theflashzoom · 2 months
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monsieuroverlord · 7 months
Aaaand I'm in tears again.
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Wolverine #44 Previews are Up
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written by Ben Percy and Victor LaValle, art by Cory Smith, cover by Leinil Francis Yu
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comicwaren · 7 months
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From Wolverine Vol. 7 #044, “Sabretooth War: Part 4”
Art by Cory Smith, Oren Junior and Alex Sinclair
Written by Benjamin Percy and Victor LaValle
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heckcareoxytwit · 7 months
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A preview of Wolverine #44
Death has followed LOGAN for over a century. But as the blood pools and the gravestones pile up around him, what happens when SABRETOOTH kills again? The fallout of significant mutant deaths, and a desperate tactical play by WOLVERINE and X-FORCE turns the SABRETOOTH WAR on its head!
Written by: Victor LaValle, Benjamin Percy Art by: Cory Smith, Frank D’Armata Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu, Romulo Fajardo Jr. Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: February 28, 2024
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northstararia · 20 days
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Some good fucking pics of this cosplay. It only took me two cons and several pop up event to do so but here we are! Last day of Tucson Comic Con 2024 is 1610 Northstar!!! Ft. Tiny Colossus!
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orangedodge · 8 months
The Sabretooth War is one of the worst events Marvel has put out in many years, and the whole thing is down to Marvel's stubborn inability to recognize that Victor Creed is a D list villain at best, viable only as a personal nemesis to Logan. He is a fine villain when used in that role, but cannot function as a credible solo antagonist to the X-Men as a team under any circumstance.
In theory, we even had a good set-up for a story that played around his limitations. Krakoa is occupied. The X-Men are scattered. Logan had been left rescuing defenseless mutants without any support. Their chosen safe haven is in a geographically isolated location at the mercy of inclement weather. This could have been a fine monster-in-the-house story with only Logan left to protect everyone from a hidden Victor Creed. If having a dozen duplicates of Victor along for the ride was an absolute necessity, we could even keep Laura and Akihiro and make it a family story.
Instead, they waited too long to do this plot. In present day, the X-Men are already reestablished, and are already defending the safe house. Instead of Logan on his own, Colossus is there. Colossus is there! I don't care how many different Sabretooths Benjamin Percy wants to cram the book with. It doesn't matter. Colossus is made of steel. Victor Creed's superpower is having very sharp fingernails. It's ridiculous! All they can do is get uselessly slaughtered because Victor Creed should never, under any circumstance, be used as a villain for the X-Men and this is the kind of hole you dig for yourself as an author when you ignore that.
Worse, Northstar and Aurora, Marvel's versions of the Flash, have a guest appearance. There's no rationale for them to not just light speed their way through the house, knocking everyone out as they go, and saving everyone before any serious danger can develop. Instead, Benjamin Percy (and Victor LaValle...?) call for page after page of gratuitous gore porn as Victor and company slaughter wave after wave of helpless children, while the X-Men very slowly fight their way from room to room. This arc is already being rightfully compared to Wolverine: Enemy of the State. Both stories have a lazy habit of just throwing out more and more bodies--both villain and victim--in an effort to build cheap tension. But as with Enemy of the State, all it does is make the book a chore to read.
This book is scheduled to run for 10 issues in total. There is no obvious justification for it to have not ended in Sabretooth's crushing, humiliating, loss within the first five pages. We wouldn't miss out on anything, except for some pictures of mutilated children that I don't think anyone wanted to see in the first place.
I feel bad for Victor LaValle, the continuation of whose Sabretooth Trilogy was sacrificed for whatever this mess is.
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UNFILLED PROMPT - [Ultimate X-men] Logan/Colossus/Northstar
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Logan walks in on them having sex and joins the party Bottom!Logan or Bottom!Colossus are prefered but not obligatory
Click the image to access the Prompt Multiple Fills Welcome! X-men Kink Meme
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timothy-kaplans · 2 years
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Couple that 616 deserved
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magickhajiit · 1 year
First flight to Canada
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Rating- mature
Warnings- unconsensual drug usage
Blurb- Canada's mutant premier superhero team, Alpha Flight, powered on the dangerous mutant drug Banshee attack the Xhavier's school. After an easy defeat Jean-Paul finds himself trapped on a plane with the dangerous group. It's clear they still care but this world pushes many heroes to do things they never thought they would.
