#Patient Temperature Monitoring type
nottapossum · 4 months
Sick littles part two?
>Part 1 here <
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Lucifer's first reaction...is an overreaction.
He will frantically put the little one to bed and ask a million questions so he can be sure he knows every detail about the illness so he can know how to help.
He'll get the little one some juice, tea, or water depending on the type of sick and what will help most-
Wait... is it juice or tea that helps with colds?
Bring it all!
He'll make the best soup and get some animal crackers for them.
Check their temperature every few minutes, way more often than he needs to.
Put on a little light show for them if they're getting restless.
And he'll wonder what else he needs to do to help...what else can he do?
Then the little one will be asleep, and he'll remember that sleep is probably what would help the most.
So he'll let them be for a bit.
And leave a baby monitor in the room so he can keep an ear out for them.
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When Alastor is sick, that's when Rosie has to be really strict with him.
He hates being sick and hates staying in bed. He doesn't even need to want to do something in particular. He just doesn't like the lack of choice in staying in bed.
So Rosie will firmly declare that he must stay in bed to get some rest. He needs it.
And Alastor will fuss and cry as a result. Nothing too bad, but he will try to get out of bed often.
Usually, the promise of getting bottle fed helps him listen at first. (Even if it's just broth or water, he loves being bottle fed.)
Until he decides he wants to get up again.
Rosie is very patient, though. She never raises her voice at him. She simply picks him up and puts him back in bed.
Explaining to him that he has to stay in bed so that he can get better.
She'll keep him entertained as much as possible, She'll sing, read to him, or tell him stories about the cannibal colony.
It's really the best way to get him to listen and actually get some rest.
The little one is often just overwhelmed or bored.
Who could blame him?
Alastor: (not a classified caregiver, but will caregive for certain individuals.)
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Alastor may seem a bit... Menacing sometimes, but allister can actually be a very sweet and attentive caregiver.
When a little one is sick, he will support them in any way he can.
He'll put the little one to bed, promising that they can play later and that if they're good, they'll get rewarded.
He makes them some soup and provides anything they need.
He'll even hold and comfort them when they start to complain or cry about not feeling well. He isn't big on physical contact, but he can't stand seeing a little one so upset.
So he will comfort them in any way they need it. If that means hugging or holding them, he'll do it. If it's reading or singing to them until they fall asleep, he'll be more than happy to do so for them.
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Stella would hire someone to take care of their little one.
Or she'll try.
But Striker will attack all of them and then get more sick.
So, because it's in fact, striker, she needs to be firm and fight with him the whole day to get him to take medication and get some rest.
He hates staying still.
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Striker is surprisingly a sweet caregiver. He'll comfort his little one, rub their head and back, and sing to them to help soothe them. Kid can't get any better if they're in distress.
He also knows how to make a special broth that is sure to help them feel better.
Stella hates it and often refuses to eat it.
But he'll promise her a treat if she listens, so she ends up drinking the broth.
He knows how to talk to her in a way that isn't condescending but will praise her for the efforts she makes to be good.
He'll also be more physically affectionate towards her. Giving her cuddles and hugs.
Stella surprisingly loves hugs, always acts like she hadn't received enough as a kid.
He doesn't mind it.
Whatever helps the little get through the day.
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Sera is very sweet and attentive.
She checks on them every few minutes and takes a break from work to make sure they're doing alright.
She will make special chicken and star soup with crackers. She'll even make her little one some jello as a treat. 🤍
Emily: Emily will feel so bad for her little one! In fact, she'll cuddle with them all day until they feel better...and almost always she will end up getting sick too.
But it's worth it to her so long as the little one felt better.
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St peter:
Peter will do anything to cheer up his sick little one!
Laughter is the best medicine, so he'll make sure they get plenty of it!
He'll sing to them, tell them jokes, put on some silly little cartoons-
And you know, provide actual medicine and nutrients.
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Valentino: He will not care. Lol jk
Okay, Val wouldn't know what to do, and he'll ask the other Vee for help. If they're both sick, he'd do his best. He's pretty good at comforting the little ones, but he can't make soup, even from a can. So...he orders pizza and orange juice and hopes for the best outcome...
It's never a good outcome.
So kitty takes over for him.
Vox will provide everything the little one needs and tell them to call him via text, or he'll give them a bell to alert him in case he is needed.
He'll put on their favorite cartoon and encourage them to get some rest.
He'll try to get some work done, but no matter what, his mind will constantly be on his sick little baby.
Velvette doesn't like being around people who are sick. Luckily for her, Vox is pretty well behaved and doesn't fight too much when he's sick.
She just has to provide nutrients for him and put on a documentary about sharks. Then, ask Kitty to keep an eye on him and alert her if anything happens.
She really does care, but sick people make her uncomfortable and queasy.
Vox understands that and doesn't ask anything of her.
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy
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delimeful · 4 months
a still-glowing ember (3)
warnings: panic, guilt, injury mention, mentions of assumed character death (mistaken), arguing, lmk if i missed any
Virgil had spent nearly half the night attempting to coax the sprite’s spark back into something resembling a healthy state, feeling his stress levels spike unbearably with every pained twitch his unconscious patient had made. Working to heal someone that small, even with the assistance of magic, was no simple feat. It had been hours of exacting, meticulous work that had left him exhausted.
So, naturally, mere moments after Virgil finally called the job done, crawled into bed, and managed to fall asleep, the little idiot woke up and started shrieking loud enough to wake the dead.
Virgil had left the sprite on an extra pillow next to him, one of his hands cupped over the tiny figure to monitor any sudden changes in temperature, which basically meant that he’d gotten an unwanted earful at close range.
For someone who’d barely been able to string two words together before, the sprite certainly had a set of lungs on him. Stars almighty, that was loud.
“Will you cut that out?” he groaned with his face still half-mushed into his pillow, only earning himself an alarmed, shrill whistle-chirp and frantic scrabbling under his hand in response. Ugh. Sprites.
Did the guy not remember Virgil literally going to embarrassing lengths to save his life a handful of hours ago, or something?
Well. Actually, thinking back, he was pretty sure the sprite had been more-or-less unconscious at that point, only latching onto Virgil’s proffered magic after much nudging and coaxing of that terrifyingly unresponsive form. Maybe he actually didn’t recall any of that.
In that case, he had a little more sympathy. Not enough to keep him from pushing up onto his elbows and sending the noisy creature a nasty glare, but enough that he didn’t jump directly to mostly-facetious threats on the sprite’s life. See? Forget what everyone who’d ever met him had said, he was a master of restraint and compassion.
“Seriously, pipe down. I’m trying to sleep over here.” Okay, so not that much compassion.
The sprite’s wings were aggressively fluffed up behind him, meaning they hadn’t turned into frostbitten hunks of flesh and fallen off in the night, which was good. Virgil knew elemental beings were far more resistant to physical damage than most mortal types were, but feeling someone so iced-over always brought around that old panic anyhow.
Mostly assured that the sprite wasn’t going to keel over the moment he wasn’t in contact with him, Virgil retracted his hand entirely, leaving the sprite sprawled out on the pillow, breathing hard as his bedraggled feathers puffed up further. Virgil shifted into his fluffier form, as though his fur coat would chase away even the memory of the chill, and curled up more firmly, wrapping his tail around his paws. If he could just get a few more minutes of rest…
“I’ve been abducted,” the sprite said to himself, the words starting as a near whisper and slowly growing to a near wail. “I was nearly frozen, hunted for sport, and now I’ve been kidnapped away for my transgressions!”
Uggghh. He shifted back, mostly for ease of speech, and rolled his eyes when the sprite tried to scramble back and mostly just tripped over himself.
“I didn’t kidnap you,” he grumbled, turning his head to stare with one half-lidded eye. “I basically saved your life, actually, so maybe you should be a little more gracious.”
“Gracious?!” the sprite echoed in a shriek that was far too high-pitched for Virgil’s sleep deprivation-fried brain. “I’m fairly certain you threatened to end my life, not preserve it!”
Now, that much was probably true. Even if he hadn’t meant it, he certainly might have said something along those lines. He tended to get a little snappish when he was irritated, and also when it was cold out, and also when people bothered him in his own damn territory.
In short, the sprite had been dealt an extremely unlucky hand last night, in regards to Virgil specifically. And… intentional or not, he had almost gotten the tiny idiot killed.
He still remembered how his spiteful satisfaction at scaring the living daylights out of a rude intruder had slowly begun to shift into a creeping feeling of dread as the sprite utterly failed to do anything resembling normal flying, let alone escaping. The moment his fingers had wrapped around that ice-cold frame, the apprehension had abruptly firmed into the certainty that something was terribly wrong.
No creature of fire should ever feel so still and icy, especially not a lively, quick-burning sprite.
Virgil’s ears pressed flat against his skull, his guilt swamping him again. He supposed he probably at least owed the guy an explanation. Uuuuggghhhh.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he told the sprite, tucking his hands under himself in an act of goodwill. “I know we got off on the wrong foot—,”
“The wrong foot?! An upside-down centipede has less wrong feet than our meeting!” the sprite screeched, continuing to be far more verbose when he wasn’t in the middle of freezing to death. Funny how that worked.
“Okay, fine,” Virgil cut in. “I heavily implied that I was going to murder you, but in my defense, I had no idea you were actually in a prime state to be murdered at the time, and also I’d been having a really bad night.”
The sprite stared at him like he was insane, and Virgil felt his shoulders rise to hunch up around his ears. This was why he didn’t talk to people.
“You had a bad night?!” the sprite asked in a near-shout, his tone incredulous.
The indignant question was accompanied by a twitch of movement, like the sprite had attempted to throw his arms up in an exasperated gesture only to find one limb restrained. He looked down at the sling around his injured arm, blinking in bewilderment.
“Okay, that one wasn’t my fault,” Virgil protested preemptively. “You were already like that when I— hey, hey! Don’t jostle it, jeez!”
He reached forward despite himself, gently batting the sprite’s hand away from the sling. Naturally, he earned himself a buffeting slap from one of those tiny wings for his good deed, but going by the horrified stare the sprite sent his own appendage, Virgil was fairly sure the motion had been entirely instinctual.
