#Please help with Haiku and 13
pixlelixr · 2 months
Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum
Good GAY
Welcome to TRANSGENDER Hall
Taken for a RIDE TO HELL
The BI-dding
Spring and a SEXUALITY
Two Wuv
13 (unlucky number)
Hidden in the SIN
Mucka BluckAGENDER
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amorista · 4 months
@febuwhump 2024: 29 days of haiku
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PROMPTS: DAY 1: helpless - helpless DAY 2: solitary confinement - confinement DAY 3: "bite down on this" - bite DAY 4: obedience - obedience DAY 5: rope burns - rope DAY 6: "you lied to me" - lied DAY 7: suffering in silence - silence DAY 8: "why won't it stop?" - stop DAY 9: bees - bees DAY 10: killing in self defence - killing DAY 11: time loop - time DAY 12: semi-conscious - closer DAY 13: "you weren't supposed to get hurt" - hurting DAY 14: blood-stained tiles - blood DAY 15: "who did this to you?" - who DAY 16: came back wrong - right DAY 17: hostage situation - tied DAY 18: too weak to move - strength DAY 19: "please don't" - please DAY 20: truth serum - truth DAY 21: unresponsive - answer DAY 22: "you weren't meant to be there" - things DAY 23: presumed dead - dead DAY 24: "i'm doing this because i care about you" - love DAY 25: waterboarding - water DAY 26: "help them" - help DAY 27: left for dead - death DAY 28: "no… not like this" - path DAY 29: not allowed to die - alive
ALTERNATE PROMPTS: ALT 1: human shield - forward ALT 2: "i love you" - hurt ALT 3: found footage - watching ALT 4: human weapon - weapons ALT 5: cpr - stopped ALT 6: immortality - alone ALT 7: last words - words ALT 8: killing game - play ALT 9: lightning strike - striking ALT 10: last man standing - won
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oldofmd12verse · 2 years
OFMD Decembverse 2022 Information
Hello everyone, and welcome to OFMD Decembverse! It’s time to try our hand at some poetry. Please read the entire thread before participating! Our hashtag: #ofmd12verse (alternate: #ofmddecembverse).
First, link to the ao3 collection for this event: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ofmd12verse22/profile
Official Twitter for this event:
OFMD Decembverse is a month-long prompt-based challenge to write some poetry for your fandom. Poetry is seen as something intimidating and “not for people like us” to most people, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Poetry is for everyone.
Each day of December will have two prompts associated with it: A type of poetry (with instructions provided for how to write it) and a lesser-known quote from the show Our Flag Means Death that you can use as inspiration.
You do not have to follow either prompt if you do not want to. You can choose to focus only on the poetry type or the quote, or say screw it and write the poetry you want, how you want. If it’s a poem related to OFMD (or that uses these prompts), it qualifies for this challenge.
This challenge is taking place on Ao3, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Note: Some of these poetry styles (such as Shi) were developed to only work well in certain languages. I will be posting ways to adapt these to English for those who are interested. I don’t think poetry should have to be Euro-centric just because this is a predominantly English-speaking fandom.
Prompt List:
Day 1: Slam: “Wait until you hear about my life as an accountant.” Day 2: Ballad: “I loves me a thief.” Day 3: Sonnet (Iambic Pentameter): “The love of a pet makes a man weak.” Day 4: Pastoral: “We’re gonna have fun today, and that’s an order.” Day 5: Terza Rima: “If I can help this crew grow as people, then I’ve succeeded in being a pirate captain.” Day 6: Ottava Rima: “You should have stayed still, that’s kinda on you.” Day 7: Enclosed rhyme: “The rest was just gravity.” Day 8: Soliloquy: “So this whole time you were a woman?” Day 9: Blank Verse: “I’ve got more riches than you can shake a fucking stick at!” Day 10: Free Verse: “I never said that they floated.” Day 11: Ode: “You all look the same, you know.” Day 12: Lyric: “Is this all there is?” Day 13: Ballade (not the same as Ballad): “A widow’s life isn’t nearly as bad as it’s made out to be.” Day 14: Villanelle: “Mutiny is a-brewin’.” Day 15: Narrative Poetry: “I can’t believe you made me do this.” Day 16: Dissonance: “Since we’re on the subject of bad vibes…” Day 17: Assonance: “We love an audience.” Day 18: Satirical: “I’m a dirty, filthy murderer!” Day 19: Haiku (or Tanka): “And you cried all the time, and liked to pick flowers.” Day 20: Elegy: “Murder is a natural cause.” Day 21: Imagery: “We could’ve made magic.” Day 22: Alliteration: “Knives are knives, meat’s meat.” Day 23: Free Verse: “I heard the most insane rumor.” Day 24: Couplet: “You don’t get food if you’ve been invaded.” Day 25: Shi Poetry (see guide for English interpretation of rules): “I’m the Black Cat of Death.” Day 26: Fable: “Read it and weep, my friend! Adventure awaits!” Day 27: Ghazal: “God’s not a fan.” Day 28: Limerick: “The vengeancer and the vengeancee.” Day 29: Tercet: “You’ll sign a confession to that extent, hmm?” Day 30: Monorhyme: “Avast ye!” Day 31: Epic: “My Wondrous Journey: A Life at Sea.”
Rules: 1. Please tag properly and liberally for common/reasonable triggers. Mark explicit verse as explicit for those of us who browse social media at work.
2. No racism/homophobia/transphobia that isn’t both tagged AND used in the storytelling process (such as to express discomfort with these concepts or to show characters being victims of these concepts).
3. If your poetry is explicit, tag that shit please!
4. Don’t worry about getting it perfectly right, poetry is about expressing yourself and feeling free as fuck while doing it.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What if I've never written poetry before/am not very good? Poetry is one of the oldest art forms in the world. People used poetry to pass down wisdom, stories, and share their culture before they could write. It is truly for everyone, including you. It has a stereotype for being gatekept and that only certain people can appreciate it, but I promise that that is a lie. If you can type words, you can do this.
Do I have to participate in every day/prompt? No, and it's likely that it will be really difficult to keep up with them all. Do what speaks to you and makes you happy.
What if I don't want to make the kind of poetry in that day's prompt? Then screw it, pick another kind that speaks to you. This challenge is supposed to help you learn to express yourself in different ways, but if you can't express yourself properly through a haiku or a sonnet, do something else that speaks to you. All poetry is good poetry.
Do I have to follow the quote prompt for each day? No. Some people don't know where to begin, so I've provided quotes from the show that generally aren't used/referenced much in fandom. But if you have a better idea you are obligated to use that one instead, because again, expressing yourself through verse is the most important part.
Do my poems have to rhyme? No, not all poetry rhymes, and some kinds explicitly don't.
Can my poetry be explicit/sexy? Hell yeah. Just tag that shit, please.
Can I participate by writing for other fandoms? Yes! While this challenge was created with OFMD in mind, all fandoms could use a nice injection of verse in them. All I ask is that you use at least one of the prompts for that day (be it the poetry type or quote) so it relates to this challenge in some way. I know that many people also write for WWDITS and those fandoms are more than welcome here. I purposely chose quotes that aren't a direct reference to characters in the show so that you could branch out.
Do I have to write a poem about the exact context of the quote? No, absolutely not. It can be about anything. The quote is just there to get your juices flowing.
Where can I post my work? Ao3: This collection is the place to post it. Twitter: Use the tag #ofmd12verse OR #ofmdDecembverse (the first one is neater in my opinion). The main account will retweet works under those tags. Tumblr: Use the tag #ofmd12verse OR #ofmdDecembverse (the first one is neater in my opinion). The main account will reblog works under those tags.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Meet Shinichi Saruhara~! He's just a small town boy... with a super wacky family life~! His parents look identical, his sister is caught up in a love triangle, and his delivery man is super hot~! All this and more on Meet the Donbros! Premiering Sunday, December 24th on ABC~!
Been far too long since we had a Shinichi focus episode, so I'm looking forward to this~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Ain't no breaks for the Donbros.
-Is it like -chwan, the honorific Gaon uses to refer to humans/smol animals?
-Damn Saruhara, do you not work out?
