#Percy + Audrey + Oliver + Marcus
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I love their family. excuse me.
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elisedonut · 4 months
Tell me the most random Percy head canon you have
Actually no it can even be one about someone in his little circle that he gets written with alot
(so like Penny/Oliver/Marcus/Audrey/Cedric)
What do you think was the first thing Percy spent like decent money on after getting his first check?
Do you think Oliver has a secondary hobby?
What do you think would make Marcus cry?
Who is Audrey to you?
How do you think Cedric felt about his father?
What do you think is Penny's favorite piece of media (so book/album/show) is?
What do you think are their favorite colors? Favorite classes? War death that hurt the most for them other then like the obvious?
oh speaking of other then Cedric Oliver and Percy's fates being confirmed do you think Marcus and Penny even survived the war?
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And now memes:
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shitakimooshrooms · 4 months
since I’m feeling like talking about Percy Weasley, here are some of my headcanons about his year/friends.
- There had originally been more kids in the year but most of them were muggle born or half bloods who grew up in the muggle world
- all the half blood and muggle born kids left part way through the first year aside from Oliver Wood and Penelope Clearwater, as well as the muggle born Audrey Westwind
- some more on Audrey; yes she is supposed to be the same Audrey that Percy canonically marries. Since we don’t know her maiden name I decided on Westwind to keep with the ‘w’ name. I made her a muggle born because the fandom wiki puts her as a muggle so she’s a muggle born witch.
- Percy befriend Audrey, Oliver, Penelope, and Marcus on the train to hogwarts as they all shared a compartment on the train.
- I am deciding that Marcus is indeed a pure blood for this though I don’t know if the Flints are part of the pristine 28. If not then we will say that a few generations ago his (however many) great grandparents who were both from pure blood families realized they wouldn’t be getting inheritance so created a new family and have still been intermarrying but now is a new one. Idk though.
- When they get to hogwarts they all get sorted into different houses(Marcus in slytherin, Penelope in ravenclaw, Audrey in hufflepuff, and Percy and Oliver in gryffindor)
- after all the muggle borns and half bloods drop out Dumbledore decided that the five of them can go to any of the common rooms to hang out so that they have friends their age
- in their second year Oliver, Marcus, and Audrey join their respective quidditch teams
- Audrey made the hufflepuff team as a beater and during her first game which was against gryffindor which was also Oliver’s first game, she somehow managed to hit him with the bludger within the first 2 minutes.(this is a canon thing to happen to Oliver)
- Oliver is out for a full week and the whole group spends all their free time in the hospital wing with him
- during this time is also when the rests of the group meets Percy’s older brothers Bill and Charlie who come to check on Oliver and also make sure Percy is ok
- Bill then graduated
- charlie still sorta floats with the group and sometimes tags along to make sure Percy is ok
- Audrey befriends a first year hufflepuff by the name of Cedric and he starts tagging along with the group
- In their third year Penelope befriends a first year ravenclaw named Cho
- During this time they also have a camaraderie with two gryffindor first years who just so happen to be Percy’s younger brothers Fred and George Weasley
- in their fourth year any camaraderie that Marcus and Audrey had with the twins was gone due to immense rivalry on the quidditch pitch. While the twins now have an immense hatred for those two, they are have a more friendly rivalry with Cho and Cedric
- the twins pranked the whole group quite a lot
- charlie then graduated
- in their fifth year they meet Ron, Percy’s youngest brother, as well as Harry Potter.
- they each (minus Oliver) become prefects of their respective houses as they are the only options (yes I have decided Marcus is also a prefect for plot reasons)
- Percy has the same kind of light camaraderie with Harry as his friends had with the twins.
- Oliver becomes a mentor to Harry, while Audrey, Cedric and Marcus become rivals. Harry doesn’t meet Penelope that year. Though he does meet Cho and starts to have a very obvious crush on her
now at this point the story can split in one of three ways, so I’m taking the polyamorous route right now but under maybe eventually there will be the more canon route as well as the route where Percy and Oliver get together
- Percy and Penelope start flirting with each other, which kinda throws off the group
- After a slight confrontation between Oliver and Percy the two realize that they like each other, which gets more complicated when Marcus reveals to Oliver that he likes him
- Audrey also makes a love confession to Penelope and after the five of them have a sit down and talk about their feelings they all realize that they like the idea of being in a romantic relationship with everyone in the group, so they secretly become polyamorous
- in public Percy and Penelope are dating as they really are the most showy and romantic out of the group and also are the ones who can truly be seen as a romantic couple through those affections.