“Seriously, don’t mess with that,” he instructed, slowly withdrawing once it became clear that the sprite had gone stock-still with fear. “It took me ages to put together a sling that tiny, let alone tie it. Just leave it be.”
The sprite’s face pinched with uncertainty. “You made this? Why?”
There it was, the exact question he’d been trying to avoid. Great, just great.
He shrugged, faux-casual. “Maybe I just didn’t want some random pesky sprite dropping dead in my stretch of woods. Bad for the decor or whatever.”
The sprite narrowed his eyes at him, clearly not buying it.
“Look,” Virgil said, trying to head off the accusations of nefarious plots that he could practically see on the tip of the sprite’s tongue, “I clearly could have murdered you, and I didn’t, so can we just agree to not ask any more questions and part ways as unfriendly strangers?”
“What did you mean, you were having a bad night?” the sprite asked, apparently deciding to completely ignore Virgil’s very reasonable suggestion.
“I mean, I was having a bad night,” Virgil repeated with the slightest growl to the words. “I got robbed by annoying pixies twice, and now I’m going to have to go repair those boundary markers and make sure that nothing snuck in while they were down, which means I’ll have to waste a whole day just scouring the forest when I have winter supplies to be storing—,”
“Twice?” the sprite echoed, face pinching even further into a confused frown. “I only stole one boundary marker— and under severe duress, with all intention of returning the pilfered power once I had recovered at home!”
Virgil rolled his eyes, ignoring the tacked-on excuses. “Yeah, but you were the second sprite to do that. Like, my bad for thinking both times were you, but in my defense, the other sprite looked pretty damn similar—,”
“There was another sprite?” the sprite interrupted again, and this time he didn’t even seem to notice Virgil’s annoyed growl, his entire body gone tense with a sudden sharp focus. “You’re sure?”
Virgil frowned, a foreboding feeling creeping up on him. “Yeah, especially with what you just said. In hindsight, there were signs that the two of you were different. You were tripping over your words, while the first guy nearly woke the whole forest with all the maniacal shrieking laughter.”
“Remus,” the sprite whispered with wide eyes, his hands fisting in the loose fabric of the pillow. “Did you see which way he went?”
For the first time, he was leaning toward Virgil, practically hanging on his every word as he sought the answer.
“I dunno, north-ish?” Virgil replied, ears flicking back in slight bewilderment. “I wasn’t exactly close enough to catch him. What, do you know the guy or— woah! What are you doing?”
The sprite had pushed himself to his feet in one determined motion, and now pinwheeled, trying to keep his balance atop the soft surface of the pillow. His wings were lifting sluggishly into position, like he actually thought the ragged limbs would carry him anywhere in his current state.
Virgil hovered a hand nearby, prepared to catch the idiot when he want toppling down, but the sprite ducked away.
“I’m going to go find my brother,” the sprite spat, looking as though he’d like nothing better than for Virgil to try and stop him. “He’s out there, alone!”
The sense of foreboding doubled. The odds of a fire sprite, even one ballsy enough to steal three territory markers, surviving a winter storm all through the night were extremely low.
“If you go out there in this state, the only thing you’ll accomplish is crashing and dislocating your other shoulder,” he warned, trying to soften the bite in his voice as much as possible. “The forest is huge. There’s no way you’ll find him, wherever he is.”
Whatever condition he’s in, Virgil didn’t add, because even he had some tact.
“I don’t care,” the sprite said, chin lifted stubbornly as he started taking wobbly steps down the side of the pillow, heading for the edge of the bed. “He’s my brother. I’m not going to just abandon him!”
Virgil groaned. There was virtually no way the other sprite was alive, but there was no point telling his guest that, not when the tremble to his chin showed that he was already well aware, and determined to see this through anyhow.
…At the very least, anyone who’d lost family deserved the closure of finding their body.
The sprite reached the edge of the bed and surveyed the drop, lifting his shaking wings into position to catch the den’s still air the best they could.
With a sigh, Virgil reached out and wrapped his hand around the sprite before he could jump, lifting him up into the air despite his furious protests.
“What’s your name?” he asked, and the non-sequitur was enough to grab the sprite’s attention for at least a moment.
“It’s Roman,” he snapped, and the way his wings were smacking at Virgil’s hand in protest were entirely purposeful, this time. “Now, let me go—!”
“Okay, Roman, look. You’re going to get yourself killed if you go alone,” Virgil informed him. “And seeing as I just spent a ridiculous amount of time preventing your untimely demise, I’ll be really irritated if you kick the bucket now.”
Roman’s face screwed up with clear anger, but before he could start shouting, Virgil set him down solidly on his shoulder, making sure that he was well balanced before releasing him.
“So,” he continued, swinging his legs around to stand himself, “if you promise not to yell directly in my ear, I guess I can keep all that hard work from going to waste by going with you.”
He could practically hear the way Roman’s brain ground to a halt, struggling to shift gears. “You’re going to help me?”
Virgil shrugged his unoccupied shoulder, heading for his den’s entryway. “Might as well. It’s not like it’ll be too difficult to track down the scent, if he smells anywhere near as strong as you.”
Roman laughed, a short, surprised bark. “He— Trust me, he’s much worse.”
“Ugh, great,” Virgil replied with a wrinkle of his nose, and tried not to think about what they’d do whenever they did find whatever was left of Roman’s brother.
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theunholyrogue · 8 months
if time could stop (REWRITTEN!)(bay!raph ending)
tw: angst, cursing
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“Let's do this.”
Raphael gazed up at the machine, his brow bone contorted into a frown as he listened to Donatello explain the controls of the teleportation device. If only it were on already, he would hop through with no hesitation– but of course his brother was smart enough to know that.
He couldn’t stop himself from thinking of what was to come, but no plague of doubt consumed him over this. The Shredder would be defeated, they would take him down before he had a chance to take over their beautiful home of New York, and he wouldn’t drive his blades through your body another time.
Everytime he had went back to thinking about that night, everytime he turned his body around to look over his shoulder, he saw you pushing April out of the way and taking the fall for her, your blood oozing down over the blades and dripping to the concrete road below, your body falling to the ground with April catching you in her arms, the screaming, crying, and begging that you would make it. It made him sick to think about, and the turtle had blamed himself and April for your death. He blamed himself for not being able to block the Shredder attack, to stop him, or for even assuming he knew the enemy’s next move. He blamed April for being there, in the way, for not realizing what was going on. Hell, he even blamed you for being so compassionate towards your friend that you would put your own life on the line for them.
But, Raphael knew that it wasn’t your fault, or April’s fault, and at moments of clarity– he knew that you wouldn’t blame him for your death, that it wasn’t his fault either, but that was harder to accept. Because why else would you not be here, with him, alive and healthy if he had ran forward instead of moving backwards with his brothers? Why would he had given the Shredder a moment to change his trajectory and go for April instead of staying in the way and blocking him? It was his fault, surely.
“Two turtles at a time to keep the portal from going crazy and changing us getting stuck in the past,” Donatello stated before typing in on a digital keyboard and cutting the machine on. Suddenly, in the middle of the round frame, a purple, swirling mass engulfed the inside of the device, waiting patiently for the turtles to walk through.
“Casey, you’ll be keeping track of our vitals while we’re on the other side, or the past– I mean. These suits has built in monitors to keep track of our oxygen and respiratory rate, blood pressure and heart rate, and temperature,” the tech genius spoke as he handed his brothers a black suit that fit to their bodies. “April, you’ll be keeping track of the portals soundwaves and making sure that it doesn’t want to shut down and trap us in the past. It has an auto-correcting system but for precautions, if the waves don’t die down or a message alert comes up, just yell out. We have a communication system built into these suits as well so that we can you and Casey talking on this side while we’re on the other side.”
“Gotcha,” April and Casey both nodded, understanding their roles in this situation.
“The portal will act haywire at first whenever we go through, but it should calm down after a few minutes. Wait a bit and then send the next two over. If it doesn’t calm down, you know the drill.”
“Understood, Donnie. Good luck.” April responded with a confident smile.
“Raphael and I will go through first, so that Donatello can make sure the portal is doing what it is supposed to. Once it’s clear, he and Michelangelo will come through. We’ll wait for you on the other side and from there, we’ll defeat the Shredder once and for all,” Leonardo stated.
“Sounds good,” Raphael remarked before pushing his eldest brother through, “Let’s stop yapping and get to beating.”
Raphael didn’t hesitate to jump through the swirling mist, falling out through the other side– though once he looked around, nobody was in sight. Mikey, Donnie, Leo… nobody was in the empty lab.
“Leo! Where are you?” He called out, though he received no response in person– though his brother’s voice came through his suit. “In in the lab– where are you?”
Raphael’s brow bone contorted into irritation. “I am too. I don’t see you.”
“Guys…” Donatello’s voice echoed through the suit with a worried tone. “You two aren’t on the same plane anymore.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Raphael’s heart dropped as the familiar voice called out from behind him, his gaze slowly trailing the room as he turned his body around to face the direction of the voice.
“I thought you were…” You murmured, watching as the turtle turned around.
There, you were standing with a half-ripped bloody shirt, along with bandages wrapped around the upper half of your torso. You held your hand against your side, evident that you were sore from the attack. But… you were alive.
Raphael uttered your name in a whisper, the first time he had said it in five years.
“You’re… alive,” he murmured, causing you to tilt your head.
“Yeah, I’m alive?” You asked, a breathy laugh escaping your throat then quickly whimpering.
Raphael walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your body. He slowly inhaled, taking in your scent and allowing his tense posture to relax since your death.
“Raph, are you good?” You asked, reaching up and wrapping your arms around his shell, dragging your digits up and down slowly.
“Raph, you have to come back. The portal is going crazy on our end. Leo’s already—,” April was speaking over the comms system, but Raphael pulled away and spoke.
“No, I’m not coming back,” Raphael firmly started, his hands sliding down to meet your hands. Tightening his grip around your digits, Raphael continued. “I’ve been fucking miserable for five years. Five whole years. I’m finally feeling okay again. Goodbye.”
“Wait, Raph!” April called out as Raphael moved away and took a sai from his side, jamming into his portal and causing the mist to disappear.
He took a deep breath, before looking back at you.
“Yeah. I’m okay.”
