#Pokemon battle music intensifies
deadeyedfae · 6 months
So I just rediscovered my most popular bit of art 😅 I had no idea this had even really hit an audience back when r/traaa was still alive and well!
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For anyone out there who is wanting to get into drawing comics, just look at this! I was doing what I could with what little I had at the time and I had so much fun doing it 💜 my advice will always be to just go for it. You'll always find someone who likes your work 😊
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talubld-archive · 1 year
yup, thanks game
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sl33py-g4m3r · 5 months
Battle! Penny [8-bit] - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Just as good as that mario paint arrange I found and posted in what feels like forever ago
love retro style music~~~
(eeveelutions intensifies)
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yukitscne · 2 years
Yuki has appeared! What to do?
- Hold hands - Worship - Throw drink - Kiss on the cheek
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teeterarting · 3 years
here's a list of things i love about PSMD for no reason other than i think it deserves appreciation (spoilers)
the hero gets adopted by a nuzleaf. Hero, a young child that doesn't know why they were brought into this world, attacked by beheeyem, scared and alone, finds someone that takes them under his wing and gives them a home. it's really sweet that once Nuzleaf brings them to the Village, Hero's not alone anymore.
yes it was all a trick, he deceived you. but being betrayed by your father figure hits so much harder. it's much more personal, especially when both Hero and Partner are kids. and when Nuzleaf goes through all that ordeal in the post game, then gets accepted back into the village?? And his little speech to Hero????? it's heartbreaking and incredibly touching at the same time
everything is just so cute!!!! you go to school with your new friendo and you're friends with the schoolkids, and you make the trip to school every morning taking in the scenery, the smell of dew and fresh grass, and the sun on your face... and you take classes about Mystery Dungeon mechanics, and principal Simipour is a big BRO, the school nurse Audino is super kind and helpful... and you get to play with your pokemon friendos in summer vacation, and explore a dungeon with 'em... AND your bond with your Partner begins to form, getting stronger and stronger from then on. PSMD's beginning arc is so warm and pleasant, it's like reliving childhood memories all over again, when things were happier and you didn't have to worry about how cruel the world is. this story section's one purpose is to get the player used to the game's mechanics, as well as foreshadowing. unfortunately most of the school kids get forgotten later on, but I still love this part for everything it is, even if unintentional.
it's not just the beginning that's cute. PSMD'S ENTIRE WORLD IS ADORABLE. It's just filled with life every town you go. there are a bunch of pokemon locals and they all have interesting things to say, in the main story and the post-game. there's a point where their comments get repetitive, but that's bound to happen in any PMD game. Even then, the days are never the same. one morning you wake up and the Lively Town locals are exercising, then the next they're having singing lessons, and then they're practicing martial arts. and you get to connect with (or recruit) some of them just by.... chatting!!! Sitting next to that big ol' venusaur and sharing stories, laughing and having fun. it's good stuff.
Sometimes you find travelling pokemon in dungeons and it's jsut the coolest thing. Imagine you're exploring a dungeon, then your Connection Orb notifies you there's a fellow explorer in the floor. First thing you do is try to find them, and when you do - oh dang a travelling Archeops!!!! And then they just,,,, exchange their experiences and thoughts on exploration and how hard it is to fend off those enemies and the cool treasure they found the other day (the game calls it "[Team Name] and [Traveller pokemon] compared notes"). then the traveller heals you, fills your belly and restores your PP. and they go on their way. idk man it's such a cute interaction. explorers chatting, empathizing and helping each other, bc their job is not an easy one...
PSMD Partner is the most developed Partner in any PMD game yet. They start off as this naive, hyperactive kiddo, then stuff happens, and worse stuff happens, and you get to see how they grow and change and by the end they're a different person than they were before (in more than one way ...). It's just so nice to be by their side, from the beginning to the bitter end, and watch their growth. in contrast, Hero is a little unbalanced in that their backstory is not explored as much, and their personality is kind of a blank - probs meant to be vague so the player can be in their shoes. to me this just gives you the opportunity to shape their character however you want, so you can have tons of different hero/pardner dynamics.