There’s a sheen of sweat glistening off Jean-Paul's forehead as he sits on the jet’s cold flooring, his knees pulled up to his chest, his chin resting upon them. His sister, Aurora, kneels beside him, one hand clutching his shoulder. His shirt moving with each frantic beat of his heart. The sweat and racing heart weren’t caused by exhaustion. He’d still been trembling behind the X-Men, feet glued to the ground when his sister had scooped him into the air. The rest of the X-men hadn’t put up much of a fight either, letting Alpha Flight knock them around like a cat would a mouse.
Guilt swirls around James’ stomach watching his younger teammate look so defeated. He had never wanted things to come to this, stealing one of his own people from the X-Men, and using a drug like Banshee to power his team. He had always believed that mutants deserved to live on their own terms, without interference from humans. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and James knew that Department H had poured too much funding into Northstar to let him leave their programme. Either Alpha Flight had to retrieve him or someone else would.
In the background, James can hear the humming of the engine as the jet rises, half-drowned out by Jubilee and Snowbird’s tiresome bickering. Soon they’ll be sailing over the vast landscape of Canada, far enough away to avoid any possible retaliation from the X-men.
Jean Paul’s sat quietly, not a single word escaping his lips. He looks pitiful, his dark hair dishevelled, caged in between James, his sister and the rest of the team. Still, he’s leaning into Aurora’s hand on his shoulder, James is glad to see even betrayal can’t shatter their sibling bond. Hopefully, it’s a relationship they can call upon in the future if he needs persuading their way.
"How’s your brother, Aurora?" James asks.
"He's ready to go North," Aurora replied stiffly, her eyes never leaving her brother's form, conflict plastering her face. Shuffling forward, syringe in hand she continues, "Let me just give him a little something to help him settle."
James drops to their level, gently holding Jean-Paul down, although the mutant wasn't struggling. In fact, he pliantly allows his arm to be manipulated, till the crook of his elbow is laid bare. His eyes turn away as the needle slips into his skin. With his increased metabolism the drug would make him drowsy but still conscious.
Holding him, James notices goosebumps have risen up on his arms. Which makes sense, the jet’s always cold and whilst the rest of the team are protected by their suits Jean-Paul is dressed like a civilian. One out for a summer's day walk with shorts and beaten-up trainers on. So far the team had avoided calling him Northstar, for right now Jean-Paul looked as much like Northstar as the day looked like the night.
When the body in his arms relaxes, tense muscles uncoiling, James finds himself comforting, ‘’We'll do everything we can to make sure you're comfortable. Alpha Flight needs your powers to save lives, but we’re not going to hurt you. I promise." Jean Paul's eyes glaze over, drooping half closed but they’re aimed at Hudson as he speaks. ‘’We’re going to protect all mutants. Mutants like Piotr.‘’
‘’Don’t use his name. Not after what you just did to them.’’
James is grateful he still has some fire left. ‘’None of the X-men were hurt. We gave them the chance to hand you over.’’
‘’Why me? All of the mutants around now and you decide to come after me.’’
‘’We’ve got our reasons. We’ll explain when we get you back to Department H.’’ From behind him Aurora enters James' field of vision. Quietly she pulls Jean-Paul's arms in front of him, securing them there as James locks the cuffs on. They were designed by Department H years ago, the type that straps his arms together, rendering the captive immobile. They’re connected to a collar, injecting a liquified power dampener every twenty minutes, Jean-Paul winces as the first jab hits him. Maybe it was overkill, James thought. They could overpower him easily, especially with banshee coursing through their veins. But James didn't want to take any chances. Northstar was a valuable asset, and they couldn't risk losing him.
Sighing James wraps a blanket around his thin frame, tugging it up as it slips down. "Rest easy, my friend," James says, rubbing Northstar's shoulder gently. "Everything is going to work out. I promise." Taking a last glance at their captive James gets back onto his feet, and makes his way to the front of the plane. Lives were at stake, and Alpha Flight needed recruits. Nothing could stop them from saving the world and their kind, even if it meant they would have to chip away at themselves to do what needed to be done.
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viperixsworld · 1 month
mutant file (logan howlett x fem!oc)
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name: michaela isabella fiore
alias: natura
day of birth: june 22nd, 1968 (32 in X Men 1)
height: 5'6
category: mutant (alpha level)
abilities: chlorokinesis, toxikinesis, toxic immunity, genius
residence: xavier school for gifted youngsters
occupation: doctor and biology teacher
affliction: x-men (since 1990)
state: alive
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"early life"
Michaela Isabella Fiore, born on 22 June 1968, daughter of Paul and Francesca Fiore in the borough of Brooklyn, New York. Both are children of first-generation Italian immigrants to the United States. Working class, they ran a flower shop in North Brooklyn. Currently retired.
