#Pierre Maertin
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The two-part Rebel Moon movies from Zack Snyder this year may not have been a fan favorite, however we not only created special original artwork for the science fiction adventure, but we promise you will find a whole lot more sci-fi exclusive original artwork for registered members to download that will celebrate this art form in both visual media and in print (novels and paperbacks).
We invite you to stop by our websites and peruse the vast library of original exclusive posters, most of which are available for download.
The Burning Question For American Surfers??? WHY MIDNIGHT IN “WEST COAST MIDNIGHT RUN”? #WHYMIDNIGHT
West Coast Midnight Run is about to present a series of artwork posters from our senior editor Pierre Maertin, all the while attempting to answer the elusive question, WHY MIDNIGHT indeed?
You can find an answer to a lot of your questions plus discussions forums and coverage the National Media will censor or will not touch. Visit us at
URL wifi [dot] midnighttracks [dot] org
and enjoy a view never before afforded the average web surfing lover. Keep in mind our content is available on mobile devices but displays much better on desktop PC’s large screens and monitors.
Also keep in mind our membership is free of cost, you can register using just your email (you dont need a credit card) and you can use any of the free emails from Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook and AOL selections, or you can just login using your existing social media account.
More things to keep in mind, we do NOT USE DIGITIAL COOKIES on our websites and forums, thus we do not in any way track your actions or intrude on your online privacy. We do NOT have censors for our Forums and Kiosk’s comments sections for members. A member can start any thread on the Forums and should not be concerned about Free Speech issues. We don’t censor unlike Yahoo or MSN on social and political topics.
We do not require the use of credit cards to register, some vendors offer free products and services and yet require you to register by using your credit card. We have no such requirements for registration as a member for a free standard account.
Some of the Why Midnight series posters will be available to download for members in super large size.
ANY QUESTIONS? Just reach us via the website’s Contact form.
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The Olympics in Paris of 2024 are almost upon us. The sponsors and organizors have been in a frenzy in the past few months getting the sites ready for world-class competitions to take place and WCMR is proud to support the Paris Olympics as well as the next one in Milano-Cortina in 2026.
West Coast Midnight Run™ publication is in the process of rolling out five Paris Olympics-inspired art posters for your enjoyment that also herald the launch of our #WHYMIDNIGHT multi-year campaign that will attempt to unveil the mystery of why we selected MIDNIGHT in our publication's name.
Thus far we have unveiled four Olympics-themed posters and we will have more each month until the Milano Olympics launch in 2026. You can enjoy a large sample in big screen format at our main venue and some of them will be available for download to registered members in very large size suitable for wallpapers on your deskptop.
Stay tuned as we release more posters this year and next that span automotive, science fiction, fashion, movies and the Olympics, all geared around the #WHYMIDNIGHT in "WEST COAST MIDNIGHT RUN™" as we share with the public the fun built into our revues, reviews, editorials, artwork posters and our very name.
Please keep in mind we recommend you use large display monitors (laptop and desktop) when viewing our content. Mobile phones will work in most instances but their tiny screens are not really optimized for best viewing of our content and its wide screen format.
Also keep in mind standard membership is always free, and premium memberships up to Gold level can be purchased after you activate a free standard account. We do not censor your comments on our reviews and revues at the Kiosk, or the The Forums, we do not use any digital cookies to invade your privacy and you will not need any credit cards to register an account (some vendors charge and then refund you a nominal amount - we don't), any email that you have will be sufficient.
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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via various popular online press outlets and venues (such as MSN) have been leaking their plans for a new Mega City on the eastern flank of the kingdom, known as NEOM and also dubbed The Line.
The Kingdom is touting this new milestone in urban design to be on par with modern marvels of engineering and construction, something to behold along the lines of Egypt’s fabled pyramids – and to compete with Singapore’s Marina Bay, Dubai’s Marina, Jumeirah’s Burj Al Arab (the distinctive hotel shaped like a sailboat), and most recently Burj El Khalifa, one of the tallest buildings in the world – all of which are pre-eminent business, visitors and tourist destinations in Asia.
