#Phantom Thief Minato
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Birb boy
I also doodled Wizard-finix's son
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persona-minty · 2 years
All of the Phantom Thieves have their own kind of thief archetype that they fit into or were styled after. Like Ann is a cat burglar, an archetype commonly seen in western cartoons and comics. Ryuji is a pirate, Futaba is a hacker, etc. And then of course Joker is styled after the quintessential phantom thief, and Akechi is styled after the detective characters that usually go hand in hand with that archetype.
My point is, when trying to add on an additional Phantom Thief it’s cool to try to think of a sort of archetype to style them into. So anyway, I was thinking about an AU where Minato Arisato (P3 male protagonist) is a Phantom Thief.
Orpheus is Minato’s initial persona, which I think fits remarkably well with the Phantom Thieves already. While Orpheus is a figure in Greek Mythology, he’s also a figure in a folk tale like the rest of the P5 initial personas are. And in that story, Orpheus ventures down into the underworld to retrieve his dead wife’s soul and return her to the land of the living. Now, this might be a bit of a stretch, but it could be interpreted as him stealing his wife back from the underworld.
You see where I’m going with this.
I think that’s a cool idea; a thief specifically geared towards stealing the souls of the dead, or essentially stealing from death itself. I also think this melds remarkably with both Persona 3 and Persona 5’s themes, in differing ways. (Also it’s worth noting that the Reaper in persona is weighed down by chains, and Persona 5 has a thing of breaking chains.)
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ahhhhhhhhhelp · 1 year
More stuff from Nightly Dance of Bleeding Swords cause seriously this fic is too good.
Here’s the link:
And um… yea, I know A03 is down right now so if you’re interested, maybe have a look when it gets back up?
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soraritsuka · 1 month
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Leather Persona keychains
Available now in my shop! I make these all by hand 💖
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nerdygingergremlin · 2 years
If Ken had been part of the Phantom Thieves, imagine how Maruki's arc could have impacted him (and SEES) with all the trauma that he had individually and with the group. Would Maruki have tried to resolve Minato and/or Shinjiro's deaths? Especially since that's about 7 years before Persona 5 game? And if Minato shows up, would Ryoji, and how would their memories be affected since Minato is the Great Seal and Ryoji is the Harbinger?
Or Strikers? Cause the requirements for a jail, or even a defunct one could apply to Gekkoukan (Tartarus) and to the dorm building (Abyss of Time). Imagine them seeing Tartarus for the first time and then being told that "no we need back up for this". Would they find audio files of various explorations into Tartarus or ones from the night they had the final showdown with Nyx?
(Yes, I am reading 'Ace in the Hole' and I am in love with it)
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
“People keep calling me a floof.”
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Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
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[{ 🦋 }] - "That's okay Hana-Chan, you should take it as a compliment, it just means you have fantastic hair."
Probably not what she meant, but to Minato, that sounded like a compliment, if someone said that to him, he'd thank them for it, and flip his hair to further flaunt his blueberry-colored locks.
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mollypollykinz · 26 days
hello, im here from throw away your mask! i've really enjoyed the journey so far and am eager to see its conclusion (after which i'll probably download it to my phone haha)
any ways, dropping in to say that in my mind there was absolutely a cognitive minato in kamoshida's castle, and im headcanoning him as the court jester- a miserable fool (lol) that heckles and ridicules and undermines the 'king' at every turn, but can't actually do anything other than that for fear of execution (though there's nothing kamoshida can do to him either). but he's absolutely willing to help out some phantom thieves looking to infiltrate- ohhh nooooo, it would be a shame if any thieves found this complete map of the castle on the ground that he dropped. would be Such a shame if they knew there was a secret passage in the main hall behind the giant painting. what's that, king kamoshida- you're out of servants to set up your killshot and the only person who could possibly set for you is the court jester? well that's unfortunate, he's such a goshdarn fool that he didnt even set it properly and the attack totally whiffs. yes of course you should insult the court jester for failing at that- don't look over at the thief climbing the balcony, that's definitely nothing to worry about.
sorry, this was absolutely not the point of that chapter or even the meat of it lol, and the phantom thieves absolutely took care of the palace just fine! but im doubly hc-ing that the presence of this cognitive double (plus goro and ken's explanation maybe) helped ann and ryuji to not harbor any resentment toward minato- maybe the majority of the school was indifferent but he was always trying, so much so the kamoshida's subconscious has manifested him as a thorn in his side always. ryuji probably knew from his time in the track team, but ann might need a lil more reassurance. ahem, in my head, that is.
thats.. all for now (lowkey i wanna write a spinoff of taym detailing this exact scenario? maybe if i have time, idk) ! hope u have a nice day, and im off to read the new chapter o7 thank u for writing!
