#Peridot x Steven x Spinel
davekat-sucks · 1 year
Back then when I was into steven universe I had shipped Peridot and Steven, years later the movie comes back and the interaction between Steven and Spinel had reminded me of my old otp. Majority of the fanbase hates these pairings but i love them still XD, Peridot x Steven x Spinel is better.
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Peridot x Steven x Spinel from Steven Universe is better than Davekat.
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Does anyone remember this weird episode in Steven Universe😂😂😂.
I was rewatching the series and completely forgot about the random crossover episode😂😂
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hi! could you maybe do f, g, & y with Peridot? ^^
👍👍👍👍Love that little alien.
Character: Peridot
Letters: F, G,Y
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-Not good not good at all. She has no idea what’s she saying and anytime she says something it’s bad. The worse part is that she has no idea how bad it was.
-She looks for stuff on her tablet to say to you. She thinks their good, but their really not.
-If you flirt with her she’ll either get mad, really flustered , or jealous that you can come up with such great things to say to her.
G-Getting Protective of you
-She’s an aggressive little gremlin, she’s really protective of you. Sometimes when she doesn’t need to be protective of you. Like for example, new things about earth. She’s protected you from a fire hydrant before and that was embarrassing for you.
-She does get protective over you when the Crystal gems come over too. She’s way to confident for her own good. She might end up getting shattered by Garnet one day.
-During battles with enemies, she uses as much metal as she can to surround and protect you.
Y-Yelling at you
-She gets angry pretty easily so it’s easy to get into an argument with her. But full on fighting with yelling and screaming? You’d have to do something bad to provoke that. Most of the time it’s not even you.
-She does get into fights more than most of the gems though. When she does she’s not giving up. She’s like a toddler yelling, except there’s no crying or throwing a fit.
-Peridot may not be able to flirt with you, but she knows how to hurt your feelings. Once she says something awful to you, you can’t take it anymore and just walk off, leaving her one to think and regret what she’s done.
-She’ll go out and find you, apologizing for what she’s done. Once she reasons with you, you two will sit together watching tv or doing another activity to cheer each other up.
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fightclubcat · 5 months
It’s a Hazbin Hotel X Steven universe AU And here’s how it goes.
Niffty Universe Au
Alastor-Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond
Val- Garnet
Sir Pentious-Peridot
Vaggie -Lapis
Cherri Bomb-Bismuth
I created this in my head after seeing an animatic, and reality is whatever I make of it. This Au is probably going to occupy my mind for a while.
Pentious and Vaggie’s character choices were based on their personalities. They aren’t dating like Lapidot is. I just wanna prevent any confusion that may arise.
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ciinnamiilk · 2 years
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Spindot artwork!
Spindot is one of my favorite rarepairs, as well as a comfort of mine! So only makes sense for me to draw them!
Bonus: Bispearl (another ship favorite of mine!)
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fireopal-tash · 2 years
Fav ships other than Stevenel? (Bonus: can you draw them)
The Crystal Gems together, Greg x Rose, Pink Pearl x Pearl, Bismuth x Pearl, the Cool Kids together, maybe Yellow D x Blue D
Basically, most of them xD
(although, I like most ships to be platonic)
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hairscare · 1 year
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so. i may be having steven universe thoughts in 2023
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intooned · 2 years
kill yourself :D
No you!
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“Hanging with the horror lover”
Just a scene from the chapter!
(The hand for Y/N is terrible 😂😂😂😂)
Hope you interested in reading the book!!!
It’s called “Well…we’re getting there” a Steven universe x fem reader insert
Also, idk but maybe I should draw hair on the reader? Not like it’s going to be like that throughout the series, you guys get to decided the length for that, I mean just as a base y’know?
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purplebigs · 2 years
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A small picture of spinel and volleyball💖
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“Well, We’re Getting There” Steven Universe x Female reader story
3- Let’s Explore!
Word count- 4,771
Chapt 2/ chapt 4
It’s been a few hours now and the stores are starting to open. Y/n finished hanging up her clothes pretty early since not every piece came. She tried to fall asleep, but didn’t have anywhere comfortable to sleep at since there are no beds, mattresses, or couches in the house.
Y/n is currently getting dressed and ready to head down town to a store. They all needed some extra supplies to help them get more..comfortable while waiting for their stuff to arrive from the moving van.
Y/n ran down the stairs and was met with an excited Ruby. “I can’t wait to explore this town! Maybe we’ll meet new friends!” Ruby said. And when she said “new friends” she doesn’t mean people, she meant critters and other animals that can be found.
