#Phillip Altman x Reader
jynzandtonic · 6 months
Ooooo how would any/all of the boys react to turning 40???
*Sigh* 40 is a damn fine age. Please accept these snaccs:
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Charlie Barber: Henry's all set up to stay with his cousins for the week so you two can get away to the little villa he's booked in Tuscany for the two of you. You'll have the whole time to drink red wine, make homemade pasta, and fuck in the sunshine on the deck off the master bedroom.
Clyde Logan: He feels so damn lucky to be alive, to be with you. Growin' up with Jimmy, two tours in Iraq, all his adventures and misadventures, and he's finally settled down with you and happy as can be. All he wants is to sit with ya on the porch swing and watch the sunset with a beer in hand—but he won't say no to the butterscotch cake ya baked him.
Adam Sackler: Can't really believe he's fuckin' forty. He promises to put some of his commercial money in an IRA and take enough of a break from acting for a little staycation to fuck on every surface of your apartment together.
Flip Zimmerman: You sure you don't want to have a baby, sugar?
Phillip Altman: Perpetual man child. He offers to get matching cougar tattoos with you.
Rick Smolan: Motorcycle tour of Vietnam together, letting you take photos on his DSLR while you ride on the back of his bike.
Ronnie Peterson: Cabo San Lucas with you and all your friends. He wants to drink daiquiris, sing karaoke, and maybe get a sunburn at a nude beach!
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juniperwoodwell · 1 year
How ADCU characters would react to a s/o, who admits she's Insecure about her body.
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Parings: Adam Sackler x F! Reader, Flip Zimmerman x F! Reader, Phillip Altman x F! Reader, Kylo Ren x F! Reader.
Warning(s): Cursing, 18+ content, Groping, Innuendos.
Word count: 2k
A/n: Sadly I've been feeling a bit down about myself and decided to write about the boy's, honestly I hope reading this helps you as much as it did for me. Enjoy ❤️
Oh, also. The photos were edited by me, I found them all on Pinterest.
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Adam Sackler
He wasn't too surprised by the confession when you told him one night; he could tell by how shy you were when you started dating and began trying things out in the bedroom.
He didn't know how to bring it up or console you properly; usually, he'd immediately change the subject when you felt insecure about something. To you, it came off as him being uncaring about your insecurities, but one night you decided to bring it up.
"Hey, Adam.." You said quietly; your back was to him as you lay in his bed.
The question ran through your mind, keeping you awake. His arm wrapped around your front and pulled you against him,
"Yeah, Kid?" his voice was groggy from sleep.
"Why do you always change the subject when you notice me becoming insecure about something?"
 "You seriously want to talk about this now?" He groaned and nuzzled his face into your neck, but you sighed and slipped out of his grasp, sitting on the bed and crossing your legs.
"Yes. It's bugging me, and If I don't know the answer, I won't sleep."
 Another groan escaped his lips, missing your warmth as he sat up, leaning against the wall.
The warm lights from the window illuminated his skin with a golden glow; you sighed and picked at your nails.
 Adam grabbed your hand and quickly pulled you into his lap, tucking his head into your shoulder. His hands slid from your naked thighs to your hips, slipping under your (His) sleep shirt. Your breath hitched when his hands touched your stomach, and you immediately grabbed his wrists.
"Adam...Please don't."
"Why not? Why are you so ashamed of this?" He squeezed your sides for emphasis.
"I-I...I don't know. Maybe it's because, in high school, I desperately tried to be the hot skinny girl?" You joked,
"Really?" Adam asked, obviously not catching on.
"No, Not really. I...I guess it's just because I'm putting so much effort into losing weight, then not seeing any progress. It's always been this way. I either can't gain any weight or lose it. I used to get upset when I got stretch marks on my thighs or when my sides got pudgy."
Adam removed his hands from under your shirt, taking both of yours so he could interlace your fingers. He kissed your shoulder. "That's stupid."
 "Adam...Don't put down my insecurities."
"Why not? They deserve it. They're useless and only make you doubt yourself. I say screw it. Stop caring about how much you hate or dislike your thighs or belly. You're beautiful not by just how you look but by your personality. Though your appearance definitely adds to it."
"How can you say that?" You asked, closing your eyes as he continued to kiss the exposed skin of your neck and shoulders.
"Because I fucking love your body. I love how thick your thighs are, especially when they're trying to crush my head like a watermelon. I love how squishy your belly and sides are. It gives me something to hold onto when I'm railing you into the mattress. Oh, and don't get me started on your ass because I know you're insecure about that too. It's my favorite pillow. Knocks me right out."
His words were accompanied by a squeeze or poke to each part he mentioned. Making sure you knew just how much he loved the things you were insecure about. He realized the subject-changing method wasn't working, so he decided on a more... Physical  approach.
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Flip Zimmerman
Flip's reaction was similar to Adams, but he couldn't wrap his head around how such a beautiful, intelligent, and talented woman could be insecure about herself. He wasn't sure how to console you, but he was determined to learn how.
He started by asking questions about your insecurities, always confused by the why and how. It irritated him to know that someone made you feel  this way about yourself. No...Not irritated. It pissed him off beyond belief, but he would never let you know that.
One night, he takes the situation into his own hands, quite literally. You two were preparing to go to the park's fall cookout park.
You stood in front of the mirror trying to fix your dress, you hated wearing them, but you thought you'd try the pretty housewife look. Biting your lip, you flopped your hands to your side, giving up.
"Hey, Stop that." Flip's low voice startled you out of your self-criticizing thoughts.
 "S-stop what, Hun?" You asked, Turning to look at him as he finished buttoning up that lovely red flannel you asked him to wear.
"That whole nitpicking thing you do when you try on new clothing. You look gorgeous in that dress. -actually, you look gorgeous in anything you wear...or don't wear" He smirked, his eyes gleaming mischievously as he walked over to you, taking your hand and turning you to face the mirror again.
He wrapped his arms around your middle and put his chin on top of your head, that smirk growing into a smile as he watched the blush blossom on your cheek.
"You tease" Your voice was small; He always managed to distract you from your negative thoughts
"My pretty little Wife." He moved his head to kiss your cheek. "If you don't like the dress, I can always rip it off your pretty little body and show you just how beautiful you are with and without it."
"Oh shush, we don't have time, Flip."
"Like they're gonna care if we're late,"
 You scoffed. "Late? Honey, With you...We'd miss the whole event"
 You rolled your eyes, seeing Flip smirk in the mirror.
"That wouldn't be so bad?" His hands slid down the sides of your dress, he pulled the skirt up, but your hands grasped his wrist before he could get too far.
"Yes. Yes, it would, Zimmerman." You smiled, meeting his eyes in the reflection.
"If we stayed home, I could show you all the ways to love your body." Your head turned to meet his gaze, that mischevous glint now replaced by a low gaze and lust-blow pupils. You patted his chest,
"As much as I'd love that...And really, I would. I promised the guys at the station I'd bring those cookies you all like."
Flip groaned and kissed your head. "You or those delicious cookies...Toughest decision of my life." Together you laughed, and you pulled away.
 Swaying your hips as you left the bedroom, knowing he'd be watching and following after.
"It better be me, Honey."
 A new wave of confidence found its way into your heart and mind.
"Always, sweetheart."
If Flip could love your body so damn much, So could you.
