#molly jr weasley
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I love their family. excuse me.
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elisedonut · 7 months
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My first attempt at a larger sculpture i already know some things I'll need to do differently but overall pretty happy with her
Originally was going to be Percy but then I panicked at making a suit because i just could not figure it out and ended up making a skirt so it's now Molly || because i typically put her in slytherin anyway and that was totally part of the plan
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 18 - Sock
@jegulus-microfic April 18, Word count 971
Previous part First part
“Well, darling, he sounds lovely.” Effie beamed at her son as they tucked into their meal. Monty had his mouth full. So he nodded in agreement. 
“You’ll have to see if he wants to join us for dinner before we leave. Invite his brother as well. We don’t want to leave him out.” Monty told James between mouthfuls. James couldn’t keep the happy grin off his face. 
“Okay, I’ll invite them.” He said as he stabbed a roast potato and popped it into his mouth.
They sat quietly as they finished off their meals. Effie ordered coffee for everyone, and they chatted about their day. 
“Mum, Dad. Would it be alright if I went back up to see Regulus for a bit before bed?” James asked, hoping his parents wouldn’t be annoyed with him for not spending enough time with them. 
“James, dear. You’re a grown man. You don’t need to ask us permission. If you want to go see him, go.” Effie chuckled and leaned over to muss up his hair. He felt himself reddening. 
“I know that, Mum. I just wanted to check.”
“I’m sure your mother and I can entertain ourselves.” Monty winked at him. 
“Eww, gross, Dad.” James pulled a face, jumped up from his chair, and kissed his parents on their cheeks before darting out of the restaurant and heading towards the lifts. 
The lift doors pinged open, and James was shocked by what he saw. 
Sirius was sitting on a man, pinning his arms behind his back. The man screamed bloody murder at Sirius as he tried to buck him off.
“Ah, James, just the person I wanted to see. Could you help me with this sack of rubbish, please? He’s outstayed his welcome.” Sirius said nonchalantly as if what he was doing was perfectly normal.
“Er, yeah, sure. Who is he?” James asked, still trying to get his head around the situation. 
“This delightful cockroach is Bartemius Crouch Junior. Reggie’s ex.” Sirius clarified. James’s eyes widened as everything clicked together. 
James helped haul Barty to his feet and dragged him to the front desk. He watched as Sirius put on an extremely dazzling smile and charmed the front desk clerk. “This man got into mine and my brother’s room just now. We didn’t invite him.” The clerk gasped in horror and picked up her phone.
“I am incredibly sorry, Mr Black. Please accept my apologies on behalf of the hotel.” She paused to speak into the phone. “Yes, security to the front desk, please.” She turned her attention back to Sirius and James. “I will personally ensure this man never sets foot in our hotel again. Can I send a gift basket to your room as an apology?” 
“I’ve never said no to a gift basket,” Sirius leaned his elbow on the desk and rested his head in his hand, still grinning at the blushing clerk. 
Two identical burly red-haired men appeared out of a side door. 
“Ah, Fabian, Gideon. Please would you escort this young man off the premises and spread it around that he is banned and not to let him in. 
“Our pleasure, Molly.” One of the twins affirmed and grabbed James by the arm. “Come on, sunshine, time to go.”
“Gid, Gid! Not that one, that one!” She pointed at Barty. 
“Oops, sorry,” Gideon immediately let go of James’s arm and took ahold of Barty. He and his brother disappeared out of the lobby. 
“You coming up?” Sirius asked James, completely unaffected by everything that had just happened. 
“Yeah, sure.” James nodded. He waved goodbye to Molly and followed Sirius back to the lifts. 
When they got back to their room, Sirius clapped his hands together.
“Well, that’s that taken care of. He won’t be back.” He proclaimed. James noticed Dr Lupin sitting beside Regulus with a glass of whisky in his hand but thought nothing of it. It had been a weird day. 
“Sirius, come look at this on Reg’s phone,” Remus said, making room for Sirius to sit down. 
“That dirty, rotten little,” Sirius glared at the device. He took a few screenshots and started tapping the screen. 
“What is it?” James asked Regulus. Regulus jumped. He hadn’t realised James had come in with Sirius. 
“Erm, Barty was tracking my phone. That’s how he knew where we were.” Regulus explained, coming over to where James stood. 
“Shit,” James exclaimed and wrapped Regulus protectively into his arms. “I’m glad you’re safe.” 
“Thanks,” Regulus replied, his voice a bit thick. “James? Why are you only wearing one sock?” James pulled away from Regulus and looked down at his feet, confused. He’d slipped his shoes off when he walked through the door and had one bare foot. 
“I swear I put both on.” He checked his shoes, but there was no sock. 
“Check under the other sock,” Sirius called from the sofa, where he was still going through Regulus’s phone. He now had Remus’s arm around his shoulders. James blinked, bent down and pulled his sock away from his leg. Underneath it was another sock. 
“Oh my god!” He shook his head, pulled the extra sock off his foot and put it on the correct one. “How did you know it was there?” He asked Sirius. 
“Been there, done that,” Sirius snorted. “Nearly finished with your phone, Reggie. Then you two can go canoodle to your heart’s content.”
“Sirius, why?!” Regulus groaned at his brother’s words. 
“What? I like this one. He’s 100% better than the last one. There, I’m done. I’ve gone through everything I can think of, and he shouldn’t be able to get in again. You might want to change your password, though, just in case.” Sirius tossed the phone at Regulus. Regulus caught it and pulled James into his bedroom to the sounds of his brother’s guffaws.   