The music is rlly flippin' good. Some of the tracks are recycled from previous entries, but when they go original??? it's a blast!!! "Echoes of the Mystical Forest" is one of my favorites in all four entries, it has no right being so amazing for a random dungeon. "Time to Set Out" makes me cry immediately (also i think it would be a better fit for the parting ways scene at the end...). Don't even get me started on "Second Dark Matter Battle", it has everything an epic climax needs and MORE. the Partner remix????? absolute genius
speaking of which, Dark Matter ITSELF,, is freaking amazing. Its actions were foreshadowed in the very beginning, though they were not blatant through the game. i do think they could have done a better job at showing the pokemon's negativity raising in the world, as well as negative feelings in the characters... but it's not like Gates did a good job at it, either (outside of cutscenes, all the locals in Post Town are incredibly nice to you and fights didn't "break out often". it's like the game tells you the world is a dark place, but what it shows in gameplay doesn't add up). so i'll cut them some slack. Still, I find Dark Matter a more compelling villain than the Bittercold for several reasons. it is sentient. its speech is a jumbled amount of voices all talking at the same time - the anguished voices of the world. It actually concocted a plan to hurl the planet into the Sun, using pawns like Nuzleaf and Yveltal to do its dirty job. in the Voidlands, Hero and Partner discover its past, and how it'll come back after defeat, like a cycle. when Partner accepts Dark Matter, they accept negative feelings as something everyone has within themselves. Most of all, the fact that Dark Matter is a manifestation of negative feelings doesn't make it just a generic threat, a final obstacle to be defeated so the world can be saved. It makes Dark Matter - negativity itself - a natural part of the world, the yin to its yang. and that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH DANG IT EVEN THANKS PARTNER FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE
The fact that Dark Matter can possess pokemon that have "even the smallest amount of darkness in their hearts". it makes me think of Mr. Nuzleaf and what he might have gone through in the past to make him so easy to be controlled. Did he hold a grudge against someone?? Did he commit a crime?? Had Nuzleaf always been malicious???? And if so, is this why he shows so much remorse in the post-game??????? because he had always been this vile fiend and then he met this small kid and got attached, but still carried on with his evil actions because his malice was still stronger than the positive feelings and Dark Matter's hold on him intensified?????? I don't know!!!! and as much as i wish the game could have given us that sweet mr. Nuzleaf backstory, it's pretty fun to have freedom to come up with your own version.
Everything about Super's climax is just phenomenal. Every single flippin' legendary is there to help you. Arceus is in the game. MEWTWO IS THERE. and when things are looking hopeless, they really seem hopeless. First the Tree of Life is dying, then your allies get turned into stone and sent to hell The Voidlands, Arceus gets turned into stone, the entire world is stone (except for several mon' that are still safe and holding onto hope, but they're so few). Your Harmony Scarves stop working and you and your Partner are back to your feeble, basic stage forms. You are bordering exhaustion, you have no Emeras, it's just you and your Partner against an eldritch abomination that's killing the life on the entire planet like a parasite, devouring all hope. but you still fight back. Given how adults in the game always discourage the village children from going adventuring, that they cannot do this or that because they're so little and fragile, it's awesome how Hero and Partner beat Dark Matter as tiny kids.
PSMD is not a flawless game. in fact there's plenty of things that hold it back and i even mentioned some... but it's still full of love put into it and it resonates w me more than PMD Explorers of T/D/S and Gates to Infinity (Rescue Team is a close second). its my all-time favorite PMD game.
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genshins1mpact · 4 years
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*pokemon battle music intensifies*
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ibukiiiiiiii-a · 4 years
we’re the best band the region’s ever seen!: a pokemon verse
below the cut: more details. (the team is based on the team i’m using on my ibuki file in pokemon shield.)
Ibuki desires to be the best musician in the Galar region. Why Galar? It’s where her travels for the most musical Pokemon have lead her, after all! And now, she’s finally formed a team of what she believes are indeed the most musical Pokemon in the world. She isn’t one for battling whatsoever; instead, she prefers to give epic concerts to everyone who desires one, along with her band of Pokemon. Each member of the team has its own contribution to the band, of course, and they all work together in complete synergy.
Ibuki’s Team:
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Allegra the Obstagoon Female
Allegra serves as Ibuki’s backup vocals in performances. Otherwise, she is the member of the team with the closest bond to the musician; while she’s relatively mild-mannered, she’s also very protective of her trainer, immediately coming to her defense if someone else is giving Ibuki a hard time.
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Cadence the Rillaboom Female
Cadence serves as the drummer of the band. She’s capable of Gigantamaxing, though her lazy nature prevents her from doing so very often, unless she has enough encouragement and energy from Ibuki. Outside of performing, she’s the friendliest member of the team, very willing to make friends with other trainers and Pokemon.
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Amplify the Exploud Male
Amplify is, as his species is normally, loud. During performances, he serves to rile up the crowd’s energy, usually gallivanting around the stage and shouting along with them. Outside of concerts, he is actually quite moody and attitude-prone; definitely one of the more difficult Pokemon for her to manage. However, he still loves his trainer and fellow Pokemon dearly, and is always willing to cooperate when they really need him to do so.
