#Platonic alyanette
toxinoire · 6 months
"Marinette, your coping mechanisms aren't healthy. Please, go see a therapist. You don't need to say that you're Ladybug." Said Alya.
And she's not wrong.
Marinette's first response is to push everyone away and isolate herself. It's why Alya, Alix, Rose, Juleka, and Myléne were akumatized as the Gang if Secrets, after Marinette told them that "I don't need friends."
Alya saw Marinette tell Chat Noir that maybe she doesn't need him, when she knows that what she said was a load of bullshit. Marinette loves that cat more than everyone (second only to Adrien), whether she'd admit it or not.
Then she'd try to face it alone. Alone. Even when it's clear she isn't okay, she tries to face it alone.
Her next response is to lie. Not in a selfish and deceiving way, no. She'll lie for others. Heck, she let Adrien believe that the scarf she made him was from his father all because he looked so happy. Marinette's most selfish lie, in Alya's opinion, is her alter ego, but even that isn't for evil intentions. She lies to spare others the pain. Not a good thing, but it's not selfish.
Then, she'd run. Figuratively, but she'd run. From her feelings, from the world. From everyone. She'd just run.
And to top it all off, she'd wear that same warm, kind, and gentle smile everyday, fooling everybody. Making everyone think that she's okay. No one even realizes, Marinette's figurative mask is even more convincing than her mask as Ladybug.
Alya hates seeing her like this.
Marinette is the first real hero she's met, even before she knew about her alter ego.
Of course, she wasn't perfect. She had her flaws, she's made really bad choices in the past, but would make up for it, and she keeps trying to be a better person everyday.
The girl would always be there to help others in every way she can. Everytime, without asking for anything in return.
"Please, Marinette." Alya pleaded. "Just try it."
Alya waits for Marinette's response.
Marinette doesn't say anything.
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months
Ladybug: Excuse me???
Ladybug: He's my platonic wife. Get it right!!
Chat Noir: Wouldn't you be my platonic wife?
Ladybug: No. I wear the pants in this completely made up, platonic, relationship we have outside our very real gay relationships.
Chat Noir:....okay.
Chat Noir: Yeah, she's my platonic husband. Get it right!!
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razzdaberry · 10 months
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Sleepover after a long day of the girls kicking ass.
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miraculous-pyxie · 11 months
Idea where Adrien and Marinette knew each other from years of the Dupain-Cheng’s catering for the Agreste’s so they become The Best Of Friends Ever ™️ and have Ladynoir dynamics since they were kids.
What is included in this idea package:
Years of play dates that are always super fun for the both of them and when their parents at at events they get to go off and play together
their influence on each other starts in their early development so Marinette brings an independent nature out of Adrien and Adrien brings out more collaboration in Marinette
They get to have Big Talks™️ when facing harder questions in life
Marinette was there when Adrien’s mom left so they grew even closer
When they get their miraculous they tell each other immediately and become impossibly closer
they felt bad about breaking the rules at first but they realized that it works so much better this way because they were already so close that they didn’t need to build teamwork with someone new
It’s Marinette that actually convinced Gabriel to let Adrien into public school
Adrien met Chloe before but didn’t like her as much bc of Marinette’s influence (he also got to hear first hand how she was bullying her)
They play a massive prank on their whole class when Adrien comes in the first day because of all people that know each other it’s them. people are shocked, Chloe is mad, Nino is like “bro i thought i was your childhood bestie” so Marinette is like “you are but trust me there is no need to be jealous, just spend like 5 minutes with him you’ll fall in love with him” and she was right
we get lots of post-reveal pre-relationship silly dynamics 
Alya and Nino eventually clock on the two of them like each other, but it looks like they’re both oblivious to it / don’t want to admit it
eventually, Alya and Nino confront Marinette and Adrien separately about confessing their feelings, but they both give back an eerily similar answer of “it’s too complicated to be together” that makes them think there is more to their relationship then they originally thought (Alya thinks they are LB and CN and Nino thinks they are already dating) (they are both kinda right).
Alya and Nino slowly put the pieces together, they’re making jokes assuming they are both dating and superheroes that they kind of just forgot that these are head cannons of their friends so when they eventually find out they’re like “yeah lmao”
all very fluffy and silly and only a ting of angst
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace shenanigans eventually 
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beebundt · 1 year
so fun fact i hated nathaniel up until the moment he was gay with mark bc early season 1 and 2 he was always portrayed as marinette's other love interest ~~despite alya being right there tho they are totes platonic soulmates~~ and also shipping him with chloe??? who ive always read as a lesbian and still do
no i def agree i didnt really like him either. although admittedly i... i still dont lol. the only nice bit is his relationship with mark but otherwise he makes me real uncomfy tbh. and yeah chloe is a lesbian hc forever but i can understand why people would ship them for the dynamic 🤷 just not my pref
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bugaboi38 · 1 year
I love how the Miraculous fandom is the most unabashedly omniship fandom I’ve ever seen. You can scroll through a blog and see Adrienette, Adrinino, and Lukanette one right after the other and not even bat an eye. This is the only fandom I omniship in (and the only one I straight-ship in), and I love it. Give me the Alyanette. Give me the Plikki. Give me the Gabenath. Platonic, romantic, queerplatonic, love then betrayal, betrayal then love. I want it all.
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kasienda · 4 months
Adrino Fic Rec - Part 3
Part 1 and Part 2 if you need more.
I told myself I had to get to eight fics before I sent out another list and I finally got there, so here we go!
In no particular order:
My body moves (it’s speaking loud) by @guardiankarenterrier Nino is walking home in the middle of a night after hanging out with his friends. He's attacked on the way, and turns out the "mugger" isn't after him. He's after Adrien. Nino rediscovers his protective instinct. Chat Noir might show up. This author is really good at subtext. Like so much feeling and meaning throughout their work! One shot - Platonic Adrino.
Letting Someone See You Cry by Inkworld This is just the sweetest of confessions. One shot - Adrino.
