#Pluto doesn’t really like clothes
cuddlebugmonster · 5 months
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Pluto is found and raised by Chowder and doesn’t meet the turtles until older. Due to being part Krang Pluto actually grows faster than the average, so when Pluto and the turtles meet, Pluto is almost fully grown.
I’m still working on chowders backstory, but I’m aiming towards a bounty hunter tsukumogami yokai. They try their best to raise Pluto but find themselves off and on jobs that are sometimes dangerous, so secrecy is an important necessity. Chowder is loud, sassy and very affectionate, however they are very temperamental and will hold a grudge if annoyed. Chowder loves Pluto and decided to give Pluto the nickname monkey due to Pluto’s love for bananas and need to climb on them 24/7, that plus they just think it’s a funny name.
So yeah Chowder :D
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vivmaek · 10 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing good! Do all aspects and placements in someone’s chart make up their appearance? I’ve heard that it does, and I’ve heard that it doesn’t. Just curious to know :)
Hi, I love this question! I can see arguments for both sides, but in my opinion I think all placements within someones chart make up appearance. I say this because our emotions and inner psychology directly affect physical appearance. And the same can be said for our physical environments. Here are some examples:
Gemini Saturn in the 12th House - Prone to getting bags under the eyes due to poor sleep. Struggles with anxiety and poor appetite.
Venus in the 2nd House - Having the resources to maintain ones appearance. Having access to high quality food, clothing, makeup, and skincare.
Neptune in the 8th House - Prone to drug usage, and is especially susceptible to the negative side effects. These types look spaced out and detached even if they have never used substances. They've probably been asked, "Are you high?" even if dead sober.
12th house stellium - Looks mysterious, even when you get to know them. No one ever truly knows a 12th house stellium. My life long friend constantly reveals details about her life that change the way I view her. And I never really know what she is up to, even when we were in each others daily lives. She travels more than any young person I know, yet remains humble and wise. 12th house stelliums are the ultimate mystiques, and this is an incredibly attractive quality.
1st House stellium - Their distinct personality overpowers whatever their physical appearance may be. Usually people attach traits onto others based on their physical appearance, but the reverse happens for 1st house stelliums. It is almost like they're cartoon characters, its like their personality and sense of character was developed before their physical form even came into existence. Their physical appearance suits who they are so well, I don't know how else to describe it.
Pluto in the 6th house - There are periods in which people with this placement will be overworked.
Scorpio Uranus in the 12th House - The wild card. Their subconscious state shifts drastically and changes unexpectedly, and this most definitely affects the ways in which they present themselves to the world.
Scorpio Mars in the 5th House - People with this placement are baddies. Cool af and might partake in some dangerous hobbies.
Chart ruler in the 4th House - Nostalgia frames the ways in which these people present themselves. Might have a timeless look about them.
Virgo Mercury in the 8th House - Could partake in hygienic practices that are diligent and maybe strange.
Cancer Saturn in the 5th House - Handyman vibes. Down to earth in their self expression.
Sun in the 3rd House - Seemingly youthful, the eternal student.
Strong 11th House placements - Their appearance is somehow associated with whatever group they belong to. This could be church, clubs, sports teams, humanitarian efforts. (For instance, Tom Cruise has his Jupiter in the 11th house and you can't look at him without thinking about Scientology.)
Strong 7th House placements - Tend to take on traits adapted from their relationships. They mirror people.
Uranus in the 9th House - Might end up living amongst a culture that differs from the one they grew up in. This will affect the ways in which people perceive their appearance.
Saturn Square Pluto - 😐 <- this face
Mercury Trine Pluto - 🤨 <- this face
Mars aspecting Uranus - Prone to accidents, bodily injury, scars.
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starsworldd · 1 year
astro observations pt. 10 ⭐️
only take what resonates + take with a grain of salt <3
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✦ whatever sign you have in the 6th house shows what qualities you want to improve on:
saggitarius: knowledge, wisdom, opportunities for yourself
leo: creativity, charisma, garnering attention
capricorn: how you complete goals, responsibilities, ambition
✦ unpopular probably but the stereotype that scorpio risings have (alluring, attractive, mysterious, etc..) leo risings ARE
✦ and speaking of scorpio risings i feel like this placement is a mix between cancer and leo rising
✦ everybody saying that saturn in 2nd house have struggles making salaries or whatever but truth be told this placement is a god damn HUSTLER. saturn is like the glow-up planet so it being in the 2nd house means that once these people know what their values are and how to maintain a good work ethic and emotional stability they become so powerful
✦ people who have their 11th house ruler in the 7th may often find themselves pairing up with a friend instead of being with the friend group
✦ i feel like 8th house neptune’s are the type to really like asmr
✦ 6th house suns are competitive
✦ venus-jupiter aspects (especially trine + sextile) are loved easily by people
✦ aries midheaven people give off hero archetype vibes
✦ astrology is about polarity:
11th house pluto people may often face hate/jealousy/obsession from other people. so how does this placement deal with the pressure? it turns to its opposite house (5th) of fun, creativity, and happiness to transform and and to relieve itself. but they affect each other so when 5th house themes dominate, 11th house themes come in to balance and back and forth and so on…
✦ saggiatrius rising people age well it doesn’t have to just be looks but they maintain an adventurous personality for quite awhile
✦ gemini sun people i find are kind of introverted but when they do speak they connect and execute their thoughts with others well
✦ virgo venus people really like pastel + overly colorful clothes and aesthetics
✦ people who have their 10th house ruler in the 12th have a multitude of careers that they want to pursue
✦ moon in 12th house people have felt hurt by being too nice and forgiving to people
✦ libra and capricorn in the big 6 make someone a leader and easily respected by the masses (also very classy vibes)
✦ aquarius moon people like synthy and spacey type of music (if this makes sense😭)
✦ gemini placements and their use of the MOST RANDOM emojis when they text (they’re like, “hey i just went to the store today✈️✈️✈️” like girl which store the one in australia???)
✦ virgo mars are good cooks
✦ people who have venus in retrograde are really lazy i find
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hope you enjoyed!
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punksocks · 11 months
Black Moon Lilith: And Your Untamable Femininity
*based on my experiences, please take this with a grain of salt
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Lilith herself is from Judeo mythology, she was Adam’s first wife but she saw herself as his equal and that didn’t work out too well so Lilith got banished and Eve replaced her. Because this comes from a traditionally patriarchal perspective, Lilith was too much of a seductress and an unfit woman so she literally was cast out and became a demon. (Side note: it’s so interesting that the stories all demonize Lilith but Eve had too much receiving feminine energy herself and received the devil’s instructions and ate from the forbidden tree. It’s a very damned if you’re too feminine and damned if you’re not feminine enough sort of myth)
Lilith aspecting your planets and your houses will often charge the native with almost Plutonian energy. Like imo Pluto and Neptune combined, because you’re charged with this dark feminine energy that’s the opposite of light/traditional feminine energy and on top of that people tend to project on to you based off of this energy. You bring a lot of people’s biases to light.
So Lilith charges the native with energy they need to “tame” in order to be considered proper feminine women. Lilith’s interpretations have expanded the more autonomy women have gained.
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Nowadays being being a naturally sultry woman is less shameful right? Well no. Never mind how progressive they may act, many people will expose their real behavior to that sort of energy. It really weeds out those who are actually well intentioned from those who aren’t. Even if you say that you want progress for all types of women you may not have done the internal work to become the person that truly acts that way. Do you actually respect women that carry that sexual/untraditional energy or are you only advocating for a traditional/untouchable feminine person?
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With friends, family, possible love interests, peers, and even strangers this question is act every time someone with heavy Lilith energy interacts with them. Because of how these relationships tend to go in a patriarchal society that encourages one kind of good femininity, Lilith natives often find themselves being “tamed” (i.e. shamed) for having this energy.
A lot of Lilith natives get ashamed growing up “not acting like proper women”. Because of that Lilith natives tend to try to force a version of themselves that fits this feminine mold. It often doesn’t work and just gives people the impression that you’re hiding something from them. Like you’re acting as a wolf in sheeps clothing when you’re just trying to exist the way they told you you have to and you cannot fully mute your energy to do so.
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Most interpretations of BM Lilith are of women/femmes/people reclaiming the power and alternative femininity they tried to stamp down for ages and embracing the often revealing effects that Lilith has for the shadow sides of other people. I think it’s no coincidence that interpreting Lilith as a more complex figure comes with waves of feminism and discourse around what femininity means exactly.
The real trick is balancing Lilith’s energy- being proud of the advantages and strength that can be found in her energy without being consumed by dark aspects of how her energy may manifest.
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Lilith in Aries/1st House: You’re fire and passionate incarnate. You stand out as a leader in any room you’re in with your confident aura. You were probably shamed for being head strong and impulsive. But your braveness and how you embrace yourself at your core is admirable. You need to tame your me first behavior, and to be careful not to bully and bulldoze others while still standing in your strength.
Lilith in Taurus/2nd House: You’re so sensual and tactile. You live for the pleasures of food and luxury, whatever your idea of luxury may be. You may have been shamed for being “lazy” but you can be very grounded and sensual. You have to tame your inner hedonist and make sure you don’t get too lost in worldly pleasures and that you don’t use others to achieve these ends. (Don’t swing to other extreme and deny yourself any pleasure either, you deserve to have a good life, just not to be consumed by having one.)
Lilith in Gemini/3rd House: You’re a charmer with wit to spare. You think about everything and analyze all of your thoughts on what is good and what is bad. You were probably shamed for how you spoke and what you spoke about in your youth. You have to tame your desire to be the smartest one in the room and the impulse to reject all learning. We all have to learn from some source that knew better before us, otherwise knowledge would be empty and cyclic. You’re not lesser if you do not know everything.
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Lilith in Cancer/4th House: You have an in depth relationship with your femininity. You may have grown up in an chaotic environment with family scandals and secrets and intense emotional dysfunction. You need to tame your desire for total emotional control over people in your life. Through your fear of feeling lonely you may have poor boundaries with others by way of doing too much and intern expecting too much emotional devotion/sacrifice. If you don’t manipulate others to be emotionally tied to you, you’ll open yourself up to genuine emotional connections and healing.
Lilith in Leo/5th House: You’re so fun and seductive. You’re a star that turns heads and knows how to have a good time. You were probably shamed for enjoying attention and affection you received in your youth and you could’ve been shamed for having crushes and such before you even began dating. You have to tame your desire to be the center of attention at all times and to escape away from the problems of life into frivolous affairs. (This another case of balance, which I’m finding a lot with fixed Lilith placements. Don’t run away from attention and close yourself off from affection either. It’s okay to receive attention and to enjoy it, the same with dating and healing and finding emotionally fulfilling relationships)
Lilith in Virgo/6th House: You’re a hard worker and a very efficient one at that. You rarely get enough credit for how many problems you solve and how many people you’ve saved with your smarts. You may have been shamed for being too uptight in your youth when no one was giving you any support to actually be able to relax. You have to tame your inner overworker. It’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to make a mistake, you work very hard but you’re human at the end of the day. It’s okay to take care of yourself. (And to be honest about your s*xual desires) Also watch out, your co-workers may not be trustworthy.