- obviously the whole philosophers stone thing happens but that doesn’t really affect any of them. Did I put Percy and Audrey getting together a little early? Maybe. But they aren’t really fully public yet and just seen as most definitely flirting.
- In their sixth year they meet Percy’s little sister Ginny. Part way through the year she starts acting weird and everyone in their group is worried for her.
- Cedric becomes a prefect for hufflepuff
- almost immediately after Penelope and Percy become a public couple, Cho and Cedric corner the group and basically tell them they know they are polyamorous and they want in.
- its a little awkward with Cho Chang being 2 years younger, but they don’t want her to be left out and she and Cedric are publicly dating by that point so they let her in.
- She and Cedric aren’t really the most involved with the rest of them but they enjoy the group and didn’t want to be left out.
- when the chamber of secrets is open they walk in pairs (minus Marcus who walks with the his fellow prefect the year below him)(Oliver gets away with walking with Percy due to him being Percy’s roommate. Somehow that’s allowed.) (if it wasn’t obvious I made them all prefects so Audrey and Cedric could ‘patrol’ together) (also same thing with Cho as with Oliver, so she and Penelope ‘patrol’ together)
- Marcus, Audrey, Cho, Cedric, and Oliver all get really upset when quidditch gets canceled that year.
- in their seventh year shit gets Sirius. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and the whole school is on edge.
- Cho becomes a prefect for Ravenclaw
- Cho, Marcus, Cedric, Audrey, and Oliver are all way too happy when quidditch isn’t cancelled that year.
- The only real change was that Percy became Head Boy, while Penelope and Audrey became Head Girls
- oh and also they each have to go to therapy after Ron reveals that Scabbers was actually an illegal animagus. So much therapy.
- after they graduate, Percy works for the ministry, Penelope works at St. Mungo’s, Oliver plays for Puddlemere United, Marcus plays for the Kenmare Kestrels, and Audrey plays for the Montrose Magpies
- the whole group ended up going to the Quidditch World Cup (qwc) in 1994
- At the qwc, they met Bulgarian quidditch star Viktor Krum. They immediately befriend him and after the dark mark was released, he spent time with the group and ended up joining the polycule.
- Cedric and Viktor both become triwizard champions and Percy someone convinces the ministry to allow him to be part of the committee or whatever ran the tri wizard tournament.
- Percy befriends all the champions and helps Fleur get in contact with Bill
- at the Yule ball Cedric takes Cho, Viktor takes Fleur because they actually have a good healthy friendship in this and we don't need to involve weird age gaps, the golden trio go together as friends(and since Harry needs to dance with someone he dances with Ron), and then Penny goes with Percy.
- Cedric DOESN’T die because he actually knows how to apparate because look at this group, you think they don’t all know how to apparate? Anyways Voldy does still come back because Harry got nicked before getting ahold of the cup.
- Cho, Cedric, and Viktor all also become pro quidditch players. Cho joins the Chudley Cannons, Cedric joins the Kenmare Kestrels, and Viktor continues playing for whatever the Bulgaria team is called.
- After that I honestly have no clue as I never actually read the books after that. Maybe post war Percy and Audrey have Molly II and Lucy, but Audrey, Oliver, Cho, Viktor, Cedric, and Marcus continue their careers. Cho and Cedric also have a boy named something like Reggy(short for Reginald). Idk everyone lives/nobody dies and we have the daughters and son being raised by their 5 dads and 3 moms. I honestly don’t know how to end this.
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pengwenpen · 4 months
ideas/ head-canons living rent-free in my head, somewhere in the making of actually being realized:
Wizengamot Shenanigans: Percy keeps in touch with Great Aunt Muriel Prewett. Since Bill and Charlie don't seem interested or politically inclined, Muriel decides to leave the Prewett seat to Percy so he can actually go into politics. I imagine he never truly lost touch with her, keeping in touch with letters, especially once he got Hermes. Before he would write her with school owls.
Platonic Percy and Luna: currently my main WIP. I plan for it to be vignettes-like, with different POVs reacting and assuming a relationship between the two. However, it stays strictly platonic. I envision a cute ending with Luna, Rolf Scamander, Audrey and Percy camping somewhere.
