#Plotting and scheeming
amethystina · 2 years
how do you feel about soulmate AUs?
I'm definitely in favour of them! But I haven't really written any myself, amusingly enough?
Not because I don't like them, but because I don't always manage to add that little extra pinch of intrigue that will make me invested enough to prioritise the story over all my other ideas. Soulmate AUs are a bit predictable (which is both good and bad, depending on your angle) and somewhat rigid in their structure, which means I can't always explore the characters, plot etc. as much as I usually would in my writing.
All that said, I really enjoy reading them, especially if they have an extra twist or some added rules/complications, or if the people involved just behave in an unexpected manner when faced with their soulmate. But I also really like the more loose ones? The ones that don't include soulmarks and stuff like that, just that irrefutable knowledge that these two people are Fated To Be Together. Like, star-crossed lovers etc.
Sometimes you just want the comfort of knowing that two people are meant to be and all will be well in the end.
Which means I would LOVE to write a Soulmate AU at some point, I just need to figure out the best and most interesting way to do it. Because it's not like I don't have ideas, I just need to decide which ones would actually be worth keeping x'D
I mean, for example, even during the short time I've been writing this reply, I've already been struck by a Soulmate AU idea for The Devil Judge (sorry if you're not into that fandom, Nonnie xD) on the concept of: "some, but not everyone, will dream of their soulmate before they meet them." And Yo Han dreams of Ga On (the adult version, since that's when he'll meet him for the first time) from a young age and just goes "Oh, well, that's Isaac, naturally." So he assumes his brother is his platonic soulmate. And doesn't really bother to confirm it with Isaac because why would he?
But then Isaac tragically dies and, naturally, the death of one's soulmate is definitely cause for an intricate, slow-build revenge plot.
But then, ten years later, everyone's favourite baby deer comes onto Yo Han's radar and just IMAGINE the HILARITY of seeing Kang "I am the Abyss" Yo Han go: "HANG ON A FUCKING SECOND. THEN WHO'S THIS GUY?!"
Internally, of course.
Cue a confused — and thoroughly annoyed — Yo Han trying to figure out which one of the two is the actual person from his soulmate dreams. He would be so incredibly pissed off x'D
(But also, on a deeper level, imagine the shift he'd have to go through mentally when he realises his soulmate might NOT be dead after all. So maybe all those feelings, yearnings, hopes, and dreams he's been suppressing and trying to shut out for years AREN'T lost to him after all?)
And, naturally, it would be Yo Han's POV, so who knows if Ga On has dreams too? It's not like Yo Han would swallow his pride enough to just ask. That's beneath him. Also, he's busy with his revenge — he shouldn't be thinking about soulmates, dammit!
... I just have a fondness for Yo Han having a hopeless (and in this case fated) attachment to Ga On but also being pretty dang exasperated about it, I guess? So sue me.
But yeah.
TLDR: I love Soulmate AUs! :D
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mud-fm · 5 months
*evil giggles and hand rubbing*
(I put sunflower seeds on my window sill to lurr in birdies)
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kusin-tisdag · 9 months
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Double the trouble!
Gustav is a clingy and artistic toddler!
Gunnel: Hmm, how to make him my minion?
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pinkvaquita · 7 months
Why I find so romantic that Shadow Milk make his puppet and the puppet of his s/o kiss?
Like I saw a post with that some days ago and again with another person and their oc, and the idea of it just makes me kick my legs.
Is just so fucking funny the idea of him playing with his puppets, planning his evil silly little scheemes and all. And slowly and without noticing the plot starts to drive, and he realized he fucking derailed from the start when he make the puppets kiss.
Even funnier if he realized in horror what he is doing. And the does again out of morbid curiosity of how it feels
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murasaki-cha · 10 months
So I just finished reading The Prisoners Throne Excerpt
*sharp inhale* *screams into the void*
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Seriously this part got me so curious I won't be able to stop thinking about it for the next 3 months! Oak has so much hot family drama to spill!!
But moving on from that.
I love how we're finally exploring Oak's charming ability and how he starts doubting it himself if he really did subconsciously use them with Wren
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And we got so many moments of Oak recalling his training with the court of shadows. He considers them all his friends and recalls those memories so fondly it was so sweet (he sounded more comfortable with them than when he recalled anything about Jude let alone Cardan apparently). That whole convo with the Ghost was especially adorable:
The Ghost/Garrett: How are your skills with the blade?