-Oh, why'd you give Tsuyoshi the Hitler mustache hjlklhg
-Coupled with the glasses and combover, he gives me serious Bruno Ganz in Downfall vibes.
-Don Don Brothers!
-Okay so for this episode I'm watching the TV Anon subs, and they call it "Cringe Family" and... yeah <3
-"Yo, Kaito... are all of my beloved companions family? ...without me?"
-Suzuki-san, you are rockin' that dress.
-Kameda Tsutomu.
-Of course, of course, this guy's our Hitotsu-ki!
-...did he scam an entire family out of nowhere?
-Soooo, Shinichi... what's your deal with this guy?
-Ohhhhhh, you're pulling a gigachad brain move.
-Good look scamming a dude with no money.
-I see the Professor's still beloved in his neighborhood :)
-Fake spiritualist... just like Kanedama from that Ep. 13 of Kakuranger. ...wonder if that's where we got his
-We had the boss lie for us~!
-Oh Jesus Christ, he followed us
-Oh here we go~!
-Outswindle the swindler.
-Good on Tsubasa for just like
-Instantly agreeing to help out.
-Damn, Sonoi.
-"What the dog doing with the shark?"
-Sonoza seems very proud of Murasame carving out his own path, how sweet :)
-"If the dog and the shark become friends... they must trigger some sort of game changing event."
-Aaaah, I see that smile too, Sononi~!
-Free Vegetables~!
-Daaaaaamn, Haruka, okay!
-Love how she picked both guys with girlfriends.
-"Look man, we're in too deep now, you gotta help us."
-While I do respect Haruka Saruhara establishing her right to date whoever however, I absolutely do not respect the way you worded that lmao
-"Hahaha, wow Tsubasa-san, we sure are the best rivals of all time, eh buddy~? Goku and Vegeta! Yusuke and Hiei! Deku and Bakugou! Naruto and Sasuke! Luffy and... I haven't really seen One Piece in a while, would you prefer to be Zoro, Ace, Law, Katakuri, or do you wanna pick for yourself?"
-"I might as well be Buggy, this is already humiliating enough."
-Everybody is haunted!
-Ah yep, classic cold reading.
-Haruka I swear, if you actually had a cat named Stroganoff-
-Gave the poor thing a shoe hat.
-"My older sister was born at a very young age. :("
-"And you'll get the spoon if you kill her off again!"
-Government assigned Dog. Tsubasa Inuzuka.
-Ooooooooh, Shurikeeeen!
-Ignored Jirou! How dare you!
-That is a masterclass t pose, Beppu-san.
-...Shinichi fucking would t-pose without prompt.
-Tarou in da house!
-"I brought the meat."
-Oh I'm sure you did.
-Seems like Kameda is catching on.
-Imagine how much funnier it'd be if it cut off at "Tsubasa and I are dating".
-"Oh... good for you. I don't care."
-"Okaaaay, thank you for the meat, get the fuck out now, please~!"
-"I want meat."
-See, Tarou knows they're lying, but they don't know how they're lying.
-"Oh my God, Saruhara's mom is related to the salaryman!"
-Tarou is experiencing accidental neurodivergent-on-neurodivergent violence.
-Surrender your prized possession to be free of darkness!
-Haiku Meat.
-Worthless, worthless!
-"Noooooooooo, my dinner!"
-"Jesus Christ, fine I'll bring more meat, just calm down!"
-"Because reasons... It's quite alright Haruka, I think I understand."
-He only has death allergy hiccups
-There's a demon.
-And his name is Momoi Tarou.
-Gotta know when to fold 'em, I guess.
-Ah nope, just straight up robbery!
-Made them think they're even crazier than
-Doggy man take an oolong nap :)
-Tiger Jirou with the steel chair!
-Himitsu-ki! You have been exposed for all from Earth to the farthest reaches of the Cassiopeia constellation to see! It's time for you to repent from your swindler's ways once and for all!
-Oh sure, kick a girl in naptime land, real nice
-Love this mix of the theme song btw
-Getting fired uuuuuuuup! Chozetsu Ninja!
-Time for the finale, it'd seem!
-Seiya seiya seiya seiya!
-25 points!
-Tsuyoshi ujhklhg
-Ah yep, time for the iconic Gorenger Hurricane!
-End Ball!
-Gotta build it all up!
-Oh no you don't!
-You ignored Jirou scammer man
-100 Point Shot!
-He has many things clinging to him indeed! They're called his companions~!
-And this cool robot bird he found.
-Get fucked!
-Awwwwww, Tarou :(
-Have a drink, shake your head.
-Poor Tsubasa, huh fellas?
-It's okay, he had a really fun time :)
-Shiina Naoki
-Well... I suppose I'll see you all next time, when Donbrothers does as it does
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bemorekleinman · 2 years
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I posted 3,383 times in 2022
That's 1,229 more posts than 2021!
212 posts created (6%)
3,171 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,717 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#rambles from katie - 131 posts
#dear evan hansen - 69 posts
#asks - 53 posts
#jared kleinman - 43 posts
#me - 23 posts
#evan hansen - 17 posts
#help - 14 posts
#me irl - 13 posts
#connor murphy - 12 posts
#dear evan hansen memes - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#i’ll be perfectly content with she/her or they/them and then someone says ‘he’ and my mind goes 🤩🤩🥳🥰🤤🥳😎🤩🥰🤩🥳😍
My Top Posts in 2022:
y’all PLEASE check your kids’ halloween candy this year!! I found the strangest gray oblong pill hidden inside a snickers bar,,, stay safe!
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678 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
if I write this post with the right syllables, will haiku bot see it?
928 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
me listening to a musical about the most terrible heartwrenching tragic fucked up shit to ever exist
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2,831 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
the godawful pikachu tumblr ad is so funny to me because absolutely no other site would advertise themselves on their own site with the most mentally scarring image you’ve ever seen in your life. also it means someone went through and approved it
7,108 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
29,326 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ofmddecembverse · 2 years
OFMD Decembverse 2022 Challenge
Hello everyone, and welcome to OFMD Decembverse! It’s time to try our hand at some poetry. Please read the entire thread before participating! Our hashtag: #ofmd12verse (alternate: #ofmddecembverse).
First, link to the ao3 collection for this event: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ofmd12verse22/profile
Official Twitter for this event:
OFMD Decembverse (@ofmd12verse) / TwitterOFMD Poetry Prompt Challenge for December 2022.TWITTER
OFMD Decembverse is a month-long prompt-based challenge to write some poetry for your fandom. Poetry is seen as something intimidating and “not for people like us” to most people, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Poetry is for everyone.
Each day of December will have two prompts associated with it: A type of poetry (with instructions provided for how to write it) and a lesser-known quote from the show Our Flag Means Death that you can use as inspiration.
You do not have to follow either prompt if you do not want to. You can choose to focus only on the poetry type or the quote, or say screw it and write the poetry you want, how you want. If it’s a poem related to OFMD (or that uses these prompts), it qualifies for this challenge.
This challenge is taking place on Ao3, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Note: Some of these poetry styles (such as Shi) were developed to only work well in certain languages. I will be posting ways to adapt these to English for those who are interested. I don’t think poetry should have to be Euro-centric just because this is a predominantly English-speaking fandom.
