due to working late, Javier and you would carpool together in your sleek sedan to his place to spend the night together, and he'd catch a ride the following morning with Kike either to the field office or some task force meeting at the Federal Court Building.
And dinner with the Murphys had seamlessly become a once-a-week routine during this period as well, which was much-needed for blowing off steam and socializing outside of work.
This week's dinner was Saturday night, and it had been wonderful, but not without a lot of chatter between Steve and Javier regarding the drudgery still to come. During this kind of shop-talk lulls, you and Connie would exchange musing looks before leaving the fellas to it, preferring to entertain Olivia and the baby over idle chatter. This time, the precocious girl had made you both come to her room so she could show off the drawings she'd done at school and play with her favorite toy of the week before she had to get in her pjs and get tucked in.
You didn't mind it at all, and Isabel was a sweet baby that always seemed to enjoy your silly muecas and bouncing on your knee.
Javi was apologizing now, on the walk home back to his bungalow, for being so preoccupied, but you reassure him that it didn't bother you.
"—I know how much of a hassle it is to deal with all this stuff, babe. I'm just glad you and Steve have each other, this time," is your understanding retort. "And anyway, you two will make it up to us eventually."
"Oh, yeah?" he drawls, arm around your waist giving you a cheeky squeeze. "Have anything in mind already?"
"Actually, yeah. Earlier today, Connie, Anita and I talked about maybe doing a trip – all of us couples together," you retort simply and slip your hand into the back pocket of his jeans. "We could rent a house close to the beach and go for a long weekend."
Pleased, Javi hums, "Sure. I like that plan. Could be fun."
You conceded that you were sure it was a ways-away out, and while you both walk around the corner, keeping to the sidewalk, you muse, "All the Mano Dura stuff is really only revving up too, so I can imagine you're both going to be juggling that as well."
Unintentionally veering him back onto the work topic, Javier ends up talking through his thought process and concerns the rest of the walk to his place. By the time he's unlocking the door and chivalrously holding it open for you, Javi is really on a roll.
"—Once we get things settled, and the extra funding we asked for the field op teams comes in, we'll be able to take a backseat and let our ASACs manage," Javier is remarking as you enter through the entry door through the laundry room before him, allowing him to close and lock it behind himself. "It's time for Segarra to sink or swim, and Steve's guy seems more than capable to handle his end, so we should be finally able to focus on big-picture work. Really, we shouldn't have been doing so much shit ourselves up to this point, especially since we're supposed to be the bosses—"
He's just loped into the main living space and placed his keys onto the counter when his verbal train of thought halts after turning towards the living room. Well, specifically at the sight of you pulling your flouncy pale blue and green floral-patterned bohemian dress off and tossing it onto the chair adjacent the couch before toeing off your favorite leather flats and look over at him alluringly.
You're only in a thin nude lace bra and tanga-style panty now, already undoing the front closure as you brazenly suggest, "Why don't you come over here and show me who's boss, querido?"
It's hot, and oh-so-naughty how you can spin his lust up in a nanosecond and have him simmering with incandescent urge, especially with this kind of taunt delivered as an appeal for him to dominate you. And the sultry smile in your eyes as you shed your bra and toss it over at him to land on his shoulder, for good measure? Proceeded by the spritely way you fold your arms behind yourself and jut your bare breasts out proudly at him?
Rapacious desire ignites in his gut and has him rushing over to sweep you up into his arms. A delighted squeal bubbles out of you as he carries you to bed, making you laugh infectiously from his nippy nuzzling – impishly grazing his moustache along your neck and collarbone before he tosses you onto the soft surface. You bounce and giggle as you prop up onto your elbows to bat your lashes sultrily at him.
"You wanna get bossed around, do you?" he rumbles in a velvety tone as he takes his boots off and quickly divests of his belongings before unbuckling his belt and showily yanking his dark blue and white vertical pinstriped shirt – the one you love because it clings to his shoulders and pecs perfectly and accentuates his muscled biceps deliciously – out of his jeans waistband before swiftly beginning to undo the top three buttons.
Giving him a salacious smirk, you purr, "Mmhmm, that's right, mi patrón—"
"Fuck…" he eyes you with that smoldering, chiseled regard that always makes you tingly, before he growls, "Take those panties off right now, then, you little tease," as he deftly works the rest of the buttons undone and shrugs out of the shirt before pausing at plucking the button on his jeans when you defiantly remain sat up on your elbows and do not strip your underwear off as he'd ordered. Raising a challenging brow at you, he puts his hands on his hips and grumbles, "Are you really going to defy me, malcriada?"
You give him a mischievous grin and lilt, "Maybe?"
He grunts, giving you a snarky look as he leans over and yanks you down to the end of the bed by your ankles. Your squeal of surprise and the way you bite your lower lip makes him smirk before roguishly husking, "Do I need to tear them off of you and bend you over my knee for a spanking, traviesa?"
"I really like these, so no – no tearing, please," you chime as you draw your knees up and plant your soles flat to the bed, splaying your legs wide open as you toy with the waistband suggestively while his gaze hones in on the damp spot your arousal has soaked into the crotch of your panties.
The way he flicks his dark brewed eyes up at you sends an excited tickle up your spine and makes your pussy throb when he stares assertively at you before ordering, "Take them off, and show me what's mine."
Arousal pulses at your center at his command, and heat zings along your nerve endings to harden your nipples while anticipation flutters in your tummy as you slowly work your panties down and off. You discard them to the floor and lay back so you can spread your legs open and caress your hands along your thighs.
Javi hums in approval, and you expect him to finish undressing and have his way with you, but instead his smoldering gaze intensifies as he keeps his hands at his sides and murmurs gruffly, "I told you to show me what's mine, tentadora."
Your breath skitters excitedly, and Javi's gaze holds yours before admiringly returning to your cunt, now flushed with arousal. The desire he stokes in you has your seam slick and clitoris thrumming with need. He doesn't have to elaborate what he means, and seeing as you started this little game, you're aching to have him, and are tantalized by him flexing his dominance.
Breathily, you part your legs more and glide your hands down to touch yourself, slick dampening your folds as you run your fingers down and part them like dewy petals. You use the fingers of one hand to spread yourself open while the eager digits of the other dip into your aching pussy wetly before tracing back up to rub delicious pressure over your thrumming clitoris.
The sight of you pleasuring yourself has Javi throbbing wantonly in the confines of his jeans, but he keeps his now clenched hands at his sides as you whimper impatiently for his touch.
"Javi—please," you whine, your touch not enough, and desire making you needy for him to be naked and pressed against you.
He doesn't budge, even when you arch your hips up slightly and squeeze your bare breasts together. No, he wants to hear the magic words before he continues stripping.
Your blush sears the apples of your cheeks and you bite your bottom lip hard before exhaling a frustrated huff.
"Please, take what's yours," you beg, slick fingers gliding through your damp sex before you caress your palms up to your apex, as you murmur, "Give me what you want, mi amor."
He feels that rapacious urge scorch up in him at your needy words, and with how you butterfly your thighs open to show him how soaked your pussy is now, Javier can't keep his controlling façade up – not with how quickly his hands move to undo the button of his jeans and zip down his fly before slipping his thumbs into the waistbands of both the denim and his cotton underwear to yank them both in one swoop down.
Watching him strip makes you smile. He catches it when he stands from shedding the last of his clothes and tossing them in a pile by the dresser.
"Hm, take what's mine, eh?" he drawls in that honeyed baritone that makes delight tickle in your core, especially when he stands with his hard cock to loom over you, like he's contemplating what to do to you first.
All you can do to not grin up at him is to nod as demurely as you can muster as you hum, "Mmhmm."
With a shameless smile, Javi suddenly scoops you up and prowls onto the bed with you squealing a silly sound as he stays propped up on his knees so you're only recourse is to wrap your legs around his waist and cling to his shoulders.
He loves how mirth lights your eyes while your expression quirks with delight against your will – how your pursing lips can't fight back the smile tugging them up, so with a faux-admonishing cluck of his tongue, Javi coos, "Why am I getting the distinct impression that you're really giving me what you want, and not the other way around, hmm?"
You snicker and daringly buck against him so he has to catch his balance by propping his arm sidelong, which allows you to use the momentum to topple him onto the bed so you can playfully roughhouse with him for dominance, as you chime seductively, "Because that's exactly the case, mi patroncito. It gets me hot when you get all bossy—"
"Oh yeah?" Javier croons as he easily pivots you both so you're on your back and his big hands have cuffed your wrists and pressed them down on either side of your head. The weight of him crowding you makes you shiver, and the exquisite heft of his cock nestled flush against your crotch makes you mewl involuntarily.
"Yes," you admit airily and smile when his soulful eyes crinkle affectionately at you, full lips pursing out cockily. Deciding to pluck at a naughty string in him, you purr, "And it makes me ache for your cock when you think you can command me, bebito."
That has Javier giving you that incandescent look just as he steals your breath with a voracious kiss. Your arousal hazes your mind just as his hand moves to cuff your wrists together above your head while the other possessively cups your cunt and grinds your clit with the pad of his thumb. Hips bucking at the contact, you mewl into his mouth when his tongue plunders it while you arch up into his warm, muscled torso.
Your brain is swimming in the pleasure of Javi dominating the hell out of you, so much so that you don't even feel shame when he breaks the kiss and leaves you gasping from the sudden thwack of his deft fingers wrapping around his cock and tapping it lewdly onto your drenched pussy in a very lascivious show of dominance.
"When I think I can command you?" is Javier's gruff croon, dark brewed eyes molten with conviction as he makes his point again by gliding just the head of his cock through your folds before guiding it to slap wetly against your mound, deviously close to the hood of your clit.
You moan and writhe at the electrifying contact, so Javi purrs, "I think the ache you got for my cock has you forgetting who the boss is, querida. I'm gonna need you to use your words and beg for it, or else I'll just give you everything but my cock tonight."
Your skin is scalding from how crass-yet-authoritative he's being with you, winding your lust up into a tangle of desires that has you vibrating with arousal and pulsing with debauched delight.
"Please, mi amor—give it to me. Lo necesito. Te lo ruego. Por favor, mi rey. Seré tuya—will do whatever you command, just let me have it," you ramble with needy allure, eyes shimmering with how earnestly you're begging for him not to deny you the pleasure only he can give you.
Pleased beyond belief, Javi caresses his hand up to cup your chin to ground you to focus on his smoldering stare as he leans forward and husks, "Good girl," before kissing you chastely on the lips.
He lets you wrap your arms around his torso as he settles between your thighs and rolls his hips with delectable prowess to drive his cock into your pulsing sheath.
It feels so amazing to have him fuck into you – to stretch you open onto his thick, throbbing cock with every thrust, especially after all the foreplay and dirty talk. This feeling of passionate ecstasy always fills you, and the way you cling to Javi with every desperate stroke of him into you tethers him into being both grounded and alight. Nothing matters when you're both spun up like this, except for the ruinous euphoria you each feel build and build as the lovemaking crescendos.
There's nothing more gratifying to his pride than when you climax, going molten around his cock and frantic in his arms to cling to the sensations he's unleashed in you. You're so wild from the throes of pleasure that you muffle your sobbed moan into his neck before ferally suckling a greedy bite into the delectable spot.
"Fuck," Javier groans and feels his thoughts melt as his orgasm barrels loose from the knot of pleasure in his apex and has him clutching your waist as he pounds his cock into you before his thrusts stutter in rhythm and his release empties into your fluttering sheath.
Your toes curl at the sensation of his climax filling that deep, tender part of you only he can reach, leveling you to fall apart in his arms as all the strength dissolves in your body.
The warm and fuzzy heat of post-coital relief has you uncaring that you're warm, slick and sweaty under Javier while he lies on top of you in a spent heap.
"Eres pinche gloriosa," is Javi's husky, albeit drowsy praise as he props himself up on a shaky elbow before laboriously rolling off of you with an exhausted grunt.
All you can muster is an affectionate nudge of your forehead into his shoulder before Javi rumbles something wordlessly and encircles his arm to your waist in order to pull you to sidle against him.
The cool air from the undulating ceiling fan caressing your dewy forms helps lull you into a calm repose, where only Javier's warm skin and heady scent occupy your attention, until he nuzzles the top of your hairline and presses a kiss there.
"You feel good, querida?"
"Feel divine, chavón," you sigh, kissing his collarbone before you murmur, "I love you."
He exhales an approving grunt before patting your thigh encouragingly for you to tilt your face up to him. When you do, he caresses your cheek and swipes his thumb to wipe away at the perspiration that beaded along the edge of your orbital bone.
"I love you too, corazón."
Dreamily, you smile up at him unselfconsciously. Your eyes are glossy, lashes damp and lids heavy, so Javi curls his fingers to crook under your chin so he can admire your flushed features before he peppers soft kisses along your warm skin. You are content to simply bask in his doting grace.
Eventually, when you regain your wits and start to fidget, Javier gets out of bed to retrieve a damp washcloth and returns to give you his loving aftercare. And when he pulls the covers back for you to be tucked under them, you hold onto his forearm and tug him to slide in after you rather than be apart from him the few seconds it would've taken him to round the bed to his side and climb in.
Feeling too accomplished to care that you're in the spot closer to the doorway than he'd normally like, Javi stretches out next to you and happily lets you lounge curled up against him, with your head on his shoulder and hand caressing languidly along his chest.
"So…at the risk of sounding clingy, I'm really going to miss you," you find yourself volunteering in a murmur, already frowning at yourself as you amend it by rationalizing softly, "I mean, the other trips were much shorter—"
Javi cups your jaw and makes you melt when he kisses you, snuffing the insecure ramble before it could start.
Resting his forehead to yours, he sighs, "I know, since I feel the same way," before stating flatly, "It's gonna be a lot of meetings. Hell, all the damn travel from island to island will be the worst of it. Not to mention all the political jockeying and face-to-face conferences with officials. Wish I could just delegate it to someone else."
You pout, seeing the weariness in the corners of his eyes, so you sit up and caress your touch over his brow, murmuring as you trace your fingertips over his forehead, "Those are the pitfalls of being the boss man, hermoso."
He exhales deeply out his nose and closes his eyes, letting you soothe him with your affectionate touch before he mumbles, "I'm going to miss you so much, it's ridiculous."
When he opens his eyes again, he relaxes visibly when you lean forward and kiss his full lips tenderly before playfully scratching into his unruly hair, while you lilt in a singsong, "You'll just have to be a good boy, get your work done, and hurry back so I can have my way with you."
His laugh is warm and raspy as he loops his arms around you to roll down into the pillows together so he can shower you with ticklish, moustache-grazing kisses to your cheeks, jaw and neck while you giggle and try to fend him off by tickling his sides.
After you both settle down in the warm bed together for the night, Javier conks right out, breathing deep and calmly on his back while you're snuggled at his side, with your head on his chest. The quiet of the room and the undulating breeze coming from the curtain-covered windows helps your mind wander for a bit, still charged with wayward thoughts. The ones that keep looping back for consideration revolve around Javier unperturbedly falling back into the chase – of being hungry for the hunt. He couldn't seem to quit the DEA for good, let alone sit back and relax in his position of authority. You remember his promises, both from when he was a field agent and when he was the Special Agent in-Charge in Bogotá. How he'd been unable to keep any of them, no matter how hard he tried.
And now here you are, recalling the ones he'd made to you when he'd begged for another chance.
"I came here for you."
He'd professed coming to Puerto Rico to be with you. That he didn't give a damn about the job, and if you wanted, he'd quit. How he'd do whatever necessary to earn your trust. That all that mattered to him, was you.
You don't want him to quit, or to not give a damn about his work. But you'd be lying if you weren't worried that old habits were intent to die hard when it came to him getting swept up in the politicking and the disappointment – that he would fall prey again to the corrupt jockeying and manipulation of compromised leaders, both here and stateside.
Still…in your heart, you felt things were different, and didn't want to give up the peace of being with him, on both your own terms.
"Everything we wanted is still possible…I want it all, with you…"
An effervescent palpitation has your heart skipping a beat at the echo of his words, and you feel centered.
With a smile, you close your eyes and let the strong thrum of his heartbeat help lull you into sleep.
Early the next morning, you wake up to Javi sitting on the foot of the bed with a cup of coffee he's nursing while in only a pair of blue-striped pajama bottoms hanging low on his hips. From how his shoulders are slumped, you can tell he's half asleep, so you maneuver up to crawl over to him in order to slink up against his bare back. He grunts sleepily and takes a deep inhale before reaching his free hand backwards to hold you while you loop your arms around his midriff and kiss the nape of his neck.
"Want me to make you something to eat?" you whisper as you nuzzle the side of his head when he tilts it back and leans more into you.
"I'd rather have you," he tells you unabashedly as he turns to kiss you softly on the lips.
You hum into his coffee-flavored mouth before leaning back to sassily pet your hand over his tousled hair as you order, "You're going to have both, and you're going to like it, guapito."
Javier has no objection to that.
You both get in the shower together, have a great quickie under the hot water and against the warm tiles, and let the water rinse over your sated forms of the soap and sinfulness.
When you get back to the bedroom, you dry off and lie in bed to relish the little time you have left until Kike pulls up to get Javi before swinging over to Steve's.
Skin to skin, you savor his kisses and lovingly cuddle him, knowing how lonely – and empty your bed – going so long without him will be. Javier feels the longing building up in him already, and all he wants to do is get lost in this sensual moment, even though he doesn't have the time for it. You know it too, and prolong it for as long as you can.
It's only when you insistingly nudge him to start getting ready a few minutes later, that Javi begrudgingly goes to his dresser to grab his clothes. His things were already packed and waiting in the laundry room, thanks to you having surprised him with a respectable suitcase you'd purchased earlier the day before. When he'd come home from the gym and met you at his driveway after you'd dropped off Connie, Javi had been curious about the sleek piece of luggage as you carried it to his bedroom. You'd opened it as you'd razzed him about needing to level up from his well-traveled duffle bag, and had proceeded to iron an arrangement of suits and shirts for him. He'd been more than happy to enjoy your domestic doting, and had smirked when you'd shooed him away into the shower so you could continue picking out the ties and other garments he'd need.
Right now, though, he doesn't feel the need to rush to get ready, even when you're done pulling on your jeans and are tugging your shirt down as you head for the kitchen.
By the time he trudges down the back hall into the main room, dressed in dark blue jeans and a nice white button-down shirt with a breast pocket his aviators are currently folded in, you have a generous breakfast sandwich and a refreshed cup of coffee waiting for him at the kitchen's bar top.
His stomach growls, spiting him, and you smirk as he sits at the stool and eats with gusto while eyeing you ruefully.
"You know, you're cute when you're grumpy," you can't help tease as you lean into the counter, opposite him.
Polishing off his meal, he quickly dabs at his mouth with the napkin before picking the dishes up and rounding the countertop, deliberately breezing by you to place them in the sink, as he gripes, "We had enough time to fool around some more, and you shot me down."
You scoff irreverently before whirling around just in time to catch him off guard and press him back against the sink's counter. Hands boxing him in so you can lean into him commandingly, you bossily tell him, "Javier Peña, you better not be getting surly with me before you're about to leave for over a week. You know how much I want to roll around naked in bed with you. Now quit being a brat, and give me a kiss."
He can't even stay surly, not at that, or the sultry look you're giving him.
His lips quirk into a smirk while he lets his moodiness out in a huff through his nose, then leans in to kiss you obediently on the mouth.
You suck on his bottom lip before grazing your teeth on the plump morsel, enjoying how he gasps excitedly and grips your waist as you pull back and imperiously smile up at his flushed expression.
Just as you're deliberating whether you can get away with kissing on him some more, you hear Kike pull up in the SUV outside, so you sigh and wrap your arms around him for a fortifying hug.
Once you've taken care of the remaining dishes and Javier's disposed of the garbage in the receptacle outside for trash pickup, you go to the bedroom to retrieve your scrunchie in order to swiftly put your hair up.
Javi's booted footfalls over the tiled floor approach from the hall just before he comes in and wraps his arms around you from behind. Exhaling, he kisses the top of your head before asking, "You're still spending the day with your dad?"
You nod, leaning into him before affectionately turning in his embrace and nuzzling his neck, humming before reluctantly stepping back so you can both exit back to the living room. "Yeah. He's going to D.C. for a while, so I was going to go food shopping and make dinner at his place," you remark and sigh whilst putting your hair in a ponytail.
He ogles your neck, and considers delaying leaving by pulling you against him so he can kiss from your jaw down the column of delicate skin. To nip a matching hickey like the one you left on him, and feel you shiver and cling to him. But you're hustling to get your shoes on and grab your purse, so he stows his raunchy desires and gets his keys, cellular phone, and wallet.
"That sounds nice," Javi muses, making you smile when his hand caresses your lower back as he escorts you through the laundry room, grabbing his suitcase and opening the door for you. "No Camille?"