Oak: I'm eleven???
Also can we please talk about jealous Oak please! Like my boy, out of all the times and occasions! He's so desperate it's hilarious
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Still in the OakWren train, this boy is so down bad it's pathetic. The way he waits for her even if it's just to command or scorn him, simply because he wishes to see her. Regretting every single thing he hid from and feeling like shit because he can't even apologise since she doesn't come see him. BRUTALLY ANNIHILATING that mechanical snake since it could have been going to poison Wren. Pleading to postpone his rescue just so he could talk to her.
Favorite part was when he recalled Wren's betrayed face after she found out the truth and going "Damn yeah I really do deserve to be in here locked up, still need to escape tho, but I deserve this."
Oh Greenbriar men, you and your love for evil women who you accidentally betrayed and kept you imprisoned. Alexa play Loverboy.
Loved that this entire paragraph (besides Cardan's vendetta against Oak WHICH IS KILLING ME) was just Oak going
Oak: Angry vengeful Jude? Yikes. Angry vengeful Wren? Yikes. Angry vengeful Jude and Wren against each other? We're doomed
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And finally we at least now know where the ring from the cover came from!
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Holly Black did say that an important element in the cover is how the ring is frozen in the brances, unmoving. I wonder if it's some kind of symbolism about Oak's inability to leave Weren, how he is trapped by her not only physically by the briddle, but emotionally too? That would be so cool
Tho this first chapter sneek peak gave me more questions than answers, I really enjoyed getting a feel of what the book would be like from Oak's pov (regretting, simping, scheeming and a whole lot of Keeping Up with the Greenbriar/Duartes). God I can't wait 3 more months I need this book in my hands now!!!
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Kisaki and the pursuit of love to fill the lack of it
Manga spoilers
When Takemichi finally gets to confront Kisaki ; he gets his answer as to why Kisaki did all of what he did. And like Takemichi, we get angry and confused. Is this selfish childish reason really why he did all of that ? And the answer is yes, obviously. But it’s not that shallow, nor is it Wakui being lazy.
He wanted Hinata’s love.
Did he ? From what we learn from his and Hinata’s flashbacks, Kisaki was considered ‘creepy’ and ‘heartless’ by other children. Hinata was the only one to talk to him (and willingly!) and saw him as a good kid – even after they stopped seeing each others. She wholeheartedly believes Kisaki is a good person and that he and Takemichi would get along and is shocked when Takemichi tells her Kisaki’s part of a gang, saying “No way ! It doesn’t suit him !”. Which is the direct opposite of how Takemichi, and we the readers, react. “Kisaki, a good guy… ? There’s no way. He’s the inhuman bastard that killed Hina. “
Kisaki’s “Hinata would definitely liked a prodigy like me” isn’t that much an implausible way of thinking (for a child lacking love). Why would Hinata interact with him if she didn’t love him ? It couldn’t be just because she was a nice person, nobody else interacted with him. It didn’t seem like it was out of pity either. They even walked home together and were neighbourgs. It’s a very simple-minded thought – but Kisaki didn’t know better, and never got to. After all, he’s antagonized since the start by most characters, including the protagonist whom we readers follow, and the narrative. For good reasons, yes. But instead of trying to stop everything he planned, it would’ve been a lot more effective to learn about him, to get close to him, and not as to gain informations to use later to win, but in a way to actually form a deep, meaningful, true friendship with him. Because Kisaki doesn’t have friends. Mikey’s a pawn. Hanma’s a pawn. Izana’s a pawn. And they all know it – they accepted Kisaki’s scheems because they had something to gain for it. They’re all relationship built on a deal : I gain something I want and you gain something you wish in return. Mikey wants darkness to consume him, and wants Kisaki to be that part of him (his moon – which btw, good nod to the Pierrot/Kisaki comparaison) whereas Kisaki wants to be Japan #1 delinquent and he needs Mikey’s charisma to do so; Hanma wants his world to stop being so dull and Kisaki gives him that, he makes Hanma’s life as colorful as a circus (once again, the Pierrot/Kisaki comparaison never stops, Wakui really wants you to know his vilain is a clown) and Kisaki needs a pawn who would do everything he asks – and a pawn he can put the blame on ; Izana needs Kisaki to ‘satisfy his heart with his malice’ and to gift him a depressed/grieving Mikey he can ‘tame’ whereas Kisaki needs Izana to get to Mikey even after the Christmas incident and Emma’s murder. So yeah, not friends. Acquaintances ; business partners at best. Hinata then remains the only person who willingly went to talk to him out of kindness and nothing else, she didn’t have any motives.