Prompt List:
Day 1: Slam: “Wait until you hear about my life as an accountant.” Day 2: Ballad: “I loves me a thief.” Day 3: Sonnet (Iambic Pentameter): “The love of a pet makes a man weak.” Day 4: Pastoral: “We’re gonna have fun today, and that’s an order.” Day 5: Terza Rima: “If I can help this crew grow as people, then I’ve succeeded in being a pirate captain.” Day 6: Ottava Rima: “You should have stayed still, that’s kinda on you.” Day 7: Enclosed rhyme: “The rest was just gravity.” Day 8: Soliloquy: “So this whole time you were a woman?” Day 9: Blank Verse: “I’ve got more riches than you can shake a fucking stick at!” Day 10: Free Verse: “I never said that they floated.” Day 11: Ode: “You all look the same, you know.” Day 12: Lyric: “Is this all there is?” Day 13: Ballade (not the same as Ballad): “A widow’s life isn’t nearly as bad as it’s made out to be.” Day 14: Villanelle: “Mutiny is a-brewin’.” Day 15: Narrative Poetry: “I can’t believe you made me do this.” Day 16: Dissonance: “Since we’re on the subject of bad vibes…” Day 17: Assonance: “We love an audience.” Day 18: Satirical: “I’m a dirty, filthy murderer!” Day 19: Haiku (or Tanka): “And you cried all the time, and liked to pick flowers.” Day 20: Elegy: “Murder is a natural cause.” Day 21: Imagery: “We could’ve made magic.” Day 22: Alliteration: “Knives are knives, meat’s meat.” Day 23: Free Verse: “I heard the most insane rumor.” Day 24: Couplet: “You don’t get food if you’ve been invaded.” Day 25: Shi Poetry (see guide for English interpretation of rules): “I’m the Black Cat of Death.” Day 26: Fable: “Read it and weep, my friend! Adventure awaits!” Day 27: Ghazal: “God’s not a fan.” Day 28: Limerick: “The vengeancer and the vengeancee.” Day 29: Tercet: “You’ll sign a confession to that extent, hmm?” Day 30: Monorhyme: “Avast ye!” Day 31: Epic: “My Wondrous Journey: A Life at Sea.”
Rules: 1. Please tag properly and liberally for common/reasonable triggers. Mark explicit verse as explicit for those of us who browse social media at work.
2. No racism/homophobia/transphobia that isn’t both tagged AND used in the storytelling process (such as to express discomfort with these concepts or to show characters being victims of these concepts).
3. If your poetry is explicit, tag that shit please!
4. Don’t worry about getting it perfectly right, poetry is about expressing yourself and feeling free as fuck while doing it.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What if I've never written poetry before/am not very good? Poetry is one of the oldest art forms in the world. People used poetry to pass down wisdom, stories, and share their culture before they could write. It is truly for everyone, including you. It has a stereotype for being gatekept and that only certain people can appreciate it, but I promise that that is a lie. If you can type words, you can do this.
Do I have to participate in every day/prompt? No, and it's likely that it will be really difficult to keep up with them all. Do what speaks to you and makes you happy.
What if I don't want to make the kind of poetry in that day's prompt? Then screw it, pick another kind that speaks to you. This challenge is supposed to help you learn to express yourself in different ways, but if you can't express yourself properly through a haiku or a sonnet, do something else that speaks to you. All poetry is good poetry.
Do I have to follow the quote prompt for each day? No. Some people don't know where to begin, so I've provided quotes from the show that generally aren't used/referenced much in fandom. But if you have a better idea you are obligated to use that one instead, because again, expressing yourself through verse is the most important part.
Do my poems have to rhyme? No, not all poetry rhymes, and some kinds explicitly don't.
Can my poetry be explicit/sexy? Hell yeah. Just tag that shit, please.
Can I participate by writing for other fandoms? Yes! While this challenge was created with OFMD in mind, all fandoms could use a nice injection of verse in them. All I ask is that you use at least one of the prompts for that day (be it the poetry type or quote) so it relates to this challenge in some way. I know that many people also write for WWDITS and those fandoms are more than welcome here. I purposely chose quotes that aren't a direct reference to characters in the show so that you could branch out.
Do I have to write a poem about the exact context of the quote? No, absolutely not. It can be about anything. The quote is just there to get your juices flowing.
Where can I post my work? Ao3: This collection is the place to post it. Twitter: Use the tag #ofmd12verse OR #ofmdDecembverse (the first one is neater in my opinion). The main account will retweet works under those tags. Tumblr: Use the tag #ofmd12verse OR #ofmdDecembverse (the first one is neater in my opinion). The main account will reblog works under those tags.
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mintytoastypoetry · 2 months
the low frosty air
sirens, echo throughout the streets
the crisp winter air
morning it is so
testing our minds growing old
magnificent frost
silence as it is
brightly as the sun and moon
our love is glowing
dinkydoo is that
hilarious and foolish
small but amazing
brethren and sun
community and united
forevermore so
long ago with pain
leaves and trees among them stay
my mind pleasantly
horizons anew
through and through to do and adapt
for the changing plans
warmer than normal
no sustenance today
thus was my fun day
projects and more to do so
comes always a cost
endings and more there
it is only another
beginning for all
woke up a bit late
introspective mind of young
today is and was
this will be a mark
upon our decades of life
fill the memories
so contemplating
is the mids of old and young
future and past gone
sad thoughts for no reason
characteristic unhelped
no avail unfixed
celebration none
is one for me and good luck
pray new creation
power and greed someone
we all see the results of it
newly oppressed old
news and sociality
stressful and tenuously
restoration needs
relax and chill more
this was the new motto today
saturday forever
these days for burning
are just the mode of younger
years and tears alike
with strength and vigor
we decide we know better
we ignore love ignore facts
(81 days later)
oh how I miss my dog
as sad as it is it must be
I have moved on now
April 11th 2021
days of spring oh yes
lovely twenty four of such
seventy till next
April 12th 2021
withdrawl from there
is the best thing we can do
honestly, come on
April 13th 2021
dangerous gov bill
I am sorry but not so
it is not helpful
April 14th 2021
nothing e’ver changes
we’re part of a silent
crowd nothing changes
April 15th 2021
quiet and quite still
are the tenets of each skill
dormant inside you
April 16th 2021
national haiku
poetry day how fitting
quite amazing wow
April 17th 2021
chris cuomo what
you just, no words to say
I just have no words
April 18th 2021
if you think violence
is okay only for you
you a hypocrite
April 19th 2021
wow, such wow today indeed
i hate it sorry
April 20th 2021
seriously none
nothing ever tends to change
we the silent crowd
April 21st 2021
happy earth today
even though we continue
allow it perish
April 22nd 2021
thirty five days of
spring hallelujah, praise Him
please summer come fast
April 23rd 2021
like pond and sky there
we do reflect, you and I
farther clouds and stars
April 24th 2021
you promised you’d love
me that far, the lies, deceit
you’ve told burrows deep
April 25th 2021
my soul is left cold
all my memories we share
all my pain to bear
April 26th 2021
you and then my heart,
enjoy and find pleasure in
breaking it apart
April 27th 2021
mask mania ugh
i understand and now we
should all by now know
April 28th 2021
stabbing someone is
not something someone does as
an innocent gal
April 29th 2021
banning menthol cigs
much wow, so effective just
as prohibition
April 30th 2021
Someone in my car
sleeping called the police here
now its all good now
May 1st 2021
fifty days until
the real summer begins yay
much the yay and wow
May 2nd 2021
happy one two three
not going to lie kinda
funny, much laughs ha
May 3rd 2021
may the fourth be with
gina corano, she did
nothing wrong at all
May 4th 2021
if you want vaccine
take vaccine, only if you
know the valid effects
May 5th 2021
making humanity
a multi-planet species
quite a feat to take
May 6th 2021
spring oh spring go now
thank you so much for being mild
but now its time, warmth
May 7th 2021
what in heck china
get better grip on your thing
foolish mistake dudes
May 8th 2021
happy mothers day
and to all mothers as well
wish you the best luck
May 9th 2021
confederate lost
happy day of defeat yay
victory to union!
May 10th 2021
eat what you want day?
well, if this isnt the day
like, this a good day
May 11th 2021
no neil tyson, lol
that is not why people arent
getting it, nope nope
May 12th 2021
well its about time
ugh cdc, of course now
welp, bye bye gas lol
May 13th 2021
oh great still nothing
nothing changing nothing at
all, great yay whohoo
May 14th 2021
yes, finally the
stores are doing it thank god
now I cant wait now
May 15th 2021
May 16th 2021
cannot wait for it
summer just around that little
corner, oh yes oh
May 17th 2021
0 notes
i-own-music · 3 years
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BY: Tally Hall
GOOD DAY: Listen to Good Day on a good day to have a good day.
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[Let us sing, let us sing] x 20. I think they just want you to let them sing. A good message to send to the youth.
Greener: After listening to this, I feel as if I have been transported back to 2001. Why is Rob so sad? He does not need to be sad, maybe he just has to listen to Good Day to not be sad anymore.