Uncharted Waters by @ck2k18 This is technically poly, but focuses on the new burgeoning Adrino feelings. DJWiFI is established and Adrien has asked Nino to teach him how to kiss. Explores Nino's headspace as he grapples with and figures out his poly in a world that very much frowns on that. So authentically real. Multi-chapter - incomplete. Adrino as part of pre OT4.
Future Nostalgia by @coffeebanana Adrien catches sight of Carapace holding a child and he really really likes it. So sweet! One shot. Established Adrino.
love you in the dark by @bbutterflies Adrien is in the closet with everyone except Nino. Nino thought he was okay with that. Turns out he's not. This one is SO RAW, and SO good!! Angst. But happy ending!! One shot. Established Adrino.
Bros Before Heroes by deinde_prandium Nino pulls Adrien into the broiler room once again to warn him about Chat Noir. Adrien can't take this warning seriously. Set in season five, and feels very much like a Rocketear 2! one shot. Platonic Adrino. HILARIOUS!
The moment I knew (I'd no choice by to love you) by @bbutterflies Nino steps up to fake date Adrien to keep the press off his back about his dating life. Turns out he enjoys pretending a little too much. Nino's revelation of feelings in this one is one of my favorite Adrino scenes ever. So well done. Multi chapter complete. Adrino.
Would Trust You With Everything by Kasienda The self promotion is starting to feel less weird. Be proud of me! Haha! In this one, Alya didn't tell Nino about continuing as Rena Furtive and him catching her in a lie resulted in their breakup. Adrien can't be there very often, so shows up at night as Chat Noir to nurse Nino through his break up. They have a little too much fun and maybe fall in love again. Background Alyanette. Multichapter complete. Adrino. HAPPY READING!!
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sidsinning · 1 month
How bout Alyanette
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In theory I enjoy them they are very cute, tho in the end platonic vibes is what I think fits them best
Tho I will say Alya def has a mini girl crush on Mari based off canon evidence imo
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fragileizywriting · 8 months
this year’s christmas dl fic will be about platonic love, about friendship, about nino learning what it’s like to be in bed with a succubus, about marinette complaining about pullout couches, about adrien advocating for a christmas ham even though no one is in the mood for pernil, about luka adoring marinette’s ugly christmas sweater, about adrien giving in just a little bit and kissing marinette on the cheek.
it is also about alyanette.
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Pragmatic Analysis of whichever Temporary Holders were really needed
Season 2:
"Anansi"- Only necessary for DjWifi's romantic scene, where Shell-ter is used as essentially glorified scissors. Verdict: Not necessary. Ladybug (JadeBug?) would be fully able to do it herself, or do it "traditional way" (defeat Anansi, then cast Miraculous Cure, which would also free Alya from Anansi's web) 
"Sapotis" - Platonic Alyanette was cute, but Ladybug could just give Fox Miraculous to Chat Noir to unify with his own, so... Verdict: Not Necessary.
"Maledictator" - Ladybug was unable to break through mind-controlled blockade on her own, while Chat Noir got kitty-brain-ed, so he was unable to help her. Verdict: Necessary
"Heroes' Day" two-parter - In-Character, Temporary Holders were necessary, due to Ladybug wanting as much people as possible against Scarlet Army. Meta-Wise, their only role was to get akumatized by Scarlet Moth to (very cheaply in my opinion) "increase the stakes", but even their Akumatized Forms just dind nothing except looking dangerous, then being taken out by group of random Parisians. Verdict: Technically Necessary
Season 3:
"Startrain" - Markov was doing actual "helping", while Pegasus was majorly just tagging-along, so Markov, PegaBug and Chat Noir would be sufficient team against Startrain. Verdict: Not Necessary
"Desperada" - Without saying. Verdict: Necessary
"Party Crasher" - Viperion, Carapace and Pegasus (along with Chat Noir, but he isn't Temporary Holder) did semi-decent job of containing titular Akumatized Villain before Ladybug arrived, so they get "Verdict: Necessary", while King Monkey wouldn't be necessary if Ladybug arrived with Rena Rogue (Rena Rogue deceives Party Crasher with illusion of Ladybug, then LadyBee venoms him from behind), so he gets "Verdict: Not Necessary"
"Ikari Gozen" - DragonBug would be able to do exactly the same thing that Ryuuko used to defeat her akumatized mother, so... Verdict: Not Necessary
Season 4:
"Guiltrip" - Ladybug could just use Lucky Charm to escape Guiltrip, destroy his Amok, then easily defeat Reflekta (if latter didn't just willingly give up her Akumatized Item) Verdict: Not Necessary
"Crocoduel" - Ladybug and Chat Noir would easily defeat Crocoduel if they just used Space Power-Ups (and either of them could use unification if Tiger Miraculous was absolutely necessary) Verdict: Not Necessary 
"Queen Banana" - Vesperia did basically the same thing that Chat Noir always does (annoying Akuma of the Week, then getting taken out in retaliation), so... Verdict: Not Necessary
"PenalTeam" - There are two ways to defeat titular Chloe's newest akumatized form: 1) Snake Noir and Lady Macaque (my name for Marinette's Ladybug/Monkey unification) do exactly the same tactic as Miraculous Team canonicslly used, but just by herself 2) Pegabug tekeports hersrlf and Chat Noir out of dome, then he cataclysms PenalTeam's akumatized item, thus bypassing need to fight with her entirely. Verdict: Not Necessary. ALL of Temporary Holders
"Gang of Secrets" - Ladybug could just unify Ox Miraculous with her own, and she would be able to literally defeat Gang of Rehashes just by herself with song on her lips (even if it would be "Smelly Wolf")
"Wishmaker" - Verdict: Necessary (even if it was for unnecessary side-plot about Luka finding about Ladybug and Chat Noir's civilian identities)
"Strikeback" - Only necessary Temporary Holder was Flairmidable (if only Ladybug somehow deceived Felix with fake Miraculous Box that is full of wax miraculous, then his part in episode would be perfect). Rest of them were not only unnecessary, but their only role in episode was to indirectly empower Strikeback. Verdict: Necessary for Flairmidable, Unnecessary for rest of Temporary Holders.
