projectcolorcast · 3 months
Help help help help it's an obsession now
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geebeeishere · 2 months
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Started a new doodle page, so here's Phanuel!
I've been a LuLuYam fan for a few months now and I've only just started to learn about all the lore. It's really good :3 !
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sb-is-a-thing · 2 months
The rot consumed and I got too silly
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Phanuel has been turned into a marketable paper dragon puppet
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nightbug08 · 8 months
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His name is Phanuel, but I've already started calling him Sunny, Little Phanny Manny, and Cocoa Monster.
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iove-angels69 · 1 year
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💗💗💗 he’s sooooo
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sleepyone232 · 3 months
ladies love a ceo (i'm ladies)
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urielsmark · 1 year
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day one of angeltober: many eyed featuring phanuel!
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thegonse · 1 year
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angels are gay!!!
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nemo-draco · 10 months
Me: [creating oc versions of angels for a story]
Also me: Make 'em like dinosaurs.
Also me: They got the birdlike legs and kinda got the fuzziness except it's holy fire. Raptors, they're basically raptors!
Me: ...
Also me: They look more Mesozoic when they're going all full angel mode, so when it's demons and angels fighting it looks like something out of Jurassic Park.
Me: ...
Also me: If you think about it, that would make the entire Mesozoic God's rough draft period.
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projectcolorcast · 4 days
I'm just gonna drop this shit into your asks..
Phanuel as a funko pop
Lulu as a funko pop
Lucilia as a funko pop
Lucifer as a funko pop
Nikoli as a funko pop
Mimmie as a funko pop
Ankou as a funko pop
Phanuel as an Xbox
Nah i feel like a PS5 design would be top tier
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Ramiel and Azrael have been ttalking, which worries me more tthan itt perhaps should, Mastema gott his claws in deep and I don'tt know if tthey're all the way outt yett.
Couple tthis witth a bad feeling aboutt Abbadon, Samael and Verchiel being AWOL, tthe sittuattions regarding Phanuel and Jophiel, and obviously nott forgetttting Barbiel, shitt feels like itt's minuttes, seconds even, from hitttting the fan basically all tthe ttime.
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xphanuel · 1 year
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I also drew this big nerd, my other fursona. It's not at all colored correctly but I haven't drawn Phanuel in a LONG time. I'm working on a reference sheet for her :)
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nightbug08 · 8 months
I think he's making friends with the neighbors tech priests! These were todays creations, and that is *not* the usual symbol he stamps on things! He carved the skull one last week, but the more complicated gear and skull and bits one is from yesterday!
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It's good to see him really settling in here! :D
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superespresso · 1 year
Page 78; Angels (Part 1)
Photo 1: Top of page 78 (Michael/Mikhail, Phanuel)
Photo 2: Bottom of page 78 (Amaros, Almisael, Egrigori)
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This is gonna be a longer one so I’m splitting it into multiple segments. Not only do I have to get somewhat decent photos of this but I have to clean everything up to make it legible and usable outside of personal use, so we’re gonna do multiple parts on the Angel bestiary. Also after doing about half of the monster bestiary, let me rest. That was not a good time. It was a long time. Part 2 will probably be under Page 79. There’s also a couple different ways to say the Angel names, so I’ll list them if I have any.
Translation: (top of page) “The beings with the name of Angels encountered by Zero”
Beings with the name of angels have appeared before Zero. Here their names and characteristics are recorded. The names of these Angels also appear in old scripture, literature, and mythology. For reference, explanations of these angels in the myths and traditions has also been added.
JP Name: Michael (Michael) (Note: One is written with a different JP character to differentiate (The “T” shape in Mikhail is just an “l” while the “I” shape in Michael is a “ed” which.. still translates to Michael both ways somehow,) and will sound a bit different, but in English these are the same word. I’m so sorry JP This is where dialect differences will get me.)
EN Name: Michael (Mikhail)
Summoner: —
Spawn Location: —
DOD3: A dragon that Zero worked with. From Michael’s “Last Wish,” Mikhail achieved a reincarnation. He was always by Zero’s side, supporting her in her battles.
Mythology: In the Bible, the name of the archangel recorded as the chief among Angels is Michael. He is God’s right-hand, and holds a title of “God-Like.” The Russian name for Michael is Mikhail.
JP Name: Fanuel
EN Name: Phanuel
Summoner: Dito
Spawn Location: Sea Temple, Lost Forest
DOD3: An angel who has a crustacean-like appearance who is called upon by Dito, one of the five apostles. Phanuel specializes in diving underwater and ejecting huge columns of water.
Mythology: Biblically the archangel is known as the “Face of God.” In Milton’s “Paradise Lost” he appears as one of the Twelve Angels entitled to sit with God.
JP Name: Almas
EN Name: Amaros
Summoner: Decadus
Spawn Location: Forest Country, Airship
DOD3: An angel who has the appearance of a solid fortress, summoned by Four’s apostle Decadus. This Angel is equipped with a large number of cannons in each part of itself, able to bombard an enemy.
Mythology: The Gregori are a group of angels from the book of Enoch. Her mission was to guide and teach humans, but committed the taboo of marrying a human and revealing the secrets of the Gods. Amaros was member of the Grigori.
JP Name: Almisael
EN Name: Almisael
Summoner: Octa
Spawn Location: Forest Country, Cathedral City
DOD3: Summoned by Three’s apostle, Octa. The angel with the appearance of a human-child doll. There are two types of these, large and small. They are good at self-destructing by leaping at their target, and using beam-like attacks from their abdomen.
Mythology: This angel was said to protect pregnant women and unborn children from demons. In the Jewish “Talmud” it states that if you recite Psalm 20 nine-times in front of a woman who is pregnant, you can borrow/receive the powers of this Angel.
JP Name: Egrigori
EN Name: Egrigori
Summoner: Cent
Spawn Location: Lost Forest, Land of Sand/Desert Country
DOD3: An armored angel summoned by Cent, the apostle of Two. Its main means of attack utilize punches with arms outstretched, and beams fired from the mouth.
Mythology: When Adam and Eve birthed children on Earth and the population increased, the group of angels God descended to guide, teach, and lead peoples were the Grigori. Their name means “Child/Son Of God.”
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secondsonaym · 2 years
Here it is, at long last.
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urielsmark · 1 year
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“i never stopped looking for you.”
phanuel and zadkiel are two archangels in the spheres, a dominion and a power respectively.
phanuel is quiet, gentle and calm, but also a tricky force due to the painful visions he receives. usually unexpected, they force phanuel to become an unexpected witness to whatever he is seeing at the time. nothing gets past phanuel, whether he likes it or not.
on the other hand, zadkiel is aggressive and dangerously loyal. he isn’t afraid of much and will die before he gives up what he believes in. even if that means having to fake his own death and leave for a brief excursion into the pit….
phanuel and zadkiel are almost never seen apart. but when they are, phanuel is probably watching zadkiel through a vision anyway. zadkiel doesn’t really mind being watched. he knows he and phanuel have been companions for too long for him to earn any judgement from the tall, weepy archangel.
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