Welcome to Tally Hall: "Can I get a 'T'???" Epic start to this song. Someone take me to the mini-mall so I can see Tally Hall working at the carnival.
(2:28): Pigeon?????
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Now Joe is rapping in a british accent...
"We think we're playing in a band..." Does this mean that they are trapped inside Marvin's Museum???? Are they forced into performing like some sort of circus animal for money??? Guys, I think this is a cry for help.
Taken for a Ride: *Starts off with steam engine sounds* Sorry, I don't have much to say about this one. I think Andrew is singing this one??? idk
The Bidding: (0:00-0:23)- *I thought they were initiating me into some sort of ritual at first*
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Lesson of the story: Joe is a hypocrite and will manipulate you into spending money on a bidding for a date.
Be Born: This song is so cute. Good job Rob. If I ever become a father, I will play this for my child.
Banana Man:
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Okay, I think this one is actually about a ritual. Okay, actual moral of the story kids: don't do drugs. I do not want banana. No more banana. Please...
Just Apathy: Rob back at it again with sad sob songs. *skips*
Spring and a Storm: I love this song so much oh my gosh i luv it ahh so much.
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Two Wuv: Not going to lie, I hate this song. It's kinda creepy. Zubin, you get one (1) chance to make one (1) song for this entire album and you waste it on this. I am deducting 1,000 points for this.
Haiku: Thank you Rob for giving me wholesome music, after whatever the mess that "Two Wuv" was.
(2:02-2:07)- Joe, thank you for your addition of wonderful background vocals.
(2:08-2:12)- Joe, why are you quietly yelling in my right ear????
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The Whole World and You: Andrew Horowitz is the bestest writer and song composer to ever live. Although, a closer look at the lyrics and its meaning proves that this song is not as wholesome as it sounds. I think he literally means that he would have no one, as no one is better than having you around. Or maybe not idk don't ask me I didn't write this song, I'm not Andrew. 10/10
13: The calm before the storm.
Ruler of Everything: Back in my day, this wasn't a meme song. Please help me I am so old... (i'm just kidding, i am glad that tally hall is getting more popular now though, they deserve it)
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Hidden in the Sand: Very nice and pleasant to the ear. Sung in true quintet fashion. Excellent ending to an album.
I give this album a score of:
Is music.
In fact, it is:
Good Music.
50/10 (not because i have a bias towards tally hall or anything, this is a totally fair scoring system i swear)
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theonesthatiworship · 3 years
You can find the ao3 version of this fanfic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33606406 
A/N: Hey guys! I know I don't have an excuse for being gone so long, but I hope you can understand. I'm working on the second chapter of the Champion Reading I, which should be coming out soon. But for now, here's this! Sorry if the writing is too formal for canon or if OOCness is happening, this was a creative writing assignment for ELA, but I (of course) turned it into a fanfic. The guy Harry talks about in this diary is supposed to be Ron, but if you want it to be someone else, it totally can be. Also, the poems in the middle are haikus that I also wrote for class. I hope you guys like them, because I worked really hard on them :)
Disclaimer: The poems are all originally created by me, and belong to me. Please don't take credit for them, or use them elsewhere. Or if you do, please at least credit me as the original author.
Trigger Warning: minor internalized homophobia at the end
The Journal of Harry J. Potter
Please return to owner if lost.
September 3, 1993,
I admire many things very deeply, though it might not seem so at first glance. My love can be as deep as my hatred. I find joy in soft, sweet melodies, as long as the musician is competent, as it isn’t so in today’s day and age. Colourful, three-dimensional works with much depth and layer are most pleasing to my eye, and are what I prefer to draw myself.
When I endeavour myself to this craft, I leave my finished works to dry along my bedside nightstand, along with the rest of my treasured memorabilia. The rest of the boys in my dorm know not to disturb me during the time that I draw. I know almost nothing about astrology, I can admit, but the stars and the planets fascinate me. Especially their movements and almost otherworldly beauty. I very much like to draw and paint about this subject.
November 3, 1994,
Anguish in your flight
Ink blotting stains your letters
At last, blissful peace
January 5, 1995
Yesterday has been too strange. I don’t find myself thinking often about him, but sometimes it seems as if he goes out of his way to distract me. I was standing near a window while the other boys at the gathering were laughing amongst themselves. I don’t have much of anything to say to people at social events, so I usually just remain silent.
My mind could only traverse back to our past conversations, to the sound of his laughter, and the almost odd sight of his pale complexion against my dark one. My heart flutters a bit, and I do not understand why. Once I get too deep in thought, he gently seizes my wrist and brings me into the circle with the others, and forces me to speak with them.
I cannot comprehend why he can’t just leave me be, but perhaps it has something to do with the strange feelings festering within the corners of our hearts, if he indeed does share them.
I suppose only time can tell with this one.
February 14, 1995,
Winter nights bring cold
Warmth deep in your mocha eyes
Deep cold melts away
July 6, 1995,
Some people say I am a bit too contemplative for their liking, and I suppose it is true. I find too many things saddening in this life. I cannot help it. One day I was taking a stroll along the park, when I found a child laughing with his mother. I felt sick with myself for doing so, but I felt a rage rise within me at the innocent sight.
What was it, that this child had done in his life, that did not grant me the same luxury? Fate, I suppose, chance. ‘Tis foolish. What is wrong with me, I ask, that makes me feel such a terrible emotion over something so bright and lovely in this world?
Perhaps it is me that is wrong and twisted.
July 31, 1995,
Jerusalem bells
Praise be the divine angels
Please, save this tired soul
August 5, 1995,
The summer sun is much too hot for my tastes. It is quite bothersome. Especially when I am trying to go for my daily stroll. I don’t exercise much, but I try to go on walks every day, to keep up my good figure. The weather was terribly humid, and all throughout the journey, I could feel myself sweating. It was very distasteful, and a feeling that I entirely loathe. I took a thorough shower once I arrived home.
To make matters worse, Aunt Petunia scolded me for leaving my dirty clothes on the laundry floor. I wished, not for the first and certainly not the last time, that it was school once more, so I could at last be away from home.
Yes, I truly hate summertime, with every fibre of my being.
August 13, 1995,
Dear old grandmama
Your limp, gray hair is too tired
This burden of life
August 30, 1995,
Today was surprisingly pleasant, especially for summertime. I had just finished freshening myself up for the day, when I noticed a lemon-scented note waiting for me on my dresser, with a single red rose on top of it. I was very pleased with my discovery. Roses are my favourite of all flowers, and the sweet smell was most welcome!
I opened the note, to find that it had been written by him. There was that strange fluttering in my heart again, that I didn’t like to ruminate on too deeply. After reading the beautiful note, in elegant print, I held it close to my heart and looked up at the ceiling in thought. I remained that way ‘till breakfast-time, as I pondered.
Perhaps summertime wasn’t all too horrid.  
December 31, 1995,
My dear love, my life!
Beautiful angel of mine
Must you hurt me so?
October 7, 1996,
The boys at my school are so juvenile! You would think they were still toddlers, with their lack of maturity. All they do is speak of girls, crack stupid jokes, pull pranks, and offend others. I am especially grateful now that I am above such things. I think it would be most loathsome to be of such a temperament. I almost pity my cousin, but he is too much of a nuisance to fully gain my sympathy.
Then again, I suppose I can attribute my sensibility to my queer ways. Were I a normal man, I do not doubt that I would not be nearly self-aware enough to come to such logical conclusions. But I suppose they are not completely worthless.
The other day, a boy asked me to come with him to the Fairfield Festival. I thought of him, and declined. Accepting would seem like a betrayal to his affections, as complicated as they may be.
Hopefully one day, I find a woman good enough to rouse my spirits as he does.
May 1, 1997,
Fiery are the flames
That douse the candle of life
O Lord, have mercy
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ygocollablove · 3 years
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A huge thanks to @crshrs / @darkmagiattack for creating our banner!
Now on to showcasing our submissions! We had such a great turnout!! Please feel free to give them feedback and comments on their stories/art.
The prompts for this round were: SUGAR, ALARM, YEARN, FORMULA, and RIDDLE.
