#Post KH3
softbewitcher · 2 months
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post-training 😴
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melomelod111 · 10 months
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Feeling out how I draw roxas post kh3 (I’m still brainstorming his outfit)
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starfiresky · 6 months
Oh gosh. These are so sloppy, but I thought they were cute so here ya go:
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holleighgram · 1 year
Friendly reminder that Riku is Soras Dream Eater.
Friendly reminder that Sora "died" is in the "afterlife.
Friendly reminder that "the edges of sleep and death touch and one can't help the occasional cross over"
Idk what this means but I'm pretty sure riku didn't die. I think he straight up told the grim reaper : "my boyfriend died and I'm his plus one"
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aeonphantasia · 1 month
During the first weeks after he came back, in the early morning hours Roxas would usually wake up, often than not after a nightmare.
Slowly, he would tiptoe to Axel's bedroom and silently slide under the covers. He would clung to his best friend, ear over his heart and listen to its beating and bathing in the redhead's warmth to make sure Axel would really be there with him. Then, he would quickly fall asleep.
What Roxas wouldn't know, is that as soon as he's back sleeping, Lea's arms would wrap around him and keep him as close to the redhead's chest as possible, to make sure Roxas is really there with him.
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drangeax · 4 months
Broken Bonds and Shadows
Pairing: Terra/Aqua, Terra-Xehanort/Aqua
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,050
Summary: After the war, everything went back to normal, right? Right?!
Read on AO3
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Moonlight filters through the windows, casting a silvery glow over the dark corners of the castle in Land of Departure. The grand halls echo with the rhythmic sounds of a sparring session—clashing magic, the hum of energy, and the occasional thud of a misstep.
“One, two, three.” Aqua shoots a light spell at Kairi, who barely has time to block. The young apprentice stumbles, her breaths coming in short gasps.
“Again,” Aqua commands, her voice firm yet encouraging as she channels mana into her Keyblade. “One, two, three.” 
Another spell erupts from her blade, and Kairi scrambles into stance, managing to block more effectively this time. Aqua nods approvingly, preparing for the next round.
“One, two—
“Wait!” Kairi yells, panting, her face flushed from exertion. 
Aqua twirls her Keyblade with practiced ease, her expression thoughtful. The young girl’s determination is admirable, but it’s clear she’s reached her limit. She glances at the stained glass window, noting the looming darkness outside. 
“I think that’s enough for today,” Aqua says, dismissing the Keyblade with a graceful flick of her wrist.
With her weapon withdrawn as well, Kairi falls to her knees, trying to catch her breath. “How…how did I do?” 
“You’re progressing quicker than expected,” Aqua replies, approaching her apprentice with a reassuring smile. “Your magic is good, but it could be better. Your defense is on point, except you forget to block most of the time, and your forms…still need some work.”
Kairi groans, collapsing flat on the marble floor. “I knew it. There’s always a but, isn’t there?” she mutters, frustration evident in her tone. “What am I doing wrong?”
Aqua kneels beside her, her gaze gentle and maternal. “Kairi, there will always be a but.”
“Maybe I’m not cut out for this. Riku was right to leave me behind. I’m not strong. I would’ve just gotten in the way like back then…” Kairi’s voice trails off as she shields her eyes with her forearm.
Aqua’s heart sinks. Her apprentice’s words echo her doubts from years past. When she was younger, no matter how hard she tried, it never felt good enough. Not for herself, at least. In Master Eraqus's eyes, she’d been a prodigy from the start, leading to higher expectations and a critical assessment of her abilities.
Maybe I’m being too hard on her.
Kairi peeks from under her arm wearily, and Aqua chuckles. She gestures for Kairi to sit up. The young girl mimics her position, facing away from her. Aqua quietly selects a lock of Kairi’s vibrant red hair, dividing it into three sections.
“You weren’t prepared. Don’t be harsh on yourself,” she says, weaving an intricate braid. “And Riku…he didn’t want to place you in harm’s way. It has nothing to do with your strength or ability to wield a Keyblade.
