#Play it Again Seymour
philhoffman · 3 months
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@bonojour I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner, but I just remembered RSL was in Long Day’s Journey Into Night with Phil in 2003 and thought of you!! One of my favorite plays ever and this production had incredible reviews, what I wouldn’t give to see it 🥹💕
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feelterribleinc · 6 months
i rarely use tumblr but decided i will today because the autism is taking over so here are six the musical incorrect quotes, but the quotes were said by me or my friends:3
Jane, to Anna: Yeah you could be a wrestler... against a hamster, maybe.
Jane: *flips over Anne's water bottle*
Anne: what the flip!
Jane: Literally!
Kat: Yeah, Anne! Stop distracting Anne!
Anne, coughing during class:
Cathy: Anne, quit dying and do your work.
Anne: I think I have dyslexia but like with talking.
Cathy: No, that's just autism.
(Cathy teaching Kat how to play Defusal on Roblox)
Cathy: How much time do we have left?
Kat: Not enough.
Anne: Purity.
Lina: That's not a verb, Anne.
Anne: Yes it is. It's a noun.
Kat: Whats you guys's favorite letter?
Anne: 7!
Kat: I said letter not color, stupid.
Cathy: I like the number P!
Cathy: Beer tastes awful.
Anne: No it doesn't!
Cathy: Shut up, you watch fox news!
Anne, whisper-yelling: I just killed somebody!!!
Lina: WHAT!? how???
Anne: It wasn't my fault-
Anna, joking: Meet me at the flagpole at 3pm!
Kat, also joking: Nooo thats my bedtime!!!
Anne: When does the school leave?
(the group playing hangman)
Anne and Cathys sentence: Katherine's lesbian women shed
Kat and Cathys sentence, later: Whole liquid twink breasts
Jane: Don't eat people, that's not nice.
Kat: Anne is crazy about 8 ball
Lina: I think Anne is crazy in general.
Cathy, seeing Anne sitting on the floor: Why is the thing on the floor?
Anne: Dude, my dad was like "oooooh do you have a crush on him?" because I was talking about some guy on the lacrosse team that I thought was cool.
Cathy: Ah yes, Anne, famous for liking men!
Kat: Anne, are your eyes dyslexic too?"
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
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pictures from an updated play guide from the guthrie =]
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void-symphony · 10 months
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game crashed when i tried to grab the team clear screen. but anyways. yeah.
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szasfuckingwife · 5 months
DESIRE- pt 1
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WARNINGS: arranged marriage, minor misogyny, dysfunctional family relationship
A/N: I am quite excited for this series, lets just see if I don’t give up on it halfway through, lol
series master list —> part two
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It was far late from noon when one of your ladies ran into your room. Just when you thought your duties for the day were done, here comes another. Although it may seem easy living in your estate as princess with a thousand maids at your beck and call, you were also being groomed and moulded to be the best queen for your country.
“Your highness, your father writes to you.” She has a white letter in her hands. Knowing her, you wouldn’t be surprised if she opened the letter and read it herself.
A sigh leaves your lips as you hear it’s from your father, the king. Feigning a healthy father-daughter relationship was harder than it looks. In reality, you hadn’t seen your father regularly since he sent you to live in Seymour Manor when you were four. The only times you recall seeing him is during galas and balls where his attention is caught between the fine port being served or being involved in a dance, not you.
Your thumb grazed over the red Royal seal that your father was known for. Reluctantly, you open the letter, reading the words carefully.
To my darling daughter,
I hope the standards and degree of the manor has provided you with the upmost guidance as you reach this new age of womanhood. I wish to see you again as we approach our new season.
However, I do not write you to discuss your wellbeing, unfortunately. I wish to discuss your betrothal to Sir Satoru Gojo of the Gojo clan. His father, the head of the Gojo clan, wishes to see you and his son marry before the year ends.
I will not hasten you, daughter. But, as princess of our great kingdom, I do wish to see what you will do once you become queen. More importantly, if you will produce an heir that will continue our great monarchy. I rest assured knowing the nannies and ladies at Seymour Manor have groomed you into being the perfect wife to Satoru and the perfect queen for our nation.
May God be with you,
Your father.
This is the 5th letter he’s sent about this Satoru Gojo since some months ago. You crumble it up and throw it behind you, like you’ve done before. Who is he to rush you into marrying a man you’ve never met? You’ve hardly ‘met’ with your father.
“Augusta, remind our mailman that I will not receive any more letters from my father-” “But, your highness..” Your maid interrupts.
You look at her softly, “My father must be having you all nervous. Trust me, Augusta, that man is not to be feared. Oh, are you scared? You shouldn’t be. Tell the mailman it is the princess’ direct orders.”
“Your highness…” She sighs. “A carriage awaits you outside from the palace. Along with your bags…”
She sees your features soften as you come to the realisation. The joints in your body stiffened up as you blinked at her a couple more times, trying to spot dishonesty. But, to no avail.
You were getting sent down to the palace, whether you liked it or not.
“My lady-” “Very well.” You purse your lips as you exit the room.
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The manor became smaller and smaller as you begin your journey. Memories of you playing with toys when you were a toddler and running around in the outside fields plague your mind.
It was home. No mother. No father. No worries. Just the maids and nannies raising you into the open minded woman you are. They were the mother(s) you never had. It made you fear how quickly your happiness could be snatched away.
“Excited, my lady?” Your father’s footman asked. God knows why he was selected to chaperone your travel. He saw you glare at him before returning your gaze back yo the window.
“Take this as an opportunity, your highness. Soon, you will be married and produce a surplus amount of heirs for your kingdom.” He says, a little too excitedly.
You sigh. “James?”
He sits up, “Yes, my lady?”
“Stop talking.” You sarcastically smile.
