#Petra Headcanons
dors-ee · 11 months
Headcanons Petra! (Petra Ral from AOT)
Hi! Here is a list of headcanons about Petra! I'm never going to write about those (no time, want, skills) but I feel the urge to put them out so here they are (they're about Petra mainly, but ships are mentioned. I also have HC about the other members of the squad, but not here. this is long enough already haha.) :
1. I see her as someone anxious in general (with an anxiety disorder eventually) and struggling a lot with the idea of being loved for herself. She is the team player, she is there for other and valued about what she can bring to them. What she can do. But then it poses the question : "can I be loved for myself? and not what I can bring people?" I think that even if she is popular she does really struggle with this, people and being friendly. And loved. (And if she survives after the war there'd be a big identity crisis : is she truly who she is or was it forced upon her by the situation? Does she even want to be that teamplayer/people person. Dedicated fully to helping others to the point of losing herself in the process? Does she has a right to not want it/fell comfortable in it. More on the next HC.)
2. If she survived she would have left after the war to travel and help rebuild. It took her years to come, if she came back at all. (In my old rivetra verse she comes back... or she did at first. Now I don't know.). I think the special situation, and who she is as a person, would lead to some complexe psychological stuff. They go from people that dedicated their lives to humanity, basically giving their whole, existing by and through others to... well. freedom. And the country that you know: committed a genocide. And Petra for me is someone that herself would have an identity crisis, and guilt. Who is she? She always was the team player, the people person, the glue of the teams she was on. She was dedicated. Total abnegation.
So now it poses the question: is she truly like that? Is it truly her... does she want it to be her?
But, there's also guilt, a feeling of obligation  maybe. Yes it wasn't her fault, or evene those of most of thr civilians, but still! The world is destroyed. Does she has a right? to be free? To ask those questions about herself? and contemplate the idea to stop, stop giving, stop helping, and take care of herself? doesn't she has a moral obligation to help rebuild?
Does she has a right to not be helping others?
I think there's also trauma, and that's what she's known her whole life : belonging to a higher cause. Existing by and through it.
So yeah. Trauma, guilt, identity crisis. She leaves, to go helping.
3. She is not dedicated to Levi himself but humanity. And Levi is the hope for it, so she follows him as a symbol, but not him as a man. He is just a man. And she is independant.
But I do see her as someone passionate that does need to dedicate herself, get her whole being into something. Like well humanity, or in modern days I see her as a ballerina, or other professions like that that just take you whole.
She needs to belong to something, she has a lot of passion and needs to get it out. But it's a dedication to something, not someone, whatever her ship is.
4. I like her better unattached. Or with women/afab people.
(Also, I used to think Petra might get a kid or two but now I don't really see her with kids at all. 🤔 She is maternal yeah, but I don't see her having her own, or like wanting her own. I actually wrote in the lantern festival some kid thing, but I really changed my mind since then. 🤔 Changed my mind about a lot of things.)
5. She's a good leader. She could have her own squad. She's actually Levi's true second in command I think.
6. She doesn't actually have "a temper". She is calm and mature. But yeah, she can get defensive and assertive and a bit impulsive. But she doesn't "have a temper". She stands her ground and she cares about things and people, she is a passionate person. But she doesn't have a temper. She is patient. And more of a reserved, calm, silent person, observative too. Very observative actually.
(for me, those are my personal HC! and nothing wrong with having a temper. I'm pretty impulsive myself.)
7. Being the team player actually means a lot in terms of skills. It means that one is very observant, but also very reactive and very very adaptable. Lots of very. They don't just have to insert themselves in situations, they have to do it well, and in adequation with the situation and the person they are helping. All of that in urgent situations with very little time to see and decide and act. They also have to know when they are needed exactly, be able to insert themselves, so they need to see where and how they can act but also communicate it to not surprise the other person.
It also means thinking on the spot, very quickly. Then, eventually switching everything in an instant.
So it's also being adaptable and reactive.
So yeah.
Lots of skills with that position. (haven't listed them all I think. Really a lot of skills, when you think about it.)
8. Not a HC but canon I believe, but she loves sweets.
9. Her mother died when she was young. Her father was absent for a while, emotionally I mean, and let her deal with herself, a bit Like Riza in FMA. But contrary to Riza he was never abusive, and he came back. +In FMA it was never said if he always was like that or not I believe. Petra's father was very loving. He just withdrew emotionally because of grief, and I imagine fell into depression. They never talk about it.