“You really think so?” Kairi asks, leaning back briefly to meet her eyes. 
Aqua laughs and smiles. “I promise you’re doing just fine. Improvement comes with time.”
Kairi nods, resuming her position and Aqua works on a lock of hair on the opposite side, carefully pulling it into a small braid. “I’m sorry if I’m being too hard on you. Master Eraqus…was strict and demanding. I guess I can be a bit like him sometimes,” she admits with a sheepish smile.
“Master Aqua, sometimes you’re straight-up a nightmare.”
“Oh?” Aqua tugs a strand of hair and Kairi yelps. “Watch it, young one. I’m still your master.”
“You’re so mean,” Kairi fake sobs, and they laugh.
Aqua revels in the carefree moment. She doesn't have many these days.
“You know, Terra said as much the other day…” she trails off, deciding it’s not something Kairi needs to hear and instead shifts the conversation. “Come to think of it, he used to have the same problem as you. Now he’s better than me at executing the proper forms. Maybe we could ask him to show you sometime,” she says, her deft fingers now uniting the braids at the nape of the neck like a headband.
“Now, let’s get you some rest. Tomorrow is another day.” Aqua stands and offers Kairi a hand, helping her up. “Kairi, remember, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.”
Kairi smiles in relief at her words. Suddenly, the future seems bright. There’s still hope. Then Terra walks into the great hall, his heavy steps giving him away. He approaches them with a couple of water bottles in his hands.
Speak of the devil.
“Done for the day?” he asks, handing Aqua a bottle.
He offers one to Kairi, but she stares warily, her hesitation palpable before she accepts it. Part of her wonders if Kairi knew. If she could see the oppressive shadow of darkness hovering over him like a ghost.
“I guess I should be going,” Kairi says, her eyes darting nervously between Terra and Aqua. “Until next time, Master Aqua.”
“Are you sure? It’s a bit late. You’re more than welcome to stay if you want,” Aqua offers.
“No, I uh—Ven said he would take me home no matter the time so…” The words tumble out as she grows visibly uncomfortable.
“It’s alright,” Aqua reassures her. “You’re not obligated to.” 
“You’re too kind, Master Aqua,” Kairi says with a quick bow and rushes for the stairs.
Terra turns to Aqua, uncertainty clouding his eyes. “She doesn’t like me, does she?”
Aqua sits back on one of the thrones, a contemplative expression on her face. “What makes you say that?”
“She’s…guarded around me, gives me that look often,” he says, frustration evident.
"Well, you do resemble her childhood nightmares…” She takes a sip of water, not wanting to go further.
“That’s harsh, even for you…I’m well aware I’m the source of everyone's nightmares.”
“What about you?” he asks, his voice dropping. “Am I the cause of your nightmares too? The reason you wake up screaming, why you can’t trust your own shadow—
Aqua frowns and shifts on her seat, crossing her legs. “You can drop the act. She’s probably downstairs and out of sight by now.”
His mouth twists into a sinister grin. “Good, we haven’t had a proper conversation since that night, have we?” He steps closer, his tone dripping with malice. “Are you avoiding me, Master Aqua?”
“I wished I could…” 
Terra stands in front of her seat, her words taken as an invitation to invade her personal space. His hands rest on the armrests at either side, trapping her. He hovers over her like a predator seeking to intimidate her. She averts her gaze, trying to ignore him. 
He chuckles darkly. “I take it you don’t want me to tuck you into bed tonight.”
Her skin crawls at the implication, yet her expression remains impassive. Don’t listen. He’s just trying to get a rise out of you.
“What do you want?” she asks, her voice steady and calm.
Terra feigns hurt. “You wound me, Aqua. Can’t a friend check in?”
“You are not him,” she says between her teeth, her hands gripping the armrests. “We’ve already established that.”
“Ah, but he’s still in here,” he says, tapping his temple. “And he remembers everything. Every touch, every whisper…”
Her heart skips a beat. “Leave him out of this.”
