#Peter Pan Speedrock
boombatze · 5 months
Bilder von den SUPERSUCKERS im Museumskeller
Der gute Peter hatte seine Knipse dabei & ein paar schöne Bildchen von den Supersuckers & Sidebürns im Museumkeller Erfurt geschossen!
Eeeeh, der gute Peter aka sincitypics hatte am Ostersonntag seine Knipse dabei und ein paar schöne Bildchen von den Supersuckers & Sidebürns im Museumkeller geschossen! 1000 Dank dafür! Außerdem natürlich Danke an Isi, Achim & Ramon vom Museumskeller, Schluppi für den Ton, Rosi für die Fahrerei sowie Heiki & Nico für die ganze Orga vor Ort. Ach und natürlich auch Danke an alle Gäste*innen!😍
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headlinerportugal · 10 months
[Exclusivo para Portugal] Helldorado: o El Dorado da música rock, punk e metal | Reportagem Fotográfica
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Guillermo Izquierdo dos Angelus Apatrida | mais fotos clicar aqui O parceiro do headLiner João Machado, para a área fotográfica, teve acesso pela primeira vez ao festival Helldorado. Realizou-se no passado dia 18 de novembro no Klokgebouw na cidade de Eindhoven. Este local é um edifício em que no rés-do-chão existem uns armazéns enormes. São instalados palcos em três armazéns: Lion Stage, Cobra Stage e Tarantula Stage.
Neste El Dorado da música rock, punk e metal tocaram, ao todo, 20 bandas. Apenas uma delas é mais conhecida pelos portugueses, já têm por cá alguns fãs e atuaram com muito sucesso recentemente no nosso país. Falamos do trio belga Brutus. Eles atuaram no Hard Club no Porto a 9 de outubro e no LAV em Lisboa a 10 de outubro.
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Stefanie Mannaerts a baterista e vocalista dos Brutus | mais fotos clicar aqui Das restantes bandas presentes destacamos os neerlandeses An Evening With Knives; os espanhóis Angelus Apatrida; os belgas Psychonaut; os norte-americanos Prong; os noruegueses Blood Command; os britânicos Bad Nerves; os norte-americanos Death Angel; os britânicos Carcass; os neerlandeses Peter Pan Speedrock; os norte-americanos Life Of Agony e os noruegueses Gluecifer.
Estas bandas todas foram captadas pela lente do João. Aproveitamos agora a ocasião para dar-vos a conhecer um pouco melhor 4 delas: Blood Command, Bad Nerves, Peter Pan Speedrock e Life Of Agony.
Começamos estas apresentações pelo quinteto Blood Command, banda norueguesa oriunda de Bergen e identificam-se como punk rock e deathpop. São liderados pela irreverente vocalista Nikki Brumen. Existem desde 2008, já editaram 5 álbuns e 4 EPs. São conhecidos pelas suas atuações frescas e vibrantes.
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Nikki Brumen a vocalista dos Blood Command | mais fotos clicar aqui Quem também percorre os caminhos do punk rock são os britânicos Bad Nerves. Este quinteto oriundo de Essex do leste de Londres são uma das s mais recentes sensações do punk-rock do Reino Unido. Eles que prestam tributo a bandas lendárias como os Sex Pistols e The Clash. A imprensa inglesa diz que são “caóticos, imprevisíveis e muitos divertidos”. Já partilharam o palco, numa tournée mundial, com os Royal Blood e estão destinados a voos bem mais proeminentes.
Não podia faltar o destaque para uma banda da casa, literalmente. Os neerlandeses Peter Pan Speedrock são de Eindhoven, cidade que acolheu o Helldorado. Atualmente são um trio e o projeto existe desde 1995. A discografia é já bastante vasta. O seu hard rock fez e continua a fazer carreira nos Países Baixos. Atualmente o trio é composto por Piet Van Elderen (vocalista e guitarrista), Bart Nederhand (bateria) e Bartman (baixo).