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Lilith in Libra/7th House: You’re a beauty and a radiant individual, and you probably have a lot of admirers. You may have suffered a lot of injustice/unfair experiences at certain stages of your life. You need to tame your desire for balancing everything. I’ll explain lol, you probably attract a lot of people that have extreme personalities and you pour a lot of energy into them in order to help balance them out. You may also become anxious or vindictive if you’re rejected romantically. It’s okay to understand where the line can be drawn and to understand that harmony cannot be brought to every person/situation, especially not through the efforts of one person alone. And that’s okay.
Lilith in Scorpio/8th House: You ooze s*x appeal and you probably have a mesmerizing presence. You have a very powerful energy. You were probably shamed for your interest in s*x/sensuality throughout your life. You need to tame your desire to escape from your emotions/trauma into your s*xuality. You also need to tame your tendencies to become obsessed with the taboo. (This needs to be balanced of course. You shouldn’t deny your s*xuality or your interest in the taboo. It takes a special type of person to explore these sorts of ideas. Just make sure it doesn’t consume your inner world.)
Lilith in Sagittarius/9th House: You’re a firecracker with a sense of adventure and a need for freedom on your own terms. You were probably shamed for being outspoken and questioning the institutions around you throughout your life (heavy emphasis on higher education and/or your family’s religion). You need to tame your need for freedom to a degree. If you have interest in traveling to certain places but a fear of becoming too attached to that place you should still go and have that experience. If you have an interest in a certain religion but you’re afraid of being trapped in that setting you should still learn about that religion. Institutions are old and carry their own hierarchies but they shouldn’t scare you away from exploration. (Be careful not to become obsessive either)
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Lilith in Capricorn/10th House: You’re a powerful person. You have a certain air about you that gives off dominant/authoritative energy. People in power tend to listen to you. But you were often shamed for having such a domineering presence, whether you were exerting power over others or they were just intimidated by the weight you held. You need to tame this desire for status and power and any urges to become cutthroat in order to social climb. I believe this is why this position can be prone to having a scandalous reputation. It’s important not to lose yourself to gain power because you’ll lose respect. (Saturn lessons bby)
Lilith in Aquarius/11th House: You’re the definition of a free spirit, you’re really a one of kind person in how you express yourself and your tastes. You could’ve been outcasted socially from a young age, and you may have dealt with bullies/groups turning against you. You need to tame your urge to disconnect from the humane. (Again it’s a lesson of balance, embracing what makes you unique and gives you your ability to think outside of the box, but also not going out of your way to socially detach from all people to the point of embracing truly bizzaro behaviors just to feel that freedom.)
Lilith in Pisces/12th House: You are a person with a deeply ethereal sense about you. You tend to ride the line between the hidden and the mundane in all things you experience. It’s the hardest placement to pinpoint where you were shamed exactly, it probably has to deal with your receptive energy and your sensitivity to other energies outside of yourself, and due to your conscious or subconscious experiences you carry effects of this negativity. You must tame you natural inclination to drift, to detach and separate yourself in an effort to escape. You must balance your understanding and acceptance of the spiritual and the internal with your experiences in the world in order to not be lost to the tumultuousness of this placement. (also stay empathetic but prioritize taking care of your mental health)
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meafortuna · 1 year
Three for luck! 🍀 Take what resonates and enjoy it! 🫶
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• Mars in Cancer and that theory about how passive-aggressive are they… I don’t want to be rude, but these guys are just aggressive. Really quick temper. Passive-aggressive is more prone when the native have Moon-Mars square, they are more indecisive when it comes to actions, that’s why their anger is not so explosive. Also i have noticed that Mars in Cancer many times have some strong Aries placement in their chart, like Sun. I will be glad if someone share their opinion on this one. ♋️☄️
• Venus ruled by Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) are late bloomers in love <at least that’s what people says>, but let me tell you something that i have observed. A big part of this Venusians fall for love real hard in their young ages, then get their heart broken and that can hurt them real bad, to the point they don’t even want to try again for a really long time. But days go by (sometimes years) and they start to think that relationships are not about love, but more about respect, friendship, compromises and etc. Which it’s absolutely true, one relationship wouldn’t be successful without this things, but it’s also sad, because this natives just don’t believe in the magic of love, that’s why people often times says “ugh, Capricorns are so cold hearted”. Well, they are not, they just don’t believe in fairytales anymore. So no, they are no late bloomers, they just start to want relationship with someone after a long time of not wanting it. ♑️♒️💙
• Uranus in the forth house it’s one of the bigest indicator for changing home more often than the others, or home life was unstable in some kind of way. 🌪️🏠
• Pluto asc or Pluto conjunct asc have always something dark when it comes to their appearance, most of times they have pigment shadows under their eyes or dark eyes. 👁️
• Moon in sixth house can be more prone to have insomnia or sleeping problems, also for them it is hard to follow some kind of schedule, a little bit lazy. 💤
• Why people keep trying to hide something from Scorpio Moon/Mercury?! I mean they just know when someone lies to them. Scorpio Moon have that strong gut feeling when there is something wrong, with Mercury all comes from their thoughts, their investigative mind works 10/10 times. 🕵🏻 Don’t lie to them, just don’t.
• If you want someone to love u unconditionally, you should look for a partner with fixed Moon and Venus sign, doesn’t matter if is fire or air sign. When they love someone, but only if they truly love them, there is nothing that can change their mind about the way how they feel for that person, really ride or die experience. Sometimes things can get a little toxic if you don’t give them the same amount of attention and time as the beginning. ♉️♌️♏️♒️
• I have never ever seen a Taurus Moon that doesn’t love and want luxury things in their life. Their sense of secure strongly depends of what is it in their bank account. 🤑For me this is the most goal oriented Moon sign, although they are such a sweet hearts and love to make biig presents for their loved ones, that’s their love language. 🫶 Imagine if the Moon is in 2nd house “double trouble” in a good way. 😁 But don’t let them fool you, sometimes buying expensive clothes, eating in nice restaurants or drinking the best wine in the list it’s just coping mechanism for something going on in their emotional life. So give them your support more often. ♉️🌖
~meafortuna 💙
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rosenbergamot · 3 months
Everyone is Trans???? (REAL NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
Grian is the only trans person on Hermitcraft.
He knows this as a complete and utter fact. He’s not lying about this, no matter how much he wishes he was-- and goodness, does he wish he was every damn day of his life. It’s lonely to be the only trans person on a server full of your dearest companions. 
It’s not even a horrible thing. He doesn’t trust them any less, doesn’t love them any less, but he sure is peeved about being surrounded by cis people all the time. When he wants to talk about his hips looking too wide today, or his top surgery scars not sitting right enough for him, or the way he’s so happy he can finally grow something of a beard, or how having long hair has gone from something dysphoric to something euphoric for him-- he just can’t! 
Because they won’t understand! And, sure, of course he can just tell them because they’re his friends and they care about him, but sometimes he doesn’t want to just be cared about. Sometimes he wants to be understood. Sometimes he doesn’t want to have to explain everything, going through the same tiring motions he’s gone over time and time again in his life. 
Can a guy not just want another trans person to complain to? Is it really so hard for that to be his reality? Is it really so much to ask?
He’s having a particularly annoying day today. His stupid jeans aren’t fitting correctly on his hips. Usually he’s not too angry about it. On days where he feels more feminine he likes that he has these hips, revels in the way clothes hug his curves, but right now he’s feeling just about as Man as one possibly could, and it’s making him want to rip apart his clothes because none of them fit right. 
He ends up in a pair of sweatpants that hide enough of himself so that he’s able to leave his base. The day outside is warmer than expected, beautiful and sunny, and he immediately regrets the large sweater and comfy sweatpants he had chosen to wear. The light glints off of the ocean, teasing him with its deep secrets that he will never be able to decipher. 
In the distance he can see the newest addition to Scar’s train-- the big snail that those pesky snails had built. It worries him that they can build things all of a sudden. Still, it’s not like he can do anything about it. You just have to accept that they’re going to do whatever they please and then they’ll tone it down. It seems they like to cause mayhem. He can’t really knock them for that. 
He unhooks Pluto from the post. He runs his hands through his mane, reveling in the coarse feeling. It takes his mind away from his body for a few seconds, lets him be completely and utterly still in a way that he often isn’t. Being so detail oriented and such a perfectionist can be hard on the psyche sometimes, especially when that energy is directed towards your body. 
You might as well roll his boulder and call him Sisyphus because he’s… uh…
He’s having a rough go at it. 
Pluto whinnies as he stops petting him, nudges his hand with his snout. It’s time to go check the shopping district. Maybe do permit things. Ugh. 
The ride is uneventful. He smashes the glass to the permit office with his pickaxe, picks it back up and replaces it so that nobody gets any funny ideas. Don’t want them bothering him or anything of the sorts when he’s here. Having to work is his worst nightmare.
The office is as quiet as it is dark. He sighs so loud it fills up the space. He freshens up the light, makes sure that the sign telling people the door is out of order is in place, and then moves behind the filing cabinets, taking a look at his uniform that sits there.
Usually he likes how it fits. It’s tight, accentuating his flat chest and his curves. He likes it that way. Not today though. 
Today he’ll forgo the outfit. It’s not like anyone is going to come in, anyways.
Twenty minutes later and he was very wrong. Someone is digging underneath the building, muttering to themselves, and Grian guesses who it is before he even pops his head in. 
Of course Scar of all people needs help with permits today. He’s always looking for any chance he gets to bother Grian into doing work. He puts down his book, eyes him with an anger that he knows feels inappropriate even for him. Sue him, he’s having a bad day.
“Grian!” Scar’s voice is louder than he remembered. He’s got specks of dirt on his face. 
He shoves his shovel into the dirt, leans on it, falls over a little bit as it teeters, tries to right himself, ends up just knocking the shovel over instead, stands up straight, puts his hands behind his back. Stops. Coughs. Smiles. Continues yapping.
“It’s so lovely to see you here! It’s such a coinkidink that fate would put the both of us here! In the permit office! At the same time! Almost as if we’re destined to meet here and do paperwork together and-- and help me with my permit so that I can actually do something as a zoo keeper…” His voice is quieter at the end. Grian pretends not to hear it. 
“Scar.” He greets flatly. “What do you want?” 
Disregarding his ire, Scar saunters up to him. “Oh, well, nothing too bad, G, nothing at all! I wouldn’t dream of making you work or anything-- um…” He stops suddenly. He opens his mouth. He closes it, looking him up and down. If a visual question mark could appear over a person’s head, it absolutely would in this moment. “You’re not dressed up in your-- your little… office uniform! Your little suit! Where’s your clip-on tie, Grian?”
Ugh. “Office Grian is out of the building today.”
That does not do anything to quell Scar’s confusion. His big ol’ eyes look wet and pathetic as he stares at him. “B-B-B-B-But… how am I supposed to get help with my form if office Grian isn’t here?”
“You’re just gonna have to deal with good ol’ regular Grian today.” 
He loves Scar beyond words-- really, it drains him how much he loves this man-- but today is not the day for him. He can feel his energy departing out of his body already. He was going to try and stick it out for a while today. It looks like plans are changing swiftly.