"Nope, thankfully," you retort and watch as he locks up before smiling when he turns and quirks a derisive brow at you. "It's for both their benefits! I cannot stand her, and she has finally learned her place, is all," you insist, and Javi nods judiciously at your rationale while he takes your hand and escorts you out of the marquesina to lope over to the front curb where Kike is parked.
"Well, it sounds like it'll be a better time spent than what I'll be doing," is his deadpan before approaching the driver's side window that's rolled down, patting the frame to get the young officer's attention from the local tabloid magazine he's engrossed in, as he greets, "Morning, Kike!"
"Good morning, sir!" the jovial plainclothes officer retorts warmly before hastily folding up the magazine and stowing it in the door's cubby, then waves while greeting, "And good morning, Ms. Celina—"
"Ay, Kike. Just call me Celina," you razz him as you lean up to greet him with a kiss on the cheek through the open window. "Deja con las formalidades, ya," is your amused order.
"Okay-okay, se me olvidó," he chuckles as Javier opens the backseat door and places his suitcase in. "Did you like the mix tape?"
"Yeah, it had some cool tracks!" you retort and smile at Javi when he grunts and raises his brows curiously as he shuts the car door. "Kike gave me a mix tape with all the latest reggaetoneros that are hot right now."
"Ah," is his drawl as he loops your waist and pulls you close. "When are we going to perrear?"
"Javier!" you admonishingly hiss and swat his bicep haughtily, scoffing at his unabashed leer whilst Kike tries to hide his wry grin.
"Oh, that's right – you said when I take you to a club that actually plays reggaetón," he drawls as if you're talking about something innocuous, before he turns to Kike and remarks, "You'll have to tell me what the hot reggaetón clubs are so I can finally get her to dance perreo with me—"
"Alright, enough, beyako," you chastise sardonically and pinch his sides, grinning when Javier frowns at you using the naughty nickname in front of Kike, who is doing everything he can not to burst with a guffaw at his expense. You distract his umbrage by standing on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips before lilting, "Pórtate bien, y llámame."
He smirks at being told 'Be good, and call me.'
"I will," he murmurs and kisses you amorously before cupping your cheek and muttering, "You behave too, now."
Snickering, you kiss his palm and pull him in for a hug.
Once Kike has turned the SUV around while Javier walked you to your car, you two lock lips one more time before you hop in and pull out of the driveway to the street. You wave at Javi in the rearview once you see him get into the front passenger seat, and then drive away to head to your early morning errands.
Javier watches your little sedan drive off before Kike pulls away to coax down the block and turn the corner en route for Steve's house. He already misses you, and finds himself scenting his collar for the whiff of your perfume that clings to it.
"I gotta warn you, sir. Ms. Celina is going to have cacos drooling after her when you take her to bailar perreo," Kike remarks musingly, causing Javi to arch a brow dubiously at him. "Ella es una mamita sabrocita – all eyes will be on her at any reggaetón club, is all I mean."
With a dry grunt, Javier furrows his brow amusedly. "Trust me. I'm very aware," is his dry mutter, before he sarcastically warns, "And do not let her hear you refer to her as a mamita. Speaking from experience, she will let you have it and you'll have whiplash."
"Claro que no," Kike snickers and shakes his head sagely. "She's a chulería – una bichota bien wapa, so I would never pasarme así, sir. Definitely don't wanna offend her!"
Javier nods, picking up the gist of the slang-filled statement. After all, he's really had a run for his money in deciphering the bulk of the Puerto Rican slang Kike and Wilmer would fire off at each other in rapid conversation, and being out with you and witnessing your parrying of local colloquialisms you'd not used before in Colombia would often or not leave him inferring meanings, if not straight up asking you what a word meant.
Still, though, he'd heard bichote used to reference a drug dealer or criminal kingpin-type, so he had to ask, "¿Bichota?"
"Ah! Bichota as in a boss lady. A big shot woman – like, she's a cool, important lady," the younger officer explains as he pulls up to the front curb of the Murphy residence.
"I'm gonna need to find a 'Puerto Rican-isms' dictionary, for sure," Javier quips, smirking when the other man blows a raspberry and grunts in the affirmative.
He's not completely joking. Especially after the weeks of prep and briefs from undercover agents, who'd documented hours of audio recordings from dealers, traffickers, gatilleros and more throughout all their surveillance targets on the island. Thankfully Wilmer or Kike were always available to run questions by, and had been great helps to all local info for Javier and Steve.
The opening of the backseat door pulls Javi from his internal cataloguing. He turns to watch Steve chuck his suitcase in before climbing in and shutting the door while greeting, "Mornin', fellas. You been waiting long?"
"No, sir!" Kike assures as he pulls away from the curb once Steve's settled.
"Yeah, Kike here was just warning me about how I'll have to keep Celina close when I take her dancing here," Javier glibly jokes as he retrieves his aviators from his breast pocket and slips them on.
"Really? You do know Jav here is a real surly jealous type, right? So telling him something like that's only gonna get him stewing," Steve chuckles good naturedly as he leans forward to pat Javier's shoulder, and drawls, "We do not need a repeat of the Danvers incident, bud."
Javier scoffs and crosses his arms to keep his right hand from fidgeting with his exasperation at the mere reference. "Don't be an ass. That wasn't because I was jealous—"
"I'm sorry for mentioning it, sir," Kike genuinely offers as he drives, adding, "I didn't mean to sobrepasarme —"
With a reassuring pat of his shoulder, Javier assures, "Nah, you didn't. Don't worry. Murphy solo le gusta hablar mierda—"
"Hey, I don't talk shit," Steve interjects in a goading drawl.
"Oh, you're finally learning Spanish. Good for you, and about fuckin' time, hillbilly."
"Some of us are still capable of learning new things, pendejo. And do you kiss Celina with that filthy mouth?"
"She loves my filthy mouth. Maybe you should try it some time with your poor long-suffering wife—"
"Hey! My wife's off limits to your snarky remarks—"
"And Celina is off limits to your shit-talking commentary—"
"She ain't your wife yet, buddy. Once she is, then she's off limits."
Javier exhales testily and flips Steve the bird over his shoulder while glaring at the grinning blond in the rearview mirror. He arches his brow when Steve sits back and basks in having gotten the last word, or so he thinks.
"Look at him. Sitting so pleased with himself like he accomplished something," Javi deadpans to Kike in Spanish, who had managed to stifle his laughter during their juvenile back and forth. "Just loves to bust balls because his get busted at home."
Steve glowers at Javier's profile when Kike snorts amusedly at what he said, so he decides to prod his buddy some more. "Speaking of Celina," he drawls lyrically before remarking aloofly, "Wilmer told me he overheard Bozzi telling Vernon that she caught his eye."
That has the desired reaction.
Javier slowly turns around and tucks his chin down so he can glower at Steve over the rims of his sunglasses. "What?! When was this, and why are you only telling me now?" he grounds out from clenched jaw and tight lips.
Seeing the hickey barely concealed by Javier's shirt collar, he flicks his gaze up to see that dark fury start to fill his eyes, so, Steve dismisses, "Ah, because it ain't the first nor will it be the last time that anyone has the hots for your girl, Javi. No point in bringing it up—"
"Except to wind me up, you mean," Javi snaps back and huffily returns to sit facing forward in the front passenger seat.
"…All right, dick move on my part. I agree," Steve relents and busies himself with smoothening out the wrinkle in his green and white-striped polo shirt's collar.
"…What did Vernon respond to that asshole?" is the gravelly inquiry from Javier.
Steve looks at Javi's stare reflected in the rearview mirror before glancing at Kike, who's now just as invested in the gossip as Javi, so he exhales gruffly before answering, "Vernon told him something like, 'I'm pretty sure she's spoken for already. Or so go the rumors,' and Bozzi scoffed that there's no ring on her finger so she was fair game, as far as he was concerned."
That boils Javier's blood. But he only shows it with the hard etch of his scowling features and the way his biceps flex when he crosses his arms tightly across his chest.
"Acho, que canto cabrón," Kike remarks indignantly, not even batting an eye when Javi looks over at him, surprised. "Ms. Celina would never like that guy, so he's a pendejo for saying shit like that."
Chuckling in agreement, Steve cosigns, "I couldn't have said it better myself."
Javier cracks a lopsided smirk at that. He appreciates Kike being protective of you, and was glad when you both had struck up a platonic friendship after meeting when they'd picked you up from the dealership where you'd left your car to get serviced one morning. Since then, you would both chat buoyantly whenever you'd see each other and he'd given you his cell phone number in case you ever needed to get ahold of him if you couldn't reach Javier.
While he thinks about you the rest of the way they drive to the airport, you're leaving the video rental store now and hopping in your car to go spend the day with your father at his home.
You'd already stopped at the supermarket that carried Colombian food staples and picked up items for the meals you'd promised to make, so after a half hour drive to Dorado, you pulled into his driveway and parked across the open third-car garage. You confirmed with a quick peek as you rounded the car to get the groceries that Camille's luxury sedan wasn't in the garage, so with a relieved exhale, you retrieved the bag with the movie rentals and headed up to the front entrance.
The door was already open and your father was meeting you on the tiled front step to help you with the bags.
"How are you doing, tesoro?" he greets and kisses you on the cheek before taking the bags into the kitchen while you shut the door behind yourself before following.
"I'm good. How about you? Looking forward to going to D.C. for the big meeting?" is your retort.
He grunts wryly. "It's just a meeting. But I'll be there on lots of other business. What've you got there?"
At him gesturing to the bag in your hand, you reach into it and retrieve the three VHS rental movies and show him the stack so the labels are facing him. "I thought we could have a movie night. I haven't watched the third one yet."
The three movies are The Godfather, parts one through three.
Smiling broadly, your father is visibly pleased as he muses, "That'll take us the rest of the day to watch. Are you sure you're up for that?"
"Well we have to rewatch the first two parts to be reminded of everything before going into part three. It can also play in the background while I cook, no?" is your affable reasoning as you place the movies on the coffee table in the living room before returning to the kitchen to start unbagging the groceries.
He agrees, and soon you're both spending quality time together.
By nightfall, you're both engrossed with the final film while partaking in the leftover empanadas you'd made earlier.
You're on your fourth rum and coke, which pairs great with the empanada you're currently dabbing some hot sauce on while watching the drama, unaware of your father's pensive glance.
"I had the maid turn down the guest bed," he mentions as innocuously as he can.
You chew your bite and shift in your seat to look over at him. Swallowing, you retort, "I wasn't planning on spending the night, Pá."
You can see the furrow in his brow smoothen as he tries to not look judgmental. "I don't want you driving home so late. You've been drinking—"
Realizing why he's worrying, you wave him off, assuring, "I'm perfectly capable of driving. And I don't want to overstay my welcome."
He pauses the movie and frowns before weighing his options in how to respond. He seems to settle for, "I'd feel more comfortable if you spent the night, mija."
Finishing your empanada, you ruefully shake your head before washing it down with a sip of your drink.
"Unless Javier could come pick you up?"
Being a few drinks in, the indignant fire doesn't reach your eyes as quickly as it would've had he made the suggestion earlier. Deciding to relent, just a little, though, you muse impassively, "He's on a business trip."
Humming, he takes a long sip of his own drink before exhaling and attempting to capitalize on not being rebuffed on the topic like you'd done occasions prior. "Things are going well, then?"
You can't help sigh, because you truly do not want to argue with or snap at your father, but his constant need to broach the subject of your personal life aggravates you. So, you try to count to ten before placing your drink glass back onto the coaster on the coffee table before you answer him.
"I take it you haven't been able to get a rundown from anyone else on the matter?"
You turn to look at him directly, eyes frank as your brows quirk upwards in query.
He frowns, before responding in a mild baritone, "I'd rather ask my daughter about her life. Is that so wrong of me?"
You take a cleansing breath through your nose and let it out slowly before answering carefully, "Pá, I just don't want to end up arguing with you about my life. I don't want to be browbeaten by you, or feel like I have to defend myself—"
"I'm not asking you to, tesoro," he grumbles in a low tone, before pressing, "I just want to know you're all right."
"I am. But I know that's not all you want to ask, and I don't want to go down this road and end up with us getting upset," you tell him bluntly, crossing your arms and leaning back.
His jaw squares in impatience with you, but instead of snapping crossly like he would've in your youth, your father huffs and crosses his own arms to stare at you keenly.
"Just tell me one thing, and I won't broach the subject anymore," he proposes in his deep, raspy pitch. When you nod, his features relax minutely as he asks, "Does he make you happy?"
You responded without an ounce of hesitation, and the way your expressive gaze lit up with clear affection for this Javier Peña who makes you happy – as if he'd flashed across your mind's eye as you answered, made it easy for him to surrender.
With a hum, he presses the button on the remote so the VCR resumes the movie.
You're pleasantly surprised.
When the movie ends a short while later, you surprise your father by agreeing to spend the night. So once you've packed the leftovers and washed the dishes, you kiss him on the cheek and go down the hall to the back guest bedroom.
Around the same time you're exiting the shower to get into a flowy nightgown and slip under the cool covers of the plush bed, Javier is just getting into his hotel room on St. Thomas.
After landing and spending most of the day getting shown around by Steve's ASAC, Sam Petersen, he was bone tired, and looking forward to just crashing. Tossing his suitcase onto the ottoman at the foot of the bed, Javi tiredly empties his pockets and places everything on the night stand before dropping down onto the mattress and kicking his boots off in order to lie back and stretch his aching muscles. Lulling his head to the side, he sees the alarm clock lists it being just after 11:45pm.
Even though he'd warned you he probably would get in too late to call tonight, he wished he could hear your voice before bed. Deciding he didn't want to risk waking you up, he lumbers up off the bed and starts stripping on his way to the bathroom. One nice hot shower a few minutes later, and he's trekking back into the cool airconditioned room in just a towel, yawning noisily as he unzips the suitcase and flips the top open in search for some boxers or pajama bottoms to wear to bed.
The exhaustion clears from his eyes when he sees just how neatly you've packed everything. His toiletry bag is snug in the center while two pairs of suits are crisp and folded just right that all he need do is put them on hangers, the dress shoes were buffed and shined, and everything else was tucked and rolled for easy arranging. Even the soft cotton dark gray boxers you packed were arranged right on top of the main folded pile, so he wouldn't have to rifle for them.
Seeing as St. Thomas would be their base of operations for the next few days, Javi goes to work unpacking the items you took the time to iron and steam for him.
When he gets to the assortment of button-down shirts you packed for more casual workdays, he's surprised to find a square envelope hidden underneath them. Placing the shirts on the dresser, he picks up the envelope, opening it and finding a crisply folded sheet that looks like was carefully pulled from the planner he's seen you write reminders in.
Unfolding it, he finds a note, written in your lovely handwriting.
Since you'll be busy and likely unable to chat much while you're away, I figured I'd write you an important reminder: I love you, with all my heart. And everything you do, it matters. I'm proud of you, and I'll be thinking about you, and wondering how I got so lucky to have you.
Please, be careful, and give yourself grace. Especially if you find yourself in a moment of frustration. I know how invested you can get when you're on the case, so just remember that you're not alone in it. And let Steve take on some of the stressing!
Missing you, chulito.
Soñaré de ti, mi amor. Sueña de mi, mi cariñito.
Heat fills his chest, making his heart feel full and immense at your words. It's then, when he's about to tuck the note back into the envelope, that he notices there's something else inside of it. Slipping it out, he ends up staring at the snapshot.
It's a photo of you, posed sultrily – sat at the foot of your bed, in only the nighty with the slit up the thigh. And from the looks of the angle the photo was taken, he realizes you must've found a timer on the Polaroid camera and set it on the dresser to snap you while you struck the sexy pose.
Completely floored, he's so lovestruck that it takes him a second to realize that the soft garment that the envelope was placed on is actually the silky nighty you have on in the photo.
He picks it up and brings the delicate garment to his nose. It's laced with the scent of your skin, with hints of your sweat and the fragrance of your body lotion, as well as the lingering traces of your soap, fresh smelling laundry detergent and fabric softener. A smile warms his face when he realizes that's what you meant. That he can dream of you because he'll have your alluring scent with him as he drifts off to sleep.
Tossing the towel away from his waist to plop into the bathroom's tiled floor, he quickly pulls on his boxers and goes to stretch out on the bed with the treasures you slipped into his suitcase. The look in your eyes in the photo is dazzling and flirty, and your smile is cheeky yet sexy.
Javi wonders when you would've taken it, and his mind whirs through the recent moments that have passed between you both – suddenly remembering you'd been wearing the silky nighty the late evening he'd come to spend the night at your place after a very long day of being holed up with tax officials in Hacienda, the Department of Treasury of Puerto Rico.
The local government had cleared the DEA's request to review any and all flagged income tax accounts suspected of possibly acting as shell corporations for money laundering, as well as the list out of those that had come up in property seizure documents across the Caribbean region that had so far been catalogued by the forensic accountants. He'd spent almost twelve hours in the building, and during one of the coffee breaks, he'd called you to check in. You'd managed to cajole him to come spend the night at your place since it was much closer to Hacienda. And since he'd driven himself that day, he was more than happy to agree.
You'd been in your silky robe when you'd answered the door late that night, and he'd been so exhausted that you'd towed him to your room, stripped him of his clothes, and herded him to bed. With the lights shut, you'd curled up against him under the covers when he'd looped his arm around you and held you close, and your warm skin and the soft scent of your hair had lulled him into a deep slumber. He hadn't realized you were in the sexy nighty that had become his favorite of them all until the next morning when you'd stirred him awake with a gentle kiss to his forehead before lovingly caressing his relaxed features and liltingly murmuring his name. His eyes had dreamily gazed up at you, focusing on your mussed hair and how the early morning rays spilling in from the hall framed you, sat at the edge of the bed.
"Javi, it's almost 7. Do you have any early meetings?" you'd murmured, gliding your palm along his deltoid, bright eyes and fresh features bare, with only affection radiating down at him.
He'd stretched to roll onto his back, reaching his hand to cup your knee as he shifted up on his elbow and stifled a yawn before mumbling in a raspy husk, "Mmmph, yeah. A very important one," before seamlessly whisking you up and over him to sprawl onto the bed. You squeaked in surprise and then giggled when he rolled on top of you before crooning, "That is, if you can pencil me in, jefa."
"Oh, I just so happen to have some time right now, agente," you purred teasingly as you'd wrapped your arms around him and kissed his smiling lips.
When you'd both gotten hot and heavy, you'd tried to shimmy the nighty up and off, but he'd stopped you. "No, keep it on," he recalls rumbling before kissing a path down your body in order to bury his head between your welcoming thighs.
Arousal curls hotly down into his loins at the memory of you crying out and gripping his hair when you'd orgasmed on his tongue and sobbed his name in a breathy whimper.
Javier had to slam the proverbial breaks on his raunchy thoughts racing off into reliving how you'd stopped him from smugly leaving you sprawled on the bed to instead order him to strip his boxers off before you pushed him down onto the rumpled covers and yanked your nighty off, climbed on top of him, and rode his cock while squeezing his hands after interlacing your fingers with his and holding on as you rocked each other into an incandescent climax.
Shimmying under the blanket, Javi shuts the night table lamp off and stretches out with your nighty draped over the adjacent pillow, and drifts off to sleep with your scent soothing him and the photo tucked against his palm and the silky garment.
It's the best night of sleep he's ever had while away from you.
You, on the other hand, did not sleep very well.
Waking up with a slight hangover, thanks to how stiff your father pours drinks, you'd slithered out of bed and took a hot shower to try and revive yourself. Thankfully, by the time you'd wandered down to the kitchen, he'd already made a pot of coffee and there were an assortment of pastries and fruit to choose from on the grand island counter. He was sat at the nice eat-in table by the wide window, reading his morning paper.
"Doña Lana can make you anything you'd like for breakfast. She's just running the washer," he remarks without glancing away from the Op-ed he's skimming.
"That's alright. The coffee and this pastelillo de guayaba will be more than enough," you retort smoothly as you pour yourself a cup and pick up the pastry to go sit at the table with him. "What time is your flight?"
"Just before noon," he answers and folds up the newspaper to set it aside so he can sip from his own mug, eyeing you over the rim.
The respite of having a nice cup of strong coffee and a deliciously flaky and sweet pastry in a comfortable silence is short lived when he clears his throat and finally says what he's wanted to say for a while now.
"I'm really glad we've been spending more time together, tesoro. I was hoping you'd be open to getting together when I get back? Perhaps a dinner or outing, that doesn't exclude Camille?"
You silently seethe and count to ten as you finish your last bite. Washing it down with a long sip of coffee, you busily dab the napkin to your lips and use it to dust the powdered sugar from your fingertips.
"I'd like to keep this up, Pá. But I can't agree to that and be expected to grin and bear her," you tell him honestly, trying to keep all emotion from your tone.
He absorbs that, before crossing his arms and giving you an intense stare.