His grin widens, her dismissal fueling his persistence. “Let him be? Now, why would I do that when it’s much more fun to be him?” He reaches out, his fingers closing around her chin like a vice, forcing her to look at him. His eyes gleam with dark and twisted desire. 
She tries to shift away unsuccessfully.
“I know you,” he whispers close to her ear, his breath hot against her skin. “I know what makes you come undone…”
Aqua gasps and shuts her eyes, her resolve wavering as her body reacts to his advances.
His lips brush her neck. “You can’t hide from me. You can’t hide from what we are.”
Don’t listen.
His thumb brushes her lips suggestively, the touch sending sparks through her body. “I know it haunts you how I made you feel. I know you want it again...”
Her heart races, but she steels herself, voice firm. “This isn’t you, Terra. This darkness isn’t you.”
“You say that, but this is me,” he says, his voice disarmingly casual and soft as he grabs one of her hands and guides it to his chest right over his heart. “It’s the part of me you’ve always been drawn to.”
Please stop. 
“Aqua…look at me.”
She obeys against her better judgment, her eyes meeting his golden ones. He brushes a strand of hair from her face, and while she flinches, she doesn’t pull away from his touch.
“I remember training under the stars, the way you smiled when you mastered a new spell, everything we’ve been through…” he says, squeezing her hand on his chest. “It’s still me, Aqua. You just have to reach deeper.” His heart beats under the palm of her hand, so close, yet distant.
Enough…please stop.
“You’ve always been my guiding light…” he says, cupping her face.
Aqua can’t take it anymore. She stands abruptly, her mind screaming to escape from the suffocating tension. Terra grabs her hand, pulling her against him. His lips crash into hers. Time seems to still, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as she can’t stop herself from instinctively running her fingers through his hair, from holding him close, from savoring the kiss as he bites her lip and a shiver runs down her spine. His hands, warm and familiar, rest on the small of her back, and for a fleeting moment, she feels a flicker of the kind and gentle Terra she knows.
Darkness stirs within him in excitement—victory for making her surrender. A spark of clarity jolts her out of the haze, and she slaps him sharply across the cheek.
“That’s enough!” she snaps.
His expression shifts, the tender facade melting into a cold and calculating glare. “You think you can stop me?” he sneers.
She stands tall, dominant hand itching to call her Keyblade. “I’ll find a way.”
He laughs. “And if you’re left with nothing but a shell…what would you do then?”
“There’s always a way,” she says.
His eyes pierce her like a dagger. A silent challenge, a dare to try and stop him. Aqua meets his gaze head-on. A dangerous spell swells within her, mana rushing to her aid. It takes all her self-control not to summon her Keyblade and spring into action. It’s what he wants. He knows it hurts her more than hurting her directly.
He bows mockingly. “As you say Master Aqua. I know you won’t be able to keep away for long.” He turns and strides towards the door leading to the west wing, his confident footsteps echoing through the room.
The moment he closed the door behind him, the spell she’d been suppressing burst from her Keyblade, slamming into the door with incredible force. The wooden surface shudders and freezes shut solid, as if barricading her emotions inside.
She falls to her knees trembling, mouth shut to suppress a scream. Fuck. It would be easier if he hurt her physically, at least then she’d experience pain she could see and touch. Instead, she’s left to drown in emotional turmoil, threatening to consume her and lead her astray…to make her wander back to him in search of false comfort.
He’d approached her on a particular night when her mind was harsh and unkind. She’d mistaken his concern for genuine, a glimmer of the real Terra shining through. That brief moment of connection turned into a primal and desperate need to feel something, anything, beyond the pain tormenting her. All it took was for his hand on her skin and a fire she didn’t know still existed ignited within her…
She loathes how he makes her feel—all of it. The way he awakens a hunger she can’t sate, the way he tiptoes along the edge of her emotions, the way he makes a mess out of her.
“I’ll find a way, Terra,” she whispers. “I promise…I’ll make it right.”
She has to find a way. For Terra, for herself…for the light that still flickers within them as a distant hope.
