#Phantom natewantstobattle
phant0mh34rt · 5 months
Happy Birthday to Phantom!! His music video came out six years ago today! 🎉🎉
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mayorundertheplumtree · 3 months
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"They say that, among the three brothers, the eldest is gloomy and indifferent, the second is playful and lively, and the third is mature and steady."
(ok actually I said that (wh-
(some sharper ego brothers headcannon but with the new haircut (no
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the-matpat-ever · 1 month
Guys hear me out...
Phantom x The magician
THE FICS...THINK OF THE FICS(I'm not crazy, you are)
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〔Ignore the incorrect spelling of magician...〕
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charonarp · 11 months
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"Care for a drink? I'd love the company."
Ayo it's Phantom but VAMPIRE. Heh, probably the most predictable thing to do haha. Although it's almost over, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN NEVER DIES! it merely slumbers
Enjoy :D
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a-raw-onion · 9 months
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I made this meme and I can't stop laughing
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th3w00ds · 8 months
Make No Mistake (I’ll Break You Down)
@red-balloon12 @nwtbobsessedemo @colourfulmes @aspiderfrogjack Fandom: Youtuber Egos
Trigger Warnings (if any): Character goes through a lot of pain, angst ----------------------------------------
No mortal had ever escaped one of Phantom’s deals before, and he held this in high regard. He prided himself on that fact, and he was sure that no mortal would ever succeed in evading him. 
He was looking over the newest contract he made with someone. A young man had sold his soul for fame, and didn’t specify any more that he wanted. Just fame. That was one of Phantom’s favorite types of contracts; ones where the unfortunate people that made them never thought to specify exactly what they wanted, so that he couldn’t find a loophole and give them only a fraction of what they really wanted. 
Suddenly, this horrible feeling came over him, washing over him like a tidal wave of energy. Phantom flinched, and looked around his office. Perhaps someone was there?
“Who’s there?” He called out as he looked around, his left hand moving to the cane that was against his desk. “Come out now, and nothing bad will happen to you.” 
That was, if anyone was here anyway. His mind was quickly preoccupied with another thought: What was that feeling? He had never felt anything like that before. It was like something had broken, like a chain snapped deep in his soul. 
Nothing happened, and nobody revealed their presence. Phantom sighed. It wasn’t normal for him to be this on edge. Whatever that feeling was, it had… done something to him. What it did, he did not know, but he would find out. 
Phantom set the contract he was looking over aside, putting it in a drawer in his desk. He’d get back to it later, when he had found out what that mysterious energy was. He stood up, and began to walk towards the door of his office, his cane lightly thumping against the floor. 
When he reached nearly halfway between his desk and the door, the energy flooded over him once again. This time it was more powerful, like an electric shock. It caused him to flinch again. Whatever the hell that was, he needed to stop it, and find out what it was, because it was getting stronger every time. 
Phantom continued to move towards his office door, and opened it. The demon barely got three steps outside of his office before it happened again. Now, instead of energy mimicking pain, it felt real. It was as if he was burning alive, and excruciating pain was flickering across his body. He bit down on his tongue to keep himself from yelling out, and that only resulted in more pain. 
The pain was gone as soon as it came. He got up, looking around once again. Nothing was out of the ordinary, and he looked back at his office to make sure nothing was there. There was nothing, no sign of anyone except himself, so Phantom closed the door. 
Phantom had thought of something he dared not to before. It would go against everything that he’s built for himself, and his reputation. What if a mortal had escaped their contract somehow?
He knew it was possible, and he recalled stories of what happened to demons who had a mortal break their deal. But… no mortal could escape him. He was Phantom, no mortal had ever escaped him once before! However, as much as he would’ve loved to rule it out, he couldn’t. 
In fact, this did sound similar to what he had heard of what happened to demons who had a contract with a mortal broken by the mortal. Pain, flashes of it, gradually getting worse and worse until death would seem like a mercy. 