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Supersonic the Noivern Male
Supersonic provides all the windy effects for the band’s concerts, as well as serving to intensify the volume of the music. He’s a very brave Pokemon, often working together with Allegra outside of performing in order to protect the rest of the team. Where the two of them differ is that he is more wild, while Allegra is much more peaceful. He will occasionally get into spats with Amplify, though they seem to always come out of them with a closer bond than before.
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Andante the Seismitoad Female
Andante is a very shy Pokemon normally. However, this doesn’t keep her from participating in the concerts, as she works to keep the tempo a constant. Admittedly, she’s more useful in rehearsals, but she still finds the whole experience very fun. She also works well with Amplify in riling the crowd; her Uproar is enough to get people going.
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Crescendo the Toxtricity (Low Key Form) Male
Crescendo serves as Ibuki’s bassist. He is the most chill member of the team, no doubt due to the form he evolved into, but he still provides just as much entertainment as the rest of them. He’s quite the lonely Pokemon, preferring to spend time by himself outside of performances, and is actually rather introverted.
Ibuki, of course, is the guitarist as well as the lead vocalist.
Together, they will become the best band in Galar! Ibuki’s sure of it!
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alolan-colress · 5 years
random things i love about unova aka gen 5 appreciation post
-C O L R E S S. i just love this mfcker so much like LOOK. AT. HIM.
-both of colress' encounter and battle theme SLAPS HARD i love it
-*holding up team neo plasma* i just think theyre neat
-ghetsis' bw2 battle theme (dennis intensifies)
-victory road/the pokemon league. like where else can u see such amazing set up?
-Grimsley!!! he's got some remarkable lines even though he didnt have a role outside the unova league (which needs to change in the future remake :))) )
-the starters. babeys. anyone who says otherwise can perish
-low hp bar music. bitch that shit slaps even though it sends ur anxiety running
-that music when a gym leader sends out their final pokemon? amazing
-for some reason i really like the reversal mountain music (bw2)
-kyurem's basically one of the coolest legendaries out there
-the marine tube. i always take my time walking through it just to look at the pokemon swimming by
-all of unova's bridges esp the skyarrow (honourable mention: ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ O E A E A U I E O E A ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♫ )
-overall this game's OST is top tier and you cant change my mind
-nimbasa city's battle subway and the rondez-view ferris wheel
-great pokemon designs!!!
-both bw and bw2 protagonists have the best protag designs imo
-actually i love the rest of the unova characters
in conclusion: gen 5 is one of the best generations ever 👌💯
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RSE have some pretty decent tracks. Too long since I have played that particular Mystery Dungeon game for me to recall any of the background-music specifically though.
Hoenn trumpets intensify.
RSE always will have a special place in my heart as the first Pokemon games I played (Ruby, specifically), and a lot of the music feels extra-special to me because of it. Back before I knew that you could go on youtube and find soundtracks, in Emerald I never caught Regirock, I just left it there so I could walk up to it, engage it in battle, jam to the music for a while, and then shut the game off and just leave it there for next time I wanted to hear that theme. BUT CAN YOU BLAME ME.
The Elite Four/Champion music for Hoenn goes hard, and so do all the Magma/Aqua themes - again, me playing these games when I was young, I got sad after I fought Maxie for the last time and vanquished Team Magma because I wouldn’t get their cool music anymore.
Abandoned Ship, Route 113, Sealed Chamber, Mt Pyre (both inside and the summit), Mt Chimney, Victory Road.... RSE was damn good for music too, you’re right.
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awsnapanat-20 · 5 years
After about 40 hours of pokemon swsh (no I haven't finished the story I've spent the last 6 hours in the wilds camping and hatching eggs lol) I think the worst part of the game was the Piers intro scene. Who decided to have a punk singer gym leader but not give him any music? You can HEAR HIS FOOT TAPPING and see his lips moving and there's just nothing. How did this get past the planning phase? He has a small crowd gathered and cheering and you can't hear them??? Like at all??? The music even sounds a little like booing at times seriously people how was this scene released as is? Then he starts his pre-battle speech and pulls out the mic like some sick shits about to go down... and the music doesn't really intensify and the sound of his foot tapping is still really loud
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Parcosm 9th Anniversary Celebration: List of Canon/Original Settings/Places in 3rdPOV
HAPPY 9 YEARS TO MY SLOWLY SPIRALED MADD THAT IS NOW ONGOING DAYDREAMING at a regular pace and controlled habits, no worries my paras today are way better than any other years! (Even the most longtime one!)
well I gotta do something to celebrate!!! I will try to go chronological
List is under the cut!
2010 - I played a certain Mario and Luigi RPG AlphaDream game at an early age. These settings were for imaginative purposes at first. Daydreaming wasn't that maladaptive yet, but I kept looping In The Final over and over during a long car ride. I started to imagine the final battle, then Okey Dokey! when Mario and Luigi dancing to the music.