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ronearoundblindly · 10 months
The Stark Legacy (21)
Tony Stark's daughter (OC) x Bucky Barnes epic slowburn
Under, part of Book II: Mind (see previous or series)
Summary: Bucky is sedated while Samantha Stark replaces his arm. Doom shows up in Wakanda just as Tony phones in control of his suit.
Warnings for canon-level self-experimentation/medical testing and violence/action. Rated Teen/15+ ONLY, please. WC 2.8k
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After every effort had been made to ensure he was relaxed, Bucky still felt uncomfortable.  Sam had turned up the temperature in her lab, he was covered other than the top left of his torso and the nub of metal beneath his detached arm, and Sam had let him put on whatever music he wanted. While he would have preferred some jazz, the beat would have encouraged him to move, so he opted for classical instead. The tunes may have been soothing, but Sam’s very light, soft touch tickled.
“The scar tissue surrounding your shoulder…piece,” she mumbled, face close to his chest, “I have to make some measurements and re-graft that skin in the cradle. You won’t be awake for that either because—just sit still.” She looked up over her magnifying glasses. “I’m sure you’ve had enough experience being a lab rat.”
“Yes, I have.” He continued to watch her mark length and width of each scar he’d clawed into his own body in the few lucid moments he experienced before the Hydra brainwashing took hold. No one had ever offered to smooth them, heal them; at this point, Bucky thought his pain a simple, esthetic choice the Avengers could exploit when they needed emotional jaunts. He watched how meticulously she worked to perfect him, only after he’d asked to be made, well, normal. Every detail was calculated and thoroughly planned. She ensured as little need for his presence and time. She wasted nothing. Sam looked down when their eyes met briefly. “Are you nervous?”
The corner of her mouth twitched, her brows tightened, but Sam only shrugged.
Bucky continued to pry, gaging each micro-reaction carefully. “You aren’t exactly a doctor. You’ve never had a patient before.” 
Sam’s expression was surprisingly blank before rolling over to type a few measurements, lowering her chin to hide her eyes. “You don’t pay attention as well as you think.”
Bucky balked, furrowing his own brows. “I don’t understand.”
“You wouldn’t be able to tell right away because of the clothes I wear,” she started casually, finger moving across a few lines of her notes, checking every word and formula against her screen. “I told you about the motorcycle accident, and you saw the scars. I also badly burned myself after Cooper’s wedding when Lucas…” Sam trailed off but continued with the clicks on her monitor. “There’s a regen-cradle in my room—“ her hand waved over to the corner “—and now I can replace your arm with vibranium-enhanced flesh, right?”
“Yes,” he allowed, but she said nothing further. She measured and typed intently. His eyes followed her hand back and forth, every movement of her fingers, her tendons, and then he really saw her hand, her arm, her shoulder until the strap of her tank top. No sleeves. There wasn’t a single mark, no faded scars, not a pucker from stitches. His mind had attributed the light clothing to her increase in the temperature for him. Why had he not realized before? “You did it to yourself,” he breathed.
“Well,” Sam frowned, “I didn’t replace my limbs, but I’ve been my own patient…of sorts.”
“Is it why you lost so much weight?” Bucky could see how thin her arm had become, and when he thought back to how full her face had been at the wedding, he saw a large difference in her cheeks and neck. Her collarbone seemed sharp and prominent now.
“Ongoing treatment,” Sam mumbled, still imputing measurements.  A whirring noise started inside the cradle, and its mechanical arm ran a test cycle of movements.
Bucky watched Sam, so focused on working on him that she hadn’t touched whatever she was drinking when he’d arrived. The giant bottle contained what looked like one of her father’s smoothies but even thicker and more disgusting. Call me old fashioned, Bucky thought, but that’s not food and never will be. Sam must have seen him sitting with a sour face.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to drink that. It’s not for you.” In fact, it was barely even for her now. The nutrition in place of the nutrient baths was not working. Sam knew her condition was deteriorating, but she kept telling herself she would fix it after Captain Barnes was complete. He was her most important project; he would prove so much to her and to the Avengers.
A few minutes more, and Sam wheeled back over to her patient. “You ready?”
Surprised by the lurch in his stomach, Bucky nodded. He didn’t know it was still possible for him to be anxious, excited even. In a few hours, the last visible reminders of his time with Hydra would be gone.
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“Tony, that’s great, but we are kinda busy here,” Bruce prefaced his receiving of the data on Annihilus. The surrogate suit that relayed Tony’s movements from his headset in space squatted awkwardly in front of Dr. Banner because its controller was seated lightyears away. “That threat is on the other side of the galaxy. I’ve just had to send Falcon to Wakanda. It seems without the Fantastic Four, a man named Doom’s terrorizing North Africa.”
“Doom? Seriously,” Tony’s voice projected through the Iron Man suit in New York.
A few seconds later, Bruce shook his head. “Doctor Doom, actually, and this time I agree with you on the name. Victor Von Doom, meaning he is either DVD, or VVD, which sounds like a venereal disease—” Banner sighed, removing his glasses a moment. “Could you get back here, Tony? My brain hurts trying to think like the both of us. Your jokes are—”
“Hilarious,” Tony tried, standing back up.
“Terrible,” Bruce finished, launching an eyebrow up in concern, “and I believe your feed has a lag. Not surprising from outside the Solar System.”
“Then where am I the most useful? I’ve only got about two hours before the relay point has to change,” Tony checked the map on the monitor past his headset, a bright map showing his shuttle’s path in blue and the bouncing relays time coded by F.R.I.D.A.Y. in red and orange. “Then I’m dark again.”
“One-hundred and twenty-three minutes, Mr. Stark,” his system chirped.
Bruce shrugged, blandly ordering, “better hop your metal ass over to Wakanda then.” No sooner had Dr. Banner given him the instruction, Tony’s NY suit powered down, kicking on its automated, robotic return to the storage closet.
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The banging on the door made Sam jump in her desk seat. “Shit,” she mumbled when Missy brought up the security pinpoint camera to show Princess Shuri in her full war gear.
“Samantha Stark, open this door!” The banging continued.
Sam glanced at the progress bar reading only 89% COMPLETE—it ticked to 90%. The banging stopped. She knew what came next; they’d just break the door down.
“Missy, open it.”
Shuri came in after a moment of hesitation, a suspicious look melting into curiosity. She saw Bucky prone in the cradle first, her eyes following across the messy room to Sam at the other end.
“I thought…” Shuri straightened. “Barnes must come with me now. We will discuss all this—” she waved her hand around, the other wrapping her gauntlets to her chest “—later.”
Sam glanced again at the monitor: 93%. “How about in five minutes?” Sam was not used to being given direct orders and cowered quickly at the Princess’s sharp advance to her corner of lab.
“No, girl, now,” Shuri demanded, trying to get at the console behind Sam.
“Ok, I’ll stop it, just,” Sam scrambled to shut down the cradle and revive Bucky, “he’ll meet you…where?”
“He’ll know,” Shuri squinted at Sam all while her eyes flickered over as many details of the room as she could before leaving. From down the hall, one more shrieked “NOW” rang out.
Trying not to think of all the things that could go wrong, Sam grabbed the small pile of clothes Bucky had set on the dresser. “Damn it,” she breathed. She’d been anxious enough watching the slow pieces of progress, staring in concern between every rise and fall of his chest in the glow of the cradle, and to have her golden opportunity cut short—with so little time left to begin again or think of a new, impressive contribution—Sam was gutted. What if she’d screwed something up? What if Barnes couldn’t fight anymore? What if he got hurt because the arm wasn’t right?
Bucky stirred. Sam’s heart pounded. She choked back rippling tears, so afraid to admit she may be wrong. Before she moved into his view, Sam pressed the fabric of his clothes against her face and screamed. Even on the floor of the kitchen in Massachusetts, covered in scalding water, alone, she had never been this afraid. It felt as if she’d been sitting at a table learning the rules of poker only to blink into the spotlight of world-wide broadcast competition. She was not ready.
Bucky’s eyes fluttered.
“Captain Barnes,” Sam’s voice wavered, “they need you to meet the Princess for a mission.” If she had screwed up, she didn’t deserve to call him a familiar name.
The stimulant the cradle administered was strong with very little grogginess. “Did it work?” Bucky asked calmly. Sam wished he were not so lucid while she admitted their current situation.
“I—I had to stop to wake you. It’s mostly done, but I don’t have time to check anything. Here,” she handed him the shirts as he sat up. “You have to go,” she said, and then quietly, “I’m sorry.”
He stared intently at the door as he jumped off the table. “Ok, I’ll be back then,” he replied monotonously and left. Perhaps it should have reassured Sam that Bucky noticed nothing different, sliding on one layer without a glance to his new shoulder before he was out of sight.
If she’d eaten enough, Sam would have vomited right then. Her stomach whirled about. She felt light-headed. A vicious part of her brain stopped her from rushing after him. What could you do now? What help would you be? You’ve done enough…
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T’Challa gave a small nod towards the remote-controlled Iron Man suit that emerged from a storage chamber in Shuri’s lab. The King of Wakanda’s image was projected in rippling nanoparticles activated when Tony’s signal woke the suit. “We are grateful to have your assistance, Stark.”
“What exactly am I helping with?” Filtering out the suit’s vital statistics, Tony’s eyes flickered over the ticker tape of information Friday delivered now.
“Coordinates have been entered for you to meet us.” The Panther stood fully uniformed except his helmet.
“What does Doom want?”
“Vibranium to enhance himself and his followers,” the king responded.
The suit paused, then jerked its neck to the side. “What is he, some sort of cult leader? Where did he come from?”
“Latveria,” T’Challa’s projection fell away to leave the voice speaking through Tony’s suit directly. Iron Man shot out the door and into the sky. “But that’s not where you’re going.”
Tony heard Sam Wilson on the comms demanding, “anyone found Barnes yet? Get him out here. Get—”
“Falcon, you’re fighting again?” Though he trusted the life-long militant man, after such a devastating head injury, Tony allowed himself a fleeting hesitation. He’d work with what he had.
“Stark?” Wilson’s surprise was equal to Tony’s. “Are you topside?”
“It is good to have you back, Stark,” Thor’s booming voice echoed in Tony’s headset, “did you bring the Rabbit?”