Below are the submissions that are General:
A Kiss at Sunset - @rabidweezul (Prompt: Riddle, pairing: puzzle). Summary: A haiku ficlet about a Valentine's Day haiku riddle.
The Employees - Five_seas (Prompt: Formula, pairing: none) Summary: It comes as no surprise that Kaiba Corp has a Health and Wellbeing Department. What is more shocking is that the department is entirely run by cats.
Spilled - @vivi-ntvg​ (Prompt: Formula, pairing: puzzle) Summary: Yugi has a lab project due this afternoon. He doesn't need interruptions, least of all from Jonouchi's annoying roomate, Atem.
Down the Road - @clyde-side​ (Prompt: riddle, pairing: angstshipping) Summary: Malik picks up a hitchhiker and his road trip suddenly detours into the weird. 
pink champagne sugar - @duelistkingdom​ (Prompt: sugar, pairing: encourageshipping) Summary: a lipgloss can be so personal
Below are the submissions that are Teen and Up:
Depths Unknown - @blueeyeswifedragon​ (Prompt: Yearn, pairing: puzzle) Summary: Desires are weird, when you are an amnesiac spirit.
In disbelief - @seiyofira-doesntknowshiet​ (Prompt: Alarm, pairing: puzzle)
Pennies for a Miracle - Five_seas (Prompt: Yearn, pairing: scoopshipping) Summary: There were certain wishes you just didn’t make. 
Clatter - @xauroraxborealisx​ (Prompt: Sugar, pairing: puzzle) Summary: Yugi thinks that he might owe Marik a whole new set of dishes if he does not learn to control his nerves. 
Isolated System - @atems-leather-pants​ (Prompt: Alarm, pairing: none) Summary: Locked in a room with the Spirit of the Millennium Ring, Ryou decides to do something courageous.
Below are the submissions that are Mature:
Gravitation - @elexica​​ (Prompt: Yearn, pairing: Puppy/violetshipping) Summary: The attractive stranger’s energy was so icy that he made the air around him colder.  Jounouchi should have been repulsed by his negative attitude and mean demeanor.But something under his skin itched.  He couldn’t walk away.  He needed to prove himself to this man.  He would chase after him until he got the apology he was owed.Which was how Jounouchi found himself getting almost struck dead by the stranger’s limousine in the pouring rain two days later.
Riddle Me That - @adora-belle​ (Prompt: Riddle, pairing: thiefshipping) Summary: Marik gifted Bakura a Valentine's day gift with a cryptic message. Luckily, Bakura has his roommate around to help him figure out what it means.
Solve for X - SerenaJones (Prompt: Formula, pairing: chaseshipping) Summary: This is a haiku ficlet written for YGO Collab SpiritGate 13! Just a bit of fun!
Thanks for participating!
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mirage-krp · 3 years
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The guardians welcome [ HA, WONYOUNG ] to the city of Jeonseol. She is [ A WITCH ] currently living in [ EMERALD ] and working as [ BARISTA ] at [ SECRET GARDEN ].
Welcome to Mirage! Please follow the admin twitter within 48 hours of your acceptance.
Faceclaim: Olivia Hye | LOONA
Name: Ha Wonyoung
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 19
Date of birth: November 13, 2001
Witch: Humans that are born with the ability to perform magic. There are many types of witches/wizards but Wonyoung’s species are those who need a wand to perform controlled magic. Her wand consist of silver-lime wood with a Veela-hair core, 11’ and is flexible.
A witches’ greatest weakness is herself. Magic ties into one’s emotions. However the caster feels determines how strong the spell/hex is. Therefore, emotions must be kept at bay or else accidental magic will occur.
Carrots are also another one of Wonyoung’s weakness. Her throat swells up and she develops a bad rash.
Favourite song or quote: Sugarplum Elegy - Niki
Residence: Emerald #3
Occupation: Secret Garden Barista
personality traits: Articulate, absentminded, considerate, emotional, mystical, disciplined, fun-loving, gentle, loyal, peaceful, sophisticated, wise, complacent, seemingly one-dimensional, superstitious, perfectionistic, imaginative, helpful, elegant, self-critical, reserved, dreamy
likes: Writing poetry (especially haiku poem), exploring abandoned buildings, the colors white and green, learning new languages (she’s currently learning Mandarin), the sound of ocean waves, nail art, taking care of her succulent plants, giving and receiving massages, collecting seashells, baking cupcakes and cookies, hugging (especially taller people since she can bury her face just below their chin or in their chest), tarot card readings, lavender tea, thunder and lightning
dislikes: Mondays (even on the island those are the worst), being too early for a meeting or appointment, yoga or meditation (she just can’t stay still or focus long enough to enjoy it), puzzles, unnecessary competitiveness, carbonated drinks, having to stay inside, heights, fairytales (so unrealistic!), cold water, waking up late, tight-fitting clothes, surreal and abstract art, loud music (especially the sensation of heavy bass), dancing (because she’s horrible at it)
habits: Has a sing-song speech pattern when excited about something, her nose twitches whenever she’s frustrated or annoyed, bobbing her head while listening to music, sticking out her tongue whenever she’s concentrating, frequently gazes off into space, covering her mouth while chewing or laughing, crossing her legs when sitting, fiddling with jewelry if she’s wearing any
When Wonyoung was born, her family was doing well. Her mother was a succesful writer and her father owned his own restaurant. Somehow even with lives as busy as that, they managed to find enough time for their family. Wonyoung and her older brother were never abandoned or left alone. It wasn’t that difficult to arrange since their mother mostly worked from home, but at the same time she somehow managed to juggle writing a new book and taking care of two children. She was an admirable woman. Wonyoung’s father made sure to take enough time off so that his wife could rest and he could bond with the two children he had produced. He was as hard-working as he was loyal. If anyone would have been forced to imagine the perfect family, Wonyoung’s might have been the one to engrave itself into their minds.
Until the cold winter night of December 15th in 2014, a young Wonyoung was seated on the backseat of the car next to her brother. She had fallen asleep after visiting their grandparents.
Waking up felt like having a bucket of cold water dunked over her head. She was no longer in the car. She also wasn’t home. She was not in her own bedroom either. A hospital room had been there to greet her when she woke up. The panic that rose up from the pit of her stomach is a feeling that still haunts her to this day. A nurse had been kind enough to offer her a small cardboard container for the content of her stomach. Her older brother was soon allowed into her room. Apart from some cuts, bruises and a broken arm on her brother’s end, the two of them seemed to be alright. Wonyoung was given a brief explanation of what had happened; due to the cold weather the roads had become icy and dangerous yet their parents had decided to drive home. A second of her father not paying attention caused the car to meet a nearby tree, falling over and crushed the front half of the car. Her brother and herself were lucky to be spared from most damage, but her parents…
Wonyoung doesn’t recall much of the weeks that followed that moment. She does not remember the funeral. She doesn’t recall packing her belongings and moving in with her uncle - her mother’s younger brother - who lived in Tokyo, Japan. She couldn’t remember the last time she had attended school, the last time she had seen her friends, the last time she had smiled. She only left the house to visit her parents’ graves. Though slowly but surely, a sense of normality returned to her life. Wonyoung returned to her education and just focused on the things that were familiar to her. While she began to regain herself, it appeared her older brother just lost himself more and more. He wouldn’t often not come home for days and no matter how much their uncle scolded him for it, nothing seemed to help. The reply was always the same: “You’re not my father!” followed by the loud slamming of the front door echoing throughout the entire house.
The last time Wonyoung saw her older brother was two days after his eighteenth birthday, she had been sixteen at the time. It was the middle of the night and she woke up to use the bathroom. Only to find her brother snooping around the kitchen. She didn’t know what he was looking for, but when he spotted his younger sister in the doorway the look on his face could only leave her to make assumptions. He looked like he had been caught red-handed. His belongings were in bags on the kitchen table. Wonyoung knew her brother was leaving, running away, going wherever he wanted to. He was abandoning her. With a final hug, she returned to her room and just cried throughout the entire night.
With her brother’s disappearance, people quickly gathered around her and her uncle for support. Not wanting either of them to suffer more than they already had, police tried desperately to track down her brother but were incapable of finding anything for months.