As you arrive to the palace, you see your father stand outside the front stairs of the palace. He looks mighty in his royal clothing, a proud smile adorns his face as your carriage comes to a stop, like he raised you.
It was unnerving seeing your father standing alone. It was just last winter where your mother succumb to a terrible illness and met her maker. If you weren’t in this predicament you’re in now, you’d count that as the most depressive moment in your life.
Your father’s footman offered his hand, helping you step out of the carriage. The king speed walked down the steps, grinning from ear to ear. You curtsey in front of him, almost second nature to you.
“Hello, father,” the words leave your mouth bitterly. “How are you?”
“Better now you are here, darling.” His eyes squinted as he smiled. “Please, tell me, how was your travel?”
Another fake smile plasters your face, “A little home sick. However, I was fine.”
His fave dropped, “Well, this is your home now, dear. You are at rest when you are here.”
You watch him as he takes a deep breath in, “That is good. Well, what are you all waiting for?! Accompany my daughter with her things as she settles into her new home.”
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You’re left with your thoughts as you sit on your new bed. The only thing that comes to mind is how your freedom is gone and now in the hands of this Satoru Gojo.
Wonders of his appearance come flooding into your mind. What would he look like? He could be some scrawny adolescent. No, your father couldn’t give the title of ‘King’ to a child. Maybe he was an old man. As old as your father. His belly round and his hair fading.
Goosebumps plague your skin as someone suddenly walks into your room.
“My lady, the garments have arrived.” A maid walks in.
Your brow raises, “Garments? I did not send for garments.”
She smiles, “My apologies, your betrothed sent them.” Some more people walk in, holding beautiful dresses. They contrast your everyday dresses you wear back home, where the thoughts of marriage never crossed your mind and days ended when you passed out in the fields.
“My betrothed..?”
“He sent these for you to wear tonight during dinner. It’ll be you, him, his mother and father and of course, the King.” She says merrily. “He must be enamoured by your beauty.”
Your brow rises, the fabric used is clearly expensive and foreign. Silky satin and the brightest purple that has ever met the eye. It was all too grand. A huge contrast from your country-house dresses you grew to love.
But beautiful nonetheless.
Whoever this Gojo Satoru was, he was playing his cards right.
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Everything tells you to run out of the palace gates as you head downstairs for dinner. If you took off your shoes, you could make it to the town hall. Or was it the boutique?
It had been so long you’ve forgotten what surrounds the palace. Soldiers would definitely catch you within seconds.
A sound of laughters interrupts your thoughts. It’s your father’s and someone else’s. Before you could even breathe into the room, you are held back as you remember you are to be announced.
“Her highness, Princess Y/N!” A butler announced.
All murmurs stop as you walk in the room. The Gojo clan stood up upon your arrival. You noticed the smiles of the mother and the father and then your eyes landed on a man no other suitor could compare to.
His hair was snow white, it reminded you of snowy days where you cosied up to the fire place. His eyes were cerulean, bright and blue. But his stare made you feel small. The way he looked at you, like he was analysing your demeanour, how you walked, how you carried yourself.
They all bowed as you took your seat. “Pleasure to meet you, your highness.” The head of the Gojo clan grinned. “Your father has spoken highly of you. He’s assured you will be the perfect fit for our son.”
So, this is the infamous Satoru Gojo. The way they spoke of him, as if he is the prize. It was hard to not be egotistical considering you were, quite frankly, the future queen.
“Yes. This is a momentous occasion. We are currently witnessing the start of the of the next generation. I’m confident that Gojo will be a great king.”
You sit there, waiting for your father to mention you and how great you will take care of your kingdom. But your wishes were never grabted, they moved onto another topic swiftly.
Throughout dinner, Satoru kept locking eyes with you. Even with the jokes and banter your father and his were throwing about, his eyes lured you back in.
“We are to discuss the date of the wedding, and then the coronation. It should be quick and around the same time, we don’t want to string this along any more than we have.” The king spoke with a certain dominance that shook the bones of everyone in the room, but you of course.
Gojo’s father nodded, “Of course, your majesty. And may I thank you again for recognising Satoru as capable of being king.”
You clearly have missed a plethora of conversations and rumours of Satoru becoming king. “Yes, I see Satoru as the son I never had. He’s most capable of carrying this kingdom to glory.”
Satoru smiles for the first time during dinner, “I’m sure I’ll do that with the help of your daughter, your majesty. Every king needs his queen.”
You want to scoff.
“Of course. And then, hopefully, we’ll see Princess Y/N withchild very soon.” His father spoke. It made you sick how they spoke about you as if you weren’t there.
Suddenly, you felt something wet on your lap. As you look down, you notice the burgundy red wine staining your blush pink gown.
Gojo’s mother gasped, “Oh no, your gown..” You wonder if she was even worried about you embarrassing yourself or rather the fact her family spent a pretty dime on was ruined by your carelessness.
You take a deep breath in, already frustrated from the lack of communication regarding your own marriage and your father’s lack of awareness. “Pardon my absence for one moment..”
The party watches as you stand up and leave abruptly. Satoru notices as your father mumbles something about you being dramatic and unladylike. “I shall go check on her.” Satoru suggests.
“Satoru, you shouldn’t-” “I’m only to check on her welfare. She seemed conflicted tonight.”
The Gojo parents turn to look at the king who is now slumped over in his seat, “Very well.”
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You seek comfort under the stars on a balcony, the atmosphere downstairs was too suffocating. It seemed you were a pawn in this big crown game.
“My lady.”
You gasp as you turn around to see the very man you grew to despise in a short amount of time. “Must you cut up my peace..?”
Satoru walked towards you slowly, “It’s a shame the dress is stained…This is the one I wanted you to specifically wear.”
His attempts at flirting made you sick. “I would thank you for the dress. But seeing its already ruined, I don’t think my appreciation would go far.”