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dreamidoodles · 2 years
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more zoras twit + twit. 02.07-08.22.
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reneedraws06 · 11 months
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"I'm Fine"
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aitsuheart · 7 months
I finished finished my Valentine's fic
“How about here?” Back in the present, Riku softly kissed the top of Sora's head. He waited and watched. Sora was blushing. “Or perhaps here?” This time he cupped Sora's cheeks.
Sora, expecting him to kiss his lips, closed his eyes. However, Riku only kissed his cheek. He chuckled as he saw that his boyfriend was visibly disappointed.
Riku lifted his chin up with two fingers and finally embraced his lips. Sora held Riku tightly, not wanting to let him go. He didn't want him to disappear again.
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He was everything to him. He thought he wasn't the one but when he found him, Sora kissed him and from that point on they were dating— well only behind closed doors, everywhere else they were just two close friends with an impeccable bond
It is Valentine's Day. Riku hates sweets, he keeps receiving them. He'd only eat them from Sora. Sora wishes he could freely kiss and hug Riku in public. Riku gives everything to Kairi. And Sora receives a love letter to be given to Riku.
But maybe when a few others decide to show their sapphic relationship, they will have the courage to come out too
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pxopuprincxss · 2 months
Kairi was coming back to Destiny Islands, sitting on the Paopu tree. She started to sigh, thinking about what happened to Sora. "Sora... Please be okay. Wherever you are." She said putting her hands on her necklace, as if she were speaking with her heart.
She turned her head and noticed Lucas. "Oh hello! How'd you get here?" Kairi asked.
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softbewitcher · 2 months
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sometimes grief hits you on a random sunny day.
but having someone to share that grief with would certainly help.
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melomelod111 · 10 months
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Small doodle/wip dump I’ve done through out the week!! Yes 3/4 of these are Vani. It’s been a Vanitas type week. Last one is me giving a go at Nomura’s style w/ Vani
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inconsistentracoon · 1 year
I've started posting Brought Back on Wattpad as well, for any of you who prefer that to AO3!
Lots of Hurt/Comfort, SoRiku romance and them being besties with Kairi, and some action, mystery, and depression allegories along the way. Canon-compliant and most main characters turn up. Post ReMind and Melody of Memory.
Chapter 1 is a short Prologue:
As the Master of Masters observes Sora furiously searching for him, he senses more Keyblade Wielders appearing in Quadratum.
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"Hello Sora, why don't you come up here and join me"
Prologue - Day 303
He yawned widely and glanced up, checking the moon's position in the sky. It seemed a long time since the sun had set but, judging by how little the pale circle had moved, it must still be several hours until midnight.
Every now and then the boy's hoarse voice would float up to where he sat on the edge of a skyscraper roof, as he continued to shout for the man to come out and fight. It had been a nice change of pace, seeing Sora consumed with anger and openly trying to hunt him down. But after several days of it, the novelty was wearing off. 
He was bored. If losing that silly charm of his hadn't been enough to push Sora over the edge then maybe it was time to give him another nudge...
His head snapped to the side as he sensed something change, something abruptly alter the energy of this world. Someone else was here.
He stepped through the dark flames of the corridor he had summoned and emerged atop the roof of a different soaring skyscraper. A red light pulsed beneath the platform he stood on, and from the matching tower that rose from the other side of the building. The ideal place to spot his intruders from, and he didn't have to look far.
There they were. Four teenagers, standing in the centre of the semicircular plaza far below. What a convenient location for them to have chosen. A blue sphere surrounded by diamonds hovered in the air behind them, pulsing faintly. It disappeared as a blonde-haired boy pointed a weapon at it. That weapon though... a Keyblade? 
A roar of anger rose in his throat but he forced it back down. They must be here for Sora. How dare they interfere! After months and months of careful planning and work, tormenting Sora with Heartless, sleepless nights, and murderous visions, these four were going to waltz in here and try to stop him?