Season 5:
"Evolution" - Alix became Canigirl after Ladybug and Chat Noir had perfect opportunity to take ALL of Monanch's Miraculous from him after he fainted, so Verdict: Unnecessary 
Yeah its....
Honestly I don't mind them giving out the other Miraculous and the Unification stuff, but they really need to explain more on why they do one or the other.
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coffeebanana · 11 months
Some fun rarepairs you like?
marigami, adrino, and alyanette are my favourites!! also adrigaminette although that's not a pair
and one rare pair that i think is very underrated and wish there was more of is ninette (though i'm a hypocrite for saying it since i've never written them a fic--i have one wip i started ages ago but i'm stuck on it 😭) . and i think there should be more platonic ninette too! idk i just want more of them interacting!!
thanks for the ask!! 💜
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brainrotgobrr · 2 years
“A-anyways, what I’m trying to say is what you and Alya have is...special. The most genuine kind of friendship, you know?”
“Genuine.” Marinette echoed.
Marinette has a crush on her best friend.
Adrien (tries) to give advice.
[Flufftober: Day 3] [Prompt: Thick as Thieves]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alya Césaire/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Additional Tags: Fluff, Pining, One-sided pining, Light Angst, Platonic Adrienette, Girls and boys being friends, girls loving girls, alyanette - Freeform, Alyanette is my new obsession, Not Beta Read, at all, Marinette becomes most relatable character for five seconds
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siderealscribblings · 3 years
“I am ninety-nine percent sure I know who Chat Noir is.”
It was a heck of a thing to drop out of the blue, but since Marinette revealed her identity to Ladybug, Marinette had gotten used to Alya texting or calling at odd hours with sudden revelations.
(“THAT’S how you knew Lila was lying?!”)
(“So when you skipped on our hangout sess a few months ago, was it because-”)
(“I’m just saying, I know I guy who might be able to doxx Hawk Moth.”)
Unlike her usual stunning revelations though, this one was not one Marinette already knew.
“Okay,” Marinette said, blinking to keep her eyes from completely bugging out of their sockets. “How do you-”
“I just felt like I should be honest, you know?” Alya chuckled. “Since...you know-”
“Yeah, no...thanks,” Marinette said, slightly dazed. “I...um...how do you know?”
“Well...let’s just say I noticed a pattern,” Alya said, chewing on the corner of her lip. “Do you want to know who-”
“No,” Marinett said, before quickly adding. “I mean...it would be better to keep things between us secret for now.”
Alya opened her mouth, an argument on the tip of her tongue, but seemed to swallow it with a nod. “Okay...yeah, sure, I get it.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust him,” Marinette said quickly, maybe more for her own benefit than Alya’s. “I do! I swear! I just-”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” Alya said quickly.
“And he’s wanted to reveal ourselves to each other for a long time,” Marinette muttered, ignoring Alya’s easy-out. “I was the one who insisted we keep our identities secret and I’m just...really, really not looking forward to the conversation where I tell him I was the one to break our no-sharing rule...you think he’ll be mad?”
“You tell me ,” Alya said, throwing her hands up. “He’s your partner-”
“He’s going to be mad ,” Marinette moaned, burying her face in her hands. “And hurt and-”
“And...so what?” Alya asked.
“So he’s my partner and we already have this...trust...thing between us,” Marinette sighed. “Long story short the last Guardian wasn’t a very good teacher to him and he’s had to deal with being locked out of the loop before...I just worry that I keep asking him to trust me while constantly keeping secrets from him.”
“And he’s keeping one from you,” Alya said gently. “Kind of a crappy situation all around but...well, let’s just say I think he’s a really understanding guy.”
“I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who constantly has to just understand me though,” Marinette said with a wince. “Sorry, I don’t mean to keep dumping all my Ladybaggage on you.”
“I’ll tell you if I’ve had enough,” Alya said firmly, squeezing Marinette’s wrist. “I don’t mind; really.”
If she lived another hundred years, she would never stop trying to return the kindness and understanding Alya had displayed to her since revealing her identity.
“Thanks,” Marinette said,, the movie on the screen forgotten as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “So...n-not that I’m prying for details but...this guy you think is Chat Noir-”
“Sounds like you’re prying for details,” Alya snickered. “Don’t tell me you’re curious about him.”
“Of course I am!” Marinette huffed. “Wouldn’t you be?”
“I don’t need to be curious; I figured out my boyfriend’s identity by myself,” Alya said smugly. “You want covert deets?”
Marinette weighed her words carefully before speaking. “Is he...out of costume...when he goes home...is he happy?”
Alya’s expression was unreadable for a long moment. “Do you want the truth or...do you want me to say something that will make you feel good?”
“Well that tells me the truth probably sucks, doesn’t it?” Marinette sighed, rubbing her eyes. “He’s got...he’s got a lot of friends, right?”
“He has a...few really good ones,” Alya reasoned.
“And his family?” Marinette asked.
“His family...exists,” Alya said as diplomatically as she could. “Look, we’re treading on major spoiler territory here; can you tell me what you want to know so I can pull it out from all the other information?”
Marinette stared down at her hands thoughtfully for a moment. “...being the Guardian by myself has been one of the loneliest times in my life. I have you now; I had Master Fu for a lot longer than he did. It would make me feel better if I knew Chat Noir was...okay outside the suit. But I think you just answered my question.”
“Look, I can’t tell you how he feels,” Alya said, rubbing Marinette’s shoulder gently. “I can’t read minds, Mari...but-”
“You think I should tell him about me?” Marinette asked hesitantly.
“I think that’s your call,” Alya said. “Do you want my advice?”
“You think I should talk to him,” Marinette said, deflating a little.
“If he finds out from someone who isn’t you, it’s not gonna do wonders for the whole Trust thing you got going on,” Alya said. “And...look, I think it’s great you reached out to me. And I think whatever you want to do with your identity is your business...but I think he deserves the same opportunity to confide in someone. In fact...I think he really needs it.”
