#Popular Right Now - Thailand
absolutebl · 4 months
Love Sea - A Trash Watch Smolder
Well my BLabies, do you have your drinks ready?
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Are your smores stabbed on dildos, ready to roast over the stinking flames? (Or whatever one prods smores with, I missed that weird American tradition in my misspent youth.)
Can you smell it in the air? The smell of burning trash?
Let the dumpster fire begin. Another Mame offering is upon us.
The Background
The Mameverse tends to interlock, but all signs point to these being entirely new characters. (Click on that link if you want my thoughts on this author/producer and what I feel she does well and poorly.) Meanwhile, here's the brief:
FortPeat - established couple from previous Mame offering Love in the Air AKA LITA (trash watched here).
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How do we feel about them? We likie. They a great pair. Steady, established actors, good a promo, but not too good. Bit one note but can't ask for too much when it comes with such great chemistry.
What do we know about them as actors? Fort is legitimately in Engineering (hilarious). Peat and he started in the industry around the same time with bit parts, but Peat is 4 years older. They do high heat and they do it well. They were quite popular after their first series and have received sponsorships. So they wisely stayed branded and it's nice to see them on our screens again.
Love Sea
While travelling a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man.
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iQIYI (AKA icky)
To what degree?
Stick your thermometer into that fire, we gonna find out. 102°C I expect.
Episode One - That's An Outfit We'd All Wear to a Tropical Island
Here’s the thing. Icky has decided (in its infinite wisdom) that it will no longer allow screen caps on mobile devices. Which means you’re going to get my loquaciousness on this dumpster fire with no respite from the unmitigated madness via photos of pretty boys saying stupid things.
So. Read at your own risk.
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I have a bottle of sake and a maple doughnut (don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it) so let’s get started!
Hold onto your dildo smores BLabies we are in Mame Country. And apparently that country has its very own baby drone to film with now. (Look, the one thing BL rarely needs more distance shots. That’s not what we’re here for, people. Certainly not from FortPeat.)
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Rak, baby, I'm loving the all-black western meets goth-rocker look but that eye make-up is the true star. This is how I shall dress when I visit Thailand next. (Oh, you think I'm joking? Gotta work on my smokey eye.)
Meanwhile, if your suitcases are that expensive, why aren’t they matched?
P'ABL asking the important questions for once.
Speaking of important questions:
Why are siblings always trying to pimp each other out in Mame’s stuff? Does anyone else find this creepy? I think it’s odd to be your sibling's wingman when he's chasing tail. It’s edging into the incest taboo. Oh dear, I said edging and incest in the same sentence, I’m probubly giving Mame ideas.
I’m getting Hometown Cha Cha Cha vibes from Mut.
Rak is such a cat, very picky and stand-offish. Mut is such a puppy. Very conflicting personalities. Not a bad combo. Also Rich/poor. Country/city.
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The "let’s get it on" music is hilarious. But at least Mame doesn't use egregious sound effects in her shows. Well, not as many as GMMTV. Small mercies.
I will say, FortPeat do hurt/comfort very well. Peat is good at prickly fragile baby-girl. Fort is good at cocky arrogant prick. They are good at bouncing off of each other and still showing desire. Frankly, chemistry is not one of their problems. They’re fine little actors. It’s just the story is going to betray them. Characters are going to be inexplicably evil for no good reason. And we are going to feel manipulated as a result.
But right now?
It’s fine.
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And that's it, that's how I feel about Love Sea.
All in all, I’m quite drunk and it wasn’t warranted.
Waste of sake. Not a waste of a maple doughnut. No such thing. Maple donuts are always put to good use.
Okay, so Mame? Just keep it on this level and we'll remain fine. Some light terrorizing and stalking, a smidge of breaking and entering. Nothing more offensive, okay?
But that’s my eternal optimism (and the sake) talking.
Right now I’m not feeling very strongly in any direction about this show. I haven’t been whipped into a verbal frenzy.
This has been a lackluster start.
Kortord tukorn
(sorry all)
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This trash watch has started off as more of a dumpster smolder. A light recycling. (Like Mame and her character archetypes.)
We smokey rather than flaming (Like Rak's FANTASTIC eye makeup.)
Oof, I feel faintly ill. I think that is the sake, tho, not the eye make up. Which was on point! Although when he started to cry, it should’ve started running down his face. Life has very few stand out moments of glory apart from an adorable young man with eye makeup running down his face.
Catch ya next week. More sake, less doughnut.
su su na
Episode Two - Rack's Green Knit Shirt is Kinda Cute
I seriously cannot fault FortPeat's chemistry. And the opening sequence for this ep was intriguingly full of banter and then...
Surprise, BJ!
I do hope that beach is private. Starting with a BJ is very unusual in a BL. We certainly lick live in interesting times.
I feel like I haven't quite been warmed up to a sex scene yet. Kinda came out of nowhere. I mean it IS quite gay, making the prick front and center before the relationship gets going. But I was oddly indifferent to this start.
I'm on gd roll tonight apparently.
You know why? (Well, I'm me, but also...)
I feel like I have license. This show is kinda rude. Is that the word I’m looking for? Yes, rude. It's not very sexy, and it's not quite dirty, it's something else. Rude.
I’m not upset about it. It’s just odd. Like Thailand is trying on some Japanese button pushing for size.
I’m not mad just mildly confused.
Meanwhile, the GL sides are a "whipping girl" trope? Not sure I’ve ever we seen that combo before. Gay mean girls or something?
On an entirely different note, BL universe, I just thought I'd tell you that’s not where a gay man of Rak's caliber puts his perfume. Just FYI. 
I love claiming.
I love a public claiming!
I don’t care if this is Mame.
Also, I am very much enjoying MutRak banter. Actually, I’m pretty much enjoying this episode.
OOOO, I typed too soon.
The second half is kinda dull.
Mame's little moment of "Author insert" was awful ham-handed and on the nose. On the prick? On the ego? She compared her own rampant mischaracterization and audience manipulation to the presence of dragons in a fantasy world? Basically saying: in BL my characters don’t have to be consistent, because that’s part of the genre.
I assure you, sweetheart, there are plenty of BLs and plenty of authors who have honest characterization that stays consistent throughout, and GASP actually bolsters faithful stories and drives plot with a conflict sourced in that consistency. Wandee Goodday... to pluck a randomly contemporaneous example out of thin air. You should try it sometime.
Ooo, now I'm salty.
Episode 3 - But Now, I'm Bored
Before we start....
Linguistics Corner!
Because I got an Ask here's a bit on these two and their pronouns! (We can see if my predictions are correct during the course of this trash watch.) We are in the realm of adult characters not school setting or friendship groups so Rak is using chan/nai and khun with Mut. There is a class & wealth difference with them, + Mut starts out as a kind of employee, so chan/nai makes perfect sense. It's an old fashioned but polite way of speaking that dodges age negotiations. Rak likely doesn't know their respective ages (he could be the older one). To even begin the discussion implies a willingness to use more intimate language so Rak likely doesn't wanna open that can of worms pronouns. He is using both chan/nai and his lack of flexibility around their use as a distancing tactic. Probubly instinctively. Pom or own name would be both intimate and status lowering for him to use. With most adult characters, phi/nong takes longer to establish (if ever), particularly if they start out as strangers. Also, it has much more intimate connotations. And by that I mean: emotional vulnerability not sex. It's fun to pay attention tho, because when these two pronoun shift (and they will) it's likely to be a significant moment in their romantic arc. If I'm lucky we will get a negotiation but that's not really a Meme thing so I suspect Mut will soften his language first. Because of Mut's characterization, and in order to ramp up the romance, I would actually expect these two to (eventually) parlay into rao/ter instead of phi/pom or guu/mueng. But I am looking forward to finding out how it's handled.
And now onto the episode.
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Over a quarter way through and I have absolutely nothing to say. I apologize, this muse be a very boring trash watch. (Imagine how I feel?) I’m too tired to drink but even if there were alcohol in my system, I still think I would have nothing to say. 
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Oh. Is that? Do I sense.... *GASP*
Traumatic backstories for our characters?
From Mame? Who seems to believe that no character can have depth without suffering?
Say it isn't so?
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OK we’re now halfway through this episode and apparently there’s been a Time-lapse of some kind? A couple of weeks?
So this little cat & dog game they’ve been playing has been going on for a while?
I had a huge grin on my face at the moment Ja showed up. I guess I really miss him on my screen. Hi tall drink of water.
Oh, hydration.
Back to the show.
Just two boys with abandonment issues learning how to turn a vacation fling into a relationship mistake.
Also it’s a bit too early for that level of confessional. Isn't it? Well pacing-wise for a BL it feels that way. Are we now about to turn into a country mouse narrative?
On an entirely different note, it’s fascinating to have FortPeat and MosBank airing to high heat BLs at the same time. Especially as they're running on about the same release schedule. I’m enjoying watching 2 pairs both like in chemistry.
I sense a parody coming on.
Two branded pairs, both alike in chemistry, In fair Thailand, where all the cute boys yearn, From ancient grudge to suffer new Mame, Where trash watches make dumpster fires burn. From Fort the fatal loins of these two hoes (I HAD TO). A pair of branded pairs take on the heat; Whose narratives will oft include no clothes, Do with their smooches fight Tumblr critique. Such shameful usage of the dub-con trope, (Contrasted to others thirsty scenes,) Which, but for Mame's brand, all would say nope, Is now 12 eps of angst upon our screens. To wit, if you want sex without my diatribes, Give this a pass and watch Sunset X Vibes.
Thank you thank you. That is for the 3 people reading this who care.
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Where was I?
Or right, no fault to FortPeat. Both pairs are working with the characters and scripts that they've been given.
But right now the sexitimes in this show just feel a lot more service and a lot less genuine (for lack of a better word) then Sunset X Vibes. Now, I know that the characters, narrative, and production company preferences are completely different, but the consummate interplay between surrender and hunger and consummation are oddly similar between these pairs, and yet they're reading (from this side of the screen) completely differently.
I don’t know where I’m going with this.
I just think we have an interesting study in heat and chemistry airing double down right now. And I wonder is anyone else is sensing what I'm sensing.
Writing that sonnet (or whatever) has utterly exhausted me. Nighty night. Don't let the guy-who-took-a-copy-of-your-hotel-key-and-broke-into-your-room bite.
Episode 4 - And Now, I'm Bored & Annoyed
I rushed back from the wilds of foreign climes to trash watch what exactly?
All this time spent establishing Mut as a
pillar of his community
really important lynchpin for oceanic conservation work
striving for his independence
building local friendships and surrogate family
the de facto mayor of this island
And he just leaves for Bangkok to be a boy toy?
And they JOKE about it?
Is the stuff between Mook and Mut supposed to be funny? It's not.
I got so bored I started looking up ways to organize my sunglasses.
Why is Mook so worried about Rak? He’s clearly an asshole who can take care of himself.
What is Mut doing with his life?
What am I doing with mine?
Too early in the series for an existential crisis.
I definitely need to start drinking again for this one.
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Episode 5 - In which I simultaneously got even more bored & more annoyed
This time I armed myself with both booze and sugar. Unfortunately, there are some things even alcohol and chocolate can't cure. Mame is one of those things.
The bullying GL subplot is just BAD.
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I’m getting an overall EPIC SQUICK from the fact that the two rich privileged characters are essentially taking advantage of the two lower class poorer characters. It’s not a power dynamic I enjoy at all. Ever.
So... everyone in Rak’s family is an extreme bitch, including him? Okaaay.
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I mean Rak is pretty and all but I fail to understand the appeal. Maybe Mut just likes bitches? Maybe the sex really is that great?
I tell you, I wouldn’t put up with it.
ARGH. I'm just I’m not finding any of the character dynamics appealing in this show. I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I were back in LITA territory. 