“Is regular Grian as know-- legible. Knoll… knowledge…” He hums, goes down a different path. “Do you know how to do the form? Because I need some serious help, G.” 
He drags a hand down his face. It’s sweaty. “Office Grian doesn’t even know how to do the form, Scar.” 
“What?!” This is genuine surprise from him. “So you’re tellin’ me that this form is all… all…”
“Bullshit?” He finishes the sentence for him. “Yeah. Pretty much.” His head is starting to hurt. “Ugh. Look, Scar, I’m not feeling good today, so maybe we can leave this for another day?”
The humour drops from Scar’s face. It leaves genuine concern. “Yeah-- I mean, no worries. Of course. Of course! Do you… uh, do you need-- need anything? Want to… talk about it?” 
It’s tentative. An olive branch. Scar is a very kind guy. A genuinely nice person. He thinks he’s perhaps caught him off guard with how open he’s being right now. It leaves him quiet and thoughtful. 
When the smile is off of Scar’s face one can really appreciate the way he looks. It’s not like his smile isn’t beautiful-- because it is, it’s moreso that this stillness is rare for him, moments of calm few and far between his cheesy one-liners and fake grins, and so when one is awarded this sight it feels disarming. 
He often forgets how beautiful Scar is. He thinks about how handsome he is on the daily, a fact which he divulges to nobody but himself, achingly aware of it everytime he sees him. Yet he misses how pretty he is. It makes his heart hurt.  
“Um.” He says as he snaps himself out of his… state. With nothing else to say, he just goes, “okay?” Y’know, like someone who wasn’t just staring deep into their friend’s eyes and remarking on how gorgeous they are. Like a smart and normal person. He grins to try and make it look extra convincing.
Scar’s face immediately screws up into worry. It was not convincing. 
“Ohhhh, god. Who are you and what have you done with Grian? I-I-I-I’m scared! You actually want to talk about it? What kind of sorcery is this?”
The bit of humour grounds him. He snorts. “Scar, don’t make me regret my choice.”
That shocks him into movement. His friend’s head whips around, eyes looking for something. He runs around the office wildly, tripping over his untied shoelaces, ignoring his squawk of “tie your shoes Scar!”, and comes back with two chairs. He sets them down in front of the desk, patting the other one. When Grian doesn’t move he pats it again, more insistent. Finally he acquiesces, leaving the comfort of the desk and sitting across from Scar. 
“So!” His voice is far too cheery. His smile is straining at the edges. He’s out of his element right now, Grian realizes. And it’s because he always has to fight to get these talks out of Grian. It’s like pulling tooth and nail sometimes. And here he is, just ready to… to bare it all. 
Oh, god. He’s going to talk to him. About his problems. And his body. 
He suddenly feels sick.
“I think I may throw up.” 
Scar’s smile falls. “What?” 
He splays his upper body across the desk. His stomach is doing flips. “This. This is going to kill me, Scar. Do you understand?” 
“I am going to die a painful death, Scar, and it’s all because you made me talk about my… my feelings!” He makes a throwing up sound. 
“Now you-- you just wait a second, mister!” Scar leans forward so that he can poke him in the shoulder. “I didn’t make you do anything-- in fact you agreed to it! So let me hear it, Gri, or I-I swear I’m gonna… I’m gonna! I’m gonna send those stupid snails back over to you and make them eat your mending book right in front of your eyes!”
He gasps. “You wouldn’t.”
An mhm. A nod. “Ohhh, I would. Don’t you test me now!” 
He’s seen enough fish in the short span they’ve been in this season to know that, in his shock, his mouth is opening and closing like one. It takes all his resolve to not run out of the building and leave this stupid place behind. Sure, Scar may try and follow him, but he’s fast-- surely he can outrun him! It… it wouldn’t be too hard! He can do it!
The energy leaves him in one fell swoop as the silence drags on and Scar only seems to get more worried about him. Finally, he looks away.
“I feel alone…” he bites out. It’s like chewing glass. 
“Oh?” Scar is interested. That’s him telling him to continue. 
The proverbial glass on his tongue and teeth cut up his mouth and bleed the truth out of him. “I have… a particular problem that nobody else on the server can relate to.”
“Is it an avian thing?” He scratches his head. “Y’know, I know that Pearl isn’t exactly an avian herself, but she may be able to help you out. Or-- hey! Jimmy is an avian! We can message him?” 
He’s earnest. So earnest. He grits his teeth. “It’s not. An avian thing.” 
That makes Scar stop. “Is it… is it a them thing?”
Them. Neither of them need to say their names to know. 
“God-- no. No. Thank goodness.” In his stress, he begins to pull at his hair, his wings ruffling. “I just. God. Scar, I can’t believe you don’t know. We’ve spent…” lives together. Lived and died together. Stuck by each other’s sides when no one else would. Hurt each other but mostly just loved each other. “We’ve spent time together.” 
“We sure have! I-- I, uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about, though.” 
“Have you ever looked at me when I’m shirtless?” He just decides to bite the bullet. 
Scar’s jaw drops. His face begins to turn a shade of red he didn’t think was possible. He looks away, fiddling with the brim of his hat. “No, no-- no! No way. Noooo way. Never, G-- never! I would. Never.” 
“Why are you so--? Look, nevermind! Scar, I-I’m different from everyone else and it’s not because of them and it’s not because I’m an avian.”
“You’re gonna have to spell it out for me.” He’s still not looking at him. Did that really embarrass him so much? That… that means many things that he just does not have the brain to dissect right now. 
“I’m not cis.” Is all he can really say. 
It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. 
“You’re…” Scar’s finger wobbles as he points at him. His jaw is back to being on the fucking floor. 
For a second, Grian thinks he’s just fucked up the entire thing they have going on. Scar is going to leave him. He’s going to hate him and he’s going to tell everyone and it’s going to ruin his life. Poppies and lilacs will mean nothing to them anymore. 
But then Scar starts to smile. He wiggles his fingers, bouncing in his seat. “Ooooh, Grian! Grian, I had no idea! What the heck?” His laugh is a little intense considering the information just given. Dread leaks out of his body and is replaced by confusion. Scar is still laughing. “What the heck?! You mean to tell me we could have been bondin’ even more? How-- how the heck did I not notice that?”
“What…?” His voice cracks. 
Firmly, Scar points at him. “Hold on, how the heck did you not notice this?!” He points to his own chest.
“Scar, what on Earth are you talking about?” 
With little care for much of… anything, really, Scar rips his own shirt open, the buttons flying off and skittering across the floor. He points aggressively at two thick scars underneath his pecs. They pucker at the end, pulling skin taut against his ribs. He’d recognize something like that anywhere. 
It’s Grian’s turn for his jaw to drop. “W-What? You… wait-- what? You… I-- Scar, put your shirt back on!” 
“The shirt is gone, Grian,” he says with faux seriousness. “You’re just gonna have to deal with this right now.”
He’s trying very hard not to stare at Scar’s chest. He is fighting a losing battle. 
“Nevermind that, though-- how the heck did you not notice these scars? They’re gigantic, Grian! Biggest ones I’ve got on my-- my whole… whole area!” He gestures vaguely to his body.
“Your torso?” He sighs. “I don’t know, Scar, I guess I don’t make it a habit to look at your pecs?”
That answer seems to displease him greatly. “Well, I can’t see why not, my pecs are amayzin’.” 
You know what… “Sure, Scar. Sure they are.” 
He beams at him. “You’re welcome to stare at them anytime, Grian!”
His ears are getting warm. Stupid Scar. “It’s nice to know I’m not alone on here.”
To Scar this seems like a joke. He laughs. When Grian doesn’t laugh too, he stops. Stares at him. Squints at him. “You-- you weren’t ever alone, Grian.”
“I didn’t know that you were also trans!” He argues, feeling his back start to rise. 
“No-- no, I mean… jeez, Grian, I don’t think I know a single cis person on this server. In fact, MIster, I thought you were the only one we had-- until now, of course!” 
“Actually I think Skizzy Wizzy is cis! Or-- or maybe he’s not…” He furrows his brows. “Ah, whatever, point is: you’re surrounded by trans people whether you like it or not, mister!”
“Why would I dislike it?” It still doesn’t feel real to him. If he weren’t sitting down he would have to sit down again. As it stands (or sits, he supposes) he just sinks lower into his chair. “I can’t believe this. I’ve been-- I’ve been stewing for years! Wait-- Mumbo?!”
“Yep!” He pops the ‘p’, grinning wildly. It makes Grian start to laugh. That makes Scar start to laugh. In a very sweet moment that turns very sobering very quickly, Scar takes his hand, squeezes it as if he’s squeezing one of those grip testing machines-- ow! “Now you don’t have to hide it, G. Isn’t that amayzin’?” 
The contact makes his head start to spin. “You’re crushing my hand, Scar.”
“Whoops!” He lets go, blushing. “Sorry, sometimes I don’t even know my own strength!” 
“Yeah, yeah… anyways, what was that about you definitely not staring at my chest earlier?”
Scar runs out of the building so fast you would swear he had somewhere to be. 
Which is good enough for Grian, because that means he doesn’t have to put an ounce of work in today! He puts down his ‘Gone Fishin’ sign, repairs the hole left by Scar, and then leaves the building. He feels lighter than he’s ever felt before.
So it turns out he was wrong. He’s never been so glad to be so wrong. 
(read it on ao3 here! <3)
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oomisluvr · 10 months
No Caller ID
Your job at The Agency was simple. In fact, there was only one rule: Don’t lose track of your field agent. Unfortunately for you, Agent K is a difficult man to find.
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warnings: agent!sakusa x handler!reader, international espionage, i was going for a james bond vibe, no graphic violence but there is a teeny bit of violence, hq! cameos that aren’t important to the story but i thought were fun to include, open ending i think, flirting (???), honestly freeform, i wrote this in 1 sitting lol, sfw, 1.8k words!
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You’re on a date the first time he calls you. 
The guy you’re out with is nice. Doesn’t interrupt you. Asks about your day. Laughs at all your jokes and pretends not to look down your shirt while the two of you eat. He works in IT, so you know he’s fairly well-off, too. 
It’s too bad this is just to keep up appearances.
Your phone rings with no caller ID and you have to stop your eyes from bulging out of your head. In this line of work, it’s best to keep personal calls separate from ongoing projects. For organization reasons. For safety precautions.
It’s for this reason that you have two cell phones. The first is for private calls, to keep up with the life your current alibi would be living. The second phone is for The Agency.
And you’ve never received a call from your second phone before.
You excuse yourself from the table with a practiced smile, adjusting your clothing as you stand. Your date nods. Understanding, as expected. He didn’t notice that you took your purse with you. He must think you’re coming back.
Exiting the restaurant, you pick up the phone with a nervous hand, unsure of what to expect, “This is Pluto speaking.”
“Pluto? Who the fuck is that?” A man’s voice grunts, panting loudly and very obviously out of breath, “What happened to Rin?” 
You clear your throat, “Rin has since left The Agency. I’m Pluto, his replacement.”