Next part
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
next gen fav games:
albus: there’s two sides of him— dead by daylight (he forces scorpius to play just so he can bully the shit out of him and hear him scream on his mic when he gets jumpscared) or omori (someone check up on him maybe…)
scorpius: minecraft (he likes to be the housewife making his house look pretty whilst albus goes out and mines for their family of mushroom cows) and little misfortune (yeah he also needs a check up)
rose: sims 4 (how she deals with her god complex)
james: silent hill (says it’s because the protag is named after him but he’s actually very mentally ill and resonates with the manifestation of self-punishment)
lily: mortal kombat 11 (for the fatality, but mostly for mileena)
hugo: fortnite (bro is a toddler and likes to attend the concerts) and my singing monsters (bro was feeling… musical)
teddy: hades (local pansexual genderfluid sillyman lets himself get slain by the hot villains again) and baldurs gate 3 (for literally the same reasons except add character customisation)
victoire: cooking dash (she likes to feel stressed) and the witcher 3 (shes never played another witcher game)
lorcan: fnaf (he always thinks hes done with it and then a new game or dlc comes out) and it takes two (he forces lysander to play with him obvi)
lysander: little nightmares 2 (only game that had him shook)
fred: detroit: become human (loves story-based games and choose your own adventure) and batman: the telltale series (same reasons)
roxanne: telltale’s the walking dead (simply cant move on from any of the games except the third one)
dominique: the last of us (she’s an elitist and will yap about this game at any given chance)
louis: played doki doki literature club when he was 12 and that was it for bro (….core memories were made)
molly: resident evil 3 (she likes them all but is obsessed with jill) but also life is strange (she’s probably gay)
lucy: when asked will tell you its pathologic (which she still loves a lot and is an elitist about) but it’s secretly danganronpa (she likes feeling smart when she connects clues leave her alone)
yann: final fantasy 7 (hes obsessed with the world and its the only game he can play)
polly: amanda the adventurer (to no one’s surprise)
karl: roblox (he’s been banned on so many different servers for bullying little children and is one of the most infamous hated users in his continent)
craig: league of legends (he’s a bit of a loser) and injustice: gods among us (he needs to win the challenges and unlock the characters)
sophia: stardew valley (she wants to live in a world without conflict (she will get stressed over it anyway))
delphi: couldn’t play video games (she would’ve loved fran bow though)
alice: episode (she spends an embarrassing amount on gems)
frank: arkham knight (he’s literally batman guys) and what remains of edith finch (he has range guys)
auggie: project sekai (they need to go take a shower)
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casasupernovas · 2 years
i dont think people truly deep just how much snape was on thin ice in 'the goblet of fire'. that man was unknowingly telling voldemort's most loyal supporter to his face that he was 100% team dumbledore. big yikes. and most of snape's significant moments in this book are him being team dumbledore (when he's not being a general asshole as per usual, or acting wildly out of character when insulting hermione because let's be real, snape bullies the kids in general but it is very unusual for him to attack someone's physical appearance, he never ever does this in any other book).
in the scene after harry's name is called, his primary source for his animosity towards harry is because he's making dumbledore look bad. the other schools think dumbledore is cheating, giving hogwarts twice a chance to win and using an underage student to do so.
when harry sees snape in the pensive, unbeknownst to us unless you have already read all the books, he's relaying crucial info to dumbledore about how the dark mark is returning and how igor karkaroff is *this* close to doing a runner.
when he comes across 'mad eye moody' and the aforementioned wizard implies dumbledore doesn't trust him, snape is insulted and outraged. moreover, confirms to this death eater's face that not only is he dumbledore's man, but ashamed of ever being a death eater, given how much he wants to get rid of those 'spots'. very damning.
and of course, when voldemort does return, snape exposes that he used to be a death eater to everyone in the room. which implies that dumbledore's vouching in the ministry of magic must have stayed within the ministry walls because no one, apart from dumbledore and harry knew. so he exposes his shameful past in front of molly, ron, harry, sirius, mcgonagall and of course cornelius fudge. all to defend dumbledore.
and considering most of snape's contention with dumbledore comes from his perception that dumbledore does not trust him, it is telling just how far he'll go to prove his loyalty. he was probably very angry to hear that 'mad eye moody' was coming to hogwarts in the first place. i expect he may have thought that dumbledore had more than one reason to bring an auror famous for rounding up dark wizards, particularly death eaters into the school where one of the members of the faculty was an ex death eater. this ties into what i said above about the harry and the egg falling down the stairs scene.
so, when voldemort said he wanted to kill the person he believed wholeheartedly had left him forever he meant it.
and i for one, am very grateful that harry tells voldemort in 'the deathly hallows' that he was truly an idiot for ever thinking snape would come back to him. and that doesn't even touch snape's main motivations for switching sides either.
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multifandomfix · 1 year
They Find Out You’re Pregnant (Harry Potter Preference)
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Barty Crouch Jr: Barty would be ecstatic at the news. He may go a little overboard, but you have to appreciate his excitement and how he’s so stoked that he’s going to be a better father than his was to him.
Bellatrix LeStrange: Bellatrix would be fascinated. She’d start looking at you like you’re alien, so enraptured with the life growing inside of you. Like you’re a miracle for being able to carry a kid.
Draco Malfoy: Draco would be stunned, a bit panicked, but trying not to show it. He honestly wouldn’t know how he felt about it until he’d had some time to think. In the end, he’d come around.
Lucius Malfoy: Lucius would be stoically proud. Another of his offspring into the world, what was the downside to that? He’d definitely start being extra protective of you.
Minerva McGonagall: Her first thought would be, ‘I’m too old for this,’ but she’d accept the news with a warm smile and eventually start picturing a family life.
Molly Weasley: Molly would be overjoyed at the news of an addition to the family. She might be a little worried under the surface, but she knows you and her will always find a way to make it work.
Narcissa Malfoy: Narcissa would calmly take in the news, remaining far too quiet for your liking. Finally, she’d say that while this wasn’t what she was expecting for this portion of her life, she’s happy that she’d be doing it with you.
Rita Skeeter: Rita wouldn’t love the idea of sharing the spotlight of your attention with someone. But she would come around when you promised her she could dress the child up as she liked and you wouldn’t love her any less when it came.
Severus Snape: Severus would cry with joy. Softly, silently, but tears would roll down his face and he’d take you into his arms and kiss you. You gave him his chance for a family.
Sybill Trelawney: Sybill would be so happy, hugging you tight before backing off and putting her ear to your stomach. You’d tell her she wouldn’t hear anything, but she shook her head. She could already predict the sex of the baby.
For anon
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Harry Potter: @whither-the-wind-goes, @bluenystic, @reminiscent-of-sentiment, @unexpected-character, @ppgrayson, @becomingthedreamversionofme, @bloodinthedarksworld, @gothtrash6969, @music-bird, @chaotic-mushroomz, @iciclesandsnow, @animeloverfreak310, @americanphyscos, @m-rae23, @asocialrandom, @404-its-alr, @beyondgaby, @scarlettmal, @wynt3rrr, @geekyandgay98, @link-is-genderfluid-44, @sweetyprincesschaos, @turb0j0cks
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the complete list so far :D
who two days of talking (or has it been three yet?).
this is a total of 97 hc (without bulletpoints) and 1.4k words :D (thx for telling me the numbers, cat)
I'm green and they are blue
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otunnicliffe · 4 months
Chloe + Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone:
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Ideal: Student from the Marauders era are invited to see Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore to uncover the truths of the present and meet the remarkable twins who lived- only many years in the future through the use of the books in the hopes of changing the future.
Chapter One: The Twins Who Lived
Chapter Two: The Vanishing Glass
Chapter Three: The Letters From No One
Chapter Four: The Keeper Of The Keys
Chapter Five: Diagon Alley
Chapter Six: The Journey From Platform Nine And Three-Quarters
Chapter Seven: The Sorting Hat
Chapter Eight: The Potions Master
Chapter Nine: Soon!
AO3 Link
Quotev Link
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
Artemis Hexley: The Wilderness Years
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Chapter 12: The Point of No Return
A/N: the final challenge of the Triwizard Cup is here. We all know that it’s not going to go well… Warnings: canon death, mentions of war and murder, angst, description of injury, language.