Satoru nodded, “It is alright. Did you like your dresses? Were they a good fit? If not, I can get my men to-”
You hold up a hand, “Leave the other two. They are sufficient for gardening.”
He breathed out a chuckle, “Your highness, did I do something to offend you? If so, I do apologise. My father raised me to be a gentleman.”
Nothing leaves your lips as he responds. No smart remark, No rolling of your eyes, nothing. He was nicer than he seemed during dinner. However, you didn’t know what to trust. But something inside you told you to build some sort of relationship with him, considering you two will rule a nation together.
You scoffed as you remain your gaze on the environment, “Gentlemen? You…You hardly know me, why do you wish to be wed?”
“You are really magnificent, Y/N.” He whispers. The absence of formalities and honourifics threw you off immensely. He was now very close to you. It was only now you noticed how tall he was. “If I was just a commoner, I’d still want you as my bride.”
You blink up at him, “Satoru, if I am to be your bride, you can leave the theatrics at home. I’m not a child, I will not fall for such…dishonesty!”
“Dishonesty?” He chuckles once more, stroking the side of his face with his gloved hand, “Have you been like this with other suitors or just me?”
You look away. You’ve never had other suitors. Only him.
“Pardon me, Satoru, but I must go to my chambers. The sun is resting, and I shall rest with it. You don’t want to stop the future queen from receiving her sleep.” You begin to walk away from him.
“Trust me your highness, once wed, I plan to.” He mumbled.
Satoru sees you turn around swiftly staring at him with confusion. If it weren’t for his good looks, you would’ve sent the guards to behead him as quickly as possible. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Instead, you walk away.
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simp2537 · 8 months
Hey there, I saw your requests were open and just wanted to ask if you’d be willing to do a yandere Percy Jackson x a male or gender neutral reader who happens to be an actor— I myself am male, but I also think it’s annoying to look for a fic about your favorite character, only to find out it’s written for the opposite gender. The reader can either be a demigod (probably a child of Apollo or Dionysus since those two are closely related to acting & whatnot) or just some mortal that can see through the mist like Rachel or something. Either way, would you mind writing about Percy seeing the reader & a co-Star share a stage/film kiss? It could even be Percy & Annabeth since both are pretty cool and I like them both as a couple; plus, poly yandere situations are fun. You can also decide whether or not the reader and Percy/Percy and Annabeth are dating or not; thanks for taking the time to read this, and have a great day :)
-🪑 (I am now chair anon)
Stage Lovers
A/n sorry if this isn’t what you wanted, I took a small guess in a few things. Not sure if everything I wrote was canon but whatever. I wasn’t sure if you meant the show of book so if the books image their older and the same goes for the show. Also I used the Little Shop of Horrors play in this. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Yandere behaviors, possessive behaviors, slightly(a bit more then slightly) himbo reader, mention of killing someone later.
Anon - 🪑
All Characters are aged up to 18 plus
Percabeth x Male! Reader
Camp half-blood was a buzz with people. Apollo’s cabin was preparing the annul musical/play to celebrate their father’s birthday. Percy and Annabeth hovered around the scene as they watched their boyfriend practice his lines with some daughter of Aphrodite. The girl was too close, too touchy, to smiley for the pairs taste. Their sweet and kind boyfriend Y/n just helped her with a smile in his face. Percy kept an arm around the visibly seething Annabeth as they watched. Everyone at camp knew that Y/n was there. They all got the message but this stupid girl.
Open distain was on Annabeth face as Y/n walked over to them. His script loosely in his hands and a bright smile. He’d been working for weeks on this play, but he wouldn’t say a word about it. Y/n being the sweet boyfriend he is, wanted his lovers to be surprised when they watched him.
Y/n kissed Annabeth’s forehead first, hoping to soothe the anger visible on her face, then he moved to Percy. When he pulled away Percy held his hand.
“Who was that?”
Y/n turned his head at Annabeth’s tone. It’s irritated and annoyed.
“Who?” Y/n questioned unsure. Percy traced the back of Y/n’s hand.
“The girl over there, you were reading with her a moment ago Sunni.” Y/n blushed at Percy’s nickname for him. Looking back quickly Y/n missed the look of hatred his partners gave the girl.
“Oh, Vanessa, she’s my stage partner for the play.” The pair stilted. His partner?
“What play are you doing again?” Annabeth pondered twisting a lock of her hair. Y/n’s face lit up and he chuckled softly. The pair basked in awe of his voice. They could listen to him all day.
“Little Shop of Horror… Wait! No! I’ve spoiled it now! It was meant to be a surprise!” Y/n groaned softly. Percy laughed at his silly little Sunni. Annabeth raised a brow intrigued.
“Who do you play?”
“I’m Seymour!”
“And she is?” A moment of silence filled the air after Annabeth’s words. Percy brought Y/n closer and sent him a look.
“Who is she?” Percy demanded not liking that Y/n wouldn’t answer.
“You can’t get mad.” They pair furrowed there brows.
“Why would we be mad lovely?” Annabeth muttered softly moving some of Y/n hair. Y/n didn’t meet either of his partners gazes.
“She’s Audrey.”
Silence echoes through there conversation. Y/n had shown his partners the movie of Little Shop of Horrors once. In that one time they knew who Audrey was. Y/n took a nervous gulp and his partners shared a look.
“Are you mad?”
“No, lovely we’re not mad.”
Y/n breathed out a sigh of relief. One of his other siblings motioned for him to go back. Y/n kissed his partner goodbye quickly and dashed back to the stage.
“I’ll grab her after the show.” Annabeth voiced softly.
“Why can’t we grab her now?” Percy snapped. No one other than them was going to touch Y/n. They could allow that.
“We’re nothing going to mess up Y/n’s play, he’s been working so hard. We’ll throw her in the lake afterwards, then celebrate with Y/n.”