“That bastard. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding–” Sharp pops echo through the speaker. Possibly gunshots. The cursing that follows suggests that those were most likely gunshots. Everything is so loud.
“Agent K, if you’re requesting for backup, I can send over the twins–”
“Absolutely not. No backup, especially not from them.” Based on proximity, you can tell it’s K who fires next. Two quick rounds, followed by two dull thuds. Bullseye? “Everything is under control. Get me to Croatia before midnight tomorrow.”
The call ends.
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The second time he calls you is to complain about the first time.
You defend yourself with all the aggression of a caged circus bear.
K quickly learns not to complain about your work.
Two months pass. 
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Your job at The Agency was simple.
Fortunately, there was only one rule: Don’t lose track of your field agent.
Unfortunately for you, Agent K is a difficult man to find.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up!” You scream into the phone. You’ve combed through the security feeds of every private business, traffic cam, and ATM machine, but still no sight of him.
The ringing stops, an easy voice floating through the phone, “Hello?”
“Why the fuck aren’t you in Buenos Aires?” You all but yell, “I’ve been searching for you for hours.” It’s silent on the other end of the receiver. You continue your verbal assault, “Are you even in Argentina? In South America at all?”
K snorts. “Where do you think I am?”
You’re furious, “How did you leave the airport without me knowing? I booked your tickets myself. I made the passport you’re using–”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cuts you off, “Do you really want to know where I am?”
His tone calms you, just long enough to answer, “Yes.”
“A baby shower.”
“A… baby shower?” You repeat dumbly.
“Well, I’m not physically at the baby shower, that would be a breach of contract. I’m sitting in an unmarked car, about 100 feet from the festivities. Watching my little sister open her gifts. She doesn’t even know I’m here.” He sighs, and it’s so different from anything else you’ve heard from him. “Nobody does.”
People who do what K does rarely ever have families. Alive, that is. You wonder how old he was when he left home, if his parents know what he does for a living. If they even know he’s alive. 
Instead you ask, “Will you be having a niece or a nephew?”
He chuckles to himself, but it’s humorless. Empty. “That’s what I’m waiting to find out. I think the reveal is after they cut the cake. My sister is greedy enough to make everyone wait.”
You’re silent for a moment, at a genuine loss of words. The silence feels comfortable, and whether you’d like to admit it or not, you’ve gotten attached to Agent K. Fond, even. Just knowing he’s on the other end of the line, alive and breathing and not being shot at, gives you an enormous sense of relief.
You stare into the monitors ahead of you, at the sheer number of tabs you’ve opened, the energy you expended to make sure he’s safe.
“How did you get into this line of work?”
“Yes,” you can hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice, “You.” 
Nobody has ever asked you that. Nobody is allowed to ask that, you think. “I had an internship the summer after I graduated. My boss at the time has some sort of connection to The Agency. She said I should apply and that she’d put in a good word. My interview was the next day, and I was officially hired by the end of the month.”
It’s silent for a beat, “You do realize you failed the test, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“You aren’t supposed to divulge any personal information to me or any other agents,” He quips, “Especially not any information regarding The Agency.”
“Well,” You start, “You aren’t supposed to run away from missions and lie to your handler about where you are!”
K laughs. An actual laugh. “Touche. Though I’m not running away from anything. This is simply… a brief layover.”
“Whatever. I’ve already booked you a flight from Hyogo to Buenos Aires.”
“You’re sharp, Pluto.” There’s pleasant surprise in his voice, and pride flares in your veins at having caught him off guard, “How’d you know I was in Japan?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You repeat his own words back to him, “Your flight leaves at 8:30PM, Japan Standard Time. Think you can make it by then?”
“Yes, ma’am.” K huffs, “Is that all?”
“Yeah,” you say, “And I’ll be sure not to include this ‘brief layover’ in my reports.”
“Thank you.” He says, and you can tell it’s genuine. For a moment, you feel appreciated, before he adds, “And from now on, please refrain from using fishing boats as a means of escape.”
“Give me enough of a heads up and I won’t have to.” You fight back a smile, recalling your first encounter, and the angry call you got 16 hours later, “But if you ever lie to me again about where you are, I’m leaving you stranded.” It’s a lie. In reality, if it came between you and him, you’re the expendable one. 
“Deal.” He confirms, ��Oh, and, Pluto?”
“It seems like I’ll be having a niece.”
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These days, your phone never stops ringing. Your second phone, that is.
“Where are you?” He preens through the phone. It’s the last question you’re expecting. You’re at a cocktail dinner for your job. The fake one. The one that The Agency placed you at to keep up appearances.
“Company dinner. Is there anything I can help you with?”
You’ve leaned over the balcony, nursing something with too much sugar and not enough alcohol. The venue is beautiful, probably some millionaire’s summer home, resting on a lavish hill and overlooking the ocean. The party blazes loudly behind you, a stark contrast to the stillness of the sea.
“Yeah. There is, actually.” He decides, “What are you wearing?”
“Excuse me?”
“Your clothes.” His voice is so smooth, sentences dancing off his tongue like a lullaby. “You’re wearing a purple dress, right? Say, is that silk?”
Your breath catches in your throat, your body suddenly alert at the implication of being watched, “Yes,” you find your voice again, making subtle movements to analyze your surroundings, “It was my mother’s.”
He hums, and part of you can hear a smirk in his voice, “Thought so.”
It bothers you that you’ve no clue what he looks like. How many times have you run into him without knowing? K was one of the most talented of this generation, able to adopt and shed identities as if they were clothing, able to blend into any crowd at any time, more dangerous than any traditional weapon. How many times has he been a friendly face on the street, a shadowy figure at the bar, and you simply had no idea?
“On your left.”
A man approaches you, dressed handsomely in a well-tailored suit. Shaggy orange hair falls into his bright eyes. His footsteps are quiet, practiced, holding a corsage in his right hand. 
Without sparing a moment, he transfers the flowers from his grasp to yours before spinning on his heels and disappearing into the crowd once again. Your words die in the back of your throat.
The corsage is simple, but pretty. Purple petals to compliment your dress. Tied around it is a small gift box. You return your attention to the phone, “What’s this?”
“A thank you.” He says, “And an apology. And something else. Open it.”
You do. It’s a cartier bracelet, thousands of dollars worth of gold. You flip it over to find your name engraved into the metal. Your real name. You gasp.
“Congratulations on the promotion.” He says your name so differently than anyone has ever said it. You trace the letters in your palm, just faint enough that only you would notice. Just faint enough that you could keep it, and not have it jeopardize your position.
“Just doing my job.” You conveniently left out that the company celebration was for you. Well, you and the five other people who received promotions this quarter. Of course K would find out.
”Don’t get smart with me,” He groans, “But consider it an apology as well. I would have loved to be there with you tonight. You’re brilliant, and I’m lucky to have you on my team.”
You idly watch the yachts float by, some illuminated with neon lights, and some brightened with floodlights. If you squint, you can make out the fishing boat just barely kissing the shore. And the shadowy figure perched upon it.
“Don’t feel bad,” You hum, “Something tells me you aren’t too far off.”
“Goodnight, Pluto.”
“Goodnight, K.”
The call ends. 
You clip the corsage around your wrist and return to the party.
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i though this would be a fun little story! ok bye love as always, niko ♡
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations🤍
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Please do not repost my work on any other social media platforms.🤍
In synastry, if you have no ‘typical’ attraction indicators, but you still feel a strong attraction towards someone, you want to look at the rulers of your 5th and 8th houses (7th can apply too). If the rulers of your 5th, 7th, or 8th houses are making significant aspects to the other persons personal planets, you will likely feel an attraction towards them. I have also found that the asteroids Juno, Eros, & Lilith can also account for an attraction between two people who don’t seem to have major Venus & Mars contacts in synastry.
It’s not uncommon to move homes in a year in which your solar return Ascendant is the same as your natal 4th house cusp. For example, let’s say you have Taurus on your natal 4th house cusp, and your upcoming solar return ascendant is in Taurus: a move may be in store for you, or perhaps you will be spending more time at home or with family.
Speaking of family, if you have the ruler of your 4th house placed in your 10th, you may come from a family that is well-known. Alternatively, there may be an event that occurs in your family life that becomes public knowledge or highly publicized. With this placement, your home, family-life, career & reputation are closely intertwined.
It’s so interesting because every time I have met a significant romantic partner, I had planets transiting my 5th and 7th houses. The Sun & Venus were the most significant when it came to meeting a potential partner. I am a heterosexual female, and thus the Sun transiting my 7th house represented a significant male (with romantic potential since it is the 7th house) entering my life. We All know Venus represents love, values, finances, and relationships in general.
People with Saturn in the 3rd, tend to have really good memory. These people are extremely observant and they often remember small details about people, places, and things.
Venus square Saturn or Uranus in a composite chart often points to an “on &off-again” relationship. Although these relationships tend to go on for years, I have ultimately found that many of them are not “meant to be”. This is often the relationship/person that took you a while to move on from.
A Leo rising in a composite chart can indicate that you and your partner met whilst participating in a hobby or in an atmosphere that values creativity, art & fun. Alternatively, you two may be well-known as a couple or most people know that you are in a relationship with each other.
Gemini On the 5th house cusp often points to a person who has many different interests and hobbies. This is a person who enjoys singing, working out, designing clothes etc… they truly enjoy it all.
Leo midheavens liked to be admired. It sounds “cliché” but it’s true. They want to be widely known as successful and competent. Although, Leo is a sign that’s associated with fame, having a Leo midheaven doesn’t guarantee fame. Nevertheless, as a Leo midheaven you want to leave this earth knowing that you did something significant with your life.
Transit squares from Pluto or Saturn to your Natal Sun or Moon, are probably going to be the most difficult times in your life (emotionally & identity wise). I’ve said this before, but these transits are not easy at all, and they cause you to reflect on your relationships, YOURSELF, and where you intend to go with your life. This transit is exacerbated if transit Pluto or Saturn is squaring your Sun or Moon from your 6th, 8th, or 12th house.
People who have Scorpio in the 1st house or on the 6th house cusp are more likely to experience “extreme” changes in their weight/physical appearance as they navigate through life. This is not necessarily something that should be feared as it can manifest in many different ways. For instance, someone who has Scorpio on the 6th may have been overweight their entire life, but decide they want to start going to the gym. 2 years down the line they’ve fallen in love with working out, and look completely different to how they did when they first started exercising. For others, a health situation may cause sudden or extreme weight/physical changes. This is because the 6th house represents our physical health & Scorpio is a sign that symbolizes transformation, healing & crises.
If you travel a lot, you would benefit from looking at your relocation chart for the location you travelled to. This is more suitable for people who will be in that location for an extended period of time. For example, let’s say you go & study abroad. This is different to astrocartography as the relocated chart will show you how you will behave in that new location & how you will be perceived by others. Whereas, I personally believe that astrocartography shows us how external influences will shape our experiences in that particular location.