When I ship Percy with Audrey I see her strongly connected to the Muggle world, either as a Muggle or a wizarding expat.
wow... since reading a lot of fiction with Penelope, Oliver, Marcus and Percy being friends... Maybe Audrey is Flint's squib sister? might be interesting to explore that, and even as a way to introduce Marcus into the friend group in a canon post-war world? I like this one. I'll explore that I think!
But I also like gay/bisexual Percy coming out through happenstance to his family; Charlie being closeted himself and supporting his brother.
And to combine all of that I have an idea of a ftm / nonbinary Audrey (he needs a nice name obviously) where Percy learns more about queer muggle culture (but then it's not very timeline 90s and 00s conform...)
I really like Audrey as a "blank slate" so to speak. We will see what will happen!
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hchollym · 1 year
i just really wanted to make a poll! ☺️
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armadilloradio · 6 months
tumblr counterpart to armadilloradio on ao3
royal eclipse is a wip series featuring a prince percy and a head over heels oliver. it's mostly based on vibes with some undertones of plot and irregular updates. basically check this out if you wanna see me try to world build while percy and oliver cuddle
gravel in our lungs has got marcus/oliver/percy with some mtf percy because she deserves it. currently marked as complete but ill revisit it when i wanna write trans percy again (and trust me, i do)
other stuff:
under the floodlights you look more like god to me is my version of percy/audrey. theyre sillies
by the candlelight is packed full off my young percy headcanons with some angst and a bit of found family thrown in for the hell of it
of kiwis and dinosaur sandwiches is a domestic, post canon perciver drabble with some named but off screen kiddos because they deserve to be happy
my daddy always says nothing worth doing comes easy is a little peak into how i think oliver's parents met, plus a little bit a perciver for a soul
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percydarling · 3 years
Lets make our own show
Percy, Penny, Oliver and Marcus show
Or a much better name
Honestly, lets make this an animated show
We can add Audrey and Perciver can be canon and everything
And they can have these advs and bonding and and and so many ideas.
Sigh, i want this more than a marauders prequel or snape show or cursed movie or whatever else.
Only disadv: Jk wud prob get money out of it so whats the point
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boijustletmebe · 3 years
My reblog blog: @saltycollectionwhisper (Mostly Percy Weasley stuff)
My HP fanfics (All perciver atm):
could've: Oliver regrets letting him go.
the adventures of a perfect's sweater: Oliver has some sexy time with Percy's sweater, Adrian wants to be a Mediwizard and Marcus enjoys the leftovers.
only miss the sun: Oliver hasn't been coping well since Percy's wedding. Getting drunk and hooking up with people who remind him of the person he'd rather be with isn't the way to go, so Charlie confronts him and attempts to help. + Oliver tries to pinpoint the moment he fell in love with Percy.
muggle mood ring: Oliver's little cousin sends him a mood ring which leads to an accidental confession.
pretty percy: In 1987 Oliver can't help but think Percy is pretty even if others think it's strange. After years of silence, Oliver finally tells him in 1998.
how did you know?: After a confusing experience with his best mate, Fred decides to ask Percy for some help, knowing his older brother would know everything about falling in love with a best friend.
treat you: After Percy comes out as gay Charlie takes him on a date to show him how his future boyfriends should treat him.
mr weasley-wood: While Oliver's sitting at home looking at a wedding photo he gets a phone call from his husband asking is he could bring him some files.
tips: After finding out Harry's on the team the twins go and give him a tip.
with help from a younger brother: Lee and Fred help prepare Oliver to ask Percy out on a date.
amortentia: It smells like things the things you love and to Oliver that's his stuck up roommate.
boggarts: Professor Lupin decides the students needs some hands-on practice however this leads to Percy's biggest fear as well as his sexuality being exposed.
passengers: Percy needs to finish his essay, Oliver needs to get his crush under control and Fred & Lee need a ride back.
curiosity on the map: Harry notices something odd on the map, Fred and George explain.
halloween costume get together: Oliver gets Percy to agree to do a couple's costume with him.
mirror practice: "I remember practising how to ask you out in the mirror..." Oliver mumbled into red hair as his arms tightened around the man in his arms.
wanting more: They've got the physical side but they want the emotional side however they have careers to consider.
meeting the painting: Roxanne introduces Molly to the portrait of their Uncle Fred.
spilt truth: After Percy and Oliver spill Veritaserum on themselves, Fred and George make sure they spill some truth.
choices: Oliver is forced to leave the team because of his relationship with Percy. Percy doesn't understand, but Oliver would choose him over anything in the universe and he tells him.
love in divination: After falling for his best friend, Oliver experiences three moments of his and Percy's future in a Divination lesson.