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Phillip Altman
Philips's reaction was very childish, as were most of his reactions to things you tell him. He mostly laughed in disbelief. But he settled down when you put your hands on your hips and bit your lip.
"Holy shit, You're serious." His eyes were wide.
 As I said. Disbelief.
 "Yeah, Pal. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I-I don't know? You always seem so confident in the stuff you wear; you're like the queen of confidence. It radiates off you like the fucking sun. It shows in the way you walk and the way you talk."
You shook your head. "It's not really confidence, Phillip. I just like the clothing I wear."
"Liar, You know you're hot. You have no reason to be insecure. People should be insecure because of you and all your..." he moved his hands around the air, "Hotness."
 "Yeah. You're fucking hot." You rolled your eyes;
 Phillip sighed as he stepped close to you. His hands ghosted up your arms, not touching but close enough to feel the heat. His hands cupped your face and squished your cheeks as he kissed you; he pulled away and gently shook your face
"And you better fucking believe it. Okay? Because If you don't, I'm gonna keep doing this until you do."
He smiled and kissed you again and again, Only stopping when your fingers wrapped around his wrists. "You believe me yet? Little punk?"
You smirked and shook your head, "Nah...I don't think this method is working."
"Oh? Then what will? Huh?  How about this?"
Philip let go of your face and fell to his knees. He stared up into your eyes like a love-sick puppy.
"Oh fuck...Phillip...Get. Up." You laughed;
 He shook his head as his hands grabbed the backs of your thighs, squeezing and kneading them through your jeans.
"Phillip," You groaned; you loved his hands, how big and warm they always felt. He knew it, too.
"Stop it." You grabbed a fistful of his hair before he could shove his head between your thighs; he groaned loudly at the feeling.
 "SHit- Do that again." You smirked at his request, tugging his hair again.
"You mean this?" He shut his eyes, groaning again.
 "Yess...Your hands are so fucking addictive." He opened his eyes, meeting your own. "You're so pretty from this angle, baby. If I could, I'd be on my knees for you forever."
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Kylo Ren
Kylo was angry when you told him, not at you but at your reasoning behind it. He was furious that a man you put your trust and love in constantly put down your body or called you things that made you feel less than you were.
He was determined to show you just how wrong that bastard was.
He had you pinned against the wall of his bedroom, his lips on your neck, and your arms were held above you by the force while his hands roamed your body,
"If I ever hear you putting yourself down again, I will fuck you senseless until you only believe the words I say." You moaned softly at his words; his hands took the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head; then he unclipped your pretty black bra, sliding the straps off, and watched as it fell to the floor before he lifted his eyes back to yours.
"Do you understand?" You nodded; Kylo gripped your chin firmly, asking the question again.
"Do. You. Understand?"
"Y-Yes, Sir."
Pleased with your response, he let go of your face and took one of your breasts in his grasp; he smirked at you before he leaned down, taking it into his warm mouth, licking and sucking sweetly, eliciting loud, shaky moans from you. He let it fall from his lips with a soft pop. He lifted his head and kissed you deeply, dominating you with his tongue. His hands groped your chest, and he rolled your nipples between his forefingers and thumbs, drinking your moans and whimpers.
 He pulled away from the kiss, releasing your wrists from the force; they draped tiredly over his shoulders. His hands left your breasts, sliding down over your stomach, finding their places on your hips.
"I wish you could love yourself as much as I do." He kissed you, squeezing your hips as he lifted you, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and he carried you to the bed, kissing your neck as he laid you down; his kisses trailed down from there.
When he reached your belly, he smiled up at you, his fingers dipping into the waistband of your pants.
"Guess I will just have to teach you how."
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kylowritten · 1 year
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Why Me?
Pairings: Phillip Altman x F!Reader
Summary/Excerpt: "There's a litany of things you never thought you would do, one of them being returning to your home town to attend your high school reunion. Next on the list: falling in love with Phillip Altman."
Warnings: cussing, recreational drug use, talking about sex, making out, partial nudity
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: The title of this should actually be "Why is Adam Driver so Fucking Adorable"
This fic is a part of the prompt exchange with @juniperwoodwell
There's a litany of things you never thought you would do, one of them being returning to your home town to attend your high school reunion.
"It's not a setback," you tell your reflection. "It's just a...readjustment."
The woman in the mirror hardly looks convinced. But you promptly ignore her, grab your purse, and head out the door to meet your Uber. You aren't so desperate as to rectify the failing relationship with your mother by asking her for a place to stay — God, you couldn't even imagine the state of your childhood bedroom — so you rented the cheapest motel room that you could find.
The door swings shut behind you and the sound of your heels on the weed-clotted pavement joins in with the symphony of cicadas. Humidity presses against you like an unwelcome embrace from an elderly relative. Flippantly, you think that you should've packed a travel size hairspray, or deodorant into your purse, but your thoughts have been far away from appearances and personal hygiene.
You had one thing on your mind.
You clarify that the driver is here for you, and climb into the backseat. An old country song floats through the speakers. You're barely out of the Motel 8 parking lot before trepidation fills you — high school wasn't a grand experience (but was it for anyone?). As soon as you flung your cap on the air, you swore you would never come back. So why were you now?
The car abruptly halts at the side of a curb. You look up from your phone, which you've had nervously clasped on your lap, tapping away meaninglessly. The houses that surround you are distinctly suburban, nice, but not overly so, like most of the neighborhoods here.
"What's going on?" You ask. "I need to go to the high school."
The driver meets your gaze in the rearview mirror. "I'm picking up another rider."
"What? No, I didn't want Uber pool."
"Sorry, kid," the driver replies. "I'm the only Uber in town, and everyone is going to the same place."
Great, you think, sinking back in your seat. Not only were you going to have company, but it was going to be some chum from your class. Worst case scenarios run through your head: an ex boyfriend? The mean girl? But a surprising warmth forms in the pit of your stomach when the new rider flings open the door and crouches down to get inside. "Shit, fuck," the rider declares as they hit their head on the car.
Then, rather ungracefully, Philip Altman folds himself into the backseat besides you.
He doesn't realize who you are until he's finished rearranging his long legs and muscular form, barely succeeding in making himself comfortable in the backseat of the car. You're staring at him when he finally glances your way, and a blush dusts your cheek as his eyes light up. "Is that you? In the flesh?"
"I know, I'm surprised too," you say.
"What are you doing here?" He excitedly asks, then shakes his head. "Don't answer that, I know why. I guess I just didn't think that you were the reunion type."
You raise a brow. "And what type would I be?"
"You know," he said, as if you did. He jostles your side in a companionable fashion. When you don't register what he's implying, a look of shock takes over his handsome features. "What? The hot girl? You seriously don't know."
You fix him with an incredulous look. "C'mon, Phillip."
He holds up both of his hands defensively. "I'm being completely honest. I swear on my father's grave, bless his soul," he adds, then tilts his head. "Can you still swear on people's graves?"
"I heard about that," you say, softly. "I'm so sorry."
"Thank you." A look passes over his face, one that you can't quite read, disappearing quickly. "Fortunately, I have coping mechanisms. Adult ones."
He pulls something from his back pocket: a joint.
You glance at the driver, then Phillip. "I haven't..." you trail off, gesturing with your hands, "since high school."
Amusement flickers across his face. "We're going to our high school reunion, don't you want to reunite with something else?"