They could never defeat him of course, but killing more Keyblade wielders unnecessarily was something he would prefer to avoid, and if Sora glimpsed them and regained his hope... It would all be for nothing, and he would lose his ideal vessel for the 13th.
Or maybe... His lip curled into a sneer as an idea occurred to him. Maybe this was that final nudge Sora needed...
The dark flames engulfed him once more and he returned to his previous observation point. He called down to the boy running through the streets below.
"Hello Sora, why don't you come up here and join me?"
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holleighgram · 1 year
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I have this headcanon where Olette sees tall, buff, keyblade master, riku and is immediately smitten and trying to catch his attention. Hayner and Pence (a bit sour about her crushing on some jock) tease her about it.
And then Riku ("Knight? You've got the wrong idea") Lastname is completely ignorant and hasn't bothered to learn her name since KH2.
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gsunny6 · 2 years
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The ancient loneliness lifting from the very walls of the castle as if the land itself rejoices at its halls being full again
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drangeax · 4 months
Time and Tide waits for no one
Pairing: Terra/Aqua
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,370
Summary: Aqua was in the Realm of Darkness for twice as long.
Read on AO3
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Beneath the eerie glow of the midnight sun, Aqua finds herself staring at the edge of darkness, a desolate expanse of dark waters stretching endlessly before her. She had enough. She’d lingered forever in this forsaken place, clinging to hope that had long withered away.
“Drown…just drown…” she whispers, the vastness of the sea swallowing her words.
Driven by despair, she succumbs to the urge, walking to her soon-to-be watery grave. It reaches her waist immediately, freezing, a thousand needles prickling her skin to make her desist. She wades deeper, the frigid waters rising to her shoulders, making it hard to breathe. 
She stands on the brink finally, head barely above water as she stares at the ominous sky. “Drown…just drown…” she whispers once more, her voice choked with tears as she prepares to let go.
Heart heavy with sorrow, she surrenders, plunging into the depths below. It’s dark and lonesome…a horrible way to die. Aqua hugs herself holding her breath, a counterintuitive action to her goal. The air begins to run out, her lungs desperately craving it as everything fades into obscurity around her.
Yet, enveloped in the cold embrace of the seas, in the depths of her despair, a spark ignites within her. Her body struggles, arms flailing until she reaches the surface, a life-saving breath setting her straight. Even more when the silhouette of an island looms on the horizon, beckoning.
Eventually, she’ll make it home.
Standing in the forecourt, Aqua gazes up at the castle’s ivory towers, a familiar sight she never imagined seeing again. The castle still recognizes her and invites her in like a joyous old friend. 
As she steps inside, she’s stunned by its pristine condition. There’s no damage. Everything gleams with renewed vitality, no remnants of the fight that torn it apart present. 
Her answer comes when she walks into the throne room, and a man stares at her, eyes wide open in disbelief. She freezes on the spot, her eyes curiously studying the man, trying to piece out why he seems so familiar.
He towers over her, his stature imposing and commanding respect. Broad shoulders speak of strength, while streaks of gray woven into his long brown hair hint at the passage of time. Sparse facial hair adorns his features, giving him a rugged air as if he’d only recently set aside a razor.
Then there’s his deep blue eyes, eyes she’d stared into during unexpected moments…
Terra rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know where to begin.”
Aqua’s brows knit together, arms folding across her chest. “Anywhere is fine, as long as you do.” Her eyes drift to the distant whispers of conversation in the room, the two children present most likely speculating about her. “I get the feeling I missed so much…”
“I’m sorry,” he says, his tone tinged with regret.
“You said that already but no matter how many times I say it’s fine…”
His expression softens, the pain evident in his eyes. “I didn’t expect this to happen. You were gone, vanished—I didn’t know what to do.” 
A heavy silence settles between them, her heart aching with what she could only describe as vicious claws tearing everything in its path. Regret. Misery. Despair. 
“So everyone just gave up on me?” she questions.
“Nobody could reach down there—I tried so many times but— 
Her heart sinks as she meets his gaze. “I’m lucky you even remember me,” she says, giving him a weak smile.