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I’m honestly sorry this trash watch is so bad.
This show isn’t inspiring me into anything but a general feeling of mild annoyance and slight fury.
It's like this rash I had in Stockholm one time.
Startlingly unpleasant, not what one might hope for, but also it could be worse, I suppose.
Episode 6 - In which I get very upset about jealousy
Tonight I'm combining my sugar with my alcohol and drinking chocolate soy milk with chocolate liquor in it. I'm aware that I have a child's taste in booze. The secret is I don't actually enjoy alcohol, I simply need it to survive Mame.
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OK let’s do it.
Rich boy shops when sad.
Frankly, that always makes me feel better too. I prefer the snack aisle myself.
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Oh. Goodie. You get to now watch ABL completely losing an entire brain due to raging at the machine because of one sentence.
Chapter 6: Jealousy is a Sign of Love
Jealousy is a sign of love?! You absolute fuckers. Jealousy is not a sign of love, jealousy is a sign of possession, insecurity, insanity, and often abuse. Jealousy is a sign to dump that shithead as quickly as possible.
I mean, we all understand the story beat: in BL possession is revered and admired and used to drive plot when all other avenues have been exhausted. But you can’t just say it as the title of an episode! That’s too blatant.
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Returning to the traumatic backstory. 
No, actually. Let’s skip that part.
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I do like it when Rak gets all bossy. I love it when a spoiled boy manipulates his man's body to be his bolster pillow. Taiwan is particularly good at this.
Should I just go watch We Best Love for the 1millionth time instead of this show?
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Too tempting.
Where was I?
It’s not even halfway through and I’ve already finished my drink in desperation. And am day dreaming of better shows.
Honestly, I have had many feelings about Meme over the years, but I don’t think I’ve ever been this bored with any of her stuff. I’d rather feel something than nothing.
Meanwhile, the GL moves on from bullying to outright manipulation and gaslighting. Cute. Added French for flavor.
I do like a smile kiss. And a lap sit. And so forth. So Fort.
Yes these two do sex scenes very well.
Give me something more.
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On the bright side... so far... no singing.
Episode 7 - I'm Too Drunk for This
This time, I decided to pre-game. So I went in tipsy. I’m hoping this improves my mood.
Look, I'm doing my best for you here. (Or am I doing my floppyest for you? Eh, same difference.)
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Frankly, what’s really annoying me is that I am neither upset nor pleased with this flipping show. Turns out, I like to be driven one way or the other by Mame. But this show? Nada. It's a VOID.
At this juncture I'd prefer to feel rage than indifference.
I gotta say that thinking about this purely as a soap opera makes me understand it more. I don't like it any better, but I get what's going on. These are the Days of Our BL.
Oh hey, I know that convention center! Best food in the biz.
The revenge bit was fun I guess?
Ooo. Now I kinda wanna rewatch Shelter. It’s been ages. Such a great movie. 
Where was I?
Oh, right, the crazy cousin character. I don’t understand what’s going on with her. Why do we need her? Why is she here? What’s her motivation?
I’m too drunk for this shit.
I'm going to bed.
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Episode 8 - I'm Not Drunk Enough for This
(I detect a theme)
Okay so the hotel wifi is not awful, we gonna try watching icky with it. Always a challenge. Wish me luck!
Wouldn't it be fun if Mut has been conning Rak with this good guy persona the entire time and he really is just after money? I kinda love the idea.
Sadly, I think this is way more boring.
Rak is just a bitch, not even a sublime bitch, but a boring bitch. That's worse than a basic one.
The drama with the dad just seems manufactured. I mean what does the dad want except to be evil?
I mean I know what Mame wants, an excuse for Rak to break Mut's heart.
And now, I'm annoyed and hungry. Imma eat hotel snacks and disappointment in equal measure.
Episode 9 - Perhaps I'm the problem?
I did this already and then tumblr ate it so this time around it's not as witty. Trust me that in the first assessment I was all charm. Now I am all sarcasm.
I enjoyed the random fight scenes. At least something happened. Also the collapsing in his arms was very dramatic.
I can see why Mame reused this pair for this show, because Peat is so good at being broken & fragile (see previous role).
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But also… I feel like I’ve seen all of this before. Oh right, the psychotic breakdown scene in TharnType. The fragile broken uke from Love By Chance. The seme with a heart of gold and fists of steel from… all of them. 
I find this exhausting.
Is anyone else exhausted?
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They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again (AKA watching Mame) and expecting a different result. I must be certifiably bonkers at this juncture.
Second half of this show I begin to wonder one thing. (Well my mind wanders a lot but this particular thought bubbled to the surface.) 
Is this show actually an okay Thai BL?
Wait! Hear me out.
If this were ones first Meme, would it be… fine? In other words, if I didn’t have this storied (or lack of story, nash) history with her creative endeavors, would this bore me this much?
Is this actually just an average mildly enjoyable high-heat Thai BL to others, who are coming to her stuff for the first (or maybe the second) time?
Is it over-exposure or the has traumatized me in this way?
Am I corrupted through overindulgence?
Is this all my own fault?
Should I be taking a break from her? Should I not watch the next 3 productions that she does, and then return to her with fresh feelings of openness and amenable temper?
Is it me who is the problem? 
Yet the act of asking that last question makes me feel like I’m in the same kind of abusive relationship with Mame that Rak was with his father.
Then I feel like I need to drink more. Or see a therapist.
So that’s enough philosophy for one evening.
And then, at the very very end A THRILL DESCENDED UPON ME.
Watching the stinger for next weekI was all… 
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Is this a 10 epper? Oh my God it is! Fantastic. Next week is the last one! I SEE THE LIGHT. 
Episode 10 - The Lingering Scent of Disappointment
Today I am drinking a soju cocktail. Which I can highly recommend. If you're a lightweight but you like vodka, Fresh Soju is actually a pretty decent substitute with a lower alcohol content. 
This has been your bartender lesson for today, moving on.
If the Maa could’ve fixed this all along by throwing the Dad in jail, why didn’t she? Why did she put her kids through all of this bullshit with stalking and abuse? Also the mom character was basically a deus ex machina, except she didn’t even happen on screen. It was action taken to solve what little plot there was... entirely off screen. How weird. I don’t even have a term for that. Bad writing? Recon explanation? Of screen resolution?
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OK, Fort is acting so well in the breakup scene. I adore that “how much do I need to pay you to fall in love with me” parrots the original “how much do I need to pay you to sleep with me”. I must give props for that level of emotional manipulation in a romance drama of this type. 
That said, I feel for Rak, it’s rough to learn that someone else is playing a long game with feelings while you were playing a short game with d**k.
Meanwhile... I have run out of alcohol and I am now eating brownie bites. Because life (and d**k) is too short and so is my patience. 
Why is that tattoo so absolutely terribly obviously fake?
Someone take tattoos and wigs away from Thailand. Just strip them out of all wardrobe departments in the entire Thai film industry. Clearly they can’t handle that level of POWER. It’s giving me trauma.
I do like that the solution to the drama of the break up was an actual sincere and abject apology. Very mature and grown up of you Mame. 
I wish they’d woven the number 8 throughout more of the show, like into the pattern of Rak’s shirts and maybe an earring or cuff.
Did they entirely forget about the GL side not-plot? Or is it just me not paying attention because I’m distracted by brownie bites? 
Regardless, I genuinely let out the biggest yawn during the very ending scene. It’s nowhere near my bedtime.
And… that’s it I guess.
I’m going on the record at this point. I don’t think I can do a trash watch of Mame again. It’s exhausting. And also is it really worth my (or your) time? This screed was so lackluster.
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Final thoughts? 
This is probably a solid 8/10 show but I’m mad I wasn’t madder at it, and mad I was so bored throughout.
So It gets a 7/10 and let us not speak of this again. I’d like to simply forget about it.
Conclusion? I’m left residually upset that FortPeat and all their talents are wasted on Mame. That seems unfair to them. And to us, quite frankly. 
All my trash watches are here:
262 notes · View notes
bambikisss · 6 months
VIP Treatment :: J.Yunho (TEASER)
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Inspiration: VIP Thailand/Korea
Rival department head x Secretary
📙 : You and Yunho work for popular and luxurious department mall, catering to the rich and giving them the VIP treatment. Yunho had been flirting with you for a while now, so when your boss begins to mistreat you, Yunho decides to try and convince you to join him in his department.
⚠ : Unprotected sex (as always, wrap it up), public sex (office, car), violence (Yunho), Breeding (Yunho), oral (m+f), use of mirror, quickie, multiple rounds, phone sex, nudes (m+f sending and receiving. Be careful who you send those to, btw), dom Yunho bratty reader moments
🎶: Say it Right - Nelly, Peppers - Lana Del Rey, Another Round - Fat Joe, Get it - Pristin V, Baby - Camo + Jung Jinhyeong
Bambs notes: Did I listen to an office siren playlist while making this? Yes I did, no shame lol. I've also been on a Yunho kick as of late, so don't worry about that March WIP, I'll come back to it lol.
216 notes · View notes
aloesarchives · 10 months
Kengan Headcanon: Gaolong's reaction to an opponent speaking about you in a unsavory manner
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Warnings: Swearing on my end, reader been ogled at, gender neutral reader/pronouns
Series: Kengan Ashura/ Kengan Omega
Pairing: Gaolong Wongsawat x GN! Reader
Word count: 1988
Pronouns: They/them (reader is referred as partner and (Y/N))
(A/N: Been sitting in my file for a year. Now it's finally finished and posted. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to tag in my warnings.)
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So I already established that in my headcanon of Gaolang that he respects women unironically, actually he respects people in general.
That’s because he’s just GOATED like that and is overall a decent person, especially in the world/universe of Kengan.
But back to the topic, the reason why I want to establish this is he is someone that doesn’t take no shit from anyone. Based on what we learned in Ashura, Gaolang looks down upon those who are cocky and don’t take fighting seriously. Looking more into it, he normally just gets irritated by them due to his calm and collected composure. 
In the world of the sport boxing, it’s no stranger that he will come across people who don’t fall under the definition of sportsmanship. Gaolang has his fair share of opponents that need a little bit of humbling, and he for sure gives it to them during the boxing match. It also doesn’t help his perception of them when they think and openly claim they can clean Gaolang up, making him believe they’re shallow inside and out. But he only does the pre-fight press conference because his manager told him it builds up his good reputation and consistent publicity. Knowing him, he wouldn’t really go to these but he does it for the sake of the sport and the benefits it brings as previously mentioned.
In a normal situation at a pre-fight press conference, he’ll get annoyed by these fighters and let that emotion subside after the press conference is done. He’ll reply nonchalantly to anything that’s thrown at him whether it’s questions or remarks from his opponents that tests the waters. He knows how to handle them and just waits to get into the ring so his fighting can do all the talking for him.
That’s until there was one opponent he had to fight he wouldn’t forget. Gaolang’s title as heavyweight champion was never challenged nor questioned at all. But during that moment in time, Gaolang’s title as champion was being questioned when another boxer was racking up wins left and right. Although this boxer was slightly younger, he was picking up fast and his fights looked impressive. Eventually, this novice boxer was turning heads and getting popular to the point where rumors and speculation about him being the new champion in the heavyweight division. It seemed absurd to think so, but it wasn’t out of the picture. 
Gaolang saw the boxer’s other fights and understood where the praise was coming from. Although Gaolang was confident in his abilities, he still was cautious of the other’s abilities and boxing style. So like always, Gaolang trained like he always does. This wasn’t new to you at all since you have been with Gaolang for quite some time and married for a few years at that point in time.
You thought this opponent was different as he seemed humble and didn’t bark a lot. After turning on the t.v. back in Thailand, you started watching the pre-fight press conference. Again, nothing new to you at all. When the questions from reporters started coming in, both boxers answered them as normal. However, you had a feeling that something was off about the guy. You could tell what it was but your gut had a strange feeling that couldn’t be shaken. 
