#Political power
without-ado · 8 months
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George Orwell's Animal Farm Cover Art
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months
being anti-genocide is not allowed on meta
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like i said before, i don't mess with shaun king like that, but that being said, many things about one thing can be true at the same time. it is very clear that there is a wave of censorship happening across social media against pro-palestinian content in favor of israeli propaganda. so whether or not you like shaun or not, it is very clear what is happening and why. there is clearly a genocide happening in gaza that is being perpetuated by colonizing power. a genocide against an indigenous population for land, resources, and power. basically the same thing america did to the natives here. had it not been for people like shaun king (flawed as he may be), many people would not be aware of the heinous acts of israel against the palestinian people right now. so even as someone who is not a shaun king fan, i am not so myopic in my view of things to not realize that he served a positive purpose when it comes to the israeli genocide of palestinians.
on a much larger scale, whenever a platform or a power attacks someone popular, one of the goals is to send a message to everyone else that they are not safe and that they should back off. it's like a football coach picking on and cursing out their hall of fame quarterback. when everyone else who isn't as popular or powerful sees that on the team, they immediately realize that they must fall in line or worse can happen to them. that's the goal of banning shaun king from ig. however as a black man who understands how connected all oppressive systems are, we cannot slow down. may i remind all my brothers and sisters that israel is where police forces like the nypd go and train in abusive violent tactics, which they then come back to america and overwhelmingly exercise on black and brown bodies. so if you think this does not affect you, you are sadly and deeply mistaken. additionally, this kind of censorship is going to spread. if we don't fight back, it won't be long before you will be arrested for speaking out against israel. this is what israel wants, and they have the money and political power to make it happen. you can either sit back and let it happen or you can fight back. however, make no mistake, it's coming, and this is the first major blow that the enemy has struck in their offensive against our free speech.
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subestu · 2 months
Round 1: Introduction
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theneptunianmind · 1 month
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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A conspiracy, also known as a plot, is a secret plan or agreement between people (called conspirers or conspirators) for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder, treason, or corruption, especially with political motivation, while keeping their agreement secret from the public or from other people affected by it. In a political sense, conspiracy refers to a group of people united in the goal of usurping, altering or overthrowing an established political power. Depending on the circumstances, a conspiracy may also be a crime, or a civil wrong. The term generally connotes, or implies, wrongdoing or illegality on the part of the conspirators, as it is commonly believed that people would not need to conspire to engage in activities that were lawful and ethical, or to which no one would object
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Legal professionals who are in collusion with political power: anti-" Wings on a Tiger" (Essay)
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Naomi Unemoto
The NHK morning TV drama "Wings on a Tiger(虎に翼)" is currently trendy in Japan. (The protagonist is Japan's first female lawyer and first female judge), It’s a drama about women, the weak, and the oppressed, and her struggles for them.
Then, on July 1st, the news broke that female prosecutor Naomi Unemoto had been promoted to the top prosecutorial position of prosecutor General. I thought this could be understood in the context of "Wings on a Tiger," but I was surprised when I watched YouTube before going to bed.
She was exactly the person who decided not to prosecute the "Abe faction five" in the LDP politicians. It’s a secret funds scandal that is currently making waves all over Japan. Her promotion was decided by the Cabinet Ministers, who are their companions, in a "Cabinet decision," so this is a reward for meritorious service and a blatant administrative intervention in the judiciary. She also has expressly joined the thieves.
In the early stages of "Wings on a Tiger," the prosecutors were portrayed as being in collusion with political power. It could be said that this predicted the birth of the filthy Naomi Unemoto, the Prosecutor General. Just because someone is a woman doesn't mean they can be trusted. There are also people like Unemoto who are the worst. Incidentally, Unemoto's husband is also a prosecutor and is a supporter of the LDP just like his wife.
Rei Morishita
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Ask Not: The Kennedys & the Women They Destroyed
JFK, Bobby/RFK Jr, Ted, RFK Sr, John John/JKF Jr
Presidential Candidate RFK Jr had his final revenge on Mary by digging up her coffin... 💔
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yahoo201027 · 7 months
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Day in Fandom History: March 11…
Beach City goes dark by the Crystal Gems when preparing for an incoming invasion from Homeworld, putting Mayor Dewey in a very tight spot, and Steven decides to de-escalate the problem from the citizens. “Political Power” premiered on this day, 9 Years Ago.