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Percy loves rules. They’ve always made everything make sense and he doesn’t understand why his family can’t see that. Then things change. And Percy’s too deep in the Ministry and too well watched to back out now. But every Weasley is a troublemaker really (even if it’s deep down and hard to see). And Percy knows that the best way for him to cause trouble is to be as exacting and precise as possible. (After all, who can criticise him for being as precise as his reputation describes him?)
Audrey has always followed the rules that were given to her. First in Hogwarts, and then afterwards. She’s not a rebel. But then suddenly the rules are wrong. And Muggleborns like her are being hunted. It turns out there are lines she won’t cross. And doing nothing is not an option. She’ll do what she can. (And she would really like to know which idiot at the Ministry keeps sending back her forgeries with petty complaints that have nothing to do with the content)
They have opposing approaches to the situation and really shouldn’t fit together. They fall in love anyway.
Rules pl. n. a set of prescribed guides for conduct or action
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elisedonut · 4 months
you guys want to see some ship stats? (well ao3 ship stats)
because I got really curious and find stuff like this neat so number in (bracket) is the number the tag search gave me number next to it is how many I see when just opening the tag
Taken 1/27/24
Percy Weasley
Relationship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood ‎(2374) 1,576
Relationship: Audrey Weasley/Percy Weasley ‎(537) 494
Relationship: Penelope Clearwater/Percy Weasley ‎(328) 305
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Percy Weasley ‎(324) 256
Relationship: Harry Potter/Percy Weasley ‎(312) 184
Oliver Wood
Relationship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood ‎(2374) 1,576
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood ‎(1203) 948
Relationship: Harry Potter/Oliver Wood ‎(257) 178
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Oliver Wood ‎(186) 165
Relationship: Oliver Wood/Original Female Character(s) ‎(160) 155
Marcus Flint
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood ‎(1203) 948
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Harry Potter ‎(673) 191?????? Wait what
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger ‎(418) 360
Relationship: Katie Bell/Marcus Flint ‎(228) 194
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley ‎(173) 131
what did we learn from this?
nothing but it is neat to look at
no actually I lied we learned that Marcus/Harry is broken for some reason? Maybe idk
My original guess for the discrepancy between what the tag search said and actual results were from people
you know
hiding their HP works instead of deleting them via the collections system leading to like tags still being used and counted but not visible but that's the only one with such a large difference that it ends up moving places (from 2nd to 4th)
Well anyway regardless it's still neat to me in particular
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A Series of Incorrect Quotes
(Shortly after Percy and Marcus's second year fight)
Marcus: Where are you going?!
Penny: To prove you're a jerk!
Marcus: Well, I don't need proof for that!
(The only context I can think for this is that the group summoned something on purpose)
Audrey: There she is. Giant, scary lady.
(Percy being annoyed)
Percy: "He's done the impossible." He's done nothing
(Marcus and Olivver having the same plans during Quidditch season at Hogwarts)
Oliver: Oh yeah here I go Marcus. Just another fucking day with Marcus. Hey hey hey fuck my life.
(Penny gets fed up with their third year DADA teacher)
Professor Susan [Last Name Here]: Someone should put your ass in a mental asylum
Penny: Someone should put you in a box and throw you down the fucking river, Susan
(Sleep deprived Percy having zero filter and Oliver dealing with it)
Percy: You think the wind is ever trying to tell us something? We don't know how to hear it anymore.
Oliver: Just want you to stop saying odd shit
(Draco assuming Percy and Audrey are gay)
Draco: Okay, listen. Assuming someone is gay because of their apperance is stereotyping and harmful but fucking look at them.
(Audrey and Oliver sharing a brain cell when being impulsive)
Oliver: I'm confused. We're being impulsive, are you supposed to kick or knock when you're being impulsive?