It was not until the last 15 minutes of the conference that the novice boxer started to bite off more than he can chew. There was one reporter left that triggered a particular answer from him that caught Gaolang’s attention. However, what got a reaction out of him was when the boxer mentioned your name.
“But I will admit though, Gaolang. I’m jealous of you. You’ve got a beautiful and wonderful partner there. I wish I had someone like (Y/N).” 
Gaolang didn’t like where this was going. More so when someone mentions your name that wasn’t friends, family, or King Rama. He knows people like to use your name to throw off Gaolang but he knows how to deal with those who try to use your name to their advantage.
But it doesn’t mean Gaolang doesn’t feel any sort of anger when this happens, especially now.
Gaolang stood up and gave his signature glare to his opponent. He then walked across the stage and stood in the middle. The boxer did the same but he had a stupid shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“What’s with the face, Gaolang? I thought you would agree since you have (Y/N) to yourself, ya’know? Having such a fine person as a partner is something between us two men with good taste could understand.”
“Watch your tongue, (Boxer’s name). (Y/N) is not an object and is not to be ogled at, have some respect.”
But the boxer didn’t know any better and forgot to hold his tongue. The next few things that came out his mouth sent Gaolang’s blood boiling. Then there’s you  who gasped and covered your mouth as you watched what unfolded in front of you on the screen. Deepening his glare more while still keeping his stoic face, he looked down upon the novice boxer.
“Your words against (Y/N) are punishable crimes, and I will deliver the punishment without further question.”
With that, Gaolang turned and walked towards the exit. All chaos breaks out in the conference room. Meanwhile, you were sitting at home with the feeling of disgust and a pinch of fear. You never minded when your name came in the news, but this type of attention was something you feared and the fact a man said on live television with no hesitation was terrifying.
Basically, Gaolang went straight to his hotel room and took a cool shower to calm down.
The anger subsided but the feeling of repulse didn’t.
There are only 3 things that Gaolang shows pride, loyalty and devotion towards: the country of Thailand, King Rama, and you.
And how dare that boxer disrespect you in front of him. The absolute audacity!!!
After Gaolang finishes his shower, he calls you to see if you're okay. Whether it is physically or emotionally, Gaolang needs to make sure you’re doing alright. Gaolang, as always, is respectful towards you in anything. That’s why he has never mentioned you or your relationship to the public unless you allow it. But even then, he wants it to be lowkey af.
Sure, you have calmed down. However, you were a little shaken by this. I mean, I would if a random man said some unsavory things about me on public broadcasting.
Gaolang apologized for letting this happen to you, to which you told him that this isn’t anything too serious and that he should focus more on his upcoming title defense match.
However, this was and IS a serious matter to Gaolang. So the next few days, Gaolang trained with just a little bit more intent than normal.
(Meanwhile, that boxer is getting absolutely slandered for the shit he said on the internet. Those netizens don’t like how he dissed their favorite power couple)
At last, the day of the match that would decide who keeps the title is here. You opt to stay home for this as it would be better for your piece of mind. But you were more worried about Gaolang. Although you  know your husband well, actually that’s the problem. You know how exactly your husband is. Goalang isn’t a hard person to read. He’s rational, calm, loyal, and observant. One thing you notice about Gaolang is how defensive he can get.
People can shit talk him all they want, he could give zeros fucks at all. But insult Thailand, King Rama, or god forbid you, that person is gonna get fucking die.
It had been a couple of days since the conference. So you know the initial anger wore off. But still, you only hope Gaolang goes somewhat  easy on him.
But since the controversy at the press conference caused such attention, this match was one of Gaolang’s most anticipated matches yet for any of his titles.
The event started as per usual with any boxing matches, the sponsors, introductions/entrances, anthems, etc. The challenger seems as confident as ever, having barely any nervousness evident on his face. Same goes with Gaolang, but with his classic stoic stare. The match was on its way once the referee explained the rules and the first bell rang.
However, you knew something was wrong right off the bat with him. It wasn't like Gaolang was fighting alright, he’s a man that never half ass anything. But you can tell he wasn’t giving his all at all. You didn’t know why he wasn’t trying at all. This wasn’t like his fight with Kaneda, he put effort into that one. But something was different about this match and you couldn’t tell what.
It seemed like Gaolong was struggling seemingly, the commentators were shocked and questioned that there would be a new heavyweight boxing champion on their hands. Was this the end of Gaolong’s reign as boxing champion?
No, you knew we wouldn’t lose to people like his opponent. He would rather die than give them a win.
The third round came along and around seemed hype about Gaolong’s opponent and he seemingly being the winner. However, Gaolong was not phased by this. In fact, he still kept his calm composed aura like he always does. That’s when you saw that Gaolong was up to something. You didn’t know yet but it was something.
The 3rd match began and that was when everything suddenly changed. It was like a flip of a switch as Gaolong just started boxing the hell out of his opponent. Gaolong had landed more hits than his opponent could dodge. 
It was obvious to the crowd that this round was one-sided. Gaolong outmatched the hell of his opponent in every way he could. And with a finishing blow to the jaw, Gaolong had won by a knockout. The crowd went wild, the commentators losing their minds from the fast yet heavy KO.
Gaolong pulled the ultimate power move by letting his opponent think he had a sliver of hope in beating Gaolong. Only for Gaolong to straight up smash it to the group and pummel it until it was dust. He shattered the man’s hopes and dreams by letting him think he had a chance of getting a win only for Gaolong to show him that he is nowhere near his level.
That Gaolong was miles ahead of this cocky bastard and he made sure his opponent knew that. This loss will forever change his opponent for the rest of his career.
After the Gaolong’s win was finalized, all he wanted to do was go home back to Thailand and be with you. That’s it. He did his press conferences and interviews, but he didn’t care for them. All that mattered was you and he needed to get home to you as soon as possible.
As always, King Rama gives Gaolong a few days to a week off of work when Gaolong brings home a win. Every time Gaolong wins, it’s like an unofficial national holiday is happening. Thailand is bright and festive as ever everything he wins.
Now with Gaolong back home and off from work, he just spends his time with you. Maybe a little training but more so leisure and doing errands or chores with you. You were happy that Gaolong isn’t in a bad mood anymore but Gaolong now knows that people who weaponized you and your name against him just to stir the pot. 
Well, he takes that pot and creates his own fucking food with it because no way in hell will he let someone do that to you. He made it known with that match. Because after that match, his opponents never mentioned your name ever again.
Thai God Guard Dog privileges.
Hope you enjoyed it! Please like or/and reblog it! Have a wonderful day!
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Meen and Ping had a fan meet in Cambodia, and 19-year-old Ping is stating that their new show, The Rebound, is airing on Viu, which he claims is "your favorite yellow app"
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To which Meen quickly repeats the phrase, but laughs, a lot
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Ping isn't sure why Meen is laughing and restates that the app is yellow
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Which he is right . . .
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But Meen laughing so hard makes me think (completely incorrectly),
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How popular is Grindr in Thailand?
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Cause now I got questions of why Meen was laughing so much.
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sycamorality · 4 months
a collection of all the weird things that have happened to me in my life, since one of my friends said i should make one
one of my ex-friends [they cut me off bc i rightfully called out how sus it was that they went from 0 rares to a blue headdress and multiple long collars in a day] just up and vanished one day. i knew them from animal jam. they had a youtube channel and were semi-popular. i was in one of their videos, one of those animal jam adventures we played together. there were rumours they died to some illness but nothing concrete ever came out of that, but two months after that everything of their online presence disappeared. one of my friends made a video on them and their passing out of respect, but that video is gone too despite them never deleting it. we both know they existed, but none of us can find anything on them. everyone else's videos are gone too. everything about them is just gone as if they never existed
this isn't the only friend this has happened to. i've had four other friends just suddenly disappear, every trace of them existing just completely gone. typically every trace of them just disappears after 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 weeks and 2 months. one friend was mid 2018, another friend in 2017, one in november 2019, another somewhere in early 2021, and another aj friend early 2017
this isnt as weird as everything else but we once took a picture and i saw a shiny object on it and reached down to pick it up just moments after the picture was taken but it was gone. there was only an imprint of it and it was nowhere. nobody had reached down to pick it up before me, and nobody else was around. this isnt the only object this has happened to either.
i found a human pelvis on a beach once. i am the only one that remembers this happened despite me showing both of my parents. they have no recollection of this
this didnt happen to me but it is regarding me. my mom once heard me calling for her in my room - she's in the living room sitting by the computer desk, my room is right behind the wall the computer desk is by. she answers and i don't answer back. one thing is for certain though - this was not an audiotory hallucination. she then realized that i was not home because i was in kindergarten. rightfully she was freaked the fuck out and didn't move for an hour or two
here's another story from my mom because i think its fun to include: she once heard the sounds of my dad coming home. opening the door, stepping inside, putting his shoes on the shoerrack, walking slightly into the hallway, and then all the sounds stopped. she's confused and checks the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom because those are the only three rooms he could've walked into. he's in neither of them. she's weirded out but brushes it off for a while until he comes home and makes the exact same sounds that she heard earlier that day. how interesting!
we used to have teaspoons that had two lines at the end of the spoon. one day it changed to the lines being by the front of the spoon. i asked my mom about this when i was 7 and she said "we've always had those spoons?" looking at me as if i was talking nonsense to her. we also used to have a bunch of colorful spoons! but they're also completely gone now despite us never throwing them away. i know we used to have them because i broke a blue one by biting down on it too hard once. oops.
artistic rendition of the spoons:
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could also swear we used to have yellow plates matching our other colored plates [as well as cups and forks, because we bought them in a set. The Spoons Included] but we. do not have any yellow plates. my parents have said we have never had yellow plates
i could swear by my entire life that korea, thailand, china, australia and many other countries are not where they're supposed to be. this is not because of different projections. none of the projections match up to the map i know.
we used to have an orange cat named charlie, he was a stray we took in. he had no interest in going back outside and he was a cuddlebug, enjoying the safety of being inside with people that love and care for him. one day when we came home, he was completely gone as if we never had him. we asked everyone nearby if they'd seen him, but everyone said no. we only have two pictures of him [despite us taking many more of him]. here's one of them!
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there were two twins that lived across our house. they were pale, had black long hair, and usually wore white - or matching dresses. sounds like a horror movie description, i know, but they actually looked like that. one day during winter after snow had fallen we found out that, when we werent home, they stood in front of our backdoor [which was honestly better described as a big window door] and windows and just stared, because their footprints were there. terrifying!
there was this one time where- apparently an alternate universe or something kinda. overlapped. or swapped? me with an alternate me. my friend rain witnessed this and apparently i called it rainai and wasn't much of an artist from what i can gather, and didn't have the same ocs as i do here. that me was also more shy and definently not the same as i was at the time. this happened in 2019
our cats teleport. i once saw one of our cats, who i will call little shit, inside, eating from the food bowls. sounds and everything from her crunching on it when i got home. i went upstairs to set up my pc and then back downstairs to say hi to her and she was nowhere to be seen. i looked around everywhere and couldn't find her, so i dmed my dad and asked if she was inside and he resopnded that she was outside. i open the door and call for her an lo and behold guess who comes running and meowing. it was not our other cat, mama cat. i can tell their shapes apart so easily
my mom and i saw a witch flying on a broom with their cat once! a shadow silhouette unmistakable for a broom, with a human on the front and cat on the end. we both looked at eachother like "you just saw that right" and just nodded
i saw a big black thing flying by my window twice the size of a raven last yeah. i'm pretty sure that was dragon shaped. four limbs and then wings. i mentioned this once in a friend group server but the chatlogs of that are just completely gone(???)
my mom once showed me an article on how they confirmed alternate universes exist. it was genuine. apparently this exact article does not exist and i am the only person i know [save for my mom] that knows alternate universes were confirmed to exist. nobody else has ever heard anything about this
there was a red pencil sharpener i checked the kitchen counter for 7 times. it was not there. it very much was not there. nobody put it there. when i asked my mom after she walked into the kitche and infront of the counter it was suddenly there after she pointed towards it for me
i will update this with a reblog if i ever remember more because my memory is very selective for some reason
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twig-tea · 4 months
TWIG! Friend! I couldn't help but notice your tags in my excitement post about getting to La Pluie -- I see that you and I are YYY mutuals. :) Let's call YYY... say... zany or offbeat -- off the beaten path of the usual romance-dominated field of Thai BLs. What are some other "zanier" BLs (not just Thailand, but everywhere in Asia) that you love and would recommend for an off-the-wall experience? And, why?