Fear was what he felt. Phantom did not want to go through that- Not once in his life. But he was. By some horrible twist of fate, a mortal had broken their contract. And now Phantom had to pay the price for his failure. 
It was deserved. It was shameful, that a demon of his reputation had allowed a human to escape. He deserved every ounce of pain he got, but he did not want it. Phantom wanted to deny it, to make it so that it would not happen. Even so, he couldn’t. A demon contract was written so that it was final, so that the consequences of breaking it could not be avoided. 
Phantom braced himself, sure that another burst of pain would come. However, after a few moments, it didn’t. 
Did it stop? 
Then, pain. Excruciating, mind breaking, soul destroying pain. Every nerve in his body was on fire, being electrocuted, getting ripped apart. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought he heard a thud of two things, a lighter object and one that sounded like a body. He heard someone screaming, too. Phantom could barely feel, yet he could feel it all. All of it. Every bit of that pain he deserves has come. It kept increasing, and increasing and getting worse and worse and wORSE AND WORSE PLEASE MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP- 
Slowly his feelings and senses returned to his body, and he still felt small bursts of pain. They were barely there, though. His breathing was labored, and he picked up his cane from where it was lying on the ground. Phantom felt a liquid dripping down his face, and he looked down. A red splotch was on the floor. His blood. He wiped his nose with his wrist, and saw blood on it. 
So to top this horrible night off, now he had a nosebleed. Phantom groaned, and turned back to his office, slightly limping as he walked from the residual pain. He opened the door, and grabbed a towel, pressing it against his nose to stop the bleeding. 
He sat down in his chair, pulling out the contract from earlier. 
Maybe adding a few more clauses to make sure the mortal never had a chance at escaping wouldn’t hurt… He’d add that to all future contracts, Phantom was sure. He couldn’t go through that again. 
He wouldn’t. 
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salnotfisher · 1 year
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phantom natewantstobattle!! this xenogender flag was made by me for @c4pnj3ss3 !! bff!! again this was a practice project but i really like it
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breekon--hope · 1 year
Imagine a Phantom who, for whatever happenstance of his existence, cannot feel positive emotions on his own, all he can do is share the ones of mortals he interacts with. Sure, for a while he is kind with it, he shares and both party seem to win but it's hollow. It doesn’t feel enough for him. So, eventually, he makes his first deal, and takes all that joy and contentedness from them, all for himself. And he feels great. All that joy and contentedness, all for him and him alone. Why should he have to share it with these pathetic mortals, who don't even appreciate their gifts.
So he keeps doing it, making more and more deals to chase that delicious high until, eventually, his deal in his music video, where we see him not as he was, not kind anymore, but truly the selfish dealbroker he was always meant to be. And he feels great.
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thekadster · 9 months
Holler House by Spence Hood gives off Phantom vibes
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bookwormscififan · 9 months
The Masks We Have Wear Thin, Part 1
Read on AO3!
For @iamvegorott
A/N: So the other night I had a dream that Veg wrote a great fic about Phantom getting a new boyfriend after Jackie disappeared without a word. I proceeded to tell Veg about the fic when I woke up, and they insisted I write it instead.
Warnings: This chapter has some light smut, and sexual references. Please don't read this is you're under 18. I don't want to be responsible for messing up people.
He’d given his heart to a man that let him believe he was safe. He’d placed all his trust in Jackie, given him everything, made his entire being Jackie. His first thought in the morning was Jackie, and his final thought before sleeping was Jackie.
And then… Jackie had disappeared. No words, just one day he woke up and everything Jackie owned was gone.
Phantom had spent the first weeks tearing himself apart trying to find Jackie, then he had spent days agonising over the state of his heart.
Then he decided the man wasn’t worth the pain.
The first months were hell, like going off an addiction but someone had cranked the withdrawals up to 100. His chest ached, his muscles were sore, and he couldn’t sleep. Heartbroken and betrayed, he lived like a ghost, a shell of the snarky man who used to annoy the elderly in the town.