Mars is currently in retrograde in Gemini, and it will stay there until January 12th 2023. (Please note that it will then go direct and only leave Gemini in March of 2023). Sagittarius risings you have Mars retrograde transiting your 7th house. Be careful of the potential tendency to become quarrelsome with your romantic or business partner! Mars retrograde can indicate where you will be devoting a lot of your energy & drive. However, it can also represent the area of life in which conflicts are likely to arise. For Aquarius Risings, old flings are likely to reappear at this time. You’re also going to want to focus a lot of your hobbies and interests. If you have children, they may be more difficult or energetic than usual during this time. Virgo risings, your career will be your focus over the next few months. Be careful as coming across as too “pushy” or aggressive in the public eye. Advancement is great, but be careful of stepping on too many toes on your way to the top. Gemini Risings, you are likely feeling very energetic at this moment. Many of you may resist restlessness or stagnation right now. Starting a new exercise regimen is also a possibility. Be careful of the potential tendency to let your temper get the better of you during this transit. (I will do the remaining zodiac signs in my next post).
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Pushing the Barrier ( Eddie X Reader) 
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A/N: So this one needs some explanation. Idk why it popped in my head but lol there's a movie I like with Cillian Murphy called Breakfast on Pluto. There's a scene in that movie where his character works at a strip club in Ireland but instead of being like a normal style strip club there are rooms that are cut in half. On one side is a glass case where she sits on a swing and talks to the men that come in. They can see her but she can't see them. That was my inspiration for where Eddie working in this one. There are other movies that have places like this but I love that one and Cillian Murphy is always a win lol I did set this in New York because I didn't think Hawkins would have a place like this.
Warnings: I am classifying this as Stripper Eddie even though he doesn't dance. Lol. Reader is unhappily married. A bit of angst here with much pining. Some smut for sure. I would like to make more parts to this and explore this a bit more but only if you guys like it. I definitely enjoyed writing it.
Word Count: 3196
You hugged your arms around you as you walked down the wet streets of New York. You and your husband had gotten into another fight when he came home late from work for the third time that week. 
“You said you would be home three hours ago! We were going to go out for dinner and finally spend some time together!”
“Y/N, I don’t know what you want from me. I work! Do you like this apartment and these fancy fucking clothes?! Someone has to work for them, babe.”
“Oh, fuck you and your self-righteous bullshit. I work and I buy my own clothes.”, you gesture at the dress you were wearing, “Just because you bought me this doesn’t mean you pay for my wardrobe!”
He stomped out of the apartment then and a few moments later so did you. You couldn’t stand to be there by yourself any longer. You roamed aimlessly for a while before the rain started coming down heavily. 
“Fuck!”, you exclaim, quickly dashing into the nearest building. 
“Whoa! It’s really coming down out there.” A tall, beautiful woman greets you with a beautiful smile as she hands you a towel from behind her counter. 
“Oh. Thank you. Yeah, it is.”
“Are you alright? You look like you’ve had a rough night.”
“I’m okay. Just…marital disputes.”
She chuckles to herself. “I understand that my dear. After my second divorce I said, ‘Never again!’. Then fate led me here.” She sweeps her hand around the building. “Maybe it’s just what you need as well.”
You finally take a good look around, squinting at the pictures of half-naked men and women on framed up on her walls. The signs on her desk had prices for set times of “shows” and thick binder of filled with people who were available to be viewed. 
“Um, I’m not really into this.”
She laughs again as she leans her back against the wall. “Now I know what you’re thinking. I’m not really into that kind of thing either but everyone is different. This isn’t a regular ‘stripper’ style joint I run. Yes, some people want them to get naked and dance sexily. Some people just want to sit and talk. Whether it’s dirty talk or regular conversation is completely up to the client.” She scans over your apprehensive face. 
“You know what? You’re first round is on me and I think I have the perfect gentleman for you.” The woman reaches for your arm and starts guiding you through the curtain behind her counter, down a long hallway. 
“Miss, I can’t—”
“Oh, come on. It is pouring and I’m not going to send you back out into that.” She stops outside of a door and turns to you. “Now here’s how it works. It will just be you and him. He will be behind the glass but it’s two way so you can see him but he can’t see you unless you want him to. I usually charge per hour but since this is free take all the time you need. When you’re done just exit and leave through that back door over there. We pride ourselves on privacy.”
She winks before opening the door and practically shoving you inside. 
“Fucking hell! No need to be so aggressive.”
“Mira can be a little rough, can’t she?” 
You turn around to the sound of a male voice chuckling behind you. The only light illuminating the room is the dim pink neon bulbs lining the ceiling and the massive stage style light in the glass cube in front of you. 
There’s a man behind its walls sitting in gigantic thrown style chair, strumming at a guitar. His long, wavy hair hung down to his shoulders and a gorgeous smile was currently stretched across his face. He tapped his bare foot against the floor as he played his instrument that was leaning on his shirtless chest. You could vaguely make out the tattoos along his body. His legs were still covered with his jeans, making you wonder if his ink on his skin trailed below his waist. 
“Whoa. I didn’t lose you now, did I?”
“Um, no. Hey. I mean hi.” You clear your throat, stammering over your words as you sit in the recliner style chair. “Can you…can you really not see me?”
His smile grows as he shakes his head. “Nope. I can just see myself. Thank God I’m so damn good looking.”
A genuine laugh escapes you as you cover your mouth to stifle it. It had been a while since anyone made you laugh like that. 
“Aw, no Sweetheart. Don’t cover up that giggle. It’s cute.” He leans back in his seat getting more comfortable. “Can I ask what your name is?”
“That’s a pretty name.”
“Mhmm. I bet you say that to everyone.” He playfully scoffs at your response. “Am I allowed to ask for your name?”
“You can ask me anything you want. I’m here for you. My name is Eddie.”
“Like Iron Maiden.” Eddie’s fingers freeze as he looks up at the glass in front of him. “That’s their mascot, right? The guy on all their tape covers. 
He set the guitar down to the side. “I have never met a woman who knew that.” Eddie’s head tilts to the side as his eyes continue to scan in front of him. “Wow. I’ve also never hated having this glass blocking me before either.”
“The lady said you couldn’t see me unless I wanted you to. There’s nothing you can do?”
He shakes his head again as he stands up, walking forward. His long, index finger points somewhere towards his left. “There’s a switch over there that can flip off the settings and allow me to see you. As you can imagine a lot of people prefer to remain hidden.”
“So, you do do other things besides just talking and playing guitar?”
A coy smile spreads across his lips as he sits back down in his chair. “I’m here for your pleasure.” Eddie takes note that you don’t continue by playing on his words like his other clients usually do. “Y/N? Can I ask something else?”
You nod before you realize he can’t see it. “Sure. You can ask me anything.”
“Why are you here? Not that I don’t like your company but this doesn’t feel like your usual scene.”
“It’s storming outside and I needed a place to hide so I ran into the nearest building. I had no idea what this place was.”
“Why were you walking around outside so late at night?”
“My husband and I got into a fight.” Eddie leans forward waiting for you to continue. “We were supposed to go out for dinner but he said he was working late. He’s always working late.” You get up from your seat and start pacing the tiny room. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. That sounds lonely.”
“I just didn’t want to be in the apartment by myself right now.”
Eddie rises again crawling down on the floor towards the front of his chamber. He crosses his legs, staring at the void that is his reflection. “Do you really believe he’s at work?”
“Of course! He’s a businessman. Where else would he be?”
“Hey now, Princess. I’m just asking questions.” He holds up his palms in defense. “I only meant that even if I was president, if I had a dinner date with you, I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Yeah well, you’re a stripper or whatever the fuck this is so you wouldn’t understand, would you?”
Eddie’s eyes fell and you immediately regretted getting defensive. You walk toward him and lightly tap on the glass. His head comes up as his gaze meets the sound. You knock on it again as he crawls forward, pressing his hand up against it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Don’t worry about it. This?”, he gestures towards the room. “I do this for the money and its good money. Yeah, sometimes I jack off for strangers or just take off my clothes while they say dirty shit but I’m not going to do this forever.”
You reach up pressing your palm against his outside the glass. At that moment, you wish you could touch him. You wished you could feel his arms wrap around you and taste those beautiful lips against yours. He seemed so vulnerable in that moment you wanted to do whatever you could to make him feel better. Whether that meant going to dinner or riding him until he came inside you, you weren’t sure. 
That’s when the guilt started taking over. You were married! You shouldn’t be thinking like this. This was wrong. 
“Eddie, I’m, um, I’m sorry I have to go.” You quickly began gathering your things. 
“Wait, Y/N, you don’t have to—”
The sound of the slammed door cut him off as you ran down the hallway and out the back door. 
“Y/N!” Your husband’s aggressive tone snaps you back into reality. 
“For the love of God, yes?!”
“I’m talking to you here. Are you listening?” 
That following Saturday, you husband tried to apologize to you by taking you out to dinner. You were hoping for a more romantic setting but this in and out style place was fine. At least he was actually there with you and not at the office. 
“I’m listening, honey. I hear you.”
You glance around the restaurant as he goes on about some mundane office gossip. The door to the building dinged as it was opened and someone rushed inside, wiping his boots against the mat before walking further in. 
Your brain froze as you watched him move. Your first instinct was to hide before you remembered he hadn’t seen your face that night. Seeing him outside of that glass case was so surreal. 
“Are you finished? I am. Why don’t you wait here while I go pay.”
“No! I mean, no. I’ll stand with you.” His eyebrows come together as you smile him. 
Your eyes drink him in as you and your husband wait behind Eddie to pay. His hair was down and slightly frizzy from the rain outside. His leather jacket and blue jean vest rested on his broad shoulders perfectly, making your mouth water. The blue jeans were more or less the same that he had on before except for the chain that hung below his pocket and the studded belt that wrapped around his waist. 
He turned around suddenly smacking chest first into you. 
“Whoa! Sweetheart, I am so sorry.” Hearing his voice so crystal clear reverberated through your body down to you core. His cologne hit your nostrils, making you wish you could lay your head against his chest all day. 
“Hey guy! Watch where you are going!” Your husband shouts, pulling you to the side. 
“Yeah, like I said. I’m really sorry. Just trying to get some food and get to work.” Eddie’s eyes flick to your own. “I’m sorry.” Before you can respond, he quickly shuffles out the door. 
“Ahhhh Y/N! Good to see you again.” Mira smiles as you cautiously enter the building. “I must say, I didn’t think you’d be coming back.”
“I, um, is Eddie here?”
Her eyes playfully squint in your direction. “He was that good huh? Yup, Eddie is here and he is available but no free rides this time. I will have to charge you.” 
You hand her some cash before she beams over at you, grabbing your hand, and guiding you down that familiar hallway. This time you open the door and walk right in. 
You let out a thankful sigh when you see him sitting in his usual chair. Tonight, he was just wearing some blue boxers as he leaned back, heavy eyes staring ahead of him at the glass. 
“You look exhausted.”
You watch as his eyes light up at the sound of your voice. “Y/N? Hey. I thought I lost you.”
“Naw. I’m not going to lie; you scared me a little bit last time.”
Eddie’s eyes flashed concern. “Did I come on to strong?”
“No but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m attracted to you.”
He smiles as he stands up, walking towards the glass. “It’s probably even weirder for me to say I’m attracted to you to.”
“You don’t know me.”