10. Her mother was working in wall Mitras, military police. But they lived in a village in a rural, forest, area.
11. In modernAU/our world AU she is scottish
12. modern AU, our world or SNK, she is a ballerina. It just fits her so well I think. The feminine delicate looking, being but also being incredibly strong and determined and disciplined. Also soulful, sensitive bc art, and giving her whole to something. There was more about that but I wrote this so long ago, right now it doesn't come to my mind. but Yeah, that duality inherent to ballet and ballerinas and Petra herself. Also I don't know, it just fits her. I had more to say about this topic that will forever be lost to the bottomless depths of my memory. Lots of things lost there.
14. She had a few dalliance with other women when in training and her first years in the corps.
15. She is around 26/27 when she dies.
16. She loves movement. She just loves moving, that's a part of her. And as sensitive and emotional and soulful as she is, she expresses herself through movement, not words. But she loves to read. She is someone of movements and actions.
17. Don't ask why but I now ship her with Viktor from Tua. Or Hanpeto (masc Hange more). But Viktor more.
My interest and fandom switched, but I can't leave Petra behind fully... So I still have some unfinished Rivetra, and Petra and squad, and some Hanpeto stuff to post. Drawings/paintings mostly but also some writings, to get out. I can't let go of them. Many are unfinished and Idk if I'll be able to finish the written ones. Or maybe I could post them unfinished. But I have some finished OS I just have to edit and post. Some were supposed to belong to bigger stories but well... :(
My interest has dropped. I am battling the idea of not having produced some things I really am proud of and happy with for the fandom, like not having represented the character as I wanted. Not having said and shown the things I wanted to say and show. Maybe I am just too hard on myself. I was proud of things I wrote and painted when I did them.
But anyways interest is not there anymore so eh. I also have ideas I think could be very interesting but never managed to finish and now I don't think I will manage, same reason. My adhd brain is not interested in it anymore so it doesn't see the point and I have so much things I'm not interested in but must do to do already...
Anyways. If you made it here, congrats on surviving my ramblings :) I still have some things related to Petra even Rivetra to post as I said. Just don't know when 🙈 But if there's a few people still into Petra and the squad, eventually Rivetra and some Hanpeto, there is some more to come :)
I already rewrote this post a 100 times and edited it a 100 more. If I don't post it I' never going to and it will nag me until the end of time. So here. If there are any questions, disagreements, don't hesitate to as I'll be happy to reexplain/explain better.
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battry-acid · 13 days
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BEHOLD! my fire emblem three bitches
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valorandgold · 2 years
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@nobleburn​ said:
Ship Bias for Selena and/or Petra!
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Tbh I’m not sure I have five ships for Selena? I mean I could always list Selena/Summoner as one but that’s the coward’s way out and also a bit too self-indulgent methinks ;D Regardless I do have some feelings™️ regarding her potential ships
- Selena/Glen: Number one forever OTP, and I’m still salty that Valter took away the one person Selena was closest to who nearly talked her out of staying loyal to the man who used to be the love of her life (not that she ever told VIgarde that) because he wasn’t that man anymore, you know, Demon King stuff and whatnot. I love their interactions. limited as they may be (BECAUSE OF FUCKING VALTER GODDAMMIT) and want them to be a thing seriously.
- Selena/Ephraim: A bit of a weird ship but tbh, I can see it. If only Ephraim and Duessel could convince Selena to join their side 😭I feel like they’d have really good chemistry in an alternate universe where that happens, given she would probably need time to grieve Vigarde as a result of that regardless. But I could definitely see it happening of the course of time, though Selena would probably think that Ephraim is in some serious need of more discipline...no that’s not a euphemism though tbh I could see them being a bit kinky but that’s beside the point 
- Selena/Vanessa: Okay I know this seems like a crack ship but hear me out. This is one of those ships that’s mainly the result of a long string of interactions that I had when I was running Selena on her own blog once upon a time that she had with a Vanessa, and that romantic chemistry between them has actually led to fanfics of this ship on AO3 by that same RPer, btw. Anyway, back to my main point, Vanessa being inspired and utterly admiring Selena for how far she’s coming and trying to aspire to similar heights in Frelia’s army and the two bonding and falling hopelessly in love with each other GIVES ME LIFE OKAY? There’s a lot of potential there, I’m just saying.
I can’t really think of any other ones right now? Selena/Eirika is a possibility I’ve considered but I’ve not put enough thought into it yet to really list it here. I’m surprisingly not as much of a ship whore for Selena believe it or not (but if I didn’t feel like it was cheating, I would totally list Selena/M-...I mean Selena/Summoner.) 