“When am I ever gonna be enough for you,” Tony feigned emotionally, then jumped right into assessing the situation, “who else we got?”
“I brought Maximov,” Wilson chimed, “and the Sub-Mariner may show up since Doom is over the Gulf of Aden.”
“Still not much of a team player, that guy,” Iron Man’s comms crackled. Tony hadn’t had a real conversation with Wanda since she stopped offering him his bizarre therapy a few years before. They’d fought together sure, but nothing any deeper was spoken of than the weather. As far as he knew, she’d moved on to spend most of her time teaching mutants at Xavier’s school. Luckily, this didn’t seem like the occasion where lengthy discussions were imminent. “What’s Doom working with?”
“Tech suit and various energy-projectile capabilities, magic—” Sam Wilson replied.
T’Challa hesitated. “The Sanctum is not answering.”
“Figures,” Tony mumbled.
“On our way,” Shuri sounded off.
“Great, I’ve got a visual from Red Wing,” Falcon hollered, “you guys land at the beach.” The background cut out, and Tony pressed his suit to render-vous faster.
“Is the atmospheric anomaly the target?” Several scans of temperature, infrared, and electromagnetic readings showed for the area where his surrogate suit would programmed to land.
“Tis I,” Thor unnecessarily boomed over comms. Outdoors, the demigod never fathomed the need to adjust volume for sensitive mics. “But I can see the enemy as well. He is over the water.”
“Keep an eye on him. We are almost there,” Shuri answered. Tony shifted the suit’s head to see her and Bucky’s shuttle zipping past at a lower altitude, beating him to the beach. He had to hand it to her: the princess was a remarkable innovator and genius.
The Mark XLII suit landed gently. Shuri stepped out of her shuttle, gauntlets at the ready, and Captain Barnes followed shield on his back, three handguns in various holsters, and assault rifle at the ready. Tony looked curiously on at the hundreds of slender-billed gulls gathering on the beach with more soaring towards them from inland.
“Is this breeding season?” He mused. 
Barnes traipsed over in the sand, directing Tony’s gaze towards Falcon’s recon high above. “It’s actually him.”
“Coast is clear of civilians,” Wilson rattled. “Why isn’t Doom advancing?”
“I don’t know,” Thor replied.
“Guys,” Tony said, spotting a rise in sea level from behind the hovering metallic figure, “is he doing that?”
The swell rolled forward, passing just below Victor Von Doom’s feet, and as it grew closer, a pale spot appeared in the middle of the wave. Bucky braced the butt of his rifle on his chest. Shuri lifted her arms at the ready. 
A massive, bare-chested being broke from the swell of water as it passed under Thor. A shining, humanoid robot fought to release its ankle for Namor’s grasp, but the King of Atlantis, wrenched the poor pawn down, grabbed it by the neck, and ripped its head off in one clean motion.
Wilson admired over comms, “this dude is cool as f—”
Shots fired on Tony’s right. “They’re coming from the water,” Barnes called out, his attention fixed on the shoreline dotted with dozens more emerging robots. 
Tony’s deja vu wrapped him in a vague terror. Just for a moment, Doom became Ultron; the enemy became his fault again. He didn’t know that for sure—whether Doom was born of something Tony started—but all roads always seemed to lead back to him. He’d have to break the cycle eventually. For now, he called back, “light ‘em up,” and flew forward to blow some shit to high hell.
T’Challa clawed his opponents in half like scrap metal. Wanda raised her prey to blossom red fire in between manufactured joints, severing the cables of their insides. Bucky’s controlled burst sniped down target after target. Shuri blew limbs and heads off with shockwaves. Tony played hop-scotch from bot to bot, blasting his boot stabilizers to incinerate where he hoped their CPUs were built in. All-in-all, the pawns were surprisingly weak, but expendability was their purpose.
“Thor, we gotta take out the puppet master,” Tony deduced.
Thunder cracked, Lightning flashed down to Stormbreaker and bolted towards Doom, but their adversary’s metallic shielding repelled the blast back at the beach, and Iron Man barely vaulted out of its path. 
Barnes wasn’t as quick. The full force of Thor’s wrath hit him square in the chest.
“Buck,” Sam Wilson yelled, a bazaar of peregrine falcons swooping past him aimed at Doom while the soldier landed to check on his friend. The hunting birds dodged and distracted the floating figure, tossing flying boots off balance. Doom scrambled momentarily.
The sea rose again below him, but this time, it was all Namor’s doing. The king called forth a swirling mass of frothing water to encase Victor Von Doom, roiling his metal body in chaotic circles.
Bucky’s screams rang over comms with crackling force. 
“He’s sparking my wings. I can’t get near him,” Falcon called out for help, “we gotta get him off the beach.”
“Stark, take him before we lose your connection,” T’Challa insisted. 
The Iron Man suit raced forward, tossed Bucky’s rifle away, grabbing the secured straps holding Cap’s shield and launched them both inland. From Tony’s feed in space, he could tell that Barnes was still dissipating the chain’s force by the flashes of black interference. He had only 25 minutes of connection to return a 40-minute trip. Luckily, if he was right, the super-soldier he carried could survive a break in the sound barrier…maybe.
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[Chapter 22: Failure]
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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wandering-night19 · 1 year
Just found your blog based on your new fic, which I loved! I was most excited by the medical accuracy knowledge. Do you have any old posts or thoughts about the medical accuracy for Danger Magnet Strand’s NDEs? I know the show is A Bit Not Good with that. I can’t find anything useful on recovery from severe hypothermia and it is driving me nuts.
I could literally write a dissertation on how terrible the medicine in this show is, but I will do my utmost to keep from doing that. Everyone at work makes fun of me, but I fell in love with these damn characters.
The shooting drives me absolutely crazy. “Well, it missed the subclavian artery, so he’s fine!” No. Absolutely not. He would at the very LEAST need physical therapy. It’s his shoulder! Do you know how much is happening up there??? Here have a picture... (under the cut because I am long winded)
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TK would’ve come in as a trauma alert GSW to the chest. His chest!!! And he’s back at work in 10 days??? No!
I’m assuming they had him in a coma as a result of hypovolemic shock? I don’t know. It remains unclear. But that boy literally only had a nasal cannula the whole time? At the MINIMUM he would’ve come out of surgery with the following:
Art line
Central line
Temp sensing foley
NG/OG tube
AT THE MINIMUM 1 chest tube. Probs more tbh.
But I digress. You’re here for severe hypothermia. And boy do I have some THOUGHTS on this.
First of all, ECMO started in the back of a rig??? No, fucking way.
But this is supposed to be about TK, so…
You’re telling me this kid ran naked out into negative degree temperatures and rolled around on the frozen ground and there wasn’t any frostbite? Ha!
Let’s start from the beginning. So the call to the ER for TK would be traumatic arrest with ROSC achieved in the field. He should be intubated before he arrived, but this show doesn’t care about intubation. So let’s say they bag him all the way to the hospital.
When he arrives in the ER he’d be taken to the trauma room and 8 million things would happen at once. The first thing would be intubation. If a patient is intubated they need (at the very minimum) the following:
Sedation and paralytic medications
Central line
Art line
Temp sensing foley
OG tube
Because of the severe hypothermia his temperature would be monitored with a nifty esophageal thermometer. While the temp sensing foley gives bladder temp it’s behind until he’s warmed up enough.
He would also get warm IV fluids and peritoneal lavage, which is where we poke a hole in your tummy and introduce warm fluid that way. He’d also get the bair hugger which is a fun little plastic blanket type thing that inflates with warm air. (We break out the machine on night shift and put it at the nurses station. Best thing ever invented.)
Labs would be drawn and be all over the place because ice blood!! We’d probably be able to get him up to an ICU bed in an hour or two. I’d say he’d be a 1:1 for whatever ICU nurse gets him just because with all the monitoring for the first few hours it’s be impossible to get out of that room. If the nurse was 1:2 with a patient like TK the other patient would (re: should) be an easier patient. But in this post COVID world that ain’t happening. 😂
Recovery would be a verrrrrrry long road. With concern for arrhythmias and hypoxic brain injury and muscle atrophy. And then just soooo many other things. And the reason you can’t find anything useful is probably because TK would’ve died in the real world. Not a lot of people come back from that.
So this got away from me. I’m sorry. Here have some links.
This is a great article about hypothermia
And here’s a video of an actual hypothermic patient being treated in the ER so you can see all of the equipment that would be needed.
Obviously, I love to talk medicine. My inbox is always open for this. Just be prepared for me to go overboard. Sorry.
No idea if this helps or not. 🤷‍♀️
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macnman-techno · 8 months
What is the difference between LoRa and LoRaWAN?
LoRaWAN serves as the communication protocol connecting the LoRa signal (which carries sensor data) to the respective application(s). To simplify, think of LoRa as the radio signal transporting the data, while LoRaWAN acts as the governing framework that dictates how this data travels and communicates within the network.
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What is LoRa? 
LoRa, short for Long Range, is a wireless technology known for its extended range and energy-efficient characteristics. It operates within unlicensed wireless frequencies, similar to how Wi-Fi utilizes the unregulated 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. The specific frequency employed by LoRa varies depending on the geographic location of the deployment. For instance, in North America, LoRa operates in the 915 MHz band, while in Europe, it utilizes the 868 MHz band and in India it is 865 MHz to 867 MHz.  
It is crucial to be aware of the legally permitted frequencies for LoRa deployments in each respective location. In terms of its communication range, LoRa can transmit data up to a distance of 10 kilometers in ideal conditions with a clear line of sight.
Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) technology can be categorized into two main types. On one hand, there's cellular LPWA, which utilizes mobile networks. Examples of cellular LPWA technologies include Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and Long Term Machine Type Communications (LTE-M). On the other hand, there's non-cellular LPWA like LoRa, which disseminates data by dividing it into encoded packets and transmitting them across various frequency channels and data rates.
What is LoRaWAN? 
LoRaWAN is a network protocol that serves as the bridge between the LoRa signal, which carries sensor data, and the applications that use this data. In simpler terms, LoRa represents the radio signal responsible for transmitting the data, while LoRaWAN is the communication protocol that manages and defines how this data is transmitted across the network.