”Yeah, we can look for some later. But I wanna explore the town a little bit first.” Y/n said walking into the kitchen with Ruby by her side.
”Good mourning girls. Let’s get ready to go yeah?” Henry said walking out the door.
”What about breakfast?” Ruby asked. Sad that she is missing out on her favorite meal of the day.
”I think you two should try to eat out around here? Try some new food from a restaurant to get use to living here you know? It’s a small town so this may help you get use to your surroundings.” Henry said with a smile.
”Ok, how are we going to get there go? We don’t exactly have a way of transportation besides the bus.” Y/n asked.
” Well since Beach city is just a small town, we can just walk to our destinations! And it’ll be good for your heart too.” Henry told them .
They both groaned. Ever since Henry adopted them, he has been telling them things that would help their heart. Well, just Y/n’s since Ruby doesn’t have a literal heart. Guess that’s what happens when you have a heart surgeon as a father.
”Alright you two let’s head off!” Henry said after grabbing his wallet and house keys.
”Coming!” Both the girls said running out the door behind Henry. They were excited to say the least. They get to explore a whole different place! 
As they walked down the street, they were heading up a road instead of down. That’s where the girls wanted to explore at.
”Hey we’re not going down there?” Y/n said pointing to the street that led to the boardwalk.
“Yeah we wanna go down there.” Ruby exclaimed.
” Don’t worry. After we’re done getting the supplies, you two can head on over to explore more of the actual town in Beach City.” Henry said as he continued to walk up the street while both of the girls looked at each other and smiled, soon rushing off behind Henry. 
“Okay , so we need to head down to a store that sells bedding supplies “. Henry said going onto google searching on the maps for a store.
“I thought we already have that stuff” Y/n asked confused. 
“Well yes we do, but it won’t be here until Thursday.” Henry said. It was currently Monday. “So we need some sleeping bags and pillows for the next few night. Plus we need food too.” 
All three of them arrived at a near by store that was average sized. They walked in and were greeted by an employee. They walked over to the camping section, and looked over at the sleeping bags.
”Ok girls. Pick any sleeping bag you want. I’m going to go shopping for some food.” Henry said waving them off and walking away. 
Y/n picked a dark green one and Ruby picked a red one.  They were both chatting for a bit until a few people approached them.
”Hey I haven’t seen you here before. You here for a vacation?” A girl asked. She had a striped red and white shirt with round gold earrings. She had long skinny jeans on that were a light blue. She also came with two others. One had white hair with a blue jacket. He also had some big orange pants. The other had brown hair with shades covering his eyes. He had a white t shirt with a lightning bolt and a red jacket to go over it.
” Oh yeah we’re new. But we’re not visiting we just moved here.” Ruby said. 
“Oh really? We never get any permanent guests?” The girl said putting her fingers up to her mouth. “ Oh how rude of me, I forgot to tell you guys our names. I’m Jenny.” She pointed to herself. “ That’s Sour Cream” she pointed to the guy with white hair.
”Sup” he said casually.
”And that’s Buck” she pointed to the dude with shades on.
”Hey” he said cooly.
”Well it’s nice to meet you Jenny, Sour Cream, and Buck. I’m Ruby and this is my sister Y/n!” Ruby said excitedly. Sister? Ruby barely used that term for their friendship. They have been together ever since Y/n was a toddler, but it still surprises her. 
“Nice to meet you too, you know… you look sort of…familiar .” Jenny said putting a hand on her chin and squatting down to look at Ruby.” Oh that’s it!” She snapped her fingers. “  You look like Steven and his aunts.” Jenny said standing up.
Aunts? Since when does Ruby look like an Aunt, nevertheless a human? Y/n and Ruby stood their for a second looking at each other and then back at the other three that had been standing there. 
“Where are they?” Ruby asked. 
“Over by the beach. I’m sure Steven will be delighted to meet two new people.” Buck said slightly smiling and pointing towards the beach. 
“Hey you, Y/n right?” Jenny asked Y/n.
”Yes?” Y/n responded questioning.
”Wanna come hang with us tonight night? We’re gonna have a campfire and sleeping out in the old corn field by the barn. “ Jenny asked Y/n.
”What about Ruby? Y/n asked.
”How about you go without me? You should make more friends! This is perfect! When your getting ready to hang out with them, I can go see Steven and his Aunts.” Ruby said excitedly. She was practically jumping off the ground.