With Annabeth’s words said the pair returned there gaze to Y/n who was singing with one of his siblings who was playing Audrey two.
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unknownperson246 · 3 months
Can you write like a fem x Izzy stalker smut where the reader is this famous celeb that Izzy stalks butnone day she catches him in her house smelling her panties but she's kinda into it and they yk
Closet Creeper
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Words: 744
warnings: *smut* *stalker* *dirty talk* *f receiving* *degrading* *cussing* *cum play* *come eating*
✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:* *:・゚✧✧・゚:*
It's 1991 and you are a famous model who was on a Playboy magazine cover.  You were a Victoria's Secret Model. You also worked with other celebrities like Stephanie Seymour. You and Stephanie were good friends. You were hanging out with Stephanie and her boyfriend Axl. The rest of Axl's band Guns N’ Roses was there. Axl’s friend named Izzy had an eye on you. He kept looking at you and you secretly had a crush on him. After you are done hanging out with Stephanie and Axl you want to go home because you had a long day ahead of you tomorrow. You were super busy because you had to go to 4 photoshoots. You drove home in your Corvette convertible. You look up to your apartment building and your lights are turned on.
“Hmm, I must have left them on. I was in a rush” You say to yourself.
You walk up the stairs and expect your apartment to have no one inside of it. You grab your keys and try to open the door. You realize your door was left unlocked. You start to get suspicious. You walk in prepared in case there is an intruder. You walk into your room with your knife ready to attack. You saw  Izzy going through your clothes and lying in a pile of bra’s on the floor. He was in your closet. He has your panties scrunched up in his hands and he is sniffing them. He loves you and your scent. He is obsessed with wanting you to be his girlfriend. 
“What the fuck?!” You scream
“Well look at what we have here” Izzy smirks.
“How long have you been coming into my apartment?” You ask Izzy.
“About 3 months now,” Izzy says while he continues to take long sniffs of your panties.
“You know you smell really good. I bet your pussy is delicious because your panties are telling me” He sounds like a crazy person.
“I guess I will find out how you taste tonight if I’m not wrong” He smirks.
You immediately fall into his trap. He has got you right where he wants you. He wants to fuck you mercilessly and you're going to allow him to. 
“Take your clothes off slut” He snarls.
You obey his words and take all of your clothes off. He picks up a piece of lingerie from your closet.
“Do you wear these for your boyfriend? He seems pathetic. You belong to me Y/N. After all, I know your whole history. I know everything about you.” He smirks.
“Oh yeah, what do you know?” You ask him while his lips approach yours. 
His hands go up and down your body.
“I know that your boyfriend is a fucking asshole. So leave him and be with me baby” He says while his eyes are pleading with you.
“Axl was right, I am a slut for men who are rockstars.” You say while kissing him.
“I wanna see how you taste” Izzy's mouth travels down your thighs and you can feel his hands tracing the outline of your hips. 
He pushes you back on the bed.
“Spread your legs for me you whore” Izzy says.
You once again obey his words. It's like he has a strong hold on you. Your mind doesn't think. Your heart just knows you want him. It's like you're his puppet. He is controlling you and you love it. You spread your legs as wide as they can go.
“Oh baby” You moan at the idea of him giving you head. 
He starts off licking your clit and his tongue makes its way inside of you.
“Oh, Izzy” You cry while he is eating you out.
Your hands hold his head and you push him deeper inside of you. He starts to go faster.
“Fuck Izzy” You could hardly put a sentence together as he tongue fucked you.
“Baby. You-” You sigh.
“You do taste good.” Izzy's words are mumbled.
You throw your head back and your legs start to shake. You come all over his face and he doesn't waste one bit of it. After he is done fucking you you both cuddle on the bed naked.
“So what do you think? Do you want me?” Izzy asks.
“Yeah I want to be yours,” You tell Izzy while blushing.
You both fall asleep on the bed cuddling. You forgot he was sitting in your closet and being creepy.
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midnightcowboy1969 · 6 months
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Casablanca // Quantum Leap: Play It Again, Seymour - April 14, 1953
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WHY was I born a woman??
A List of Musical Theater Roles That Me and My Girl Best Friend Would be Perfect For. it also would be cool if they were just genderbent as lesbians but whatever
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A comprehensive list under the cut 👍
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Erik and Christine!
Phantom is one of my favorite shows of all time. I don’t condone the kidnapping and such, but the aesthetic is unparalleled. My friend is a soprano 1 who eats every single time she sings Christine’s parts. The Phantom sings pretty solidly in my range. Also my bestie’s kind of into Erik’s weird toxic thing with Christine. Idk what that has to do with this but it feels relevant.
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Seymour and Audrey!
Little Shop is SUCH a good show. Suddenly Seymour is her go-to audition song, and one of our favorites to sing together. I feel like I could serve little pathetic loserman enough to pull this off.
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Gatsby and Daisy!
Ok I’m so sorry about this but like. Pining after an unavailable woman for five years? I WAS MADE FOR THIS. I’d need to learn the harmonies but that’s ok. My friend’s belt is so solid that she would body every single song in this show. Also I just love tragedy or whatever…
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Mendel and Trina!
The token normal healthy couple. I know almost every single line of every harmony in Falsettos (<-i say, normally) and being onstage acting insanely down bad for a friend? I’ve found I’m very good at! She says she’d have fun with Trina’s issues and such. We would eat this up.
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JD and Veronica!
No listen please hear me out. I learned the harmonies to Seventeen specifically so we could sing it together. Our friends will tell us to stfu because we just want to sing it whenever. Although my friend is a soprano, her range is kinda crazy and she has a lot of fun singing in the alto/mezzo range. I personally would have fun playing a murderous freak.
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Jack and Katherine!