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The curtains did little to block out the morning sunlight, though Artemis had been awake long before the sunrise. She turned one way and then the other before getting up with a sigh and walking across to the window that looked out on the still sleepy Hogsmeade street below her.
She had come to the Three Broomsticks the night before, having left Chester’s flat with a hurriedly packed rucksack full of her things and Fergus the cat within an hour of returning from their disastrous dinner. Rosmerta had seemed only a little surprised to see her, and had shown her up to her old room without asking her too many questions that she didn’t yet have answers to. Was it over for good? Was she upset? What was she going to do now?
At least one question she could almost answer. That evening the last challenge of the Triwizard Tournament would be taking place, and there were bound to be plenty of final preparations to make up at the castle. And the Weasleys were going to be there. If Artemis went soon, she might be able to catch them beforehand, she could fill Bill and Charlie in on what had happened and to hear their thoughts on the matter. 
She dressed herself and left Fergus asleep on her pillow to walk up to the school, which was filled with students rushing between their dormitories, the library, and the Great Hall. The hall was bustling with its usual breakfast crowd, and Artemis walked straight through it without stopping to talk to anyone, until she reached an antechamber leading off from the far corner, where a small group of witches and wizards were gathered. Among them were Mrs Weasley, who was talking to a wizard Artemis recognised as Amos Diggory - a colleague from the Ministry and father of Cedric - and Bill, who was leaning against a window and looking out at the grounds. Artemis made a beeline for him, and as he saw her, his face split into a wide and knowing smile.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here so early,” said Bill. Artemis glowered at him, and his grin rapidly faded. “Is everything okay? What’s wrong?”
“What do you think is wrong, Bill?”
Bill’s eyes flicked towards Artemis’ left hand. Artemis sighed heavily and crossly, and he grimaced. 
“Did he ask…”
“Yes, he asked.”
“And did you say…”
“No,” said Artemis. “I said no.”
“Ah.” Bill nodded. “Well, shit.”
“Is that all you have to offer?” Artemis asked him impatiently. She looked around. “Where’s Charlie?”
“He’s had to work.”
“Dragon-based emergency,” said Bill. “He had to get a last minute Portkey back to Romania.”
Artemis made a noise like a growl and raised her eyes skywards. “What is the point of him?”
“I’ve been asking myself that question since 1972, Artemis.” Bill’s lips twitched, but Artemis remained stony-faced and narrow-eyed. “So is it over between you two?”
“I think so. I can’t really see things going back to how they were before, so probably.”
“And how do you feel?”
“I dunno,” Artemis shrugged. “Mainly just annoyed.”
“About what?”
“That it was all a big waste of time. That I let him in and he still didn’t get it, or get me. That he didn’t even talk to me about it before springing it on me out of nowhere. That he asked other people for their permission first. That those people gave their permission, when it was none of their bloody business.”
She looked at Bill accusatively, and he sighed.
“Sorry, little one,” he said. “In my defence, he sprung that question on me out of nowhere too.”
“You could’ve said no. I mean, I did.”
“As was your prerogative.”
“Well, he asked if he could ask you. It didn’t really matter whether I gave permission, because the final say was always going to be down to you, wasn’t it?”
Artemis sighed. Bill had a point. 
“Mum will be disappointed, though,” he continued. “She’s already picked out her hat.”
He chuckled, and as if on cue, Bill’s mother strode across the room with a smile so wide her cheeks must have hurt and her hands extended towards Artemis’ own.
“There she is!” Molly exclaimed. “Come here, I want to see…” 
Her voice tailed off as she looked at Artemis’ bare fingers, and her eyes widened. She cast a questioning glance up at her son.
“Mum, maybe just-”
“Oh, Artemis. Are you okay, dear?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Artemis told Molly, taking her left hand back and stuffing it in her pocket. “Really, it’s… I’ve got to get to work. Nice seeing you, anyway.”
“I said I’m fine, Bill.”
Both Bill and Molly looked at her with mingled concern and pity, and she made a conscious effort not to sigh or scream at them. Was this going to be how everyone looked at her now? 
Her dark mood quickly returning, Artemis made her way back out through the Great Hall, where the breakfast crowd was beginning to dwindle, and across the grounds in the direction of the Quidditch pitch, where Badeea’s labyrinth had been constructed from twenty-foot high hedges. A few of Artemis’ colleagues were milling around already, including Badeea herself, who frowned at her as she approached.
“Are you okay?” she asked, and Artemis shook her head.
“Can you ask me an easier question?” she replied. “Or just give me a job, something I can help you with.”
“Really, Artemis, if you’re stressed you don’t need to-”
“I want to be helpful. What can I do?”
Badeea sighed before gesturing to a large crate of immensely ugly creatures that somewhat resembled maggots or scorpions, only they were almost ten feet in length, were covered in a thick, armour-like hide, and had dark spiky parts at either end of their bodies.
“What the hell are those?”
“One of the obstacles,” said Badeea. “Hagrid bred them, he called them Blasting-End Shoots or something.”
“Why did he call them that?”
In answer to Artemis’ question, one of the creatures turned one of its ends - she couldn’t tell if it was the head or tail - towards them and with a loud bang, emitted a flurry of flames at the pair of them. Badeea extinguished the flames with a wave of her wand.
“That’s why,” she muttered darkly. “I’m meant to get them into the maze, but I’m not sure how. Once they’re in it’s just sorting out the Cup itself and briefing the professors on how to get to a champion if anyone needs help.”
Artemis rolled up her sleeves and pulled out her wand, and she and Badeea set to work. By the time they had managed to figure out a way to get Hagrid’s bizarre and ugly creatures to a space in the labyrinth, it was early afternoon, and they had both ascertained several burns on their arms and hands.
“You might need to get that looked at,” Artemis told Badeea, looking at a particularly nasty looking red mark on her forearm. “It looks painful. I can get the Cup into the maze for you while you’re at the Hospital Wing.”
“Are you sure?” Badeea asked, and Artemis nodded her head. “Thanks. I’ll meet you later to watch the challenge. Is Chester going to be sitting with us, or…”
“No.” Artemis hadn’t meant to answer Badeea’s question so forcefully. She sighed and shrugged. “He’s not coming. He had… a work thing. A law-based emergency.”
Having been given instructions from Badeea, Artemis set off to collect the Triwizard Cup, which she was to place in the very centre of the labyrinth, a task that was undeniably more important than dealing with Hagrid’s ugly creatures. However, it was also less dangerous, and far less distracting. For several hours Artemis had not thought of the previous night’s events, nor of Chester, or the fact that she still needed to go back to his flat and either attempt to smooth things over or collect the rest of her belongings and leave without returning. Without the loud bangs and flame bursts to keep her mind occupied, her thoughts had once more begun to circle and chase one another round the inside of her head. 
She was so caught up in her own private concerns that she did not notice that she was not alone until she heard someone clearing their throat behind her, and she turned to see the heavily scarred face of Tonks’ former mentor and now Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Mad-Eye Moody.