You order the driver to drop you off a few blocks away from the high school. Phillip grabs your hand and tugs you out of the car, throwing a "thank you" over his shoulder. You're both giggling as you find an alleyway to duck into, an uncontainable smile unfurling on your mouth as Phillip strikes up his lighter. 
He takes a long drag, then hands it to you. You fumble with it. "Do I even remember how to do this?" You ask, to no one in particular. 
Phillip grins at you, smoke streaming steadily from his mouth. "It's like riding a bike," he remarks. "Except the bike is made out of smoke and the road is made out of good times."
He finishes this intelligent analogy right as you bring the joint to your lips and inhale. You snort and then choke on your laughter, and then on the smoke, inducing a coughing fit that is not at all remedied by Philip's own howls of laughter. "Dumbass," you say, swatting his arm. 
You snatch the joint back from him once you're satisfied that your coughing fit is over. The weed hits your lungs, pungent and powerful, and you can feel the tension begin to melt from your body. You tilt your head back and gratuitously blow out the smoke, watching as it rises into the air, twisting and turning. When you look back at Phillip to proffer the joint again, he's already staring at you. It's in this moment that you remember all of the rumors in high school. 
Although you didn't necessarily run in the same circles, you saw each other at the occasional party or school function. The rumor then was that he was an apologetic flirt and playboy, hopping from one eager girl to the next. 
The rumor didn't matter to you in high school, you had your own shit to figure out. 
But now, looking at him, illuminated in the hazy dusk light, there's a tightening in your stomach that high school you had never acted on. 
Smoke breezes past your face as Phillip exhales, drawing you from your trance. His brows pull downwards. "Everything okay, kid?"
"Yeah. Perfect," you tell him. You pause. "Can I tell you the real reason I'm here tonight?"
He feigns offense. "You mean it wasn't to smoke some shitty weed with me in a dark alley like a couple of prepubescent hoodlums?"
This brings a smile to your face, but you ignore him. "Promise you won't laugh." Phillip makes the motion of crossing his heart. Taking another drag and summoning your courage, you tell him, "I never had sex in high school. So I thought that by coming back I could fuck someone from high school and it would kind of, like, settle the score."
"Oh." Philip's lips twitch with barely retrained amusement.
"You said you wouldn't laugh!" You tell him. "It's stupid, I know."
"I don't think it's that stupid," he assures you. "There's some people who genuinely want to relive their high school days and reconnect with their peers." 
He says this as if it ranks only just below murdering a bunch of baby orphans.
"I guess," you say. You feel relieved to have said it out loud, like Phillip was a priest and you were confessing your sins to him. When he changes the topic, reserving his judgement if he had any, it only solidifies your trust in him.
You waste almost half an hour, smoking and swapping stories about your lives since high school. You thought, going into tonight, that you would have to embellish yourself and your achievements, but you didn't feel that need with Phillip. He made you feel safe. Worthy. It was an excellent precursor to the reunion; you no longer felt nervous, and upon realizing that you were going to be unfashionably late, Phillip pinches the top of the joint and shoves it back into his pocket before once again seizing your hand. Another thing to add to the litany of things you never thought you would do: run giggling, hand in hand, with Phillip Altman through the front doors of your high school.
Horribly loud music washes over you as you check in at a table, giving your name to a girl that you don't even remember. Quickly, you scribble down your name on a name tag and slap it on your chest. Phillip snickers as he scribbles something down, sharpie scratching against the material. He proudly slaps it on his chest.
It reads: Phillip Assman.
The girl at the front table makes a face.
You, however, find it absolutely hilarious. 
Philip eventually ushers you away, still cackling, as more last-minute people trickle in through the door. He grabs your shoulders and directs you into the gym where the reunion is actually being held. Streamers with your school colors are taped limply on the walls. Several high-top tables occupy the gym floor, most of them crowded around by former students deep in conversation. There's a bar on one side of the gym, and a DJ booth on the other. 
You open your mouth to ask Phillip if he wants a drink, right as he's flagged down by someone standing around one of the tables. You don't recognize them. He waves and moves as if to join them, but stops and addresses you, "I'll be right back."
You watch him leave, ignoring the small kernel of disappointment inside you. 
Whatever, you think. It's not like you came together. He was just a guy that had the same Uber with you and you shared a joint. Not a big deal. 
Straightening your shoulders, you turn on your heel and march over to the bar.
Alcohol, as it turns out, is a wonderful crutch for social interactions. You drift awkwardly through the gym, catching up with a few people whose friendship have gradually eroded over time, and pretending to be enjoying yourself. Your high helped, clinging to you like a weed-fueled security blanket. But you maintained a vague impression that you made a mistake coming here. 
No one had magically gotten more attractive or interesting in the years since you graduated. There was one guy from your freshman algebra class that you bumped into while waiting in line for the bathroom, a guy who you probably would've totally fucked under different circumstances. But your mind kept wandering, and you ended up making up some half-ass excuse and scurrying away from his blatant attempts at flirting. 
Because, infuriatingly enough, you only had one guy on your mind.
Unhappy with this realization, you quickly do your business and then hightail it for the parking lot. You're embarrassed that you even came, you're embarrassed about why you came, and you're embarrassed that - not unlike a high school girl - you can't stop thinking about the stupidly good-looking guy you interacted with for only a few moments. "Idiot," you mumble to yourself, pushing your shoulder into the door and stepping outside.
The cold sobers you up considerably, and you ditch the red solo cup you'd been carrying for the last hour or so. You needed to just go back to your motel. In the morning, you could forget that this ever happened and erase Phillip Altman from your mind. 
"Hey, where are you going?"
You stop and turn, your heart pumping out a traitorous rhythm as Phillip emerges from the front doors and jogs over to you. Fuck, how did he manage to even look good in the shitty glow from the streetlights? He shoves his hands in his pockets. 
"You're not leaving, are you?" He glances over your head, scanning the lawn as if expecting to discover a reason for your departure, then back to you. "Come out here to puke or something? Those bushes right over there are --"
"No," you interrupt, sharper than you intend. You sigh, and try to soften your voice. "I shouldn't have come here. I-I'm going home. Well, not home, but my motel room."
You're rambling. And you're aware that you're rambling, but it's doing nothing to deter it.
"You can't leave," he says.
You arch a brow. "What? Why not?"
He withdraws the joint from his pocket, which admittedly looks a little more crumpled than the last time you'd seen it. "This joint is legally binding. You have to finish it with me."
He shrugs. "We probably shouldn't find out. You know, just in case." 
"Phillip -"
"We could go back to your room," he says. Recovering, he adds, "If that's okay. Or even that dark alley. It was warm and inviting, not to mention sanitary. We could go back there."
You smother your grin. It's not fair, that you've just reconnected with this man who you knew only in the abstract before, but now have become utterly transfixed by him. He has a magnetism about him that you can't ignore. 
You feel yourself thawing. "What about all of your friends?" You ask, gesturing towards the school. "You can't just leave them."
Phillip makes a face. "Who cares?" He grabs your hand - did he do that a lot? Grabbing hands randomly? - and hauls you to the curb, where he expertly flags down an awaiting Uber driver. "M'lady," he says, as he holds the door to the backseat open for you. 