“But how do I know he’ll pick the right person?” Marinette blurted out. “What if he picks someone who Hawk Moth compromises and-”
“Didn’t you just say you trusted him?” Alya asked, stopping Marinette’s catastrophizing in her tracks.
“I do...I promise I do...but-”
“You either do or you don’t,” Alya said softly. “And telling him that you broke your rules and he can’t is not going to convince him you trust him. Saying you trust someone is like saying you’re going to work out; you don’t get the results unless you actually do it.”
“I could pick someone for him,” Marinette muttered, looking up at Alya. “Someone trustworthy.”
“Someone you trust,” Alya said. “This has to be someone he trusts. Or else what’s the point?”
“You already know though!” Marinette said.
“ Hey Chat Noir, I completely trust you with my life but also, I’m going to make the choice of who you can and can’t talk to about your personal business,” Alya said, watching Marinette’s nose wrinkle in irritation. “Tell me how that chat is going to go.”
“You know ignoring your advice is getting harder now that you know about me,” Marinette grumbled, crossing her arms.
“Ignore it if you want; just don’t be surprised if this pushes you apart,” Alya shrugged.
“It won’t, he’ll…” Marinette trailed off. “He wouldn’t stop being my partner over this, right?”
“And if he did?” Alya probed. “Just pick a new Chat Noir.”
“I don’t-” Marinette swallowed, shaking her head. “No...I don’t want another Chat Noir.”
“Then you’re going to have to keep this one,” Alya said, squeezing her shoulder. “That means being honest and fair with your partner; if not about your identity, then about his .”
Marinette nodded mutely, turning her gaze back to the movie as Alya stood up. “Want something from the kitchen?”
“I’m good,” Marinette said, fidgeting with her bracelet as she tried not to dread the conversation she knew she had to have.
To his credit, the storm of accusations she imagined would come out of Chat Noir’s mouth did not come; Ladybug might have felt better if they did.
Instead, her partner looked dazed, blinking and nodding as his gaze turned away from her. “...okay-”
“I swear this is not about you,” Ladybug said quickly, tugging on Chat Noir’s arm as he turned away from her. “And it doesn’t mean I don’t trust you! I swear I do.”
“No I...I understand,” Chat Noir said, the cheer in his voice becoming more and more forced. “Um...you know, I-I have a lot of homework to do tonight-”
“Chat...please look at me,” Ladybug said, tilting her partner’s face towards hers. Of course she had made him cry, but she tried to push down her guilt. This wasn’t about what she did; given the same choice, she would have picked Alya again, even if it meant hurting Chat Noir in the process.
“I know I don’t have a lot of opportunities to display how much I trust you,” Ladybug said, licking her lips. “So it probably feels like I just tossed aside a huge chance to show how much you mean to me...but this was about me doing what I needed-”
“You don’t need to...you’re the Guardian-”
“That doesn't make me your master !” Ladybug said emphatically, startling Chat Noir out of his daze. “That doesn’t mean I can control who you talk to and who you confide in! I still...I still think we’re too close and rely on each other too much to jeopardize our working relationship...but if there’s someone in your life you trust, I...I want you to have the same opportunity. To confide in someone you trust.”
“Not you though,” Chat Noir muttered.
“There has to be someone else,” Ladybug said almost desperately. “Tell me I’m not the only person in your life you can rely on…”
Alya had been such a positive force in her life since she had told her; she thought back to all the times they had stayed up late talking, all the times Alya had listened to her vent about akuma, all the nights she held her hand because she had watched Chat Noir die to save her yet again.
Was there no one Chat Noir could turn to when he was alone?
Chat Noir seemed to chew it over for a long moment, blinking back tears still as he tried to grapple with the fact his relationship with Ladybug had shifted out from underneath him yet again. “...do I have to tell you who it is?”
“I think it’s better if you don’t,” Ladybug said softly. “Sorry...if I knew who you trusted, I might be able to figure out who you are. This way...I’m not the only one keeping secrets-”
“I don’t want to keep secrets,” Chat Noir grumbled.
“I know,” Ladybug sighed. “And I promise, I swear, the minute Hawk Moth is gone, there will be no more secrets between us! This... mess of half-truths and half-lies will end and we can just be-”
The idea of being something to Chat Noir outside the mask was something not even Alya knew; a secret all her own that might never come to light.
“This is just for now,” Ladybug said firmly. “Not forever.”
Chat Noir nodded, once again resigned to a fate someone else had picked for him. “I get it...I do.”
“Are you mad at me?” Ladybug asked.
Chat Noir weighed the answer for a long moment. “...no,” Chat Noir said with a shrug. “Just...can we pick this up some other time? I wasn’t kidding about the homework.”
For the first time there was a real wall between her and Chat Noir and Ladybug was shocked by how much she detested it.
“I understand,” Ladybug said quietly. “But I meant what I said when I said you should find someone to turn to. I wish I could help you with everything, but-”
“For now...you can’t,” Chat Noir nodded, putting on a brave face. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Ladybug let Chat Noir slip out of her fingertips, momentarily reaching out to pull him back before thinking better of herself. She didn’t expect him to be sunshine and rainbows after telling him, but as firm as she was in her convictions, it still sucked to see him in pain.
Just deal with it yourself like he has to, Ladybug thought as she watched Chat Noir turn and dive off the roof of the building. Alya’s had enough on her plate...you don’t need to bother her with-
Her resolve lasted until she transformed, blinking back tears as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“Did I do the right thing?”
Alya said nothing, running her hands through Ladybug’s hair as she laid her head on her lap.
“Sometimes...doing the right thing hurts people as a result,” Alya said carefully. “It’s just a sucky part of life.”
“I hate it,” Ladybug sniffed, wiping her eyes with another tissue. “I think he thinks I love keeping secrets from him but...I really hate it. It makes me feel so alone...and I don’t want him to feel that way either.”
“And he can figure out how to feel less alone himself now,” Alya said soothingly. “This guy...I know he has at least one really great friend.”
“Like you?”
“...maybe a little better,” Alya said fondly. “I know he’d move earth to put a smile on Chat Noir’s face, so maybe let this problem fall in his lap instead of yours. You don’t have to do everything to make everyone happy all the time.”