Terra pulls her into a hug, the warmth of his embrace a stark contrast to the emptiness she’s felt for so long. I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you. Tears dampen her shoulder as he apologizes again, his voice muffled against her skin. I’ve missed you.
“This...this is too much for me,” she murmurs, gently patting his back as she pulls away slightly. “I need time…rest a bit…” After a deep breath, she adds, “Tomorrow…I want to know everything.”
He nods in understanding, reluctantly releasing her from the embrace. “I’ll help you settle—
“I know where my room is,” she interjects, her eyes lingering on him briefly before she turns and walks away.
She couldn’t deal with this right now.
Her old room remains frozen in time, a poignant reminder of the life she left behind. The bed, meticulously made since her departure years ago, offers a glimpse into the past. Stars and other trinkets still cling to the walls decorating her room. An unfinished project sits patiently on her desk, a silent testament to her interrupted existence. It’s surprisingly clean for all the time that went by.
Terra kept it clean.
She sighs and searches through the drawers pulling out her old pajamas: black shorts adorned with tiny stars and a simple white shirt. Changing into them, she sinks onto the bed, her gaze drifting to the ceiling, staring for what seems like hours.
Where does one even begin after such an abrupt return? How does she deal with Terra? Tomorrow promises to be a challenging day. She’ll be forced to digest and process two decades’ worth of things she missed.
A soft knock on the door draws her back to the present. “Miss Aqua, father says dinner is ready,” a small voice calls from the other side. It’s one of Terra’s children, a reminder of the life he’s built in her absence.
“Thank you, but I’m not hungry,” she replies, feigning indifference as she turns away, burying her face on a pillow. Tears well up in her eyes, the weight of the situation crashing upon her. 
None of it made sense. How could she have lost twenty-two years of her life in the blink of an eye? She hopes it’s the Realm of Darkness playing another one of its cruel tricks on her, a nightmare from which she longs to awaken. 
“...replica body started giving out…leave a ‘legacy’ of sorts, a proof of existence…” Terra explains away, just as she requested.
But Aqua can’t focus. It’s overwhelming to fully grasp his words as they echo against the chaos brewing in her mind.
“And I needed students to pass on the Keyblade and our Master’s—
“Stop,” she interrupts, uncomfortable with his words.
“Am I going too fast?”
Shaking her head, Aqua responds, “I just don’t understand why you didn’t choose your students instead of…” She can’t bring herself to finish the sentence.
Is this…jealousy?
Terra’s expression shifts, understanding dawning on his eyes as he gazes at a broken branch on the tree above them. “I needed a reason to live,” he murmurs, almost to himself. “I gave up. I couldn’t go on. Not without…”
Aqua follows his gaze, her eyes landing on the broken branch and the frayed remnants of an old rope attached to it. It lines up perfectly with the bench they’re on, and the weight of his words is suddenly too real.
“They saved me…raising my children is what keeps me here. I don’t regret it,” Terra continues, his voice soft but resolute.
She sighs and buries her face in her hands, a million questions still burning in her mind. What’s a replica? Why don’t they last long? Who was Xion? Who were half of the people he mentioned? Where’s Sora? 
Frustration. Anger. Anxiety.
“Are you ok?” Terra's voice breaks through her thoughts, his hand tentatively resting on her shoulder.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be, but that’s beside the question.”
Terra nods. “Ok, next question then,” he says, changing the subject.
“Where’s Ven?” she asks, unsure if she wants to know. “If the castle has returned to its normal form, where is he? You should’ve found him…”
His face darkens, a shadow passing over his features. “I was hoping you wouldn’t ask.”
“Terra, where’s Ven?” she presses, her tone firm.
He sighs heavily. “Ven is—he went looking for you. No one’s seen him ever since. Last I’ve heard he’s been up to dubious things.”
Aqua’s frown deepens, unease settling on her chest. “What do you mean, dubious things?”
Terra shifts uncomfortably, scratching the back of his head as he avoids her gaze. “Things that sound more like something Vanitas would do…”
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