The first mutant gene samples are demonstrated in a biology class during primary school. According to the teacher's reports, during an experiment where students were asked to grow a bean in a beaker, Fiore's plant grew "abnormally". Other school reports state that, during high school, girls who were picking on Michaela reported to the teacher that Fiore had planted manure in her lockers. It was never proven.
Michaela continued her studies and was awarded one of the Xavier Scholarships for Gifted and Talented Youth at New York University, where she graduated with a major in Botanical Biology and Toxicology and a minor in Genetics,where she met Sara Kinney. She later obtained her PhD at Oxford, with a thesis on assisted mutation in various plants for medical purposes.
"xavier school for gifted youngsters and X Men"
Since her doctorate at Oxford in 1990, Michaela Fiore has been a registered biology teacher at Xavier School for gifted youngsters. She is also a member of the X Men team, along with Scott Summer alias Cyclops, Jean Grey alias Marvel Girl, Ororo Munroe alias Storm, Kurt Wagner alias Nightclawer and Hank McCoy alias Beast.
However, Fiore's work is more oriented towards laboratory work and the development of new ways to treat the injured mutants who come to the school.
Some field missions are recorded. Despite little hand-to-hand training, Fiore's skills allow her to get the upper hand in a ranged fight.
During the 2000s, the X Men had several clashes with the notorious ex-terrorist Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants. As well as battles against the government against the Mutant Registration Act and the "Mutation Cure". Both Dr. Fiore and Dr. Grey advocated against both of these in Congress.
During this time, new members join the X-Men: Remy LeBeau aka Gambit, Anna Marie aka Rogue, Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin aka Colossus, Robert Louis "Bobby" Drake aka Ice-Man, Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde aka Shadowcat and Logan Howlett aka Wolverine.
Currently, the X Men grouping is still unleashed by Scott Summers aka Cyclops, Ororo Munroe aka Storm and Logan Howlett aka Wolverine. Michaela Fiore does not take part in the field missions and shares the position of deputy director with Dr. Jean Grey.
The Sentinel menace was stopped in 1973 by a mutant named Mystique, who saved the president from Magneto.
currently, 2024 (nobody's dead, we're all happy and forgetting the timeline, FUCK TVA)
The school remains the same as it has been all these years, but the threats don't stop. Recently, records came in about a trafficking of mutant children being experimented on by an illegal organisation on the Mexican border.
The X Men are working on it at the moment.
character analysis
Michaela is a kind and optimistic person. Over the years she has gained more experience and control over her powers, which makes her a confident person. At first she was reluctant to be introduced to the X-Men, but her colleagues convinced her.
She spends much of her time in the underground lab at X-Mansion, alongside Jean Grey and, on occasion, Hank McCoy.
Her first encounter with Logan, aka Wolverine, was not a pleasant one. The mutant awoke from his coma (induced by the Professor) altered and confused, so he attacked Michaela and scarred her back with his claws. Michaela, in response, put him to sleep with chloroform, until the Professor arrived.
The two slowly, slowly worked out their differences.
For their personalities clash quite a lot. Logan is a lone wolf, while Michaela is all about teamwork. But according to Cyclops, they're both equally annoying.
Despite appearances, constant bickering and "mutual hatred", there is a pact of respect between the two. They will never say it to each other's faces, but they are very fond of each other. (Everybody knows it, except them).
now some headcannons
The X Men affectionately refer to Michaela as Mickey or Dr. Mickey.
Logan refers to her as "kid".
Mickey refers to him as "old dog".
Mickey wears a necklace with a St. James medal, a legacy from her paternal grandfather Jimmy Fiore.
Mickey doesn't know that Logan's real name is James.
The children shipped their biology teacher and the history teacher (i.e. them).
Michaela was upset after Logan's departure after fighting Magneto.
And when he left again.
And again.
He has commitment issues (no shit).
Apparently he always fixes it when he comes back.
The X Men always party when he comes back, they go to a bar a few miles from the school.
Our girl can't stand alcohol (she's given Logan endless lectures on the problems of alcohol), but on these occasions she has a margarita or two.