“I want to,” Ladybug muttered.
“ Everybody includes you ,” Alya said firmly. “Take care of yourself first ; let Chat Noir take care of himself now.”
“I worry about him though,” Ladybug said quietly.
Alya glanced down at her phone, seeing a message from Nino flash on her screen.
Nino: hey babe
Nino: can’t make it tonight
Nino: adrien sounds really upset and said he wanted to talk to me about something
“Don’t." Alya smiled as she laid the phone on the bed beside her. “He’s in good hands.”
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ravs6709 · 3 years
Kwami Sitting- Alya and the Kwamis
Alrighty, major spoilers from Gang of Secrets! Like, major.
But yeah, I've been having feels for that entire episode and because there was the reveal, it means kwami sitting! So here's some kwami content featuring platonic alyanette. Mentions of food.
Ftr, I made the zodiac kwamis all use they/them pronouns, though I don't think it ended up being too relevant in this fic. The main ones though do have genders.
It had only been a day since Marinette had revealed her identity, and Alya liked to think that she was taking the news well. After all, that was Ladybug, the superhero that she'd wanted to unmask for so long, until she realized that it would hurt more than help. She still couldn't believe that she also happened to be her best friend.
But it made so much sense though. Both Marinette and Ladybug were strong, courageous, intelligent, and incredibly good friends. It explained why Marinette was always late to class or making excuses.
It also explained why she looked so broken. Because she wasn't just Ladybug, the only person who could undo the damage caused by Shadowmoth. She was also the Guardian of the Miraculous. She was someone who hated lies, but had to lie in order to keep everyone safe.
But she told her secret to Alya, and Alya vowed to help ease the burden that she was carrying.
"See this?" Marinette pointed to the large pink box, before it expanded to show dozens of coloured bottles. "This is where I keep the miracle box. And this is how I open it."
She then pressed down on a bunch of the bottles, before a drawer opened.
"Woah!" Alya gasped, before remembering that Marinette had been defensive about the dollhouse. "It took you less than a day to make that?"
"Uh... yes?"
"That's so cool!"
"Focus, Alya." She picked up the miracle box. "Each of the miraculous are stored in here, but the kwamis don't have to stay inside of it. And-"
She was interrupted by both her and Alya's phone buzzing. There was a notification about an akuma attack.
"You go, I'll look after the box! I'll also cover for you in case your parents come!" Alya told her, and she nodded.
Marinette transformed- woah it looked so cool!- and made her way to the roof. But before she left, she turned back to face Alya.
"If things get dangerous, I might have to come for one of the miraculous. Keep your phone in case I need to text you."
"Got it! I won't let you down, Marinette!"
Even though she would be missing out on a chance to film for the Ladyblog, this was an opportunity to properly meet the kwamis! She'd seen glimpses of them before, but her priority had been comforting Marinette over her curiosity. But now she actually had the chance to meet them all.
"Alright!" She called out. "You're all under my watch now! Can you like up so I can figure out who is who?"
She knew about the main miraculous, and some of the others, but she wasn't prepared to see just how many kwamis there were. She only recognized four. Trixx, Tikki, Wayzz and the bee whose name she didn't know. Others looked vaguely familiar, like the snake, horse and dragon. But she didn't know there was one for the pig, rooster, tiger (wait were they for the zodiac?).
"Ooh, you're Alya, right!" The pig kwami asked. "I'm Daizzi! It'd be really cool if you were my holder!"
"I told you, she's already taken!" Trixx replied.
Alya looked at the two kwamis. Were they fighting over her? It took all of her willpower to not scream, only because she didn't want Tom and Sabine to hear and get concerned. Then she'd have to explain why she was screaming, and Marinette's sudden absence. Yeah, she definitely should not do that.
"I'm very flattered that you'd like me as your holder, Daizzi" she said instead. "But as Trixx said, I'm taken. I like being Rena Rouge."
The other kwamis began to introduce themselves, and a brief summary of their powers. There was so much to take in and she wished she could talk to someone else about it, but knew that she couldn't, and wouldn't ever betray Marinette's trust like that.
After that, she sat on the bed and pulled out her phone. The kwamis were insanely old, so they'd probably be well behaved, and she could start writing down notes for her next Ladyblog article.
Or well, that's what she thought. Apparently all those years of living meant nothing, because as soon as she got distracted, she heard something fall to the floor.
It was a good thing that Alya had two devious sisters that had a tendency to cause destruction, otherwise she'd be fuming.
But because she had the experience, all she did was casually look back at her phone as if nothing had happened.
"Oh," she began, faking sweetness into her voice. "I was planning on getting you all some snacks, but I guess not."
The twins were starting to grow old enough to not fall for the tactic, but she suspected that the kwamis would. As expected, they turned towards her with wide eyes and sad expressions. They whispered amongst each other, before they moved to start cleaning up.
Trixx seemed to be participating half-heartedly- he probably knew what she was trying to accomplish, he was perceptive like that.
"Okay, what are your favourite snacks?"
She already knew that Trixx liked fruit, but she was not prepared for the variety of foods listed. Pollen liked peppers, Wayzz liked drinking tea, and there was a lot.
"Okay, I can't say that I'll be able to get food for all of you, but I'll do my best. Wayzz, I'm leaving you in charge."
She figured that since Wayzz was the previous guardian's kwami, he would be the wisest.
Alya took a deep breath, then tip toed down the stairs. The bakery wouldn't have everything, but taking a large variety of stuff would be weird. If it was just sweets, it'd be fine. But to take fruits and crackers and popcorn? She had to sneak the food back upstairs.
She looked into the kitchen and didn't see anyone.
"I haven't seen you in such a long time!" Sabine said from the front. "How have you been?"
Perfect! While they're distracted with the customer, I can get what I need.
Surprisingly, the kitchen raid went better than she'd expected. She managed to find even more food, and was able to carry it upstairs with ease. When she opened the trapdoor, the kwamis all beamed.
There was also no damage, fortunately.