”Yeah listen to the red kid”. Buck said with a hand in his pocket.
”….Ok. I’ll go.” Y/n said hesitantly.
”Woo. Ok we can pick you up at 8:30 pm at ‘Fish Stew Pizza’ k? “ Jenny said while the other two grabbed some supplies.
”Sure” Y/n said 
“You don’t talk much do you?” Sour cream asked while holding flashlights and lighters.
”Not really” Y/n stated holding Ruby’s hand.
”GIRLS” Both of the girls turned around hearing Henry’s voice. Y/n was relieved and started to walk away.
” It was nice meeting you guys! See you later!” Ruby exclaimed and ran off with Y/n.
”Are you two ready to leave?” Henry asked putting the food he had chosen onto the self scanner.
”Ye-“ Ruby started, only to be interrupted by Y/n.
”Yes” Y/n said rather quickly. Y/n would be lying if said she wasn’t uncomfortable during the chat she had with Jenny and her friends. Most kids at her old school in California stayed away from her. They new about her different families since they lived in a small town. This was a new experience that Y/n did not like or even wants to try to get use to.
Ruby looked at Y/n and saw something that she hasn’t seen in years. Fear. Y/n was scared. Ruby grabbed Y/n’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. Henry finished putting everything in bags and told the girls to follow him.
”You alright?” Ruby asked looking at Y/n.
”Yeah I’m fine” Y/n responded quickly.
”You know, I don’t have to go meet the ge-“ Ruby was once again cut off by Y/n.
”No no. You should go meet them. I have never seen someone like you before so this may be a good sign. Even if it is just weird aunts, it’s worth a shot?” Y/n questioned Ruby and herself.
”Ok. But if you don’t feel comfortable you don’t have to go. You can come with me!”
Y/n knew that she should go with Ruby, but she wants to give Ruby a chance to make her own friends. Since Y/n had nobody to hang out with or even want to talk to her besides Ruby, Ruby hasn’t been able to make any other friends besides Y/n. Even though Y/n is a bit worried of her close friend, she trusts that she won’t do anything bad. The only problem is that she hasn’t been more than 50 feet away from Ruby in years.
The three of them were walking down the street to their new house so Henry can put away the groceries. They soon came to their street and Henry opened the door. Y/n put the groceries onto the counter and waited for Ruby. 
“Okay. I’m going to put these away . You two can go and explore. And here.” Henry handed them some money. Both the girls looked at him confused. “I think you two might get hungry. So use that to buy whatever! I’ll let you eat Junk food this one time.” Henry said.
Y/n and Ruby’s faces lit up. Since their new father is a age art surgeon, he doesn’t let them eat too much sugar. The frappechinos at the airport were the only sugary thing they’ve eaten all week. Nonetheless, junk food was never aloud at their house, so they were lucky today! Even though Ruby doesn’t exactly have a heart, she still listens to her adoptive father to show respect.
”Thanks!” They both said together. Henry chuckled as Y/n and Ruby started to leave the kitchen and out the front door.
”DON’T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR PHONES!” Henry yelled at them.
”OK!” Ruby yelled back at him while they both headed down the street. “Where to first?” Ruby asked Y/n.
”Let’s head down to the boardwalk. That’s the only place by the beach that actually has things to look at. Unless you wanna look at peoples houses.” Y/n joked and Ruby laughed.
”Okay! Off to the boardwalk!” Ruby said rather loudly running down the street.
”Wait! Ruby a car could be coming!” Y/n said following Ruby trying to catch up with her.
Once Y/n caught up with Ruby, they chatted for a bit and came close to the beach. Once they walked across the street, they were in front of a donut shop.
”Big Donut. Huh” Y/n said aloud with her hand on her chin. Now that’s a creative name isn’t it?” Y/n joked again.
”Ha! Wanna go inside? We’ve got money and I would really like to eat one! We haven’t ate one of these in months!” Ruby said excitedly.
Y/n and Ruby loved donuts, even if it made them feel sick after. Donuts was a food source for Y/n when she was little. Her caretakers after had donuts with them so she took a couple every time she was hungry. Ruby wanted to try some too. Ever since that day, they both loved donuts. But they haven’t ate any since they were back at the adoption center.
Y/n and Ruby walked into the shop and the door gave a little ding. Standing at the counter was a short girl and a boy. The girl had medium blond hair. The boy had brownish orange hair with big earring holes cut out in his ears. Both were wearing a blue shirt with a donut on it.