@waitmyturtles I'm so sorry you sent this a million years ago and then I kept letting it languish. And it's extra rude because I love this question! It's so hard to add something like YYY to a rec list without a billion caveats, so this is a great chance to shout out some of the series & shorts that don't get as much attention. A few of these I know you've seen but I have to include them for completeness.
First, for the sake of other people reading this, as Turtles has written about, Cheewin brings his own kind of zaniness to almost everything he works on; my faves of his other than YYY are Make It Right and Secret Crush on You (the exception is Bed Friend, which is not in any way zany but I still liked it).
Also going to mention that since Turtles asked for off the beaten path zany, I won't be mentioning any of the popular comedies (in case you're wondering why I Became the Lead in A BL Drama or Man Who Defies the World of BL aren't on this list).
Alright now that's out of the way, let's get into the other recs!
Zany lesser-known BLs other than YYY
Ossan's Love Franchise (Japanese, 2016-2024, GagaOOLala)
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It is... less true now that this series is lesser-known than it was when I started writing this draft (in uh... August 2023) but I shall persist! The franchise details alone for this series are complete crack:
A 2016 45-minute short [skippable imo];
The 2018 original series which builds the short into a zany 7-episode comedy series about a man in his late 20s who suddenly finds himself the love interest of his older boss (in his ~50s) and his coworker/roommate (in his mid-20s);
The sequel film Ossan's Love: Love or Dead (2019)which turns into an action film halfway through for no clear reason but also remains a romantic comedy in which the mains from the original season decide if they want to stay together
The AU season Ossan's Love: In the Sky (2019) which has the same characters of the lead and his boss from S1 and the short, but this time they work in an airport and all of the surrounding cast is different and leads to a very confusing love rhombus. Incredible 10/10 no notes [people hate this because they like the mains from S1 & the film but I loved the mess]
The sequel season to S1 and the film, Ossan's Love Returns (2024) which you can absolutely watch in isolation and is about the main couple re-establishing their relationship and their found family friend group after being long distance for a few years.
It's truly excellent comedy, and gets better every outing; there are some barriers that might prevent some enjoying the earlier seasons but the most recent one is really delightful. You can hear me talk more about this series with @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup on The Conversation podcast!
Diary of Tootsies (Thai, 2017, grey/Netflix (for the movie))
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I love Diary of Tootsies and the follow-ups so much. SO much. One of the best laughs of my life was the opening to the movie, and I cannot be in a long car ride without thinking about the purse incident in s1. This show doesn't get a lot of BL fandom attention because the romance arcs are not typical for BL (but that's one of the things I love about them). And the friendship in this series is truly what sells it. Season 1 is self-contained, a lot of people dislike the romance plot of S2; I really like the arc across s2 to the movie (as established above, I tend to be less invested in a particular ship across a franchise or multiple franchises). The movie plot is all about reconciling who you thought you wanted and who you are with (amongst all kinds of shenanigans).
HeHe and He (Hong Kong, 2018-ongoing, YouTube)
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This mockumentary sitcom-style series does tackle some serious topics and is also absolutely hilarious nonsense across its 3 seasons. The very simple premise is that a gay guy ("hehe" is slang for gay) and a straight guy who are old friends become roommates when the gay friend breaks up with his longterm boyfriend and needs a place to stay, and hijinks ensue. They do direct-to-camera confessionals spliced in with scenes from their lives. I love this show so much, and it would actually be high up in my indie BL rankings if it were completed. I lose it at least once an episode. It's very queer (if you want a show that tackles everything from hookups to turning everything into a joke to being so, so mean to each other while also loving each other dearly to even chemsex, look no further), and I am in love with all of the wacky characters that have formed a love-hate found family that is deeply relatable. The creators posted a video a few months ago saying they're struggling to end it in a way that they're happy with so I'm not sure we'll ever get an ending for the show. But if you like comedy and queer content it's worth a watch even incomplete! I've been very patiently following this project since 2018 and it's legitimately one of my favourite shows.
Rainbow Prince the Series (Filippino, 2022, YouTube)
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This is a musical; it is a lot of campy nonsense. There is royalty, political intrigue, a dog, kidnappings, and so. much. singing. The songs are surprisingly catchy and it's all extremely good fun. Also a lot of the dialogue is very clearly improvised.
Hey! First Love (Vietnamese, 2019, YouTube)
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This series of shorts are mostly just silly fluff. The very tenuous plot is that these shorts are slice-of-life moments from a young established couple, but it's all really just excuses for Vietnamese comedy and BL romance tropes. If you haven't watched anything from Vietnam, this is a very low-stakes commitment (I think it's under 30 minutes of content all told; there are 4 "episodes" which are spliced together shorts, each of which has a tiny plot but there is not much of an overarching narrative, and then a Q&A with the actors at the end) and gives you a sense of the Vietnamese sense of humour. Both of these actors have gone on to continue to be in other Vietnamese BLs, so if you have watched Vietnamese BL you may recognize them! The production quality on this is charmingly low.
Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan (India, 2019, Amazon Prime)
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This film was such a joy to experience in a live theatre. Billed "the first Gay Bollywood RomCom", this movie was a riot of chaos, dance numbers, shenanigans, hilarity, and cuteness. I loved the way this film incorporated the very real legal change to decriminalize homosexuality in its story. Arguably not "BL" as it very much fits in the bollywood tradition not the BL tradition, but OP did ask for all of Asia!
Like Love (China, 2014-15, grey)
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And no I don't mean censored--this is from before China started censoring its BLs. This show has kisses as shown in the gif, and even (poorly cropped) sex scenes. It also is super bizarre. I was so confused by this show, the characterization, the fourth wall breaks, and how disjointed it was so I went to read the source material and...it turns out it's one of the most perfect adaptations I've ever seen, the book is in fact exactly like this. The characters are caricatures, there is no bridging between scenes, and the plot is the most absurd take on 'loserfail no-thoughts-head-empty character who doesn't admit he's gay but still ends up in a dedicated and loving relationship with a rich handsome domineering man ' I've ever seen. It's a bewildering experience. Note the sound quality on this one is suuuper miserable. I like s2 way more than s1 (s1 is getting together and includes a lot of the bullying-teasing and I'm-not-gay-I-just-need-him-to-pay-attention-to-me stuff, s2 is the honeymoon phase + getting the homophobic parents on board) but S1 is definitely the zanier of the two. That being said, if you wanted, I think you can dive right in to s2 (there's a direct-to-camera explanation of what happened in s1 at the start of it). Note that they set up a cliffhanger at the end of 2 in anticipation of s3 which was going to be made in 2016 but was cancelled because of the political changes in China in 2016 (this is one of the reasons I went to read the source material; they do get a happy ending in the books).
This is an extremely silly but also touching franchise with a lot of tropes I don't love, but also a lot of things I do (and just neat to see some stuff so early in BL: Underwater kiss? Helicopter ride? Femme fatale becomes friend of the faen? Supportive grandparent? It's all here). There are some fantastic speeches in s2 about supporting your gay children; I liked how in this the kids didn't give up on their parents but try to reconcile their filial piety with their dedication to each other. If you do watch S1, highly recommended you watch the series version rather than the film. For "S2"/the follow-up film, make sure you look for the uncensored film version.
The Lover Room 709 Cut (Korean/Japanese, 2016, grey)
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This starts extremely silly, plays with BL tropes, and gets a little bit serious at the end but is mostly just full of puns and innuendos. Includes one of the most hilarious takes on kabedon, and egregious use of the soundtrack from Brokeback Mountain. Also: fart jokes. Folks worried it was going to stay teasing the audience but it does commit and we do get an actual resolution that is satisfying. I admit I've never seen the whole series (which includes stories of 3 other couples in the apartment building) but the BL cut is readily available if you search. Make sure you look for the deleted scene with the lotion application--this scene walked so IFYLITA could run (I'm kidding, but it's very funny seeing this scene now and thinking about that one).
The Boy Next Door (Korean, 2018, YouTube)
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This is another older series playing with censorship (similar to The Lover) in which the two characters end up in BL romance tropes but are not actually in love...or are they? The shenanigans are very fun. This one is left more ambiguous than The Lover, which is one of the reasons it's further down the list.
Go! Go! G-Boys (Taiwan, 2006, grey)
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I debated between this and another quirky comedy from Taiwan in the early 2000s, Formula 17, but while that's unequivocally a better movie, this one is lesser known and more zany, so it technically better fits the bill for this ask (but if you haven't, go watch Formula 17!). The plot is a bit cringe--straight boy signs up to gay beauty contest to pay off his girlfriend's debts (accompanied by his gay childhood friend who is in love with him) and finds his truth. Meanwhile a homophobic police officer has also infiltrated the contest for investigative purposes. Amongst all that admittedly not great setup, however, are several bizarre sequences including the incredible Lord of the Rings recreation scene (complete with Gatchaman of course), a killer soundtrack, a random delivery of poultry, someone slapping a cake, and, most absurdly unbelievable at all: police taking harassing death threats to the gay contest seriously. It does a great job of setting up what should be a dramatic scene and then immediately undercutting the tension with something absurd. It's not narratively good, but it is a fun ride! And yes, there is a happy ending. Stick around for a fourth wall break (literally) after the credits.
Something Crunchy Crunchy (Korean, 2018, GagaOOLala)
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Extremely bizarre little musical short in which snacks are anthropomorphized as hot guys and they sing songs about being eaten and wanting to be eaten. Played entirely sincerely, but the concept is screamingly funny. Fascinating. Also, kind of poly?
Dom (Korean, 2016, GagaOOLala)
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Another hilarious and weird Korean short, this time in which we see the protagonist's sex life from the perspective of the condom boxes that are anthropomorphized and given personalities based on their brands.
And since we can't leave out the ladies,
A few zany GLs:
Lily Fever (Korean, 2015, YouTube)
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I wrote about this one a little in my GL rec list; it is absolutely bonkers nonsense. There is not really a plot, it's a fever dream of a show. Chaos! Not so much a romance as an excuse to see cute girls flirt and make out.
Legend of Yunqian (China, 2020, grey)
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I debated including this one because only the middle is really the zany part, it's sandwiched with more serious xianxia drama. But in the middle of this miniseries is an extremely cute interlude in which xianxia characters time travel to present day for ~reasons. It's censored but there is very little uncertainty about feelings, and manages to be absolutely charming. Worth the short runtime for this kitten quickcut (subbed "Whomst?!" in the show for ultimate comedy). Warning for character death (but it's ok because time travel to reincarnated character!) Subtitled by the indispensable @douqi7s [see their pinned post for links].
BetCin (Filippino, 2022, WeTV)
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A lesbian couple with a YouTube following decide to break up but then find out there's a contest for couples, and they decide to pretend to still be together to try and win the contest rather than tell their fans they've broken up. This series does some really interesting things by starting with a breakup and then looking at how two people who are no longer dating manage BGP while also managing their feelings. There's a lot going on in this show, and the hijinks definitely ensue!