LoRaWAN offers several valuable advantages, including low power consumption, extensive coverage range, and cost-effective connectivity for devices that don't require high data transfer speeds. It's an excellent choice when cellular connectivity is too expensive or Wi-Fi coverage is unavailable. Some of the most compelling use cases for LoRaWAN include:
Agriculture: LoRaWAN's long-range capabilities provide reliable connectivity for rural applications where high data transfer rates are not necessary, making it ideal for agricultural applications. LoRaWAN sensors for agriculture are used for cattle management, soli monitoring, and temperature monitoring.
Asset Tracking and Logistics: LoRaWAN supports cost-effective location tracking of assets, with optimized battery life, making it a practical choice for asset management and logistics.
Smart Metering: LoRaWAN's sensors have the ability to reach even in underground utility locations makes it a suitable choice for smart metering applications.
Smart Homes: LoRaWAN can penetrate obstacles like walls and supports battery-powered devices with low data consumption, making it an attractive connectivity option for smart home applications.LoRaWAN sensors for smart homes are used for Air quality monitoring, water quality monitoring, and temperature & humidity monitoring. 
Healthcare: The low power consumption, affordability, and reliability of LoRa technology make it suitable for connected health applications. IoT solutions based on LoRa hardware can monitor high-risk patients or systems around the clock, ensuring comprehensive health and medical safety management.LoRaWAN Gateways and sensors enhance production practices, enable efficient tracking and monitoring of shipments, and facilitate the development of cutting-edge medications. 
Industrial Applications: LoRa-enabled devices and sensors play a crucial role in the transformation of industrial IoT operations like mentioned above. They digitize legacy processes and equipment, leading to increased profits, lower costs, and enhanced efficiency. These devices provide real-time data for predictive maintenance, machine health monitoring, reduced downtime, and more.
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trodelvy · 1 year
Trodelvy Injection: A Game-Changer in Cancer Care
Trodelvy contains the active pharmaceutical ingredients sacituzumab govitecan. The medicine is used for the treatment of patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer, and advanced bladder cancer. If you are searching for a genuine Trodelvy supplier from India, then Indian Pharma Network (IPN) can be your most reliable source/platform. IPN is WHO GDP & ISO 9001 2015 Certified Trodelvy Supplier, Wholesaler, Importer, and Exporter from India. Trodelvy which is Manufactured by Gilead Sciences, Inc, is available in a strength of 180 mg/mL. Trodelvy 180 mg is supplied for Tenders/ exports/ imports/ Named patient program/ RLD supplies/ Reference listed drugs/ Comparator Drug/ Bio-Similar/ Innovator samples for Clinical trials. Indian Pharma Network is the legitimate source of Trodelvy (sacituzumab govitecan-hziy) for injection, all the customers can get in touch with us to buy/order/procure this pharmaceutical product in approved quantity.
Buy Trodelvy 180 mg Injection at Lowest Price from India
Trodelvy 180 mg for injection is designed to carry cancer-fighting drug to cells that have Trop-2 proteins. Certain tumor cells have high Trop-2 proteins. The medicine trodelvy 180 mg injection is approved for 3 different types of cancer:
Advanced Bladder Cancer
HR+/HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer
Metastatic Triple Negative Breast cancer Trodelvy injection 180 mg is a type of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) treatment that is designed to work differently than traditional chemotherapy. It is designed to deliver promising anticancer drug directly into cells with Trop-2 proteins.
Buy Trodelvy in India I Sacituzumab Govitecan 180 MG Vial
Trodelvy (sacituzumab govitecan) is a type of medicinal product known as antibody-drug conjugate, or ADC for short. Unlike typical (traditional) chemotherapy, ADCs consist of three parts: an antibody, an anticancer medicine, and a linker. If you want to buy trodelvy in India for triple-negative breast cancer, HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer, and advanced bladder cancer, then Indian Pharma Network (IPN) can be your one-stop solution.
We are famed and esteemed in the pharmaceutical industry for our best quality service, vast industry experience, market credentials, and timely delivery. Our all the tie-ups and sourcing from the reputed brands allow us to offer the best price for Trodelvy 180 mg vial. Trodelvy (sacituzumab govitecan 180 mg vial) is an intravenous (IV) infusion (10mg/kg). Proposed doses are administered once weekly for two weeks (Day 1 and 8) of 21-day treatment cycles. Each treatment cycle is 21 days (3 weeks).
Sacituzumab Govitecan- Trodelvy Price for 180 MG Vial in India
Trodelvy is made of two different drugs joined together: a monoclonal antibody drug (which attaches to Trop -2 receptors, present on the outside of some cancer cells, and a chemotherapy drug (which stops all cells including unhealthy cells from growing and dividing). The monoclonal antibody drug attaches to the unhealthy cells and then releases the chemotherapy medicine directly into the cell. All pharmaceutical products – comparator drugs, adjunctive therapies, RLDs, co-meds and rescue meds, and Exports/Imports drugs – are transported in standard temperature-controlled conditions with active monitoring in order to ensure the integrity of products. Contact us today to get/buy your hard-to-access prescription medicine at the lowest price from India.
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versatileitsol · 1 year
Benefits of IoT Applications In The Healthcare Industry
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New technologies are quickly filling up the healthcare sector. The ability of hospitals, doctors, and service providers to provide high-quality healthcare services in order to enhance patient outcomes is constrained by escalating healthcare difficulties, such as the growth in chronic illnesses and the aging global population.
They have come to the doors of cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics as a result of these issues. IoT is the one that has the most caught the eye of healthcare service providers.
What does IoT mean for Healthcare?
IoT solutions for healthcare are being implemented or are being researched by more than 60% of healthcare companies globally. In the upcoming years, a large rise in the number of individuals and healthcare professionals adopting IoT-connected devices for health monitoring is anticipated. Some of the issues that have arisen in healthcare throughout the years may be resolved by the Internet of Things. For example, low rates of drug compliance, a lack of instruments for treatment management, poor patient monitoring, and a professional skills gap.
Benefits of IoT Applications in the Healthcare Industry
Smartens Up Hospitals
The use of IoT in healthcare allows for continuous and precise patient health tracking. In addition to this, there are a number of other ways that IoT improves the performance of the healthcare sector. Asset management represents one of the components. Wheelchairs, oxygen concentrators, defibrillators,  nebulizers, and other monitoring devices are all regularly tracked to know where they are in real time. These IoT sensors enable hospital administrators to track their real-time whereabouts in a matter of minutes.
Transparency of Insurance Claims
One of the upcoming significant things is likely to be the expanding healthcare regulations combined with IoT connection. Why? This is due to the fact that many people make up medical conditions in order to get the most out of their insurance money. It implies that the insurance company will suffer a loss. As a result, insurance firms may use the data collected through top-notch health monitoring devices for underwriting and claim procedures due to the clear validity of the IoT-driven data. Such methods would make it simple to identify fraudulent claims. The insurer will thereafter be able to locate unsuitable applicants for underwriting.
Maintains A Record Of Your Patients
These days, wearables as well as other smart sensing technology allow doctors or personal nurses to evaluate the health of their patients remotely. The IoT sensors built into this equipment let the doctors follow the patient’s medical diagnostic state efficiently. It is simple to organize the patient’s treatment program and to keep an eye out for those who need emergency medical attention. Many patients at a hospital are in need of various types of medical care.
IoT makes it easier to maintain an organized and hassle-free database of each patient’s prior medical history, present medical needs, and potential future medical support.
Supports Medical Research
Medical research takes many years to complete, and IoT may greatly speed up this process. It is as a result of the data on medical conditions that may be utilised for statistical analysis. As a result, IoT not only reduces research time but also associated costs, making it possible for larger and more effective medical research and therapies.
Wearables are now the most popular smart gadgets in use for healthcare. However, they are not the most helpful when it comes to research labs. Modern laboratories need sophisticated monitoring equipment that can keep an eye on anything from lab temperature to CO2 leakage. The appropriate authorities are informed right away if any irregularity is found.
Creating Healthier Cities
Almost over half of the world’s population lives in cities, which are remarkably diverse systems. Millions of people live happy lives, choosing modes of transportation, sitting in traffic, and bike riding through parks. The addition of weather to this already complicated mix of individual and group activity results in more intricate patterns of air quality that alter daily.
We require real-time information on all scales in order to comprehend the patterns of air quality throughout the cities and how they influence the urban population. Here, IoT systems deliver real-time data from various points around the cities, pointing towards smart city initiatives. The decision-makers for creating healthier cities will be better equipped with a higher resolution image of the air quality.
How Cost-Effectively Can IoT Healthcare Solutions Be Implemented?
IoT in healthcare ultimately aims to improve patient health, empower medical professionals, and reduce costs for everyone involved. You may create a low-cost IoT sensor network with a dependable technology partner.
Reduced expenditures, clearly defined roles and functionality for sensors, and sending and receiving data only when necessary are just a few of the foundations of cost efficiency that may be used to the creation of IoT apps for healthcare. In order to accomplish all of this, you must work with your technology partner to design an efficient IoT app development strategy and application architecture.
IoT In Your Health Sector?
In conclusion, we can say with certainty that IoT has fundamentally altered the healthcare sector. With the exception of the Internet of Things, among the most important industrial areas is healthcare. Additionally, the delivery of services and facilities in the healthcare industry has altered as a result of IoT app development.
Hire IoT developers, set up a project, and take a step towards creating the healthcare of the future if you want to take advantage of this change. There are several reputable IoT development businesses that have been offering a variety of IoT development services, but very few of them consistently meet or exceed customer expectations.
Versatile Mobitech has skilled IoT developers that are now working on several IoT-based healthcare software projects.
For a FREE consultation, Visit Versatile Mobitech
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usocmedical · 2 years
Diverse healthcare monitoring systems: An important part of all hospitals
Health monitoring systems basically are systematic tools that are used in hospitals to track the vital signs or health indicators of a patient. In many ways, a health monitoring system acts as an early warning tool that aids in diagnosing an illness at its early stages, so that any serious health issues or damage can be prevented. Health monitoring systems of diverse types are found today, each of them having its own functionalities. Typically such equipment is used to monitor the blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure, glucose levels, heart rate, body temperature, skin perspiration, respiration rate, and other essential parameters. All this information is critical in preventing distinctive illnesses, including major ones like heart attacks.