Y/n and Ruby both walked up to the counter to place their orders. “Hello welcome to the big donut.” The girl said. She looked at you both and gave a confused face. “ I’ve never seen you two here before. Are you a friend of Steven’s? “ She asked.
”No we haven’t met him yet. Why do you think we are?” Y/n asked curiously.
”Oh it’s because she looks like one of the gems.” She said pointing at Ruby. Gems?! So they are like her. This makes Y/n and Ruby even more curious than before.
” She is a gem, but she’s never met them yet.” Y/n responded. “ Can I have that donut please?” Y/n said pointing at a F/D.
“Yes. I’m Sadie by the way” She said while putting a donut into a bag. “Do you want one too?” She asked Ruby .
”Yes please. I’ll take that one.” She pointed at a strawberry glazed donut.
”Ok here you go.” She handed them their donuts. “That’ll be 6.78” she said and the girls gave her money. “Wait. I didn’t catch you names.” 
“I’m Y/n and that’s Ruby. We just moved here.” Y/n said taking a bite of her donut. 
“Nice to meet you you two hope we can meet up la-“ she was cut off by the boy.
”Jeez. Could you two hurry up? Your holding up the line!” The boy said pointing behind him. There was a line of people who didn’t look to happy.
”Oh yeah sorry we’ll leave now. It was nice meeting you Sadie . See you later. “ Y/n said walking out of the shop with Ruby. “ Well that was embarrassing “ she said walking further down the boardwalk.
Ruby chuckled “ Hehe, yeah it was wasn’t it? Hey! I’ve never seen you speak to someone like that before.”
”Yeah I don’t know why but I felt like i can trust her you know?” Y/n questioned not only Ruby but herself.
”Nope!” Ruby said with an innocent grin on her face. Y/n chuckled at the scene.
Both girls wondered down the boardwalk more and saw many shops. They decided that they should sit in a nearby bench and finish eating their donuts. 
“You wanna check out the other buildings here?” Ruby asked taking the last bite of her donut.
”No, we can do that another time. We aren’t gonna buy something from every shop. Plus, we shouldn’t just introduce ourselves to everyone.” Y/n said wiping her hands on her pants.” We still need to get back home too. We’ll just me I guess. Your gonna go meet the other gems soon right?” Y/n asked.
”Yep! Oh speaking of which, it’s already almost 4:00. You should head back and get ready with your new friends!” Ruby said.
”Yeah…new friends.” Y/n said in a not so excited voice.
”It’ll be okay. And if you feel uncomfortable, then just text me and I’ll make up an excuse of why you can’t be there.” Ruby stated with a shrug and got off her seat.
” Okay. I think I can do that. The same goes for you though. If you don’t wanna talk to those gems anymore. Text me too k? Y/n said holding out her fist.
”k” Ruby replied back and did a fist bump with Y/n. “I’m gonna head off now” Ruby told Y/n
”Do you know where your going? “ Y/n asked.
”I’ll just ask one of the employees or citizens here. You go home and don’t worry about little me.” Ruby brushed Y/n away.
”If you say so. Don’t forget to check your phone. I’m serious. I will find you.” And that was the last thing Ruby heard from Y/n after she walked away down the boardwalk.
Ruby wasn’t going to lie, she felt a bit scared going to meet new people without Y/n . Sure , Ruby had been on earth for most of her life, but she still isn’t that great when it comes to meeting them.
Ruby went to a fry shop. There was a young boy behind the counter with blond hair that looked like fries. Ruby approached him with a smile.
”Hi there! I’m Ruby and I’m wondering where I can find the home of Steven?” Ruby asked the boy, standing on her tippy toes. 
“Oh hi. I’m Petey, and Stevens house is right around the corner of the beach.” He said pointing at the side of the beach with a cliff near it. “ It’s a beach house and the only actual house on the beach. It shouldn’t be hard to miss.” 
“Okay. Thanks and nice to meet you “ Ruby yelled running over to the beach. She was excited. She hasn’t met another gem in years, nonetheless other gems rather than other Ruby soldiers. The only problem was, she didn’t know what she was about to get herself into.
Steven was currently lying on his bed, doing absolutely nothing. After the events with Lapis draining the whole ocean and his dad faking his broken leg, he needed a break. Luckily, there were no missions to go on with the gems so he can sit back and relax. 
Pearl and Amethyst were squabbling about something on the couch. Like always. And Garnet was just leaning on the counter listening to Pearl and Amethyst fight. Steven let out a loud sigh and sat up.