"All she's wanted is to be considered family, and she's done nothing but be supportive of us catching up for lost time…but I can tell it's begun to upset her, being excluded. It would mean a lot to me," is his bass-filled petition, his brows furrowing hopefully when you don't immediately scoff or shake your head. "You could invite Javier along—"
"Let's not get carried away," you finally sigh and idly brush the rogue strands of hair back from your face. You see a flicker of disappointment etch his features, so you dramatically huff before deflating back in your chair, then clear your throat before graveling, "Hmph…"just when I thought I was out, you pull me back in!""
Your father cracks a broad smile at that before chuckling, "That movie was terrible."
"Right?! I was so surprised by how bad it was," is your irreverent comment, snickering as you lean forward to prop your elbow on the table, "It did have some decent one-liners, though."
He grunts, before quoting, "Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment."
Laughing, you quote back, "Never let anyone know what you're thinking."
He laughs along, but then surprises you when he reaches his hand out to affectionately squeeze your propped up forearm, before gazing warmly at you, as he quotes, "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."
It takes you off guard, to hear him quote that line. Truthfully, it disarms you, so you lean back and take his hand.
Just like when you were little, his hand dwarfs yours, and a heartstring tugs in your chest as you remember how much you'd loved walking with your father, holding his hand.
"Ok. I'll think about it," you murmur and give his hand a squeeze.
When you hug him goodbye a short while later, you wish him luck on his meetings, and he promises to call you once he's back on the island.
Both you and Javier have such hectic days that you don't get to check in with each other until very late that evening.
He's just returned to his hotel room and begins eagerly stripping his blazer and yanking his tie loose when his cell phone starts ringing in his pocket.
Retrieving it and pressing the button to answer, he props the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he toes off his dress shoes and empties his pockets. "Hello?"
"Hey, hermoso. It's not too late to chat?" your smooth lilting voice queries over the line.
"No, I actually just got back to my room," he assures as he sits to lounge back against the headboard of the bed. Stretching his legs out and crossing them at the ankles, he exhales relaxedly before asking, "You missing me as much as I miss you, preciosa?"
He hears you snicker flirtatiously before musing, "Depends on how much you're missing me."
"Ah, if you're gonna be that way, I'm just gonna get ready for my date with the sexy little thing I got waiting in bed with me then," Javi tauntingly croons as he pulls out your photo from his wallet left on the nightstand and smirks when you make a grumpy little sound of disapproval.
"Well, stud, go right ahead. I have my own date in bed too," you counter sarcastically.
Grunting, Javier mutters flatly, "See, when you say it, it's way too believable—"
Snickering dismissively, you deride, "Hah, mira quien habla. I told you they used to call you el guapo descarado around the embassy. I never got such an apodo—"
Quippingly, Javi cuts in, "No, you were 'that ferocious little minx' and 'a knockout', oh and 'drop-dead gorgeous'—"
Your dramatic sigh has him pausing to grin, then chuckling when you grumble, "Tan chavón."
Humming innocently, he drawls in a gravelly murmur, "The only thing I got a date with, is your sexy nighty. I slept like a rock last night thanks to it."
"Ah, so you found it," you chime coolly, and he can hear the shifting of the covers as you pull the quilt back and slide under it. "I'm hoping to have a better night's sleep thanks to cuddling your shirt tonight."
"You spent the night at your dad's?" he queries as he unbuttons his dress shirt open and pulls the tails loose from the waistband of his slacks.
"Yeah. I ended up having a bit too much to drink, so I crashed in the guest room," you reply before redirecting, "So, how's St. Thomas?"
"It's alright. Sunny, but hot. Luckily, we've spent a lot of time indoors, dealing with CBP's Office of Field Operations here," is his smooth reply, hand idly brushing the curls of hair fanning over his forehead back as he grouses, "They're being pains in the ass."
"Oh?" you query curiously.
"Yeah, there's always been inter-agency static between DEA and CBP. They're wanting to red tape us to a point of impatience. But really, they're just trying to keep all the action for themselves, and don't want DEA oversight," he explains before huffing his aggravation from his tone, to add, "Anyway, we got one more day here, then it's off to St. John."
"Hang in there, boss man," you quip impishly, before asking, "Did you find the envelope?"
"Yes, I did. And you're a wicked little tease for slipping that photo in," he retorts with a smooth, canela-dipped rumble in his voice.
You giggle, and it makes that funny tickle flutter heat in that spot behind his sternum.
"Just a little reminder of what you have to come home to, guapito," is your smug purr before you end up stifling a yawn. "So you know, I meant everything I wrote. And I really miss you, Javi."
That radiating feeling throbs in his chest at your words. He's carried your letter in his pocket all day, sneaking it out of the envelope to skim it whenever he had a free moment. Picking it up from where he placed it down on the nightstand, he rests it over his chest as he stares at your photo.
You hear some rustling on his end of the line, and wonder if he's even read the letter, when he clears his throat and husks, "It means a lot. No one…I've never…It just means everything to me." Obviously fumbling with articulating his feelings, Javier huffs at himself before declaring, "When I get back, I'll do a better job, showing you how much it means to me, querida."
Clutching his pillow to your chest, you smile whimsically as you tell him, "I love you, Javi."
"I love you too, corazón," is his raspy murmur, before he purrs, "Dulces sueños, mi amor."
Feeling effervescently besotted, you susurrate, "Soñaré de ti, mi cariñito."
You both wish each other goodnight before hanging up, and sleep finds you both easily thanks to each other's scent lulling you into sweet slumber.
You do dream of Javier.
The sound of the tropical night filters into your dream as you're sitting in the passenger seat of the Cadillac. Javier is in the driver's seat, with one hand steering the wheel while his other arm is draped over the back of the bench. The scenery through the front windshield is of a winding, Puerto Rican rural mountain road at early twilight, but in the back windshield, it's the sunset sky over the Medellín cityscape. Javier's hand moves from the back of the seat to rest on your thigh, and when you look down at it, you're surprised to see your belly is swollen under a flowy black peasant dress with red embroidery on the hem and down the front collar.
You look over to find Javi smiling at you as the orange and blush-toned hues of twilight illuminate his profile. When you go to lean close to him for a kiss, you're suddenly jolted awake by your alarm clock blaring.
Scrambling over to shut it off, you flop onto your back and sigh confusedly up at the ceiling.
No dawdling. Doctor's appointment awaits.
The details of the dream were already fading into the fuzzy recesses of your mind by the time you're arriving to the waiting room. Signing into the log sheet at the front desk, you entered and found the space filled with a lot of other patients waiting their turn. You were surprised the office was busy so early first thing in the morning, but quickly abandoned wondering about it to instead let your anxious thoughts preoccupy you.
Another lab screening is due, so bloodwork as well as the usual checkup. Nothing's come back since the last one, so not likely to have any changes until the specialist reviews—
They call your name, and you snap out of your internal worrying to get up from the seat you were able to snag nearest the door.
It was for the best, you thought, to continue not mentioning your health concerns to Javi. You figured that until they were able to give you a definitive diagnosis, it would be pointless to make him worry. Sure, you also didn't want to spend too much time fretting about all the 'what ifs' that had already plagued you for months, but there was a small part of you that was already settling into being resigned towards what seemed like an inevitable outcome.
You didn't want to say it out loud, though. Not yet.
After taking several vials of blood and tagging them for analysis, your doctor charted your current weight and asked you about any irregularities in diet, if you'd been fatigued or feeling off.
Confirming that aside from still not menstruating, you felt fine, she asked, "And you're still sexually active?"
"Yes," you answer, worrying the leather strap of your purse between your hands.
"And it's been with the same partner?" she inquires, and at your nod, she neutrally asks, "Unprotected sex?"
"Yes," you confirm, tone a little tight.
"Hmm, well, I'd like to test to make sure you're not pregnant. I'll note it on the lab form as well," she clinically details as she scribbles just that on the form. "As usual, I'll call you with the results. In the meantime, keep your routine, and be sure to take plenty of vitamins. Especially with this flu that's going around."
You nod and thank her, still on autopilot from compartmentalizing the anxiety and dread the visit whips up inside of you.
A few minutes later and you're back in your car, feeling the pressure from worrying all morning begin to dissipate. Driving out of the parking lot, you cruise through the increasing street traffic as rush hour starts to congest the metropolitan roadways.
The radio is on your favorite station, and the morning program is recapping the latest local news when you notice that the car is starting to shake oddly.
Suddenly, just as you pass the traffic light of the intersection, you feel a sharp lurch before the undercarriage of the car slams roughly down on the pavement, as if you'd just hit the mother of all potholes. But then you hear metal grinding against asphalt, and immediately stop the car, only to find you can't turn the wheel to try and pull off to the nearest curb and out of the way of traffic.
Frantically, you keep trying to force the wheel, but it isn't until a bystander on the sidewalk rushes over and waves at you that you lower your window and hear him tell you that you're driving on the axel because your driver's side tire came off.
The next few minutes is pure chaos as car horns blare at you and impatient drivers zoom around your disabled vehicle into the opposite lane, which then causes a traffic bottleneck in the opposite direction you were driving.
After climbing over your center console to exit through the front passenger door, you manage to see the damage for yourself.
"Oh my god," you gasp at seeing that indeed, your entire tire – rim and all – came off the axel and was flung at the corner of the intersection.
Several calls later, and the police are detouring traffic while a tow struck is hitching your car to its flatbed to be transported to your dealership. With your work tote, workout bag, and purse in hand, you accept the tow truck driver's ride to the dealership. Realizing you're going to be very late for the manager's meeting, you get your cell phone from your purse and call Ellis.
"—Holy shit! Are you ok?!"
"Yeah, just a little thrown off. It doesn't look like I'll make it in time, so could you do me a favor and take any notes for me? Devon is in the Operations review so I—"
"No worries, kid. I got you. It sounds like it's gonna be another budgetary thing anyway," he assures and promises to give word to Olga so she can relay the news to Devon once he's back in your department.
The dealership is baffled when you explain to them what happened, and insist there's no way your recent service could've caused such an issue with your tire. Still, they agree to expedite the repairs and do a full diagnosis to see if anything else is wrong with your vehicle.
Unfortunately for you, they don't have any loaner vehicles available, so you're just about to ask them if they can call you a taxi when you remember that Kike had given you his cell phone number.
The congenial plainclothes officer is pulling up to the dealership not even twenty minutes later.
"Chacho, that sounds very scary!" he remarks, shaking his head empathetically after you tell him what happened. "If you need a ride later, I can take you home—"
"No, don't worry. While I waited, I called my friend to cancel plans we had for tonight, but she didn't let me and offered to pick me up," you reassure, smiling as you thank, "I appreciate it, though! I promise to call if I'm stuck for real."
"Ok, very good," he intones, as if satisfied, driving through morning traffic all the way to La Avenida Chardón where the U.S. Courthouse and Federal building are. During the drive, you ask him about how his training exercises went, and he jovially tells you how he's progressing and should be snagging the tactical ops certification in a month or so.
While you're hearing about the training Kike has yet to complete, Javier is standing under the shady canopy in front of the luxury store's display window, admiring the different, glitzy jewelry options arranged on the shelves and stands. The promenade is busy with tourists and locals alike, out enjoying the balmy Caribbean morning.
Just like that previous time wandering the jewelry district in Bogotá, Javier was perplexed by the variety of options – at the daunting number of rings one could possibly choose from. He was just internally admonishing himself for not having peeked into your jewelry box prior to see what kinds of rings – if any – you wore, for inspiration, when Steve approached his right side and hummed in goading wonder to get his attention.
"Well? Any of 'em catch your fancy?" he drawls as he squints at a very gaudy canary yellow diamond ring.
Grunting, Javi pushes his sunglasses back into place over the bridge of his nose before glancing over at Steve. "That's the thing: I haven't seen anything that feels like 'the one' – which as I say it out loud, sounds dumb," Javi mutters before looking back at the display.
Cocking a brow curiously, Steve remarks, "I mean, you were engaged once before—?"
"I didn't pick out that ring," Javi cuts in matter-of-factly, and Steve raises his brows in confusion, so he explains, "When we'd decided on needing to get hitched, Lorraine showed me an ad for the engagement ring she saw at the local jeweler's that she liked, so I got it and went to ask her father for permission. Showed him I already had the ring, so no one would suspect," he trails off before absently brushing the perspiration beading at his forehead. Running his hand to sweep his rogue curls back, he ends up shrugging, deadpanning, "I have no clue what she would like."
"I mean, when in doubt, a simple, big ole diamond ring should do the trick," Steve razzes and claps Javi on the back good-naturedly.
"No shit," Javier scoffs, griping, "But gold band? What shape diamond? I just don't know…"
Humming sympathetically, Steve was going to suggest maybe asking one of your close friends for help ring shopping, when a car pulled up to the curb and honked at them.
"Our ride's here," Javi mumbles as he walks by Steve, gesturing for him to hop to it. "Let's get this nonsense over with."
They both get in the SUV to be driven over to the U.S. Customs field office, and all the rings and twinkling diamonds fill his head as they drive to their appointment.
You're in desperate need for a break.
Once you'd gotten to the building, you'd spent the rest of the workday playing catchup. All your meetings had to be rescheduled and you hadn't had a moment to even grab coffee or a snack for lunch, so by the time 2pm rolls around, you're famished. Luckily, the conference call you had with a counterpart at the D.C. federal office got rescheduled for later in the week, so you decided to rush down to the cafeteria and get something to hold you over until dinner.
You've just sat down with your little tray at the table closest to the floor-to-ceiling-length windows that overlook the interior courtyard between the Federal and U.S. Courthouse buildings when you here a pair of leather-soled shoes clomping towards you.
"Well now, having a late lunch, signorina?"
You turn to see Agent Bozzi in a light gray suit and pale teal dress shirt, sans a tie. His hair is swept back and his beard is groomed differently than you remembered, but that smug smile and his cunning gaze is still filled with promise of ulterior motives. He's holding a big cup of to-go coffee, and is standing in that obvious way someone would to nonverbally fish for an invite to sit.
"Yes, it's been a hectic day, so just needed a snack," you reply pleasantly as you can, without trying to be inviting or obviously aloof. After all, you really just want to eat your salad and fruit—
Bozzi goes ahead and slides into the empty chair across from you, nodding towards your meal as he muses charismatically, "Pretty disciplined snack. Never would've guessed you for enjoying the forbidden fruit."
Arching a brow, you retort, "This is a pear. No apples today, although, the pomegranate is believed to be the more historically accurate 'forbidden fruit' of legend."
"Huh. I didn't know that," Bozzi drawls in a bass-filled reply, thick brows knitting together almost bemusedly while you begin to eat your salad.
You can see the gears turning for him to try and come up with something else to continue in conversation, so you decide to redirect, "Well, I hope I'm not holding you up from whatever required you to get that big caffeine boost."
His eyes crinkle at his cup and he admits, "Nah, I just needed an excuse to kill some time before heading back over to the Courthouse building—"
Of course… you acerbically think to yourself.
"—been burning the candle at both ends with this task force operation. Never seen anything like it. I've heard of a neighborhood being run by the drug dealers in Jamaica, but in a U.S. territory?" Bozzi prods your interest then, so you pay attention to his unfiltered remarking of, "Can't trust local PD to get the job done, so gotta let the experts take back the block."
"A block?" you ask.
Bozzi is pleased with himself, that he was able to pique your interest with that. "Yeah. It's classified, so I can't say too much, but a small-time gang took over a whole neighborhood, and even drew a white line in front of a specific block as a point of no return for the residents and outsiders. No one can cross it but the gang," he explains boldly before shifting the topic. "Anyway, the whole thing reminds me of a ride along I did once with the Italian special forces team the FBI partnered with outside of Rome. You ever been to Italy?"
You have to do everything to not roll your eyes at him. He was laying it on thick, and you'd fallen in the conversational trap, so you relented and answered, "Yes. I spent a season in Naples while my father trained at the U.S. Naval base there."
"Ah, long enough to pick up enough Italian?" he flirts, brows smugly cresting up as he smirks charmingly.
"Enough to get by, yes," you reply and take a bite of your salad.
He seems to decide then to give up reeling you in, at least for the time being.
"Well, I'll get out of your hair. I'll see yah around, director," Bozzi remarks and seamlessly vacates the seat as quickly as he'd taken it, and smiles at you as he exits with, "Maybe we can grab a real snack sometime."
You watch him stroll towards the lobby with that cocky swagger, and internally glower. How presumptuous!
The Bozzi drive-by has you rolling your eyes as you finish your snack, taking the pear with you up to your office so you can nibble on it in peace.
If Javier knew the FBI special agent in-charge had tried to flirt you up, he would be in an even worse mood than he was currently.
U.S. Customs had agreed to let them review their own surveillance findings for the investigation into the drop sites found in remote strips of beach, but had insisted they wouldn't compromise their UC's or the targets they were currently embedded with.
"—For the last time: I don't give a shit about their aliases. All we want are leads on the local players so we can trace any of them back to the surveillance targets DEA has in Puerto Rico," Javi impatiently snaps, eyeing the official across the table like he's an obstacle begging to be moved with force.
Steve, on the other hand, is sat next to Javier and is rubbing his temples, shoulders squared in aggravation. "What Agent Peña here is saying, is we're not looking to mess with your undercover agents. We're just looking for cooperation on whether any of the contacts they've made have mentioned any partnerships with the trafficking players running the trade in Puerto Rico," is his patient insistence.
The irony of all this, which they wouldn't find out about until way after the fact, was that U.S. Customs didn't have a real foothold with the supposed underlings to the traffickers, because the targets were acting as decoys.
Junior Capsula had learned from the mistakes of Escobar, and he wasn't as big of a come mierda as the Cali Godfathers. So, he knew to insulate himself and his real partners away from public view. And after that clusterfuck of a bust back in 1988 during that Operation C-Chase, it became more obvious that no one was to ever penetrate the smoke screen created to shield true leadership of the Familia.
Then again, though, his syndicate wasn't technically part of it.
Still, that meant creating not only dummy corporations, but decoy bag men and trafficking liaisons. The days of smugglers using banks to launder money, as far as he was concerned, were over. And with the current setup he was slowly building, he was sure to grow his empire and remain incognito.
After spending all day chipping away at the red tape, Javier and Steve got the intel needed and a commitment from CBP to keep them in the loop.
By the time he got back to his room, Javi needed a shower to wash the exasperation and angst off. Steve had agreed to skip dinner in favor of unwinding over room service and a long-distance call with Connie, so Javi took the opportunity to pack his suitcase for the early flight in the morning to St. John before tossing himself onto the bed and popping the kinks out of his back.
Picking up your nighty from where he'd folded it on the pile of clothes going into the suitcase, Javi drapes it over his face and takes a deep inhale through the garment. Your scent warms his blood, and makes his impulses itch.
The cool air in the room caresses across his bare skin as he lies there in just the towel, eyes closed and thoughts going lustful.
You've just gotten home after being dropped off by Zoraida. Your muscles ache from the kooky workout you'd tried out before dinner, and now full, you feel like you're in desperate need for a nice hot soaking bath before crawling under the covers.
The bathtub is halfway full and you're just about to climb in to sit on the ledge and let your feet dip into the warm water when your cell phone starts ringing.
Rushing to retrieve it from the bedside charger, you answer it while adjusting the fluffy towel around your torso.
"I really wish you'd packed a pair of your panties along with the nighty."
Scoffing a simpering laugh, you go lean back against the doorway so you can keep watch of the tub while it continues to fill. "As if I'd pack skanky panties into your luggage and run the mortifying risk of them searching your suitcase at customs!" you deride sassily, grinning when he grumbles contrarily at that.
"Tan chingona," he deadpans, before letting loose a ruminating exhale.
Humming curiously, you ask, "Something on your mind?" then add, "Bad day?"
"Just a ball-busting kind of day. Nothing worth mentioning," is his monotone gripe, before he queries, "How was your day, cariño?"
You don't really want to tell him about the chaotic day, especially the incidents with the car and Agent Bozzi, so you simply respond, "It was busy! And I capped it off by going with Zoraida to try out this Pilates thing, so after I finish this hot bath, I'm taking my tired ass to bed."
"Pilates?" he remarks on a grunt.
"Yeah, it's the latest workout, I guess. All about precise ranges of motion and they use this machine that kind of looks like a torture rack to stretch your muscles and make you hold into positions to strengthen your core," you tell him as you walk over and turn the faucet of the tub off. "I'm probably going to feel like I was beaten with a stick in the morning."
"Jesus, don't overdo it, baby," is his rumbling tut, but you can hear the lopsided smile in his voice when he adds, "I think you should just stick to our special regiment and let me work you into positions that'll have you feeling good, instead."
You snicker, "Beyako," and smirk when he chuckles cockily at your ribbing. "You guys are flying out to St John in the morning still?"