Audrey: Knock with your foot
Oliver: Brilliant
(Penny and Marcus having a conversation half the time)
Penny: Look, I know we don't always see eye to eye
Marcus [6 foot 4]: That's because you're too short to do so
Penny [Average height]: Listen here, you fuck
(Fourth year Quidditch practice after one of the twins' pranks puts Percy in the hospital wing)
Oliver: I am at a loss for words
Charlie: Despite being lost for words, Oliver yelled at them for the next 45 minutes
(Part of the aftermath of Percy buying a snake and asking Draco and Charlie for help naming it)
Percy (holding a python): Guys, I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name it
Charlie: You did WHAT
Draco: William Snakespeare
(Draco gets bribed into swearing for Marcus)
Marcus: Are you-
Draco: Fucking
Marcus: Kidding me? You-
Draco: Fucking
Marcus: Idiot
Percy: What was that?
Draco: Snape banned Flint from swearing so he's paying me to do it
(Percy anytime Charlie brings home a creature)
Percy: What you got there
Charlie [trying to smuggle a possibly illegal creature into the Burrow]: A smoothie
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shitakimooshrooms · 4 months
I spent like an hour writing my au for Percy Weasley’s 7 years at hogwarts + the aftermath with my headcanoned group of friends/polycule that he has and I’m not even done. I will post it tomorrow if I finish it then. (Please read tags for more info)
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sunset-bobby · 3 years
A Percy Weasley diary reading fic (i love those)
but instead of all sad and angsty it’s the Weasleys reading of Percy Oliver Penelope and Marcus’s adventures in life and throughout hogwarts
and they just truly see the type of person he is in an environment that’s not constantly ridiculing him
there can be some angst ofc but like just pure comedy
and Audrey can be penelope’s gf lol cause this will be a perciver fic and idk have Marcus date Adrien if you want lol
...i’ll write it once i finish my other fics but i encourage others to give it a shot themselves cause i’d love to read it :)
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Another Percy Weasley Defense Post Because You Can Never Have Enough!! (+ some Perciver)
I hate how people say Percy abandoned his family for the Ministry of Magic.
he left because of the toxic environment he was in.
he left because of the constant bullying from his siblings (except Charlie + Bill)
he left because he thought no one cared for him
he left because of the buildup of everything his family had done to him
I also hate how Percy was always portrayed as a snobbish prat who was pompous and only cared for his grades.
he was a protective older brother
- when ginny was petrified
- with all the shit Ron did
- when Fred died (he wouldn't leave his body)
he was never snobbish and built up a wall to surround himself and his insecurities as he thought that was weak (considering ministry workers and such)
furthermore, I just wanted to let u know another fact
Percy felt that his family hated him/never wanted him because of constant teasing/pranks/insults/and badmouths. When the Weasleys "adopted" Harry, Harry was more of a Weasley then he ever was.
now tell me, wouldn't this make u feel fucking horrible?!
cuz it would to me
Also, I absolutely fucking hate how he was considered the "worst" weasley.
he was not the worst weasley.....want me to tell u who was
FRED (even though you're not supposed to speak ill of the dead) AND GEORGE WEASLEY
they always humiliated and picked on Percy
- with Pranks (that were usually obnoxious)
- with insults
- with what they called "harmful" teasing
And they just were bullies (and I hate bullies)
not saying that they're bad characters, I'm just saying that those pranks were usually immature and hurtful
The last thing I wanted to add was how he was the only one who had to apologize.
I was absolutely infuriated at this fact
like, how?!
Percy left due to no support/acknowledgement from his family.
like how would u feel if your parents said that the only reason they hired u was to spy on them.
u would feel devastated and angry, because u thought you've been working so hard and u deserved this job/promotion.
and then your parents just yelled at u, and your siblings took your parents side
I'm just saying there's two sides of a coin, and not one sides always right!