Perfect One Night Stand (Korean, 2020, GagaOOLala)
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This is a cute Strongberry GL short in which a friend agrees to help her other friend find a girl to have sex with before the day is over; they go through several quirky candidates looking for the titular perfect one night stand.
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The other day I made a post about Thai sapphic industry and I totally forgot to mentioned something in that post that I want to add.
So bare with me for a little bit:
This is something that has really affected my enjoyment of fandoms in general, because even if is not AT ALL a fault of fandoms; the token that comes from these really affects how much I can get invest in the stories and fandoms of new sapphic shows.
You see, since creators, producers, etc; has decided to not care enough of TV shows/movies or any project with w/w storylines the pressure of the media to survive(not even to become a popular thing; is just not get cancelled) in their fandoms.
That makes a very big heavy weight in the fandoms and the people in the community around it.
Because the survival of a show depends of how much interest people has on it; and not if the show is good and the creators of these shows are really invested in creating them.
So supporting these projects becomes a task and something that is basically a duty.
We lost things of enjoying things because we want to, or even so; things as simple like personal interests or taste.
Is to the point to support what the community wants in these fandoms sometimes we even had to put these shows in the back, without even watching it because we want to give the count of viewership.
Listen to me; these is not normal neither is something that we should be wanting.
Is not ok that if we don't want to watch something because we don't want to there's a possibility that people want to watch it is gonna lose it.
For better examples, and sorry to mention big very good shows that deserved better: Nobody had to watch first kill, willow, or warrior nun if they don't want to.
My constant critique about the lack of support to Thai shows in general in tumblr doesn't comes from this sentiment; it comes more from my understanding of how difficult is for Usamerican to enjoy something that is not made by them so is a way to tell them that there's something good that is coming from Thailand.
Because, right now; I don't have any of this feeling with any of those thai shows.
I haven't watch blank the series; and the show has being very successful to the point to get a second season(Also Faye and Yoko are gonna get a new show soon).
A few days ago there was a poll about Gap and the poll showed that the majority of the people here doesn't even now what it is. But the show became huge popular, giving the pair a new show and a movie and basically kicking the industry,
The show from Engfa and Charlotte didn't do as good as others, but still they keep going and they had a new show and very possible new projects.
I am pretty sure Milklove is gonna have a new show soon.
I am almost sure I was the only person that watched lucky my love but the pair also got a new show after that.
And the thing is, there's not only pre existence shows and pairs but there's more and more stories and shows coming; to the point that nobody knows when they are coming.
That feeling of dread of not supporting something and the possibility of losing them is not there anymore.
And is something extremely good.
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jinitak · 11 months
Why I think much of Only Friends discourse here is flawed
TL;DR Western audiences expects Only Friends to be more progressive than it can be considering its situation. Only Friends is already a gamble by GMMTV as it is one of the first prime time series focusing on queer sex life to be aired on TV. As Thai audiences and censors are still quite conservative, GMMTV probably added some conservative messaging on sex and relationships to appease those people and for the series to be able to be aired during prime time. Much of the discourse didn't factor in these aspects.
Note: I think I did a shitty job building up to the conclusion, I did not proofread this. I think the TL;DR captures the gist of my argument already.
I have noticed that much of the negative reaction surrounding Only Friends finale has been coming from Western audiences, this might just be me being in an echo chamber where people don't discuss BL series or it shows a divide in audience
I think the ending is catered to the Thai audience rather than Western audience which creates a crash of worldview. Thai dramas has always been filled with moralistic messages and almost always ends in a happy ending, this is already the case in plays as early as the late 1700s.
Even into the TV era, Thai audiences are also accustomed to the moralistic storytelling that ends in a happy ending, most Lakhons basically boils down to this. Branded ships also began in this era (I remember the Channel 3 heterosexual ships getting much popularity, although many of the couples actually married later on so IDK). Although as time progressed, audiences are more accepting of less moralistic storytelling, but still a general sense of good triumphing over evil is still present.
Coming into the BL boom, despite BL being a new genre at the time, Thai audiences still expected the same kind of things they expect from heterosexual lakhons and most Thai BLs still follow that. With the popularity of BL ever rising and fan service being an expected part of promotion, happy endings are kind of mandatory for BLs.
I think Only Friends ended the way it did because GMMTV understood Thai audiences. Much of the Thai audience watches a series for their favourite actors and only some watch for the story (as you can see from the amount of boring university BLs). Deviating too much from the standard pattern would only alienate viewers away.
Despite the picture the tourism board may be trying to presenting, Thailand is still a conservative society, many people still cannot separate sex and relationships. Open relationships and polyamory relationships are still being frowned upon.
Combined with conservative censors which rate BLs for a higher age level than heterosexual dramas with straight up domestic violence, without moralistic messaging, the show might get an 18+ rating and has to be aired after 22.00 (like Friend Zone) or even worse, not being able to be aired at all.
GMMTV probably understand this very well, pushing Boston's separation of sex and relationships as normal might as well be suicide. Much of the audience does not appreciate that view and the censor probably would not like that very much.
I think in their minds, pushing a show so involved with queer sex life into prime time is already enough of a gamble for them, risking that spot being taken away or alienating their (somewhat) conservative audience too is not a chance they's like to risk.
I think the production still should've pushed more for Boston to be accepted but in the end that was what we got. The negative reaction is justified.
I think the issue in the discourse right now is that Western audiences expect a liberal viewpoint being presented in this series, but in reality, Thai audiences are still quite conservative and for a boundary pushing show like Only Friends (Gay OK Bangkok amongst other works are not prime time shows and maybe not even shown on TV at all, that's why I said Only Friends is boundary pushing) has to make compromises to appease those audiences which ended with Boston ending up the way he did.
Afterword: I think my analysis mainly focuses on cultural viewpoints rather than the content of the series, whilst Western audiences tend to do the opposite. This probably stems from my background in advocacy, which focus on cultural aspects when it comes to analysis.
Feel free to respond or criticise, I want to hear differing viewpoints from mine as well. I agree with much of the analysis about the series here but feel that they are too overly critical because their analysis lack the cultural background that explains the thought process behind the decisions the production team made.
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solarwynd · 3 months
i come with a hot take that i dont expect to be well received by others but here goes:
i think pjms really need to cut out the “thailand streaming farm” narrative, for several reasons.
streaming culture has been popularized by armys throughout the years. as far as i can remember, there has been a lot of discourse among chart-oriented armys for years (since the english trilogy era) about both vietnam’s and thailand’s streaming practices. they were the first ones’ to push the account-switching techniques that a lot of streamers use today. back then, it was deemed unsustainable and risky by most chartmys bc it led to large drops when people got tired of doing that. now, its the mainstream streaming practice in the fandom and other countries have managed to make it a more sustainable effort (i.e., LC’s longetivity in the US). the US is the most praised sector of pjms (and deservedly so, they work their asses off) while still using that technique so why are overall pjms much harsher with how they express themselves about thai armys/pjms vs us pjms? honestly sometimes it feels mildy xenophobic to me when is see those kinds of tweets/posts.
while i definitely get that their lack of consistency amd favoritism towards some members has been annoying in the past i don’t think we can say the same anymore. sgmb got more streams day one than nlg and every single jk song released last year (every.single.one and more than double for some of them).
i also cant believe i had to find this information out by a random jjk that popped up on my search this morning when i was looking up today’s sp update (you can imagine my horror when i confirmed those numbers).
jjks frequently and stupidly use the bot narrative for usa pjms, and in all honesty, pjms look just as dumb using the streaming farm narrative for thai armys/solos. its giving that meme of spidermens pointing at each other bc in reality were ALL “bots” were ALL “streaming farms”. we are all a somewhat small group of people (within the market) putting in an extreme effort for our artists. let’s not fool ourselves into cultish them vs us mentalities when (for some things) we are not that different.
Thailand streams get called out because the numbers they pull are not proportionate to the number of users that they have in their country. Look at SK for example. Their lowest entry right now is 4.3k. Top 50 12.8k Top 20 23k Top 10 37k Top 5 60k With top spot being LC with 118k. Proportionate. Brazil, a chart range somewhat similar to the US. Lowest entry is 182k. Top 50 381k Top 20 612k Top 10 882k Top 5 1.06M and Top spot 1.14M.
The lowest entry for Thai charts right now is 28k. Then you get to top 50, that’s 68k. Top 20 (which is Espresso by Sabrina) 98k Top 10 167k. From there is gets sus because to make a jump from that to the top 3 current spots which are 524k, 1.13M, 1.8M. (Down from 6/29 where Rockstar & SGMB had 2.5M and 2.2M respectively and the lowest entry was 26k.) Then you look at the #3 spot from that same day and it was 484k. The gap between #3 and #2 was around 1.7M. Like you cannot tell me that’s normal cause it isn’t. You don’t see those kinds of gaps on any other country chart. So It doesn’t have anything to do with xenophobia (or being upset about the fact that that country is TK majority) because there are other Asian countries and countries outside the US that don’t get called out since they do have streams proportionate to their population and have reasonable ranges.
Bringing up US fans streaming in comparison to Thai fans is also odd to do because it’s not the same. The lowest entry on the US chart is 340k Top 50 starts at 600k, Top 20 841k Top 10 1M with top 5 being 2.1M. That’s also a very proportional chart. Jimin’s numbers in America have always sat in the 200k-to 1M range without significant jumps coming out of nowhere.
Him going from a 465k debut with LC to 2.2M with SGMB from Thailand is not just the 20x cap per account method, that’s something else being employed there. And it’s not that they got “stronger” either.
I’ve expressed my discontent with a large chunk of SGMB’s streams coming from Thailand on multiple occasions. I’ve wanted it far away from Jimin for this exact reason. I’m not denying that there isn’t a concentrated effort to get better numbers in general. And I don’t think any pjm is “fooling themselves” into thinking that how they stream is entirely organic. It’s not, but I still won’t put it on the level of what some Thai fans are doing.
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absolutebl · 5 months
Hi ABL! Can I be what I'm assuming is the 80th person to ask for your analysis about the move of Prem and Boun to GMMTV? Particularly, any thoughts on:
Why did the move happen and does it mean anything that they moved together?
What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Thanks in advance for any insights!
BounPrem move to GMMTV
AKA Thai BL industry speculation, my favorite game!!
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I am actually cautiously optimistic about this.
They're an ideal pair for GMMTV to get. Especially if GMMTV continues optioning Japanese IP. These two are beautifully suited to A LOT of yaoi. Just imagine them in a Thai version of Takumi-kun? !
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Rise up Broccoli Nation... let's talk kabedons!
Why did the move happened?
From BounPrem's perspective:
I think they've been pretty underserved by their current home and that home is pushing them towards pulps (I refuse to talk about Even Sun and I found Between Us pretty darn disappointing too.) If they want higher quality narratives and content, GMMTV is a better home for them.
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Also it will handle their brand better for sponsorship and longevity. I was shocked not to see them on more stuff in Bangkok. Most sponsor gigs and major promos and billboards and such were GMMTV pairs and... ZeeNunew
Right now there are good indication for pairs who WANT to stick together (even while aging up) that GMMTV can handle it - because of what they've done with OffGun and TayNew recently.
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It's clear that GMMTV will throw a good pair at decent content (or at least popular stuff) pretty regularly. With GMMTV, BounPrem stand an even better chance at landing a prestige piece, since they have an established fan base.
From the pair's perspective, this is a good career move.
Now, from GMMTV's perspective, let's talk...
Does it mean anything that they moved together?
Yes, it most likely means GMMTV signed them as a BL pair. Some of GMMTV's other hot properties like EarttMix, OffGun, and TayNew clearly want to do (and have done) more than just BL for GMMTV. Even "second levels" like JimmySea are being split for het dramas. It means they lose their BL talent for a good potion of filming season, while they film some other property.