"Yep. We'll be there a few days. Steve's ASAC has a lot of meetings set up for us," he replies on a huffy sigh.
Pouting, you chime, "You can do it, gruñón. I believe in you."
Javi blows a raspberry at that. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, bravita. Now, go have your bath. I'll call you tomorrow night," is his rugged murmur that has electricity zinging through you and into your core. "Goodnight, mi amor."
"Goodnight. Love you, chulito," you croon sweetly before telling him goodbye.
Setting the phone aside, you toss the towel onto the floor and slip carefully into the warm bath water. You practically melt as the heat seeps into your aching muscles, as you luxuriate with the fragrant soap you lather yourself up with before dipping below the surface and popping up for breath before lounging backwards against the tub.
When you get into bed and fall asleep, you're hugging Javier's pillow, with his college shirt tucked around it. Your slumber is sound and soothing.
For Javi, however, his night's sleep is filled with sexy dreams of you.
Needless to say, he's ridiculously horny when he wakes up early the following morning. The urge lingers in his core, even after he takes the edge off in the shower. Sure, it doesn't help that his salacious mind can't stop thinking about you. That when he brushes his teeth, the image of you smiling brilliantly at him fills his mind's eye. And when he shaves, the hickey you left on his neck, while mostly healed, still taunts him with the memory of how wild you got as you reached bliss and reveled in the throes of pleasure that he gave you.
By the time he was riding down in the elevator with Steve to check out, he felt like an animal in a rut. And once they were waiting at the gate to board their hour-long flight, Javi was craving a cigarette bad.
"Fuck, you got any nicotine gum?" Javier asks Steve as he rifles through the front zip pockets of his suitcase.
"Yeah," Steve goes into his pocket for the pack he keeps on him. "Here, take 'em. I'm on the patch."
Javi takes the pack and immediately pops one of the gums out of the tray packaging. Tossing it into his mouth, he chews and pockets the rest in his jeans. "Thanks. I knew I forgot to pack something," he grumbles as he sits back and absently scrubs his hand along his jaw, exhaling soothingly when the familiar tingle disperses from the gum.
"Technically you didn't pack the suitcase though, right?" Steve jibes, twirling the pen he's plucked from his polo's breast pocket.
The smile crests his lips before he can even try to feign coolness. "She surprised me with it, then packed everything immaculately for me. But I haven't been relying on the gum as much lately, so I didn't have any lying around," he replies as he tucks the gum into his cheek and checks his watch. "How're Connie and the kids?"
Steve grunts lamentingly. "Olivia caught the flu from school, so Connie picked her up early and took today off to stay home with the girls. She's keeping Isabel away to avoid her catching it, which you can imagine isn't easy," he explains, frowning. "She said flu cases have been spiking the last week."
"Shit, that's rough. You're gonna have to make it up to her big time when you get back," Javi states the obvious and nods sagely at Steve, which always gets the gringo's goat.
"Says the guy who came down here to marry the girl he let get away, and he hasn't even gotten his shit together to pick out a ring," Steve instigates right back and cocks his eyebrow snootily at him. Seeing the comment needle Javier enough that he broodingly crosses his arms and huffs crossly out of his nose before staring at the terminal's foot traffic, Steve sticks his lower lip out as he grunts, before divulging, "I think you're overcomplicating the ring thing. Celina is not a flashy lady. I'm sure a nice, classic ring with a simple diamond in the middle will make her more than happy. And anyway, you can get fancy on the actual wedding band later on."
Absorbing that, Javi ruminates on it the rest of the day.
You, on the other hand, are doing anything but thinking straight right now. Not with how run down and sick you feel.
It started as a lethargic fatigue in your muscles that morning. One you easily chalked up to being sore from the workout the night before. You ignored it and went about your day.
The car insurance company was nice enough to expedite getting you a rental car to use while yours was still at the dealership getting repaired, and once in the vehicle, you'd commuted to the office. By noon, though, you'd started getting a congestion headache. You managed to make it to 3pm before you had to call it a day, feeling lousy and begrudgingly frowning when Devon had poked his head in to see you listlessly packing your tote as he remarked, "Oh no, you too, huh. Noreen caught the flu last week, and it's slowly been working its way through the building."
With your purse slung across your shoulder and tote hanging in your hand, you waved him away as you croaked, "I'm going to go home before I pass out. Now, stay away so I don't infect you—"
"Ah, I never get sick. I've been around everyone who's gotten the flu so far," he'd stated like it was irrefutable, before shrugging and insisting, "I'll cover that meeting at 4pm and have Olga adjust your calendar for tomorrow. You're definitely going to need bedrest."
You'd groaned, but thanked him before schlepping out as quickly as your aching body could. However, you'd gotten to your apartment and barely made it into your room before realizing you'd forgotten to finish an efficiency report due the beginning of the following week, and you hadn't packed your laptop.
Too drained to come up with a solution, you undressed and got into an oversized baggy t-shirt and crawled into bed. You had taken a dose of the medicine that was sure to knock you out soon, so you were hoping to get the ginger tea down to help settle your stomach before that happened. The chills had just started wracking through your frame as the house phone rang while you stood wrapped up in your throw blanket by the kitchen as the tea kettle heated up on the stove.
Croakily, you answer, "Hello?"
"Ay, no, you're sick too?!" Zoraida's dramatic lamentation sounds harried and raspy. "I woke up con la monga—"
"Join the club," you grouse, shivering. "And I was just at the doctor when she mentioned watching out to not catch it—"
"Ah! So you must've caught it and given it to me," Zoraida sarcastically chastises before breaking out into a coughing fit.
"Nena, it's flu season! Plus, wasn't that instructor last night sniffling?!" you lob right back, jolting when the kettle starts to whistle.
"Ah, es verdad. Que jodienda," Zoraida huffs over the line. "Anyway, I was calling to tell you I have to cancel going to the salon—"
"Obviamente," you laconically drawl as you steep the tea bag in the piping hot water you just poured before taking the mug back to your bedroom. "I was really looking forward to some pampering, too," is your gruff complaint. Once you've pressed the phone to your ear and gotten yourself situated in your blanket cocoon, you add, "This week ha sido una mierda, and it's not even over yet."
"Oh yeah?" your friend queries.
With the medicine cruising through your bloodstream, you're too sick to want to keep your guard up. Most of your energy was zapped out of you, so you end up venting about your week so far, not realizing how brashly detailed you're being.
"—Anyway, I'll stop ranting. Once we both feel better, we'll do the salon," you end up musing before you both wish each other speedy recovery so you can finish your tea and try to get some rest.
Javier tries to call you later that night, but you are dead to the world thanks to the medicine you took making you groggy. He figures you must've had a long day and fallen asleep early. But when he calls your cell phone, then your office line the next morning and gets no response? He starts to worry, and your home phone goes to voicemail after ringing for several beats. So, he calls Ellis.
The man picks up as he stifles a sneeze. "Hello?"
"Hey, It's Javier. Sorry to call out of the blue, but I haven't been able to get a hold of Celina," he explains, pacing the length of the hall just outside of the CBP conference room he and Steve had been in most of the morning. "Is everything ok?"
"Hey, Jav. One sec—" Ellis begins before being interrupted by another sneeze. "Ugh, sorry. Anyway, she's out with the flu. Probably sleeping it off. It's been running rampant in the building. Think I'm catching it too," is his congested explanation, before adding, "Poor girl's had a hell of a week as it is. I was planning on stopping by her place to drop off her laptop, so I can let her know to give you a call, if you want."
"Shit. Yeah, that would be great. Thanks. Hope you feel better soon too," Javi answers before they exchange goodbyes.
He's puzzled by the other man's comment, though. When you call him back later on that night, he's relieved to hear your voice and doesn't immediately remember to ask you about your week.
"—Hi, mi amor. I'm sorry I missed your calls!"
"It's ok, querida. Heard you're not feeling great," he replies, leaning against the banister of the patio he's currently stood on while the sun sets in the horizon across the way.
"I caught the flu. Minus Devon and Olga, almost everyone I know at the Federal office has been sick," you tell him in a tinny voice before coughing.
"Pobrecita," is his lament. "Olivia's been sick too. Shit's going around."
"Aww, bendito," you chime sympathetically. "The medicine I've been taking makes me drowsy, but I do feel much better than I did yesterday. Ellis came by a little while ago to drop off my laptop," is your comment before adding cheekily, "He told me you called him all worried about me."
"I did," Javi admits easily. "I'm glad you're feeling a little better—"
"Hey, Jav! You want another drink?" Steve interrupts as he shouts over from inside the house they're visiting.
"Babe, are you and Steve on a date?" you jibe impishly.
"No, you loquita," Javi snorts as he turns and gestures to Steve that he's still good with his half-filled glass of whiskey. "We're at his ASAC's place. Sam and his wife invited us over for dinner. I'm actually out on their patio. It's got a great view of the beach shore."
"Ah, that's nice! I won't keep you then—"
"When are you and I going to go to the beach together, eh?" Javi cuts in charmingly, before drawling, "Any secret playas we can go lay out on, just the two of us?"
You snicker, "Yes, there are a few, chavón. Hurry back so I can pack a beach tote and drag you along on a seashore adventure!"
"I'm holding you to that, preciosa. Now get some rest. Love you."
"Love you too, hermoso. Take care."
By the weekend, you're feeling almost 70 percent back to normal, with only a cough lingering now.
Your doctor had called with the lab results, and you were miffed to hear yet again that the results were 'normal' and requiring more observation, since none of the markers for thyroid, PCOS or pituitary issues were coming up that could explain the amenorrhea.
After also confirming you were not pregnant either, she surprised you when she asked, "Have you been feeling stressed lately?"
You'd been thrown off, but replied that you were of course stressed, but not in any significant way you felt was abnormal.
Deciding to schedule another checkup in a few months, she recommended you find ways to lower your stress, relax on exerting yourself in your fitness routine, and continue with vitamins to help build up your hormonal balance since you were probably still coming off being on birth control for such a protracted period of time.
The whole thing was aggravating you, which obviously wasn't helping lower any stress. Still, you compartmentalized the news and continued with your day, which was filled with playing catchup from your disastrous week previous, and looking forward to having that pampering session with Zoraida after work.
When you're finally basking in the lounge with Zoraida post-services, sipping your complimentary champagne, she decides to hit you with her nosy interrogating.
"So, when's your jevo back from his work trip?"
"He's flying back tomorrow night."
"When are we gonna meet him, hm?"
"Are we going to meet him before your dad does?"
"Are things progressing to him eventually meeting him, though?"
Scoffing after swallowing your sip, you gripe, "Girl, I don't know! I'm not following an itinerary or anything—"
"You said your dad's been insisting on meeting him, so I was just wondering," she defensively retorts, shrugging.
"…I did?" is your confused remark, brows furrowing.
"Yeah. The other night? You said your dad has been fishing for you to open up about him, and that he even suggested inviting him over to dinner—"
You truly don't remember that, and it's plain on your face.
"Coño, nena – no te recuerdas," she snickers, elaborating, "You were venting about how he's pulling on your heartstrings about it? Something about quoting The Godfather?"
"Hah, yeah, ok. Jeez, I'm telling you, that stuff had me groggy and drowsy," you ruefully shake your head and finish your last sip.
"So…does Javier know?"
"About my dad jodiendo? No—"
"No, not that. Does he know about the doctor's checkups?"
Blinking in shock, you realize you must've just rambled in your grogginess about everything that was front of mind for you.
"No. I haven't told him because there's nothing to really tell," you answer, sitting back in the lounge chair and running your manicured fingers over your freshly trimmed and styled hair absently as you confide, "I was hoping to know by now whether it's just residual hormonal imbalance from being on the pill for so long, but they think it's this condition—well, they don't know if it is because they haven't diagnosed any underlying causes—"
"I mean, you've been with only Javi this whole time, right?" Zoraida interrupts, and at your vacant nod, she presses, "Pues, since you've gone off the birth control. He's the only guy you've had sex with?"
"Zory, you know he's been the only one," you scoff, shifting in your seat while glowering at her.
"Well? Then maybe he's shooting blanks," she states like it's no big deal.
"…Zory," you begin, but then huff, "I'm the one not having a normal menstrual cycle—"
"Which your doctor said isn't totally abnormal—"
"Why are we even talking about this?!"
"Because! You are with this man who could get you pregnant any minute—"
"Por Dios—no he's not, because I'm more than likely infertile!"
You realize you've blurted it out and now sit there, feeling moored to the scary reality you've not wanted to acknowledge out loud.
Leaning forward and empathetically rubbing your arm, Zoraida assures in an unwavering tone, "You don't know that yet. Until you do, there's no point stressing yourself out over it."
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you feel guilty. You're unsure why.
"Anyway…did I tell you, that I think Rafa is going to propose to Naida?"
The new topic overrides the mounting rumination in your head and refocuses you.
It's a perfect distraction that carries you to the end of the hangout.
By the time you get home, you feel wrung out. Sleep comes easily, and the next morning as you prepare to go into work, you're feeling recharged – albeit still dealing with the lingering respiratory stuffiness.
You get completely caught up at work, and even have time to plan for the upcoming projects that will require you to travel in the next month or so.
When the dealership finally calls about your car the following day, you're hopeful that you can get back to your normal routine. However, you're surprised when they ask for you to come down so they can speak with you in person.
After work, you commute over to the busy avenue the dealership and its auto shop are.
You are brought into what would be used as a leasing agreement room, and are perplexed when the assistant manager and the lead technician enter the room with a bunch of documents.
They talk through all the repairs, show you photos of all the damage they documented when the car was dropped off by the tow company, and show you after photos. Then, they hit you with it.
"…You're saying that the tire was tampered with?"
"Well, we can't say that for sure—"
"Señorita, I'm going to be frank. I have been arguing that the kind of damage cannot be from negligence on our part. If when you'd gotten your tune up, we'd improperly tightened the lugnuts, you'd have noticed first thing. The fact that the incident occurred almost a week after the service? In my professional opinion, someone loosened those nuts—"
Truly flummoxed, you continue to listen to them, and make arrangements for the insurance rep to meet with them in order to review their findings so they can document their case. Said rep contacts you, explaining since there is no police report detailing suspicion of the car being tampered with, they would write it off as a sudden mechanical failure, with the cause as inconclusive.
Still, the rep can't help joke, "After something like this? I'd kick all the tires before I get in the car."
You'd dropped off the rental and gotten your vehicle from the dealership, finding that it drove fine the whole way to work.
The entire ordeal is so jarring and filled with judicious paper trailing that you end up not realizing you hadn't heard from Javi until that afternoon.
Going to the floor the DEA department was on, you loped down in the direction of Javier's office, hoping to at least pop in and say hello if he's too busy. However, when you round the corner and head towards his office door, you're surprised to be stopped by his admin, who clears her throat before stating curtly, "Agent Peña isn't in today."
You turn, internally wondering if you were misinterpreting the edge of her tone when Steve comes around the corner from his own office, spotting you.
"Hey, hun! Got a minute?" Steve greets and asks, gesturing with a point over his shoulder for you to step into his office for privacy.
Nodding, you stride coolly over and make it a point not to look in the admin's direction.
Once you're in the tall blond's office, he closes the door and accepts your hug and kiss on the cheek hello. "Is Javi at the field office today?"
"Nope. He's out sick," Steve drawls in his sarcastic twanging tone. At your gasp, he puts his hands on his hips and shrugs comically. "I know. He was complaining about having a headache before we got on the flight last night, and then this morning he called saying he felt like absolute shit, so I sent Segarra to the field office while I cover stuff here," is his explanation. "I told him to stay in bed, because he did sound like complete crud."
Crud was an understatement for how Javier was feeling right now.
He'd cursed himself the entire plane ride to San Juan for stopping into the duty-free shops in the terminal before boarding the flight with Steve, certain that tourist in front of him getting rung up passed his germs onto him after coughing in his direction. By the time Wilmer drove him and Steve to their gated neighborhood, Javi's head felt foggy and his throat started aching.
Dead-tired, he'd dropped everything in his room before going to shower. He'd put on pajama bottoms and gotten into bed with the intention of calling you, but ended up rolling onto his side and passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Shivering under his sheets now, with cold sweat clinging to his feverish brow, he gritted his jaw with exhausted aggravation. He was thirsty, but too tired and achy to get out of bed and go to the kitchen. Aside from ibuprofen in his medicine cabinet, he didn't have anything to take for his fluish symptoms.
Just as he began to doze off again, the distant sound of the deadbolt lock on the front door being jiggled mutedly caught in his hearing. It wasn't until he heard it definitively unlock that he jolted up in bed and instinctively rushed to get up and retrieve his gun. Unholstering his service weapon where it was sat at the top of his dresser, he stealthily moved on feverishly trembling limbs down the hallway towards the source of entry for the intruder.
His shivering makes his shoulders quake as he stalks cautiously over, and just as he's about to switch the safety off once he's made it to the kitchen's bar top counter corner, the door opens.
You fumble over the threshold with your arms incumbered by several big paper shopping bags laden in your arms and plastic pharmacy bags hanging beyond your wrists.
"Jesus fucking Christ!"
You squeak in surprise at Javier's alarmed exclamation, and nearly drop one of the bigger bags.
Quickly placing the gun on the counter, facing away from you with the safety still on, Javi shakily scrubs his hand over his feverish features.
"Javi, you scared me!" you haughtily grumble as you kick the front door shut and rush to put the bags down in the kitchen. "What're you doing out of bed—?" you begin but end up getting hit with a coughing fit.
Scowling almost pitifully, Javi grouses, "I thought someone was breaking in—"
"With a key?" you mockingly sass after clearing your throat, eyeing him sardonically as you toss your purse off from over your shoulders and place the keychain down on the counter before rounding the bar top towards him. In the low light of the entry, you hadn't seen more than his silhouette but now up close, you see how clammy his bare chest is and how worn with fever his features are, so you frown and fret, "Ay, pobrecito. Come, you have to get back to bed."
He doesn't even have the energy to argue, and is actually feeling a bit dizzy, so he is more than grateful when you loop your arm around his waist and lead the way.
Once you've helped him back into bed and pulled the sheet up to tuck him in, you sit on the edge of the mattress and take his temperature with the back of your palm to his sweltering forehead.
"You're burning up," you lament.
Tiredly, he smiles as he reaches for your cheek before he affectionately brushes his warm fingertips to tuck your swaying strands of hair behind your ear.
"You changed your hair," he points out in a gravelly murmur, eyes creasing softly as he drawls, "It looks nice."
Snickering, you cup his flushed cheek and comically sigh, "Ever the charmer."
He grunts humorously. "Steve told you I was sick," is his raspy comment, parched lips pouty when you rush up to get a wet washcloth from the bathroom so you can fold and drape it over his forehead after you brush his matted hair back from his sweaty brow.
"He did. So, I picked up a few things from the store, and stopped at their house to get your spare key from Connie," you tell him gently, caressing his cheek and brushing your thumb caringly across his dark stubble. "Have you taken anything?"
"No," he answers hoarsely, throat starting to burn from talking. "Mmmph, feel like shit."
"I know, mi amor. Stay here," you murmur and quickly go get him some medicine and a big glass of water, stifling your cough along the way.
Once he's taken the dosage and drained the glass, you make another trip to return with all the pharmacy supplies.
"Ok, sit up for me," you instruct as you retrieve the container of Vick's from one of the bags.
"C'mon, I hate that stuff," Javi complains and laboriously sits up, scowling. "I just need water and to stay in bed. No need to baby me—"
"What're your symptoms, tough guy?" you counter, looming over him with authority. When he stubbornly shrugs, you resolutely state, "Quit being a brat, or I'll make you go to the doctor."
Too tired for that, Javi grumbles in defeat, "Fever, sore throat, my body aches, and my head hurts."
"I'm putting this on you, and it's going to help with all of that. Then you're going to rest and let the medicine take effect. I'll make you some soup, and you'll drink plenty of this stuff too," you're instructing as you place the Vick's on the nightstand in order to retrieve the electrolyte drinks you picked up.
"I don't want you to get sick—" Javi grouses as he tries to suppress a shiver.
"I'm still getting over what I had, so I should be fine," you counter smoothly as you open the bottle of orange-colored electrolytes and offer it to him. He raises his brows, almost goadingly, so you sit on the edge of the mattress again and press the bottle to his lips to feed him slow sips. "Malcriado," you playfully chastise after he's drank his fill, and set the bottle aside to then open the container of vaporub ointment. Dipping your fingers in and scooping a generous amount of the ointment, you judiciously start to rub and massage it into his chest, then up into his neck, as you teasingly chide, "Your latino card is gonna get revoked for saying you hate this stuff—"
"Burlona," he grouses, corner of his mouth tugging into a smile as he holds the cool compress in place on his brow while you continue to rub the ointment along his back now.