So Kisaki clings on her. The idea of her. Somebody being nice to him. When nobody else does, nobody else ever did. Does he do anything to deserve kindness ? Why would he need to deserve kindness ? Since when is kindness deserved ? He plans a lot of messed up things, but until Baji’s death, none of them succeeds. Then again, would’ve being kind to him prevented all of what he plotted ? And again, he started being a delinquent solely because Takemichi was one.
Stalking Takemichi already wasn’t a good sign, but that didn’t necessarily mean Kisaki would one day become a merciless murderer. But then Takemichi said he’d be the top delinquent in Japan which prompted Kisaki to research about them and what it meant to be one. Because if Hinata loves Takemichi and Takemichi plans on becoming Japan #1 delinquent, then Kisaki becoming Japan #1 delinquent will make Hinata loves him. She has to. He believes in it so hard, he doesn’t even try to reconnect with her even as a childhood acquaintance during the years it takes him to reach to the top. No, he reaches the top and straight away go ask Hinata in marriage. And the moment she rejects him – even though he’s Japan #1, even though he did everything to undoubtedly gain her love, even though Takemichi isn’t there anymore – he has her killed. Because the only person in his life who has been kind to him, wasn’t anymore and he, after a decade of doing everything he thoughts he has to do to gain her love, couldn’t deal with it. That’s how Takemichi ‘betrayed’ him – Takemichi became his model, a hero, and yet he took the only thing good in his life away (without even being aware of it).
Kisaki doesn’t see himself as a victim – he’s very aware of everything he does. He manipulates, he kills, he doesn’t have an ounce of remorse about it… Yet, he still calls himself a Pierrot. And Pierrot is defined by his unrequited love for Columbine who herself loves Harlequin (who loves Columbine back) which makes him a sad clown. Pierrot is also naive, light-hearted and trustworthy. Which is definitely not Kisaki as a delinquent, but may have been Kisaki in his childhood.
Takemichi only starts to think of him as a human being and not an ‘inhuman bastard’ after his death. Takemichi wants to face him again, because he actually wants to get to know Kisaki. Even if he hates him with everything he has. The talk they had was too short.
At the end of the day, does that change the fact it was incredibly selfish and childish ? No. But Tokyo Revengers is based upon relationships and the impact people have in other people’s life so for it to have its main antagonist have no meaningful relationship at all, and it being the reason why he turned out that way, makes perfect sense. (it’s also the same with Izana who didn’t think he had anyone until the end where he realizes he did, he does, Taiju who thought he only had his siblings to realize he actually technically didn’t have anyone, Hanma whom we don’t see close to anyone but Kisaki (and that means something), Kazutora who found himself with only Baji at some point, and even Sanzu who obsesses over Mikey because in his mind he can’t rely on anyone else anymore – but all of them at least had someone in some way)
Edit: In the Final Timeline, this lack of meaningful relationship that Kisaki has ceases to exist. He becomes friend with Takemichi, Mikey, Toman.. And so he has no reason to obsess over Hinata
His vision of Hinata and their relationship most likely came from his idea of how reality works - a very stereotypical one. They're both childhood friends and then they'll fall in love and he'll go to work and she'll be a housewife and he'll be like everyone else, he'll achieve what everybody else has and/or he will copy his parents/what japanese society (and not only it) deemed a 'normal family'. They'll have one or two kids and it'll be the way it has always been.
Kisaki doesn't know much about interpersonal relationships, so he has a very stereotypical vision of them
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theratking20 · 4 months
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what is this fella plotting????
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
god this is so fhucked i have like NO plots brewing. no scheems in the making at all....... no narrative threads for me to pull???? what the fuck am i doing erong man
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valtheimm · 2 years
26 and 27 for the character development meme, for whoever you're feeling the most rn?
26) How does your character behave around children? Eris is stellar around kids, actually. She grew up as a, let's say, indentured servant to a Telvanni family on mainland Morrowind where one of her main responsibilities was taking care of 2 dunmer kids. Which she did and did well enough, being a several-years-older-than-them kid herself. So she has the talent AND the experience, if not the looks. Since she can look intimidating af.