“Sorry,” Artemis said. “I didn’t mean to be rude. I just didn’t know you were here, that’s all.”
“Thought not,” said Moody gruffly, and both his magical and non-magical eyes settled on her. “You seem distracted, girl.” 
“I am, I guess.”
“Personal issues?”
“Something like that,” Artemis shrugged, and Moody let out a harsh laugh.
“Can’t help you there. Look at me, do you think this is the face of someone who can help you with your personal life?” Said face twisted into a grin. “I can kill him for you, if you want.”
Now it was Artemis’ turn to laugh. “No, you’re okay.”
“Suit yourself. You look like you could use a strong drink, though. I’ve got some brandy in my office. You won’t have to drink from my flask.”
“I don’t…”
“Or you could try Madam Rosmerta’s? If you go now, you’ll be back in plenty of time for the challenge.” Moody raised his eyebrows as if he knew that Artemis would be sorely tempted by this suggestion. She glanced at the trophy she had been tasked with, and he rolled his non-magical eye, keeping the magical one fixed on her. “I can take that Cup for you, get it to where it needs to go.”
“I said I’d do it,” Artemis said. “It has to go in the middle of the maze, and there’s all the obstacles in the way, and you don’t know where they are.”
“What do you think the point of this is?” asked Moody, pointing to his magical eye. “And don’t you think me capable of facing a few obstacles? If anyone can get your trophy to the right place safely, it’s me.”
He was right, his magical eye did make him the the best person for the job. And Artemis really had ought to see Rosmerta. She had left the Three Broomsticks so early and without even telling her what she was doing. Ros was bound to be worried. So, Artemis handed Moody the Triwizard Cup and walked away, feeling his magical eye still on her back long after she should have been out of his sight.
Shortly before sunset, Artemis returned to the Quidditch pitch, where a thousand-strong crowd had filled the stands overlooking the maze. A brass band was playing a triumphant-sounding tune, and banners were being waved around the arena. She took a seat on one of the benches of the commentary box, next to Badeea.
“Ladies and gentleman,” announced the voice of Ludo Bagman from near the entrance of the maze, “the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin!”
The four champions lined up ready to enter the labyrinth. Even from the distance, Artemis could make out the round glasses of Harry Potter and the bronze-coloured hair of Cedric Diggory, the hooked nose of Viktor Krum, and the pretty features of Fleur Delacour. If she had been closer, perhaps she might have been able to see how they were feeling. Nervous, she expected, or maybe excited, like the crowd around her, who were clapping so hard that birds were taking off into the sky from the branches of the Forbidden Forest’s nearest trees.
One by one, the champions entered the labyrinth and disappeared. Not a lot could be seen other than the tops of the hedges, spiraling and winding towards the centre of the maze like a spider’s web. Moody’s magical eye was on the labyrinth, and at intervals he muttered to Bagman, who announced what obstacle each champion was facing.
“Diggory has just taken on a Blast-Ended Skrewt and come off better in the fight. Sounds like the dragons were good practice after all!” he called out, and a cheer went up from an area of the stands where the crowd was decked in yellow and black. A few minutes later, he called out again: “And Potter takes on a Boggart, nicely done by-”
A high-pitched scream echoed through the air from deep within the maze, cutting Bagman off mid-sentence. The scream came again a second time, and he whispered something to Moody.
“Ah, it sounds like Miss Delacour of Beauxbatons has run into some trouble,” said Bagman, as two people on broomsticks flew over the top of the hedges towards the area of the maze where the girl’s screams had come from. “Assistance is on the way, but that does mean that there are only three champions remaining.”
Not long after the Beauxbatons champion had been retrieved from the maze, pale and shaken but clearly not too badly injured, a flurry of red sparks emerged over the tops of the hedges. Another champion was out of the running.
“It’s officially a two-hippogriff race now,” Bagman told the crowd, as an unconscious Viktor Krum was pulled out from the labyrinth, closer to the centre than Fleur Delacour. “All is left to play for between Potter and Diggory, but one thing is for certain: the winner of the Tournament will be from Hogwarts School!”
The two Hogwarts champions must have been close to the centre of the maze now. Artemis craned her neck, but it was pointless. She could not see anything at all. There was nothing to do but wait for one of them to reach the Cup and return victorious.
A minute passed, then ten, then twenty, and there was still no sign of either Potter or Diggory. The crowd was growing restless.
“Do you think something’s happened to them?” Badeea asked, frowning deeply. Artemis shook her head.
“No, Moody’s magical eye would see it if it had. He doesn’t look worried, everything must be fine.”
After another fifteen minutes passed, Artemis began to doubt her words. But Moody still did not look concerned; if anything, he looked almost triumphant. Surely that meant that one of the two Hogwarts champions had to be close to the centre?
Her deduction turned out to be correct, because not long after, something silver swirled into existence at the side of the maze: the Triwizard Cup, held by a scruffy-looking boy with round glasses. A roar went up from the crowd, but Artemis’ eyes were fixed on what else - or rather, who else - the boy held in his arms as he lay on the ground.
Beside Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory lay motionless, as if he were badly Stunned, or…
People were running towards the two champions, and as each one drew near, their faces fell, and looked horrified. A blood-curdling scream went up from the group of onlookers nearest the scene, and another, and another. 
Artemis felt herself grow cold. She wanted to look away, to close her eyes, to leave, but she could not. All she could do was look unwaveringly at the scene unfolding before her in disbelief and dread, her blood stinging her like ice as it moved through her veins.
The brass band had stopped playing, and the crowd had stopped cheering. Now the air was filled only with undulating wails of fear and misery and mourning, for the boy who had been pulled lifeless from the maze, for the life he should have still had left to lead, and for the joy that should have come from his return.
Chaos reigned in the hour that followed. No one knew what had happened in the maze, nor what should happen next. The school faculty and the ministry officials were panicked, and the rest of the crowd even more so. A group of teachers were attempting to wrangle the students and escort them back to their dormitories, while a team of witches and wizards from the Ministry were ordering everyone to stay put until more information had come to light. Meanwhile, several people rushed back to the castle, among them the Minister for Magic, Professor Dumbledore the headmaster, and Bill and Molly Weasley. 
Artemis decided to follow them. She left Badeea in the stands and fought her way through the throngs of spectators to get to the edge of the pitch and across to the path that led back across the grounds. By the time she managed to get to the castle, no one was to be found there. She frowned, wondering where everyone could have gone.
The answer came to her relatively quickly: of course, they would have taken the champions to the Hospital Wing, especially if one of them was badly injured or even...
She swallowed down a substance that tasted like bile. A part of her hoped that Cedric wasn’t really dead, but she knew in her heart that he had to be. She had seen his limp body and the reactions of the people around him. She had seen reactions like that before. That little boy she had known at school was now dead, and a selfish part of her sincerely hoped that it had not been at the mercy of one of the maze’s obstacles that she had helped to procure.