His frame shivers from the chills caused by the fever, so you prop the pillows up for him and have him lean back. "I know you feel cold, but it's actually hot and stuffy in here, so I'm going to turn the air on," you're telling him as you pull his coverlet up from the foot of the bed in order to tuck him in before getting up to turn the air conditioner wall-mounted console on, then retrieving the boxed thermometer from the pharmacy bag.
Javi's eyes are heavy lidded and his cheeks are flushed while the thermometer tucked under his tongue takes his temperature as you go run the washcloth under cool water in the bathroom sink again. He can't help feel like an overgrown baby for some reason, but a small part of him is indulging in your doting treatment.
Sitting back on the edge of the bed to place the compress to his forehead, you take the thermometer from his lips and read the temperature with a frown.
"100.5," you tut before setting the thermometer aside and affectionately caressing your thumb along his cheekbone to swipe away the droplets that have dripped down from the washcloth. "You're going to start feeling groggy from the medicine, so rest while I make you some soup. I'll wake you up once it's ready—"
His warm hand reaches for your wrist to keep your palm cupping his cheek, as he rasps, "You don't have to stay and baby me, querida—"
"No seas tan terco, and let me take care of you, Javier," you bossily cut in, smiling when he exhales humorously and purses his lips out at you. "Quédate quieto, y pórtate bien."
He nods obediently, so you kiss his nose cutely and set everything he may need on the nightstand, including a box of tissues, before letting him rest in the cooling bedroom.
It isn't until you're coming in the dark room with a tray balanced in your hands that he realizes he must've dozed off for a while. His sinuses are stuffy, but he can see the piping tendrils of heat coming off the large bowl of soup, and his mouth starts watering.
Shuffling up to sit with his back against the headboard, he drowsily rubs at his face as he yawns, "How long was I out?"
You manage to place the serving tray so that the legs bracket up to stand on either side of his lap before placing the cold glass of water on the nightstand for him. "About an hour. Here, let me know if it's too hot, and I'll put some ice cubes in," you answer and instruct as you dip the spoon in and raise it to feed the sip of soup to him.
It is incandescently hot, but in the best way, so Javi helps himself once you've handed him the utensil. Along with the large bowl of noodle-rich, flavorful soup with giant chunks of potato in it, he has a nice piece of crunchy pan you must've gotten from the bakery at the supermarket.
"Mmm, thanks. I was starving and didn't even know it," he rumbles with his mouth full.
"Well, there's plenty more if you get hungry later," you tell him serenely as you go to tidy up the clutter in his bedroom from where he'd just tossed his open suitcase and things from the night before. You notice a big shopping bag with the logo of the duty-free shops printed on the side of it, but don't move it or ask him about it. Instead, you arrange the rest of the medicine to be laid out on his nightstand as you remark, "I'm going back to the office to finish a few things, but I'll be back after work, ok? Be sure to take the next dose after you eat."
He grunts while slurping up more of the noodles before murmuring, "Thanks, cariño."
With his dark soulful eyes twinkling at you like that, you can't help lean down and kiss him on the forehead. "Call me if you need anything," you tell him as you walk to the hallway.
Once you've closed the door, Javi picks up the bowl and drinks up the remaining broth straight from it, having not wanted to be too much of a boor in your presence. With his hunger more than sated, he drains a bottle of the electrolytes before moving the tray to the unoccupied side of the bed so he can lie back down, tucked under the covers. The rest of the pharmacy supplies you bought that don't fit on the nightstand are arranged on his dresser for him, along with the holstered gun you must've returned while he was asleep. The sound of the front door closing and locking echoes from the main room, so he relaxes and closes his eyes.
He falls asleep easily to the ambient hum of the consola and the soothing chill of the cool air fanning in a slow undulation around the room.
Hours later, after finishing your work day, you grab your things and head back to Javier's. You're eager to spend time with him, and actually are looking forward to taking care of him for the night, knowing he cannot be trusted to not try to use whiskey to "sweat it all out" as Steve had told you he'd not-so-jokingly grumbled after getting dropped off from the airport the night before.
You park in his driveway this time and use the second key on the ring to enter the laundry room door entrance since you weren't burdened with groceries, hoping it wouldn't rouse your sick lover to come gun drawn again.
When you come into the main living space, you're surprised to find Javier wrapped up in a blanket like a human burrito, curled up on the couch and watching TV. The coffee table is cluttered with bottles of electrolytes, an empty glass of water, a half-empty box of tissues with the used ones crumbled all over, and the tray you'd brought the soup on stood up with what looks to be several bowlfuls of remnants on it, while the bowl itself is licked clean.
"Javier Felipe Peña, I told you to stay in bed!" you admonish imperiously as you march over and loom over him.
His stubble-covered features pout up at you, disheveled hair flopping across his brow as he clumsily tries to sit up while still keeping the blanket tightly wrapped around him. "I couldn't stay asleep and got hungry, so I came out to get more soup, but got too tired to go all the way back with it, so I parked here. It was supposed to be until I finished eating, but then I fell asleep again, and then woke up and figured I should just stay here," Javi rambles, and your smile gets harder and harder to repress the more he tries to justify and appease you.
Shaking your head sardonically at him, you put your purse and tote aside on the nearby chair and come over to sit next to him and feel his forehead for his temperature.
"Hm, well you clearly still have a fever, so c'mon – back to bed," you tell him as you brush his mussed hair back from his forehead before caressing your touch along his brow, then down to cup his cheek as you give him a quick peck on the lips.
He lets you help him up and maneuver around the tray to go down the hall and back to being tucked under the covers. You fluff his pillows, prop them up behind his back for him, and retrieve the next dose of medicine he should've taken hours earlier.
"Sorry you have to put up with this," Javi croaks after clearing his sore throat.
"It's fine. I knew you would be a little shit and not obey me," is your irreverent singsong, chuckling when he glowers at you, so you angelically smile as you feed him his medicine, before asking, "Did you like the soup?"
Grunting, he finishes swallowing before drawling, "I got some of my taste and smell back after the first bowl. It was really delicious. That wasn't chicken soup, though, right?"
"Nope. That was sopa de jamón. It was my Puerto Rican grandma's recipe. It's less prep, but just as hearty and flavorful. The saltiness of the ham and the sofrito gets sucked up by the noodles, and it forces you to drink lots of fluids," you pleasantly explain as you pick up the vaporub and open it in order to scoop ointment out to massage his chest with it. "Once the medicine kicks in, I'll go start dinner."
I could really get used to being spoiled like this, Javi thinks to himself, enjoying your massage, even if it's with the heavily fragrant eucalyptus-smelling ointment. But he can't deny how it's helped his muscles ache less and his airways open up more, and he easily dozes off to you rubbing your thumbs in slow circles along the spot where his lymph nodes are on either side of his neck.
When he wakes up next, he realizes that you'd found the portable TV that was in the spare bedroom and had rolled it into his room. The ambient glow from the screen helped stir him to adjust in a sitting position, where he turned to find you lounging on your side, napping next to him.
With your eyes closed and your head lulled on the pillow this way, he could see how tired you still look from kicking the remnants of the flu, and something aches in his chest at the realization that he'd not been around to take care of you, the way you so deserved and did so easily for him.
The early evening news is playing on the TV, but the volume is set low, so he sits up and tries to pull the throw blanket up to cover your shoulders.
"Mmm," you mumble and curl closer to him, before stirring and stretching your legs out while yawning, "Ugh, sorry. I didn't mean to conk out—"
Snorting, he leans over and kisses your cheek before murmuring in a gravelly husk, "Quédate dormida."
"Nope. Too late. I'm up now," you lilt as you stretch out your limbs before sitting up, stifling a cough into the pit of your elbow. Once the bleariness is blinked away from your eyes, you see that the feverish flush has dissipated from his cheeks, so you sidle up to him to take his temperature with your hand to his forehead. "Hm, think the fever has gone down a bit."
His dark eyes look dreamy as he gazes at you before he leans forward and nuzzles your cheek. "You're actually getting me hot right now," is his purr, and you snicker when he keeps nuzzling down your jaw and to the base of your neck.
"You're not getting any until you're feeling better, Javi," you murmur with irrevocable authority as you nudge him back and make him lie down so you can climb over him while you announce, "Dinner's been ready. Are you hungry?"
Javier loops your waist with his arm and hauls you back into bed. "I'm starving for you, mandona," he croons as he cuddles you and grazes mustachioed kisses into your neck. "Let me show you just how much better I feel—"
"Ah, Javi—your lips are all crackly and dry," you object goofily and wrestle him onto his back so you can straddle his lap and thwart his sexy advances. His mouth frowns woefully, so you snicker and coo, "Ay, no me mires así, bebito."
"Ugh, fine," Javi huffs in defeat and flops grumpily under you.
However, your dazzling smile and loving caress along his forearms makes it hard for him to keep the brooding façade up. And when you lean down and pepper soft kisses along his face, he relaxes totally. So much so, you're able to go plate dinner and bring it back on the serving tray you set up on the center of the bed so you can eat together.
While in mid-chew, you notice the duty-free shopping bag tucked in the corner again, so after you swallow, you ask him, "What's in the bag?"
He follows your glance, and smirks around his current mouthful. Washing it down with a gulp of water, he replies, "That, is a gift for you. And the likely cause for this fucking flu I caught."
When he gestures with his chin for you to go ahead and take a look, you amble off the bed and retrieve the bag. You pull out a very large and elegant rattan beach tote with smooth tan leather handle straps and tropical-patterned linen-lined interior.
"Figured it would make for a perfect beach tote for that seashore adventure you promised," Javier charmingly muses when you smile over at him.
"This is lovely," you gush, leaning over and kissing him sultrily on the lips. "Thank you."
With a smug grunt, he grumbles daringly, "I thought my lips were too crackly—"
"Shut up and let me kiss you, malcriado."
And you do, kissing him on his lips, cheeks, and all over while he chuckles.
After finishing dinner, you join Javi for a quick hot shower, surprising him with the bouquet of dried eucalyptus stems you've hung from the nozzle. It's an old rustic remedy – using eucalyptus in a hot bath or steamy shower to diffuse the invigorating scent to help with nasal congestion and increasing blood flow in blood vessels. But Javi had never been a fan of it, especially when he was a kid and every woman in his family would slather the stuff on him over any ailment.
"Ugh, c'mon!"
"They'll help with your congestion!"
"Are you feeling congested still?"
"Yes, actually—"
"Ok. Fine—"
"I promise it will help, gruñón," is your flirty assurance as you tow him into the shower stall with you once the hot water and steam is going.
His surly grumble was softened by his smirk and irreverent head shake.
In the end, you were right, and the fragrant steam saturated his skin and made it easy to take deep breaths in without coughing or sneezing. The pressure in his sinuses decreased, and he was definitely enjoying you soaping him up and rubbing his tired muscles. It did wonders for you too, relieving the congestion still lingering in your chest and alleviating your coughing for the rest of the night.
Afterwards, while he's getting into a gray pair of sleep bottoms, you strip the bed and dress it with fresh sheets before getting out a nice blue quilt from the closet. He comes over and helps you toss it onto the bed so it's arranged evenly on the surface. Pleased, you go over and playfully guide him backward to sit on his side of the bed before dutifully giving him the next dose of medicine that will help him sleep. You then return from the bathroom with your container of Vaseline and glide a dab-size of it with your little finger over his chapped lips before tucking him under the comforter. He caresses down the curve of your waist to squeeze your nightgown-clad hip, smiling when you lean down and kiss his forehead.
"Be right back," you tell him before going to shut the lights off and make sure the doors are locked. You return to the cool bedroom, with another glass of water for him and a backup box of tissues, to find him rummaging under the comforter in search for the TV remote. Snickering, you walk over and pick it up from the top of the TV set and walk over to hand it to him.
"What would I ever do without you," he schmoozes in that honeyed baritone way that always makes you grin girlishly, especially combined with his flirty caress of your tush before giving it a squeeze.
Pursing your lips saucily at him, you set the glass down on the remaining free corner within reach for him on the nightstand, as you simper, "According to Steve? Probably starve and 'sweat out the flu with whiskey', among other things."
"He's such a narc," Javi laconically sneers, but his mischievous smile widens when you playfully swat his hand.
Shaking your head amusedly, you go to open the drawer to store the tissue box. "I think it's great how you two are a platonic married couple at this point—" your wry joke skids to a halt when you look in the open drawer and see a small bottle of lube and a long-lost pair of your panties within easy reach. Gasping, you snatch the used garment out and exclaim incredulously, "Oh my fucking god, Javier! Are you serious?!" His big brown eyes widen as you hold the offending prize up for judgment, comically haranguing, "You freaking puerco! How long have you had this nasty thing, you beyako pervertido?!"
"That's a rhetorical question, right?" Javi sheepishly drawls, hands going up defensively when your narrow glare sharpens in that commanding way that promises something wicked his way will come if he keeps being naughty. "Since around that time we went to that fancy steakhouse with Sasha, I think," is his answer, and he gives you those damned puppy eyes when he leans over to try and coax you closer so he can take them back, while begging, "Please, let me keep them?"
Scoffing, you place the box of tissues in the drawer, shut it and pointedly turn on your heel to march over to the hamper in the corner by the closet to ceremoniously dump the panties in. Javier groans in huffy disappointment, scowling as he flops back into the pillows. He glowers as you snootily strut to your side of the bed, shut the nightstand lamp off, and crawl under the quilt.
Only, you don't maneuver to lie next to him. Instead, you prowl under the covers to lay between his legs before answering with snarky authority, "That means those were over a year old, you fresco. And, that you pilfered them when you were under the comforter – just like this – and went down on me that one time. Right?"
Before he can answer, Javi feels you blow cool air on his clothed crotch, making his semi twitch eagerly, and getting a gasp out of him. "Sounds about right, yeah," he croaks gruffly, hands gripping the sheets.
Dramatically tossing the quilt away so you can quickly straddle him, you impishly lean close until your lips are a whisper apart before purring, "Good. So you'll be a good boy and earn another pair by behaving and letting me take care of you, right?"
Javi's running hot now, and not just from fever. "Sí, mi patrona," is his cheeky husk, relishing how you bat your lashes and smile, appeased.
Reaching to turn his nightstand lamp off, you hum alluringly for him to kiss you.
His lips brush yours covetously before he rolls you both into the bed, making a happy giggle bubble free from your chest.
After some savvy coaxing on your part, you both end up tucked close under the blanket. The ambient glow of the TV screen illuminates his relaxed features as you soothingly run your fingers through his hair, helping lull him into the drowsy haze provided by the medicine hitting his bloodstream while you watch the late-night comedy show. Even in the chilly room, his body temperature is still running hot, so you make sure not to press up against his form and overheat him.
By the time he's snoring in deep slumber, you turn the TV off, and curl up to sleep.
The next morning, Javier's temperature is down to 99.3 degrees, so after you shower and get ready for work, you make him breakfast and serve it to him in bed. Begrudgingly, Javier had called out sick for the day, and you'd insisted that he take the medicine and sleep, but ended up compromising with him to take at least one more dose, and that he stay in bed resting.
"—Ok, I'll come around lunch time," you're telling him now as you pull on your heels and go to his dresser to hurriedly brush your hair up into a chic twist. "Need me to pick up anything while I'm out?"
"Not a thing. You've done more than enough, guapita," he responds from where he's cozily resting in bed, head propped up by fluffed pillows. The angle helps him appreciatively ogle you as you smoothen your white with black trim Georgette v-neckline with a spread collar and button cuffs blouse after tucking the hemline into the waistband of your stylish black slacks. "You look fucking sexy, so you know."
Smiling, you turn and abandon putting on lipstick to go over and sit on the edge of the bed so you can sultrily glide your touch from his bare chest to cup his chin before leaning forward and kissing him, then pulling back cockily to leave him wanting as you hum, "You're a sweet talker, but you better be a good boy like you promised, me entiendes, bebito?"
His eyes darken with want as he nods and husks, "I will, jefa."
With a gloating smile, you let him pull you back down for a long kiss before you say goodbye and head out.
Javi keeps his word, takes his medicine, and has a relaxing sleep for the rest of the morning.
Thankfully, your morning schedule is fairly light, so you're able to leave the federal building campus earlier than you'd originally planned for your lunch break. When you come into the house and do not find Javier sprawled on the couch again, you smile triumphantly, before heading down the back hall to open the door to his bedroom.
You find him watching the afternoon variety show, lounging with his back against the headboard and a pillow tucked behind his head.
"Well, I can't believe it. You actually behaved," you chortle as you toe off your heels and flounce over to sit on the side of the bed before feeling his forehead.
"You got so furiosa, there was no way I was going to chance incurring your wrath," he jokes, sounding a bit stuffed up, but clearly feeling better.
He smiles when you scoff and kiss his cheek. "You feel even less feverish than this morning. Is your throat still sore?" you ask as you stand in order to take off your tight slacks so you can get more comfortable.
Appreciatively, Javi leers at your perfect ass in the pink cotton panties as you slide your pants on a hanger so they don't get wrinkled. "No, just dealing with a stuffy nose now," he answers as he retrieves a tissue. "I might take something for it, though."
"Ok, good. I'll make lunch so you don't take it on an empty stomach," you're pleasantly retorting as you pull on a pair of lavender drawstring shorts and go to the hamper to quickly separate garments. "Might as well start some laundry while I'm here," you remark while digging into it to pile whites, darks and items for dry-cleaning onto the foot of the bed. "Is everything in your suitcase dirty? I can take your dress shirts and drop them off at the dry cleaners on my way back to the office—"
You pause as you keenly eye the three piles and notice something missing. Laconically, you stare over at Javier like he's a rambunctious puppy you just caught trying to hide a toy.
"Um, yeah, everything in the suitcase is dirty—" he begins to answer as he starts to get up from bed to go retrieve it for you.
"Uh-uh. Park it," you order saucily as you put your hand on your hip and gesture with the other, demanding, "Give them to me, right now, chavón."
His poker face is pretty good when he feigns confusion while he drawls, "I don't know what you mean—"
"Hand over the skanky panties you squirreled away, or you're gonna get it, Javier."
The lewd thrill your smoky command stirs in his core cracks his composure and gives him up before he huffs in surrender and reaches his hand down between the mattress and box spring on his side of the bed. The undies are withdrawn swiftly before he makes a big show of sitting up and shuffling along his knees towards the foot of the bed to cockily place them in your expectantly outstretched palm.
Humming glibly, you tut, "Caripela'o," while tossing the panties in the pile before playfully shoving him to lay back down on the bed.
He has a faux pout on his lips, but you can see the way his soulful eyes are crinkled that he likes when you sexily chastise him. You like getting a rise out of him, too, and really enjoy that he's going out of his way to comply, albeit smugly. Still, he behaves while you go through his suitcase for the rest of the laundry, and only grins when you retrieve your silk nighty from the pile and toss it at him before placing all the sorted clothes in the laundry basket and taking it to the wash.
While the first load goes through its cycle, you make a pot of rice and your Grandma's recipe for Puerto Rican corn beef, quickly plating the meal and putting a hefty slice of aguacate to go with it before taking the tray to the bedroom to serve Javi.
His attention is riveted on the afternoon news segment about the latest crime statistics on the island that the anchor is citing in reference to a spree of carjackings and muggings that had occurred earlier in the week.
"Here, mi amor," you place the tray to stand on the mattress adjacent to where he's currently sat, on the foot of the bed. "Hope you like it—"
The sound of his cell phone ringing interrupts as it buzzes loudly on the nightstand, threatening to topple the pharmacy items now haphazardly stacked next to it.
Shit—" Javi tries to maneuver to reach for it, but you're actually closer, so you go to the nightstand and grab it. "It must be the office—"
"Well, you're out sick, so they shouldn't be calling you at all," is your curt remark before you press the button to answer it with a professional greeting. "Hello, you've reached Special Agent Javier Peña's mobile phone line. Can I take a message?"
Javier balks at you, stunned that you would answer, but also overawed with exhilarated admiration for you and your chingona confidence – that you would unabashedly do something so flashy when not so long ago you would've avoided doing anything remotely similar.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry. I should've considered that he would be too busy to answer the phone," a raspy baritone with an earthy southern cadence to it that sounded distantly familiar to you answers sheepishly. "I don't want to bother him, so I'll call back later—"
Smiling brilliantly, you turn to Javi as you answer, "Ah, Javier's got plenty of time to prioritize a phone call from his Pop. If that's who I may direct as the person reaching him?"
The surprise melts into instant delight on Javi's face when he can make out his father's warm chuckle. "Yes, that's right. And I take it that I'm finally speaking to the famous Celina?" Chucho rumbles jovially back, making you laugh brightly in the affirmative. "Well if you're answering, I'm sure that means Javier is indisposed—"
"Ah, actually, he's home sick, so I commandeered answering his phone in case it was the office bothering him when they should be respectful and let him rest," you assure in a spritely tone. You go to sit beside Javi as you add, "Anyway, here he is," before handing him the phone.