“I’d like to.” He eyes scan the lower part of the glass where he assumes you are. “I’ve been thinking about your voice all week. Imagining the lips that voice belongs to.” His grin widens when he hears a pleasurable sigh leave you. “What made you come back to me, Princess?”
“I saw you today. Outside.”
Eddie looks up towards the ceiling, trying to remember everywhere he had been that day. “Where?”
“I can’t tell you. You were very close to me though. You looked really handsome even with your frizzy, wet hair.” You giggle at him and he can’t help but bite his bottom lip at the sound. “It was kind of odd hearing your voice outside of here. You being so close that I could smell you.”
He sauntered closer till he was almost pressed up against the glass in front of him. “And how did that make you feel?”
You tapped the barrier between you and he glanced in that direction getting down on his knees. He couldn’t see it but he was almost face to face with you. You knock on it again causing him to smile as he knocks back.
“Tell me, baby. Please. I want to hear it.”
“Your voice sounded so beautiful. I felt my panties get wet listening to you.”
Eddie licked his lips as he swallowed down a moan. His palm came down to graze the growing tent in his boxers. “Is this ok?”, he whispers.
“Yeah, it’s ok.”
“Are, are you wet right now?”
You could have faked it. You could have told him you were without checking but it felt wrong in some way. EVERYTHING about this was wrong but you didn’t care at that moment. 
Reaching your fingers into your pants and past the waistband of your panties, you dip your fingers between your folds against your clit. 
“I am really fucking wet.” You both chuckle. 
Eddie pulls his cock out, spitting on his hand before stroking it onto himself. You groan at the sight of him, pressing your forehead against the wall as you watch him. You start rubbing fast circles into your swollen nub. 
His palm presses into the glass as he throws his head back in ecstasy. “Fuck. I wish I could see you.”
Opening your legs a bit wider, you push two fingers into your entrance. Eddie whimpers when he hears you moan. “Jesus, please tell me what you’re doing over there.”
“I’m fingering myself.”
“Mmmm. How many fingers?” He moans when you answer him, pumping his cock faster with his fist. “Is that all you can fit? Fuck. Just imagining my dick in that tight pussy. You whispering filthy words to me with that beautiful fucking voice.”
“Eddie.” Your hand slams up towards the window, meeting his own as you thrust you fingers into you aggressively. 
“That’s right, baby. Make yourself cum. Fuck I bet you look so fucking gorgeous right now.” 
His name continues to fall from your lips as the coil snaps and you feel yourself tighten around your fingers. You look up at him just in time to see his body shiver before ropes of his seed come out of his cock onto the floor in front of him. 
Eddie lifts his head and for a moment you think he can actually see you. You’re not sure if it’s something in his eyes or the endorphins coursing through your body but you reach over with your right hand flicking the switch on the cube. 
He blinks for a second, letting his eyes adjust before his gorgeous chocolate eyes land on yours. You see the recognition cross through his mind, remembering how he accidently ran into you today. 
Suddenly the lights in the room flash twice signaling the end of your hour. Mira’s voice drifts through an intercom above your head. 
“Alright, mama. Time is up. Eddie, I’m giving you one more client in 30minutes so be ready.”
You back away from the glass, looking away as you reach for your things. 
“Wait! No, no, no. Don’t leave.” He stands up quickly, pleading with his face. 
“I have to. I—”
The door abruptly opens as Mira gestures towards you. “Come on, Honey. I’d offer another hour but someone else came in.”
Eddie smacks the barrier with his hand. “Fuck off, Mira! Can’t you give them to someone else?”
“Oh, someone is feisty tonight.” She gives him a look before lightly pushing you out the door. You can hear the string of expletives leaving his mouth as you exit and head down the hallway. “Alright, baby. Come back again, ok?”
Once you’re outside, you finally allow yourself to breathe. You lean your back against the building as the tears start to flow. I’m so stupid. This is wrong and even if it wasn’t… What did I think was going to happen?
“Y/N!” Your head shoots up to see shirtless Eddie with jeans and untied boots running down the alleyway. You turn to leave but he’s quicker as he appears in front of you. “Wait. Please!” He places his hands on his waist as he pants. “Fuck, I really need to quit smoking.”
Your exasperated giggle makes him smile. “Your husband was the asshole who scolded me?” 
You sigh as you nod. “I’m sorry.” A shaky sigh leaves his own mouth at the sound of your voice outside of the room. “He can be a bit uptight.”
“I, uh, hope I didn’t come off like a jerk or anything. When I saw you in there…I just… you’re so beautiful.” 
You reach your fingers towards him, caressing his cheek. “This isn’t right. I should go home.”
“To be alone?”
Eddie’s arms fly forward, pulling you to him as his lips crash to yours. Your other hand comes up to his face, holding him to you. The taste of him was better than you imagined. 
“Eddie Munson!” Mira’s voice carries down the alley. Your mouth chases his as he pulls away. “I swear to God, if you don’t get back in there I will fire you!”
“I’m coming! Give me a god damn second!” 
Your hands glide down his chest as he turns his attention back to you. “You should get back in there.”
“Can I see you again?”
“Eddie, I don’t know…”
“Look, no pressure.” He reaches into his jeans and pulls out a small yellow flyer, handing it to you. “My band is playing here on Wednesday. You can come, hang out, listen to us play, and then after we can talk.”
His lips find yours again before receiving an answer. As he pulls away, his thumb traces your lips as he smiles. “It feels so good just to be able to touch you.” With that he turns on his heels, running back towards the front of the building. 
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lagoonalake · 4 months
Could you do Blackpink ideal types too please?
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Personality: 6 of swords, page of pentacles, the sun
I think Jisoo wants something different than what she had before. Probably she was attracted to more mature, powerful partners, but now she wants to feel connected to her inner child, she wants something more light-hearted, not too controlling, stable but not in a way that she’d feel trapped. She wants a sense of fun and to feel young again. Not that she’s old at all, but she may have felt like her youth has been wasted and now she wants to feel that joy with a partner who is not too complicated, funny, cute, here to help, humble. very radiant and easygoing. Could be younger than her or just have a youthful personality. virgo, leo, libra
Appearance: queen of swords, the hanged man, the high priestess
Someone who comes across as a bit cold, intimidating, closed off, who could even look a bit bored and detached, sleepy even. Someone mysterious, not easy to approach. Someone sophisticated, elegant, refined, nice clothes, regal. A bit snobbish. More traditionally beautiful. Clean cut. Thick hair. Well groomed. Lighter skintone.  capricorn, aquarius, saturn
Turn offs: 10 of wands, 8 of swords, 6 of cups
Someone who is working too much and has no time for her, who is always tired, who takes too much responsibilities, gives too much to others and not enough to her, and who does that out of insecurity, because they want others to love them, thank them. This kind of calculated, controlling behavior that mostly comes from ego. The kind who is going to do something nice for her and then ask for praise or feedback.  leo, pisces, cancer
Personality: page of cups, king of pentacles, 3 of swords
Someone who can be romantic, kind, sensitive and artistic, with a certain innocence, but also very stable, mature, well established, in control. With the 3 of swords, it’s possible that she rarely gets those two characteristics in one person, and she tends to be either with one or the other but is never really satisfied. The first type fulfills her emotionally, the second type makes her feel safe and protected. She needs to find someone who has both of these qualities. She could have a tendency to be involved in love triangles/forbidden romances or to be attracted to/attract tricksters or manipulators. water and earth signs, pluto
Appearance: ace of swords, 7 of wands, page of swords
Someone who looks combative, fierce, masculine, sexy and also a bit youthful and mischievous at the same time. Cute smile, someone who looks like he’s up to something, in this cute sassy way. expressive laugh. Almond shaped eyes. Thick eyebrows. Strong body, a nice torso especially. Someone who looks active, both in body and mind. Good posture. An aura of confidence. A more outdoorsy look and style. Alluring voice, eyes shining with mirth. mars, mercury, aries, gemini
Turn offs: the magician, 10 of pentacles, the world
Manipulative tricksters, people who are two faced, hypocrites, people who are overly friendly with her because they are interested in her money and status. And here again we have those very stable well established characteristics she is attracted to, but on its own she also finds it unattractive, as she also doesn’t want to be with someone only interested in money, overly concerned about their career, extremely practical with no room for emotions. gemini, mercury, virgo, capricorn
Personality: 7 of swords, the high priestess, knight of cups
She tends to be attracted to very romantic people who won’t hesitate to show their interest. People who are a bit mysterious, artistic, spiritual. On the surface they seem to have that romantic depth but she could also be attracted to tricksters, people who are not what they seem. People who try to impress her with their knowledge, very artistic, cultured, who knows a bunch of things about random and diverse topics. More feminine in essence, soft, affectionate type of energy, at least on the surface. Someone she can share, laugh and communicate with a lot.  pisces, neptune, gemini, aquarius
Appearance: death, 2 of pentacles, 10 of wands
The typical “emo” look, to put it simply. Rocker vibes. Dark features, maybe pale skin, but definitely a dark quality even if the colors aren’t dark. A messy kinda dirty sort of look. She can be attracted to people who look a bit weary or tired even. She doesn’t like a look that’s too clean. Ripped clothes. Tattoos. Longer messy hair. More skinny, or pronounced bone structure, hollow cheeks. Damiano David type of appearance.  scorpio, pisces, saturn 
Turn offs: king of pentacles, king of wands, 4 of swords
All those narcissistic powerful figures who don’t have much of a brain and only have their money, status and power to impress, but not any particular talent nor anything to say. People who are a bit dumb and shallow. Older people who are a bit boring but are interested in her because of her fame. I feel like she had to deal with those types a lot. negative taurus, leo, capricorn
Personality: 9 of cups, page of coins, 4 of cups
Someone very chill, possibly even a bit lazy? XD Someone youthful, who has a lot of comfort to offer, or just wants a peaceful lifestyle. Something comfortable and loving. Both the emotional connection and stability are important but especially the emotional connection. Slow kind of energy. Someone who doesn’t have much anxiety, is rather calm, happy. Who likes to enjoy all the good things in life. A bit self indulgent. Could be attracted to rich nepo babies who don’t have to do much and act a bit whiny at times (I literally have no idea if her current bf is that type of rich “son”, but this is what this spread is giving lol). Still a kind, loyal and somewhat sensitive person. jupiter, sagittarius, pisces, taurus
Appearance: queen of wands, 10 of wands, 5 of wands
Someone who could look like her a bit, or mirror her looks. Someone who looks important, impressive, maybe very tall, or simply because of who they are, she can show them off. Rather masculine. A bit of a haughty, cocky expression. Fierce looks. Ripped body, muscular. Victorious smile. Strong eyebrows. Confident posture, expressive.  mars, aries, sagittarius
Turn offs: 2 of cups, strength, queen of cups
Someone a bit corny and naive, overly romantic, she prefers a certain simplicity, and isn’t really interested in any whirlwind type of romance or that soulmate bs. XD Someone who is too controlled, too uptight, too disciplined, cold, distant. Always on the defensive or establishing a power struggle within the relationship. She just wants to chill. 
cancer, neptune, leo, capricorn
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elvensorceress · 1 year
Sunday sentences 💕
tagged by @rewritetheending @jacksadventuresinwriting @spotsandsocks @fiona-fififi @dickley-buddie @swiftiediaz @ebdaydreamer @lostinabuddiehaze @loveyourownsmiilee @alyxmastershipper @messyhairdiaz
tagging if you want to share something and haven’t already @shortsighted-owl @the-likesofus @ajunerose @blutterlie @babytrapperdiaz @jobairdxx @hippolotamus @monsterrae1 @lightningbuck @fleurdebeton @prettyboybuckley @swiftiebuckleys 💕
from chapter 13 (does this count as thirsty!Eddie? probably as close as it gets lol) Context-- Buck gave Eddie very normal not at all sexy massage because they’re just Roommates, and Eddie offered to return the favor. Buck turned him down and rushed to go take a shower. 🫢
When Buck returns to their room, freshly showered, soggy and steamy and flushed pink, and with a relaxed smile on his face as he sinks into the bed and closes his eyes. Eddie’s pretty sure he jerked off. At least 98% of the way sure. 