YOO this is actually genius I love this idea so much.
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leafandart · 7 months
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Fanart of Phantom Thief Minato but with wings, just because, from the fic series Ghost of Mementos by @keylimesiren.
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dyzzythedemon · 2 months
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wanted to try designing Minato a Phantom Thief-style persona outfit! I feel bummed out that it's only the kids from 5 who got cool outfits... take my silly art, boy
maskless below cut!
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theredcuyo · 11 months
Been digging even more into the persona ships so here are the tropes they make me think of
They make me think of the old shojo anime for some reason, you know, those where the main character is dumbly crushing over this "bad" guy (without all the questionable actions) who is hard to approach because he has a bad past trusting people
Can you picture what I'm saying? Jun waiting in the school entrance just to see Tatsuja arrive in his motorcycle and while he takes the helmet off Jun is seeing the roses and sparkles around him
To me they feel like an old married couple with the twist that they're not a couple nor have they known each other for more than a month
And they don't even have a confession, at some point they just decide to yk, live together, and then they adopt a cat, and one day their friends just find their marriage certificate in a drawer
Sometimes they work together in dumb shit, and sometimes Minato is taking Ryoji by the scarf to get them to class in time
They are the slowest of the slow burns, maybe a childhood friends to lovers too?
No one tries to date them because they already are and everyone seems to know except for them, or more exactly, except for Yosuke, Yu is thinking about their anniversary gift
Maybe a girl asks Yosuke if he knows if Yu's in a relationship and he says no, and next thing he knows, is that for some reason everyone is giving his partner his condolences
They are the enemies to lovers, the rivals to/and lovers THEY ARE THE STAR CROSSED LOVERS
They are the "till death do us apart" cliche become true but even death can't with their love, even if now separate their hearts are together or something
They are separated but holding a promise that keeps their hearts beating at the same rhythm
They are the sweet reunion under the light of dawn
They are the hurt/comfotr tag on a03
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newt-man0304 · 5 months
Ren, in phantom thief outfit: Look at this outfit. Its a cry for help
Minato: Can i say something?
Ren: I don't want you to
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Here's your boy @wizard-finix
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narrators-journal · 8 months
Hi! I am a huge fan of your work! (Especially winter is a lovely season for romance and funerals; you really know how to make a guy cry!)
I wish there was more ryomina content out there, so would it be possible to write a pinning Makoto that’s in denial about his feelings for Ryoji (first love sorta vibes?!?!)? (Crushing on the popular guy?!?). He could have internalised homophobia or he could just straight up just be in denial, but I’ll leave that up to you!
Thank you for reading this request and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I’m so happy you enjoy my fanfic! WISRF is my baby rn, and I hope you don’t mind the super slow updates, I’m doing my best with it. In the meantime, I hope this holds you over, because! Oh my god, if you want more Ryomina content?? You came to the right lady!! I love these two with such an aggressive love. For example! When I finished this one, I had to click off of Tumblr so I didn’t post it too early. I ITCHED to post it. I don’t care if this is super polished, it’s not the fanfic. I can be a bit more lenient. I just wanted to have fun and enjoy the change of pace.
So! It’s a bit vague, but I went ahead and implied Minato’s a bit of a yandere for Ryoji as well as in denial.
Winter was probably Minato’s favorite season. The way the sunlight made blankets of snow sparkle like a sea of diamonds, the crispness of the air, the excuse to wear comfier clothes and stay under warm blankets, how peacefully quiet everything was due to the birds and animals either hibernating, hiding from the ice, or south for the season. It was all a blissful reprieve from the torturous heat of summer or the pollen-choked air of the spring months. Not to mention, Ryoji mochizuki had transferred to gekkoukan in those colder months.