Honestly, she likes hanging out with kids more than with the adults. Kids are simple and direct, they usually say what's on their mind, so. She likes telling them stories (of her own or made-up adventures, mythology, history, you name it), encourages them to be good, patient and polite and to persue an education (if the family can't afford it, she can pay for it willy-nilly), often brings them trinkets, ranging from toys she bought or may have whittled to dragon bones/scales and gems.
The parents are generally shocked and intimidated by this but simultaneously crave these visits, since it gives them the time off plus the opportunities for the whole family. But they do sometimes have a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that their kid have the attention of the Dragonborn. (Sometimes it goes to their heads. Eris is usually oblivious to that but when she catches on, she's like 'Mm, no. This is not about you, actually ✌'.)
27) How does your character normally deal with confrontation? Rhea's MO is avoiding trouble. If that option's not available, she's a fearsome foe, actually. Tally is like 'not finding trouble, i will create it', but she kind of sucks at that. She wants to be petty, feral and unhinged, but she's actually just a rich kid who's tasting freedom (and also problems) for the first time. Eris seems like she confronts problems head-on, but she's actually plotting & scheeming. Or, at least, she strategizes her offensives, prefering to attack from the distance, or uses the 'help' of Oblivion denisens, or even baits her foes to fight each other (one of her favorite past-times actually). Not that she really needs it, but she prefers to stay out of harm's way.
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second-second · 2 months
I have been reading the manhua "the rogue prince is secretly an omega" and i am really enjoying the story so far. I like the mais cast and the plot is pretty interesting and got me invested on what is going to happen.
But i can't get over a few missed opportunities that would have made the story go from good the exelent.
On the first few chapters i thought the empress would get some sort of development or would at least be more fleshed out. I really really liked that she has a calculating and scheeming personality and that this played directly on the narrative relating to her situation with her husband and subsequently with her son.
I mean it's just obvious that someone who grew up watching the curruption of the nobility wield actually good resultus for other nobles (be it rising on the social hierarchy, marrying into richness, etc etc.). Besides, on that context no marriege was made for the sake of love, she is pragmatic and grounded on reality when she scheemes to mary into royalty and she succeedes!!
I think this goes a long way to prove that she is smart and can use her resources to her advantage even when a literal prince did not want to marry her. All the while being an omega, so like there is that disadvantage as well.
But i really think they could have upped the game in regards to her hiding that etienne is an omega. The story plays it like this is her hunger for power and this is the only way she knows how to controll people and that is fine and good, but my vision is:
Imagine if she was tired of all of the scheemes of the court, the gossips, the political façades and most importantly tired of her own fate married to a man who failed to reach the societal standard (which was relevant to her when she chose to marry him) who does not love her and niether does she love him. I keep thinking what if her story was one of regret, if only she was not an omega, if only society could have acepted her as the head of her family she would not have to be in this eternal power struggle to mantain herself and her position on the court.
So she chooses to give her son a different life, somethibg she thinks she would have wanted in his place. A chance to be an emperror and wield all the power even while being an omega. Of course, she would have to keep on scheeming and making secret plots to get him there, and they would have to hide the fact that he was born an omega.
But she has already moved so many plots in her life, so what if she is tired? It is for a better future, it is for her son to have a chance she did not. And she embraces that choice.
I think it would still be very ok for her to be a domineering character who rages at others, a perfectionist and a very controling person because this is what her reality shaped her into beeing. She has to be in control, because her son is still too young to make choices for himself. She has to be in control because this is the final stretch, look at how much they have already achieved. At how loong they have already fooled the world. Etienne can not loose his rightfull place on the throne, just because her husband is doting on a random person (richar).
I trully think that if they had went with this motivation she would still be able to move the plot in a very very similar manner, and they wouldn't even have to change her personality at all.
She would just be a much more compelling character and we would be able to relate to her trying to live another life trough her son and falling into the same scheemes and bad habits she grew to hate because this is the only path she knows. All the while she could be geniunely believe that she is doing all of this just to give her son a better life.
Honestly i can never get over how much of a lost opportunity this is.
I mean there is still chance, but i think it's very unlikely at this point.
They just wrote her to be a villain and they didn't care to give her any depth. Even while all of this was right there, didnt even have to think too much.
Also i hate that on the most recent chapters the emperor is like helping Etienne??? And everyone is like, ok i forgive your years of neglect bc yeah the empress is really fucked up and uuuuuuhhhhh............. bc you seem to care abt etienne now? Just because richard used the talk no jutsu.