She arrived at the Hospital Wing just in time to see the door open, and a wizard with a long white beard and half-moon spectacles slipped through it. His elderly face seemed extraordinarily lined, more so than ever before.
“Professor Dumbledore,” said Artemis, and he regarded her with blue eyes that did not twinkle. Instead they looked tired and determined, both at once. “I was looking for Bill, is he in-”
“Young William and his family are busy, Miss Hexley,” Dumbledore told her, his voice firm yet gentle. “As we all shall soon be, I suspect.” 
“Right, yeah. Of course,” Artemis nodded. “Professor, what’s going on? Cedric, is he… Is he dead?”
“How? Was it something in the maze?”
“Not precisely,” said Dumbledore. “Unfortunately, a great evil has occurred tonight. For a time, the two Hogwarts champions were transported out of the maze and away from Hogwarts entirely, and it was then that Cedric met his fate at the hands of a Death Eater.”
Artemis tried not to breathe a sigh of relief. It had not been her fault. The thought struck her, and immediately she began to feel almost as guilty as she would had she been responsible. 
“There has been a Death Eater disguised here for some time, and tonight he enacted a terrible plan. It was he who placed the Triwizard Cup in the maze after turning it into a Portkey-”
“What?” Artemis’ breath caught in her throat, her mind spinning with confusion and her guilt twisting like a knife in her back.
“- and orchestrated the challenge so that Harry Potter would be the first to reach it. Cedric was merely an innocent bystander, and the first victim of his actions, but there will be more,” Dumbledore continued. He fixed Artemis with a pointed look. “Miss Hexley, do you remember what we discussed shortly before you left school? What I told you would one day come to pass?”
At Dumbledore’s words, Artemis’ eyes widened, and she shook her head.
“You-Know-Who… Voldemort… He’s back?”
Dumbledore inclined his head. “He has returned, yes.” 
“So… Now what?”
“I am afraid that we are on the cusp of an incredibly trying and terrible time. From now on, we must all endeavour to remember what truly matters,” said Dumbledore. “As for more practical solutions, this is why I must now leave you. I must find the Minister for Magic so that we can discuss where to go from here.”
The headmaster nodded his farewell to Artemis, who watched him walk away, the sound of his feet treading and the hem of his cloak brushing over the flagstone floor echoing in her ears with his final words.
Where to go from here… Where was there to go from here? She had come in search of Bill, but he was busy, and so was Molly, and everyone else in the castle, because something bad had happened, and it had been her fault, and now… 
Before she was aware of what she was doing, her feet had started to carry her back towards the grounds, in the direction of the Quidditch pitch and the labyrinth, where the crowd was now dispersing, with Aurors having appeared at the scene to manage and interview the confused and concerned witnesses mingling around the edges of the pitch. She caught a glimpse of Badeea’s headscarf among them, and began to walk towards her friend, but stopped in her tracks when she saw that Badeea was talking to Chester, and pointing in the direction that Artemis had left by. He was looking for her, but she did not want to be found. Not by him, nor by anyone.
Artemis ducked behind the changing tents so that she was out of sight from the crowd. She could hear them behind her, the noise they made like the hum of bees, loud but strangely distant, the peculiar sort of low hum of activity that could have been peaceful, but she knew that was not the case. Nothing was peaceful, nor would it be so again. Everything had changed, the world had shifted, and now here she was, standing at the edge of it, alone and with no way of going back. 
She felt dizzy with a mixture of feelings, none of which she wanted to feel. It was too much. It was all too much, and every fibre of her being was telling her to run, to get away from it all; from the maze, the crowd, the castle, her own thoughts, everything.
Her eyes focused on a single broomstick resting against the canvas material of the changing tents, and everything in her periphery faded away. She reached out and took hold of the broom, feeling the polished wooden handle beneath her fingers, before swinging one leg over it and pushing off from the ground.
And then she flew away.
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blankdblank · 1 year
Protego Pt 15 - April Fools
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Masterlist here
“I believe it best you graduate early,” Minerva said after they’d gone to talk to her about this for advice.
“I, have to leave?”
“I will say this, seventh year is notoriously hard, and by the dates you have given you are due in April, two months before NEWTS are sat for. Now early graduation does not negate your place to sit for those exams, merely you would be more relaxed and not having to traipse up and down enchanted staircases every day for months while you should be resting to prepare for baby. I myself will weekly check in on you, and should you wish it Sirius you can graduate early too, there have been instances where students were required to graduate and could move into internship jobs in the Ministry until the NEWTS are taken and they can progress into the Auror program. By then you could have sat for all the evaluation exams and have a foot up so to speak on those who graduate regularly.”
 While plans seemed to line up well with professors ready to help them graduate by the holiday break Lily seemed to be a hard nut to crack, not having talked to Jewels after not being the first to be told. Letters home did warn the Evans parents and Petunia, who while shocked, was sympathetic that a means of birth control failed and now he was stepping up to the plate. Even going so far as to send a heart warming bundle of bridal magazines to help with any details she might be able to.
On a steady diet and vitamin regimen once she’d handled the deflating task of stepping down from the Quidditch team she’d simply left the other students to speculate about her health as to why she was now graduating early after her fainting spell. A giddy utterance from the Bloody Baron, who checked in on her however, had the Slytherin students elated at the news of a new child for Sirius’ line and whoever the adopted heir of Slytherin hailed from.
Narcissa and Lucius were first to share they would be nearby in London on the holiday break, clearly gunning for an invite as many other students tried to get to just be present at the imagined wedding of the century.
 All the same amongst the work load a trip to a Midwife was arranged and anxiously Jewels and Sirius sat with hands locked in the waiting room after having filled it the paperwork under the watch of a House Elf who brought them from Hogwarts for the morning appointment. “Jewels Evans?” Up from the floor her anxious steady brilliantly green eyes rose to meet those of the former Molly Prewett who smiled at her with hands on her own belly.
“Molly Prewett.” At the wedding band in her finger she asked, “Or, not, anymore?”
“Weasley,” she answered with a smile and sat down in the chair beside Jewels stating, “Hello Sirius, my Arthur had to work. Just got hired as an assistant in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office after his apprenticeship last summer. When are you due?”
“April,” she answered widening Molly’s smile.
“Mine as well, three boys already at home with my mother in law so I could get a moment to breathe, won’t get much of that from April on. Twins.”
“Just the one, I believe,” Jewels answered in an anxious tone making Molly pat her arm sweetly in a comforting gesture.
“I was more than nervous my first time around. Have you graduated yet?”
“Not yet, we take our NEWTS on schedule and they’re letting us skip ahead, to get out early so we can prep.”
Sirius said, “My Mum surely will put me back on an allowance and we’ve got the rental we share with Reg and the guys until we find a more suitable place.” He smiled and stroked the back of Jewels’ hand, “Hopefully somewhere near to the theater troupe for my Jewels here.”