He moved from bar to bar, trying in vain to find someone to make him feel like Jackie did, travelling further and further away from the apartment that the couple had shared.
The one man who made him feel any semblance of normal was a musician named Sean. His blue eyes weren’t as bright as Jackie’s, and his shape wasn’t as defined, but his kisses were electric and his grip was strong. He didn’t care how closed Phantom was, he seemed to only be in the agreement for the sex. Phantom guarded his heart well, keeping his secrets hidden behind flirty comments and sharp innuendos.
As weeks grew into months, Phantom wrapped bitterness and sarcasm around himself like bandaging war wounds, tightening his tie a little more every time he went out. He’d meet Sean almost every night, returning home sore with his neck speckled in purple marks. He slept away the morning, waking at noon to wash and dress, slamming his hands into the shower wall with a broken yell, then mope around the house until it was time to go out.
Eventually Sean moved in with him. Days became brighter, his heart healing as he dragged Sean’s stuff into the house. His walls became filled with band posters and random sheet music tacked into the plaster, small photographs of tasteful angles adorned the bedroom wall and ceiling. Phantom almost felt normal again.
One framed photograph remained on his bedside table, a desperate hold onto the past life lived with Jackie. It was a photo taken by Phantom, captured just after a very long night, flushed cheeks complimenting blown-out blue eyes, lips pulled into an exhausted half smile, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat.
The framing of the photo followed the purple marks on Jackie’s neck down to about the centre of his chest, moonlight reflected in the sweat there. His arms were up, hands on either side of his head, sheets beneath him wrinkled from his grasp on them.
Sean’s photos were less artistic, captured moments of Phantom and himself in varied states of undress, framed to hide the best aspects while catching the most tasteful features. His favourite was of Phantom in the shower, eyes crinkled in a laugh, hand held toward the camera as his mouth shaped a laugh.
The rising sun marked almost a year since Jackie’s disappearance, orange rays shining through the sheer curtains covering Phantom’s penthouse windows, casting light across the sleeping figures in the bed, sheets pulled up just enough to cover their lower halves. Sean was asleep on his back, eyes closed tightly and one arm around Phantom’s shoulders, holding him close. Phantom was half sleeping on his own side of the bed, half on Sean, arms wrapped around his waist and face turned away from Sean’s stubbled chin.
Phantom groaned, turning his face into the crook of Sean’s neck, inhaling the scent of sweat and lingering arousal that seemed to follow the couple. Sleepily, he pressed kisses to the man’s skin, softly running his teeth along the tender spots where he’d bitten the night before. His hands slid from Sean’s waist up to his shoulders, fingers tracing the faint muscles beneath the flesh before grasping his biceps. He kept kissing Sean’s neck, moving down to his collarbone as he felt him wake up.
He smirked when Sean hummed, listening to his moan as his arms found their place on Phantom’s waist, tightening their grip as Phantom pressed closer to him, continuing to kiss and nip at Sean’s neck. He opened his eyes, looking into Sean’s lust-blown blue ones with a grin, rocking his hips down as he groaned.
“Fuck, Phantom,” Sean groaned, holding Phantom’s hips in a vice-like grip, chasing the pleasure of Phantom rocking against him first thing in the morning. Closing his eyes, Sean turned his head, searching for Phantom’s lips and moaning when they locked, making out in the light of the morning.
A few more strategic moves against Sean’s hips had both chasing their release, panting heavily when their highs went down. Phantom kept one hand splayed open over Sean’s heart, head tucked back into the crook of his neck as Sean held his waist with one hand and ran the other through his dark locks.
“So, who’s the man in that photo?” Phantom snapped his head up, frame held in his hand as he sat on the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but one of Jackie’s old hoodies he’d found in the back of the closet. He sighed, carefully returning the frame to the table before swinging his legs back onto the bed and facing Sean.
“An ex of mine,” he began, avoiding eye contact by looking at the wrinkled sheets beneath them. “He just up and left one day, not a word, took all his things. Except this hoodie,” he mumbled, pulling at the collar of the hoodie with a frown.  