I can do a New York accent already! I learned Jack’s harmonies for Something To Believe In and half of the score on trumpet. My Newsies phase was FOUL. My friend would absolutely eat Katharine’s disdain for Jack at the beginning and also she can tap dance!! Anyway my point is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CAN WE BE THESE TWO PLEASE
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Jim and Jenna!
Ok I can’t really defend myself on this one… I know the harmonies already if that helps? I just love Sara Bareilles and I love Waitress (i am on my knees begging) Can I be that gynecologist pleeeeeease pretty please? My friend would SERVE Jenna pwease pretty please (i crumble into dust)
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Emmett and Elle!
My friend is blonde. My friend could do this show so well. Emmett and I? Both supreme woman respecters. I think the dynamic of Emmett being insanely in love with Elle and her just not noticing we would do INCREDIBLY well. Once again. I know the man’s harmonies. I just want to be him so bad 😭
Thank you for reading if you got this far. Be on your way xoxo
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ilsolefiesta · 3 months
my natal chart & heterochromia theory
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firstly, I would like to emphasize that this is only a hypothesis of mine and it needs a lot more evidence to support it. 
despite heterochromia being a rare phenomenon, I happen to know two people who have it - my mother and my best friend. both of them have Sagittarius Sun, but I think this is just a coincidence. because of this, I became interested in some patterns that could potentially indicate different eye colors.
it's also important to note that here I consider cases of full or partial coloration as "heterochromia". I don't include situations where people have slightly noticeable tone differences or perhaps color veins. also here I'm speaking about genetic heterochromia, not acquired one.
there are many different approaches to the question of identifying the significator of the eyes in astrology. some people say that the Sun represents the right eye for men and the Moon represents the left eye, while the opposite is true for women. some people mention Saturn and Venus.
however, I have a different theory.
in medical astrology the head and eyes in particular are associated with Aries. therefore, I believe that we need to deal with Mars. I also consider the Sun, as its exaltation is in Aries as well. 
to summarize. according to my hypothesis, we have Aries, Mars, and the Sun responsible for the eyes.
next, we need to identify the possible reasons of "corruption". my assumption is as follows: 
1. Chiron, as it refers to oxymoron and contradiction of opposites.
2. Uranus, as it refers to something unexpected and strange.
3. Lilith, as it can provide some specific features, but only if it's involved in some significant and accurate aspects or placed in the 1st house. 
we are now done with the theoretical part. then, I analyzed the natal charts of various celebrities with heterochromia. here are some observations:
`1. Kate Bosworth
damn, her Capricorn Sun, Venus and Lilith… so old-money cored appearance, I admire. her Aquarius Mars in square with Taurus Chiron is interesting, because Air Mars often gives blue/grey eyes, but we have a brown (earth) sector in this case...
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2. Josh Henderson
honestly, his heterochromia is a little bit questionable for me and it took me around 20 minutes to observe it in his photos and videos. in some photos and videos, his eyes have the same grey/light blue color, while in others, he has such a green eye that I even wondered if it was Photoshop. however, according to the Internet, he was born with this trait, so we can consider it a common knowledge. his Virgo Mars is squared with Sagittarius Lilith and Scorpio Uranus, and there is also a conjunction between Lilith and Uranus.
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3. Alice Eve
another beauty with Capricorn Venus, I begin to think that I have something personal with them… in this case, the situation is more clear. we have an active Aquarius Sun in square with Taurus Chiron (once again). additionally, her Sagittarius Lilith forms sextiles with the Sun and Libra Mars.
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4. Jane Seymour
do any James Bond fans out there? because next we have actress who played his love interest. another Aquarius Sun - Capricorn Chiron sextile, + Pisces Mars square Gemini Lilith. her light eye, by the way, have a slight green accent. maybe it's because of the Pisces influence...
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5. Mila Kunis
she was so good in "Black Swan"! there is really something magnetic in her appearance. Leo Mars sextile Gemini Chiron. additional influence of Leo Sun-Aquarius Lilith.
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6. Dominic Sherwood
another Sun Aquarius. probably it also has some effect... Capricorn Mars-Uranus conjunction. it's secondary, but Cancer Chiron has a trine Scorpio Lilith and opposition with his Uranus.
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7. Henry Cavill
the sexiest Superman in the house (however, he is absolutely not my type, haha). conjunction of Mars and Chiron in Taurus. that's all for him but this was enough for his heterochromia.
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8. Svetlana Ivanova
omg, I'm obsessed with here face. the combination of Libra Sun and Virgo Venus makes her images so... pure, angelic? her Virgo Mars is squared by Gemini Chiron and Sagittarius Uranus. + Mars sextile with Taurus Lilith.
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9. Elizabeth Berkley
fire combo. Aries Chiron in a trine with Leo Mars. Mars is also squared by Scorpio Lilith. and, finally, there is also a sextile between Mars and Libra Uranus.
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last random fun fact about celebrities:
I also had Sarah McDaniel on my list of celebrities with heterochromia. she has such a unique difference - one eye is completely brown and one is completely blue. but when I checked her chart I find nothing. I was puzzled and at one point, I thought about giving up on writing this post. but then, I decided to do some more research about her. and surprise-surprise - her father revealed the truth by showing a childhood photo of her with both eyes the same brown color.
as for my mother, she has Sagittarius Sun sextile Aquarius Lilith & Scorpio Uranus. her Aries Chiron has no aspects to Mars, BUT it squares her 1st house Saturn. her eyes are green, but a half of one eye is blue. my best friend has 1st house Sagittarius Sun-Lilith conjunction, Sagittarius Chiron-ASC conjunction and Aquarius Mars-Uranus conjunction. her eyes are similar to Kate Bosworth's - light-blue/grey with brown part. that's why I can add that the connection of Chiron/Uranus and sometimes Lilith with the 1st house, ASC in particular or even the ruler of the 1st house also makes sense! (don't forget that Aries is the symbolic ruler of the 1st house). it's hard to trace it in celebrities' charts as I don't have information about when they were born, but I guess it's possible to find this connection either.
that's how it is. huh, it was hard to write and search. Thank you for reading!