“Pearl. Amethyst. Stop fighting your bothering Steven.” Garnet said in her usual monotone voice.
“No it’s not them. It’s Lapis . She caused so much damage and just left.” Steven said rather sadly.
”Steven, it will be alright. You did the right thing. But we cannot worry about her any much longer. We must focus on what needs to be done to protect humanity.” Pearl said trying to cheer up Steven. 
“Yeah Ste-man. Don’t worry about water girl. We got this under control.” Amethyst shrugged and Pearl had an irritated face on .
”Yeah. I think you guys might be right. Thanks.” Steven said looking at the gems.
”No problem.” Garnet said with a straight face.
Their chat was soon interrupted by a knock on the door. 
“Hello” Ruby said through the glass door.
The gems were silent for a minute, before opening the glass door harshly. Luckily, Ruby moved out of the way just before it hit her.
” Hi I’m Ru-“ She was cut off with a sharp whip to her face.” Owww! Hey what are y-“ once again, she was cut off. But this time she was thrown all the way down the stairs onto the sand.” Uhhh” Ruby groaned on impact.
”It’s a Ruby soldier from Homeworld!” Garnet said summoning her fists. “ Get her!” Garnet yelled at Pearl and Amethyst while they were all jumping down from the deck. Steven was still by the front door, watching the battle below him.
”Guys wait ! She may not be bad!” Steven tried to tell them while running down the stairs.
”Stay out of this Steven ! You don’t know what she’s capable of!” Pearl said with her spear in hand.
Ruby got up and tried to run off, but Ametugit in front of her and tied her to her whip. “ AHHHHH!! Let. Me . Go!” Ruby said as she struggled to get loose from the whip.
”Yeah, no!” Amethyst said as she managed to throw Ruby far.
”AHHHH!” Ruby screamed as she fell on the floor once again. Ruby got up and hid behind a near by rock while she can hear the foot steps of the larger gem. She took her phone out of her gem, and started to text Y/n. But before she could send anything, Garnet came and grabbed her phone, crushing it in the process. She knew that she was doomed now.
Y/n was done packing up her supplies. She was still terrified to go, but she wanted Ruby to have a chance at meeting people just like her. Speaking of Ruby, Y/n hasn’t got a single text from her yet. She grabbed her phone and opened the messages app. 
You: hey just checking up on u.
You: u ok? why aren’t I answering me?
Still no response . This started to worry Y/n a lot. She opened her phone tracking app and looked at Ruby’s profile. It was disconnected. That really scared Y/n. She feared that Ruby was gone or hurt. She immediately got up and ran out of the house.
”Y/n?! Where are you going?!” Henry yelled as she ran out the front door. She didn’t care if she would be lectured later by Henry. The only thing she cared about right now was to find her best friend . She ran ran down the road ignoring all the honking and people screaming at her to get out of the way.
She soon came upon the boardwalk and dashed down it, stopping to ask a question.
”WHERES……STEVEN’S……HOUSE!!!” She said between pants to Petey. 
“Uhhh, right around the corner ma’am?” Petey said slightly weirded out by the fact a girl was practically screaming in his face.
Without a thank you, she ran down the beach, only to slow down to catch her breath a little.
Ruby was struggling to stay up. She kept getting attacked over and over again, she didn’t want to fight anymore.
”UHHH! Why isn’t she poofing!!!!” Amethyst said angrily.
”She’s a Ruby, they are meant to be body guards and take hits like this.” Pearl said holding up her spear. 
“She can’t stay like this forever. We’ll get her soon” Garnet said walking over to Ruby once again.
”Guys stop! You don’t know if she’s still with homeworld!” Steven said jumping in front of Ruby defensively.
”How do you know that?!” Pearl asked rather loudly.
”Because why would she not be attacking you right now? She hasn’t attacked at all! And if she had an army or some kind of weapon, wouldn’t she have already used it?” Steven asked the gems. Pearl and Amethyst seemed to think for a moment, before Garnet stepped in.
”Steven” Garnet said looking at Steven. “ I do not care. Sorry Steven , but we cannot be to sure about this”. And with one last hard hit, Ruby’s gem hit the floor, with no body around it.
Steven picked up the gem and looked at it for a bit, then said some words.
”I’m sorry Ruby, but your in a safer space now”. He said bubbling the gem, before he gets a huge punch to the face.