The endearing warmth shining in Javi's dark eyes for you as he takes the phone and leans in to kiss you adoringly makes you tingle, but you flirtatiously snicker and nudge him playfully from getting carried away and neglecting the call further.
"Hey, Pop. Everything ok?" he greets and asks, watching you maneuver to sit on your side of the bed with your own plate of lunch you picked up from the serving tray.
"Yes, yes! I just, well…it's my and your mother's anniversary today, and I guess I was wanting to see how you were," Chucho's baritone rationalizing is pensive, yet lonely, and Javi internally swears and clenches his eyes shut in upset with himself. "Anyway, you not feeling well?"
You see Javi's shoulders droop before he answers tightly, "Pop…I'm sorry. I should've called earlier. The last few days have been hectic; traveling, getting the flu—"
"No-no, it's all right, mijo. You are busy and living your life. And, from the sounds of it, you're living it well," is Chucho's easygoing rasp, proudly adding, "You have a feisty, loving woman looking after you, so relish it, and don't take her for granted. And live in the moment together. You deserve to be happy, Javier."
The lump in his throat manages to get pushed down when he looks over at you and sees you attentively reading his expression, curious as to what has his dark chocolate eyes shining with unshed tears. "Thanks. I will. And I promise to come visit soon—"
"Don't worry about that. I know you're busy. Just try to keep in touch a bit more, ok?"
"I definitely will. Cuídate, Papá."
"You too, mijo. But before you hang up, put her back on the phone?" Chucho cajoles, and Javi snickers in agreement before offering it to you.
Smiling, you set your plate aside on the nightstand to take it. "So you know, you can rest easy that I will make sure Javi calls more," is your affable remark, squinting your eyes impishly at Javi giving you a deriding stare.
"I know you will, mija. And when you can, have him bring you for a visit. It's been long overdue that I haven't gotten to meet and thank you for taking care of my son. He really loves you, and as far as I'm concerned, you're already part of the family," Chucho charmingly extols. "All he wants to do is make you as happy as you make him, sabes?"
Feeling your heart summersault in your chest, you chime, "Well, he takes care of me too, and he does make me happy, so I feel the same way." You see Javier's expression soften at your words. Fearlessly, you add, "I love him with all my heart."
"I'm glad, and will keep you both in my prayers. Take care, Celina. Dios los bendiga."
"You too. Goodbye."
Once you place the phone down on the bed, you can see Javi is buzzing with curiosity, so you coolly return to your plate of food before musing, "Eat, before it gets cold, chulito."
He blows a raspberry before obeying, and ends up scarfing the meal down with gusto, savoring the fresh avocado he mixes in with the rice and criollo-style corn beef. Once he's washed it all down by guzzling the glass of water until it's empty, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before he sets the serving tray aside so he can stretch out to sidle up close to you.
"I'm such an asshole. I forgot that today's my parent's wedding anniversary…" he unburdens himself, tone self-reproachful. "I had my head in my ass—"
"Javi, you've been running around for days, then you got sick. It just slipped your mind," you console as you rub his bare back. "Your dad is sweet and kind. I'm sure he just wanted to hear from you. He didn't sound disappointed or anything. And, from now on, I'll badger you to call him more so he and I can chat away."
That feeling of radiating heat fills his chest and makes his bones ache with how much your words comfort him.
"You're too good to me," Javi murmurs with genuine feeling, and it makes you shake your head drolly. "I know it annoys you when I say so, but I mean it."
"Javi, it only annoys me, because it's like you're saying you don't deserve to be treated right," you explain, frowning when he tucks his chin in to hide his self-loathing expression, clearly annoyed with himself for saying what he thinks was the wrong thing. You shift to face him and cup his chin in order to tip his face up so he can look into your eyes as you profess tenderly, "You are the love of my life, and you're worthy, and I mean it when I tell you this: You make me happy, and make me feel deserving of love. I only ever want you to feel the same, so when you say I'm too good to you, it makes me sad, because it means I'm doing the opposite…that I haven't made you feel deserving enough."
He's never thought about it that way, and now that you've told him how you feel, all the self-doubt – the feeling unworthy – gets blasted away like shadows being banished by the light of the sun.
You see it etching plainly on his handsome features, so you kiss him lovingly on the lips before nuzzling him affectionately.
The way your incandescent grace fills him up has him hugging you tight, and you smile at his murmured sweet nothings he pours into your ear.
"…Te amo hasta mi alma. You're my everything, querida…"
Your heart sores, and you bask in his passionate embrace, cherishing the moment of serenity with him.
Once you've both become settled, you end up having to rush to turn over the laundry loads, then hurry back to get dressed again for work.
"Get some rest, hermoso. I love you," you susurrate, and kiss him goodbye on the lips.
"Love you too, querida," he rumbles and playfully glides his touch down your arm to clasp your hand as if he's not going to let you go before trailing his fingers away.
You snicker and wink at him before heading out.
More than content to lie back down and rest until you get back from work, Javi lets his thoughts run wild with the exhilarating promise of plans he's intent on making reality sooner rather than later.
Hours later, after a staff meeting to get progress reports regarding the different program initiatives everyone is working on, you're in your office finalizing some reports. It's close to the end of the day, and you're eager to wrap things up so you can head home to Javier.
Your cell phone starts to ring, so you answer it and multitask as you scan your report on the computer's screen. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon, Ms. Reinosa. My name's Ned Fuller, and I'm a CIFI for your auto insurance provider. I'm calling in regards to your automotive accident earlier this week. Do you have a second to chat?"
Thrown off, you lean back in your chair and focus on your desk, already retrieving the folder with all the paperwork from your tote as you answer, "Yes, I do. I'm sorry, CIFI?"
"Oh, my apologies! That's short for Certified Insurance Fraud Investigator. I'm actually a case manager who helps flag cases submitted by our insurance offices out in the Caribbean region," the man explains good naturedly, while still managing to fill you with dread. "Anyway, I wanted to call and alert you that while at the local level, there was no way to prove the vehicle malfunctioned without an external cause, when I read the case report, it alarmed me, as it was very reminiscent to a case I worked on in the Florida Keys a few years back."
"Huh…in what way?" you ask, pulling over a notepad and grabbing a pen to jot down any details.
"Well, it was a doozy. Basically, a wealthy financier was driving his vehicle towards the interstate on-ramp, when his tire failed and sent the vehicle careening into the guardrail and almost jettisoned it over the barrier. On closer inspection by the tech lab, they found the tire's strut mount had been tampered with. Turns out the fella was in a contentious divorce battle, and authorities arrested his wife," the investigator retells, before getting back to the topic at hand. "Anyway, while not part of protocol, I figured it would only be right to inform you of the red flag this raised for me, and caution you that if not caused by your dealership's negligence, there was this possibility—"
"I'm sorry. Are you saying that there's a suspicion—that there's evidence that my car was deliberately tampered with in order to cause the accident?" you inquire, flummoxed.
"…Well, on the record, there was significant damage done that it made it difficult to conclude the tire was tampered with," he begins, before confiding, "Off the record? I would say it's suspicious."
The man explains a bit more to you, but you're floored and completely caught up in a ruminating whirlpool.
Did someone…could someone have purposely rigged the tire in order for me to crash the car?!
As the thought builds up an ominous pit in your stomach, yet another makes you worry.
Who would go through the trouble of doing it…and why?
To be continued…
Read Chapter 45: Deserving - Part 2
Spanish-English Glossary:
Partido Nuevo Progresista = New Progressive Party
Puntos = Points, as in drug points
Muecas = Making faces; grimaces
Querida/querido = Affectionate term, akin to expressing one's want and desire
Mi patrón = My master/boss
Malcriada/malcriado = Brat/spoiled
Traviesa = Naughty/Mischievous girl
Tentadora = Temptress
Mi amor = My love
Mi patroncito = My little patron
Bebito = Little baby (male)
Lo necesito. Te lo ruego. Por favor, mi rey. Seré tuya = I need it. I beg you. Please, my king. I'll be yours
Eres pinche gloriosa = You're fucking glorious
Chavón = A man that's pestering you
Corazón = Heart; pet name to signify how deeply you love someone
Hermosa/hermoso = beautiful (female); beautiful (male)
Guapito = Handsome (said in an affectionate diminutive)
Marquesina = Open air garage or carport
Deja con las formalidades, ya = Quit it with the formalities, already
Se me olvidó = I forgot
Reggaetoneros = Reggaetón artists
Perrear = Doing it doggystyle, aka referring to sex
Perreo = Dance style associated with reggaetón; doggystyle, twerking dance
Beyako = Puerto Rican slang for horny/naughty guy; akin to "horn dog"
Pórtate bien, y llámame = Be good, and call me
Cacos = Term referring to hardcore reggaetón fans, who are mostly men
Bailar = Dance
Ella es una mamita sabrocita = She is a tasty foxy woman
Claro que no = Of course not
She's a chulería – una bichota bien wapa = She's a charming gal, a real big shot lady that's real feisty
Pasarme así = Overstep like that
Gatilleros = Triggermen
Sobrepasarme = To overstep; to go too far
Solo le gusta hablar mierda = Only likes to talk shit
Pendejo = Dumbass/Jackass
Acho, que canto cabrón = Man, what an asshole
Tesoro = Treasure; darling
Pá = Short for 'Papá' which means father, or poppa
Mija = Short for mi hija, aka my daughter; my girl
Soñaré de ti, mi amor. Sueña de mi, mi cariñito = I'll dream of you, my love. Dream of me, my sweet little darling
Jefa = Boss lady
Doña = A Spanish honorific, referring to a respectable woman; equivalent to Missus
Pastelillo de guayaba = Guava pastry; similar to a turnover
Preciosa = Gorgeous; precious
Mira quien habla = Look who's talking
El guapo descarado = The handsome cad
Apodo = Nickname
Tan chavón = Such a pain
Canela = Cinnamon
Dulces sueños, mi amor = Sweet dreams, my love
Chacho = Jeez
Come mierda = Slang for a stuck up, moronic person; literally means 'shit eater'
Tan chingona = Such a badass lady
Cariño = Darling/sweetheart
Gruñón = Grumpy man
Bravita = Tough girl; feisty girl
Chulo/Chulito = Cute guy; little cutie
Ay, no = Oh, no
Con la monga = With the flu
Nena = Girl
Ah, es verdad. Que jodienda = Ah, that's true. What a pain in the ass
Obviamente = Obviously
Ha sido una mierda = Has been real shit
Pobrecita/Pobrecito = Poor little thing
Bendito = Blessed simple soul; a hopeful lamentation
Loquita = Crazy girl
Playas = Beaches
Jevo = Puerto Rican slang for boyfriend
Coño, nena – no te recuerdas = Damn, girl – you don't remember
Pues = Well
Por Dios = God's sake
Burlona = Joker (female)
No seas tan terco = Don't be so stubborn
Quédate quieto, y pórtate bien = Stay put and behave
Consola [de aire acondicionado] = Air conditioning unit/console
Sopa de jamón = Ham soup
Sofrito = Herbs, spices, and vegetables minced into a cooking bouillon paste
Quédate dormida = Stay asleep
Mandona = Bossy lady
Ay, no me mires así, bebito = Aw, don't look at me that way, little baby boy
Puerco = Pig
Beyako pervertido = Horny pervert
Fresco = a guy who's being 'fresh', or naughty/pervy
Sí, mi patrona = Yes, my madam/ boss lady/ mistress
Me entiendes, bebito = You understand me, little baby boy
Furiosa = Furious (female)
Caripela'o = Puerto Rican slang for a shameless get over
Aguacate = Avocado
Mijo = short for "mi hijo", a term of endearment akin to "my son/sonny"
Cuídate, Papá = Take care, Dad
Dios los bendiga = God bless you both
Te amo hasta mi alma = I love you to my soul; "I love you soul-deep"
Thanks for reading! Please consider leaving a comment and sharing your feedback. I would be eternally grateful. 
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elbiotipo · 11 months
hola soy une gringue en argentina (es mi primera vez, pero ojala no la ultima). quiero estar mas informade en las noticias y me di cuenta de que no se lo basico de como funciona las elecciones argentinas—donde pueda aprenderlo? es un juego de dinero como en eeuu, donde todos los candidatos amasan dinero?
Espero que disfrutes tu visita!
Si la pregunta es sobre la financiación, no voy a decir para nada que nuestros partidos son limpios, pero al contrario de EEUU hay leyes que regulan y limitan la financiación privada y pública de los partidos. Las publicidades también están reguladas, en la TV, por ejemplo, tienen que ser iguales por partido (aunque las redes sociales no son muy afectadas por esto...) Realmente la cantidad de dinero que se *gasta* en las elecciones de EEUU me parece absurda...
En general es así:
Las elecciones presidenciales son directas y a nivel nacional (no hay colegio electoral o parlamento, el ganador es siempre el del voto popular). Las bancas legislativas son proporcionales según los votos también por voto popular (método D'Hondt, por si querés más detalles).
El voto en Argentina es obligatorio, y la mayoría lo ve como un derecho y una obligación. Bueno, no todos, el castigo por no votar es una multa ridículamente baja así que no todos votan, y hay mucho voto en blanco, pero en general la participación es alta. El voto es obligatorio a partir de los 18 y hasta los 70, pero personas de +16 y +70 pueden votar si quieren.
Las elecciones tienen 2, aunque en realidad casi siempre son 3, pasos:
PASO: Son primarias abiertas simultáneas y obligatorias, básicamente elecciones primarias donde se definen los candidatos. Ocurren el mismo día a nivel nacional, pero las provincias pueden cambiar la fecha (bien confuso). En general, los partidos suelen definir sus candidatos antes, así que es un anticipo a las verdaderas elecciones generales, pero suele haber competencia también.
Elecciones generales: pueden variar de día en las elecciones provinciales, pero los nacionales son todas el mismo día. Es casi siempre un domingo y feriado, así todos pueden votar.
El ganador de la presidencia es el primero en llegar al 45% de los votos, o 40% con una ventaja con el resto. Esto casi nunca pasa así que hay...
digo, Balotaje, donde los dos candidatos más votados compiten, y el que gana, gana
Si me preguntás de los partidos... bueno. Eso es bastante debatible según con quien hables.
Voy a evitar la lección de historia, para decirte que en general, al peronismo y kirchnerismo (Unión por la Patria, antes Frente de Todos) se lo asocia con la centro-izquierda y la izquierda, a Juntos Por El Cambio se lo asocia con la centro-derecha y el liberalismo económico, el Frente de Izquierda es, bueno, la izquierda trotskista, Libertad Avanza son libertarios de derecha muy similares a los de EEUU, y después hay otros movimientos como el "peronismo federal" no-kirchnerista más conservador, y unos otros cuantos partidos de izquierda, derecha, etc.
Ahora me di cuenta que esto es bastante confuso, así que si querés más detalles podés preguntar!
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jrlrc · 2 months
Por qué AMLO nunca critica a Emilio Azcárraga?
Azcárraga Jean es el dueño de Televisa. Y uno de los hombres más ricos de México.
Televisa es una empresa privada que sirvió a todos los presidentes priistas y ha colaborado con todos los presidentes desde 2000. Pasó de dependiente del PRI y porrista priista a independiente de partidos y relativamente crítica, pero sigue siendo dependiente del dinero del gobierno por publicidad y nunca entra en guerra con un presidente: colabora. Siempre. La crítica la usa estratégicamente.
Televisa es la empresa de comunicaciones que más dinero recibe del gobierno de AMLO, como consta en todos los registros de gasto gubernamental en medios -el periódico que más cobra es La Jornada.
Televisa da cabida a algunos críticos de AMLO, como el decepcionante Leo Zuckerman, pero desde el inicio del gobierno le quitó de encima a Carlos Loret -Televisa complació a López Obrador deshaciéndose del periodista- y con el paso del sexenio ha ido aumentando la cuota de obradoristas en sus programas de opinión. En la actualidad de la empresa, en el programa de Zuckerman operan muchos propagandistas de AMLO, en otro Denise Maerker finge equilibrio y Genaro Lozano hace lo de siempre, ser un mediocre que defiende a AMLO. La cobertura de noticias no está inclinada contra el gobierno. No se le tapa todo pero mucho se queda fuera, el sesgo no es antiAMLO.
Ya se respondió la pregunta: por qué AMLO nunca critica a Azcárraga? Porque Televisa recibe mucho dinero del gobierno federal, es decir, del presidente López Obrador, quien a cambio recibe pocas críticas y cada vez más defensas, descaradas unas e hipócritas otras. AMLO nunca critica a Azcárraga -y viceversa- porque es su colaborador. Así que el AMLO que imaginan todos los extremistas de opinión no existe -lo imaginan.
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dying-sol · 10 months
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Ciudad de Umvir
La cuna de la escuela malteísta de Umvir; donde las ideologías más importantes de Dharmim eclosionaron y crecieron para ejercer su poder sobre el resto de la nación. Umvir, si bien es una ciudad bastante pequeña en relación a los grandes del más cálido centro nenúnico, ha sido de gran influencia en el estallido y desarrollo de las revoluciones darminas que culminaron en la actual dictadura del proletariado. Vimghe Aumdhirhem, el político, economista y filósofo precursor del materialismo histórico y del socialismo científico en Terenar, nació en un pueblo cercano a Umvir llamado Aumdhir y diseminó sus ideas por múltiples partes de la república y las naciones aledañas, volviéndose la cabeza del vingeísmo.
La vieja Umvir fue, décadas atrás, una bulliciosa metrópoli envuelta en el humo de las múltiples fábricas que se erguían en los derredores de sus centros comerciales y residenciales. Fue hogar de muchos inversionistas predominantemente ravneses, hasta que, luego de las Revoluciones Rojas, el creciente partido socialista expropiara sus edificios, capital y medios de producción sin ningún tipo de compensación.
Hoy en día, Umvir es la capital del Estado Federal-Socialista de Marovem, el cual es parte a su vez de la República Socialista Federativa de Damvar-Marovem.
La ciudad se yergue con altos edificios a través de la bruma y las constantes tormentas de nieve en la meseta darmina. Desde lo lejos se observa como un titán de concreto compitiendo con las montañas y los casquetes glaciares por alcanzar el cielo, al lado de la calma de un gélido y silencioso lago que se doblega a su autoridad. Sus fábricas siguen utilizando gases de efecto invernadero, pero a menor medida que en los tiempos pre-revolucionarios, pues la producción se hace de acuerdo a las necesidades del pueblo y no al simple incremento del capital. A causa de esto, algunas veces nubes negruzcas se mezclan con la lívida neblina del panorama, en lo que parece ser una fotografía en blanco y negro a lo lejos.
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reflorido · 2 months
Minha querida Maria de Lourdes,
“Os automóveis estão invadindo
A simpli(s)cidade
Enquanto a gente se arrasta
Eu prefiro isso aqui”
Lembra quando em 2017 eu fui diagnosticada com esgotamento emocional depois de tentar me jogar em frente de um ônibus? o psiquiatra falou pra minha mãe que eu tinha muito potencial, mas que eu precisaria parar por um tempo ou então a ansiedade me venceria sem pena. Ela não pensou duas vezes e me me mandou pra Ibimirim pra poder me recuperar do medo da multidão que minha própria mente causou.
“Os automóveis são livres e agora
É preciso coragem
Olho meu rosto no espelho
E depois vou dormir”
Foi ali onde tudo começou a dar errado, um acúmulo absurdo de cobrança pra ser boa e passar em vestibular e uma desilusão amorosa que me partiu em vários pedaços, um emagrecimento rápido e desconhecido que causava pânico a qualquer um que já tivesse me visto saudável, como pode? Depois de muitos dias em um lugar sem internet, vendo raios caírem perfeitamente em árvores a poucos quilômetros de distância e olhando pra o céu com músicas baixadas e incansavelmente colocadas no repetitivo, meus pulmões, cabeça e coração começaram a desacelerar e tudo realmente começou a ficar bem.
“Entre as flores escondidas
Do riacho
Por debaixo do que der
Do que vier
Escondido das notícias
Entre as feras
Nas revistas sem assunto
Meu amor”
A solidão e o isolamento me deram tempo pra me distrair, sem nenhuma novidade que me partisse o coração, sem nenhuma voz me dizendo que eu estava atrasada, apenas a vida me acordando cedo pra tomar café, tomar um sol, fazer uma caminhada e te ajudar a fazer bolos de chocolate (que sempre foram os meus preferidos).
“O auditório aplaudiu a canção
E eu cantei novamente
Fique de olho na vida
O sinal vai abrir”
Enfim havia acabado o ensino médio, os assuntos de um romance inacabado acabaram sendo esquecidos no subconsciente dos dois, as coisas pareciam ter começado a se encaminhar, mas aí veio a vesícula, a maldita vesícula que quase me levou e que me manteve estática por mais um ano. Só que mesmo assim eu continuei, eu fui pra o cursinho, eu sofri de novo pelo mesmo amor, eu passei no vestibular (o orgulho da família, a primeira aprovada na federal) e eu consegui segurar o peso das obrigações nas minhas mãos marcadas de agulhas e cheias de soro, dramin e morfina.