Buck usually likes to shower at night before bed and when they all quarantined together, there were nights he came to bed with a gooey, dopey smile and nights where he didn’t. Nights where he didn’t typically meant he was too exhausted to shower or his shower was super quick and perfunctory. 
Eddie doesn’t know for sure, but that was always his guess. 
And it’s fine. It doesn’t bother him. It’s normal. A lot of people would argue healthy as well. 
But there’s something unsettled in Eddie’s stomach, something aching in his chest. It kind of feels like rejection? Or maybe disappointment that he missed out? 
He doesn’t even know if or how he can participate in sex ever again, but what if he could have when Buck wanted that tonight? What if he could have been allowed to touch him and kiss him and bring him relief and relaxation and a flood of blissful feelings like what Buck did for him? What if Eddie could have wrapped around him and made him feel loved and cared for? 
He would have. 
God. Maybe he wants to. Maybe he really wants to and since when does that ever happen? 
But it’s just a fantasy, right? Sex has never been peaceful and blissful and more about love than anything else. Not really. Not for him. There were parts of it that were okay, that he enjoyed, but he’d probably panic or start feeling uncomfortable and pressured and he’d have to check out to Pluto or something if they actually tried anything. 
Besides. Could he really have sex with Buck knowing that Buck is everything and that Eddie needs him so badly he doesn’t even know how to handle those feelings, if all of it is just sex to Buck? Maybe Buck could want him for sex because he wants sex and loves it, needs it, but it doesn’t mean that he’d actually want Eddie for more than that. 
Buck reaches across the bed where Eddie is still sitting up against the headboard and brushes Eddie’s arm. “You okay, Eds? You still sore?”
“I’m okay.” He gets out of bed to find a shirt to sleep in but changes his mind and grabs a whole fresh set of clothes. “I’m going to shower, too.” There likely isn’t much hot water left, at least not for twenty to thirty minutes, but he can take a fast, two minute cold shower if he has to.
Buck nods sleepily and closes his eyes. And he’s falling asleep in Eddie’s bed. Not even Eddie’s anymore. It’s theirs. He’s warm and soft and his hair is damp, untamed curls and he smells like the jojoba and coconut body wash he found and brought home and raves about and he’s in their bed, and he’s all happy and relaxed from an orgasm, and Eddie could have done that for him. With him. He would have. 
Maybe he couldn’t have, but he would have tried? He wants to try and wants to have that and share that and this fucking never happens, and now he’s, what, jealous? That Buck touched himself when Eddie wanted to touch him? 
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the99thfanboy · 2 years
Things we forget about in The Big Bang Theory:
(Updated whenever I feel like it because I use the show for background stimulation and randomly tune in)
Howard Wolowitz has gay thoughts towards George Takei (don’t we all)
Zazzles the cat and his clowder of Manhattan Project bros
Both Sheldon and Amy like cats
Will Wheaton is a playful little ass (I love him)
He led a mob chasing after Sheldon and the guys when they stole the Indiana Jones reels from the theater
Sheldon calls Will’s Wesley Crusher the Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek universe
Howard and Raj have indeed kissed
Sheldon thinks Dick Grayson should be the one to take up the Batman mantle
Stuart thinks it should be Jason Todd
Sheldon, Raj, Howard, and Leonard slept naked together to keep their core body temperatures from plummeting during their North Pole study
Raj likes to think of it as a bonding moment
Penny went to see at least one of the Star Trek movies in theaters without the guys (they were on their North Pole study so she saw it on her own before they did)
Mary Cooper drinks Diet Pepsi but has a mild Dr Pepper addiction
Part of her prayers are for Leonard to get a girlfriend
Raj is scared of bugs
Leonard, Raj, and Howard once planned to ambush and loot a Boy Scout camp for food
When singing Soft Kitty Sheldon physically moves up and down with change in notes on the line “purr, purr, purr”
In Sheldon’s dream, Raj cuddled up to Howard after they all fell asleep on the couch. Meaning that Sheldon thinks Raj would really cuddle with Howard given the right circumstances
Sheldon has restraining orders against him for Stan Lee and Leonard Nimoy
Barry Kripke fences and is knowledgeable enough to instruct
Sheldon doesn’t care about money despite having a good amount of it saved. He lends it to Penny when she needs it and volunteers money for a college fund for Howard and Bernadette’s child
Sheldon has both a floor and wall safe for valuables
Sheldon is scared of dogs, including Goofy but excluding Pluto
Will Wheaton and Stuart play DND with William Shatner, Kevin Smith, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Joe Manganiello
Leonard was invited to play when Stuart dropped out
After he’s kicked out for telling Penny, she, Amy, and Bernadette join
Sheldon's horse in Red Dead Redemption was hit by a train and he has to go through a grieving process before replacing him
His name was Chauncey
When Sheldon was fired he started going through hyperfixations. One of which was glow-in-the-dark fish which led to spin off ideas of glow-in-the-dark tampons and weaving clothes on a large loom
Sheldon built a death ray as a kid. According to his mother it barely slowed down the neighbor kids
Raj had dinner with and kissed a guy dressed in drag as an Orion slave from Star Trek
His name was Richard or Kimberly
Raj and Leonard agree that they are both Omegas
Leonard wears dresses or dress-like garments on several occasions and expresses that he likes how freeing and breezy they are (he also looks hella cute)
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
standout points version
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seulgi is a double aquarius (aquarius sun and moon) meaning she is one track minded and she is prone to tunnel vision, given that aquarius is a fixed sign already this can enhance the saturnian (one of the rulers of aquarius) qualities of these placements leading to more consistency such as having regular habits and longterm hobbies. but it also creates rigidness in her personality, such as reaching a certain level of skill and stopping, remaining there for long periods of time. her taurus rising (the most primal, earthly, single-minded and stubborn of the earth signs) enhances this even further. this means seulgi likely discovered her favourite hobbies and interests early in life and sticks to them with new interests having to build into her personality super slowly, she will also easily maintain very longterm friendships and any quirks she has will often be even lifelong.
her taurus rising means she values the material and sensual in life more than most and even needs it to feel fulfilled, this paired with the abundance of aquarius (the sign of uniqueness) in her chart, especially aquarius venus, means she would likely not only have a love for eclectic and “odd” fashion, art, interior design and clothing but a strong desire to really surround herself with such things and express herself this way - which makes her feel comfortable, authentic and satisfied.
seulgi has a pisces mercury paired with an aquarius sun, this tones down the more intellectual and objective traits of aquarius and enhances what these signs have in common - being “out there” and unconventionality. this would make her appear a bit unfocused, sometimes even silly or dopey but she would also impress others as compromising and sensitive in her thinking and communication style. her pisces mercury would also tone down the arrogance she would have had with all these aquarius placements on their own. given that aquarius moon especially adds a nonchalant vibe to the natal chart (since moon is the overall emotional state), seulgi can have a really laidback vibe when communicating and she really doesn’t want aggressiveness in discussions and wants things to be peaceful. the downside is that some people will find this really boring rather than relaxed.
she has sun, moon, venus and mars in the 10th house so she finds most of her self worth through her career and how well she’s doing overall in the public sphere and she will therefore work hard in this area. being perceived badly in this area by her peers would hurt her a lot but the planets being overall positive shows she is overall liked, especially with the pleasant presence of venus. this also means these planets can’t be expressed that well interpersonally since they are only really shown publicly. having moon, venus and mars in the 10th house can therefore be quite detrimental. she can’t stand up for herself (mars), can’t express her emotions (moon) and can’t express love and affection easily (venus).
lastly for this standout points reading, seulgi, along with the above, has chiron in the 5th, pluto and north node in the 7th and saturn in 11th, so in almost every relationship area possible she is struggling. she is afraid of relationships and finds a lot of hurt happens here, in romance especially (though technically she also has good luck here). she frequently feels lonely in groups, feels she’s the odd one out, or is stressed out because she finds herself in the mediator position and doesn’t get to enjoy herself when everyone else seems to. she wonders why her romance stories don’t live up to that of her close friends and feels as if she’s lacking in this area, feeling she is behind her peers and not normal in the same way. she is, however, liked in the workplace and can get along with coworkers and staff much better than other people which is indicated by her jupiter in the 6th. given that moon and mars are both in a square to jupiter, one thing that upsets her a lot in relationships and looser friend groups is that she feels people never understand the intensity of her emotions, since she is always expected to be the calm one.
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omori-sv-au · 1 year
another oneshot TEE HEE… this one is a bit sadder and has mentions of blood/shooting/hospitals so keep that in mind
As Aubrey sprinted through the rain, her feet making small splashes each time they met the ground, she could feel water seeping into her shoes- but that was the least of her worries right now.
A barely-conscious Kel was being carried in her arms, bleeding from his stomach. Aubrey had tried to stop it as much as she could with a crude bandage made from a strip of her clothes, but it wasn’t helping much. So she took him and ran.
Superheroes can’t go to hospitals. It’s a fairly well-known fact amongst the public. If they go, they are subject to all sorts of questioning- how they were injured, who they were, where they were, and so on. No matter how “secure” hospital records are, superheroes can’t trust anyone with their identity. So, they’ve had to create their own “hospitals”; safe spaces for them to go after fights to get patched up.
Aubrey was running to Pluto’s, the closest safe place she could go. She ran past the hospital, and she so badly wanted to burst through its doors and hand Kel over to a team of professionals, but she knew better. Kel began to stir, and Aubrey began repeating a series of shaky reassurances to him, but deep down they were more for her than for him. Kel would be okay. He heals incredibly fast, and doesn’t need a ton of medical work done on him even for major injuries like this, but that doesn’t prevent Aubrey from panicking when she sees her best friend collapse after being shot through the stomach.
It still took a little bit to get to Pluto’s. Aubrey was naturally faster than most humans due to her strength, but nowhere near as fast as Kel, and he wasn’t in any condition to run. She was hyperventilating, which didn’t help as it was taking away her strength, but she couldn’t help it. Using whatever was left in her, she banged a desperate fist on Pluto’s door.
Getting help from Pluto was different from going to the hospital; the biggest difference being that no questions were asked. When Pluto opened the door, he quickly took Kel and ran inside, heading to a room closed off to the public where he fixed up superheroes. Aubrey followed him in and waited outside.