I would also appreciate if you could share your thoughts on this topic. Perhaps you or someone you know has heterochromia, and could provide more evidence to support or deny my theory.
Pictures credits: Pinterest
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williamedwardparry · 9 months
Twelfth-cake and riddles on HMS Erebus
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A Twelfth Night celebration illustrated by Robert Seymour from The Book of Christmas (1836) by Thomas Kibble Hervey – note the cake in the left part of the picture and the cards in people's hands.
In his entry for January 6th, 1841 in his Antarctic-journal-slash-autobiography, Robert McCormick (who was surgeon on the Erebus on the Antarctic expedition) makes this reference to a Twelfth-cake eaten by the officers:
Wednesday, 6th. — Being Twelfth-night, all the officers took tea in the cabin with Captain Ross, and partook of a Twelfth-cake, which had been given him in a tin case, and was to have been opened on the 6th of January, 1840, but had been reserved for entering the ice. It was accompanied by the customary painted figures on paper and sugar, with enigmas to solve, which afforded us all some amusement and laughter; to aid which we had a glass of cherry brandy each.
(The age of the cake always surprised me a little, but apparently, according to the 19th century Cassell’s Dictionary of Cookery, fruit cake “will improve with keeping – indeed, confectioners do not use their cakes until they have been made some months; and if a cake is cut into soon after it is made it will crumble.” (x))
I had no idea that “painted figures on paper and sugar” were a customary part of the Twelfth-cake tradition, so I had a poke around the web and was delighted to learn that Twelfth-cakes came with various figurines for decoration. They were made from moulded sugar paste, with some depicting people, some not.
In the Every-Day Book of William Hone (1827), Twelfth-cakes are described as decorated with “Stars, castles, kings, cottages, dragons, trees, fish, palaces, cats, dogs, churches, lions, milkmaids, knights, serpents, and innumerable other forms, in snow-white confectionery, painted with variegated colours”.
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An advertisement for “well executed Twelfth-Night characters”, 1842 (The Australian). Queen Victoria’s Twelfth-cake, 1849 (ILN).
The Twelfth-cakes themselves were generally large, domed, and heavy, full of nuts, dried fruits, and spices. Hone, again, calls them “Dark with citron and plums and heavy as gold”. (A recipe from 1802 is available here, and one from 1830 here – the latter promises a cake 12-14 inches across.)
You could also buy sets of cards with Twelfth Night figures and riddles on them, which were sold in packs. In the late 18th century, it was customary for the party to draw lots with the cards – and whichever character a person was assigned, they would have to play until midnight.
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An extant pack of Park's Twelfth-Night characters, 1843. (The Puzzle Museum)
The resolution on these is only just about legible, but here's a close-up of four of them and their solutions from the sheet:
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Transcriptions: From left to right: SIR OLIVER OGLE. Why is a lover like a gooseberry? BETRICE BOUQUET. When is a cheese most like college? CHARLES CUTEMDOWN. Why are Jews at a feast like a brewer? PATTY PRIMROSE. Why is a dandy like a haunch of venison?
Solutions: He is easily made a fool of. / When it is eaten. [Eton] / He brews [Hebrews] drink here. / He is a bit of a buck.
The Puzzle Museum https://www.puzzlemuseum.com/month/picm08/2008-04-parks.htm
The Dickens Museum blog https://dickensmuseum.com/blogs/charles-dickens-museum/dickens-and-the-spirit-of-twelfth-cake-past-by-pen-vogler
Elizabeth Gaskell House blog https://elizabethgaskellhouse.co.uk/twelfth-night-cakes/
Sydney Living Museums blog https://blogs.sydneylivingmuseums.com.au/cook/let-them-eat-fruit-cake/
Foods of England blog http://www.foodsofengland.co.uk/twelfthcake.htm
Primary sources:
Hone, William, The Every-Day Book (1827) - Project Gutenberg
Kibble Hervey, Thomas, The Book of Christmas (1836) - Project Gutenberg
Kitchiner, William, The Cook's Oracle (1830) - Project Gutenberg
McCormick, Robert, Voyages of Discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic Seas (1884) - Hathi Trust
The Australian, January 8th, 1842 - Trove Newspaper Archive
Illustrated London News, 13th January 1849 - Hathi Trust
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nocontextsock · 6 months
uhh you know what fuck it im cringe but im free here's a rundown of all my nevermore aus! warnings a lot of pluke and a lot of eulada lie ahead
some of these will get their own posts where i elaborate on lore more
old blood au/vampire au
lenore enters a whirlwind romance with aristocratic runaway vampire annabel lee. not long after lenore agrees to get the bite, she wakes up to find annabel lee disappeared. she's taken in by a group of misfit vampires who help her adjust to her new vampiric life, but just as she's accepted the change a familiar face returns. (this is getting turned into a fic! both main story + some side chapters explaining how characters came to be and joined the misfits :3)
ballet studio au
my most self indulgent au <3 nevermore cast are all in a ballet studio working to put on a performance of swan lake! duke and annabel fight over the role of odette, pluto and lenore chill in the orchestra. very shippy with lots of funny lore. hoping to write some shots for this and doodle! all the characters are included in some way.
jekyll & hyde au
exactly as it sounds, pretty play by play of the original stevenson novel! prospero is jekyll, montresor is hyde, annabel is utterson, pluto is lanyon, lenore is guest, duke is carew, will is poole, morella is the maid and ada is the housekeeper. mostly exploring the montresor/prospero dynamic here! again mostly for art purposes :3
little shop of horrors au
again exactly as it sounds! eulalie is seymour, ada is audrey, berenice is audrey II, montresor is orin, prospero is mushnik and mazetrio are the greek chorus girls :)! mostly for silly doodles of which i have MANY
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bag-0f-b0nes · 2 months
My favourite detail in the musical (atleast in the newest cast) is the way they comment on Seymour's outfit. Because your first thought is probably "oh well, it could be worse" but if you look closer you'll see he's wearing a baseball cap and converse. Which once again, pretty normal right. But those weren't really a thing in the 60s. Or well, they were, but not for normal people. They were super popular for *baseball players* (ranging from amateur to professional)
So when you see someone like Seymour who, no offense, obviously does Not play baseball, it looks a bit stupid and out of place.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 3 months
Is there any difference between Seymour, Sytca and Pris relationship in SM compared to FT? (With Seymour being the youngest sibling and Pris the oldest)
Definitely. A lit of Turmoil that was overlooked because of how things played out instead.