(I lied that, that was the last thing) Also, it's not even that big of a stretch that he believed the Ministry!!
why would he believe a 15/16 year old who constantly got his brother hurt and/or in trouble (protective alert)
and a crackpot old headmaster who couldn't prevent teenagers from getting hurt
the Ministry was a place that helped everyone, and Percy thought that it would help all this Voldemort nonsense.
sooo it wasn't that big of a stretch that he thought the Ministry was right over a 15/16 yr old and an old and kinda crazy headmaster?
also, this kinda had nothing to do with defending Percy but isn't Perciver a fucking awesome ship?!
two nerds (one in school/studies and one in sports) which equal ambition in their category (Oliver = sports; Percy = studies)
IDC what y'all think but Perciver is a perfect ship, so don't ship Percy with anyone else (I'm looking at u Audrey and Penelope)
ooh and since I have more time/space here are some Perciver fics on a03:
little messed up but i'm not anymore - happynotdignified - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (finished)
How to Seduce Your Healer by Oliver Wood - AnotherAuthor, vics_fics - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (finished)
Yes, I'm a Professional - AnotherAuthor, vics_fics - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (part 2 of the fic above) (finished)
Of Cute Suits and Awkward Bakery Workers - Chapter 1 - Mariella_Malfoy - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (unfinished but is still steadily updating) (it's also a Muggle AU)
The Grandfather Clock - floweringjudas (manipulate) - Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (finished) (has some background Jeddy)
we'll win together, you and i - sadie18 (orphan_account) - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (I lied about it all being Perciver) (this one is Percivercus) (which is Marcus/Percy/Oliver and it's fucking awesome) (finished)
It’s a Deal - Chapter 1 - CheezLord12 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (finished) (portrays Marcus in a bad light so yeah)
Percy and the Weasleys and Oliver Wood - Chapter 1 - EvanescentLife - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (finished)
Still Standing - eleventy7 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (finished)
A New Life - AnotherAuthor, vics_fics - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] (finished) (THIS IS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE PERCIVER FIC ON a03)
and yeah there you go
and yeah, you're welcome
now say hail percyweasleyspuff
I'm joking (or am I?)
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hchollym · 1 year
my next gen wotter family:
Harry + Ginny
James Sirius Potter
Arthur Hagrid Potter (i really like this idea ☺️)
Lily Luna Potter
Ron + Hermione
Rose Minerva Granger-Weasley
Hugo Allastor Granger-Weasley
Bill + Fleur
Victoire Appolline Weasley
Dominique Gabrielle Weasley
Louis William Weasley
George + Angelina
Fred Arthur Weasley
Roxanne Alicia Weasley
Fred + Lee (if Fred lives)
Paxton Reed Jordan-Weasley
Samuel Thomas Jordan-Weasley
Percy + Oliver + Marcus
Molly Diggory Weasley-Wood
Rowena Helen Weasley-Wood
Mariah Natalia Flint/Weasley-Wood
Lucy Ginevra Weasley-Wood
Mona Lisa Flint/Weasley-Wood
Blair Alexia Weasley-Wood
Harlow Fabian Weasley-Wood
a little explanation for percy+oliver+marcus
(Percy and Oliver were together during Hogwarts but took a break during the war. They got back together after and through surrogacy (Penelope told them about it) they had twins Molly and Rowena. Marcus is with someone else and has two daughters Mariah and Mona. He eventually breaks up/divorces/leaves (idk) that person and takes full custody of the children. He runs into Oliver and Percy one day when all the kids are still really young (like toddler age or something. the oldest is like 5-6) and they decide to move in together and help each other out. Over the course of a couple months/a year or so they all start to realise their feelings for each other, they talk it out and become official. By this point Percy and Oliver have Lucy as well. Mariah and Mona get adopted and are now legally part of the Weasley-Wood family. A few years later Blair and Harlow enter the family :D)
and just for fun:
Penelope + Audrey
William Bow Grant
Lucas Ellis Grant
Aileen Olivia Grant
Maisie Elliot Grant
Nico Devin Grant
Alfie Lee Grant
a little more information:
(Penelope works as a muggle doctor. She stays friends with Oliver and Percy after the war and introduces then to surrogacy after they mention wanting to start a family. Their surrogate ends up being Audrey. They introduce her to Penny and the two hang out and eventually become a thing. A year or so later they decide they want to start their own family too (their basically aunts to Percy and Oliver’s kids) and adopt William. It goes well and a year or so later they become pregnant with Lucas and about a year later they’re pregnant again with Aileen (Percy and Oliver are the sperm donors). They adopt again and Maisie and Nico become part of the family and they become pregnant yet again with Alfie a few years later.)
Wow, that's a lot of interesting detail! My headcanons are different, but that's okay! Thank you for the comment and sharing that. ☺️
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