Ryoji Mochizuki. Tall, around 5’11, with dark brown hair that was brushed back from his round, cheerful face as if his styling routine included putting his face in front of a high power fan. Paired with gorgeous blue eyes like two pools of the world’s most refreshing water, and it wasn’t a surprise that the charming trasnfer student had become Gekkoukan’s most popular student in the few weeks he’d been there. Which, was a feat, with how beloved Akihiko was. Yet, even with the fighter’s adorable, oblivious charms, when Ryoji had come to school, he’d taken the hearts of the student body like an expert phantom thief.
Or, well, at least, 99% of the student body adored the man. Minato Arisato was no stranger to charming playboys and their faux innocent, lovey-dovey antics, so Ryoji’s sugary magnetism was useless against the deadpan emo. No matter how soft those lovely sapphire eyes got when the brunette looked at him.
Or...that’s what Minato told himself each day when he heard one of his classmates whisper about some new facet of sex appeal the boy had. Irritation was what he claimed as the cause for how much he hated when he saw Ryoji out on a date with a classmate. Jealousy? No. Minato Arisato hated other people, they grated on his nerves without fail, so there was no way in hell he had any warm feelings that would stem something like jealousy. Right?
But, if that’s so, why does the mention of Ryoji going out on dates make you so aggressive? Orpheus asked, the epitome of that little voice in the back of your head that you fought to ignore. Although, does a crush really explain your feelings? What about how possessive you are of him? “Aren’t you cold, Funeral lily?” The words all but ripped the blue-haired teen away from his persona’s musings and brought him back to reality. The reality where Ryoji Mochizuki waited beside him for the train. Close enough for the shaggy-haired teen to smell how the various scents of food that had permeated the white dress shirt and black vest of his work uniform mingled with Ryoji’s peppermint-and-oleander-scented cologne. Which, meant he was too damned close. “I’m fine.” Minato said flatly before he stepped away to put a bit of distance between them. Some distance between himself and the irrational urge to brand the brunette’s cute ass. Yet, Ryoji didn’t seem to get that memo, because in the time it took the persona user to flick through a few of his songs, he became aware of the pretty boy’s body heat once again breath-tak- annoyinglyclose. “Personal space, Mochizuki.” “Are you sure? I didn’t see you grab a jacket after work tonight, and, I mean, it’s winter.” Ryoji pointed out. As if the midnight-haired teen hadn’t even spoken, and had somehow also missed the delicate flakes that drifted down from the darkened sky outside. “Yes I’m sure, and I don’t see youwith a coat either, so get off of my ass about it.” He snapped, yet when he looked back to glare at the teen who had stumbled into the shaggy-haired emo’s part time job, and just so happened to choose to work there as well, Ryoji’s blue eyes met his evil look with nothing but a warm sense of concern. The fact that the most popular boy in school had the absolute gall to look at him like that made Minato’s stomach churn. Though, that may have been caused by the swarm of butterflies he ignoring whenever he saw that addictive, sweet look.
Regardless of whatever confused feelings he harbored though, Ryoji still looked at him with undeniable softness in his gaze. A softness that Minato recognized from their first encounter outside of the very train station that they now stood in. A softness that drew Minato in like a warm hug in the chilled air of the winter night and blurred the prickly, hostile thoughts into simple white noise on that near-empty, slightly smelly boarding platform.
In fact, Minato had plenty of time while they waited for their train to notice just how soft Ryoji himself was. From that round face and dark, fluffy hair that looked feather-soft even before the blue-haired teen reached up to gently touch a stray strand that dared to fall into Ryoji’s sapphire eyes, to the warm body that he’d heard from the many girls was great to hold. And, that spark of jealousy was the dose of ice water that pulled Minato out of the trance he’d fallen into. So, the proximity of Ryoji’s face to his crashed down like a precariously balanced box at a sharp gust of wind and hit Minato right in the impulses. "Ah! Mina! What the hell?!” Ryoji yelped, his hand on his cheek as he stared at the midnight-haired emo who’d let those jealous, vicious urges slip just a bit. “I-I-I…” Sadly, when he tried to speak, shame choked the persona user worse than the stale, dank air of the dark hour, but he pushed the words out regardless. “I-I told you, personal space, god damn it! Listen!” “Motherfucker, you’rethe one who leaned in! I just met you in the middle!” Ryoji pointed out, but what was Minato to do? Confess to the jealousy he harbored towards all of the girls he heard talk about the brunette?