She slumped against the wall, but found her legs couldn’t hold her up anymore. So she allowed herself to sit. And after a couple seconds, she allowed herself to cry. It felt stupid- she knew Kel was in good hands. She knew he would be okay. But how many times would she be able to stomach seeing this happen? When would she be next? Aubrey didn’t know, and it ate away at her. She wouldn’t trade being a superhero for the world, but it was times like these where she really questioned whether or not it was all worth it.
Pluto didn’t come out for about an hour, but to Aubrey it felt like an eternity. He reassured her that Kel was okay, and he just needed to rest. He might have to stay the night. Aubrey sighed. She hated it when he had to stay the night, because she would have to go home to not raise more suspicion. But she wanted to stay at his side the whole night, in case something happened.
She entered the room and saw Kel in bed, scrolling through his phone. If you could only see his face, you probably wouldn’t even be able to tell he had been injured at all. He just looked like the same old Kel.
“Man, they got me good, huh?” Kel started, shooting a small smile at Aubrey. “Thanks for saving my butt back there. I owe you one.”
Aubrey was silent for a couple seconds, before she went and sat next to Kel on the bed.
“You scared me real bad, you know.”
“Sorry… guess I need to be less reckless out there, huh?”
Another pause. Aubrey was trying to find the words.
“Kel, do you ever just… feel tired of this?”
“Huh? Of what?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Of this! Of us carrying each other to this… makeshift hospital, of being constantly on the run, of being in danger 24/7 because of our stupid jobs? I-“
She stopped herself. She didn’t want to say something she might regret. That might hurt him.
“Sorry. I’m just a little worked up. I just… don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.”
Kel didn’t respond immediately. He looked like he was trying to process her words and think of what to say, something that wouldn’t make the situation worse.
“I’m sorry, Aubrey. I guess I just never really thought of it that way…”
Aubrey sighed.
“B-But I can see what you mean! It has been really hard… and I guess I’ve never really properly thanked you for always bringing me here,” Kel said, smiling.
“I heal so fast I guess I never really think of any of my injuries as that bad… but now I realize… you’ve seen me get stabbed, shot, all that stuff… I would be upset too.”
Aubrey sent a small smile back towards Kel.
“Yeah. I know you’ll be okay, but… doesn’t take away from the shock. You’re still my best friend.”
“And you’re mine too!” Kel responded, grinning. “No matter what, we’ll always bounce back! No villain is a match for us!”
Aubrey chuckled.
“Still enthusiastic as ever, huh?” She commented, getting up from the bed.
“I’ll let you rest. It’s getting kinda late… I gotta go home and explain your absence.”
“Oh, yeah… sorry! I’ll be up and running tomorrow, I promise!” Kel exclaimed, waving goodbye. Aubrey waved back.
“I know you will, goofball. Night,” she said, turning around and beginning to leave.
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ratsoh-writes · 1 month
A Karen is getting into an argument with them, but another Karen gets in to defend them: Basil, Sugar, Pluto, Peaches, Cider, Compass, Sparks, Finn, Quill and Papaya
lol I like this ask
Basil: yea he’s not about the drama. Basil silently slinks away as the two Karen’s battle to death. If he stayed he probably would’ve started crying or something
Sugar: Ngl, this is kinda hot. At first sugar was a worried wreck at the confrontation, but now the two opinionated ladies are trading blows and… it awakens something in him. Sugar ends up having a brief toxic whirlwind romance with the Karen who defended it. The relationship didn’t even last a month and crashed and burned horrifically, but it was fun while it did last
Pluto: he kinda just floats away mortified as the karen who’s defending him calls the other Karen out for “yelling at a little child”. Seriously lady?? He’s not in stripes and has the voice of a grown man. He doesn’t look that childish does he??
Peaches: he uses some of that southern hospitality his mother drilled into him to appease both Karen’s with some free pie. They’re scaring away the other customers after all. He’ll b*tch about the scene to his friends later
Cider: he tries, he really does try to be polite about it, but his temper gets the better of him. Cider calls both ladies out on being terrible customers at the bar, and his mom makes him take a breather out back while she and barley smooth things over.
Compass: his eyes kinda glaze over and he dissociates through the whole argument. Both Karen’s get annoyed with him when it becomes clear he’s not paying attention any more
Sparks: he’s frantically trying to make both ladies stop fighting, and naturally he does this through flirting. Both Karen’s leave rather flattered and thinking they’ve still got the moves. Sparks is just happy nobody’s yelling anymore lol
Finn: oh boy oh boy he HATES when this happens. Every year his troop has at least one Karen mom/dad but this year there’s two and they hate each other. Finn is actually at the point where he just moves the kids away to leave the parents to fight it out.
Quill: for anyone who doesn’t know his special ability; when he’s startled, his wings create a cloud of chalk like dust. Both Karen’s got dusted and are now screaming at him over their ruined clothes. But alas, quill is in the sky hauling *ss to get away from them lol
Papaya: when the two Karen’s start fighting, then turn to papaya to try and make him pick a side, his sister enters the ring. Now there’s a three way fight between the Karen’s and mango, and poor papaya is just trying to drag his sister away before she beats the crap out of another Karen. Mango please! You almost got sued last time!
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alyjojo · 3 months
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Current Karmic Connection ❤️‍🩹 March 2024 - Libra
Character Card: The Warrior
Who are they: Judgement
Your relationship with them: The Fool rev
What you’re learning from them: Temperance
What they’re learning from you: Page of Wands
Future potential: 4 Pentacles
Overall Energy: 9 Cups
First thing I heard was “do dat do dat” and I was like wtf? And died a little 😆 Someone likes Iggy Azalea - I had to look that up. Or they’re fancy - 9 Cups comes out to describe this connection, and fancy would make sense. 9 Cups is fulfilling your whims, whatever makes you happy, making your dreams come true. You could see them as your dream come true, for someone this is your spouse, lover, someone you want to marry if you haven’t. Negatively, these desires may be seen as selfish, with 9 Cups being an individual “self” energy. There may also be some level of overindulgence, whatever it is can be excessive, like makeup is a whole personality trait rather than a hobby, we be spending $500 a month at Sephora kind of energy. Definitely spending a lot. This is clarified by The Star and King of Cups rev, you could feel manipulated by someone’s hopes and wishes, they may give you puppy dog eyes and sweeten you up to get their way. Are they manipulative, probably, is that a negative thing…probably. Do *you* see it that way? Ahhhh dunno. Maybe. I heard “finally”. I don’t get this person is a bad person, I’m getting more of a cutesy UwU 🥹 sort of “baby” behavior. I’m cute, look at me, buy me stuff. And you probably want to! Or do. If you’re married, more power to you. If they’re not manipulative (most are) then they’re extremely emotional…maybe from some indulgent thing you’ve done. Either side. Scamming you for money because they’re cute or healing from something stupid and impulsive, those are the stories I’m getting. 6 Wands at the bottom show victory is the goal, I was getting a lot of ego before I laid the cards out too, one of you is extremely proud. They feed your ego, or switch it. Or…if it’s not you, then it’s their friends 💯 Pluto is controlling, 11th House is social groups, this person picks “yes men” or women as friends, people that do not criticize or disagree, so they ultimately always get their way. *That’s* the manipulative part for many of them. This could also be someone that has an issue with your friends for the same reason. If not friends, maybe an online presence, whatever you do.
Who they are - Judgement and The Warrior is being highlighted with that, clarified by money. This person spends money like it grows on trees. Whatever their whims, whatever the day, Knight of Wands shows impulsive decision making and The Fool rev shows reckless actions. This may be lustful as well. Flirting, posting pictures online, I’m seeing makeup tutorials in some not much clothing, that kind of thing. Sexual indulgence, this person could really like attention, or just get a lot of it, they’re good looking. But should you not like it, they turn into The Warrior. How dare you tell them anything except what they want to hear! I mean. Hmm. Within reason. They don’t seem to be very earthy or practical at all.
This is also someone that strives to have *everything right* before they do anything. Purchases, I heard lighting - someone definitely TikToks or something, looks, clothes, particular foods, workouts, whatever. All of it. They’re very nitpicky and controlling, which isn’t always a bad thing but can be kinda stressful and annoying, they’re not a go with the flow type - that’s what *you’re* learning how to be for them. The relationship between you shows either fear surrounding work/effort, or reckless decisions/actions regarding this. This person defends their truth, it’s what they want, they may have made a massive purchase of some kind or did something at work that really pissed you off. Flirting? Could be. I see friends and flirty energy so…I mean Libra is kind of known for that, this could be switched. Or it’s that this person doesn’t take anything seriously, and you do. They’re spoiled, but they have the argument it’s THEIR money right? Can’t tell them what to do. We’re a union but me me me me me and me, don’t you dare tell me otherwise.
What you’re learning…that it doesn’t matter, you’re in love with this person. 2 Cups clarifies, victory again at the bottom. You’re fine being the more chill person, you’re fine with their standards and nitpicky ways, you don’t really care one way or another if you have beige curtains or eggshell and if they’re stressed about it then by all means. Pick a curtain 😆 You would rather go with the flow and *enable* this person’s whims & desires, than sit around arguing with them. Which is wonderful, but future potential shows holding grudges and keeping things in, creating issues between you. You are valid, and in some cases you’re right too, something this person has done or is doing is reckless and too much, probably spending.
Their side isn’t so much learning - as a perception. You’re over here chill and in love with them. But not overly expressive. They see that as - they get excited about something, chat away all day about it, feel this passion and fire to do anything, and you don’t care. You don’t want them to succeed, you don’t like what they like and don’t support them. Because you don’t match their enthusiasm. Or you don’t want what extravagant thing they want today, so you must be against them. Again, not the most practical, money conscious sort of person here. Future potential is a stubborn stand off, you both think you’re right, you’re both not budging an inch, and you stop speaking to each other for some amount of time. The Devil at the bottom, I was waiting for that to make an appearance. Materialism, greed, selfishness, 5 Pentacles underneath that. Someone is putting you into debt and defending themselves like that’s fine, that’s what they want, they get what they want and fk anyone that says otherwise. And then what, stonewalling as punishment? Whew 😅 You’re gonna have to do something, I’m not even going to suggest what, that’s on you. You two could separate bank accounts if your spending habits are this different from each other. If you act like you don’t care, nothing will change. If you act like you care and this needs to stop…good luck.
Zodiac Messages:
Pluto - Cancer - 11th House
- The need for control of intuition to protect freedom.
- An obsession with attitudes from the past about associations.
- A power struggle resulting from the history of your circle of friends.
Apology 😔
Guilt - Confession - Forgiveness
Marriage 💍
Sweet Love - Couple - Dependency
Gemini ♊️ on 11th House could be a Gemini close to them that influences their personality or decisions, they could have a placement in that sign, or with Pluto & Cancer, you could feel like this person is manipulated by those around them and seek to control that. Or switch it. Or that’s what their friends are telling them and they just repeat it back to you, they say it’s fine so it’s fine, they do this, this person could be a big gossip and/or their friends are.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo & Cancer
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