"Before you eat," she said, chanelling all her authority into her tone. "I'm going to set up what we humans call a movie. Let's watch the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie."
It was easy to access it, since she already bought it online with an account. She got comfortable then started the movie.
The kwamis were fixated on the movie, impressed with the animation and the capabilities of the computer. However, there was a slight problem.
"How did they get the idea of the miraculous so wrong?" Baark asked.
"Remember, humans don't know that we exist. They have very little to work with," Wayzz answered.
Except that the others ignored him, and started critiquing the movie even more. Alya groaned. She was never going to be able to enjoy the movie again without thinking of the conversation going on around her.
There were footsteps on the roof, and then the trapdoor opened. Alya didn't look back at Marinette, even when she detransformed.
"Oh wow, you're good at this," Marinette remarked.
Alya only hummed as a response, and reached for the last of the popcorn. "I like stole a crap ton of food from the kitchen though. Hope you don't mind."
"Are you kidding me? I haven't seen them sit still in ever!"
Alya felt arms wrap around her from behind, and she smiled. "I told you. If your load gets too heavy, I'll carry it with you. Even if it's by doing something as simple as babysitting these cute kwamis."
"Thank you Alya, thank you! I don't know what'd I'd do without you."
"I love you too Marinette."
Ml taglist- @subrosasteath
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mikauzoran · 4 years
Platonic Alyanette/Adrienette/Ladrien: Drunk Ladybug on My Balcony? Yeah. This is Fine.: Chapter Five
Read it on AO3: Drunk Ladybug on My Balcony? Yeah. This is Fine.: Chapter Five: Horrifying Realization
Marinette looked up from her sewing machine and noted that Alya was still glaring at a mostly blank page on her laptop screen, her cursor blinking tauntingly much where it had been fifteen minutes ago when Marinette had last checked on her brooding companion.
“Everything okay?” she tentatively called to her best friend. “You don’t look like you’re making much progress on that article.”
Alya growled softly, sinking back into the cushion of Marinette’s chaise longue and gripping her hair with both hands at the roots. “Ugh. I just can’t focus right now.”
Marinette spun around in her chair to face Alya and give her her undivided attention. She arched an eyebrow concernedly as she inquired, “Anything in particular on your mind? You seem kind of irritated. If you need to vent, I’m all ears.”
Alya blew out a sigh and sat back up, gently closing her laptop and setting it aside. “I’m just…baffled, and, you know me, I can’t stand a mystery that resists solving.”
Marinette cocked her head to the side, intrigued. “What kind of mystery are you trying to crack?”
Alya bit her lip, hesitating, not wanting to tip her hand. She shook her head and waved dismissively in an attempt to minimize the significance of the problem to Marinette. “Oh, it’s just something I’m investigating. It’s driving me nuts because…has Adrien made you watch Kurosawa’s Rashomon?”
Marinette pursed her lips and wrinkled her brow as she silently repeated the film’s title to herself, trying to summon up some recollection. “Maybe? Sorry. Which one is that again? He always refers to them by their original Japanese titles, so sometimes they kind of blur together in my head.”
Alya smiled affectionately, explaining, “It’s the one where the characters all give their accounts of the same events, but their stories are all different and contradict one another.”
Marinette’s eyes widened. “Oooooh. Yeah. Is that the one where the guy takes home the abandoned baby at the end?”
The smile melted off of Alya’s face, turning down into a frown. “That’s the part you remember?”
Marinette shrugged simply. “That’s the most important part of the film, isn’t it? After watching the ugly sides of humanity portrayed in the rest of the film, the guy taking the baby home is something that inspires hope for the future. I really liked that.”
“Huh,” Alya replied thoughtfully, seeing Marinette’s point. “I mean, yeah,” she chuckled. “I guess you’re right.”
Marinette nodded, a self-satisfied grin just peeking out of the side of her mouth. “Of course I’m right. Adrien really likes that part too.”
“Nino likes the cinematography,” Alya snickered. “After Adrien showed it to him, he went on and on and on about the camera angles for three solid weeks.”
“Typical Nino,” Marinette laughed fondly. “So…what does the movie have to do with your investigation?”
Alya sighed as the frustration came rushing back. “The people I’ve interviewed’s stories aren’t lining up. They can’t possibly both be telling the truth, and yet, I don’t think either of them is lying to me. At least, they don’t seem to think that they’re lying, so…I just don’t know what to think, Marinette, and it’s making me want to scream. I’m going to figure this out,” she asserted, fire behind the declaration. “I am fueled by sheer annoyance!”
Marinette nodded encouragingly. “You’ll get it eventually. I’ve never known anything to be able to stop you once you set your mind to something, so I’m not holding out hope that this mystery will stand a chance against you for long.”
“You better believe it,” Alya snorted and then took a deep, cleansing breath so that she could appear to switch topics. “…So…”
Marinette’s head tipped to the right. “…Soooo?”
“Bear with me,” Alya requested, “but I just had movie night with Adrien, and we were talking about some things.”
Marinette shifted uncomfortably, eyeing her friend warily. “What is it?”
“I was just wondering…have you interacted much with Adrien as Ladybug?” Alya put it out there and then held her breath, eager for the results that would crack her case wide open.
Marinette blinked in surprise and then seemed to consider, searching her memories.
Alya frowned slightly.
Adrien had said that he and Ladybug interacted regularly, that they often had conversations and hung out, that they were close. If that were true, it wouldn’t be taking Marinette this long to come up with an answer…unless she was hiding something from Alya. But why would she do that now that her identity as Ladybug was no longer a secret?
“No,” Marinette finally answered. “Not really. I mean, no more so than any other Parisian who gets caught up in the akuma attacks as much as he does.”
“So…you two haven’t, like, had any lifechanging heart-to-heart talks?” Alya verified.
Marinette gave her a strange look. “Nope. When I’m transformed, I have a job to do. We’ve made chitchat while I’ve carried him to safety from time to time, but I don’t recall anything revolutionary or earthshattering ever being discussed. I think I would know if I’d reached that kind of romantic checkpoint with my crush.”