The drive back to the motel is spent with you discreetly (read: not discreetly) sharing the joint and blowing the smoke out the cracked window. Your Uber driver seems less than impressed with you by the time you tumble out, but Phillip assuages your poor behavior with a generous tip. The heady combination of alcohol and weed, and Philip, fuels you. 
There's no saying who makes the first move -- your mind is swimming with elation from your company. But it happens sometime between the car pulling away from the curb and reaching the room of your motel. Phillip pushes you up against the side of the building, peppering your neck with kisses and whispering dirty things in your ear as you fumble for the key card. He feels so warm and comfortable and secure, and you desperately want to undress him, to explore him with your hands and your mouth and discover what he's like as he unravels. 
The door clicks as your key card finally registers. "Finally," Phillip all but growls. 
You squeak as he lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he nudges the door open with his foot and marches you inside. You're both still giggling like kids between desperate, hungry kisses, his hands reaching under your shirt and your hand disappearing beneath the waistband of his jeans. 
It's only when you're both left in your underwear that Phillip pauses.
You look up at him. He hovers over where you lay, sprawled out on the bed. He's infuriatingly, devastatingly handsome, even when traces of doubt line his features.
"What's wrong?" You ask. "Is everything okay?"
Philip's mouth opens then shuts, as if deciding on what to say. "Why me?"
"Why me?" He repeats, in no way clarifying himself. Phillip quickly elaborates, "You said that you went to the reunion just so that you could fuck someone from high school."
You struggle to find a response. "Why not you?"
"I mean, is this--" he waves his hand as if hoping to magically conjure the words that he's searching for, "--is this just nothing? I mean, I'm fine if you want to just settle some score and use me for my body but I'd like to know so I can charge you afterward."
His tone is nonchalant, light hearted, but there's a vulnerability lurking below. 
You sit up on your elbows. It's difficult to address him like this, when his naked torso is practically staring at you in the face. It would be difficult for anyone to concentrate. But you want to be serious, truthful, because you found something in Phillip tonight that you have never found in anyone else. It was too early to call it love, of course, but there was a deeper connection that you would be foolish to so hastily get rid of. 
"I'm not saying that I wouldn't whore you out," you tell him, "but I can promise that I don't want to do this for some dumb reasoning. I mean, sure, that's why I came here tonight, but I didn't expect to meet you." This admission sounds highly cliche, and it brings a blush to your face. "What I'm trying to say is--"
Phillip interrupts you with a goofy smile. "Say no more."
There's a litany of things you never thought you would do, one of them being returning to your home town to attend your high school reunion. Next on the list: falling in love with Phillip Altman. 
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purestxblood · 1 year
𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗠𝗘 𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗘, 𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘱 𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘯.
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(𝙋𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙥 𝘼𝙡𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙛!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)
You weren’t teenagers anymore, that was the problem. You were old lovers discovering new versions of the other and if you allowed this to continue, you feared what would transpire. You both were always courageous, spontaneous without thought or reason. So be it.
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁. 𝗙𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳. 𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽. 𝗦𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆. 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴.
“The gears in your head are turning,” he teased, the tip of his finger coming into birds-eye view for a second as you stared at the fan atop your ceiling before tapping the tip of your nose. You let out a delicate chuckle of breath through your nostrils, swatting his finger away with your hand. His own chuckle filled the husky morning air and you turned cheek, taking in his exterior. 
It was still dark in your room, soft hues of gray peering beneath the curtain signifying that morning was askew, night fading to meet a nearly rising sun. His dark locks were tousled from being tugged between your fingers, strands sticking messily against your pillow and along his forehead. Like yours, his eyes were dark and heavy from sleep, more so lack of, and it surprised you that he was awake staring at you with a closed mouthed smile to his dimples. 
In any other case – more like past memories where you found yourself clothes free and tangled in webs of desired limbs and synchronized moans, Phillip Altman would find himself sound asleep with blankets covering his face or his face buried alongside your breast and abdomen…that’s if he had stayed the night.
Granted, the last time you had your ex-boyfriend in your bed had been years ago when you were just two hopeless teens in what you thought was forever puppy love, leading him to sneaking out of your bedroom with enough time before your parents stirred. 
Now, you were in your late twenties, in your own home, wondering why the hell you allowed yourself to consume enough alcohol (or so you made as an excuse with only having two drinks and a shot) to take home the first and only man you ever loved and why he hadn’t gone home after you both came. 
Instead, you both had fallen asleep. Only this time, your face had been pressed into the crook of his neck, your arms draped over his chest and legs latched to his hips. It was as if subconsciously, your inner teenage self had sprung awake and didn’t want to let the moment go yet when you woke, you were quick to peel yourself off him and nestle against the pillow shoulder length away. 
“The gears aren’t turning in my head,” you scrunched your nose, your mouth frowning as you looked at Phillip. He chuckled lightly and rolled onto his side, until his frame nearly hovered your side, his face inches apart, “they so are.”
Summer before college had been the last. While you were ready to take the world by storm with Phillip by your side, he had been leaving you high and dry. Your sights were on growing together, getting through school and reaching your desired career, to then, marriage and a family. 
You were hopeful and optimistic that Phillip was the one you’d travel through life with. 
He had other plans and you accepted that deep down in the root of his spirit, Phillip Altman was terrified of commitment and the adult world. Both of which you weren’t, and while your breakup after four long years of high school sweets, became many sleepless and tear filled nights, you vowed to never look back—yet here you were: naked and sexually satisfied underneath ruffled bed sheets..
Oh yeah, the gears were turning and you were wondering why you allowed years of growth to be tossed out the window the second Phillip hugged you in appreciation at his fathers wake and invitation to the bar.  
Giving condolences and regards to your ex’s family by attending his fathers funeral and celebration of life was one thing, devouring said ex by giving him a blow job in the alleyway behind the bar like you were freshly horned teenagers to then fucking in your living room and bedroom was another.
You weren’t teenagers anymore, that was the problem. You were old lovers discovering new versions of the other and if you allowed this to continue, you feared what would transpire. 
Phillip was still nothing but a man child. He wanted the attention and beds of many, not the warmth of a solid foundation. 
“I think you should go,” you admitted. 
The corner of his lip twitched, the smile upon his face diminishing until his dimples disappeared. “You want me to go?” 
He blinked, his eyes piercing yours as if he were trying to see underneath your lashes, through your pupils, and into your mind. Your expressions always gave way to the thoughts in your head, hence how Phillip still managed to know you were stuck in thought, yet you hoped he wouldn’t protest and would just be.
Phillip hummed and brought his hand out from underneath the sheets, cupping his palm to your cheek. He held your face tightly, eyes lingering from your dazed eyed to your slightly parted lips. 
He leaned forward slowly as if we were waiting for you to protest but when your eyes had drifted down to his mouth, did he continue leaning until the gap was closed and his lips were on yours. 
The kiss was tender, his lips delicate in question while yours met him gentle in answer. It was short lived, Phillip being the one to break it and pull away. He hovered so closely to your face, his thumb soothing the apple of your cheek before brushing your sex filled bed head away from your face. 
He smiled, “you don’t.”
Truly, you didn’t but you were far from wanting to make things complicated. This was supposed to be a one night rekindled heated romance. 
You were ignored, silenced by his lips once more only breaking for him to continue a journey of feather-like kisses down your throat to the base of your shoulder and chest. His hand teased its way between your breasts and down your chest, coming to a rest on your inner thigh. His fingers smoothing circles along your skin, his knuckles occasionally brushing along your nude sex.