With Prismarine being the oldest and flaunting the fact that dad never left *her* Makes Seymour a very bitter boy. He's angry and seething.
And what's even worse is that Prismarine *likes* Sytca this time around. They arent best friends, but Prismarine likes her, she'll show her sister kindness, on days where she's so upset, Sytca can depend on Prismarine patting her arm gentlt with the softest "Okay?"
And Sytca isnt mean to Seymour, but she's hurt by his existence. Hurt by the fact that their dad had another baby only to leave him behind. Pup's entire character is changed up a bit this tine round.
Sytca see's so much of herself in Seymour that she can't look at him as a youngin. She doesnt *want to.* cause it just reminds her of her own failures. She coukd have taken in her baby brother the entire time and decided *not* to. And Prismarine wasn't going ti do it again because when she took in Sytca, it was clear to everyone that she just wasn't able to handle a mitten any time soon.
They left their baby brother all alone.
And Prismarine feels guilty in her own way. Yes she's rude but it's not biting in the way it is in canon. Yes, she always says that she knows dad better because he never left her behind, isnt actually her flaunting it but tryibg to reassure her siblings that *Dad Loves you, if anyone here knows that, it's ME.*
But Seymour doesnt take it that way, he doesnt like it. So he lashes out in pain and anger and *mourning.* before he runs away.
Yes, like Prismarine, by the time he meets with King he's way older. Almost 7,200 yeara old, but still acting like a child because he's just trauma locked in that way. Mews are childish in general but Seymour can't differentiate being a kid and being an adult. He's mature but not enough.
And the ketchum's will inevitably help with that
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OM Demons & Their Broadway Duets
A.k.a the duet you two perform together that’s just a lil bit too on the nose
You cannot tell me that he’s Not the same person as Hades
Mans has shit to do!!
But that doesn’t stop him from wanting you one bit
He knows he can seduce you, and that’s exactly what he will do
Also has that Stunningly deep voice thats just perfect for this roll
Enjoys making you squirm on stage with his words and voice
Probably circles around you whilst singing
10/10 very hot
Will def invite you to see him after the performance for some quality time
The exact kind of greedy, insecure loving he needs
He wants to sing more because “The Great Mammon deserves the spotlight”
So he sings Elphaba
Tbh, finds it really therapeutic to express his feelings for you so wholly
LOVES that its so intimate; he gets to hold you, with an undeniable excuse!
Gets so flustered during rehearsals
Only makes him love you more
Listens to it often, cause it makes him happy to think of you
He will deny this
He would have died if it was a romance duet, c’mon guys
He was struggling getting on stage as is
So getting to pretend to play video games, right next to you in stage while talking about how he hates everyone else?
Has the audio clip of you saying “is it really true, i’m your favourite person”
Listens to it daily
Actually has an Amazing voice, holy shit
It’s Your song and no one else can sing it with you
Probs get the matching pac-man tattoo from the original musical
As said before, a hopeless romantic to the core
Thinks this entire musical is god tier
The only one to know and love the entire musical connected to your performance
You see it together “as research” before doing the scene together
Perfect on stage, as expected
Probs cups your face for a Significant portion of the song
Loves being to protector, instead of the persecutor; like he is so often made out to be
Will sing it to you quietly as you slow-dance in his room in the early hours of the morning
Wants it to be the first dance at your inevitable wedding
Guess who’s back on their asmo-is-baby bullshit
Mans relates to Audrey So Hard
So its only right he plays her part
You are his Seymor
He tries not to think about it, or else he’ll cry
Thinks its a really beautiful song
Don’t tell him the ending of Little Shop of Horrors, he’ll be devastated
ADORES being on stage, makes every minute of it
Kisses you as soon as the songs over, so deeply and passionately
The audience goes wild
Both of you are grinning wildly
He’s more than happy to sing a song about loving you in front of as many people as you want
Honestly just happy to be spending time with you
Sings Zoe, because he just wants to reassure you that he loves you
Like Lucifer, has a beautifully deep voice
Constantly checking you’re not as insecure as Evan
Makes sure you know he loves you, even if you aren’t insecure in the slightest
A custom bed needs to be built for the two of you to sit on for the scene bc he’s so Large
Puts his heart into the line “I don’t want you to fix what I’d rather forget”, because he needs you to know that you aren’t a replacement for Lilith
He loves you, as you.
Idk what bullying you had to do to get this but go you ig???
Hates JD with a passion
He reminds him too much of how he was during his time in the attic
But it’s almost like a redemption for him; he can do it again but this time he chooses you
He chooses you instead of the anger, the hurt
Voice is probs really raspy because he’s always sleeping
Didn’t do rehearsals, just wung it on opening night
Enforced naptime afterwards
Listen, this is Very Directed
He chose this song for a reason; he needs his people to know that loving you is not a political choice
He just loves you
Relates more to Alyssa, but sings Emma for impact
Probs doesn’t have time to be doing something like this??