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Visão do palco durante a atuação dos Peter Pan Speedrock | mais fotos clicar aqui Para foco final ficaram os Life Of Agony. Esta formação de metal alternativo é originária de Brooklyn em Nova Iorque. São já veteranos com mais de 30 anos de carreira. Neste mês de novembro tocaram em vários países europeus, como por exemplo Alemanha, Suécia ou Eslováquia, na celebração dessa data com a tournée “River Runs Red”. Apelidada com o título do primeiro álbum da banda. O guitarrista Joey Z, o baixista Alan Robert e a baterista Veronica Bellino foram os elementos de serviço neste festival.
Em 2024 o evento Helldorado regressará a 16 de novembro e terá, com toda a certeza, lotação esgotada como sucedeu na edição deste ano.
Reportagem fotográfica completa: Clicar Aqui
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Ambiente sempre efervescente no Helldorado | mais fotos clicar aqui Texto: Edgar Silva Fotografia: João Machado
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doomedandstoned · 1 year
Dutch Duo TankZilla Turn Loose New Banger "Mutant Freak"
  ~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~  
We're rolling out a solid stomper this midweek, as Eindoven lightning rod TANKZILLA issue the third single from their forthcoming self-titled debut on Heavy Psych Sounds.
According to the band:
"Mutant Freak" is an ode to the misfits, the odd and the somewhat crazy people. Without them life would be less interesting, they give color to the planet. We say "give it up, get down, get ready for the underdog" -- the Mutant Freaks.
The music video itself is something of a freak of nature (amazingly created entirely on a Samsung Galaxy S20 phone), with various animations that made me think in equal parts of Garbage Pail Kids, Mystery Men, and The Suicide Squad. The uncanny valley in full effect, the music matches with frenetic energy, buzzsaw riffing, and ample loads of fuzz.
With hot licks and thick riffs, TankZilla is a romping, stomping good time. The album drops May 19th (pre-order). In the meanwhile, you can soak in the new music video right here.
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Satan fucked a Panzer and the offshoot is TankZilla. Or so it seems. Well, this is what really happened in the Eindhoven grit: after Peter Pan Speedrock went tits up, singer and guitar player Peter van Elderen hooked up with former Wolfskop drummer Marcin Hurkmans.
As soon as these music junkies started jamming they got on like a house on fire. It felt as if their motor skills were connected like a motherfucker with a brother from another mother. This two-headed creature wrecks like a tank and packs Godzilla-sized riffs and beats. In the same vein as Repomen, Peter's short-lived but heavier-than-thou Roadburn alumni, the tarmac grooves are scorching. TankZilla goes full-tilt boogie.
Says the band:
"As we write this, it's hard to realize the long road we’ve traveled to get to this debut full-length. We started rehearsals 5 years ago with absolutely no ambitions. We were without bands at the time, both cranking amps and slaying drums at the local rehearsal space, so it felt only natural to jam together.
"Nobody could have guessed what was about to happen, ‘cause after we decided to join forces, all hell broke loose. People were storming the rehearsal room triggered by the massive wall of sound and were shocked to discover it was just the two of us who were responsible.
"While shows were growing at a fast rate, we started finetuning the ’TankZilla sound’. It's still hard to describe, but the term ‘stoner blues swamp boogie’ got most of it covered.
"Not long after, we were invited to perform at the almighty Roadburn festival where we released our first 7-inch. Fast forwarding through the pandemic, we finished writing a dozen songs, eleven of which we captured on our first ‘serious’ recording.
"And here you have it. Recorded in Belgium, no Dutch beers involved, no fillers, no fancy stuff. Just the result of true & pure rock’n’roll style recording sessions. We are very proud to present to you our first full-length. Put it on and crank the shit up ‘cause this one goes to eleven!"
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theparanoid · 2 years
Batmobile & Peter Pan Speedrock - Cross Contamination
(2008, full split album)
[Rock & Roll, Punk, Psychobilly]
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𝗡-𝗝𝗼𝘆 𝗣𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗙𝗼𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗳𝘁 𝗱𝗲 𝗺𝘂𝘇𝗶𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗷𝗽 𝗦 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗻!
Street Art achter het Klokgebouw in Eindhoven vastgelegd. Van Fresku tot Lemmy, deze portretten rocken de scene! Benieuwd naar de kiekjes van Peter Pan Speedrock, Kovacs, Maxi Jazz, Die Antwoord en MIA? Bekijk de foto’s voor een visueel concert dat je niet wilt missen!