However, it would seem the price tag for this ambitious project originally estimated at One Trillion US dollars is now edging closer, per some sources, to $2.5 Trillion US dollars and many of its grandiose features and plans will have to be trimmed, cut back, or removed entirely from the project destined to open (in phases I would surmise) starting in 2035.
What is believed to the kingdom’s most ambitious undertaking yet, the region’s DISNEYLAND, so to speak, and perhaps a new economic engine for the region and the Kingdom, could also be one step closer to the undoing of the current boom enjoyed throughout the Persian Gulf region, from Kuwait and the Emirates to Saudi.
What exactly are we alluding to? Allow us to explain in an upcoming revue segment to be featured in West Coast Midnight Run’s Lifestyles section of the Kiosk.
West Coast Midnight Run will un
Visit us often as we develop this segment and several others for your curiosity and pleasure, we have additional segments in the works, including an overview of the Paris Olympics, prelude revues to tentpole movies such as the 2025 Superman from new studio creative James Gunn and The Fantastic Four from the new Disney/Marvel and Fox Studios conglomerate, as well as several fashion collections sneak peeks.
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westcoastmidnightrun · 3 months
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The Burning Question For American Surfers??? WHY MIDNIGHT IN “WEST COAST MIDNIGHT RUN”?  #WHYMIDNIGHT
West Coast Midnight Run is about to present a series of artwork posters from our senior editor Pierre Maertin, all the while attempting to answer the elusive question, WHY MIDNIGHT indeed?
You can find an answer to a lot of your questions plus discussions forums and coverage the National Media will censor or will not touch. Visit us at
URL wifi [dot] midnighttracks [dot] org
and enjoy a view never before afforded the average web surfing lover. Keep in mind our content is available on mobile devices but displays much better on desktop PC’s large screens and monitors.
Also keep in mind our membership is free of cost, you can register using just your email (you dont need a credit card) and you can use any of the free emails from Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook and AOL selections, or you can just login using your existing social media account.
More things to keep in mind, we do NOT USE DIGITIAL COOKIES on our websites and forums, thus we do not in any way track your actions or intrude on your online privacy. We do NOT have censors for our Forums and Kiosk’s comments sections for members. A member can start any thread on the Forums and should not be concerned about Free Speech issues. We don’t censor unlike Yahoo or MSN on social and political topics.
Some of the Why Midnight series posters will be available to download for members in super large size.
ANY QUESTIONS? Just reach us via the website’s Contact form.
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westcoastmidnightrun · 3 months
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The Burning Question For American Surfers??? WHY MIDNIGHT IN "WEST COAST MIDNIGHT RUN"? #WHYMIDNIGHT
West Coast Midnight Run is about to present a series of artwork posters from our senior editor Pierre Maertin, all the while attempting to answer the elusive question, WHY MIDNIGHT indeed?
You can find an answer to a lot of your questions plus discussions forums and coverage the National Media will censor or will not touch. Visit us at
URL wifi [dot] midnighttracks [dot] org
and enjoy a view never before afforded the average web surfing lover. Keep in mind our content is available on mobile devices but displays much better on desktop PC's large screens and monitors.
Also keep in mind our membership is free of cost, you can register using just your email (you dont need a credit card) and you can use any of the free emails from Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook and AOL selections, or you can just login using your existing social media account.
More things to keep in mind, we do NOT USE DIGITIAL COOKIES on our websites and forums, thus we do not in any way track your actions or intrude on your online privacy. We do NOT have censors for our Forums and Kiosk's comments sections for members. A member can start any thread on the Forums and should not be concerned about Free Speech issues. We don't censor unlike Yahoo or MSN on social and political topics.
Some of the Why Midnight series posters will be available to download for members in super large size.
ANY QUESTIONS? Just reach us via the website's Contact form.
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