”OWWWW” Steven whined. The punch was so hard, Ruby’s gem fell out of the almost made bubble.
”STEVEN! I TOLD YOU THEY HAD OTHER GEM MEMBERS!!!!” Pearl screamed as she ran over to help Steven. 
“ Uhhhh, P? That’s not a gem.” Amethyst said looking in Y/n’s direction.
”Wha?” Pearl said as she turned around to see Y/n picking up the Ruby’s gem. Y/n was devastated. She couldn’t believe that her best friend was attacked, and it was her fault. She shouldn’t have left Ruby alone. She should’ve went with her. But right now was not the time to grieve over her friend, she had bigger problems to deal with.
Y/n looked down at the gem and put it in her pocket, then looked up at Steven and the gems with pure anger in her eyes. That did frighten Steven , and even Pearl a bit. She had never seen any human with such hatred on their eyes.
”E-Excuse me? I need to take that-“ Steven said walking over to Y/n, to earn another punch in the face. This time he was punched in the nose, which was bleeding.
”STEVEN!” Pearl and Amethyst yelled together getting their weapons back out. Garnet walked up to Y/n without her weapon. Then she just picked up Y/n by the shirt.
”Give her to us.” Garnet said in her monotone voice. She was trying to be more intimidating to scare the floors into giving up the gem, but that was not happening anytime soon.
”NO!” Y/n yelled at Garnet. Garnet only tightened her grip on the girls shirt.
”Give her to-“ Garnet was cut off with a pinch to her face, making her drop the girl.
”GARNET!” Steven yelled to her. Her shades fell off and it showed three very angry eyes.
”What the?” Y/n mumbled to herself. Then she remembered why she was here right now. She got up from the ground , but quickly got pulled by Garnet, holding her up in the air again.
” I will give you one more chance before we force it out of your grasp” Garnet said with and angered tone.
”I don’t care! You can kill me if you have to! Just don’t hurt my sister!” Y/n yelled at the tall gem. 
“Sister?” Steven said to himself, then he realized something. “Wait Garnet! Put her down! “ Steven yelled at her as he ran over to her leg. “You know Ruby?” Steven asked Y/n . “ H-How long?” 
“Ten years.” Once Garnet heard that , she dropped the girl to the ground. Steven rushed to Y/n’s side.
”Are you okay! Wow you really lived with another gem? How did you guys meet? Are you two new here? Wanna be friends? Oh let me help you up-“ Steven asked a bunch of questions. When he tried to help Y/n up, she slapped his hand away and got up herself. Steven was confused for a moment, but then saw the anger in her eyes.
Y/n was still pissed. She couldn’t believe that this kid wanted to be friends with her, right after his friends attacked her and her best friend.
”Friend’s? With you? Never.” Y/n snarled at Steven. Steven was taken back by the comment. 
“ Sorry , we just didn’t know if we could trust he-“ he was cut off by Y/n, luckily not a punch this time.
”Trust her?! So you brutally beat her up until her form was gone?!!!” Y/n yelled at Steven.
” I don’t think you understand! We are the Crystal gems. We protect life on earth and-“ Pearl stated to the angry human. 
“Protect life on earth? It doesn’t seem like you “protect life on earth” . Your doing a pretty horrible job at it!” Y/n yelled at Pearl. Pearl looked frustrated and was about to speak up until Garnet stopped her.
” I’m leaving. I don’t want to be here with the” Crystal gems protectors of earth “ . Hope you have a horrible rest of you life.” Y/n said as she walked away from the gems. “ I knew it was a bad idea to move here” Y/n said to herself, but she didn’t know that the gems could still hear her. 
Steven looked really upset, like he was punched in the heart. Well, he was punched, just not in the heart. 
“Some nerve that human has! Coming here to just barge in on our duties!” Pearl yelled angrily as she walked back to the temple. 
“Yeesh I know. At least it’s finally over now.” Amethyst said as she walked with her arms behind her head up to the temple as well.
”Steven just stood there devastated. He thought he could get along with someone new, but didn’t think he would loose two potential friends. Garnet saw the sadness on his face, she made her way over to Steven.
”Don’t worry Steven , she’ll get over it soon. And then maybe you can become good friends.” Garnet reassured him.
”Okay, thanks Garnet”. Steven said with a smile.
”Hmmm. No problem “ Garnet said with a slight smile adjusting her shades. She started up the stairs and Steven followed after her. Steven was excited to see Y/n and Ruby again , even if Y/n beat him up pretty badly, he k ew that everything will turn out okay. That’s what he thought at least. 