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- Petra/Dorothea: ...look, at this point it’s no secret to anyone that I am utter trash for this ship and I need it in my life and I love these two so much and this is my OTP for her mgnghgh. Just the fact that from the start Dorothea is so accepting and encouraging of Petra, not even caring about her being from Brigid and her difficulties with Fodlan’s language, and she doesn’t take too much offense to Petra’s very blunt way of saying things, and the fact that Petra comes to care for Doro so much and wants her to stay in Brigid with her and the idea of Doro becoming a Queen of Brigid with her (and adopting like all the kids in Enbarr who are struggling like she did once upon a time) and just their sheer chemistry...I can never get over these two, okay? I’m filthy trash for this ship and nothing’s really ever gonna change that.
- Petra/Edelgard: Hey, is anyone else extremely upset that these two never got an A-Support which could have been really interesting and compelling and led to a good ship for these two? I know I sure am. I mean god damn, why could they not have had a full support line like they deserved? It consistently makes me upset that Doro is the only Black Eagles girl allowed to flirt with and have ships with every other girl in the Black Eagles (among others) but Petra can’t have a proper support line with Edelgard, and don’t get me started on Bernie either.
- Petra/Claude: ...honestly I’m not sure what to say here other than have you SEEN their supports? No really, have you? I mean, okay, I know I could have said the same thing about Doropetra but I wasn’t able to contain myself but really, if you’ve seen their supports you should just know. Look, I just love how from the start Claude treats Petra like an equal, even though they both notice how neither one is exactly typical for their social status (though Petra is close enough for Brigid, but not really for Fodlan). And to think their wonderful bonding all starts over Claude being unable to climb trees
- Petra/Ashe: Once again, I’m having a hard time discussing this other than just saying look at their supports? I just love the way Ashe helps Petra adapt to commoner life in Fodlan and she feels like she’s becoming a better and more knowledgeable person because of it whereas he’s just doing it because he loves to help people and wants to help Petra feel comfortable and then she just literally helps him realize his dream by the end of it. “You wanna be a knight? I can make an order of Knights of Brigid just for you and you can my guardian knight, I really like that idea, we’re both ambitious and driven and have goals we want to reach, let’s get there together.” It’s just so sweet and wholesome.
- Petra/Bernadetta: ...actually I literally don’t have much to say about this one because it’s pretty much the same thing as Edelgard. So yeah, salty this one couldn’t happen either to be honest, especially because I love the difficulty of overcoming the language barrier early on for them. It could lead to some really sweet and fun things for them I feel like.
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chloefraazers · 3 months
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horizon + animorphs dossier [ battle morph || bird of prey || personal ]
— Horizon Forbidden West PC
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artymcartist · 3 months
Quick question: If the MCSM gang decided to get drunk, how do you think they would act while under the influence?
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No idea honestly, I thought about it for a while after you sent your ask in! Except Ivor and Petra, locked right in with those lol
Would love to hear other people's ideas lol
Cannot believe my first colored drawing of them all together is of them drunk....... GAHAHA
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tomscottsredshirt · 1 year
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✦ ₊ ˚⊹ ʲᵒʰⁿⁿʸ ᵈᵉᵖᵖ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ ʰᵘᵍ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿˢ 🍰💭💌
ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ⁵⁰¹
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🕸️ ⋅ ☆ ꒰ ɪᴄʜᴀʙᴏᴅ ᴄʀᴀɴᴇ: ꒱ a little awkward about it, but generally likes hugs, especially after a particularly unpleasant nightmare or if he's scared. too shy to initiate most of the time. very gentle and comforting, puts his head on your shoulder and pets your hair. loves to cuddle during thunderstorms.
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୧ ‧₊˚ ✂️ ⋅ ☆꒰ ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ꜱᴄɪꜱꜱᴏʀʜᴀɴᴅꜱ: ꒱ clumsy and hesitant due to his hands (poor boy's afraid of hurting you), but craves hugs at every given opportunity, even if he doesn't know how to express it. hugs with him are long and intimate, a tender touch that reminds him he's loved despite his differences. if he's taller than you, rests his head on top of yours.
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🔪 ⋅ ☆ ꒰ ꜱᴡᴇᴇɴᴇʏ ᴛᴏᴅᴅ: ꒱ would probably slit anyone's throat if they even tried to hug him, unless it's someone very very close to him. even so, he's stiff as a board and just hovers his hands around your waist, not actually touching you and pulls away quickly.
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🚬 ⋅ ☆ ꒰ ᴅᴇᴀɴ ᴄᴏʀꜱᴏ: ꒱ not used to hugs and isn't very fond of them either, but doesn't mind being held here and there if it's someone he trusts, like his s/o. rubs your back. he def smells like cigarette smoke 24/7.