For all that had happened to her, she managed to succeed in life to her best abilities. Applying for universities when the time came. Wonyoung’s urge to flee the place where her entire life had fallen apart still lingered. Her uncle was aware of this. It was why she had been allowed to apply for universities in other countries. She did not wish to return to the England and Japan had also become cursed in her point of view. Fortunately, a university in South Korea accepted her as a student with a scholarship. In Philosophy - to her own surprise and delight. To Wonyoung it was an excellent way to leave everything behind, she would make ends meet one way or another. It was now up to her to take care of herself.
Any wanted connections?: n/a
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schnickledooger · 4 years
i know i’m shocked too (at the fast updates)
Title: No Girls Allowed Author: Schnickledooger Rating: T/PG-13 Genre: Romance/Humor/Action/Adventure/Friendship
Fandom: Digimon Adventure 02
Summary: Jun keeps popping up in the most unexpected places. Tai is not pleased, especially when it gives his friends the wrong impression. Agumon’s obsession with Plato and BlackWarGreymon isn’t helping things. The media keeps misrepresenting Digimon as an alien invasion. His Lit teacher likes to steal his haikus. Tai’s high school days are chaotic. AU Season 02 time-line and events.
Word Count: It’s over 200k LADS!
Ch. 1
Le sigh... more Tai Angst...
Ch. 31??? (Idk anymore its an 16 page Interlude anyway)
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Syllabus: Creating Documentary Performance
Course Title: Performance Composition: Creating Documentary Performance PERF-UT 201 (4 points)
Course Description The term documentary theatre is often used interchangeably with verbatim theatre. Theatre scholar Carol Martin would advise us to beware and keep tabs on Documentary Theatre, a slippery little devil which claims to present the truth. Yet, in truth, the world of Documentary Theatre (and Art) seems to be expanding. New works of live Documentary Art challenge the documentary form by loosening the grip of journalistic objectivity and responsibility. Documentary performance now takes on a variety of forms which we will examine in this course.
This course will begin with ways of observing a range of performances (live, filmed, quotidian, and archival). We will then integrate this heightened awareness into an hybridized archival call-and-response. We will have daily in-class creation workshops designed to respond to research and performance materials. Through this process students will learn to integrate research questions and aesthetic performance elements. Participants will engage in documentary writing techniques, performance techniques such as vocal duplication and movement vocabularies, creation of composition scores, and docu-fantasia (a methodology pioneered by Guy Maddin in his film “My Winnipeg” combining personal history, civic tragedy, and mystical hypothesizing), among others. The result of these searches will be cumulative. At the end of this course, students will have created several short-form documentaries.
Participants in this course will come from various performance backgrounds: some (like me) will be based in theatre practice, others will be more comfortable writing, composing music or movement, directing, acting, or filmmaking. This course is designed for much of the creation of our projects to take place in the classroom itself with students sharing their skills with one another as they learn new skills together. 
Course Objectives
to become familiar with the field of documentary performance
to develop and deepen investigative research skills
to learn to create performances from disparate elements (learn processes of meaning-making)
to generate “speculative” material from “factual” remains
to move archival materials from the page to the stage (or lens/screen as the case may be) 
You need a notebook or loose paper. We will do writing exercises that will be edited and presented during class. It will not be possible to participate fully in movement/writing work on a laptop.
You will need scissors and a glue stick.
Please see the class schedule below. Please come to class having completed the listed requirements (read, watched, and prepared performance elements) and come prepared to share your findings and contribute to discussions, workshops, and rehearsals.
There will be four assignments due during the course: a) construction paper photo journalism Using lessons on image composition from Molly Bang’s “Picture This,” recreate one image from one of the documentaries or images we viewed during weeks 1-4 (or an image of your choice). Write a brief but vivid description of the scene you hope to capture. Upload both the original and your version of the image as well as the description. This image is due on February 21, 2021. b) 360 degree video (maximum 5-minutes long) Create a three-minute long 360 degree video of your own living space (use Ackerman’s video for inspiration). Research the history of your living space (What is the history of that land? When was the building constructed? Who owned it? Who lived there?) and then write a two-minute monologue from the point of view of someone you image to be a previous tenant. This is the basis of the performance. You may choose to incorporate other performance elements created in the course thus far (movement vocabularies, musical elements, etc.). The video should be submitted via email on week 5, a 500 word summary of building history including sources is due on week 6, and the final performance is due on March 21, 2021. c) Documentary Étude (maximum 10-minutes long) Seek out your own musical archive (this might be something personal, something you amassed yourself or something you discover out in the world) and using strategies developed in class (ex. haikus, nightstand writings, movement vocabularies) and other techniques learned from docs we’ve seen (vocal re-enactments, karaoke, performance re-creation, etc.) create a live documentary étude to the song or recording of your choice. This étude should include research into the song and, based on that research, some theories we have discussed in class that help analyze your findings. The way you structure this presentation is entirely up to you. Due April 26-May 3, 2021 (exact date to be decided upon by in consultation between students and instructor). d) performance review The final assignment for this class is a 1000-1200 word review of another classmate’s documentary performance. The point of this assignment is to constructively critique a colleague’s work while integrating the texts and theories we have discussed during the course. This is to be submitted to the instructor via email on or before the final day of class (May 10, 2020).
Attendance in this class is critical. Much work takes place in-class and this cannot necessarily be made-up through subsequent assignments. More than three unexcused absences will result in a failing grade. Absences must be excused in advance, please make your request via email. Likewise three unexcused latenesses will count as one absence. Assignments are due on the date specified unless a change is discussed in advance with the instructor. 
Class Schedule
Week One: February 1, 2021
Introduction to Documentary Theatre
A short documentary performance: Devotional Space
Course Introduction, Expectations, and Agreements
Week Two: February 8, 2021 Truth, Objectivity, and the Truth of Fiction
Read, Carol Martin, “Bodies of Evidence” and Walter Benjamin “The Task of the Translator” 
Watch, Lynn Sachs, “Your Day Is My Night” https://vimeo.com/58024122  and “Your Day Is My Night” (live performance) https://vimeo.com/191185422
Week Three: Thursday February 18, 2021 Objects That Talk
Read, Roland Barthes “Studium” pg. 23-28, “Punctum” pg. 38-47 in Camera Lucida, Ariella Azoulay “The Spectator Is Called to Take Part,” and Molly Bang “Picture This: How Pictures Work”
Watch, Yuval Hamieri “I Think This is the Closest to How The Footage Looked” https://www.nytimes.com/video/opinion/100000004383825/i-think-this-is-the-closest-to-how-the-footage-looked.html and Vaginal Davis “This Is Not A Dream” https://youtu.be/A03i57f53E4
Week Four: February 22, 2021 Interpellation and Composition
Read, Joshua Whitehead “On Ekphrasis and Emphasis” and Louis Althusser “Ideology and State Apparatuses” pg. 162-177
Watch, Kirsten Johnson “Cameraperson” https://stream.nyu.edu/media/Cameraperson+-+DML+Film+DC04692/1_6j3rpjc7
DUE February 21, 2021: Construction Paper Photo Journalism Assignment
Week Five: March 1, 2021 Memory and Repetition
Read, Diana Taylor “The Archive and The Repertoire” pg. 16-30 and Richard Schechner “Restoration of Behavior” pg. 35-55
Watch, Caveh Zahedi “The Show About The Show"
PREPARE AND UPLOAD before class: 360 video
Week Six: March 8, 2021 Docufantasia: Speculation, Narrative, and History
Guest Speaker: Farihah Zaiman
No readings this week.