“I have an aunt who was a dancer, the traveling will be fun for you. Babies shockingly travel well at least as long as you are moving. It’s when you try to stop and put them down for the night where the trouble comes in. But a nice bath and they will be off to bed for you two to breathe until morning.”
Jewels chuckled and stroked her belly saying, “I’m so glad we ran into you. Everyone else we’ve seen some here on our last visit looked at us like we were fresh out of primary school. Even after seeing my ring.”
“Oh you will come into your age. The pregnancy glow does tend to add to a youthful tilt on us young mothers.” Her smile widened and she said, “We can coordinate our next appointment and have lunch after. You can pop by the Burrow and kick your feet up and I can share some tips you won’t find in any book. And maybe some spare knitting for your little one,” widening Jewels’ smile.
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“Just show her your eyes, she simply can’t refuse.” Sirius hummed softly to Jewels, having revealed the front of the Grimmauld Place entrance of his parents’ home with a loving grin and pat of a hand on her still mostly toned belly yet to show sign of her second trimester. Purple to green those telling eyes beyond the door with the knocker to announce guests let them in to be presented by Kreacher to Orion and Walburga Black, who instantly moved to have the notable relative with surely the cleanest line to Slytherin settled upon the best loveseat beside their eldest son.
True she was adopted by Muggles, and surely interactions at the elopement with them would be tedious. Two sisters could be tolerable for a truly acceptable union for their son who they had assumed to have been straying entirely from the path. “Grandfather,” Sirius spoke aloud and stood to be greeted by Arcturus Black who had come through the adjoining door the Black Family mansion connected. His inherited hidden property connected to all residences linked to the clan including a few Malfoy properties now bound in the marital contract between Lucius and Narcissa penned for their future wedding date.
“My birth father is Morfin Gaunt, only I don’t exactly know who my mother is, we can’t seem to uncover her name for all we’ve tried. Did find I have a cousin, but apparently he’s the Half-Blood posing as a Pure-Blood in his war against Muggles.” Wide eyed with a hand over her lips she looked to Sirius, who only just now realized the golden seam accented teacup she had been given for his mother’s offer of a calming drink. One to help spill the tea usually offered to guests the Sacred 28 often wished to know more about. A move now the Witch halfway inched to regretting as the whole effort of the war she wished to push her sons into was based on fraud.
“That usurping little Half-Blood!” she was heard shouting in her storm out of the room while Sirius finished off his cup to pour her tea into his cup so she could keep drinking without force of more secrets from her lips.
Orion leaned forward luring Jewels’ eyes to him as he said to Sirius, “Defense of the line of Gaunt, very admirable. Had we known we would not have pushed Regulus above you. I would presume there is a plot afoot?”
“I had to keep Jewels unknown to him.” Sirius answered to Jewels’ try at a calming sip of tea from his mug. “He killed her parents.”
Arcturus stated plainly, “Your child shall inherit my home.” In reaction to the sudden offer she tried not to choke or spit out the tea and Sirius’ eyes snapped wider his grandfather’s way. “The papers shall be drafted up by the date of the wedding, we should go now, I will show you the garden young dear,” he said and moved around the table to offer her a hand. For a personal help up and walk to tour the grounds of his hidden home that even under snow was breath taking.
“Oh,” she whispered in awe turning around at the snowy hedge maze and fountain decorated cobbled pathways with destinations hidden by snow.
“You may have your ceremony here, I will assure the ballroom is prepared for the reception.” That had her eyes move off the mountains surrounding the bubble hidden mansion.
Sirius at the next plume of breath leaving her lips said, “There are warming charms that can encircle the ceremony outside if you didn’t want tents, we have tents, if you want them.”
Up at Arcturus she asked, “You don’t mind us getting married here?”
“Jewelia, this is to be the finest match of our family history. To not allow you to marry here would not be just an insult to our lines but to your unborn child. We must display full support beyond reproach to all in attendance. But first, Kreacher should have fetched Regulus by now and we shall commune with the stars to know to ready for a son or daughter. For both require certain steps to honor within the ceremony.”  
 A daughter, more weight to leave the house to her as the female heirs of the Black Family line were tied already to notable lines and were promised properties from those lines to include them into the fold. Sirius would be welcomed back into a small fortune to ensure no risk of discomfort or hunger as well as a few properties under strict terms of always ensuring Regulus would have a place in the properties should he require it.
One of the properties being a cottage in Godric’s Hollow Sirius and Regulus took her next to tour so they could set up home. Close enough to the theater and where her family could visit with ease and not seem out of place. A bit of furniture and paint would join the gifted house warming items from loved ones to fill up their needs inside this quaint place they now called their own.
The space very much needed as Andromeda and Ted had adjusted their house now packed with things for their daughter they hoped to be ready for anything with. Even Severus felt a bit uneasy coming back to the basement apartment and took up the offer of Sirius to rent out the three story town home he now had possession of to share with Regulus, who did not want to crowd the new couple in their new cottage. Three stories, that after finding his parents had just taken off one day in the first semester of this year and left without word or any sort of funds or property to him he was beyond grateful for some form of stability with the ten year lease agreement they signed for Severus.
From first night in the new place to first morning routines and breakfast before heading off for the day the couple seemed ready to take their new future on. Complete with use of the cow creamer and duck pitcher they made on their first date. Three days a week Sirius would be accepted to intern in the Ministry come January and could spend the rest of the time at the theater with his future wife. From finances to even future schooling questions, if they happened to have a Squib, much was discussed while the wedding seemed squared away with a visit to talk it all out with her parents.
“Jewels?” Sirius asked his silver eyed fiancé in her place at the chair beside their bed writing in her dream journal, just one word to fill the page beside a sketch of what anyone would take as a self portrait.
Knelt down at her feet his hands on her thighs snapped her out of the trance to look at him then to the book on her lap. “Oh,” she let out in slight confusion. “Suzsieanne, sounds pretty.” And looked at him again in his comforting nod.
“Bad dream?”
“No,” shaking her head she added, “Odd, I don’t remember. I always remember. Do you think, it’s a family name? From my mother?”
“Could be. Our family tend to have longer names, not the usual one middle name, we could use it there,” he wet his lips and her brow arched up.
Breathily he chuckled, “Out of habit I have done the star charts, our little girl will be born under Pluto, could we make that as a middle name as well?”
“Pluto is pretty cute,” she said making him smile wider. “I say we keep it.”
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Long sleeved sheer lace and diamond appliqué on the top half, the wedding gown certainly made a statement even without the poofy bell skirted white furry layers for the bottom half, accented by firefly like glimmering diamonds inside the fur and the sheer appliqué veil secured by the furry top hat. The hat, while a new tradition came from what was known of older Gaunt lines to try and respect those ancestors. Sirius in his white dress robes also decorated by fireflies out of glimmering diamonds joined the nod to one of their first dates when they were swarmed by them.