Tip: Bekijk de website voor meer foto's van mijn Street Art avonturen!
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peterpijls1965 · 1 year
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Afscheidsconcert Peter Pan Speedrock, de Effenaar Eindhoven.
Alleen de hort op naar de Effenaar of Kasteel Hoensbroek
Ik ging in mijn leven niet heel veel uit, maar ook graag alleen. Een keer speelde ik het klaar om in de Effenaar in Eindhoven een concert bij te wonen en tot sluitingstijd met niemand te praten, behoudens een enkele bestelling in het cafe achterin. Ik vond het fantastisch, ik kreeg er een kick van.
Begrijp me goed, ik beleefde in gezelschap legendarisch leuke avonden uit, of bij mij thuis. En in de oude Effenaar, mijn favoriete concertzaal aller tijden, kon het samen met een vriend of vriendin helemaal jottem worden en blijven.
In die jaren, ik woonde tot mijn 30ste principieel nooit samen, leefde ik volgens een systeem dat ik de Wetten van Peter noemde. De eerste wet luidde Goed is Duur. De 18e Wet kon een dogma behelzen als Doe in het Buitenland nooit wat je Thuis ook niet doet. Daar kon ik me meedogenloos streng aan houden.
Niet speciaal omdat ik anders per definitie uit de band zou springen, maar vooral omdat ik thuis geen dienstdoende kabouter had die me de les las als ik volgens mezelf over de schreef ging. Dus deed ik dat zelf maar.
De Wetten van Peter functioneerden uitmuntend, vond ik. Sommigen konden me achtereenvolgens principieel vinden, ongeloofwaardig of regelrecht uit zijnde op dames scoren, maar daar was geen sprake van. Alleen kreeg ik het aan een enkeling niet uitgelegd, dus liet ik het maar zo.
De op een na beste avond alleen uit vond plaats in Kasteel Hoensbroek. Er waren erg goede dj´s, en een en ander ging door tot 7.00 uur ´s morgens. Iedereen was in de beste geesten, ik zweette terdege.
Al voor aanvang van het feest was ik in Hoensbroek door de politie aangehouden om te blazen, maar ik dronk bijna nooit bij dat soort gelegenheden, en om 7.30 ´s morgens, toen ik bij het ochtendrood naar Maastricht reed, was ik broodnuchter.
Wel hield ik me in die jaren ´s nachts soms op de been met het Amazonesapje Guarana, gewoon legaal te koop in glazen capsules bij de betere smartshop, en daar voorzag Maastricht-Wyck wel in. Denk sterke koffie met een bittertje euforie in de afdronk.
Ook tijdens dat feest in het Mijnstreekkasteel bleef ik zo goed als de hele nacht stom, al herinner ik me dat ik de circa 70-jarige beheerder van de garderobe om 5.00 ´s ochtend ongevraagd uitbundig complimenteerde met de voortreffelijke organisatie van het dj-festijn in Kasteel Hoensbroek.
Ook heel geslaagd kon het worden als ik alleen begon, zeg in mijn wat morsige stamkroegje te Wyck, en daar zwijgend een paar Trappisten met siroop nuttigde, en eindigde in een zaal waar ik toevallig tegen een vriend aanliep die net wat Hollandse kaalkopjes stond op te eten, hele milde paddo´s met een tiende van het effect van hun Mexicaanse zusterpaddo´s, die mijn inktartiest principieel niet verkoopt in zijn zaak. Misschien mag het wel niet meer van de regering, dat kan ook.
De Wetten van Peter ruilde ik he afgelopen decennium in voor een kluizenaarsbestaan met een zelfverzonnen regel die ik alle dagen van het jaar naleef. Een autoritje of een terrasbezoekje kunnen twee keer per jaar door de beugel, maar nuchter en op tijd naar bed gaan zal ik. Zelf koken is verplicht, net als maagd blijven tot het huwelijk voor nette meisjes vroeger.
