#Police Crack Down
fauvester · 1 year
What was garak like as castellan? (ps your art is 💞💕❤️❤️💕💞💕❤️💕💞💕)
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I think his time in the Federation has, despite his best efforts, affected his outlook on politics. He's a wary centrist now, as if Cardassia has the luxury of political discourse not related to basic sustenance.... trying to delicately excise the most distasteful parts of the prior totalitarian regime while still supporting the structures that keep people alive.
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I don't think there's a way to be a well-liked leader after an annihilative disaster, honestly. Garak's not an exception. He's NOT a popular Castellan, but he WAS the least bad choice immediately on hand, and he's adept at securing badly needed aid from Federated interests. He can be very persuasive and diplomatic, and he circumvents or cuts through the bureaucratic and political obstacles that would've trapped less canny men. He's in power during the setting of the foundation of the Cardassian economic miracle and he stalwartly weathers years of vicious criticism and assassination attempts (that he easily evades). As soon as he retires his approval rating goes from like 15% to 80%. He's the Grandfather of Cardassia, their mercurial constant, their deviously bitchy figurehead who can hold his own against any rival leader. The wily old regnar who raised a generation of hungry utopian statesmen. A Castellan to be privately eviscerated and publicly saluted.
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Mostly he's just trying to go home at some point during the night to quietly whisper 'good-night' to his kids and husband, though
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liminalweirdo · 2 months
“The ban’s so-called health and religious exceptions are entirely inadequate: Nassau County police officers are not health professionals or religious experts capable of deciding who needs a mask and who doesn’t,” she said.
- Susan Gottehrer, Nassau County Regional Director of the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU)
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notquiteaghost · 1 year
i started rivers of london v much thinking i will suffer thru the police stuff for the magic worldbuilding but the more i actually read the more i am Having Thoughts. there sure is Something in here abt. oh can i even articulate it. how out of touch nightingale is and how that's not a good thing. the ever present spectre of english imperialism, how many of the problems are rooting back to the old boys network already. like idk how much political commentary is intentional here but. huh. huh!
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transgayhawkeyepierce · 8 months
Hmmm, having thoughts about my MASH prohibition AU
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angelnumber27 · 2 years
People who sell other people pills without testing them first or people who knowingly sell people pills with fentanyl in them should be arrested and charged with manslaughter.
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crowleyaj · 3 months
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seen in paris and marseille 🇵🇸
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avesblues2 · 2 years
I wonder if those same people pissy about state park fees would also be pissy when the government tried to shut down beaches during covid and were arresting people for laying on the sand or like what happened to me, tried to arrest me for surfing -_-
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blueiight · 1 year
papa celestin, king joe oliver & kid ory shouldve made a cameo in amc iwtv instead of jelly roll noshade
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gloopdimension · 10 months
LISTEN i enjoy tcap much as the next guy and i love seeing freaks getting the justice they deserve. but the cops in that show make me so. fucking. angry.
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eonars · 1 year
gonna go see 4 unheard of local death metal bands play tonight for $13 and i swear to god something exciting better happen because my last several days have been shockingly mid bordering on cursed
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wherefancytakesme · 2 years
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I’ve learned a way to flat-color recently. Now I can’t stop... These are mostly old draws I colored for fun.
1. BOYD can wear feminine clothes, who says he can’t? 2. This is an old OC, all the way back to when I was about 12. She might need a redraft, but I’ve wanted to tell her story ever since. Maybe when I’ve finished my international studies and have gotten versed enough, I can. The one thing I’ll tell you for now is that she’s from the past and living in the present. 3. It’s an atrocity that Team Science and the two caballeros weren’t chibified in the initial shorts, but... just MAYBE... Gizmoduck out of the suit? Please Disney...
Bonus: Terrible terrible ship cheese I drew ages ago, and decided to color. ...DW just sort of sprung a kiss on the poor guy.
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pastlight · 4 months
I guess the only thing I want to point out is, you might think your worse case scenario are the conservative parties in your country, and sure those are shit, but fucking look out for liberal libertarians and how their defense of the status quo ultimately leads to stealth conservativism. you haven't felt your soul leave your body until you hear an ancap defend the military dictatorship while saying that gay people are fine.
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"does it bother you to walk past people openly smoking crack outside your apartment building" yes but I’m not gonna tell them that cause im a mindyourpilled fuckingbusinessmaxxer and also fuck the police
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navvigating · 5 months
my genetic addictive ten​den​cies will probably be my downfall once i legally can drink
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kajmasterclass · 5 months
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Members of a private WhatsApp group, including billionaires like the CEO of Dell and the former CEO of Starbucks, allegedly used the chat to discuss ways to pressure New York City Mayor Eric Adams to use police to crack down on Gaza solidarity protests at the city’s universities, according to The Washington Post. AJ+ has not seen the chat messages referenced in The Washington Post’s report directly. ⁣
NYPD officers raided encampments at schools like Columbia University and the City College of New York, arresting close to 200 protesters in just one day. The police raid at Columbia in late April was the first on-campus mass arrest in 50 years, with police using riot gear and military-grade weapons against mostly peaceful protesters. ⁣
While Gaza solidarity encampments have been frequently targeted with violence by police and pro-Israel agitators – and over 2,200 people have been arrested – a study found that out of over 550 Gaza protests at U.S. universities, 97% have been peaceful. ⁣
Senior Producers: Kareem Yasin, Ben Angeloni⁣
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