A symbol scattered throughout the ballroom as well for the food and music filled celebration select members of his family mingled as respectfully as possible with hers. Joined by friends from both the theater troupe, the Weasleys with their three young boys, Severus, Remus, Peter, Alastor, Flitwick, Minerva and Hagrid. To help fill her side so his would not be so abundant in comparison.
Petunia up at her side beamed in being her Maid of Honor. Lily sat speaking to James, who she insisted be able to come or she wouldn’t, calm even in the onset of worries for the three girls who learned the poorly area they grew up in now had both of their parents with deteriorating health. But for tonight under the light of a sparkler accented phoenix ice sculpture candelabra Albus had sent as a gift in return for his invitation while he was required to travel unable to make it.
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A special night to carry on into a second wedding, also during the holiday break, Petunia and Vernon inside their own dream wedding prized their own day, this time with Jewels as Maid of Honor for her sister in return. Dressed in a knee length white strapless dress topped by black and white butterfly wings layered beautifully over the top, one shoulder with a black feathery accent, and onto the voluminous skirt visibly mostly made of tulle. A hint to her dress that was an off the shoulder lace simple dress Jewels had helped to accent with crystal butterflies stitched carefully into the design to truly be one of a kind.
Her ceremony being specifically arranged at a simple request of Vernon, who after being insulted by James at their first meeting chose the more welcoming of sisters to be part of the ceremony that had Lily on the verge of ruining the day out of spite. But in a talk with Petunia the week before she did come to understand as to why she was not allowed to stand up with her sisters.
She understood, but it still hurt, and when it came down to her own future wedding plans she tried to not let the sting make her act harshly against both of her sisters for neither picking her. Sweetly however James kept laying it on thick to distract with talk of better times back at Hogwarts that now neither sister can take part in. Which made Remus huff and hang his head back in hearing this isolating tactic for the sister who really didn’t need to feel alone after returning as the only unwed sister of three in school alone.
 “Twelve hemlines, five embroidered fish and an army of brass buttons,” Jewels said with a smile emptying out an enchanted bag of the costumes she had taken home to finish over her last short shift at the theater. Needlework, calligraphy for poster and props and such were her bread and butter these days. Tending to get nauseous terribly easy requiring bouts on the floor to even out again, a role right now above the seated one that had her confined to a wheeled chair as an ailing heiress they worked into the script was the most accommodating way the troupe kept her doing what she loved.
When she might feel a bit embarrassed to force them to put in so much change to the script the whole cast made it abundantly clear this role was hers from the start no matter the accommodation to ensure she could be the one to bring it to life. So with a blanket or conveniently placed muff her growing belly was shielded for the most part while the audience got to prize what was known to be the only role for this starlet until after her maternity leave was through. All the same she loved it, her final role before everything changed, one her newest friend Molly was in the audience on a date night for to share a supper with their husbands afterwards.
Thick as thieves the pair hit it off. Close enough between the Burrow and cottage that weekly a few meetings could be managed to both ready for their births. A bond that would carry over as both women already halfway gone to labor arrived at the Midwife’s sharing a delirious chuckle at the timing.
 “Lily!” A hand in the dark stirred the Evans girl from her sleep to find Minerva in candle lit glow who said to explain the wake up call. “It’s time.”
“What time?”
“For the baby.”
“Is it born yet?” she whined and said, “I won’t be-,”
“Lily Evans you get your back side out of this bed or so help me I will make you sleep on hot coals for the rest of the year. Get up! Your sister needs all the support she can get!” Clothes from her trunk flew at the girl’s face and she could only huff and grumble her way to get ready so she could be taken by Minerva out to the main courtyard where she found Remus dressed but shivering in the brisk morning breeze.
“Remus, why are you here?” Lily asked and he shrugged.
“Long as I don’t have to hold a foot I will fetch whatever they need.” He answered and let out a large yawn, taking hold of the portkey a man who arrived offered between the trio who were then off. Soon to see Regulus, who had been brought half asleep by Kreacher, now wide eyed in the cold air in his pajamas confused but soon excited as the reasoning clicked.
You can continue reading on ao3 here - From here the Anaticula series picks up. Hoped you liked the mini series and do let me know what you thought if you feel inclined. Doubt I’ll be continuing to double post on here for the rewrite, or if I change my mind once it’s all rewritten or whatnot. But there is tons of fun ahead in the series and no shortage of drama. :) Happy Reading.
Link to the original version where my oc/Fred/George are born onwards still on tumblr, none of the new stuff but all of the original story you guys know. :)
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elisedonut · 11 months
do you have any kid head canons that tend to stay the same for you whenever you think of them?
Like for Percy's girls I always imagine Molly and Lucy as twins and being in different houses typically Molly in Slytherin and Lucy in Hufflepuff
With Molly being into quidditch but more out of spite that grew into love because early on into first year she said something about playing it with her family and some older students immediately started being assholes and started telling her she won't be able to play on the team which she took as a challenge and ended up growing to love the sport alot more and maybe or maybe not becomes captain that kinda depends
While Lucy is a Prefect who has no interest in being head girl like it's offered to her but she immediately declines because she never had any intention of doing it and is mostly a prefect for the perks even though she's a natural at helping the younger kids. I also tend to think of her as an obsessive artist but not a traditional artist something more hands on clay, stained glass,woodworking,wand making something like that
I also have thoughts on the main kids I give Oliver and Marcus though not as many
I normally give Marcus a little girl i tend to call Maria which I swear I saw somewhere but I am unsure where if I'm thinking of a flintley au she's normally a couple of years younger then the twins and ends up in Ravenclaw just because the idea of Percy having a kid in every house But the weasley house is funny to me and because I like the idea of people joking about them needing to adopt another so they can have a full set anyway. I tend to think of Maria as a bit more of a cry baby because I like the idea of Marcus trying really hard to take care of her but overcompensating and coddling her a bit too much though that's more when she's younger not like hogwarts age
For Oliver its a little boy who's name I keep switching on (currently it's Cypress though) he is a griffindor I tend to think of him as "Oliver 2 Electric Boogaloo" because I firmly belive Oliver has ADHD and that shits hereditary I do think his son would have a different special interest/hyperfixation though just still don't know what
But I'm at the point where im getting very rambling
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 19 - Class
@jegulus-microfic April 19, Word count 847
Previous part First part
Regulus dropped James’s hand as soon as the door was closed. He stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do with himself. James had just hugged him. Actually hugged him, and not because his ankle was buggered. 
“Sorry you had to deal with all that,” He gestured widely, trying to encompass the whole situation. He stared at the carpet, not able to meet James’s eyes. What if he’d had enough of his shenanigans and spent the rest of his holiday doing what he came here to do?
“No problem,” James replied, grinning from ear to ear. “I nearly mistakenly got thrown out of the hotel by this huge ginger guy. I’ve never been thrown out of anywhere it was class!” James grabbed Regulus’s hand again and gently dragged him to the bed so he could sit down. 
