#Pixxie prompts
pixxiepink · 5 months
Pixxie Prompt! - 1
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Do not know why I chose this for my first prompt, but here we are. Tried to make something sweet out of it, but it just became an exploration of my Ace identity a little.
My short little mess of a snippet is below.
"How do you know you are in love?"
I glance down at the kid, big brown eyes staring up at me, intense as if only he looked harder he would find all the answers.
"Don't know," I admit with a shrug, turning my attention back to the boring soccer game I was drug to.
"But you're a grown up," the random boy protests. "Grown-ups know everything!"
"Not everything," I counter, glancing down at him once more, "why do you want to know anyway?"
His young faces twists into a scowl, "cause Mary keeps saying it, but I don't get it."
I have no idea who Mary is, I don't even know who this kid is. But I humor him all the same, small talk is better than watching sports. (slightly only very slightly).
"So, your friend Mary get a boyfriend or something?"
the boy frowns harder, giving me a glare, "She's not my friend! She's mean!" he protests, crossing his arms and making a show of turning away from me, "and she got a girlfriend."
'Progressive elementary kids,' I note with a faint chuckle. But still...
"And why dose that bother you?"
He turns back around to look at me, anger forgotten, "cause everyone keeps saying-,"
He clams up, expression disgusted and... ashamed.
Ohhhh, so that's what this is about.
"And you don't want to love that way, right?"
He looks up in shock, clearly not expecting me to hit the nail on the head. "That's... that's a bad thing, right?" he asks hesitantly, hands fisting into his oversized jacket, "I'm supposed to want it. Like everyone says."
I hum, gut twisting, trying to force down the complicated tangle of my own emotions that violently surface with that question. I had wondered the same thing all my life, still wonder it in the dead of night.
"I don't know what to tell you kid," I admit with more honestly than I intended, "but I do know in all my grown up wisdom, that love isn't something someone else can give you an answer for. You have to figure that out for yourself."
His face pulls down into a frown, clearly that was not the clean-cut answer that he wanted, "No-No one can tell you?"
I feel my face soften at his hesitant tone; seems this has been weighing on the kid for a while. It's not really my place but, if this kid is like me. 'Wouldn't I have wanted someone to tell me it was okay?'
I speak slowly words carefully falling from lips, "No one can define love for you, but that also means you get to decide how your love works. And not everyone will love like your not-friend Mary, not everyone will want to love someone else in a romantic way. and that's-," my breath catches for a moment, but I force my lungs to work, embarrassed this innocent conversation is tugging at my heart so, "and it's okay. Love how you want, or don't love at all, no one can make you."
And it's like the rainbow after a thunderstorm, the kid lights up, beaming up at me, "thank you!" he says rushing at my legs for a fumbled hug that's more of a tackle.
"Woah easy there-," but before I can even finish, he's racing off, wide grin on his face.
"Ahh well," I sigh to myself, glancing back at the sport's game I came to watch, I think we scored a point? "at least that ended well."
I look back over to the kid, where he's still smiling brightly, tugging on the arm of a girl to go play. Not a hint of the confusion or unease on his face, childhood at its finest.
Glancing up at the cloudy fall sky I let the question tumble through my head once more. "How do you know you are in love?" was what he said, but he really meant was, "Do I have to love like them?"
And that was a question I could answer.
Hopefully he would remember the random stranger and their words for a long time, long enough for him to take it as fact, that it's okay to love however you want, including not loving at all.
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haesun-hq · 2 months
vocês tem alguns prompts e mwfc, mods?
Boa noite, nony! Por enquanto, só os meus. Mas você pode pedir os das outras mods também!
fcs: Chaeyeon - Itzy, Ningning - Aespa, Yujin - Ive, Mabelz e Pimma - Pixxie, Miyeon - Gidle, Chaein e Ireh - Purple Kiss, Suzy - Atriz, Kim Yoojung - Atriz, Baifern Pimchanok - Atriz, Benz Atthanin - Ator, Yoji Iwase - ator, Gun Atthaphan - Ator, Jee Hogeun - Ator, Song Hangyeon - Ator, Rowoon - Ator, Gongyoo - Ator, Lee Dongwook - ator.
prompts: amigos que dividem o apartamento, mas um é pobre e acaba sendo bancado pelo outro. Motorista de aplicativo que tem medo de ser sequestrado, um morador que deixa bilhetes motivacionais na porta dos outros de vez em quando, uma babá que está começando a vida agora, um morador que conta tudo pro síndico, um escritor que foi expulso de casa por escrever histórias homossexuais, um esportista que tem o sonho de participar das Olimpíadas… Salva vidas, algum char que trabalhe no mercado de rua, bombeiros (bombeira!!), vendedores de lojas do shopping.
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clickyourradio · 3 years
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One of pop’s most promising newcomers, there is a lot to get excited about when it comes to Pixxy Lua, and her shimmering new single ‘Electric’ is a perfect example as to why.