“What was his name?” Sean’s hand on the small of his back was comforting, soothing as Phantom blinked away the tears of betrayal threatening to resurface. Of course, he thought, it’s been a year now, hasn’t it?
“Jackie,” he breathed, closing his eyes as his heart ached, pulling his legs to his chest and wrapping his arms around his knees, tucking his face into the gap. “I made him my everything. He was my existence. I loved him, Sean,” he finished tearfully, pressing his face into his knees as sobs racked through him.
Sean rubbed his back, watching the man with sad eyes. Gently, he pulled Phantom closer so he could wrap his arms around him, holding him tightly as he cried freely into Sean’s shirt, hands releasing his knees so he could clutch at the fabric of his clothes.
“Shh. I’m here, it’s gonna be ok, Phan.” He froze as Phantom stopped crying suddenly, taking in a sharp breath before pulling his head back to look at Sean.
“It’s gonna be ok, Phan.”
Jackie stood on the edge of the balcony railing, balancing on one foot as he held his arms out to his sides, glass of whiskey splashing onto the ground beneath him. Phantom stared, curled in the balcony chair with a glass cradled to his chest, biting his lip in hopes that Jackie wouldn’t fall. They’d been sitting watching the stars that night, sharing a bottle between them. Jackie couldn’t hold his drink as well as Phantom could, and the idea of losing his heart sobered Phantom up pretty fast.
“Please, Jackie,” he begged, voice barely a whisper. “Please come back down. If you fall…” he didn’t finish his sentence, silent tears falling down his cheeks and sighing with relief when Jackie jumped back onto the balcony, dropping to his knees in front of Phantom’s chair. He set his empty glass down, shuffling forward so he could lean his elbows on Phantom’s chair.
“Shh, darling.” He reached forward shakily to sloppily place a fingertip against Phantom’s quivering lip. “I’m here, it’s gonna be ok, Phan.” Pushing himself up, Jackie leaned forward to kiss Phantom, instead falling into his lap with a huff, wrapping his arms around his neck and planting kisses to his exposed collarbone.
Freeing a hand from Sean’s shirt, Phantom reached up to brush Sean’s hair away from his eyes, looking into them with a frown.
“Phan?” Sean stopped when Phantom pushed him away, awkwardly pulling his hoodie down to cover his hips. His heart was pounding, blood rushing to his head and pressure building behind his still-teary eyes.
“You never call me Phan,” he started, voice shaking as he climbed backwards off the bed, backing away from Sean when he reached for him. “We don’t do nicknames. That was our agreement. Only one person ever called me Phan, and he’s—”
“Jackie’s gone,” Sean mumbled, meeting Phantom’s questioning look by pulling the wrinkled blue mask from his pocket. “Jackie’s been gone a long time.” Phantom stared, blinking at the man sitting in his bed. Then it clicked.
He had always known Jackie was using a false name, just like he was, but he’d never asked for the real name, no matter how deeply he’d fallen. This man’s strength, the tender way he touched him, the blue in his eyes… how had he never noticed? His hair was different, a dark brown instead of Jackie’s ridiculous green, but everything else…
“Why did you leave?” he asked, voice breaking as he stared into the eyes of the man he’d loved for years. “Why come back now, under a false name, like a completely different person?” He backed further away, nearer to the window, breathing heavily and shaking his head as Jackie climbed off the bed toward him.
“I can’t explain all this to you now,” Jackie began, holding his hands out to placate Phantom, moving slowly toward him. “I promise you I’ll explain later. I swear to you, Phan, everything will make sense.”
“No! No, explain to me now why you disappeared a year ago. Tell me why you left without a word. Do you know what I went through?! I woke up and you were gone! I thought you’d gone for a run, then I noticed all your shit was gone! Jackie, I—”
He froze as Jackie dashed forward, wrapping his arms around Phantom and holding him close. A shift in the air made Phantom gasp, trying to push Jackie away until he saw the light outside. A blue flash, causing a crashing plane to explode right in front of the window, the blast making the curtains shift.