“This was supposed to be a one time thing,” you gasped as he nipped at the crook of your neck. He hummed in agreement against your skin as he feverishly devoured you in pecks, “and now?”
As the question stirred, Phillips fingers trialed to your core, his fingers teasingly running along your slit.
“A goodbye,” you licked your lips, your eyes closing as you pressed your head into your pillow, your pelvis lifting in need of touch. 
Your words were one thing but your body was betraying you by giving way to his touch. “Mmm,” Phillip rubbed his lips together. His finger ran up and down between your folds, dipping into your wetness while he kissed your jawline with an open mouth and tongue, a smile brewing, “baby we’re only getting started.”
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Five Plus One Prompts Masterpost
The prompts
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~ Five times Phillip Altman couldn't keep his mouth shut and one time he was left speechless ~
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~  Five times Rick Smolan woke up without you and one time he woke up with you ~
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~ Five times Flip Zimmerman thought he was in love and the one time he was (serial killer!RC) ~
~ Five times Francisco Garupe woke up without you, and one time you woke up together ~
~ Five times Jacques Le Gris stayed calm and one time he lost his temper ~
~ Five times Clyde Logan and you correct people about your relationship status, and one time you just accept it ~
~ Five times Paul Sevier woke up without you, and one time you woke up together ~
~ Five times Flip Zimmerman wanted to tell you he loved you and the one time he finally did ~
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candycanes19 · 1 year
Updated "Not the Plan" with Phillip Altman
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pxgeturner · 2 years
Ima write smth for Philip n if y’all let it flop like the Henry Creel fic istg ima go ballistic.
Comment if u wannabe tagged ig.
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roanniom · 2 years
LMAO Phillip and Miss Perfect was the first fic I ever shared on this blog back in December 2020. I’ve left that hanging forever and I am SO sorry lol.
I swear that I will get back to it ASAP. I just have to get this Eddie Munson fic out first and then I’ll try and get back to everyone’s favorite douche Phillip.
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hopeamarsu · 2 years
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* = Smut
** = Stories that might have triggering content. Please read the tags and keep safe.
Flip Zimmerman
Ember of a dying flame
Can’t wait to see you glow
Sunday morning
Silence - Loquacity
Hit The Slopes - White on White
Cinnamon rolls
Little fella
Robbie series: Piece of Heaven - Building Trust
Eating Out (In) *
Hurt No More *
Clyde Logan
Beautiful eyes
The Proposal - masterlist (12 chapters)
Thoughts - Fantasies - Conversations
Body Work
Night Moves (collaboration with @clydesducktape) *: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Midnight Sun 
Skin on Skin 
What Are You Waiting For
Chicken Wings
River Lea - Part 2 **
Mixing Sessions * : Whisper of Desire - In-Ear Monitor - Stereo Love - Loudspeakers - (Bonus track: The drinks)
Walk With Me:  No Sleep -  5 hours, 32 minutes -  I Don’t Know - Patience 
Healing Hands
Kindness of a Stranger
Calla lilies
Leather and Lace
Ronnie Peterson
A Moment of Calm
Date Night Disasters 
The Rooftop
Keep it Safe *
Sweetie Pie 
Night light **
Rick Smolan
When You Know
The Dam 
Senses: Touch -  Listen -  Scent -  Watch - Taste 
Kylo Ren
Man or Monster
Seeing double
The Gift
My treasure
Training Mat 
Adam Sackler
Bring on the Men - Phillip Altman x Adam Sackler
Snow Angel 
Stripped Bare 
I want this  - Paul Sevier *
Come Alive - Toby Grummett **
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jynzandtonic · 6 months
Phillip's noticed that I've started thirsting over one Miguel O'Hara lately. How would he reel me back in?
Oooooooh Miguel O'Hara is such a snack! I don't blame ya, friend. But Phillip? Phillip would have things to SAY about that hehe. Please accept these thots:
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Phillip swats your phone out of your hand when he crawls onto the bed next to you.
"Hey!" you snap, scrambling to recover it, but he's too fast. He snatches it up off the covers and starts scrolling through the AO3 page you had pulled up.
"Are you reading more fanfiction, you little slut?" he grins, pinching at your waist and laughing at the way you squeak and push him away.
"So what if I am?" you say, crossing your arms defiantly even if your face heats at the admission.
He pushes you back onto the mattress, caging you in with his arms. His eyes are dark and full of promise as he sucks a mark at the base of your throat, pulling a soft moan from your lips. Your body prickles with anticipation at his attention, every nerve alight with want.
"Well, well, well," he muses, slipping a hand between your bodies to rub at your clit through the thin fabric of your panties. "Can your spider-boy do this?" You shake your head slowly as he works around your sensitive bud in slow, torturous circles. "He can't, hmm? What about this?"
His fingertips hook in your waistband and tug your panties all the way off. He hooks your thighs over his shoulders and presses a thumb at the apex of your slit, parting your slick folds to reveal your throbbing clit. His tongue flits over your entrance and slides up to the very tip of you before he finds a quick rhythm, groaning when you start to buck against him. Just as the tendrils of release start to coil in your lower belly, he pulls away with a smile. "So he can't do that, either. Huh."
You whine at the loss of sensation, but your mouth goes dry as you watch him shuck off his bottoms to free his long, thick cock. He lines himself up at your entrance, pumping his hand just under his tip.
His grin is positively shit-eating as he starts to push inside your tight little cunt.
"What about this?" he asks, burying himself to the hilt.
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juniperwoodwell · 1 month
Just a reminder that my requests are open for all the characters I have listed on my profile.
Please send any and all requests and I'll do my best to write them!
Ps: I will be adding 10 new characters to my master list tomorrow so stay tuned for that!
And yes I do have a tag list, DM me or comment below if you'd like to be added.
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renstardust · 2 years
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You weren’t expecting Leia to invite you to Han’s funeral, especially since you and Kylo had broken up four years ago. The family always adored you though, and you were a good influence on Ky when you were together.
So it all clicked when you found out that one of Han’s dying wishes was for the two of you to end up together again.
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purestxblood · 1 year
Hello wonderfuls, ♡ thank you so much for taking the time to check out my miscellaneous main list. Comments, likes, & reblogs are always appreciated as I love to hear your thoughts.
Like every talented writer, I do not give permission for any of my works to be translated, rewritten, copied and posted on platforms other than my own accounts here on Tumblr & Wattpad unless stated otherwise.
Feel free to join my 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 to stay up to date & be notified for your favorite character one-shots.
𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗠𝗘 𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗘, 𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘱 𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘯. ☁️ 🌶️ 💌
You weren’t teenagers anymore, that was the problem. You were old lovers discovering new versions of the other and if you allowed this to continue, you feared what would transpire. You both were always courageous, spontaneous without thought or reason. So be it.
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bbillywilly · 2 years
Hey ladies... Adam Driver.... Don't won't you ass... he wont.... mine.....