Regulus made himself comfortable, only now realising he hadn’t eaten dinner as his stomach gave a loud, angry rumble.
“Have you not eaten?” James said aghast. 
“No. I haven’t had time to, what with everything going on.” He could feel his cheeks heating and knew they’d be burning red. James opened the bedside table and threw the menu at him.
��Order something.” He said before jumping on the bed and stealing the remote. 
Regulus scanned the list of rich French cuisine the hotel offered as room service, and a wave of nausea flooded his body. 
“I really want a burger or something like that. But I they don’t have anything like that.” He said, putting the menu aside. He’d wait until he could order breakfast. 
“Yes, hi, I’m in room 212. Yes, that’s right, Mr Black. Well, the thing is, he really wants a burger and chips… You will! Oh, Molly, you absolute angel… No, no, I had food with my parents, though I wouldn’t say no to some popcorn to go with the film… Perfect, thank you so much… Yes, I’m sure we will, you too. Bye now.” James hung up the phone before Regulus could protest. “Twenty minutes,” He told Regulus as he flicked down the menu on the TV.
Regulus stared at James as he continued to click the remote. No one apart from Sirius had cared about his wants like that, and James didn’t even expect anything in return, only to watch a film with him. Regulus was suddenly overcome with emotion and, without thinking, moved forward to wrap his arms around James and bury his head in the other man’s back. 
“Thank you,” He whispered into the thick muscle. James shuffled, and Regulus unexpectedly found himself cradled in James’s lap. He blinked rapidly, his brain trying to figure out what had just happened. 
“What about Stardust? I love that film.” James’s deep voice vibrated from his chest into Regulus’s. Regulus’s mouth went dry. Unable to speak, he nodded. James grinned at him, clicked play on Claire Danes’s face and wriggled them back until his back rested against the headboard. 
They were so absorbed in their quiet bubble that they didn’t hear the knock at the suite door or the gentle tap at the bedroom door. They did, however, notice when Sirius opened the door so forcefully it banged off the wall. 
“Aww, don’t you two look cosy?” Regulus tried to slide off James’s lap, but James wrapped a gentle hand around his waist, giving him the option to move if he wanted. But signalling that he didn’t mind if he stayed. Regulus stayed.“Your food is here,” Sirius smirked at them as he carried a tray over and placed it on the bedside table. “Bon appétit!” Sirius exclaimed with a flourish and an exaggerated bow before he left them to it. Just before he completely left the room, he tilted his head back in. “Oh, just so you know, Remus is staying over tonight. Not that you were going to, but probably don’t come into my room. I don’t want to scar you for life.” He winked, and he was gone. 
James’s laugh bounced Regulus against his chest, and with one arm still wrapped around him, James spun to grab the food. 
Regulus’s mouth watered at the sight of his dinner. It was exactly what he wanted. He bit into it and groaned.  Before he could even finish the food in his mouth, he had to swat James’s hand away from his plate when he caught him trying to steal his chips. 
“Mine!” He mumbled around his mouthful of food, narrowing his eyes.
“Oh, go on just one. Please.” James pleaded. Regulus rolled his eyes and picked up a chip for James to take. But instead of taking it with his free hand, James leant forward and snagged it between his teeth, chuckling as he chomped it into his mouth. “Thanks, love.” He said as he grabbed the bowl of popcorn off the tray. 
They spent the rest of the film steadily making their way through the popcorn, falling asleep in each other’s arms halfway through Labyrinth, which on a normal day Regulus would have found unacceptable behaviour. But it hadn’t been a normal day.     
Next part
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
fav kid shows of the next gen hp characters
teddy: teen titans or pingu
victoire: winx club
dominique: avatar last airbender or kim possible
louis: giggle and hoot or lazytown
james: phineas and ferb
albus: ben 10 or ninjago
lily: bubble guppies or charlie and lola
rose: play school when she was younger, and then massive shift towards total drama island
hugo: special agent oso
scorpius: backyardigans or magic school bus bc he’s a nerd
lysander: star wars clone wars
lorcan: wonder pets or animal mechanicals
fred: little einsteins
roxanne: yo gabba gabba or bo on the go
molly: jungle junction or blue’s clues
lucy: pocoyo
polly: totally spies
yann: octonauts or jake and the neverland pirates
karl: dinosaur train, later teen titans go
craig: the wiggles
alice (bonus): ni hao kai lan or powerpuff girlss
frank (bonus): teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012 ver)
auggie (bonus): doc mcstuffins
delphi: death eater propaganda (spongebob)
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Fic
Currently halfway through, it's interesting so far but slightly hard to follow along. The adults seem to be trying to do their job and be The Adults, but there's something going on inside Hogwarts itself (cause duh, it's 4th year lol)
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multifandomfix · 11 months
How They’d Propose (Harry Potter Preference)
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Barty Crouch Jr: Somewhere dark and beautiful, just the stars lighting the sky and casting a faint glow down to you. He’d pull out a modest ring, swear his loyalty to you and wait for your answer. You’d say yes as you leaned in to kiss him.
Bellatrix LeStrange: She’d write it in the sky using some spell, somewhere she knew you’d be, and big enough for everyone to see. When you looked up to see it, you’d yell out your answer of yes and she’d appear at your side in a heartbeat.
Draco Malfoy: In the gardens at Malfoy Manor. He’d take you for a walk out there, pretending it was like any other visit you’d made there with him and then pop the question in front of your favorite part of the garden, earning him a big smile and and immediate yes.
Lucius Malfoy: With a huge diamond, possibly even an enchanted one that played your best memories with him back to you like a movie. You’d be stunned into silence before uttering a quiet, awed, yes.
Minerva McGonagall: Quietly, at home, over tea during your shared reading time at the end of the day. It would seem so casual, so cozy, and you wouldn’t even miss a beat as you told her yes.
Molly Weasley: The ring would be hidden in your favorite dessert. She’d cook your favorite meal and be anxious for you to find it, almost giving away the surprise before you could. You’d get up and rush over to her, hugging her, kissing her cheek and telling her yes.
Narcissa Malfoy: She’d have the most beautiful set up, with just you and her sharing dinner at her home. She’d play some music after and dance with you, asking you to marry her when the song came to a close and you’d be shocked, but accept the moment your words came back to you.
Rita Skeeter: She’d propose with something flashy, something everyone in the vicinity would remember for a long time. Flash mob, glitter canon, something wild and ostentatious, and hopefully met with an exuberant yes.
Severus Snape: He’d propose on the anniversary of the day you met. He’d start revisiting memories of your relationship and make this beautiful speech about wanting to spend the rest of his life with you and you’d nearly be in tears when you said yes.
Sybill Trelawney: She’d spend an insane amount of time spelling out, “Will you marry me?” in tea leaves in your favorite cup for you to find and you’d smile so wide before running to find her and telling her yes.
For anon
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