Bad idea.
She's a lightweight.
Very funny until she throws up.
Logan always ends up looking after her.
But not without laughing the next morning, delivering her own sermons against her.
Again, children SHIP them.
Bobby tried to lock them in a classroom. It was fun until Logan chased him all over the mansion.
Logan offers to teach Michaela how to fight.
She has improved a lot.
He always ends up in a cold shower.
Sometimes they are found in the kitchen at night, or in the greenhouse or laboratory.
Logan suffers from chronic nightmares, about his past, about Weapon X, PTSD...
Michaela is only used to little or no sleep. She lives in a mansion with hundreds of children, there must always be someone awake.
They do not normally speak at these meetings.
The next morning it's back to normal.
Michaela lives in coffee.
Logan hates coffee.
Logan always makes Michaela coffee.
They will end up together. For sure. But there are bets hanging around.
Even Magneto, in his plastic prison, asks the Professor for updates.
"Any news on...?" "Not that I know of." "For God's sake, Charles! You're a mind reader!"
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comicwaren · 9 months
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From X-Force Vol. 6 #047, “The Greenhouse”
Art by Daniel Picciotto and GURU-eFX
Written by Benjamin Percy
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier) was on the way to visit his boyfriend/fiance - Kyle Jinadu, in Toronto when he gets attacked by the Warwolves. After Storm and Cyclops subdue the Warwolves, the latter (Cyclops) is disappointed with Northstar for his lack of focus in training, fighting and commitment to the X-Men. Northstar explains to Cyclops that he missed his boyfriend dearly and even though he has super-speed in running and flying, it is not enough for him to travel long distance between Utopia Island in San Francisco (USA) and Toronto in Canada. Besides his lack of focus, Northstar's lovesick attitude is starting to annoy the mutants on the island. One day, Northstar bumps into Dazzler who then suggests that he should just invite Kyle to Utopia Island. Northstar calls Kyle to come over to Utopia Island and the latter (Kyle) accepts. Coincidentally, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier the twin sister of Northstar is also the manager of Kyle's company in Toronto so she allows him to go on a vacation.
As Kyle Jinadu arrives at the port near Utopia Island, Northstar acts like a giddy starcrossed lover that he zooms in and picks him up to bring him over to his room. Northstar continues to show Kyle around at Utopia Island but the visit at Utopia Island was too overwhelming for him as there were mixed reactions from the resident mutants and Kyle’s uncomfortable feeling of being the token human. Later, when the two lovers head back, they get attacked by the Warwolves again. Fortunately, Colossus and Psylocke turn up just in time for Northstar to move his boyfriend to safety. And after an overwhelming visit to Utopia; Kyle and Northstar had to discuss the fact the Kyle can never become a part of the superhero world. Thankfully, the couple decided they each had to make some compromises and meet each other on common ground.
This story took place before Northstar had finally married to Kyle few years later.
Nation X#2, 2010
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ilikestuff69 · 1 year
My X-Men Fancast
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Charles Xavier played by Mark Strong
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto played by Jason Isaacs
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Scott Summers/Cyclops played by Mason Gooding
Jean Grey/Phoenix played by Katherine McNamara
Bobby Drake/Iceman played by Gabriel LaBelle
Warren Worthington/Angel played by Ross Lynch
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Logan/Wolverine played by Tom Hardy or Taron Egerton
Ororo Munroe/Storm played by Aja Naomi King
Hank McCoy/Beast played by Tyler Hoechlin
Raven Darkhölme/Mystique played by Claudia Doumit
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Anna Marie/Rogue played by Keke Palmer
Remy LeBeau played by Dacre Montgomery
Kathrine Pryde/Shadowcat played by Isabelle Fuhrman
Piotr Rasputin/Colossus played by Alexander Ludwig
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Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler played by Mena Massoud
Lorna Dane/Polaris played by Thomasin McKenzie
Sean Cassidy/Banshee played by Paul Mescal
Alex Summers/Havok played by Kelvin Harrison Jr.