Floating in with her soft, ethereal vocals and swirling synths, the subdued melody swiftly switches as anthemic kicks and punchy drum pads add a depth that allows her lyricism to truly shine. Produced by Big Zeeko, the track has hints of SZA and Chloe x Halle, yet is dashed with a celestial quality that is uniquely Pixxy Lua.
“To me, Electric is a personal song in which novelty is romanticized” Pixxy explains “It ‘glorifies’ the unfamiliar and idealizes a state of mind where one does not worry about balance in life. The song captures the moment you realize you’re currently happy- consciously trying to savour the feeling- which prompts your intellect to identify it, pick it apart and put it into context, where it will slowly dissolve until it’s little more than an aftertaste, the beauty in the acceptance of the ‘coming down’ . It’s one of the first 3 songs I made; I had just begun living alone and exploring London and all parts of her city and people. I think the song translated all my feelings at that time”.
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The Sao Paulo born singer-songwriter relocated to North West London at a young age, where she quickly became immersed in the rich musical and artistic culture of the capital. Enamoured by the eclectic and experimental, she borrowed from her love of poetry and painting to begin writing her discography, and her early work was heavily influenced by country, folk and Irish music. Counting Kate Bush, The Weeknd, Frank Ocean and Kurt Cobain as her biggest inspirations, the blend of genres is an aspect evident within her style, and keeps everybody on their toes as to which new musical avenue she will explore next.
An achingly cool new artist to watch out for, Pixxy Lua is just getting started.
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pixxiepink · 5 months
Pixxie Prompt - 2
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My answer is a little on the short side and sort of a plot hook writing prompt in and of itself, but I couldn't really think of anything else. Hope you enjoy reading my little piece about forgotten gods below the cut!
Deep in the forest stands an unguarded temple.
History has long forgotten what deity was once worshipped here. The crumbling structure bares no iconography and has long been looted of any sacred relics that might have once filled its halls. Now it is only a tombstone of a people and their long dead faith.
But just because humanity has lost the name of the deity worshipped there, doesn’t mean the god no longer exists. And if one were to enter the temple, just as a sun’s brilliant light fades and twilight takes the sky, allowing the temple’s white marble to sparkle and reflect like gemstones, and leave an offering before a headless statue of a lost divine, they might find something more leaving with them.
A god’s power is relative to its worship, and its power spilt between every faithful. To bow before a god known to none is to become the sole follower of a divine who’s full attention is on you.
Those who pray at that forgotten temple, deep in the forest, will find themselves blessed with a gift never meant for human shoulders. The treasure of a divine’s love.
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pixxiepink · 3 months
Pixxie Prompt - 3
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Another prompt! I went in an interesting direction this time and wrote a little short story about some young adventures discussing their plans for getting some extra credit in class (you can read it below the cut!)! Hope you enjoy the read and have some great creative ideas!
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked from behind me.
"You know any other ways to sneak in?"
Mayrin, the half-elf witch in training flinches back at my stare, meek as a kitten despite her legendary talent in explosive arcane magic. The only reason she was here was because our teacher made her be. Paired up with the rest of us losers, because we all go to a bargain adventuring school and party tactics are part of our passing grade, otherwise, Mayrin would already have passed with flying colors just by blasting the door open.
I will admit I had considered going in spells blasting with her help, but even a genius witch like her couldn't take on a whole camp of goblins by herself and the rest of us were nowhere near her level. "Well?" I ask again, in case she dose have some brilliant plan she's been withholding from us, but she just makes a noise like a frightened mouse and shakes her head vigorously no.
"Then we do this."
The thief from the other class whose name I didn't remember leaned over my shoulder to count the guards in front of us, expression dark, "I'm blaming you when you get us all expelled."
Justice, because it is always Justice, rich and good-looking Justice who was a bigger pessimist than a rat with the plague and about as useful as one without his money to toss at problems, snorts in annoyance at the plan, crossing his arms. He glares at me but the effect is ruined by the dirty tarp we threw over his head earlier to hide his glittering halo from altering everything in a 100 feet to our presence with his divine glow, "getting expelled would be the least of our worries, cause we're all going to die with this stupid hair-brained plan of yours."
"As I said," I remind them all, "if you have a better idea then let's hear it."
Silence echoes across our little group.
"That's what I thought," I mutter just loud enough for them to hear, Jsutice snarls, or does his best bet at a snarl with his perfectly normal white teeth, while the rough grumbles and Mayrn whispers a prayer under her breath, hands tightening on her staff.
"Look," I say taking mild pity on my team, none of us wanted to be here, each of us had fallen behind in class for one reason or another and we needed the extra credit a high-level training quest like this would give us, "worse come to worse, we break one of the emergency orbs and the teachers will come running. It's going to be fine."
Shockingly, most of all to myself, it did work out alright. But the full story is better saved for another time.
... Like what you read? Then check out my free-to-read webnovels!
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