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candycanes19 · 2 years
New chapter/part of "Not the Plan"
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waywardrose · 10 months
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Under the cut are x-reader fics for:
Flip Zimmerman (BlacKkKlansman)
Pale (Burn This)
Ronnie Peterson (The Dead Don’t Die)
Adam Sackler (HBO’s Girls)
Jacques le Gris (The Last Duel)
Clyde Logan (Logan Lucky)
Charlie Barber (Marriage Story)
Abraham H. Parnassus (Saturday Night Live)
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Armitage Hux (Star Wars)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Phillip Altman (This Is Where I Leave You)
+ Miscellaneous fics (and more! 👀)
updated: May 21, 2024
Follow me on:
Discord: waywardrose
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reader x flip zimmerman
🌹 A Reintroduction
rating: teen+, 1.5k, gender-neutral!reader, flip is dishonest, but also thirsty, drug-dealing mention
Flip. Your Flip is with the cops. He has a gun and a badge and everything.
That didn’t make any sense.
🌹 Flashfic: Flip could get it ✊
🌹 Flashfic: How do you think Flip would react to his wife’s changing body during pregnancy?
🌹 Flashfic: How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
🌹 Flashfic: How do they picture their future with their s/o?
🌹 The Handler
rating: explicit, 4.4k, sexism, violence, abusive language, blood (bc of the violence), drug mention, guns mention, child sex-trafficking mention, rape threat, jealousy, fighting
You propped your cowboy boot on the table edge and took a long drink of beer. No one sitting at the  table with you paid your rudeness any mind. In fact, Johnny Claiborne  promptly placed his callused hand on your bare knee.
🌹 It’s Too Late To Turn Back Now
rating: teen, 2.1k, past physical-abuse mention, brief injury description, off-screen murder, period-typical sexism
The first time Flip saw you, you were bruised and cuffed. The scuttlebutt around the precinct was you had run over and murdered your abusive ex-boyfriend.
🌹 Queen of the Roller Derby
rating: mature, 2.3k, vague injury description, anachronistic sports teams and organizations
He couldn’t believe… Well, a lot of things. First, that he’d been invited. Second, that he was looking forward to the bout. Third, that he was anxious for your well-being.
🌹 NSFW Alphabet Series
ABC | DE | FGH | IJK | LMN | OP | QRS | TU | V | WXYZ
Bonus: My five favorite things about Flip Zimmerman
rating: explicit, 32k, stand-alone vignettes, oral sex, fluff, angst with happy ending, masturbation, daddy kink, public and semi-public sex, kind-of somnophilia, drug use, under-negotiated bondage and spanking, soft domming, ass play
Your legs went limp on Flip’s shoulders, and you felt him eased them down to the bed. He ran his big hands up your sides and then under your back as he bent forward.
🌹 Still the Same
rating: explicit, 13k, fem!reader, high-school!flip+reader, vaguely 1969 (with  inaccuracies), fingering, handjobs, pining, military draft/service (with inaccuracies), colorado setting, period-typical drug use, magical first time, angst with happy ending
He cracked the window, letting in the crisp spring air. It was too dark to see where specifically he was looking, but he had turned to face  you. One hand remained on the steering wheel, the other over the back of the seat.
He offered, “Wanna get in the back?”
“Sure,” you said, dropping your purse on the floor, and opened your door.
🌹 Three-day Weekend
rating: explicit, 3.2k, daddy kink, daddy dom, reader is not a little, off-screen negotiation, edging, oral sex, mild spanking
You  woke to a hot hand sliding across your bare middle and lips kissing your shoulder. There was the tickle of whiskers, and you turned your head towards disruption. With a sigh, you opened your eyes to watch Flip kiss your shoulder again. He looked up at you as his hand traveled under the sheet bunched below your waist.
“Mornin’, baby,” he said. His voice was sleep-rough yet tender.
🌹 Triple-Feature
rating: mature, 2.8k, old-fashioned living arrangements, making out
The Aircadia Drive-In was running a classic-horror triple-feature this Saturday night. You read in the paper they were playing The Wolf Man, Frankenstein, and Dracula. That evening, you rang Flip and asked him out on a date. You even offered to pay.
🌹 You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
rating: mature, 2.8k, detective reader, estranged married couple, smoking, period-typical sexism, dirty talk
…you balanced your mother’s big Tupperware container filled with homemade Samoas cookies. They were Flip’s favorite, and he detested sharing them. But he would have to—because you were famous around the station for your cookies.
You hoped he only got one. It would serve him right.
🌹 You Can Leave Your Skates On
rating: explicit, 2k, almost uniform kink, roller derby mention, clothed female naked male
The sink counter was strewn with make-up and hair tools and the pair of scissors from the kitchen. Before he could ask what the hell all this was for, you kissed his cheek and closed the bathroom door behind him.
Spiritual sequel to Queen of the Roller Derby
🌹 You Light Up My Life
rating: teen, 1.4k, sneakiness, secrets, fluffy married life
The first time you knew something was up was when Flip started his car and hurried to change the radio station.
🌹 You’re the Inspiration
rating: teen, 854, past alcohol abuse, fluffy afternoon
Flip sat in his switched off car and stared at the dark house. He wanted to break something.
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reader x pale
🌹 In the Night We Trust | playlist on spotify
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
rating: explicit, 57k, pretty woman au, prostitute reader, 1980s/90s, drug use  mention, alcohol consumption, inherent power imbalance, soft dom, choking (not breathplay), safe sex, oral sex, semi-public sex, public dirty talk, rough sex, mild spanking, fighting, abusive language, attempted sexual assault, aftercare
“So tell me, Pale, are you in town on business or pleasure?”
“Business…” He looks at your lips. “Until now.”
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reader x ronald peterson
🌹 A Grave New World
rating: teen+, 804, canon-typical violence, missing parents
You’d only gone on one date—a really nice date, too—with Ronnie Peterson and then the zombie apocalypse happened. Like, what the actual fuck?
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reader x adam sackler
🌹 Flashfic: …imagine him trying to cuddle and smooch his gf in public and she’s like “😬😬 what are you doing…? Mmm, I guess it’s not so bad”
🌹 Flashfic: please. please tell me about licking sackler’s sack. its all i can think about. my mind has been infected by thoughts of adam sacklers balls in my mouth
🌹 Improving His Taste
rating: teen+, 2.2k, post s05e10, arguments with SO, making out
You were so sick of Adam Sackler and his tempestuous girlfriends.
🌹 Let Me Explain
rating: teen+, 1.2k, light angst, happy ending
“Whoa, let me explain!” Adam implored while teetering in patent leather stilettos, a chef’s knife with slices of carrot sticking to it in his hand. He grabbed the kitchen counter with his left to steady himself.
🌹 There Is A Light (That Never Goes Out)
rating: explicit, 4.3k, canon-typical buffoonery, jealousy, brief non-con element, femdom-ish reader, oral sex
“Take off your clothes,” he murmured after kissing you. “And crawl to my bed.”
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reader x jacques le gris
🌹 Fair Is Foul
rating: teen, 1.8k, historical inaccuracies, timeline inaccuracies, anachronisms, medieval  flirting, sad/open ending, minor spoilers(?), rape mention
The other ladies at court told you not to demean yourself by keeping company with a squire. You pointed out that said squire had Count Pierre’s favor. Said squire might even be favored above any knight.
🌹 To Honor and Innocence
rating: mature, 5.3k, fem!reader, young!jacques, historical/jousting inaccuracies, ✨the  middle ages were magic✨, catholic imagery, reader has a spring/summer birthday, just roll with me, making out, thigh riding, euphemisms galore
You needed to look away, but you couldn’t. He was striking with the sudden high color in his cheeks and glittering eyes. His smile softened around the edges, and your heart soared at the sight.