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🍫 ⋅ ☆ ꒰ ᴡɪʟʟʏ ᴡᴏɴᴋᴀ: ꒱ probably disgusted? flinches away, then reluctantly lets you hold him if he cares about you. awkward and stiff as well, not really knowing where to put his hands. rolls his eyes but actually loves it. chuckles nervously.
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🎭 ⋅ ☆ ꒰ ᴊᴀᴍᴇꜱ ᴍ. ʙᴀʀʀɪᴇ: ꒱ would be surprised to receive a hug from anyone, but happily reciprocates it. sways left and right a little. he appreciates hugs especially after one of his plays don't go so well. if you're his s/o, gives you a little kiss on the forehead afterwards.
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୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 🥃 ☆ ꒰ ʀɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ: ꒱ big tight bear hug, like one you'd get from a caring dad, which he is. squeezes you a little too hard sometimes, maybe even lifts you up a little. likely to ruffle your hair playfully. if you're his s/o, might whisper a dirty little something in your ear, or his hands might wander.
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୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 📄 ☆ ꒰ ᴍᴏʀᴛ ʀᴀɪɴᴇʏ: ꒱ might not seem like a huge hugger on the surface either, but really likes them. idk he just seems like the kinda guy who'd like to cuddle up while napping. runs his fingers through your hair. hugs bring him comfort in the midst of his divorce, or when he's struggling with writing. they're brief but meaningful, letting him know you're there if he needs you, and he does.
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୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 💭 ☆ ꒰ ɢɪʟʙᴇʀᴛ ɢʀᴀᴘᴇ: ꒱ LOVES hugs but wouldn't openly ask for them, even when he needs it the most. when you offer him one, he rests his hands on your upper back, holding you tight. he's afraid of letting you go. having someone safe to hold onto and knowing he's loved and appreciated, even if just for a moment, means the world to him. it's strange for him to feel like he has somewhere to go when all the responsibilities of caring for his family get too much. he deserves all the hugs in the world <3
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boxofoxberry · 3 months
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queenbeehistoria · 3 months
so. in aot, it's canon that the characters smell like ten cans of bounce that ass. literally in the scene where they find that ocean, it's the first time they touched water in MONTHS. they smell like straight ass. speaking of ass, people is saying it's canon that they have SKID MARKS. however, denial is a river in egypt. and i refuse to believe that EVERYBODY smells like wet booty, dick, and pussy (in the words of moneybagg yo).
so, aot characters that (i feel like) take showers.
you'll find HITCH dead before you'll ever find her with skid marks in her drawls. my girl take baths, okay? she may not have soap but all she needs is a lake and whatever cleaning supplies they have. people judging her for wanting to smell good when titans are eating people, but she'll rather smell good and get eaten than smell like shit and get eaten. they can judge and laugh at her all they want, but she's not walking around with dookie stains in her drawls & killing birds with her breath 🤷🏾
here's the thing. MIKASA does take showers. she might skip a day or two, but she isn't as bad as the others. her only issue is that FUCK ASS SCARF. THAT FUCKING SCARF SMELLS LIKE WW1 PRESERVES. SHE CAN KILL TITANS WITH THAT BITCH ALONE LIKEEEE.... that scarf gets washed like three times a year, four if she feels like it. but other than that, she doesn't stink <3.
baby, this is LEVI. you KNOW he takes showers. when he hops in the shower, that water is crystal clear. not a dirt spec to be seen. he don't give a fuck that he's fighting titans, he ain't fighting them smelling like dog shit. his area is clean and so is his body.
ERWIN takes showers and he's getting every spot. there's not a single dirty spec on his body. he's so clean that the mf is shining. he gets in the tub for sure.
PETRA also takes showers. she might skip some days, but it isn't dookie stains bad. like she hits up them lakes for sure. the water isn't brown when she showers, it's just some dead skin here and there. other than that, my good sis is clean.
HISTORIA + YMIR def showers. "but they was in the 104th, and they didn't have baths!" NO, THEY WASH THEIR ASS. any source of water, historia is dunking herself in it. if she ain't finna be smelling bad, her girl isn't gonna be smelling bad either. SKID MARKS WHERE?
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lesuerts · 2 months
Maybe unpopular opinion: I didn't want to have another spin-off of levi despite loving him very much.