Thuis uitgaan mag twee keer per jaar wel. Daarmee bedoel ik dat ik drie flesjes Orval-abdijbier koop in van die ronde flesjes of een paar blikjes Zubr-pils haal in de Poolse. Als ik maar voor middernacht naar bed ga. Dat is de laatste en beste Wet van Peter.
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kb-p2730 · 5 years
Peter Pan Speedrock - Buckle Up And Shove It! (Full Album)_2014
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sodomyordeath · 8 years
Motörhead - “Ridin' With The Driver“ from 1986s “Orgasmatron”
V8 Wankers - “Detroit Steel” from 2003s “Automotive Rampage”
Danko Jones - “Code Of The Road” from 2008s “ Never Too Loud”
Adam West - "Piece of Ass" from 2001s “Right On!“
Peter Pan Speedrock - “Crank up the everything” from 2010s “Out for Blood”
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retecool · 7 years
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Het begon de fans langzaam te dagen dat ze getrolld waren voor de reünie van Peter Pan Speedrock.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Tjeemig de peemig… daar is ie weer: Sjofels de Pofels, want hij wint de VEO van dinsdag 28 november met bovenstaand onderschrift. Niet gewonnen? Faal! Probeer het nog eens met de onderstaande foto, verzin er een onderschrift bij, plemp die in de reacties en dan is het maar wachten of je geplutst wordt. Het onderschrift met de meeste plusjes maakt je winnaar. Deel die pret met een een duimpje in onze reet of anders door van je af te Twieten.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”none”][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”none”]
Verzin Een Onderschrift 29-11-2017
Verzin Een Onderschrift 29-11-2017
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elswijktom · 7 years
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Album Cover for Kid Calloway
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rockyoushow · 2 years
BLACK RIVER "Generation aXe"
BLACK RIVER “Generation aXe”
When you put together members of BEHEMOTH, DIMMU BORGIR, VESANIA, ROOTWATER and NEOLITHIC, you’d expect something heavy and furious. The Polish powerhouse sounds more like Motörhead, Peter Pan Speedrock, Chrome Division, and The Bones… just a few. They’re playing hard aggressive Punk and Death-infused rock. The album was written and built with anger at the current conditions of the world, a…
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encyklopediakoval · 4 years
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237) BATMOBILE - klasyczna formacja wczesnego psychobilly założona w 1983 roku w holenderskim mieście Breda. Bracia Jeroen Haamers (śpiew, gitara) i Eric Haamers (kontrabas, śpiew) oraz Johnny Zuidhof (perkusja) szlifowali repertuar w klubach i pubach, łącząc klasykę rock’n’rolla i rockabilly z energią glamu i punk rocka. Już na pierwszym, świetnym, minialbumie „Batmobile” (1985) wydanym przez wytwórnię Rockhouse, pokazali siedem genialnych numerów i unikalne brzmienie. W tym czasie trafili też m.in. z wielkim hitem „Transsylvanian Express” na wydaną także w Polsce kompilację europejskiego psychobilly/rockabilly „Psycho Attack Over Europe”. Szybko ruszyli też w trasy zagraniczene, grając m.in. w słynnym Klubfoot w Londynie. Na kolejnych albumach: „Bambooland” (1987), wydanym we własenj oficynie Count Orlock, „Bail Was Set At $ 6.000.000” nagranym dla cenionej wytwórni Nervous i ozdobionym wersją „Ace Of Spades” Motörhead czy „Amazons From Outer Space” (1989) i „Sex Starved” (1990) – wydanych znów w Count Orlock, kontynuowali wypracowany styl. Na minialbumie „Batmobile Is Dynamite” (1990) zamieścili covery, a płyta „Hard Hammer Hits” (1992) wzbudziła emocje z uwagi na ocenzurowanie tylnej strony okładki ukazującej zdjęcia... hemoroidów. Rocznicę 10-lecia działaności Batmobile uczcicli wydaniem albumu „Blast From The Past, The Worst And The Best” (1993) zawierającym nowe rejestracje przebojów kapeli. Pomimo sporej popularności na świecie zespół zawiesił działalność w 2000 roku po nagraniu mniej udanego albumu „Welcome To Planet Cheese” (1997). Doczekali się wydanego w Japonii „A Tribute To Batmobile” (2001). W 2008 roku reaktywowali się i nagrali split album z grupą Peter Pan Speedrock, a ostatnio niezłą, pełną płytę „Brand New Blisters” (2017).