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stevenuniversexreader · 9 months
helloo , could you possibly do y, k, and L for lapis ? tysm !!
Character- Lapis Lazuli
Letters- Y, K, L
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Y-Yelling at each other
-in a relationship with her, expect a lot of arguments and yelling.
-due to her trauma, she is more likely to get angry or stressed and lash out so be careful on what you say to her.
-she doesn’t mean it she just gets so stressed and can’t handle the situation.
-when she does you don’t yell back, most of the time, to prevent a large argument. when you do fight back then it gets bad, like real bad.
-you two will be yelling for a very long time unless one of you two decide to stop and apologize, or say something so insulting the other person stops.
-which is usually where you come in, she tends to do that to you when you two fight. When she realizes she hurt you bad, to the point where you’re actually really upset, she won’t forgive herself and she’ll be apologizing to you to the best of her abilities.
-This definitely took her a little while, she show any sort of physical affection.
-she wasn’t very comfortable with it at first and didn’t even know how to do it, but she wanted to try it for you
-you let her take as much time as she needed though, and she liked the first time you tow kissed
-it wasn’t on the lips of course since she wasn’t ready for that, but it was on the forehead and he lived it.
-so she started to kiss you on the forehead more often. She likes kissing your face more than your lips
L-Lounging around on a Lazy Day
-doesn’t she do this all the time with peridot when there’s not some large gem problem?
-But with you it’s more fun. Unlike peridot, lapis can just snuggle you and Lena on you without your consent (hopefully) which brings her a lot of comfort
-You two usually tend to watch Camp Pining Hearts together since she really likes it, though you try to get her into some other shows and movies
-She ll say that she doesn’t think their that great, though she won’t admit that their good movies and shows since she’s stubborn
-Sometimes you two will read together or just hold and snuggle each other in her hammock or at your house
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
I didn’t realize Vega was into aliens, now I’m imagining her watching X-Files with Sora and going out to investigate UFOs
That would be so cute!!!
If there's anyone wondering why I chose aliens for Vega's special interest btw, it's because the inspirations for her design and personality are all a bunch of aliens; Stitch from Lilo and Stitch and Spinel and Peridot from Steven Universe
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thedeerman · 29 days
ummm someone tell me why listening to system/BOOT PearlFinal (3) from the SU Movie just gave me the wildest fucking Hazbin AU concept (this is fucking long pls forgive me)
So- Steven Universe Movie x Hazbin Hotel. All of them have just had their memories wiped, their 'default' personalities reset, and not having any idea who they once were. you get to really see what each character would have been like had they not faced whatever horrible thing landed them in Hell to begin with.
Going through that song in particular made me really think, guys. Hear me out.
Lucifer is Rose/Pink in this, so he wouldn't really be there.
Obv Charlie takes her rightful place as Steven, as she is literally, in almost all fucking ways, Adult Demon Steven Universe. Take out the aliens and add in the bible and you got Charlie Morningstar
Lilith is Pearl- She fell in love with the angel that took a liking to her, dedicating everything about her existence to Lucifer. Even when it came to giving up everything, she did it for him. Reset, she's just as dedicated but has no one to give that dedication to. Until...
Yes, ALASTOR HAS TO BE GREG. Lilith may have come from Eden with Lucifer, by his side from the very beginning, but after all those years, I never thought I'd lose... Also, the whole 'pearl latching on to greg as her new diamond' thing makes that EXTRA hilarious. Charlie's gonna be all "Mom, don't you recognize them? Don't you recognize me?" Lilith's overly helpful ass is gonna be like "Hmmmm... Well I certainly recognize my Um Radio Demon!" And Al just, "...Oh boy."
Angel is Ruby, even if he hadn't been raised in the mafia, I'd like to think that Angel would be a solid badass mf either way, dedicated to protecting what he cares about.