Look away, you’d told yourself. Look away before you lose yourself.
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reader x clyde logan
🌹 A Newer World
rating: teen, 1.3k, PTSD symptom mention
Jimmy leaned across the patio table, bottle of Coors in hand. “So, when you gonna make an honest woman outta her?”
🌹 Lucky Me Lucky You | duck tape jukebox on spotify | ambient mix by Sushii
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Bonus: NSFW Alphabet [2.1k]
rating: explicit, 33k, counter-espionage, angst with happy ending, alcohol consumption
You’d had big plans for your future. He’d had big plans, too. During senior year, you’d overheard him talking before class about joining the Army. You had thought about him in that service uniform and how handsome he would look.
Thirteen years later, Clyde was tending bar, sans uniform and missing part of his left arm. At the same time, you were working at the data-entry/call-center down the road from the house you inherited from your late grandmother.
So much for big plans.
🌹 When I Saw You
rating: mature/explicit, 3k, hairdresser!reader, touch-starved!clyde, post movie, erotic fantasies
In his fantasies, he always has both hands.
Which he knows is ironic.
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reader x charlie barber
🌹 Finding Treasure in the Dark
1 | 2
rating: explicit, 18k, submissive!female-reader, dom!charlie, under-negotiated bdsm, impact play, nipple play, oral sex, anal sex, piv sex, restraints, rope bondage, edging, semi-public fingering, sex toys, handjobs, public teasing
“Yes!“ she hissed in delight. "I told Professor Barber straight out I didn’t do that crap. Or let him boss me around. That’s why I dropped him, you know. If he wants some Stepford to indulge his impulses, he should go to Fetster or whatever.”
Your eyes went wide, and you shifted in your seat, faux-yawning and stretching your arms to cover the movement. You knew Charlie Barber.
🌹 Sweet Angel
rating: explicit, 3k, fluff, dog adoption, insecure!Charlie, piv sex
Since moving to a house with a fenced yard, Henry has been focused on getting a dog. First, it was getting a puppy for Christmas. When that hadn’t panned out, a dog for his birthday. Nicole wouldn’t install a real fence at her place, but tried to distract him with a new iPad.
That worked for a month.
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reader x abraham h. parnassus
🌹 Flashfic: …what would young!Abe do for his wife on [Valentine’s Day]??
🌹 Flashfic: Abe Parnassus vibes jacquesdemys.tumblr com/post/125815250515
🌹 His Girl On A Friday
rating: teen+, 1.2k, corporate espionage, seduction
You’ve been sent by your father, Henry Pickens, to spy on his rival: Abraham H. Parnassus.
🌹 Indulgences
rating: mature, 1.5k, fem!reader, vaguely 1950s, old-fashioned euphemisms, dub-con-ish at first, public fingering, mild edging
It’s official: Don Carlos is boring. Yes, it’s a fundraiser. And of course, you agreed to purchase tickets. Anything to support The Met. But this opera, while beautiful, is dull.
🌹 My Baby Just Cares for Me Series
rating: explicit, sheltered-artist reader, vaguely 1950s, no vintage racism, written with old-fashioned sensibilities and euphemisms, oral sex, alcohol consumption, semi-public sex, sex toys, vaginal fingering, first time
— Expanding One’s Horizons [5k]
“We all need to expand our horizons,” you said as you went to the dining room to turn off the lights.
“Indeed we do, my love.”
— Tension Tamer [3k]
The  mattress trembled under you. The softly lit face of your alarm clock said it was after three. You knew it must be work that had awoken him. The company was in the middle of a merger and tensions were high.
— A Treasure More Than Gold [2.2k]
You met your husband’s eyes across the dance floor of Hotel Astor’s ballroom. He’d let his five o'clock shadow develop into a short Vandyke beard in preparation for Babe Paley’s Halloween gala.
— Minx [2.7k]
Abe groaned into the coverlet as you pressed your thumbs on either side of his spine. His muscles were slowly losing their tightness. You didn’t think his desk chair at work was supporting him properly. Most likely, he never sat in it except to sign documents.
— It’s Magic [4.4k]
Don’t go to art school, they said.
— Two To Tango [7k]
You sat at the bistro table tucked in the corner of the pasticceria. Abe sat across from you, tiny plates of bite-sized cake on the table between you.
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🌹 The Skywalker Ascension
rating: teen, 4.5k, tros revision, mc death, angst, lightsaber battles, retcon timeline
“All the Sith live in me,” he vows. “You will be empress, and we will be one.”
While disgust churns her gut, she will not hate, she will not give in.
To him or to anyone.
🌹 Unsanctioned
rating: general, 371, universe jumping, pre-tfa, my poor attempt at humor
You’re taking the walk of shame to the kitchen, arms full of dirty dishes.
kylo ren x armitage hux
🌹 Bombing Out
rating: mature, 1.4k, canon compliant, cannoli kylux, gambling, strip sabacc, alcohol consumption, afterlife, mutual pining, arguing
He didn’t know why he was playing sabacc. He didn’t like card games. There was hardly any strategy. No planning. Everything was left to chance. It was messy. And the gambling. He didn’t mind risk, of course, but one had to match their opponents’ bets. Which meant the opponent had too much control.
It was idiotic.
About as idiotic as his opponent, Ben Solo—
Who had literally lost his shirt last round.
🌹 Iron Moon Series on AO3 | photoset | spotify playlist by ayudameme
rating: explicit, 36k, canon universe, xeno-vampires, canon-typical violence, the first order wins, soft kylux, but with blood, knife play, blood drinking
He wanted to taste it, lick it all up. He wanted to run his tongue along the cauterized edges of the cut on Ren’s face. He wanted to follow it down under Ren’s ruined clothing.
reader x armitage hux
🌹 Flashfic: Armitage Hux is low key hot
🌹 Flashfic: I want Hux to throat fuck me
🌹 Succor
rating: mature, 2.4k, shy princess reader, fo-leader hux, the first order won, arranged marriage, dirty talk
You felt your dinner guests’ eyes on you, their judgements. You ignored them while hiding behind the courtly rituals you’d been taught since childhood.
reader x kylo ren | ben solo
🌹 All the Time in the Galaxy
rating: teen, 1.9k, kor reader, mutual pining, first kiss
“Lady Ren, pardon the interruption—” You didn’t know what he was  interrupting. You were both standing in silence. “—The techs have noticed something strange here on Starkiller.”
🌹 Call It In the Ring Series
rating: teen-mature, college au, art-majors kylo and reader, first date, sibling fights, nude photography, assisted masturbation, phone sex, fingering
— Hotshot House Show [2.5k]
You checked the address one more time on your phone. It was right, but definitely not what you expected when Kylo offered to make you dinner.
— Worked Shoot [5k]
Photography midterms were due in two weeks, and you only had one of the four photos you needed. You silently berated yourself because you’d known this was coming. It was on the damn syllabus.
But who actually read the syllabus?
— Clean Finish [2k]
You couldn’t believe you were about to do this, you thought as you stood naked in front of the clean bathroom mirror. You didn’t know if Kylo would like it. What if he didn’t?
— Vignette [938]
Ben was all “Morning, beautiful” with a grin Flynn Rider would be proud of. He sat close to you on the sectional sofa—even though there were plenty available places to sit.
