#Pomera dm100
supertrainstationh · 8 months
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Just a little something I’m working on.
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19fujita-blog · 5 years
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Pomera DM100. メルカリ行き。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw_nSCujMf2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i5b6827qqe9a
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mukuise-blog · 6 years
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 やっと帰宅しました。今週の週刊少年サンデーもこれから読むところです。携帯メモ Pomera DM200 をヨドバシカメラ店頭で購入。僕の元々持っていたDM100よりも PCとの互換性があるので優れもの。ただいま充電中です。Wi-Fiが使用できるらしいのでこれは助かる。ベランダでも楽々ネームだ。頑張れそうだ。
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rsstotxt · 6 years
ks1234_1234 電子ペーパー 1ガジェット おおおお、ポメラDM30新型! jingi469 ガジェット QWERTY おお、電子ペーパー採用だ。ネットワーク削除で原点回帰感もある。 / まぁ2~3年後にDM100系が出る可能性もあるか。 hagex うううう、欲しい。 rgfx ネットワーク機能をFlashAirに外出ししてあるの賢い。 pollyanna Islecape 10年前に初代機をくさしたのが最初のソーシャルブックマークだったのを若干反省している身なので、製品企画が存続するのみならずよい方向に改善されているのを見るのは喜ばしい。 otsune kaeru-no-tsura otchy210 この値段でも欲しい、むしろ安い、くらいに思う人に強烈に刺さればいいので、完全に正しい尖り方をしていると思う。 bigburn モバイル 電子ペーパー 欲しいけど使い道がない。衝動買いするにはハードルが高い値段だ… airj12 執筆とコミュニケーションがメインの仕事ならこれとスマホがあれば十分に成り立つ気がする mesotaro ze-ki nkoz あとで読む
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supertrainstationh · 8 months
Its seriously sad, I have this hype new dedicated writing device in the form of the Freewrite Alpha, and I want to go out to dinner, but I'm going to leave it home and take the Pomera DM 100 with me, a Japanese machine from 15 years ago, because that's the one that's actually going to allow me to work on the book I want to release this year.
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supertrainstationh · 1 year
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I am very un-used to seeing full body images of myself.
So that’s what I look like with that dorky Pomera DM100 word processor on my hip at all times.
I’m a lot happier than I look in this picture, trust me.
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supertrainstationh · 1 year
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New look for my Pomera DM100 word processor.
Griffin H art by Polymori right here on Tumblr.
Neurodiversity symbol is my own work!
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
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5:44 AM, in yet another diner, and this is how trouble gets started. Final result, if any, may vary wildly, but it usually gets rolling with something simple like this. #TFTuesday
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
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I ended up reading a poem of mine to a whole bunch of writers at an event today, and I did so directly from the Pomera DM100 word processor I wrote it on.
So afterwards, they asked me what it was and I explained.
I also had the Freewrite Traveler with me and showed and explained that to them too.
People were writing down the info on the Pomera and asking how to import one from Japan and work around the troubles of its Japanese format keyboard.
No one had any further interest in the Freewrite Traveler, even after I explained everything about it I did appreciate.
I’m not an enemy of Astrohaus,, if I was, I wouldn’t have put half a hours and of my own dollars into owning this and giving it an extended presence in my writing ecosystem, but these results are speaking for themselves at least when explaining it honestly to other writers so far.
And so, the trial continues…
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supertrainstationh · 1 year
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I had breakfast this morning with some eggs and a side of... cryptic mystery project.
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supertrainstationh · 1 year
It’s officially been a year since I started writing with my Pomera DM100.
This thing has changed my life and revolutionized my ability to write.
Thanks King Jim.
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
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Yes, yes. I legit just went there. I wrote this on my Pomera too.
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
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Look what I got.
Okay, anyone who knows my history with Astrohaus and the Freewrite brand perhaps wasn’t expecting this development.
But the thing is, I never hated this company or its products, I just happen to be an outspokenly adversarial supporter.
I’m not here to carry water for them, I want to give their stuff an honest earnest try and benefit from it in whatever way I can, including the enjoyment of being able to provide deep, hands on criticism any anything I think could be improved.
First impressions are: it’s beautiful, and also a horrible finger magnet.
Physically speaking, it at least feels worth the money.
I’ll chime in once I’ve properly written on it, but I can say now, this can never replace my Pomera DM 100 or Alphasmart Neo 2 entirely, there things those things can do that this never will.
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
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I will miss the warmth but now it’s even easier to carry my troublemaking equipment.
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
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Freewrite Friday is tomorrow and for the second time I'm dedicating to this, I gotta say, I'm as regretful to leave the DM100 and all its practicality and usefulness behind as I am to take this thing out and learn more about it using it out in the real world to try to get legit work done in spite of, or even because of, its artsy-fartsy high vision nature.
One thing I will always miss however, is that the Freewrite Traveler does not fit into the cool little case I carry my DM100 in which has the perfect space inside for the word processor itself, along with my dictionary and thesaurus.
Guess I'll just have to leave those home tomorrow.
Also I have to admit whenever I open this thing up the first thing I wanna do is write about how much I miss the DM100, I have maybe three different drafts on this machine which consist of nothing but me doing exactly that.
But last Friday i DID get some legit work done for the first time, of course all the actual editing I ended up doing on the Pomera DM100.
And you KNOW your concession with the WASD keys only allows you to just BARELY argue that "lol of course you can edit you can move the cursor now" without it being a lie, and that's aside from the refresh rate on the e-ink screen being horrible for editing anyway.
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
For the first time ever I find my self out in the world writing on my DM100 when my batteries run out - but with no replacements on hand. This is… uncomfortable. Kinda lame.
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