Dinamap ProCare 200 , for instance, helps in monitoring blood pressure, SpO2, pulse rate, and temperature. This single monitor can be used for the entire range of patient populations – neonatal, pediatric, and adult. Usually, this patient monitor is used in ER, Outpatient Surgery, Endoscopy, GI Lab, Special Procedures, Recovery/PACU, as well as labor and delivery.
GE 129 Monitor, on the other hand, is a fetal monitor. It features built-in maternal vital signs monitoring that eliminates the need for separate blood pressure and maternal pulse oximetry monitors. It has a smart BP option that prevents blood pressure readings from occurring during contractions, and allows for continuous display/printing of the maternal pulse rate trend.
Use of healthcare monitoring systems 
Healthcare monitoring systems are important in healthcare facilities of all types, and provide real-time data using wireless sensor networks. The sensors attached to the body of the patient monitor the varied patient health parameters. The software included in the health monitoring systems additionally can transmit the information to relevant doctors in certain cases. These equipment offers assisted and rapid diagnosis, and can contribute to reducing the potential for hospitalization. As healthcare monitoring systems are designed for straightforward, continuous monitoring, they come as a huge help in hospitals with a large number of patients. As doctors would be able to gain a comprehensive insight into the well-being of the patient from the data displayed on the screen of the monitor, it helps them to balance out workload and time effectively, while delivering proper care to each of the patients.
In addition to healthcare monitors, a number of other biomedical equipment and supplies are also needed at a hospital, Masimo LNCS to PC Series . Detailed information about them can be found on the web.
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aria3layla · 11 days
The Future of IoT: Trends and Predictions
Introduction to IoT
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The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a transformative shift in technology, creating a world where everyday objects are interconnected and capable of communicating with each other. This network of interconnected devices, sensors, and systems enables the collection, exchange, and analysis of data, driving efficiency and innovation across various sectors. From smart homes to industrial automation, IoT is reshaping the way we live and work.
IoT-Enabled Products
IoT-enabled products are at the forefront of this technological revolution, bringing intelligence and automation to a wide range of applications. These products can be found in diverse domains, including smart homes, healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and industry.
Smart Homes
In smart homes, IoT-enabled devices enhance comfort, security, and energy efficiency. Smart thermostats like the Nest Thermostat learn user preferences and adjust temperatures automatically, reducing energy consumption. Smart security systems, including cameras and doorbells from companies like Ring, offer real-time monitoring and alerts, ensuring the safety of homes. Other IoT devices such as smart lights, locks, and appliances can be controlled remotely, providing convenience and control to homeowners.
The healthcare sector is experiencing significant benefits from IoT through devices that enable remote monitoring and telemedicine. Wearable health monitors, such as Fitbit and Apple Watch, track vital signs and physical activity, providing valuable data to both users and healthcare providers. IoT-enabled medical devices, such as insulin pumps and connected inhalers, facilitate better management of chronic diseases, improving patient outcomes. These devices can transmit data to healthcare providers in real-time, enabling timely interventions and personalized care.
IoT is transforming transportation with innovations such as connected cars, fleet management systems, and smart traffic management. Connected vehicles from manufacturers like Tesla and Ford are equipped with sensors and software that enable autonomous driving, real-time diagnostics, and over-the-air updates. Fleet management solutions optimize routes and maintenance schedules, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. Smart traffic systems use IoT sensors to monitor traffic flow and manage congestion, improving urban mobility.
In agriculture, IoT facilitates precision farming through devices that monitor soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop health. Drones and automated machinery equipped with IoT sensors ensure optimal planting, watering, and harvesting, increasing yields and reducing waste. Companies like John Deere are pioneering smart agricultural equipment that leverages IoT for better farm management, enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions that enhance productivity and sustainability.
Industrial Applications
The industrial sector benefits greatly from IoT through smart factories and Industry 4.0. IoT-enabled machinery and sensors monitor equipment health, predict failures, and optimize production processes. This leads to increased efficiency, reduced downtime, and lower operational costs. Siemens and GE are at the forefront of integrating IoT into industrial operations, creating more responsive and adaptive manufacturing environments that can quickly adjust to changing demands and conditions.
Technologies Behind IoT
The successful deployment of IoT relies on several key technologies that enable connectivity, data collection, and analysis.
Sensors and Actuators
Sensors are the fundamental components of IoT devices, gathering data from the environment. They come in various types, including temperature sensors, motion detectors, and pressure sensors. Actuators, on the other hand, enable devices to interact with their surroundings by executing physical actions, such as opening a valve or turning on a light. Together, sensors and actuators form the backbone of IoT systems, providing the necessary inputs and outputs for automated processes.
Reliable and robust connectivity solutions are essential for IoT devices to communicate with each other and central systems. Various communication protocols and networks are used, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, LoRaWAN, and 5G. Each has its own strengths and applications, ranging from short-range, low-power communications to long-range, high-speed data transfer. The choice of connectivity depends on factors such as the range, data rate, and power requirements of the IoT application.
Edge Computing
Edge computing processes data closer to where it is generated, reducing latency and bandwidth usage. This is crucial for real-time applications like autonomous driving and industrial automation, where immediate decision-making is required. By processing data locally, edge devices can respond more quickly and reliably than if they had to rely solely on cloud computing. Edge computing also enhances privacy and security by keeping sensitive data within the local network.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing provides the infrastructure for storing, processing, and analyzing vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices. It offers scalability and flexibility, enabling businesses to manage their IoT deployments effectively. Platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, and Google Cloud IoT provide comprehensive solutions for managing IoT ecosystems. Cloud computing enables centralized data analysis and visualization, facilitating insights and decision-making.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are integral to IoT, allowing devices to learn from data and make intelligent decisions. Predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and autonomous operations are some of the capabilities enabled by AI and ML. These technologies transform raw data into actionable insights, driving innovation and efficiency across various sectors. For example, AI algorithms can analyze sensor data to predict equipment failures, enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.
Leading IoT Manufacturers
Numerous companies are driving the development and deployment of IoT technologies, each contributing to the ecosystem with their unique offerings.
Cisco is a global leader in networking and cybersecurity solutions, playing a crucial role in the IoT landscape. Their IoT solutions encompass connectivity, security, and analytics, providing a comprehensive framework for managing IoT devices and data. Cisco's IoT portfolio includes industrial networking, edge computing, and cybersecurity products designed to support various industries. Their expertise in networking ensures reliable and secure communication between IoT devices.
IBM's IoT solutions leverage their expertise in AI and cloud computing to deliver innovative applications for smart cities, industrial automation, and more. The IBM Watson IoT platform provides powerful tools for connecting, managing, and analyzing IoT data, enabling businesses to harness the full potential of their IoT deployments. IBM's AI capabilities enhance the intelligence of IoT systems, enabling advanced analytics and decision-making.
Intel is at the forefront of IoT innovation with its range of processors, modules, and solutions designed for IoT applications. Intel's IoT products are used in various sectors, including healthcare, retail, and industrial automation, providing the computational power and connectivity needed for advanced IoT systems. Intel's edge computing solutions enable real-time data processing and analysis, enhancing the performance of IoT applications.
Siemens is a pioneer in industrial IoT, offering solutions that integrate hardware, software, and services to optimize manufacturing processes. Their MindSphere platform is a leading industrial IoT as a service (SaaS) solution, enabling businesses to connect their machines and products to the digital world and harness the power of data analytics. Siemens' expertise in industrial automation ensures seamless integration of IoT technologies into manufacturing environments.
Google's contributions to IoT are centered around its cloud services and AI capabilities. Google Cloud IoT offers a suite of tools for managing IoT devices and data, integrating seamlessly with Google's AI and machine learning services. This allows businesses to build intelligent, data-driven IoT applications with ease. Google's cloud infrastructure provides scalability and reliability, supporting large-scale IoT deployments.
Challenges and Future Prospects
While IoT presents immense opportunities, it also poses several challenges. Security and privacy are paramount concerns, as the proliferation of connected devices increases the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. Ensuring robust security measures and protecting user data are critical for the continued growth and acceptance of IoT. Implementing encryption, authentication, and access control mechanisms are essential to safeguard IoT systems.
Interoperability and standardization are other significant challenges, as the vast array of devices and protocols can lead to compatibility issues. Developing common standards and frameworks is essential to ensure seamless integration and communication between different IoT systems. Industry collaboration and adherence to standardized protocols can facilitate interoperability and enhance the scalability of IoT solutions.
Looking ahead, the future of IoT is promising, with advancements in technologies like 5G, AI, and edge computing driving further innovation. The ongoing development of smart cities, autonomous vehicles, and industrial automation will continue to expand the scope and impact of IoT, making our world more connected and intelligent. IoT will play a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change, healthcare, and urbanization, driving sustainable development and improving quality of life.
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The Internet of Things is a transformative force, reshaping industries and improving lives through connectivity and data-driven insights. IoT-enabled products, powered by advanced technologies and driven by leading manufacturers, are paving the way for a smarter, more efficient future. As the IoT ecosystem continues to evolve, addressing challenges and leveraging new opportunities will be key to unlocking its full potential. The integration of IoT with emerging technologies will further enhance its capabilities, driving innovation and creating new possibilities for businesses and consumers alike.
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vijay1225 · 12 days
Global Temperature Monitoring Systems Market Report 2024-2033
Overview and Scope A temperature monitoring system is a type of technology used to measure and monitor temperatures in various environments, such as industrial facilities, laboratories, medical settings, and commercial spaces. These systems typically consist of sensors, data loggers, and software applications that enable real-time monitoring, data collection, analysis, and alerting.
Sizing and Forecast The temperature monitoring systems market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $4.76 billion in 2023 to $5.13 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.7%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to rising manufacturing activity across industries, technological advancements in temperature monitoring systems, increasing demand for accurate temperature monitoring solutions, growing emphasis on operational efficiency and safety in various sectors, growing emphasis on operational efficiency and safety in various sectors. .