If GMMTV can sign a high value pair that's happy to stay doing BL regularly, that will work very well for them.
ALSO they've add a hot property pair into their stable that's on the EarthMix (highly commercial) level AND willing to do high heat. I think this is key. GMMTV has shown they want to move into sexier stuff (NC-GMMTV?) with things like Moonlight Chicken and Only Friends. VERY few of their existing pairs are willing to go there, and can do it as well as, BounPrem. These 2 do lust and thirst in a way that most GMMTV pairs can't (they are just too brotherly with each other).
I think this is a sign GMMTV want's to enter the after dark market, and move international markets too. (The higher heat stuff tends to be particularly popular outside of Thailand.)
Also, I think it's pretty clear some of GMMTV's hoped for heavy hitters last year (like PerthChimon) aren't working out for them, so it makes sense to onboard a solid bankable pair whole cloth at this juncture.
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I said a while ago I thought GMMTV would make a play for ZeeNunew. I didn't have BounPrem on the list as a backup option, but these pairs are kinda similar, and fill the same niche.
Anyway, smart move all 'round, IMHO.
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What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
I think the pairing is now less likely to break up than ever.
I think they've possibly been tempted to sign BY a prestige new series carrot. We could get something historical with them in it. Or, like I said, something Japanese IP. Probably higher heat than GMMTV has given us in a full BL.
Eyes Target the Finder thoughtfully. (It was VERY popular when I was over there.)
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Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Like I said, I think GMMTV's objective in signing them would actually be the opposite - NOT to split the pair.
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But if you just want me to speculate for fun (and piss stadn off), I'm always happy to do so.
First is great with anyone, so First with either... or both. First is like the MSG of GMMTV, always improves the taste of any dish.
It might be fun to see Jimmy paired with Prem. But in all honestly I really want a Jimmy + Khaotung thing to happen.
I think Mix has some BDE too, so I think he should play the seme for a change, why not him and Prem?
As for Boun, I think he's a little more dependent on the pairing. It's hard for me to imagine him with someone else. Lemme think. Someone with a very soft screen presence, maybe? How about Gun?
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Heh he, now I'm just winding ya'll up.
Let me have my foibles.
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bird-inacage · 1 year
CALL ME BY FIRE (SEASON 3): Participation of Jeff Satur
Now this has been the most uncanny crossover I never saw coming. A show I've been watching for years, and my introduction to thai BL which initially put Jeff's name on my radar. Here's some context for any fans who have heard of his participation and want to know more.
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Call Me by Fire is a mainland Chinese TV competition show. They invite 33 established male celebrities with the goal to form an ultimate "boy band" by the show's conclusion. What tends to be the incredible pulling factor is they'll invite a combination of singers, musicians, actors, dancers, idols, presenters - incredibly well known faces in the industry - many of them hugely respected OGs in their field. (The demographic is usually late 20s+) so there's an intentional sense of maturity, experience and wisdom amongst the ensemble. The emphasis isn't really on forming this 'fictional' boy band, it acts as a mechanism for us to get more up close and personal with these artists. Allowing viewers to appreciate their creative genius, as well as who they are as people.
This show came as a spin off of another series 'Sisters Who Make Waves' which has the exact same premise but for female celebrities. Because it became such an instant hit, they made a male version shortly after.
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As a Chinese speaker, I've been watching both shows since they started in 2020. Both are in their third season (with Call Me by Fire broadcasting right now). This year they've decided to include more participants (of mainly Chinese/Asian descent) from America, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand - along with the majority from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Why I find this show both incredibly entertaining and compelling is because you get to watch spectacular collaborations between some of the most talented artists of this generation, and witness them embark on a journey of brotherhood through a shared love for performance (they live, work and perform together for the duration of the show). For me, theres also a massive nostalgia factor, because a large portion of these artists will be people I grew up watching.
There will be a lot of new attention on this show due to the Jeff's involvement (whose dubbed ‘Luo Jie Fu’ in Chinese). We’re only on Episode 2, and he's already making a huge impression, earning one of two MVPs spots after their first live performance - his group ranking 2nd out of 8, and his personal ranking being 7th overall (based on the live audience popularity vote).
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The show is uploaded onto Youtube in full (post-broadcast on a Saturday). Just to warn you, the episodes are usually very, very long (sometimes between 2-3 hours in total), but I personally really enjoy that. There are English subtitles but the translations don’t always capture the nuances.
Jeff is doing a superb job so far and he's very brave for taking this on. He brings something distinctly unique in his showmanship and personal sense of style. It's a daunting prospect for someone who can't speak or understand Chinese, but the other brothers are doing their best to help him feel as welcome and settled in as possible.
If anyone has any questions about the show or clips featuring Jeff they'd like to know more about, I'm more than happy to translate.
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: Secret Crush On You (SCOY) Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I offer my thoughts on the importance of Saint Suppapong's and Cheewin Thanamin's Secret Crush on You in the annals of Thai BL history.]
I offer a very hearty THANK YOU to my dear friends @lurkingshan and @bengiyo for reviewing this draft before publication!
Well! A VERY belated happy new year from the OGMMTVC shores! I have allowed myself a lengthy onboarding back to the pattern of watching older Thai BLs due to many life circumstances around the 2023 holidays.
But I do still stay on my grind: while I was slowly watching and re-watching SCOY over the last month, I've added two current shows to the list, which I'll explain about later, and I've also taken up reading an incredibly important book to this project, Dr. Thomas Baudinette's ethnographic study, Boys Love Media in Thailand, which is giving me tremendous insight and history into the development of the Thai BL genre from direct reporting in Asia. In other words, the OGMMTVC project is still cooking along -- I'll plan to post about the book when my current watchlist is at a pause, while current shows on the list are airing.
All that being said, I'm here today to report on my watch of 2022's Secret Crush on You. Here's a little outline to keep me organized:
1) A quick reminder of how SCOY got on the OGMMTVC list, 2) A thematic hit list of why SCOY belongs on the list, and why it's so important for the history of Thai BL, and 3) A few personal takes on the show.
SCOY got on the OGMMTVC list way back in May 2023, in the comments of my glowing review of the second season of Make It Right, suggested by @absolutebl Sensei themself. SCOY is directed by Cheewin Thanamin, who had co-directed MIR and MIR2 along with New Siwaj. (He is also, famously AND infamously, the director of the recent shows Playboyy and Middleman's Love, as well as many other shows, including YYY, Why R U, and more.)
At the time of my watch of MIR2, I reveled in the fabulous endings of TeeFuse and FrameBook, the holistically loving and embracing relationships of those two couples, who were fearlessly and openly queer and committed to each other; and I compared those endings to that of another fabulous Cheewin show, 2023's Bed Friend, which also ended glowingly, after a hell of a traumatic journey, for the dear mains, KingUea.
SCOY, from a growth perspective, fits between the high school world of MIR and the working adult world of Bed Friend, showcasing Toh, the stalker-shy university junior outcast; Nuea, the popular, athletic, and gorgeous university senior, and their respective groups of friends, who, to a tee, end up with each other. In the comments of my MIR2 review, @absolutebl wrote,
"...there is a case to be made that Cheewin is having a conversation with us[,] the culmination of which is actually SCOY. It feels like everything in his career was leading to that show[.]"
I believe this is absolutely right. While the public commentary on SCOY was that the first few episodes would be hard to digest -- for me, it took until episode *9* to feel comfortable enough to ride the SCOY train -- the amount of internal and external-to-BL themes that SCOY carries within it marks it as an incredibly important show for the annals of Thai BL history.
I also want to note that, after SCOY, Cheewin's War of Y also airs in 2022, as a macro commentary on the BL industry. Without having seen War of Y yet -- I think it makes sense, and is quite fitting, that there may be similar themes between these two shows as to what SCOY was addressing by way of personal and industry-related psychologies.
I'll get into those themes in a second, but as so many of you know as well: this was also the first production for Saint Suppapong's agency, Idol Factory, featuring (for 2022) a slate of incredible new QL actors and actresses who have already made a fast and deep impact on the genre (...fast and deep impact huh huh ANYWAY).
Putting ourselves into Saint's shoes -- a man well familiar with the pitfalls of the BL industry, vis à vis his associations with his previous PerthSaint and ZeeSaint ships -- I can make a safe assumption that he approached the production of SCOY with the intent to make a groundbreaking show, and to approach the fan service side of the BL industry with as much consciousness for his actors as possible. While I'm not watching Idol Factory's latest show, The Sign, I am noting that The Sign's two stars, Billy Patchanon (of SCOY) and Babe Tanatat are very good at their fan service offerings. (Heng in this video, omg.) But all that being said, the unfortunate incident last year of the untimely revelation of Seng Wichai's and Freen Sarocha's relationship indicates that Idol Factory is also not immune to the controversies and pitfalls of the BL and shipping industries.
What I particularly loved about SCOY -- and why I agree with @absolutebl and many BL fandom veterans that it belongs on the OGMMTVC list -- is that this show unabashedly insisted that all people are people, all humans are equitably humans, and all humans deserve the same emotional and social respect as anyone else. It punched social expectations of the "winners" and "losers" down to the ground to offer nuanced narratives of most of its characters.
We see Toh (Seng Wichai) and his group of friends repeatedly put down and bullied. We see Toh and Jao kicked to the ground for their looks and presentations. We see popular Nuea (Billy) and Sky (Heng Asavarid) suffering from jealousy, insecurity, unrequited love and desire. We see Nuea and Sky objectified. We see Daisy question themself for their femme identity, and we see Daisy's group of friends become so moved and emotional about this change as to both uplift Daisy's preferences and to support them in whatever changes they want to make.
We also see -- for only the second time on the OGMMTVC list, and surely in the biggest BL up til 2022 -- a prominent femme side character in Daisy, one who is very much pursued by a cis male suitor in Touch. (The first time we see such a prominent femme character on the OGMMTVC syllabus is, again, in Cheewin's Make It Right 2, in the character of Yok, who was very out and very gay throughout that season.)
I'm going to examine this more in just a bit, but I also want to note, in a fabulous conversation I had with @bengiyo about SCOY, that this show also somewhat upends social expectations of who exactly gets bullied in a "typical" school setting. We do very much see Toh and his friend group get attacked. We see that friend group come together in support of each other. But we also see them very much accepted, as they are, by the older, more popular friend group.
There are many more examples of these themes, but in any case:
These were nuanced, layered, and sophisticated depictions of humanity, all for a show within the BL genre that had started its journey, way back in 2014, in demanding clear seme/uke dynamics and male/female characteristic assumptions between main couples. SCOY clearly took great pains to examine and upend these assumptions. In particular, the hot tub conversation in episode 9 had me going wild; a conversation that has become legendary as it was the first time (and not the last!) that a character of Billy Patchanon's stated that he was verse:
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By the time we get to 2022, I love what this conversation signifies for Thai BL. From SOTUS's Kongpob saying that he'll make Arthit his wife; to Pat clarifying to BOTH Pran AND Phupha, "I'm not your wife" -- and, now in SCOY, to Nuea being like, "oh, roles? Yeah, whateves, I'm down," is such a refreshing spin to the conversation about the demands that the genre, AND society, place on hulking cis-presenting men like Nuea/Billy.
Of course, the biggest upending to any assumptions that viewers (including myself) may have had about the dynamics between the two main couples of NueaToh and SkyJao was in seeing how deeply insecure both Nuea and Sky were of the stability of their relationships with their boyfriends in Toh and Jao. Nuea and Sky both recognized that it was literally society itself -- and the very deep internal impacts that society could have on the psyches of the nerdy Toh and Jao -- that could threaten the sanctity of Nuea's and Sky's relationships.