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Sakya Pandita
"Rare are those who give helpful advice, rarer still are those who follow them. A skilled physician is hard to find, Those who heed his advice are few." —Sakya Pandita
Today is the anniversary of Sakya Pandita, one of the forefathers of the Sakya tradition and one of the throne-holders of the Sakya Monastery. Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyeltsen, or Sapan as he is affectionally known to his Tibetan followers, is perhaps one of the most beloved Buddhist teachers and scholars throughout Tibet. His iconic work, Sakya Legshe, or the "Treasury of Good Advice," a famous collection of aphorisms, has been fundamental to the development of Tibetan culture and character.
This painting was part of a set, and it depicts Sakya Pandita (1182–1251) with Chogyal Pagpa, his nephew and successor, shown here at his right. The folk stories surrounding Sakya Pandita became an important part of the Tibetan folk culture. One of these stories depicts the Mongol emperor Godan sending emissaries throughout Tibet to find the greatest Buddhist master. The emissaries found Sakya Pandita in the remote, humble Sakya Monastery, and took him to China forcefully, along with his nephews, Chogyal Pagpa and Drogon Chakna, to teach the emperor.
One of his major accomplishments was becoming the teacher of the Mongol court and saving Tibet from its brutal invasion. Due to this Sakya Pandita is an important example of how knowledge and wisdom can overcome political and military power for Tibetan followers. _________ Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) and Chogyel Phakpa (1235-1280) with Mahakala Lineage Masters; Central Tibet; 17th - 18th century; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum of Art, Gift of Shelley and Donald Rubin; C2006.66.23 (HAR 695)
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blackros78 · 2 years
All political power comes from the barrel of either guns, pussy, or opium pipes, and people seem to like it that way.
Hunter S. Thompson
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worldwatcher3072 · 1 year
"We The People" Are Supposed To Have The Power, But Do We Really?
As Americans, we are taught from a young age that we live in a democracy where "we the people" have the power to elect our leaders and shape the policies that govern our lives. But recent events have raised questions about whether that power truly resides with the people or if it has been usurped by wealthy interests and political elites.
The rise of Super PACs and dark money in politics has allowed corporations and wealthy donors to wield enormous influence over our elected officials and the policy decisions they make. The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in 2010 opened the floodgates for unlimited corporate spending in our elections, effectively giving corporations the same rights as individual citizens when it comes to political speech.
As a result, we have seen the rise of a political class that is more responsive to the interests of big donors than to the needs of ordinary citizens. This has fueled widespread cynicism and distrust in our political system, as many people feel like their voices are not being heard and their votes do not matter.
But there are signs of hope. Grassroots movements like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and the Women's March have mobilized millions of people to demand change and hold our leaders accountable. These movements have demonstrated the power of ordinary citizens to effect change and challenge the status quo.
The upcoming elections will be a test of whether the power truly resides with the people or if it has been completely captured by special interests. We must continue to demand transparency, accountability, and a level playing field for all citizens in our democracy. Only then can we truly say that we the people have the power to shape our collective future.
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without-ado · 8 months
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but already It was impossible to say which was which.
l George Orwell's Animal Farm
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We in the West have arranged our institutions to prevent the concentration of political power. … But we have failed utterly to prevent the concentration of economic power, or take account of how such concentration damages the conditions under which full human flourishing becomes possible (it is never guaranteed).
~Matthew Crawford
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kp777 · 12 days
MAGA propaganda decoded: Obama’s fave historian shreds Trump tricks with groundbreaking scholarship
Sep 12, 2024
MSNBC’s Ari Melber sits down with Yuval Noah Harari (@YuvalNoahHarari), author of “Nexus,” for an in-depth interview on a wide range of topics. They dive into discussions on artificial intelligence, Donald Trump, misinformation, the concept of “truth,” and much more.
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angelnumberdigest · 20 days
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kesarijournal · 1 month
Waqf Properties: A Blatant Betrayal of the Quran, Islam, and India
Case Against Waqf Properties in India 1. Waqf as Anti-Quranic Violation of Quranic Inheritance Laws: The Quran explicitly outlines inheritance laws in Surah An-Nisa (Chapter 4), which mandate the division of a deceased person’s estate among their heirs, including children, spouses, and other relatives. Waqf, by its very nature, contradicts these provisions. Waqf properties are often “locked” or…
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