Dont even get me started on how they could have made the emperor story more compeling.
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calowlmitygoddess · 3 months
Im gonna ramble about Tanza part 2 characters so maybe ill be motivated to write it
Rhena: The POV character. A young drakin woman with a strange resitance to most kinds of damage, uses this to become a local star in the demon hunting scene, but also the fame of being extremely hard to work with. She's independent, closed off and arrogant, always chasing new ways to stand out among her peers and gain more infamy. When Zymelia aproaches her to join an elite group, its a no brainer.
Freyja: The last member from an ancient line of holy warriors, she's kind, brave and determinated. Belives its her destiny to vanquish the demon queen from the broken Tanza realm. Has been tutored by Odira since childhood and sees her as an almost mother figure. The only one trying to get along in the squad.
Zymelia: One of the last remaining spirits, and while on papper she's on the same standing as Odira in the ruling of the remaining of humanity, she still feels outshadowed by her fellow spirits. Ambitious and scheeming, she wants to shape the realm in her own vision, and will use whatever means necessary.
Odira: Self appointed leader of what was left of humanity, another spirit and the more respected and revered of the few remaining. Odira rules with her pristine iron fist, trying to shape the remains of society into an utopia. Now her main objective is to eliminate the demon queen, before moving on to the greater threath, the Traitor Hiraki.
Althia: She's there, omnously plotting
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forfunziess · 8 months
Day 18 of 2024
I need to get out of bed. I need to get out of the house, I need to get out of town. Wasting my precious youth. On what smoking and being insecure. The faster I get my teeth fixed the better I'll feel mentally. Wisdom teeth removal then Braces. I'll be 20 next month the next choices i make in these next 10 years will make or break my future. The one thing I must do is make it without having children unless i am married. I would love to be famous or well known. Maybe meet a man from over seas who happens to be a prince of a wealthy country, I could become the first lady of the united states. I want to go to school so I can have something to fall back on and give me credentials and connections. I will not allow my years to slip by and i'm still in the same spot on my 30th birthday. I know what to do I've been writing, plotting and scheeming for so long know it's time to put things into action. I can't keep feeling like this anymore.
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c10v3r · 1 year
ur my scheming and plotting buddy clover
i lvoe plotting and scheeming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ml-salt-central · 3 years
"Gabriel Agreste" Salt (I forgot this episode came out today):
Gabriel, please die...
Okay, Canon! Felix might be an asshole but he makes Gabriel miserable and that alone honestly makes him one of the best characters in this godforsaken show (Although a line in this episode makes me worry about him a lot...)
Nathalie, please die...
Oh yay! The class is enabling Marinette's stalking... AGAIN! ISN'T THAT JUST LOVELY?!
Okay but why the fuck do the 2D drawings Nathaniel made for his and Marc's dumbass plan look so GOOD?! They have no right to be this amazing
Ew, Zoé
Okay, I hate how Chloé keeps being portrayed as a complete asshole but her coming down a vent on a harness like a goddamn super spy was iconic ngl, that's some queen shit
I know Chloé is supposed to be in the wrong here but like... Gabriel taking Adrien out of the school over seeing the video Chloé filmed of Marinette and co scheeming would actually be a reasonable reaction? Like as a parent how would you react if you found out that not only was one of your son's classmates stalking him but that the rest of the class was enabling and encouraging said stalker? Like I'm not rooting for Marinette and her friends here! What they're doing is GROSS!!!!
Okay, I'm getting tired of people being blind in this show, Marinette putting on a moustache is apparently enough to convice everyone that she's a male server, what the fuck?!
God, I love Felix being a sneaky little shit! Yes, Gabriel, keep throwing those tantrums! Seeing you suffer brings me so much joy!!!!!
Okay but it's so wild to me that Felix has only been in TWO episodes so far and has done more investigating on Hawkmoth than our two main heroes have done in FOUR SEASONS!!!!
Again, I am not rooting for Marinette to stop Chloé from showing Gabriel evidence of her and her enablers being creepy
Okay so, the scene where Gabriel threatens Felix can mean two things with the way it was worded, acording to the subtitles I got Gabriel said that he could make Felix disappear with just a snap of his finger which means that either 1. Felix is a sentimonster or 2. Gabriel is threatening an actual literal child, I really hope it's the second option... because if it's the first one then Felix, the only character who has put any effort into finding out who Hawkmoth is, can now just be erased from existence whenever the writers feel like it, isn't that great?! Like this show's writing is so bad that I wouldn't put it pass them...