Barbatos is On Him for the overdue paperwork
But this is Fun
And it’s with You
He loves preforming
Probs has a good vibrato too
Post show fancy dinner date 💕💕
l i s t e n
Mans is perfect for Warner
Is more than happy to let you have the spotlight
Loves being able to say he loves you so plainly
Sometimes the song makes him think about the realities where you stayed in the human realm
It makes him grateful that you chose the Devildom
That you chose him
But he tries not to linger, because you both have a song to do
Master of honey tea before going on stage
Warm them vocal chords UP
Always praises you on how wonderful you were the second that mics are off
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definesanity · 7 months
A Beautiful Song
Voyager was a being ('A girl', she writes) that was not one for many words.
Voyager's handwriting was beautiful: perfectly cursive, yet Vertin did not see much, as it was direct and to the point:
'May I visit?'
The 'Your room' went unsaid; many Arcanists wonder what secrets lie in the illusive Timekeeper's room but, to either amazement or disappointment, it was just that: a room. Stacked documents, here and there, a bed that was yet to be made due to Vertin's sudden bolt out of the room and into the day; and now, a new addition, albeit one Vertin thinks is temporary.
Voyager stood politely, hands clasped in their front, the galaxies upon her stockings and dress shimmering in the gentle light of the room.
Vertin nodded at her. The being from beyond the stars preferred the silence, and Vertin respected it.
Voyager smiled back, before she started to play her violin. It's a familiar song, one Vertin has heard many times. Hearing it in the middle of the night was certainly a surprise, however.
She looked up the songs found on the Voayger spacecrafts, and this one was Greensleeves, a love song from the Tudor period, or thereabouts.
People oft believe it to be related to Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. However, the composition of the original piece was one of Italian origin, that only reached England after Henry's death, which would put it around the time of either Edward VI, Mary I or, most popularly, Elizabeth I.
Nevertheless, it is still associated with Henry VIII due to its themes around the singer wishing for their love to no longer 'cast them aside discourteously'; which is ironic, in the end, due to it being Henry who cast Anne aside in favour of Jane Seymour, leaving Anne to be beheaded for her crimes of adultery, incest and, worst of all, treason against the King of England.
Which, in retrospection, now has Vertin pondering: Did Voyager choose this song for a specific reason?
Voyager played the songs found, or even beyond, the Golden Records on the Voyager I and Voyager II spacecrafts. By that logic, she might have researched it, or guessed the meaning, behind each and every song.
Love was a foreign concept to the Timekeeper. Romantic love, she should specify.
She has experienced parental love from Ms. Tooth Fairy, her treating Vertin like a child. Granted, she did that to every child in the Foundation, but Vertin always felt she was focused more on by the dentist, perhaps out of a lighthearted exasperation on the Toothfairy collector's side. Likewise, Eternity doted on Vertin, treating her as a granddaughter, or something to the effect.
She has experienced the love of both a big and a little sister. Lilya treated Vertin like a younger sibling, with the Russian ace inviting Vertin to ride on the back of her Su-01ве, the two spending free afternoons just flying around The Wilderness.
The little sister is many, one being Mondlicht. The young huntress was grateful for the help the Timekeeper had given her to help defend against the big bad wolves. Recently, the girl had taken to trying to sleep for more than a few hours, Vertin often being the one to place a blanket over the German hunter.
The love of a friend, too; the likes of Horropedia, whom Vertin had since enjoyed the company of. He's a little eccentric, at times, but that adds to his charm. The two watch horror movies together, Horropedia explaining little parts of the movie, and Vertin listening.
The love of a... partner, however...
Schneider was a whirlwind. One that, with her sister and many good friends, was swept away by The Storm. Vertin believes that, in the short time they spent together, the love between two people was there.
Vertin did not know where to place Voyager. Listening again, she could hear the lyrics inside her head:
"You could not wish for anything,
Yet you still had it readily.
Sweet music still I play and sing;
But yet you will not love me..."
Voyager's smile wavered, looking at Vertin with a strange look in her eyes. She appeared... sad.
Did her love not return the same affection...?
Voyager stopped playing, letting go of her violin slowly, it floating and still playing Greensleeves.
The traveller of space gazed at the traveller of time.
A smile danced on the former's lips, that soon gently joined with the latter's lips.
Vertin had never been to space, but was fascinated by it. Yet, she was able to tell that Voyager tasted like star dust.
Vertin had drunk tea before this, but Voyager could still taste the true taste of the Timekeeper's lips.
Voyager let go of the lips of Vertin, the smile now unwavering, eyes glittering like the stars. She had no need for air, and were it not for Vertin's human lungs, she would have continued the caress of their lips forevermore.
Vertin blinked. "Ah."
"Hehe." Voyager giggled, a melodic sound.
With another blink, Vertin then came to a late revelation: It was she who was the Lady Greensleeves.
"...But... why...?" Vertin could never see herself in a light of good, but Voyager could.
"Shh..." she hushed, placing a finger over Vertin's lips, and one over her own.
Vertin faintly heard the violin stopping and playing a new song, but she was still dazed from everything.
'I don't understand,' she thought.
'Do not, then.' a gentle voice whispered back.
'But why?' she questioned.
'Should a reason exist?' the voice questioned back.
'...Am I loved?' she asked the Void.
'Yes. By everyone. Us. Me.' the Void answered back.
Voyager was a mysterious girl of a few words. Outwardly, of course.
Internally? An inner peace of voices, just waiting its chance and moment to be heard...
And the opportunity arrived with the girl with the top hat and beautiful freckles.
Distantly, Voyager heard the chorus:
"Greensleeves was all my joy,
Greensleeves was my delight;
Greensleeves, my heart of gold:
And who but my Lady Greensleeves?"
And vividly, Vertin heard The Chorus.
'Greensleeves, you are my joy,
Greensleeves, you are my delight;
Greensleeves, with a heart of gold:
I am glad to be yours, my Lady Greensleeves.'
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