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
In Conversation with KOMATSU
~By Willem Verhappen~
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Photo by Patrick Spruytenburg
For the past decade or so, super massive mothersludgers KOMATSU have been crushing eardrums and bulldozing down venues all around the world. While early releases of the Eindhoven, the Netherlands based band, like their 2011 self-titled EP and 'Manu Armata' (2013 - Suburban Records), display a relentless combination of stonerized sludge that lives up to the band's name, Komatsu always kept evolving and expanding their sound.
Their latest record, 'Rose of Jericho' (2021 - Heavy Psych Records), is on the one hand a natural successor to 2018's 'A New Horizon' (Argonauta Records), but surprisingly also introduces the listener to a more rocking side of the band. I had the chance to sit down with vocalist/guitarist Mo Truijens and guitarist Mathijs Bodt and after some chit-chat, we went to talk about the new record, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and much more.
KOMATSU - Rose Of Jericho by HEAVY PSYCH SOUNDS Records
Last year, I was in contact with your bass-player, Martijn Mansvelders, and he told me you were impacted pretty bad by the corona measures.
Mathijs: Indeed. Our entire planning basically went down the drain. It started with the last bits of our recording process. We started recording during Carnaval [the end of February] at the Anker Studio in Eindhoven with Peter van Elderen (TankZilla, formerly of Peter Pan Speedrock). Things went very well and we were just at the point where we could start recording the vocals when COVID hit. Usually, there's always one of us present to oversee the process, but that wasn't allowed. After that you get into the mixing process, where usually the entire band is involved and in the studio. As you can imagine, that didn't go through.
Mo: In this case, it was mostly just me who was there. Also because we still had to do the vocals and the mixing of the vocals.
Mathijs: Right, and we got the mix-downs sent to us after which we had to write down and send in our comments. That took a bit longer than expected, but it worked out nice.But like you said, we had planned to release the record during the summer, do a Brazilian tour in September, followed by a release show, here in Eindhoven at the Effenaar. After that we were going to do a two-week tour through Europe. Initially the release show was planned for October 15th, but that got postponed until January, then early February, then the end of February, then the 12th of June, but thanks to the test events we can finally present our record, which was released in February, on the 25th of April.
Mo: What's nice is that this is certain. We don't know whether we'd be allowed to play on June 12th, but April 25th is certain. We found that we couldn't keep on postponing the date, so we decided that if we couldn't play then, there wouldn't be a release show. You can imagine that we're in a rush now with rehearsals, because we were thinking "soon", but now it's happening "very soon".
Mathijs: You have a point there. You're saying we rehearsed a bit, but we couldn't rehearse in our own rehearsal room. Even with the 1.5 meter distance and a face-mask, we weren't allowed to be in there with four people. I believe we've only had 6 rehearsals.
Mo: The good thing is that we're allowed to rehearse now, because currently we're a performing act. I've checked it with the authorities and it's allowed.
You already mentioned that Peter van Elderen produced the record. What was his influence on the process?
Mo: He has a good view on songs and regarding the vocals, while I had rough ideas, he really helped me improve them. He was a great help.
Mathijs: Of course we also have quite a history with Peter. Mo and Peter used to play in Repomen together and I used to be a roadie for Peter Pan. We know him through things like PopEI, Speedfest, Peter Pan, Repomen.
Mo: The circle is complete, so to say. And Pieter [Kloos] eventually did the mastering. It doesn't get more Eindhoven than that.
Mathijs: We recorded the previous two records with Pieter. That worked out great, but for this one, we wanted to try something different. Not because it didn't work out with Pieter, but we just wanted to try something different this time. Peter was heavily involved from the start and he joined our rehearsals and such. We recorded the record in just over a day and a half. Everything is live, with some guitar overdubs added afterwards.
Mo: We finished those overdubs just before the lock-down started, so all the music was recorded.
Mathijs: I think we spent three, three and a half days on the music, so that was a relatively quick process.
The album title, 'Rose of Jericho' (2021), is a symbol of resurrection. I can imagine that relates directly to your new sound.