Toad Town
Dark Bowser's Castle
Bowser (just gonna leave it at that... not telling title.)
2011 - I collected these Pokemon toys and did my very first dark story plot, "Snivy Gets Water Poison." I don't know where I got the idea from. Maybe I was just getting tired of my "school friends". Or the Where's My Water purple water thing gave me the idea.
Pokemon Zoo
2012 - began writing stories for the first time on the very old notes app format like iPhone 2 format. Daydream started to get more interfering, cause I actually attempted drawing comics of my original Club Penguin characters during school work.
Elite Penguin Force HQ
Club Penguin Wilderness
Penguin Band's House
DJ Cadence's Nightclub
Gary's Lab
Other Club Penguin settings
2014 - Suddenly, a paracosm was made out of in real life settings but with adjusted fantasy element for the rest of the years. It stuck that way in 2015, however, paracosms keep coming today depending on hyperfix.
I started to act out more than 10 paras.
The Log (Apartment)
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
Paras' Igloos
2015 - weather in 3rd POV was exhaustingly stormy and rainy. Or that's just because I kept looping Undertale songs to cope. Then sunny days when imagining Frisk dancing to CORE/Death by Glamour.
Office of Paperwork (Workplace)
Dreemurr High School (attempted a school AU...)
Snow Bubble Express (bubble tea inside the train!)
Mt. Ebott, they were able to enter and fuel magic at any time
2016 - lots of daydreaming happened here and I was never aware of it. Paras... fighting? feuding? arguing and ranting? Me, just commenting all the paras' comments?? Me, talking back to myself in various voices?? yeah, daydreaming was very much present.
Philippines' hotel real life settings but with adjusted elements
The Adobo Household
(They rode Tower of Terror before shutdown and I daydreamed a lot of disney scenarios!! oh wait thats not a paracosm sorry-)
2017 - this was the worse year and showed most signs of negative effects I gained from MADD. A para renamed themself to Fruit and tried to be "savage". My daydreaming led me to slamming car doors and yelling "ITS MONDAY ITS MONDAY" in Fruit's bland sarcastic voice. but I will explain more in detail since this is on paracosms. also Tears of Patience was a thing. Splatoon 2's bright colors intensified everything. I made a lot of dark plots during this year and my relative didn't want to talk to me anymore.
PvZ Battlegrounds
RV Good Times (main para named the paracosm due to Fruit's neg. actions.)
Glinfrit - Splatoon but friendlier. I forgot the motto-
Team Booyah! HQ
Splatoon 2's canon settings
2018 - A lot of my headcanons somewhat impacted almost every para in my POV and some of them highly drifted from their canon personality. I removed their magic abilities too for more real setting but that didn't go well when paras from media AUs started coming in. That's when I knew I couldn't stop this "imaginative play" forever.
Happy Container ("frisk please stop renaming youse- "Captain Sprinkles - u -" siGHH - me years ago)
Disney World Hotel but better and more decorated
Monika's House
2019 - Engaged in hobbies and went to a lot of places. also how does a para start being the spotlight of the show after entering smash and changed personality to a more happy person-
Systar System (like solar system)
Hobby Stores but much bigger and turned into a Entire Hobby Mall
Little Mac's Kickboxing Gym (Paracosm was created the same day Sans' costume got in Smash)
2020 - OHHHHHH we love this parts when I transformed my entire house into a whole paracosm /s also VR PORTAL AHAHAHAH
VR Portal - literally EVERY SINGLE PLACE I went to. and keeps paras unaware of current event situation (then failed the more I got aware)
Sardine Bar Grill - Kitchen
RC Museum - A shelf filled with RC Cars
Epic Gamer Bar
Spas - bathrooms
Lounge Lobby
FanonSkeletonStuff Studios - UTAUs....... gave my brain a terrible spawn.......
2021 - I discovered MADD at the end of the year. The paracosm I was not able to spawn was my Animal Crossing island haha
Mira HQ
well that's all I can remember from last year, most is just at home
Long car trip to the disney happened too and I did an entire chatroom of paras wOOOO
Disneyland Hotels but better and more decorated
okay im gonna go try out Antar when I wake up its 5am I spent 3 hours on this gn!!
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karavedas · 7 years
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talubld-archive · 1 year
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talubld-archive · 1 year
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talubld-archive · 1 year
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got work tomorrow but i'm thoroughly enjoying the suicune shenanigans. so i raise this all to you:
send in "vibe check" + suicune to receive judgement from suicune.
be prepared for them to feel as if you're rancid and react accordingly.
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talubld-archive · 2 years
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scvi said daft punk & cyan rights
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