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Emma Frost played by Jodie Comer
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee played by Madison Hu
Betsy Braddock/Psylocke played by Jessica Henwick
Victor Creed/Sabretooth played by Alan Ritchson
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Lucas Bishop played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
Armando Muñoz/Darwin played by Jacob Anderson
St. John Allerdyce/Pyro played by Jacob Bertrand
James Madrox/Multiple Man played by Glen Powell
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Clarice Ferguson/Blink played by Lyrica Okano
Alison Blaire/Dazzler played by Madison Iseman
Bobby du Costa/Sunspot played by Rome Flynn
Tabitha Smith/Boom-Boom played by Victoria Pedretti
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Mortimer Toynbee/Toad played by Levi Miller
ForgetMeNot played by Brett Gelman
Glob Herman played by Tyler Labine
Bailey Hoskins played by Mason Thames
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sexymonstersupercreep · 11 months
Nightmare Fuel Art Master-post, Vol. I
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Regularly updated!
15th Century
Gerard David Hans Holbein Hans Memling Hieronymous Bosch Lucas Cranach the Elder Matthias Grunewald Titian
16th Century
Adriaen van de Venne Artemisia Gentileschi Filippo Napoletano Hans Baldung Grien Herri Met de Bles Jacopo Ligozzi Jan Mandijn Jan Massys Pieter Bruegel the Elder
17th Century
Caravaggio Francesco Furini Frans Francken II Juan de Valdes Leal Jusepe de Ribera Leonaert Bramer Peter Paul Rubens Salvator Rosa 18th Century
Edvard Munch Francisco de Goya Henry Fuseli J.M.W. Turner Karl Alexander Wilke Katsushika Hokusai Paolo Vincenzo Bonomini William Blake
19th Century
Amedee-Ernest Lynen Antoine Wiertz Armand Rassenfosse Arnold Bocklin Carlos Schwabe Edmond Louis Dupain Felicien Rops Francesco Scaramuzza Franz von Stuck Georges Rochegrosse George Frederic Watts Gustave Dore Gustave Moreau Henri Regnault Ilya Repin Jakub Schikaneder James Tissot Jean Francois Millet Jean Leon Gerome Jean Paul Laurens Jean Veber Jeno Gyarfas Jose Casado del Alisal Laszlo Mednyanszky Louis Gallait Maximilian Pirner Odilon Redon Paul Burck Theodore Gericault Theodor Kittelsen Theophile Schuler Tsukioka Yoshitoshi Wilhelm Kotarbinski William Holbrook Beard Witold Wojtkiewicz
“Turn of the Century” Alberto Martini Alfred Kubin Antonio Rizzi Egon Schiele Frantisek Kupka Fritz Gareis Georges Desvallieres Harry Clarke Heinrich Kley Henryk Weyssenhoff James Ensor Jaroslav Panuska Jean Delville Josef Mandl Julien Adolphe-Duvocelle Kathe Kollwitz Manuel Orazi Marian Wawrzeniecki Oscar Parviainen Piotr Stachiewicz Richard Tennant Cooper Sascha Schneider Sergius Hruby Wladyslaw Podkowinski Vasily Vereshchagin
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garadinervi · 1 year
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«Rampike», Vol. 2, Nos. 1 & 2, Special Double Issue: 'Electricitee', Edited by Karl Jirgens, Toronto, 1982 [UWindsor Institutional Repository, University of Windsor, Windsor. room 3o2 books, Ottawa]
Contributions by René Lévesque, Marshall McLuhan, John Meisel, Martin Esslin, Joseph Beuys, France Théoret, Dave Godfrey, Kerry Trengrove, Takis, David Rosenboom, Nicole Brossard, Louis Dudek, Frank Davey, Ziggy Blaseje, David Hylnsky, Jonathan Borovsky, Barbara Astman, Holuska, bpNichol, Germaine Beaulieu, Presence Panchounette, Dennis Masi, Karl Jirgens, Laurie Anderson, Dave McFadden, Jean Paul Curtay, Michel Gay, George Bowering, bill bissett, Robert Kroetsch, Clark Blaise, Piotr Kowalski, Peter Gnass, William Furlong, Rosetta Brooks, Nash the Slash, Richard Strange, Andrew Patterson, Chris Devonshire, Jim Montgomery, Martin Bartlett, Al Mattes, Allan Erdmann, Richard Hill, George Manupelli, Art et Industrie, Alexis Wallrich, Claudette Abrams, Sheree Lee Olson, John Grube, Tom McNeeley, Gerry Shikatani, Don Thompson, Tom Dalton, Steve Smith, Robert Priest, Ken Norris, Shaunt Basmajian, Bill Culbert, John Roberts, Rodney Werden, Noel Harding, Terry McCubbin, Endre Farkas
Cover Art by Ints Plampe
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