No. If he tried to explain the intricacies of his ‘jealousy’, he’d be forced to explain why the mere memory of his classmates harmlessly gossiping about Ryoji had driven him to sucker punch the man. He’d have to confront whatever those disgusting, squishy feelings were that Ryoji’s presence always seemed to dig up. And, the violent possessiveness that followed.
So, instead of doing any of that, Minato snarled, “I did not! Get your mind out of whatever pipedreams you have rattling around in that shallow ass head of yours.” And, while the look of hurt in Ryoji’s eyes stung, it stung far less than the humiliation of explaining himself. Especially since the train came along to rescue him from marinating in the kicked-puppy aura the captivating man gave off.
So, he simply ended the conversation with a huff, and put his music back on to drown out any other chance to converse.
Minato hated people. That included Ryoji Mochizuki as well.
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keylimesiren · 2 years
I've run across your phantom thief minato art a couple times n I saw you mentioned a fic you were writing of it? could you tell the name, I'd love to read it
Of course!! 0: It's two separate fics at the moment (more like an intro and a continuation), but they're called The Ghost of Mementos and Stygian Ringlet on AO3! The latter's still ongoing :) (and has been consuming my thoughts for well over a year now)
I uhhhhhh just realized I never actually did post the artwork that inspired the whole thing to tumblr so here it is
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sorry if this seems random but I wanted to let you know that I was rereading some of your souyo fics the other day and they're still top notch so thank u for sharing them!! and hope u have a good day
nooooo bc i was reading your phantom thief minato au last week and it hit me how great this fandom is 🥺 thank you sm!!!! i hope you have a great day as well :D
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fictionfixations · 5 months
persona 3 reload (i love)
CW: ACTUALLY. uh. warning for like. suicide?? guns? well its not actually suicide but like. i mean this isnt spoiler free but they use a certain method to trigger their personas that could be very triggering to people so if you're uncomfortable with death and anything related, this is NOT the game for you!
Also spoilers for other persona games
i just saw the entire story of persona 3 reload (well. i watched someone play it. because im not the biggest fan of grinding, but on the other hand listening to grinding in tartarus vods where they just talk about random stuff [actually, i watched CyYu's playthrough. If you don't know, that's Akihiko's VA] is nice to have in the background)
this was the second persona game ive seen. the first was persona 5, which i saw the anime for, but forgot like most of what happened (ive been regaining that knowledge through fanfiction.)
in any case i also spoiled myself to what happened in persona 3 by fanfiction
so i knew. that. protag would die.
but it got me really sad. and with the in-cutscene options where it just. feels so slow.
(and a part of me is relieved that we didnt see them make the realization that we're dead. it was all happy times till the end and i know that wouldve gotten the waterworks coming)
and then the main menu screen??
its just. empty.
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and this got me crying (i always hate endings, honestly. the 'will we or will we not meet again?' no thanks i shall live in 'these characters will live forever in a sort of limbo in the same school and nothing changes because yes'. ...although that might be a little too close to a certain twisted wonderland plotline LMFAO)
(also oh my god the osts in this game are such a fucking BOP AGHH)
(i have no clue what my reaction to the plot twist with like ryoji n stuff would be though, honestly. i spoiled myself reading those time travel fanfictions where persona 3 protagonist [either makoto or minato] either comes back to the beginning. ..OR somehow comes back to life??? or appears in persona 5 with amnesia at first. and like. there's one where ryoji was there (as a voice). or the yellow in his phantom thief costume was 'his idea of rebellion' aka ryoji. so then. i went to the wiki. and so yeee.)
in any case i definitely prefer this over persona 5. and that might be because i really got myself invested in the actual story and cared a whole lot about the characters (Cy Yu did a 100% playthrough using a guide as he played the original but respectfully kept the entire thing spoiler-free so ppl like me could fully experience it for the first time while getting the most story :D)
but yeah.
ive only seen it a few times in crossover fics between persona games. but. ..i really like seeing peoples reactions to them pulling a gun out and shooting themselves. (sometimes it works. sometimes it doesnt and it breaks because there's a difference to how every persona world works for each game. like. Dark Hour, TV World(? ive never seen 4 but ive seen fics), Metaverse(iirc)... And the shadows I think mean different things.)
also the theurgy's are very pretty. and if i misspelled that i am so sorry.
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