Watch, Farihah Zaiman “Nobody Loves Me”, Guy Maddin “My Winnipeg” https://stream.nyu.edu/media/t/1_3fuaywbk/157165221, and Chantal Ackerman “La Chambre” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AGakyb3eBU
BRING TO CLASS: Write, a few notes on building/land history
Week Seven: March 15, 2021 No Class
Feedback sessions on Building History text/monologue available during class and office hours
Week Eight: March 22, 2021 Presentation Day
Guest Speaker: Alison S.M. Kobayashi
Watch, Alison S.M. Kobayashi Showcase, please be sure to watch “From Alex to Alex” and “Music Is Magic” 
DUE March 21st: 360 videos & monologues assignment (uploaded to shared site)
Week Nine: March 29, 2021 Psychodrama and the Politics of Space
Suggested Read: Ngugi wa Thiong’o, “Enactments of Power: The Politics of Performance Space”
Watch: William Greaves, “In The Company of Men” https://stream.nyu.edu/media/In%20the%20Company%20of%20Men%20(William%20Greaves%2C%201969)./1_13usuirk
Week Ten: April 5, 2021 Creating a Performance Plan
Read: Barbara Browning “The Gift” (read Part One available in NYU e-books) and Doris Humphrey “Check List” pg. 159-166
Watch (we will watch segments of this in class): Okwui Okpokwasili “Bronx Gothic” available on NYU Kanopy
Week Eleven: April 12, 2021 Listening as Research
Read, Martin Daughtry “Acoustic Palimpsests”; (suggested but not assigned Alexandra T. Vazquez “Listening in Detail”)
Listen, Reply All (podcast) “The Case of the Missing Hit” https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/o2h8bx
Week Twelve: April 19, 2021 No Class
Week 13: April 26, 2021 Documentary Étude
Read, Jacob Wren “The DJ Who Knew Too Much” and “Every Song I’ve Ever Written”
Re-watch, Alison S.M. Kobayashi “Music Is Magic”
Students workshop elements of their final performance
Create final performance schedule
Week 14: May 3, 2021 Final Presentations
Week 15: May 10, 2021 To Be Announced
Additional Performance Links
Choosing performances to share with you was both a joy and an agony. There were many great works that didn’t make it onto the syllabus proper. I wanted to share some of those with you here in case you wanted see more work. You are more than welcome to come to office hours to discuss any works you may have seen (on this list or in your own searchings). Additional performance viewing is not a requirement of this class and is meant solely for your enjoyment.
The Wooster Group, “Rumstick Road”: https://vimeo.com/88116889 
Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, “The Life and Times of Kristin Worrall, Episode 8”: https://vimeo.com/145414310 
Caveh Zahedi, “The Show About The Show": https://www.bricartsmedia.org/tv-shows-videos/show-about-show
Walis Johnson, “Jessy’s House of Styles”: https://vimeo.com/193445572
Nadia Ross “What Happened To The Seeker?”, Part one: https://vimeo.com/147670008 , Part two: https://vimeo.com/148387633 
Your health and safety are a priority at NYU. If you experience any health or mental health issues during this course, we encourage you to utilize the support services of the 24/7 NYU Wellness Exchange 212-443-9999. Also, all students who may require an academic accommodation due to a qualified disability, physical or mental, please register with the Moses Center 212-998-4980. Please let your instructor know if you need help connecting to these resources.
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projectforawesome · 5 years
Project for Awesome 2019 Perk Fulfillment
Welcome to the P4A 2019 perk fulfillment post! This post will be continuously updated as perks are fulfilled, so you can keep track of whether you should have received yours. Bookmark this page and refer back to it to check on the status of your perks. Digital perks will all be emailed as they come to us, so make sure [email protected] is marked as a safe sender so you don’t miss those.
This post is currently pretty sparse because not much has been sent out yet, but that will change! Watch it grow over time! It’s a beautiful thing! And thank you SO MUCH for supporting the P4A!
Digital Download Bundle
Gregory Bros. Christmas Album (12/28/19)
Nerdfighteria Coloring Book (1/8/20)
Minor Character Blessings (1/9/20)
P4A 2019 Digital Art (1/13/20)
Fly Sex Drawing (1/27/20)
Nerdfighter Knitting Patterns (1/28/20)
Pep Talk From Hella Corny Dad (1/29/20)
Craig & Joe Movie Commentary (2/17/20)
Thought Café Hank and Bean Drawing (4/17/20)
Part of a John Green Story (4/23/20)
Craig's Song for Ada (5/12/20)
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor Playlist (7/3/20) 
Jurassic Park 3 Commentary (7/5/20)
This State Got Me High podcast (7/11/20)
John Reads Poetry (7/13/20)
Journey to the Microcosmos Soundtrack (7/24/20) 
Dear Katherine and Sarah (8/14/20)
Exclusive Dear Hank and John (10/22/20)
Hank Reads A Sci-Fi Story (10/26/2020)
Journey to the Microcosmos Digital Printable (10/26/2020)
Exclusive Cooler than Homework (10/28/2020)
Dadcast year 3 (11/23/2020)
Glennnn and Daaaaale Lore (11/23/2020)
Brothers of Jo(h)ns Pod (11/24/2020)
Penguins of Madagascar Movie Commentary (8/3/21) (sorry!)
Physical + Other Perks
SuperCarlinBros Signed Prop (shipped 12/20/19)
P4A Recap Video Shoutout (12/31/19)
2020 Calendar (finished shipping 1/13/20)
Year 12,020 Calendar (shipped 1/13/20)
Jackbox Party Pack Steam Key (1/13/20)
Butt Opinions Sticker Pack (shipped 1/27/20)
Hello Internet Bundle (shipped 1/27/20)
Tour de Nerdfighting Shirt (shipped 1/27/20)
P4A 2019 Quilt (shipped 1/27/20)
Poop Cake! (shipped 1/27/20)
P4A 2019 Decal (shipped 1/29/20)
SciShow Finger Puppets (shipped 2/6/20)
Nerdfighter Art (finished shipping 2/13/20)
Science Bow Tie (shipped 2/13/20)
DFTBA cowl (shipped 2/13/20)
Nerdfighter Action Figures Photo (shipped 2/13/20)
Gregory Bros Vinyl (shipped 2/13/20)
99 Percent Invisible Challenge Coin (shipped 3/4/20)
Patton Necklace (shipped 3/5/20)
Logan Necklace (shipped 3/5/20)
Signed Are u okay? (shipped 3/5/20)
Bleak Creek Supercolor Tee (shipped 3/5/20)
Bleak Creek Dip Dye Tee (shipped 3/5/20)
Personal Soundscape by Flula (3/9/20)
Video from Andrew Huang (3/17/20)
(Covid caused a delay in shipping - and it is a slow moving process still. Thank you for your patience. Here are the items shipped so far post-Covid break)
P4A 2019 T Shirts (6/2/20) 
Raphael the Corgi (6/24/20) 
P4A 2019 Enamel Pin (8/20/20)
Butt Is/Is Not Leggs Pin (8/20/20)
Roman Necklace (8/31/20) 
Bleak Creek Sweatshirt (8/31/20) 
Haiku in a Book (8/31/20) 
Signed Tessa Violet Vinyl (8/31/20) 
Hank Draws You something (9/4/20)
P4A 2019 Commemorative Coin (9/10/20) 
Penny Passport (9/14/20)
P4A 2019 Pennant (9/21/20)
P4A 2019 Poster (9/21/20)
P4A 2019 Socks (10/26/20) 
Girl Boss Pillow Cover (10/28/20)
Grace/Mamrie Signed Poster (10/28/20)
Duck Plushie (10/28/20)
Trump Vodka Bottle (10/28/20)
Girl Boss name plate personalized by Lindsay Ellis (10/28/20)
She Persisted Mug (10/28/20)
RBG mug (10/28/20)
Hanklerfish art (11/6/2020)
Pressed Pennies (11/12/2020)
Hank’s Perfume (Hank Staaaaaank) (11/16/2020)
P4A Mystery Perk (11/16/2020)
A Very Scalzi Christmas (11/18/2020)
Art by Lollipop the skunk (11/18/2020)
Signed AART ARC (11/18/2020)
Art by Alice (11/18/2020)
Art by Alice or Henry  (11/18/2020)
Tessa Violet T-Shirt (11/18/2020)
AART on CD  (11/18/2020)
Pregnant Harry Styles (12/16/2020)
Please Send Help (12/16/2020)
Signed Lost Causes of Bleak Creek (12/18/2020)
P4A Behind the Scenes Pic (12/18/2020)
US Quidditch Merch Package (12/18/2020)
Super Carlin Bros poster (2/4/21)
Thomas Sanders poster (2/4/21)
Turtles Tour Tote Bags (2/5/21)
Signed Foreign Editions of John’s books (2/5/21)
Signed John Green Mini Book (2/8/21)
Character we mail to you/dinonauts (2/8/21)
Mystery DFTBA Merch (3/4/21)
Cosmic Bean Paintings (3/4/21)
Cosmic Bean Prints (3/5/21) 
Human Excellence Award (3/5/21) 
Cosmic Pizza Pantings (5/5/21) 
Books from John’s Library (5/5/21)
Cosmic Pizza Prints (5/17/21) 
Anthropocene Reviewed Vinyl (10/22/21)
Bar Zine Vol 1&2 (10/22/21)
Remaining 2019 perks to be sent: Minute Physics Art (unknown). 