— Bonus: I want nothing more than to strip off his clothes piece by piece, kissing any and all skin bared to me.
— Dirty Pre-show [1.3k]
You’d washed at the sink in the studio, but ugh, your jeans are splattered with slip. You’re pretty sure you have some on your face, in your hair. Hell, even one of your ears feels crusty.
How the ever living fuck does it get everywhere?
🌹 Dum Dums
rating: teen, 2.3k, gender-neutral reader, suburban high-school au, fluff, mutual pining, mild angst with happy ending
“Your boyfriend’s looking this way again,” Poe sing-songed before taking a big bite of his apple.
You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly who he was talking about. “He’s not my boyfriend,” you reply as you set your bottle of water on the lunch tray.
🌹 Flashfic: Please the (fem-dom!reader) story from gc…. I NEED IT
🌹 Flashfic: How does Kylo spoil his lady?
🌹 Flashfic: So, what do you guys think is Kylo’s favorite way to kiss?
🌹 Hello
rating: mature(ish), 1k, modern au, dream-sharing, pining, possessiveness, nightmare elements, magic/force shenanigans
A phone rang. Burr-ring. Distant at first. Burr-ring. Clanging. Jarring. Burr-ring. It was too dark to find it. You groped around in the cool, damp blackness to find nothing. Burr-ring. You cursed just before your hand slapped against something cold and metal.
🌹 Me and The Devil Series
rating: mature-explicit, modern vampire au, death mention, blood drinking, menstruation, oral sex, biting
— Flashfic: …I want vampire!kylo to do *very* unspeakable things to me :)
— Flashfic: Very bored tonight and [thinking] about vamp!kylo, if you have any, what’re your favorite five about him?
— You’re My Sweetness [2.1k]
“You’re sad,” he murmured, a note of confusion in his words.
“Funerals tend to do that.”
“Let me make it better.”
— Red Wings [1.4k]
So, you laid there and bled onto an overnight pad that had to be the length of a regulation cricket bat.
— Flashfic: Do you have any thoughts on vampire Kylo sensually playing with you with his teeth?
🌹 Not Like the Rest
rating: teen, 948, alcohol consumption, politics
So, Ben’s kept moving for years. He hustles. He’s on committees. He researches everyone around him. He schmoozes.
And he’s schmoozing during a dinner to honor a retiring staffer when he sees you.
🌹 On the Pulse of Mourning
rating: teen, 6.5k, ptsd, angst, disregarding an elder’s wisdom, force choking, force weirdness
He sat on the lowered ramp of his TIE and waited for the Resistance scouts to find him. He didn’t think it would take them long. He’d landed only two klicks from the base.
🌹 The Sofa King
rating: mature, 550, hs au, making out, frottage
Anonymous asked: Ben Solo is such a precious little baby I don't see him making the first move. He would be way too nervous. Like during a movie night you could literally be in his lap, rubbing his chest, purring into his ear and he would just keep his eyes locked on the screen, jaw locked, shifting uncomfortably, and he making silly comments about the movie.
reader x kylo ren x armitage hux
🌹 Precious Pet Series on AO3 | photoset | playlist on spotify
Bonus: NSFW Alphabet for Kylo and Hux [1.6k]
rating: explicit, 335k, canon universe, force-sensitive reader, departing from tfa, stockholm syndrome, force bond, everyone has issues
A hush suddenly fell over the village and you strained to hear anything. Was it over? Had the Order gotten what it wanted? You had a gnawing feeling it was only beginning.
The whoosh of energy—you couldn’t identify the noise, but you knew it wasn’t good—pierced the air. There was a collective horrified gasp and more scrabbling and then more blaster fire. Something had happened, something terrible. Someone’s death had triggered it all. Suddenly, there were screams and controlled violent blasters, and you covered your mouth to muffle your sob. The village was dead. Everyone you knew was dead. Lor San Tekka was gone. You felt it like a punch to the chest.
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armitage hux x clan techie
🌹 Little Blue
rating: mature, 1.3k, incest, abuse mention, jealousy, crushes
“I see you’ve been slumming it with the radar techs again,” Armie said from his perch on Techie’s bed.
Techie gnawed on his lip, stepping through the doorway of his berth, and let the door slide shut behind him. He knew it would be stupid to deny it. He was wearing the tech jumpsuit after all.
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reader x eddie munson
🌹 Sidetracked
rating: teen, 900, mechanic!eddie, gender-neutral!reader, domestic fluff, slice of life
Maybe something last-minute happened. Like an emergency tow. Or a quick flat-tire fix. Or a gaggle of geese had waddled into one of the bays — again.
🌹 Through A Glass Darkly | playlist on spotify | masterlist
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
rating: explicit, 163k, canon universe, fem/witchy/goth!reader, magic, slow burn, friends to lovers, series-typical horror, period-typical sexism and homophobia, historical inaccuracies and anachronisms, drug dealing and use, smoking, alcohol use, masturbation, mutual masturbation, fantasizing, one-bed trope, making out, fingering, dirty talk, chasing, oral sex, handjobs, condoms, piv sex, mild spanking, reader’s father is a dirtbag, magical violation, mental torture, body horror, aftercare, nightmares, strict parenting, panic attack, past child abuse and abandonment, semi-public sex, breaking up, angst with happy ending, running away, guns, fighting, everyone survives, suicidal ideation
Eddie would have to wait until his lunch break to see this new, hot, weird chick. He wondered which flavor of weird she was. Art weird? Theater weird? Band weird?
Weird weird?
He shrugged. He liked weird.
In other words, you’re the new girl in town, and Eddie is intrigued.
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reader x phillip altman
🌹 Risking Thorns
rating: explicit, 12k, post-movie, ice skating, nice suburban upbringing, slut shaming, almost enemies-to-lovers, prickly reader, phillip gets a short leash, bastardization of a jewish holiday, fingering, semi-public sex, phone sex, spanking threat
Once she pulled out of the parking lot, you asked, “So, where are we going?”
“Altman’s? I thought you got your skates sharpened there, too?”
Mental alarms went off as you shook your head. You knew the Altmans…
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yennefer x geralt
🌹 Nailed Into Place
rating: explicit, 14k, modern new orleans au, inspired by s01e03 “betrayer moon”, mishmash of nola folklore, i’ve altered the striga curse (pray i don’t alter it further), references to s01e05 “bottled appetites”, timeline what timeline, alcohol consumption, incest mention, pedophilia mention, injuries, blood, ableist language, a sprinkling of geralt/jaskier
Geralt Rivia is the only witcher in New Orleans. He’s typically hard to find until Jaskier decides to announce on Instagram where he’ll be performing via selfies with Geralt in the background. Baron Ostrit, an associate of mob-connected Foltest Temeria, shows up to hire Geralt to rescue his daughter from slavers. Another princess to save. Geralt finds himself in a tangle lies, from the Marigny to the Garden District—and consulting with a mage he hasn’t seen in years…
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🌹 Character Soundtrack
Songs and playlists for characters I (and others) associate with them. Feel free to message me with ideas!
🌹 BlacKkKlansman Supercut
Flip Zimmerman scenes only.
🌹 Logan Lucky Supercut
Clyde Logan scenes only.
🌹 Burn This - Audio
Bootleg audio recording of the play.
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