#Please don't take this post seriously
got-ticket-to-ride · 4 months
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Guys, I need photographical evidence of John being jealous. Please, please, please, I need it in my life.
So far I only have this John being jealous of a puppy (lol)
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tetracopter · 1 year
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And this is how Butters became Kenny's sugar daddy
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renthebarbarian · 5 months
For the record, yeah, Izzy Hands is a gay who hates gays, but like...specifically himself (because he hates himself) and his shipmates (because they're idiots). It's focused homophobia.
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feather-of-argos · 6 months
Just finished watching Trigun Stampede and its good to know that I am still absolutely feral for the estranged brothers trope.
And my god, Nai's behaviour reminded me so much of s5 Felix. The plot resemblance is so uncanny to me that I cannot not share.
I know you're gonna think I'm crazy for comparing a snot nosed gremlin with a seasoned killer, like someone's probably reading this and foaming at the mouth...
Alas, I have made a chart to make this explanation easier:
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The most notable difference here is that Knives' happiness requires Vash's identity to be stripped. Knives only values Vash as an extension of himself and not as an individual. He is in love with the concept of a brother who supports his twisted ideals solidified by their childhood bond, and when he finds out that isn't true, destroys his life to make him see "reason". Probably loved Rem buts its buried under all that misanthropy.
Meanwhile, Felix cares for Adrien as a person but also disregards his autonomy by making decisions on his behalf. However, unlike Knives, Felix is amendable to keeping some humans around for the sake of Adrien's happiness. Felix's twin cousin-complex comes from a place of jealousy and situational projection.
In addition to being upset that Adrien has not fought for his freedom and seeks to liberate him. He is envious of his cousin's ability to make friends but is disgusted by his naivety and inability to think for himself (a past-pathetic version of himself under control).
To conclude, one is a psychotic narcissist who developed delusions of grandeur instead of healing from abuse while the other is a misguided, morally grey teen who also hasn't healed from abuse :(
Very different characters but the fundamentals are all there.
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ratlover7 · 1 year
Gale was gay as shit for Walter and bro could have done so much better than him like Walt was bein a little pissbaby (like always) complaining the guy he can manipulate isn't there anymore and gales just like "omg I should get him a gift I love making meth with him" and then got killed cause of Walt when I say I'm tired of the stereotype of gay men being stupid I'm thinking of gale
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glutko · 10 months
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LIBERAL CRYPTO?!?!?!?!? 🤢😡😡😡
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machine-saint · 1 year
i can generate a high quality high resolution AI image on my GPU in about 2-3 minutes. my GPU uses about 250W or so going full blast. a human artist uses 100W, and would take several hours to draw an image in the same level of detail. not only that, but human artists must be individually trained, whereas AI model training can be done once and cheaply replicated. therefore, AI art is more ecologically friendly than human art
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sigmaleph · 1 year
i guess while i'm contemplating the scenario where the anti-ai-art movement gives us much harsher copyright terms i might as well also contemplate the one where they successfully sue all the current big ai companies out of business and slow down development enough that alignment research catches up to capabilities and they save the world
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aphandgflover · 2 years
No, you don't get it. I'm not waiting for the next Sanders Sides episode. I'm patient and I know we will get something eventually, I think Thomas deserves to take his time.
What I am waiting for is for the fandom to pick up again so we can have more
Like, guys!!!! Why are DRLAMP fics almost always either slightly ambiguously platonic or just orgy smut? Where is my original setting fic with Roman kissing Patton good luck before his date with Janus? Remus betting with his brother over how many of their boyfriends they can woo the fastest? Virgil being nervous about preparing a dinner date for six? Logan making a timetable for quality time with each of his partners?
There were so many more some time ago, let's get back to that!
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ventifool · 1 year
What if I'm scared of white people because of trauma
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our-hands-mean-death · 7 months
"Well now that this character has been Redeemed™, there's nothing interesting we can do with him. It's only logical for him to die, sorry guys"
Skill issue tbh
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liauditore · 9 days
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do you guys ever think about that time she said her backstory was that she was only partially zombiefied and was fully conscious mentally while she ate and killed her family. and that she was a princess. i do alot.
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eeldritchblast · 2 months
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POV your disgraced former chosen/lover and one of your most devout clerics fall in love
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Mxtx plots
TGCF: a mastermind is behind all of this and must be stopped
MDZS: a mastermind is behind all of this and must be stopped
SVSSS: the male lead will lose his shit, kill everyone, and destroy reality as we know it if he doesn't receive... *checks notes* ...gay love.
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frostedpuffs · 2 months
from my discord art stream
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blyadsoftsign · 2 years
😍 sunshinemommy42 Follow
The Dark Side of Tumblr
I am absolutely FURIOUS!!! Today my 15 y/o daughter showed me this web site called "Tumbler", so I decided to join it to see what it was all about! BIG MISTAKE!!! I was not prepared for the horrors of Tumblr.com!!!!
Naturally I didn't know what to do so I clicked on the "Explore" button and I saw some very age inappropriate things!!! One of the worst things I've seen: a person using the word h*ll!!!! This is a kids' site and this type of language should NOT be tolerated under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!
My beautiful 15 y/o daughter is also very interested in politics, but when she took me to the politics "tag" (I don't know what that is???) I was shocked!!! The anarchist and socialist crap people write on here is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!! I do NOT want my daughter to consume this horrible content!!!!!!
I'm going to have a VERY long talk with my daughter about her prolonged use of Tumblr.com - and I'm going to make sure she closes her account so she isn't exposed to such violent content anymore!!!!! And from now on I'm going to monitor her on-line activity!!!
How do I explain to her that she shouldn't be exposing herself to all these harmful things?? Much to think about!!!
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