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The temperature monitoring systems market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $6.95 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to continuous innovation in temperature monitoring technologies, integration of AI and machine learning for advanced data analysis, increasing adoption of cloud based temperature monitoring solutions, demand for remote monitoring capabilities in temperature-sensitive environments. Major trends in the forecast period include shift towards predictive maintenance and condition monitoring in temperature monitoring systems, increased focus on data security and privacy in temperature monitoring solutions, the rise of edge computing for real-time data processing in temperature monitoring, the growth of temperature monitoring as a service model for cost-effective solutions, and the and the integration of blockchain technology for secure temperature data management.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The temperature monitoring systems market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Product Type: Contact-Based Temperature Monitoring Systems, Non-Contact Based Temperature Monitoring System 2) By Application: Cold Storage Temperature Monitoring, Manufacturing Area Temperature Monitoring, Laboratory Temperature Monitoring, Hospital Room And Patient Temperature Monitoring, Home Care Temperature Monitoring, Green House Temperature Monitoring, Server Room Temperature Monitoring 3) By End-User: Hospitals And Clinics, Laboratories, Food And Beverage Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Chemical Industry, Other End-Users
North America was the largest region in the temperature monitoring systems market in 2023. The regions covered in the temperature monitoring systems market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The increase in demand for warehousing and storage is expected to propel the growth of the temperature monitoring systems market going forward. Warehousing and storage facilities temporarily store goods and inventory in designated spaces, providing businesses with space and management for their products until they are ready for distribution or sale. The increase in e-commerce activities and global supply chain complexities have driven the demand for warehousing and storage services. Temperature monitoring systems are essential for warehousing and storage services to ensure the precise control and monitoring of temperature conditions, safeguarding the integrity and quality of stored goods. For instance, in November 2023, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, a Brazil-based government agency, in the first half of 2023, Brazil’s storage capacity rose to 201.4 million metric tons, up 4.8% from the prior semester. The number of storage establishments increased by 3.0% compared to the second half of 2022. Temporary and inflatable warehouses contributed 23.1 million metric tons, a 1.9% increase from the previous semester, representing 11.5% of the total storage capacity. Therefore, increasing demand for warehousing and storage services drives the market for temperature monitoring systems.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the temperature monitoring systems market are Siemens AG, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Honeywell International Inc., 3M Company, ABB Ltd., Toshiba Inc., Cooper-Atkins Corporation, Koninklijke Phillips, Emerson Electric Company, Terumo Corporation, Fluke Process Instruments, Banner Engineering Corporation, Omron Healthcare, Rees Scientific, Vaisala Corporation, A & D Company Ltd., Testo AG, KTR Kupplungstechnik GmbH, Omega Engineering, Exergen Corporation, DeltaTrak Inc., Monnit Corporation, SensoScientific Inc., Imec Messtechnik GmbH, Isensix Inc.
The temperature monitoring systems market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Temperature Monitoring Systems Market Characteristics
3. Temperature Monitoring Systems Market Trends And Strategies
4. Temperature Monitoring Systems Market — Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Temperature Monitoring Systems Market Size and Growth . . .
32. Global Temperature Monitoring Systems Market Competitive Benchmarking
33. Global Temperature Monitoring Systems Market Competitive Dashboard
34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Temperature Monitoring Systems Market
35. Temperature Monitoring Systems Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
36. Appendix
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cglindia1 · 13 days
Ensuring Cold Chain Integrity: Best Practices in Pharmaceutical Logistics
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Maintaining the integrity of the cold chain in pharmaceutical logistics is a critical task that ensures the safety and efficacy of temperature-sensitive products. Pharmaceuticals, including vaccines, biologics, and certain medications, must be kept within specific temperature ranges to preserve their potency. Any deviation can lead to compromised products and significant health risks.
The Importance of Cold Chain Integrity
The cold chain refers to the uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities which maintain a given temperature range. In pharmaceutical logistics, this range is often between 2°C and 8°C for refrigerated items, and even lower for frozen products. The integrity of the cold chain is vital for several reasons:
Product Efficacy: Many pharmaceuticals lose their efficacy if not stored at the correct temperature.
Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory bodies, such as the FDA and WHO, have stringent guidelines for the storage and transport of temperature-sensitive drugs.
Patient Safety: Compromised pharmaceuticals can lead to ineffective treatment, posing serious health risks.
Best Practices for Cold Chain Integrity
Ensuring the integrity of the cold chain requires a combination of advanced technology, meticulous planning, and stringent processes. Here are the best practices that CG Logistics implements to maintain cold chain integrity in pharmaceutical logistics.
1. Comprehensive Planning and Risk Management
Effective cold chain management begins with detailed planning and risk assessment. This includes:
Route Planning: Choosing the optimal route to minimize transit time and exposure to temperature fluctuations.
Contingency Plans: Developing backup plans for unexpected delays or equipment failures.
Risk Assessment: Identifying potential risks at every stage of the supply chain and implementing strategies to mitigate them.
2. State-of-the-Art Temperature Monitoring
Continuous temperature monitoring is essential to ensure that pharmaceuticals remain within the required temperature range throughout their journey.
Real-Time Tracking: CG Logistics uses advanced GPS and IoT-enabled sensors to provide real-time tracking of temperature conditions. This allows for immediate action if any deviation is detected.
Data Logging: Comprehensive data logging provides a complete history of temperature conditions, which is crucial for compliance and quality assurance.
3. Advanced Packaging Solutions
The right packaging is critical to maintaining the cold chain. CG Logistics utilizes cutting-edge packaging solutions designed for optimal thermal protection.
Insulated Containers: High-quality insulated containers help maintain the required temperature over long periods.
Phase Change Materials (PCMs): These materials absorb and release thermal energy to keep the temperature constant.
Dry Ice and Gel Packs: For products that require freezing, dry ice or gel packs are used to ensure the appropriate temperature is maintained.
4. Temperature-Controlled Transportation
Specialized vehicles equipped with refrigeration units are essential for the transportation of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals.
Refrigerated Trucks: CG Logistics employs refrigerated trucks with adjustable temperature settings to cater to different types of pharmaceutical products.
Air Freight Solutions: For international shipments, CG Logistics partners with airlines that offer temperature-controlled cargo holds.
5. Trained Personnel
Well-trained personnel are crucial for handling temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals. CG Logistics ensures that their staff is adequately trained in cold chain management.
Regular Training: Continuous training programs ensure that staff are up-to-date with the latest best practices and technologies.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Clearly defined SOPs ensure that all handling processes are consistent and compliant with regulatory standards. Read more
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clovedds01 · 18 days
Caring for Your Dental Crowns: Tips for Riverpark Patients
Understanding Dental Crowns
Dental crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made restorations designed to cover a damaged or decayed tooth. They are used to restore the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination of these. Each material has its benefits, but all require diligent care to maintain their function and aesthetics.
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Importance of Proper Care
Proper care for dental crowns is crucial for several reasons:
Longevity: Well-maintained crowns can last many years, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
Oral Health: Good care prevents issues such as decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems.
Appearance: Proper maintenance ensures that crowns remain aesthetically pleasing and blend seamlessly with natural teeth.
Daily Oral Hygiene
Regular brushing is fundamental to caring for dental crowns. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to gently brush your teeth at least twice a day. Pay special attention to the crown area to remove plaque and prevent decay around the edges.
Flossing is essential for removing food particles and plaque between teeth and around the crown. Use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean these areas daily. Be gentle to avoid damaging the crown or irritating the gums.
An antibacterial mouthwash can help reduce plaque buildup and prevent gum disease. Rinse with mouthwash daily, especially after meals, to maintain oral hygiene and protect your dental crowns.
Regular Dental Visits
Regular dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring the condition of your dental crowns and overall oral health. Schedule appointments every six months or as recommended by your dentist. During these visits, your dentist can:
Examine the Crowns: Check for any signs of wear, damage, or decay around the crown.
Professional Cleaning: Remove plaque and tartar buildup that regular brushing and flossing might miss.
X-rays: Assess the health of the tooth beneath the crown and surrounding structures.
Diet and Lifestyle Tips
Avoid Hard Foods
Dental crowns, especially those made of porcelain or ceramic, can be susceptible to cracking or chipping. Avoid hard foods like ice, nuts, and hard candies. Additionally, refrain from using your teeth to open packages or bottles.
Limit Staining Foods and Beverages
Some foods and beverages can stain dental crowns, affecting their appearance. Limit the intake of coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored berries. If you consume these, rinse your mouth with water afterward to minimize staining.
Avoid Sticky Foods
Sticky foods like caramel, chewing gum, and certain candies can adhere to the crown and cause it to become dislodged. Avoid these foods to ensure your crown stays securely in place.
Managing Dental Crown Issues
Some patients may experience sensitivity after getting a dental crown, especially to hot or cold temperatures. This sensitivity is often temporary and should diminish over time. Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help alleviate discomfort.
Loose Crown
If your crown feels loose or comes off, contact your dentist immediately. A loose crown can allow bacteria to enter, leading to decay or infection. In the meantime, avoid chewing on that side of your mouth to prevent further issues.
Pain or Discomfort
Pain or discomfort around a crowned tooth could indicate an underlying problem, such as decay, infection, or an improperly fitted crown. Consult your dentist promptly to diagnose and address the issue.
Special Considerations for Different Crown Types
Porcelain and Ceramic Crowns
Porcelain and ceramic crowns are popular for their natural appearance but can be more fragile than metal crowns. Avoid biting into hard objects and be mindful of your chewing habits to prevent chipping or cracking.
Metal Crowns
Metal crowns, including gold and alloy crowns, are highly durable and resistant to wear. However, they can cause wear on opposing teeth if you grind your teeth. If you have a tendency to grind or clench your teeth, consider wearing a night guard.
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns
PFM crowns combine the strength of metal with the natural look of porcelain. However, the porcelain layer can still chip or wear down over time. Follow the care tips for both porcelain and metal crowns to maintain their integrity.
Nighttime Care
Night Guards
If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a night guard can protect your dental crowns from damage. Custom-fitted night guards from your dentist provide the best protection and comfort.
Oral Hygiene Routine
Maintain a thorough oral hygiene routine before bed. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash at night help remove food particles and plaque that can accumulate during sleep, protecting your crowns and natural teeth.
Avoiding Bad Habits
Nail Biting
Nail biting puts excessive pressure on dental crowns Riverpark potentially causing damage or displacement. Avoid this habit to protect your crowns and overall oral health.
Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can significantly damage dental crowns. If you grind your teeth, seek treatment options such as stress management techniques, orthodontic adjustments, or wearing a night guard.
Emergency Care
Immediate Actions
If your crown becomes damaged or dislodged, contact your dentist immediately. Keep the crown if it has come off and avoid using the affected tooth until you can see your dentist. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort until you receive professional care.
Temporary Fixes
In some cases, temporary dental cement available at pharmacies can be used to reattach a loose crown until you can visit your dentist. However, this is only a temporary solution, and professional treatment is necessary to ensure proper reattachment.
Caring for your dental crowns involves a combination of diligent oral hygiene, regular dental visits, and mindful dietary and lifestyle choices. By following these tips, Riverpark patients can ensure their dental crowns remain in excellent condition, providing lasting benefits for their oral health and appearance. Proper care not only extends the life of the crowns but also enhances overall dental well-being, leading to a healthier, brighter smile.
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Insulin Patch Pump Market: Tech Progress
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Insulin therapy is an important aspect of diabetes management and treatment. Today, a number of insulin delivery systems, in the form of pens, syringes, jet injectors, pumps, etc., are used by patients to regulate blood sugar levels. Nowadays, they are increasingly opting for patch pumps or tubeless pumps, which are compact digital devices that deliver insulin doses at regular intervals. The global insulin patch pump market is expected to progress with a CAGR of 10.54% in the forecast period from 2023 to 2030.
The market’s growth can be attributed to the rising popularity of these skin-adhesive devices, surging diabetes prevalence, demand for minimally invasive systems, and increased efforts in R&D. Patch pumps are also more accurate, efficient, affordable, and easier to use than conventional insulin delivery pumps. These products are available in disposable as well as reusable formats, and can function optimally with minimum monitoring. Also, their discrete nature is one of the key factors that has increased their adoption among younger patients.
What’s Influencing Market Growth?
The global burden of diabetes mellitus has burgeoned in recent years, owing to changing lifestyles, rising obesity rates, increasing geriatric population, and unhealthy eating habits. As of 2021, more than 537 million adults worldwide were reported to have diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) . And with over 74.2 million patients, India accounts for 1 in 7 of all adults affected by the condition.
Moreover, with $165.3 billion in 2021, China accounted for one of the highest diabetes-related healthcare expenditures. The rising diabetes-related healthcare expenditure has consequently increased patient demand for self-management options for diabetes in the region. This is expected to aid the Asia-Pacific insulin patch pump market’s development, with a 10.94% CAGR over the forecast period.
Insulated by Insulin – Investments Boost Product Development
In view of increased spending by consumers, the market faces a higher demand for innovative insulin delivery patch pumps. For instance, JewelPUMP by Debiotech SA is a highly miniaturized insulin delivery patch pump with temperature sensors dedicated for use by both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients.
While type 1 diabetics comprise a small portion of the total diabetes patient pool, compared to their type 2 counterparts, they are more dependent on insulin therapy. Their pancreas produce little to no insulin, which makes regular insulin intake vital for their survival. In this case, patch pumps are handy as they eliminate the need to carry an insulin infusion set.
Type 1 diabetes is expected to grow with the fastest CAGR of 11.08% in the disease indication segment during 2023-2030. In 2017, the government-backed Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Canada announced the CIHR-JDRF Partnership to Defeat Diabetes, with an investment of $30 million in advanced research for type 1 diabetes. This partnership was further renewed, with an additional investment of $15 million in 2021.
Increased investments, coupled with the growing patient demand for accessing health data in a user-friendly format, have led to the development of smart solutions for diabetes care. For instance, in March 2022, Terumo Corporation partnered with SaaS-based app developer Glooko. This has improved the quality of remote patient monitoring, as the users of Terumo’s Medisafe With insulin patch pump can transfer their data on Glooko’s analytics portal, allowing healthcare professionals to view their patients’ latest health records.
AI & ML Technologies Pushing the Frontiers in Diabetes Care
The rising usage of fitness tracking apps, smart wearables, and connected devices by patients to gain real-time insights have paved the way for advanced and technologically-integrated healthcare. For instance, machine learning uses physiological or activity sensors embedded into smart devices or wearables to deliver personalized therapy, which helps lower hyperglycemia and minimize the overall burden.
In addition, the MiniMed 780G by Medtronic Plc is an advanced patch pump that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate insulin delivery. It is incorporated with SmartGuard automation for self-adjusting basal delivery with auto-correction dosing and administering bolus insulin. Particularly, the real-time data offered by such technologies has enabled effective remote monitoring of older or specially-abled patients. Improved patient outcomes and experience are thus expected to drive the global AI in healthcare market at a CAGR of 40.48% from 2019 to 2027.
In a Nutshell
Over the years, diabetes management solution providers have worked to keep up with the evolving needs of diabetic patients. With users’ increasing knowledge and understanding of their condition, companies have responded by upgrading their insulin delivery devices, leveraging the power of technology. For instance, integrating insulin patch pumps with continuous glucose monitoring systems has optimized pump use and improved glycemic response. Such innovations by manufacturers are expected to propel the insulin patch pump market on a growth path.
Q 1) Which are the key segments considered in the market report?
Product Type, Disease Indication, Delivery Mode, and Distribution Channel.
Q 2) Which country is expected to register the fastest growth rate in the global insulin patch pump market?
Australia is expected to exhibit the fastest growth globally, with a CAGR of 12.28% over the forecast period.
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hk-1989 · 1 month
Meeting Demand: Strategies for Efficient Blood Bank Management
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In the realm of blood bank management, meeting demand while ensuring transfusion safety is paramount. Blood banks play a critical role in healthcare by providing life-saving blood products to patients in need. Let's explore key strategies for efficient blood bank management, including demand forecasting, blood donation drives, cold chain management, and blood typing techniques.
Transfusion safety is of utmost importance in blood bank management to prevent adverse reactions and ensure the well-being of patients receiving blood products. Rigorous screening processes, comprehensive donor testing, and strict adherence to safety protocols are essential to mitigate risks and uphold patient safety. By implementing robust transfusion safety measures, blood banks can maintain the highest standards of care and trust among donors and recipients alike.
Effective demand forecasting is essential for blood banks to anticipate and meet the needs of healthcare facilities and patients. By analyzing historical usage data, tracking trends in blood product utilization, and collaborating closely with healthcare providers, blood banks can forecast demand with accuracy and precision. Timely and accurate demand forecasting enables blood banks to optimize inventory levels, minimize wastage, and ensure a steady supply of blood products to meet patient needs.
Blood donation drives are instrumental in replenishing blood supplies and engaging the community in supporting the blood bank's mission. Organizing regular donation events, partnering with community organizations, and leveraging social media platforms can help blood banks attract donors and raise awareness about the importance of blood donation. By cultivating a culture of altruism and community involvement, blood banks can sustainably increase blood donations and maintain adequate inventory levels.
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Cold chain management is critical for preserving the quality and efficacy of blood products throughout the storage and distribution process. Maintaining appropriate temperature control, monitoring humidity levels, and implementing strict quality control measures are essential to prevent spoilage and ensure product integrity. By adhering to cold chain management best practices, blood banks can safeguard the viability of blood products and uphold transfusion safety standards.
Blood typing techniques are used to determine the blood type of donors and recipients, ensuring compatibility and minimizing the risk of adverse reactions during transfusion. Advanced blood typing technologies, such as automated blood typing systems and molecular testing methods, offer rapid and accurate results, enabling efficient blood matching and selection. By leveraging cutting-edge blood typing techniques, blood banks can enhance transfusion safety and optimize patient outcomes. In conclusion, efficient blood bank management requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses transfusion safety, demand forecasting, blood donation drives, cold chain management, and blood typing techniques. By implementing these strategies, blood banks can meet the demand for blood products, uphold patient safety, and fulfill their vital role in supporting healthcare delivery.
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sandhya253 · 1 month
Biomedical Engineering Projects Ideas | Takeoff Projects
Takeoff Projects Introducing, an innovative specialist in Biomedical Engineering Projects Idea. Our activities integrate wearable technology with healthcare technology. We're at the forefront of the revolution of health assessment and delivery, whether it's respiratory and pace monitoring wearables used by athletes or real-time remote patient monitoring systems. Be a part of our team and redefine accuracy, ease of use, and accessibility with biomedical engineering.
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A wearable system for respiratory and pace monitoring in running activities
The main objective of the project is to devise a detachable equipment that has an MQ2 sensor for carbon dioxide, a temperature sensor for body temperature, and a heartbeat sensor for measuring the heart rate of a person who is wearing the gadget. GSM/GPRS is used for cloud transmission when the data received passes the threshold and LCD is also for display
Wearable devices are broadly used in both clinical monitoring of the physiological parameters and in sports science settings. Apart from that, the respiratory rate also does not have much of a place but proves to be another index to asses athletes' fitness.
The plan is to utilize a wearable device that contains an MQ2 sensor for measuring Coz, a temperature sensor for measuring body temperature, and a heartbeat sensor for counting the heartbeat of the person who uses it.
 These data are transmitted to the cloud using GSM/GPRS when these values exceed the threshold value and are also displayed on LCD.
IoT Based Real-Time Remote Patient Monitoring System
The main aim of this project is remote health monitoring and checking of threshold values for each health parameter of the patients by the use of sensors and IOT, microcontrollers. A high workload and an unstable lifestyle make health hazards not an exclusive problem for older people in modernity.
 In similar circumstances, this approach has greatly simplified the problem of following up with people in clinics as well as in their homes. Sensors secure the data being monitored through different parameters of the patient's wellness, and the Internet of Things provides data storage and shows the information through the site, which also allows remote observation. 
The use of sensors reduces the possibility of errors, gives better care and treatment, saves medical costs, takes less room, and improves overall performance. This amazing type of machine is a new method of giving prescribed drugs to patients at the prescribed time.
Finally, these projects demonstrate that Biomedical Engineering and wearable technology are coming together. Takeoff Projects pioneers in wearable devices as respiratory and pace monitors and in real-time remote patient monitoring systems. These programs do not only improve the fitness assessment of athletes but also explode the healthcare sector through enhanced precision, efficiency, and remote access to health monitoring.
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