Mo: Yes, there is certainly more variation and dynamics on the record.
Mathijs: The rose of Jericho, or resurrection plant, is a plant that can go without water for ten, fifteen years. When it receives water it pops back up as a flower. That concept really spoke to us, and that's why the instrumental title track has a bit of a western feel to it.
Mo: We really went for the desert atmosphere on that one. You can almost see the tumbleweed pass by during the intro. The track was originally meant to be called "Tumbleweed," but then I found out that Candybar Planet already has a song called "Tumbleweed." I still liked the desert idea, and eventually we renamed the track "Rose of Jericho."
Can we expect anything special for the release show?
Mo: We'll be playing all the tracks of the record live. In the past that wasn't always the case. I think a lot of these tracks will remain in our set. Of course we will revise our set when we're playing a real metal festival. We'll probably be playing more of our old stuff then, although the roughness is still there in the new tracks.
Mathijs: At some point you're starting to weigh your choices while writing songs. We want to be able to play them live, because we're still first and foremost a live band. That's where we really shine. This was also a period of reflection and we figured that we had fifty tracks on four records. You start listening to them in a different way and you come to the conclusion that we already have so many hard songs.
Mo: Martijn often says things like "This is a quiet song," but a quiet Komatsu song is still far from a quiet song.
Mathijs: We didn't plan on changing our style. It came together in quite an organic way, as a result of playing live, rehearsing and recording. The COVID period was also quite interesting in that regard, because Mo and I never stopped writing music, and we're currently at the point where we could start arranging songs for the next record.
'Rose of Jericho' is your first record on Heavy Psych Sounds. How did that collaboration come about?
Mo: Gabriele [Fiori] arranged a couple of tours for us, like the ones with Nick Oliveri and Duel.
Mathijs: The first tour after I joined the band was the one with Mondo Generator and he arranged the one with the Freeks, featuring Ruben Romano of Nebula and Fu Manchu. So we were already in contact and at some point we just called him.
Mo: Yeah, that was for the previous record, but for that one we ended up at Argonauta. Now we all just said, let's just do it.
Mathijs: It's really cool to be part of a roster like that, to be part of such a stoner family. Gabriele, one of the two people running HPS, also plays in Black Rainbows and to see how involved in the scene he is and what he does for the scene, to be a part of that is just amazing. We already had the connection through the stages we shared and the tours he arranged for us and this is just the next step. It's not the most logical step, but try and find a label where we perfectly fit in with our distinctive sound.
Mo: When we write music, we don't try to fit in the stoner, the metal, or whatever group. We just make the music we like. We don't have any rules from ourselves, telling us what we can and can't do.
Mathijs: In the end we just make the music the four band members like to make.
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Photo by Patrick Spruytenburg
About that, what are your main influences?
Mo: The Melvins is a favorite of mine, especially their quirkiness. Of course there's a lot of stoner bands, but my roots are within 80's hardcore punk music. Due to the whole COVID thing I started collecting records again. I bought a new record player and now I'm searching Discogs for vinyl of records I used to love and used to have on cassette.
Mathijs: I think that I'm the biggest metalhead in the band. You [Mo] are the punk rocker, Martijn is the new-waver, even though he's also into old school hip-hop, and Jos [Roosen, drums]is a Tool fan and he used to play in Dreadlock Pussy. He and I went to the 25th anniversary show of Machine Head's 'Burn My Eyes' together. He's into that as well. He's also really into metal, but also bands like Helmet. I have quite a broad taste. I'm really into Cannibal Corpse, but I also like the Melvins. I actually met Mo at a Melvins show and a week later I got a call on whether I would like to join his band. The Black Sabbath influence is also clearly present on Rose of Jericho. That first riff is basically a Sabbath riff.
Mo: Sabbath is the mother of all metal bands. I saw Blue Cheer live at Roadburn once. It's slightly different, but from the same period, I think. Absolutely brilliant. They did an interview for the Top-2000 once, where they were still living in a house together, blowing and making music.
Mathijs: I also really like those genre-crossing bands, like High on Fire. They're metal, but also have stoner elements, together with some psych and some rock.