Felix resisted both an Akuma and an Amok, we stan
Okay, the Collector using a tablet instead of a book this time around is a neat twists to his power but... he still has the same power as many other akumatized villains and I'm not a fan of repeat akumas so... yeah
Why the fuck did Kagami even try to fight the Collector? Like, girl, you don't even have a miraculous, what the fuck are you even hoping to accomplish?
The akuma battle is nothing special so it's not worth talking about
Chloé's plans are ruined because of course they are
Gabriel's plan to make the magical charms useless in the same season they were introduced in begins
Felix still knows that Gabriel is Hawkmoth, good thing that stuck at least (I am still incredibly worried about him...)
The stalker and her enablers came out victorious, yay...
Tfw Felix feels more like Gabriel's archenemy than Ladybug and Chat Noir
In conclusion:
Felix being a sentimonster is just as stupid of a concept as Adrien being one like... WHY?! WHAT'S EVEN THE POINT OF THIS?! WHY COULDN'T AMELIE AND EMELIE HAVE HUMAN CHILDREN?! WHAT WOULD THIS EVEN ADD TO THE PLOT?! WHAT EVEN IS THIS WRITING?! But, these concepts are stupid and nonsensical enough to actually be canon... considering the writing of this show so... I am afraid.
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morninggloryworm · 3 years
kashiwagi for the ask thing :O
First Impression:
When I first played through the games I actually didn't really like Kashiwagi that much. He was just kind of there, I suppose, but he didn't really capture my attention enough. I didn't like him, but I also didn't hate him. I guess like, I disliked him a little in Kiwami for leaving Nishiki to deal with the burden on his own and then with the whole HLA in y3 suddenly making him to be this good guy I was more confused than anything.
Impression Now:
HE'S MY DAD, woogiewoogieboogie~ Once I actually put like more than half a minute of thought into Kashiwagi (especially after playing y7) I realized how underrated he is? Honestly he deserved a whole more than he got in the series. He looked after Nishiki and Kiryu while Kazama was off plotting god know what and he would have been exactly what those two needed if Kazama hadn't broken those boys into unfixable messes that refuse to ask for help. Kashiwagi is trying his goddamn best and slurping down cold noodles while at it.
Favorite Moment:
The fact that he eats cold noodles honestly lmao
On a more serious note, that scene in the finale of y0 where he drives a truck into the docks with the Kazama family on the back as backup to help Kiryu and Nishiki? Love it so much.
Idea for a story:
I want more Kashiwagi looking after Kiryu and Nishiki. Being the cool uncle we deserved and the decent father figure that those boys needed.
Unpopular opinion:
Dunno if this is unpopular or not but Kashiwagi was 100 times a better leader than Kazama ever was, both as a guardian figure for Kiryu and Nishiki as well as a Tojo captain.
Favorite Relationship:
Thanks to discord I am now a big fan of Kashiwagi/Adachi. Those old men deserve some peace and quiet and some happiness honestly.
Non-ship I honestly love his relationship with Nishikiyama specifically. As well as his dynamic with Yayoi Dojima as her advisor.
Favorite headcanon:
Whenever Kazama was too busy scheeming to visit Sunflower, Kashiwagi would visit instead to check on the kids for him and would come bearing gifts. Always something small, like sweets and snacks, but the kids loved it all the same.
Send me a character
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ao3feed-kenhina · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GyCVn5
by Louie_writes
“Dude are you alright? You are so quiet today.”
After a very long moment, his friend looked at him with a worried expression and said,
“If you were to die tonight, how would you spend your last day?”
How nad why Kuroo died but for real this time
Words: 26829, Chapters: 6/6, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Mental States and other such uncertain things
Fandoms: haikyuu
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Kuroo Tetsuro - Character, Kozume Kenma, Haiba Lev, Hinata Shoyou, Nishinoya Yuu, Daichi Suguru
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kozume Kenma, Daishou Suguru/ Yamaka Mika, Kuroo Tetsuro/ Yamaka Mika
Additional Tags: I‘m too fucking lazy too ad others fuck me, Graphic death but it says that, Yakuza, Plotting, scheeming, Murder Mystery, but like hte oteur half where we already knwo everything, Funeral, idk i cant thing of anything else i may add lter if i give enough fucks, Mention of sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GyCVn5
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