Husk is Sapphire, ever think that maybe the reason the oddly wise bartender always seems to know everything isn't because he's a bartender? Uh oh, secret's out, Husky. (not to mention the idea of Huskerdust 'isn't it love' is killing me)
Niffty is Amethyst- except an amethyst is big, and strong... this one is not the best example, something is clearly wrong! (im sorry i have no self control). anyway yall can't tell me that cute little reset 'who am i? whats going on? idk, lemme just copy this guy over here' Niffty wouldn't be the best fucking thing
Now, I don't think it even needs saying that Sir Pentious needs to be Peridot, if you show me both of their pictures I will say 'that's the same picture'
And that means Cherri takes her role as Lapis, which I fuckin adore
As much as I'd like to make Vaggie be Connie, Connie is entirely absent the whole movie lmao and I also think that Bismuth is a damn good gem for Vaggie anyway. Bold, determined, has a deadly hatred of the place she came from and will do anything to defend her new home (gay as shit)
And for spinel, I'm not 100% sure. I'm thinking it could be an adamsapple situation where Adam was left in Eden, forever waiting for Lucifer to return despite the fact that he's essentially dead to the rest of Heaven. once he finds out about Lucifer having made a life for himself in Hell, he goes to take out his jealousy on Charlie and the others. and when he's reset he goes back to a silly, fun loving innocent guy that wants nothing but to make others happy.
Uhhhh oops that got long, im Very Normal about these two shows, guys. i swear.
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fireopal-tash · 10 months
Me! Ready for Winter! ❄️🧣
Click the image for better quality UwU
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Hi, everyone!
Can't say my name in real life, but I sure can call myself a fake name. You all know me by Fire Opal tash, or just Fire or Opal!
I know, I know, not exactly the best "meet the artist" 🎨 but it'll have to do haha
*** Any questions for me about me and what I do (but no requests), please, write it here! It would be so much easier for me ^w^
Anyway, I guess it's time to say what I like/don't like, etc, right? 🤔
What I like ✅
🧡 COLOR: Orange, Red, Yellow and Black!
🐯 ANIMALS: Tigers, Snakes and Dragons! xP
🎬 SHOWS/MOVIES: Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Leverage, Bones, Criminal Minds, Doctor Who, House, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Pokémon, Detective Conan, etc!
🎵 MUSIC: Anything that isn't heavy metal, to be honest ^w^' I just feel like it's more noise than music (sorry for those who do like it)
🍦 FOOD: Pizza, Chocolate, Ice-cream xP
💐 FLOWERS: Poppies (red ones), Sunflower, Roses, forget me not, etc
🍁 SEASON: Autumn and Winter UwU
♐ ZODIAC SIGN: I'm Sagittarius! (for those interested!)
What I don't like ❌
🐜 Ants 😫
💥 Bullies/Violence 😤
🥦 Vegetables and Fish (sorry not sorry)
💄 Wearing makeup
🏙️ I don't like going out that much... The outside world and the people drain me 😭
💭 I hate don't being able to remember...
🧟‍♂️ Zombie movies/TV shows. I find them repetitive and boring 😅
Now... What else?
▫️I'm from Spain! 🇪🇸
▫️I won't say my age cause I don't trust anyone ;3
▫️I'm blonde, as the drawing indicates xP
▫️I usually prefer to wear comfy outfits, mostly in blacks. Although... I do prefer jeans over any type of pants. And always with black shoes!
▫️I have two dogs. One is a Shiba Inu, called Uzzi; and the other is White Westie, called Uri
▫️I'm both a writer and an artist, but mostly an artist!
▫️Favourite Ship? Stevinel all the way! But that doesn't mean I don't like others, of course!
-> I like Ruby x Sapphire, Amethyst x Pearl, Peridot x Lapis, Connie x Steven, Greg x Rose. You know, the usual xD
-> But I also like Jasper x Peridot, Jasper x Pearl, Jasper x Lapis, Garnet x Pearl x Amethyst, Pearl x Bismuth, Pearl x Peridot, Pearl x Lapis, Pearl x Rose, Spinel x Volleyball/Pink Pearl... Etcetera.
And that's only from Steven Universe!
From Gravity Falls I like:
-> Bill x Dipper (I was a kid, what can I say xD)
-> Dipper x Pacifica
-> Mabel x Pacifica (really like this one)
From Doctor Who:
-> Rose x Doctor (any of them) FOREVER!
-> Jack x flirting xD
From Harry Potter:
-> Harry Potter x Tom/Voldemort (again, I was a kid xD)
-> Ron x Hermione
-> Ginny x Harry (not much tho, sorry)
-> Remus x Sirius
-> Remus x Tonks (not much)
From anything Mario:
-> Luigi x Bowser
-> Daisy x Luigi
-> Mario x Peach
I think I know what I like in a ship... Human x not human (joke no joke!) 😮
And many, many others. I'm quite okay with most ships, although there's for sure some that I wouldn't be able to like at all.
Anyway, that's all for now! Ciao ciao! 👋🏻👋🏻
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