Nuea and Sky weren't relying or assuming on their good looks or popularity ranks to win Toh and Jao over. Nuea and Sky were very much in love with these two men, and both wanted to have holistically complete and committed relationships with their boyfriends. And Nuea and Sky WORKED for these relationships, and feared the worst, often, if an internal obstacle (like Jao's insecurity) or external obstacle (like the girls in pursuit of Nuea) got in their way.
@bengiyo, in reference to my conversation with him earlier, mentioned a social shade to all of this that I found fascinating. He noted that this show did NOT interrogate the "weirdness" of Toh and his friend group. I'm actually going to criticize that just a touch in a bit, because I would have liked more background context into Toh, myself. However, Ben makes an important point about this, because he noted to me that majority society WOULD interrogate the origins of Toh's "weirdness" -- and would NOT interrogate the popularity, good looks, and success of Nuea and his group, because majority society would well assume that Nuea and his group are... "normal."
I find these instinctual inclinations to be FASCINATING to ponder, and I really think SCOY did a wonderful job in allowing us as viewers an "in" to a loving alternate reality that those who are considered "weird" in this world deserve a fair and equitable shot at love and acceptance from all corners. Ben noted for me that MUCH more often in majority society, that being queer makes someone vastly unpopular. (Ben also noted for me that what SCOY posits for Nuea and Sky by way of their queer presentations against their popular standings would likely have led to them being ostracized in real life.)
I want to note that this loving alternate reality for the unpopular is almost exactly similar to another fictional environment created by Cheewin in Make It Right -- which prompted an early and memorable conversation between Ben and me early in this project. (Thank you so much to @bengiyo for giving me time and space to read and comment on this SCOY piece.)
I want to posit -- again, without having seen War of Y -- that all of this is fascinating territory for Idol Factory, in its first show, to tread by way of humanizing IF's gloriously good-looking talent in Billy, Heng, and others. I'll know more by way of comparison when I actually watch War of Y -- but I think SCOY does a FABULOUS job in slowly leading viewers to contemplate our assumptions about how "easy" it might be to be a good-looking and/or athletic person in society. Insecurity and instability are common characteristics among all of us. SCOY very decidedly skewers any assumptions that viewers, and society, may have about the "transcendent" nature of the show's fictional "celebrities" to bring all of its characters down to a more common and equitable human level.
By a long shot, these themes are the ones that I loved absolutely the most about SCOY. I have a few personal takes on the show that I'll share in just a moment, but one more shout of celebration that I'd like to offer to SCOY is the following:
Of all the excellent acting in this show -- from Billy, to Heng, to the utterly DELIGHTFUL Looknam Orntara as Som, to the fabulous Surprise Pittikorn as a conflicted and insecure Jao -- let me offer all the flowers to
Seng Wichai, who had me CRINGING, OMG, *CRINGING*, throughout most of SCOY.
I hope this man won AWARDS for this role. All of my feelings towards the character of Toh aside -- Seng Wichai absolutely BODIED this role. I was SQUIRMING during the first three quarters of this series. God, he NAILED every last characteristic that would make a person like Toh so interpretively painful and pitiful. That Seng left Idol Factory last year, before his relationship with Freen was exposed, is, I think, a huge loss for IF. I know War of Y is chaotic, but I actually can't wait to watch it simply to see another side of Seng's acting.
For Seng's Toh to be pursued so intensely by Nuea -- and for Toh to be so Toh throughout that pursuit -- I truly can't think of a past BL actor from the past OGMMTVC dramas that could have done a better and more nuanced job than Seng Wichai to just remain so COMMITTED to Toh's modus operandi of stalking and collecting, especially so DEEP into the 14-episode run.
I will admire Seng's performance endlessly. My very own personal take on SCOY -- which I do not want to detract from its importance in the BL genre annals -- was that I think some of Cheewin's typical chaotic flourishes did not quite comport with the complicated emotionality that SCOY otherwise served.
At the end of the series, we meet Toh's parents in rural Suphanburi -- but we don't get a sense throughout the series of why Toh decides to pursue Nuea only from afar, in stalker-like actions, for so very long. Again, this stalker behavior is only presented as an MO -- and as @bengiyo noted to me, that was likely on purpose, as a means of showing that Toh's friend group would be accepting of each other NO MATTER their unique characteristics.
We also have to wait a VERY long time in the series for Toh to be held accountable for his stalking actions, as he even continues to collect items well into his relationship with Nuea. The flip side of this is an empathic one -- he's collecting the items out of an assumption, on his end, that his relationship with Nuea WILL end. However, it's made clear that Toh had no intention to ever tell Nuea of this side of Toh's behavior.
There were other moments in the show that tonally confused me, particularly in episode 5, the first time that the group goes to the beach, where Toh is in the hotel room with Nuea for the first time, and is both overtly confident that he might get it on with Nuea, but also seems reluctant to actually pursue it once Nuea starts offering hints. I worked this out with @lurkingshan (thank you, friend!) that Toh was demonstrating a brave face and fantasy to start, but was surprised when Nuea actually reciprocated the consideration. This happened a couple of times throughout the show, and Shan's assessment makes absolute sense -- I think I could have used some language clarity around those scenes myself, particularly when Toh was talking postgame with his friends after those moments, that he was surprised by Nuea's acceptance. But, @lurkingshan -- your assessment of the pattern holds, and I understand it.
Once I finished the series, I read @absolutebl's 2022 review of SCOY, and ABL -- I totally understand your perspective. I get the pull between adoration and cringe for this show. A stalker premise is HEAVY. It didn't help, in that heaviness, to have no past context to Toh's behavior, coupled with Seng's incredible cringy performance.
If another director without as many chaotic tendencies could have directed this show -- I think we would have gotten a more complete and contextual emotionality to the show that would have helped Toh's and Nuea's relationship be portrayed as fully full-circle.
I think this is enough of a quibble that'll keep me from easily rewatching SCOY. But, towards the end of the series (@twig-tea, YOU WERE RIGHT!) -- especially from episode 9 onwards -- I felt that I finally and truly understood where this show was going, and what it was about, and I felt endeared to it.
I think many in the fandom will agree that SkyJao was actually the couple that interpreted, much more clearly, the impact of social pressures and insecurities on a relationship, and for that, I will forever shout
as one of my absolute favorite side pairings of all time.
SCOY was a hard watch for me because of the interruptions of the holidays, of life, and because I've gotten a little less patient with Cheewin's chaos (...I dropped Playboyy, omg, I have to admit), despite my utter admiration for his work on Make It Right and Bed Friend.
But the difficulties I had in watching it should not take away from honoring this show as a hell of an important one. It makes me admire Saint Suppapong to no end for spending his own damn money towards the pursuit of better BLs. And the acting in SCOY was truly FANTASTIC. Despite my own personal reservations, I cannot recommend SCOY highly enough -- because watching it, and enjoying it, is truly a perfect demarcation to understand how far Thai BLs had gotten to its airing moment in 2022.
[OKAY! As I mentioned above, this project has gotten even richer with the addition of my current reading of Dr. Thomas Baudinette's Boys Love Media in Thailand -- I look forward to offering my thoughts on that book after my watch project is over.
I have added a few shows to the watchlist! The recently-aired Last Twilight makes it on as a show that centered disability vis à vis BL for the first time, and Cherry Magic Thailand makes it on as Thailand's first major adaptation of a Japanese manga and dorama. I've also added 23.5, GMMTV's first GL, to the list, although the premiere date continues to be up in the air for that show.
AS WELL! An actual Japanese BL makes it on the list, ha ha! I'm obsessed with this because I'm learning from Baudinette about the Japanese roots of Thai BL. I am in LOVE with Ossan's Love Returns, and it happily features a cameo by none other than Loong Jim and Wen, who hilariously (AND SMARTLY, go get yer money, guys) franchised Moonlight Chicken to Japan. Earth Pirapat and Mix Sahaphap make the most adorable cameo, and they will be inhabiting Haruta's and Maki's roles when the Thai version of Ossan's Love starts filming later this year.
FINALLY! My own personally long-awaited KinnPorsche (OOOO-WEEEEE!) rewatch is up next, but I'm taking a beat to catch up on Cooking Crush. I can't wait for my late-night liveblogs on KP, though -- they're coming soon!
Here's the status of the list -- as always, Tumblr's web editor is NOT nice to this list, so please mosey over to this link for your very latest updates on the project!
1) The Love of Siam (2007) (movie) (review here) 2) My Bromance (2014) (movie) (review here) 3) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 4) Gay OK Bangkok Season 1 (2016) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 5) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 6) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 7) Gay OK Bangkok Season 2 (2017) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 8) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 9) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 10) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 11) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 12) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 13) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 14) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 15) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 16) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 17) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 18) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (a non-BL and an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 19) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 20) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) (and notes on my UWMA rewatch here) 21) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 22) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review here) 23) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review here) 24) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) (review here) 25) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 26) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (re-review here) 27) Lovely Writer (2021) (review here) 28) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) (review here) 29) I Promised You the Moon (2021) (review here) 30) Not Me (2021-2022) (review here) 31) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 32) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) (review here) 33) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch (Links to the BBS OGMMTVC Meta Series are here: preamble here, part 1, part 2, part 3a, part 3b, and part 4) 34) Secret Crush On You (2022) 35) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here)  36) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For the Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist (watching)
...interrupting the OGMMTVC list here to watch War of Y (2022) in chronology and to decide if it gets listed...
37) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 38) The Eclipse OGMMTVC Rewatch to Reexamine the Start of “Genre BLs” and Internalized/Externalized Homophobia in GMMTV Shows  39) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 40) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 41) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 42) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) 43 La Pluie (2023) (review coming) 44) Be My Favorite (2023) (tag here) (I’m including this for BMF’s sophisticated commentary on Krist’s career past as a BL icon) 45) Wedding Plan (2023) (Recommended as an important trajectory in the course of MAME’s work and influence from TharnType) 46) Only Friends (2023) (tag here) (not technically a BL, but it certainly became one in the end) 47) Last Twilight (2023-24) (tag here) (on the list as Thailand’s first major BL to center disability, successfully or otherwise) 48) Cherry Magic Thailand (2023-24) (tag here) (on the list as the first major Japanese-to-Thai drama adaptation, featuring the comeback of TayNew) 49) Ossan’s Love Returns (2024) (adding for the EarthMix cameo and the eventual Thai remake) 50) 23.5 (2024)]
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vintagegeekculture · 1 year
The Most Beloved Adventure Novel in Thailand
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If you’re Thai, you already know what I’m going to say: เพชรพระอุมา, “Petch Pra Uma,” or “Diamonds of the Goddess Uma.” A jungle adventure yarn written over 25 years, from 1964 to 1989, it is a good candidate for the world’s longest novel. And to call it inspired by H. Rider Haggard’s “King Solomon’s Mines” is a bit generous: the basic plot comes from that book, at least to start with, before it went off in its own strange directions guided by local Thai folklore. The 19th Century Adventure novelist H. Rider Haggard is widely loved in Thailand, and it is surprising that a 19th Century British colonial author is still such a significant influence. 
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The story of “the Goddess Uma’s Diamonds” begins when a he-man jungle explorer skilled in hunting and hiking, Raipin Praiwan, is contracted to help discover the Emerald City in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Along the way, a young hill tribesman asks to be his expedition’s servant, only to discover that this young servant is in fact, the rightful outcast prince of the City of Emeralds. So far, this sounds absolutely identical to H. Rider Haggard’s “King Solomon’s Mines” transplanted to Asia, but where the jungle action in the novel gets strange is that it very quickly veered into the folkloric and paranormal of Southeast Asia. Haggard flirted with the fantastic in King Solomon’s Mines, but this one has a full on love affair with it. When seeking the Emerald City, Raipin Praiwan encounters forest spirits, ghosts, and intelligent, red-eyed glowing ape creatures able to use swords.