201 notes · View notes
Read I’d you do want spoilers
Keep going if you want to read
Spoilers/ theories from it :
2. wILL cAN GLoW?? YES
3. ✨LGBTQ+ Piper is yes✨
4. Lesters and Megs friendship 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
5. Oh no Nico I want to hug Nico the whole book
6. Also just Rachel Elizabeth Dare
7. Nooo It ended but like “Look I didn’t want to be a halfblood “ to “I’ll be there for you”
8. Solangelo series where they go to Tartarus and save Damian and Bob??
9. Road trip with the og trio?? Book of that?? Yes . Please . Please . Please . Yes
10. Grand crossover with PJO / MC / KC ?? I mean Chiron went on about this major crisis with Bast and Mimir so like- please please please please please please
11. Irish series will have Shel in it ( the person Piper was kissing ) I hope and think Rick always connects everything
12. .... we get a wish we get anything we want from Rick .. I-
13. We read 210 iconic haikus I mean.. that has to be a record
14. Stand alone books??
15. Mr D. Cares?. I- . But it’s sad that Nico needed help so much that he had to go to Mr D.. I cried very much
17. We can now kill ✨virtually✨
18. Meg is a savage
19. Honey he Gay
20. I cried screamed and was happy all at once
21. NEro you manipulative-
23. Chapter 4 is the best chapter fight me
24. Estelle
25. Estelle and Paul
26. A whole chapter about how cute Estelle is
27. Will hugging Apollo
30. Solangelo
31. I guess tratie will never be cannon 😕
32. I will keep adding things but you can add some too
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yourfavgoodgirl · 3 years
Day 1:Happy New Year! Any hopes for the new year? (TC or non TC related?)
i hope to stay in contact with him, and i hope to see him irl again (corona please)
Day 2: Do you have any nicknames/codenames that you call your TC? Do they have any they call you?
my nickname for him is “the most beautiful handsome gorgeous man in the entire world” but just in my head
Day 3: Describe the moment you knew they were more than just another teacher.
when he gave me some ✨attention✨ and just kinda noticed something about me that most people don’t
Day 5: What’s the age gap? Did you ever think you would fall for someone that much older? Are you comfortable with the age gap?
24-25 years and like i appreciate men of all ages (okay that sounded weird i swear i’m not a catholic priest) so i’m not surprised but i didn’t really think about it you know?? am i making sense. but i’m okay but i wish it was smaller just so there would be a bigger chance
Day 6: Describe the first time you saw/met them. How did you meet? What was it like? Were you automatically attracted or did it take some time?
i honestly don’t remember. i didn’t really pay much attention to him at first, i mean not saying i don’t appreciate some good looks on a man but all of my crushes are personality first looks second.
Day 7: Do you plan on keeping contact with your TC after graduation? How do you plan on doing it? If you’re graduated, have you kept in contact? How have you managed that?
honestly i don’t knowwwwwwwww i graduated and i’ve spoken to him once i’m too scared to message him because i feel like i’m bothering him and i don’t want to look like a dumb schoolgirl with a desperate crush even though that is 100% what i am
Day 8: Is there something that tends to remind you of them? Like a sport, food, animal, etc…?
he loves cats. and some songs. and also everything
Day 9: Do you have a memory you are particularly fond of with your TC? Any cute stories?
i really wanna say but it’s too specific. but any praise he’s given me i just store in my brain forever and replay
Day 10: Have you ever touched your TC? Like a hug or a brush of the hand?
i just realised i haven’t lolzzzzzzzz this doesn’t bother me at all ha h a
Day 11: How often do you talk to them? Do you talk to them outside of school?
nope because i am dumb and scared and have no social skills
Day 12: Have you ever had any previous TC’s? What were they like?
nopeee my love is for this stupid teacher only
Day 13: If it were to happen, how do you imagine the perfect kiss going down with your TC? If by chance you have kissed your TC, how did it happen?
WHO HAS KISSED THEIR TC AND IS STILL ON TUMBLR ANSWERING QUESTIONS if it wasn’t obvious no it has not happened to me but i would be in his house on his bed and he’ll just kiss me it dosen’t have to be long but just the kind that says i love you without any words aaaaaaa i’m so alone
Day 14: Do you truly believe there is a chance that they’re interested in you? Has anyone else pointed out that maybe you’re special to you’re TC?
okay so i don’t know. like obviously if you ask me to bet a million dollars on wether he likes me i’ll say he doesn’t. but when it’s 3am and i’m in my bed i think what if. WHAT IF.
Day 15: Have you ever gotten them a gift? If so, what was it?
yes and just food unfortunately. i wish i gave more but it would be weird and i’m trying not to be even more obvious about my crush
Day 17: If you had to pick one feature about them, physical or personality, what would be your favorite?
okay so i saw this tiktok about like people always like the cocky anime characters with the skills to back it up and i just thought of him instantly (not that he’s an anime character). but his dumb cocky and confident attitude is just everything i want and more
Day 18: Do you know of anything they do outside of work? What do they enjoy doing in their free time?
he plays the guitar and sings <3
Day 19: What goes on for you when you see them? How does your body react?
i will be surprised and look away. i can’t keep eye contact with him. and sometimes i just don’t know what to do and i’ll just ignore him. IM SO DUMB WHY AM I LIKE THIS
Day 20: What have you done, or what would you do, to spend more time with them? Join a club/sport they’re in charge of? Sign up for an extra class they teach?
i would do anything that won’t give my crush away. but like i’m so lazy. i avoid doing anything. people are already suspicious and i really don’t want my crush to be known (unless it’s on tumblr <3)
Day 21: How often do you dream about them? What do the dreams usually consist of?
my dreams are so weird. for me i’ll go though phases of no dreams and just ten a day (i nap a lot). i will say about a third of my dreams involve him but not in a romantic way, unless you call me desperately trying to talk to him romantic.
Day 22: What’s a little detail you’ve noticed about them that you aren’t even sure they’re aware of? Do the run their hand through their hair often? Do they subconsciously bite their lip?
i don’t know if this counts but i often stare at him from afar (yes i’m a stalker what about it) and he walks with his chest puffed and head high. like really really really confidently. i miss trying to catch glimpses of him at school </3
Day 23: If they weren’t a teacher, what do you think they should be?
my husband <3 i think he can hold two jobs well, he’s a great multitasker
Day 24: Do you think other people in your school may have feelings towards them too? Why?
yes, because he is the most perfect being (human or otherwise) like, ever
Day 25: What are their classes like? Do they talk a lot? Is it mostly independent work? Are there a lot of notes?
i miss the discussions
Day 26: How would you describe their personality?
dumb. stupid. annoying.
Day 27: What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever worn?
Day 28: What’s something you don’t quite fancy about them? A quirk you find odd? A physical trait that you aren’t a fan of?
sometimes he can be surprisingly by the book. i am kinda a rebel (yes it’s hard being so cool) so that rubs me the wrong way but sometimes i break rules or make another teacher mad and he’ll just laugh and smile and ugh i love him
Day 29: How long have you had a crush on them?
jesus christ i just realised it’s already my fourth year pining over this man. someone help
Day 30: Write a poem (short or long) about your TC.
y’all really overestimating my literary skills. but here’s a haiku
please i’m so sad
all because of this dumb man
i want to kiss him
Day 31: Do you have anyone in your life who knows about your TC? Anyone you can talk to?
i told a friend that i thought he’s cute but she totally does not get the extent of it and aaaa there’s another girl that’s totally onto me but i’m not really her friend and she’s the type who can’t keep her mouth shut so
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