“Well, you have as Marinette,” Alya reminded encouragingly.
Marinette deflated, head dropping to her chest as she moaned, “Yeah, after a year of acting like a complete idiot in front of him.”
Alya rolled her eyes. “He thinks you’re adorable.”
Marinette scoffed, just as Alya had anticipated she would, and looked up. “Why are you asking about Ladybug and Adrien, Alya?”
Alya shrugged, playing it off casually as she switched the cross of her legs. “So, you don’t ever use your superpowers to go visit civilians and befriend them?”
Marinette gaped at Alya as if she suspected that her friend might be going insane. “No? How irresponsible would that be? If Papillon ever found out that Ladybug visited civilians, he would target them. I would never take that risk,” she stressed.
Alya quirked an eyebrow. “And yet, didn’t you tell me the other day that Chat Noir has been coming to visit Marinette for years now?”
Marinette averted her eyes, a soft blush flooding her cheeks. “That’s different.”
“How so?” Alya chortled. “Because you like it when the guy you love comes to woo your civilian self?”
“Because he’s lonely,” Marinette answered defensively. “I can go out as Marinette pretty much whenever I want and interact with whomever I want, but it’s not like that for Chat Noir.”
Alya’s grin faltered. “It’s not?”
Marinette shook her head vehemently. “Don’t breathe a word of what I’m about to say to anyone, but he has a really restrictive homelife.”
Alya’s eyes widened in surprise, and she leaned forward. “He does?”
Marinette sighed ruefully, “His mother died a while ago, and his father has been a really controlling jerk since then. He reminds me of Adrien’s father, actually, so imagine Gabriel Agreste, but, like, three times worse.”
Alya winced in sympathy. She knew how bad Gabriel Agreste could be to Adrien. She didn’t want to imagine worse neglect and abuse than that.
“So you see why it’s a different matter entirely for Chat Noir to use his Miraculous to get out of the house and go interact with other humans,” Marinette summarized, with a decisive nod.
Alya’s lips rounded into a pensive “O” as she took stock of this information. “Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense…. So…Ladybug doesn’t have any civilian friends?”
Marinette pursed her lips. “Civilian acquaintances, yes. Chat Noir and I get ice cream sometimes with Monsieur Ramier after he gets akumatized, but I wouldn’t consider us ‘friends’. Just friendly acquaintances.”
Alya nodded, trying to assimilate the additional facts she had gained.
So far, Adrien’s story was falling through, but Alya couldn’t bring herself to throw doubt on him yet. He’d been far too adamant about being close to Ladybug, about it not being a celebrity crush because he’d been on the receiving end of that much of his life and knew how horrible it could be.
Alya couldn’t make herself believe that Adrien was just delusional. There had to be something there.
“So…keep humoring me, but has Adrien ever told you he loves you?” Alya moved on, digging deeper.
Marinette gave her a bland, unimpressed look. “You mean other than in my dreams? No, Alya. What the heck is up with all the bizarre questions?”
“The why isn’t important,” Alya insisted with authority. “Just roll with it. I’m coming up with new tactics to get you and Adrien together.”
Marinette’s eyebrows slowly came together into a “V” of confusion. “But I decided to give up on Adrien.”
“Yeah, but if you change your mind, I’ve got it covered,” Alya explained, not convincing Marinette. “So Adrien’s never confessed his love for you?”
Marinette gave a longsuffering sigh. “Only to tell me what a great friend I am and how much he treasures my friendship.”
“Be nice,” Alya chided. “Friendship is a heck of a big deal to him. All he had was Chloé for thirteen years.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Marinette grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “It just stings to get passively rejected like that over and over.”
“I know, Girl,” Alya cooed sympathetically. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not what you want, but try to take solace in how important being his friend makes you to him.”
“I know.” Marinette clicked her tongue in frustration. “I’m just sick of trying to make the best of things and looking on the bright side and taking the high road.”
“I get it,” Alya assured, “but I think we can still get you where you want to be.”
Marinette gave her a skeptical look. “Oh, yeah? How…if we overlook for a minute that I’m giving up on Adrien?”
“Has anyone ever confessed their love for you as Ladybug?” Alya tried a different route, trying to root out the truth.
Marinette sank petulantly in her desk chair. “Yeah, like, everyone and their dog. Ladybug is pretty universally loved.”
“No, like, seriously,” Alya clarified. “For real. Not just some crazy fan. Is there someone who actually loves Ladybug?”
Marinette almost replied automatically but then paused and considered. “I mean…if you’re asking about a civilian who loves Ladybug, then, no…but…there’s Chat Noir. I know that’s probably not what you mean, but…”
The gears in Alya’s mind caught on a snag and abruptly stopped, unable to keep turning as she came to an alarming solution that she wished she could dismiss out of hand.
She gulped, took a deep breath, and carefully inquired, “In the beginning, did you think Chat Noir was just joking when he told you he loved you?”
Marinette groaned, hiding her face in her hands. “Yeees. I know I’m the worst, but he was so over-the-top that I couldn’t take him seriously. It wasn’t until Glaciator when Chat Noir showed up on my balcony feeling all heartbroken over Ladybug that I realized that he was actually for real, and I felt awful, Alya.”
“But then you two talked and got things straightened out,” Alya added breathlessly, in a state of shock as she recalled what Adrien had told her.
“Yeah,” Marinette sighed, dropping her hands to her lap. “I still felt really bad for not returning his feelings, though, but I explained about how my heart was with someone else because I was pursuing Adrien at that point, so…”
Suddenly, things made too much sense, and Alya wished that they would stop because the solution she’d come to was just too ridiculous.
If Ladybug had been turning down Chat Noir because Marinette was in love with Adrien who was in love with Ladybug who was Marinette who loved Adrien who was Chat Noir…Alya was going to scream and pull her hair out and eat Nino’s hat or something.
Marinette jumped as Alya let out an involuntary curse. “W-What? What happened? What’s wrong?”
Alya cursed again, louder and more indignantly.
“Alya, what?” Marinette demanded. “You’re freaking me out.”