“O auditório aplaudiu
Mas cuidado com a porta da frente
Dona Maria de Lourdes
Não espere por mim…”
É engraçado como uma conquista que eu levei anos pra conseguir só foi comemorada por um dia e meu sonho de fazer a faculdade fora acabou por ser desmanchado devido a minha falta de saúde (ou seria de sanidade?), de qualquer forma, eu havia prometido que voltaria pra você sempre que eu tivesse tempo, sempre quando a corda apertasse o pescoço e o caroço na garganta me impedisse de respirar, mas eu não consegui, tia, eu juro que tentei.
“Que eu estou no paradeiro
Dessa gente
Quem morreu, quem teve medo
Quem ficou?”
E aí o inexplicável aconteceu, tudo desandou, meus amigos de anos me deixaram sem nenhum adeus e eu me senti tão só, tia, tão perdida, eu também estava novamente de coração partido e só me restou meia dúzia de pessoas com quem contar (ou talvez menos, bem menos). Parte de mim morreu: uma parte corajosa, feliz, cheia de auto estima, sem medo de rir alto- e deu lugar a uma Bruna muito complicada, com medo de sons, de lugares, de pessoas, de redes sociais e, claro, pensando se realmente as pessoas que ficaram comigo um dia seriam capazes de me abandonar, o que me aterrorizava e me deixava sem chão.
“Eu estou no bar do Auzílio ou na igreja
E onde quer que eu esteja
Eu não estou”
E então, tia, quando tudo que eu tinha acabou virando pó e todos os medos se tornaram realidade, começou a pandemia, meu pai quase morreu, eu estava sem ninguém, e por acaso achei no Bar do João a solução pra os meus problemas, afinal eram só algumas doses, isso não faria mal, não é!? era pouca coisa, não ia me matar se eu misturasse com os remédios, eu só precisava não sentir… De qualquer forma, ao mesmo tempo, eu achei outro refúgio totalmente oposto: todas as segundas e quintas eu estava na igreja, pedindo socorro e orando pra ser salva, mas ainda assim tia, mesmo que eu orasse com muita força, onde quer que eu estivesse, eu não estava completamente em lugar algum, eu talvez nunca mais esteja.
Você provavelmente nunca terá a oportunidade de ler essa carta, porque eu não teria coragem de te enviar, mas eu ouvi essa música e lembrei de quando você me ninava com um lenço no rosto até eu cair no sono, sempre me contando coisas aleatórias e rindo falando “você é uma pestinha mesmo” e então, depois de anos segurando, eu chorei a plenos pulmões, como fazia quando não queria ir pra aula pra ficar com você. Ainda sinto falta da sua comida, das suas broncas, de Mariana preferindo vir para os meus braços do que para todos os outros (o que me enchia de orgulho, ela preferindo a “irmã” à todos) e da sua presença rígida que balançava a cabeça sempre em negativa ao que eu fazia, mas também sempre com um sorriso no rosto.
Minha querida Dona Maria de Lourdes, por favor, espere por mim…
Amor, sua eterna Luna.
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corrupcionenpr · 1 year
COR3 aclara que FEMA desembolsó $24 millones de los pagos que se hicieron de manera “ilegal”, según auditoría
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Manuel Laboy confirmó que investigan el hallazgo de la Oficina del Contralor, que encontró que tras el huracán María, Nmead pagó “ilegalmente” $27.2 millones a dos compañías
El director ejecutivo de la Oficina Central de Recuperación, Reconstrucción y Resiliencia (COR3, en inglés), Manuel Laboy, reveló, este jueves, que de los $27,237,370, que se pagaron “ilegalmente” a dos compañías sin tener un contrato vigente o con vigencia retroactiva, unos $24 millones fueron desembolsados directamente por la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, en inglés) y los restantes, poco más de $3 millones, los pagó el Negociado de Manejo de Emergencias y Administración de Desastres (NMEAD) con fondos estatales.
El asunto es analizado por el COR3 en cuanto al desembolso de los $24 millones, sobre el que tiene injerencia, para determinar qué hacer, indicó Laboy. Mientras que el secretario de Justicia, Domingo Emanuelli, confirmó a El Nuevo Día que recibió el informe de la Oficina del Contralor de Puerto Rico (OCPR) y lo evalúa.
“La investigación se está llevando a cabo responsablemente en la División de Integridad Pública y Asuntos del Contralor del Departamento de Justicia. Como es nuestra política pública, no se emitirán declaraciones hasta que culmine, para garantizar la pureza del proceso y evitar que se afecte una investigación en curso”, dijo Emanuelli en declaraciones escritas.
En términos similares se expresó Laboy en entrevista telefónica con El Nuevo Día tras conformar un equipo de trabajo “de cumplimiento” que analiza el asunto.
“Hoy por hoy, no puedo dejarte saber lo que se está concluyendo ni cuáles son los distintos escenarios porque estamos en medio de ese análisis”, explicó el funcionario, quien no precisó cuándo concluirá su análisis, pero aseguró se trabaja con “la más alta prioridad”.
La OCPR publicó esta semana un informe de auditoría que revela que el NMEAD pagó “ilegalmente” $27,177,343 por servicios facturados y prestados por dos contratistas, en exceso a la cuantía máxima establecida en los contratos y sus respectivas enmiendas. Los otros $60,027 fueron pagados por servicios prestados sin contrato. El período auditado y en el que se encontró la presunta irregularidad fue del 1 de enero de 2016 al 30 de junio de 2019.
Laboy enfatizó en que el COR3, aunque estaba creado para la fecha del hallazgo de la OCPR, no fue la responsable de pagar sino FEMA. Ayer, al cuestionársele sobre la auditoría de la OCPR, FEMA se limitó a decir que “no ofrecerá declaraciones de este tema”.
Aclaró que para la fecha de los pagos a los que se refiere la OCPR estaba en vigor la Sección 270 de la Stafford Act y no se había delegado aún en el COR3 la responsabilidad de reembolsar los fondos federales.
“Eso significa que quien autorizaba todos los pagos de recuperación de desastres que tiene que ver con FEMA, era FEMA. Es después de abril del 2019 que mediante un acuerdo entre las partes se le transfiere esa responsabilidad al COR3″, explicó Laboy.
“FEMA autorizó todos los pagos desde septiembre de 2017 hasta abril de 2019. No fue el COR3. Fueron $24 millones que salieron de FEMA. En lo que no hubo reembolso de FEMA, no entro. (Los otros $3 millones) los pagó el Negociado y presumo que tienen que ser fondos estatales porque lo único que se reembolsó de FEMA fueron estos $24 millones”, agregó.
Destacó que, para la fecha de los pagos que la OCPR adjudica como ilegales, FEMA realizaba “un procedimiento manual” para el reembolso. “Ellos eran los que tenían la autoridad y eran lo que daban el visto bueno de todos los desembolsos”, continuó Laboy.
Al cuestionársele al comisionado del NMEAD, Nino Correa, qué harían con los poco mas de $3 millones pagados respondió: “En efecto, los señalamientos y recomendaciones del informe de la Oficina del Contralor fueron recibidos esta semana, se están evaluando por la Oficina Legal del Departamento de Seguridad Pública”.
Contratos vigentes
Laboy confirmó que las dos empresas contratadas por el NMEAD a las que se refiere la OCPR son DCMC, LLC y Strat TEMA Consulting. Las dos compañías tienen contratos vigentes con el gobierno de Puerto Rico.
DCMC, LLC está contratada por la Autoridad para las Alianzas Público Privadas para dar servicios al COR3. El contrato, por servicios administrativos, comenzó en el 15 de junio de 2021 por $1,880,394.75. Se enmendó el 29 de junio de 2022 por $7,521,579.00 y se ha enmendado en dos ocasiones sin alterar la cuantía, según el registro de contratos de la OCPR. Permanece vigente hasta el 30 de junio de este año. La empresa se especializa en manejo de crisis y uno de sus fundadores, Mark Merritt, fue un exempleado de FEMA para la década del 90.
Ese contrato, dijo Laboy, seguirá vigente porque “no tiene nada que ver con los eventos que señala el informe del contralor”.
El contrato de Strat TEMA Consulting es con la Guardia Nacional por consultoría administrativa. Al momento, no hubo respuesta alguna de la Guardia Nacional a un pedido de entrevista sobre el tema.
Mira aquí la auditoría completa: Documento PDF de la auditoria
Fuente: elnuevodia
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blogoslibertarios · 2 months
Dino diz que função militar é “subalterna” em julgamento sobre limites das Forças Armadas
  No dia em que o golpe militar de 1964 completa 60 anos, o ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Flávio Dino chamou a ditadura de “período abominável” e a função militar de “subalterna”. As afirmações ocorreram em voto apresentado em plenário virtual do STF neste domingo (31). O Supremo julga uma ação do Partido Democrático Trabalhista (PDT) que pede esclarecimentos sobre os limites para a…
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gonzalo-obes · 2 months
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Viernes Santo, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Segundo, Santa Catalina y Santa Derfuta.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1983
En Alemania Federal, el demócrata cristiano Helmut Kohl, se convierte en canciller, esta vez avalado por las urnas, al ganar su partido las elecciones. Kohl ya era canciller desde el 1 de octubre del año pasado, fecha en la que fue investido tras haber llegado a un acuerdo con el FPD para presentar conjuntamente una moción de censura contra Helmut Schmidt y formar un gobierno de coalición. (Hace 41 años)
'Tras diez años de combates, Estados Unidos completa la retirada de su ejército de Vietnam. El saldo en vidas de esta terrible guerra es de 500.000 civiles y 200.000 soldados vietnamitas por 57.000 soldados norteamericanos. Otra consecuencia ha sido la profunda división en la sociedad estadounidense. Además, de las arcas americanas han tenido que salir, en todos los conceptos, cerca de 300.000 millones de dólares para sufragar la contienda e impedir que Vietnam del Sur cayese en manos comunistas. La guerra proseguirá hasta que la toma de Saigón en 1975 fuerce la rendición incondicional de las tropas survietnamitas y la unificación del país, bajo el control del gobierno comunista de Vietnam del Norte. (Hace 51 años)
En Argentina, las Fuerzas Armadas confinan en la isla Martín García al presidente Arturo Frondizi. Anulan las elecciones y designan a José María Guido, presidente del Senado, para ocupar la presidencia a fin de mantener una imagen de gobierno civil. (Hace 62 años)
El general norteamericano Winfield Scott arrebata a los mexicanos el puerto de Veracruz, tras siete días de férreo asedio e intenso bombardeo. Después de esta derrota, se librarán duras batallas en las localidades de Cerro Gordo, Padierna, Churubusco y Molino del Rey, tras las cuales México perderá Texas, Arizona, Nuevo México y la Alta California. (Hace 177 años)
En América del Norte, colonos suecos, comandados por el explorador Peter Minuit, fundan su primer asentamiento en Delaware, al que llaman Nueva Suecia al erigir el Fuerte Cristina (en honor a la reina sueca) cerca del lugar donde hoy se encuentra la ciudad de Wilmington. La Nueva Suecia estará formada por varios cientos de colonos suecos y finlandeses, que más adelante tendrán problemas entre sí. En 1643, el recién nombrado gobernador sueco Johan Bjornsson mandará construir nuevos emplazamientos en Varkenskill, Upland y Nueva Cristina, mientras los pastores luteranos se dedicarán a la tarea de evangelizar a los indios. (Hace 386 años)
Thomé de Souza, militar y político portugués, funda la ciudad de Salvador de Bahía, primera capital de Brasil y una de las ciudades más antiguas del país y centro administrativo y religioso de las colonias portuguesas en América hasta 1763, año en que se trasladará la capitalidad a la localidad de Río de Janeiro. (Hace 475 años)
En Inglaterra, durante la Guerra de las Dos Rosas (asi llamada porque cada casa tenía una rosa representativa, la de Lancaster era de color rojo, mientras que la de Yorkshire era de color blanco), tiene lugar la Batalla de Towton, una de las más grandes y cruenta en territorio inglés, en la que las tropas comandadas por Eduardo de York, vencen al ejército lancasteriano de la Reina Margarita, convirtiéndose en el Rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra que mandará perseguir y matar a los derrotados. La Reina Margarita y su esposo Enrique de Lancaster, se refugiarán temporalmente en Escocia. (Hace 563 años)
El Imperio Otomano bajo las órdenes del sultán Murad II, inicia un asedio de tres días a la ciudad de Tesalónica (Grecia), que concluirá con la conquista de la urbe y la captura de 7.000 de sus habitantes para ser utilizados como esclavos. En 1492, cuando los judíos sefardíes sean expulsados de España por los Reyes Católicos, esta localidad les acogerá bien. De este modo, la ciudad se enriquecerá y gozará de un gran desarrollo económico que alcanzará su cima en los siglos XVIII y XIX. (Hace 594 años)
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politicademexico · 1 year
Arturo "El negro" Durazo
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El Negro Durazo se crió en un hogar humilde, pero en su infancia conoció a José López Portillo y lo acompañó durante toda su carrera política. Cuando López Portillo se convirtió en presidente de México nombró a su compadre General de División, aunque Durazo nunca cursó la carrera militar. Como jefe de la Policía del DF, Durazo hizo desastres: corrompió a la fuerza, torturó estudiantes, ejecutó a delincuentes, pagó coimas a periodistas y medios de comunicación; formó una banda de ladrones de coches compuesta por los internos del penal de Santa Marta, organizó secuestros y robos a bancos; y participó del narcotráfico.
Pero eso no es todo, Durazo fue clave en el ascenso al estrellato de la carrera del cantante Luis Miguel, se lo señala como el responsable de la desaparición de la madre de El Sol, Marcela Basteri; también se construyó dos mansiones con dinero que salía del presupuesto anual de la policía del DF y hasta se jactaba de haberle "metido un palo de escoba por el ano" a Ernesto el Che Guevara y a Fidel Castro, mientras pergeñaban la revolución cubana en México.
Arturo Durazo Moreno nació en Cumpas, Sonora, en 1924 en el seno de una familia pobre que al poco tiempo partió rumbo a la Ciudad de México en la búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades. Durante su infancia y adolescencia, el Negro vivió en la Colonia Roma, donde conoció y entabló una amistad con José López Portillo, que cambiaría su vida por completo.
El Negro Durazo fue creciendo en la vida política de México a la sombra de López Portillo, que era respaldado por el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).
Arturo Durazo estudió en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), ingresó a la función pública como trabajador del Banco de México (Banxico), luego fue inspector de tránsito e ingresó a la extinta Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS). Fue titular de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) y luego secretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público en el mandato de Luis Echeverría Álvarez, otro exponente del PRI que seleccionó a José López Portillo como candidato presidencial, boleto seguro para llegar a Los Pinos, la residencia presidencial en México hasta 2018, cuando Andrés Manuel López Obrador decidió convertirla en un centro cultural abierta al público.
López Portillo nunca abandonó a su viejo amigo y nombró a Durazo Moreno como el jefe de seguridad de su campaña presidencial. La figura del Negro Durazo se dio a conocer públicamente en ese momento y empezó a crecer dentro de la vida política mexicana.
Durazo había creado un centro clandestino de detención y tortura en el hotel La Posada del Sol, uno de los edificios más enigmáticos de la zona centro de la capital. Allí secuestró y ejecutó a líderes de movimientos estudiantiles de finales de la década del 70.
“Sacaban a los chavos y les ponían unas cosas como pasamontañas, pero con pico, no sé, creo que hacían ritos satánicos”, declaró una vecina del lugar.
En tanto, entro otros negocios clandestinos que el Negro Durazo llevaba adelante en la Ciudad de México se encuentra el de "La Cuarta Compañía", un grupo de presos del penal de Santa Marta que por las noches salía a robar autos y bancos con la custodia de la policía.
Durazo incluso exigía una "coima" a los miembros de la fuerza que debían pagar por sus uniformes, armas, mantenimiento de los vehículos. Lo que convirtió a los agentes en delincuentes con placa: extorsionaban a los civiles, secuestraban, pedían sobornos. Todo para poder pagar el "entre", como se conocía a la tarifa impuesta por Durazo, para poder seguir perteneciendo a la fuerza.
Una anécdota que relata José Sánchez López, reportero que durante décadas colaboró en áreas de Comunicación Social de la policía capitalina y del gobierno federal, cuenta que un reportero de una radio encaró a Durazo por una serie de denuncias. Eñ jefe de policías le respondió: "¡A ver, cabroncito! cuál pinche corrupción, aquí no hay ni madres de corrupción, venga p’a acá". Durazo se llevó al periodista a una habitación repleta de sacos con cientos de sobres llenos de dinero, producto de botines recuperados por la Policía que no eran reportados. "¡Métale la mano, cabrón! y lo que agarre es suyo", le dijo. El reportero metió ambos brazos y cargó con lo que pudo.
"¡Ya vio, mi cabrón, que aquí no hay ni madres de corrupción!", afirmó sonriente el Negro Durazo. Así mantenía la imagen de la institución y el silencio de los medios de comunicación.
Las mansiones, las fiestas y Luis Miguel El Negro Durazo llegó a amasar una fortuna valuada en los 100 millones de dólares. Aunque nunca gastó ni un centavo "legal" en construir sus propiedades. Todo corría por cuenta del presupuesto de la Policía.
Así se hizo construir dos fastuosas mansiones en las afueras de Ciudad de México. Una de ellas, con sus caballerizas y su hipódromo privado, su polígono de tiro, su discoteca calcada punto por punto del Studio 54 de Nueva York, por un valor de 250.000 dólares.
La otra, llamada "El Partenón de Zihuatanejo" por estar edificada en un estilo inspirado en el de la Grecia clásica, el Negro no pagó ni un peso: los albañiles de la obra fueron los propios agentes de la Policía del Distrito Federal.
En esas mansiones, Durazo organizaba largas fiestas con litros de alcohol y mucha cocaína. Y un pequeño Luis Miguel de 11 años animaba a los invitados del jefe de Policía. El Negro Durazo fue clave en el ascenso a la fama de "El Sol de México". Luis Rey, el padre del artista, tenía una estrecha relación con Durazo, que recomendó a Luismi para que se presentara en la boda de Paulina López Portillo, una de las hijas del Presidente de la República. A cambio, el Negro Durazo habría pedido "favores sexuales" a la familia de Luisito Rey y se lo señala como el responsable de la desaparición de Marcela Basteri, la madre de Luis Miguel.
Era tal la impunidad del Negro Durazo que se jactaba de haber violado a Ernesto el Che Guevara y a Fidel Castro. Según el célebre libro "Lo negro del Negro Durazo", escrito por su ex escolta José González González, Durazo presumía de hbaer detenido a los revolucionarios mientras estuvieron en México: “Siempre se jactó de haber vejado a los dos personajes. Decía que les había metido un palo de escoba por el ano”, contó el autor del libro.
Al terminar el mandato de López Portillo, en 1982, Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado asumió como presidente de México, y Durazo fue uno de los apuntados por el nuevo régimen para enviar un mensaje en contra de la corrupción. El nuevo presidente buscó así poner distancia y aplicar el lema de su campaña, la ‘Renovación Moral’.
El Negro huyó del país rumbo a Brasil donde a pesar de ser buscado por Interpol no podían dar con su paradero ya que las relaciones bilaterales entre México y Brasil en ese momento eran casi nulas. Durazo esperaba recibir el perdón del nuevo presidente, que tenía prevista una visita al país sudamericano. Otra versión indica que Durazo en realidad buscaba en Brasil realizarse una cirugía estética para cambiar su apariencia.
El encuentro con Miguel de la Madrid nunca se produjo y Durazo cometió el error de abandonar Brasil. Dos años después fue detenido en Puerto Rico y extraditado a México para enfrentar cargos por contrabando, acopio de armas, evasión fiscal y abuso de autoridad.
Pasó ocho años en la cárcel, para después ser liberado en 1992 por buena conducta y por su delicado estado de salud a causa de un cáncer de colon. Vivió 8 años en libertad hasta el día de su muerte, el 5 de agosto de 2000, en Acapulco.