Mo: When I used to play in punk bands, there were set rules, but now I can do whatever I like.
Last question, did you guys discover any new music you're really into?
Mo: Absolutely, they've been around for a while already, but I recently discovered Helms Alee. They're a man and two women and they all sing. When they sing together it's just amazing. Mathijs also got me into Made Out of Babies, featuring Julie Christmas. I'm usually not a fan of female singers, but this is something else.
Mathijs: Yeah, I showed you the record she did with Cult of Luna. That's such an amazing record. Recently I've been listening a lot to a Finnish band called Oranssi Pazuzu, especially their latest record 'Mestarin kynsi'. There are so many different elements in there, it's really cool.
Mo: Recently I bought two Floor records. They've got three records, one that sounds like shit and two that are amazing. I got those on vinyl.
Mathijs: I'm also looking forward to the new Mastodon record. They made a record with the guy who produced the best Tool records and they say it will be far more sludgey, slow and doomy than their previous works.
The curfew is rapidly approaching, so I think it's time to wrap up. Thank you for this interview.
Mo: Thank you and see you later. Maybe later tonight in prison if we don't hurry up.
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theparanoid · 7 months
Peter Pan Speedrock / Zeke - Peter Pan Speedrock / Zeke
(2005, full split EP)
[Punk Rock, Hard Rock]
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xerxession · 7 years
https://youtu.be/0V6vc2FNqL0 PETER PAN SPEEDROCK - WE WANT BLOOD
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wildwechselmagazin · 5 years
Skate Rock Bash in Marburg: DIY Festival
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Wieder einiges geplant beim Skate Rock Bash in Marburg, vier Bands, Skate-Contest und mehr! | Archivfoto (c) Pixabay Am 27. Juli wird Marburg gerockt. Hier kommt nämlich Skate Rock Bash zurück in die City und bringt ein DIY-Festival mit. Der Skateboardpark am Georg-Gaßmann-Stadion wir zum Festivalgelände. Zum diesjährigen Skate-Event kann man sich wieder auf gute Rockmusik gefasst machen. Natürlich wird auch geskatet. Es gibt wieder einen Skate-Contest, eine Skate-Session und einen Best Trick Jam. Der Skate Rock Bash findet dieses Jahr schon zum fünften mal statt und wird auch dieses Jahr wieder Treffpunkt der Skate- und Musikszene. Vorort gibt es Barbecue zur Stärkung.
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Call It Tragedy Für das Musikprogramm gibt es auch diesmal wieder vier regional und überregional bekannte Bands. Im Line-Up stehen Watch me Rise, Fuel'n'Stuff, Yart und Call It Tragedy. Die Frankfurter Watch Me Rise bringen Post-Hardcore, Emotional-Hardcore und Emo-Punk. Sie Sind bei der DIY Plattenfirma unter Vertrag. Ihre erste EP "Of Anxious Minds and Sleepless Nights" haben sie Ende 2018 rausgebracht. Sie beschreiben ihre Musik selbst als "Sad songs for sad people".
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Watch Me Rise Fuel'n'Stuff kommt aus der nähe von Marburg aus Buchenau. Sie spielen Speed Rock'n'Roll, bringen aber auch Elemente von Metal, Punk, Hardrock und Hardcore in ihre Musik mit ein. Sie wurden beeinflusst von Größen wie AC/DC, Motörhead, Peter Pan Speedrock, Gluecifer, Judas Priest und NWOBHM. Yart ist eine Post Hardcore und Stoner Rock Band. Auch sie sind aus Hessen. Genauso wie die letzte Band Call it Tragedy, die sich als Post Hardcore und Metalcore Band einordnen lassen. Ihr erstes Album "Penumbra" kam 2016 raus und Ende 2018 wurde ihre neue Single "Immortal", als Vorgeschmack für das noch zu erwartende Album, veröffentlicht. Der Eintritt zum Skate Rock Bash ist kostenlos und die Veranstaltung wird von der Universitätsstadt Marburg unterstützt. » 27.07.2019, Skate Rock Bash, Georg-Gaßmann-Stadion, Marburg » Facebookseite vom Skate Rock Bash » alle Termine in Marburg Read the full article
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