“Give me a minute,” Alya groaned, picking up the pillow on Marinette’s chaise and pressing it to her face, yelling into it.
Marinette sat staring at her best friend, utterly perplexed and not a small bit concerned.
Alya lowered the pillow about half a minute later, took a deep breath, and explained, “My life is dumb. Everything is so stupid and dumb, and my life’s work has no meaning because secret identities are infuriating.”
Marinette blinked uncomprehendingly. “Alya…are you okay?”
“No,” Alya replied calmly. “But you know what?”
“What?” Marinette played along, hoping that things would start making sense soon.
“It’s going to be okay,” Alya assured, fueled by a new sense of determination. “I’m going to fix everything, and it’s going to be fine.”
“Oh. That’s good,” Marinette replied, not so sure.
“New plan,” Alya announced, clapping her hands as she got to her feet and went over to Marinette, gently pulling the other girl up to standing and placing her hands on a very confused Marinette’s shoulders. “Step one. We need to make things right between you and Chat Noir.”
Marinette’s brow scrunched up, eyes narrowing. “Between Marinette and Chat Noir or Ladybug and Chat Noir? Because everything’s fine between us, Alya. Our partnership is great. Our friendship is great. Everything’s great. No fixing necessary.”
“Wrong,” Alya countered, pinning Marinette to the spot with an intense gaze.
Marinette saw the drive in Alya’s eyes and knew better than to argue.
“Girl, I know you told Chat Noir that there was someone else and that nothing was going to happen between you two, but your words and your actions aren’t lining up.”
Marinette’s frown deepened, shifting from confusion to apprehension. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you’ve unintentionally been leading the poor boy on for years now,” Alya explained patiently yet decidedly. “You’re really bad at hiding your feelings, Marinette. The only reason Adrien doesn’t know is because his father kept him locked up the first thirteen years of his life, so he has zero understanding of social cues. You may have told Chat Noir that nothing was going to happen, but your actions have been hinting at the fact that you have feelings for him, so he’s been stuck in this loop of you telling him no with your words but then turning around and telling him maybe with your actions.”
Marinette’s face blanched in horror as she thought of her behavior around Chat Noir. Part of her wanted to tell Alya that she was off base, but a larger part knew that what Alya was saying rang true.
She had told Chat Noir in no uncertain terms that there was someone else and that they could only be partners and friends, but…there was the platonic flirting, just to start with. It had only been platonic for a short while. After Marinette had started to reciprocate Chat’s feelings, the flirting had ceased to be in jest. She hadn’t told Chat that she was serious, but…maybe there was a part of him that could tell.
And then there was the way she was so handsy with him. It was true that friends could be physically affectionate without there having to be romantic feelings, but…the hugs and the snuggling on rooftops and the casual touches…it had meant something to her, and she knew it had meant something to him. The only thing was that he hadn’t known what she was feeling, but…what if Alya was right and he had picked up on her romantic interest in him?
What if she’d unknowingly been giving him false hope all this time? It had never been her intention to lead him on. She wanted him to find someone to love him, find someone who made him happy. What if he’d pushed pause on all of that while waiting for her?
She felt sick, thinking that she’d been keeping him waiting, keeping him trapped because she knew he would wait forever for her if she gave him the slightest sliver of hope.
It was Marinette’s turn to curse loudly.
“Yeah,” Alya sighed in agreement.
“Alya, what do I do?!” Marinette demanded, gripping her friend by the arms, beginning to freak out.
“Deep breath,” Alya coached, inhaling and exhaling slowly so that Marinette could follow along.
They repeated the process several times until Marinette had markedly calmed down.
“Okay. Now what?” Marinette urged. “How do I fix this?”
“Call him,” Alya instructed. “Right now. Transform and call him and ask him to meet, and then come clean. Tell him what you told me the other day about how you love him, but it can’t happen because of your duty to Paris and the Guardian thing and the other guy you’re in love with and all that. Be honest with him and tell him you want him to give other people in his life a chance because you want him to be happy. Encourage him to move on. Give him the closure he needs, so he’ll know once and for all that nothing is happening between you two.”
Marinette blinked owlishly. “You want me to call him right now?”
Alya nodded. “Did I stutter? ‘Right now’ means right now, so hop to it. Put your spots on, call your cat-boy, and get this sorted out.”
“Like…right now?” Marinette gulped.
Alya stepped back, crossing her arms in disapproval as she gave Marinette a look that clearly begged the question, “Seriously?”
“I’m just…not prepared,” Marinette tried to finagle. “Usually, before I try to confess my feelings to Adrien, I come up with a plan and a script, so I’m prepared. Tikki and I practice roleplaying, and I memorize my lines, and—”
“—And that never works,” Alya cut in, not taking no for an answer.
Adrien had waited long enough. It was time Ladybug let him off the hook so that he could move on and be happy with Marinette.
Marinette’s shoulders rose up to meet her ears as she grumbled, “You never know. It might one of these days.”
“Tikki,” Alya called out for backup, “could you please tell her to get her butt in gear already? She’s stalling.”
“Tikki,” Marinette whined, “Alya’s being brutally honest, and I don’t like it.”
The kwami gave a soft, affectionate sigh as she flew down from her perch and nuzzled Marinette’s cheek. “I know you don’t think you’re ready, Marinette, but, if you wait until you do feel ready, you may never tell him how you feel at all. Maybe extemporaneous speaking would be good for you,” she encouraged, ever the optimist and cheerleader.
Marinette looked almost persuaded, but a hint of doubt remained, pinched between her eyebrows.
“After all,” Tikki continued, “do you really want to keep Chat Noir dangling in the dark for any longer than you already have? It has been six years since you realized you had feelings for him, Marinette. I think it would be best to tell him sooner rather than later.”
“Oh, all right,” Marinette sighed, sinking back down into her desk chair. “You two win. I’ll call him and figure out what to tell him on the fly. Tikki, transform me.”
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Alya: it costs $150 a session to go to therapy
Alya: it costs me $0 to say “it be like that sometimes”
Marinette: Alya no
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