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Or at least that was the first story arc. The novel was originally published in newspapers, but it was so widely popular that it kept on going well past the natural ending. To this day, Thai librarians have trouble keeping it on the shelves, and there have been numerous film and television adaptations in the Elephant Kingdom. To read the entire book in collected form now requires over 48 volumes.
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One amusing part that surprises me is that it contains explicit and very casual descriptions of cannabis use. I knew....but it hadn’t quite sunk in until I read this...that the bong or water-pipe was a Thai invention (more accurately, rendered as baung). 
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The funny part about this book is that Thai nerds love it and base their lives on it, getting a model rifle and machete just like the manly Raipin Praiwan’s. It’s exactly like, when lots of Western nerds get money, they buy a Walther PPK and an Aston Martin to be as cool as their hero, James Bond. I cannot help but think that if you are a cool, exciting guy like 007, you could drive any reasonably stylish car and make it look cool, it doesn’t have to be that specific one....but remember, we are deep in “cargo cult” thinking. 
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Unfortunately, it is known that the author of the books is unpleasant to online fanfic authors, which leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth equivalent to learning your favorite actor is a scientologist. 
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scarefox · 7 months
idk maybe we wait till the drama is over before we do the big judging?
Because so far the drama always played with social expectations vs reality AND we constantly get evaluations and realizations from Nont summing his opinions or change of opinions up in monologues (he is one of the characters kind of representing the popular opinions at first just to learn the other side!)
You have to look at the whole drama and characters developments. not just moments because they all go through good and bad (example) phases.
Let's see where the last 2 episodes go before swinging the hammer?
Reminder: Playboyy is NOT about how the ideal world would look like but it is about how it is right NOW (in Thailand especially). Of course our characters get punished for certain sexual behaviors because that IS how society reacts. Part of the characters even represent some of those stances now and then as example. And us audience feeling bad about it is the goal. Also I think it is very well established that Captain is an ass with the worst morals sometimes. Of course we are not supposed to take his opinions and actions as valid life lessons or message even. We are supposed to dislike him (literally the cast says he is annoying and hate-able).
PLUS very important, a misunderstanding I feel happens with some dramas interpretation: sex positivity does not mean to ignore issues that come with sex and pretend as if there were none... But is especially also about talking OPENLY about those things as well as sexual freedom. There are certain possible dangers of working in the sex industry or if you constantly sleep with different people you don't even know who they are.
(bear with me a lot of rambling ahead about topics I have seen here and there the past weeks)
Playboyy is literally about what Nont says in the fist minutes of episode 1
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(* "can create problems" might be a better wording here in the context. basically "sex is more than just some nasty business" and "sex causes problems sometimes" are two things that coexist)
A lot of the plot is Nonts POV which so far had the theme of Nonts discovery of the variety of sex, human feelings and relationships. GOOD and BAD. As well as the dark side of the sex industry (+ drug and mafia connections). He knew nothing about this world and was / still is very judgy of certain things... like the whole doggo video was about him thinking it's murder when it was actually kink play at the end, which he never considered (that's what I mean with expectation vs reality). The treatment of sex worker (btw intentional of the drama that we see both sides here! Please DON'T ignore that in your judgement of what the drama is telling!), the harsh way he judges Nants drug addiction.
aaand all that combined with these 6 categories for each pairing they introduced via one of Nonts monologues as well:
"Mutualism, Protocooperation, Commensalism, Parasitism, Competition, Predation" (btw not set in stone, they can grow out of these)
Do you guys remember that "Y-Destiny" (same director) was based on the week days characteristics and superstition in Thailand? I feel like Playboyy is a bit similar to Y-Destiny just with these relationship categories.
Here just some of the things I remember characters said in response to the happenings in the drama or despite the things happening in the drama (which are mainly based on real life issues I remind you)
on the society AND some characters judging virginity:
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(Nants downward spiral only happened because he got coerced into losing his virginity to strangers in an industry you shouldn't go in naive. Meaning he wasn't ready for it and stumbled into things just to prove it to his judgy friends)
ignorance in the LGBTq community (is a thing obviously, see trans & queer exclusionists as worst example)
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(this statement was about their physical appearance and age. But is by the only 2 characters who wear support trans and 'fuck gender norms' message shirts)
sex as a taboo topic in society:
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the whole sex tape issue:
We have Puen calling Captain out on his bs. We see everyone suffering the consequences of leaked sex tapes. As well as the victims of it but also Captain himself (boy just has no self reflection abilities). But also the question on WHY leaked sex tapes are such a big deal (sex as taboo topic) that someone loses their whole career over simply just bein caught having sex. Making sex tapes such a good blackmail tool as well...
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the "sex worker get treated like trash" issue:
again, yes that's the point of showing something like this as real life issues. You can't take Captain, First or even Nonts statements as "this is the shows statement" when they are all portrayed as morally grey till morally twisted even. AND we still have this whole big plot point of Aob and Puen AND Phob constantly showing and talking about the issues they have to deal with as sex workers. (+ the Soong, Teena, Jump at the beginning saying it wouldn't be that bad of a job under better circumstances, if their boss wasn't so horrible. again not just a black and white image here). THIS TOO is part of the show and it's message, which weights way more than Nont calling Puen "that sex worker" or whatever (maybe he doesn't even know his name). Nont is pissy and biased of that whole topic and specifically about Playboyy employees because of his brothers death.
And First being a selfish sadistic prick to said sex workers, when they gave him basic consent is a similar issue he had with Soong in the beginning (him not realizing when Soong is not into it or too tired). He knows that he messed up here, he even admitted it to Soong. My guess is that First and Captain just don't want to admit to the others? That just because they got hurt, they can not hurt others (oh that's a recurring theme in the drama btw). And idk I got the feeling First & Captain being hurt wasn't about Zouey accused them of but them both having some issues which makes them act that way?
Because the following is such a weird thing to say in that context??? (is that their "every episode we remind you this may or may not be a fictional story" thing)
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"You think of us as clowns or people who make yourself look like a better person." Spoken like someone who doesn't want to admit he may be not a good guy 🤷‍♂️ aka "Oh you think you are better than me just because I am worse. Everyone hates me because I am an ass" uhm yea.
Anyways Zouey is right about criticizing them for hurting others (not the part where he called them perverted. Look not even Zouey is perfect). And I bet everyone watching it agrees with him on that. It does suck that they made him apologize. But again, First and Captain are both not characters you get your life lessons from, especially not Captain. Also the way the whole apology went was weird with these word plays?? Pretty unserious and deliberate confusing:
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Like wtf does that even say? Also we know he only apologizes to get them back to work with them on the case.
AND regarding BDSM representation: guys, we don't just have Soong x First on that topic! We have:
Prom x Nont / Nant as GOOD example: contract, consent, aftercare, negotiation, communication (regarding sex! not the case)
Jump x Porsche as BAD example: questionable consent, literal abuse cycle and they basically just vent on each other until they realize how shitty that is. While they do have a contract apparently... they don't really follow it. It's just really sad the creators didn't spend more on screen time with developing their change properly... (bruh they literally cut one scene of Porsche kissing sleeping Jump one morning after, it's in a BTS, they should have kept that to show that they do develop feelings for eo...)
Soong x First is a mix, they both have good traits with each other, but also have/had bad traits (Soong consent issue with Nant) and First DOES have a sex addiction since episode 1. That is one of the main issues Soong has in their relationship. And it then happened that First fell down the bad mental path after some people (+ society) treated him already like a monster (treating someone like something evil they will eventually believe it themselves) and then his support system (Soong) left him. He stopped caring since nobody seemed to care about him. The thing with his dad is that the show mislead us here once again (they love to do that but sometimes it's not well done tbh). His dad is not homophobic. But was just worried about the amount of sex and BDSM / kinks his son participates in (based on prejudice tho). Unfortunately he contributed into that self-fulfilling prophecy that way.
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VALID and NOT kink shaming!! Having sessions all the time is big effort and can be overwhelming and exhausting if you have that constantly (especially if Soong does the most work in a role that's maybe not his preference)
The key in those BDSM relationships here is to display that bad communication and bad treatment leads to bad outcome (breaking up, causing eo harm) while good treatment and communication leads to them getting together. Them having a bit less violent sex in between (there are more kinks than just rough sex, fam) doesn't mean they turned vanilla. Like Soong x First in ep12 had some food play again 🤷‍♂️ and idk if Jump x Porsche have sex at all atm and considering their circumstances it makes sense if they don't continue the rough path for now (they didn't even had rough sex all the time prior either. It was just that Porsche used power over Jump + one time switch, now they are probably equal). Even as weirdly uncanny it might feel seeing Prom all sappy and softy when he actually tries to get Nont into a relationship outside of their sex sessions. That's not unrealistic either. Most BDSM folks have more personality and interests than just being into BDSM.
While First had his little downfall we have this statement from Prom as well:
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Aaaand I will end it here for now. I am at my picture limit for this post and have a migraine ✌
Bottom line is: wait till the finale is over AND view the whole drama together with all characters paths and statements.
I agree on that some parts are rushed, came too short, some bits appear a bit tone deaf (but that can also just be judged at the end since they still have a chance to come around). 14 main characters at once + all the topics they try to address + the different vibes for each pair + connecting all of that in a murder case somehow is definitely a whole ass mammoth project. It's really difficult to manage the storytelling of that and then also consider the limited time frame.
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firstkanaphans · 5 months
Total Number of Trailer Views Per Series
[as of right now, sorted by most to least popular]
The Heart Killers: 478K
Perfect10 Liners: 369K
Scarlet Heart Thailand: 356K
Ossan’s Love: 335K
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist: 310K
The Ex-Morning: 302K
Revamp The Undead Story: 289K
Thame-Po/Heart that Skips a Beat: 267K
Us: 227K
The Dark Dice: 225K
Leap Day: 175K
Hide & Sis: 156K
Break-up Service: 146K
Friendshit Forever: 143K
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thaiblmovies · 4 months
Thai BL Movies and LGBTQIA+ empowerment
I can see fancy rainbows shining everywhere. Yes, you're right, it's pride month. This is a perfect time to talk about something that is deeply rooted in the realms of BL.
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LGBTQIA+ empowerment. Let's face it, even in our modern society, discrimination and stereotypes still exist. Well, the world is becoming more inclusive because of the fast proliferation of information brought by social media, but not everyone is still open-minded about this.
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Thai Boys' Love movies are not just entertainment materials. They serve as a platform for positive changes to happen. From opening the eyes on gender oppression to challenging heteronormativity in society, BL is the most fluid tool to spread messages to the viewers.
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A good thing about the three Thai BL movies (Dew the movie, 2gether the movie, and Waterboyy the movie) is that the perspective of the Filipino viewers on LGBTQIA+ community widened. Boys' Love is not soft porn full of homoeroticism, but it is an art that resonates the plight of the members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Thus, it helps in demystifying the underrepresented pain and laughter that have been kept in the closet for a long time.
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Also, there is a better acceptance of LGBTQIA+ relationships because of these Thai Boys' Love movies. More people in the society have been exposed to information about the LGBTQIA+ community. Hence, having enough knowledge on such can really lead to acceptance. It's also not a big deal now as compared before to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Numbers don't lie, there are a lot of LGBTQIA+ influencers.
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Furthermore, a lot of fans agreed that the popularity of Thai Boys' Love movies added to the confidence of the members of the LGBTQIA+ community to be proud of their identity. It's really heartwarming to imagine how BrightWin can inspire people to be proud of their relationship. Ohooooooooo, na rak! (Oh, so cute!).
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Thailand massively contributes to the plethora of information on the LGBTQIA+ community. The Thai BL movie industry is not just a driver of economy, it is also an advocate for equality.
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It's on the hands of Thailand to be responsible on portraying scenarios which are beneficial and realistic to community that they represent.
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