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falisboaadm · 1 year
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É preciso fazer a coisa certa sempre, ainda que ninguém esteja fazendo. O que aconteceu na Lava Jato, não foi uma farsa, um grande esquema de corrupção foi descoberto e muita gente do meio empresarial ligado a políticos poderosos estava envolvido, em um esquema que além do Brasil, afetou outros países, naquilo que se tornou o maior esquema de corrupção do mundo. Porém de lá pra cá, leis de crimes financeiros foram esvaziadas - Improbidade Administrativa -, tentativas de se criar PEC como a 5, no intuito de enfraquecer o Ministério Público e o amordaçar, foram realizadas e, Lei como a 13.869/19, foi criada para causar justamente o efeito contrário de seu nome, "Abuso de Autoridade". Não bastando agora querem a todo custo regulamentar a liberdade de expressão no Brasil, já não tendo conseguido por vias Legislativas, ainda bem - isso demonstrou alguma esperança vinda desse poder tão DEMOCRÁTICO - estão tentando no TAPETÃO, via Judiciário, usurpando competências, legislando novamente, de maneira escusa, mesmo "modus operantis" que fizeram com as condenações da Operação Lava Jato, confirmadas em 3 - três - Instâncias anteriores ao STF, por vez, devidamente representadas pela Procuradoria Geral da República, quando devido pelo Foro Privilegiado, em Instâncias Superiores - STF e STJ à dependência do cargo eletivo - e quando sem a prerrogativa e como tipificado em Constituição Federal, em Foros Regionais do prevento. Ressaltando que não foram investigações realizadas por qualquer um, nem por mãos de Partidos Políticos "A x B, ou C", mas por Agentes Federais treinados e submetidos a concurso público, centenas deles, representantes de carreira em instituições como a PF, Receita Federal, CGU, TCU, COAF ou ABIN, resultado de muito trabalho conjunto e cooperações inúmeras, muitas vezes Internacionais. Portanto não se pode falar de suspeição, se alguém é suspeito aqui no Brasil, sabe muito bem o povo brasileiro quem os são, e se diga de passagem, não sendo de hoje - todos estamos cansados de saber, que nem suspeitos são, na verdade são CULPADOS pelas mazelas da população, vindas da sujeira que fazem descaradamente com o bem público a todo tempo. E não adianta falar em 3 - Partidos Políticos - porque quase todos estão envolvidos até o pescoço.
Essa semana foi aprovado um projeto pelo então Senador Moro, para coibir atentados contra agentes da lei, representantes dos três poderes e demais órgãos envolvidos em casos contra ORCRIM, parabéns ao Senador, o projeto é válido, reconhecemos. A violência deve ser repudiada, sobre qualquer aspecto. O Brasil vem sendo tomado por vários grupos formados para dividir a nação. O que assusta é o grau de extremismo demonstrados por tais pessoas nas diversas partes e viés. Outro dia, quando apontado por exemplo grupos neonazistas no Telegram, soou estranho alegarem que as investigações não poderiam prosseguir pela proteção a Liberdade de Expressão, tendo em vista as autorizações judiciais pretéritas, para investigar inclusive políticos, em troca de mensagem utilizando aplicativos semelhantes em aparelhos da marca Blackberry, logo, tal absurdo, se torna injustificado. Pareceu mais uma cumplicidade entre os irmãos "Bolso & Lula" em defesa de tais movimentos, panos quentes, neozistas de um lado e Zé Rainha do outro, se é que vcs entendem... Isso sem contar os ataques constantes e verdadeiramente contra a Liberdade de Expressão que são sujeitados pelo próprio STF, descumprimento da ADPF 130 em plena Campanha Eleitoral Presidencial, ataques contra o Google e decisões autocráticas contra a Democracia. O fato é que o terrorismo, crimes de ódio e atentados contra a vida das pessoas não configura liberdade, pelo contrário, configura o tolhimento da vida, o grau mais nocivo contra o primeiro princípio de qualquer Constituição, o direito de viver dignamente.
Uma outra questão que continua assustando o Brasil é: "quem defenderá a população brasileira de seus maus políticos e Alto Judiciário?" Até quando conseguirão se esconder atrás de foros e privilégio$? Quando uma previsão legal gera injustiça e impunidade dos piores absurdos cometidos, será isso considerado justiça? Até quando recursos legais diversos, usados em favor de políticos e poderosos na justiça, irá contemplar prescrições dos processos?
Numa Justiça seletiva a quem pode pagar por ela, o que se vê são pioras significativas às condições de seu acesso, para aqueles que logicamente não podem pagar por ela, enquanto há rapidez para outros tantos ao solicitá-la, uma vez que possam pagar a mesma, demonstrando então sempre disposta em atender seu cliente da melhor forma possível, nem que para isso, necessite se embrenhar no lodo abrindo caminhos inusitados. Uns são submetidos à ação do tempo, prazo esse que quando deveria beneficiar, prejudica, ao ponto de muitos padecerem sem enxergar a sentença, e, quando deveria prejudicar, punindo os malvados, beneficia, ao ponto de serem livres das devidas responsabilizações pela morosidade. Ainda querem inventar um "Juiz das Garantias", para dificultar o que já não está fácil, quem dera termos uma justiça apta a receber tal Magistrado, como nos lugares que os têm e fazem-lo útil, onde o réu é julgado e sai sentenciado em menos de 48 horas pelo Juiz de Plantão, dependendo do delito. Assim não haveriam de sorte tantos recursos impedindo a justiça em meio a pilhas de processos.
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En política, lo que parece es…
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Por Tonatiúh Medina // @DrThe
Contrario a lo que la mayoría de los analistas han aseverado, la coalición oficialista no está ni rota, ni herida de muerte, es verdad que la forma en la que el INE ideó la forma de cumplir la paridad de género en candidaturas a gubernaturas ha arrinconado a más de un partido político, especialmente a MORENA y aliados, que guste o no, aventajan en varias de las encuestas que se han hecho públicas.
Existe el criterio de acomodo en bloques de competitividad para candidaturas a presidencias municipales y diputaciones, los partidos tienen que calcular su nivel de votación en tres bloques, alta competitividad, media y baja.
Especialmente en el de baja competitividad es en donde menos candidaturas deben ocupar las mujeres, porque, es ahí en donde ellas no tienen posibilidades de ganar, algo así parece que se construyó en el INE, pero, el oficialismo ha dado prioridad a la unidad.
En Guanajuato nadie chistó, en Jalisco el único que se quejó -el padre del conductor de F1 Checo Pérez- no tiene ni el poder ni el tamaño político para descarrilar una elección, quien ganó la encuesta, pero fue apartado guardo silencio y se alineó, en CDMX el puntero se bajó, aplaudió, salió en la foto y se disciplinó, la ganadora fue cuidadosa en sus palabras y hasta generosa, los incentivos de poder son muchos, como para descarrilar un ejercicio electoral de este tamaño.
No sorprende que, el PVEM como lo dijo el perdedor de la encuesta en Jalisco, busque maximizar su votación llevando candidatos testimoniales en la boleta, así es el juego, si el jalisciense apenas se da cuenta de como se juega, pues o es un imprudente y no sabe a lo que se enfrenta o simplemente es un niño mimado en el cuerpo de un viejo.
En el mismo camino por la búsqueda del poder, el oficialismo ha buscado por cielo mar y tierra construir puentes con partidos políticos locales, que si bien es cierto no van a figurar en una coalición federal, podrían tener la estructura local para impulsar el activismo a favor de Claudia Sheinbaum, obvio lo que buscan son candidaturas comunes y transferencias de votos que les aseguren el 3% y más para anclar el registro partidario y hacer política tres años más, o sea, hasta el 2027, aunque hay muchos ejemplos en varios estados, pues hay más de 40 partidos políticos locales, llama la atención FUTURO y su dirigente Pedro Kumamoto que en un cálculo más que racional para él y los suyos, se ha aliado con el oficialismo.
No hay que perder de vista la “operación cicatriz”, a favor del hombre que ha dejado ir en tres ocasiones la candidatura a la presidencia de la república. De apellido Ebrard, con tal de que no saliera de su partido pateando mesas y azotando puertas, reconocieron que el proceso interno estaba plagado de vicios, va a poder crear su propia corriente crítica, será senador, y le dieron un puñado de diputaciones para los suyos, federales y locales, nada mal para alguien a quien se subestimo desde el graderío ciudadano pero que salió avante con poder, acotado, pero poder, al fin y al cabo.
La transición de varias figuras políticas de un espectro ideológico a otro, especialmente del priismo nacional, han modificado la fórmula territorial de posibles triunfos. Lo quieran reconocer o no por el oficialismo local, la llegada de exgobernadores o senadores en activo a los partidos satélites pero aliados con MORENA, no solo agranda su base electoral sino su capacidad de operación, así que a querer y no, tendrán que asegurarles posiciones para ellos y sus equipos, ejemplos hay varios pero el más interesante es Yucatán.
Ante la negativa de su partido de ir a una contienda interna y no rendir la candidatura a gobernador en una mera negociación, Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín decidió irse, y en lugar de invitarle un café a dialogar y tratar de recomponer lo que se estaba rompiendo, su ahora ex partido decidió crucificarlo en redes, pues bueno, su éxodo abrió el camino a que panistas y perredistas le siguieran no a un proyecto propiamente suyo, pero si en el que va a colaborar, en la encuesta de Rubrum del día 14 de noviembre, el oficialismo está a un punto, si a un punto, de rebasar al panismo que daba por hecho que la península estaba escriturada con Gómez Morín de testigo.
Algo parecido pasa en Guanajuato, los guindas están a 7.5 puntos porcentuales de la meta, es obligado mencionarlo porque esas eran, si “eran” las únicas dos gubernaturas en las cuales la oposición tenía una oportunidad real de triunfo.
¿Qué pasa enfrente con el frente?
Sorprende que a la futura candidata del frente solo la acompañe la ciudadanía y el PRI en sus eventos, si, así como lo lee “el PRI”, ese partido que tanto ha sido vilipendiado por propios y extraños, ha decidido jugársela tanto en cúpula como en base con la futura candidata, los eventos multitudinarios se visten de rojo ¿y los demás?
Los azules insisten en diferenciar la coalición, y para ello un ejemplo del pasado, en 2018 el PRI se coaligó para la elección presidencial con el PVEM y el PANAL, pero el PVEM y el PANAL decidieron no coaligarse, no ir junto al PRI en la boleta para gubernaturas, presidencias municipales y diputaciones locales.
El cruce de votos generó un efecto matemático que atropelló electoralmente al PRI, es verdad que era difícil ganar, pero ese movimiento hizo que los rojos perdieran incluso lo que ya tenían seguro.
Bueno los herederos de Castillo Peraza ahora desean replicar ese mismo efecto en algunos estados, lo iban a hacer en Yucatán, las declaraciones del presidente albiazul son públicas, no se está revelando nada secreto, pero la salida de Ramírez Marín los hizo recular, solo que ahora las bases partidarias de sus aliados parecen ya no estar con ellos, el daño está hecho, todo indica que esa diferenciación la van a proponer en algunas senadurías, algunas diputaciones, y que no nos sorprenda que eso suceda en algunas gubernaturas, el sureste corre ese peligro, y ya hay señales que en Morelos harían lo mismo, ir solos. Entonces ¿Qué tanto le exigen al PRI y al PRD en su vida independiente en los congresos, tanto el federal como los locales?
Con cierto estupor algunos hemos leído las declaraciones del presidente panista en el Estado de México, el cual asegura que el PRD suma más a la alianza fuera de ella, ya el PRI ha lanzado una red desde el legislativo local en espera de un cambio de señales, la misma Xóchitl Gálvez declaró que las negociaciones siguen, y que hace votos porque los amarillos no sean apartados de una coalición que es la esperanza de muchos, pero que no parece estar anclándose.
Un dirigente del sol azteca comentó en privado que solo les habían ofrecido un par de distritos, uno controlado por el crimen organizado y otro en donde ganar es prácticamente imposible, ni hablar de la CDMX en donde la unidad en tropel a favor de un candidato azul parece cancelar la oportunidad para los demás. Faltan siete meses para salir a votar, la ciudadanía todavía puede presionar y exigir, pero en política, lo que parece, es…
El presente artículo es publicado en la Revista Siempre #3675
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jrlrc · 6 months
Presidente priista, no de izquierda
Dos hechos recientes en el mar de hechos mexicanos y obradoristas:
Carlos Slim llega a una riqueza de más de 100 mil millones de dólares. Parte de la explicación es el obradorismo, es decir, los contratos de las empresas de Slim con el gobierno de AMLO, quien constantemente lo elogia. Eso no es lo único que aumenta la riqueza del señor pero es parte de. Y eso es algo que un gobierno de izquierda -y un presidente de izquierda con mucho poder- no pueden tolerar ni fomentar, si se trata de una izquierda cabal y actualizada. Pero AMLO no es de ninguna izquierda en realidad. Un gobierno poderoso y de izquierda actualizada puede coexistir con ricos pero no los elogia ni los promueve como cuates, tampoco sólo los critica en retórica, puede fracasar en el intento pero intenta limitar su riqueza extrema y no favorecerlos fiscalmente. Otras cosas o ya dejaron de actuar como izquierda en ese punto o son una izquierda que (sin implicar lo revolucionario) no se ha actualizado contra la desigualdad extrema. Al gobierno de AMLO no le falta poder, le falta izquierda -y le sobran acuerdos y negocios con cuates de los más ricos.
Llega a la Suprema Corte de Justicia, como ministra, Lenia Batres Guadarrama, militante del obradorismo y hermana del obradorista que es jefe de gobierno de la Ciudad de México. Llega no por acuerdo del Congreso sino por dedazo del presidente López Obrador. Aquí hay que acotar: se está diciendo que es el primer presidente que designa por dedazo a un ministro/a de la Suprema Corte, pero es el primer dedazo formal/legal, no el primer dedazo de cualquier tipo, pues en la época priista todos los ministros llegaban por dedazo del presidente/jefe del PRI; la diferencia es que este anterior dedazo era informal, no estaba ni necesitaba estar escrito en la Constitución; como ahora existe la posibilidad constitucional como último recurso, se concretó con la ayuda de Dante Delgado y su partido MC. Pero el punto más importante es, otra vez, el priismo de AMLO que está en el fondo: designar a una militante de tu partido, a una seguidora tuya, para que actúe como tu representante y defensora en la Corte, con el modelo priista en mente y meta: que la Suprema Corte y todo el poder Judicial federal estén alineados al presidente y su gobierno-partido. Como en muchos otros asuntos (INE, INAI, también el capitalismo de cuates), las acciones de AMLO contra la Suprema Corte y la consecuente llegada de Batres como ministra evidencian su priismo. Y su proyecto fácticamente priista.
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gravedangerahead · 2 years
Gente, não esqueçam da importância do legislativo!
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A eleição para deputados (tanto estadual quanto federal) é proporcional, enquanto para senador e para os cargos do executivo (presidente e governador) são majoritárias.
A eleição majoritária é fácil, a pessoa específica que recebeu o maior número de votos leva. No executivo tem segundo turno, mas para senador não. Então se o candidato A tem 37% o B 20% e o C 10%, o candidato A leva direto, sem nova votação.
O seu voto para deputado conta para o partido, ou para a federação se o seu partido estiver associado a outro. Então leve em consideração se você está alinhado ideologicamente com aquele partido (ou federação de partidos) e não se importa que o seu voto contribua para eleger outros membros que não a pessoa específica em quem votou.
É possível inclusive você votar simplesmente no partido e não em um candidato a deputado específico, mas não é recomendado devido a uma matemática doida que quebra a minha cabeça chamada coeficiente eleitoral. Se o partido tiver tido votos o suficiente para eleger 10 cadeiras mas só 8 candidatos tiverem atingido o número mínimo de votos ele perde essas duas cadeiras.
Os grades puxadores de voto de um partido provavelmente terão voto sobrando para redistribuir. Mas outros candidatos com votação menor que não teriam sido eleitos sozinhos podem ganhar o cargo através dessa redistribuição, se tiverem atingido o mínimo de votos (20% do coeficiente eleitoral). Se estiver na dúvida entre votar no grande puxador de votos que você tem certeza que está eleito ou em uma candidatura menor que tem chance de atingir os 20% pode ser melhor escolher a menor
Quero muito tirar o Bolsonaro, de preferência no primeiro turno, mas é importante ter um congresso pelo menos um pouquinho mais progressista que não bloqueie toda tentativa de avanço
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longliveblackness · 2 years
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One of the best to ever do it, Assata Olugbala Shakur. Political activist, author, falsely convicted fugitive, and step-aunt of the artist Tupac Shakur
Born JoAnne Deborah Bryon on July 16, 1947 in New York City, New York. During a trip to Oakland, California in 1970, Shakur became acquainted with the Black Panther Party (BPP). She returned to New York City and joined the Harlem branch.
Shakur worked in the BPP breakfast program but grew increasingly critical of the BPP because of their reluctance to collaborate with other black organizations. Shakur left the BPP in 1971 and joined the Black Liberation Army (BLA), which the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) branded an anarchist group.
In 1972, the Bureau issued a warrant for her arrest in connection with crimes allegedly committed by the BLA. On the evening of May 2, 1973, Shakur and two BLA companions were stopped by two state troopers for a traffic infraction on the New Jersey Turnpike, an encounter that ended in the deaths of Assata's friend Zayd Shakur and State Trooper Werner Forster.
Arraigned on charges that included first-degree murder, Shakur went to trial seven times and was eventually wrongfully convicted of Trooper Foerster's murder regardless of her contention that the gunshot wound she sustained during the confrontation partially paralyzed her arm and rendered her incapable of firing a weapon. Despite forensic evidence that supports her assertions, she was found guilty of murder in 1977 and sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years.
In 1979, Shakur escaped from the maximum security unit of the New Jersey Clinton Correctional Facility for Women. She traveled to Cuba in 1984 where she was granted political asylum and reunited with her daughter Kakuya Amala Olugbala, whom she delivered while imprisoned.
She still lives in Cuba, while the US continues to label her a terrorists while letting actual terrorists like the former president roam free. Assata is a hero and will always be regarded as such. Her activism inspired BLM leaders and others leaders in the community.
“My name is Assata ("she who struggles") Olugbala ( "for the people" ) Shakur ("the thankful one"), and I am a 20th century escaped slave. Because of government persecution, I was left with no other choice than to flee from the political repression, racism and violence that dominate the US government's policy towards people of color. I am an ex political prisoner, and I have been living in exile in Cuba since 1984. I have been a political activist most of my life, and although the U. S. government has done everything in its power to criminalize me, I am not a criminal, nor have I ever been one.”
Una de las mejores en lograrlo, Assata Olugbala Shakur. Activista política, autora, una fugitiva acusada falsamente y tía del artista Tupac Shakur.
Nacida como JoAnne Deborah Bryon, el 16 de julio de 1947 en la ciudad de Nueva York. Durante un viaje a Oakland, California en 1970, Shakur se familiarizó con el Partido Pantera Negra. Regresó a Nueva York y se unió al Capítulo de Harlem.
Shakur trabajó en el programa de desayunos del Partido Pantera Negra pero se volvió cada vez más crítica de el mismo porque se rehusaban a colaborar con otras organizaciones negras. Ella dejó el partido en 1971 y se unió a la BLA (Ejército Negro de Liberación), organización que fue catalogada como un “grupo anarquista” por el FBI (Buró Federal de Investigaciones).
En 1972, el FBI emitió una orden de arresto en relación con delitos presuntamente cometidos por la BLA. En la noche del 2 de mayo de 1973, Shakur y dos compañeros de la BLA fueron detenidos por dos policías estatales por una infracción de tráfico en la autopista de peaje de Nueva Jersey, un encuentro que terminó con la muerte del amigo de Assata, Zayd Shakur, y el policía estatal Werner Forster.
Acusada de cargos que incluían asesinato en primer grado, Shakur fue a juicio siete veces y finalmente fue condenada injustamente por el asesinato del policía estatal Werner Foster, independientemente de su afirmación de que la herida de bala que sufrió durante la confrontación le paralizó parcialmente el brazo y la dejó incapaz de disparar un arma. A pesar de la evidencia forense que respaldaba sus afirmaciones, fue declarada culpable de asesinato en 1977 y sentenciada a cadena perpetua más 30 años.
En 1979, Shakur escapó de la unidad de máxima seguridad del Centro Correccional para Mujeres Clinton en Nueva Jersey. Viajó a Cuba en 1984 donde se le concedió asilo político y se reunió con su hija Kakuya Amala Olugbala, a quien dio a luz mientras estaba en prisión.
Ella todavía vive en Cuba, mientras que Estados Unidos continúa etiquetándola de terrorista. Assata es una heroína y siempre será considerada como tal. Su activismo inspiró a los líderes de Las Vidas Negras Importan (BLM) y otros líderes de la comunidad.
“Mi nombre es Assata ("la que lucha") Olugbala ("por la gente") Shakur ("la agradecida"), y soy una esclava fugitiva del siglo XX. Debido a la persecución del gobierno, no me quedó más remedio que huir de la represión política, el racismo y la violencia que dominan la política del gobierno de los Estados Unidos hacia las personas de color. Soy un ex prisionera política y vivo en el exilio en Cuba desde 1984. He sido una activista política la mayor parte de mi vida, y aunque el gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha hecho todo lo posible para criminalizarme, no soy una criminal y nunca lo he sido.”
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