This is what I wanted to have:
• hange's, miche/mike's and nanaba's past
• how petra and co were chosen to be levi's squad
• training of the warrior cadets (reiner and co gen) and more of them (especially galliard brothers)
• the 5 year gap where reiner and co were in paradis but what happened in marley (more of gabi, zofia, udo and falco; pieck and porco; colt and zeke (as mentor); or more of the situation of the eldia in marley)
• veteran trio (hange, erwin, miche/mike) or also with moblit and nile in the training corps and their first expedition outside (except nile ofc)
Just little short stories, a few chapters about that
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kieriblade · 7 months
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this was funnier in my head but it ended up being sad
commissioned this to @beeturtle!!
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more hugs!! realizing how Jack- and Petra-heavy season 2 is lmao. but idc Jack and his husband and two adopted children make me so happy 💞
also yes i drew the Lukas/Jesse hug from both perspectives because shut up i’m the artist i can do what i want 🥰 /lh
one more sheet of these to go! again lmk if i missed any and i will fix it so quick
here’s the first sheet if you missed it
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mcsm-confessions · 3 months
jesse would teach Ivor modern slang I don't know why but they just would
Then I can see Ivor being like "what's up gang check out my level 1000 rizz" or something like that much to the sheer horror of well. everyone.
I feel like Petra would be the one to do that one miles morales quote of "no one in my generation says those words in that order"
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darlingpetra · 6 months
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Petra and Astarion be like:
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The lovely @/snuffysuffy on twitter surprised me with these in response to me tweeting how much I loved the fact that me having Petra and Astarion make out in a bloodied mess after a fight was lowkey canon 🤣
Truly made my day 🤍
Link to post: here
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artymcartist · 6 months
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now that I'm up n' doodling, its not too bad
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suukee · 5 months
ready, set, cope 彡 aot characters
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» summary ⋆ actor au scenarios/headcanons.
» content ⋆ overall fluff. various attack on titan characters, focused on erwin smith. might be ooc, this is pretty silly.
» word count ⋆ 515
» my note ⋆ i’m going to post some of the things sitting in my drive to clear some space for assignments. 😢
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Thinking about Erwin’s appearances on set despite no longer being in the show for years now. That doesn’t stop him from coming from back time to time. He tries to attend every award ceremony to support his friends and the rest of the crew. The same treatment is often reciprocated when it comes to his award ceremonies.
One time, Zeke posted on his Instagram story regarding the filming season and how it was about to start again. Make-up set, props ready in the background. Other actors were seen sitting around in their uniforms. Erwin was there to give a surprise visit, giving him a side hug with a clapperboard in his right hand.
A month or two after an episode is aired (to avoid spoilers), Connie uploads blooper videos to his YouTube channel. One of the few moments that get really popular is Levi breaking character every few seconds because he can't stop laughing at the ticklish feeling of the bandages over his eyes and lips.
Eren and Jean stream video games on Twitch (scheduled on weekends) and are really great friends outside of the show. They often drag Armin into it, who isn’t great at games, but he tries. What matters to them is having fun regardless of what they do! They get into character once in a while, saying lines or coming up with something silly, and the chat goes insane.
Erwin ends up creating a channel to post vlogs every week or two. He gets active on social media, but he isn’t constantly up to date with trends. He’s a supportive guy though, and he learns the power of emojis the hard way.
Levi doesn’t have social media except for a Twitter account that he never uses (mainly to claim his name so no one else could take it, and there’s no profile picture). His bio is something simple that the kids come up with.
Moblit falls under this category of non-social media users but appears in posts of others.
Levi had no idea people were shipping his character with someone else, but he doesn’t get why. There’s hardly romance in this story aside from Mikasa and Eren, it’s mostly about war.
In a Q&A, he briefly admits that Eruri is cute but thinks Levihan has more chemistry.
During an interview, Connie once accidentally said a minor spoiler and Reiner tried to cover it up by flexing his muscles as a form of distraction. Mikasa laughed the entire time as the two freaked out, and Bertholdt had to tell them, “Be quiet before you guys say something worse!
However, 95% of the time, it’s Eren who spoils almost everything about the show… if it isn’t for Annie covering his mouth and Floch suddenly making weird “ah-ah!” screams to stop him from saying anything else.
Levi had brought duck tape to cover the poor boy’s mouth—if needed, he claimed.
Petra and Oluo were in awe when they heard about AurEtra. She gives her support to Eruri and Aruani, while Oluo thinks love is the last thing to worry about in this tragic journey.
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murkystarlight · 8 days
I barely chose the *do nothing* option. So I didn't know about this but,
Petra named her- fists? Hands? Apperantly...? I mean... she names everything at this point. Her sword has a name, her right hand has a name, her left hand has a name and literally anything else could have a name too
So everyone, meet- uh..
Lady Smackdown and Mistress Mayhem
Okay, I now headcanon her to name anything she has. And her friends stuff too-
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