“What… was that?” Phantom asked when Jackie released him, moving back again as he regarded Jackie with fear in his eyes. “What happened? What did you do?!”
Jackie dropped his arms, stepping back at Phantom’s terrified look. His face crumpled slightly, swiftly being replaced by a neutral expression, covering the pain behind his eyes. He sighed, moving back to sit on the end of the bed, staring at his hands.
“That was a forcefield,” he began slowly, voice low and sour with guilt. “It absorbed the blast of the plane crash so it didn’t land in your house. I saved your life by creating a forcefield to protect you.” He shook his head with a bitter laugh, spitting the sound out like poison. “And now I’ve scared you,” he finished to himself, clenching his fists against his knees.
Phantom stood by the window, trying to stop his nervous shaking as he took in what Jackie had said. Closing his eyes, he took a few deep breaths, waiting for his heart to calm down before slowly stepping forward, stopping a few feet from Jackie.
“What happened to you after you left?” he asked slowly, letting the words out with his shaky exhale, pressing his hands into the bottom of the hoodie as he looked at Jackie, forcing himself not to turn away in fear.
“I wouldn’t have left if I’d had the choice,” Jackie began, keeping Phantom’s gaze. “They’d been slowly taking my stuff over several months. There was nothing I could do to stop them. Then, they took me away one morning, so fast I couldn’t even leave a note. It was some experiment they wanted to test, a sort of super virus to make people stronger. I don’t even remember signing up,” he said, voice breaking as his eyes welled with tears.
Phantom froze, eyes wide as he registered what Jackie had said. His stomach fell as a memory surfaced, and his face paled.
They had had a fight. Something petty, ridiculous really, but it had made Phantom angry enough that he was spending the night in the sitting room, scrolling mindlessly through his laptop.
He stopped as an ad flashed across his screen, fingers hovering over the touchpad before clicking the link.
“We’re looking for volunteers for a clinical experiment,” the site read, no further details apart from an address and a form to fill out.
Phantom hummed to himself, leaning back against the sofa before cracking his neck and filling out the form with Jackie’s details.
A decision made in a moment of anger; he really didn’t think anything would come of it…And soon he’d forgotten he even filled the form.
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phant0mh34rt · 1 year
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Egotober days 3 and 4: Drink, Happy
I can’t draw tattoos don’t judge Phantoms 😭
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mayorundertheplumtree · 8 months
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somehow feel that
one of them would like reptiles
and the other would like birds
just feel like it(
(I should watch less pet videos ((no
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the-matpat-ever · 1 month
Remember what I said about Phantom x the magican...
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What do you guys think the magician's name would be...
Me personally, I think that Oliver would be a good fit but I want to see your guys' takes on his name:)
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colourfulmes · 4 months
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Guy on the mind,,, what will he do,,,,
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doc-ocktism · 2 months
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MY HAND HURTS SO MUCH @phant0mh34rt @themoonisrotting
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th3w00ds · 10 months
Songs That Remind Me of Phantom
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Mind Games by Sickick (x)
Once I’m in there ain’t no letting go, letting go // Watch me turn your mind into my home
Sweet Talk by Poe the Passenger (x)
Who’s even buying in? // So sick of the sweet talk
Burn by Jake Daniels (x)
Used to be beautiful, now I’m a demon // They want me to perish in flames like a heathen
Casino Royale by Derivakat (x)
Pay the price, play the cards // If you deal in right, then kid, you’re gonna get far
Radio Demon by NateWantsToBattle (x)
You signed your name, such a shame // Got yourself to blame
Greedy by Or3o (x)
Oh, that’s what you get for being greedy // Oh, that’s what you get
C’est la vie by Weathers (x)
We don’t get what we need // We’re all wrapped up in greed
GOSSIP by Måneskin (x)
Welcome to the city of lies // Where everything’s got a price
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